trevor mcclintock perspectives thoughts on spaces

Trevor McClintock Perspectives THOUGHTS ON SPACES

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Post on 17-Aug-2015



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Page 1: Trevor McClintock Perspectives Thoughts on Spaces

Trevor McClintock PerspectivesTHOUGHTS ON SPACES

Page 2: Trevor McClintock Perspectives Thoughts on Spaces

Out From Under The Scaffolding By Trevor McClintock

This was taken under some scaffolding leading onto a main road. Trevor McClintock likes the leading lines created by the roof and mirrored by the pavement. All the lines in this image combine to lead the viewer’s eyes towards the centre of the image. Initially I thought of this image as a throwaway but I spotted the interesting idea that the cramped space of the scaffolding, is given much more space in the composition than the wide open space it leads into.When editing the image Trevor McClintock wanted to emphasize this as much as possible. I sharpened the outside portion of the photo to bring out as much detail as possible; this included the construction barriers and the car turning into the road. I lowered the exposure in the scaffolding section to give it a more uniform, darker look. This would remove the detail from the photo and ensure the viewer’s eye was drawn to the centre of the image.

Page 3: Trevor McClintock Perspectives Thoughts on Spaces

Windows On The Wall By Trevor McClintock

This photo was taken on an overcast day as the light was fading. Trevor McClintock likes minimalist photography and wanted to make the background of a photo the same as the foreground. With this photo I grabbed only the windows of a building and contrasted them with the bland faded painted wall. I wanted to make the building as abstract as possible so only included a very small part of what was a giant block of offices, I then took the photo at an angle to make it even more abstract to the viewer. True to Trevor McClintock’s trademark style I used a high aperture in order to get as much detail as possible in each window.When editing the photo I increased the contrast of the windows and background as much as possible to extract the detail from the very plain wall. This creates an interesting dynamic; the soft colours of the wall, with the sharp, jagged edges of the windows building. I lowered the saturation of the building in order to make both levels of windows look similar.

Page 4: Trevor McClintock Perspectives Thoughts on Spaces

Trees on a Line By Trevor McClintock

The layout of this image was immediately apparent; the trees were laid out in such a way that they naturally led the viewer’s eyes towards the background. The flowers also had a natural order to them, where they were arranged in a straight line, echoing the natural horizon in the image. In true Trevor McClintock form I lowered the clarity in this photo significantly when editing, I wanted to remove all the detail I possibly could out of the trees and flowers. This has the effect of blurring the natural composition of the image and the symmetry created by the trees.Trevor McClintock shot this image at an angle that would mean the trees in the distance would be the last place the viewer’s eye would be led to, adding a sense of balance to the image. I shot with a low aperture and low shutter speed. I didn’t want to get much detail in the foreground so I used a low shutter speed in order for the camera to have adequate time to take in the light.

Page 5: Trevor McClintock Perspectives Thoughts on Spaces

Reflections in a Window By Trevor McClintock

The juxtaposition of old and new in architecture has always interested me. Trevor McClintock spotted this photo while walking by a particularly modern building, what immediately stood out was the completely different style of building in such close proximity. I used a relatively low aperture to create a shallow depth of field; I wanted no detail in the background, with the singular focus being the shapes of the buildings.Following my signature Trevor McClintock style I used a quick shutter speed to create a relatively underexposed image; this allowed me to bring out the sharp, angular lines in the building without worrying about the image being blurry. As this was shot without a tripod this was really the only option I had. When editing the photo I first lowered the brightness and adjusted the contrast in the photo to match the colours of both buildings.

Page 6: Trevor McClintock Perspectives Thoughts on Spaces

Stop Signs in the Road By Trevor McClintock

While waiting to cross the road I spotted this interesting image. A real favourite of Trevor McClintock, this image draws the viewer in by packing the lower half of the composition with detail, and as the eye is drawn upwards the image creates more space. As this was taken in a very busy area, this idea made sense; at a lower level where people are walking and cars are driving, space is at a premium but as the you go higher and higher, there is nothing but space.As well as leading the eye upwards, the symmetry in the diagonal lines created by the buildings and pavements draws the reader towards the trees in the centre of the image, which are contrasted with the manmade stop signs. When editing this photo I decided to use a black and white filter with my own Trevor McClintock modifications. The black and white further helps me to distinguish the detail heavy bottom half of the photo from the top half.