trigion - facilicom services group annual …...trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in...

The right people in the right place FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2011

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Page 1: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

The right people in the right place


Page 2: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

Bedragen x EUR 1,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Operating income 890,458 1,000,986 1,021,899 1,052,106 1,093,698

Operating expenses 841,574 954,572 975,820 1,005,899 1,055,617

Operating result 48,884 46,414 46,079 46,207 38,081

Financial result 1,378 2,553 1,234 1,067 1,426

Result before tax 50,262 48,967 47,313 47,274 39,507

Taxation 12,665 13,102 13,098 12,464 10,499

Net profit 36,168 34,638 33,299 33,885 29,008

Average number

of employees 28,208 30,135 29,782 30,051 31,350

Balance sheet total 327,283 353,146 406,712 419,833 441,901

Group equity 131,156 153,134 182,460 183,153 200,400

Shareholders’ equity

and subordinated loans 134,017 157,200 186,626 188,227 206,740

Operating capital 75,283 72,105 96,592 89,712 96,833

Current ratio 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4

Solvency as a % 40 43 45 44 45

as a %

of turnover








as a %

of turnover








as a %

of turnover







3.3 %

as a %

of turnover








as a %

of turnover









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011









Page 3: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011












2007 2008 2009 2010 2011









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011












2007 2008 2009 2010 2011









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011







2007 2008 2009 2010 2011









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011







FRANCE x EUR 1,000

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011










Page 4: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

The right people

in the right placeNowadays, a growing number of organisations (such as com-

panies, educational institutions or even care institutions) are

increasingly focusing on their core businesses. Anything that

does not form part of those activities is outsourced. For more

than 45 years, Facilicom Services Group has specialised in

providing solutions in general and technical services. For you

as our client, we can take all the weight off your shoulders

when it comes to general and technical services, whilst pro-

viding a high-quality, efficient and flexible service.

Facilicom Services Group is able to provide you with the right

people, in the right place, in nearly every field. We keep your

premises clean, ensure full security, we guarantee a warm wel-

come and support for your staff and visitors, we provide a de-

licious lunch every day and carry out the maintenance of your

premises and installations, as well as providing all additional

supporting services as required that are necessary to ensure

that your organisation runs smoothly and efficiently. We do all

of this thanks to our staff who not only possess a great deal of

expertise and experience, but are also trained in hostmanship.

Facilicom’s activities are grouped in specialised divisions,

which means that you can rely on committed staff who pos-

sess a wide range of technical expertise. Our strength also lies

in our ability to work together. Many organisations enter into a

multi-services contract with us as it allows for greater efficiency

and because they can save money by doing so. What is more,

Facilicom is able to offer integrated facility management as no

other company can, and the fact that we have all soft and hard

facilities in-house enables us to offer genuine benefits in terms

of synergy and cost-efficiency.

Kick-off 2012

Page 5: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides



Hostmanship enhances our service provision 20

Facilicom embraces “Flexible Working” 22

Facilicom voted the best employer in the general

and technical services sector 24

Code of Responsible Market Conduct 25

Appeal for fairtrade tenders 25

Investing in people and quality 26

Efficient: an in-house occupational health and

safety service 27

A job when employment is hard to find 27

Making better use of Facilicom’s unique proposition 28

Takeovers enhance our company 29

Cross-selling forms the new spearhead of Facilicom 30

Expanding care provision with 31

Breijer Brandpreventie operating in Belgium 31

Trigion invests in event security 32

Working to achieve accuracy and integrity 33

Gom plants 2000 trees 34

Trigion switches to ‘green’ gas 35

Prorest to offer more vegetarian options 36

Trigion tests the standard for providing social return 37

Certified in sustainable waste management 37

Communicating via social media 38

A new, contemporary staff magazine 39

An exciting new client magazine: Facilitair! 39

First rollout of new IT system 40

Ellen Groenewoudt becomes Managing Director

of Trigion 41




1.1 Accountability 43

1.2 Performance indicators 43

1.3 Management systems 44


2.1 Staff complement 44

2.2 Staff retention 44

2.3 Staff recruitment 45

2.4 Absenteeism due to illness 45

2.5 Sustainable deployability 45

2.6 Employee satisfaction 47

2.7 Training and education 47

2.8 Hostmanship 48

2.9 Health and safety 48

2.10 Employee benefits 48


3.1 Accommodation 48

3.2 Mobility 49

3.3 Energy 50

3.4 Materials 50

3.5 Waste 50

3.6 Environmental incidents 50

3.7 A uniform approach throughout all parts

of the chain 50

3.8 Sustainability 50


4.1 Net turnover 51

4.2 Profit 51

4.3 Solvency 51

4.4 Personnel expenses 51

4.5 Client satisfaction 51

4.6 Complaints 52

4.7 Integrity 52

4.8 Dialogue with stakeholders 52

4.9 Promotion of knowledge 52

4.10 Initiatives in the employment market 52

4.11 Making environmental performance possible 52

4.12 Providing healthy and nutritious food 54

4.13 Sustainable construction 54

4.14 Good causes 54


Consolidated balance sheet 56

Consolidated income statement 57

Consolidated cash flow statement 58

Notes to the annual accounts 59

Notes to the consolidated balance sheet 62

Notes to the consolidated income statement 66

Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement 67

Company balance sheet 68

Company income statement 69

Explanatory notes to the company balance sheet 70

Other information 71

Auditor’s report by the independent accountant 74




Page 6: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

6 | 7E X E C U T I V E B O A R D R E P O RT 2 0 1 1

E X E C U T I V E B O A R D R E P O RT 2 0 1 1

The year 2011 has been a difficult year for companies in the general and, in particular,

the technical services sector and construction sector. The markets contracted once

again as a result of an ongoing reduction in the demand for office space and

Facilicom also felt the effects of this at first hand. Despite that, we have succeeded

in achieving an increase of 4% in our consolidated turnover to EUR 1,094 million.

The consolidated net profit fell to EUR 29 million (-14 percent). We invested less in

acquisitions during this financial year than in previous years, which meant that

solvency increased to 45 percent. This provided Facilicom with a cast-iron financial

position and is certainly an important advantage in an uncertain climate.

Searching fornew markets

Hoffmann Bedrijfsrecherche





Page 7: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

E X E C U T I V E B O A R D R E P O RT 2 0 1 1


The countries in which Facilicom operates are experiencing a

difficult economic climate. A recession is underway across the

whole of Europe: governments are making cuts, companies’

turnover is stagnating and consumer confidence is low. The

fall in economic activities alone has given rise to falling demand

for office and business premises. What is more, we are wit-

nessing a shift towards fewer square metres per employee as

a result of the Flexible Working scheme. An increasing number

of organisations are encouraging flexible working in different

locations: at home, on a client’s premises or in locations whilst

travelling. The number of office workstations is being increas-

ingly reduced whilst permanent offices are being converted

into flexible workstations and we expect that this trend will cer-

tainly continue.

The consequences of both of the developments referred to

above are easy to see in business parks, where ‘To Let’ signs

form the rule rather than the exception. In the Netherlands,

more than 10 million m2 of office space now stands unoccu-


All construction and installation companies have noticed the

effects of this. The demand for new-builds has fallen sharply,

projects are being postponed and new homes are being sold

in dribs and drabs. This also gives rise to stiff competition in

the renovation and maintenance market and results in ex-

tremely low project contract prices.

Companies in the general and technical services sector are

also fighting over their markets in order to maintain their sales

volumes. This means that the price is often deployed as a

means of competition, resulting in rates falling. Clients are

gratefully taking advantage of this and are reducing their budg-

ets year on year. This strengthens the effect of the market con-

traction. We do not anticipate any change in this development

in 2012.

Facilicom therefore has a gloomy outlook with regard to

general market and price developments. There are, however,

some positive trends too. Clients increasingly understand that

the downward spiral in prices will also adversely affect them in

the long term. Selecting suppliers solely on the basis of price

has its downside. It is increasingly the case that qualitative cri-

teria are being used alongside price in selecting suppliers,

sometimes in highly formal procedures that give rise to bureau-

cracy and feigned transparency, but also increasingly in the

form of mature and well-considered tender processes. The

Code of Responsible Market Conduct, which has been agreed

between clients, employers and employees in the cleaning

In the space of a few years, Trigion has ex-

panded to become a market leader in security.

The company is a leading provider and clients

recognise that. One of the strong selling points

of Trigion is that the company is able to provide

a unique range of products and services. That

package has now been enhanced further thanks

to the takeover of Hoffmann Bedrijfsrecherche

at the beginning of 2011, a market leader in its

field and just as prominent a company.

The takeover took place at the right time.

Clients are demanding ever more of security

companies. With the acquisition of Hoffmann,

Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in

investigation, ICT security and consultancy and

training. Moreover, the takeover provides Trigion

with the ability to expand its activities further.

The traditional security market is contracting

and for that reason Trigion is devoting its activ-

ities to growth markets. That growth is to be

found in company divisions such as Reception

Services, Surveillance and Enforcement and

Event Security, as well as in Hoffmann Bedrijfs-


Page 8: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

Work is in storeCleaning activities

E X E C U T I V E B O A R D R E P O RT 2 0 1 1 8 | 9

sector, is one good example of this. Another example is the

Bidbook ‘Blijvend van waarde’ [‘Value that lasts’] which was

drawn up by the sector organisations Veneca (catering),

Nederlandse Veiligheidsbranche (security) and OSB (cleaning

and window cleaning). We have also seen a sharp increase in

the selection of suppliers by qualitative criteria in the construc-

tion sector. Facilicom is pleased with these developments, as

this does more justice to the professionalism and reputation

of suppliers. It promotes the continuous improvement of per-

formance and the development of methods and procedures,

which raise the standard of service provision, both in terms of

content and with regard to efficiency and effectiveness. Both

the client and the contractor benefit from this. We actively

express this idea through our ‘hostmanship’ project, for example.

The trend towards integrated contracts is also something that

we consider to be a positive development. Traditionally, con-

tracts are sub-divided, according to the specialist area in-

volved, for example, general and technical services are divided

into cleaning, catering and security, whilst architecture,

electrical engineering and mechanical engineering make up the

construction sector. Both clients and suppliers increasingly

understand that this division creates sub-optimisation in the

operational processes. Facilicom firmly believes in integration

and for that reason it has developed the company according

to a multi-disciplinary model. Now that clients are also recog-

nising the benefits of integration, Facilicom is reaping the ben-

efits of the experience that it has gained in this area over the

past few years.

Performance in the various divisions of Facilicom has also var-

ied in 2011. A short report is provided below for each division.



Gom has performed well in the year under review. The com-

pany was able to achieve as much as 8 percent growth and

maintained a healthy profit. That is a special achievement in a

market that has contracted once again in the past year and

also in which clients are often only choosing suppliers on the

basis of the lowest price.

The growth of Gom has been largely achieved in new market

segments. Gom has been able to make a difference in the care

sector, by providing not only cleaning services but also dozens

of additional, supporting services. The company has also en-

joyed recent success in the retail sector, which has become

evident in favourable growth in that segment during the past

year. Furthermore, in 2011 Gom has begun operating in the

Page 9: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

In the 47 years of Gom’s existence, the company

has operated in the offices market, education,

the care sector and dozens of other sectors, but

never in retail. At the end of 2010, it decided to

explore the retail market, something which has

proved to be very successful. Already at the be-

ginning of 2011, Gom managed to win some lu-

crative contracts. For example, our cleaners are

now responsible for keeping clean prestigious

branches of De Bijenkorf and V&D.

It is partly thanks to this expansion of its area of

activities that Gom was still able to grow by 8

percent in a challenging market. Unfortunately,

the regional cleaning companies continued to

underperform, which formed the reason why all

but one of these companies were integrated

into Gom at the end of the year. The integration

ensures that Gom is in an even better position

to guarantee quality and continuity. Further-

more, the company has more capacity to invest

in innovations such as the Green Selection Pro-




E X E C U T I V E B O A R D R E P O RT 2 0 1 1

leisure market, which is expected to become a major growth

market in view of the rising ageing population. During the year

under review, two amusement parks turned out to be prospec-

tive clients for the innovative cleaning concept offered by Gom.

Holiday parks and hotels have also expressed their interest

and the continued development of specialist cleaning activities

is looking favourable in the market.

Developments in 2011 seem to indicate that the negative price

spiral that has dominated the cleaning sector for years could

now well be broken. Clients are more aware of quality as a

result of campaigns by unions and sector-wide initiatives such

as drawing up the Code of Responsible Market Conduct. As

a result, cleaning services will be seen less as a commodity

and consequently clients will increasingly cease to select

contractors solely on the basis of the lowest price.

Gom has always refused to work for cost price. However, the

company has realised that it must distinguish itself from other

suppliers and must also actually offer added value. Operational

excellence is important in doing this, but nowadays it forms a

basic requirement for many clients. Gom seeks its added value

in offering improved quality and in aiming to ensure that the

client’s employees feel comfortable in their workplace. Clean-

liness and tidiness in the working environment are therefore

important and in order to improve that experience further, Gom

trains its staff in hostmanship. In the care sector, that has a

major impact in terms of perception and there is every indica-

tion that this approach will be successful in other segments.

The developments in Facilicom’s six regional cleaning compa-

nies were far less favourable. Turnover and profit fell sharply in

2011. For that reason, the decision was taken in the autumn

to assimilate all but one of the regional cleaning companies

into Gom and only Robbers remains independent. This

company operates in the highest segment of the market and

has a cast-iron company image. It is therefore useful to keep

Robbers running, a secondary benefit being that Facilicom is

pleased to have a second brand operating in the cleaning


Gom has once again formulated some ambitious goals for

2012 and whether or not these are achieved depends very

much on the continuation of the aforementioned market

developments. Unfortunately, the cleaning services market

generally is expected to contract in 2012.

Page 10: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides





Daily Delicious goes the extra mile

Catering activities


Trigion could not escape the contraction suffered by the security

market. The security division saw its turnover fall slightly, though

the shrinkage remained limited thanks to the takeover of

Hoffmann Bedrijfsrecherche at the beginning of the year. The

security division was able to reasonably maintain its profits.

The contraction in the security market is occurring particularly

in the area of traditional security measures. The market was

already saturated but it is now noticing the effects of the

economic crisis. The government is making some significant

cutbacks and consequently large contracts are in some cases

being substantially revised.

The changes in the market make it necessary to offer higher

quality and added value and for this reason Trigion is pulling

out all the stops when it comes to professionalism and help-

fulness. The company already began to invest in professional-

ism several years ago by creating the Trigion Academy. Around

1300 Trigion employees are now taking a senior secondary vo-

cational education course there. At the end of 2010, Trigion

began to train its staff in hostmanship. Professionalism and a

willingness to help also combine within the new concept of the

security host, ‘security staff with the F for friendly’. In 2011,

several clients began to employ security hosts.

Clients are increasingly asking for well thought-out solutions

and combinations of services. Thanks to the takeover of Hoff-

mann, Trigion is now in a much better position to meet those

clients’ requirements. It is certainly necessary for companies

introducing the Flexible Working scheme to change the con-

tent of their service provision. In this case, the office premises

become much more than a meeting place and that in turn re-

quires security staff who make hostmanship a high priority.

However, the Flexible Working scheme also poses major risks

with regard to fraud, ICT and the leaking of confidential infor-

mation, and that is where Trigion and Hoffmann together can

offer an invaluable service for clients.

In order to make further improvements in its operation, Trigion

introduced an efficiency drive in the autumn. Costs have been

reduced by making management more effective, closing a dis-

trict office and making adjustments to the organisation. Those

savings are also evident in the figures, as profit improved in the

last few months of the year.

Due to the contraction in the traditional security market, Trigion

is focusing closely upon growth markets, one of which is the

public domain. The use of private security firms in the public

domain is growing, particularly at local level, and information

is also increasingly being exchanged between the police and

E X E C U T I V E B O A R D R E P O RT 2 0 1 1 1 0 | 1 1

Page 11: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

Prorest successfully applied for some majortenders and as a result saw its turnover in-crease by 6 percent. Large contracts commonlyinvolve integrated assignments, so more Facili-com companies will be involved in them, as isthe case for the contract with ASR. Since 1 May,Facilicom Facility Solutions has been responsi-ble for the cleaning activities, catering and se-curity at the three offices of ASR Nederland inUtrecht and Amersfoort, where the FlexibleWorking scheme has been introduced. In pro-viding these services, FFS is making use of in-house companies, also including Prorest.Prorest has already translated the FlexibleWorking scheme into ‘The New Meeting’. Staffwho are only in the office intermittently must stillhave sufficient opportunity to consult and col-laborate with others. It is in fact a corporatecaterer that is able to meet this need, by provid-ing restaurant facilities that are open muchlonger and serve the appropriate range ofmeals, whatever the time of day. At ASR, thishas all been brought together to form a newconcept: Daily Delicious. This concept demon-strates how Prorest continues to innovate, evenafter 25 years of existence.

security providers. Trigion Toezicht & Handhaving occupies a

strong position in this segment and has seen its turnover in-

crease by more than 15 percent in 2011. It is expected that

this growth will continue and will partially compensate for the

fall in demand for traditional security services.



Prorest’s turnover in 2011 grew by about 6 percent, primarily

thanks to two large integrated contracts. In order to win these

contracts, the company found itself forced to offer competitive

rates. Prorest also needed to invest a substantial amount in

both its sites, putting pressure on its profits and reducing them.

However, profit is still favourable, certainly if we compare it to

other companies in this sector.

The growth of Prorest runs contrary to the market trend, as

the catering sector has also had to contend with contraction

in the market. It is primarily economic factors that play a role

here: Fewer people are in employment due to the recession

and those in employment are spending less. This situation is

exacerbated further due to the rising prices in restaurants.

Prices of raw materials were high in 2011 and furthermore

clients are less willing to subsidise the meals provided in the

company restaurants. All of these factors have resulted in a

decrease in spending in restaurants.

The catering market has already been a displacement market

for many years. Clients are aware of this and therefore often

choose the lowest price when outsourcing. The sector organ-

isation Veneca is attempting to change this situation, such as

by publishing a bidbook that was created in conjunction with

the cleaning and security sector organisations. However, this

has not yet resulted in a real change in the catering industry,

although, it may be the case that it is still too early to draw that

conclusion. In a few calls for tender issued in the last quarter

of 2011, it was stated that the requesting party wished to fol-

low the guidelines of the bidbook and therefore examine as-

pects of quality more closely.

It is precisely in these times of market contraction that Facili-

com’s proposition proves its worth. Now that clients are having

to pay attention to the costs, Facilicom is able to offer an at-

tractive service with integrated concepts, supplied by our own

companies and the benefits of this for Prorest are relatively

great. Although the catering company is only a medium-sized

provider in its market, Prorest operates as a fully-fledged part-

ner in major contracts and works in conjunction with its sister

companies Gom and Trigion. In the meantime, integrated con-

E X E C U T I V E B O A R D R E P O RT 2 0 1 1

Page 12: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

A truly excellent track




Construction and installation activities

1 2 | 1 3E X E C U T I V E B O A R D R E P O RT 2 0 1 1

tracts such as these account for more than 20 percent of Pror-

est’s turnover. The company has an excellent proposition by

offering quality, efficiency and tailored service. In the year under

review, Prorest has made that proposition even more attractive

by profiling itself as the committed caterer.

Prorest is continuing to invest in innovations. Together with its

suppliers, the company is investigating how it can enhance its

range with more organic and more regional products. Those

products now form a standard part of the range. With the con-

cept Daily Delicious, Prorest is offering an innovative coffee

corner concept that guests can make use of throughout the

day. At ESA-ESTEC, Prorest offers a restaurant concept in

which 80 percent of guests enjoy a hot meal at lunchtime. If

desired, implementing this type of concept with tailor-made

products would be a simple matter for other clients. It is partly

down to these types of innovations, the large integrated con-

tracts and the new contracts won by the company’s own sales

managers that Prorest also expects to continue to develop

positively in 2012.


Thanks to undertaking the final stage of the restoration and

renovation of the Council of State building, Breijer was suc-

cessful in reasonably maintaining its turnover and profit in

2011. After three years’ hard work, the building was reopened

in October 2011 by Queen Beatrix. Both the execution and

planning stages ran very smoothly, which enabled Breijer to

demonstrate its ability to undertake such demanding projects

to a high level of quality.

Without this project, the business activities would have

declined considerably. Apart from a few minor exceptions

(such as ventilation technology and the painting company), the

profits of all companies fell. It is very difficult to maintain the

contract and order portfolios effectively when faced with

increased competition. For this reason, Breijer had to cut the

number of jobs at the beginning of 2012, so that costs and

turnover were more balanced. Measures such as this are un-

pleasant, but extremely necessary in order to remain healthy.

Clients increasingly value an integrated approach, based upon

their own situation. Breijer is capitalising upon this by reorgan-

ising the business units from a division into disciplines to a di-

vision into client segments in which all disciplines are provided.

Integrated solutions are provided to these client segments

(such as ‘care’, ‘retail’ or ‘homes’) so that mechanical engi-

neering, electrical engineering and construction work seam-

lessly together. This has enabled Breijer to strengthen its

market position.

The coming years are not expected to witness a resurgence

in building volumes. Breijer will therefore continue to focus

upon niche markets in which the company enjoys a stronger

position, such as contract-based maintenance and fire-pre-

vention. However, the Projects business unit will also continue

Page 13: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides


The construction sector is experiencing a

gloomy climate and Breijer Bouw en Installatie

is also suffering the effects. The outlook in this

market has been poor year after year, but Breijer

has performed reasonably well in 2011, also due

to the fact that the company was able to com-

plete two special government projects during

the year under review. Breijer Bouw en Installatie

was responsible for the construction of the tax

office in Doetinchem, a PPP project that was

completed entirely by companies of Facilicom.

The premises were completed in February.

With the renovation of the premises of the Coun-

cil of State, Breijer perhaps took on a more

prominent project. The company spent three

years working on Kneuterdijk in The Hague on

new-builds, the modernisation of recent build-

ings and the renovation of the listed ‘White

Palace’. The renovated property was officially

opened by the Queen on 5 October. The project

provides a fantastic reference for a construction

company that hopes to focus even more of its

activities upon maintenance and renovation.

E X E C U T I V E B O A R D R E P O RT 2 0 1 1

to invest in the organisation, such as in BIM (digital Structure

Information Models). The fact that Breijer is able to provide all

technical disciplines in house is what makes Facilicom unique

as a provider of general and technical services and that is

something to nurture.



Facilicom Facility Solutions (FFS) saw a 10 percent increase in

turnover in 2011. However, the company fell into the red due

to the fact that it had to invest a great deal in the development

of new concepts and strengthening the organisation. It also

had to bear initial losses on a number of contracts.

The multi-services and integrated facility management (IFM)

market is maturing and Facilicom has always focused its ac-

tivities in this area. With all soft and hard facilities in-house,

coupled with its unique expertise in the integration and man-

agement of general and technical services, Facilicom is able

to serve its clients in this area like no other company can. In-

terest in these types of concepts is growing, which is also ev-

ident from the fact that new competitors appeared in this

market in 2011. The reason for this is partly due to the reces-

sion and that has certainly turned out to be a trigger for

change. Whilst in the past, clients primarily opted for integrated

concepts due to strategic considerations, costs now form the

deciding factor.

Facilicom hopes to continue to distinguish itself through its in-

tegrated service provision and that is why FFS has invested a

great deal in 2011 in the further development of integrated con-

cepts. This is what makes FFS unique and offers important

added value to clients. The efforts in this area in 2011 have gen-

erated contracts that provided a test run for the IFM concept.

At the same time, the spin-off effect of FFS as far as the other

divisions are concerned is becoming greater. Due to the

growth in multiservice and integrated contracts, FFS is increas-

ingly utilising the services of companies within the Facilicom

group. Whilst still ‘only’ 45 percent of the contracts in 2010

were performed by in-house companies, that figure rose to 60

percent in 2011 and companies such as Prorest and Breijer

Contractonderhoud in particular benefited relatively well from

this. That growth is expected to continue and this will enable

FFS to lead the way in the policy to generate even more work

from multiservice and cross-selling.

The government, and the Government Buildings Agency in

particular, is a strong advocate of DBFMO contracts in which

full responsibility for the design, construction, funding, main-

tenance and operation of a building is assigned to a single

party for a longer period of time (usually 25 years). In 2012,

FFS will apply the experience it has gained in the DBFMO con-

tract for the tax office in Doetinchem in order to take part in

various new tenders. Facilicom is in a strong position to offer

such an integrated approach.

Page 14: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

FFS is anticipating an exciting year in 2012. The company

hopes to grow in line with the market and will need to make

every effort to do so. With effect from 2012, turnover will fall

slightly as a result of cutbacks by clients and losses of con-

tracts. New contracts are on the horizon, but it will not be easy

to achieve real growth in a market in which prices are under

pressure and competition is become more intense. What is

positive, however, is that it is now already clear that demand

for integrated solutions will continue to grow.


Axxicom has enjoyed a year of fantastic growth. The division

has always been the part of Facilicom that nurtured new ideas

and it is here that an interesting new initiative was born once

again in 2011: De This new activity has im-

proved the ability of care institutions to provide care and sup-

port remotely and Facilicom has invested considerably in order

to give this initiative the best possible start.

Axxicom Thuishulp was able to double its turnover in 2011 by

means of autonomous growth. There were no takeovers of

companies, although that was something on the company’s

wish list. Greater volume is in fact desirable in this market, in

which rates are competitive and economies of scale are nec-

essary in order to maintain a strong market position. Axxicom

Thuishulp was unable to contribute to profit as a result of in-

vestment costs, but thanks to the joint venture with Aveant,

this division still managed to finish the year positively.

The activities at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol are running

smoothly and growth has been achieved there too. The com-

pany is investing in new related activities and Axxicom Airport

Caddy has finished the year with a pleasing profit.

The division will continue to grow. At the beginning of 2012,

Axxicom Thuishulp was able to take over a company, as a

result of which turnover more than doubled. The division is

working hard, responding to new calls for tender and Axxicom

Airport Caddy will also be involved with a tender. In the mean-

time, the division is developing new initiatives that complement

the competencies of Facilicom and Axxicom.



The performance of Tapwacht Services remained virtually con-

stant in 2011. Tapwacht Techniek was able to achieve fantastic

growth of more than 20 percent and the increase in turnover

can be partly attributed to the takeover of Franke Coffee

Systems; the company division was also able to achieve

growth autonomously. Margin fell partly due to investments

and profit remained below the desired level.

With Tapwacht Techniek, the division has successfully been

able to broaden its base. This has been boosted further now

that the company is enjoying success in the servicing of hot

drinks installations. Unfortunately Tapwacht is also feeling the

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Activating te powerof Facilicom






Facility management

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effects of the economic crisis and the margins are under pres-

sure. As fewer new projects have come in recently, it is unlikely

that Tapwacht Techniek will continue to be able to achieve the

same growth in 2012.

In 2011, Tapwacht also invested in preparations for new IT

systems and in training its entire staff in hostmanship. Costs

were also incurred in obtaining new premises, which features

a fully equipped café in order to be able to receive visitors and

in which all the company’s expertise will of course be shown.



The Belgian division has enjoyed a positive year. Thanks to the

takeover of the One Group, turnover increased by more than

40 percent and profit also improved. Autonomous growth

failed to materialise, however. A great deal of time has been

invested in the integration of the companies in the One Group:

the cleaning company ACS, the maintenance company One

Building Maintenance and the car maintenance company One

Fleet Services. In 2012, there is still profit to be made from

achieving the planned synergy.

As a result of the integration of ACS, Gom is now the second

largest cleaning company in Belgium. However, due to the

developments in that market, in which there is considerable

pressure upon prices, it will be difficult to achieve further

growth within the cleaning company. The focus therefore lies

on the other companies: Trigion, Prorest, FFS, One Building

Maintenance and One Fleet Services, as there is more to be

gained in these markets. Furthermore, it would be advisable

to reduce the gulf between Gom and these companies. This

will make it easier to tender for integrated contracts. This is a

market that is now beginning to open up in Belgium and one

in which Facilicom Belgium has performed well in 2011.

Facilicom Belgium is focusing closely upon retaining clients in

2012. It is also examining ways of reducing costs further, as

that is necessary in order to remain competitive. It is expected

that any contraction at Gom will be compensated for by

growth in the other companies, which means that turnover as

a whole will remain at the same level.


Turnover fell in both the cleaning and security sectors in

France. The pressure on prices in France is considerable, cer-

tainly in the cleaning sector. Furthermore, Gom France is still

involved in the restructuring of the order portfolio by rejecting

contracts that are not sufficiently profitable. Thanks to these

measures, the margin of cleaning activities rose, though it still

lies far below target. Unfortunately, the security division also

underperformed in 2011. All in all, however, Facilicom France

achieved a slight profit.

Facilicom has a unique proposition, as the com-pany has all soft facilities and hard facilities in-house. And that is not all: with Facilicom FacilitySolutions (FFS) the company also possesses yetanother separate division for general and technicalservices management and integration of services.It is that expertise that enables Facilicom to makethe difference. It is at a time like this when the econ-omy is in recession that clients seek efficient gen-eral and technical services solutions. FFS hasunprecedented expertise in the rigid managementof general and technical services organisation andthe integration of services.In 2011, FFS won some lucrative contracts that forthe most part have once again been performed byFacilicom companies. The European space re-search and technology centre ESA-ESTEC con-cluded a new contract in which an even greaternumber of services have been outsourced, whichnow include catering, for example. The company isnow also providing cleaning, security and cateringservices to the insurer ASR on a permanent basis.What is noteworthy is that FFS is now responsiblefor the complete provision of general and technicalservices at the headquarters of the caterer Albron,with the exception of catering, of course!

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A whole load off your m

Prices in the cleaning sector are facing significant downward

pressure. Many clients are experiencing a tough climate and

are therefore no longer willing to pay a reasonable price for the

services they wish to use. Gom France has adapted the

organisation in 2011 and reduced costs in order to enable it

to be more competitive, but it refuses to work at unjustifiable

rates. In the fourth quarter, Prened lost its largest contract,

providing security for the Tour Montparnasse, but it was still

able to win back that contract at the beginning of 2012.

Security remains a problematic sector in France.

Facilicom France is now well-equipped to be able to operate

alongside other players in the current market. The sales team

was recently expanded and is focusing upon areas such as

niche markets. It is expected that turnover will increase slightly

in 2012 and that profit will increase considerably.


Facilicom UK was able to improve its profit significantly.

Facilicom Cleaning Services managed to achieve growth of

around 8 percent and as efforts were made to reduce indirect

costs during the year under review, the profits grew even fur-

ther. The security company underperformed, but it managed

to achieve a better result than in 2010.

Indigo Services was acquired in the last quarter of 2011 and

the company will be integrated into Facilicom Cleaning

Services in 2012. This will enable the company’s activities in

the cleaning sector to approximately double in size. This

takeover will provide a considerable boost to the company’s

regional presence, as a result of which Facilicom Cleaning

Services will soon be able to offer coverage that is truly nation-

wide. It is expected that profit will improve even further in 2012

thanks to the effects of synergy. The cleaning company also

has high expectations of the introduction of carbon neutral-


The security company saw its turnover fall slightly, however,

profit improved as a result of having cut costs. Electronic

security services achieved a very good profit, in part thanks to

the restructuring that was undertaken in 2010. The security

company was renamed Trigion during the year under review

and now has a more appealing profile. As a result of commer-

cial and financial departments having been re-structured to

give dedicated support to the separate activities, the security

company benefits from more concentrated focus. Market

focus is placed upon the financial services and technology

sectors. The security company distinguishes itself from its

Axxicom Thuishulp

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competitors by providing security hosts and receptionists who

are also trained in security duties.

Facilicom UK expects to be able to continue the favourable

developments in 2012 thanks to the integration within the

cleaning companies and a more substantial focus upon



Despite the unfavourable market developments, Gom Neder-

land and Prorest Nederland have been able to achieve au-

tonomous volume growth and that is a fine achievement.

Axxicom Thuishulp was also able to grow further, whilst most

other existing activities have decreased in volume. A reduction

of 3 percent net could be seen in the autonomous turnover of

these companies and this has made it necessary to reduce

overhead costs, both within these divisions and centrally. In an

organisation such as ours that is so well accustomed to

growth, it has proved difficult to ensure a decrease in indirect

costs. However, we successfully managed to do so in a num-

ber of company divisions in 2011.

The slight increase in turnover that we achieved on balance in

2011 can therefore be largely attributed to acquisitions. In par-

ticular, the One Group in Belgium and Indigo in Great Britain

contributed to this growth.

Consolidated net profit fell by 14 percent. The profitability of

all activities in the Netherlands fell, with the exception of Gom

Schoonhouden, whilst there was a sharp decline at Breijer and

Facilicom Facility Solutions ended up in the red. Profitability

improved in Belgium, France and Great Britain, even though

these are still performing below target. Facilicom has become

a more stable company as a result of the improvement in prof-

itability of the foreign divisions. None of the companies in coun-

tries outside of the Netherlands are still making a loss. The

investments in ICT, particularly the implementation of SAP, had

a significant effect upon the results of the group as a whole. In

the financial year, the costs that were recorded under opera-

tions amounted to approximately 5.3 million euros. The other

investments were entered as assets and will be amortised dur-

ing the usage period.


One of the duties of the group management team is to manage

the risks that are inevitably associated with running a business.

This is described in more detail in the explanatory notes to the

annual accounts.

Over the past few years, Axxicom has success-

fully transformed itself into a company that op-

erates in care-related and care-support

activities. One of those tasks that spring to mind

is looking after passengers with limited mobility

at Schiphol, which has been a highly successful

operation. A less obvious example, but one that

is at least as important, is the home assistance

activities. After initially exploring the market by

means of a joint venture with Aveant in Utrecht,

Axxicom launched itself into the market in 2010

as a provider of home assistance. The company

was able to double its turnover in that area in

2011 and by the end of the year it was operating

in more than 50 municipalities. On 1 February

2012, Axxicom Thuishulp doubled in size again

due to its takeover of home assistance organi-

sation ZZG ThuisService. What is more, in mid

2011 Axxicom launched De This

centre is run by qualified nurses, providing re-

mote care on behalf of care institutions and sup-

port to the home-bound elderly and disabled.

Thanks to all of these initiatives, Facilicom is

gaining an increasingly strong position within the

care market.




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A realistic analysis of the contract portfolios and the develop-

ments to be expected in them makes it likely that the

autonomous development of Facilicom's turnover volume will

be negative in 2012. That conflicts sharply with our ambitious

company culture, in which we primarily think in terms of growth.

We have therefore not yet given up: every effort is being directed

towards maintaining existing turnover with new initiatives and

gaining new turnover . To achieve this, we are using the network

that is available to us within Facilicom where we serve a multi-

tude of single service clients, with whom we believe we can

achieve cross-selling. We are focusing upon the trend towards

integration on all fronts, a trend that reflects what we do best.

We are pulling out all the stops in order to at least maintain the

company's turnover.

Even so, we have taken account of the possibility that our vol-

ume will decrease and this will require rationalisation of over-

head costs. To put it more succinctly, we must manage the

costs more closely and first and foremost implement our core

value of ‘results-orientation’ in practice: only spending time, en-

ergy and money on activities that contribute towards company

profit. There is only room for companies who play lean and

mean in anticipating clients’ requirements at a minimum cost.

That does not mean that we are only focusing on the short term,

however. We will continue to invest in the future; however, we

will do so in a conscious and carefully considered way, whilst

keeping the intended end result in mind.

Facilicom expects 2012 to be a difficult year, not only as far as

we are concerned, or for the general and technical services

markets, but for everyone. It may be a cliché, but everyone will

have to tighten their belts. The Netherlands will have to make

cutbacks in government spending in order to be able to fulfil the

requirements of the European Union and that has implications

for the whole of society. The challenge lies in dealing with this

climate more effectively than everyone else and that is the aim

of Facilicom. With that goal in mind, we have every confidence

in looking forward to 2012.

The Group Board team

A genuine full service pOne Group

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In 1974, Facilicom began to undertake cleaningactivities in Antwerp. Expanding those activitiesenabled the company to offer an increasinglywide range of services. Thanks to the takeoverof One Group at the end of 2010, Facilicom Belgium now has all soft facilities and hard facil-ities in-house, which also makes Facilicomunique in Belgium. The Belgian division is nowable to profile itself as a full-service provider thatalso boasts expertise in multi-services and maincontracting, concepts in which strong growth isalso expected in Belgium.With the takeover of the One Group, the turnoverof Facilicom Belgium grew by around 40 percentand profit also increased. What is more, the factthat the company is owned by a successful par-ent company is also viewed by clients as a majorplus point. Major clients place considerable importance upon solvency and therefore conti-nuity and Facilicom can provide that. That is thereason why a well-known supermarket groupsuch as Delhaize and a leading bank such asKBC are happy to use Facilicom for the provisionof general and technical services and security.

The Group Board team

J.A. (Hans) Gennissen, Chair of the Board

M.J.S. (Martine) Geurts, Vice-Chair of the Board

G.C.A.H. (Geert) van de Laar, Group Director of General and Technical Services Companies Netherlands

J. (Jan) Lensveld, Group Director of Finance

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Hostmanship enhances our

service provision

Facilicom is the first general and technical services provider to have launched an

extensive programme in order to take service provision to a higher level. In addition

to operational excellence, hostmanship now forms one of the key concepts of the

company. In the autumn, the decision was made to start the first stage, in which

hundreds of members of management were trained in hostmanship. With this

initiative, Facilicom hopes to develop into not only the best general and technical

services supplier in the Netherlands, but also the best employer in that field.

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Facilicom has already distinguished itself for years throughoperational excellence. ‘As the largest general and tech-nical services employer in the Netherlands, we set the

standard in quality and in creating transparency of service pro-vision’, stated the Chair of the Board Hans Gennissen in apress release about hostmanship. ‘That is important, and wewill also continue to work in this way, but the time has nowcome for added value. Clients are seeking hostmanship andattach considerable importance to the experience the serviceprovides to users. We understand that need and we have al-ready been working hard to capitalise upon that for years. Nowwe are seeking to go one step further, as this is how we aimto continue to set ourselves apart from our competitors. Notonly do we aim to meet expectations, we also want to makethe difference and continue exceeding the expectations ofclients, their employees and their visitors. That requires morethan having the knack for it; it forms a way of working thatmust become second-nature and must form the very founda-tion of our company. That is what we want to achieve withhostmanship.’

Hundreds of management team members receive trainingAt the beginning of 2011, Facilicom began a pilot scheme inwhich management members and all employees of TrigionServices and Tapwacht were trained in hostmanship and cus-tomer experience with support from the Hostmanship GroupNederland. Both companies were themselves already seekinga means of improving service provision further. Trigion Services

hopes to distinguish itself with a 5-star service and it regardshostmanship as a good method with which to train reception-ists and service desk staff to provide more than just hospitality.Tapwacht regards hostmanship as the way to ensure that staffof Tapwacht and engineers speak the same language as theclients in the hotel and catering industry, a sector in whichhostmanship is a necessity. Whilst the pilot scheme was onlyjust launched, other divisions already expressed a great dealof interest and that interest grew even further when the pilotscheme turned out to be a huge success. As far as Facilicomwas concerned, that was reason enough to decide in the au-tumn to roll out the hostmanship programme further within theorganisation. Hans Gennissen explains: ‘The pilot scheme hastaught us how important it is that this new method of workingis taken on board by the management and that the entire or-ganisation is included in it: only when staff themselves also feelthey have been treated exceptionally, will they convey that toothers. For that reason, we will now be the first to train hun-dreds of management members in hostmanship. They canthen roll it out further in the divisions in a subsequently stagein order to take service provision to an exceptional level.’

Customer excellenceGeert van de Laar, Group Director of Facilitaire Bedrijven Ned-erland, believes that Facilicom is investing in hostmanship atexactly the right time: ‘Operational excellence has become thenorm; it is a basic requirement that every serious provider isexpected to fulfil. Clients have since raised their expectationsfurther and demand customer excellence.





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Clients are realising that general and technicalservices provision is often what ensures thesmooth running of the organisation.

A high-quality security officer, receptionist, cleaner, main-tenance engineer or catering assistant can all play theirpart in ensuring that clients and guests feel welcome andstaff feel comfortable at work. In that case the individualemployees in the general and technical services sectormust offer more than operational excellence alone. Theymust adopt the role of hosts and hostesses who are in factthe face of the organisation. They must regard it as a per-sonal ambition to achieve a high level of satisfaction. Andthey must feel compelled to make the effort every day andin every encounter in order to achieve that ambition. Thatis possible with hostmanship. It trains staff at every levelto internalise that ambition, teaches them to see how theycan do just that little bit extra and encourages them to per-form that other role. And therefore make the difference,’

Being the best general and technical services employerWith the hostmanship programme, Facilicom hopes toprolong its position as the best general and technical serv-ices provider in the Netherlands, as Hans Gennissen ex-plains: ‘However, we also want everyone to recognise usas the best general and technical services employer. Theageing of the population is likely to result in scarcity in theemployment market and that could cause significant dif-ficulty for us as a typical people-friendly company, so wewant to prevent that. In 2010 we were already hailed asthe best general and technical services employer, whichis something we are proud of and we want to continuethat level of achievement. That is why we devote a greatdeal of attention to the culture and atmosphere within thecompany and the treatment of our employees. Hostman-ship also plays an important role in that regard: we alsouse the programme to ensure that our staff feel happy towork for us and by doing this we hope to attract new em-ployees and retain existing ones. Facilicom has alwaysendeavoured to ensure long-term employment, since thatis how we retain expertise and experience and it enablesus to offer our clients continuity. This provides an impor-tant new incentive for that policy. This alone will soon givepeople in the employment market two good reasons toapply for a job at Facilicom: they will come to work for thebest general and technical services supplier and begin acareer at the best general and technical services employerin the Netherlands.’ The hostmanship programme hasonly just begun and it already seems to be a step in theright direction. After Facilicom first devoted a great dealof attention to hostmanship in its in-house media such asthe Facilitair! magazine and the professional journals fol-lowed suit. Dozens of interviews, articles and columnshave covered Facilicom’s decision to raise the standardof the service both externally and internally and clientshave also reacted very positively.

Facilicom is embracing the “Flexible Working” scheme.Not to save office space, but to provide staff with theability to carry out their work more efficiently and tocreate a better balance between work and personal life.The pilot scheme that was launched on 1 Septembertherefore chiefly provides more freedom to work athome.

Facilicom expressly did not begin the pilot scheme in order tosave office space. On the contrary, the company values mu-tual personal contract between staff highly. ‘We are an organ-isation that provides services, with many employees andclients, therefore it is necessary to be easily contactable andspeak to one another in order to ensure that the operationruns as smoothly as possible’, explained Vice-Chair of theBoard Martine Geurts in Kader magazine. ‘The scheme is notabout cost savings as far as we are concerned, but we havenoticed that staff desire greater flexibility and they also find ituseful to work a little from home and therefore also be able tocreate a better work-life balance. That is why we are still goingto introduce the Flexible Working scheme now.’

More home workingWith the Flexible Working scheme, Facilicom is increasing thepossibilities for staff of Facilicom Bedrijfsdiensten to work fromhome. These employees may now spend 20 percent of theircontract hours working from home. They may opt to spend a

>Facilicom embraces “Flexible Working”

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‘It saves me three hours sitting in the car’

Twan Hurkmans is data manager at the head officeof Facilicom in Schiedam and is closely involved inthe introduction of SAP. He forms the bridge be-tween the divisions and the ICT department when itcomes to IT. Twan has welcomed the Flexible Work-ing scheme. ‘I live in Boekel, south of Den Bosch, soI spend close to three hours every day sitting in thecar. In order to avoid the queues, I arrive at work by7.00 am every day. If all goes to plan, that means Ican leave again in the afternoon before the rush hour.And if work permits, I spend one day per week work-ing at home, preferably Friday.’ The work is ideallysuited to that way of working. ‘I have to do a lot ofworking out and it is in fact ideal to do that at home.You feel calmer there, you are not interrupted asoften and that means you can work more efficiently.’It is not the case that he would still only work fromhome. ‘Then you lose touch with what is going on atthe office. What is more, social contact is also im-portant.’

whole day working at home or for a few hours every day. Thisenables staff to deal with all their e-mails at home first, for ex-ample, then they can leave home later in the day without hav-ing to sit in a traffic jam every morning.

However, a condition is that their work permits this way ofworking. Furthermore, an employee is not permitted to declinean invitation to a meeting because he/she has planned towork from home on that day. An employee must also be ableto manage the responsibility.

Some exceptionsOffice hours between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm must still strictlybe adhered to by all staff. Those who wish to work from homewill need to schedule it in advance and also in consultationwith the line manager and colleagues. At the same time, theworking hours will be extended slightly: From 1 Septemberthese will be between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm. As a result ofthis, staff can also choose to start early and leave earlier,which means that they can avoid the stress of queuing trafficevery day and they can pick up their children from after-schoolchild-minders on time. The introduction of the Flexible Work-ing scheme is the result of Facilicom’s ambition to be the bestgeneral and technical services employer. With the flexibility of-fered by the Flexible Working scheme, Facilicom hopes to re-tain its employees, both existing staff members and new staffmembers.

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Facilicom voted the best employer in the general and technical services sectorWith an increasing ageing population, it is highly likely that we will face scarcity in the employment market and thatposes a threat to the continuity of Facilicom. That is why the company is aiming to become the best general and tech-nical services employer and expressly distinguish itself from its competitors. The working group (Good EmploymentPractice and Identity) initiated dozens of plans in 2011 in order to implement the notion of good employment practiceand the image of Facilicom more effectively.

Facilicom aims to be the best general and technical servicesemployer in the Netherlands. An employer who knows whatmotivates staff, who offers people the opportunity to be ableto manage their own time in a comfortable environment, whotreats staff in an open and friendly manner and above all inwhich everyone plays the role of a host. We want a Facilicomthat also has a presence in society, in public debate andamongst people and in order to achieve that, we developeddozens of plans in 2011.

Many initiatives already underwayThe sometimes far-reaching plans that the working group (Employer Practice and Identity) formulated in 2011 have inmany cases already been converted into initiatives. As wementioned elsewhere in this annual report, Facilicom has immediately started training staff in hostmanship, a programmethat will also make a significant contribution internally towardsachieving a different way of working with one another. A pilotscheme has also begun for Flexible Working. Furthermore, social media is now being used systematically. Yet there is farmore going on.

Research into motivationsWhat motivates people to work for Facilicom? And what couldinterest people in making it their goal to have a job with thecompany? The fact is that we do not know exactly and that iswhy Facilicom has begun a large-scale study of motivations.On the basis of the results, Facilicom can examine what thecompany needs to offer in order to make it appealing as anemployer for each target group. Recruiters can operate out-side the company making use of those extras tailored preciselyto the target group when recruiting.

Contemporary languageFacilicom generally used formal language in written communi-cations and that is why a style guide has now been createdthat serves as a manual when writing letters. The basic princi-

ples are as follows: people are addressed in a friendly and per-sonal way, the letters are written in contemporary, concise andlively language and the text must not raise any questions butactually answer them.

Presenting an image to the outside worldA few years ago, Facilicom embraced the old adage ‘be goodand tell it’. That is now being continued further. Facilicom mustraise its profile, both internally and externally and for that rea-son internal communication has been given a substantialboost. A ready-to-use toolkit has been developed for tradefairs and events that enable Facilicom and the divisions to profile themselves more effectively as a provider of general andtechnical services and as an employer. Moreover, Facilicomhopes to set the trend in the sector with the external magazineFacilitair! and the digital version

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Code of Responsible Market ConductThe strike by 1400 cleaners in the first few months of 2010 was the longest period of workers’ action since 1933. TheCode of Responsible Market Conduct was published in the summer of 2011 as a direct result of the strike. The codewas drawn up by clients, employers in the cleaning sector and trade unions.

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The issues that are highlighted in the Code of Respon-sible Market Conduct not only exist in the cleaning sector but also in the security services and catering sectors. That is why the sector organisations of thethree most important general and technical servicessectors have joined forces and created the bidbook‘Blijvend van Waarde’. Mr. Henk Kamp (the Minister for Social Affairs and Employment) received a copy of the bidbook in the autumn of 2011.

General and technical services provision has degenerated intoa procurement category, claims the bidbook ‘Blijvend van

Waarde’. And, as the sector organisations OSB (cleaning),Nederlandse Veiligheidsbranche (security services) and Veneca(corporate catering) have found, that poses a threat to thequality of service provision. It is becoming more problematicto assist those who find it difficult to enter the employmentmarket. Investments in the training of personnel have also beenscaled back and the workload is increasing. Staff and compa-nies since have their hands full and consequently the ‘cowboys’ are given free rein. The bidbook also exposes other excrescences of outsourcing.For example, clients become alienated from the service thatthey are purchasing, calls for tenders sometimes already exclude parties beforehand, clients often demand unlimited liability, short-term contracts result in high outsourcing costs,the threshold above which work has to be outsourced is far

too low and tenders are already deteriorating into legal disputes in 50 percent of cases. With the bidbook, the sector organisations are setting out thearguments in favour of good client practice and fair trade incalls for tenders, in other words, Corporate Social Responsi-bility. and to implement this ‘with attention to quality and staff(-) and the duration of contracts in order to make innovationand investment possible’. The bidbook was supplied to HenkKamp, Minister for Social Affairs and Employment, as the government is the largest client of general and technical services. However, it is certainly also the intention that otherclients outsource work in a corporate socially responsible way,which is something that the Minister himself also advocates.

Arguments in favour of fairtrade tenders

The Code of Responsible Market Conduct lays down that allparties involved in the outsourcing should not only considerthe price, but in fact the quality of the work performed by staffand the working conditions must be taken into account. Thenotions of sustainability and corporate social responsibility alsoform the central theme of the code. The code expressly states:‘As a client, you are partly responsible for the quality of thework and the conditions under which the work is undertaken.’Clients who employ the code select a supplier in the tenderingprocess on the basis of the allotment criterion ‘the most eco-nomically beneficial tender’ rather than ‘the lowest price’ andalso set the price on an equal footing with the level of qualitythat they require.

Already having an effectThe Code of Responsible Market Conduct also imposes requirements on agents, staff and cleaning companies whoare united under the sector association OSB (Corporate Association of Cleaning and Commercial Services). ‘As OSB

members, we are jointly responsible for the level of profession-alism, quality and etiquette within the sector.’ Members musttherefore not act on the basis of their own interests but in thecommunal interest. Members of the OSB who do not adhereto the code may be expelled.

In 2011, Facilicom devoted plenty of attention to the Code onvarious websites, in social media, in Gom’s client magazineSchoon! and in Facilitair! magazine, which included articlesfrom contributors such as Chair of the Code Kees Blokland.The Code also enjoyed plenty of attention in the mainstreampress, partly because the agreements were already proving tohave an immediate effect. For example, in 2011 clients suchas Groningen University, the Municipality of Utrecht and theAshram College in the southern Randstad decided to revisetheir call for tenders as it did not fulfil the requirements of theCode. A number of ministries began an investigation into theworkload in the autumn following the recent outsourcing of thecleaning work.

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The Trigion Academy forms a glistening jewel in the crown ofthe security services division of Facilicom. In late 2011, some1300 team leaders and staff followed one of the officially recog-nised training courses, during which they not only gained moreskills but also obtained a (higher) certificate of senior secondaryvocational education. Gom is also working hard on the devel-opment of its staff. Following a pilot scheme in 2010, the clean-ing company launched its own Basic Training Course inCleaning in 2011, using in-house tutors and teaching materialsit developed itself. One hundred and fifty staff were trained inthe first year alone and the pass rate was almost 100 percent.Another 400 cleaners are expected to follow the trainingcourse in 2012. Gom ZorgSupport also launched a pro-gramme called ‘Dutch on the workfloor’. Staff frequently comeinto contact with patients and medical personnel and a bettercommand of Dutch enables them to be more hospitable andmore client-focused. The training course began at the ErasmusMC and the academic hospital valued the initiative so muchthat real lecture theatres were made available for the twenty-week course.

Management trainingGom began a pilot scheme in 2010 to train cleaning supervi-sors to senior secondary vocational education level 4, whichis something new in the sector. Gom recognises a growing de-mand for cleaning supervisors and inspectors who are well-trained in management, which is something that existingcourses did not provide for. In 2011, the two-year on-the-jobvocational training programme run by Gom was found to be asuccess and a second group of 35 trainees were able to startwork.Prorest rounded off a master class for the second time in 2011.The Prorest Master class is a stimulating two-year training programme in which another five talented individuals within thecatering company were put through their paces to gain ahigher management position.Facilicom once again organised a master class for manage-ment trainees in January 2011. The seventeen candidateswere given the opportunity during the six-week master classto prove that they are the ambitious, confident and independ-ent talented individuals that Facilicom is looking for. Ultimately,sixteen candidates proceeded to the two-year training programme.

Investing in people and qualityA good employer invests in its staff and a good supplier invests in quality. That is why Facilicom attaches great im-portance to the training of staff: that ensures that people are able to continue their development and therefore feelmore satisfied, which promotes the quality of the service. Facilicom was also able to distinguish itself in 2011 throughdozens of training programmes.

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A job when employment is hardto findGeneral and technical services companies are, in fact,in a unique position to help people who find it difficultto gain access to the employment market to gain a(first) job. A recent development is that government bo-dies are now imposing this as a requirement when out-sourcing, in the form of social return. Many Facilicomcompanies have already participated in these types ofprojects for years, including Gom and Trigion in the pro-vince of Groningen.

At the end of 2008, Gom won the cleaning contract of the Taxand Customs Administration in Groningen. The condition wasthat Gom would employ staff designated under Invalidity In-surance (Young Disabled Persons) Act in the cleaning team.That required some getting used to for all parties, but the firstperson in receipt of benefit under the Invalidity Insurance(Young Disabled Persons) Act thrived under this scheme andis still working for Gom. The project has since gone fromstrength to strength. Gom is now working in partnership withROC Groningen, a school for children with severe learning dif-ficulties, the reintegration company ProRec and the EmployeeInsurance Agency (UWV). District Manager Marion Reindersand inspector Roelie Tapken are working to raise awarenessabout the cleaning sector at a number of practical trainingcentres. Interested young disabled people and children withsevere learning difficulties can train in the field, take toursaround premises and can take a work placement with Gom.Gom’s well-known picture charts have also been found toprovide these exceptional staff members with a good graspof their duties. Gom’s efforts have since resulted in dozens ofcontracts with a growing pool of clients and for a long timethere have been many more than just the Tax and CustomsAdministration. This has resulted in a high level of satisfactionfor all parties.

In the Eemshaven area, Trigion has been able to help as manyas fifty long-term job-seekers and people with a disability tofind a (first) job and it is there that Trigion won the contract toprovide security for the construction site of the new Essentand RWE power station. Jobs in the operating of lifts on theconstruction site have been created in conjunction with bothenergy companies and the employment agency Ability. Thejob provides long-term job-seekers with a foot on the ladderto gaining permanent employment and it provides them withsupervision and training. The job also enables employees withan occupational disability to develop further. The aim is thatin due course they will be able to work as much as possiblein a mainstream employment setting.

Efficient: an in-house occupatio-nal health and safety serviceSince 1 October 2011 Facilicom has operated an in-house occupational health and safety service.Facilicom still temporarily hires in six of the eight com-pany doctors, but they fall under the responsibility ofFacilicom Arbodiensten, an independent division of theRe-integration department. Having an in-house occu-pational health and safety service forms a more effi-cient approach and by tailoring consultation to thedivisions more effectively, staff can be deployed morerapidly, effectively and on a more sustainable basis.

The most important task of Facilicom Arbodiensten is ab-sence monitoring. The eight company doctors hold surgeriesat thirteen sites across the country and Facilicom believes thatsetting up an in-house occupational health and safety servicewill enable it to improve the quality of service provision. Em-ployees who are unfit for work receive advice, as part of whichthe options that are (still) available to them are examinedclosely. This will result in more effective deployability duringperiods of incapacity for work and a more rapid recovery. Animproved absence procedure has been developed in conjunc-tion with the divisions that more effectively preserves employ-ees’ privacy. The doctors also play an important role in the prevention ofabsence. By examining employees and their deployabilitythoroughly, long-term absence can be prevented. After all, Fa-cilicom’s policy is that individuals must be employable perma-nently up to pensionable age. In order to implement this policyeven more effectively, Facilicom Arbodiensten supplies risk in-ventory & evaluations (RI&Es) to the divisions. Facilicom Ar-bodiensten itself employs two company doctors and for thetime being Facilicom works in conjunction with an externaloccupational health and safety service for expertise and tohire in the other company doctors.

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Making better use of

Facilicom’s unique proposition

Since August 2011, Geert van de Laar ceased to be themanaging director of Trigion and was appointed GroupDirector of general and technical services in the Nether-

lands, making him ultimately responsible for Trigion, Gom,Prorest and Facilicom Facility Solutions. This is a new post thatwas created because the span of control became too greatfor Chair of the Board of Directors Hans Gennissen. This meanthe had hardly any time left to properly be involved in the run-ning of the companies and to promote exchange of knowl-edge, even though there is a great deal to be gained from this.The four Facilicom divisions have already been frequentlyworking together in combination contracts and it is Geert vande Laar’s job to promote cross-selling even further and in thisway make even better use of Facilicom’s unique proposition.The new post was also created due to the fact that the tradi-tional markets in cleaning, security services and catering haveto contend with shrinkage and margins that are under pres-

sure. With a group director who is ultimately responsible forthese four divisions, it is possible to focus more rigidly uponthe internal day-to-day operations, thereby maintaining ahealthy profit and being able to continue supplying a compet-itive service. Of course, a more tightly-knit partnership behindthe scenes in turn encourages staff to work together in tuneand efficiently on clients’ premises.In the first few months of his new post, Geert van de Laar hasalso successfully performed his role as the face of Facilicom.The Group Director wrote on behalf of Facilicom in trade jour-nals, guest columns and in a column in the in-house magazineFacilitair! about dozens of current issues that exist in the sectorand within Facilicom. This has now enabled Facilicom to pres-ent a single face to the outside world and this is also neces-sary, now that the company hopes to raise its profile as aunique comprehensive provider of general and technical serv-ices.




Facilicom would like to promote cross-selling, improve the efficiency of the divisions

even further and present a more consistent profile to the outside world. Geert van

de Laar, Group Director of general and technical services companies in the Nether-

lands, has sought to implement this new policy from 1 August.

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Takeovers enhance our companyA number of divisions have been able to enhance their operations in 2011 thanks to some carefully-considered strategic takeovers. For example, Trigion gained a boost from its takeover of Hoffmann Bedrijfsrecherche andFacilicom UK managed to grow strongly in cleaning activities thanks to a takeover.

An important takeover took place right at the beginning of theyear when the security division was able to incorporate Hoff-mann Bedrijfsrecherche. Thanks to this takeover, Trigion is nowalso the most prominent company in the field of investigationand consultancy. This makes it an important acquisition, alsofrom the perspective of clients. Hoffmann Bedrijfsrecherche re-mains independent but the cross-selling between both com-panies got underway immediately and has generated valuablenew business.Facility Facilicom Solutions (FFS) is now in a much strongerposition to provide integrated general and technical servicesconcepts thanks to its acquisition of FacilityFORCE, the gen-eral and technical services organisation of the business com-plex building Willemswerf in Rotterdam. The company was thefounder of the Facility Estate Concept, a far-reaching form ofintegrated service provision. FFS also devotes much of its ac-tivities to this concept and is now able to serve the marketeven more effectively thanks to the staff, expertise and expe-rience of FacilityFORCE.Tapwacht is considerably expanding its service provision andaims to develop into a full-service supplier for the hotel andcatering industry. The company has made significant progressin doing so. During the last few years, Tapwacht staff have not

only just kept the pipes clean, but now also install and maintaincomplete installations and buffet services. In 2010, the com-pany began servicing hot drinks machines. Thanks to thetakeover of the comprehensive technical service of Franke Cof-fee Systems, the company has now been able to enhance itsbusiness further in this field.The British cleaning company Facilicom Cleaning Serviceswas able to considerably increase its market share with theacquisition of Indigo Services, a division of the Dutch company Vebego. This general and technical servicesprovider decided in 2011 to withdraw its operations fromGreat Britain. All 900 or so employees and the managementteam of Indigo Services transferred to the cleaning arm of Facilicom Services Group UK.Breijer took over the safety training courses from Trigion earlier,which are provided under the name Trigion Safety Opleidingen.At the end of 2011, Breijer was able to enhance those activitiesconsiderably thanks to the takeover of Safety Control, a com-pany that runs safety training courses throughout the whole ofthe Netherlands with thirteen employees. Safety Control willbe integrated into Trigion Safety Opleidingen, which will see itsshare in the training segment more than double thanks to thattakeover.

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Cross-selling forms the new spearhead of FacilicomThe general and technical services market is contrac-ting and the margins are under pressure, whilst at thesame time, the market share held by multi-service con-tracts is growing strongly. For that reason, it was deci-ded even before the appointment of Geert van de Laarto the position of Group Director that cross-sellingwould become a spearhead of the company. A projectgroup set to work in the spring.

The general and technical services market is contracting, partlydue to the ageing of the population and the introduction of theFlexible Working scheme. There is considerable pressure onmargins too, something that has not escaped Facilicom’s at-tention, particularly in the markets that traditionally make upthe general and technical services sector, namely cleaning, se-curity services and catering. We can take something positivefrom this, however: the share held by multi-service contractsis growing strongly and Gom, Trigion and Prorest in particularare benefiting significantly from the combination contracts thatFacilicom Facility Solutions has been able to conclude. Thathas encouraged Facilicom in its belief that there is still muchto be gained from an effective policy in relation to cross-selling.That is why a project group was set up, composed of stafffrom the commercial departments of Gom, Trigion, Prorest,Facilicom Facility Solutions and Breijer at the beginning of2011. An important aim of this is to encourage everyone withinFacilicom to carefully examine the needs of existing clients in

order to identify areas of potential for other divisions and topass on those sales leads. The project group has created aseparate page on the Facilicom Portal where people can shareexperiences of cross-selling. A new, personal reward systemfor staff who pass on leads is also in the pipeline. Project group member Raoul Nijhoff has been involved withcross-selling on a full-time basis since 1 March, which is whenthe former district manager of Trigion was actually appointedas a full-time cross-selling manager of Facilicom.









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Elderly, disabled and psychiatric patients are continuing to liveat home more frequently and for longer. The government is en-couraging this as well; but these people need care provided inthe home setting and for that reason, many institutions providecare at a distance for these target groups. However, a greatdeal of manpower is required in order to be available for clients24 hours per day, 365 days per year and to guarantee profes-sional service at all times. De specialises inproviding care and support at a distance and this indeed en-ables it to provide that continuity of service and that level ofprofessionalism 24/7.

De was launched with a team of five fully-trained nurses who are also trained in providing care at a dis-tance. The new initiative began in mid-2011 with two majorcare institutions as clients. In January 2012, the centre added

a third client to its books, providing 350 out-patient clients whocan now contact with any queries and forsupport. uses the expertise and infrastructure of Tri-gion’s AlarmServiceCentrale, the most advanced control roomin Europe. Thanks to the collaboration with Breijer, is furthermore able to provide clients with state-of-the-art equipment and domotics at home.

That combination of expertise forms one of the factors believes will enable it to grow into a marketleader in the care centre segment.

Breijer Brandpreventie operating in BelgiumThanks to some major takeovers in the past few years, Facilicom Belgium is now able to provide an integrated package of hard and soft facilities. However, a particular specialism such as installing sprinklers is something thatthe company does not yet possess in-house. But that is where its Dutch sister company can help.

Breijer had already completed a major painting project in Belgium. There is also increasing collaboration in contractmaintenance and H&M, Bart Smit, Leen Bakker, Esprit, Mas-simo Dutti are just a few of the users of cross-border services.In the Netherlands, that contract maintenance is provided byBreijer, whilst in Belgium this was done by the Building Main-tenance company division of One Group, which was incorpo-rated by Facilicom Belgium in October 2010. Thanks to theassistance of Breijer Brandpreventie, One Building Mainte-nance is able to look after the full range of building mainte-

nance work on behalf of BASF Belgium. One Building Mainte-nance runs many activities itself in-house, but not the installa-tion of sprinklers, which is a particular kind of specialism. Thatis where Breijer Brandpreventie helps out its Belgian sistercompany, supplying, fitting, delivering operational systems andtesting a sprinkler system with 80 sprinklers. The system willbe installed in a storage room containing paint products, Aroom of that type is at greater risk of fire and for that reasonthe room will be equipped with a sprinkler system with foammixing and sprinkler alarm installation.


Expanding care provision with DeZorgCentrale.nlFacilicom regards the care sector as an important new market and one that offers great potential for growth. With Axxicom Thuishulp, the company took the first step in the provision of care-related tasks several years ago. De was launched in 2011, which is a centre that can be contacted at any time of day by clients ofcare institutions, municipalities, insurers, hospitals and medical centres.

Your care isour concern

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The traditional security services market is facing contraction. That is reason enough for Trigion to focusits activities on growth markets such as reception services, surveillance and enforcement and events management. The newly-created Trigion Event Securityno longer focuses solely upon exclusive events; rather,the business unit aims to conquer a large share of thismarket. At the end of 2011, Event Security already hada pool of 250 event security officers at its disposal.

Trigion has already been active in event security for a longtime, but it was always regarded as an ancillary activity. Fur-thermore, the company division operated almost solely at ex-clusive events. For example, the company was the housesupplier of the Royal Netherlands Football Association andthe team’s services were regularly called upon for events in-volving the Royal Family, ministries and at international con-ferences, such as NATO. The team was also subject to thesecurity sector collective labour agreement and therefore itwas not competitive. That is why the company was com-pletely re-established in 2011 and it is now subject to the col-lective labour agreement for event managers, which enablesit to submit tenders for other events at more competitive rates. Trigion Event Security has already gained quite a few newcontracts in the first few months and the new company also






picked a good time to enter the market. The law is setting in-creasingly stringent requirements upon security at events thatattract large numbers of people whilst at the same time, thegovernment intends to make event organisers pay for a policepresence. As far as event organisers are concerned, it is thenfar more efficient to outsource a large proportion of securityduties to a private security company. Trigion Event Securitybenefits from the good reputation of Trigion, which is after allthe market leader in security in the Netherlands. Thanks toTrigion, the new company division is also able to offer a fullycomprehensive package of additional products and services.

Trigion invests in event security

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Working to achieve accuracyand integrityThe Company Code of Facilicom states that the conduct of Facilicom employees is guided at all timesby the principles of due accuracy, integrity and socialresponsibility. We also worked in 2011 to develop thatpolicy, embed it more deeply within the organisationand raise its profile.

In the autumn, Facilicom signed the Horizontal Monitoringcovenant with the Tax and Customs Administration Office.This lent a systematic element to the consultation process be-tween both parties, which enables Facilicom and the Tax andCustoms Administration to work together more efficiently andeffectively. By signing the covenant, the Tax and Customs Ad-ministration acknowledges the appropriate attitude and con-duct as far as compliance with the tax regulations areconcerned. This confirms that Facilicom acts in an honest,transparent and decisive manner with regard to tax matters.Facilicom also acts in a transparent way in relation to corpo-rate social responsibility (CSR), and this has been demon-strated in the awarding of the Transparency benchmark of theMinistry of Economic Affairs. This examines how companiesreport their CSR activities and Facilicom was ranked in 115thplace in the list of 500 companies. When the list was refinedto the business service sector, Facilicom was ranked in 15thplace, meaning that Facilicom achieved the highest score ofall general and technical service companies.Breijer can count itself amongst the most financially healthycompanies in the construction sector. That was decided byGraydon, the full-service agency providing business informa-tion for and about companies. It emerged at the PROVADA2011 property fair that only half of the companies in atten-dance complied with the criteria set by Graydon. Breijer stoodout from the rest and was rewarded for this with a ‘Green FlagAward’.Gom has also been able to distinguish itself in the sectorthanks to being awarded a quality mark. The company wasadded to the Labour Standards Register and only a few ofthe ten largest cleaning companies possess this quality mark.Thanks to the registration, clients are aware that Gom files itsreturns to the Tax and Customs Administration correctly andpays wage tax and turnover tax that is due. It is demonstrated that the company carries out identitychecks and verifies whether staff are entitled to work in theNetherlands. The quality mark provides assurance to clients:if they do business with Gom, they limit the risk of recoverymeasures and fines being imposed by the Tax and CustomsAdministration and other governmental bodies.

‘Brilliant: Providing Securityfor The Voice of Holland’

Trigion Event Security has been completely re-es-tablished. Edwin van Straten was already involved inevent security at Trigion and transferred to the newbusiness unit. He is a group manager, but he alsoworks as an Event Security Officer himself as part ofmost contracts. ‘When we submitted tenders forcontracts in the past, we were often told that we hadcome in second place. Clients are still very price-ori-entated. With the new set-up, we are far more com-petitive and we are truly able to hold able hold ourown in competing with other event securityproviders.’ That is also evident in the contracts theyare currently undertaking. ‘In early January, for ex-ample, we were present at an appearance by thefour finalists of The Voice of Holland in De Bijenkorfin Amsterdam, for which we provided security with22 Event Security Officers. That was great fun to do.’He sees a bright future ahead for the business unit.‘Under the name of Trigion, we enjoy considerablebrand recognition, of course. And what’s more, weare also a division of Facilicom. We are thereforeable to provide all manner of services that othercompanies can’t offer in-house.’

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Gom plants 2000 treesGom is pulling out all the stops with its Green Selection Programme. This full-ser-

vice concept enables clients to make their cleaning and waste processing consid-

erably more environmentally-friendly. In order to raise awareness of the programme,

Gom sent as many as 2000 trees to clients and prospective clients. All in all, this

forest of trees proved to be a worthwhile initiative.

Gom’s Green Selection Programme guarantees that

eco-friendly cleaning products are used for clean-

ing. If a client also opts for daytime cleaning serv-

ices, it saves even more on lighting and similar costs. What

is more, Gom supplies environmentally-friendly sanitary

products. Together with its partner Bloe, there is still plenty

of environmental benefit to be gained in cleaning toilets and

keeping them clean and fresh. Working in conjunction with

Stichting Disposables Benelux, Gom arranges for plastic

coffee cups to be disposed of separately and recycled. With

this initiative, Gom in fact offers its clients a ‘menu’ from

which they can choose green modules themselves and this

enables Gom to assist companies in running a greener busi-


In order to raise awareness of the programme and all of

these options, Gom has distributed 2000 trees to clients and

prospective clients. The initiative was well-received and it

created a great deal of interest in eco-friendly cleaning.

What is more, the Netherlands benefits from 2000 more

spruces, trees that absorb harmful CO2 from the air and

convert it into oxygen. That by itself is of great benefit to the


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At the end of 2011, Trigion placed an order for 35 gas-drivensurveillance vehicles and the first of these were also put intooperation immediately. The vehicles are suitable for running onnatural gas and so-called green gas. Natural gas is the clean-est fossil fuel available and vehicles that run on natural gas emitfewer soot particles and less nitrogen than vehicles that runon petrol, diesel or LPG. However, the environmental benefitsare even greater if a vehicle runs on green gas, also known asCompressed Natural Gas (CNG). Green gas is climate-neutraland is produced from organic material such as organic wasteand manure. Compared with petrol, using CNG reduces CO2emissions by 20 to 25 percent, whilst it reduces CO2 emis-sions by around 9 percent compared with diesel. In December,Trigion also commissioned three electric vehicles for the con-tract at Schiphol. The vehicles are Opel Amperas, electric carsthat are even more environmentally-friendly than hybrid cars.

Offsetting emissionsFor Trigion, purchasing vehicles that run on green gas and onelectricity forms the next step in making its fleet more environ-mentally-friendly. The mobile surveillance fleet of around 200vehicles is on the road every day. Practically all of the traditionalsurveillance cars run on diesel but all vehicles are of course fit-ted with a particulate filter. What is more, they conform to atleast the Euro 4 standard and an increasing proportion of thefleet even already conforms to the Euro 5 standard, the moststringent standard applied in Europe. All vehicles are equippedwith a TomTom device that is programmed to always plan themost fuel-efficient route. The company has also devoted agreat deal of attention to the New Driving scheme, a means ofdriving through which energy consumption and therefore alsoemissions are to be cut to 10%. All emissions from the surveil-lance vehicles have been completely offset since 2009. Trigionhas achieved this by investing via the Climate Neutral Groupin sustainable energy projects in developing countries.

Trigion switches to ‘green’ gasTrigion makes CSR a high priority. Most of the company’s environmental impact arises from surveillance activities invehicles and for that reason surveillance has been undertaken on bicycles where possible for many years. A car thatruns on natural gas was bought in the municipality of Groningen several years ago and that was met with satisfaction.That is why Trigion is now switching much of its fleet to surveillance vehicles that run on green gas. The first electricvehicles have also been purchased.

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Prorest to offer more vegetarian options

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‘Sometimes as many as 300vegetarian meals’

Around 1700 staff are working at ESA-ESTEC in No-ordwijk to make European ambitions of space travelinto a reality. Prorest is responsible for three specialrestaurants and hundreds of hot meals are preparedevery day around noon. Sous-chef Nick Casely ex-plains: ‘Many of the staff here come from a culturewhere hot meals are eaten in the afternoon, or cer-tainly in the afternoon in addition to other hot meals.They can enjoy one in our restaurant.’ They work ina six-week cycle: ‘If we have schnitzel or ossobucotoday, then we won’t serve it again for the next sixweeks.’ The chefs also create the dishes themselves:‘We draw from a whole pile of international cookerybooks’, he adds. They also cook vegetarian dishes,as he goes on to explain: ‘We have vegetariansamongst our guests, but also many people who al-ready eat meat or fish in the evenings and wish tohave something different at lunchtime.’ The vegetar-ian buffet is also popular, ‘although it depends a littleon what is available on the menu. If people are notfamiliar with a dish, it goes less quickly. However, ifit is a recognisable dish, we will easily sell 300 veg-etarian meals.’

The ‘production’ of meat requires large amounts of raw materials and has a considerable impact upon theenvironment. Fish cannot appear on the menu every dayas fish have become scarce. That is why Prorest is increasingly also offering vegetarian alternatives and thepart-time vegetarians or ‘flexitarians’ were certainly wellcatered-for by the catering company in 2011.

Prorest uses organic meat as much as possible and all fish onthe menu in the restaurants is high-quality fish that fulfils thecriteria of the Viswijzer [Fish Guide]. However, catering can beeven more sustainable if more vegetarian options are includedon the menu and that is why Prorest is fully supporting the ‘Eatgreen at work’ initiative. With this campaign, the 117-year oldDutch Vegetarian Association hopes to ensure that peoplechoose a tasty meat or fish-free meal for lunch on at least oneday per week. A long article in the client magazine Smakelijk!was devoted to vegetarian food and the ethic behind it. A de-licious recipe was also provided by one of Prorest’s chefs. Fur-thermore, four special vegetarian recipes have been developedduring the past year that will form a permanent feature in Pror-est’s range of meals. A selection of vegetarian meals will alsobe on offer in all restaurants on World Animal Day.

ISO 14001Prorest regards sustainability in much broader terms than sim-ply providing healthy food. The caterer endeavours to ensurethat not only the company itself but all sites make a measura-ble contribution towards reducing their impact on the environ-ment. The environmental management system that is used toimplement this aim is certified to ISO 14001. The companyalso prefers to recruit staff who live within cycling distance oftheir place of work. Catering staff are trained in reducinglosses. Supplies are made as efficient as possible and cateringstaff handle a great deal of seasonal produce, which is prefer-ably locally sourced. Cardboard boxes are usually replaced byplastic crates that can be re-used almost endlessly. Waste isseparated as much as possible and used frying fat is refinedinto high-quality biodiesel. Furthermore, the company is con-stantly working in partnership with suppliers to improve andincrease sustainability of production, packaging, distributionand preparation of ingredients and products.

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Trigion tests a standard for social return

Certified in sustainable wastemanagementWaste increasingly provides a valuable raw material fornew products and that is why Facilicom concluded acontract several years ago with SITA, one of the pio-neers in waste prevention, recycling and energy reco-very. There is plenty to be gained, certainly fromconstruction companies and Breijer Bouw en Installatiehas considerably reduced its CO2 emissions thanks togood waste management practice.

The construction and demolition sector generates around 23million tonnes of waste per year, which is approximately twiceas much as all households combined. That is why Breijer isusing the expertise of SITA to reduce the amount of wasteand to separate the waste that is unavoidable. SITA thenlooks after the disposal and processing of the waste. Thecompany has been able to render more than 75 percent of allconstruction waste suitable for recycling. Breijer also man-aged to gain a tangible benefit from this during the first yearof the partnership, 2010. Thanks to the reduction and sepa-ration of construction waste, it managed to save as much as24 percent in CO2 emissions in that year. That equates to asaving of 632 tonnes of CO2 or the equivalent of the emis-sions produced by 3,265,333 car kilometres. Breijer standsto gain even more environmental benefit with a more stringentwaste policy and more far-reaching innovations in recycling.Making the construction process more eco-friendly saves oncosts and sometimes even generates profit. As waste canserve as a valuable raw material, it is also worth money, andthat is something that Breijer has taken note of.

An increasing number of governmental organisationsare now requiring social return when awarding a con-tract, but the extent to which companies are investingin social return is not always discernible. Trigion is in-volved in many such initiatives for social return and it isnow focusing on the introduction of a national standard.

Trigion is working in partnership with TNO and seven otherlarge companies to develop a national standard for social re-turn. An increasing number of governmental organisations arenow requiring social return when awarding a contract, butthere is a significant lack of clarity as to how companies candemonstrate this in an appropriate way. In conjunction withTNO, eight companies have since developed a method thataims to show the extent to which companies are making acontribution towards creating employment for people who findit difficult to access the employment market. This involves bothemploying people in such a situation and procuring from oroutsourcing work to socially-orientated companies. With re-gard to companies who already generate social return, it is im-portant that the contributions they are make to society will also

count towards it. The participants also hope that the methodwill create greater uniformity within the concept of social return.The working name for the method is Prestatieladder Socialer

Ondernemen [Social Responsibility Achievement Ladder] andit therefore involves identifying and providing recognition to so-cial return. The aim is ultimately to award official recognition tocompanies who contribute towards social return. The methodis currently being tested.





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3 8 | 3 9G E N E R A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1

Facilicom recognises the value of social media and has therefore decided to also

use these channels to communicate with clients, employees and other interested

parties. Following a short successful pilot in the spring of 2011, Facilicom is now

has an active presence on Twitter, Hyves, Facebook, Youtube and LinkedIn. This of-

fers an effective combination of media through which practically every target group

can be reached.

Facilicom uses Twitter to share the latest news about thefield of work and the medium is also used for communi-cation with the workforce. On Hyves and Facebook,

‘friends’ can see what Facilicom is involved in, share photosand videos and join in with discussions or respond to com-ments. Facilicom uses YouTube to share its videos about newservices, projects or posts available with the company.LinkedIn is used for employment market communications and

for sharing expertise. Menno de Mol, a work placement stu-dent who is researching how Facilicom needs to handle socialmedia, has since begun employment as a Social Media assis-tant in the Corporate Communications department. A com-pany-wide Social Media working group meets every month inorder to run through the latest developments in the world ofdigital communications and to discuss how interaction withvarious target groups can be increased.

‘Far more followers than weexpected’The company-wide introduction of social media hasbeen so successful that the pilot ceased to be a pilota long time ago. Menno de Mol explains: ‘The pilotgenerated the results we expected and sometimeseven surpassed our expectations. For example, wehad counted on having 250 followers on Twitter, butin the meantime we have already gained 850.Around half of them are our own employees, whichmeans the other half are external parties.’ Thanks tothe new media, Facilicom is able to distribute itsnews far more rapidly and more effectively. ‘As a re-sult of social media and re-tweets, the fact that MartVisser is to design our new clothing line has beenread by tens of thousands of people, readers whowe could not have reached otherwise. Another suc-cess story is how Breijer has even been able to fill anumber of vacancies via Twitter. Another fantasticexample is that Geert van de Laar’s blog immediatelyattracted more than 1000 unique visitors after thefirst few entries.’ He believes the use of social mediawill only increase. ‘In the meantime, more than 140employees have already taken a social media trainingcourse in the ICT department and some of thosepeople have become enthusiastic users of Twitter.’

Communicating via social media

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G E N E R A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1

An exciting new client magazine:Facilitair!The second half of 2011 was spent working hard on thefirst issue of Facilitair!, a new magazine from Facilicom.The client magazine is intended to raise the profile ofFacilicom as an entity and as a brand. With the new ma-gazine, Facilicom hopes to convey its unique proposi-tion more effectively and gain top-of-mind position inthe employment market.

For a long time, Facilicom was just a name in the backgroundof the market, but now that clients are increasingly in need ofmultiservice concepts or even far-reaching integration of general and technical services, it is important to also makethe over-arching brand of Facilicom more visible. After all, thatmeans that clients will recognise Facilicom’s ability to pool expertise from various disciplines. It is also important in thisregard to make it clear to the market how unique Facilicomis: after all, the company is the only provider to offer all softand hard facilities in-house. Facilitair! forms an important plat-form from which to convey that unique proposition and willalso explain how it benefits clients.

Employment marketThe new client magazine is not only distributed amongstclients and prospective clients. It is also meant to play an im-portant role in achieving top-of-mind position within the in-creasingly competitive employment market. As a serviceprovider and people-friendly company, Facilicom is continu-ously on the look-out for new talent. The magazine sets outto make it clear to readers, in both express and subtle waysthat Facilicom is a major employer that offers plenty of workand career opportunities, as well as being a good employerthat provides a pleasant working environment with excellentconditions of employment, and furthermore an employer thatincreasingly offers flexibility in how the work is performed.

ExcitingFacilitair! magazine is journalistic in nature. It informs thereader not only about Facilicom but also about developmentsin the sector and in society. The first issue, which was pub-lished in early 2012, contains articles about what makes Fa-cilicom successful and the roll-out of hostmanship within thecompany, as well as a discussion of sustainable building anda fascinating series of interviews with experts about the im-plications of the strike action in the cleaning sector. The entiremagazine concept of Facilitair! was immediately translatedinto an online edition under the name Thewebsite forms a dynamic extension of the client magazine andpublishes, for example, a fortnightly blog by Geert van deLaar, Group Director of General and Technical Services Com-panies in the Netherlands.

De juiste mensen op de juiste plek



Facilicom gaat voor



.nuFacilicomVan en voor iedereen binnen Facilicom Services Group

nummer 1 - februari 2012


J A A R G A N G 1 , N U M M E R 1 J A N U A R I 2 0 1 2



De dringende behoefte

aan fair trade-aanbestedingen


A new, contemporary staff magazineFacilicom would like to inform its staff of the ins andouts of activities within the company. What is more, thiswould also enable them to learn more about the otherdivisions and that can only be a positive thing for colle-giality amongst staff and working together on the work-floor. The staff magazine fulfils an important role inachieving this. The magazine was completely revampedin 2011.

The first issue of came out in January 2012, butthat was only possible due to the fact that the CorporateCommunications department completely re-established themagazine during the year under review. The existing FacilicomBulletin gradually became in need of rejuvenation and readerswere asked for their ideas for a new and contemporary staffmagazine in a survey. More than 500 readers took the troubleto complete the survey, which was used in part to substan-tially redesign the layout, structure and content of the maga-zine. Dozens of new sections now enable staff to be evenmore informed of everything to do with Facilicom and the op-portunity to give feedback has also been created in the formof the ‘Dit vind ik nu’ [‘Here’s what I think’] section. Still a firm fixture is the column by Johan Dobbelaar, a Trigionsecurity officer with a flair for writing who has been taking ahumorous look at work, the world and life in his column formany years.The name, which was the readers’ favourite newname, also offers possibilities for also communicating onlinewith staff in the future. The magazine is already using sitessuch as Facebook to run campaigns amongst readers.

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G E N E R A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1

Initial rollout of new

IT system

4 0 | 4 1

Many years ago, it was decided that Facilicom would introduce a completely new

IT system. The old AS400 system had become dated and the company also needed

a single system for all divisions. That would save a great deal of duplicated work

and facilitate mutual collaboration. With the initial roll-out due in January 2012, FIVE

(as the project was dubbed) came ever closer during the course of 2011.

After careful consideration, Facilicom opted for the well-known SAP system several years ago. It also decidedthat the company was to work with standard applica-

tions as much as possible. That would save a lot of work car-ried out on an individual basis and the company would be ableto benefit from updates brought out by the manufacturer. How-ever, a great deal of preparation is necessary as a result inorder to migrate data from the old to the new system. Staff willoften have to work differently and they will of course have tobe trained to do that.

Facilicom has hired in Logica in order to set up the system,but many other staff from Facilicom are involved in the project.They contribute expertise from the company and as they havealready been closely involved in the project, they also have theknowledge to inform and support colleagues during the tran-sition to the new system. That expertise is being utilised whenit comes to writing the training modules for staff and designingthe self-help function that Facilicom will have in SAP.

Of course, the transition to the new system must run smoothlyand the business must not be put at risk. That is why the newsystem is being rolled out in stages. In January 2012, SAP wasintroduced in Facilicom Professional Products (FPP), which pri-marily works internally, and in the regional cleaning companyRobbers. As Facilicom works with shared service centres, stafffrom all staff departments immediately switched over eitherfully or partially to SAP. The first roll-out was intended to ironout any teething problems in the system and to identify whatcould be done more effectively.

The system is otherwise running smoothly. Whilst the first roll-out was still on the schedule, the FIVE team was already work-ing on the next stage. The whole of Gom, a company witharound 9000 employees, must switch to the new system inthe autumn of 2012. The whole of the French division willswitch to SAP in one go at the end of 2012.

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G E N E R A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1

‘We’re happy with the switchto SAP’Staff at the regional cleaning company Robbers onlyheard in November 2011 that they were to switchfrom AS400 to SAP within three months. In an inter-view in the autumn, Marieke Wientjens, branch co-ordinator at the Amsterdam office of Robbers,welcomed the accelerated arrival of SAP, and she isstill happy: ‘It may have cost all of us a great deal ofwork and energy but it was certainly worth the effort.I can really see the advantages of the new system’.She is looking forward to the time when all moduleshave been added and the whole of Facilicom startsworking with SAP. ‘Only then will you really be ableto see what we do as a company. It will be great if Ican soon see exactly what other companies do inpremises in which we already work with Robbers.That is fantastic for Facilicom, but also for us, as wecan of course also share in the benefits.’ Ellen Groenewoudt becomes

Managing Director of TrigionA striking “changing of the guard” took place at Trigionwhen Ellen Groenewoudt was appointed Managing Director as of 1 August. She succeeds Geert van deLaar, who was appointed as Group Director of Generaland Technical Services Companies in the Netherlandsat Facilicom on the same date. The new Managing Director of the security services division hopes that thesecurity company will also distinguish itself in its willingness to assist.

Ellen Groenewoudt has worked for (the predecessors of) Trigion since 1990. She started out as a management assistant and went on to become department manager, business unit manager and divisional director. When Trigionwas established at the end of 2005, she was appointed operations director. In that position, she was expressly involved in the merging of PreNed and Falck Security & Services into a single company, one that also developed intothe market leader in security services in the Netherlands inbarely five years. The press and the trade press paid a greatdeal of attention to her appointment as managing director ofthe security services division and in her many interviews EllenGroenewoudt had the opportunity to state what she intendedto focus on in Trigion. The company will focus closely on newmarkets in the coming years, but the attitudes of staff willchange too. Clients are increasingly demanding hostmanship,willingness to assist, experience of service and customer excellence. Trigion was already a trailblazer in that respect andthe new managing director will only continue with that course.She will also seek collaboration with other Facilicom companies in a more explicit way by encouraging cross-selling and promoting multiservice.

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Social & Corporate Social

Responsibility ReportIn accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting


Since the 2008 reporting year, Facilicom reports each year on the objectives it has

achieved in the field of CSR policy. Our reports are prepared in accordance with the

guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Facilicom’s Social and Corporate

Social Responsibility Report indicates how the divisions have performed against

these specific objectives, but is also designed to provide an insight into other

initiatives that have been taken or objectives that have been achieved.

4 2 | 4 3S O C I A L & C O R P O R AT E S O C I A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y R E P O RT

Performance indicator GRI-standardPeople Staff numbers (LA1)

Staff turnover (LA2)Absence due to illness (LA7)Training and education (LA10) Employees satisfaction (LA12)

Planet Fleet energy labels (EN29)Environmental incidents and fines (SO8)

Profit Net turnover (EC1)Profit (EC1)Solvency (EC1)Staff costs (EC1)Client satisfaction (PR5)Complaints (PR8)





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The CSR policy of Facilicom

1.1 ACCOUNTABILITYCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is inextricably linked withthe culture at Facilicom. Caring for people, the planet and profitfits in with a policy geared towards continuity of the business,employment for our staff and provision of a service to ourclients. Since its establishment in 1966, Facilicom has been astandalone business, independent of external equity providers.There is no pressure from outside to achieve profits in the shortterm, so the company’s policy focuses on the long term.

This is the definition that Facilicom uses for its CSR policy: ‘Thedevelopment and pursuit of a policy, within the dimensions ofPeople, Planet and Profit, that focuses on sustainability and along-term contribution towards social welfare, whilst taking therelevant stakeholders into account.’ Since the 2008 reportingyear, Facilicom reports each year on the initiatives taken andthe objectives achieved in the field of CSR policy. Our reportsare prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the GlobalReporting Initiative (GRI). The report is made at GRI-C level.Facilicom also subscribes to the principles of the Global Com-pact Initiative of the United Nations. These principles havebeen applied in the company, such as being translated into thecompany code and procurement code of Facilicom.

In order to embed our CSR policy within the organisation, acomprehensive management model has been implemented at

group level, which corresponds to the existing certified ISO9001 management system. The CSR policies are assessedeach year against the criteria of ambition and realisation. Thedivisions set at least two specific targets each year, based onthe group’s level of ambition. Facilicom’s Social and CorporateSocial Responsibility Report indicates annually how the divi-sions have performed against these specific objectives, but isalso designed to provide a picture of other initiatives that havebeen taken or objectives that have been achieved. This is cer-tainly not a complete picture, however.

1.2 PERFORMANCE INDICATORSThe recurrent theme underlying this Social & CSR Report takesthe form of the performance indicators derived from the GRIguidelines. We have, of course, borne in mind their relevanceto the company’s operational processes.

The table shows which GRI standards were used in 2011. Thisreport also provides an account of the standards derived fromFacilicom and its divisions’ mission, strategy and values, thecompany’s involvement with society and the standards thatare applied in the market. This report is not actually intendedto be exhaustive and initiatives and developments launched inprevious years are generally not mentioned again in this report.

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Division Certification/ standard/ codeStaff services - ISO 9001:2008

Construction and - ISO 9001Installation - VCA**

- VCA Petrochemicals / Sector-orientated noteson Rail infrastructure

- VGO quality mark (building maintenance)- BRL3201- BRL6000 parts 1 to 5 inclusive, 7 and 8- BRL6010- Police hallmark Veilig Wonen [Safe Living]- LPS1233 Extinguisher systems

(sprinkler and gas extinguishers)- Inspection criteria- Supervision of Fire Safety Measures in Use of

Buildings- BORG National assessment guideline- FSC - Chain of Custody- F-Gases Regulation- STEK Company certificate- BMI Installation company- BMI Fire detection company- BMI Drafter of Programme of Requirements- REOB Maintenance company- CCTV Surveillance in Public Spaces

Facility Solutions - ISO 9001:2008

Catering - ISO 9001:2008 including certification chartContract catering

- Ik Kies Bewust [I’m making a consciouschoice]

- Code of hygiene for contract catering- ISO 14001- CSR performance ladder - level 3 (under


Cleaning - ISO 9001:2008- ISO 14001:2004 (specific commercial processes)- VCA** (Gom Specialist Cleaning department)- VCA* (regional cleaning companies)- OSB Plus- OSB Quality Mark, Glass and Wall cleaning- NEN 4400-1- CSR performance ladder - level 3 (under


Security - ISO 9001:2008- VCA*/VCA** (specific properties)- Security Quality Mark of the Netherlands

Security Sector- ECABO Certificate- Warranty Certificate- Event Security Quality Mark of the Netherlands

Safety Sector- CCTV quality mark (surveillance of public

buildings)- Private Investigation Agency Quality Mark of

the Netherlands Safety Sector- CSR performance ladder - level 3 (under


Belgium - ISO 9001: Facilicom, Gom, Prorest, Trigion,FFS

- VCA**: Gom- VCA*: AG Window Cleaning, ACS general

cleaning, Production Services, Building, Maintenance

France - ISO 9001- NF Services

Great Britain - ISO9001:2008- ISO14001:2004- NSI Gold- Safe Contractor- Registered Waste Carrier- BicSc

PeopleAs a ‘people-friendly company’, Corporate Social Responsibility comes as second nature to Facilicom’. Our employees are our most important asset and thecompany therefore does everything it can to promotethe health and welfare of its staff. Facilicom firmly believes that corporate social responsibility can secureloyalty to the organisation and succeed in retainingpeople within the organisation.

2.1 STAFF COMPLEMENTIn 2011 Facilicom employed 31,350 permanent staff, of which21,834 in the Netherlands, 4,022 in Belgium, 3,831 in Franceand 1,663 in Great Britain.

2.2 STAFF RETENTIONFacilicom endeavours to provide long-term employment. Afterall, that is the best way to retain valuable knowledge and ex-perience and guarantee continuity for clients. Long-term em-ployment also formed one of the specific objectives of 2011for four divisions in the Netherlands. With the exception of one,they managed to exceed the target and employed 85 percentof staff for more than one year. The percentage of staff em-ployed for more than ten years is 33.8 percent across the com-pany in the Netherlands. Breijer Bouw en Installatie is countedseparately and achieves an even better score of no less than41 percent. The fact that Facilicom has always endeavouredto employ people in the long-term is demonstrated each timeat the traditional staff anniversaries evening. In 2011, 456 em-ployees celebrated their 12.5th anniversary, 105 employeescelebrated 25 years with the company and 4 employeesmarked their 40th anniversary. In keeping with tradition, they

1.3 MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSThe CSR policy complements existing management systemsconcerned with quality, environment, safety and conditions ofemployment that are applied within Facilicom. The table showsa summary of the most significant certifications, standards andcodes that are applied in managing the company.

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were thanked for their years of service to the company by thefounder of Facilicom Mr. J.G. Geurts.

2.3 STAFF RECRUITMENTOur employees always have first refusal on any vacancies thatarise. We are also stepping up our internal search for employeeswho are ready for a new challenge, because Facilicom placesgreat value on internal progression, even between the group’sdivisions. External recruitment often takes place via the Internet.The aim is for 60 percent of management positions to be filledinternally within Facilicom and in 2011 the level achieved was35 percent. Applications are generally submitted on electronic,easily completed application forms. All the divisions use thesame system to manage vacancies and applications, whichmakes it easy for them to refer applicants from one division toanother. Selection procedures are always geared towards find-ing the best candidate, irrespective of gender, nationality or fit-ness. However, we also consider the need to keep commutingdistances at a sensible level. Prorest has developed a specialpolicy for contract changes. The (mandatory) takeover of staffhas been found to cause people considerable stress and a spe-cial transition protocol ensures careful support during thechangeover, whether an employee arrives from outside or leavesthe company. The new approach furthermore guarantees thatwhen employees arrive, the expertise of employees at that siteis used as effectively as possible. Facilicom France devotes agreat deal of effort to the integration of individuals with a disabil-ity. A total of seventeen people with a disability were employedin 2011. The French division also signed the Charte de la Diver-sité in 2011 in order to reaffirm that the company does not dis-criminate when recruiting and endeavours to ensure that its staffcomplement is representative of the diversity within society.

2.4 ABSENTEEISM DUE TO ILLNESSIn 2010 the rate of absenteeism due to illness at FacilicomNetherlands was 4.86 percent (over the first two years of ill-ness), whilst in 2011 the rate of absence was 5.34 percent.That is higher than the target figure of 5 percent or lower. Therise is in line with the national trend: absenteeism is risingeverywhere and furthermore the number of staff with psycho-logical conditions is rising. This is likely to be associated withthe continuing economic crisis, which is also making it increas-ingly difficult for people to manage and is causing them finan-cial problems. It is also worth noting that the figures haveshown an increase in physical conditions and that could be re-lated to the increase in the average age of employees.The company’s own Re-integration department devotes itselffully to encouraging staff to be able to return to their own workor different duties or be able to start work with another em-ployer. Certainly in these difficult times, it is important that peo-ple are able to move from one employment post to another.The approach to absenteeism was improved further in 2011by the launch of an internal occupational health and safetyservice. This ‘insourcing’ is intended to result in more effectivelydeployability during periods of incapacity for work, promote amore rapid recovery and is meant to make a further contribu-tion to the policy that people must remain permanently em-ployable up until pensionable age. In order to ensure that employees receive assistance morequickly, Facilicom entered into a partnership in 2011 with twomedical clinics with a number of branches in the Randstad re-gion. Waiting times have been substantially reduced as a resultand employees can now see a medical specialist within oneweek. Any treatment takes place within ten days of diagnosisand this prevents unnecessary and long-term absence.

2.5 SUSTAINABLE DEPLOYABILITYFacilicom endeavours to ensure that staff are employable sus-tainably. The basic principle of that policy is that the companyand its employees share joint responsibility for ensuring thatwork remains both physically and intellectually manageable upto the age of 67. That is why the existing absenteeism policyis being changed into a policy focusing on sustainable deploy-ability. The new policy is necessary because the staff comple-ment is ageing, the pension age is being increased, thegovernment is making cuts and the population has a more un-healthy lifestyle. That also results in a higher rate of absen-teeism at Facilicom.The new policy states that Facilicom will endeavour to make itsemployees aware of the relationship between health, welfareand the level of performance that Facilicom expects as an em-ployee’s employer. The company is promoting sustainable de-ployability of employees, which involves the employer and theemployee taking responsibility for that. Where necessary, Fa-cilicom will create parameters so that employees are able tocontinue to participate in the labour process, as long as it isjustifiable. Personal development and welfare form the focus ofthis. The policy is meant to result in fewer absences, high mo-tivation, high performance and quality of work by 2014. Prorestalready took proactive measures to achieve sustainable deploy-

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United Kingdom2,462














Personnel services1,973






1,571201 0







Construction andinstallation





Staff complement in the Netherlands on 31 December 2011

International staff complement on 31 December 2011

0 20 40 60 80 100100 80 60 40 20

% part-time % full-time





Personnel services

Construction and installation



United Kingdom










Proportions of full-time and part-time employees in 2011Facilicom

Cleaning 78%



Construction and installation 98%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Norm 85%




Percentage of employees employed for more than one year

Facilicom 5.73%

Cleaning 7.30%



Construction and installation 4.50%

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Norm 5%



Number of wage corrections

Facilicom 35.1%

Cleaning 30.9%

Security 36.9%

Catering 42.4%

Construction and installation 41.0%

Personnel services 33.2%

Belgium 9.6%

France 35.0%

United Kingdom 19.7%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Percentage of employees employed for more than ten years











Construction and installation

Facilicom broad

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
















Facilicom Cleaning Security Catering Construction andinstallation




6.3 6.5

7.3 7.3 7.3


Employee satisfaction score in the Netherlands

Absenteeism due to illness in the Netherlands

0 20 40 60 80 100



Catering 76%


Construction and installation 95%



Facilicom Facility Solutions 99%


Facilicom 98%







Performance and assessment cycle in the Netherlands

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ability in 2011. The company was faced with relatively frequentstaff absences, which mostly resulted in long-term absence.Prorest now holds concern meetings at an early stage with em-ployees who are regularly absent which examine what actionthe employee themselves and the company can take in orderto prevent absence. This fitness policy has been a demonstra-ble success. That is why it is being continued at Prorest and isbeing rolled out further in the rest of the organisation.

2.6 EMPLOYEE SATISFACTIONAs a ‘people-friendly company’, Facilicom places considerableimportance upon employee satisfaction, and particularly em-ployee motivation. All of the divisions organise an employeesatisfaction survey amongst their entire staff complement atleast once every three years. Low scores are addressed bymeans of clearly formulated action points and these points forimprovement are closely scrutinised in a subsequent survey.One of the specific CSR objectives in many company divisionsin the Netherlands in 2011 was to limit the number of wagecorrections to 5 percent.

2.7 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONThe programme run by Gom to provide all indirect line man-agers with training up to senior secondary vocational educationlevel 4 is being rolled out ever further within the organisation.The company’s own Cleaning Basic Training course has provedto be a success and 155 new staff followed this programme in2011. Gom ZorgSupport also provides a training course in‘Dutch on the workfloor’ to staff who frequently come into con-tact with patients and medical personnel. The training pro-gramme of Trigion, the Trigion Academy, is regarded as thelargest On-the-Job Vocational Training programme in theNetherlands. Around 1,300 security officers and team leadersfollow a course at senior secondary vocational education levels3 or 4. Hoffmann Bedrijfsrecherche also invested a great dealin the further professional development of employees in 2011.Many employees followed general or security-orientated man-agement courses, attendance at conferences and seminarswas encouraged and staff from the forensic department re-ceived further training in specialisms such as advanced hackingand data recovery. Prorest redesigned the supplementarycourses partly on the basis of the results of the most recentstaff satisfaction survey. Assistants are still taking one-day train-ing courses, whilst catering supervisors and catering managersreceive separate two-day training courses. The programme,called ‘Passion for service’, is intended to ensure that Prorestlives up to its proposition as the committed caterer at each site.Mystery visits are used to inspect before and after the trainingwhether the team has indeed become more pro-active andoffer just that little extra something to guests. The second Prorest Master class delivered five talented staff members in2010 and 2011 who are now prepared for a higher manage-ment position. Facilicom Bedrijfsdiensten began running a newmaster class for management trainees in 2011 and since thenthirteen of these individuals have been involved in an intensivetwo-year trainee programme. In 2011, Axxicom Thuishulpbegan supplying all homecare staff with instructions for how to

Number of training and education courses

Division Training course Participants 2011Staff services TIBI-test 850

Absence training 9Management 9

Construction and Basic safety VCA 35Installation Safety for Operational Managers 19

Company emergency service and first aid 97Various specific technical and discipline-based training courses 201Organisational skills 246

Catering OCC Catering Manager C 12OCC Catering Manager B 36Master class 9Prorest Instruction on Introduction (PIBI) 153

Facilicom Advice skills 33Executive modules 18Potential programme 11Induction day 63Management skills 36Time management 26High Potentials 5IFM workshop 25Hostmanship 350Hostmanship Train the Trainer 24

Cleaning GIBI training course 1489SVS educational programme 128TOP programme 6On-the-job vocational training 86Basic training 155On-the-job vocational training in external cleaning supervision MBO level 4 62Training in Hostmanship 45Client development and client management 43Time management 15Client management 35Coaching for managers 23Dutch language training 25

Security Front Office Manager MBO level 4 363Front Office Assistant MBO level 3 609Supervision and Safety Assistant MBO level 2 62Supervision and Safety Enforcement Assistant MBO level 3 235Security Officer 2 65Operator in Private and Governmental Buildings 13ISPS port security officer 94Customer care/security 14Dealing with Aggression 128Receptionist + 84Security Host 156Search 20X-Ray and radiation hygiene 18Care security officer 10AED 957VCA in Basic Safety and full VCA 256Company emergency service team member 1257Fire alarm systems warden (trained person) 60First Aid 434Company emergency service team leader 567Private Investigator Training 3Professional training courses in investigation/(ICT) security 28Advanced/further training in investigation/(ICT) security/misc. areas 10

Belgium Language and computing skills 11Specialist training 77Management skills 12

Great Britain Performance Management 5Handling Discipline 3Absenteeism 3Equal Opportunities 3Accounts Awareness 153 Day First Aid 8BicSc 12FIBI 367Safety Harness Systems 5

France Gom Process 33Safety/Security 127Operation techniques 23Security 47Trade 43Personal Development 10First Aid 102Other operation techniques 284Others 74

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be able to perform their duties in an effective and responsibleway. The material is dealt with during staff meetings and every-one is subsequently assessed. Two groups have since com-pleted this programme. The division in France began amanagement development programme. All managers followthis two-year programme. Two British area managers are cur-rently taking a personal development programme with supportfrom the central HR department in the Netherlands. FacilicomUK also offered trainees the opportunity to gain work experi-ence in the head office for the first time in 2011.

2.8 HOSTMANSHIPIn autumn 2011, Facilicom began a comprehensive pro-gramme to train staff in hostmanship. By offering hostmanship,the Facilicom companies are able to meet current needs ofclients with regard to general and technical services more ef-fectively. Facilicom also uses the hostmanship programme tocreate a positive culture and atmosphere within the company.Hostmanship is meant to make staff feel comfortable workingfor Facilicom and in this way Facilicom hopes to retain its po-sition as the best general and technical services employer inthe Netherlands. The company hopes that this will put it in amore favourable position to attract new employees and retainexisting ones. This is important in view of the ageing of the pop-ulation and the threat of increasing competition in the employ-ment market.

2.9 HEALTH AND SAFETYHealth and safety form permanent elements of the inductionprogrammes that are compulsory for most employees joiningthe company, but they are of course aspects that merit con-tinuous attention and we ensure that this is the case.

2.10 EMPLOYEE BENEFITSAll employees contribute to the Facilicom Social Fund, whichoffers financial support to employees who are in need of it. Thissupport would be the type that is not provided or is insuffi-ciently covered under normal government legislation relating tosocial benefits. The Facilicom Ombudsman – a position en-trusted to one of the lawyers from the Legal Affairs department– assists employees with legal issues pertaining to their per-sonal circumstances. People who are facing difficulties withdebt can contact NIM-BMW, an external organisation that as-sists employees in rescheduling their debt responsibly andcoaches them in how to manage their money more effectively.The Facilicom Advantage Programme offers employees attrac-tive discounts on insurance, such as a collective healthcare in-surance policy and an insurance package that employees cancompile themselves, including cover for cars, home, contentsand liability. The Advantage Programme also increasingly in-cludes discounts on products, subscriptions and days out. Abonus system applies to all staff in France and the amount ofthe bonus depends on the result achieved by the division. Fa-cilicom UK made significant progress in 2011 in developing abenefit programme for all employees.

3.1 PREMISESThe head office of Facilicom is equipped with two special windturbines that are sufficient to supply around 10,000 kWh ofelectricity per year. The building, which was completed in2006, was previously the first private office building in theNetherlands to achieve an EPA A++ label. Facilicom has intro-duced the Flexible Working scheme in several regional officeswith the aim of using the available space more efficiently, es-tablishing a familiar and pleasant working atmosphere and cre-ating flex-workstations. In the autumn of 2011, it was decidedthat the Flexible Working scheme should become an optionfor all FBD staff: if the work permits, staff may spend 20 per-cent of their hours working from home. In Great Britain, workis continuously underway to ensure sustainability of the prem-ises and operations at the head office have been officially CO2-neutral since 2011.


It should be the objective of every company to minimiseits impact on the environment and to preserve and cherish everything that the planet offers as much aspossible. If environmental impact or damage doesoccur, then organisations must try to reduce it as far aspossible or offset it in some other way. Facilicom’s policy is geared not only towards corporate social responsibility, but also towards encouraging other parties in the chain to employ a similar policy.

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3.2 MOBILITYAll the divisions endeavour, as far as possible, to allow theirstaff to work in the vicinity of their home. The companies allrecommend cycling as the ideal means of transport for travel-ling to work, with a view to promoting health and consideringthe environment. The divisions encourage this by offering em-ployees the opportunity to purchase a company bicycle withthe benefit of tax relief. New company cars have been requiredto have a minimum of a C class energy label since the start of2009. Since then, 91.7 percent of the fleet has a A, B or Clabel. Employees also have the option of choosing a hybrid ve-

hicle when choosing a lease car. Model calculations are alsoused to encourage employees to choose a vehicle that is moreenergy-efficient, emits less CO2 and results in a lower addi-tional tax liability. They are also encouraged to choose a smaller vehicle than theone to which they may be entitled: they received most of thebenefit on 1 January 2011 in the form of a mobility supple-ment. In order to speed up the transition to greener vehicleseven further, it was decided that staff using a vehicle with anenergy label D, E, F or G could fast-track the exchange of theirvehicle since 1 January 2011. A car dashboard has also beenintroduced in order to monitor employees’ driving behaviour inrelation to their environmental impact. The dashboard now al-lows an insight into the performance in each division and evenfor each employee. Each quarter, the driver with the most sus-tainable driving within Facilicom is placed in the spotlight. Asa result of the more flexible homeworking policy that was in-troduced in the Netherlands in the autumn, the number of kilo-metres travelled between home and work will most likelydecrease drastically. Trigion is offsetting all the emissions generated by its mobilesurveillance vehicles and the company saved around 1602tonnes of CO2 in 2011. At the end of 2011, Trigion also de-cided to replace some of the fleet with vehicles that run ongreen gas and three electric vehicles were also purchased.In France, the company is closely monitoring the energy con-sumption of new vehicles and in 2011 eleven company cars



2008 2009 2010





2011 2012(target)







Private vehicles with a green environment label (A, B and C) in the Netherlands

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were replaced with energy-efficient cars. In Great Britain, aninitial reduction in CO2 emissions of 1.9 percent was achievedthanks to changes to the fleet. The intention is that this reduc-tion will increase to 5 percent in 2012.

3.3 ENERGYFacilicom has been exclusively buying in sustainable energysince 2007. Wind turbines on the roof of the head office inSchiedam supply a proportion of the energy that is used inthe building. The offices of Breijer Bouw & Installatie in Rotter-dam use geothermal energy amongst other sources. Electricityis also generated using solar power. In most of the premises,climate control and heating are adjustable for each room, sothat no energy is wasted if the room is not in use. Light bulbsare energy efficient and often fitted with motion sensors so thatthey only switch on if someone is present.

3.4 MATERIALSAll existing programmes for using sustainable materials werecontinued in 2011. It is standard practice to print double-sided,e-mails are no longer printed and documents are increasinglyonly stored electronically. An increasing number of publicationsof Facilicom, such as the annual report, brochures and maga-zines are (also) published in digital format and many thousandsof wage slips are still exclusively sent in digital format. As a re-sult, consumption of paper and ink has been reduced and theamount of paper used has even fallen by 19 percent. TheBritish division was able to reduce its paper consumption in2011 by as much as 30 percent.Gom is actively following the developments with regard to eco-labels and the Charter for Sustainable Cleaning. The cleaning divisions in the Netherlands, Belgium and Franceare jointly participating in a European tender for the procure-ment of materials and equipment. Important deciding factorsin this tender are environmental impact and recyclability. As theEuropean legislation concerning the chemicals industry isbeing tightened in 2012, the call for tenders has been contin-ued. The cleaners already use cleaning products that have theleast possible impact on the environment in any case. Breijer is a Covenant partner of the Forest Stewardship Coun-cil, the international organisation that promotes responsibleforest management.Since February 2011, Breijer has held a Chain of Custody cer-tificate from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the inter-national organisation that promotes responsible forestmanagement around the world. Breijer supports the ten prin-ciples of the FSC: In addition to responsible felling of trees,other aspects such as maintenance and protection of biodi-versity and appropriate liaison with the local population are alsoexamples of these principles. With this certificate, the companydemonstrates that the FSC timber that is used in a project is guaranteed to have come from responsibly managedforests.Gom Belgium also uses cleaning products from Ecover asmuch as possible, which is the European market leader inwashing and cleaning products that are not only entirely eco-logically safe, but are also manufactured in a highly sustainable

way. The cleaning company in France also uses ecologically-safe cleaning products as much as possible.

3.5 WASTEWaste is collected, separated and processed throughout theentire Facilicom group. This is also the policy at many siteswhere employees of the cleaning companies or Facilicom Fa-cility Solutions are responsible for waste processing. The basicprinciple is that waste must be collected, processed and re-cycled as sustainably as possible. Gom made an active effortto re-use the original smaller boxes from the suppliers in 2011and it achieved its target to use 15 percent more smallerboxes. Breijer Bouw en Installatie uses the services of a pro-fessional building site consultant and as a result, every con-struction site now continuously ensures that waste isseparated and processed in the most effective way possible.That gives rise to a significant environmental benefit, as thewaste is now separated more effectively and recyclable mate-rials are passed to the appropriate recycling circuit. Thanks tothe reduction and separation of construction waste, the com-pany achieved a saving in CO2 emissions of no less than 24percent in 2010, the first year for which figures are now known.

3.6 ENVIRONMENTAL INCIDENTSNo environmental incidents occurred during the activities ofthe Facilicom companies in 2011.

3.7 AN APPROACH THROUGHOUT THE CHAINFacilicom is aware that the companies form an important linkin a business chain. The aim is therefore to encourage sustain-able operations throughout the entire chain by projecting thestandards and values of our CSR policy on to our suppliersand clients. The Facilicom companies accordingly give prefer-ence to suppliers who operate sustainably. The procurementdepartment assesses our suppliers for the environmental im-pact of the raw materials used in the products they supply tous. Suppliers are also required to comply with the procurementcode employed by Facilicom. One of the requirements of theprocurement code, which fulfils the principles of the GlobalCompact initiative of the United Nations, is that suppliers mustnever use child labour and animal testing. The Facilicom com-panies also impose requirements upon clients with regard toPeople, Planet and Profit, at least where these involve the ac-tivities of Facilicom employees. It goes without saying that ouroperating companies also comply with the CSR requirementsimposed by their own partners, clients and suppliers.

3.8 SUSTAINABILITYIn 2010, Facilicom launched the procedure for certification forthe CSR Performance Ladder, a management system that ob-jectively defines the sustainable development of a company.Other steps taken in 2011 include the publication of the stake-holders in each division and the company reached the nextlevel of the ladder. Certification will be obtained in mid-2012.

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Healthy returns are necessary to allow continued invest-ment and to guarantee the continuity of the companyand the employment it offers. However, the P for Profitstands for more than that: it represents Facilicom’s ef-forts, not just to achieve a healthy financial result yearon year, but also to contribute towards the welfare of so-ciety and play a positive part in this.

4.1 NET TURNOVERThe total turnover for 2011 amounted to 1,093,698,000 euros.The breakdown of the total net turnover by commercial activ-ities is contained in the explanatory notes to the ConsolidatedIncome Statement. The net turnover per employee for 2011was equal to 34,894 euros.

4.2 PROFITThe total profit for 2011 amounted to 29,008,000 euros. Theprofit per employee for 2011 was equal to 926 euros.

4.3 SOLVENCYFacilicom’s solvency stands at 45%.

4.4 PERSONNEL COSTSThe total personnel costs for 2011 amounted to 724,160,000euros.

4.5 CLIENT SATISFACTIONAll of the divisions measure satisfaction among their clientsonce every three years. Of course, the divisions continuallymonitor whether the services they provide achieve the desiredlevel of quality. An evaluation meeting is generally held everysix weeks with the designated staff member of the client andthe evaluation reports are used as the basis for any improve-ments.

0 2 4 6 8 101 3 5 7 9




Construction and installation


Facilicom Facility Solutions 7.03





Belgium 7.50

France 7.15

Axxicom Thuishulp

Client satisfaction 2011

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4.6 COMPLAINTSFacilicom companies meticulously record external complaintsand deal with them in accordance with the complaints proce-dure. The company keeps the complainant informed as to howlong it will take to settle complaint. A satisfaction rating that istoo low, or the frequent recurrence of a particular cause of dis-satisfaction, is dealt with as a formal complaint. In the eventthat employees wish to file a complaint, they can approachone of the six trusted employee representatives in the company.

4.7 INTEGRITYFacilicom employs a company code containing clear guide-lines on integrity. The company code forms a translation of theprinciples of Global Compact initiative of the United Nations.The topic of integrity is also given a prominent position in thecompulsory, group-wide training programmes. The divisionshave also supplemented the general company code withguidelines that apply specifically to their own sectors. If anyagreements with regard to integrity are breached, the compa-nies will take immediate and systematic measures to preventsimilar incidents in the future. A whistleblowers scheme is alsoin place, which allows employees to report any abuses, with-out running any risk of compromising their own position. Tri-gion also holds its own integrity consultation in order toemphasis the importance of integrity.

4.8 DIALOGUE WITH STAKEHOLDERSFacilicom has always felt a strong involvement with society andthe general and technical services sector. The divisions enjoymembership of numerous organisations, often playing a promi-nent role within those organisations when it comes to intro-ducing improvements and innovations. The table contains asummary of the most important organisations to which the Fa-cilicom companies belong.

4.9 PROMOTION OF KNOWLEDGEFacilicom has developed a considerable amount of expertisein the fields of general and technical service provision, out-sourcing, management and matters such as integrating per-sonnel following takeovers. The company shares thisknowledge in the Facility Knowledge Centre. This provides in-teractive sessions at which clients, students and other inter-ested parties are welcome. Generally, four of these sessionsare held every year and a sounding board group has also beenset up with a view to sharing knowledge, which consists ofaround 20 of Facilicom’s important business contacts. Thesounding board group meets twice per year in order to ex-change ideas about current topics in the general and technicalservices sector. It forms an ideal platform for finding out aboutthe wishes and expectations of clients and other contacts aspart of an open dialogue. It also offers Facilicom an opportunityto harmonise its own vision with those of a number of marketprofessionals.Facilicom also boasts an in-house knowledge centre. Fourtopics were covered in the past year in courses in which 305employees took part. The topics were a LinkedIn and Twitter

practical workshop, Raise your profile, Etiquette and forms ofaddress in 2011 and Mars and Venus in the workplace.With a view to encouraging the development of general andtechnical services management, Facilicom has been fundingthe academic Chair of Facility Management at the Universityof Wageningen. The company also sponsors the lectureshipin Facility Management at the NHTV Breda University of Ap-plied Sciences.Trigion has entered into an intensive joint venture with ROCTwente in the context of the Trigion Academy. The senior sec-ondary vocational educational institute has to appoint aroundsixty additional tutors in order to provide further training for thelarge numbers of security staff. Many of the companies createinternships for managers, general and technical services grad-uates and operations employees at all levels. Breijer works incollaboration with schools in order to promote interest in theconstruction and installation sector amongst youngsters.Gom, Trigion, Breijer and Axxicom are approved work place-ment companies.

4.10 INITIATIVES IN THE EMPLOYMENT MARKETGom provides support to people with a disability in numerousplaces across the country, with the aim of enabling these peo-ple to enter the mainstream employment market. What ismore, Gom is involved in the ‘Startbaan’project, an initiative ofthe Municipality of the Hague and the Employee InsuranceAgency, with the aim of training long-term jobseekers to be-come cleaning assistants, for example. Trigion is working together with the Employee InsuranceAgency to assist those who find it more difficult to enter theemployment market into jobs in the security sector. That hasbeen a success and in the meantime one hundred people whowere in receipt of invalidity benefit or benefit under the Workand Income (Capacity for Work) Act or with a history of long-term employment have been assisted into employment. Trigionhas also been involved in an initiative of TNO along with sevenother large companies with a view to developing a quality markfor social return. The division made a contribution towardsdrawing up guidelines and has also been subject to a test auditin order to examine whether the quality mark is suitable andfeasible.The Construction and Installation division employs students ofZadkine College and the Albeda College in the renovation ofhomes in deprived areas of Rotterdam.Axxicom is working in close collaboration with numerous mu-nicipalities in order to achieve social return on investment(SROI). The partnership assists Axxicom in recruiting suitableemployees, ensures that people in receipt of support are ableto return to work and enables municipalities to help people fac-ing difficulty in entering the employment market to integrateinto society.

4.11 MAKING ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCEPOSSIBLEWith the Green Selection Programme, Gom provides clientswith a total concept consisting of environmentally-friendlycleaning, reduction of the environmental impact of sanitary

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Facilicom is a member of a wide range of associations with the aim of sharing knowledge and keeping up to date withdevelopments.

Division MembershipCatering Veneca (board position + a number of committee members)

Facility Management NetherlandsFood Service NetworkImproving Food Sustainability PlatformHealthy Weight Covenant (Work sub-covenant and School sub-covenant)Improving Sustainability of Animal Products Covenant Organic Agriculture Market Development Task Force

Facility Solutions Facility Management NetherlandsDutch Green Building CouncilVGMEF-MexNFC-indexCentre for Facility Management (CFM)NevapPPP Platform

Cleaning Corporate Association of Cleaning and Commercial Services (OSB) (board position + a number of committee members)Facility Management NetherlandsAssociation for Cleaning Research (ESR) (board position + a number of committee members)Young Food managementCleaning Quality Foundation (board position)Partner in MVO Nederland [organisation promoting CSR]

Construction Uneto-VNIand Installation Covenant partner, FSC

WVB – Real estate maintenance companiesVBR – Association of certified concrete repair companiesFOSAG – Employers Organisation for the painting, maintenance, metal preservation and glass industries.VEBON [professional employers’ association for the fire safety and security industries]NVDO Netherlands Association for Effective MaintenanceGBO Glass Industry OrganisationVNO-NCWBouwend NederlandVLA (Association of Air Equipment Suppliers)Vernieuwing Bouw [Innovation in Building]

Security Association for Private Security (board position + a number of committee members)Association of Security Managers Netherlands (chair)American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS International)Facility Management NetherlandsConfederation of European Security Services (CoESS)Aviation Security Services Association International, ASSA-IWorld Association of Detectives Netherlands Security SectorPrivate Investigation Agency section of Netherlands Security SectorNorea Professional Association of IT-AuditorsCISSP Certified Information Systems Security ProfessionalCISA Certified Information Systems Auditor

Belgium Cleaning: ABSU [general Belgian cleaning sector association]FFS: IFMATrigion: BVBOProrest: Comeos

Great Britain SIANCCA

France FEP (Fédération des entreprises de propreté et services associés) [cleaning industry association]GENIMARSEG (Association des Directeurs et Responsables de Services Généraux) [Association of Directors and Responsible Individuals in the General Services Industry]MEDEF

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consumer goods and installations and separated waste pro-cessing, including the separate collection and recycling of plas-tic coffee cups. Clients can also enter the measures that Gomtakes as part of this Green Selection Programme in their CSRreports, since they demonstrate improved environmental performance. In 2011, Gom brought the Green Selection Programme to the attention of (potential) clients through twomemorable campaigns.The advice and project management role of FFS makes useof its expertise to lend support to clients in making their generaland technical services operations more sustainable.

4.12 PROVIDING HEALTHY AND NUTRITIOUSFOODProrest encourages healthy eating by offering products thatmeet the criteria of ‘Ik kies bewust’ [I’m making a consciouschoice] criteria. The company has also signed up to the Over-weight Covenant and healthy and sustainable products arefeaturing more prominently in the restaurants. The range is al-ready at an excellent standard, but the focus is now shiftingtowards encouraging people to buy ‘good food’, by organisingcampaigns and by means of food labelling. Prorest is also cap-italising on the latest trend, namely providing regional produceand obscure local vegetables. Clients and guests are attractedby the feeling of authenticity associated with these products,but what is certainly just as important is that this minimises thenumber of food miles incurred. Prorest is also continuing to in-crease the number of organic products it offers and the cater-ing sector acts as a trailblazer in this regard. The sale oforganic products in corporate restaurants has already beenhigher than 20 percent for several years and that is many timeshigher than in the retail sector. The proportion of products oringredients that are fairtrade or UTZ certified is also rising.

4.13 SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTIONFacilicom’s sustainably-built head office was constructed en-tirely by the group’s own companies and the experiences theygained as a result – in both sustainable construction and sus-tainable operation – are still being applied by all the divisionsto ensure that all general and technical services contracts andconstruction and maintenance projects are performed sustain-ably. Breijer Construction & Installation is applying these expe-riences when renovating buildings and it is also able to applymany of these ideas and solutions in the construction of newpremises, such as the Tax Office in Doetinchem. The Con-struction and Installation division is working hard to improvesustainability by applying more integrated solutions in con-struction, by using BIM (an integrated 3D Building InformationModel) and by working in a more rational way in accordancewith the standards of Lean Construction. A Sustainability man-ager looks after the further development of sustainable con-struction. The company also allows its clients to share this expertise byoffering ‘sustainability scans’. Breijer is a strong advocate ofmaking existing property stock more sustainable and its certi-fication in accordance with Energy Performance Advice (EPA)scheme enables it to make an important contribution in this

regard. In providing tailor-made recommendations, BreijerTechniek not only looks at energy savings but also at (improve-ment of) living comfort and the interior environment. In 2011,Breijer signed a covenant for the restoration of the C-buildingat the Erasmus University Rotterdam, in which it stipulates thatBreijer and other consultants will seek the most sustainablesolutions.Facilicom Facility Solutions is a very active member of theDutch Green Building Council (DGBC). This organisation pro-motes the improvement of sustainability of the urban environ-ment on many fronts. With its membership, Facilicom plays anactive role in promoting sustainable new-builds, making exist-ing buildings more sustainable and the sustainable operationof premises.

4.14 GOOD CAUSESAt the end of the year, Facilicom always lends its support to agood cause instead of sending client gifts. That was the casetoo in 2011, when staff were able to vote via the intranet forwhich good cause was to receive our support in the year underreview. This time, the chosen good cause was CliniClowns. The executives of Gom ZorgSupport undertake structured vol-untary work for both clients and their clients.During their team day, the sales staff of Trigion attended vari-ous activities for people in social isolation in conjunction withthe Red Cross. In addition, all staff of Trigion collected clothingand books to be sold in the Red Cross shop in Utrecht.In 2011, Prorest sponsored the Sintercity Express, a spectac-ular Sinterklaas festival for 500 children from day centres.Facilicom was a co-organiser of ‘Waterweg Beweegt’ in 2011,a public fitness event for the whole family involving walking,cycling and running. Staff were encouraged to join in the fit-ness activities by means of an internal campaign and boardmembers and staff members set a good example. Thanks tothe proceeds from the event, the Vlietland Hospital is able toinvest in new medical research techniques.

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(x EUR 1,000) 31 December 2011 31 December 2010



Intangible fixed assets – –

Tangible fixed assets 104,850 93,640

Financial fixed assets 5,057 4,875

109,907 98,515


Stocks 5,448 4,693

Trade receivables 191,843 188,885

Other receivables, prepayments and accrued income 23,439 11,117

Liquid assets 111,264 116,623

331,994 321,318

441,901 419,833

(x EUR 1,000) 31 December 2011 31 December 2010


GROUP EQUITY 200,400 183,153


Pensions 1,095 1,322

Taxation 5,099 3,514

Miscellaneous 146 238

6,340 5,074


Depts to suppliers 41,941 34,096

Debts in respect of taxes

and social security premiums 67,171 90,250

Debts in respect of pensions 2,507 244

Other debts, accruals and deferred income 123,542 107,016

235,161 231,606

441,901 419,833














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(x EUR 1,000) 2011 2010

OPERATING INCOME 1,093,698 1,052,106


Costs of (auxiliary) materials 81,925 67,679

Outsourced work and other external costs 169,273 178,865

Staff costs 724,160 691,238

Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 16,928 15,470

Other operating expenses 63,331 52,647

1,055,617 1,005,899

OPERATING RESULT 38,081 46,207


Interest income and similar income 1,304 851

Financial income and expenses 293 183

1,011 668


BEFORE TAXATION 39,092 46,875

Taxation 9,388 12,464

29,704 34,411

Result from participating interests 415 399


Share of third-parties -1,111 -925

NET PROFIT 29,008 33,885





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(x EUR 1,000) 2011 2010


Operating result 38,081 46,207

Depreciation of fixed assets 17,324 15,436

55,405 61,643

Changes in operating capital:

Trade receivables 390 858

Stocks -755 271

Other receivables, prepayments and accrued income -10,318 5,817

Current liabilities -1,550 -11,592

-12,233 -4,646

43,172 56,997

Financial results and taxes

Interest income and similar income 1,294 170

Interest charges and similar charges -293 -183

Dividends received 330 403

Profits tax -10,616 -6,364

Change in provisions 1,265 908

-8,020 -5,066



Acquisitions of group companies -12,462 -38,010

Disinvestments in financial fixed assets 7 -591

Investments in tangible fixed assets -30,299 -26,597

Disinvestments of tangible fixed assets 1,765 2,625

-40,989 -62,573

-5,837 -10,642


Paid dividend -1,149 -788

-1,149 -788

NET CASH FLOW -6,986 -11,430

Liquid assets gained in acquisition of group companies 1,436 2,791

Exchange rate and conversion differences 191 34






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Risk managementThe Board is responsible for the internal risk management andcontrol systems and ensures that these systems function ad-equately. The systems have been designed to manage signif-icant risks and to achieve operational and financial targets.Optimum risk management encompasses the timely identifi-cation of risks and the management of risks that could affectour operating activities in the short and long term. The systemensures that predictability improves and adds value to thecompany. The most important basic principles are as follows:• It is only sensible to take a business risk if the likelihood of

this risk arising and its potential consequences do not posea threat to the continuity of the company. In general, thecompany takes a cautious approach with regard to accept-ing operational and financial risks.

• The Board - at all levels of the organisation - identifies, analy-ses and manages the risks at operational level, within theareas of responsibility assigned to it, in such a way thatthese risks are manageable and are in keeping with the ob-jective of the company division and the business in general.

• The relevant legislation and regulations and the internal rulesof conduct are complied with as a matter of course. Strin-gent quality standards are in place that are based on internalrules and external bodies, such as ISO/NEN certification andso forth at operational level and (for example) the HorizontalMonitoring covenant at financial/taxation level, as well as in-ternal and external (accountant) audits of operationalprocesses, management reports and annual accounts.

• Risk management is of crucial importance to the organisa-tion and has been embedded as such into our companystructure.

Doing business is inextricably linked with taking risks. The risksthat exist in relation to our company are not of a special nature,nor do they differ from what can usually be expected in thesector.The Board declares that with regard to the financial accountsrisks that the internal risk management and control systemsprovide a high degree of certainty and that the accounts donot contain any inaccuracies. Please refer elsewhere in thisdocument including the section entitled ‘Financial risk man-agement’. The aspects of risk management with regard to theoperational situations are described within this annual report.No significant changes were made to the control systems in2011. However, the optimisation of the systems continues tobe a recurrent area for attention and consequently the systemsmay be subject to further refinement and/or additions.The organisation is working on the implementation of a newERP system for the entire organisation. and as part of this, riskmanagement and the provision of timely, sufficient manage-ment information forms an important pre-condition in the im-plementation process. The first company divisions wereconverted in 2012, in which staff are now working hard to bringthe internal risk management and control systems to the leveldesired by the company.

Accounting principles for preparation of the annual ac-countsThe annual accounts have been prepared on the basis of his-torical costs in accordance with Book 2, Title 9 of the DutchCivil Code.

Consolidation principlesThe consolidation includes the financial data of Facilicom Serv-ices Group NV and those participating interests in which it di-rectly or indirectly holds more than 50% of the share capitaland over which it has effective control. The consolidation isbased on the parent company’s accounting principles for bal-ance sheet valuation and the determination of the result. Theresults from acquired companies are included in the consoli-dated income statement from the date on which they becamepart of the group. The main supplies of goods and servicesprovided between group companies have been eliminatedfrom both the turnover and the other figures in the incomestatement.In accordance with the Annual Reporting Guidelines, relatedparties of which Facilicom Services Group has predominantcontrol are also included. The company Facilicom Bedrijfsge-bouwen BV is not directly associated with the group in a legalsense; the group can, however, exercise predominant controland has granted a loan facility to finance the tangible fixed as-sets that it leases. The company’s operating activities chieflyentail the letting of property to the group.

AcquisitionsIn 2011, Facilicom took over the shares of Hoffmann Bedrijfs-recherche BV, which involved a turnover volume of more thanEUR 8 million and a staff complement of 80 employees. Theexisting investigations activities were integrated into HoffmannBedrijfsrecherche over the course of 2011 and as such thisforms an independent company division within the group. Thetakeover was financed entirely from the group’s own funds.The legal and beneficial ownership was acquired in January2011 and the group took responsibility for the results withretroactive effect up to 1 January. The figures were included inthe group annual accounts of Facilicom from this date.Within the construction division, the takeover of Asset FacilityManagement BV took place in October 2011. The annualturnover was more than EUR 3 million with a staff complementof 30 employees. The takeover was financed entirely from thegroup’s own funds. The legal and beneficial ownership was ac-quired in October 2011. The group became responsible for theresults on that date and the figures were included in the groupannual accounts of Facilicom. In Great Britain, the company took over Indigo Services taking over 100% of the shares. This involved a turnover ofEUR 15 million and a staff complement of about 900 employ-ees. The activities will be integrated into Facilicom CleaningServices Ltd. over the course of 2012. The takeover was fi-nanced entirely from the group’s own funds. The transfer ofownership of the shares took place in October 2011. Beneficialownership was acquired on 1 July 2011 and the group be-came responsible for the results with effect from this date. The figures were included in the group annual accounts of Fa-cilicom from that date.The guiding criterion for inclusion in the consolidation is notjust control but also the presentation of the group’s perform-ance as a whole.A number of other order portfolios within the divisions werealso taken over in the Netherlands.

Foreign currenciesAll entries in foreign currency are converted at the exchangerate on the balance sheet date. The exchange rate of the euroagainst the British pound that was used is EUR 0.83530 (2010EUR 0.86075) on the balance sheet date 2011. Exchange ratedifferences are charged or credited to other reserves.

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Intangible fixed assetsGoodwill represents the difference between the acquisitionprice and the net asset value of the acquired subsidiary or par-ticipating interest at the time of acquisition. The fee paid in con-nection with asset and liability transactions that cannot beattributed to individual assets is also classified as goodwill.Goodwill that is paid is charged in full to shareholders’ equity.

Tangible fixed assetsTangible fixed assets are stated at historical cost, less straight-line depreciation calculated on this basis.A company building is included under ‘Company buildings andsites’ that was made available to a client pursuant to a DBFMOagreement. The asset was designated as property for the pur-pose of private use in connection with the provision of generaland technical services stated in the agreement. The book valueon the balance sheet date was EUR 27 million.

Financial fixed assetsThe participating interests are valued on the basis of cost priceor net asset value. This is calculated on the basis of accountingprinciples that apply to the whole group. Claims against par-ticipating interests and loans to them, as well as other claims,are included when first processed at fair value and are thenvalued at amortised cost, which is equal to the nominal value,less a provision for unrecoverable debt if necessary.

StocksThe stocks of materials and goods for resale are stated at thelower of cost and market value. The valuation of stock takesaccount of a risk of obsolescence.

Work in progress for third-partiesWork in progress for third parties are valued at cost price plusattributed profit, proportionate to the progress of the project,subject to deduction of foreseeable losses and invoiced instal-ments. The cost price encompasses all costs that are directlyconnected with the projects and the directly attributable indi-rect costs on the basis of normal production capacity. If theprofit of a project can be reliably estimated, this is reported inproportion to the work completed. If it is likely that the totalproject costs will turn out to be higher than the income, the fullexpected loss is included.

Claims Claims are included when first processed at fair value and arethen valued at amortised cost, which is equal to the nominalvalue, less a provision for unrecoverable debt if necessary.

Liquid assetsLiquid assets are stated at nominal value. Unless stated to thecontrary, these assets are readily available.

ProvisionsThe provision for pensions is based on an approximation ofthe liabilities. The provision for taxes relates to potential tax liabilities that willarise in the future, due to differences between the valuation ofcertain assets and liabilities for commercial and tax purposesrespectively. These liabilities are calculated on the basis of thetax rate at the balance sheet date.The other provisions are formed in relation to risks associatedwith the business operations.

DebtsThe long and short-term liabilities are valued at amortised cost.


Operating incomeThe operating income included in the profit and loss accountis the income originating from goods and services supplied tothird-parties, less any discounts granted to customers. In-voiced turnover on current projects is accounted for asturnover to the extent that it can be regarded as realised, tak-ing into consideration the current state of progress of the work.

Depreciation on tangible fixed assetsThe depreciation on tangible fixed assets detailed in the profitand loss accounts are calculated on the basis of a fixed per-centage of the cost price.

Financial income and expensesInterest income and interest expenses relate to the interest re-ceived from or paid to third parties.

Taxes on the operating resultCorporation tax is calculated on the commercial profit beforetax, subject to tax-deductible items and costs that are non-deductible for tax purposes. The difference between the taxon the profit according to the income statement and the taxon the taxable profit is debited or credited to the appropriateprovision for taxes. The tax liability in the various company di-visions is in accordance with the usual applicable rates.

Cash flow statementThe cash flow statement is prepared using the indirect method,in which the operating result according to the profit and lossaccount forms a basis for deducing the change in liquid as-sets. The financial implications of group company acquisitionsare reflected in the item ‘acquisitions of group companies’.


Pension schemeMost of the pensions of the group’s employees in the Nether-lands and abroad are administered by industry pension funds.Implementation agreements have been made at central levelwith the industry pension funds in which the employer cannotbe held liable to make good any deficits that may be accrued,other than possibly by way of higher premiums in the future. Itturns out that the funding ratios for most of the industry pen-sion funds do not fulfil the criteria imposed by De Nederland-sche Bank. The formulation of any recovery plans does nothave a direct impact on the employer’s contribution. With re-gard to companies not subject to a sectoral scheme, the pen-sion is mainly administered by a life insurance company on thebasis of a Collective Defined Contribution scheme, underwhich the group cannot be held liable in a material sense formaking good any deficits during the contractual period withthe pension insurance companies. All of the aforementionedschemes qualify as a defined contribution scheme in which thepension contributions paid are included in the profit and lossaccounts as a charge.

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Policy governing special anniversariesWith reference to the social and corporate social responsibilityreport, Facilicom employs a policy governing special anniver-saries that singles out employees with a long term of serviceto their name by celebrating the occasion and awarding abonus to show appreciation.

The amounts involved do not substantially affect the presen-tation of the annual accounts and therefore the annual ac-counts do not contain a provision for this. The specialanniversary costs are charged to the profit and loss accountsin the year of expenditure.

RELATED PARTIESIn addition to its shareholding interest, Facilicom ServicesGroup has a business relationship with most of its participatinginterests. This also applies to these companies in relation toeach other, with services and/or products being procured fromthe companies in question. These business relationships arealways based on (contractual) arrangements for which com-mercial conditions have been agreed.

The company Facilicom Bedrijfsgebouwen B.V. owns much ofthe real estate in use in the Netherlands on behalf of FacilicomServices Group, and leases this property to the group. Theleases are concluded under conditions in line with the market.The policy of the company is also determined by the Board ofFacilicom Services Group and the company has thereforebeen included in the scope of consolidation.

The business activities of Aveant Thuishulp BV are closely re-lated to the shareholders, in that Facilicom undertakes themanagement and is responsible for performance, while AveantBV is the only purchaser. In 2011 the services accounted forEUR8.4 million. The pricing is set in accordance with marketconditions.

Auditor’s feesIn accordance with article 2:382a of the Dutch Civil Code, theindependent position of the audit organisations involved in theaudit of the annual accounts has been clarified. Of theamounts charged, which totalled EUR510,000, the audit of theannual accounts and other auditing tasks accounted for 76%and 10% respectively, tax matters accounted for 13% andother services not related to audit services made up 1%.

FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENTFacilicom recognises the financial risk factors with regard tocurrency, interest, price, credit and liquidity. These financialrisks are not of a special nature, nor do they differ from whatcan be regarded as usual in the sector. Facilicom employs astrict policy that aims to minimise and manage these risks asmuch as possible. To this end, a range of general managementmeasures, such as internal procedures and instructions, spe-cific measures and financial tools are used. These measuresare accompanied by proper reporting systems and short linesof communication. The financial risk factors of Facilicom, themanagement measures and the residual risk are explained ingreater detail below.

Risks associated with currency Facilicom operates in the United Kingdom. The profit andshareholders’ equity of Facilicom is therefore subject to fluc-tuations of exchange rates. In general, Facilicom operates inthis market via local subsidiaries and this minimises the risksassociated with currencies, in view of the fact that most trans-actions take place in the same monetary unit. The associatedtranslation risk is not covered.

With regard to the financial instruments, Facilicom primarilyruns risks associated with currency in the financing ratios inBritish pounds between the Netherlands and the subsidiariesin the United Kingdom. The risks are not covered. However,the effect on the profit and shareholders’ capital of Facilicomis limited.

Risks associated with interestFacilicom’s interest rate is related to the interest-bearing claimsand liquid assets on the one hand and interest-bearing debtson the other hand. In the case of variable interest, Facilicom issubject to a cash flow interest risk. In view of the funding ratiowithin Facilicom, whereby shareholders’ equity is largely usedas the source for funding and (bank) credit is only used to alimited extent, the risk associated with interest is minimal.

Risks associated with priceThe price risks of Facilicom are related to the purchase of rawand auxiliary materials and the outsourcing of work. The dif-ference exists between the market price at the time of out-sourcing and the quotation of the project and/or service andthat at the time when this is actually executed (purchased).

The aim of Facilicom’s policy is to agree on the option of in-dexation at the time of outsourcing/instruction. Frameworkcontracts are also used with the most important suppliers. Al-though the effect of price fluctuations can never be entirely ex-cluded, Facilicom believes that the most economical decisioncan always be made in the course of business operations andas such risks are limited; they are therefore generally not cov-ered.

Risks associated with creditFacilicom is exposed to credit risks by reason of financial as-sets including (trade) receivables, liquid assets and depositswith banks.

The credit risk from claims is monitored by the subsidiaries in-volved and at central (staff) level. The credit-worthiness ofclients is strictly analysed beforehand and subsequently mon-itored during the project/performance of service.

The liquid assets and deposits of Facilicom are held with var-ious banks. Facilicom limits the credit risk of liquid assets anddeposits held by banks by choosing to do business with bankswith respectable reputations. Facilicom’s policy is to limit theconcentration of credit risks of liquidities where possible bymeans of prudent distribution and active treasury manage-ment.

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Intangible fixed assets (x EUR 1,000) 1) 2011 2010


Balance at the beginning of the financial year – –

Acquisitions 10,152 32,060

Debit entry against group equity 10,152 -32,060

Balance at the end of the financial year – –

The group’s policy is to charge the goodwill purchased in the year of acquisition to group equity.

Company Equipment Other Assets

Buildings and fixed operating under

Tangible fixed assets (x EUR 1,000) 2) and sites installations assets construction Total


Purchase value 47,632 22,817 71,111 25,240 166,800

Cumulative depreciation -13,445 -17,802 -41,913 – -73,160

Book value 34,187 5,015 29,198 25,240 93,640


Investments 18,176 11,028 15,704 -15,171 29,737

Withdrawal group companies 111 19 432 – 562

Disinvestments -3 -64 -1,698 – -1,765

Depreciation -1,982 -3,073 -12,269 – -17,324

Balance of changes 16,302 7,910 2,169 -15,171 11,210


Purchase value 65,907 32,881 82,121 10,069 190,978

Cumulative depreciation -15,418 -19,956 -50,754 – -86,128

Book value 50,489 12,925 31,367 10,069 104,850

Depreciation percentages 0,0% - 20% 10% - 33% 10% - 33% 0%

Financial fixed assets (x EUR 1,000) 3) Other participating interests Other receivables Total

Balance at the beginning of the financial year 431 4,444 4,875

Share in result 415 – 415

Dividends received -350 – -350

Changes – 117 117

Balance at the end of the financial year 496 4,561 5,057

The other receivables include a sum of EUR 3.5 million in deferred tax claims, valued at the nominal tax rate. The claim will be

realised in a period of 5 years.

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Stocks (x EUR 1,000) 4) End of Previous end of

financial year financial year

Materials and goods for resale 5,448 4,693

Work in progress for third parties – –

5,448 4,693

The balance of Work in progress of EUR -1.8 million is included under short-term debts. An amount of EUR 22.4 million is

included in the balance of Work in Progress (at the end of the previous financial year EUR 21.9 million) under projects, whereby

the invoiced instalments are higher than the attributed debts.

The balance of Work in Progress can be specified as follows:

Costs incurred including attributed cover 271,896 290,447

Invoiced instalments 269,546 282,944

2,349 7,503

Value of Work in progress 4,185 10,084

Balance at the end of the financial year -1,836 -2,581

Trade receivables (x EUR 1,000) 5) End of Previous end of

financial year financial year

Balance at the end of the financial year 198,513 195,545

Provision for bad debts -6,670 -6,660

191,843 188,885

All trade receivables become due and payable within one year.

Other claims, prepayments and accrued income (x EUR 1,000) 6) End of Previous end of

financial year financial year

Other claims 12,580 6,821

Prepayments and accrued income 10,859 4,296

23,439 11,117

Other claims, prepayments and accrued income mature within one year.

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Liquid assets (x EUR 1,000) 7) End of Previous end of

financial year financial year

Cash, bank and giro account balances 111,264 116,623

The above includes escrow accounts pursuant to the Wages and Salaries Tax and National Insurance Contributions (Liability of

Subcontractors) Act up to an amount of EUR 1.5 million.

(year-end 2010: EUR 2.8 million). These are not payable immediately. In addition to our claims against the institutions, the maxi-

mum credit available is EUR 43.5 million.

Group equity (x EUR 1,000) 8) 2011 2010

Balance at the beginning of the financial year 183,153 182,460

Goodwill paid -10,152 -32,060

Conversion differences for foreign participating interests 191 34

Total direct changes in equity -9,961 -32,026

Transfer from net profit in accordance with proposed

appropriation of profit 26,108 31,785

Total result 16,147 -241

Change in third-party interests 1,100 934

Balance at the end of the financial year 200,400 183,153

The group equity includes the third-party interests of EUR 13.1 million. (end of 2010 EUR12 million).The exchange rate differences

reserve amounted to EUR -1.1 million at the end of the financial year. (year-end 2010: EUR -1.3 million).

Provision for pensions (x EUR 1,000) 9) 2011 2010

Balance at the beginning of the financial year 1,322 1,447

Changes -227 -125

Balance at the end of the financial year 1,095 1,322

This concerns a transition and supplement scheme for an existing early-retirement plan in which a group of employees receive a

supplement on the pension date. However, the supplement is not payable if the employees leave employment prior to their retirement.

Provision for taxes (x EUR 1,000) 10) 2011 2010

The provision for taxes pertains to differences between accounting

principles for commercial and tax purposes respectively.

Balance at the beginning of the financial year 3,514 2,389

Change relating to difference between commercial

and tax result 1,585 1,125

Balance at the end of the financial year 5,099 3,514

The provision for taxes is calculated on the basis of the tax rate on the balance sheet date and is long-term in nature.

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Other provisions (x EUR 1,000) 11) 2011 2010 Balance at the beginning of the financial year 238 330

Changes -92 -92

Balance at the end of the financial year 146 238

All provisions are of a long-term nature.

Other liabilities, prepayments and accrued income (x EUR 1,000) 12) End of Previous end of

financial year financial year

Debts 39,796 25,612

Work in progress for third parties 1,836 2,581

Accruals and deferred income 81,910 79,066

123,542 107,260

Off-balance sheet financial obligations

Long-term obligations have been entered into in connection with tenancy and leasing. The annual obligations that arise from

these amounted to approximately EUR 8.8 million at the end of 2011 (year-end 2010 approximately EUR 8.1 million).

Bank guarantees have been issued to third parties up to a sum of EUR 16.9 million at the end of 2011 (year-end 2010 EUR

20.8 million), as well as an unlimited guarantee for self-insurance of various operating companies under the Invalidity Insurance

Act/Partial Capability for Work Act.

At the end of 2011 (replacement) investment obligations were entered into for approximately EUR 10.0 million (year-end 2010

EUR 20.0 million, including a new ERP package.

At the end of the financial year, various claims and/or issues of liability were submitted by clients and on behalf of Facilicom. The

outcomes and/or scope of these issues are stated in the annual accounts in so far as possible, but there are also still a number

of issues of which the outcome cannot be predicted. For that reason, it has not been possible to state a value for these and the

potential consequences could have a substantial effect.

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Operating income (x EUR 1,000) 13) 2011 2010

Net turnover 1,090,494 1,034,426

Capitalised in-house production 3,170 9,043

Change in work in progress 34 8,637

1,093,698 1,052,106

The operating income can be divided up into

the following activity areas:

Cleaning maintenance/catering services 427,976 375,454

Building and technical maintenance 137,066 150,307

Surveillance and security services 338,473 352,127

Catering management 38,711 40,011

Staff services 31,258 27,819

Facility management 120,214 106,388

1,093,698 1,052,106

Net turnover was generated in the following countries:

The Netherlands 833,816 836,776

Belgium 153,182 104,436

France 79,317 92,579

Great Britain 27,383 18,315

1,093,698 1,052,106

Staff costs (x EUR 1,000) 14) 2011 2010

Wages and salaries 557,173 535,343

Social security charges 110,031 96,937

Pension contributions 29,561 31,764

Miscellaneous staff costs 27,395 27,194

724,160 691,238

The remuneration paid to the Board of Directors during

the year under review was EUR0.9 million.

The average number of people in permanent employment of the group companies

was 31,350 in 2011 (in 2010: 30,051), distributed as follows:

Cleaning maintenance/catering services 17,964 17,811

Building and technical maintenance 754 682

Surveillance and security services 8,642 8,424

Catering management 755 650

Staff services 1,856 1,282

Management and administration 1,379 1,202

31,350 30,051

Depreciation of tangible fixed assets (x EUR 1,000) 15) 2011 2010

Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 17,324 15,436

Profit from sale of tangible fixed assets -396 34

16,928 15,470


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Annual accounts Withdrawal group Cash flow

Changes in operating capital (x EUR 1,000) 16) change companies change Total

Trade receivables -2,958 3,348 – 390

Stocks -755 – – -755

Other receivables, prepayments and accrued income -12,322 934 1,070 -10,318

Current liabilities 3,555 -3,972 -1,133 -1,550

Annual accounts Withdrawal group Cash flow

Financial results and taxes (x EUR 1,000) 17) change companies change Total

Interest income and similar income 1,304 – -10 1,294

Dividends received 350 – -20 330

Profits tax -9,388 – -1,228 -10,616

Annual accounts Withdrawal group Cash flow

Cash flow from investment activities (x EUR 1,000) 18) change companies change Total

Acquisitions of group companies -10,152 -2,310 – -12,462

Investments in financial assets -182 – 189 7

Investments in tangible fixed assets -29,737 -562 – -30,299

Annual accounts Withdrawal group Cash flow

Cash flow from financing activities (x EUR 1,000) 19) change companies change Total

Paid dividend – 2,900 -1,751 1,149


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C O M PA N Y B A L A N C E S H E E T ( B E F O R E P R O F I T A P P R O P R I AT I O N )

(x EUR 1,000) 31 December 2011 31 December 2010



Financial fixed assets 20) 18,179 29,455


Claims against group companies 149,714 131,195

Other claims 7,451 2,957

Liquid assets 15,524 10,399

172,689 144,551

190,868 174,006

(x EUR 1,000) 31 December 2011 31 December 2010



Issued share capital 21) 59 59

Share premium reserve 29,529 29,529

Other reserves 22) 131,633 109,809

Retained profit 26,108 31,785

187,329 171,182


Other debts, accruals and deferred income 3,539 2,824

190,868 174,006

Schiedam, 26 april 2012

Board of Directors

drs. J.A. Gennissen

drs. M.J.S. Geurts

drs. J.G. Geurts

drs. W.P. Geurts

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(x EUR 1,000) 2011 2010

Profit in the participating interests 28,685 33,599

Profit of Facilicom Services Group N.V. 323 286

NET PROFIT 29,008 33,885

In view of the fact that the financial data of Facilicom Services Group N.V. is included in the consolidated annual accounts,

the company profit and loss account has been summarised pursuant to Book 2, Section 402 of the Dutch Civil Code.

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Tangible fixed assets (x EUR 1,000) 20) 2011 2010


Balance at the beginning of the financial year 29,455 30,364

Goodwill paid -10,152 -32,060

Share in result 28,685 33,599

Dividends received -30,000 -2,500

Exchange rate and conversion differences 191 34

Other changes – 18

Balance at the end of the financial year 18,179 29,455

End of End of

financial year previous financial year


Authorised share capital 91 91

Capital not paid and not issued 32 32

Issued share capital 59 59

The issued share capital comprises 1,250 ordinary shares

and 50 priority shares, each with a face value of EUR 45.

2011 2010


Balance at the beginning of the financial year 109,809 110,536

Goodwill paid -10,152 -32,060

Exchange rate and conversion differences 191 34

Profit appropriation from previous financial year 31,785 31,299

Balance at the end of the financial year 131,633 109,809


Please refer to the notes to the consolidated balance sheet with regard to the long-term obligations.

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Group companies at year-end 2011 Registered office Holding

Facilicom Business Services

Cleaning Gom Schoonhouden B.V. Schiedam 100%Coppejans Verenigde Bedrijven B.V. Tilburg 100%Krimpens Schoonmaakbedrijf B.V. Krimpen a/d IJssel 100%VSP Schoonmaak B.V. Harderwijk 100%Atris Groep B.V. Nieuwegein 100%Atris Haaglanden B.V. Rhoon 100%Basita Schoonmaakdiensten B.V. Rhoon 100%Robbers Schoonmaakdiensten B.V. Nieuwegein 100%Ditshuizen Schoonmaakdiensten B.V. Zevenaar 100%ACS Cleaning Nederland B.V. Harderwijk 100%Gom Distributie- en Dienstencentrum B.V. Schiedam 100%

Security Trigion Beveiliging B.V. Schiedam 100%Trigion Services B.V. Schiedam 100%Trigion AlarmCentrale B.V. Schiedam 100%Trigion Event Security B.V. Schiedam 100%Trigion Safety B.V. Schiedam 100%Trigion Recherche Consultancy en Training B.V. Schiedam 100%Hoffmann Bedrijfsrecherche B.V. Amsterdam 100%

Catering Prorest Catering B.V. Schiedam 100%

Staff services Axxicom Personeelsdiensten B.V. Schiedam 100%Axxicom Airport Caddy B.V. Schiedam 100%Facility P&O Services, Werving en Selectie B.V. Schiedam 100%A Company B.V. Schiphol 100%Zorgcentrale B.V. Schiedam 100%In Huis Service B.V. Schiedam 100%

Homecare activities Axxicom Thuishulp B.V. Schiedam 100%Aveant Thuishulp B.V. Utrecht 51%

Catering Services Tapwacht Service B.V. Schiedam 100%Tapwacht Techniek B.V. Schiedam 100%

Main contracting Facilicom Facility Solutions B.V. Schiedam 100%Facilicom PPS Doetinchem OG. B.V. Schiedam 100%Facilicom PPS Doetinchem Exploitatie B.V. Schiedam 100%

Management and Administration Facilicom Bedrijfsdiensten B.V. Schiedam 100%Facilicom Wagenpark B.V. Schiedam 100%

Breijer Bouw en Installatie

Construction Breijer Bouw B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Schilders B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Glas B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Ventilatietechniek B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Loodgieters B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Contractonderhoud B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Betonconservering B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Bouw Huizen B.V. Huizen 100%Asset Facility Management B.V. Rotterdam 100%

Installation Breijer Installatietechniek B.V. Woerden 100%Breijer Brandpreventie B.V. Woerden 100%Van der Velde Firepro B.V. Woerden 100%Breijer Techniek Midden B.V. Woerden 100%Breijer Techniek West B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Techniek Zuid B.V. Schijndel 100%Materieel Beheer J. van Heeswijk B.V. Schijndel 100%Breijer Koeltechniek B.V. Tilburg 100%Trigion Beveiligingstechniek B.V. Schiedam 100%

Management and Administration Breijer Bouw & Installatie B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Holding B.V. Rotterdam 100%Schaap & Woudsma Beheer B.V. Huizen 100%Van der Velde Groep B.V. Woerden 100%


Page 72: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

Groepsmaatschappijen ultimo 2011 Statutaire zetel Belang


Belgium Facilicom Services Group Belgium N.V. Antwerp 100%Gom N.V. Antwerp 100%Prorest Catering N.V. Antwerp 100%Facilicom Facility Solutions N.V. Antwerp 100%Axxicom N.V. Antwerp 100%Trigion B.V.B.A. Aarschot 100%One Group N.V. Antwerp 100%-ACS General Cleaning N.V. Antwerp-MTC N.V. Antwerp-I-One N.V. Antwerp-Building Maintenance N.V. Antwerp

FranceFacilicom Services Group S.A. Paris 100%Facilicom S.A.S. Paris 100%Gom Propreté S.A.S. Paris 100%Prened Accueil S.N.C. Paris 100%Prened Securité S.A.S Paris 100%Axxicom S.A. Paris 100%

Great Britain Facilicom UK Ltd. London 100%Facilicom Cleaning Services Ltd. London 100%Trigion Security Services Ltd. London 100%Indigo Airport Services Ltd. London 100%Indigo Services Ltd. London 100%

Management and Administration Facilicom Beheer B.V. Schiedam 100%Facilicom International B.V. Schiedam 100%

Other participating interests at year-end 2011H.O.D. Nederland B.V. Utrecht 50%H.O.D. Presentie B.V. Utrecht 50%Schoonzorg B.V. Amsterdam 49%

Related partiesFacilicom Bedrijfsgebouwen B.V. Schiedam 0%

A declaration of joint and several liability within the meaning of Section 403 in Title 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, has beenfiled for all Dutch group companies with the office of the Trade Register of the companies in question. The above list only in-cludes the active companies; a comprehensive list is available for inspection at the Chamber of Commerce.

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The Executive Board has proposed the incorporation of the net profit of EUR 29,007,736 as follows:

Dividend payment EUR 2,900,000

Addition to the other reserves EUR 26,107,736

Provision regarding the appropriation of profit in Article 23 of the Articles of Association:

The profit stated in the adopted annual accounts shall be entirely at the disposal of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Special right under the Articles of Association pertaining to control

The foundation Stichting Administratiekantoor Facilicom Services Group held 50 priority shares at the end of the financial year.

J.G. Geurts forms the Board.

A number of special rights under the Articles of Association are vested in the holders of the priority shares. The meeting of priority

shareholders shall be entitled to determine remuneration and other conditions of employment of the Board. It shall also be entitled

to approve decisions of the Board, to be laid down in a specifically described decision.

The issue and repurchase of shares requires the approval of the meeting of the priority shareholders, which accordingly has a

pre-emptive right for the acquisition of such shares.

F I N A N C I A L A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1

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7 4 | 7 5F I N A N C I A L A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1


We have performed an audit of the annual accounts 2011 of Facilicom Services Group N.V. in Schiedam shown on pages 56 to

73 of this report. These annual accounts consist of the consolidated and separate balance on 31 December 2011 and the conso-

lidated and separate profit and loss accounts for 2011 accompanied by the explanatory notes, which include an overview of the

accounting principles used for the financial reports and other notes.


The Management Board of the entity is responsible for the preparation of the annual accounts, which provide a fair and true pre-

sentation of the capital and the profits and losses, as well as for the preparation of the annual report, both in accordance with Title

9, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. The Management Board is also responsible for such internal management as it deems necessary

in order to enable it to prepare the annual accounts without substantial discrepancies as a result of fraud or errors.


Our responsibility is to provide an opinion on the annual accounts based on our audit. We have performed our audit in accordance

with Dutch law, which includes the audit standards applicable in the Netherlands. Consequently, we are obliged to comply with

the applicable ethical guidelines and we are obliged to plan and perform our audit in such a manner that provides a reasonable de-

gree of certainty that the annual accounts are free of substantial misstatements.

An audit comprises performing activities in order to obtain audit information regarding the amounts and the explanatory notes in

the annual accounts. The selected activities depend on the opinion formed by the auditor, including the assessment of the risks

that the annual accounts may contain a substantial misstatement as a result of fraud or errors. When making these risk assess-

ments, the auditor takes account of the internal management that is relevant to preparing the annual accounts and to the true and

fair nature of these, with the aim of undertaking audit activities that are appropriate in the circumstances. However, it is not the

aim of these risk assessments to express an opinion with regard to the efficacy of the internal management of the entity. An audit

also involves evaluating the suitability of the principles used for the financial reports and the reasonableness of the estimates made

by the entity’s Board, as well as evaluating the overall impression from the annual accounts.

We are of the opinion that the audit information that we have obtained is sufficient and suitable as a basis for forming our opinion.


In our opinion, the annual accounts provide a true and fair representation of the size and composition of the capital of Facilicom

Services Group N.V. as at 31 December 2011 and of the profit for the year 2011 in accordance with Title 9, Book 2, of the Dutch

Civil Code.


Pursuant to Article 2:393, paragraph 5, sub-sections e and f of the Dutch Civil Code, we declare that we have not become aware

of any shortcomings as a result of the audit as to whether the annual report, in so far as we have been able to assess this, has

been prepared in accordance with Title 9, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, and whether the details required in Article 2:392, para-

graph 1, sub-section b to h inclusive of the Dutch Civil Code have been added. We also declare that the annual report, in so far as

we are able to assess this, is reconcilable to the annual accounts, as required in Article 2:391, paragraph 4 of the Dutch Civil Code.

Alphen aan den Rijn, 26 April 2012

Grant Thornton Accountants en Adviseurs B.V.

M.Baks RA J.Verkade AA RV

(external auditor)



Page 75: Trigion - FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL …...Trigion now offers unprecedented expertise in investigation, ICT security and consultancy and training. Moreover, the takeover provides

Text: Frank Bokern, Weergaloos met Woorden, BussumDesign and production: John Roobol, FacilicomPhotography: Concpt, Henk Jan Kamerbeek fotografiePrinting: MediaCenter Rotterdam

CO2 neutral production

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Head OfficeKarel Doormanweg 4

NL-3115 JD Schiedam

P.O. Box 144

NL-3100 AC Schiedam

tel.: 0031 (0)10 298 11 11

fax: 0031 (0)10 298 11 01

Head Office BelgiumAvenue Building

Noorderplaats 7 bus 1

2000 Antwerpen

tel.: 0032 (0)3 224 38 00

fax: 0032 (0)3 226 56 34

Head Office France2-4 rue Marco Polo

94373 Sucy en Brie

tel.: 0033 (0)1 49 82 85 00

fax: 0033 (0)1 49 82 85 90

Head Office UKSargasso Level 2

Five Arches Business Centre

Maidstone Road


Kent DA14 5AE


tel.: 0044 (0)20 83 08 50 50

fax: 0044 (0)20 83 02 58 49

Facilicom companies

Facilicom Facility Solutions

Trigion Beveiliging

Gom Schoonhouden

Prorest Catering

Axxicom Personeelsdiensten

Breijer Bouw en Installatie

Tapwacht Service en Techniek