triangle 2009 vol. 1


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Page 1: Triangle 2009 vol. 1




Page 2: Triangle 2009 vol. 1

The Triangle is published by Brentwood Academy.Editor - Leah Hoskins

Design - Ann HotchkissPhotography - Barry Robbins, Gale Payne, Sandy Slinkard, Hal Henninger

and Leah Hoskins

Brentwood Academy is a co-educational, independent, college preparatory school dedicated to nurturing and challenging the whole person – body, mind, and spirit– to the glory of God.

Construction is currently underway on the Duncan Bell Tower at the entry to the upper school building with completion scheduled before the start of school in August. The Tower, a gift to the school from the alumni of Duncan School, will feature plaques bearing the history of Duncan School, the relationship between Duncan and Brentwood Academy and the names of the Tower donors. Along with the Duncan Bell Tower, a renovation project to the façade facing Granny White Pike will also be completed. An enhanced roof line and redesigned parking area are a part of this project. The new roof line will match those on the middle school, fine arts and athletic buildings. The addition will also include approximately 1000 square feet of administrative office space. These projects have been made possible by several donors who wished to see these changes made and were generous to support the projects.

On the cover: At the March, 2009 Youth Legislature Convention, BA rising senior Ryan Ray is being sworn in as the 2010 Governor. Ray is the eighth BA student to serve as governor in the history of the Youth Leg program.

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Duncan alumni gathered on the BA campus on May 28 to break ground for the Duncan Bell Tower. Pictured left to right are Headmaster Emeritus Bill Brown, John VanNess ‘50, Joe Price ‘50, Fred Beesley ‘54, Bob Campbell ‘47, Fred Perryman

‘50, Allen Williams ‘52, Walter Elliott ‘55, Fred Cassetty ‘55, John Upham ‘38 and BA headmaster Curt Masters.





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I was born in Three Hills, Alberta, Canada, where my American parents were attending Prairie Bible Institute after having finished college in the states, to prepare for mission work. There they heard a missions speaker named Ebenezer Vine share the need for those who would respond to God’s call to go and share the gospel message to those in places so remote that they had never heard the good news of salvation through faith in Christ, and particularly in a new outreach in the mountainous and remote interior of Dutch New Guinea. The name of his mission organization that they eventually joined, fittingly enough, was Regions Beyond Missionary Union, evoking the powerful words of II Corinthians 10:16, and that old hymn written by Albert and Margaret Simpson in 1904:“To the regions beyond I must go, I must goWhere the story has never been told;To the millions that never have heard of his loveI must tell the sweet story of old.”

My parents’ decision to respond to God’s call to the mission field led them to Dutch New Guinea (the big island north of Australia, which would later be called Irian Jaya, Indonesia) to work with stone-age tribes-people in the interior highlands. My parents learned the local language at an already established mission station, and then my father walked into a new area to open a new station located about seven days’ difficult trekking from the nearest airstrip.

The idea of building a mission station may sound simple. But it involved choosing a site near villages that would allow an airplane to land, learning a language among people who regarded strangers as enemies, finding a way to purchase enough land to build an airstrip in the open area between the five villages, and then actually building a landing strip by hand, before finally bringing in the rest of the family by small airplane months later. Large boulders in the path of the runway had to be heated with fire and then cracked with water carried from a nearby river. Food, wheelbarrows, the generator, and other supplies were dropped from the air. Sometimes the force of landing after being pushed out the door of the flying airplane caused complications. Wheelbarrows in particular seemed to lack impact resistance. I remember, among other stories my dad told, that at some point they decided to eat dinner after dark so they would not have to take so long to pick all the bugs out of the rice flown in from the coastal area.

When the airstrip was finally built, we flew in to join my father. It was not until years later that we learned that the local leaders had planned to kill all of us when we got off of the airplane. But when one of the chiefs saw my mother’s red dress, he took it as a sign of blood and a bad omen, so he and others stopped the plan to shoot all of us. (I am confident that God could have used a blue dress just as well to move the chiefs from their plan, but it seems safe to say, “Good choice, Mom!”)

Our home was simple, with dirt floors and pole walls covered with burlap bags, thatched roof and outer walls, a wood stove, and an outhouse. We had running water after my dad found a spring up the side of the hill (that he fenced off to keep pigs out) from which he then ran a water line to a barrel on the side of our house. The first one awake (well, strictly speaking, the first one out of bed) each morning lit the fire, naturally, and I love the picture I saw often of my mom and dad sitting by the fire with their Bibles open on their laps, reaching forward every now and then to stoke the growing blaze in the wood stove. Eventually my dad built a house out of sawn lumber. He had the

Growing Up in Dutch New GuineaBy Curt Masters, Headmaster

Phil Masters (Curt’s father) with Rob, Becky, Chrissie, and Curt at their mission station at Koropun, in the highlands of Irian Jay (formerly Dutch New Guinea).

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sawmill engine flown in, and built the mill and the house from scratch, with local help in felling trees and dropping them to the base of one of the many cliffs surrounding our valley, where he cut boards that became our floors and walls. One addition to the new house was a tin roof and actual glass windows (the small luxuries that we take for granted.) If you have not fallen asleep to the sound of rain on a tin roof, I will just say that it ranks right up there with the comfortable snap, hiss and pop of a wood fire.

On scheduled trips, Mission Aviation Fellowship planes would stop by every week or two to bring in a mailbag and supplies from the coast. Sometimes what we ordered from the coast was out of stock and we got replacements. So it was that our ordered assortment of Knorr dried soups showed up as a large case of pea soup (no longer a favorite of mine), and our order of assorted Kraft canned cheese came in as a case of caraway seed cheese (an acquired taste that I enjoy much more now than I did then). Our contact with the outside world was rare enough

that we treasured letters, and the packages that held delicacies from “the states” were ceremonially

devoured immediately, while news magazines and candy were strictly rationed to last as long as we could drag them out (three M&Ms for you, and three for me).

One feature of choosing to build our house on land located between the surrounding villages right near the airstrip (also happily situated so as not

to be “for” one village or “against” another) became clear quite

settled? On neutral territory, obviously! So our front yard was occasionally the setting for loud exchanges that led to arrows being fired back and forth. (All men over the age of puberty carried bows and arrows everywhere they went, with most of the arrows designed for people, and perhaps a few pig or bird arrows.) One of the great injustices of life, or so it seemed at the time, was that when the fighting was going on while we lived in the house with the grass roof, Dad made us kids get under the folding metal table as the arrows were being launched into the air around us (not at us, but in our “yard”), while he

Looking down at the airstrip from a nearby village.

Chrissie’s birthday party on the verandah at Karubaga.

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got to stand in the doorway and watch! At least once a chief named Momas (we called him Superman because he was so big and strong) stopped my father from intervening, moved him bodily back to our doorway and said, “You don’t bother us, and we won’t bother you!”

Another vivid memory involving Momas began in the early predawn light, when a woman burst into our house, gasping and crying, and found her way under my older sister Crissie’s bed. Momas slammed the door open shortly after her, followed the sounds she was making, reached under the bed and dragged the woman outside. He then yelled at her briefly (something like “Don’t you EVER…) and shot her twice in her hand, and three times in her thigh. She was one of his wives, and she had done something to upset him enough that he shot her, but not to wound her seriously. In that culture, women were treated as property, with roughly the value of one of the

that woman still alive and well, with the three scars on her thigh and the two on her hand.

As a brief aside, let me mention that Dad was offered several pigs for my older sister when we arrived, perhaps as a gesture of good will once they decided that we were not going to be killed. Although I can joke now about how I thought, “SELL!” in fact it was more than a little scary to contemplate such transactions as a second grader.

After learning the language well, my parents began to have an impact in at least four areas. First, they were teaching any who would come to “school” how to read and write their own language (first put into writing by my parents). Second, they treated sickness and injuries with antibiotics, dressing changes,

from kids rolling into the fire in the middle of their hut in their sleep, toothaches that required a tooth to be pulled without anesthetic, arrow wounds, cuts, worms and parasites and many other ailments, sometimes with advice from a doctor over the radio, and rarely with a doctor flying in or a patient being

without charge, to try to provide more nutrition to supplement the common problem of malnutrition and a lack of vitamins

bought back the produce for salt or other trade goods, and shipped the vegetables to the coast, where the land did not support gardens as well. Fourth, and most importantly, they began to gain the trust and understanding of the people well enough that they could share the hope that they found in knowing Jesus Christ as their personal savior, translating and teaching Bible passages and truth.

Little by little, people began to believe in Christ, and to trust Him for forgiveness for their sins and for freedom from fear.

the reality is that whatever the veneer of culture, civilization and sophistication surrounding people, each of us has a need for forgiveness and for a personal relationship with God that can come only through faith in Christ. And in the customs and realities of life in those tribes, fear of each other and the constant warring, fear of the spirits that mysteriously controlled massive earthquakes, frequent landslides, and the torrential rainfall that could wipe out the food supply, fear of the traditions that treated women as property and strangers as enemies, and fear of the unknown all kept people enslaved to fear. So the message of hope and a loving God brought with it a freedom from fear and forgiveness from the sin that binds each of us. As some began to respond, they brought others to hear the message of the gospel as well.

father and another missionary, Stan Dale, made a trip by foot

the gospel close to our stations, a new airstrip would make it easier to spread the message of hope in the rough territory that took seven days of hard walking to traverse. On that trip my father and Stan Dale, along with several native men, were shot

check in by radio as scheduled, we did not know what had happened, but eventually a few men who had been with them found their way to another mission station where they told how the men had been followed by a large group of men, then

that they would not allow outsiders to influence their ancestor and spirit worship, and this clearly seemed a setback to the work that God had called my parents to do. I am reminded again of a later verse of that same song:

Enough if the Master I please.

His salvation shall know.”

term, and the measures of success that God uses are eternal, not temporal. One thing is certainly clear - God is a master at turning defeat into victory, and God used a plane crash and the survival of one nine-year-old boy in that same valley months later to open the hearts of those same people whose hearts had been hardened. Although there is certainly still spiritual warfare going on in that area, I have had the rare privilege of meeting one of the men who helped kill my father, who is now a pastor carrying that message of forgiveness and hope on to others.

Phyliss and Phil and family after his return from a trek into the new mission site at Koropun. (Becky was not sure about the guy with the beard!)

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I am reminded of Joseph’s comment to his brothers when

“You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good...”

our mission station, in

memorial service for my

the same age that my father had been when he was killed. An old man came up to me and said, with his gnarled hand on my nose, “You have the face of your father!” Of course that was an emotional time, but I think of the spiritual parallels there, as our relationship with Christ continues to mature and we see His likeness in those who grow in Him. And it was in that way that I saw the face of their Father in those spiritual leaders who had come to know Christ personally because Phil and Phyliss Masters introduced them to the message of hope and forgiveness through faith in Him.

After Dad was killed, my mother decided, after much prayer and discussion, to stay on the mission field. She was three months pregnant at the time, and although she faced many difficult questions about her direction and purpose and provision, God used her scripture memory to keep speaking to her. (One especially difficult thought was the idea that the people, who were cannibals, had eaten the bodies of the men they had killed. Early on we were told that they had been afraid to eat the bodies, and had been talked out of doing that, but later when the people were more comfortable sharing what had happened we found out that the men’s bodies had been eaten.) For about a year and a half she had been “hiding God’s words in her heart,” memorizing a verse each day so that she had a treasure of truth that God kept bringing to her mind when she felt overwhelmed or discouraged. God

afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.” Another verse that was a great comfort was

shall not overflow you: when you walk through the fire, you

shall the flame kindle upon

grateful for the way God used many people’s faithful and sacrificial support to enable Mom to carry on her work as a missionary. An essential part of this included making it possible for her to pay the tuition for all of us kids to go to an “mk” (missionary kid) school, which is one reason

why I have such an appreciation for the sacrifices that many supporters of our school make to allow Brentwood Academy to provide need-based financial aid.

Again, at first blush this may seem like a natural decision, but it was my father who was the ordained minister and the one who had done most of the public speaking. But when we returned to the states for furlough two years after Dad had been killed, God gave her a confidence and a personal testimony of His faithfulness that opened doors to ministry in ways that she had never anticipated. She returned to the mission field until she retired, and all of her five children graduated from high school overseas before returning

day, although she has retired from the “field,” she still speaks at missions conferences and churches, shares with women about serving the Lord as a single woman, or being a single mom, or following God’s calling and trusting Him whatever the circumstances. She is especially fervent in her ability to encourage Bible memory, as God used that commitment so strongly in her own life.

As I reflect on how God has provided for all of us, it seems important to note that although God does promise a special reward for those who die for their faith, and that He will provide for those who lose loved ones for Christ, neither my father nor my mother chose this path of my father being killed. In fact, few if any of us will have much say in how or when we

that I appreciate my parents so much has nothing to do with what they could not control and would not have chosen, but rather with what they did choose to do with the opportunities God gave them, and the choice they made to spend their lives to share their hope in Christ with others. May we have the boldness to do the same!

(If you want to hear my mom, Phyliss Masters, sharing her thoughts during a Brentwood Academy chapel, you can find the

link at by clicking on the “Streaming Media” link in the middle of the page, then choosing “Special Guest Speakers” on the next page, followed by clicking on “Phyliss Masters.”)

Editor’s note: Additional parts of the above story may be read in Lords of the Earth by Don Richardson and in To Perish For Their Saving by Helen Manning.

“Philip Bible School” in Koropun, which was built after Phil Masters death.

Phyliss with Crissie, Rob, Curt and Becky and holding Timothy Philip, born six months after Phil’s death.

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By Peggy Peden, Faculty Member

On most any school day you can find Brentwood Academy students in the new weight training room working on improving their strength and skills. Some very important training is going

work in helping students change how they learn to perform physical workouts.

enables humans’ higher order thinking. “It sets us apart from the animals. Students who struggle are often not using mental

to be auditory processors.”

Putney, BA’s Learning Center Director, works with BA faculty Amy Shavers, Chandler Ganick ’typically work with about thirty students for six months to a year. Students are usually referred by teachers to receive tutoring and other academic help.

Helping students to use the frontal cortex of their brains is an important element of that help. Putney explained that learning styles are habits, and some students’ learning habits are less than effective. “It’s like trying to lift a barbell with your pinky.

Putney has found that students who are struggling may be

frustrated because they spend a lot of time studying with

trying to learn] to themselves over and over again.” Students who learn effectively “don’t even think about what they’re doing.” Even when they are listening to lectures, processing incoming auditory information, “students who get it are transferring it to mental pictures. If you’re not doing that, the information can be very confusing.”

As a student begins to develop the habit of learning visually,

him to make his own picture.”

One exercise that helps to develop the habit of visualization calls for students to draw pictures that help them make a connection to the information they’re learning, and its effectiveness isn’t limited to struggling students. After hearing Putney’s presentation at a statewide private school teachers’ conference, one BA teacher introduced this into her Honors English classes. Students draw pictures beside the words in

connection between the word and its meaning.

On the Learning Center wall is a drawing illustrating the

depict the presidents in order, and each picture flows to the


Learning Center Director Troy Putney and a student work with visual puzzles.

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of clothes, and that image is followed by a character with a large Adam’s apple. “Students who learn this can name the presidents in any order, forward or backward,” Shavers said.

increased blood flow in active areas of the brain. If study subjects are primarily auditory learners, the auditory centers of

Putney said.

Some of these differences are the result of the child’s

brain, he said, “sees something, sorts it out, tries to find the pattern.” Putney and the Learning Center staff try to give BA students’ brains more efficient ways to find the patterns.

per minute in reading speed since December of this year.

something has changed.”

Shavers said that math, especially geometry, is particularly impacted by visualization, by “being able to see the shapes in your head.” Math teacher Randy Johnson emailed a dramatic math success story. One student’s

work in the Learning Center.

Several games and activities are used in the Center. A favorite with students, Visualize Math, features a penguin hosting

without a board. Students must visualize the board and moves in space, using numbers to designate the squares.

Putney was not an easy convert, but he’s convinced now. He’s seen the process work. “I started out very skeptical,” he said.

than I would have thought. Students are putting in a lot more effort than they have to. I’m a hundred percent believer now. I see

necessary to launch this new program.

BA Latin and Greek teacher Barry Robbins has a dual perspective on the process. He sees the impact on his students, and he credits visualization techniques with changing his daughter Hannah’s academic interests as well as her

Robbins traveled to Michigan with Ray Mullican ’Masters to meet with Dr. Steven Ingersoll, an optometrist

Ingersoll is a leader in visualization therapy, and within a three

from having the lowest performing student population of any

the highest performing school with only one percent on Ritalin.

learning styles, Ingersoll, according to Robbins, feels that “we all have the capacity to be visual learners, and visual learners tend to be the most successful.”

Robbins found insight into his own daughter’s reading difficulties. Hannah could recognize and understand words, but she had trouble remembering what she had read and comprehending the ideas. Robbins began asking her the questions Ingersoll asked and found that his daughter looked

told him that it hurt her eyes. He discovered how little Hannah was using her abilities to imagine, even to see.

read before they have the visual skills to see a

taught to sound out the word, that forces them into auditory learning rather than associating words and phrases with pictures, and that leads them to build habits that avoid visual learning. For many of these children, life is “like looking at the world through a rolled up newspaper,” Robbins said. Robbins noticed that Hannah even wore her hair so that it fell over one eye because her eyes didn’t work well together.

therapy, they met Amy Shavers, a therapist in that office. It wasn’t long before Shavers joined the BA faculty. It also wasn’t long before Hannah became an avid reader of serious literature.

he remembers being told, “you’ll be amazed.” He and Hannah

she’s excited to discuss literature and ideas with her dad.

Robbins hopes to see more teachers integrate visualization into

students who learn more effectively, perform better athletically and feel more confident of themselves in every aspect of life.

Can you name the presidents?

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Receiving awards at graduation were Colleen Boyle (Valedictorian), Alyssa Visbeen (Carlton Flatt Female Athletic Award), Jay Renfro (Bill Brown Founders Award), Hannah Margaret Allen (Andy Anderson ‘79 Spiritual Life Award), Thad McHaney (Carlton Flatt Male Athlete Award), and Cara Beth Heath (Salutatorian)

Eight children of BA alumni received their diplomas. Front row: Whit Whitson (Scott ’82), Taylor Brasher (Nancy Simpkins Brasher ’73), Thomas Lundborg (Tom ’83) and Taylor Swift (Kelley ’75). Back row: Ashley Fagan (Jill Cook Fagan ’82 and Gary ’82), Emily Rodgers (Mason ‘83 and Kelli McCollum ’84 Rodgers), Annie Alexander (Buddy ’84) and Cara Beth Heath (Suzy Goodwin Heath ’84). Forty children of alumni are now BA graduates.

Director of Spiritual Life Rian Berger was the recipient of the Clyde E. Swift Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Graduation 2009

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Hannah Margaret Allen and Jay Renfro. Both were chosen by their classmates as speakers. Vocal selections,

presented the diplomas as Headmaster Curt Masters read faculty-written comments about each new graduate.

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Alex Ristau ‘09 and members of the dance class perform at the Spring Dance Performance. Dance is taught by Robyne Kennedy.

Arts in April celebration is the culmination Into

The Woods, pulled together a cast and crew of upper school students who presented four performances to

work in both the upper and middle school lobbies and senior art students presented their work at a special open house. Classes are taught by Debbie Dunn,

under the direction of Jenny Oldham, and forensics team, under the leadership of Joanna Franske and Ryan Hubbard, offered an evening of entertainment to a sold

Academy Dancers and the dance classes, directed by Robyne Kennedy, presented two evenings of dance

the direction of Gale Jones Murphy, performed for

and his team of musical instructors, Pat Coil, Steven

featuring both traditional and jazz selections.

Fine Arts

Rapunzel (Ginna Claire Mason ‘09) longs to be free from the tower in the musical Into The Woods.

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The Fine Arts Department presented the Stephen Sondheim production of Into The Woods as a part of the annual Arts in April. Pictured here are Little Red Riding Hood (Lauren Rogers ’10) and the Wolf (Robby Ker ’10).

Portraying the two princes in Into The Woods

Jenny Oldham.interpretation and alternate in original oratory), and Laura Burgin (dramatic interpretation). Back row: Evan Ford (extemporaneous), Ryan Coil (dramatic interpretation), and Jack Johnson (humorous interpretation).

Gaby Hall ’09 solos during the Academy Singers performance at a Night At The Belcourt.

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AN ATHLETIC LEGACYBy Bill Brown and Carlton Flatt

Rarely does a person make a giant impact on an institution unless years and years of service are involved. Such was not the case with Bill Barron.

Bill Barron, a native of

and a graduate of Marshall County High School, attended the United States

president of his graduating

class member was Jimmy Carter, who would become

United States. He was a member of the football

Additionally, Bill Barron held B.C.E. and M.C.E. degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute.

Bill Barron’s naval career

at the rank of Captain while serving on the staffof the Commander and Chief of the Pacific Command.

Following his naval career, Barron and his wife, Dottie, retired back to his hometown of Lewisburg and was hired to be Marshall County’s

this news appeared in the

Flatt was intrigued by a man who would choose to leave the

in football coaching. Flatt was curious enough to contact Bill Barron and then to visit him in Lewisburg, telling Barron that if the situation was ever “right,” he would like to talk with him about opportunities at Brentwood Academy, which at the time was less than ten years old. One year later, with a less than successful football season behind him, Barron did contact Flatt. Bill Barron was hired in the summer

to teach

1979 Jacque Chastain and Pam Lawrence1980 Cathy Rowan and Todd Sloan1981 Don Logan1982 Jimmy Beard1983 Scott Shuford1984 Steve Powell


1985 Marjorie Maddox and Ben Rowan1986 Bobby Davidson1987 Mike Pierson1988 Carol Len Frist1989 Phillip Montgomery1990 Page Robble1991 Tony Jones1992 Chris Reid

1993 Ashley Lawler1994 Kyle Hirsch 1995 Michael Gouldner 1996 Lorraine Bittles1997 B.J. Jordan 1998 Alicia Miller1999 Ryan Malloy2000 Chad Milam2001 Grant Rutledge

2002 Andrew Galbierz2003 Adam Nelson2004 Michael Murphy2005 Kendrick Newton2006 Daniel Lewis2007 Ryan White2008 Parker Newton2009 D.J. Luna

physics, chemistry, physical education and to be an assistant football coach. Coach Flatt immediately was impressed with Bill Barron’s quick mind, willingness to do “what ever it takes,” and his understanding of what was trying to be accomplished at Brentwood Academy. Flatt also liked that even though he was incredibly gifted academically, he also was a very humble person.

attack on campus and died moments later. He had been at Brentwood Academy for two short years.

yearbook, TheAerie, says thatabout Barron, “He was a teacher, advisor, coach,and

friend to the whole school. He provided us with an ideal to aim for, the kind of person we all want to be. Just knowing him for the two short years he was here has made us all better people.”

Headmaster Bill Brown Emeritus remembers Bill Barron as a person “with a servants heart…he was the guy who willingly did the tasks that needed to be done and he did them without seeking attention or thanks…he just did what he saw needed doing.”

given each spring to the graduating senior who exemplifies the many attributes of Bill Barron

award have “stepped up” in leadership roles and served their school and fellow students.

Bill Barron is pictured with Chris Collins ’80 circa 1978.

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STATE CHAMPS! For the second year in a row, the BA Eagles baseball team took top honors in the D-II Baseball State Championships under the leadership of head coach Buddy Alexander ‘84. The Eagles defeated St. Benedict of Memphis 12-2 in the championship game.

Sam Dove – Georgia Tech Drew Floyd – University of Tennessee Martin


Members of the Class of 2009 Who Will Continue Athletics in College

SOCCERWill Bryant – Transylvania UniversityRyan Coil – Gordon College Kelsie Kestner – Maryville CollegeTaylor McFerran – Bryan College

TRACK Chase Brannon - University of Tennessee Knoxville

Chenelle Terry – Samford University

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Chris Bonds Award Bill Barron Award D.J. LunaChris Dowdle Award Isaac SummersCrawford Smith Award

AP English LanguageAP English Literature Colleen BoyleEnglish 11 Lindsey RoweEnglish 10 Matthew KellerEnglish 9 Caylyn HarveyEnglish 8 Kelsi RayEnglish 7-Grammar Madison RennerEnglish 7-Literature Madison RennerEnglish 6-GrammarEnglish 6-Literature

English 12 Cara Beth HeathEnglish 11 Emily EytchisonEnglish 10 Shannon EvinsEnglish 9English 8English 7 Isi BeachEnglish 6 Sarah Pleasant

French I Davis DenneyFrench II Emily EythisonFrench III Hayden McKayFrench IV Erin GrimsonFrench V Gabrielle HallAP French Language Caroline AskewAP French Literature Laura BurginFrench 8 Haley Buske Baylor McKayFrench 7 Madison RennerLatin II Caylyn HarveyLatin III Hayley FloydAP Latin Colleen BoyleLatin 8Latin 7 Lexie Harvey Greek I Michael FisterSpanish I Zachery BrownSpanish II Samantha BecciSpanish III Laura BurginSpanish IV Kaitlyn BurrichterSpanish VAP Spanish Language Lindsey RoweSpanish 8 Spanish 7 Kyle Conger

HISTORYAncient History Caylyn HarveyModern HistoryAP United States History Paul ClymerAfrican American HistoryEconomics Sterett SeckmanAP European History Caroline AskewCivics 8Geography 7 Madison RennerHumanities 6

World ReligionsChristian IdentityChristian Dynamics Jay Renfro

Journalism I (Yearbook) Kelly Vaught Journalism II (Talon) Gabrielle Hall Colleen Boyle

MATHEMATICSGeometry Caylyn HarveyAlgebra IIAdvanced Algebra Sarah KeaggyPrecalculus Kirk Gerrald Lindsey RoweProbability and Statistics Sam DoveCalculus AB Paul ClymerAlgebra 8 Pre-Algebra 7Mathematics 6 Sawyer Clemmons

COMPUTERComputer Applications

SCIENCEAnatomy and Physiology Kaitlyn BurrichterBiology Caylyn HarveyAP Biology Colleen BoyleChemistry Kelsey BastianAP Chemistry Paul ClymerMarine Biology Sam ReilyConceptual Physics Marshall RobertsPhysics Paul ClymerAP Physics Sam DoveScience 8Science 7 Madison RennerScience 6 Olivia Davis

FINE ARTFine Arts Award Ryan CoilChip Adkisson Award Jane CarterArt 8 Rachel DaleArt 7 Brooke PerdueArt 6 Patricia JonesArt I Lawson StoverArt II Hannah FosterArt III Sarah KeaggyArt IVSculpture and Ceramics Alex RistauPhotography I Sarah KeaggyPhotography II Erin GrimsonAcademy Singers Gabrielle HallChorus Faith KelmChorus 8 Ivy Rhodes Ann RobertsonChorus 7 Olivia DickersonChorus 6Set Design Beau PowellConcert Band Katherine DenneyContemporary Music Ensemble Daniel FreemanJazz Ensemble Evan FordBand 8 Connor JohnsonBand 7 Kate PearceBand 6 Craig MacDonaldAcademy Players Ryan CoilBest Actor Ryan CoilBest Actress Lauren RogersDrama 7 Carly SmallwoodDanceSpeech Samantha BecciForensics Ana EvansForensics 8 Caroline GreeneForensics 7 Theatre Arts Theatre Tech Kristin Adams

BOOK AWARDSHarvard Prize Book Zach BrownJefferson Book Award Kristin AdamsPrinceton University Book Award Paul ClymerRhodes College Book Award Matthew KellerSewanee Book Award Emily EytchisonSmith College Book Award

Wellesley Book Award Kaitlyn BurrichterWilliams Book Award Laura BurginYale University Book Award Lindsey Rowe

2008 - 2009 Student Awards

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Parent Orientation

vs. Memphis Southwind

Football Game vs. Baylor

Induction Luncheon

Brentwood Academy students spent three days during the Winterim 2009 at the Second Harvest Food Bank kitchen preparing meals and learning about nutrition. From left are upper school students Kelsey Payne, Tyler Atkins, Mamie Joyce, Jessica Butler, Sam Stark, faculty sponsor Vicki Capehart, and Kate McGregor.

The Ultimate Gift

grandparent-student viewing of The Ultimate Giftthem for the movie viewing, students completed an in-class reading of the book with teacher Mrs. Carolyn Dobbins. As a part of the “legacy of giving,” Brentwood Academy offers Legacy Estate Planning driven

The Letters That Complete an Estate Plan, go to the response envelope

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Cates-Kottas Development Charter Resource Group

Boiler Supply,

Frank E. Neal Company Harris Farms Hilliard Lyons Kennedy Leasing & Sales

Kirkland Floor to Ceiling The Lee Company Luna Construction, LLC NHI Billing ServicesPinnacle Financial Partners Premier Orthopedics Southeast Financial Credit UnionSpheris Star Physical Therapy Sullivan Engineering Thunderhook Fly-ins

TrustCoreWilliams and Schwalb PLLC Wheelhouse Williamson County Realtors


Andrews Cadillac Callaway Golf Co.

Coca Cola FormcoFresh Cleaners Harley-Davidson of Cool Springs

Old South CateringPenn Station East Coast Subs Reynolds Plantation Smoothie KingKevin Wimpy Photography Williamson Medical Center


The Bone and Joint Clinic

Reliant Bank

BBE Better Business Solutions

AIM Healthcare

SunTrust Bank

Hole-in-One Contest.

the Eagle Classic Committees.

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Brentwood Academy Honorary Trustee Joe Rodgers was truly an eagle.

I love the entrance to Brentwood Academy with the statue of the eagle, wings spread, under which is the plaque containing the Isaiah 40: 26 scripture. Passing by that statue often causes me to stop and reflect on the lives of those very special folks who had such a tremendous impact on Brentwood Academy in its founding years. Joe Rodgers was one of those men.

Along with six other trustees, Joe Rodgers helped pen our first mission statement, working late nights back in 1974. He not only helped write that mission statement…he lived and walked it throughout his life.

At the memorial service for Joe Rodgers, his oldest grandchild, Caitlin Rodgers, daughter of Mason ‘83 and Kelli McCollum ‘84 Rodgers, spoke for the eight grandchildren saying:

When you hear the name Joe Rodgers, you may think businessman, Bible Study member, a conservative, ambassador, friend, neighbor, Christian. Yes, he was all of those things, but he was also MY grandfather. He was so proud of all his grandchildren, and he would tell us so. I’m sure most of you have heard him speak of his family because he thought everything we did was “OUTSTANDING” whether it really was or not. He was proud of Honey for her gentle strength and extraordinary faith. in their kitchen there is a saying that reads: Life is a pleasure when you have a wife to treasure. Oh, how he treasured you, Honey. You are such a remarkable role model, for me, your other grandchildren, and all who know you.

Often you learn a lot about a person by the legacy a man leaves. Grandchildren. Caitlin revealed a part of Joe in a beautiful way. Heart and family. You could hear her heart for her “GDaddy” and as it blended with the words for her cousins. I have heard Brentwood Academy often referred to as “family.” Joe and Honey have given us a beautiful picture of a microcosm of the larger Brentwood family. Not so much perfect, but full of acceptance of love for one another.

Nurturing and ChallengingEven after Joe’s move to an Honorary Trustee at BA, I always swallowed hard when Joe would call because I knew he had something challenging on his mind. He had a way of making you feel that he expected results. I did not see the “nurturing” side so much until I listened to Caitlin that afternoon at Joe’s Memorial Service. Caitlin’s delivery spoke tenderness and heart. I saw some of Joe’s “nurturing” legacy in her. Each grandchild was so different as typical in large families. As she addressed her cousins it was touching to see how Joe and Honey met each one of them where each grandchild was at that time.

Jan Rodgers Dale ‘80, Joe and Honey’s daughter and wife of Bob, shared her insights about her father.

his friends and family, and his Lord and Savior.

WILL be successful.”

He expected perfection in everything.

without a contract. A handshake was sufficient.

meant so much to him that he even made it into a button.

“ What keeps you going?” He replied, “Watching my grandchildren grow.”

Jan concluded her remarks with what Joe would most want us to know about his family. “Then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve… But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

A Life of ServiceJoe has been described as an entrepreneur, investor, social activist, political operative, and diplomat. He was a man of local, national, and global influence. Joe’s career began at the Masters Golf Tournament in 1968 where he and Thomas Frist Sr. shared a house together. By 1970, Joe Rodgers and Associates were building 19 hospitals for HCA and by 1979 they had build more than 200 hospitals completing more that $120 million in contracted work the preceding year. Joe’s company erected such landmarks as Vanderbilt Plaza, the Country

Music Hall of Fame, the Wildhorse Saloon, the Schermerhorn Symphony Hall along with our own Brentwood Academy.In 1985, President Reagan named Joe Ambassador to France for a four year term.

Isaiah 40:31 so fits Joe Rodgers. He never grew weary. He walked and did not faint until the very end. I remember taking him to therapy at Vanderbilt during his last days. He energized me as we visited with everyone whether in the elevator at Vanderbilt or at the Mapco stopping for coffee. He was so alert to his surroundings, ministering to anyone in his path. I came away from that day so blessed, energized, and enriched.

I will always be thankful that Joe and Honey included Brentwood Academy as an extension of their own family from the school’s inception through today. His last leadership step was to lead the construction of the Rodgers Dale Fine Arts Center.

Pictured are Joe and Honey Rodgers’ grandchildren. Kneeling :

A Tribute to a BA Founding TrusteeBy Bill Brown, Headmaster Emeritus

Page 20: Triangle 2009 vol. 1


Stuart Dill, ChairMark Graham, Chair-electSteve Adams

Louis Bullard*Holly Dobberpuhl*Mickey Jacobs

Jessica Pleasant*Pat Ralls

Albert Gasser (deceased)

Ambassador Joe M. Rodgers (deceased)


Curtis G. Masters, HeadmasterHeadmaster Emeritus

Paul Compton, Upper School Director

Middle School DirectorBusiness/Finance Director

Kent Bradford, Dean of StudentsRian Berger, Spiritual Life DirectorRalph Potter, Athletic Director Sue Gering, Admission Director Mark McFerran, External Affairs DirectorLeah Hoskins, Public Relations/ Publications Director

Alumni/ Annual Giving DirectorPaula Booten, RegistrarShelley Miller, College CounselorCourtney Jones, College Counselor

Parents Association Board 2009-2010

Michelle Broadbent, PresidentJody Bacon, President-elect*Laura BurkhartDarlene Cates

Rick Greene

*Jamie LeeKarol Mangione

Dawn PeachSheila PriestJim Renfro

Rocky Shelton*Karen Stone

*Jeffrey Yost



Advisory Board 2009-2010

Ellen Adams

Leigh Atkins

Sonny Baker Herb Berry Michelle Broadbent Penny Brooks Sue Burrichter Carolyn Campbell

Holly Dobberpuhl Kerry Dove

Randy Hearon

Beth Ingram Sharon Johnson Alex Joyce

Jim Kennedy Drew Luna

George Mathews

John Moore

Ann Rankin Jane Richards Sylvia Roberts Donna Robinson Susan Rutledge Dan Scott Jane Smith Kevin Smith Maggie Speight

* Denotes new member