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TRENDSETTING @VERTISING: from Withvertising, Sharevertising and Programmatic Advertising to Polymorphic Advertising and Dronevertising. Professor Luiz Moutinho Foundation Chair of Marketing, Adam Smith Business School University of Glasgow, Scotland

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Trends in Advertising


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TRENDSETTING @VERTISING: from Withvertising, Sharevertising and Programmatic Advertising to Polymorphic Advertising and Dronevertising.

Professor Luiz Moutinho

Foundation Chair of Marketing,

Adam Smith Business School

University of Glasgow,


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Some Trends You May Want To Know About….• The Cashless Society (e-money, mobile cash)• Mashed Access Networks• New Display Technologies and Mobile Projection• Device Morphing• Fuel Cells and other new battery technologies• ePaper / the digital book• Frappers /3D Printing• The rise of the Multi-Touch Technologies• Decentralisation, Social Production and Crowdsourcing• Time, location, device shifting is expected everywhere• “Mobile Me” becomes default: mobile = life depository• Smart clothing• Cloud Computing• The Internet of things

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This will be the era of The Drop. We will drop social media as all media is social; we will drop digital and mobile from digital & mobile marketing as all marketing is digital and mobile; we will drop advertising from advertising agency as their future is in helping clients creatively realize opportunities; we will drop global from global marketing officer as all marketing leaders need to be global in thought and intent. You get the idea: we are entering an era of integration and simplification as people/consumers want coherence, impact, and help from people running brands.

Also, the era of Us versus Me.

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A shift from me to we. A more from exclusivity to inclusivity. A growing hunger for empathy instead of ego. A deep craving for deeper meaning rather than the accumulation of more stuff. To engage with people instead of pushing messages down their throats. These are the new levers to create change. A new emotional landscape.

We need to explore the new values frontier and explain why the old advertising model is becoming increasingly irrelevant. In an affluent, logo-driven lifestyle, the focus is on the here and now, immediate gratification and what’s in it for me has driven advertising and marketing practices for generations. We are an important transition from “me” values to “we” values.

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The sharing economy, where individual ownership is taking a back seat to shared ownership and access is growing.

Advertising companies that reply on the old model of disappearing for three months and coming back with a campaign that’s got a singular direction aren’t paying attention. The march of progress will leave these relics behind.

Its time to appeal to the higher calling instead of the lowest common denominator.

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We are the web

We are human

We are going from…….

We are human beings not human buyings…….

Control to chaosConvention to instinctProcess to flowDocumentation to collaborationFear to confidenceOwnership to stewardshipWalls to opennessInside to outside

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Marketers used to be the people that reached the people (the consumers), now the people (as participants) are the ones who reach the marketing.

You need to schedule peoples experiences. Now people schedule their OWN experiences.

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Consumers have become more independent, apathetic towards ads (even if personalised), empowered throughout their purchase journey, and involved in the branded products and services they consume; making the traditional one-way relationship much less relevant. And you know what? This is great news! For consumers….But also for advertising.

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Our brains are trained to look for patterns

T H E b R Ʌ I N


But it takes randomness to stand out.

….. The more random the source of information, the higher it is entropy and the more information it has.

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• “Broadcast” Business: Shrinking and Costly• Networked Business: Exploding• From Traditional Media to Networked Media• Media Mixology – the art of connecting with the consumer• New currencies: Attention + Content + Trust.• The Captive audience is dying…..

• Content and Trust• The captive audience is dying

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Welcome to Communication 3.0

• Decentralised• Mobile• Cross-Media• Interactive• Real-time• Interruption costs money….• Engagement costs control….

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Something is dramatically different with marketing and advertising today.

That “It” is:

Social Media Crowdsourcing

Social Networking Blogging

Micro BloggingEmbeddingTaggingPostingConversationRecommendation


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Mass Media Networked Media

Interruptive Earned (Useful)

One-directional Participatory

Mediated Direct

Tried Formats New Formats

Based on Faith Measureable

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We are heading inexorably towards a new era of truth. Truth is what products do, truth is how and by whom they are made, truth in the opportunity cost of their manufacturer, truth in performance and yes, truth in advertising!

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• Most agencies were not built for dialogue.• Traditional digital is running rampant.• Most marketers on Facebook use it as a broadcast platform. They are

created to push and shout. Sometimes that works.• Experience rules.• Storytelling is a must.• Location agnostic. Portable. Time agnostic.• End of interruption.• It is all social. It is all personal.• The “me” / “we” economy.• 15 megabytes is the new 15 minutes.

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FACTS (2)• From passive consumption to active participation• Micromedia. MeMedia. Liquid Media. Personal broadcasting. Personal adverts.

Wearable Tech. Distributed through widgets and mashups. Widget economy. Micro-interactions.

• Mainstream media meltdown (M3).• Adding value should be the goal.• Time spent with traditional media is declining.• From storytellers to storydoers.• Community is advertising’s new source of content.• Curator /Choreographer (Brand Mise-en-scene) will emerge as a new important


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• Consumers are looking for greater personal relevance in the media they consume

• Context-driven or collaboratively filtered services like Google’s contextual links and Amazon’s recommendations do not feel personal, even though they are personalised.

• Each person will have their own “personal media”.

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The Future of Advertising Hinges on Understanding Identity: data needs context

The future of identity lies in digitizing the physical world, and the context in which we collect data about identity needs to become transparent. Context is critical.


People will gladly spend a minute of their day composing and publishing their own version of the brand story, but they will not give five seconds of their time to listen to the company stating their version of it.

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Once, Advertising Told Stories……

Now, it is about getting others to tell the stories for the brands and companies. It is about inspiring them to actually write and create those stories with brands and organisations.

Better yet, allow the consumer to become the story!

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If Advertising Really Becomes Content…… changes in the content functions –

Content 1.0 Content 2.0

Distribution Attention

Shelf space Mind-share

Mass Marketing Monologue Niche Marketing Dialogue

Control 1 Influence and Reputation

Control 2 Attention and Trust

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Takes narrative back to something more aligned to a storytelling and an audience using internet technologies and sensibility to create something close to a personal theatre experience. It adapts the story to the audience without them having to explicitly interact with it, uses information about the audience to adapt the story within the scope defined by the storyteller.

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THE OTHER SIDE ….. Media Fragmentation Means Ad World’s Future Based on Audience, Not Content

Content may be king, but the future of media buying in a digital world will be based on audience, not content. In the digital world of media emerging today, which is driven by digital bits and Internet Protocol delivery, distribution is plentiful. It is audience attention that is scarce.

People consume much more media today than

ever – but it’s ever more fractured and granular bits of content across ever more fragmented devices and channels.

Media Buying will look more like requests for very specific types of consumers,and the content or context will become much more secondary.

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Does a future like this mean that content will no longer matter? Of course it doesn’t.

In the media world of the future, the person will truly be placed at the centre, and delivering true relevance to them will be the most important driver of media placements. Of course, this will mean rejecting the direct response-driven sensibilities and algorithms that drive most data-driven placements online today, which only pay attention to the 0.1% who click and try to raise it to 0.2% while not registering (and spamming the other 99.8%) with terrible, irrelevant click- baiting creatives.

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Location-based Mobile Advertising (LBA)

This integrates with location based services and the technology pinpoints consumers’ whereabouts to provide location-specific advertisements on their mobile devices. LBA is the most personal and direct marketing channel today that allows marketers to reach a specific target audience by creating campaigns aims at age, gender,income and lifestyle segments.

Gaming location-based and social media features in the mobile ads engage consumers in a meaningful way, providing an essential and often missing link between typically overcrowded upper and lower funnels.

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• Less of the precise weaponry and ballistics.• Do not make thirty sec vignettes…. Do something for people.

RS!• Change minds (and hearts).• Doing things with & for people.• Advertising 3.0 = personal.• Human voice vs. Corporate.• The future of advertising……is not advertising……. as you know


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1. Social: creating time, not buying time.

2. Video: live streaming video; online microcast. Videocracy.

3. Data visualisation: turning the conversation around.

4. Augmented humanity: creating an annotated world.

5. Transmedia: the brand experience translated to multiple media.

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One of the biggest issues in advertising right now is that about half of all online ads are currently placed where users won’t be able to see them.

Viewability will be a big issue in the future.

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Future TV Advertising. YouTube has introduced a new advertising format that allows users to skip ads in which they have no interest.

The new TrueView ad unit effectively gives advertisers five seconds to engage with their market, after which viewers are allowed to skip the ad and go straight to their chosen piece of content. The advertiser only pays for the ad when it is actually viewed. Skipping ads is not new, a similar system has been deployed by Hulu in the United States, and earlier SeeSaw began offering users the ability to choose which ad they wanted to see.

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• A new type of advertising format• Spotify (a music platform) rewards consumers that are willing

to “endure” advertising campaigns. Those consumers that are willing to see the advertisements can utilise the tool for free- and they will get 30 minutes of music without interruption.

• Coca-Cola, Ford, McDonald’s and Universal Pictures are placing advertising campaigns on Spotify.

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Programmatic buying and selling of advertising, real-time bidding, automation, and the buying and selling of digital media is changing rapidly.Approximately 20% of all digital advertising is sold by one machine talking to another machine – and growing rapidly. Programmatic Space.

Online display advertising that is aggregated, booked, flighted, analysed and optimised via demand side software interfaces and algorithms.

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A recent study from Solve Media says that in 2014, advertisers will waste a total of $11.6 billion on ads seen only by bots programmed to impersonate human traffic.

To ensure visitors are human, fraudulent traffic will continue to be an issue until the entire advertising ecosystem commits to preventing it.

Google is just one of the major players to have made such a commitment, purchasing the anti-click fraud start-up to root out botnets.

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Through the wonders of real-time bidding, media buyers are able to automatically purchase ad inventory in just a fraction of a second. By using complex formulas to automate the process, publishers and brands are able to find the ideal price for an ad served to a specific person in a specific place.

At this point, just about every major web publisher sells at least part of its inventory programmatically, as opposed to having a sales representative sell ads face-to-face. In theory, any type of media inventory that is bought and sold online could eventually end up programmatic.

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• We are increasingly seeing earned media outperform paid media and becoming the main driver of traffic to marketing initiatives.

• Earned Media is earned, which means, it finds and links to something that is valuable.

• If the marketing is valuable, then the media channel needs to offer the space for where the content resides.

• No advertising…..• …… the joy of not being sold anything.

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Time spent with the brand will be advertising ‘s most sought after metric entering 2020 as the current concept of brand value, traditional marketing and retail outlets will have further eroded.

People look at what interests them and…. sometimes it’s your ad.

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Ad-tech companies are finding ways to help marketers reach consumers in increasingly personal ways. Bu leveraging a history of activity and interaction with their brands, marketers and their ad-tech partners have the ability to really show relevant, personalised marketing messages that are tailor-made for each consumer.

Unfortunately, too often advertisers take a very clumsy, broad brush approach that may leave consumers feeling misunderstood, unresponsive, and uninterested, or worse, creeped out.

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Everyone has a story about a product they browsed once on a retail website, where that product subsequently “followed them around the web” wherever they went. This reflects a particularly clumsy approach to retargeting.


A company can apply predictive models to this problem. Models can factor in data and experiments across all past users and ad exposures to determine the optimal set of products, offer, and design elements (like whether or not to feature the price prominently).

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Involves advertisements or related creative assets, such as, videos, copy, images or logos, being assembled in such a way to fit various devices or ad formats. This allows a consistent story to be conveyed across multiple screens, and tailors each asset according to the specific interactive characteristics of the device they appear on.

Polymorphic Advertising vs. Transmedia Planning.

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Utilizing Virtual Assistants to Provide Personalised Advertisements and Recommendations: Most consumers are undoubtedly familiar with the virtual assistants of today like Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google’s Google Now. However, the virtual assistants of the future will go further both in terms of voice capabilities and functionality, and will be an incredibly important tool for marketers to explore. At the core, virtual assistants provide an intelligent service to users: whether it is a narrow voice powered search function or a complex shopping assistant, or other services.

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By incorporating machine intelligence within virtual assistant devices, there is an opportunity to enable a stellar user experience as the as frequency can be reduced.

By using machine intelligence, virtual assistant apps are being able to utilise data to understand and remember the customer’s behaviours and preferences and effectively build up a rich profile. This enables them to offer a great service to their users.

Rather than spamming the user with information, because the virtual assistant has knowledge about what the customer wants and needs, this device achieves the perfect balance – and is then able to provide incredibly targeted advertising. By doing so, the end-user experiences a much more seamless interaction with their device, and the amount of advertisements that they receive can be reduced. For the marketer, lower frequency and better adjustment to the individual will significantly increase the value of advertising.

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• Advertisements that adapt to our moods (Gladverts)

• Emotion Recognition Software (ERS) – H-C-Interface technology

• A system which can work out a person’s gender, estimate their age, and serve up adverts that suit to the demographic profile (NEC-Japan)

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A word of caution: the medium is not the message. The message is still the message. Which means advertising is still very much about the brand messaging business, not just the reaching the consumer on any device business. The balance between medium and message has largely been lost, as we seem more seduced by the algorithms – the containers and software solutions for delivering messages to devices – than the evolution or effectiveness of them.

These days, it seems emotional ideas have been replaced by sophisticated algorithms that can deliver near-real-time metrics and drive dynamic optimisation of creative ad messages. Is this the future of advertising? Turning the craft of brand storytelling into algorithm-drive copy factories? We must remember that algorithms don’t feel, people do.

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• Crowdsourcing – Crowdsourcing business units• Co-creation• Open innovation• Mass collaboration

Sophisticated online platforms are making it ever simpler to manage and support distributed workers. In essence, the crowd has become a fixed institution available on demand.