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Trends in Central Nervous System Malignancies 22-23 MARCH 2013 PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC Organised by ADVANCE PROGRAMME

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Trends in Central Nervous System Malignancies

22-23 March 2013Prague, czech rePublic

Organised by

aDVaNce PrOgraMMe

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EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013: Save the Dates

Abstract Submission Opens 11 December 2012Early Rate Registration Closes 11 January 2013Abstract Submission Closes 11 February 2013Housing Reservation Closes 15 January 2013Regular Rate Registration Closes 28 February 2013Desk Rate Only 1 March 2013 onwards

Conference CommitteeCo-ChairsMartin J. van den Bent (EORTC)Riccardo Soffietti (EANO)Michael Weller (ESMO)

EORTC RepresentativesRoger Stupp Wolfgang Wick

EANO RepresentativesUfuk AbaciogluKhe Hoang Xuan

ESMO RepresentativesJurg Tonn Alba Brandes

EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013: Secretariat & VenueConference SecretariatECCO-the European CanCer Organisation Avenue E. Mounier 83B-1200 BrusselsBelgium

Tel: +32 (0)2 775 02 01Fax: +32 (0)2 775 02 00

Email: [email protected]

Conference VenueClarion Congress Hotel PragueFreyova 33, CZ - 190 00, Prague 9 – VysočanyCzech Republic

Tel.: +420 211 131 111Fax: +420 211 131 401E-mail: [email protected]

Contact UsScientific ProgrammeSamira EssiafTel: +32 (0)2 775 02 49 [email protected]

RegistrationEmilie FillodTel: +32 (0)2 775 02 47 [email protected]

Congress OperationsAdline LewuillonTel: +32 (0)2 775 02 40 [email protected]

Bart FrederixTel: +32 (0)2 775 29 35 [email protected]

Corporate MarketingBruno De ManTel: +32 (0)2 775 02 04 [email protected]

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Table of Contents

Letter of Welcome .................................................................................................................................................. 4

Scientific Programme .................................................................................................................................................. 5

Detailed Advance Programme: Friday 22 March 2013.............................................................................. 5

Detailed Advance Programme: Saturday 23 March 2013 ....................................................................... 8

Call for Abstracts ...................................................................................................................................................... 10

Abstract Policies and Regulations .................................................................................................................. 10

Abstract Preparation and Submission .......................................................................................................... 11

Abstract Selection Process ................................................................................................................................. 11

Registration .................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Individual Registration ........................................................................................................................................ 12

Group Registration ................................................................................................................................................ 13

Fellowship Grants ...................................................................................................................................................... 14

General Information ................................................................................................................................................ 15

Individual Registration Form ............................................................................................................................ 17

Accommodation Form ........................................................................................................................................ 18

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Letter of Welcome

Dear Colleagues,

Following on from the success of the second EORTC-EANO Conference in 2011 in Romania, we are extremely proud to announce, on behalf of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Brain Tumour Group, the European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO), and the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), the third in the biennial series of EORTC-EANO-ESMO Conferences: Trends in Central Nervous System Malignancies.

The main focus of the joint EORTC-EANO-ESMO Conference is to improve the neuro-oncology field, accelerate the translation of cutting edge discovery at the clinical level, and further promote international scientific cooperation, debate and exchange.

Adopting a highly multidisciplinary approach, EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 will aim to draw an attendance of neurosurgeons, neurologists, neuropathologists, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists sharing the common goal of advancing the management, treatment and care of patients with central nervous system tumours, including gliomas, brain and spine metastatic disease, meningioma, CNS lymphoma and primary spinal cord tumours.

Through a series of plenary sessions, workshops and breakout sessions, Trends in Central Nervous System Malignancies will provide a rigorous review of novel therapies, agents and combination strategies, as well as report on the very latest findings in basic and clinical research.

Lastly, but by no means least, our host city Prague, known for its beautiful architecture with its wealth of monuments and an abundance of cultural attractions, will provide yet further reason for joining us for the third EORTC-EANO-ESMO Conference.

We look forward to welcoming you all for what promises to be an outstanding educational event: Trends in Central Nervous System Malignancies, 22-23 March 2013.

Martin J. van den Bent EORTC

Riccardo Soffietti EANO

Michael Weller ESMO

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Detailed Advance Programme Friday 22 March 2013

08:30 WelCome And IntRoduCtIon

SeSSIon I: BASIC develoPmentS In GlIomA

08:35 IDH1: From mutation to marker to target? Speaker: Andreas von Deimling (Germany)

09:00 1p/19q codeletion: How does it happen and what are the genes behind? Speaker: Guido Reifenberger (Germany)

09:25 Transforming growth factor beta: 30 years later Speaker: TBC

09:50 Discussion

10:05 - 10:45 Break


10:45 When to test for BRAF and KIAA1549 mutations? Speaker: Peter Collins (United Kingdom)

11:10 IDH, MGMT or genome wide methylation? Speaker: Monika Hegi (Switzerland)

11:35 Imaging and low grade glioma: What can we learn? Speaker: Johan Pallud (France)

12:00 Discussion

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

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SeSSIon III: mAnAGement oF GlIoBlAStomA

13:30 Bevacizumab and glioma: First data from AVAGLIO Speaker: TBC

13:45 Discussion of the AVAGLIO findings Speaker: Michael Brada (United Kingdom)

14:05 An update on the elderly glioblastoma trials: Time to change practice? Speaker: Wolfgang Wick (Germany)

14:25 Recurrent glioblastoma: What is next? Speaker: Alba Brandes (Italy)

14:45 Discussion

SeSSIon Iv: ContRoveRSIeS (I)

15:00 Surgery vs. radiosurgery in vestibular schwannoma •DiscussantSurgery Speaker: Jörg C. Tonn (Germany)

•DiscussantRadio-Surgery Speaker: TBC

15:20 Discussion

15:25 - 15:45 Break

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SeSSIon v: mAnAGement oF GRAde 2 And 3 GlIomA

15:45 Radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy the new standard of care for 1p/19q co-deleted anaplastic oligodendroglioma?

Speaker: Martin van den Bent (The Netherlands)

16:05 PCV or temozolomide: What is the regimen of choice? Speaker: TBC

16:20 Are molecular markers and advanced neuro-imaging useful to predict and monitor response to treatments in grade 2 gliomas?

Speaker: Riccardo Soffietti (Italy)

16:45 Discussion

SeSSIon vI: novel ClInICAl tRIAlS

17:00 Targeting the EGFRvIII receptor: New promise for immunotherapy? Speaker: Michael Weller (Switzerland)

17:25 Targeting the hedgehog pathway in medulloblastoma Speaker: Didier Frappaz (France)

17:50 Discussion

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Saturday 23 March 2013

8:30 WelCome to dAy 2

SeSSIon vII: uPdAte on BRAIn metAStASeS theRAPy

08:35 Biology in prevention and treatment of brain metastases Speaker: Matthias Preusser (Austria)

09:00 Is whole brain radiotherapy always needed? The role of systemic and targeted therapies

Speaker: Enrico Fransceschi (Italy)

09:25 Is whole brain radiotherapy always needed? Evidence and indications for stereotactic radiosurgery

Speaker: TBC

09:50 Discussion

SeSSIon vIII: ContRoveRSIeS (II)

10:05 Whole brain radiotherapy in primary CNS lymphomas Speaker in Favour: TBC Speaker Against: Uwe Schlegel (Germany)

10:25 Discussion

10:30 - 10:45 Break

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SeSSIon IX: RARe tumouRS

10:45 Intracranial germinoma Speaker: TBC

11:10 SEGA: New treatment options Speaker: TBC

11:35 Discussion

SeSSIon X: PRACtICAl neuRo-onColoGy

11:50 Anticoagulation in brain tumour patients in the era of anti-angiogenesis Speaker: James Perry (Canada)

12:15 Indications and management of side effects of corticosteroids Speaker: TBC

12:40 Discussion

SeSSIon XI: ContRoveRSIeS (III)

12:55 Reirradiation in gliomas Speaker in Favour: Birgitta Baumert (The Netherlands) Speaker Against: Michael Brada (United Kingdom)

13:10 Discussion

13:15 CloSInG RemARkS

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Call for Abstracts

Abstracts submission opens: 11 December 2012Deadline Abstract submission: 11 February 2013

Abstracts can only be submitted online. A link to submit your abstract will be published when abstract submission is open.

For questions regarding the on-line submission process, contact: [email protected]

Only abstracts submitted online can be accepted. Abstracts submitted on paper or by e-mail attachment will not be considered.

Abstract Policies and Regulations

With the submission of an abstract to EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 Conference, the first (presenting) author:

◼ Certifies to be an investigator with a substantial involvement in the clinical study presented in the abstract

◼ Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract (please proofread the abstract carefully prior to submission)

◼ Accepts the rule that a first (presenting) author can be the first (presenting) author of only one abstract

◼ Accepts to be the contact person for all correspondence about the abstract and inform co-authors about its status

◼ Confirms that all co-authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented

◼ Warrants that the data and conclusions presented in the abstract have not been presented or published in the same format and with the same title prior to the date of the EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 Conference

◼ States that for studies involving human or animal subjects, permission has been obtained from the relevant regulatory authority and properly informed consent given where appropriate

◼ Agrees that abstracts submitted to EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 Conference are considered both confidential and embargoed from the time of submission. Abstracts presented at EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 Conference are embargoed until the first day of the conference

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Abstract Preparation and Submission

◼ The title of the abstract should be brief and objectively describe the study. Do not use capital letters in the title except for words that are always capitalised and do not use non-standard abbreviations. Commercial names may not be used in the abstract’s title (generic names only)

◼ No more than ten authors can be listed with institutional affiliations, cities and countries. Mailing addresses and academic degrees should not be mentioned in the author’s list. For cooperative study groups, you may give the name of the group instead of individual institutional affiliations or include the name of the group in the title of the abstract

◼ Abstracts should be structured in such a way as to include the following four sections:

1. Background: an introductory sentence indicating the purpose of the study

2. Material and methods: a brief description of pertinent experimental procedures

3. Results: a summary of the results of the research

4. Conclusions: a statement of the main conclusions

◼ Submitted abstracts must not exceed 2500 characters (body of the abstract, including spaces and table)

◼ Only one data table is permitted in the body of the abstract. Illustration and figures are not allowed and will be deleted if submitted

◼ Abbreviations may be used if standard or if spelled out and defined at the first use (put in parentheses immediately after the first mention of a term or phrase). Compounds should be mentioned with the generic name, in lower cases. Commercial names are admitted in the text, with an ®, and if in brackets following the generic name, i.e. “generic (Commercial ®)”

◼ The abstract must be submitted in good English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject those abstracts, which are presented in poor English, or may request an immediate revision by the presenter

◼ Presentation - the final decision on the presentation format will be made by the Scientific Committee

Abstract Selection Process

Abstracts submitted for presentation at EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 will be reviewed by a panel of experts in the field of the subject and will be judged solely on the data submitted.

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Individual Registration

Pre-registration and corresponding payment must be received by the deadlines indicated.


Early rate Registration and payment received by 11 January 2013 Member* 355 EUR Non-Member 410 EUR Student ** 220 EUR Developing Economies*** 205 EUR

Regular rate Registration and payment received by 28 February 2013 Member* 410 EUR Non-Member 520 EUR Student ** 270 EUR

Desk rate Registration and payment received after 28 February 2013 Member* 520 EUR Non-Member 570 EUR Student ** 270 EUR

All registration fees include local VAT (21%).

Deadlines are all at 24:00 CET on the given date

(*) Member rate applies to individuals who are members of either EORTC, EANO or ESMO.

(**) Confirmation of ‘in training’ status and a letter from the Head of Department is required as well as a copy of a passport/national identity card proving that the registrant is under the age of 35. These documents should be sent to the EORTC-EANO-ESMO Conference Secretariat by Fax: +32 2 775 02 00.

(***) Developing Economies Rate is applied to individuals from low-income and lower-middle-income economies according to the World Bank listing available at:

Please register online via If you do not have internet access, please complete the registration form enclosed in this brochure and return it by fax or post, and keep a copy for your own records.

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PAyMENTFull payment in EUR must be received by the corresponding deadline.

Payment by credit card (Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa or American Express) is preferred. Please indicate the card holder’s name as it appears on the card.

It is also possible to pay by direct transfer to the EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 bank account:

IBAN BE31 7330 5437 1055 BIC/SWIFT Code KRED BE BB KBC Bank, Chaussée de Wavre 1662, B 1160 Brussels.

Payment by direct bank transfer will not be accepted after 28 February 2013.Please indicate clearly the name of the participant(s) and the meeting ‘EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 in all your remittances.

Registrations on-site can only be paid by credit card (Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa or American Express) or in cash (EUR only).

CONFiRMATiON OF iNDiviDuAL REgiSTRATiONA personalised confirmation email will be sent to each participant once payment of the registration fee has been received in the Conference’s bank account.

Approximately two weeks before the start of the Conference each confirmed participant will receive an additional email containing important logistical information about the Conference.

REPLACEMENTS/CANCELLATiONSReplacements of confirmed registrations are subject to an administrative fee of 35 EUR per participant. Cancellations of confirmed registrations will be subject to a charge of 75 EUR cancellation fee per participant provided the cancellation is received in writing by 28 February 2013.

Refunds by credit card or bank transfer will be made after the Conference.

For cancellations received after 28 February 2013, no refunds will be made.

Group Registration

Companies and agencies that would like to sponsor the registration fees of a group of participants should contact Emilie Fillod via e-mail: [email protected] or telephone: +32 (0)2 775 02 47.

Important notice: Please do not register group participants individually online – if you do so, your participants will not be considered as part of a group.

Group Registrations will benefit from early rates when the payment is received by 11 January 2013, even if the list of participant names and professional details have not been finalised by this date.

To facilitate easy processing, please clearly indicate the name of the sponsoring company/travel agency and add the group registration number on the transfer document.

Full names and professional details of participants (including e-mail addresses) for group registrations have to be sent to the EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 Conference Secretariat by 28 February 2013 at the latest. For participant names submitted after this deadline desk rate will apply.

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EORTC-EANO-ESMO Fellowship Grants

The Organising Committee will award a total of ten Fellowship Grants to young doctors, basic scientists, nurses and other healthcare professionals involved in the neuro-oncology field to attend the EORTC-EANO-ESMO Conference 2013.

Application Criteria

To be considered for a Fellowship Grant applicants must:

a) Submit a CV

b) Be under the age of 35

c) Provide a letter of recommendation from the Head of the Department/Organisation stating that the applicant is not the recipient of any other financial support

Deadline for receipt of applications: 11 February 2013Applications with the subject title ‘EORTC-EANO-ESMO Fellowships’ must be sent by e-mail to: [email protected]

Each Fellowship Grant will cover the cost for registration, free accommodation for a maximum of two nights and travel costs up to a maximum of 500 EUR (APEX economy ticket – reimbursed after the Conference).

The EORTC-EANO-ESMO Scientific Committee will review applications and notify Fellowship Grant recipients by the end of February 2013.

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General Information


Please use the enclosed accommodation booking form and mail or fax to:Clarion Congress Hotel PragueEmail: [email protected]: +420 211 131 402

Accreditation for Continuous Medical Education (CME)

At the time of printing an application for accreditation has been submitted to the Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe (ACOE).


Czech Republic’s official currency is the Czech Koruna (CZK)Coins: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 Kč Banknotes: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 KčMost international credit cards are accepted in Prague for shopping and currency withdrawals.


The EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 Exhibition represents an essential and integral element of the Conference, providing participants with an excellent platform for networking as well as perfect opportunity to reflect the current evolution in neuro-oncology and the impact of new discoveries at the clinical level that will advance the management, treatment and care of patients with central nervous system tumours.

For information about sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please contact Bruno De Man. e-mail: [email protected], Tel.: +32 (0)2 775 02 04

To consider the wide range of opportunities including educational grants, sponsorship items, exhibition space and to access the respective order forms, we kindly invite you to download the Invitation to Industry brochure available at: > Congresses and Conferences > EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 > Exhibition/Sponsorship.


The organisers do not accept liability for individual medical, travel or personal insurance. Participants are strongly advised to make their own arrangements regarding health and travel insurance.

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Language and Translation

The official language of the Conference is English. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.

Lunch and Refreshments

Lunch is included as part of the registration fee and will be provided at the Conference Venue on Friday.

Complimentary coffee will be served during the programme breaks on Friday and Saturday.

Official Carrier

SAvE uP TO 20% ON TRAvEL WiTH THE STAR ALLiANCETM NETWORKThe Star Alliance member airlines are pleased to be appointed as the Official Airline Network for the EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 Conference.

To obtain the Star Alliance Convention Plus discounts please visit:

Further detailed booking information will be made available by October 2012 on the website:

Passport and Visa

A valid passport and/or identity card is required for entry into Prague. A visa may be required for some countries. For specific information, please contact your local Czech Republic Embassy at least 3 months prior to your departure to join us in Prague.

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individual registration FormPre-registration deadline: 28 February 2013You can register online at or complete and fax this form to: +32 (0)2 775 02 00, ECCO – the European CanCer Organisation, Avenue E. Mounier 83, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium

Delegates Detailsq Prof q Dr q Mr q Mrs q Ms

Last name: __________________________________________________________________________________________

First name: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Institute/Company: _______________________________________ Department: ________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________ Postcode: ________________ Country: ____________________________________

Intl phone number: _______________________________________ Intl fax number: _____________________________

Email address: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Billing address (indicate ‘as above’ or complete below)Institute/company: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________ Postcode: ________________ Country: ___________________________________

VAT number: _____________________________________________

Deadline refers to receipt of both registration form and payment early rate regular rate Desk rate

Members * q 355 eur q 410 eur q 520 eur

Non Members q 410 eur q 520 eur q 570 eur

Students** q 220 eur q 270 eur q 270 eur

Developing economies*** q 205 eurAll registration fees include local VAT (21%).

Deadlines are all at 24:00 CET on the given date(*) Discounted membership rates apply for individuals who are a member of EORTC, EANO and/or ESMO.(**) A letter from the Head of Department certifying the resident or PhD status along with a copy of passport proving the registrant is under the age of

35 needs to be faxed to the EORTC-EANO-ESMO Conference Secretariat: +32 2 775 02 00.(**) Developing Economy Rate is applied to individuals from low-income and lower-middle-income economies according to the World Bank listing

available at: classifications/country-and-lending-groups

PAyMENTq by credit card (PREFERRED) Please tick as appropriate:

q Eurocard/Mastercard q Visa q American Express

Card number: ____________________________________________ Expiry date (mm/yy): _________________________

CVC (the last three digits on the reverse side of the card): _______

Owner’s name as shown on the card: ____________________________________________________________________

Owner’s signature: _______________________________________

q Remitted by direct bank transfer into the EORTC-EANO-ESMO 2013 Registrations account IBAN: BE31 7330 5437 1055, BIC/SWIFT Code: KREDBEBB, KBC Bank, Chaussée de Wavre 1662, B-1160 Brussels. Please indicate the name of the participant(s), the address and ‘Registration EORTC-EANO-ESMO’ on all transfer documentation. Payment by direct transfer is not accepted after 28 February 2013.

REPLACEMENTS AND CANCELLATiONSReplacement of a confirmed registration will incur a fee of 35 EUR. Cancellations of confirmed registrations are subject to a charge of 75 EUR per participant provided the cancellation is received before 28 February 2013. After 28 February 2013 no refunds will be made.

Date: _________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________

By signing this form I declare having read and agreed with the terms and conditions.

ACKNOWLEDgEMENT OF PAyMENTAn acknowledgment of payment will be provided by email to the group contact person only upon receipt of the payment. If you wish that individual participants receive a confirmation as well, please specify this.


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accommodation FormTo: Reservation Department Fax: +420 211 131 402 Phone: +420 211 131 117 - 120

E-Mail: [email protected]

Ref: EORTC-EANO-ESMO Conference 2013

Dates: 21-23.3.2013

Standard Single/Double room q 85 eur

executive Single/Double room q 115 eur

Junior Suite q 175 eur

Rate includes Buffet Breakfast, Internet connection, all local taxes and 14% VAT.

TERMS & CONDiTiONS: All reservations must be guaranteed with a credit card number authorising the Hotel to charge as per cancellation policy outlined below. The above special room rates apply only to bookings secured before 30 days to arrival and any reservations received after this date shall be accepted “subject to availability” at these rates.

CANCELLATiON POLiCy: Cancellation fee equal to the full stay will be applied on the individual’s credit card for any cancellation made from 6:00 p.m. 2 days prior to the arrival or any No Show on the day of check-in.

One night non-refundable deposit is required for bookings with Early bird rate.

Name: ________________________ Surname: ____________________________________________________________

Arrival date: ___________________ Departure date: ___________________________________ Number of rooms: .......

Type Of Room: q Standard Single q Standard Double

q Executive Single q Executive Double

q Junior Suite q Conference Suite

PLEASE SELECT PAyMENT TyPE: q Bank Transfer q Credit Card Details Company telephone/fax:


Company name & Address:


CREDiT CARD DETAiLS *A valid credit card must be used to guarantee the reservation.

Card type: q Amex q Mastercard q Visa q Diners

Card number: __________________ Expiry date (mm/yy): ___________________________________________________

CVC: __________________________ (the last three digits on the reverse side of the card)

Owner’s name as shown on the card: ____________________________________________________________________

Owner’s signature: _______________________________________


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Trends in Central Nervous System Malignancies

22-23 March 2013Prague, czech rePublic


ECCO – the European CanCer OrganisationAvenue E. Mounier 83BE-1200 BrusselsBelgium

Tel: +32 2 775 02 01Fax: +32 2 775 02 00

Email: [email protected]


Clarion Congress Hotel PragueFreyova 33, CZ - 190 00,Prague 9 – VysocanyCzech Republic

Phone: +420 211 131 111Fax: +420 211 131

For all forthcoming announcements please bookmark:

Organised by