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Drive to store

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Drive to store

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Star Star Dialing

The easiest and most widespread function on a phone is still voice calling. Zoove allows retailers the opportunity to connect with customers in the easiest way - all a customer has to do is dial ** (and the brand name) to get the most current retail information and offers.


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Print + Apps

Apps are bringing boring print ads to life, allowing users to “test-drive” products. By capturing the users data, retailers are better equipped to reel users in-store.


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Drive to store

In storeBack to store

Point of sales information

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POS goes social

Since Facebook Deals launched in November 2010, “millions” of people have used the service, and more than 50% of merchants have elected to renew their offers


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POS information mapping

Google Places is a powerful tool that goes beyond letting retailers “be on the map.” It allows businesses to showcase information about their store right where people are looking for directions.


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Group buying power

The fastest growing company ever, Groupon leverages the power of flash sales to help businesses attract a group of new clients all at once.


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Mall as platform

Simon malls maximizes the shopping experience by keeping customers informed with both web, mobile, social and retail activations.

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Drive to store

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Generating foot traffic

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Interactive billboard games

McDonald’s created an interactive billboard game to drive traffic to nearby stores. No application was required to play the game.

Players simply visited the pick n’ play website on their web-enabled phone, picked their favorite treat and played to win a digital coupon.


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Geo-fencing (sms)

Starbucks is conducting a 6-month trial of SHOPALERTS, a geo-fencing SMS service from Placecast. Consumers opt-in to receive relevant messages based on age, gender, interest and for the 1st time location.

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Digital Mannequins

Digital Mannequin replace traditional store mannequins allowing the display of far more clothing products and other products. DM is a more exciting, effective form of store advertisement, engaging viewers and creating foot traffic.

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Drive to store

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In store activation

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In-store rewards

Shopkick rewards users with points when they walk into participating stores - verified by a special beacon in each store - and for scanning barcodes within stores. Points can be redeemed for real-money rewards.


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Shopkick’s growing influence outside the store

While primarily an in-store app, Shopkick is quickly becoming a smart way to drive traffic to the store. Push notifications incentivize users to make unplanned trips to stores by offering extra “kickbucks”.


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Drive to store

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Product review and selection

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In-store likes

At clothing displays, mobile tags are available for customers to scan and see similar items in the collections, as well as a Facebook like button that lets the shopper share favorite items on their wall.

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Virtual walls

The interactive adiVerse Virtual Footwear Wall potentially puts as many as 8,000 shoes at shoppers' fingertips in a futuristic mash-up of e-commerce and the mall.


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Face-recognition kiosks

Intel & Kraft teamed up to create the Next Generation, Meal Planning Solution. The kiosk scans your face to figure out ‘what to feed it’.


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Drive to store

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Sales force interaction

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Twitter help

WIth Twelp Force, Best Buy has extended the knowledge of its in-store staff into the digital space.


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Drive to store

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Purchase decision

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iPads in-store

Following a recent private viewing of the Burberry collection at London Fashion Week, in-store customers were given access to buy the collection immediately through a custom-built Burberry iPad application.


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Price checking

Amazon’s Price Check app empowers customers to instantly check prices on millions of products.

The app was downloaded 2mm times in just 1 month.


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Drive to store

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Payment and loyalty

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Mobile wallet

Soon our mobile phones will replace our wallets. Google Wallet is scheduled to roll out later this year, offering people a simple way to pay, get offers and earn rewards.


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Mobile payment apps

In January, Starbucks launched it’s own mobile payment service in the US. Incredibly the system now accounts for 22% of transactions.


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Fast ordering

To order quickly in the language you want and to visualize what you’re ordering, McDonald’s is offering “Easy Order” in airport terminals, allowing time-pressed travelers to order and pay quickly. Once your order is placed, all you have to do is pick it up at the appropriate counter.

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Drive to store

In storeBack to storeCustomer satisfaction

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Customer community software

Get Satisfaction helps retailers easily build online communities and provide customers a more “social support experience”. Over 50k companies use it.


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Drive to store

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Customized offer

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Drive to store

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Consumer intelligence

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CRM apps

By revealing cool things that are “hidden” in the city, Nike’s True City app is enabling retailers to learn their customers habits, preferences and what ultimately leads fans in-store.


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Drive to store

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(Re)purchase decision

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Future proofing

Best Buys Buy Back Program lets customers have the latest and greatest technology. It’s a simple way to ensure customers keep coming back.


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Product Reviews

In January, Yelp surpassed over 15 million reviews. Every month 41 million visitors use its service.


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Tables rondes :

La pluralité des consommateurs

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l'homme comme

un consommateur,

c'est lui faire perdre 

son identité

Anthony Burgess

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Être en empathie avec le client (« vivre sa vie »)

Décentrer l’approche, du « nous » vers le « vous »

Créer de la connivence / complicité avec le client

Être présent dans l’espace-temps du client (multicanal, multi-support, réseaux…), mais :Ne pas ajouter au

« harcèlement marketing »Ne jamais être « intrusif » dans la


Mettre en place des segmentations qualitatives

Optimiser le rapport Valeur/Coût pour le client

Pratiquer un marketing participatif et vertueux


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Lucie & JulienE n s e m b l e d e p u i s presque 2 ans, vivent dans un 50m2 à Clichy

LUI :27ansGraphiste (premier job)Adore jouer à Fifa, How I met your mother, le SAV et faire une partie de foot avec ses potesDéteste les embouteillages

ELLE : 24 ansStagiaire - Chef de projetAdore son BlackBerry, Glee et évidemment faire du shopping !Déteste de chaussettes de Julien qui trainent partout...

EQUIPEMENT :Abonnés Free depuis 1 an

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ChristineMaman de 3 petits bouts Lucas, Mathias et Ella, marié à David, elle vit à Bar-le-duc depuis 4 ans et demi

ELLE : 41 ansFemme au foyer depuis 3 ansAdore les soirées entre nanas, Norah Jones et les RepettosDéteste conduire la nuit.

EQUIPEMENT :Est très contente avec sa TNT

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Papa de Geoffrey ado de 14 ans, divorcé depuis 7 mois, il le vit bien, et vient d'emménager dans u n a p p a r t e m e n t a u x Batignolles.

LUI : 47 ansCommercial en informatiqueAdore ACDC et regarder un match du Real Madrid avec son filsDéteste la vaisselle...

EQUIPEMENT :Il a tout : la fibre optique avec Numérique, la Kinect pour son fils, sans oublier la PSP... TOUT


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Quels sont les dispositifs à mettre en place dans les points de vente ?

Quelle personnalisation de l’offre serait la plus attractive selon la cible ?

Quelle type de conseil à la vente ont-ils sur l’offre ?

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