trends in e-learning: research & practices by ana paula correia phd

Research & Prac+ces Universidade Aberta, Lisboa Trends in AnaPaula Correia, PhD Iowa State University, USA School of Educa+on HumanComputer Interac+on Program November 30, 2013

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Apresentação da Prof.ª Ana Paula Correia (Iowa State University, USA) que decorreu no dia 30 de Novembro no âmbito do MyMPeL 2013 na Universidade Aberta, Lisboa.


Page 1: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Research  &  Prac+ces    

Universidade  Aberta,  Lisboa  

Trends in

Ana-­‐Paula  Correia,  PhD  Iowa  State  University,  USA  

School  of  Educa+on  Human-­‐Computer  Interac+on  Program  



  November  30,  2013    

Page 2: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

•  Over  6.7  million  students  took  at  least  one  online  course  between  August  and  December,  2011  

•  69%  of  academic  leaders  iden+fy  online  learning  as  a  cri+cal  part  of  their  long-­‐term  strategy  

•  75%  of  academic  leaders  rate  the  learning  outcomes  in  online  educa+on  as  the  same  or  superior  to  those  in  face-­‐to-­‐face  

•  Over  80%  of  American  corpora+ons  use  e-­‐learning  



Page 3: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD


•  Study  and  ethical  prac+ce    •  Purpose:  facilita+ng  learning  and  improving  performance  •  Process:  appropriate  use  of  different  technologies    •  Delivery:  online  •  Audience:  variety  of  audiences  (based  on  Januszewski  and  Molenda’s  (2008)  defini+on  of  Educa+onal  Technology)  

Page 4: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD


 Computer-­‐supported  collabora+ve  learning    

Learner  and  community  support  

Teacher’s  transforma+on  

Social  responsibility  

Page 5: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

What  technologies  and  design  features  be_er  support  collabora+ve  learning?  What  are  the  roles  of  teachers  in  computer-­‐supported  collabora+ve  learning  environments?  Does  computer  media+on  require  the  development  of  new  pedagogical  approaches?  How  to  assist  virtual  learning  teams  to  be  produc+ve?  

Computer-­‐supported  collabora+ve  learning    


Page 6: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Design  and  development  of  “Advanced  Instruc+onal  Systems  Design”  online  collabora+ve  experience  with  Universidade  do  Minho,  Portugal      


Page 7: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Learner  and  community  support  

How  to  increase  interac+on  (student-­‐instructor,  student-­‐student,  student-­‐content,  and  student-­‐community)  in  online  learning  environments?  What  facilita+on  strategies  are  more  suitable  to  promote  learning?  How  to  support  the  development  of  self-­‐regula+on  strategies?  How  to  create  a  dynamic  online  learning  community?  


Page 8: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Blueprint  of  an  Online  Student  Orienta+on  for  Iowa  State  U.  Engineering  Learning  Online    


Page 9: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Online  student  orienta@on    

Page 10: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Teacher’s  transforma+on  

Which  teaching  methods  and  strategies  are  effec+ve  in  online  environments?  How  to  improve  teachers’  performance  when  teaching  online?  How  to  determine  high  quality  online  teaching?  How  teachers  transi+on  from  classroom  to  online  teachers?  How  to  assist  teachers  in  this  transi+on?  What  are  teachers’  new  roles  in  online  environments?  How  to  iden+fy  and  describe  exemplary  online  teaching  prac+ces?  


Page 11: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Collabora+ve  program  analysis  on  Des  Moines  University  (Des  Moines,  Iowa)  post-­‐professional  online  program  in  physical  therapy  


Page 12: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Social  responsibility  

What  does  social  responsibility  mean  in  e-­‐learning  as  a  field  of  study  and  prac+ce?  What  kind  of  processes  (e.g.,  social  design)  and  resources  can  support  social  responsible  research?  How  can  e-­‐learning  address  problems  that  prevent  the  quality  of  life  for  individuals  and  groups  in  society,  especially  those  related  to  learning  and  human  performance?    


Page 13: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Answers  About  Radia0on  Therapy,  an  applica+on  for  cancer  pa+ent  educa+on  developed  at  no  cost  for  a  medical  center  in  Ames,  Iowa.      


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Page 15: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Be  ready  to  play  the  game  strategically:  •  Massive  Open  Online  

Courses  –Curt  Bonk  and  Adrian  Sannier  

•  Educa+ng  crea+ve  and  entrepreneurial  students–  Yong  Zhao    

•  Gamifica+on  –  James  Gee  

The  European  and  Asian  online  educa+on  markets  are  predicted  to  grow  steadily  over  the  next  5  years,  contribu+ng  many  $$$$$    the  industry.  

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Page 17: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Resources  •  Changing  Course:  Ten  Years  of  Tracking  Online  Educa+on  in  the  United  States  (Sloan  

Consor+um  2012)  h_p://    •  Curt  Bonk’s  website  h_p://    •  Stephen  Downes’  e-­‐books  h_p://  •  The  Pew  Internet  &  American  Life  Project:  The  future  of  Apps  and  Web  h_p://­‐of-­‐Apps-­‐and-­‐Web.aspx  •  The  New  Media  Consor+um  Horizon  Report  >  2012  Higher  Ed  Edi+on  h_p://­‐report-­‐2012-­‐higher-­‐ed-­‐edi+on  •  Evalua+on  of  Evidence-­‐Based  Prac+ces  in  Online  Learning:  A  Meta-­‐Analysis  and  Review  of  

Online  Learning  Studies  by  Barbara  Means  et  al.  (2010)  h_p://­‐based-­‐prac+ces/finalreport.pdf    •  Soqware  Evangelist  wants  to  put  Learning  Management  Systems  in  the  Cloud  h_p://­‐Sannier/130933/    •  World  Class  Learners:  Educa+ng  Crea+ve  and  Entrepreneurial  Students,  a  book  by  Yong  Zhao  h_p://­‐Class-­‐Learners-­‐Educa+ng-­‐Entrepreneurial/dp/1452203989    

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Open-­‐source  Books  •  Correia,  A.-­‐P.  (2012)  (Ed.).  Breaking  the  Mold:  An  Educa0onal  Perspec0ve  on  Diffusion  of  Innova0on.  Wikibook/textbook,  available  at:h_p://  

•  Correia,  A.-­‐P.,  &  Yusop,  F.  (2010).  Teaching  Online:  A  Quick  Reference  for  Online  Instructors.  Ames,  IA:  Iowa  State  University  Seed  Science  Center,  47  p.  

Page 19: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Purpose  of  the  research  study  


Naturalis+c  case  study  that  looked  at  strategies  u+lized  by  student  facilitators  to  promote  meaningful  dialogue  and  par+cipa+on  in  asynchronous  online  discussions  

−  Peer-­‐facilita+on  strategies  help  generate  innova+ve  ideas,  mo+vate  students  to  par+cipate  ac+vely  in  the  discussions,  and  provide  an  atmosphere  for  involvement  and  commitment  and  an  empowering  opportunity  for  students  

Baran,  E.,  &  Correia,  A.-­‐P.  (2009).    Student-­‐led  facilita+on  strategies  in  online  discussions.  

Distance  Educa0on,  30(3),  339-­‐361.    

Learner  and  community  support  

Page 20: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

Purpose  of  the  research  study  


Look  at  exemplary  online  teachers’  transi+on  to  online  teaching  with  a  focus  on  their  successful  prac+ces  

−  Planning  and  designing  extensively  to  eliminate  unan+cipated  problems  

−  Knowing  the  students  to  tailor  the  course  ac+vi+es  to  their  needs  

−  Enhancing  student  teacher  rela+onship  to  reduce  the  emo+onal  and  physical  gap  

−  Providing  feedback  on  +me  to  guide  and  monitor  students’  learning  

−  Demonstra+ng  teacher  presence  to  eliminate  students’  frustra+ons  and  to  be  “seen”  and  “heard”  in  the  online  environment  

−  Forma+vely  evalua+ng  the  course  and  reflect  on  the  teaching  and  learning  experience  

Baran,  E.,  &  Correia,  A.-­‐P.  &  Thompson,  A.  (2013).    Tracing  successful  online  teaching  in  higher  educa+on:  Voices  of  exemplary  online  

teachers.  Teachers  College  Record,  115(3).  

Teacher’s  transforma+on  

Page 21: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

 Muito  Obrigada!  



Page 22: Trends in e-learning: Research & Practices by Ana Paula Correia PhD

The  A  to  Z  Guide  To  Top  Online  Learning  Trends  A  is  for  App    B  is  for  Blended  Learning    C  is  for  Crowdsourcing  &  Cyberbullying    D  is  for  Digital  Ci+zenship    E  is  for  E-­‐book    F  is  for  Flipped  Classroom    G  is  for  Gamifica+on    H  is  for  Hangout  &  Hashtag    I  is  for  ICT  &  Interface    J  is  for  Java    K  is  for  Kinestethic  learning  

L  is  for  LMS    M  is  for  MOOC    N  is  for  Ne+que_e    O  is  for  OSS    P  is  for  PLN  and  Podcast    Q  is  for  QR  code    R  is  for  RSS    S  is  for  Social  learning  &  Self-­‐learning    T  is  for  Tablet  &  TED  Talk    U  is  for  USB    V  is  for  Virus    W  is  for  Webinar  &Wiki    Y  is  for  YouTube