tribute to norris deonarine

NFFA NATIONAL FOODCROP FARMER’S ASSOCIATION F O O D FO R T H E N A T I O N N O R R I S D E O N A R I N E 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 1 This document has been done in remem- brance of our dearly beloved Norris Deonarine who has departed us on the 18th February 2011. As the Education and Research officer of the NFFA since its inception, Norris as an activist, represented the true spirit of selflessness and dedication. He was a true people person to one and all. As a forceful advocate over the years, there had been no issue that our dear brother could not challenge especially when it came to the agriculture sector. His struggle aimed at promoting “Food for the nation” and “Land Security.” He knew of the struggles that farmers faced on a daily basis and represented farmers the best way that he could. Farmers felt hope when Norris took up issues on their behalf. Norris did not only seek farmers interests but was also concerned about the envi- ronment. He protested against the Alutrint Smelter, Rapid Rail project, Drummit 2 Summit of the Americas. He was an organizer of Block Up Inter –Primary windball competition. Norris should never be forgotten by all farmers and society as a whole for the development and valid contributions that he made to the agriculture sector. TRIBUTE TO NORRIS DEONARINE MONDAY 18TH FEB. 2013 MONDAY 18TH FEB. 2013 TRIBUTE TO NORRIS DEONARINE

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This document has been done in remem-brance of our dearly beloved Norris Deonarine who has departed us on the 18th February 2011.

As the Education and Research officer of the NFFA since its inception, Norris as an activist, represented the true spirit of selflessness and dedication.

He was a true people person to one and all. As a forceful advocate over the years, there had been no issue that our dear brother could not challenge especially when it came to the agriculture sector.

His struggle aimed at promoting “Food for the nation” and “Land Security.”

He knew of the struggles that farmers faced on a daily basis and represented farmers the best way that he could.

Farmers felt hope when Norris took up issues on their behalf.

Norris did not only seek farmers interests but was also concerned about the envi-ronment. He protested against the Alutrint Smelter, Rapid Rail project, Drummit 2 Summit of the Americas. He was an organizer of Block Up Inter –Primary windball competition.

Norris should never be forgotten by all farmers and society as a whole for the development and valid contributions that he made to the agriculture sector.



Page 2: Tribute to norris deonarine

The National Foodcrop Farmer’s Association (NFFA) was born on 9th November 1974 at a historic meeting in Aranguez. Farmers throughout the country were suffering from low prices for their produce goods were left to rot or given to animals. Farmers from Aranguez, Bamboo #1, Bamboo #2, Barataria and Pasea felt that something had to be done urgently and upon advice and information from officials of the Islandwide Cane Farmers Trade Union (I.C.F.T.U.) especially Mr.Raffique Shah, they decided to organize themselves to struggle for better conditions for farmers.

A steering committee was formed and began mobilizing farmers. The committee comprised of Mr. Nazim Ali ,who later became Vice President , Mr. Raj Dookhan, Mr.Bhangoor Singh, Ms. Rowtie Singh, Mr. Khemraj Nanhu who later became the first General Secretary and Mr.Selwyn Sukhu who became the next General Secretary of the NFFA and Mr. Ragoonath Khemraj, who became the first Vice President of the NFFA. Other members were Randolph Chandrate, Ken Parmasad, Glen Ramjag, currently a Vice President, Sydney Williams and Mr. Norris Deonarine Research and Education Officer who for the last decade was the leader of the fight for Land Reform and Food Security and Pulchan Sookdeo who later formed the T&T Farmers Association.

In October 1977 the NFFA held its 2nd Assembly of Farmers Foodcrop. Farmers from all over Trinidad attended. Professor George Sammy gave the feature address entitled”The Future of Foodcrop Farming in Trinbago” in which he concluded –

“The nation must give to the small farmer his share of the economic cake. Above all other sectors, it is the small farmers’quality of life’ that needs improving .In fact the small farmer has little or no quality in his life. The farmer provides an essential service to the community, in respect he must be placed on an equal footing with all other professionals. His respect and place in society must be returned to him, so that his children may be proud to walk in his foot-steps, knowing full well, that he and his kind are performing one of the most important functions in society. The production and supply of food to the nation ,this will come only when the farmer recognizes his own potential and realizes that his strength lies in unity with his fellow farmers.” NFFA took up on many issues affecting all farmers,and is still doing so for the benefit of farmers.

Some of these issues included: Food Security, Land Security/Tenure, Access roads and bridges, Irrigation, Flooding, Subsidies, Labour, Incentives, Educational Training, Better Extension Services, Loans and Marketing facilities.

NFFA has aided Trinidad and Tobago towards becoming a food secure nation, by constant repitition by former mem-bers of the NFFA and one of our most dynamic member Mr. Norris Deonarine, who had been very vocal about ‘Food Security’ and ‘feeding our nation’. It is a great moment for us as an organization to see that since 1974 until this present day, this Government has seen the importance of ‘Food Security.’

On this auspicious occasion of our 50th Anniversary of Independence, the NFFA wishes to thank all the many stake-holders, who have worked to bring progress to our agriculture sector over the past 50 years. At the same time we will be quick to point out that Food Security is still a Global challenge with many difficulties which require the collective talents and efforts of every food producer, every agricultural scientist and Extension officer.

We need to come up with creative ways to release the full potential of our agricultural resources, and to make a serious impact on our present dependence of TT$ 4 billion of food imports.

History of the National Foodcrop Farmer’s Association

NFFA stands committed in assisting for the development of the agriculture sector.

All lands that are vested in agriculture should remain for agriculture.

We believe once there is consultation with all involved within the sector there would be hope for all farmers.

There is a lot to be done for positive and effective growth in agriculture, because of the challenges that faces this sector.

As farmers we must recognize the important role and function we play in society and must be proud of our profession.