tregelles. the greek new testament. 1857. volume 7

.*»'* V > V <^ V <. I (i')iii'eh riilciv Olijstai) 1 I i;i;i.i;i,i.r>. PROLEGOMENA »*../ » » 1 1

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I (i')iii'eh riilciv Olijstai)


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C. J.


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Ita didici, fidem religionem constantiam iu nullo nogotio posse adhiberi nimiam :

iicquo in his libris, quorum nullam litteram neglegi oportero sentio, velim riuicquani

meo arbitratu meoque iudicio definire, scd per omnia auctores sequi ct antiquissimos

et probatissimos.

Lachman'n. jY. T. Pravf. ix.

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TREGELLES considers that an npologj' and explanation arc due to the possessors of the

late Du. Tregei.les's Greek New Testament, on account of the long delay of the Prolegomena.

the autumn of 1872 ho dictated to her some of his wisiies on the subject: but because of his

weakness she had to choose opportunities, and to write the notes so hastily that no other

could dccypher them ; and she become too much occupied in ministering to him to admit of

giving attention to anything of the kind during his lifetime. She much regrets the incon-

that has been experienced through tliis delay, and thanks the Subscribers for the patient

which they have manifested under the peculiar and affecting circumstances.

The following paragraphs were intended to stand at the head of the Prolegomena :

"Through God's help my Greek Testament has been brought to a conclusion; the last Part of

altogether by my own hands, as I had hoped ; but where mine have failed, I have gratefully to

that those of others have been graciously and efficiently provided. If my health had

I hoped to have supplied a general revision of my text, specially that of the Gospels, somematerials having become available since I commenced my work ; but I regret my inability

carry out my intention.

" I can add but very little to what has already appeared as Introductory Notices to the different

and I will reproduce as much of these notices as may seem needful or desirable. I must refer

reader who wishes for more details as to the principles which I hold, and the studies in which I

been engaged, to my ' Account of the Printed Text of the Greek New Testament, with remarks

its Revision upon Critical Principles ' (Bagster & Sons, 18;)4), still in print, and to the description

MSS., versions, &c., given in my ' Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament,'

bj' liOngnians, 1856, with a postscript of ' Additions,' 18G0, as part of the fourth volume

the ' Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Iloly Scriptures' of the Rev. T. H.


It has appeared to some of Dr.'s friends undesirable that his edition of the Now

should be published in its complete and permanent form without containing some fuller

more explicit statement of his views and principles of criticism than the Introductory Notice to

First Part supplies. No words but those of Dr. himself could of course bo employed

it seemed possible to provide an authentic and tolerably sufficient exposition by bringing together

some of the leading passages in the two works mentioned above;and accordingly the

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ttempt has been made. For illustrations and for discussions of minor and collateral topics the

eader will naturally have recourse, if need be, to these works themselves, which likewise contain

much matter respecting other editions, and the special merits of earlier and contemporary critics.

The extracts here subjoined^ which have been selected, arranged, and furnished with headings by Dr.

IIoRT, suffer unavoidably by detachment from their context, and by the want of intervening links :

but it is believed that they will convey a true impression of Dr. Tregelles's views on the principal

questions of textual criticism.

On the other hand, it has been found impossible to rearrange successfully into a single compact

hole the Lists of Authorities prefixed to the several Parts. Such a re-arrangement, had it proceeded

from the hand of Dr. Tregelles himself, and been enriched with the results of his maturest

on each authority, would have had a distinctive value. But no adequate and a^^propriato

of the authorities in his own words could now be obtained by compilation ; and the six

partial lists in their present form are sufficiently adapted to the requirements of those who need only

a short index of reference. A few corrections and necessary additions are supplied by Dr. Hort

among the Addenda and Corrigenda.

The work would be incomplete without some account of the preparatory labours on which to a

certain extent it rests. Portions of the statement published by Dr. Tregelles in his treatise of 1854

have been therefore reprinted at the end. A brief notice of his chief subsequent labours of the same

kind has been inserted in brackets at the proper place.

At the close of the Prolegomena Dr. Tregelles desired to repeat once more the expression of

his great sense of a debt of gratitude to Mr. "William Chalk, which he had recorded in the

Introductory Notice to Part II., the twenty years there spoken of having meanwhile become thirty.

" There are others," he proposed to say, ' who have afforded me important help, to whom also

thanks are due from me, and from all who in any way may profit by my labours."

He would certainly have wished to add some such closing words as these which follow, taken

from the Introductory Notices to the First and Third Parts.

" This work was undertaken in the full belief that it would be for the service of God, by serving

His Church. To Illm would I reverently render my thanksgivings for removing hindrances; and to

His grace and blessing do I commend what has been done, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, our

Lord and only Saviour.""

May He who, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, gave forth that

Scripture which is able to make wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus, bless

this endeavour to exhibit the text of the New Testament in the very words in which it has been

transmitted on the evidence of ancient authority."

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Firtt Working Out of Pn'iicij>k>i.

1814 Trcgclles published an edition of the book of Revelation in Greek and English ; the Greek

text so revised as to rest almost entirely upon ancient evidence, and the Knglish adapted to

Greek so revised. This was prepared in order to put the English reader in possession of some of

iCiK/ta of criticism in connection with that portion of the New Testament which in the common

rests upon the smallest measure of evidence, and which if published on MS. authorities would

far more from the basis of our English authorised version than all the Epistles of St. Paul

together. In the introduction to this edition of the Apocalypse, Tregelles gave some account

his previous critical studies, and of the principles which ho was, in an independent courso of

led to adopt.' . . . "In examining collations of MSS. and the various readings

printed editions, he saw that ancient copies present very frequently, in characteristic

a decisive testinionj' against the eommou text and these MSS. which present a general

with it ; and thus he was induced to inquire into the actual evidence for particular

; and finding this often to be wholly unsatisfactory, he went on to examine how far a text

bo formed in which the ancient MSS. should be the authorities for every tconl, the versions being

as collateral witnesses when the insertion or omission of clauses, &c., were under consideration.

a text would be, he considered, at least worthy of more confidence than that which rests on


and, even if defective,it

would be at least ancient, and wouldtake us

far nearer

times of the sacred writers themselves." . . . ." Two statements of Griesbach served as

suggestions,—that no reading should be adopted (however good it might seem) unless it

at least some ancient evidence ;and, that we ought soon rather to think of limiting our critical

than of increasing them uumerically ml infinidim. Thus, if a selection must be made, and

all cases ancient testimony bo indispensable, let the primary ground of selection be that of taking

copies known to be ancient; (the field could bo enlarged afterwards if needful). Also, it was seen

critical editors do give a kind of pre-eminence to the most ancient MSS. This seemed a kind of

consent in favour of the principle proposed for adoption ; ond the mode in which Scholz docs

set the more recent testimony against the most ancient, as if to overpower it, did in itself

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suggest a contrary course, and led ultimatelj' to a more close examination of ancient authorities and

to a fuller apprehension of the value of tlie evidence of ancient MSS., versions, and fathers when united,

and at length to the establishment of the authority of ancient documents by comparative criticism ; that

is, by showing, in places which admit of investigation, that readings known to be ancient are now found

only in some of the most ancient authorities (or in those which agree with them in text) ; so that the

arrangement of authorities, 1st, according to antiquity, and 2nd, by their accordance with such copies

on the one hand, and all the more recent documents standing on the other, will be found to coincide

with the distribution which would be equally requisite if the examination were conducted conversely,

by inquiring, in what MSS. or what class of MSS. are those readings now found which we know on

independent grounds to have been once widely diffused or perhaps general ? There was thus a point

reached stronglj' resembling that of Lachmann : the path, however, leading to the conclusions had

been wholly different, and the groundwork of ancient authority Avas doubly defended, by the age of

the documents themselves, and also by the proved age of the readings contained in them and in those

like them."*

General Statement of Principles.

" The object of all Textual Criticism is to present an ancient work, as far as possible, in the very

words and form in which it proceeded from the writer's own hand. Thus, when applied to the Greek

New Testament, the result proposed is to give a text of those writings, as nearly as can be done on

existing evidence, such as they were when originally written in the first centurj'.

" While the otjjcct of the textual criticism of the New Testament is admitted to be the same,

there are two very different routes by which different editors may seek to arrive at the proposed

result; they are, however, so different, that the conclusions cannot be identical : the one is, to regard

the mass of documents numerically, and to take them, on the ground of their wide diffusion, as the

general witnesses to the text which should be adopted ; the other is, to use those documents which

are /;( themselves ancient, or which, as a demonstrated fact, contain ancient readings ; and thus to give

a text which was current at least in the fourth century of our era. On the one side, there are the

mass of MSS. written from the eighth century to the sixteenth ; on the other side, there arc a few

MSS. of great antiquity, together with a few of later date ; and these arc supported by the ancient

versions in general, and by the citations of ecclesiastical writers.". . .

" Now I believe that two things are of the utmost importance at present in the criticism of the

text of the New Testament: (i.) To draw a line of demarcation as to n-/iat critical aids shall be

admitted as good and useful witnesses ; and (if.) To determine as a fixed and settled principle that

the only proof that a reading is ancient, is, that it is found in some ancient document.

" Both these ideas were enunciated by Griesbach : he said, ' Perhaps we shall soon have to think

of lessening our critical aids, rather than of increasing them without limit .... Those, indeed, who

carry on criticism as though it were a mechanical art, are delighted with so numerous an array of

MSS.' (Symb. Crit. i. Priof. 2.) On the other point he said. ' There is no need to repeat, again and

' Hoi'uo'h Introduction, vol. is-,, pp. 130— IJl.

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that readings, which, looked at in themselves, wc should judge to bo the better, are not to be

uiikss authenticated by at least HOiiie niicieiil (estinioiik-i.' (Gr. Test. i. I'roleg. p. Ixi.)

" The selection of authorities must not be a mere arbitrary procedure ; but it must bo tho

as a basis, of such as are protrd to be witnesses worthy of confidence. Ancient MSS., tho

versions, and such early citations as have come down to us in a trustworthy form, arc the

and the only certain ones, that any reading ii ancient. And again, Comparaticc Criticism

es, that in selecting these authorities wc do not act empirically or rashly, but that we rely on the

of witnesses whose character admits of being tented. And besides thoso MSS. which arc

the oldest, we may use as valuable auxiliaries those whoso general tcj-t accords with them, and

on two grounds; 1st, Because the character of such MSS. is shown from their general agreement

tho oldest ; and 2nd, Because it is also proved by the same criteria of accordance with the best

versions and citations." . ..." If the oldest MSS. had not existed, and we were left, as

are with respect to so many classical authors, to MSS. later than the tenth century, true critical

might still have guided us aright in manij respectn. But we may be thankful that God has

Providence ordered otherwise than that wo should bo so left ; and thus we have the satis-

of using the oldest MSS. as witnesses of the ancient text. Their age would cause them to

a primary claim ou our attention ; their proved character equally shows that this claim is well

...." It has been repeatedly urged that the few most ancient MSS. bear but a minute proportion to

mass of those which perished in tho early centuries ; and thus tho lost copies may have contained

different text. To appeal from what wc have to what wo never can have, from what we know

wo never can know, would transfer us at once from tho domain of facts and proofs into that

conjectures and suppositious. The words of Cicero might bo taken as a sufficient answer to

surmisings :' Est ridiciiliim,ad ea qua' habemus niliil diccre ; qim;rere qvx. ii.vnERE non possv.mis.'

pro Arch. iv.).

" AVhat if any one were to say, in defence of any doctrine or practice, that it is true that it is not

or that it may even seem to bo discountenanced, in the twenty-seven books of the New

which we have, but why may it not have been inculcated in other writings of the Apostles,

their comiianions, which ire have not ? In the realms of pure imagination ouo question as to

is just as good as another.

"Does it not strike thoso who bring forward this trite objection (until, on their own confession,

are weary of repeating it), as at least nimjular, that all the oldest documents belong to the kind

they decry, because of their being in tho numerical minority P That each newly-found

should exhibit its relation to tho oldest copies previously known P That a version coming

to light (such as the Curetoniau Syriac) should still so ponerscly differ from the array of

MSS. P But, indeed, if in the early centuries MSS. did exist which accorded with the later

of copies, such documents would present a strange and unaccountable contradiction to the other

with which wc might compare them. Comparative Criticism would be able to proTo that

text was at least suspicious."*

° Account of tho Printed Text of tho Grock New Te«tamcut, pp. 174—178,

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Comparatice Criticism.

" By CuDipai'dtice Criticism'^ I mean sucli an investigation as shows what the character of a

document is,—not simply from its age, whether known or supposed,—but from its actual readings

being shown to be in accordance or not with certain other documents. By an estimate of MSS.

through the application of comparative criticism, is intended merely such an arrangement as may

enable it to be said, that certain MSS. do, as a demonstrated fact, present features of classification as

agreeing or not agreeing in text with ancient authorities with which they are compared.

"The MSS. must first be stated according to age, and to known affinities amongst themselves in

certain particulars."

" The process of investigation now is to take such passages as afford good and unequivocal

c^'idence ; to inquire what are the readings which in such places are supported by Iciioim .ancient

testimony ;

and then to see what MSS. support such early evidence:

and thus it may be learned

whether the most ancient MSS. (and those whicb accord with them in reading) do or do not present

fair samples of the ancient text.

" The passages brought forward first will be some on which the advocates of the mass of the

recent copies have relied ; as though the ancient MSS., which some critics have considered to be of

the most value, could not be followed rightly in the readings which they present. The points of

inquiry will be in such places, 1, "What readings are attested as ancient, ajmrt from the MS.

authorities ? and, 2, What MSS. support the readings so far authenticated ? The reader is requested

in each place to observe particularly what reading is proved to be ancient by the joint evidence of

different versions, and (in cases where the place has been cited) by early quotations."f

[A list of 72 illustrative passages follows, three of wbich are discussed at length.]

" Here, then, is a samj)le of the very many passages, in which, by the testimony of ancient

ersions, or fathers, that such a reading was current in very early times, the fact is proved indubit-

ably ;so that even if no existing MS. supported such readings, they would possess a strong claim on

our attention : and such facts, resting on combined evidence, might have made us doubt, whether the

translators and early writers were not in possession of better copies than tbe modern ones which

been transmitted to us. Such facts so proved might lead to the inquiry, whether there are not

MSS. which accord with these ancient readings; and when examination shows that such copies

exist (although they are the /etc in contrast to the iiiamj), it may be regarded as a demon-

point that such MSS. deserve peculiar attention.

'' The torm Comparative Criticism is applied by Dr. TregeJles (" Printed Text," p. 59) to the process by whicli

hoped to restore the text of the New Testament by means of " the agreement between the oldest Latin and

MSS." " The introduction of such a term as this," he says, " scarcely demands an apology. Few secular

of antiquity admit of comparative criticism of the text, for they have in general come down to us in MSS. of

language only. Not so the New Testament ; for there a now element of textual criticism must be considered;

it is our ability to use comparative criticism that enables Us to form a more correct judgment of the absolute and

value of different MSS. and versions."

i'" Printed Text," pp. 132, 133.

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" I have cited more than aeventi/ passages of this kind ; and their number may, I believe, be

easily twenty-fold:—they all prove the same point,—that in places in which the more

ancien.t versions (or some of them) agree in a particular reading, or in which such a reading

distinct patristic testimony, and the mass of MSS. stand in opposition to such a lection, there are

copies wliich laibitiiaUi/ uphold the older reading.

"The passages have been taken on no principle of selection except that of giving such as bring

this point clearly. Those from St. Matthew are places in which defenders of the of copies

themselves drawn attention to the ancient readings, as though they could not be followed. For

sake of brevity most of the passages have been given without remark, and without any attempt

state the balance of evidence ; for it was sufficient for the purpose to prove that the best versions

uphold certain readings (often in accordance with fathers), and that they arc in this confirmed by


" Even when much might be said against a reading so attested, it must, on principles of evidence,

regarded as hiijhli/ prohahlr, even if not certainly genuine.

" The remit, then, of this Comparative Criticism stands thus :

" Readings, whose antiquity is proved apart from MSS., are found in repeated instances in a few

the extant copies.

" These few MSS., the text of which is thus proved to be ancient, include some (and often several)

the oldest MSS. extant.

" In some cases, the attested ancient reading is found in but one or two MSS., but those of the

ancient class.

"And, as certain MSS. are found, by a process of inductive proof, to contain an ancient text,

character as witnesses must be considered to be so established, that in other places their

deserves peculiar weight.

" It is in vain for it to be objected that the readings of the versions, on which so much stress

been laid, are purely accidents of transcription or translation, and that the accordance of certain

with them is equally the result of fortuitous circumstances, or of arbitrary alteration. This

be plausible in the case of some one version ; but when there are two versions which combine

a definite reading, this plausibility is almo!^t excluded ; and so when the according versions are

or four, or even fire, six, or iscccn, the balance of probabilities increases in such a ratio, aa

amount to a moral evidence of a fact of the most convincing kind.

" Of course, it is fully admitted that versions may have suffered in the course of transmission,

that some have suffered materially: but wheu the ancient versions accord, it is a pretty plain

that in such passages they have not suffered ; and this is (if possible) still more clearly evinced,

en wo find that the oldest copies of a version (such aa the Codex Amiatinus of tho Vulgate)

in important passages a far more accordant text than is found in tho modern MSS. or printed

of such a version.

"So too, as to patristic citations :

—copyists have often moderuiscd them to suit tho Greek text

which they were accustomed ;they thus require examination (as Bentley showed) ; but when the

is such that it could not be altered without changing tho whole texture of their remark.s,

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or when they are so express in their testimony that such a reading is that found in such a place, wc

need not doubt that it was so in their copies. And so, too, if we find that the reading of early fathers

agrees with other early testimonies in opposition to those which are later.

"Comparative Criticism admits of a threefold application—to JISS.—versions—and fathers.

The same process which I have used with respect to MSS., will, when applied to versions, show how

different is the general character of the Old Latin, the Vulgate, the Curetonian Syriac, and others,

from that of the Harclcan Syriac, or the re-wrought Latin of the Codex Brixianus ;—to say nothing

of those versions which are scarcely worth mentioning in such an estimate, such as the Arabic and the

Sclavonic. And so, too, the general character of the citations of Origen and others is suflBciently

shown ; and thus we obtain a three- fold cord of credible testimony ; not, be it remembered, that of

witnesses arbitrarily assumed to be trustworthy, because of real or supposed antiquity, but of those

valued because their internal character has been vindicated on grounds of simple induction of facts.

" But it is with MSS. that I have now specially to do ; let then the primary classification [by

age] be compared with the estimate formed by Comparative Criticism ; and thus it will be clear, that

the same MSS. to which, as a class, the first place was given on the ground of age, are those which

deserve the same rank because of their internal character ; for in them as a class, or ia some of them,

the readings are found, the antiquity of which has been independently proved.

" Thus it is neither prejudice uor dogmatism to assign the liighest place in the rank of witnesses

to the most ancient MSS., followed by those which in text exhibit a general agreement with them :

and thus in places of doubt and difficulty the balance of probabilities will lead to the adoption of the

readings of such MSS. as being the best supported. The limits of variation, also, will be so far cir-

cumscribed, tliat we may dismiss from consideration the various readings only found in modern Greek

copies, however numerous they may be.

" Occasionally it has been shown that the ancient reading is only foimd in one or two of the

MSS.; this is a proof what an especial attention is due to their united testimony. Thus the joint

evidence of the Vatican MS. (B) and the Codex Beza) (D of the Gospels and Acts) has often a peculiar

weight, from their alone (or nearly so) supporting the readings proved to be ancient.

" 'V^'c need not, therefore, consider a regard for the Vatican MS. to be ' a blind adherence to

nutiquity,' though it is our oldest copy ; nor is it ' unaccountable ' that the Codex Beza) should be

valued in spite of strange interpolations. The Vatican MS. is valued because Comparative Criticism

proves it to be goot^ as well as old ; the readings of the Codex Bczcc receive much attention, because

the same mode of investigation shows, that, in spite of all peculiarities in the MS., they possess an

ascertained worth. And thus, as to other MSS., Comparative Criticism ^)ro;Ys their value, and shows

how they may be confidently used as itnesses.."*

Use and Abuse of the Latir Aiitlioritles.

" It has often been said that the uniform text of the later MSS. is an evidence in its favour, and

*hat thus the variations of the oldest, not only from the more recent, but also from one another, show

° " Printed Text," pp. 147—161.

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we cannot rely on them as authorities. If this had been a fact, it might have been sufficiently*

bj- another which is more striking; for it has never been even alleged that the later Greek MSS.

so uniform in their text as arc the later Latin; and yet the recent 5ISS. of the Vulgate agree in

two thousand readings, differing from what Jerome could have given, and also from the few

ancient copies which have been transmitted. And thus the Latin MSS. supply us with an argu-

from analogy ; the mass of tho recent copies contain a text notoriously and demonstrably

; the few oldest MSS. supply the means of emendation ; and these few must be followed if

think of giving the genuine text of Jerome's version. It is quite true that the mass of the

copies do agree in readings which differ from the ancient ; and then the advocates of numerical

point triumphantly to tho proportion in favour of the modern reading as being ninety or a

to one. Transfer the ground of discussion to the Latin, and then the odds may be increased

; for in cases of the most absolutely certain corruption of recent ages, the proportion of MSS.

their favour will bo perhaps nine hundred or a thousand to one. So futile is an argument drawn

numerical preponderance. And the text of Latin MSS. has been found to be almost a criterion

their age ; the century to which thej' belong has been shown to present a singular relation to

actual text.

"But although the later MSS. often show a general agreement in favour of some reading

to the most ancient, it is not strictly true that these more modern copies contain an uniform

: Mr. Scrivener's recent collation of MSS. of the Gosi>cls has proved this, and has swept away at

and for ever the argument drawn from the supposed unity of text. The recent copies have

own hind of variations, so have the ancient ; the real question is, ' Within the limits of which

are we to seek for the genuine and original text ?

" In speaking of the modern copies as opposed to the ancient, I mean the cursive documents in

as opposed to the MSS. anterior to the seventh century. The copies from the seventh century

the tenth, that is, the later uncials, accord in text, in part with one, in part with the other, of these

And besides this general division there are cursive MSS., as I have again and again said,

accord with the ancient text ; and there arc also cursive MSS. which, though generallj-

in text with the mass, contain lections, here and there, such as are found in the ancient

These facts do not in the least interfere with the general phicnomcna of {ranscriptural

nor with^its general course in ono direction. They only show that there were exceptions,

just such exceptions as prove the rule. It cannot be doubted that, in the Latin New Testament,

text current before the time of Jerome gradually gave place to his version or revision; and yet

Colbert MS., containing one of the purest ante-hioronymian texts of the Gospels (edited by

was written in the twelfth century. Just so Greek MSS. of the ancient class of text were

written in later ages ; although the general course was the same ; and the new variations

demonstrate that there was no established, uniform, Constantinopolitan text.

" It is granted freely that the oldest copies differ amongst themselves,—that none of them is

but these considerations do not take away their value as critical authorities; they are

monuments of what was read and used in the time when they were written ; and from their

in connection with other ancient evidence, it is for criticism, in a Christian spirit and with

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iutelligence, to seek the materials for reconstructing that fabric of revealed truth which has

in some measure disfigured by the modern copyists and their followers, the early printers.

"But if any choose to advocate the mass of the modern copies as authorities, the difficulty is

; not only because of their internal variations, but also from the fact that such an advocate will

that his witnesses stand opposed to every one of the most ancient copies, also to the ancient

as a class, and not only to these, but to every Christian writer of the first three centuries of

we have any considerable remains.

" In saying tUese things, I do not undervalue the MSS. in general : as monuments of the history

the text they are very important ; and not unfrequently some which are not amongst the most

are of great value as collateral witnesses ; but I do protest against the whole notion of

criticism as oiDposed to ancient cmthoritij, bo that notion defended by whom it maj', or in


Inadinmibility of Conjecture.

" Critical conjecture as applied to classical works in general is not only permissible, but neces-

; for such works have commonly been transmitted by means of very few, and in some cases

but one MS. Thus, mistakes have been evident on the face of the text itself, and good

have rightly exercised their skill, not in improving conjecturally what required no emendation

in suggesting, in cases of proved corruption, what might be substituted as giving the real sense of

writer. And when this has been well done, it has been in general by adhering pretty closely to

letters of the MS. and then showing where and how the transcriber must have erred from the

and well known causes of mistake. It is thus something like correcting tho errata on a

page which are manifest as such. Not everj' one ought to attempt it ; but he who possesses

ability will seek to do it in such a way as to recover what the author must have written :

object is not to improve on the original, but to restore it. In cases of considerable corruption

may be impossible ; and then, as well as in all places in which the text does not suggest the

it should stand as it is ; for, if no attempt at emendation be introduced, the needed

nmtj be suggested to future critics, to whom this will be rendered impossible if the some-

injured words and sentences are covered over with attempted plaisters and bandages.

" But as to Scripture the case in general, and as to the New Testament entirely, is of a very

kind. For we possess of the Greek New Testament so many ]\ISS:, and we are aided by so

versions, that we are never left to the need of conjecture as the means of removing errata. And

who have sought the most to introduce this species of correction have rarely confined themselves

what might be termed extreme passages, but they have too often sought merely to improve the text

accordance with their own views and feelings; that is therefore setting themselves as judges of

Holy Scripture ought or ought not to contain. As long, indeed, as but few copies had been

and it was known that they contained variations, it was only natural that commentators

suggest such corrections, on conjectural grounds, as thej' thought might be found in MSS.

'•• Printed Text, pp. 179—182.

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when more extensive collations had been made, and it was clear that the channels of transmission

sufficient to supply evUlence as to the text, there was no one thing as to which critical editors

more fully unanimous than in the rejection of all conjecture in the formation of a text.

" Wherever in an ancient writing such corrections are supposed to be needful, the first thing is

demonstrate this as required from the necessity of the case ; and if that is admitted to bo clear, then

endeavour should bo made to show from the text as trammilted what elements are afforded for

And thus, even in the Old Testament, there are points, such as dates and numbers, and

names, in which error or omission may bo demomtrated from either the context or some

passage ; in such cases we are compelled in explanation of the text to admit the corruption, and

state the correction which is required. But in the New Testament wo are in very different

for we are able to have recourse to documents which carry us so much nearer to the

of the writers, that there was not the same opportunity for injuries of the same kind to have

received which we do find in the Old Testament. And as in no work is recourse to be had to

if an explanation can bo given of what has been transmitted, it is excluded in the Now

in the very class of passages into which some would have brought it ; and to admit it

be as uncritical as if we were to select the easier readings rather than the more difficult in

of variations.

"As a mere question of probubilitioti, it is very unlikely that the genuine reading of the authors

been lost from every one of the ancient copies ; and when reverence for Scripture is taken into

it may show us the wisdom of abstaining from the introduction of anything which docs not

on eridence."*

Concurrence of ancient authorities in apparently v:ron<j readings.

" It may be fully admitted, that ancient authorities nuiy agree in upholding a reading which

bo the true one. In every passage, however, where this is supposed, the whole case must be

so as to seo whether there is really something incongruous in the ancient reading, or

the objection springs from subjeetire feeling, and from that alone. If there is a certain error,

us next inquire if any means of correction are supplied, and if eridence does not furnish us with

then wo must avoid having recourse to the modern conjecture which recent traditional copies

supply. Better by far is it to preserve an ancient work of art which bears the marks of the

of time, than to submit it to the clumsy hands of some mere workman who would wish to

it. If somewhat defaced, it might still bear testimony to the genius of the artist whose mind

it, and whose hand wrought it ;— but, if unskilfully repaired, the original design must of

bo yet more defaced and obscured ; so that a true judgment could scarcely bo formed of its


" But at all times let the objections to an ancient reading bo weighwl, and let it be seen whether

have not simply sprung from some traditional notion as to what the meaning of a passage ought

be."t» Homo, pp. 1 !'.>, I.W. t Printed Text, p. 19G.

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between differing ancient readings ; for example lij consideration of (I) express early State-

ments, (2) relative Authority and Number, Qi)'tendency to Amjjlificaiion,{-i) tendency to Harmonise

Similar Passages, (5) relative Difficulty, (6) Ascetic spirit.

"Ill confining the examination to the ancient documents, all care must be taken rightly to

their testimony, and to weigh it in all its particulars.

" Authorities cannot be followed mechanically; and thus, where there is difference of I'eading

amongst the more trustworthy witnesses, all that we know of the nature and origin of various read-

ngs, and of the kind of errors to which copyists were liable, must be employed. But, let it be

observed, that discrimination of this kind is only required when the witnesses differ ; for otherwise,

we should fall into the error of determining by conjecture what the text ouylit to bo, instead of

accepting it as it is.

" And while all pains and the exercise of a cool judgment should be employed in estimating the

value of evidence, let it never be forgotten, that just as it is the place of a Christian to look to Godin prayer for his guidance and blessing in all his undertakings, so may he especially do this as to

labours connected with the text of Scriptui-e. The object sought in such prayer is not that the critic

may be rendered infallible, or that he may discriminate genuine readings by miracle, but that he

may be guided rightly and wisely to act on the evidence which the providence of God has preserved,

and that he may ever bear in mind tvhat Scripture is, even the testimony of the Holy Ghost to the

grace of God in the gift of Christ, and that thus he may be kept from rashness and temerity in

giving forth its text. As God in his pi'ovidence has preserved Holy Scripture to us, so can He vouch-

safe the needed wisdom to judge of its text simply on grounds of evidence.

"For my own part, I have that reverence for Holy Scripture, that so far from feeling timidity

as to not receiving as divine, words or phrases which do not rest on competent authority, my fear

would always be, lest, on any traditional ground, such readings should be received as are not

supported by evidence."

" "Whore there is the imitcd evidence of the oldest MSS., versions, and citations, criticism has

no place, for the reading is not in question.

" In passages where testimonies differ, an express statement that the reading was so and so, is of

very great value."

" When once the position has been definitively taken, that the ancient evidence is that which wc

must specially regard, other considerations affecting various readings m\ist have their place, in

order to judge between the ancient authorities, when they differ among themselves.

"If the difference is found in so few MSS. as to bear but a small proportion both as to authority

and number, and if it is not supported by witnesses of the other classes (versions and citations), then

it may be looked on as an accidental variation, and one which docs not materially disturb the imited

evidence of the other witnesses.

" But, where there is real conflict of evidence,—a real and decided variation amongst the older

documents, then, in forming a judgment, the common causes of various readings, and the kind of

errors to which copyists were liable, must be considered ; and thus a decided judgment may often be


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rilULEGOilENA. xiii

"As copyists were aliciiya more addicted to amplification than the contrary, as a general rule it

be said, that less CN'idence is sufficient (other things being equal) in favour of an omission than

ah insertion ; especially if the insertion is one which might naturally be suggested."

" One of the most habitual kinds of amplilication arose from inserting in one Gospel that which

to the parallel place in another ; by this means, a sort of harmonising verbal agreement was

this was long ago noticed by Jerome ; and probably, just as often, similar sentences in the

Gospel were brought into exact verbal identity. Another mode of amplification was that of

to a citation from the Old Testament ; a copyist, perhaps, in these cases, having noted in the

how a passage was read in the other Gospels, or what the connection was of the Old Testa-

citation ; and this marginal annotation would then become a sort of authority to the next

to insert the whole in the text. It is thus that in all ancient icorks, marginal scholia have

intruded into the text : happily, with regard to the New Testament, we can, by means of our

monuments, go back to a period fiir earlier than classical MSS. lead us, and the various

of transmission of the sacred text are so many different checks on the ordinary classes of


" In cases of conflict of ancient evidence, Bengcl's rule


of wide application : there arc difficult readings which deserve the name, from the terms and

used, and also those which present some kind of involved construction, such as a copyist

be likely to modify or alter ; to the same head may be referred readings which exhibit some

peculiarity, whicii, although retained by the ancient Alexandrian copyist«, would offend

Byzantine Ari.starchus, and all the successors of that class of critics

—men often of real and

learning, but who look at cvcrj' object from one point of view—that of present intel-

"In judging of conflicting evidence, it has often been laid down that wo shotdd adhere to that

from which the others would be likely to spring : the rule is good, but the application is

very di65cult ; still, however, it should be borne in mind, and used when it really can."

"At times, readings have been introduced from the ascetic spirit which prevailed at the period

the MSS. were written."

" It would be, however, an entire mistake to suppose that there was any evidence of doctrinal

of the sacred records having taken place, unless ia an occasional manner, as in the above

; but, in those and in all similar cases, the wido diffusion of M-SS. and versions were safe-

against the reception of such readings ; and our ancient authorities, as a class, take us back

a time anterior to the introduction of any such changes."*

Limitation a-i to the use of Internal Considerations.

" .iVlthough various considerations have great and nt times decisice weight when evidence is

conflicting, it would be a great mistake if we were to suppose that we could always discuss

determine readings on such grounds. Wo may indeed speculate as to what may have been tho

o Printed Text, pp. 186, 187, 2Il»-2'i.1.

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origin of any particular reading ; but we should go very far astray if we allowed this 2)ra(jmatmi to

over-balance or even seriously to interfere with actual evidence : we know by experience to what kinds

of errors copyists were obnoxious, but evidence may often show that readings are well supported, the

origin of which might have been attributed to one of the causes of occasional mistake.

"There is one benefit which will always result from the examination of the various readings of

any passage which is under consideration : even if it does not remove all feeling of doubt, it will at

least show within what limits (often very narrow) all uncertainty is confined."*

Versions and earhj Citations Supplementary to Greek MSS.

" The sources of Textual Criticism are the evidences which we possess for or against different

readings ; they are the channels through which, in whole or in part, the text has been transmitted

to us. They are three :—

"1. MSS., 2. versions, 3. early citations.

". . . . As to ancient works in general we have only the ,/(/«/ ; for such citations as may

be found of classical writers are hardly enough to entitle us to bring them forward as a substantive

class of witnesses : while, as to others, we have only the second, since some ancient works are wholly

lost in the originals, and we possess them merely in a translation : and thus it is that, with regard to

the New Testament, we are far more richly supplied with materials for criticism of dififerent classes.

" If versions alone have been preserved, it is in vain to think of restoring the original text ; all we

can do is to be content with the general substance : and with regard to citations, unless they are

express, we cannot feel absolute confidence in their giving the exact words ; and thus by themselves

they would often be doubtful witnesses. Thus MSS. deserve the first place amongst the sources of

criticism, even though those which exist are not as old as the date of particular versions ; and MSS.

as occupying the first rank must be first considered. "f

Specialities in the testiniomj of Versions.

" The value of the testimony of versions to the genuine ancient text is considerable; for although

they have been subjected to the same casualties of transcription as has the text of the original Greek,

and though at times they have been remodelled in some sort of conformity to the Greek copies then

cui-rent, yet in general they are representatives of the Greek text from which they were formed.

The casualties of transmission would rarely, if ever, affect documents in different languages in a way_

precisely similar, and we may in this manner account for not a few divergences in the versions as

they have come down to us;yet when we find an avowedly ancient translation according in peculiar

readings with some of the more ancient and valuable of the ancient MSS., it is an important proof of

the antiquity at least of such readings ; and thus if they are not genuine, i\ie proof m.\x^i be sought in

the counter evidence that may be adduced.

" Some, indeed, have decried the use of versions as though they could not be trusted in par-

° Home, p. 355. t Home, pp. 147, 148.

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of direct ovidonco, and in support of this thoj* huvo pointed to errors which tliey contain, and

of the incompetency of translators. And yet admit all that can fairly be said on this head, and

remains ? Surely this, that indefinitcncss of rendering occasionally found, and owned mistakes

particular passages, do not invalidate the general character of such a translation, nor yet the

of its general testimony."

" AYlicn a translator mistakes similar words, his version shows what the error was that he made,

thus it is a witness to the text in spite of the mistake. Modern versions frequently introduce

supplements : the ancients had no such device, and therefore additions of this kind, or para-

circumlocutions, found in the old versions, must not bo regarded as wider departures from

original than our Italic supplements.

" But if modorn translations are sufficiently literal to bo such close witnesses to the text from

they were formed, this is far more the case with the ancient versions in general: thej' follow

Greek from which they wero taken with an almost scrupulous exactitude, and they so often

even the order of the words that they can bo quoted as authorities on such points. At

of course, the translator may have failed iu vigilance, he man have passed by words which arc

in no Greek copy, and he may have confused the text from which he was rendering, just in

same manner as was dono by Greek copyists. But the admission of all this in the fullest manner

not afford any ground for the statement that the testimony of versions is of little moment in a

of tho insertion or omission of a whole clause, or that ' a version need be very literal ' if it

.show whether important words wero or were not recognised by the Greek text from which it


"Allusion has boon already mado to tho condition in which different versions have been trans-

to us : this may show the kind of caution that is needed in employing them critically. A

ist of a version, if he possessed any acquaintance with the original, was in danger of correeting

Greek text with which he was familiar ; and thus ho might introduce mixed readings : this is

to tho usual causes of transcriptural mistake; and for all these allowance must be made.

are, however, often ablo to revert to rcnj ancient copies of versions, and then, just as ia the case

such MSS. of tho originals, wo arc brought back to the condition of tho text nearly or quite

with that in which the translation first appeared."*

Specialilics in the testimony of early Citations.

" Tiioso who have but littlo personal acquaintance with the subject have at times been inclined

tho authority of early citations too highly, and at other times to undervalue them as unduly.

have sought to give them an authority superior to that of other witnesses, and others have

them as being, almost as a matter of course, lax, careless, and incaimble of showing what

passage really read, wliich the author quoted or intended to quote. Both of these estimates are

rrect as a general fact, though each may at times be perfectly true."

" It is, indeed, said that tho laxity of the early I'athers is such in their citations that they can

o Horno, pp. 2-25—228.

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help us to no certain conclusion. It is also objected that they quote passages In forms in which there

is no reason to suppose that they ever existed in copies of the New Testament ; and that they some-

times quote as Scripture that which is not in the Bible at all ; and if these points are establishedj it

is said that it is useless to rely on anything so indefinite and misleading. Now, all this and more

might be true, and yet the utility of patristic citations would not be rendered void ; for what if the

same things might be said of our modern English writers ? Are there not many who interweave the

words of Scripture into their discourses, in such a way that they do not give precisely what is found

in the sacred books, even though they show abundantly whence the thoughts, and even the leading

words, were taken ? And just so is it with the early Fathers. They used the words and expressions

of Scripture in what they wrote, even when the construction and form of the sentence was greatly

changed. Such citations are simply to be taken for what they are worth. If the question is,

whether such a leading word is or is not to be read in a passage, a very loose citation, or even

allusion, may show that the writer in question recognised it. So, too, when there is a mere allusion ;

it may be amply sufficient in proof that a writer knew a particular passage, the genuineness of which

as a whole may be under discussion."

" The value of citations as sources of criticism is not to be estimated by what thoy are, or may

seem to be, when standing alone ; it is in connection with the other authorities that they have a

peculiar value. Thus, an expression evidently taken from the New Testament by a Father, but in

a form found neither in manuscript or version, may have been, perhaijs, some mere lax allusion of

his own, or an interweaving of something taken from the New Testament into the line of his

argument or discourse. But if a Father cites a passage, definitely agreeing with one class of ancient

witnesses, in a place where they stand opposed to some other testimonies, there need be prima facie

no doubt that ho actually quotes what was in his copj^ ; and thus he materially confirms that class

of witnesses. But If a Father says distinctly that a reading which he quotes was that of one

particular Gospel, and that another reading which he mentions was that of the parallel passage in

another Gospel, or If he exprcsshj rests on the words and phrases of a reading, and states imequlvocall}'

that they were so and so, his evidence has very great weight ; and it is in itself a proof, not indeed

that the reading Is of necessity genuine, but at least that It was current In the time of the Father In

question: if otherwise it is well confirmed, few lections could be better attested. Also, If the general

citations of a Father are proved by comparative criticism to rank high, even his obiter dicta are wortliy

of very considerable attention, to say the least. The value, however, of patristic testimony in

comparative criticism is. In general, the converse of this : for as such quotations are occasional and

fragmentary, they must be regarded as rather attesting those MSS. and versions with which they

are at all In characteristic accordance.

"Before a judgment can be at all rightly given of the critical value of the citations of any one

Father, it is needful that his writings should be carefully studied ; that his mode of using Holy

Scrlptui'e should be known, and that It should be seen whether he is tolerably uniform in his mode

of quoting the same passages ; and If not, whether the circumstances of time and place can at all

account for the variation. Also, in the writings of the same Father, attention should be paid to the

nature of the work in which a quotation occurs ; for more verbal exactitude might be leasonably

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for in an exposition than in a discourse or a hortatory treatise in which Scripture is more


"It requires that some judgment should bo exercised in making citations from the writings ol


for they liavo not unfrequently been quoted for readings which they did not really

and which they oven repudiated. This has arisen in part from the mistakes of copyists,

the ill-directed care of some editors, who thought that they were doing good service when they

and emended the Scripture quotations by means of the common printed text. It is therefore

ahvaya to examine a supposed patristic citation with tfie context; for this will often

good proof of what the writer really had in his copy of the New Testament.

" Thus, whenever it is possible, an edition should bo used which hus been formed from goo<I

especially if the variations of other copies are noted. Good service was done in this respect to

works of Euscbius, by tiic late Dr. Gaisford. And still it must be remembered, that if a Father

a passage sometimes in the same manner as it is found in good ancient authorities, and at

times it is found in his works in the same form as in recent copies, it can hardly bo doubted

in the latter case it lias been remodelled by a copyist.

" Patristic citations cdone have very little weight ; such citations, even when in accordance with

have but little more ; but when a citation is in accordance with some ancient MSS. and

it possesses great corroborative value. It is as confirming a reading known inde-

to exist, tliat citations arc of the utmost importance. If alone, or nearly alone, they may

looked at as mere casual adaptations of the words of tlie New Testament.

" The early writers are of far higher importance than those who lived after the beginning of

fourth ccnturj' ; and thus when patristic citations are compared, the age of the writer must not

overlooked. It is useless to balance those who lived from the fifth to the seventh century against

of the second and third. Particular attention should always bo paid to the express statement

a Father with regard to a reading; ibr it at least shows what ho had in his copy (if what ho

has been accurately transmitted), even if it does not lead us direct to the true reading.

" At times no conclusion can be drawn from tho 8ilence of Fathers as to any particular passage

other times such silence is very significant : for if remarks are made, sentence by sentence, and

word by word, on a portion of Scripture, and then a portion is passed by in silence, and then

writer again resumes in the same minutemanner;

and if the portion thusunnoticed


omittedother authorities, it will not bo doubted by those who know what evidence of this kind means,

such a passage was not contained in tho copy used by such a Father.

" Also, if Fathers with general consent exhibit no acquaintance with a passage, which might

to bo important in a controversy in which they were engaged, it can only be concluded that it

not in their copies : this will be strengthened if they quote the imiue<liato context of such

; and this will bo regarded as a confirmed certainty if such omission (or rather 7ioJi-

is found in good MSS. and versions which uv have received.

" Thus, with care and caution, good evidence may bo obtained from the Fathers ; not

not that which ranks above MSS., but of that collateral kind which, in cases really

will often have a determining value."


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" When a reading is found in a Father utterly discordant with all contomporarj' or other early

authoritj', it may be quite right to m'^ntlon the reading so found, but to attach no authority to it

per se, until it has been examined and vindicated.

" It should also be observed that when a reading is cited from a Father, it must be investigated

whether the passage is really taken from the portion of Scripture under examination. Mistakes

have often been made in referring to a patristic passage which really applies to one of the Gospels,

as if it had to do with what is parallel in one of the others; also at times, when an Old Testament

passage is cited in the New, a passage in a Father may certainly relate to the place in the Old

Testament, and thus unless the LXX. and the New Testament are greatly at variance, it would not

be a safe procedure to quote such a place in support of any reading in the New.

" In general, it must be borne in mind that copyists and editors have had the tendency to

adapt the Scripture passages in Fathers to that to which they were themselves accustomed ; and thus

a reading which d/ffcrsfrom the oldest authorities as a class, when found in an early Father, is by

no means conclusive that that was the reading of which he approved : while, on the other hand, a

reading in a Father \vhich differs from the recent copies and accords with the most ancient may bs

regarded as undoubtedly the reading of the Father himself. Thus in many cases patristic citations,

though given, are not intended to claim any sort of authority; they are stated rather in connection

with the fact of such occurrences, than as supposing that the actual form of the joatristic citation has

been transmitted to us."

" In the larger Greek New Testament of Lachmann, the readings of Irenaius, Origen, Cyprian,

Hilary, and Lucifer, are stated very carefully ; all these having been re-examined by Butmanu, or

l>y Lachmann himself, and the reference to the place in which each may be found is mentioned very

clearly. If complaint be made that the range of authorities is not sufficiently extended, it must be

owned that what is given is in a far more clear, intelligible, and satisfactory form than what liad

appeared in previous editions."

" A farther attempt has been made by Trcgelles to extend the limits of ascertained evidence

from Fathers. In his edition of the Greek Testament will be found all the citations that he could

gather from the Fathers, Greek and Latin, of the first three centuries, including Eusebius and

others, who belong partly to the fourth ; and besides these, there are given the citations of the

Latin Fathers, on which Lachmann relied as authorities for the old Latin text. Eusebius is taken

as the limit to which the Greek examination is carried, for two reasons ; 1st, because he is on the

line of demarcation between the earlier text, and that which afterwards became widely diffused;

and, 2nd, because of the absolute necessity of confining such an examination within such limits as

might be practicable for one individual to reach in any moderate number of years. It should bo

stated, that in this work, the citations of Irenneus and Origen, even, have not been taken from

preceding investigators; but after the citations have been independently gathered, they are

compared with the citations published by Griesbach 'and Lachmann. No actual quotation is

intentionally omitted; though not a hvf that superficially appear to be such, have been passed by

in silence after a thorough investigation, from its seeming to be certain that they do not actually

relate to the passage with which they have been connected. The result is that from Tregcllcs's

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will bo seen all the patristic evidence, vidi full references to the passages in the works

which has been observed as at all bearing on the reading of the text during the three

centuries anij more.

" It is to be hoped that some scholars possessed of competent leisure will carry out an intention

thejr have expressed, to make a combined examination of the early Fathers on an extensive

Such a work would thoroughly supersede the partial examinations, and limited investigations,

have been just mentioned ; and they would thus become part of the 2'>e^"inanent materials to

used by all connected with critical studies. Those who have been hitherto engaged in an

of the kind (and they have been but fevj) can rightly apprehend the benefit to

icism likely to arise from such a combined efi'ort to collect iliorowjldy all the patristic


RcsuUs of the Biscmsion of Recensions.

" The earnest discussion of recension systems has not been fruitless. Even if the resulthas

been the discovery of what was sought, the actual advantage gained has not been small. The

who dug deeply all over the vineyard which their father had bequeathed them, did not find

treasure of which they were in quest, but the increased fruitfulnoss of the soil amply repaid

: so has it been in this case.

" Not one of the definitions has been void of some foimdation in fiict ; not one of the alleged

on any system, is there but what has a traceable resemblance amongst those that have been

to it. On the other hand, no fads which have been used to impugn the systematic

can be rightly left out of consideration, and their ascertainment hits been one of the

important results of the inquiiy.

" The issue of the examination is partly negative and partly positive. The former may be first

"We may be satisfied

" 1st. That there is no proof of any recension of the text ever having formerly taken place,

any revision on an extensive scale : it is evident that any corrections must have been partial

local, springing from the copyists, and not from authority, ecclesiastical or critical.

" 2nd. That no definite recension was needed for the text to have assumed such a form as that

it presents in the later documents.

" 3rd. That it is vain to establish the later MSS. as authoritative on the ground of precise

agreement, seeing that such uniformity does not exist.

" 4th That the yradations oi test in different M8S. is such that it is impossible to draw definite

of classijication, without admitting so many exceptions as almost to destroy the application of

a system.

" 5th. That, therefore, the object proposed in laying down such systems cannot be attained by

means, and thus the evidence of particular documents cannot be avoided by the consideration

they in such testimony differ from their proper recension.

" Amongst the 2^osiiive results have been, that we know

<= Home, pp. 320—S52 : 337—342.

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" 1st. Tlio general difference between the more ancient 5ISS. versions and citations, and tlie

coi)ics of general circulation in more recent times.

" 2nd. That this presents in many respects a line of demarcation between the more ancient and

the more recent texts.

" ;Jrd. That this classification must not be understood as though each of the portions, so dis-

tiibuted, had not their own points of difference amongst themselves.

" 4th. That thus various documents may form what may be termed r/roup-i, either as to their

text throughout, or in particular books or passages.

" 5th. That the more ancient MSS. versions and citations which we possess, range themselves

under what we know from their combined testimony to be the more ancient text.

" 6th. That amongst the documents so allied, there are such shades of difference, and

characteristic peculiarities, that the versions and MSS. might be easily contemplated as ramifying

into two sub-classes.

" 7th. That often the identity of reading between two or more documents is such, that when one

is known to contain such a variation, it may almost of a certainty be found in the others ; so that

the alliance is most close and striking ; but that in such cases examination must be made whether

there are such sufficient proofs of their independence as enable us to consider them as corroborative

of each other, and not merely mechanical repetitions.

" 8th. That the most ancient documents in general are sufficiently dissimilar to enable us to

regard their testimony, when combined, as possessed of a cumulative weight."

" Thus the study of what has been written respecting recensions is of value, not only as

making critical works intelligible to students, but also as establishing /tfc^s which remain unshaken

respecting documents, their affinities, and the texts which they contain."*

Tentative Reduction of Principles to Rides.

" Critical rides are valuable in their place ; they may mislead those who are incapable of

understanding their application ; but where there is ability to comprehend and use them, they may

often guide In the right direction, and, at all events, hinder from going astray."

" The principles stated by Lachmann and by Tischendorf, especially the former, are verj' useful

in judging of the actual state of the evidence and Its bearing on facts under discussion. All that

lias been said of the nature and origin of various readings will bo important to be borne in mind.

" The ohject of textual criticism being remembered,—viz., the ascertainment on grounds of

evidence what the sacred authors actually wrote,— it will be seen that no rules will be sufficient,

unless the luhole subject be remembered ; while, if the facts in genei-al are borne In mind, certain

2'rinciplcs may aid materially In their aj^pllcatlon and use.

1. Where there is no variation in authorities, criticism has no place; and as to all tlic text thus

transmitted wc may feel a well-assured confidence.

° lloruc, pp. 103—107.

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" 2. If the authorities arc all but unauimous, the confidence is but little shaken ;unless, indeed,

dissentient witnesses possess some peculiar weight.

"-i. If the reading of the ancient authorities in general is unanimous, there can be but little

that it should be followed, whatever may be the latter testimonies ; for it is most improbable

the independent testimony of early JISS. versions and Fathers, should accord with regard to

entirely groundless.

" 4. A reading found in versions alo^ie can claim but little authority, especially if it be one

might Tiaturally be introduced by translators in general : it might then resemble in character

Italic supplements to modern versions.

" o. A reading found in patristic citations uloue rests on a j-et weaker basis than one which only

in versions.

" G. The readings respecting which a judgment must bo formed are those where the evUlence is

divided in such a way that it is needful to inquire on which side the balance preponderates.

such cases it is not enough to enumerate authorities : they must be examined point by point.

things being equal, (a) an early citation will sometimes be decisive, especially if it is given

express terms, (/j) Also, if one reading accords with a parallel passage, and the other does not

or if one introduces an amplitication met with elsewhere;

{d) or if one seems to avoid a difficulty

the other docs not;

(e) or if there is om well-attosted reading, and several others which may

have been taken from it; (/) or if the one reading might be easily accounted for on

connected with the known origin of variations : in such cases it is not difficult, on the

to form a judgment as to what was probably the original reading. It is quite true that at

it may be very doubtful whether the quantity of direct evidence maynot overbalance all modes

procedure derived from the application of a principle, and as to ivhich two seemingly conflicting

ought to have most weight.

" 7. When no certainty is attainable, it will be well for the case to be left as doubtful ; the reading

has strong [? the stronger] claims on the attention taking its place in the text, and that which

almost equal on grounds of evidence standing in the margin. As to additions or non-insertions

in the text or margin may be well employed. It may not seem satisfiirCtory to leave such

as doubt/id ; but this is far wiser than to pretend to certainty in cases in which it is

A critical text of the Greek New Testament, with no indications of doubt, or of the

of the evidence, is never satisfactory to a scholar. It gives no impression of the ability of

editor to discriminate accurately as to the value of evidence ; and it seems to place on a level, as

authority, readings which arc unquestionably certain, and those which have been accepted as

the best attested.

" 8. It must be remembered that sometimes we have direct early evidence of such a kind that

are certain of the reading of the second or third century ; then we are not left to the ordinary

of the balance of existing authoritie,<, but we can take our stand as early as the express

carries us. At times, again, wo have early evidence of the variations of MSS. then

This enables us to use thij information in addition to what we can gather from the sources


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" 9. At times a reading seems to be supported by a very small quantity of authority,

niLmerically ; and yet wlien all the evidence is examined, it is found to receive, on various sides, so

much partial support, that it is actually better attested than any one of the readings which might

be placed in competition with it."*

^' Hornc, pp. 342—34.5.

xiccount of Pvopandory Labours.

'• After the publication of the Greek and EnglL-sh Re-

velation, I applied myself almost unremittingly to myGreek Testament. I found that it was important, when-

ever practicable, to collate the ancient MSS. in uncial

letters over again, in order to avoid, if possible, the

errors which are found in existing collations, and to this

part of the work I devoted myself.

' The mode in which I proceeded with my collations

wa;; the following :

" I procured many copies of the same edition of the

Greek New Testament, so that all the MSS. might bo

compared with exactly the same text.

" When a MS. was before me, I mai-kod in one of

those copies every variation, however slight ; I noted the

beginning of every pa_f/e, column, and line, so that I can

produce the text of every MS. which I have collated,

lino for line. This gave a kind of certainii/ to myexaminations, and I was thus prevented from hastily

overlooking readings. I marked all readings which are

corrections by a later hand, and all erasures, etc. Atleisure, I compared my collation with any others which

had been previously published; and I made in my note-

book a list of all variations (such as readings differently

given, or readings not noticed by former collators); then

I went over this list with the MS., re-examining all these

passages;and to prevent all doubt, / 7)i(idc a scpnratc

mcmurandum of every <li«crep(mci/, so that, in all such

cases, I feel an absolute certainty as to the readings of

the MSS.

" I used, of course, a separate Greek Testament for

each collation; otherwise the marks of various readings,

Ijcginning of linos, etc., would have caused inextricable


" Also I traced one whole page, in facsimile, of each

MS. which I collated when abroad : this is often im-

portant, for the writing of a JIS. is one of the criteria as

to its ago, etc."

" Besides these, I have examined and made a facsimile

of almost every one of the JtSS. which h.ave been pub-

li!~hcd, and also collated the printed texts."

" These details of my proceedings, as to the mode of

collation, and the particulars which 1 give of the dif-

ferent MSS. which I have examined, are mostly for the

information of those who have some acquaintance with

biblical criticism. The letters A,B,C, etc., in connection

with MSS., are the marks of reference used in critical

works in denoting the respective MSS." Before I went abroad in 1845, I had collated the

Codex Augiexsis (P of St. Paul's Epistles) in the

libraiy of Trinity College, Cambridge, to which the Rev.

W. Caecs, with great kindness, procured me access.

This is an important MS., and the collation previously

published is only partial, and not very accurate. It was

made by Wetstcin, who gathered certain readings from

it, during a vtsry short time when he saw it at Heidelberg.

As it has been supposed that this MS. was a copy of

the Codex Boernerianus (G of St. Paul's Epistles) at

Dresden, or vice rci'sd, it was importp^nt to be able to

compare the readings of this MS. in all places, ^vith those

of that Codex (published by Mattha;i in 1791). 'SVliilc

this re-collatiou of F proved that, in many places, it

agreed with G, iu readings previously unnoticed, yet it

was abundantly evident that neither of these MSS. was

copied from the other : both probably were transcribed

from the same exemplar.

" One principal object which I had in going abroad

was to endeavour to collate for myself t/ie Vatican

MS. (B). This important document was collated for

Ecntley by an Italian named Mico, and this collation

was published iu 1799 ; it was subsequently collated

(with the exception of the Gospels of Luke and John)

by Birch. A third collation (made previously to either

of these, in 1GG9,) by Bartolocci, remains in MS. at

Paris. As this is the most important of all New Testa-

ment MSS., I had compared the two published collatior.s

carefully with each other : I found that they difforod in

nearly two thousand places : manj' of these discrepancies

were readings noticed by one and not by tho other. I

went to Rome, and during the five months that I w.^s

there, I sought diligently to obtain permission to coll ;il

the MS. accurately, or at least to examine it in the pi ,.

in which Birch and Bentley differ with regard to iu

readings. All ended in disappointment. I often saw

the MS., but I was hindered from transcribing any of its

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I rcatl, however, many passages, and have

noted down several important readings."

My especial object at the Vatican was thus entirely

; and this I rcgi'ct the more from ray increased

of the value and importance of the Vatican

I inspcctid several other MSS. in the Vatican

; I was only, however, able to consult them in

passages. One of these is the Cudex nasilianus

in the Apocalypse : the Vatican MS. is defective in

book) ; one of the three ancient copies which con-

the Revelation."

I now have to speak of collations not merely at-

but c.KCcutcd ;all tliose collations having been

in the manner above described.

At Rome, I collated the Codex Pa.ssionei, containing

Acts and Cathohc Epistles (G), and those of St. Paul

: this MS. is in the Bibliothcca AngcUca, belonging

Augustine monastery, to which access was allowed

by Dr. P.ii.i'.UMO, the librarian.

At Florence, I collated the New Testament part of

Codex Amiatinus ; a most important MS. of the

translation of Jerome, belonging to the sixth

I have to acknowledge the kindness which I

at the Laurentian librai-y, from Signer del

the librarian, and the aid afforded mo there as

I wi.shod to examine. The Codex Amiatinus had

previously collated, partly by Fleck, and partly for

;this collation is, however, so defective, and so in-

in many important respects, that it gives a very

idea ofthe real text

ofthis noble MS. Fleck's

called) facsimile, too, gives no proper representation

regular and beautiful writing of the MS., nor even

the stichometry of the lines : it could not have been

from the MS. itself.

At Modcna, Count Giovanni Galvani, the librarian

the ducal palace, enabled rac to use the Codex Muti-

I'JG. The ancient irritiiif/ of this MS. (H) con-

only the Acts of the Apostles (with some chasms);

Catholic and Paulino Epistles are in a later hand :

MS. had been examined previously with so little

that my collation was virtually the first

indeed, that of Tischendorf, with which I after-

became acquainted, but which, except extracts,


At Venice, I collated the Codex Nanii (U of the

now in the library of St. Mark : no collation of

5IS. had been previously pubUshed, except as to

places. Although the general text is that of

later copies, yet in m.auy remarkable readings it

with the Alexandrian (or more ancieut) cliu«s of

S. The librarians at St. Mark's, Venice, who kindly

mo the fullest access to all that I wanted, were


and(the l.ate) Signor

Baketta. Those who know how JIuntkalion

ti'oated, a century and a half ago, at tho library of St.

Mark (see his ' Diarium Italicum,' p.age 41) will under-

stand how gladly I acknowledge this courtesy, I know

by experience what Mdntiaii hn describes, for I have

met eheiehere with tho same kind of exclusion.

" At Munich I collated tho Codex Monacensis (X) of

tho Gospels (formerly Landshlitensis, and previously

lugoldstadiensis). This MS. is now in the University

Librax-y at Munich, having been removed, with the uni-

versity, first from Ingoldstadt to Landshut, and thenco

to its present location. Through the kindness of tho

late Dr. Haktek, one of the librarians, I was able to

use this MS. out of the library ; and this, of com-so,

facilitated my labour in collating it."

" In connexion with this MS., I may express my

obUgation to Dr. SfiiOLZ for tho aid which he gave me,

during his visit to Engliind, previous to my going on the

continent, by informing mo where different MSS. (and

this one in pai'ticular) ai'o now to be found.

" At Basle, I collated the Codex Basilcensis B vi. 21

(E of the Gospels). Besides comparing my collation with

that of Wetstein, and verifying all discrepancies, I had

through tho kindness of Professor Muller, of Basle,

the opportunity of using a collation which ho had him-

self made of this same SIS. I also collated that part of

the MS. B VI. 27, which contains the Gospels (1). This

JIS., though \<Titten in cursive letters, is, in the Gospels,

of gi-eat importance, from the character of tho te.\t

which it contains. To the late Professor De Wette I

am under great obligation, for tho kindness with which

he procured me the use of these MSS. out of the library.

" I returned to England in 1840, disappointed indeed

as to tho Vatican MS., but well satisfied that the time

had not been wasted, which I had devoted to the re-

collation of other documents ; for I thus learned how

often I should merely have repeated the errors of others,

if I had not re-examined tho documents for myself.

" In 1847, I collated (G of the Gospels) the Codex

Harleianus 5084 in the British Museum. Of this same

MS. there exists a fragment in tho library of Trinity

College, Cambridge, whicli I met with in 1845, while

examining Bcntley's books and papers."

" In the early part of 1849, through tho kindness of

the Rev. AV.m. Cuketon, I became acquaint«d with tlio

very important and valuable Syriac copy of part of tho

Gospels, to which ho first drew attention amongst the

MSS. in tho British Museum from the Xitrian monas-

teries. It wiis extremely confirming to the critical

opinions which I had previously formed and published,

to find the text of this liithcrto unknown version, alto-

gether ancient in its readings, and thus an important

witness to tlio ancient text. It was worth my while to

have learned Syriac, if it had only been that it enabled

me to use the Curotonian Sj-riac version for myself.

• When Professor Tischendorf was bringing out

his second Lcipsic edition of tho Greek Testament, ho

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Bent me the part containing the Gospels before the

volume was completed : this led mo to compare the

readings which he has cited, in that part of the New

Testament, out of any MSS. which I had collated, with

the variations which I had noted : I immediately sent

the result to Tischendorf. so that, when the complete

volume appeared in the summer of 1849, he gave corri-

genda in his Prolegomena, as to the readings of the MSS.

of the Gospels E G U X.

" In 1849, I was again able to go abroad to collate;

and I then remained at Paris for several weeks. I first

collated Codex Claromontanus, D of St. Paul's Epistles;

a MS. of peculiar value, both because of its antiquity

aud its text : although beautifully written, it is difficult

to collate, from the number of correctors who have in-

terfered with the original text. The primary reading is,

however, almost invariably discernible.


The collation of the Codex Vaticanus made by Bar-tolocci is amongst the MSS. of the library at Paris (No.

63) ; I transcribed it as a contrihvtioii to the correct

knowledge of what that MS. contains : this collation is,

however, very imperfect, though useful as sometimes

supplying readings omitted by Bentley or Birch, and as

confirming one or the other of the two collations.

" Next I began to collate the Codex Cyprius, K of

the Gospels ; but a few days after I had commenced, a

severe attack of jcholera brought me very low ; and though,

through the mercy of God, it was not long before I was

convalescent, I was so weakened, that it was impossible

for me to resume my collations until after a considerable


'' In the spring of 1850 I returned to Paris;and after

finishing the collation of the Codex Cyprius, I took up the

Colbert MS. 2844. This MS., in cursive letters, is noted

33 in the Gospels, 13 Acts and Cath. Epp., and 17 in St.

Paul's Epistles. This is the MS. which Eiohhorn speaks of

as full of the most excellent and oldest readings ; styling

it ' the Queen of the MSS. in cursive letters.' It had

not, however, received such attention from collators as it

merits : this may probably have arisen from its injured

condition, which is such as to make it a work of gi'eat

difficulty to collate it with accuracy ; the time, too,

needed for this is greater than what most of those who

merely examine MSS. would like to expend on one

document. Larroque, whoso extracts were used by Mill,

collated this MS. very negligently. Gricsbach recollated.

eighteen chapters of St. Matthew, fi'om which he gathered

about tlircc hundred readings not noticed by Larroque.

He also made some extracts from the Epistles. It was

his desire that some sdiolar who had access to the

Bibliothrquo ,du Roi would carefully recollate this

excellent MS.

" Although Scholz speaks of having collated this MS.

entirely, yet his examination of it must have been very


for he cites readings from it utterly unlike

those which it actually contains, besides a vast number

of omissions. I have taken particular care to be certain

of the readings which I cite, by te-examiuing with the

MS. everything in which I differ from others.

" It is difficult to convey a just notion of the present

defaced condition of this MS. The leaves, especially

in the lower part, have been grievously injured by damp ;

so that part of the vellum is utterly destroyed. The

leaves have often stuck together, and, in separating them,

parts have been entirely defaced. The book of Acts is

in the worst condition : the leaves there were so firmly

stuck together, that, when they were separated, the ink

has adhered rather to the opposite page than to its own;

so that, in many leaves, the MS. can only be read by

observing how the ink has let off (as would be said of a

printed book), and thus reading the Greek words haclt-

wards ; I thus obtained the reading of every line for

many pages, where nothini/ could be seen on the pageitself : in some places, where part of a leaf is wholly

gone from decay, the writing which was once on it can

be read from the set-off. It might be thought by some

unaware of this, that readings were quoted liy mere

Mtinder from parts of the MS. which no longer exist.

" I have had some expeiience in the collation of MSS.

but none has ever been so wearisome to my eyes, and

exhaustive of every faculty of attention, as this was.

" After this valuable but wearying MS., I collated

Codex Campensis, M of the Gospels.

" Then I re-examined the Codex Claromontanus, D of

St. Paul's Epistles ; so as to compare my collation with

that of Tischendorf, especially as to corrections of dif-

ferent hands. That I might form a more accurate

judgment, I made a facsimile of the different kinds of

alterations, aud then classified the others according to

their agreement in form of letters, ink, etc.

" A few months before my stay in Paris, in 1850,. M.

Achille Joubinal had published a pamphlet complaining

of the carelessness with which (he said) the MSS. in the

Bibliothtque du Roi are kept. He said that thirty-four

leaves of the Codex Claromontanus, which had been cut

out by Aymon, and sold to the Earl of Oxford in 1707,

aud restored by him (in 1729), had again disappeared.

As I had examined this part of the 5IS., as well as the

rest, in 1849, I was surprised at the statement, as well as

grieved. However, I had the satisfaction to find that

this was all a stupidly aud shamefully erroneous asser-

tion;the leaves were as safe as when I had collated

them in the May preceding. They still remain in Lord

Oxford's binding, with a laljcl appended to them to re-

cord his liberality in restoring them to the Paris library.

They are kept among other slimv books in a glass case,

as conspicuous in that library as ' Charlemixgne's Bible'

is in the British Museum.

" There was a single leaf lying loose in the MS., which

had also been separated aud sold by Aymon (folio 149),

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foot of which is written, ' Feuillet renvoye de

par Mr. Stosch, !Mars 1720.' To render this

liable to abstraction, I procured it to be fixed into

before I left Paris. My critical labours in Paris

mth making facsimiles of the MSS. and frag-

(besides those which I have spoken of as collated

L and "W of the Gospels, and n (the Coisliu

of St. Paul's Epistles. The text of these

docuiuonts has been published.

The kindness and courtesy of M. ITase, ' Ancien

' of the library, deserve to be gi'atefully

by me : I have also to express my obligation

Emmanuei, Miller, an assistant-librarian in 1840^

to M. Leteoxse (son of the late well-known Acade-

who occupied the same place in 1850.

At Hamburg, through Dr. Petersen's kindness, I

allowed to have access to the city library for tivice

umber of hours that it is commonly open. Here I



H of the Gospels,which

noseems to have used critically since the very inaccurate

defective collation of Wolf. Of course, I found that

[second] fi-agment in the library of Trinity College,

belongs to it.

I also collated the Uffenbach fragment of the Epistle

Hebrews (53 Paul) twice, with what care I could.

At Berlin, whither I next went, I saw much of Prof.

: he discussed many points connected with

Testament criticism ; it was very interesting to hear

himselj' an explanation of his plan, etc., in his

Testament. He showed me the books from which

condensed his Latin readings. These collations

very nicely inserted in different Latin New Testa-

I regret exceedingly that they have not been

; for they would form a valuable contribution

criticism of the Vulgate. For instance, in 1 Pet.

the addition found in the common Vulgate, ' de-

mortem, ut vitas a;ternaj heredes efficeremur,'

in Lachmann's edition within brackets, witli

note, ' om. F. nL' showing that it is omitted in the

FtJihnsis and another. To what other he refers,

of some importance to know ;for Poreon (whose

of Latin biblical MSS. was gi-eat) says ofthis

that the Lectionarium Luxovicnse (some readings

were published by Mabillon) was the only copy

known that was free from that addition. The

alius, however, to which Lachmann alluded, is one

he excellent 5ISS. at Wolfcnbiittel mentioned in his

I entreated Lachmann to publish his Latin

—little thinking how soon this schohu" was to

from us.

I went to Leipsic, to compare my collations with some

hose executed by TiscnENDORF. For our mutual

fit I made the comparison of our respective collations

U, and X of the Gospels, of H, and G (Cod. Pas-

of the Acts, of the Epistles J (Cod. Passionei).

I also recompared my collation of E of the Go?pels with

that of Professor MiiUer, which I had seen at Basle,

four years before, and I examined it with Tischendorf's

own collation. The MS. 1 in the Gospels had been col-

lated by Dr. Roth, and I compared his collation with

mine. These were all the MSS. of which Tischendorf

had collations available for comparison ;those whose

text ho has published, he had copied. I made out lists

of all discrepancies, so that I might get the variations

recompared in the MSS. themselves, so as to ensure (as

far as possible) perfect accuracy.

'• I communicated to Tischendorf my examination of

his extracts fi-om the Codex Claromontanus ;my notes

served to correct some oversights of his, and to confirm

him in other places. .

" At Dresden I examined the Codex Bocrneriuniis (G

Paul.) especially as to those places in which its text, as

published by Mattha;i, differs from that of F. The re-

semblance of this MS. to the Codex Sangallensis, A 6t

the Gospels (published in a lithographed facsimile by

Rettig), is even more evident iu looking at the MS.

itself, than in examining the facsimile specimen in

Matthaei. At the beginning of the Cudcx Boerncriamis

there is one leaf, and at the end there are eleven, written

on iu a later hand exactly like that of the leaves prefixed

to the Ccdcv Saiiffalleitsis. It is thus evident that these

MSS. are the severed parts of the same book.

'• On my return towards England, I examined the

palimpsest fi-agments of the Gospels P and Q in the

library at "WolfenbCttel : I think that the book in

which they arc, contains faint traces of more old writing

than has as yet been deciphered, though it appears that

Knittel, who published P and Q, and the Gothic frag-

ments, took pains to ascertain that the other writing is

at least not biblical. Through Professor Lachmann's

introduction, I received there evei-y kindness from Dr.

SciuisEM.vNN, the hbrariau (become quite hltnd), and

Dr. Hoeck, the Secretary.

" In p.assing through Holland, I took the opportunity

of examining, at Utkecht, the Codex Boreelii, F of

the Gospels ;Professor Rovaaed.s kindly introduced me

to Professor Vin'KE (who published Heringa's collation

of the text of this MS.), and to Mr. Adeu, the librarian.

This MS. was found at Arnhem a few years ago, after it

had been lost for about two centuries. It was still just

in the same state as when it was found, the leaves being

all loose in a box : in fact, from its not having been

hound and catalogued, it was some time before it could

bo found for mo to examine iu order to m.ike a fac-


" In speaking of the MSS. which I have mj-self col-

lated. I may now mention the latest which I have thus

examined ;—tlie Codex Lcicei*trensis (iVJ Gosi>els, 31

Acts and Cath. Epp., 37 Paul., 14 Apoc), which, though

not older than the fourteenth centuiy, contains a text ig

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many respects ancient ; aud it was the desire of several

scholars that I should rocollate this MS., wliich is the

most important of those in cursive letters which wo

have in this country. Application was made to the

Town Council of Leicester, to whom it belongs, on mybehalf ; and through the kind exertions of Geoegk

T(Ji,i,i;u, Esq., then the Mayor of that place, this MS.was transmitted to me, in the autumn of the year 1852,

to use in my own study. (Duo security was, of course,

given for its safety aud restoration.) Through this

particular act of courtesy, which deserves my fullest

acknowledgment, I was able without inconvenience to

collate this valuable MS."

' To the MSS. examined by me I may now [Addenda

to PiiiXTED Text] add the Palimpsest fragments of St.

Luke [R] amongst the Nitrian MSS. in the British

Museum. They consist of forty-five leaves (of the sixth

eutury, as seems to me), in which Severus of Antioch

gainst Grammatious has been witten in Syriac over the

Greek. The older writing is in parts very difficult to

;but by.pains I can in a strong light discern almost

letter : this is, however, a great strain on the eye

a collator."

[Dr. Tregelles's chief subsequent labours may be no-

ced here. He deciphered with much difficulty an im-

tant palimpsest belonging to the British and Foreign

Society (Codex Zacynthius or S), containing por-

of St. Luke's Gospel ; and the text was published

'facsimile ' type by Messrs. Bagster and Sous in 18G1

his editorship. Before printing St. Paul's Epistles,

collated at Oxford the cursive JIS. numbered 47, and

its readings iu his apparatus. In 18G2 he col-

at Eriangen the cursive MS. of the Apocalypse

1, (the lost original of the Erasmian text,)

had been lately identified by Delitzsch : he pub-

the results in the second part of Delitzsch's Uand-

Fiimle (Leipzig, 18(J2), as well as in the

to I'art VI. of his own edition. Some of the

discovered and eventually published by Tisohcn-

were also copied or collated independently by Dr.

;for instance, portions of the Sinai


Epistles entire, and detached passages), and the

of those parts of the MSS. of the Gospels desig-

r and A which now belong to the Bodleian Library.]

" Besides the MSS. which I have collated, or re-

I have endeavoured, with some measure of

to rt'sture what remains of the Dublin palimpsest

of St. Matthew's Gospel.

" Dr. Barrett, the discoverer of the ancient writing of

important fragments, when he edited them in 1801,

ave but a very partial description of the state of the

leaves; and thus it was wholly a matter of

when but a part of a page appeared on the

plate, whether the re?t of llio loaf still existed,

was illegible, or whether it Vvas no longer extant. I

There are also many places in which lines, words, or

letters, iu the pages in other respects tolerably perfect,

are wanting in the published edition."

" The MS. being in such a state, I had to endeavour

chymically to restore the words and letters in the parts

still extant, which are blank in Dr. Barrett's publication.

Aud in this I was very successful ; so that in the ex-isting portion of the MS., there is hardly a reading as to

which any doubt remains. After doing what I could to

the portions previously identified, I re-examined the

whole of the volume in search of the one leaf not pre-

viously found. At length I noticed, that, in one place,

the texture of the vellum was like that of the fragments

of St. Matthew : and though there was not a letter or

line of the older writing to be seen in any position or

light, I determined to try, as an experiment, whether

the application would bring out any buried letters. In

doing this, it was beyond all expectations of mine to see

the ancient writing, first gradually, and then definitely,

appear on the surface."

" After my return from the continent, I have at dif-

ferent times sent to various libraries lists of the discre-

pancies between Tischendorf's collations and mine ;from

Basle, Munich, and Venice, I received prompt and satis-

factory replies to my inquiries, so that I have full

testimony as to the readings, in every place of doubt.

Signer Velludo compared the list I sent with Codex

U at Venice ; Dr. StrOhl did the same with X at Munich

and E and 1, at Basle, were examined by Dr. C. L. Roth.

They are entitled to thanks from me, and from all whodesire complete accuracy in critical data.

" I also sent to Florence the places in which Tischen-

dorf differed from me, as to the text of the Codex

Amiatinus; and Signer Francesco del Fuuia promptly

sent me a full statement (made by his son, the Abbato

del Furia) of each reading.

" When I was at Leip.sic, in 1850, I found that

Tischendorf's edition of the Latin New Testament from

this Codex was about h.alf printed. I had sent him a

transcript of my collation ; and thus there was a con-

firmation ofseveral readings. I regretted, however,

that the printing should have taken place before the

passages in which we at all differed should have been

recompared at Florence.

" It would have been a comparatively easy thing to

have drawn out a select statement of the readings of the

JLSS., borrowing the citations of the versions from pre-

vious editions, aud giving the citations from the fathers

similarly on second-hand authority. But this was not

the object for which I had toiled. I wanted to give all

the readings supported by ancient MSS., aud not a mere

selection . . . Aud further, I should not be satisfied

without doing my utmost to give the citations froTn the

versions with all the correctness I could;aud .so,

too, I found it needful to examine and re-examine the

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of the fathers (as far as Eusebius inclusive) so

to repeat citations without knowing the bearings

passage with the context : hence has arisen a

expenditure of time and labour. Also, as I wanted

has never befen done fuUy) to give the evidence

Jhr and against every reading, where there is really

balance of testimony, a vast amount of work was

In all this, the condition of my ei/es, after

and trying study of several years, has retarded

a manner which I can hardly describe.

the Ancient Versions, I use and examine my-

the Latin and the Syriac.

Latin consist of (i) the Old Latin, as found in

Vercellensis, Veronensis, and Colbcrtinus, (ij)

text of Upper Italy, as in the Codex Brixianu.s,

a revised text, in which the influence of ancient

is discernible, as found in the Codex Bobbiensis

text was unknown to Lachmann), and (iv) the

of Jerome, in which I follow ancient MSS.

these, many Latin copies contain a mixed text.

writers have unsuitably blended all the non-Hiero-

Latin texts, under the name of Italic.

he Sykiac are (i) the Curetonian, from the Nitrian

of which mention has previously been made.

The version commonly printed as the Peshito : of

I collated the whole of Rich's MS., 7157 in the

Museum : this MS. is a good proof how the

scribes modernised their copies.— (iij) The Har-

published by White, under the name of the Philox-

— (iv) Besides these versions, there is in the Vatican

Lectionary, called by Adler the Jerusalem Sj-riac ;

published many readings from it : I have myself

the readings of some passages, and I also

a transcript of a few leaves."

the use made of the other versions see the several


The versions later than the sLxth century do not

any value as witnesses to the ancient text ;their

may, therefore, bo omitted : for it is worse

useless to allow them to encumber a critical page,

to perpetuate citations from them, on the accuracy

but little reliance can often be placed.''

There is a great deal of truth in the opinion expressed

Dr. Davidson, that it would be far better for the

offices of collator of MSS. and editor of the text to be

dissociated. But things desirable are not always prac-

ticable. It would be far better for an architect not to

be compelled also to toil as a quarryman ; and yet, if

stones could not be otherwise obtained, quarry them

himself he must, if he would build at all. An artist is

often the griuder of his own colours, and photographers

prepare their own materials. If what is needed cannotbe obtained ready to hand from the labour of others,

those whose special place it is to apply the materials

must be themselves preparers.

" There is a danger lest a collator should overvalue

what he has toiled on himself. And yet in my own case

the authorities of the hif/hcst value are those which have

been published or collated by others, through whose

labours I have benefited. I say this, although I consider

that the v.ilue of X, 1, 33, 69, and of D F of St. Paul's

Epistles, is very great, and that the restoration of parts

of Z was an important work : my general critical prin-

ciples were formed on sufficient data before I began to

collate, and thus I was hindered from estimating MSS.,

etc., because they were connected with my own labours.

' There are many subjects of interest closely linked

with the retrospect of my work ; it was this that brought

me into connection with De Wette, the disciple of

Griesbach, with whom I had much intercourse, both in

Rome and Basle. Thus, too, I met ScnoLZ, who indi-

cated to me, with much kindness, before I left England,

rvhtni various MSS. had now migrated : and in more

recent time, I was thus brought into acquaintance with

Lachmann, the first who edited irrespective of tradi-

tional authorities, and with Tisciiendorf, the publisher

of so many ancient texts. And all of these, except the

last, and not these only, but Laukeani and Molza, the

custodi of the Vatican, Baretta of Venice, Hauteu

of Munich, Cardinal Acton, and others with whom

collations have brought me into connection, have, in

these few years, passed away from this present earthly


" In this country, also, my labour of collations, etc.,

has been to me the occasion of intercourse with scholars

not a few ;—of these one may be specified, the Patriarch

of all who have been occupied v.-ith Sacred Literature,

Dr. RouTH." °

• Printed Text, pp. 155—173.

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In the Introductory Notice to Part III. Dr. Tregelles promised to complete his work by subjoining

additional evidence. " The collation of the Codex Sinaiticus in the Gospels," he wrote, " and of

the Codex Vaticanus in St. Matthew and St. Mark from the published edition, will, together with

other materials not at first available, form an important supplement to the various readings. I hope

to be able to print these Addenda in such a form and arrangement that they may be conveniently

used and compared with the various readings subjoined to the text. The sheets containing such

supplementary collations will, therefore, be sewn separately, and they will be attached to the volume,

when bound, in such a way that the pages of each may lie open together ; in this manner all

inconvenience of turning from one part to another of the same volume will be obviated." A shorter

tatement to the same effect is prefixed to Part IV., where Dr. Tregelles adds : "Besides, there will

be such corrections of the edition as I have made from my own observations, or have received

the kindness of others." As late as December, 1869, he expressed to me the same intention

y letter.

Having been taken into counsel by Mrs. Tregelles respecting the form and contents

the concluding or supplementary Part of the edition, I ventured to urge that the intentions

signified by Dr. Tregelles should still be carried out as far as might bo found reasonably

; and I undertook a kind of general superintendence of the preparation and publication.

great bulk of the labour, that is, the compilation and arrangement of the evidence of Greek

MSS. and most of the corresponding correction of the press, it was necessary to entrust to

hands; and the task has been performed with admirable zeal and industry by the

A. W. Streane, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Oversights noticed while his

was in my hands have been corrected : systematic verification it is hardly necessary to

was under the circumstances impracticable.

The utmost limits of admissible Addenda were of course rigorously fixed by the practice of

Tregelles himself. There could be no question of introducing the readings of fresh cursive MSS.,

the quotations of later Fathers than those to whom ho appealed. But even within these limits

was morally indispensable. Many details of evidence which would undoubtedly liave found

place in Dr. Tregclles's oi'iginal apparatus, had they been known to him at first, could not be

in a supplement without increasing its size to an extent disproportionate to their value, and

giving them an unmerited and factitious prominence by the accidental detachment from

gi neral array of evidence Ihe choice was unavoidably somewhat arbitrary : but it seemed

that a supplement should be ^jrovided under these conditions than that it should not be

at all.

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A complete collation of the Sinai MS. for tlie Gospels, and an employment of recent information

the ascertainment of the true reading of the Vatican MS. in doubtful places, chiefly for the

two Gospels but to a certain extent throughout, were the most essential Addenda from Greek

MSS. To these have been added the variations of Greek uncial fragments made known

the printing of the former Parts, together with fresh readings of P, Q, and T of the Gospels

by Tischendorfs re-examination : a list is given further on. ' Facsimile ' editions have

used where they exist : in other cases there was no resource but to transcribe the readings from

apparatus to Tischendorf's editio octava, though Tischendorf's own lists of passages shew

be in some instances incomplete. The only Greek uncial fragments omitted are the

leaves of r, containing part of St. Matthew's and St. John's Gospels : although they contain

good and interesting readings, their predominant character seemed hardly to claim a place for

considering their extent. The same consideration still more decisivclj' excluded n (Cent. IX)

S (a.d. 949) of the Gospels ; and also P (Codex Porphyrianus, Cent. IX) in the Acts, where its

is almost exclusively of a very late type. Butas

Pcontains a much larger though varying

of ancient readings elsewhere (except in 1 Peter), and Dr. Tregelles has used it regularly

Pauline Epistles and Apocalypse (for which Mr. Streane has added some corrections), it

best to include it for the Catholic Epistles, in which indeed Dr. Tregelles had already

a few readings supplied to him privately by Tischendorf.

In the case of versions selection was peculiarly difficult. The "Jerusalem" Syriac Lectionarj',

valued by Dr. Tregelles, was known only by detached readings when his Gospels were

A complete edition having been published at Verona in 1861-4 from the Vatican MS.,

only MS. then believed to exist, I have inserted many of the more important new readings,

with a few more from the recently discovered fragments in London and St. Petersburg

by Land. It seemed also worth while to give a few additional Memphitic and Thebaic

of interest, chiefly noted by Lagarde or Dr. Lightfoot, as these versions have as yet

quite inadequately edited. On the other hand, scarcely any Addenda have been taken from

MSS. recently come to light or examined, notwithstanding their undoubted value ; the Old

Vulgate Latin evidence being already well represented in Dr. Trcgelles's apparatus.

In limiting his patristic citations to the earlier writers. Dr. Tregelles intended to produce their

completely. In some cases however he at first overlooked writings, or portions of writings

accessible only in late times. The chief of these are various remains of Origen, unknown

Benedictine editors, but printed in the supplement attached to the fourteenth volume of

Bibliothcca Patnim and in the Catenae edited by Cramer, with a few scattered

; and the Syriac version of the Thcop/iaiiia of Eusebius, published and translated

About 18.58, soon after the issue of the First Part, I began to send Dr. Tregelles my

notes of evidence derived from some of these sources, and they were employed by him in

rest of the edition. In Part II, p. iv, he intimated his intention of using as Corrigenda the

notes on the First Part. I have accordingly thought it best in the case of a primary

like Origen to insert every additional quotation noted in my own margins,except a few

ambiguous reference. The readings of the Syriac Eusebius were collected less exhaustively.

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and under the circumstances a selection from those collected appeared to suffice. A few additional

or more correct readings have been given from Justin Martyr, the Clementine Homilies (especially

according to the Codex Ottobonianus discovered by Dressel), and other early authorities occa-

sionally cited by Dr. Tregelles. The text of Cyprian has been materially changed lately by the

collations of Hartel : a few selected corrections however, not always coincident with Hartel's own

text, were all that it was practicable to introduce. It should be understood that a transfer of a

patristic authority fi-om one reading to another, even when no MSS. are mentioned, is usually due

to fresh and better information, not to error in the original statement.

Part V contained at the end a short list of Errata in the text and notes of earlier Parts.

Others were subsequently communicated to Mrs. Tregelles by various correspondents, and especially

by Professor Ezra Abbot of Cambridge, U.S. These various errata, together with such as I had

myself noted, and a few in the Apocalypse for the knowledge of which I am indebted to Dr.

Scrivener, have been distributed among the Addenda, unimportant misplacements or omissions

of accents, breathings, and the like being neglected. Besides errors of the press, I have ventured

to correct or modify some erroneous statements of evidence, about which there could be no difference

of opinion : that Dr. Tregelles would have wished such corrections to be made is clear, from several

passages in letters received from him during the progress of his work. In one of them he writes :

" T am most glad of them " (some corrections sent to him), " even if they do convict me of over-

sight : but I believe that you will understand the kind of labour that it has been to put authorities

together, endeavouring to revise all, to collect much that had never been collected, and to bring all

into a new and lucid arrangement." Only those who have had some experience of similar tasks

can properly appreciate the habitual accuracy of Dr. Tregelles's statements of evidence, notwith-

standing his failure of health and eyesight for many years ; and his frankness in acknowledging

errors was equal to his care in avoiding them.

The additions and corrections spoken of thus far have concerned only matters of fact : they are

enlargements and rectifications of the evidence for the construction of a text. The text itself

formed by Dr. Tregelles must, on the other hand, remain untouched, although he would certainly

have made alterations in it had his years of strength been prolonged. There is no reason, as far as

I am aware, to suppose that either his general principles or his views respecting particular

authorities underwent any appreciable change. But the publication of new readings of his oldest

and best MS. (B), and the accession of a new MS. equal in antiquity and second only in value (K),

could not fail to disturb the balance of evidence in many places ; and accordingly he intended

at the close of the work to indicate the alterations which he would now wish to introduce into his

printed text on a review of the augmented evidence. It is manifestly impossible for any one else

to supply by conjecture a list of the readings which Dr. Tregelles might be presumed to have

wished to correct : but it seemed worth while to distinguish by certain marks those readings,

supported by fresh evidence, which were likely to have seemed to him at least worthy of serious

consideration on a final revision.

Two large classes of readings arc left unmarked; those which ho had already adopted

absolutely, and those which it seemed altogether unlikely that he would have in any way recognised.

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these two extremes lie two other classes of readings, those which have been already recog-

by Dr. Trcgelles along with other alternatives as either probable or possible in doubtful cases,

those which, though hitherto discarded, might now have appeared to have at least some title

admission. The marking of readings of the former class is merely a statement of facts, and free

all uncertainty. Primary alternative readings, that is, those which stand in Dr. Trcgelles's

proper, are marked f : secondary alternative readings, that is, those which stand in his margin,

which consist in the omission of words standing within brackets in his text proper, are markedff.

marking of the second class of readings on the other hand, that is of those which have hitherto

no place in either Dr. Tregelles's text or his margin, but which he might have consistently

\ip into either text or margin on reviewing the augmented evidence, is unavoidably con-

: they are marked j. The choice has of course been regulated by the analogy of Dr.

own practice in other parts of the New Testament ; and it has seemed better to mark too

readings than too few. lie -would probably enough have eventually rejected a considerable

of the readings .thus marked : but none, I trust, are marked -which he would not have

worthy at least of serious consideration. Bj' fur the greater number of the marks have

prefixed by Mr. Strcane at his own discretion, but in accordance with suggestions offered for

guidance, and I am responsible for the decision in many doubtful cases which he wished to refer

and in some others, as also for the marks prefixed to readings not supported by fresh evidence

uncial MSS.

Taken altogether, the marks arc intended to shew the points in which it cannot be safely

that Dr. Trcgelles would have finallj' I'ctained his text, or text and margin combined,

unchanged. But from the natui-e of the case they cannot indicate, for it is not possible to

what amount of change, if any, he would have preferred to introduce. Where he prints

readings, the effect of the new evidence (markedf or ff)

might have been either (I)

or (2) the suppression of the secondary reading, or (3) the interchange of the primary and

readings, or (4) the suppression of the primary reading. And in like manner where he

no alternative readings, the effect of the new evidence (marked J) might have been either (1)

or (2) the introduction of the new reading as secondarj', or (3) its introduction as primary, the

reading becoming secondarj', or (4) its introduction as primary, with suppression of the


It is hardly necessary to add that here as elsewhere, for instance in the selection of extracts for

Prolegomena, I have been careful not to allow any critical views of my own to exercise influence

the handling of the materials before me. It was a clear duty to aim at making this concluding

as exclusively representative of Dr. Tregelles's own purposes and views as its predecessors,

I agreed with them in all respects or not. On the other hand the task would have been

and perhaps unbecoming, had we differed fundamentally about the comparative merits

various authorities for the text of the New Testament.

It was Dr. Tregelles's lot, at various stages in the prosecution ofhis undertaking, to suffer

from different quarters with respect to his aims, his principles of criticism, and

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his personal labours upon MSS. Neither justice however to his memory nor the claims of sound

criticism required the perpetuation of controversy in tliis place : so that I have thought it right in

reprinting the selections from his other writings to omit all strictly polemical matter, and on my

own part to refrain from any attempt at vindication. His services to the exact knowledge of the

NewTestament are already better and more widely understood than they were a few years ago,

and cannot fail as time goes on to obtain all due recognition. The moral qualities of his work as an

editor, singleness of eye, unflagging care, and the persistence of foithful toil which never relaxed

under discouragement, bodily weakness, or any other burden, may be left with equal confidence to

sympathetic discernment.

F. J. A. n.

" He who rightly studies the principles and facts of the Textual Criticism of tlic New Testament

will find that he has acquired information not on one subject merely, but also on almost all of those

that relate to the transmission of Scripture from the days of the Apostles ; he will have obtained

that kind of insfruction which will imjiart both a breadth and a definiteness to all his Biblical

studies ; he will be led into a kind of unconscious connection with the writers of Scripture and

their works."

" Biblical stud}' is a field in which the labour bestowed is amply rewarded : and as discussions

are continually arising which can only be met satisfactorily by a competent acquaintance with

Textual Criticism, it behoves those who really love and value Holy Scripture as the record of

God, that they be not mere perfunctory students in this department. This country was once the

field in which such studies pi-e-cminently flourished :—the names of Usher, Walton, Mill, and

Bentley hold an honoured place in the historj- of the Biblical labours of that ccnturj^ in which

Textual Criticism found here its cherished home. If we value the labours of those who have

preceded us, and honour their memory, it should be an incentive to us to attend ourselves to

this same department of Biblical knowledge. -^^aipeT uKovovTe<;, orav Tt? iiraivy tov? •!rpcr/6vov(;

vfiS)V Koi TO, TreTrpajfieva eVe/voi? Bie^irj koI to. Tpoiraia \eyrj- vofit^ere toivvv TaOr' dvaOelvai toik;

Trpojovov; v/^wv ov)^ 'iva Oav/jLci^i]r' avra deuypovVTC'; fiovov, aXV Ira Koi fit/j.^]a0e t«? tuv avaOevrtov

upera^. (Demostli. vnep ri}<; 'PoSicov i\€v6epia<;, sub Jin.y*

" Ilorjic, pp. -lOI, 7.

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Pakt I.

Matthew and Mark.

Tregellcs's list of authorities in Part I. includes

materials for the text of all the Gospels, as far as

known to him. It soems best therefore in like

to place here the Addenda for the third and

Gospels, and to treat the list in Part II. as sup-

p. iv.

lino 2. A few corrections of Woide's text have

obtained from Mr. B.W. Cowper's edition of 1860.

See Introd. Not. to Parts II., III., IV.

B. On N see Introd. Not. to Parts II., III., IV.

line 3 : read 18-13, and add " with corrections in his

of the 0. T. fragments of C, published in 1845."

See Introd. Not. to Part III.

line 5 : after " Sacra " add " Nova Colleotio, vol. I."

Thirty-three leaves of St. Mark's Gospel have sub-

been discovered in the library of the convent

St. John in Patmos by the librarian Sakkelion, ap-

containing vi. 53—vii. 4 ; vii. 21—viii. 32 ; ix.

X. 43;

xi. 7—xii. 19; xiv. 25—xv. 22. A transcript

by him has been used by Tischendorf in his

cctava; who has also had accofs to a few verses

in the collections of the Russian Bishop

N sec Fragm. Nitr. in Part II. These fragments

M. Add. 17,130), called K" iu Tischendorfs cdilio

and V' in his cd. octava, were printed by him in

Monumenta Sacra, N. C. II., 1857. They contain a of Jolm xiii aud xvi.

Edited more completely by Tischendorf in his

Sacra, N. C. VI., 18G9. There are ton leaves

Matthew, six of St. Mark, twenty-five of St. Luke,

thi-ee of St. John.

See Introd. Not. to Part II. There arc eleven

of St. Luko, two of St. John. Tho date of

publication is 18G0.

Published in the Monumenta Sacra, N. C. II. See

Introd. Note to Part II.

(aud T"). See Introd. Not. to Part II. The results

of a fresh collation of the fragments containing Luke

xxii. 20—^xxiii. 20 by Tischendorf are given in his editio


Three sets of fragments closely resembling T have now

been discovered and used by Tischendorf. They are T''

at St. Petersburg, not earlier than the sixth century

(parts of Johu i.—iv.) ; T^ in Porfiri's collection, of the

same date (parts of Matt, xiv., xv.); and T'^, the remains

of a Grrooo-Thebaic Lectionary among the Borgian MSS.

at Rome, of about tho seventh century (Matt. xvi. 13

20 ; Mark i. 3—8 ; xii. 35—37;John xix. 23—27 : xx.

30y.). They should evidently be associated with T,

though somewhat later in date.

After Z may now be added some fragments belonging

to Porfiri, called by Tischendorf 8" (Matt. xxvi. 2ff.),

e'' (portions of Matt, xxvi., xxvii. ; Mark i., ii.), and 63

(John vi. 13 If.) ; with others partly in the St. Petersburg

library, partly belonging to Porfiri, called 0"^ (Matt. xxi.

19—24 ;John xviii. 29—35) : all these are said to be of

tho sixth century. To the same or the following century

are assignod other fragments at St. Petersburg, called

e'' (parts of Matt, xxii., xxiii. ; Mark iv., v.).

L, line 3 : add " in his first Monumenta Sacra."

e, line 3, after " Tischendorf" add '' in his first Monu-

menta S.acra, 184G." Two fragments containing ten more

linos were added in his Mon. Sac. N. C. II., 1S57 (Tre-

gelles. Add. to Home, 770). All the fragments belong

to Matt. xii.

—xv. 6 is now called e'' by Tischendorf.

For 3 see Introd. Note to Part II. Subsequently

published by Dr. TregoUes in 18G1.

In Part II. Dr. Tregelles silently raises to the class of

'•later uncial MSS. of special importance" tho two fol-

lowing :

Friiri. Mosq. Dr. Tregelles reprinted from Slatthaei

these fragments of John i. and xx. as an appendix to tho

Codex Zacynthius. They have since been recollated by

Tischendorf, in whose chief editions they stand as O.

y. This MS. contains John xvi. 3—xix. 41.

To this class (6.) may now bo added fragments of Mark

vii.—ix. in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge

called "W"" by Tischendorf, and believed by him to bo of

tlio ninth century.

>>y G p 1019

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p. V.

9. See lutrod. Not. to Part II., where in line 3 read

. Re-examined by Tischendorf, who gives the residt.s

iiis cd. octava (see vol. i. pp. xii. xviii f.).

two following MSS., omitted by "a more over-

(letter of April 12, 1858) in the Introd. Not. to

I., are briefly noticed in Part II.

A MS. of the Gospels now almost complete, dated

if the indiotion is rightly computed. In 1853

brought to Europe 158 leaves, which are in

Bodleian library at Oxford. Six years later the

Petersburg library gained possession of 99 other

by the same instrumentality. " The text of this

agrees in general with that of the other later

; in some peculiar passages it has such readings

are found in the more important MSS." (Tregelles,

203). The portion lirst discovered was collated

Dr. Tregelles when it was in England : the rest is

only from Tischendorf's cd. octara.

Of the ninth coutury, according to Tischendorf's

view. As an uncial MS., A contains St. Luke's and

John's Gospels. This part is in the Bodleian library,

been obtained from Tischendorf with r after his

of 1853. A cursive copy of the first two Gospels,

from him by the St. Petersburg library in 1859,

evidently the first part of the same MS. (Tischen-

Notitia Codicis Sinaitici, 58 f.). Some marginal

to St. Matthew are remarkable as containing

from the Gospel according to the Hebrews'lovba'tKov). The uncial portion was collated by

and subsequently by Dr. Tregelles. " The

of reading is considerable, so that, although Con-

in its general character, it contains by no

a settled text" (Tregelles, Home, 204).

almost complete MS. of the Gospels, of the

centui-y, was brought by Tischendorf from Smyrna

St. Petersburg in 1859. It is briefly described in his

Cod. Sin., 51 f.) ; and it is cited throughout (as

in his cd. octava.

line 3: after "Tischendorf" add "in his first

Sacra, 184(5." He now designates these short

of Luke ix. and x. as W".

F' consists of single texts of the N. T. \vrittcn in the

of the Coislinian LXX. Octateuch.

Frugm. Nciip. Palimpsest leaves of the eighth or ninth

at Naples (W' of Tischendorf), containing parts

Matthew xix.— xxi., xxvi.; Mark xiii. 21—xiv. G7

32—39, read by Tischendorf in 1843, are cited by

Tregelles) ;Luke iv. 1 (apparently)—20. The whole

eventually read by Tischendorf in 1800, and used

his cd. octava. He appears in 1805 and 1809 to have

a .suspicion strongly entertained in 1859 that

and Fracjm. Kcap. were parts of the same MS.

The Frnij. Sinait. has been ascertained by Tischendorf

to belong to a Lectionary. On less decisive evidence he

assigns a similar origin to the Fragm. Bandur.. which at

all events is of no interest except as having been included

in Wctstein's list of uncials under the designation O.

The following uncial fi-agments may now be added.

Three leaves at St. Gallon, vrritton in the "SVcst in the

ninth century (Mark ii. 8—10 ; Luke i. 20—32 ; 04—79),

printed by Tischendorf as W"^ in the Monumenta Sacra,

N. C. iii., 1800. Portions of John iv. 9—14, discovered

by Mr. Kitchin in Christ Church library, Oxford, and

copied by Tischendorf, who compares them (W'') to

Fnigm. Mosq. A few lines of Luke xi. at St. Petersburg,

of about the eighth century, G'' of Tischendorf. Three

Grasco-Arabic leaves of Matt. xiv. and xxv., belonging to

Porfiri, of the ninth or tenth century, G'' of Tischendorf.

Ancient Veesions. Latin. Vulg. The Codex Ful-

densis has been published in full by E. Eanke, Marburg,


The Old Latin, a. : read " by Irici separately (Milan,

1748) and also by Bianchini [so the name should be read

here and elsewhere] in his Evangeliarium Qaadruplex

(Rome, 1749)."

c. : read '' Sabatier in his Bibliorum Sacrorum Latinae

Versiones Antiquae, vol. iii (Paris, 1751)."

e. : read "Tischendorf (Leipzig, 1847)."

/.' is at St. Petersburg,/? at Paris (Lat. 17,225).

//.' is at Paris (Lat. 80).

/(. : read " Mai (S. V. N. C. iii. 257 lE.)."

I. has been published in full by H. F. Haase (Brcslau,

1805,0).Portions of ceveral other Old Latin MSS. of the

Gospels have been found of late years ;and four or five

of them have been used in Tischendorf's cd. octava.

,Si/riac. Syr. Crt. See Introd. Not. to Part II. Line

0, read " x. 32" ; line 8, read " iii. 5 to vii. 37 ;xiv. 10—

29 (with gaps)"; line 9, read "xviii. 23." Three more

leaves have been discovered at Berlin, and published by

Roediger in the Monatsbericht of the Berlin Academy

for July, 1872, and also privately printed by Prof. Wright

uniformly with Cureton's edition. They contain Luke

XV. 22—xvi. 12 ; xvii. 1—23 ;John vii. 37—xiii. 19. Mr.

Bensly has kindly noted the chief variations.

Syr. Ilicr. Published from the Vatican MS. by Count

Miniscalchi Erizzo (Verona, 1801—4). Parts of two other

MSS. have been found in the British Museum, and of

two more at St. Petersburg. The original texts and

many readings from them have been given by Land in

his Anecdota Syriaca (iv. 181 ff., Sjt. 114 fE. ;cf. i. 43 IT.).

They arc cited as Syr.IIier.Lond. (the single surviving

leaf of the older ISIS, contains only Matt. xxvi. 48—04,

perhaps from a continuous text of the Gospels);


Hier.Pctrop. ant[iquior] ;Syr.Hier.Pctrop.jun[ior].

Memph. Thcb. (For /lf</. iii. see Introd. Not. to Parts


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and v.). Much information about the MSS. of the

versions is given (with fi-esh readings) by

Lightfoot in Dr. Scrivener's Phiiu Introduction to

Criticism of the N. T. cd. 2, pp. 31'J—357.

line 1, for " fourth " read " fifth" (compare Tre-

Horno, 309 f.).

p. vii.

2, after paragi'aph 8 insert " When versions are

under any particular head, it is not as against any-

synonymous in the Greek authorities, unless this is

mentioned " (letter of April 12, 1858).


AcT.^ AND Catholic Epistles.

p. iii.

lino 3 : read " Mr. Scrivener (Cambridge, 1864)."

Published by Tischendorf in his Monumenta Sacra,


See Introd. Not. to Part IV. The Epistles were

by Tischendorf in his Monumenta Sacra, N. C,

v., 1805, the Apocalypse and Acts in vol. VI., 1800.

fragment containing Acts ii. 44—iii. 8, of the seventh

brought by Tischendorf to St. Petersbui-g in

called G in his cd. octava, is here cited as G'.

fragments coutaiuing parts of Acts xvi.—xviii.,

of the eighth or ninth century, have just been

by Cozza (Saci\ Bibl. Vetust. Fragm. III. :

1877), and are here cited as C". They belonged to

library of the Greek convent of Grotta Ferrata (Bb.

now transferred to the Vatican (1C70).

01 should be inserted 137, as Dr. Tregelles

cites it in the latter chapters of Acts, where

fails. It is a Milan MS. (Ambr. E. 97 stip-) of the

century, havmg much in common with D and


ViiJisioNS. Latin. *'. is a Bobio palimpsest of

the fifth century, now at Vienna, deciphered by

and published by him with It. of the Gospels.

is_/'. of the Gospels. Other Old Latin fragments

the Acts and Catholic Epistles have been found or

of late years.

'' Syr.IIcl." etc. may be inserted Syi-.Hier. ; for

containing Acts xiv. G—13 is among the St. Peters-

fragments (Land, Anccdota Syriaca iv. 200 f.).

paut rv.

Romans to 2 Tiiessaloni.\ns,

p. i.

The Frar/m. Mosq. of Hebrews x. 1—7, 32—38 (see

ud I.) are now (cd. octaca) referred to this MS.

TLschcndorf, who baa detected four more loaves (parts

2 Cor. iv.;

Col. iii. ; 1 Thess. ii., iv.) in the collections

Porfiri and the Archimandrite Antonius.

fragments assigned to the sixth century are 0",

of Tischendorf (see Not. Cod. Sin. 20), at St. Peters-

burg (2 Cor. i. 20—ii. 12), and 0'' (so cd. oct. vol. ii., but

evidently identical with R of vol. i. p. v.), a leaf at

Moscow containing Eph. iv. 1—18. 0"^ (R of Tischen-

dorf's notes) is an obscure Grotta Ferrata fragment of

2 Cor. xi. (Cozza, S. B. V. F. II). Papyrus fragments of

1 Cor. i., vi., ^di. in Porfiri's collection, Q of Tischendorf,

are bslieved by him to be of the fifth century.

p. ii.

After F" may be added O"" (N of Tischendorf), two

St. Petersburg leaves of the ninth century, containing

Gal. V. 12—vi. 4 ;Heb. v. 8—vi. 10.

Ancient Ver.sions. Old Latin fragments of St. Paul's

Epistles have been found of late years.

Syr. IIcl. Mr. Bensly kindly adds the readings of Heb.

xi. 28—end from the unique Cambridge MS.

Ar. B. : read " An Arabic version of Colossians tran-

scribed (' ex antiquissimo exemplari ') and translated byBedwell (Cambridge University Library, Dd. 15. 4)."

p. iii.

Lines 1 and 5, for L read Q (Treg.).

Part VI.


p. i.

Column 1, lines 1—3, dele all except "MSS."

In a letter of Sept. 29, 1870, Dr. Tregelles writes,


The MSS. used [in the Apocalypse] ai'e those aboutwhich I was sure of the text ; some of them not of any

particular value." He adds a list, in which P and Q stand

between 38 and 91. The words "which I collated" are

affixed to 1, and then "do. do." to 0, 7, and 14.

0, line 2: for "xxi." r6ad"xx. 1." This is the MS.

transcribed by Cramer for the sake of the Commentary

(Oxford, 1840).

7. Collated also by Dr. Scrivener, who calls it /.

14 : for " In the Apocalypse " etc. read " The last

uninjured leaf ends at xviii. 7 ; the remains of another

survive, ending at xix. 10; and another, ending at xx. 15,

was extant in the time of Wetstein (see Tregelles, Hornc,

210 ;Scrivener, Cod. Aug. xli.), fi-om whoso edition of

the N. T. tho readiug.s not now extant are taken." See

.also on 92.

38. Of about the thirteenth centui-y (Tregelles, Home,


91, line 3 : read " Vcrcellone."

92. Codex Montfortianus in the Ubrary of Trinity Col-

lege, Dublin. " The MS. was written by different hands."

" The Revelation agi'ces, as Dr. Barrett showed, in such

a manner v.ith the Codex Lciocstrcnsis [14] of that book,

as to prove that it was transcribed from that MS.;

andas botli codices were once in the possession of the same

William Chark, it is probable in the highest degree that


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Revelation was copied to complete t/iis MS., wliich

have seemed so far deficient in liis time, i.e. in the

half of the sixteenth century. This is confirmed

the corrections, etc., in the margin of the Codex Mont-

having been made from the Leiccstrensis by the

hand." " As the Codex Leiccstrensis is defective at

end, this transcript from it . . . has b^n the means of

erving the readings of that part which is now defeo-

(Tregelles, Home, 213, 21G). Dr. Tregelles has

given the readings of 02 (doubtless following

collation appended to his edition of Z) from

7, where 14 begins to be defective. The transcrip-

of 92 from 14, formerly questioned by Dr. Scrivener

Aug. xlii. f., 1859), is now held by him to be " very

though not quite certain" (Plain Introd.

2. 24G [cf. 174] : 1874).


of Dr. Soi'ivener.

leaves of an Old Latin Apocalypse have lately


Read " This version was supposed by Assemani to

been made in the sixth century : others suppose it

have been part of the Harcloan recension of the

version. ' It is possibly not really an ancient

;though of course its age is wholly uncertain


internal character and the nature of its text, as v/oli

as the want of all external credentials, place it indefi-

nitely low as to critical value' (Tregelles, Home, 281 f.)."

After " Syr." etc. insert " Theb. Cited here from two

sources (Tregelles in letters of Dec. 20 and 30, 1869) ;the

quotations in Tuki's Rudimcnta Linguae Coptac (Rome,

1778) ;and two fragments (xix. 7—18 ;

xx. 7—xxi. 3)

printed by Zoega in his Catalogue of the Borgian collec-

tion (Rome, 1810), and kindly translated by the Rev. J.

Glover, Vicar of Brading."

After " -iEth." etc. insert " Ilijij). The readings of an

Old Bulgarian version of Hippolytus de Antichristo, dis-

covered and published at IMoscow, have been made acces-

sible by Harnack in the Zeitschrif t f. d. hist. Theologie

for 1875, pp.38— Gl, and often serve to correct the

printed Greek text. The variations in the long quolc-

tions from the Apocalypse are cited in the Addenda as

Hipp. Bulq.

Frms., i.e. Primudus, Bishop of Haurumetum iu N.

Africa, "who about 650 wi-ote a conunentary ou the Apoca-

lypse founded on an early Old Latin text. Probably

cited here from the extracts made by Sabatier from the

Biblioth-cca Maxima Patriwi, vol. x. The readings of

two portions omitted in this text (viii. 13—ix. 10;


4—7) are supplied in the Addenda from Winter's edition,

Basel, 1544."


the Gospels, by far the greater part of the readings

given belong to the Sinai MS. (X). For the sake

brevity, the symbol K is omitted after the numerous

which stand in the Sinai MS. where there is no

and for which no other authority is here cited

Matt. iii. IG, (vd. nvep.). On the other hand the S3Tn-

N is retained (1) where the original writing has been

by one or more other hands (c.ff. Matt. iii. 15,

and rjiias}, (2) whore the Sinai MS. agrees with ano-

authority hero cited (e.g. Matt. ii. 22, cm. ctti, or 23

and (3) where it is opposed to another authority

cited (c'.//._Matt. iii. 16, ^anr. Se). Where the Sinai

is not cited (with or without the symbol N), it agrees

Dr. Tiegelles's text, except where the difference is

merely orthographical (a few select variations of

kind being however noted) or due without doubt to

unmeaning and purely clerical error. But in all cases

considerable division of authorities the Sinaitic reaihng

given, oven when it repeats Dr. Trcgellcs's text (e.g.

i. 6, cm. o /3acr.). As an additional security, Mr.

has verified his own work by Dr. Scrivener's

collation of the Codex Sinailicus (cd. 2, 18G7).

readings found in the Sinai MS. arc new altogether

to Dr. Tregelles's notes, some of them being previously

unknown, and others having been excluded as lacking

Greek uncial authority when he edited the Gospels. In

the case of some readings of the latter class the evidence

of versions and patristic quotations has been inserted,

pai-tly from Tischendorf 's apparatus, partly from my own


With respect to the Vatican MS. (B) the task of re-

vision fell under thi-ee heads ; (1) removalof the uncer-

tainties arising from discordant statements of different

collators or editors, and from the fact that in the first

two Gospels many readings (marked $.) rested on no

express testimony, but were inferred from the silence

of collators; (2) insertion of readings known only from

the latest editions, inohiding some corrections of errors;

and (3) rectification of statements respecting the different

hands of the MS. Mr. Streano has taken as his primary

guide the edition of Vercelloue and Cozza in ' facsimile

type published at Rome in 1868, using along with it

Tischendorf's edition of 1867, including the Appendix of

18C9. AVhere Dr. Tregelles gives but one statement re-

specting B, or whore one only out of two or more stands

\vithout brackets, that one is to be tukcu as ratified if the


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are silent. Wliere two or more stand without

the true reading is here expressly recorded, a.s

is also in other cases where for one reason or another

appeared to Ije room for uncertainty. For the

discrimination of 'hands' it has been necessary

trust almost wholly to Tischendorf, as the volume of

lloman edition intended to contain the notes un-

remains still unpublished. Both the pa'e

wi'iting of the MS. and the equally pale cor-

of the ancient second hand have to be recovered

under the darker relraciugs and alterations of the

hand, which is probably not older than the tenth

Many readings attributed by Mai and earlier

to what they called the second hand, and accord-

marked B= in Dr. Tregelles's notes, are declared by

to have been introduced by this very late

which on Dr. Tregelles's principles has no appre-

value : in such cases the original hand is for critical

the only hand. Wherever therefore Tischendorf

a correction to be due to the true ancient

hand, the reading is given in the Addenda and

marked B^ ; and wherever ho expresses doubt either whe-

ther the third hand hiis introduced a fresh reading or

merely followed the lines of the second hand, or whether

an ancient correction is due to a second thought of the

original hand or to the second hand, the doubt is recorded.

On the other hand wherever a B' in Dr. Tregelles's

notes is not expressly ratified, it should be cancelled, as

readings due to the third hand lie practically outside Dr.

Tregelles's limits. They arc not cited in the Addenda

except for some special reason.

In dealing with the other uncial Greek MSS. Mr.

Streane has followed the same plan as in the case of N,

except of course that the symbols are never omitted.

In 1 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and Hebrews a

few corrections have been taken from notes of a fresh

examination of 17 (see above, p. xxiv.), kindly lent by

Mv. VanSittart.

On the Addenda and Corrigenda for the evidence of

Versions and Fathers enough has been said above. No-

thing in the notation requires explanation here.

On the marks f , ff, and t see p. xxxi.


p. 1. Matt. i. 1— S.

KA'r.4 M.Vee.VlON CS.lil

i. 1. AaviiS N ubi pleue

(sc. Matt. i. C [2"] j Act. xiii. 22 [1"] ; Ilcb. iv. 7 ;


2. Iffn/c Usi. Ila scmi^cr N- (ct fr!' llcb. xi. 20, iilii

t<*;, cxc. Rom. ix. 10; Ilcb. xi. 9j Act. iii. 13; vii. 8 bis,

Ja. ii. 21 : laacix N" Ii. 1. hU; xxii. 32; Mar. xii. 20; Luc.

.14; Kom. ix.7; Gal. iv. 28; llcb. xi. 20.||

2. om. ct I"

: li.ll). M''.11

4. AfiivadaP 1", Afia'aSaiiU.". \Nacrffffuiv bis

II.5. J Bofij bis.

I1u,3j;5 bis.

||R. om. u Ihia.



VnXw/iwvn N'': ScXo/iwi'n B.II

7. i:o.\i7iwv N- : SnXw/iioJ'


A,?ia bis] A/Bioi/c! (D in Liic. iii.). Thcb.

2" «*.#'. Thcb.II

7, 8. Aim/..

]ip. 2, 3. .Miilt. i. 8— ii. 1.

i. 8. Ojtm,/ K': -,av UK\\

9. 0?.«e. |A^n? 1".] Ax'ff N''

IAx- 2".] Axas N'.

|| 9, 10. VXiKinv. V.ZiKtcj BS.1

Mavana.i UX''.|


10, 11. Iwfffini' (-ffini'


M. yivva 1" tantum B.|

toi' Alitovr N*.

IIh: Sn^ux bis N".r /*.(/'%

|Ax'i/i N* : Ax'i/< Ni-.


N* sic ctiiim vcr. 1".||

15. MarOav b's.||

18. x^'iurow]

Clem. 401 : x- '•] ^"^' Orig. iv. \j, y ivnyyt\i<T9t~ian

^ii'i Tni; yft'tdfui!,- xpicruo 'IiyffoO X"P" -t '" X" 5*- Oiiy

.\iv. 2. 73. j yiveaif: N. fJUritj. iv. 15. bbcic): yivvi]aii:

Gull, discrtc.|

oni. yup post fnnjar. ||19. XvapaSiyn.

{;irapa puuciis iiotntuin rursus dcle'i^.').||

20. Ulnpm^ N.

Ens. ad StL'i.h. i. 222.||

21. om. rturou 1" K* (vJtr).||


Ki'piou] om. Tov.II

23. KaXtanQ Quidam ap. Orig. Int.\om.

avTov X* (viitr).|

o 6ioe BN.||

24. lyipO.\

o lu.] om. o.|

Ti}v yvv. «uroi>] pracm. Mapini.i S'". Tlicb. (snurou S''.)||

25. uioi/ sine acM. j|||ii. I. tov ftaT. X* ct '

: om. tov X''.|

' Upo<Fo\vpa.

p;>. 4, 5. Malt. ii. 2—20.

ii. 2. adTEpa iv S'?: aaTspav N* (vJu).||

3. o ^aa. 'Up.||


om.avnp N"'. TuLa.c.ff^.g^--. ||6. (J ou.|om. yap X*; hab.J<''.


om. ixoi K". IIffpaijX] lijX S (iit semper, his locis cxccjitis:

ioA Luc. i. 10, 51; ii. 34 ; Jo. i. 31 ; llcb. viii. 8;_Act. iv. 10;

V. 21, .-Jl ; i.\-. 15 : Apoc. ii. 14 ; vii. 4 ;xxi. 12: IffJA llcb. xi.

22; Act. X. 36; xiii. 17: IirpniA Mar. xv. 32: Io('pai;X Act.

xxvill. 20.)II

8. «?er. axp. \\ 9. ((rrnOij.||

10. aoTipav S*.||

I 1. {k'oi'.II

12 £1(7 r. f'awrwi' xwpn'' S*. '• o^'S'- II13. t?ini>'.

Kctr itvap a. Mc;ni>li. Tlicb. : Kp. k.o.t.Iio. Vulg.

(corrigc sujirn.)||

15. Kvpiov'] non pnicm. tov.||

17. om I(p£/i.||

IS. om. Dpiivoi; Kin.\ t i;0iXfr.

||I'J. (Jnir. Kar oyap %SV MiMnjili.

(UIc iiifio.)

IT' «. Matt. ii. 21— iii. 16.


21. (KTiyXy.II «Ti

N. .B/w. n. E. i. 8.|

roi> n-ar.

ni-. 'Hp. BX. 7i'«s. n. E.II

23. J Najnpfr BS.\

in-oX": iJm

S*. Ilij iii. l.Jj.II

2. ttoin-t<"-II

3. Sia. ||4. i,v avr.

|| 6. ora.

6q 1023

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Iiop. TTOT.

\om. ipt' avrov H* : liiib. X''.

{|7. f avTov

tfom. N*. (Ila. ml 1.) ||8. KapTrov a?. ||

10. i;(Ji/ C(] non


11. t^tv yap K*.|

vp.. fiairr. H*: iv vSari Pa-Trr.

II12. (Tir. avT. S: om. «Dr.] dele Iren. et unc. incl. .7«s<. ct


oTToS. nvrov] { om. avrov H. (dele Iren. et unc. incl. .7as^

14. t li'ib. Iw. ^!'' veil": tfom. f5».|!

15. 1 1-/5. oi>r.|

K'' : ?'//!«£ K*.II

16. fiairr. h H: Kai jitmr. P. |hab. 6 it;


]ip. 8,9. Matt. iii. 10—iv. IG.

Iv. 6. Vulg. ic^e "no forte offendns ad l.ipideni

IC. aviti>x. \avTip N'': { om. X*.

| J Trj'sw^a Biov H:

Tov 0. P: om. tow 6eov c. m.\ f kiii ipx- k\": ff™- <""



hub. ett' avrov P.||

17. 'S.v ti (om. irpoQ avrov)

Hicr.j | qu^. K"'et'^(vdtr) P: juci. N''. Oj'iff.iii.cod.Von.


Ton iQ.I

avi]x- \vito r. tvv. (if r. ep.

||2. reaaipciK.


KOI naa. vvkt.\\

3. vpoai\6uiv'\ non add. ai'r^J.|


ttn-oj/ iva H^.\\

4. o S' arroKp. N''.|

o av9. \aXV




5. eariiT.||

6. cat Xty. BX* ct ' : nai tiir. ts^|

rou D* (??).II

8. SiKVVH.\\

9. icai (itt.|

ffoi rravra.\

II10- ijrnyj] non add. ojt. /iou.



om. o If.Ion Iw. K' : Iw. on N*.

||13. kotoXitwi'.


N*: -po S'': -ptr B^ (non **): -pad Syr. Ilicr.|


r. TTopa 6nXn(r(r«i' K* : -aiav N* ipso vel N''P.|i

J dKoT'.t N*P: -rm N''. 1 ^^Jf nCiv.

pp. 10, 11. Mutt. iv. 16—V. 12.

18. Tzapayiav oe Ens. Theoph. Syr. iv. 6.|om. o ig.

j (caXonft.

: X£yo/i. K*.| t «^"'e I^^*' "^"'f '^''- ^ic ct vcr. 19.


om. o If N. Eus. Tlio >ph.|

ifiaf] add. yii'iaOai H^ : om.


21. avTOV ^^* et '': tavrov H".

\\22. to TrXoiov]

avnov H* (non Eus. Tliooph.).||

23. fffpn/y.] fadd. o cf|

u\y rij Va\. V>. (om. oXy N') : ciX. mr TnX. N" : non add.

1c'li'aiTKwi'] a'ld. avrovg K* : om. ii'\

\\24. ff £?;;XG.


Tzaaav.\ tf ""' Sat^i. \\\\

v. 1. Trpoo-ijXOdi/ N* : -Gov


avTij) a. Oci'ji. iii. 496'^cod. Von.||

4,5. % pax. oiTirO.

fiax. o! irp. H (Tert. de pat. 11: dele supra.)]

jrfj/G.] add.


9. It om. auroi (t hab. m ).II

10. ivti.-ti'.||

11. om.

N. iiHS. Tlieojli. Syr. iv. 27.| f ''^''- "i'^"^"/'' (tt o'"-

1si'ticn B.


u'. tpou N. £«s. dis. Tat. de fug. 7.

pp. 12, 13. Matt. V. 13—31.

13. a\a bis B'<"S. |1IC. fpya B- (vi.\ B*).

||18. av 2" om.

: liab. E-. II 19. Of o' av Trot ruv ovp. K»: om. N*. ||

$,>../ OIK. BX. Ory.Prov. 93 Tf.||

21. J fppiG/;. ||22.

X* : om. X\| -ff

c™- '""1 ^* (^clc A-). Oriy. Epli. Cram.

diicrtc (et Prov. 20 Mai); (conf. Jusl. Ap. i. 16]: t lial>-

QuiJnm ap. Orig. Epb.|paxaX*: pnKa X''.

||23. f saicti.


pir' avT. IV nj oSii).| ff oni. (76 jropaiS. (post Kpin/r).


B*X: tppi]. IV-.I

non add. roif apx- \\28. ittiO. avrtis

JfffiO. tantum X*. ||30. icoi pi; X'': jj X*.

| t. y. nirfXe.||

Jtppt9/;B*X: «ppi;. B-.|

iisX^'ct'^: om. X".|om. in.

pp. U, 15. MiUt. V. 31— vi. 2.

V. 32. n-af o an-oX.| potx^vQ.

| (f) Kai of a»»(tav X"") (uroX.

poix. II 33. t eppiOi; B*X: fppij. B-. || 36. pijre X» et «:


rpix" X'': rptxnv X*.|woi. »; ptX.

\\37. i<STia X. Just.

i. ICi etrrat Ckm. 872 (dele supra.)|vai vai Kai ov ov

(Just. Clem. Ih). //o,ii. C/. 3. 55 cod. Olto!).||

33. tippiBi)

B*X: fppi;. B-.II

39. ni'aiTTijroi] -araOrjvai\ f po""'?*'

| t"CX*: tt"" ^"-

Iflay, ffou] Jom. (row.

||40. aury X": rowr^i


i/iar.] add. irou.{{

41. ae] at lav. \ tvyapivay.||

42. ui

X'': (TO! X*.I


43. lippiGi) B*X : fpp;;. B= v. ' (et ita


44. om. ivXoy. rovg Karap. v/i. X. Orig. Gall. xiv.

2. 102.I

om. KaX. ttoi. rouf piff. vp. X. Orig. Ga'.I. | o:n. tTrrjp,

lip, KaiX. 0)/y. Gall.


o;n. Km (ipix- * ^"'' "^^''^- '^"^ ''•'''•


45. Toif Orig. Gall.||

46. om. ovxi X*: Iiab. X^j oy-wf]


47. a^tX^.|

tQvit.\ro avro.

||48. lif .


riof. Illvi. 1. ft ffpofffx^rt Bi X: fo™. ci Syr. Hicr.


X* et '': SoOLV X".|jom. roif X*: hab. X'^.

pp. 16, 17. Matt. ri. 2—20.

vi. 2. apiji' Lis.||

4. y eov £Xej;p. y X*: j; itoo )'; iXijjp. BX*".|

lin. 3. )} A.] lege 'j; A.'

|aTToCuiaiiJ om. «u70f. |

croi] om. iv

Tip (pav.II

5. !rpo(7£iix')o9e X*: Trpoerwxi ovk nicBt X': rjio-

atvx'l<y9e ovk lataOe X".|


on-oif] om. av.\ vptv'] om.


0. J j-opfioi' BX.I

r/p post (TOW.i

njro^. iroi] o;n. tv np


7. J (3arraXoyi;i7);7£.||

8. ynp] Jadd. o Gtof X*.||


WtXOarixi.Iwf] " Quod in plerisqiie coJd. legilur m.igisque ab

crantibus frequcntatur" Aug. do do. pers. 6: om. lif Tert. de or.

4. Cypr. 205. 311 (codd. opt.).|

yijf] om. ri;f.||

12. a^ij/c. X*:

nfiifpf)' X"^'. (Or;^. Jo. Cr. 294).||

13. om. on uou . . . niwi'af.j

om. opjjj' X. Cypr. 205 (dele supra).||

15. om. m TrapaTrr.

avr(i}v.1i'pwv P] vptv X. c.^f. ||

16. Kat vrav ?f X*: om. cat X"*

ct'' (vdtr).I


om. oi X*.|

ra n'pocr.] to npoaiinrov X*

(non X"^"). i. Syr. Pat.|irpof avnov.

\apijv X'°: add. yap X*.]

om. on.II

18. roif afSp. vijnT.\

Kpv^aifp ti-?.|

Trarjjp coi']

om. 001/ X*: liab. Xi*".

1 oni, £r ri'i (pav.||

19 . aijiavii^it Orig.

Piov. p. 90 Tf.II

20. ovSil Kai.

pp. 18, 19. Malt. vi. 21—vii. 9.

\i. 21. (Tou bis.I

oni. i-ai m.||

22. o09:iX. 1"] t non add. irou

X. Orig. Prov. 92 Tf.|om. oui'.

| t j; o opG. o-ou a;rX. X. Vulg.

f.ffK II23. TTcy. j; X'': Imb. y post t"£ X*.

||2i. pafiuvif. ||


J om. J) n nijrf.||

2G. an-o0.] piMcm. j-af X"".||

27. om. pip.

{Tert. Spcet. 23.) ||28. av^avov-7iv ov KO:rtto(Tiv ov^e vj}9ovffiv.


"2. £7riJi;routri.|

yap 2"] f£ X'". b.c.g^.l. Mcmpli. Syr. Psi.

C^/)r. bis.I

o n-ar. vp. X^". Juit. Ap. i. 15: praem. o Gf X*:

om. ipwv Chm. 992. Honi. CI. iii. 55 (cod. Ottob.).|om. 6 oi'p.

X. C'.em. 992.| XP'I^"^ I^'= XPI'"' ^*-


O™- a-:r.Jusl.\\33. mv

l3aa. Kai ri/v diK. av-ov X. /: rcgntim et jnstiiiam Dei Cypr.

210. 340. 307. (dele supra.): post '579' add. '(ef. 242; Just.)'.

II34. avp. pip.'i non add. Ta. |

«aii-/;f X : aon/f B. |{j|vii.

2. ptTptjO.II

3. TIJV it ^OK. T. iv. T. a. o^.K".II

4. fp£If] Xi".

ff'.g^. : Xfyfif X*. a.b.c.f.y-.h.k.l. Lucif. \Tip al. crou] add.



5. £K TOV oipO. GOV Tijv I'oB. X. Oriy. Eph. Cr.



6. icarnn'arijiiiiiffi;'.||

8. ft ''>'0'>''J<''"'<"- II

9.,rif] :uld. (irnv B=X.| 6y] add. mv H^: on). X*.

pp. 20, 21. Matt. vii. 9—27.

vii. 9. aiTijirei.\\

10. i) icai.| ix^.] om. £o»'.

| ain/uti.||


oui'X'': om. X*. ( av] J fav.|

Troiwcrii'. ||13. tiffiXBart.

\ >)

vvXii X": om. X*. Clem. 664. Orig. Mt. Cr. 59.|om. uaiv X*


fi«px. X>: 77op£u. X".||

II. J or. B».S>': n B^

X'-" (vdtr) et'^

: non add. di X.|

om. i; TruXij Clc:ii. 664. Orig,


15. ftom. Jt.II

16. irra^uXaf.||

17. copn-. icnX. toi.!|

18. 1. 1. lege Suvarai. \ iromv l" N*: t tviyKttv X* (vdir).,


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2" N'' ct " : J CfiyKiiv H* {Oriy. iii. 267/.) (ct (Iclc

II 19. jr<n'] om. ovv.||

20. aTro.jj

21. Ta BiXiJiiara

IToig ovp.

II22. (TrgotpriT. BX. |

iaiiiovia\ add. jroXXa


£?f(3«X.] tKiPaWojiiv t?* (-X\a>/((v L. [dele supra]).||

rouroi's B- marg. S ; ff om. B*.|

\'ofiuiuil)t]ty. \A: o/ioiwtm

adde ' (vid. Luc. vi. 47).'1

avr. tijv oik.||


IvpoacTTiTav K'' : -irfj' N'.

||26. cwt. niv on.-.


ilamiov N".II

27. »jX0oi'] n\9av. \ om. Ktn fffi'. ol

pp. 2.>, 23. Malt. vii. 27— viii. 16.

27. irpoaiKo^av.\\

2S. iTtKtafv.\

oi oxX. post iin Tij ('.

II29. ypaiip. avrwv.

\Hon hiib. /cm a\ 'Vcxp.


Karafiavn St nuri^N*: KaTajiai'TCC Se nvTOv H'-'.\\


II3. 71)1' X-] '')'' X- "WO" ''* ct '. Syr. Crt. Pst.


V] add. o Ig /Im. (dele infra). Fuld.l.: om. N.|


H-. 1iKadap. ti: J fKaOip. B.

||4. X(y«i] EiTro' N*. /(.



TTpoffO'jy.'.-E.| Iluujijs.

||5. eiffeXSoiroc ie aVTOV.


I X UaTorrapx'lS K*: -xo£ N''.|| 6. J cm. cupie K*

641. II7. t hab. cni.

| ft om. 6 le. | tyu~\ pracm. aKoXcvBu

II8. t airoK-p. Sc a*: ffKaimroKp.ii^,

| J iKoror-

-xoe ^<''.1 f0»;] + f'Tev ts*.


jom. o Troif

A. O/Zj. Huet.II

9. vTT. (?.] J add. rnffir.||

10. okoX.] fnon


Trap' oiij.] j owJf.| J «v np la. Toa. irw.


^^ " : fJfXfuo-oi'rni S*. A. Syr. Crt. Pst. Heracl.ap. Oriij.

Q/yir. 283 (contra 208): i!)unt a.b.c.y\h. Iren.'2S\.

Thcoph. (Syr.) iv. 2.||

13. J tienroiropxy X*: -x'p^^'^


ioc] tf om. Kai N. £ks. Til.|

Traif] om. nurou.|

ev ry u>p.

: airo r.oi.f. .ftfs. Th.| J Kai VTroarp .... vyiaivov-a ^s*

: om. f\''.II

15. oi£ico)'(i B.|aurfp K*; airoisS''.

pp.24, 25. Matt. viii.

16—ix. 2.

18. TroXXoiif] fto™-***: t 'la^. K"^.| t oxXowc.


avTOv. ||22. J:om. ij. | Xfyti.

||23. ttXcioi'] pracm. to K*

om. N''.||

24. iTro] otto B=.||25. irpoffiXO.] non add.o! paO.

X. Ens. in Ts. 694'- : oi paQ.'] unc. incl. ' Eus. —&\°i^.'\


26. Tip av. K*: roif av. N''. ||27. Kai l'\


\\28. (X9ovrof avTov H^ : iXBovtwv avrav H*. \


N*: Vipy(a>]vtop X'".||

29. cot B.]om. in.

|Paaav. yfi.

I'lp. airoXiaai N*.||

31. aTroar. t'lpag. ||32. ai/roif] non

(£.I X a-irr]\Oor.

\eg rove X- I

""I ^^'^- '''"'' X"'?- 1


3i. vTravr.\Jrowiu. | OTrioQ piT. \\\\

ix. I,

add. u <f, | om. ro.||

2. npoaKp.

Jip. 2C, 27. Matt. ix. 2— 17.

ix. 3. Lege tWav (Trcg.); 0. rbv vIkov aov (Trcg.) ; ct

<;XX.; (Trcg.).

2. nipuvT.I

aov a'l ap.||

3. furor.||

4. J ic'wi'[iva n]


5. J «^ioi"r. N''': -itiT. tv'^".|

<ro« n'l a/(.|

fyeipt t^:


om.icait;*. Tlicb. : hab. K''.||

C. ti5.|tfyepflacl

irop£iiou N*.II8.f0o/3.

||9. o ij fic.N'': om.f*:. N*. |MaO0.

Xfyd] om. Kai K'.|


10. om. «y(i'fro X*.|

avTov X*'-'': araKftpn'Mt' X*.[

cfri ttou] om. Kaij

K. up. Em. Tlicoph. Syr. v. 38.|cm. eXOorr. N* a. Tliel'.

D. E. Thcoph.II


laO. uM.vp.||

12. ft om.


<ur{;'] om. auroif.|

larpuv.| J aXX'.

||13. (Xtoc N.

Ct. iii. 56.;aWa.

\om. hq piT. ||

14. TroXXa X' (om.N*)

K" vcl^II

16. om. nurou S*.||

17. OTroXXuvrni.|


I'f. (If nffB. Kan'. /i\i;r.

pp. 28, 29. Sfatt. ix. 17—33.

ix. 17. np^orspoi.II

18. TrpoiiXO. N*: tif -poireXQ. N'': iiai\0.

i\' (fl(; fXO. Mcmpli.; dele infra).|om. on.

||19. i/>:oXoi;0«i.


20. oifinpooiicTO S* : nipopooutrn N'.||

21. om. /lovoi' X'.||


ii; N'': om. K*.| arpaifi.


\\24. iXty.

jom. avToiQ.


iilo-fc vTi a-TTiBaviv H*.||

26. jf avTt]£.||

27. t; avnp.\KpaK-^

Kpavya'iotTis.| J v'li.

||28. cXOoiTi] fifffXSorri X*.

] J Trpc-


oi Svo N*.|

o if] om. o K*.j

h'vapai] add. vpiy


r. CToi.II

30. ai'ftpx- 1om. awrwv X*.



31. iXy N": om. N*.||

32. ffom. avS. ||33. non add.


34. om. ev N* : hab. N''.||

35. om. icot 3° N* : Iiab.

S''.[tv Tip X. N*.


Kot tjK. avTip N*.II

36. £<r<cuX,| 'p'HI'-



pp. 30, 31. Matt. X. 1—19.

X. 1. {K/3nXXfii'.II

2. laif.] J praem. icai K*. Syr. Hier. : om.

X-. £«.s. Theoph.Syr.v. 38.||

3. MaOa.[

OaS. tantum N* :

pracm. icai N''.|OalSaiog.

||4. Korai'irijf.

|louS.] pracm. ct

add. N* : non tV',\


6 Kai wapaSiSove X""

(o Kai TrapaSovg X* ct '^).|| 5. om. Xiywv X*. | om. (Svwi' X' :

hab. X'.II

8. vticp. tycip. ante Xiir. Ka9. X* ct "=,||

9. om. pijo'

npy. X* : hab. X''.||

10. pa^Sov,| Ttjs rpoijitjg Orig. Mat.

Cr. 75 di.serte.|om. iariv.

\\11. tiQ i/v P.

]om.ij Kiaprfv Ortg.

Gall. xiv. 2, 1 1 (non Syr. Ilier. Lond.)|

tv avrri tiq.\\

12. add.

X. (ip. T. 01. TOUT. X* Ct ''': om. X"" (vdtr) ct ".||

13. iXBarui.\


14. a v.1

/IOC B* : /"I" Je?!;'!" B- marg. : /i»/ J. E^

marg.| iK^PX- *?<^-


''™- '"'/C2"-


I'oX.] add. ij KuipijQ.\

Kov.] f add. tic.II

15. Kai] add. yy.| J Topoppwi'.

||16. iv


6 o^ie X*. Orig. iii. 2. (libcre /711. Polyc. 2 sine o) : oi

ofxs C : oi ofHC Orig. Gall. xiv. 2. 25 ed. (s. q.). |i19. vropn-

pp. 32, 3.-3. Mult. X. 19—35.

X. 19. XtiXi/iTijrt 2" BX.II

21. Tfirro)'] non pracm. TO B.||


(J. eif r;j)' (T.I

lo-p.] J pracm. roi'.,t om. ai'.

||24. SiS. avTov.\\

25. TOP oiycoiS. BX.j J Btf J'/^odX.


fTrtKaXfo-ai' X'^ : -ooito

X*. Touf oiKiaK. B*K: Toig oiKiaK. B^.||

28. Koi pj] ^So/SfioSf

X: /cat ^ij ^oPiiBiiTi B. On'j. Prov. 16 Mai. Horn. C7. xvii. 5.|

airoKTiVfOiTiai:\ J ipopiiuBi St BX: ipojir]9i]rt Ct Ilom.Cl.



1//. Kai TO X*: ri)v ^. k. to X''.||

29. f;ri tiji' yijv X. Orig.

Gall. xiv. 2. 103 ; tic {ttjv) TrayiSa Orig. Gall. 50. Eph. Cr. 201.1

add. Toi' If ovpai-oig {Orig. Eph.).||

30. aXXa C'ent. 263.I

add. i'/iwj' Clem.\\

31. ipolinaBu\\ S'2. tv avrip. Or/j. Matt.

Cr. 80 discrte.|

toic oup.]ft

om. ro/c.II

33. S' av.\ap-


(cayai avr.| toic ovp.] ff om. roij.

|| 34. /3aX.

tip. 1"J ftp. /3oX. X.5'.^'. Tert. Scorp. 10. Hil. 658«.|


ouK ))X. /3o. tip. Ortg. iii. ISS (? homccot.).||

35. avOp. X. jBui.

.Thcopli.Syr. iv. 12.

pp. 34, 35. Matt. X. 37—xi. 15.

X. 37. non add. icai. . . njioc Eus. Theoph. Gr. 144 M.ii(dcle

mUn'Eus. . . . Matthajo'): hab. B= (teste Tf.). C;/pr. 311

(dele supru). ||39. om. o ti'ipur . . . k«i X* : hab. X".

||40. Kai

i] i I'f.II

42. X f""-1aTToXiay P.

||||xi. 2. ^la.

||4. ri,) Iw.


5. t KaiX'"^-


Knt Kuipoi.\

Kai vir.\Kai


G.Xtai: ||7. £5i;X9are XI'.

||8. tJijXOart XP.


ai'Op. i('. X*: 1^. avBp. X'".1om. i/iar.

|tiffii' X'^: J om. X*.


9. t?ijX0aT£ XI'.1 ft :rpo^. 1^. X''; lege ' Orig. iii. 472" ed.

(? Luc.)' : t ic\ n-po^. X^ Orig. iii. 472" cod.Vcn. (? Luc.) 117»


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II10. ft om. yap.



||11. avr. iar.



15. f OKOviw.

pp. 36, 3". Matf. xi. IG—xii. 1.

16. natStotQ.\ KaBrifi, (P ratg ay.

|a Trpoa^.



\om. avTuv.

jj17. X£y.]om. sai.



19. ^iX. Tik.It«Py- ^^^-

II20. Juc. yiyovaaiv Orig.

213 Tf. II21. \opalHv BN. i

% TitjQaaiSav V.* : -da N'"



23. Kn^npi'.|


oup.] om. tov.\

I J Kara/3i/3.|


yev. tv ffut B.|


om. on N* et '^.\

avixr. tar. yy SoJ.||

2.5. iKpv^.|

/ren. 93 Gr. et Lat.||

26. ievSoK.tyev. N; lege '/rcn. 93

et Lat.'||

27. n-ar. /(ou] om. fiov K*.|

iji tai" K: i^ av Si/n.


aTTOKaXvjpij Si/n. Ant.||

29. air' t/iov X": om. K*.]

IIJIxii. 1. nafijiaair.

pp. 38, 39. Matt. xii. 1—22.

2. ic^oiTft;] om. avrovQ.\


3. om. avrog.\\



oiif.| (Jov ijv.

||5. non aoii. iv.

||6. /titZov.


BS. II S. om. KOI N. {Orig. Mat. Cr. 90). || 10. avOp.



11. J effrni.|

jrtirj/ X*; t/i/reirj/ N''.|

(om. Kfii) X. _^'. A.|

auro icai fy.] eyfpft <iuro N.


12. aap^amv.||

13. ffou r;?v X- X* et '^''

"Of X'=\ Orig. Matt. Cr. 90.|

t^tr. sine add. Or/j.]

\vyiriQ Orig.

\om. we i; nXX?;.

||14. t^t\9.

"tap. av/jtp. (K. kut avr.||

15. ff om. oxX. X. Syr.Crt.

t hab. Oz-ijf.Cr.||

17. ira.||

IS. tv y] J iv X* : eig


tivSoK. X: fiit'oi.-. 0«.II

20. XivovB.||

21. T<p oj/.]

II22. f TTpo(riiv!x6>l nvT. hiijioviZonivog Tixp. k. ku.


auroi'S X*. |wart roj' rw.

PI'. 40, 41. Matt. xii. 22—41.

22. \a\. X* : pracm. Kai X'-. ||24. t I5£f?f/3ouX BX.


le X* et <^ 0^: iSiov 5£ X" ? | om. i) Ic Xe".

|| 27.


Kp. Eff. il/I.II

23. £1- TTV. Dc. fyw.II


\ f SiapjTauy X : -i7£i B.||

30. iTKopn-.] add. /je.||

V] add. I'l/iii' Syr. Ilior. : non add. X.| afiB. 2"

X. Syi-.IIior.||

32. iig eav.|avSp.l add. o«k cum notis

ow fiT) a^iOijaiTai a* : ouk a^£9. X'' et '^.|rovnpMt.



35. Oijaavpov 1" tantum.|% ra ay.




ajTo^ioj. X* et ^: Swaovaiv H^.


oov 2".||

38. «iir(;j.|koi 4>rtp.

pp. 42, 43. Matt. xii. 41—xiii. 8.

42. SoXo/iuvof bis.||

43. ^ijrouv X* et ": 'Ojrdiv X" vcl ''

44. £ic r. 0. /I. ETTiffrp.|

eXSov X": om. K*.|



4G.-feti oit. XnX.


li.ib. nii7ou 2" X*ct "•': cm.

om. 'OiTovi'Tig nuri/J XoX. . . . 2(;r. aot XnX. (47) X*: liab.

II47. Tig avTipl rig riov unBtjruv avrovH".

\lanjic. Jijr.]


4S. ri/j XEyoiTijom. pov 2" li*: hab. E'.



avTov 1° X". {Orig. Int. i\\ 83.0"): Jom. X- (post

nddo Mibere').|

o.t. nurow 2"J Ic^e ' (O;-/!/. iii. : bab.

II50. TToiijffj;.

Iljlxiii. 1. om ciE.

j ff fi: n;f oik.||

om. to.||

3. airupni.||

4. JijjXOfi' X : iXOovra B.j


5. i^aviTiiXiv.\

yi/t. || C. iKavpariaOi].|| 7.

pp. •14, 4'. Matt. xiil. 9—25.

9. f mooiifiv X'": tfoi'- ^* (post

'I'J ' adde ' libcrc').


10. om. avTov.jtnrav.

jXaX. our.] avr. XaX. N*.

|| 11. Jom.


ra pvaTtjpta Eus.\\

13. ai/roif XaXw.|(Tu>'tov<7ivB*X:

aviiiioaiv B^.II

14. araffXj/p.| avToig.

|om. et'.




15. wo'ii' 1°] add. aurur.|

uatv 2"] add. awrwv




16. ra Or/j. Mat. Cr. 103.| f iV-



17. om. yap.|Kai SiK. ' supplcvit poluis B-

quam B*.'|liav.

||18. row aviipavr. X": row amipovT. X".


22. hab. rourou K" (vdlr). Or/i/. Mat. Cr. 104 : om. X*. ||23.

Tiiv K. y. X. {Orig. Mat. Cr. 73, 104).|

r. Xoy. uk. Orig. 104.|

BVvtug X. 0;-/jf. 104.||

24. irapiO. B^ (vdtr) sup. ras. : fortasse

eXoXijo'ei' B*.i


25. (n-Effn-opcfc X* : nria-nnptv


pp. 4C, 47. Matt. xiii. 26—42.

xiil. 27. t lainipag.\

?i?.] om. ra X"" : hab. X*.|| 28. ol ^i

JouXoi N ; ora. iovK. Eus. Theoph. Syr. iv. 34.|XEy. av-.



30. axpt X* et ': /<£xp< X"".|

Kuipqi] praem. r^j N*

et ': om. X^ Orig. Mat. Cr. 73.|auro 1" B""ii: avrag B».


f (ig.I J ffucayay.

||32. avK'iS. X* ct '"?: -ay H'.


vovv. II 33. XEyu)'. | lvtKpv\p. || 34. oudtvH*: ovu: X". | EXa-

XijffEvX*: EXnXfiX".II

35. f Hff. X*. Cod. Lat. l!ushw.(Codd.

Latt. ap. Hicr. in loc. vii. 95. (dele infra [Trog.]) qui "in prin-

cipio cditum" esse Aaa<p credit) ; item Porphyrias ap. Ps. Hicr.

Brer, in Psalt. Ixxvii. (Trcg.): om. X''|

{icoff/(. X*: om. Xi". k.||

36. )jX0£i'] £i<r)jX9£)'.I

oiKiav lantum.| J TrpoatjXdov.


B.I f ditiiraifiijaov X* : ff tjipaaov ^'-'^.

\\ 37. om. aVT.||

39. om.

o it i\0. {Horn. CI. xix. 2). |o airiipag avra kjtiv: idT. ti air.

av. {e).I

om. 0£p. avvT. at. eotiv oi St X*: hab. X".j


aiuiv. X': om. tov X°.||

40. J /caroKdiErai.|om. rovrcv.


aTToffrfXfi P.I

om. avrov 1".|| 42. /SaXXouffii' X*.

jip. 43, 49. Matt. xiii. 43—xiv. 2.

xiii. 43. f ok.ouEiJ' X'^". Syr.Hier.Lond. Eus. Theoph. Syr. iv.

34: tfom. X*.||

44. ofioia X'': iipoia h X^|om. TroX. X: hab.

Syr.Hier.Lond.|tv Tif aypqi X*: om. X*.

]jrwX. Trar. iia. ix- ||

4.5. Jom. ai'Op. X*. Orig. iii. 448'' cod. Yen. : hab. X''.||


ivp. St.II

48. f om. avTip:\

etti t. aiy. Kat X* et ': Kat tin r.

oiy. X\I

tig ayyt] BX.|

t/3aXXo»' X* : e/3aXov X"" (vdtr).||

50. paWov. X*: fiaXov. X" (vdtr).||

51. om. X£y. avT. o ^.|

om. Klip. X. Orig. iii.||

52. £i;r. X : XEyEi] post ' B. mg.' add.

'prima nt vdtr manu, fortasse ex alio cxcniplari: similia vide

in xiv. 5; xvi. 4; xxii. 10; xxiii. 4 j Luc. iii. 1 bis.|

ry jiaa.||

54. narpiSa X'vcl'': n^^nrnrpl<'?« X*.]iKirXiiaa.

|| 55.oiix2''X:

ov^i Orig. iii. cod.Yen.|

Imcdj^ X" JEth. (Lag.: dele infra):

Iwaiiji/je X'*.II

56. Tttv. Tj-ttv.II

57. om. ii;.1

jrorp.] om,

auTou.I i pracm. ic.


lege ' praetermittit Orig. iii. 462,

4G4.' ml xir. 1. ijkoikt. 'lip. ei' ek. Tip Kaipip X*?]} Tirpaap\.

Ita semper, (xc. Luc. ix. 7 ubi om. X^ (liab. X').

pp. 50, 51. Matt. xiv. 2—20.

xiv. 2. om. oia rouro B* : hab. B-. ||3. auT. X» : { om. X*.


k-m £1' ip. airtO. BX* (dcleudum igitur Ty in lin. 5): tv r. 0. k.

airtQ. X".I


4. a:;r'fi] post luai'. X''" : om. X*.|d

ante Iwio'.] J om.||

5 lin. I. vid. in xiii. 02. ||6. yEi'taioic ^t

yivo/i. X: yEVEiTiwv ^E ayo/tivuv G''.||

7. ;<£to X : ft(0' e'>.|

i lav XOi'.II

9. tsXiin-. XG''.|iia] {add. Si XG^

||10. Iwai'.

X-; pracm. tov X'G''.||

11. ijvtyK.] praem. (sic) to Koptioiov


12. 7rri"/ia.|

jr-. ] add. ntirou X* tt " vcl'''. _[ nurov

X»: auro X''. || 13. aK. ^£. 1 jTrtJoi. || 14. om. 6 ij.|



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15. | rpoiri/XOoi'.j om. avrov.

\ J Trap. rji".] Joor

N. OWj. iii. 609'' coil. Veil, (dcic altcnim'Mcmpli.')1

Kujinc H' '

x'"P"S^*- IIIG. If. K': J om. N*. || 17. aprovg n /u; vtvTi


18. t /<oi iu(". nwr. EN. || \^. lK(\tva(vi^: m\fvaariVi*:

KiXivaai; B-.[row ;(;op.

]Km. Xttji.

\ % iv\. f< : »;i',\. T''.

Jip. 52, 5.3. Matt. ^iv. 21—xv. 4.

xiv. 21. (JiTfi NTs I

yin: cm Trnic'. KT. ||22. ivO. X'': Join.


om. I'l ic.1

om. avrov.\Jro ttX. NT'.

||2.3. om. aTroXva. r.

ox- N*.II

24. lin. 7. lege ' habct t\)]\aKOTti- ovv arnciovQ.'\

tt/if<T. Tii<: 9. >jv NT^II

25. awtiXO. P; jjXe. XT'.|om. i h'

N 1\i

fir. T))!/ 9. NT'.II

26. } k'oit. 5£ avr. N*. a.h.e.ff'-.

ji./i. i'lw. 4-lG: K-ni i?. avT. (om. (.i ;:f<9.) Viilg. c. (///'.) (dele

' Latt ./': oi ct nae. iL uvt. N». (/.) |t-i tk 0. XT':.


vipiTT. post «5ri r. 0. N* ; ante T' : utrumque om. c. (<lc!e


27. fu9i's NT": : -iwg F.| ft cm- " 'T ^*T'^; t hab.


2S. avT. n. (tr. NP: o IT. tiir. aur. Syr.Uier. ( {i av

II Kvpii.\

(\0. Trpot (7£ N: -jrp. tr.' f\9. P.||

29. ITfr.] om. o

N: lial). r.It eX0ni' N"^

: fXGdv tiXBsv ovv H".||

30. Jom.

1T.V. B*N: Imb. B'. || 31. ivOoq. \\ 32. avap. avr. NT'. || 33.

f t om. fXe. NT"-.II

34. itti tijv y.HT'.\add. tig NT"^.


i';)<Tnp(r BNT''.|j

3i. om. indvov HT' : dele'ct.'||

3G. om.

av-ov B*. Oriy. 487 : hab. B' demiim (vdti). Orig. 48G.|


XV. 1. om. oi.i

'tap. Km ypapp.||

2. ff om.

nDrwf NT".II

3. om. icoi N* : hab. N"^.|I

4. J ivir. Xfy. N*

ct ^: tiTfv N". TTfir.] om. aov NT''.

pli. 54, 55. Matt. xv. 5—25.

XV. 5. w^;(X.] add. ovStv inTiV N*: cm. N» vel''.||

(J. ou/iij]

0111. crti NT'. Tipii(ry N: -(T£i T''.| ff om. i] tiiv fLJir. avr,

N: om. avT. T*".j J tov I'o/ioj' N- ct ^"^ T' : tov \oyov N'"".


iirpoipijT. BNT"^.II

8. om. tyy. fiot et Tip ct. avr.




tinipx- TonTO niite koiv. 1" N'" : om. N*.||

12. o'l /laO. avT.I

ft om. nur. N. f.]inrav.

\\14. J o^^jy. fio-. Ti'^Xot N* ct '^'';

Tv<li\oi HIT. u(>iy. N'\] f ru^Awi/ N'''' : ff om. N* Ct '''.



om. rrti/r.||

10. cm. if. ||17. ovirw.


\ (if

Toj' nijiicp. Nr.II

18, 19. om. f?ffix- • • • xapHiac N* : hah. N'.||

20. KciM.i (' (ddc infra).||

22. Ji-po?. N*: iKpnC ii'\\


ni'Tip. v'li.I

>) Cry. B.||

2.3. >iptorovi: ||25. f Trpc^eKi'i'fi

N* : ft -i-t]"!!' N'.

Matt. XV. 26—xvi. 2, 3.

.Kui yiip.

II30. x*^^'

~''^' '^''^^- '''>'?'

pp. 56, 5;

XV. 20. (dTlV Kil\.II

J (,01-1^.I


31. T-oj' oxX.' jSXtTT. post 0av/i.

1 ff om.

(.I'XX. I'y. N. 1.I

fcai ante X'^^- 1 I f^o?«?.||

32. om. avTov

N. a. //('/.1add. ni/roii; N° : om. N*.



/iijirore] pti. ||

33. ft om. avTovH. Syr. Hier.||

34. X inrav.||

35. napayy.\

Tip ox-II

36. £Xn|3.I

T. Svo i.x". N» (om. ^vo N").|

rai eux'.


ft^icou.I ff om. nurou N. Syr.Uiei'.

|Toie oxX. ||


X i]pav TO Trip. Tuiv k\. N : ro.fff. t. k\. rip. Syr. Ilicr.||


i)nav\ add. i>g Syr.Uier. : om. N.|

r«rp. avS.'\ avS. iiq rirp.\

XiraiS. Km yvv.||

39. ffti/t/Sij.|

Mayufnv N* : MaytJnw N™.

nilxvi. 1. Kai Xa^. N* : Km 01 Sa^. N'A.

|iviipioThiv N* Ct

''': tipuiTtianp N'". || 2, 3. f om. oi^'iaf . ., ou ^m-.

pp. 5!>, 59. Matt. xvi. 2—19.

xvi. 4. mrn B. txt. : i7ri?>;nt B. mavg. (vid. in xiii. 52).|

om. 7-01/ Trpoji.II

5. oi paO.^ om. niT.|| 6. om. avrois N: hab.


S. om. avToic.\iXapiri] addc'(vid. v. 7)': | 'X""' '^^



9. ovci": om. N*.||

10. irjri'p.|| 11. aproiv.


(XtTt If.II

12. Tiav oprwvN": tojv 'tap. Km XaS. N* : adde

' a fermento P. ct S. scd a doctrina illorum' /7:' aXXn BN.

I'lSaxtiS N'= : ciSauKuXtar H*.\

i'ap. Kai Xaf.\\

13. lin. 1. dele

'"ig-'I f OIH- /'f.


oi avtfp. m: Xiy. N* : oi avBp. Xey. tn:


14. iiwov. 1 Xuaviiv N. Ita ct xvii. 1, 13; Luc. i. 13; Apoc.

titulus it i. 1,4,9: alibi semper luam: I)e B vide ad Act. iii.

4.InXXot post Brnrr.

||15. atiroif] non add. o ir.

|| 17. axoK.


Bap Iwra on B- siij'. ras. 4 Ttrc lilterarumj fovtassc(i:i/i<uj')

Iwj'« sine I'iri B*.I

nXXa. f roic oyp.|| 19. J om. Koi 1" BN

<>/;;. 195.; cXticN'^: KXtu'fts PN*. , nv \"] * lai:

pp. 60, 61. Matt. xvi. 19—xvii. 4.

xvi. 19. 01/2"] t tav BN.[

i-i ri;>/ y»ji' N* : nri rijc yi/c


20. hiOT. N. Idem B- vcl B* in marg. adscripsit. oni.


OXP-] pracm. (g N^» : non N*.||

21. f if N'"" (lege

' Orlg. bis'): ff om. o BN*: | add. xp- (sic: dcUndtim u)BN' :

utriimquc om. N':» (vdli). Ireu. 210. Oriy. iv. 300'': Iiju. post

hiK. tiansp. e.\SitKfviiv.

|avT. fic 'Ifp. utt.

\\22. j;pS. ittit.

avTip Xtyiiii'. II 23. f 11 ijxov N*: ji pov N'-'. || 24. if (om. I'l) B. ||

25. lav.I

lin. T.'cap. x. S9'.] Icgc'Mar. viii.35. Lue. ix. 24.'||

26. a'0tX);6.]lav N* ct <'''

: uTav N'".||

27. r« tpya N* : ti;i'

irp. N«».II

28. JoriN: om. on] addc'(vid. Liic. ix. 27).']

Titiv w!'. ioTioT.I


paa. N* : Oojiy N'".\aurov N*:

TOV Trnrpof aurou N'".j

lin. u!t. Post '550''' adde 'liberc'||1|

xvii. 1. add. fy. Orig. Int. iii. 550 codd.|tov laK.

,lin. 5.

lege 'piaem. tov D*. 'I kuO' 1?. B.

i|2. tyevtro.

\ x'""! '"go

'Mar. ix. 3. Malt, xxviii. 3.'||

3. 0111,611.\Mwu. f oiiXXaX.

ptr. avT.

pp. 02, £3. Matt. xvii. 4—20.

xvii. 4.ft :ron;(TM

N; adde'(vid. T> in

Luc.)'.', rp. ffsiji'.


IIX. piav.11

5. X f^'t^'[

aKov. avT.|| 6. nrsffai'.



o If KOI.\ J a^aiiivog avr.

|| 8. rev Ii/iroui']

ourov IijitoitB: Iijitovv avrov H.||

9. iK. aviary.\\ 10.

om. avrov N. Syr.Uier. || 11. om. tc.\

hab. ni/roie. | on

ante IIX.I

om. Trpior.||

12. | «XX'. , om. ir.||

14. fXOovrwv.


15. nm. k-iipif., f fxii N. (Tlieh. vdtr). ||

16. .,("|.|..j!

17. ron ar-oKp. N'"' : o I'l a-nKp. N'. o i<; N'"" : om. N*^.j

iiTTfr] add. nvrotc.\

piO. vp. jit.[j

18. om. i Trnir.||

19. laO'

iiV B.I


fi'i'i'. B.II

20. om. if.', Xcyn.


oXiyor. N.

Syr.Uier. his.

j.p. 64, C5. Matt. xvii. 20— xviii. 8.

xvii. 20. ftirajSa. ,(vOiv.

||21. TCr.] ff om. N-: f hab. N"!'".


(KTTcp.] iKPiiXXirat N'''.||

22. f ffoirrpf^. t't avr.\\

23. (yipB.\\

24. Ka^apv.\ra ^i^pny/irt 1*^.


uttov N* : -irav N'^".|


hfpaxpa 2" N'^" : ii^p. (om. n<) N». ||25. iwtXO. N» et '''?:

«Xe. B \<"''>II

26. «nrovroc i('\ o ft £0ij N (om. avnp et Syr.


om. o IT.1aXXorp.] add. uvovtoq li airo tiov oXXc-


27. J OKavvaXiZ. 1 om. nji'.| avapavra.


1. tKuvy] om. f(.I f wpii.

II2. om. o if. ||

4. rnn-firwafi.||


t tav.1

jroiiJ. fv roiooro N : iv w. roiovro B. Orig. Gall. xiv.

2. 77 (iv hab. OciV;. diserto). ||6. mpi N. m ('circumligetiir

. . . coUo': dele infra).|| 7. J hab. lonr.


om. ekfiri^j N : hab.


8. fKKoi^. N" : jJfXt N*. ' nuro*'.

pp. 66, 67. Matt, xviii. 8—21.

xviii. 8. KfXX. y x'"'^- ''"• "''• "*'''' 'gcliennam actcrnam




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9. lego o o<p9, Ct UKOi'fnXiJ^i.II

10. T. (UK. Tov. N. Orig.

99 Tf.I

adJ. r. iv r. ikk. Eus. Vs. 204 : om. N. Orig. Prov.|

ovparoic 1*^ 6^ : ^v Tt^i ovpavt^t m. (Ilom.CI. xvii. 7): om.

\iv ovpavoic 2" Orig. Piov.

||II. Tcr.] oin.



f)'tv>;ic. fi-ifiT BS. oiD.«-t rn opijH*: liab. K*.1Kai

t om. Koc.II

13. ivaii. (I'via KS.||

14. om. </in-p.i

I ill.II

15. ufiapr)]ay BS.; ff om. fi£ as.

|fXey?.] om.

IIIG. jitra triav. post n-opnX. N: post Suojff'.

\% aiavrov.

post rp.|


17. t«iJroi'.i

lin. 4, 5. lege ' Syir.

ct Pst.'II

18. ^tav Ji;(r.|

ri;) oi'p. l"]roic oi/pai'oic.j

lav N''


Till ovp. 2"} ff ow. ry.||

19. J TrnXic tantura.

(-(Twuii/ B. O/i'y. Cor. Cr. 64) t? ir;iwv X. (Orig.


aiTtjaoivTui Orig. Cor.|

yti*. aur.J awr. yty.\


Orig. Cor. ||20. oii X* : oirov X^

|om. ij N*: hab. K''.


avTip (om, N*) o II. utip N^[

f(s f/i£ ante o a5. fiou.

p)i. G?, G9. Matt, xviii. 22—xi.t. 5.

22. aW.||

24. j irpoarivtx.\titeav-.H*: avT. fif


/inp. ] TToXX. N*. Syr.IIicr. : /<up. N™.||

25. hab. otirov


Kup.] om. nwr. BS.|

yvi>. our.] J om. nur. BS.|


* I'X"'- II^6. om. tvfiroi; X* : hab. X"^".


1 t t/ioi.I

avoS. cot.II

27. f row S. iKiirovH: ffom. iK.

(non item V. 28). ||2S. Hov'K. iKiifo£.



K. Syr.Hier.]

ti n.||

29. om. at; roi'c vod. avT. X. Syr.

Memph. (Lag.).| J fpoi.

jora. -iravTa ^?*

: hab.

II30. aXXii N" : nai K'.


om. ol. : avo^if N" :


31. ovvV:'': f f K", scd rc;titutiim est ovv.\



yti'o/t. K* : yu'o/i. X", sed t riirsus erasum est.|

01 if.I


33. (cayu.||

34. oi'.|

j aur((j X* efi": om.

II35. ovpav.


om. ra irapa-rT. avT.\\\\

xix. 3. oi ^tap.\


ovfpwTrjj X'': J om. X*.||

4. om. nuroif.j

+ 6 iroi.

(') k'n. Sjr.IIier.||

5. iviKa.\

Trnr.] om. ai'T,

Pl>. 70, 71. Alatt. xix. 5— 19.

5. TpofficoXXi;e.II

6. /am trapS. || 7. J\rco(r. X* : Mwjjj.


om. awr(;»'. || 8. oiToif] add. i iC. \Mwu<r. || 9.

add. on. | om. 1 1. ' /iij {tti jropr.|

k«i ya/i. aXXiji'.

[ tt 0™- ''O' " oTToX. ya/j. /loix.1

lin. "It. yaftoii'']

Luc. xvi. IS).' ||10. om. ai/ry X* : hab. X'\ :


om. ti X* : Iiab. X''. ||11. tovtovH: om. Sj'i-.

Orig. Cor. Cr. 146.||

12. yap X": om. X*.|

Svvafi. X ;


1.3. irpoaijvix^'l'""'-II

!*• nuroit,'.1

^';Trpo;; f/it X.


15. roc X-<T'«wroi'E.

||16. av, eijt.

[om. aynet.



k-Xi;poi'op. post ?. oiwi'.||

17. n pe (piur. tt. rou


om. «!e B*:

hab. B^i tic

«rr. o ay. X. Syr.Pst.^ili.


add. u 7rnr;;p] lege '142. 684. (?866).' 1 tic t)iv

tifffXe. X. llom. CI. xviii. 3.| ft Tijptiuov X : f '"'/P"

C/. cod. Olt.II

18. TToiac 0i;ff. X: Xsyji aur/;) iroine B.;


01' poix'. Of icXt.f'. X' : om. X*.||

19. irar.] om. crov.

jip. 72, 73. Matt. xix. 19—xx. 4.

19. Km ay. . . . wc "• liab. Syr.lIicr.Lond.||

20. j vav.

X. Syr.IIicr. tijivXa^a.\m vsoT. fiov H''' (idem fortasso

B*, nam 13 qua; scrjuuntur littcr.x- suj). las. cadem

sciiptmsunl); om. X». Cy/)r. 303. ||21. f <0'/-



1Toic nr.] t om. roic. I J oupoi'v.

II22. | om.

Xoy. TOVT. X; hab. Syr. Ilicr.i

KTrjuara. ||23. wXova,



I X rptiiiarog X» : rpuirijpnroc X".1 f ""'X-

Itfom. '""^0. 2".


ttT-oveiov. II25. om. (^e X* :

liaV>. X'\;

om. avTov.||

26. oni. vap. avOp. X" : hab. X'.

X ovv. irav.\om. tan.

\\28. X KaOiiaojOt BX.

, f icai avroi.||

29. offnc.I t 'I

0'"- post nyp. X' : om. X*.|

ij tik.]pracm. ij


it'iKa.\ f

too tpou orop. tKiiroi/raTrX. X : post ii Miip-

Koc fijaij', tKOT. addo ': ef. Orig. Gall. xiv. 2. 54'. firx.

TTp. K. TTp. ((Tx- llil XX. 2. ai'if^biv. u.||

3. oil), rfji/.II

4. J ««(

j«U'. ex.•

pp. 74, 75. Mali. XX. 4—23.

Text. XX. 1 7 marg. Dele ' 18.'

XX. 4. iiov.1


5. t 'rnXiv Jt X : tfrn. Hi B. ' (inr.


6. om. wpai'.|

fltXflwv] {^ijXflff X* (nee add. <coi) seil

ipse* vel X* i^iXButv reposuit.;om. npyoi'c.

|| 7. om. i;pac X''

hab. X".1om. fiov Kai u lav y dix. X?;-.^.

||8. ff om. auroic.


9. cat eX0.||

10. J 4X6. ce.j

ttXeioj'o.j f ro nvur.

i f rni aur.

fosl S>]v.II

12. om. on.j ft"'"'- W- II

13- +t»'ia«"". tur.j

ovx-I t '"''''^"'''('^''e /'<"•

II14. efXoifcX: 9eXw yap eyu Syr.


15. + i; ou/c.|

0sX. iroi.]

tj.\\ 16^ ft om.

TToXXot yap . . . de ikXiktoi.||

17. j Kai avafi. if.[om.


Kar' ic.\ f Kat tv rtj id.

||18. Bav.l us 9av.




20. ft Trap'.||

21. Xtyfi.j


praem. 1/ St.\


ovroi.| h^. o-ou] J om. aov.



22. OTi'Eii'.\

om. icai . . . Pa7rTi(rdr]vi\i.|| 23. om. icai

ante Xty.

pp. 76, 77. Matt. XX. 23—xxi. 2.

XX. 23. ora. Kai . . . PairrKjQijctcrBt.\ f k"' «?•


om. (post

fvuiv.) /Jov.I

om. 7-ouro. ||24. f cai aKouff. X* :

j-f anova. hX''\


7j-/avaKT.'\ Tjp^avTO ayavaKTtiv. || 25. icaraKcpituouffn'.jj

26. om. St.I

tariv^ jtirrai.| i tav.

;O' I'pii' 2" h.l.



X* : toTw X".II

27. av.\iv up. iiv.


\\28. iipjij It

K.r.X.] postSyr.Crt. addc 'et cod.Syr. mg. ap. Curet.'||

29. om.

avrrji X* : hab. X".||

30. X om. Kvp. X : hab. ante eX. B.j ft"'*-

I X praem. tv.\\ 31. ptijor] ttoXXi;) paXXor. '



ante i\. y/t. BX. | ttu't- || 32. om. ante ic B. \ iva X'; om.X '.

II33. avoiywirii/.

|oi otjiO. rjfi. X". (up. X*).

||34. o^daX.


aiirwi/] au-ou.|aur. post ruiv oitft. ]

om. auriov ot o09. |lin.

ult. avTiji'] add. 'dum landabant Dcum, et omnis populus qui

videbat laudcm Deo' Syr. Ilicr.||j|

xxi. 1. tjXOtv X= :


l)ij0^ayij BX.[ ft Jrpoc ro.


6 ic X : om. 6 B.||


irop£i)f(T0f X. Ens. D.E. 379'': TToptv9i]Ti {Eus. D. E. 456*).|

KUTivavTi X. JShs. 379 (k. r. ]\rar9. ) : aTrfr. Eus. 456. X tvOvg

X: tvdiioQ Eus. 3(9: om. {Jhis. 456).

pp. 78, 79. Matt. xxi. 2— 17.

xxi. 2. I ayay.||

3. awrwi'] avTov.\tvBvg di.


4. om. oXoi'.II

5. <coi tiri ttwX.|

uiov VTToi^vyiov X* ct^:

irn'oSuyiou X* Tcl'': vtov inroZvyiov h.c.ff-.h. Hit. 572''. (dcio


6. I Trpoo-fra?.||

7. tir'.\ t'/"""-

^*- tt '/""• ""rw


{Ko9i(7ai' X •: tjrtKnSiirai' X".


iiraviii tir' avTiiv ^'

tTrava aurov X".|| 8. (ffrpwi'i'woj' X''': tir-pwffai' X*.

|| n.

irpoay. nuroi'. ||10. naiXO. X": iX9. X'.

||11. o TrpojS. ic X.


||12. Tc] om. i N* Ct'".

j t om. rou Sf.

X. Syr.Hier.||

13. Troieirt.||

14. irpouAflojTfc X* ?|

rviji. icot


15. TOVQ KpaCI

lin. 14. IcgO SSS'.||

16. (iirav.|



17. KoraXiTTui'.|

«?(o rye JroX. X": om. X*.jBijOavia

B* : -lai/ B' (vdli).

pp. 80, 81. Matl. xxi. 18—31.

xxi. 18. t TTpwi X* : tt ^pwnc X". tt firai'aynyuii' X* :

ttJrai'nyu)' B- (vdtr) X'\||

19, om. eipo' X* : hab. X"., t/"/*'-


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ytri/rai] yu'oiro H*. Or'uj. iii. quatcr. Inl. (nuf.)\v.

II22. iav NO'. ||

23. i\9ovroc avTOV ti : -oiri nvriji Q'.\\

'23. KuiTte.'i

i5. post rauriyi' 6': ante troi Sjr.IIier.


'24. ctTTOKpiOttg di' (ita K6').j

koi jyw bi?.j


II25. to Iu.

jtjv H" : ); N*.

| J 7rnp\_||

26. Mf

(X-'<"' Iwav.

II27. t eiJraK.

jKat avrcc] o ig.

||28. om.


TJic. I'uo.I

Kot jrpoa. K" : J Trpoir. K*.]add. ftou Mcmpli.

infra): om. X. || 29. h post ixrr. H" : om. N*.jtyw ki'.

ouK cod. Lat. Uushw.j|

30. Trpoff. Je.|

+ it. N*: ^fur.


o ^E ciKOKO. UT. N": om. N*.I

ov 8i. iar. S( hit. cod.


31. om. ai'7-r,).|

lin. 47 veris] addo '(vcteribus

Maur.y. \lin. .^)7 vcros] adjc '(vetercs llab.y.



])p. 82, 83. Malt. xxi. 31— .\xii. -1.

31. on 01 N': otn. 07( S*.||

32. Iw. vp. i'li. H. Syr.


ovci] jow X; lege 'cm. U. c. (lixc) e. Hit. (vdir).'II

om. rif.1

om. (V X* : hab. X».] J f?{J{ro X* (-(^trt B)

II36. TTaX. X": cai ttoX. X*. Syr.liier. bis.



39. f/SoXor. ||41. fKJwfffrni BX. ||

42. Ki'ptou X'


43. om. on B*. Mcmpb. : Imb. B^ (vdtr).|


Oiiy. iii. 70.5 codd. : -njc X".||

44. vcr.] f lia'>. *< =

cit. Eus. Thcoph. (Gr. tt Syr.) Treii. 277.|

lin. 5. lege


45. ffnic. Si.II

46. ror o^X. X': roii<; oyX. X".\


tic. nilxxii. 1. tv (oni. X' : liab. X") Trapuli. avr.


pp. 84, 85. Matt. xxii. 5—25.

5. I 6 fitr.IOf Si.



G. avrov B.||

7. o Ct Pun.

X. £ks. Theopb.Syr. iv. 15 : id. add. ac Syr. Ilicr.

arpar. X. iT/e(/i. 112 : |f to arpaTivna Eus. Tlieoph.|1


II i oi'e BX.1 tt iJ ""Z'^-

X : t " 7"/'- ^ '"i''g- (^'''l-

xiii. .52). || 11. etfi X' : om. X*. || \Z.\uPaa. tin-.| om.

K.T.X. X. £«s. Thcopb.|



15. om.

X* : hab. X"|

om. iv Xoyip X*: hal\ X'\||


II17. t«"rf.

II20. Kai\(y.


om. o ic ||21. i om.

X. g-: hab. Syr.IIicr. || 22. an-;;XOoi'. ||23. fv] pracm.

X" : om. X'-\1om. ni'njj X* : hab. X'\


c'l Xiy. X': om.

II24. Mwo-.

pp. 86, 87. llatt. xxii. 25—xxiii. 1.

2j. yij/i(tc-II27. tfo™- '•'"•

II28. avaar. oit.

||29. aTroap.

Kill affOk-p.II

30. ya/tiZ.|

rov Otov O'' : XOiov X.|

rqi ovp.

oi'p. 0''.II32. om. ii

2" ct 3".;

i<7nv u Btoe Ofoc i-f .

0'' (vdtr)

eioQ VI. X. Orig. Inl. iii. 828.|| ,15. oni. Ktii \iy. X



II37. 6 Ct'] om. If X : liab. ()''.

jnjni Xo''.


ry KapS. X":


Tj; i/'i'xy X : | ^vxy BG''.\

trrx- "ov Km iv

T. Stav. aov O'' : Sm'nfici aov c (virtute) (dele .supra).||

inriv j) XO'. ! /ify. if«i np. X : Trp. icnt /uy. ()''.||

39. om.

BX* ; li;ih. X"0''.,

om. avry B. ^ niav-. X : t'nuT. O''. Clem.

II40. oXoc X" : J om. X*.


k-pt/i. kiiC (.1 ?rpo^. X : Kai m

KpfitiiiTai O'. k-pf/iarai oX. o vo. k. ol wp. 0)/'</. Jd. Cr.

II42. Tov A.] om. tod. !

AavitS liic (>''.||

43. add. o

Syr.IIier. bis: om. X.[

| Ka\. Kvp. our. X: Kn. av. kv.


44. ci'p. ] om. o X: hab. O'.|

luroi-. X:


45. Ka\. avT. icrp. BX.||

46. ec'wi'. XO" : i;J.

1(ijrofp. nt/r. X : ai'r. n?roi:p O''. |||| xxiii. 1. A if XO''.

I<p.SS, 89. Matt. wiii. 2 21.

xr.iii. 2. l\fwi',7. X : ^hoa. O'.,M. post k<iO. Horn. CI iii. IS.


3. JmyXO''.I

om. Ti/pfii" X : liab. B''.|

jro(i)Tare X* : ttoi.

Kai Ti]p. X"; r/;p. k-ai ttouiti O''.\\

4. St post cc(>fi.]


liiyaXa jiapia.itfom. cat Cvafi. X : f '"it'. 0\


awr. Ct t(;;

X ; T<i) Se t)'.1

T. ^nK. aurwv B. || 5. irXar. yap X : -irXar. Se


om. Tuiv 'ifiar. avr. X : hab. 6''.||

6. fiX. ft X : fiX. re


n/i' ffpwroKXiff. X* (-pcXijir. O''): rac -iriac X".||


ipafi. scmcl Xo''- : bis 6'^*.j

pn;3/3t. (7 ct 8) BXe'. ||8. iii. Si

III] kXijO. papflii X" : om. X*.| J naO. X* ct ='' 9''

: SiSaas. X".

Oc/j. Cor. Cr. 47.1

om. o x9- ^ (9'' vdtr).||

9. 171. o irnr.

X : 6 T^ar. vfi. ()''.\

oi'pni'iof H: u tv Toig oup. O '.||

10. (ii;

tffnj'. Oiig. Cor. Cr. 47: fli,- yap lar. I'l/i. (sie) 6 KaO. XO'".||

11. I om. v/iup 2".II

dele 'II, 12 . . . Btly.'||

13. ver.] ora. X :

post 14 9''.II

14. ovai St BX': om. X*. ||IG. I'tSiiy. oi Tf'p.


17. Ttg yap fut^uiv.\aytaaag. \\

IS. ug av.||

19. om.

fiojpoi icai.II

21. X unToiKovvTi.

pp. 90, 91. Matt, xxiii. 23—37.

xxiii. 23. TO iXiog.\

+ om. St.j

a<pttvai. \\24. oiX*ct':

om. X» vel".II

25. 1. 5. Lege'xi. 39.'| f «J- 1

aKpav. \\20.

Kai T))j Trap.\

tkto£ X" : tvroc X*. [ avTwv X : avrov Syr.


27. tt ^anop.\

om. c'lrivtg X* : hab. X'.||

28. lar.


30. i/iiiOa bis.I

JKoii'. avT.\\

32. wXijpwirtre B.]|


iK avT. 1'^] om. Kelt,[jKm t^ nxT. X'' ; t? avr. nai X*.

||35. om.

av X' : liab. X".|om. irav X* : hab. X".

]ikxwv. BX.


vlou (ila legcndum pro tov") Hap. X*; post '335*' addc'(?c

Luc.)', hab. X'"".II

36. om. on.|

fJTavTa nav. X. Syr.IIicr.

bis: t »r. r. Iren.||

37. om. 1; X*.|

roi's CTpo^. ojroKT. X*.

airoKTfVov. X* ct '.1

(Tnavvayiiv X*: -ayaytiv X'\1


f7ri(Tui'. X. Syr.IIicr. bi«.| f vofftria nvTi/f (tauTijg X") BX* :

ffoni. «!ir. B.I

TTTfpi'yac] f non add. aurijs BX.

pp. 92,93. Jr.itt. xxiii.

38—xxiv. 21.

xxiii. 38. fn»;/i.|||| xxiv. 1. airo (tic B.) t. Itp. tTrop.


St UTToKp.I t "^ '"•


'"'"« jraira X' : om. jrni'Ta N*.|


ov] non add. /ii/.||

3. om. «urou post /xaO,\

j Ka9. iS. BX.|

.om. njg ante o-nvr.

||6. om. Travra.

||7. J itt'.

\ante Xi/iot

(t om. Xoi/ioi K.ii) ins. o-iitmoi cat X (cf. Ci/pr.) : Xi. k. Xoi. £hs.

Thcoph. Syr. iv. 36 : ft ^<"- *• ^'- Syr.IIicr. bis : Xi. k. inaiun

K. Xoi. Cupr.II

9. om. Trav-i»v X* : hab. X^|| 10. trapaSuia.]

add. ttc 6\n//ii' ; om. Kat /iiaiia. nXXijXoue.||

11. woXX. TrXnr.||

14. om. -ovro E11.1. Theoph. |om. tic "Xijv Trjv oiKov/ttviiv.


15. oil)' XI*: Si X '.1

iiTTog BX.||

16. tin r. op. X : tig r. 0.

Syr.IIicr. (Land).||

17. «r«r(t/3ar«).|

ra X"; to X*. || 18. to

'ijutT. II


])p. 01, 95. Mjtt. xxiv. 21—39.

xxiv. 21. ]: oiipc tyfi'. ||22. Ko\o/5w0);ff. X": tKoXoPuiOiiitav


23. /ijj 7riiTrtuiTi;rt X : (,-iviTt B).||

24. om. ^tyaXa X*.|


||26. om. oiu' X» : hab. X''.



irrrai] om. «««. ||28. oirou] ttoh X*. om. yap X. Syr.IIicr.


(Tw/ia X' : TTTw/ia X".||

29. J tic.||

30. iv ovp.\

rort koi/'.

X": Ko^. X*.II

31. I om. 0w>'.I

fffiiTt'j'aJti X*: -Sorffii' X".|

iwc TMv] Xom. Twi'.

II32. om. Ta X'* : hab. X*" ' \ tc^i'i; B\


yii/uffiftrt B.II

33. \ rav. irav.||

31. J om. on.,

om. av.j

f jrai'. Tav.||

35. o onp. icai 1) yij jraptXtudOi'Tai, oi It X. /lov

ov /ii) Trap. N'^': om. X*.||36. om. riK ante wp. X o"^' " "• "*

ct «''.I

om. iinv. II37. X w"""? •"'•


O"™- •>'"'• '"•' "'O" **"

om. X*.II

38. wf.I

>}/ifpmf] tfom. tvfirnif. ! Kni yo^owi'.


ttra,ii?. II

r.g. J t-rrai ^a..


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pp. 06, 97. Mad. xxiv. 40 - xxv. 10.

xxiv. 40. I taot'. ^v. N* : Sv. laov. N".|i\q bis] oni. o.


II42. ijit.

II43. ttopvxO. ||

44. y ov Sok. up.||

45. apa

Gall. xiv. 2. "9.[ KaTuaTiiaet,

\6 Ki'p. ] om. avrov.


ooM'ai, ||46. our. ffoi.

||48. {ic£ivof N'" : om. N*.


/lov u cup.| f om. (KB.

|| 49. auvi\ tavrov.

. . . TTii'i/.nil

xxv. 1. I avTuiv.\


2. (J avr.


/<wp. . . . <l>poi'. \Krtt jTfi'.

II3. a'l yap.


om. nur. ||!.

] om. oDrui'.|

ni/rwj'] J I'aiirui'.|| 6. om. ipx- ti. Syr.

ant. (hab. Rom.Lond.).j

torn, auroi/.||

7. fai/r.||


iftitav. \\ 9. Xtyouirai] (ijrov (sic) O''.| | ovk 6\.

Gall. xiv. 2. 81 : on /iq 6''.|

apxiati Oriy. Gall,j



om. ('f X ; hab. e'-. || 10. om. avToiv B''*.

I'p. 98, 99. Matt. xxv. 10—30.

xxv. 10. i;KXfi(70)j B.II

11. t k-"' nl f'©''.II

13. om. iv y u t.i.

fii'Op. tpx- **«''II

15. c'ww ei'.II

15, 16. tt'f^- Top. >!*:

TTop. ^£ N'-e''.II

16. + ijpy. BS*: eipy. S'^e''.]

+ koi

X*0'' : (cai fKfp. X" et '". ' ireire] j adJ. raXavra.||


1" N'': tt 0™- '**•


O""- '^<" ""'Of.II

18. TflX.I

yijv K.

: om. ff- (corrige supra). | n:pv\lj. \\ 19. iroX. xP- ^- Syr.


Xoy. fi. avT.\\

20. om. raKavra 1".| f TaXavra

h'e aXXa ?r(i/rf).|

om. eir' avr.||

21. om. ff.||

22. ce

: jom. K*. cod. Lat. Eushw. (et ciim^'.)!Xa^uiv N. Syr.


om. Kupit.|

om. en' avr. N: hab. Syr. Hicr. bis.||

om. at Syr. Hicr. bis.|

avartipoQ. )avdp. avar. ti.



27. T£ ovu.\ X ^^ ^PY' ^* ^° "PV"


29. tov

II30- «ifi3aXfr£.

pp. 100, 101. Matt. xxv. 31—xxvi. 7.

31. om. aywi.||32. avva\9riaovTai.

]a^opitrti N* : a^opiii

II33. om. fitv. Orig. Eph.Cr. 132.

I Jom. avrov X. Oj-ijr.

I tuui'.] add. aurou S. Mempli. Syr. Pst.Hcl. Hicr. semcl.||



37. J eitJo/ter.||

39. XaaOtvi}. \\ 40.

n?. /joii.I

aJ. /JOU rw)/ B- marg.||

41. ?ropfi/.] virayin X.

Dial. 76. Orig. Eom. Cr. 156 cod. Codl. Hipp. Ant. 65.

xix. 2.I

ol k-nrjjp.] tfo™. "'• "O '/roi/i. So''.||


oi'K I" B* : hab. B -'.|

cm. cni ante (i\||43. om. yvfi. c. on v.

N* : hab. (scd om. pt) X".||

44. om. /.ni l"i<*. Mcmpli. cod.:

X \I

om. avrij) XB''.]

^iiKov. B.||i|

xxvi. 3. om. Kai oi

Xe". Syr.Hicr.|

tow X. B-.||

4. ^oX. Kpar.\

om. Kn(


hab. B=.||

7. fx- n^«/3- M"?- '^O"-II 1t 'roXvr. N :

e-. n;? Kf^. XB".

pp. 102, lU". JIatt. xxvi. 8—29.

8. om. avTov XQ''.||

9. J iSvv. BXO'".|om. to pvp.

1om. ToiQ NQ^

II10. ynp N* et ^''

: om. X"\| J i;py.

(ipy. K".II

13. ^£B=: om. B«X.||

\5. km lya.||



20. ^w^.] J add. /ia0.||

21. htciv'] \iyit.||

22. tit;


om. avTiav.||

23. ^(t' t/i. ti]V. X' '"'"V 'p"/3.




Xey. our. oTc V..a.b.c.f.ff-.h. Orig. Int. iii. 698.||

om. rov.|tuXoy.

|iovi t. paO. inr.

||27. om. to.

\ f icai

II28. /low] om. TO.

i+ om. kuii'. X. Thcb. Syr.TIicr. Lond.

pov) : liab. Syr. Hier. Rom.

pp. 104, 105. Matt. xxvi. 28—45.

28. tKxvvv. BX. || 29. om. on BX.| om. tow X« :


ytvt)p. BX.| f Z''^' "/'• i^'">'- ^- -^''*- Luc. 191

II31. haaKop-itiaOtiaov. || 33. fiKrtiX": om. X*.


om. ci.II

3). oXtcTopo^ojuos a.' pt nirnpr. X' : awapv. pi

X".II-35. airapvneopm.

\!ip.'\ om. £i.

\\36. TiBaJipavi.


/<aO.] ft add. awroti.|Jom. nwTou post «ra0.

|om. oi-.



38. om. o 7c. || 39. TrpOfTtXe., f varip pov.



40. lin. 9. lege '40. laxvari.' (ita X) ct post 3

lineas '42. tK civripov.'[

42. s-po<ri;wJnro] om. o ig X' ct ' : add.

N" vcl ^I


lege Trarip pov.\ om. to irorijp.


citt' fpov.II

43. TraX. post iXO.\


44. iraKtv ante

cnri\9uiii.I f fK -piT. (post TOV avrov X*) X'".

, I TraXiv.\\

45. om. avrov jjost poP. f ro Xoir.

pp. 106, 107. Matt. xxvi. 45—61.

xxvi. 40. TrapadtSuv X* : -Jowe X«.||

48. J lav.|| 49. X i>"?-


50. om. l> h if X.Iif V.

II51. pira iv.

||52. ri/v pax-


paxaipy. \\53. ouropni B.

, f npri(w^e apri X* Mtmpli.

non X ") ante ttXeiw.,

TrXtiu X* : -oi»c X".|

om. ij.;


yiuvof B: Xfyanuvac X'": {Xtyiuvuv X*.|nyyiXowcX": -Xwi"

X* et '".II

55. i%i]\9aTi.1 tt om. jrpof vp.

jiv Tip iip. ante


56. om. avrov H: add. Syr. Hicr. Lond.|| 50,57. iipvy.

o'l de Kpar. rov iv bis B.||

58. % <^"^- "'"'>II

"9. om. Kat o! irp.

X: hab. 0'. j avr. Qav. XB'. ! Oararwiraxro' BX: -ffowiriv O'll

60. owx XB'.I

lup. XG'.I

om. cai X : hab. B'.1

jroX. irpca.

4^. XB'.I

ovx lip. 6': om. X.|ad fin. om. \ljiv^op. X: hab.


61. J eiirnr.j ft onr. ante oiko(". XB'.

pp. 108, 109. Matt. xxvi. 62—xxvii. 6.

xxvi. 02, 63. om. ovS.. . . avr. X*.||

63. om. airoKp. H-. Syr.

Uier. bis : hab. 6'.|om. h 2° 6'.

[ row Kidvt. e': om. X. Syr.

Hicr. bis.||

65. om. o ante apx. X* : hab. X"" (vdtr).|diipijKiv


X£yw>< X'» : Kai Xeyu th X*. Syr.I'st. (ct ih Mtb.){om.

on X0f.I

paprvpoivl paprvpiwv.] rije pXaaijrijpiaQ 9'.


tfadd. aiToi/B'': fom. X.||

Oil. smov X": (iTrni' X*.|I67. (pa-!r.


69. cKaO. ante iho XO'.||

70. om. avruv XB'.||

71. om. avrov post ej. Si.\ f toij ik.

\Kai our.] ff om. Kai.


72. ptra.\om. on.

||74. lege -panZuv bis. | KaraOip.


X fuOfwi,'.II

"5. 11'] om. rov.\om. avrip.

||||xxvii. 2. jrnpfi^.]

i om. avrov. om. ITorr. ||.3. J wapa^iS.


pfrf/itXijOi/ i:ni

X' : /((rn/ifXijOfis X'\|

larpi^.\Kai rtpiafi. \\

4. t "0'/""' X.

Syr.Hicr. Pclrop. ant. : Sikoiov'] vid. in xiii. 52.|



5. lie rov v.||

6. fisroi'.] f Kopfiavav.

110, 111. Miill. xxvii. 7—23.

xxvii. 9. Tor£ X' ' : Kai X*.|'lipip. X. Tcrt. Mure. iv. 40.


10. J sJuKa X : ti'w/cni' Syr.llier.l'clrop. ant.||

11. laraBii.|

Jom. nwr^j.||

12. ruv 7rp«r/3.] Jom. rtov B*X : hab. B^ (ct

B= ?).II

13. uaa B* : TToaa B-X. ||15. i;OsXo>' X» : Trapy

TovvTo X*.II

17. Bnpn/3/3.] t Sic sine add. X. Syr.Hicr.rctrop.

ant, : pracm. Ii/o-owv (toi') Orig. Jul. (' secundum ijuosdam ').

853. Post ' scbolion ' addo ' (quod Origenis esse tcslatur et

pleuius cxhibct cod.Vcn. ap. Gall. xiv. 2. 81)": fom. toi' X.||

21. 'itn-ov.I

TOV Bap. || 22. om. nori;). ||2.''. fo I'j «0i;.


TTiptatTOJ^ X*^" : TTfpKTOW X*.

pp. 112, 113. Matt, xxvii. 24—41.

xxvii. 24. J (ifftvaiTi.| f tow Jik. Towrow.

|i'pite^ add. i^f

X*: om. X".II

26. napilwKiv'] add. niroic N<* : om. X*et<^\||

28. iKiva. X* ct '^>' (vdtr) : ivSva. X'".|

lin. 12. lege '28.

xXo;<.'Ix^o/*. m"^- "•'?• «""*'•

IIlege '29. irXtJoirtf.' «TfOi;-

Kav.\ Ti;c Klip.


IV ry ft?.| tt"'*"'"'^- I '<^J?0

'avrip'} om.


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etc.I I !) (iaa.

||31. tKCvcavT.


(ivr. r. x^- I

«<" iviCva-l


32. lin. 2. I(ge «;ra>'-);irn'.||

33. tottov.| Xiyofuvov

om. N*.|

o lariv.|

icpov. tott. XiyofiivoQ N* et '^'': om.


34. J TTiiv bis N' : ffidv bis N'.|




35. ^tinipianvTi.\ftjSaXorr.

|om. ij/n

. . . kXijpoi'.II

40. f fi rou 0i.\ J koi icn-n/3.

|| 41.

("f BN.I J 0111. Kai I".

I7rf)6t7,3. ,;ai y/). N. Tiii.t. D. E.

pp. 114, 115. Slatt. xxvii. 42—58.

42. om, {I.I

iriUTivaufi.\ J nr' avTov.

||4.". tov 0.


om. avTov I". \\ 44. avvaravp. H9'.\ aw av-qj N: /jtr'


avTOv. \\ 45. om. nn iraa. r. y. N* ; liab. of u\r]v

ynv ^"-I

«»'«'. ae'.||

46. tmr. ae'.|e^o. Vuif. i.e./.

Oiig. Int. iii. 924' (cliimavil): + avifio. XB'. a.d.ff^.g-.h.


tXwi bis N : jjXa bis e'.|Xt/in BX : Xi/in e'.


-viQ': aalSaKrajniH.|tytaTfXiJrti X : -fiirff

II47. jtrrijic. X : iarior. 0<.

|om. on t? : h.ib. e'.

\\48. om.


49. J tXeyov HQ'.\o^ert O'.

|aoiaai X* : cuiauiv


add. nXXoc . . . oi/ia X : cm. Syr. Uicr.Lonil.|| 51. nir'

: om 84.| us Svo ante [an-'] ftrw0. t. xann HQ'.

||52. om.

Ta fti'. (tvi<ijx. i^*.\f'>''Wna \i".\ai'tiii\Oiianu ii": );''"/',\'0.


tiyipOijaav X: ']yfp9n 0^||

53. om. HnifKOav et kvii.||

X tiearoiiTapx>lS X: -xog G'.| j y£i'o/(. XO'.

| ft^*- '''•

'Of: ti'"'- 6«- Syr.Hicr. bii". (i/i. ijv row Se. X*)

||55. icoKfi.



n— Xe^.||

56. iv a'lq ijv Map. y tov Iuk.

>/ M. )/ Iw!T. cm >/ Jl. ») tuv X* : k«i iM. i; row lai;. koi i;

lxt)Tiip Kill 7/ /(7jr. rail' X".|Mripin 1" X\'i'.

|M«pic( 2"

(bint ()').I tt Iwo-i;^.

||57. fiia9iiT(vi)i}.

pp. 116, 117. Jlatt. xxvii. 58—xxviii. 11.

xxvii. 58. tt om. to aaiia 2".|| 59. J om. iv. ||

60. om.


om. iwt.II

61. Mnpm 1"] + Mapwft. | »/ aXX.||

C3. ir.

6 ffXai'.II

64. J om. avrov.\K\i\povmv.

\om. vuic7-or.

| x"?""X. C9.

II65. J Cf.

IKovar. X : ^uX. Orlg. Int.

| J a(T0aXi(ra(T0ni


66. TWK ^vXciKuv Lstt. nilxxviii. 1. ti5».

IMapta 1"!

i Napinfi.II

2. Kfii jrpoiT. Xieor sine add.||

3. jjv ft i) (ii\ aiir.

X" : om. X*.I


X' : wcth (vcl

us >/) x-X". || 4. lyivtiO. X.

-Eas. ad Mar. np. Cord. Jo. 450.|ws vtK. K. £«s. Cord,


r«if yuv. X^et'^'': om. X'.|

00/37)07; rt X»: tpojSiwec H". || 6.

tt om. i Kvp.II

7. tJ. fiTra X* : if. tiirov H".\\ 8. an-fX9.


9. om. o)s tt tTrop. njr. r. /i«0. av.\

!> i^-] J om. o BX. vk>]v,

X»: n;r7;>'. X'\||

10. 6(7 B.|

/iouX": om. X*.|

tXO. X* :

aTTfXO. X'\I

t Kai fcti.II

11. J ni'7;yy.

p. 118. Matt, xxviii. 12-20.

xxviii. 12. avuli. Tt iTroiriaav X* (add. Kat XopovTtg X*

ft ? <:''): avfili. TC Xaji. X".||

13. tin. on} in itirart. || 14.

J fTTi X. Syr. Dior.|tfom. aurov X. Syr. Hier.

| voiiiaufitv.||

15. Ta npy. H' : apy. BX*.jwj X* : xaOuis X".

| npii/i,] J euj

X* ; [iixptH".I

+ om. >//!. ||16. lege 'fii; tj/v TaX."

||17. ora.


18. om. aiToif X*.,ante iv oup. 3 lilt. (? icot) in

B.I i om. ->;s X. Oriij. Luc. Cr. 85. !| 19. tfo'"- o"'' 5< <,Iren.

Hipp. Orig. Orig.lnt. Etis. [cxc. in Ps.] Lcf. uncis iiiclu-


\\20. J eip. /i. i'/i.

|om. o;«7;i'.

Subscr. non lub. X.


p. 119. Mar. i. 1—4.


1. apx.T.fn.^ 7J tvayyi^iov Syr.

I i om. 7'i. Oi. X«. Syr.IIicr. : bab. X\||

2. KaOu>c.\

Tii>.Iry H<T. Tiff TTp.

I I fyw.InjroirnXu X. Mcmpb.



3. Tp. avrov XT''.||

4. sni fyfi'. X* : tyti'. X".|

PavT. XT''.I

tfai i-''jp.

pp. 120, 121. Mar. i. 5—18.

i. 5. Travris ante icni f/Sajrr. XT''.|Km ante iPuttt. X'=-' : om.

Iti"r' our. ante £7- Tip XT''. Syr.IIicr.

|| 6. t »<" rj" ''T''.|

Iwav. XT''. jcffOuii' X : -iw>> T'.|| 7. ojriffw /ioi>|Kiii^a(Toc (sic)

i^f P.II

8. om. ittv XT''. Syr.Hicr.|tv vS.I ttom. ti/X.

: t ''ab. T''.j om. vft. 2" X*. b : bab. X'^*.

| t"' ^^''^

ttom. (v Syr.IIicr.|1

9. Kat 1".|

tt^Jasapfr. |tii; roi'

ijt' \ioitv.II

10. tvOvc.\

IK.Inon add. liiaovs P. | ijvvyfi.


wc BX.I

Kill nivov.\

Xt-ir' avrov.||

11. tyti'. X": om.

diccbat Syr.IIicr.|

«i7 iroi XP.|ivioK.

||12. fi^Oi'c.



p. X : Tiaaip. B.|

p. 7'/p.|om. Ka( rtaa. vvk. |


|1 14. tt P""a f'.I

ro7'.|o if.

|om. r7;c /'aT.

||15. om. Kui


tt^'y""' ^''- II 16. Kai irapay. \ Si/iwi'oi;. | apifitftaX-

|om. op0i,a\7;T.

|iiXidc X : aXfiii; B.

||17. J


II18. <u0i7(.


pp. 122, 123, Mar. i. IS—31.

i. 18. TO CiK.1 om. aDrw7'.|


19. oXiy. »kh0(V

X": i fKfiOfi' sine oXiyor X*.||

20. iv9vs.||

21. Ka0ap»'.|

tvOvQ.Iroic aafiii.l non priicm. iv.

|tto"i- f'<'iX9.


(X" : ih^a^fv X*) ante tig.\\

22. om. aurwi'.||

23. tt tv9vs.\

7/17 ante iv rp. ||24. ta X" : om. X*.


jas-oX. 7;/i.


tt oiSatiiv.II

25. om. Xiyojv X* ct fortasso A* (hab. manus

reccntior suji. ras.) : hab. X".||

26. ro wtvfia. |^wi'i/ir.



27. t'lKavris-\j om. Trpoc.

| X avrovs-\

Xiyovras.[^i^. Knivti.


Kar' »?.] om. on.||

28. sai j57;X0.| t a-Orc BX" : ttom- N*.|

Travravy X'^": ttom. X*.| I'nX.J louJaiac X*.

||29. tii0iis;.


tt f?e'\0oi'r. 7jX0o»'.||

30. ti;0«c. ||31. tt ora. aur7jf. |



32. X f^o.I

om. Kai rowj Sai/i. (32) . . . kok. txavTag

(34) X*.II

33. KOI (jv oXt; 7/ jroX. (jtit. X".

pp. 124, 125. Mar. i. 34—ii. 4.

i. 34. om. woiK. voir. X*L.|(5f/3nXX(»' X. a.f.ff^-'.g^-". \


Ta caip.I

rov x" '"'"' ^'" ' om. X*0'.||

35. tfpv\a XO'.|om.

j?7)X0. Kai£".gK\K.aiT>i\0. XOf(c): post B dclo'6.. jj''.

KnKd no'. II 36. I Kara^iujji' X:

-{av G'. |

ttom. iX: t bab.

O'.Iom. oi C* : hab. B' 'dcmum, m certe vdlr.' X.

|| 37. t«<"

copov ai>r. Kai X : tt"- "V'"''''S "''"• ^'- 1^''""- " **' <" J'?''. 9'.||

s 1031

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oiToi B* : rtiiro!£ B^ 'ut ccrtc vJtr.'l nyo/itr.| f «'\'\n,V- ^:


fx"/'"'"!.' '^^ •'" B neminc corrigenle.|kcikh HO':

; «Ji,\0. N: AfXi;Xi'Oa (sic) O''.i|

39. f 'AO- f?- Syr.

: ff ijv G^|Kijpvaawv N'" : tctipvoaeiv t\*.

|tig tuq aw.

II40. fKoi yorun-. X0'.

ItfRm- "wov K : f liab. G'.


ante Xfy. N*(hab. N"Gi').|avnii] add. Kypis (om. on) Syr.

Ion Xe'. 69 (Scriv. dii:.)

|add. Kvpn post OtXyq ii'.


II41. t (.-ai 1" X : tt " ''« 'S O''.


avT. lyi//. S : )i\p. avr. e'.\

avTi/i X : lial). B'.\\

42. om. ei;r. civt. X ; hab. ()''.|


-6£wj G'.I

aT7ii\6. air' avr. i; \. X: arrijXfl. »/ X. ott' avr.

!miOnp. X: I tKaQip. BG'.

||43. iv9veii: -0£wc G'.


itijctv X: fliab. G^.|oXXn BXO''.






45. avT. ^vv.'] c'u)'. avT.\ X tie 7ro\. (jiav.

X : ^nv. ttg jroX. ciirtXO. G''.]nXX' XG^.

|(tt' spiifi.

(V (p}][i. e'.I

i;!/ X (line. incl. 'Viilg-. CI.' et '</'-.'): o™-

line, iiicl. '4. e.' : ante tjr' Syr.Pst.Mempb.|


Illii. 1. fweXe. n-nX. BX : <i(r;)Xy. ffnX. G^.


K«ff(/)ii. G'.I

om. nai X : hab. G'.|[v oik. X: eic oiir.

II2. tfoKi- ecOiwe X: f hab. O'.

||3. ft ^fp- ^p. avr.

X : Trp. air. 7rapa\. <ptp. 0^.|

aipopiivuiv B* : -I'or

II4. ff -poaivtyKai X : f Trpoaiyytani 6'.

\lin. 6. lege

Jip. 1-26, 127. JIar. ii. 4—16.

4. KpajSaKTov X : KpajiitTT. BO'.|

ob-ou (anle 6 TrnpnX.)

<0' .(JGf.

II5. ff rai kI. X : fii\ tt(3'.

\rfKrov /iou X.


% aipnovr. XG^.]

aov a'l aji. X: iroi a'l


7. f ri.I

pXaatpijttii.|| 8. cii0we X : -fliwe G^.


XG''.I f om. nuroi X : ff hab. G^.

|XtytiX: fi7r«>'


raurn (e spat.) W'.||

9. a<i>i(vTai X: o(Jfwvrai W=


faov ol ni/(.


ffeoi a'l ii/j. Vf'O'.





I f icai np. Xefita(e spat.) W. ]ap. tov up. aou H

aov TOv A-p. W'.I

npnjiaKTOi' X : Kpa(3aTT. BW'.|


II10. f {TTi T. y.acp. (i/i. XO''.

II11. £y£ip£ XG': -pat W'.


Kfli X; hab. WO'.|t:p«,3,irr. BG^: gpajiaKT. X.

||12, om.

lO VV".I

Jjyfp9. Km ivOvg X : jjy. JuS. rai W'G''. | Kpafiarr.

Kpal3aKr. ti.\ ff s/i^p. X : ei'Wff. W'G'. 33.



four. ovoiTT. X: ff ouc'fff. o6r. W'G''.|

iiSoftii' H":

fv rtj) lop. X*.II

13. fS,ii\9iv X"': -Oor X*.]Trapa H" :


avTovQ X* : -roi' X '.||

14. XfVH X* : -fir X'".|

II1.5. f yij'fr. X: ffiytv.W'.

[ ff om. fv rijj.|xai

om. fXeoyrti,-.| f rjKoXouBovv.

\\16. Kat ol B : J om. ol X

e spat.) W'-.I t Tuv ^tap.

\ f Km iJoit££ X : ff idovrig B.|

7/(79. X; aiT. ta9. VI'.| J rtX. k. «/i. X: [?k«.] rwi.

. . . (cetera pcricrunt) W' : h/i. k. rw»' nX. B-.

pp. 12S, 12'.l. Mar. ii. 10— 2fi.

IC. Cia n.I

TMV ti\. k«i «/i. XL : tw." nX. Km nur «^.

I ff om. Km 7CIV.\ad fin. u iif. {'/«.

||17. awroic] non add.

IaXX' X : «XXa B.


jom. ttg fiirav.

||18. oi <I'«p.


o't fia9. Tuv •tap.\

fiaO. aov.||

19. ex- '"'"' ''"/' Z'""'

II20. airapOy.

\ik. ry i';/i.

||21. ovciir'] nil add.



£jnpnB-. BX. | ifinTiov jraX.|mpn TrXjyp. njr'

II22. It)). fiiiKii.


cm. 6 j'£Oc.| ff o oil', jk^. koi oi

rtn"uXoi'i'.; f o oir. rcroXX. Kat oi mTK. B.| f aXXa on'.

fii; offK. K. /?X))r. X" (om. /3Xi;t. X*).||

23. avrov iv roig


oi jinO. avr. iipK- X. Syr. Ilicr.| f ofoi»

II24. om. £)'.


2."). om. nurof.1Xfy.

|| 20. f Kug.\

}i.I f om. rot. ante nn\.

| ff rcufifp.

pp. 130, 131. Mar. il. 27— iii. 13.

Text. iii. 1. [i/i']] Dele uncos.

ii. 27. Kat ovx- ||||iii. 1. ff fi£ <7oj'.

| t >iv ante £kei BX.H

2. f -TraptTijpovt'.\

Toig aa[ij3.] J praem. £)'.



t Kar)iyop>]iyuatv.||

3. J ttjv K. X- «X- I X"?"" B* : X"?" ^'-1


4. 7-ois £ra(3/3.] om. ti'. |aya9. jroi.

||5. f x- "ov.


aTrtKaTiaTa9q.\om. ly. itg ij a\.

\\6. iv9vr.

\ I crroirjaai:

Il7. /t£Ta r. /infl. aur. n^fx-

I t wpof.| X t]Ko\ov9i]aav X :

-(7£v B.I

om. avrip.\

t}K. post \ovS.||

8. Km an-, r. Icov/t.

X" : om. X*.IKm jrfpt X" : om. Knt X*.

i|Tr£pi] om. oi.


f OKOi^oi'.I

oaa.| ff £?roi£i.

||9. TrXoioptov.

||11. i9(iopovv.


TTpoatimrTov XP : -nj/ B.|

fvpn^ov XP.|

Xfyovrfj X : -ra


o xc ante o I'iof P.||

12. avr. <j>av.\ X 'Toitjaiaaiv N:

Troiwffti' B^ 'derauin, vdtr. ' | om. on yt". tov x^ avr. tiv.

pp. 132, 133. Mar. iii. 13—29.

iii. 13. X 0' ''£ oTijXO.I

a-ti\9ov P.||

14. f oi'c Km an-, tov.|

lin. 10. lege Kijpvaaiiv.\\

15. f om. 9tp. rag voa. koi X : ff Iiab.

P. II 16. J Km f—01. rovgliao. \ f ofo/i. Tip St. || 17. rou Iok. ]

oro/trtB; -para X.|Iioa)';jpy£f.

||18. X Mar9. | Kavayoioi'.


19. IdKapiuQ.II

20. EpxoiT. X'*: t tpxjrai BX*.|

o ox- X":

j om. 6 X*.I j pT)Ti.

II22. BesX?.

||25. pupiaBy.



X ') OIK. fK. aTa9.II

26. Km 2" X" : om. X*.\ ff i/ifptoB)}.


pi/iip.'} X !''1(^. ''"•I


27. f aXK'.\

j ov Ivv. ovd.|

ciai\9. tig r. oi. rou itrx- ra ax. av. ^lapjr. X; tiat\. ante ra

(TK. B.I


28. roic v'l. r. arSp. ra a^.|at fiXaaip.


oaa.I X HI'.

pp. 134, 125. Mar. iii. 29— iv. 8.

iii. 29. aWa.\ ff eirrai.

| f a/taprqp.||

31. Kat tpxtr.\


pijT. avT. K. ot aS. avT.|


||32. Trtpi awr.

ox- X°; Trpof avr. ox- X*.|

rat Xey.| f om. koi at al. aov.


33. f Kot mroKp.\ f at;r. Xtyji BX. | Kat oi aC.

\ f at^. ftov.\\

34. Kat !"•1Tovg Trtpt avr. KVK\(p.

\ f iSf.||

35. f yap.|to


aeeX^i;] om. pov.\\\\

iv. 1. avvaytT.\


f/ii3. post TrXoiov.I

TrXoiov] om. to B*X : hab. B'.|


2. jToXXa tv Trapap.||

3. f tov air. X" : ff om. tov X'".||



om. T-ou oi'p.II

5. Kat aXXo.|ra Trtrp. X*: ro Trtrp.

X'\I ff om. Kat.



Pa9og yijc- ||6. Kut ire nrtr. o

>;X.I ff tKaVfiariaBit.

\\7. aWo X" : aXXoe X*.



ff Kat oXXo X* et ''': f Kat aXXo X *.

|au5«>'0/i£i'a BX.


X tftpov.1 f £!£ ter X : f ttg I" BL, ff tv 2" BL, ff tv 3" BL.

pp. 136, 137. Mar. iv. 9—24.

iv. 9. om. aurotc.| of £X" "" ' " iX<^v X'*.

||10. Kat ore.



rac »rop. ||11. ro ftva. hS.


|ra Trav.


om. Ta.II

12. avvtoaiv Orig. cod. ap. Malth. bis.|


f om. ra apap.\\

14. iTn-£ip£i] airipii.|

15. Kat orav.|


apTral^ti.| J £!» air.

||16. ff 6/i. ante £cct.

]om. o! ante orav

B»: hab. B^B^?).|fv9vg. ||

17. ivBvg.||

18. aXXoi.|Jtrt


our. £tir.]

aKovirai'. ||19. aiiDVOf] om. rowrov.


airan; lin. 2] lege ' utruinqiie.'|

(rir/t7r>'ty£t row X. Kai ai Traps

(sic: CTfpt X ) Ta Xoct. t-riOrp. tia-jrop. (add. avp^v. tov Xoy.

X') X".II

20. f on.

1 £px. o Xi'x. 1om. iin

1"X*: hab. X\|

£;rt B- : J I'S-o B'X.1

rfOj/ 2".||

22. Kpon--

rof] ff praem. n.| ff Eav /tij iva BX.

]jXO. tif ^ai'.

pp. 138, 139. Mar. iv. 24—40.

iv. 24. Km Trpaar. 171. \om. rote ok.

||25. om. or X: hab.


£xft 1" XG''.II

26. om £«>' X : hab. G''. ||27. £ytip£rat.



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ftXaarai'ij XO'.| ^ fitjKvi'iiTat BN. ||

28. om. yap. ^op''- firiv|

air. N': x^P'- '"" <"'"X-

'"' "' ''''^- ""'• "'•


'"'" l^'S


ir\>)pT) aiTov\^: TrXijpee ffnroj B. ||29. wapuioi H*

N" O''.I

iv9vt;ii: -Oiuic O''.\\

30. iXiytv] aiid. annus N'.

I t TTuig.I

ufwioiaupiv X : -irw O/'/i/. iii. cod. Ven.|

riM X: ff 7roi<f 0''.| f oitiji' Trap. Shijiit' X : ft rrnp. jrapa-

ai: 0''.II

31. Ko/tk-i.j BX : -ko' It''.|

om. mj X* : hab.


iiik-poTipov H: -pof B''.I

01' X : om. O''.|

Tra. t. mr.


Twv i—i TiiQ y. II32. ;ifi?. irnr. ri Xftx-

| tt /"'?'"'


k-nrniTk-iji/oDi' XO''.||

33. t woXXaic XO''.|

j|t uv. BX :


34. x'wpiC "•I

KoQ'ii''. B.I

tti''- fnO- t*- O"'?-

435. 477 ; j paQ. avrov <:i''.|

amXufj' ()'.|uTravTa Orig.


36. cm. ^f.|



37. /ifynX);(X':

X') ai'f/i.I

Kfli Tfi.I


oiari iiCij yip. ro ttX.

om. X*.II

38. f f nir. iji'.|

iv ry.|

eyfipoudiv B*X

W ' ut omnino vdtr.' || 40. iiirii''] Xtya X'. |om.

jip. 140, 141. Mar. iv. 40—v. l.l.

Text. V. 9. Lege oi'o/ik aoi (Ticg.).

iv. 40. oi'TTw.II

41. o avipog X*: oi oi't/ioi X'\ |j ai/r((<

M : UTTOIC. OIT. X" ct '''.||||

T. 1. tjXdov.\ f Ffpaffljl'.

: ft ripyiiTtjv. X'^.II

2. iKiXBovTOg avroi'.\ f fi'6i)(;.1Otdjjt.




^uXvaeatv.\ f ot'fffn ovo.

\icvv. BX.


i(7x- «•'''•I

om. ^apaaai X*: hab. X''.||

5. pr. Km iv r.

II6. t nat 10.


1 t avTii) X ; ff -tov B.||

7. Xtyei.||

cXty. yap] Kai tXty.||

9. tTrtjpioTa.[oi'O/m (Toi.

|Xfy. ay.


B (sic) X*.I

/loi] om. ftrrii'.||

10. -n-apiKaXn.\avTov

||11. Trpoe ry opii X" (om. op. X*).




X* : -I'ui' X'\II

12.'\ irapiKaXtuav. \

auro)'] sine add.||

(TrtTp. nvr.l sine add.|om. ijitoj' Ce.

pp. 142, 143. Mar. v. 1:5—30.

ext. V. 23. Lege TrapuKaXti.

13. wf /5 (cum ras\ira unius littcrae ante /3) B.|1

14. k-ai




i^ijXO. X*; ))\9. X'\||

\5. iipxovro

b.c.J". : ipxovrni a^ (ydir) ct ".|

i/i.] om. k-ni.|Xfyiwva

.fwi'a B(sic) X'".||

16. icni ^iijy.|| 18. iplSaii'vvT.


nil. y (B)X.I

>iv B.II

19. Kfii oi'i;.]


i KVp.

oirjKtv coi X. SjT.Pst. Mcmpli.||

21. t<;j.|

TraXiv post

II22. om. ifou.

||23. vapaKaXn.

|rag %• "vry.




25. iiaoXovOct.\

om. Tir.\ ff Jw^. sn; X. Syr.

II26. J rn 7r«p' tnur.

||27. nicou.] f om. ra X- : ff hal).


o:riOfi' X*.II

28. roll l/j(ir.| ff fiij' di^. k-rir r. i/i. nt'r.

(vdir) X(om. rai- B*).||

29. ivBvc.||

30. ivdvc.

pp. 144, 145. Mar. v. 31—vi. 3.

33. Km noma X' : fiti. X^ ct '.] avry.

\Trpoanr. avrip.


u ct] om. If.I

i Ovyarep.||

36. om. ivB.\ f TzapaK. X*

ff «<;. X'*.I

rov Xoy. XoX.||

37. ^ fiir' avrov.\avvoK.




38. tp\ovT. \Bop. Koe.

||40. avros d(.


BX.|om. ai'aicci/i.


| f kou/i.|tyjipt.


eiiHtif. I J liiTji.I f evBvg (post (Jtirr.) [ita Icsendum] BX.


yv(ii. III!vi. 1. f icfii ipx'. ||

2. <'ic. iv ry rr.\ttoXX.^ f om.

I f ttKovovr.I

roira] add. Travra.j f rovrip 2".

]om. tn.


ff pracm. ai.|

roi. X': praeni. ct X '.

| f yiro-

II3.j Ti){ ^Jap.


Kai u ndfXiJi.

pp. 146, 147. Mar. vi. 3—17.

3. if«i \to(ripj).II

4. icai (Xfy.|

!r«rp.] u". X" : om.



avTov K»: iaVT. N*. | Kni tv toiq avyytitinv (om.


oerow) X': om. X*: r. (Tuyy{i»ei;iTiv B' : t. ovyyiviaivVi'.||



TToi. oik", tvv.II

6. J icai lOavnaatv.]

TTfpiijy.] add.

o ir.II

7. ava jT. Orlij. Gall. xiv. 2. 100.|tmv jri-. rwi'. oirn0.


7, 8. om. auroij... ?rapi;yyfi\fv X' (hab. "'').||

8. % apiaatv.,

pi; apr. /iij jrijp.|| 9. oXXa.

\ f ivSvatjcBi. \\ 10. X(av. ||11.

f (if ni' rojr. /ii; h^ijT.\om. o^yv . . . leavy.

\\12. iKtipVi.


ft /itraroijCT.||

13. f (5(/3aX\.||

14. f tXeyfr.|

«yj)yfpr. e«.


15. nXXoi Se \".\om. tXtyoi' 2" X. l.a.bc.ff-. Syr.


om. ((jriv et i;.||

16. o 'Hp.[

eXtyo'.]or] om.


o(;ro<;] add. lajari/iji; tantum X* : add. lioai'yrjg avTOQ

X'': loiai'i'ijc ovTog hoc ovdine X\| ff om. fc j'ficp.

|| 17.

a 117-0f yap o X ct '''

: o yrrp X '.

pp. 14S, IJ'.l. vi. 17—30.

vi. 17. ipvX.I om. ry.\ti]v yuv. B': om. B*.

||19. f nOtXiv.]


20. ff i;7rop€i.||

21. f <rroii;(T.||

22. irui €i«X0. X '

(XO. X".I

avTtjQ Ti)i\ lavTOv.\ f ijpjirf)'.

|o ct paa. utt.


nirijioi/] niTijaai.||

23. ori o lav.\om. jii

\\24. f cai ante

«?fXS. I aiTiirru)/!. \ tov (iaiTTtZovT. || 25. ti(T(\0. X*: iXO.



f5«ur. (({ig poi.||

26. ffuj-nvac] f nOtr. avr.


27. fuSuf.I

o-jrtKouXoropa.| f <»'(yvai.

|om. Kni aa-(X9. . .

ri;i' K£0. avT. ver. seqii.||

28. iSukiv.||

29. i;\Ooi'.|avror.


pi'i)/!.] om. r';j.II

30. TToiTn] om. koi.

pp. 150, 151. Jlur. vi. 30—14.

vi. 30. 6aa 2" X': om. X«. Syr.Hicr.||

31. Xfyti.|


iS. B.I

67r' X'-': figX'^'.

j t avaTravtaOe.j


32. tv

ttXoi^j eig ip. tott.\\

33. om. oi o\'X.j

cTTfyr. B'^ demum, ut

vdtr X : add. airoi'g X.[

rjvvk^p. tKtt t:ai TrpoijXi). avTotfg sine


34. om. !i ig.|o^X. ttoX.

|tir' avrovg.


om. wg irpoji.




35. yiv.|






36. post tnuroic add. Ppwpara.\

ti ^ayioaiv.\\


diiv. StaK.I ff Jwrraipfv X : f -aopiv B.

||38. f apr. fy

1 ^S"i\

om. Kai.I

k-ni yi'. X " : k. (XOorrfs X*.i f om. au-i(j.


ni'ai.-Xi0. B'X. Orig. Mai CI. Auct. x. 482 (discric Mar.videtur)

ai'nKXfU'ni B-.]

oi'/itt. scmel Orig. Mai.1

em] fi' B.||


aviTTiaav.\ J fl-paffini semel. |

Kara his.||

41. KXaoac et ii'ioou

X* (Kai iftSov X ").1

pa0.] om. auroi'.| ff irapaTiBw X* :

f wapaOoi X'.II

43. f xXaapa-MV iJwi'iK'n.1 ff Ko^ivwi'.


pivftara.\ 1^9.] pracm. dvo.

\\44. om. rovg apr.


praem. ijjr.

pp. 152, 153. Mar. vi. 45—vii. 1.

vi. 45. (vOvg. \-o ttX.] om. ro. ', liijOcraicia)' BX.



47. £j'/ie(T<p.II

48. iilwi'.|jraiT. liai'.


Trtpi] f om. khi.1|


X tJTi ri/g 9aX. nipiir. \on ^avraapa tar.

\\50. tioai:

\ ff o

C( iv9.1


Sl.Xini'.1 ff om. «K n-«piiTffou.

1fom. KOI


52. faXX' iji'.|avr. i) Kap.

||53. nri niv yi/v t/XO.

tig N : i;X9. f tti r. y. N.|

r«fiijcrapir X : -pi9 B : Tn'ijanptO


7rpoaujppi]9iiaav X' : -wBiiaar X ' N : add. tKii N.||


om. ai'i-wi' B* : hab. B-. |iv9vg H : -9fws N.

|om. oi ni'c'pfc


55. TTfpiii'p. X: TTipicpaiioyTtg N.| x'-'P""

X: jrfpi.v- N.]Kai >;p?. X : om. kui N.


«tiX': M' X*.|

Kpn|3nKn)i£ X : KpajiaTT. B»N.|

((Kovoi'] t/KOi'dOij.| ff on

tTni'X: f on ikh lanv'S. ||56. oir. lav X: in-, ai* N.


fiffin-opji'iro XN.I

tii; ffoX. >; tic ayp. X : ffoX. ij ayp. N. ] iv

Taig ay.'] t] iv T. ay.\iriOiaavH: -Ooo)' N.

|("n/zoiTni N.


av N : om. X. 1 f M. X : ff i/jrr. N. ] htawK- N.


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Iip. l.J4, 1J3. Mm-, vii. 1—15.

1. (\0.] jivacm. vi N. || 2. on koii'. . . . tcOiouijtv X: ctm'.

laOiovTnr N.I

roi'f aprovg N.|aprof X. h.c.ff-.l. S)r.

IndJ. i/icfi^jj. N: om. N.

||3. irvyfty NW""; ttukvo H.



laBtuaiv N.||

4. airo NN.| J pajTiirwt/rai N :

N.|« TrapiX.

|+ om. cnt kXu'.

|| 5. Km £7r(p.!

TTipiTT. oi ;(fi(?. aov.\kou'. N* : ni'ijr. N'.

||C. om. a^o.;/}.


un.I nrporp. Ha. iripi vp.. \

wq ytyp-l ttdlil- on.|


IIS. oni. yap. |

om. o^'iOTff . . . . oi'Op. AV''.| ffoin.

4f'T- . . TToX. TTOI. H l PciTTT . %. Hal TTOr. W'K|| 9. ha'j.

(\. OVT. 15.I


10. Mwi'ir.|J

11. lav.|| 12. ab

nil add.| -nr.l om. av-ov.

\piir.^ om. avrov.


post Tu/Wfi.||

14. iraXii'.|i\iyiv.

\ X aKouiTe.|om.



15. £(£ N ': £t' N*.

|u Sin', noiviaaai


rit iK Tov itvOp. iKwop. I ffom. iKura.

pp. 156, 1J7. Mar. vii. Ij—31.

vii. 2G. Lege j; it yvyi).

l.'i. TOV niSp.'B.||

IC. ffom. vcr.||

17. s/itjjXOo;'.| fic


niv Trap. (om. nepi).|j

18. ot'TTO) j'O.|

ou Oi^i'. niT.

01) Koti'Oi TOV avBpuiiTov.II

19. nW.|

(KTropfi/.] isfiaX-


||21. diXoyKjpoi B*.

||21, 22. f TTop)/. kXott.

/loi^. ^5 : ft/''"• !*• * N-

II23. £K;ropfi'oi'-ffi N.


II24. ff iKitQiv h H: f Kut ik. N.

|ipia H: piOop.

II- Kdi Sco. NX : ft om. Syr.Hier.

||oik.] om. r/;i' NN.


N: -\(v N.I

tiiSvvaadt]^: -viiBij'S.\XaBuvH':


23. aWa (sic) iv9. aKova. yvvi] N : ok. yap yuj');


om. avTiiC N : liab. N.|

iiaiXO. N : iXO. N.||

20. i; ISt

7]V a : j;i/ St ?'; y. N.|

^vpoipoiviKtaaa H : ^vpn<p. BN.|



27. KnttXeyft-Cora. i.c)^. Sjr.Hicr. :


lOT. K/lX. X : K. f. N. It i-OIC Ki'l'. ftaX. X :

roig kvv. N.||

28. o:n. yftp N. Syr. liicr. : liab. N.|


((rOtovaiv H : -Out N.|

ht0. airox. r/jj raorr.

II29. fiurj/3 add. o l^/Toy^ N.

| tt ^'^ ^^'^ Ovy. oov to laip.

j TO Ci. IK Tip: 0. aov 'S. || 30. luvTijr.\

to TrniP. k.t.X. t?

TO (-»,,<. K.7.\. N.II

31. om. O.TWJ.|

(k to,v]

row W'.

pp. i:,8, l.j9. Mar. vii. 31— viii. 8.

31. iiXO. I'la. i). N : Km S. );X0. NW'.|hq X\V'' : Trpof


AfK.] pracm. r;;c W''.II

32. kw^. koi NW. Syr.llicr.

Ko( N.I tt C"/' '

^^'• t/ioyyi^- NW''.



rag x^^pai; N*N (W'' ? om. Tag): Tip' X-^"-


\V''.|Kar' n^. rtTO rou o;^. N. Mompli. : an'o rou ox. Kar'

I ifiaXivH': iXafitvH'. \ om. nurou 1" N: Imb. N


cvTvaiv lis T. daKTvXovg avTov Kai cjiaXiv ttg ra uiTa

Koifov Kni iyv|/. Tijg yXuaaag (sic) tov poyytX. \V''.||


taTiva^tvl iiviUTivaKiv.\

aviirriv. W''. 1i^iptOa t<".


t om. tuOfwi' N: tt ''•''I'- NW'' marg.[

iji'Oiy.H: liiii'oixB.

1(Xi;.] pracm. luOvg N: om. N. (koi rou /loyy. eXu. W''.

postci uvTou).II

30. tXey. NW'': ft ht. N.|awroc N :

NW''. Syr.Uicr.| avToi NNW'^.

|irfpiaaoTipug NW''.


vTTfpn.'] navTCg W"".]

vnroitjKiv'] iroiet W''. | om. wc


om. Ka. W.I

om. roue £" N : bab. NW''.nil

viii. 1.

jroX. NN : 7r«/iir. W''.| oitoc] avyaxOiVTog W''.


om. o i£ NN\A'''.I I om. aurou NNW''.

||2. i/pipai Tp.


t7rpo(T/i. /<ot Kat

NW'': tto"'-

/"o' Syr.Uicr. I'etrop.


(X'^^aiv NW. || 3. f k«i Ttvig N : ft Tivig yap NW''.|

paKp. N : om. awo NW''.] f I'lKaaiv N^J : -oiiirij' W''. ||


avrip Vi- : om. N.|uti tiuBiv'] om. Lti ct jiraem. koi tmav N:

om. in NW-".j

ivvijaiirm W''. C9.| x'Pt. Cic. W. |


<pi;/iiac NNW'l.II

5. ijpuiTa N: nrtjpuTa 'SW'^.\

apr. tx- N:

fX- «pr. NW"".If.jrncNN: -;rov W''. ||

6. -jrap«yyiXX« BN(-Xi)

: TrapijyyeiX. NW''.|Xa/Bov («ie) W*".

| Kai iux.]'\oca.


n-apnn0. N: vapaB. NW.|[ 7. nxai/ N : -xov


nwra post (i>X. N : ante NW'.,

jraptOi/Ktv N' : Ha-jv

Kai 7-ai/ro TrapanBivai N": £i-«v TrapaO. NW'' (add. niiroif N).|

8. Kni ((4ny. N ; iipay. h BNW'' : add. Truvrtj N.|


{ N: om. NW''.|

av.'tjr.] dele 6.]ff^wp. N : av.


J.p.ICO, ICl. Mar. viii. 9—23.

viii. 9. ft om. oi <j,ay. N : f hab. NW*".]om. wj N. Mempb.

(vid. Matt. XV. 38).||

10. fvOvQ N: ivBiiag N: tvOvg ante

tp(i. NN: post f/ij8. W''.| om. avrcq NW''.1

i 17: N= : om. N "

ct '"'W-l.


/jepj;] opj; N.|AaX^aj'ouOa NW''.

||11. oui'^^r. N.


ai]p.] add.tffii/N.c: om. W''.|| 12. fai/r. NW'i.ln NW''.] sijra

(7/;/i. N : ni}p. ijn'C NW''.| f vpiv Hit.

||13. n^f(f] KaraXiTruv


iraX. ipfi. N : fp/3. jraX. NW-".I

tie ro irXfo;' W'' : ffom.


14. jTsXaeoiTo NW''.|

oi /in9. at/i'. W-". || 15. tifcrrjXX.

N'^': JifrfXXfro N*.|opare] add. koi W'' : om. N.

|Kai ri/c ?.]

hab. Ktti BW.II

16. 2i£Xoyi?.] fXoyi?. N.|

aXX.,X.] om. X«y.

N: hiib. NW.| ff txo/'Ei' NN.

|| 17. fo is ante Xty. ai;r.

N*N: ffom. N'=\|om. iv raig KapS. vp. NN.

|ffurtirt B:

lege Kni avvuTai A.|om. tri NN.

||18. om. Kai 1" N'. '


ov pvtjp.l ovKw I'ouTi N.II

19. TroiT.] pvaem. Kai N : om. N.|

KXair. TrX. j;pnrf N: ttX. kX. jjp. N.||

20. ff ort B(Tiscli. dis.):

or£ Kai N : or£ t'£ Kni N.|Tovg fjrra] add. apTovg N : non

N.I ft Kai Xfy. BN : f o! it iiirovTS.

\ f non add. ot'rijj NX.||

21. TvuiQ ovTTui N: ou;ru N.| avvuTt.\\

22. ipxtT. N*N : tpxorr.


TiiiBaaiSa N.|| 23. f f?i)i'£yi:. N : ff f5i;y. N.

| f avTv-\

6ffi/p.] (viipioTiianv N.

pp. 102, IG3. M:ir. viii. 23—35.

viii. 23. f /3X£jrfi NN.||24. furs N* : fXiyf N": Xfyd N.


lui; civopa iipio NN.||

23. ff nTtOi\Kiv NN.] x^'P"i\ "''''• """

row N.I

Kai hifiX. Kni N : Kai fTOi. avr. avaflX. Kai N.]

mriKartani N: -aTaOii N. |Kai ifiXttp. N* : f koi ivipXtTriv

N" : ff KOI ti'tliX(\piv N.1TiiXavyoig N'^'N: ^ijX. N*.


N: -rnc N. ||26. awroi'] pon. post oik. N*.

]oik.] praem. rov

N'»: om. N'''N.|

/iijOf (/ii; N*) £ic tijv k. tmtXOf/c (N)N.|

ff om. pi)h tiTT. T. tv. ry B. N : f bab. N.||

27. Kaiffapirrc NN.|

f nuroif N*? ct "^'' N: ff om. N'^\ ||2S. fnn-iKp. N: ff £in-ai'

N. I avTip Xty. N: om. N. ] loi.] praera. in N*


om. N-" N. |

aXXoi ^£ 'IIX. N.I

on fic N ; iva N.||

29. nriip. avTovg N: X£y.

auroii; N.|ajroKp. ('£ N : koi airoKp. N.

1 xP-1 ^^'^- " '•''"C''<"'

0£ou N. Syr.IIier. (dele infra): om. N.1Xfyuffii- NM.

||31. vtto.


Tiav apx- N : om. tiov N. |twv yp. N : om. tuiv N.

||32. cXaXft

r. Xoy. N.I

auror o Flfrp. ||33. om. ic.

|Ilirp.] ora. ry.


f Kcti Xtyti.II

34. fi Tig.\ f f


r. irrnup. iaiiroi'.||

35. yap lav.\

tiiv ^. avrov N : r. iavT. ^. B. |n7roX£iT£i 2".


J Tijv \j/. avTov ivtK. BN: r. ^ux. avr. Ota. Orig. i.|


om. oirof. ||36. + w^£Xfi.

|rov avBpuTTOv'] om. tov N''-';

ai'OpuToi' N*.

pp. 164, 105. Mar. viii. 36—i.'C. 10.

viii. 36. X KtpSijaai.\ t Kai ^iipiuBiivat. || 37. ri ynp. |


N" : Hip H".I

o B : om. N. 1avTov.

\\33. ynp tai'. ||||

ix. I. tuv


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NX. IsnrijK. N: iaruT.ii.\yiviTovrai'S.\\ 2.;uraX: /isO'N.

Ion;.] om. tov W"". |Iwai'.] pracm. top X : om. N.



lege pro (lyoyfi) ^'''-I

^""' post i>i//. N. i.r./7'=.i. ('altissi-


^(rn/iop^iourai W. [|3. lyiviTO ti: -vovto HVf.


w£X'-^= ''"'•• ^-I

oiiTwg H'S (,posl \(VK. N).||

4. Mwucy

: -ffji N.I

ijdai' avWaX. N : ij^nv Xn\. X. b.d.f'.g'-'.i.l. ||

ry iijc] aurv N.| J pajSPn NN.

|om. wi'f.

|Tp. ok. X


N.I t Mwiiffd BSN. II

G. awiKptOt] K: XaXtjaii N.|


tyti/oiTO S : ijffav yap (i:<p. N.||

7. ly. Ci (om. Km) N.|

X: t'A^-N. 1 (tt) 'yf- ^^ ''/f '-^- 0w""I-I


XN. Iaicow. avTOv XW^ : aur. ai-o!'. N.

|fv v J«^.

ayinr. X« : 61/ *58Xf?a/u;v (om. tv y £uo.) W"".||




(1 /ii;X'A'J.|

om. /ne' iav. W.||


Kara/3nii'. XNW.| t ajro XN.


fieirrf.Xaro.| f «

fiijyijffwiTai X: ft c'a/y^jffoirai n iJov N.|

£i firi X" :


10. TO EK v(K. av.-i^T. XN.

pp. 166, 167. Mar. ix. 11—25.

ix. 11. nrripiiiTuiv. \o'l *ap. /cai X : om. N.

||12. f £^1/ X :

airoep. Hiriv N. | f fiiv XX. | Trpurov X* : -rof X"N. |

X^: a;roKa0i(rrara X": airoKanaTavu B:

N : aTroi:aTa<yT>)(Tcti </. Syrr.|koi jtus N.

| J ifou-

X: -I'^jfly N.II

13. cm. on X*: hab. X'.|

/cnrt 1"] om.


f:\ii\v9iv X : v^'liXiiXvOtv'N.

|nurrfi uaa »;9f\. X* : pracm.

X-\ 1ijOAor.

II1-i. U^^Soi-rie . . . ticcj/X: ft tXe^'

. . .

(it'ii') N.I

n-poe iaur. X*: irpof «wr. X" : avroic N.||

£U0uc X: -0fu£ N.I

tCoiT. avTov £5i0o/j/37)O/;(rav X : t^uiv

£^£OaM/3r;0i; N. |TvpoijTpixovTig. ||

16. nvroug l^X:

yp. X.i

i-pos cwT. X»X : 5rp. iair. X* et X" vel '".||


X ; a7rci:pi0£i!,- N (iJcm adclit furfv poit ox-). 1avnp

om. N. ||1?. favX'": om. X' : hab. nv N.


om. avrov

X : liab. N. | o(5.] aJJ. avrov N:

om. X. | -f £i5ra X-TTov N.


om. iKJiaXitv avro. ||19. i ff X.


avr,,, Ct post Xfy. N.|

^f] f/if.II

20. to 7r.'£u/xa t«9Df X :

vv. N.I

^lair. N: ff ffuwdir. X.||

21. adJ. (post

i iTN.I

t'^C'**': tt'? 0" ^": "l*'"" N.I



IK vaiS. X : f/c naiSoBtv (.>ic) X.||22. t ttoXX. ovtov

: tt avTov poat Trup X.1

?rup] om. -0 XX.|aXXa.


Svvy X

N. ||23. oiu. to X. : Svi'ij X* :

-I'affai X".| f o™-

X : ft I'a''- N.||

21. f\ om. k-ai X->: f hl'>- N»X.


X" : hab. X": £u0£wc N.|om. ^ht. htw X. Theb.



om. Kvp. X: hab. N.|| 2J5. iSiuv ^t 6 it.- X.

pp. 168, 169. Jfar. i.\. 25—39.

TcK*. IS.. 38. Uiic. incl. Si; ouk cixovXovdiT >ip-~iv, delctis qui

uncis : iu marginc pro iiri lege of.

iN. 25. oxX. X. : pracm. o X.,

to aX. rat kmi;i. srr. X : 70

TO aX. Kin i:io<p. X. ', £yw X": om. X-': hab. bis B.|

ffoiX: tt "<>"""• N.1flawrouXX.

||25. KpnUe H :


<7)rop.>?ac X : -5nv N : add. avTov X» ct "- (" ?) X :

X* vol ".1roue toXX. X : om. roue X.

1|27. ti;c X- "Vtov

: avrov t>iq x- N-II

28. Kat iiaiXOovroc avTov N :koi iX-

avrov X. |Kaff iS. B. 1

icar' ,d. anlc cr.ip. (B)X : po t


in. ||29. iv ovS. c'ui'.

| t "at vnnr. X'^i'X: tt o^-

conf. Clem. 993. ||30. khkuB. X: koi fic. X.

| ff irapiTcp.


yi'OiX: yvy X.||

31. ^ avToiQ.\

/xira rp. vfi. X: ry


33. r)XOov X : -Off X.|

Ka^erpvaou/i X : Kan-fpi'.


yii-n/iiioc X.Iom. tt.i. iavr. K: hnb. N. I hab. iifXo-


3». tvwTTOvv X.)

htX(yxS<]"'tv.I t «>' »» "'•


ns /i(i?.] nc /ifi?. {ffriv.|| 37. Ac nw 1" X : of fnp X.


Tiov Totovr. iraid. X: J rwv ««!(". rourwv X.] of av 2"] of lav

X : Of X.] ^£xf rai X : tt ^'JiJ^ai X.

||33. efiij X : aTrcrpiPij

c« N.I

o luav. X : om. X'.|om. Xtywv BX : hjb. X. ttdapiv

IV Tip ovofi. XX.I tt o™- "C o"* ai.oX. »;/i. X (dcic I) [Trcg.])

thab. X.I t "'wXuo/ifi' X: tt •""'"/'*'' •^^


'"*^- "'''.•.

>//!. XX.I t t'^oX.

pp. 170, 171. Mar. is. 39—x. 2.

i.x. '10. I'l/i. on-. >;/<. X: iifi. vtt. vfi. N.||

41. av] tac.|

oi'o/*.] om. Ttfi XX : om. fiov X"^'*X (hab. X*).|

xP^^'^ov tar.

X" : fuov ivrat X*.||

irt ou /iij X : om. on N.| tt aTroXia;/


42. Of av XN.I t ™v p. Tovr. BXX.

| -frcwriv.


tt om. tif e,u£ X : t hab. X.|avrip post lar.


pvX. ov. X :

Xi9. pvX. X. [|43. i aKavdaXiffg N (lege ' vid. ver. 42'):

-Zy N (vid. vcr. 45).|

£(m»' fff X : aoi tar. N,|

fiff£X0. fif

Tiiv %. X : £if T>]v C iwc\9. N.I

amXBiiv N": ei^XCfiv


£if TO TTvp TO aa/}. X* et "-^ N: om. X"?.||

44. tt om.

ver. X. Theb. : t haK N.||

45. aKavSaXtZu H : -?j; N.|om.

ya,o XX.] (7TIV ct X


icrt aoi X. | iif rrjv K- ttaiXO. kvXX.

1; X"'^- !

I^XtjO.'] post £if r. 7.I

rijv yf.] om. rqv N.|cm. eif

TO TT. ro a.7/3. X : hab. X.||

46. tt om. ver. X. Theb. : t hab.


47. t ffi N:t1'

"'" N.1om. ftfffX0fi»' X*. ',

t "C ^nv y.

XX.I t '"'"' ^«P- N: om. X.

||49. jrnf yap tt. aXiaU. XX.


5ri'pi] pracm. iv.\ tt om. Kai ir. Ova. aXi ciXiaQ. X. Theb. :

t iiab. X.II

50. aXae 1" XX.|

aXaf 2° X"X : aXo X».|

npruo-frai X.|aXa'] ita X*: dXnf X"N.

||||x. 1. rai £1:. X:

k-OK. N.I

fpxfrai] »jX0£i' X.I

i-ai jrfp. X : lia tov mp. X.|

lego av/tvoptvovrat {nvvrr. ABXCi) ABXCX rcl.||

2. i^ap."]

pracm. ol XX. [tn-i/pwrwi' X : -Ttjffav X.

pp. 172, 173. Miir. X. 3—19.

Text. X. 16. Lege icortoXdyfi ( Treg.).

X. 3. Muv. XX.II

4. iiirav X : -jroi' N.|mirp. JIw, X :

Mm. fTTErp. X.I

JIuu. XX. |aTroXwrai] add. ai)ri;i' X. ||


t c'f If X : tt '-'"' aTTOKp. If X.I

Eypai^£)'] ETrtrpii^EV X.


P. torn. " Scoc X: tt'i^''- N.||

7. ab iivt.] adJ. cat fin-fi- X.]

avrov post irar.] om. X : hab. X.|

/iijr.] add. at'rou X : om.

X.1 tt Of- ""^ irpoTKoXX. ad fin. X : t hab. (scd cum rj; yvv.)


8. Ilia oapK X: <rap5/ii« X.||

9. o 0fOf. ||10. eif rijv

X : IV ry oik. N.I

ci paO.} om. auroo X : hab. X. ' -wi rovrov

N: IT. TovTwv ti.I^ nrtipwrijcat' '^

: ^-^ -riov H.i|

11. ofar

X : of iav X.II

12. Koi tav avr. airoXvaaaa t. av5. avr. X : not

cav y. arroXvcy r. avS. aori;f Kai N.]

yap^ay aXXov X

yaptidy nXX»p X.||

13. J aur. (ii//. X: oil/, aor. N. ' ^\ iri-

ri/ojiravX: ] -putv N.||ttawroifX: t "'f 'rpoff^. N.

|| 14.

pij] pracm. koi N: non X. ||15. of avU: of lav N.

|| 16.

KartvX. TiO. rag x-'~' avra H : TiO. rag x-

">' "" Kariji'X.

«wra N.II

17. wpoa^papav eif. ||18. lin. 8. lege '(OWj.

quntcr ; fil'. ?Luc.).' ||19. om. /u; /loix. X' : hab. X\


tt PI <t'ov. ante pi) potx- f**: t I'o^t X.


Ijip. 174, 175. JIar. x. 19—30.

X. 19. om. /ii) «7roirr. B* : hab. B-XX.]

/iijr.] aov X'X

Iom. X".

II20. ttom. an-j;.-p. X: t ''»'' N.

| t I'P'I S: ttf^-



rav. rrav. XN. |ipvXa^aptiv XX.

|n in haripia X.


I21. if!


£1 0£X. TfX. £11'. X.It<fo'X: tt "« («'pi"aem. £n X.

I Mompb.) X.I

roif rrr. X: nr. N.|om. ap. tov nr. 5!

I hab. ad fin. N.||

23. Xtyfi X'": eXiyjf X». 1| 24. r«Kia X :

G T 1035

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N.I t '<"'£ "«"• «• ,VP. N : ft om. K : qui pecuiiias

vol confidentes in c;s a.\\

25. rpv^. pa^.] om. dh' t^'S


rpi>/<. N": rpi)/jaro£ N*.| ff pa^. (iirtXQ. NN : tP''0-

\9. B.II

26. tt vp. avTov N : f Tp. iawrou* N.||

27. «/i/3.\.]

It N : om. X.|hviv K* : X«y. N'\

|tovto N : ora. S?.


n(j ante Ok.j I" ^?N.|SviaTn] ft add. lanv N: f om. X.


Tipt'] ora. Kin N: >;p?. 0£ N.| ft \iyiiv 6 II. avT. N


f "

Xey. oKr. N.|

t]Ko\ovdi](j. NN.|ad fin. add. n apa tirrai

II29. ttKfii airoKp. u I. £trr£»' N : (tt)f^') at""^ o I. K.


lTrar. t] pijr. NN.

|om. ij yvv. X : hab. N.

|iiiov ?; Orig.

xiv. 2: cm. tr. f^oi' k«i N*.|

iiiKiv 2" B^ 'dcmum, ut

vdtr' NN. Orig. Gal!.; iyiKa D (ddc siipni) : om. B*.||

(av p)] aKo\afij/ X.

pp. 176, 177. Mar. X. 30—U.

X. 30. OIK. K. aOi\<povs K, aSi\(pas k. fitjTtpa k. (supplet va-

Kai N") TiKva (add. k. ayp. pira diwy. N") N' (ct ")

ci/c. . . . pira I'lwy. N*. c. (/(.). |k«i piiripag ct pracm.

TzartpaQ N.|aiui'ioi'.

||31. + o;n. o'l ante lax- K : hab. N.

32. ol C£ oKoX. N : Kai ukoX. N. ||33. toi£ yp. K'* (cm. irat

yp. N*) : om. toij N.||

34. (fiTCTVovaiv ^5* : -aovaiv N".|

padTiy. avT. post k-ai f/i— . avr. H : ante N (om. nvrov).\

airoKr. ] ff om. avTov H : f hab. N.|

pira Tpug yp. H:

Tp. iip. N.II

35. TTpodTTop. K' I TTiipaTrcp. N*.I

oi X : om.

1om. Svo NN.

|oury S : on). N.

|om. iva o tav . . , (37) cog

H* : hab. K".|o luv N"N.

|mrtjaoptv N": -auptv N.


ord. N'" : at ante tar. N.||

3G. J pt troiijtru BN": 5roii)(7ai


57. tiToi' X" N.I

aov tx h^. N: tie ^. aov N.|


NN: add. aov N: pracm. ffou K.||

33. ttuii'.| ij ro


39. tiffni' t? : -ttov N.|SwofiiOa B.

| ror. ]

m. ptv N : cm. N.||

40. ij f£ tvuv. H : Kai ej ivjiv. N :

/io« NN.I

ivo r, it, pov X* ct '''.

\\41. r/p^. ayavaKr.


Kat ntpt.II

42. Kat irpoaK, avT. v (om. u X*) ly X (* ct) ^^

If TTpoas. avr. N.|

/ley.] fiaaCKtiQ XC*(vdtr). prin-

Vulg. b.f.ff-.{'j-.yi,l.I

om, avruiv KN./f.||

43. tariv^A:


!>Q av.\

piy. ytv. iv vp.\% laru.

\i/p. SiaK.

|| 44.

Ol'.I tt 'J* ''/' '^^ Si'r.lIicM-.

pp. 178, 179. Mar. x. 44—xi. X

44. t ttvai.II

46. f ipxovT.|cm. Kai epx- t'C 'I«p. B* :

B-.1o iri.

1om. o ante rvip.

\add. Kat post rvip,


ante tKuO. BX.||

47. J Najwpaiof.|

hab. o ante



48. auroc B^ ' dcmum, ul vdtr ': avroi B-.


tiTrtv ipuivt)aaTt avr. |tytipi.

\\ 50. aiajri]^. ||51. avTip

tiTTty.I X '^^^ ^^^- ^oiijaio.



52. ^ li ^t X*

'': tt '"'"" '^"-



aurijj post ;;>roX.||||

xi. 1. eyyij.

vyy""" ("•) ('Iclo supra).|

'IfpoiroXii/in.| f jig B);0((i. X ;

\ii]Cij>. C.I J Kai tig HiiBuvtav a : Kai HrjOiivia Ti''.a,b.f:

Vr vdtr.I

tuiv i\ai. X : to tXatuiv It. (elcon) : olivcti Gat.

II2. om. ri)V Kartv. iip. X* : hal). X"''.


\ X ov^.

cviTiit.\ ^\ tKaQiatv im.


\icnt post nvr,



71 jroi. TuvTo.I tt "J"' 5^ • t ""• '^-




airoT. nnXtv X. (a.c. vdtr).

pp. 180, ISl. Mar. xi. 4—15.

xi. 4. KOI an>i\<). Kat. rriuX.] X pracm. tov. | Ovp."]

ti;!*.|| G. iiirot'.

\ inrtv.||

7. ay. X* : ijiip. X".|


avTuv r« ipar. ct ante avrip X*.|


avrcv X: m' av-iii N. ] 8. Kai ttoX. X; jroX. it N. I

avTuv.jtic Ttjv tie. H : iv ry ul. N.

|(7ri/3. X : arvjiaSag X.

I t KO^avT. X : tt «0Tr. N.|ayp. X : Sivtp. N : add. Knt

inrpiovv. IV ry oS. N.||

9. om. XiyovTts X : hab. N.|| 10.

om. Kai.Icm. tv oro/i. Kup. X: hab. N.

||11. om. o If X :

hab. N.I

£if to] om. kiii X : luib. N. | o if post "Itp. N.i

t oi/ziof X : ft ""r" **•I''K '^P- II

12. om. iTnivaatv X*: hab.


13.avK. N: add. piav H.


avo paxp. XX.I

ii apa ti

li'ptiati XN.I

om. povov X : hab. N.| f i yap Kaip. ovk iji» X :

(ff)ou yap ijv K. N.II

14. om. 6 if XX. | tif r. ai. ik a.K: ik a.

iig T. at. N.1

/(i;c'«if XX.|0ayoi X.

|| 13. r-aXiv N.|

ora. o

If X: hab. N.|rovg ayopa'C XX.

|i:oXXy/3.] add. ilfx^iv


Kariarp. post koXXu/3. X*.

pp. 182, 183. irar. x!. 17—30.

xi. 17. f KattX. X: ff Xfy. X.|auroif.

!on XX.

] J £toi.

avr. XX.II

IS. apx. koi o! ypap.\

uTroXtaijiatv XX.|aiToi'

2".1 f :raf yap X : ff on n-of N.


||19. f orav

X : ft or£ X. I tyivtro X.]{ £5tffop£i»£-o XX.

]|20. Trapfjro-

psvtTo irpwiX': vapa-Kopivoptvoi vp. X": Trp. irapajrop. X.]


21. tpa/3/3fi X: ./3i X.|

f5i,pa>'0ij X.||

22. o i7I

fX-] pracm. fi X: non X.||

23. ff om. yap XX.|om. on X :

hub. X.I ft TTtartinj X : f -ay X.

|in i XX.

| f XaXfi XX.


6 tav tiiry X : om. X.||

24. ora. av X : Ijab. tav N.|

Trpo^u^'""* K'" f^ 7rpoff£uxo/i£vot X.I

fXn/3. X: Xapfi. X.||

25. arriKtTi'} an]TC.||

26. om. ver. X. Syr.Hier. Petrop. jur. :

hab. X (6 tv ovpavip ct om. vpiv).||

28. tXty. X : X£y. X.|

f Kai rif X : tt >; nf X.| t ft'wK. tijv £?. ravr, X ; ft ti]v (?.

TaVT. toiijK. X.I

iroifif X. ||29. om. arroKp. X: hab. X.


tt add. Kayu XX.| koi (Kayu X ') tpu vp. (X)X.

||30. ru

luai'. X: om. ro X.|ttoQiv iiv.

pp. 184, 185. Mar. xi. 31—xii. 12.

xi. 31. Kai] oi St X.I

TrpoUEXoyiJoiTo X'et''^: iitXoytX-

X": fXoyiJ. X.I

oiiv XX.||

32. aXXa.\om. tav XX.


<pofiovpt9a X.I ff oxXoi/ XX.

|;ravr. X*X : aTravr. X".


oiTwf on X": om. ovraif X*X.| on Trp. iji'] uig iTpo^t)T7}v X.


33. ^ Tip tv Xiy. KX.j f om. a-OKp. XX.

||||xii. 1. Xa\. X:

X£y. X.I ff o/iTT. ai'9p. iipvT. X: aj'Gp. t(j)VT. apv. X'.


avTip X.I X t%tltTo EX : -coro X.

||2. Tip Kaip^j] post lovX.


Xa^ij X": Xa;3oi X*. 1rwv KapTr. XX.

||3. f koi Xaj3. X :

ft oi ^£ Xa/3. X.I

tc'fip. X. itn B. nil a corr. tactum.||

4. om.

SovX. X*.I

(Kf^aXiw. BXL: tKiijiaXat. N.|

ora. XtBoii. X:

hab. X.I ft ijTipaaai' BX : uTTiirr. trip. N.

||5. om. xaX. X :

hab. X.I

o(''f ptv X : tovq ptv X. |oi'f (^£ X : roi'f It X'.


uvoKTivvovTtg a' : [? an-o]Knv)U)'r£f X'" : ujroKni'vui'nf B :

ajTOKni'Oi'nf X.||

C. om. owi' X : hab. X.[ ^ iixtv v'l. X: vi.


om. aurouX; hab. X.|

faTfirr. nur. X: ff an-for.

Kai aiir. X'^. I

f tax- vpog avr. X : ff rpof aiir. tax. N-I """"l

om^ ^^Ii

7. t Trpof t'iii»r. inr. X: ft fi^. fpof iavT. N.[

fiTTfiv X : -;roi' X\||

8. f aa-fKr. ante avr. X: ff post X.j

e5((3aXoi' X: -Xar B.|om. ouroi' post fjt,?. X: h,»b. X.

|| 9.

t ri ovv XX. j add. (Kfii'otif X.

pp. ISG, 187. Mar. xii. 13—25.

xii. 13. airoaTtXovaiv N. 1|14. Kai ab init. X: oi ^t X.


tXOovr. Xfy. aur. XX^. \ aXX' XL (dele supra) X. | iliartv X:

pracm, fiTrt ovv iip, "S.\cov. kijv. Kaia. X : Kijr, Kniir. Sov. X^.


15, iJoirX*: fiJuf X"X'.1TTitp."] add. iiTOKp. X., iva"] praem. li^t

X* : om. X".II

16. o! I'j iirr.\tt-ar X : -ttov X.

|i17. o ("f if


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: Kai ajroKp. u ig- N.| f auToig NN.

|Ta Kaia. avoS. ii

ra Kaia. N.| J i^iOavfxa'iov H : lOaVftacrav N.

||18. f jrij-

-rrjaav'N.|| 19. Mwu. XN.


| ff /iq 05).


friKpa a* et •': ff rfKvov BN''.


yuv.] om. avT0i\||20.

ovv.1ffop' i'//iii/ X': om. t<=. [Trpuros N" : (tg N*.

||21. ;iq

||22. /cai oi (Vra owk o^q/cav (a^(;«j' K*) aTrtp/m.


|icoi^ y. an-t9.

||23. om. ouv.

|om. or. avaar.


1^;; our. u if.| f fit] utoT.

I'p. 188, 189. xii. 25—34.

Text. xii. 25. In margine lege [oi] ayytXoi.

xii. 25. om. ovTi yafiovaiv N* : hab. X'^.|



0! ivl ff om. oi.||

2C. Muu.|70u /3nr.



la. Km u Oiog Ian.||

27. fifog] jimcm. u.|

^wirui)'] om.

Itfom. i/i. OKI'.

II28. fiJoivN*: ftfu^wsN",

| f avtrp.


ivr, irpwr. vai:\\

29, airup. u i£.| ft Of. «wv.



evT. N: om. tto. Syr.Hicr.|

eanv ante a/c.||30. ^ Kat «£ oX.

Stav, cov. |om. rijs tcr B. (ante k.if/, et ii.) : hab. N.


vp. tiT.II

31. hvT. sine add.|

u/tota aurj;] ff avTij (et

fffru') S. | St post /ifi?. || 32. eiTff. | (itth' i***: -toc N". |


33. T)j£ KapS.'\KapS, aov.

\ f f om. Km «J oX. r.


om. T71C ante ictx- N* : bab. X".|

-n-Xija. aov.\ J aiavr.



eiiir.] praem. rail'.||

34. ff om. nwrov N : f ha''.


ov (laKpav fi]om. «N*: h!\b. (hoc old. ) X' et '^'': hab.

tov Oiov X''\|

avr. iTcip. N'': jTrep. avr. K*.

pp. 190, 191. xii. 35—siii. 3.

xii. 35. A. eariv NT''.||

36. ff om. yap XT'!.|

ip HI-'.|


N: om. t^jT''.|t^ ay. BXT<i.

|Xtyti] ff H7rf»/ NT'.


Ki'p. NTJ.i ff KoOou NT''.


iiTTOirod.H: vTroKUToi VK ||37.

ovv XT'!.I

woCtv K'» : -jruig N*.] ff i>l. avTov lar. N :


fcr.ti. T''.


om. o.|

ij^ovffti/ X.M. Vulg. /. ||

38. Kat ivavr. eX.

||39. Trpwro/cXirr.

||40. J oi KareaOi.

||41. on),

If.I ff KariravTi.

|Oiuipii H*. I ;\;nXifoi'] praem. tov.


lifPaWov a^.II

42. j Kat (\0.\ xiP''} yvi'n X'W- 1

II43. citto'.

|f/3aXX{i/ N* : e/3aXfi' X".


tiov /3uXX.||;|

1. ffom. jk 2".1

f icafficaXe bis S* (semcl N'-'').||

2. om.


a(pi9. aide.\\t9ov.

\om. ju)i N* : haV N".


KaraXvOijacraiii*.|| 3. tmjpMra.

|cn9' iJ. B.



pp. 192, 193. Mar. xiii. 4—18.

Text. xiii. 7. <iKoviTt~\ ukovijti melius nunc rcsciibtrelur


xiii. 4. iLJTov.1

fitWy.\ f /n. ravra auvTtX. vavra.

\\5. om.

Irip^.Xfy. avT.

\\G. ffom. yap.

|| 7. ff OKouirjjn N :

aKovi]Tt B. l/i))] praem. oport N* et ''?[ f yap X"^"" : ff om.

II8. (tt' lOv. BX.


jSaaCKua tin X": om. X^]eaovrai 1"|

KOI.jom. Kara rojr. la. Xi/j. N*.

|Kai la."] ff om. gat X".


Kai rapax- \ opxH- II9. om. tawrouc X* : hab. X'\


Trapac. yap tin.\

)';yf/J.] non add. It.\


10. jrpwr.

II11. Kat or.


|om. nijSe /liX.

\6 tap.

||12. Kai

II14. om. TO prj. vtto A. tov np.

\ larriKOTa.||


(1 ^f.I I om. ttc Tijv OIK.



apni ante ri.||



om. tig ra.||

18. /jij ytv. x"/'-5^' ' ndd. 1} 0yy. r/i.

ytMjroi X'''.

pp. 194, 195. Mar. xiii. 19—31.

Text. xiii. 21. marg. Melius nune t'nry vn'tv dclcrctur: vide

infra.| 28. marg. ' 28. yivmaKirai ' duariim lincarum spaiio


xiii. 19. t'lv.II2a ff «/coXo^. jci/p.

||21. f i./i. jitt. BX.



" Xf ';] + " Xi tantum.|

tct 2" X: itou W'.|iriaTiviTt

BX ; -<Ti;rt \V^||

22. yap.] ^ tt.\

Kat Tovg fcX.] ff oro. Kni

X: f h=b. W'.II

23. ff iJouXW. |Travra XW".

||24. aXXa

X : aXX' W'.||

25. taovr. en roi; ovp. X : tov ovp. ta. W".1

TTiir. BX: tK-t-K. W''.II

2fi. TToX. KOI ^0?. XW. II27. ayy.]

J add. avrou XW''.|

{kX.] J add. auroy.1|

28. tjCT] u k\. avT.

X : avT. 7idi] kX. WK|ek-$ui} W^

| f yirwfficfre XW". ||29.

iltjTi rav. X: tov. tS. W\|

yivwacert X, item (ytiv.) E (-rat


30. oil W" : om. X.| f raw. jrar. X : ff vav. rav. W>.


31. f TrapfXtuffoiT. X: jf -atr. 'W^1ou] J add. /it].


Xivaoir. X: -a-apiXO. W'.||

32. jkjivjjc >» W"" : (»:. Kat X.|

n;s (ip. X: om. Tijg W'.| f oi ayy,

|om. oi post ayy. XW".


33. f ayp. Kat Trpoaivx- XW'.||

31. oiK. avrov . . . CovX. avrov.

pp. 19G, 197. Mar. xiii. 34—xiv. 11.

xiii. 34. iKaaTqi} om. urai X : hab. W^ ||35.

>iorpt X: c^e


fitaovvKTiov X : -lou W" : ftiaavvKTtov B.||

37. li (tti:

a i?£ VC:III!

xiv. 2. fXty. yop X : tXiy. ci W'^.\

larai Oop. X :

Qop. tarat W'.||

3. om. ry X* : hab. X'\|TroXvnXovQ.


ffuirp.] ffom. Kat X: fhab. W''.| J tov aXap. X*W'': riji-

aXap. X".IDjc k;0.] praem. Kara W" : non X.

|| 4. iavT.'\

avr. X*.I f f om. Kai X«y. X : f hab. W'.

||5. ij^vv. XW".


roiTO TO /iiip.] om. rouro.|

^i;r. ante rpioK.| J tvtfSptnovvTO.

II6. ynp.

1ijpyaa. X* : ttpyaa. X"W".

|iv 1/101 XW".


om. avTotg X* : hab. X'.| f om. jravrort X* : ff hab. X".


taxiv XW".I ff cm. aliTii X: f hab. W".

| f ro <r. /lou X :

a nov TO a. W".II

9. a/(jji' ff XW".|af] J <ai' BXW".


rouro X: hab. W".||

10. lovd.'] nee praem. nee add. o X* :

add. o X-'W". [ J lo-KopiwO BX* : lo-Kapiwr/jc W". ] o tig X" :

om. X*W".1ouroi' TrapaS. X : auroi' awroig TrapaS. W'".



paSiji XW".II

11. t\apijaav B.|

«Tr(;yy.] nn-ijyyfiXajTO X*.


pp. 198, 199. JIar. xiv. 11—26.

Text. xiv. 20. In textu i'k ant uncis libcrandum aut poliori

jure eum uneis dclendum.

xiv. II. avTov iVK.1TTopacT^j.

||14. Xtav.

\ f KaTaXv/ta ficv

X: ffom. /iO« W".||

15. a^ayaiov Xl'W".[

eVoi/j. XW".[

KaKttH: jK(i W".II

16. f aurou W" : ffom. X.|om. k.-u

>lX0ov X*.II

18. ff itiTiv post oTe X : f contra W".|| 19. J cir.

oi o£ X: hab. PW". ] ff (is Kara eie X:

f fii; Ka6'(is W". ; fom.KOI aXXos iitiTi tyui X : ff hab. W".

||20. om. awoKp. X : hab.

W".I (?f) om. «K X : (? ff) hab.W".

|om. Trjv x- NW".

| itc to


21. f on !> fiiv X^ff om. on W".[ f KaX. >iv XW". /(.

(dele infra).||

22. f i if X* et ' W" : ff oni. X'.|iKXaatv

ivXoytjaag.\om. ^ay. X : hab. W".

||2,3. wor.] om. to XW".


24. «i;roic.|ro rye] om. ro BXW".


oni. Koir. X : hab. W".|

TO tKx. vjrip ffoXX.I

vnip X : rtpi W".|

tKxvtv. BX : ikxvv.


25. Jom. ouKfriX: hab. XW".|

yiri;/). BXW" : yfi--

vt;fi. X.

pp. 200, 2C1, Mar. xiv, 27—40.

xiv. 27. om, tv tfi. IV Tg >'. raurj; XW": hab. N.on y<yp.]

yfyp. yap N.| Ta vpo/i. ante StaaK. X : post NW",


Tj-KTWvffoirai BXN : -treraiW",||29, tt Kai X: Kai et NW".

|| 30,

om, av X: hab, NW".jaiift. XX. ' ravry ry v, H : tv ry v. rav.


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om. 1). ; om. lis H : liab. (hoc ord.l XW.; m ante

K: poslXW-. a-jrapyijcu.|i

31. om. IT. KW'': hab. N.1

a : -iraov W^ 1 tXnX. K: iXiy.'SWK\om. iiaWov

: hab. XWi-.! cif fit X^XAV" : pt, (sic) X*.


: -(To/iai KW'.[

u(ravn>e i^' ' u/ioiwf N*. I om. ti B. a.c.ff.i.

32. ov TO.Iriearjfiavu SX.

;om. iih B* : hab. B' (vdtr).


N.I t srpo(r(i'?ai/iai BXXW'.

|| 33. rov FIi r. S' : om.


lac] om. rov NXW'-'.;

luarv.] om. -oi- XXW'.i

nvT. N : iiiB' iavr. KVT''.||

35. J vpotXB. NX : n-pofffXO.

t «""'• XTVi': tttT'Tr. N.1

£1 ^Dv. . . . >/ wpa] « fuv.

tOTiv X') TTopeXOjiv as-' awrow i'/ wpo.||

36. lin. 8, 9.

' c Marco ' post '34.'|

j n-apsi'tycat ^i^V»': -y« X.;

jTor. roi'70 an-* (/i. N : roiTO to ^ot. enr' e/t. K : -o ?ror.

i/i. roiTo 'W''. aXX'] n-Xijv aXX' X.j[

38. -pocrivxfodt

(dele lineam).|

naiXO. N^X'^* : J £X0. N*.||

40. hab.

I'' B : tt add. s-aXiv N : f om. Ai'c XW^'.|eX9. N : viroarp.

Iaurotif] add. s-aXiv W^ : add. post KaBtvc. X.



0^9. N : 01 o(J9. aur. X W^.1 KaTa^apvvoii. N'*X : Kara-

K* : ^f/3api//if >'ci 'W'.]av- post airorp. K : ante

pp. 202, 203. Mar. xiv. 41—54.

xii'. 41. Xois-.] praem. to NX.] ras x-] om. rnf XYT^': hab.

,142. 1 riyyiffiv N : -rfv X. j 4-3. fu0rc N : -Bius XW'.


lou^.] om. o NXW^.I tt o™- o i«- NX : t hab. W^. !

sine add. NXW".|

hab. tuv B.| oxX.] torn. troXt's N


Trapo.|tuv yp.1 cm. tojv S : hab. ^!SV^

[ cat

Ttp. N-^X'^VT': om. rwv N*.

|| 44. ffifffcr. NWi- : awa. N.1

tav X.1an-aytTE N : as-ayaytrt XW": add. awrov N.

|| 45.

N : -SiMQ X'W'.I

:rpo!rtXOa»'] cot :rpoiT. N*.| avT.

N: aiT. Xfy. avrt;) W'' : Tif Iriaov Xfy. aury X.|palijiu

N: pa/3/3i bis XW"-. Ij 46.%(z-i^a\av

Nj -Xov X.|

X- oiTuv N' : TaQ %• "«"';' BS'' : avTi^ raf x- auriuv

£jr' nwrox r. xJi. aurwv W^. . lin. 14. de!e'<^'{|

47. tif

om. Tig N : hab. BX.| uTap. N : wnov X'W^'.


NX : -OiTi 'W^.Ii

49. f oi": crpaTtiaaTs H : (f f) ovk

B. 1 add. tuv rpn(>. X.[j

50. vai] rort oi /laOijTai

69. (Vulg.)c.s>-=./. Sjr.(I'st.)nc!. (Theb. Arm.^ih.). ; t^vy.

N: a-aiT. «^i'y. W^. '; 51. sat viay. tiqH: jcai tij rif


ffui'i;roXow9{£ N'W'? : ycoXoi-Sijffti' X.|om. cl

N : hab. XW'.ij

52. KaTaXinr. yp>.\fom. ott' avT.

: tt hab. X". ' 53. om. Ka(a?.| ft oro. avTtjt N : t bab.

jKai cl Tp. KOI oi ynafip. }<XW~".

pp. 204, 205. Mar. xiv. 55—63.

xU: 55. iiapTvpwv.\ovk B.

1; tip. NXW'.

|| 58. in . . .

on ti-£v. aXX. a^. ante Jia X''. 1| 59. ovJf.| iirij


i) iiaprvpia B. ||60. /j«t.] om. ro SXW*. | n.

|| 61.

!f B'S: Of ^£ B-.1

ig.| ouk airtKp. ovc. N: ow^tv amcp.

;row Ojoo N» : row n;Xoy. N'' ct ^''.

||62. cc ctl. KaB.

!|63. * i'i(Tpij5of BX.

Iroi'c icir. B (item alibi N).

64. ijcoi/irarf] praem. ice vw H : add. Trairfj X.|Tijg /3X.

add. atrrov X. 1^oKti X'.

| ivox. nv. H: tit: ti'o.v'.

II65. avrov ro jrpoir. BN : to rpocr. avTov XW'.


f/3aXX. AV".|| 66. raru ante cf ry avXy K : post XW>.


vatftoK.'] iraiciGcti.|| 67. ;/. rou 7u ij». row Xaf.NP: /i.

IV ijiT. X.I

68. oiTi 01^. N: o»ic oi?. N.| ovtc i:rtaT.

: oii?t ta-. X. \ <rv n NX,

pp. 206, 20". Mar. xiv. 63—xt. 1 1.

xiv. C8. i om. Kat aXiK. ifuv. N : hab. X. 3 69. j ijpf. sroX.

\ty. N : t ToX. ijpj. Xty. X. ] TapcoTua. N : -kttijk. X'.||


i)p»'i7T. N.1om. coi 1" N*. Mcmpb. : hab. N^.

|om. Kai i)

XaX. gov ifi. N: Kai >) XoX. oou ^ijXoi X.|| 71. J ofivviiv NX.


oro. rour. NX.1om. iv \iy. N. t

||72. f coj iv0vc N: ftom-

iii9. X.jom. IK 5t»r.

1-o pq/ia uf N : ro pij. i X.


fiC X' : om. IIS N.j

Tp. fii as-. N : as-. /i« rp. X".,ecXoitv

N":*: firXav«vN».||||

xv. 1. tvQvc\<: -dtuq'S.\

jrpui] om.

ta-i ro N : hab. X.|

voitiir. X: { iroi/ia<r. N.;

tuv ante yp.

N: on). X.|airtiviyKav

!<Ja-njyayov'S. UiX.] praem. vy

X : om. N. 2. i ^t] add. IF X.,awry Xtyti BN : tnr. av. X.


3. avr. Si ovL aTTicp. X.[j

4. s-oXfv ante txijp.\ tt «a-i;purij<Tjv

NX. Xiyuv N'» X : om. N*. 1. a. Theb.[om. oitjv B» : hab.


j^j] «i^e X.;ranjyop. N : Karafiaprvp. X.

|| 6. ft ''"

wapyr. N* : f ovs-fp ijr. N"^'X.||

7. crairia^rwv BN : ffvura-T.

X. I "^ovoy] add. nva.1

si-oit)Kitaai:jj 8. f ava^aq N* :

tt a:-ai3oij(rac N ''X. J om. ati BN. Srr. Pst.Memph. Theb.

.^th. : hab. X.;

10. iyivuiuKtv N°X : iymiKii N*. irapah-

lwK(i7av N: iTapicioKtiaav X. oi ap\.

pp. 20S, 209. Mar. xv. 11—29.

X7. 12. jroXiv aTTOKp. N : airoKp. TaX. X.\

tXfy. N : eis-f »•

X.;tOt^-N: tfoiD. N. tt o" ^«y- X^- rov/Saff. N: om.

rov X.;| 13. om. Xeyovnf NXP.

;[14. jXeytv] Xsyji X.



awroif. tt *"''• £~oi. NXP. —ioiaaioQ N: -oorfpwc XP. i

t iKpaKav NX (add. Xjyovns f<. c) : tt -Jo*" P-II

15. t /3ovX!

jroiijo-ai ro ic. r^< o^. NP : /3ouX. ry ox- vo ir. x-oii;(rai X.;

Kai TrapiS. N(?X)P.||

16. eau> rijj avX. NX: fcriii tij rijv

(i-jXi/v P.II

17. evcici'trc. N: tvct'oyo-iv XP.!|

18. cai Xey. NX.


t/3a<riXEu NP : tt o jiaa. X. ] 20. Ta i/iar. to iS.


ra i^. 1/iar. avTov N.]

hab. ii-a cravp. avrov B.]


covaiv N. £9 : J -<7(i)(7iv BN.|

om. awrov N: hab. X.||


fyyap. BN* : ayynp. H".\om. Trapay. X.

\ J ax' BN : axo


22. t vov NX.I t roXyoSav BNX.

,om. touov N. c. i]

i?rfp.\ ^ fiiOip/iiivivOfifrov N: tt-i'OE ^'-

il23. om. xijir.


24. J ffrawpdiffavj-fs aiT. ct om. Kai.]fiaiiipiZovrai


25. lipj rp.Ij

27. ffrai'poi'iriv.|| 2S. tt om- ^C". N.

Memph. cod. in tcx'n: lin. 2, lege ' xxvil. 38.'

pp. 210, 111. Jfar. XV. 29—43.

Text. XV. 42. marg. Lege irpocafi. : vide infra.

XV. 29. owa N* ct '''•. om. N™. rf.(/.). J oiro^. post i/fi. \rpicnv]

Ipraem. iv.


30. (carn/Baf.]| 31. om. It BN.

|| 32.

fom. row

ante Iffp.|xisr.] om. avTif.

|awryj praem. aw. ||

33. icai


fvanjc BN. ||34. t Ty ivaTf iipf BN.

|om. Xfy.


J Xi/ia.iaa^axTavn N' : <rn/3a\0avii N" : aa^axvavi P.


om. pov 1" P : contra N. o QtoQ fiov 2''.|

/ic post tyicar. N :

ante P.||

35. a-npferrwrwv N : xapscrrijicoruv P. i^t.||

SC. nf.|


Tfpi9.]om. «.ja^ff.

II38. j oxo.

jl39. tto™- "paK-


oi'T. o av9p.] tt "'• ^'0" '/•'• B ^0. tt om. iji'. f eai.


r\IfMnpia >;. 1 lac] om. row.

| J luirij N* : Iwaijrot N".||

41. lin. 1—6. lege ' ni BN. 33. c.d.ff.k: Syr.Pst. Mcmpb. Arm.

JEth. : rni ACLA. Vnlg. /. Goth. : cl cai DC/-. X. rel. Syr.Ucl.

;roi ciijs. avTiii.

II42. tt t^poaa^. BN. ||

43. t\9.jom. if.

pp. 212, 213. Mar. xv. 43—xvi. 8.

XV. 43. rov ante HiX. |1 44. «Oat'/iaJ. tt ^a^ai.jj 45.


46. o-ii-f.] om. icoi. '; i9qK.\J/ivi;fion BN.

| lege


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XiOov] ndil. fiiyav. ||47. om. MaydaXijvil . . .

1.) Mapia i; K* : hab. N'».|Mnpia >/ 2" N^».


nilxvi. 1. Nap. I"] praem. >/ B^!'".

| ff om. tou N*:


2. tt '?/"{'•I t

'<^'' ''"/3-i tl"">l"'^* ' f'l-


3. tt «*•II

•*• O""- ""•I



II6. Tov Na?. N': om. N*.

||7. nXXn BS.


II8. om. Taxv.


yap post fixf- 1''"• !* lege



pp. 214, 215. JIar. xvi. 9— 19,

214. Col. 2, lin. 6. Post Ilierosolymitanus ' addc ' vel

Antiochcnus' (dele 'Sevcriis . . . Nyss.' infra). \lin.

20 ita lege. ' Victor Antiochcnus dicit 'EttsiJi) Sk iv riai

avTiypa(pii)V TTpoaxsiTai . . . 'Avarrrdg di k.t.X., loKiX

diaipdit'UV r'ii v-ko MnrOa/oi' i!pt]ixivtf, ipovfiiv wc

i'/v ilrrviv on vtvoOivrai rtt Trnpd Mc'ipKqi riXivrmov

ipspipivoV ttXi'iv 'iva fii) SiKi^oftsv ItvI to 'iroi/iov TTi<pu-

o'vTotg di'ayvujffo^sOa ^Avatrrug Skj Kai vTToari^avrtg

(Cramer Cat. p. 444 ; coll. Matthtei N. T. Gr. ii. 269).

calcem Victoris commcntarii in (luibusdara codd. subjicitur

incerti anctoris scholion : Ei H en! to 'Avanriij f'J ic.r.X.

Kcii ni tTTifpfpti^tva -rrapd irXdffTOic dvrtypAtpat^ cv Kiivrai Iv

Tip TranofTt (uayyfXui)^ wg v69a yap ivofjutrdv rtvtg tlvat, aXX*

iiui7g tK (iKptl^iui' avnyputpoj}' Iv TrXiirrrrig ivpi>v7(g avrd Kai

Kara to JIaXaifTTiva'iov iuayy'iXtoVf ug tx^t t) dXt'iOtta MiipKOVf

avvT(9HKa)i(v K.T.X. (Cramer p. 447; coll. Maltha:! I.e.)'.|

lin. 34. vv. 9—20 hsbent ti.q. (i.e. odd. Lntini S.ingallensis ct


lin. 33. lege 'Syr.IIicr. (scmel j liab. vv. 2—bis : item fr.igni. Petrop. antiq. post medium vcr. 8 deficit)'.


col. 3. lin. 9. lege ' finis".|

lin. 20. lege ' ct (? cis) qui'. | lin.

33. po';t ' aeternam ' addc 'Siniilia in Mem|ili. cod. Bodl. mg.


xvi. 9. om. irpiDTOv Syr.IIier. Memph.||

12. oni.

TTtptjraTovuiv Syr. Hier. Cf. Xlempli.||

14. lin. 17. lege ' et


15. diravTa'] lege ' om. D Gr. Syr. Iller. (Mempli.)'.

II18. om. {)' r. x^P"'" (hab. Kai) Syr.IIier.

||19. owi'] aiitem


Ijjtous Syr. Ilicr.

pp. 216. Mar. xvi. 19,20.

xvi. 20. ad fin. ante aixqv adde ' in saeculum saecalorum

omnium. Mcmph.' |o/((;i/ om. Syr.IIier.


p. 217. Luc. i. 1—7.


nil 2. K-aSwe NS. Onj. Gall. xiv. 2. 84.|

irapidoaav HSl.


yivo/iivoi US. Oiig. Gall.||

4. (7nyvii)g N"S :


5. /3off.] oni. tov NE.|

>u>'.] om. i; KS.|avrif


EXiira,3fr S ubique (hiat i. 13, 24), X hie et in Tcr. 57,


6. ivavTtov N : tvmvtov S. ||7. f rtv t) EX. KS.

pp. 218, 219. Luc. i. 8—28.

8. f evaiTt S : ft ivavTiov N.||

9. KVpiov XS : 9iov Syr.

II10. iji' TOU X. X (hiat 21 ad ver. 18). ||

13. f ion.Iaov

VI oi") scribebat (?) X*.||

14. ytvian X: yirvijan Orig.

xiv. 2. 84.||

15. tfom. row.||

17. npoiX. B*X : X TrpoatX.

I t 'HXiou B^ : tt 'HXfia B*X.|

Ki/p.] ora. ry.||

20. TrXnptoD.

7rX»j(j9i(T. E.||21.


avT. tv r(jj r. XW' :


o* ''• '' "'"• S.||

iSvv. X: riSvv. 'W''3.||

25. /cup.] om. 6 X (hiat S ad av^pt

27): hab.'W'^.|oveiJ.] om. to B*X : hab. IP (vi.\ jam B-)|

hab. an ifiov B.||

26. otto.| r. TaX. X" : Tt)g lov^atag


^"tfa'inpiT BX.II

27. tfti'ijTT. X* ct 'I": ^Ufii'i]CTiv[iirt]V


add. Kui Trarptag XW' : om. S.

pp. 220, 221. Luc. i. 28—48.

28. u ayy. po^t avTijv X : tt om. S.| tt om. «i'X. av i>'

XW' (hiat S); ncquo add. Petr.AI. Routli. iv. 47.||


>} li BX : om. i^ortra X. Syr.IIier.: Iiab. W'.\

nti Tif

luTap. X. Theb.||

34. Mapia/i X (liiat S).|royro] ora.

X : hab. \P.\\

35. om. tx aov X (hiat S). Theb. Iren. 293

Ci/p. 2S0 (dele supra).||

3fi.t ""'y'/c'C BX : avyyeviig

I^ avviiXiifif X3.

Iy>ipn XS. ||

37. rrnpa tov 9. X'S : jr.

9. H".II

^,t^. Mfipio/j XS.II

39. ayaar, h XS .|


X: -O.v S. Latt.||

41. tov aair. Trig Nap. i) EX. XS.jto

Ppcp.] praem. iv ayaXX. X*: om. X'^S.||

42. ave<piav. S

i o)'£/3o. X.I t «pavyy S : f\ ^uj'j; X.

||43. J t/(« X* : /xc


44. IV ayaXX. to I3p. XS : r. (i. (v ay. Orig. Gall,

.xiv. 2. 67.II

46. Morpin/i XS.

pp. 222, 223. Luc. i. 43-74.

i. 49. /ifyoXft X* et "^'': ptyaXia X'^"S.

|oro/ia X'^S : «X(Off


50. tie ytviag S: fis yivtav X.|

Kai ytveag S: icai

ytveav X.||51. Siavot(f X* ct "''S : -I'oiac X".

||55. tif roi' oi.


56. we X3.II

59. Ty ijfi. Ty oy. XS.||

CO. om. ro or.

avr. XS : add. Syr.IIier.|luiawiie B hie [vid. ad Act. iii. 4]

XS.IICI. Itwav XS. jfB Ttjg avyy. XS.

||62. to ti a«'X: on av


awro X : awroc S.||

63. t vivaKiiiov XS.1

\u>avvr]g B

hie XS.I+ TO ante oi". X : om. S.

I|64. trap. Kai i) yX. avr.


65. lytv. Si X*: Kai tyw. X'" S.|^i«XaX. X"S : lia (sic)


om. Travra X* ::f

hab. X"3.||

66. t acovaav. XS.1

Ty KapStif X : raie KapSiaig 3.|avruiv XS.

IKm yap X (hiat

E ad ver. 76): om. ynp W'.||

67. eTpo^. X*: jrpot^. X'».||


oiK^] om. T((i X : hab. W".|

xaiS. ] om. tov X : praem. W'.||

70. "om. Tuv ante ot. mux.j

aor. Trpo^. X. b.e. £im. D. E.

(om. avT.ff.). II

74. riov ante tx^- om. X: hab. W"".|torn.

i„iwv XW«.

pp. 224, 22). Luc. i. 73—ii. 13.

i. 75. t """'"e roe •//'•I

oni. rije f. ||

"6. av lt\A: om. St


XivuTT. X: Trpo irpoff. W'.||

77. fnurwvXW'S.||


tt's-iiTM^/frni BX* : t « 'r'<'K"/""ro X^W'S. ||||ii. 1. om. (i 3 :

hub. X.I

Ayoi'ffrow X ; Ai'yoi'irroi' S.|

oTroypof. ] joacni. rou


2. Jnurij ); offoypo^i; X'' 3 : avTi]v niroypn^jjii X* ad

Ou 1039

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pcriodi (" V utruiiique jam priuia manus vol polius Act obelis uotavit": Tf.). \

tyiv. ante Trpwr;; X* : post

S.I t K.vpiiviov a : Kvptviov vel Kvptjvov S. ||

3. ut tcxtuii

: Kai ITT. IK. mr. (om. iravrti;') S*.| f titvTov X"3: iavrav

II4. tt Nn?a(5!9 K : f -pfr E3-

I <'S 'roXii' N'> S : fij ri)>'


5. aitoypaiji. X*: a-oypa\f/. H".\

f/ii'i/ffr. N*

n(iivi}-7T. N'\I

hab. atinii U.|

ora. yui'. S". Syr.llier.|

II7. tjnirvr/l om. rj. || 8. om. r. vu/crof S. || 9. ft ""'


Klip. 2" X' : Otou X'".I

en-fXa/ii/'Ei' auroif X'.|


II10. turai] ttrriv X*.

||12. f to.

\aai icfift. X" : om. X*.


ora. ry.||

13. ft ovpai'wv B^X.

pp. 22G, 227. Luc. ii. 1 4—2S.

Text. ii. 26. la marginc dclo [ ].

ii. 14. lin. .'i, 20. dclo Giaj. Tliauni. (spurium et sequioris aovi

est).I^ tvooKia^ X* : ft -'^"» ^'^^'-

II15. ft °="- «'<" *'


om. o( ante ttoi/j. X* : iiab. X*.j% i\a\.

\lin. 20. IigJ


aWijXoDi] aclJ. Xfyovris-1|

16. jjXSo;'.i

nwupoi/ X*: -pav


17. tyvuip. X. (.lele 'rel.').||19. MapiaX»:

X". I rau-a.1

avTm X*: jii/r. K"(»?).||

20. iniisT. ||


XfxO<''N'-|nwoi' X«(?) et=: -n;i' X».||


X'' : nr\iioui9i)iTair X".|hab. a'l 13.




ro,:ir^] om. n/j.|omvoiyov X=: -yuw X*. ||

24. T(f vop..\

voaa.1125. ft avQp. i]v.

\ (p ov. avrov X* (om.").|

Svpnov B.|

X*: X'*. 1Tjv ay.

||26. ft TP'" >) «" '<'*•:



27. IV X=: om. X*. ||2S. Kai uoTog X» : Kai av.


p;). 228, 223. Luc. ii. 28—44.

il. 23. tt om. avTOv.||

33. o war. avr. Kai »/ /iijr. X" : X aJJ.

post /i);r. X».||

34. us aiip. X'' ; om. ug N*.||

35. t ^e




o''-^' "•'


'''"Xo)'.] add. irovripoi X*.||


aur. i\'' : om. Kai X* ct '''.\

?i;<raiTa N" : XVP^""'"'"


/lira ai'.5. iri) iir. CX (rou ct avrtiq add. B').||

fuf X* : wf X-'.I

oyJo/jK.] iiiSojiriKovra X*.|


£« (noa otto) X* ct='"

: om. X<:-'.||

33. koi aurij.|


OMr;; B.1

0H(J.|om. tv ante 'Xfp. ||

39. tTiXtaiv X':



Til Kara\ J om. ra.| {W) tTrtaTpciiiV

X*: j iiiTiiy-pi^iiv X''".I

Tiiv Va\. X" : om. rqi' X*.|vo\.

X» : praem. t>iv X". |<aur.

| ft N'uJa;)£r(B^ nunc Tisch.) X.||

40. om. Trvsu/tari.| ft iro^iot,- X' : firo^ijX'^.


«0of X*. I| 42. aviijiaiv. (praora. ».u_ X*) ai/ruv.| tt ora. Jij


43. If] om. X".1o jraif post iq X".

|eyi'wffai' o'l yov.


44. ei;'. tv Ty avvoo.\avyyivivaiu C: -vfuiv B^ (ct ).

pp. 230, 231. Luc. ii. 44— iii. 7.

ii. 41. om. Kai roif yv. X* : hab. X".||

45. om. avrov.\ava-

?.;r. X'' : ?i;r.X*. ||46. iiiTa.\tv inaip. \\

48. tiTT. vp. auT. h firiT.



+ Ji;-. X*. 03 : (^/r. X".||

49. Z'lT- ^*- *• Syr.

Crt. Mcmph. : ij-jr. X •.| fii'. /le X. Orig. Gull. 89.

||51. ic'ai

!l\Oii>.I ft 'SitliiptT.


Kai t).I

jrai'ra Ta piifi- \ t '•aura X" :

ft om. X*. Sjr.Iii(.r. |iv tj/] pracm. avfifiaWovaa X" : om.

X». 1avTijg X' : I'ai'n/c X".

||52. ir] iiracm. 6 X» : non X^'.


TrpofK. ] add. u' 7-j;.| ff iro^. (cai >;,\iK.

|rrapa Blip H' : Oiov

(om. Trapa) X». ||||iii. 1. St X» ct "•

: om. X".|


/3a(ji\«ioc B marg. (vid. in Malt. xiii. 52).|

rijc loiiJ. X":

om. X*.I

Tiic Va\. 'ilpwl.I

om. Iri/paiof . . . Avaavtoa X* :

Iiah. X".I

Iroupamc] opiii'ijf B nmrg. (vid. in Jfatt xiii.

52). 1 Kat Tirpa.xwnrn'or X" : Tpn^. K°.|A/JiXflVVC.


TiTpaapx- X*: -papx- K".\\

2. Oiov Orig. Gall. UO, 92.|«ri X.

Oriy. Gall. 90: Trpoj Orig. Gall. 92.j apxuptuiQ.



Zaj;.] om. tov.||

3. Traaav] add. tijv.\\

4. (itiSXip.\om. X«-


Klip.] om. tov. \\ 5. { {uOiinii. | rpoxtai X*.

pp. 232, 233. Luc. iii. 7—18.

iii. 7. (\iysii X"": -yov X*.i|

8. t^apr. a?. ||10. ttoiijitw/kv.

II 11. i\iytv. II 12. /3a7rria9. ] om. iir' avTOV. \ iiTroii. | ttoiij-


13. om. (in-fv n-p. aur. X* : hab. X''.]

ftijciv. \\14.


ri jroijjff. ante Kai ry/i.| f f 7roiijiTw>x«>' EX.



iitiSt X" : pjjdiva X*.||

IC. avTuv X* : taurui' N*.|

ffajrtKptv. Xjy. Trair. {irna. \ty. X') u Iiuav.lom. iig /iiTavoiav.\

avTog X^ : om. X*.||

17. f koi ^laKoenpiii X' (dele ' Ircn. . . .

17') ft CioKaeapcu X*. P(ci/em. ap. Ircn. Int. 17 (? Gr. ^luica-

Oapiit sine Kai cod. Vcn. ). Ircn. 231.|% avvayayiivH*: avva^ai

X": (Tuvajfi N' ".|

hab. rqv Ptul. ap. Iren. 17 (dele ' Iren.').\

om.avTov Xovel"*. Ircn. 231,(273): hab. X* ct" vcl'". Plot.|

KaraKauffit X^ : Kara(T/3t(T£i X*.

pp. 234, 235. Luc. iii. 19-28.

iii. 19. TtTpaapxtQ X* : -papx'IS ^"-\om. <!>iX. X. Syxllier.


Kai X": cm. X*. |liv tiroi. tr.r.X.] roiv jror. uiv

tiroi. u 'HpuiS. X*. a.b.c.f.ff^.g^-. \\20. hab. Kat l" B.

| f koi

kotikX. X" : f t om. Kai X*.1

(luX.] om. rj;.||

21. aTravra]


22. ug.\om. Xey.


||23. cat avTog >]v if.


npx- wffii tT. Tp.I

u/v VI. wg ivojx.\

Ia)(ri;fi] om. tov BX.|

T. HXfi.II

24. UaGOaO.\Aiuei] ex HXti (vel fortasso HXtiiij

re^titutum Atvet a B- vel *.|

hah. tov iMtX,\n B. 1 lairni.||

23. MarraO.||

2G. t '!i\aTTaO. BX.\




27. lioyav X* : Iwaraii X^ ct ^ Theb.|Zopo^a^iX.



23. MfXx*!-

pp. 236, 237. Luc. iii. 28— iv. 4.

iii. 28. AtiJii. 1KwiTrt X' : -aap. X". |

ZS.p,alan.||29. Iijirou.


liXiaJip X*. e.I

luipi/i.1UaSOaaO X* : -GOaO X'" : -dSar



30. i'tvi. BX.I

Iwra/i X. Theb.||

31. Mtni'a.1

Mar-afla. |No9a^ X«: -Qav X" (vel ante).

||32. Iw/3>;X BX* ;

liijS X". Theb.|Booe X" (BaXXf v. BaXf X»).

| ff i:aXrt X".

J'hcb. : t ^aXfioiv X=°.||

33. t. A/iivaca/3 X •: r. Ai'ii/i r.

Ai'/iivX*: T.kCpuvM.]ffAprfi.

| f Eupu/i.||

.14. .4/3paa/t


Oapa X* : Oappa X'\ ||35. i;fpoiix-



ft Kat»ia/i.II37. IMaeouJaXi

1laptr B'X : -peJ B-.


X*: MaX-X'». |Katfo/J.

||||iv. 1. xXi;p. irv. ay. X: itv. ay.

ttX. W".I

IV Ty tp. K : eif tiju fp. 'W".||

2. / X : rtaaap. W".|

liab. Kai onK up. ouo. B.|

once iviiv W".|cm. vUTipov X :

hab. '«'''.II

3. HIT. St X : k«i (itt. W".||

4. np. avr. u J7 « :

7f Trp. ai.r. AV".|om. Xey. X : hab. 'W^

1o avO. X\V".


aXX' I. V. pi). 0. X: fhab.«•".

pp. 238, 239. Luc. iy. 5—18.

iv. 5. aiiroc] sine add. X: add. eif op. v\j/. X' : !\M{. i Stafi,

tig op. iitj/. W".II

6. un-aiTiii'] wairai'.| J if tav XW*.


H': Swam X*.|1

7. n-poiTK.] add. fiot X*.|

i/iou X* 'W : /lou


n-affd XW".II

8. Ju ic "T. aur. X: f aur. ei-. uic'V\"'.|

om. iir. air. /i. 2. X : hab. 'W'*' : om. yap X : hab. 'W'.|


r. 0. aov irpooK. XW". ||9. f f;yay. it X : ff Kai »jyay. '\V^


f f om. ntir. (post foryir.). | rt.J_ om. o. || 10. om. yap X*. ||

11. in XW". ||_12. fiiT. avT. u if XW". |om. in X': hab. X*


14. o.V^!: om. o W*.| )r»i)i,v.] xiopac.

||16. Vn^.']


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tijv W' : om. X.| i Nujanu B ('certissimum) S.


S : TiOpaiijt. W".\\

17. /3i/3A. row vpo<p. Id. X:ft.

Tou Trp. W".1

arnnr. XW" : avoit Gotli. (dele iufni).|

Toir.Vf'-". oni. tov N.||

18. tiKi.-fi' XW": iviKtv Oriij.


ivayyi\i'r. NW". Or/i/. Gjll.|om. ina. rovg avvr.

K. H. Oriy. Gall. : liali. W'.

rp. 21:), 211. Luc. iv. 19—35.

iv. 20. t oi 0^3. tv rj; aw. ;;(Ttj;.||

22. oi;;(t.| ff "'• '' I""-


ttom. 6BS*.||

23. tij riji/ B>{.|




25, on.| { ivi.

\\20. f Sapf nra.



Tifi Iir. flute iTi E.\. TOV irp.\EXiamov.



II29. avrov 1" K" ; om. N*.

|iu)i] om. njs. |




ieara)fpv/'i''iJ'" BS.1|

31. Kapapi'.||

31. ft o^'



3.). t«T' past t^tXOi.\(it fi) /(.

pp. 242, 243, Luc. iv, 3G—v, 5.

iv. 3C. tKipX- ^* <^'' • vTfciKovovaiv avrif X^

|| 3S. aito.\

St] om. i).||

39. t ^"P"XP- ^'-I

"#';'"• ouriji'] add. o

X. «.II

40. f 7ra»T4C.I tt £T'Cai,\

| J e^iO. ante rng

I tt 'S'/"""'"""''-II

^'- tt '^VPX'"'''''- I

O™' "''''•I



om. o x^ H. Syr. llier.Lond. Tlicb.||


TOTTov N* ; liali. X".j


43. t /" Sii.\

tijv ftaaiX.

TO (vayytKiov^*.\

] tiriTOvro.\


44. t "£

ffuf.I tt ^1^ loyt^amt;.

||j|v. 1. tov oxXov tTriKnadai

X"^* : avvaxStjvat tov oxX. X*.| f kgi aiov.

\om. \inv>iv


rti'tia.TpiT. Oriy. Mai. CI. Auct. x. 474.||

2. om. Sua H*


\ irXoici.I

tiiXciigX*: a\4i«c X".| t

<""' <""•

air' X* : hab. X=') ante airojS.]

{ (irXvvav X : -vov B* vol ' sup. ras. cjusJcm spatii).

[ra SiKTua.

||3. ^i/t."]


tnavayaydv.\ tt i^"^- ^'-

1'" ^V ''^^- '^'^'


post fiTT. X* : ante X" : om. o X. | { om. avriji.

pp. 244, 245. Luc. v. 5—18.

. 5. oXijc] om. r()c.| f Ta ^iKrwa X. Syr.Uicr.

||6. 7r\>j0.

ItiippTjaatTo X : iupijaaiTO BL. |tra Sikt.

\\7. Karivivrrav

: -aiv X*.I

fiiToxoig (ita lege)] om. toiq.\tou.

| aoXXaft.

et ': avXXafi(3aviaOai X*.

|k. i/XOav k.

\eirXijadv B.


X": -pot X* (vdtr).||

8. lu] om. tov.\Kvp. H-^': om.

II9. avTOV] avTovg.

\j; X : wf B.

||10. Kai InKuftoi; k.

vvtic viot Y.ift. a. a.b.c.ff-.l.| t" iT-

IIH. smirn.


II13. Xfyuj'.

||14. om. Sii^, aiavT. Ti^'up. Kai W* :



15. iript avr. X'> : ora. mpi X*.|OfpoTTfy.]

adl. || 17. 'I'ap.] om. cl.j

ol ijdai' X': om. oi X*. | tt<i-

om. r/;(.'.|t\i;\.

| tt <ivr.jt>.|| IS. KptpoiTii; B* (corr. -).

pp. 246, 247. Luc. V. 18—32.

V. IS. avOp. ante ezt kX.|

Otivni] non add. avrov.||


ora. ^lo.1TOV iv.

||20. om. 6 if. |

turjv] sine add.|

oi Oft.II

21. X ttp. upapr.\\

22. f anoKp.\\

23. tiTrfi'

loco B.I

aov a\ up.\


21. tjouff. i^.] J ante




\TTopfi'ooJ pracm. icai.


avTov.IHi" 6.

II27. Kai ptTa TavTa.





uiravTai X* : -vTa X*^.| J qKoXouG/jTi;'.


om. o.,om. avrni.


\ttoX. TtX.

\kui aXXuiv

oni. X*.IptT' avTov B* : piT aoruivB-.

||30. tyoyyv^av


ol "Ivip. Kai oi yp. norwr] tt o"!- oiTwi'.]rwv ante rjX.



31. aXX'.||

32. c'l/mproiX.] aaijiug X*.

pp. 248, 249. Luc. V. 33— vi. 5.

V. 33. on^ov X: -Traw B.| tt o™- C'"" t** vel " : thai). X'

Ct <(''?).II34.0 S( If.


/<r; Ivi'avTai oi i/ioi X* : /ijj cvvaoOt

Tovt; vi. X'*.J t 'J'*";''^'" 5^"

: tt "'"• '^'-I

^ viinrtvaat H":

tt vr/'Ttviiv X*.II

3j. (cni oral/] om. icat.jron] pracm. icai.



36. 0111. le Kai X* : liab. X».]

Trp. nvT. Trap. X* : jrop. rrp. avr.



£7r(,3X. a-TTo.| axioae Ante j5ri3nXX.

|om. icai (ante to

(caii/.) X*. llcmidi.I

^ axiTd.\

j rrvpipwvnait.\ro en-i/JX. BX.

II37. p/;5£(. o oif. v£.] om. 6 j'i.f. ||

33. aXXa.|


X* : |3X(;r. X".|ttom. Kai ap<f. r/;p. X. Syr.IIier.Lond, Theb.


II39. om, KOI X",


OiXfi] torn, (i;0£(jf X, Syr,Hicr.Lond,

txc'/'"'''?- Hi ^'i- 1. liu. 5. lo^'O ' seeundo a prima/.'|

] o:a.

hvT. X. Syr.IIior.j ^m] om. tuv X* ; liab, X".1 (tt)<"'aX' (om.

Touf) Kdi ))tB.I XV-] 0™- aiTwi/.

II2. njroi'] sine add.


""X »^*-1 X "oijir.


om. tv.II3. J o If rp. avr. inrtv.



t 0111, ovr«c.II

4, tiiifX*: ttwc X".|om.Xaftmv,


add. Kai.II

5. tt om. on X'. Sjr.IIicr. : t 'lal'- f^".

pp. 251, 251. Luc. vi. 5— IG.

vi. a, o v\. TOV avQp. ] J post rov aa^. X. Syr.Hicr.|om.

cni X. Syr. llier. vdlr.|| 6. tv'] om. Km.

\iKti \>ost av9p.

|| 7.



\^ Kartjyoptiv i\* : f\ KaTij-

yopiav X".Iadd. Kar X'" : non X*.

||8. tiirtv St.

\Tip avSpi.


Tip 2"] add. Tt)v.I


Kai avauT.||

9. St.|

o if.|



£1. \ti{) aaftii.I


10. Tip av9p.\


otiTuis.IaTTtKartjTii X*: aTriKaTtaraQi] X".

|ora. iiy.

| tt O"'-

(OS )) aXX)/.II

11. 7T-oii;c7a£)'.||

12. f^tXefiv ouroc.|tv] titi X*.


14. tffrti laK.I

tKci "tiX.1om. Km BapS. X*.

||15. ^ Kai



laK.] praem. Kai. \AX^.] om. row rou.


t K(»t lou. loK.I

filium Jacobi Theb.|

Ic7i;apiaj0 X* : XsKapiut-

Tijv X".I6e Kat] tt om. sat.

pp. 252, 253, Luc. vi. IG—30.

vi. 17. + TToXus X. Syr.Uier.|om. row X. X*.

|add. (post

Ifp.) Kot IlitpaiaQ X*.II

18. £voxX. |aTro.

\I0ip.] om. koi.


19. tt^'ji-oyj'.II

20. oin. T((< TTj/. X* et ''': hab. X".

||21. xop-

TaaOnaovrai X* ct '>: -OtjinaOt X".||

22. £i'£Ka XQ.||

23. x"-

pj;r£ XQ.I

Tip ovp.\% Kara Tavra.

\\25. t "vv.

\oval 2"] ora.

iipiv X. lego '(ct qui Iren. 202)'.i|

26. om. I'^ii'.\ X I'/inf

post £i7r.I

TravTtg post ol avOpuiitoi X. Memph. Ircn. (delo


X'^'Ta TavTa X*: Knrct Ta avTais'.\

Toigiptv!'. X'

et " (*?) : roic jrpo^. X" vel "'.|

oi ror. nurioi'.||

27. aXXa.\\

28. vpaQ (post Karap.)] om. Kai.\ tt "«?'•

II29. iii; tijv X*

• £!rt ti/v X": add. Ct^iav X*. || 30. ttom. St.\ ttom. Tip.

pp. 2')4, 255. Luc. vi. 30—43.

vi. 31. t "" vptig.II

32. om. oi R.||

33. foi'j tt pracm. yap

X* : t om. X*.Inyaeon-oiijn.

| tt om. yirp X : t liab. U.|| 33,

34.'om. oi a/1. larivKaiR.W 3i. (^j) Saviaiin B(X)3.ItX<i/3.|

tt ora. ynp.|apapT."] om. ol X (? K).

||35. ptjciva X. Syr.l'.t.

Ild.IIicr. : ptjSiv U. 1a7r£Xx. Xli.

[£i' roii; ovp. X*.

[v4>.] om.


36. om. oit.| tt o"'- '•'" '^ • t ''-'b- H-

|o orp;irioc X"

om. X* ct ".II

37. KOI 00 1".1

KpiW.] tt add. Kat.| t KaraciKa-


^ KaTaSiKaaOijTi. ||33. Wfmno/ifroi' X*.

|(T£(raX.] cm.

Kai, I tiirfpfKX-] om. Kai.|vwfpiKxvvv. BX.

|(;< yap ptrpip X:

^j pirptp] lege ' Horn. ]). 28'.|ai'ri;i. B' (vutr) B.

||39. t^£ pcai.l

owxi] otiK.I X ^toovvT.

II40. ^u^(i(TK.] om. avTov.


TTag] om.

X. b.1£oru.

II42. tt oin. >;. |

n-uic] tuic St.\ t «k/3. liost Sta^X.


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pp. 25fi, 257. Lnc. vi. 43—vii. 7.

43. oiM't] f add. TaXii'.|| 44. /3nroi; X': PantrovH*.



45. ff om. avrov.|

om. ovOp. K* : hab. K'".|

0i;<T. Ttjc ' nvT.\irtpiaa.'} om. tov ct rijr.




4G. d.||

47. twv Xoywr.|/uow Ct ante et post tuv


48. TT\r)jifkvpr]Q.\vponipi]^. K* : Trpoacppri^. N".


TO Ka\. oiKoiV/iijffOai (sic,


||49. oiKoSoptirrnvri.


iv0vQ.\ avvi-ir.\\\\

vii. 1. \ tTniSt] 15; fftTrei (Je N.|

iravTa N* : hab. N".]Kn^npv. || 2. cm. icatwc fxui' N*.


add. aiTOf.||

4. ijpwrwv.l Xfy.] om. awrf^.j Trapt y.||


6. om. tmo.\ X om. irp. avT. {<• : hab. K\

]i/<i\. ante

Io iVar. B.


\om. nur';! N* : hab. N'^.



/loii. iJT. r. irr.|| 7. aW.

pp. 258, 259. Luc. vii. 7—22.

7. ft inOrja.\\

9. o ig post TavTa.jii/nv] om. on.


II10. €iQ rov oiic. ante o'l tte/i. BN. Syr.nier.(3 codd.).



11. tt^y f5. N*: f'/iij. N'».| ft «'ropf«9';.l

N': om. N*.|faun;).

|fom. tic. US- ||

12. lin. 1, 2.


|v'log post fjoi'.

|fain; rjy.

\ f Jjv ante aw\\

13. e-n-' avrtji'-\\

15. ayiKaBiaev.||

10. % air.\ >iyip. ||

om. wept avr. N* : hab. N\1

iv Trnirj] ff om. tr.||



19. } ly.| f inp.

||20. om. oi avdp. N* : hab.


fiTrav.I J ajrftrrfiXf v.

|ffirfp. ||

21. f ck-tij'j| -fom. ^£.|

K": i)ii. N*.I

Kai TTv. anaOapruv N. b. I.\

/3Xfn-.] om.

* : hab. N*.||

22. om. c I^.

pp. 260, 261. Luc. vii. 22—36.

22. ft cm. on.j

Kwip.'] ff pracm. k-at.\

Trrw^.] pracm.

II23. av.

II24. -irpag rovg o^X. N"; rote o,\Xois H*.



aaXtvopivov W dcmuni lit vdlr.||

25. i^ijXDari.\\


N : fJtXjjXvOart Oriij. sic (dclo ' Matt, ut vid.').|

dele Oriy. iii.||

27. iiSot'] om. tyio.\\

28. J ajjijv Xfyw

add. US (dele infra).] f f om. irpoip.

\om. roi; j3«?rr.


om. fic iavT.\\

31. om. (iTrt de li KVp.\

ovv'] Se.\\

32. J ti

X* : XfyojTo K'°.|

i9p>jv.'] om. i/iiv.||

33. J /tij XS.|



/ii/Jf.|jrir. otii.

||34. ^iX. ante TfX.


ante roiv N* : ff om. X=*.|

tikvuiv] epyuv.\\



pp. 262, 203. Luc. vii. 36—50.

vii. 42. Dele punetum(,) ante wXuov.

36. KoriKXiOi/ $<"•: KartnnTo H'.

||37. t;Tif »}v post yi'i'.l

ante tTTiyi'. | KfirttK. || 38. 0!r. ante ^ropfi roiif tt. our. |


roiE ^aic. post kXai.| J {{ffinj. K* : tKifiaaa. H".


f om. 0.II

40. ^i;it. post itv.\\

41. xpio^. BN.||


odd. ct.I

fai;ru>'2". |om. «it«.

|nurov post oyan-.

Syr.IIicr. bi?.||

43. ojroicp. 6 Si/t. (tir.] ff om. 6, ct add. It

2i/i. ||4). fiou tin tovi; iro^.

\om. rijc Kiip.


II45. t t^uXfiTTii'.

II46. /ton roin; tt.

\\47. Xtyiu K" : utrov


a^ioi'Tai N*^ : o0((»>jirftt X^*.1

| (tvrijQ (tt aft. |a0i(rtii]

Kai.II48. atlittoi'T. N" : ntjiioyT. H'.

||49. ol'TOg ante irjT.

pp. 264, 265. I.uc. viii. 1— 15.

viii. 1. i^iwt".] tiijidivaiv.II

2. Troi'i/p.] aKaOapriav.\Mnpin.




avTiav N* : aunJic N" (et •?).||

4. oui'ioi'-

N' : ffin'oiToc X*.II

5. avrov.\u piv. jauro.

||G. iniatv.



f la N' (et "?): icni Sta N*.|| 7. avvjiv.


iiriiK- t**.II

8. iTTttrti'N'"

; i(j,viv ti*.\ iti-

\i^vti''] fifivtv


9. om. XiyoyrtQ.\ tic out. (iij i;. jr. X : ff ti£ ai'ir. fiij


10. atcovovriij okov. Kat ;jij.|


12. f n«-o«-


13. rtjg v. K'" : t)]v -. N*.|rov Xoy.] add. tov 6tov

N». (? Ori'y. iv. 14'). vid. ver. 15.|om. k«i K*.



ora. Topiv. e. {Orig. iv. 14"^).

pp. 266, 267. Luc. viii. 15—27.

viii. 16. J nXX'.|

tTrt nji' Xti^.|rtO.

|ij-a . . . ^uf. ||

17. i

ov pt) yvtoaOy.||

18. av yap.j of av.

||19. jrnpEyfi'Ovro.


/iijr.] add. (lur.||

20. awijyy. Ci.\om. Xty.



^ijr.] om.

<!ov.1 ff 1^. (Tf 6(\.

II21. om. row $sov.

\oro. nuroi'. || 22.

lyiv. fi.I

(V /iitf X': om. ev X'.|

Kat avr. ivifii) N': om.

cm avr. X*.||

23. ttj -t]V \ip. post avipov.||

24. tTriffr. tTrtar.

X' Ct '•': eriffr. X" vel ".

| f ^ley. |Ktit iiravtraro.\\25. om. etrr.


01 ff ^o/3.Iom. TTpof nXX.

|Kat VTroK. avr.

|26. rtpyiatji'tiiv.]


pp. 268, 269. Luc. viii. 27—37.

viii. 27. ff om. ouri;) 2".| f avijp nf.

| ff f^wi' X' : t "C f'X-

X''\I f Kfji XP"'''!^ '"• ^* *^' '^ '

tt '"^ xpofuiv is. Kai X'».I f oi'K

fi'ifi'iraro i/t. X* ct i:'': ff i/t. ouk fvtJicwffKtro X'*.



28. oi'aKp.]om. Kat.\tv.

\lin. 12. lege viii. 29.

||29. f ?rap);y.



Kat Stapp."] om. Kai*.|^lapp. |


roll Satpovtov.\\

30. o if X'^: om. X*.|Jom. Xfywii.


ovop. tar.I

Xjyiwi' X*: -yaioiv X'*.| ff «i<ji)X0. S. rr. X. Syr.


31. KOI TTopEK.I


||32. ff /3oiT-

KO/i£i'i;X: f -vwc Orig. Gall. 94.]

jrapEKaXEo-ai/ X''': irapcKa-

Xovv X*.I

om. aurotf 2" X*.||33. ektijXQov. jXi^i'iji'] SaXnoirai'

X. a.c,I


34. to yiyovoQ.|

f^vyov.\om. OTreX-


35. iii\Oav.I

t^upov.IiVl\0(vti*: -Oov X"^.


roll 111.II

30. uTDiyy. Si] add. XtyovTit;.|aiir.] om. koi.


ilptorijaiv. 1 uTrav] ?ra)'.

pp. 270, 271. Luc. viii. 37—49.

viii. 37. Vipyiaiiviov X* et '^^: raSapt;viov X".

jitQ ttX.


inrfarp. X'^ : avvea-p. X" : tviarp. X*.||

38. J tJtf ro X* ct ':

fjftro X*.I f ffEXtjX. ante ra Satp.

\om. o if X. Syr.Hicr.


otrrt ffoi ETToiijcro' 6 Otof.||

40. fftyEV. ^f El' ri(j X* et ^'^: f<»i

('e rijt X".I ff iiTOffrpE^EKi.

|nuroii X*: rov Otov H*.


f f Kni aurof.| f hab. rou ante in X" : ff om. X*.

||42. om.

i;»i X* : hab. X*.| f tv Jf rip.

\ f ii^ay.|iJiivEirj'iyov.

||43. f larp.

. . . /3ioj'.I

lorpoif.Ifiiov] add. t'atirijf Kat X* : om. X'\


tax. '"•'"•'^- '^''9- G-il>. 95. 1 vir' X. Orig. Gall.J[ 45. f Kni oi triii'

ai'r. I ff om. k«i Xtysif rif o atp. n. || 46. if. |

eJeXijX. || 47.

iSovaa . . . »)X0£v X" : om. X*.|om. ^i' i/v nir. >)i/i. avr.


ajri/yy.] ^iijyytiXEV ct om. aiir^j.||

48. oro. if.|om. avry X.

FulJ. Thcb.I

om. eapuEi X. Orig. Gall.| J dvyartp X. Orig.


49. Trnpa.| ff om. avrip X. Syr.Uior.

pp. 272, 273. Luc. viii. 49—ix. 9.

viii. 49. f pijKiri.||

50. airiKptBti N" : mnv X*.|fom.

Xiywr.I ff TTiTrEDf.

||51. iKGiav.

jom. ekteXOhi'.

|rii'a B:

oii^Ei'a X.I

aw avrip] avvitatKOitv avrip.\laK. Kni iwai'. X :

delo 'Gnostiei ap.'||

52. ov yap.||

54. om. ek/3. eJu Travraj



5.5. irapaxpmta\A' : oni. X*.| f miry post I'lEr.


ix. 1. t,o!.\

ftadd. rtTrnirr.


|nnroif .lUte ('it.


f Toiij ixrOu'Eif.II

.3. rijv oi"o>'.|

pa^Cov.\ ff om. ava.


X" : om. X». .^ih.||

4. puvari.j

5. av. \ itx<^vT. \airo 1"]

IK.Iroc Koi'.J om. KM.

I ff a;rorii'(iiT(r(rf. | iir' miroi'f X" i

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avTOic X"^'' ; nuroc N*.|| 7. yivoiitva : om. in' avr.


II8. rif.

II9. htiv li.

pp. 274, 275. Luc. ix. 9—20.

ix. 9. 'lip.] om. u a : hab. B : om. in N.| ff om. eyu 2".


. offn] a a. Memph. Theb.jnroiriaav X": -ffti'N*.


I fif roTT. (p. a* ct:'':

tie iroX. icaX. BijiVaa^a X'".||


\iXdkn'] i\a\t]aiv. I laro. \\

12. )} Jt X : ijSi] B.|ijplavTo

-Jnro X".|ror o^X. X* et '^''

: rove o^X. X".|


«yp.] tfo"'- ''"'C- II13- om. o ij.

|npos avr."] aiiroir.


vfi. ante ^ay. X : r/i- «" f "• ^"^ Or?^. Miii. 01. Auct. x. 480.|


Tr\iioviQ X*.|om. j; X* : liab. X".

| J xei/. post aprot

: ante X".| ix9. ante 5to.

||14. yap X" : Si X* et 'K


t ail'l- '^'»' " Oritj. Mai. CI. Auct. x. 482.||

15. Kara-



16. fvX.]om. nurowf.


||17. ro

awr.] om. avToiQ et add. rui'.||

18. aurov] add. ti/

X' ; ora. X* ct *".|

lyvvrjaav B- (vJtr) : aui'T/iTijiraj'


6 tf.I t

"'"X'^- ^^-^^ ^'7- ^* ft P°s' '^"-

II''• "Ta)'.

pp. 276, 277. Luc. ix. 20—32.

ix. 20. Ilfrp. (om. o) St mroKp. ||21. Xty.

||22. tti ante rov

X' : post fii'0p. X*.I t fyfpO.

II23. (px- X* : «X9. X' ct ".


B-'X (vix B^; : airapv. B*.|icae' ?';/x. X* ct <^'' vel "; om.

vcl ".II

24. X lav.II

25. t ui^ati X. Vu\s.ff.g'--. ||26. av.



27. avTOV.|fffffrijic.



y«i;ffwi/r.|rov vlov k.t.X.

Uall.95—97. ||28. /cm wap. X" : J om. Kai X*.


Tov XP.I

TrpotTfuJ.] Trpoatvxtadai.||29. /cai fyfK. X'": ora.


TrpoiTJiiJaoOni X*.|lyii'iTO ante irtpov,

\\30. Miuu.


tXfy.] om. di.\»)/tfXX.

||32. eii'oi'J aSav.

pp. 278, 279. Luc. ix. 32—44.

ix. 33. 6 ITfrp.|Troiiiirofiiv.


inav 2" post Mw.jMwrrfi.


(irfffk-io J.I

jiintXB. avr.\\

35. fio^posl i nine !'•|iK\(\sy. X:

Syr.Hicr. (add. /iov).||

36. if] om. u.|UopaKaciv.


f om. (V BX.II

38. «/3oj;(T.|{Tri^Xfi^or.


/toi ante tffr.||



Kai paaact.\ j poyig.


||40. iKfia\i>ia.\\

t<T. jrp. I'l/i'] f^ iVwv laopm.\Trpoanyayi] add. ^Pi X'*.


ante roi/ t;i. (Tou.||

42. Trpoutpx-] vpoaivxapivov X*.||

(iro(fi: om. 6 ii; ei7r{i» X* : hab. inrtv X".

pp. 280, 281. Luc. ix. 44—58.

ix. 45. ipijiT.II

47. tt "^""f-I t iraihov.

\avro] dele ' CI.' et


48. tnv 1" BX.|

om. fni'2''X: avB.|


SixiTni.I t

"ru' piyae. \\49. Iwni'.] pracra. i.




i'«(/J-] om. TO.I ft tKiuXvopit:

\\50. itniv St.

\i if X":

om. X*.I

Ku\v. sine pronora.]cnO' ifi- i"!". i't". X'"" : xaO'

vir. I'lp. X* : KaO' t'lfi. iiir. t//i. X".||

51. avTov 1" X' :om.


tauron 2".| J «(Trnpi5(V.

||52. avTov.

\Kuifiriv X™: ttoXiv

Iwore X": Jwc X».

||53. hab. avrovli.

||54. ttom.

Iiiirav. \

avo tov.jtorn. (If icat 'H\. jtt. X : tt hab.

||55. om. ifni fur. . . . i/<fic.

II56. om.

. . . (Twffai X (dclc ('i//>r. 98).|

lin. 9, 10. lego ' 001.

Vulf. c.e. S.vr.Crt.Vst. Goth."||

57. koi.|far] av.



58. i if.

pp. 232, 283. Luc. ix. 53—X. 9.

ix. 59. i Kvp. X: tfom. B.|vpuir. aviWovri,

||60. om. o

II62. tt «"r- ^' '^P''f

"»"• " '^- I

"f'/^"'*'"''-I t «""<"'


X* : IP TV Ii""- X«".||||

x. 1 . t -">'.I

om. Svo X. Syr.Ilier.


(item ver. 17). ]ovtovq.

\ava two.


| tpxtaOni.\\


<5f.IjftK^aXy cpy.

||3. om. fyui.

||4. /3i-iXX.

| t t"l3".



//ijJtvaX": om. KOI X*.||

5. fi<7«X0;)re otK. n-pwr.||

6. om.

piv.I tj; ante jhi.

|vi.} praem. !> X*: om. X'.

| X inavaira-

riaiTui BX.II

7. fff9i.Iom. csti.

\\ 8. av] om. S'.

pp. 284, 285. Luc. x. 9—21.Text. X. 13. marg. Lege 'Matt. 11 : 21—23.'

X. 10. iiin\9.II

11. ripiv X* ct " : ipiv X*.|tif roue tt. ante

mropacra.\om. y'ipuiv.


yivuaK. X": add. u/ifif X*.|om. f^'


12. Xfyu] add. Ss.||

13. tv Tf yp. iKftvy hie.|Xopajtir.




\\15. K«(Sopi'aoi'/i.

| t/'')- I

oup.] om. row BX.|fi'jpioOriaji B*X (/iij—iri^MOijiry] >) in^/uOijc;

B^?, Bed idem ut vdir reslituit priora).|tov aS.] % om. tov

X: faab. B.j t nara/Bi/SaoQ.

||16. aKovaiv ante r/i-


I'D. 11.


17. ifSSopriK-l om. ^uo.||

18. wc aarpaw. hie.||

19. SicwKa. ISwapivl non add. rr;r.| ora. ow /it; X* : h;ib. X*.


ofiKijtTfi X: -arj B.II20. x^'P- ''«] ora. /i«XXoi'.


21. avTg.I

r(/j TTi'.] praem. ti:|

rw ay.[

ora. o if.

pp. 236, 287. Luc. X. 21—35.

X. 21. X tvSoK. post lyiv.I

om. kiti arp. irp. r. paO. itjr.|{

22. ^101 TraniS.\

yiviiiaK.\ X tav.



24. lin. 3. lego

' a.e.ff.i.l.'I


oKouo'ai] om. pov. ||25. irai Xty.] ttom.

icni. lii/a(ante lii>t)v) delet X"vel *.||27. aov l^om. B.|t «S oX;;c

T-T/c t:ap5. aov.\Kai l" X : ora. B.

|ii' uX. tj/ \/'. aov.

\koi (v

v\. T. lOx. aov.I

Kat iv o\. r. ^lai'. fTou.| atavTov.||29. oncaiw-

[Tat.1iayroi' X> et °: ourov X'.

||30. X om. ct CX' : lia'>. N'.


om. ruyxav. ||31. + om. «)' B: hab. X.

||32. om.ver. X*;

hab. X".I

Afvir»;f X": om. yivop. X"*.|om. avrov^'''.

|| 33.

ttom. avTov.||34. eXaioi' B: t\iov X.

|«7rt/3i/?. St,


X* : 7rai'0o,Y. X".| ipipt\<}Qr\ B* : «ir«;j£X. B^ (vdir).

||35. cm.


Svo Sijv. iSiiiK.I

TravloKtt N*: -xfi X".

pp. 28S, 289. Luc. X. 35—xi. 4.

X. 35. Xt^Tifi.I


om. tyu.\\

36. tto""' o"'''I

om. riov

X*: hab. BX\[

irXijir. ^oic. <roi.||

37. fin-. Si.\o i7.

!| 38. f"Si Tip.\ ttom. lent.

I tt"5 '"I" "" ittom. aurijc X'el"': t'lab.


39. Napiap B-^-X: -pm B*.]

.'; B»X' : cm. B^'X».|

vnpaKa9t(T0.\Trpog B*X ; Trapa B^

|t^Kupiou B*X : tt '" E'.


40. KaTiXiwiv.Itf"^«Nl'-ll 41. to If B^: tt " »i'P'"e B*X.


OopvjSaliy X : Oopvfiy (sic) Orig. Jo. Cr. 314 (et Cord.).|| 42.

oXiy. Si la. xp. (ora. xp. X* ; hab. X°) ij ti'of X. Orig. Gall. 101

(fi'f piv ovv TO 'V.vdq iari xpila to 'Aya-nijaitg XP'I"''

pov TOV ttXtjitioi' aov wf iavTOV, fr'f St to 'OXiyoiv

tiTri XP''" irapa0i';<T£if Tii Ou rXfi^jif, Ou \j/tvSopap-

Tvpijatie, K.T.X.). Item sine r/ jvof Syr.Ilicr. Orig. Jo.Cr.

314 ( = Cord. 278), nimis breviter in catena eitatus (dele ' Orig.

...Cord.').1 tt r"P- I t

<"'''"'= ttom. X*.||j|

xi. 1. icni iytv.\

Kot luai'. X'": ora. X* (om. Kni X*)-II

2. t 'rpo<T(ir\-n"0'.I

Xjytrt] add. ourw X*. |om. I'/puiv X. Orig. Gall. 101, 102.


o IV TOif ot'p.I

iXOaro). \aov post •/ /3n<r. yd', to 0. aov wf iv

ovp. ol'Tio KOi (. y. X*: om. oliTia Ct hab. rijfX'*: om. rijf


3. ^of.I

TO KaO' vp. X'. Orig. Gull. 102 discrte ; om.


pp. 290, 291. Luc. xi. 4— 15.

xi. 4. Krti ynp avToi X': wf icai auroi X*. i.|a^itptv.



pva. I'lp. arco tov X' (et rursiis delcvit ct nd ver. 2 add. «:ai pva

X 1043

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II5. fttrrovVKTiov H' Ct '^'

: -rtovii'.\



II7. fiov.

Ifiir' ifiov post koiti]v X. A./. Tlicb.

|ou] irat

II8. (jjiKov avTOv. | ?ia yt] Sia Ci X*.

|oiru>' N* : uaov H".



10. f avoiyija.\\

11. rig.\ej iifi. |

rov ffar. hie.|

u moc.j f liab. aprov . . . i] (om. icni).


/iij arn.1+ avTif


12. jj Km (om. lav').\airriati.

\ f /it]-\\

13. oi-nc-

ante ay.|

?rnr.] om. r/t.] o e? oup.] om. o K (delo 'om.'

' Syn-.')||

14. ft ora. k-ai avro (jv.i f f JfX9.

|i15. 1 iiirov.



7((j ante apx.

pp. 292, 293. Luc. xi. 15—30.

15. om. (') u airoxp. k.t.X.||

16. £| owp. e?ijr. n-np' aur.||

aurwi' ante tci tiav.\Jm/i. ante i^' iavT.


\\IS. ifup-l


X Bfi?.II

19. + B(f?.I


nvT. Kp. laoi'T.


-ftom. tyu X' : f liab. N'.

||21. o tax- N'(et»?): om.



22. iffxKp.] om. 6.\\

23. fit N* ct "": om. N".||

torn. Tori N* : ft ha^. K«.||

25. cXeov BN.] ft "fX"^-



26. /isO' taur. N*?|

trip. irv. irovjipor. iavr. iir.


kui naiXO.|


27. | tn-ap. tic 0.

K. I om. i; 1". || 28. litvovvHii. \ ^uXaffo-.] ora. avTov:

Tov Xoyoi' row 8tov N*.||

29. y«i'Ea post i} y. aiir. BN.\


om. row ffpo^. ||30. om. yap.

|Iwvaf] om. o.


ante ayjp.

pp. 294, 295. Lnc. xi. 30—43.

xi. 37. lege ipurif.

31. a«V. '<'': ai'Opuiriov N*.|

SoXo/iwvoc bis.||


||33. om. It.



|fro 0wf.



II34. (Tou 2" N* : om. N'-*.

|om. o^;'.

1xai oXov N"

o\ov K» et "'.]

linea ' iroinipoi; a 69. MT.' ante ro

colloeetur. ||30. r< /itp.

|o Xi'^i'- 8*'

:oni- '^*-

I ^V

praem. fv 0/-(j. Gall. 102, 103: om. N.||

37. XnX.]add. avr.

\tpuT^ H : lege tjpuTa ^. etc.

|om. ne. ||


X : ouK B. \\ TO f?u9. Kai ro tirwe. NO''.

||42. J aXXa

1I'lhin^ov N*: I'l^voffti. K". | tow 0«oy B- (ydtr) N: om. B*.]

om. N*.|

trapiirai K": aftivai N* : afuvai G''.||


pp. 29C, 297. Luc. xi. 43— xii. 1.

43. om. k-nt rag irpMT. iv roiQ Suit.\\

44. om. yp. xai


foiTrfpiTT. ||46. om. /3«p£a icni.


auroi] non

i;/£iC.II47.01 If. N'" : k«i oi J<*.

|| 48. /inpT. (ff.| f o™-

Ta pviifi.II

49. itni (? nuT.|

nTrnicrfi'owTii' t<': -iCTfivouffii'



50. «Jiic;,Oi, N": (-c^jnjev '<*•1

tt"^X"''"'- II

ajTo] om. row. |»wc] om. tow.

||52. lin. 9. piacm. Kai

ap. Epiph. 530 (cod. Ven.).|uaijXBaTi.

||53. f itaic. (Kf\0.


54. iviSp.] om. awrov et xai.\ffom. ?i;r.

| ff om. tvn


xii. 1. Trpwr. cum antt. conj.

pp. 298, 299. Lnc. xii. 1-17.

1. JTwi'. <I>(ip. ante i;ric. ||2. om. h.


kikuX. ian>'.||



•*• aTToKTivi'.\ f iripiTaoT.

||5. om. c'f.

|om. 0o/3. 1".


ante iK- \f/i/3iiXX(ii' «ic t. y. ||

6. ftuXowit.

||7. J owv K :


8. v/i.] add. on.| t opoXoyijirj;.

|rwv nyy.

om. K*.II

9. tvwn-. Tuv ovOp.||

10. liXaaipiip.] /3XaiT{ii)-

II11. t '""Pip- t<- Syr.IIior.


\ f fifpi/iM/TijTf BN.j

n 1".II

13. ft avTii> post fK tow ox'X. ||14. icpir.

|itji' v/iag

j0' lipwi' N*.II

15. nJTo B.|van.

\aVTOV (post ?c<)i)).


K" : -TOW N*. ||10. (I'^lnp.

pp. .300, 301. Luc. xii. 17—31.

xii. 18. oiKocon. N^': avoiKoSofi. X*.|om. Travra ti' : hab.

X* et "'.II ff ra yit'tJli. nov N*Q : tov airov pow Kat ra ayaOa

fiov X».II

20. aippuv UN.|

% niriuT.||

21. (owrv X": J awTi(j

X*. A22. aurow.

| f Xey. w^.|

^I'x-'] om. vfiiiiv. \ uw/i.] om.

w/iwi'.II23. J/ yop.

II24. ov] ovt(.\ owjt] ff owte.

||25. f 7rpoa9.

ante an ry »yX. awr.|

^ tva X» : ffom. X*.||

26. ovci.\

tXaxi'tTov^^': iXuxkttov ti X*.|| 27. f av^ai'et.

\ wpiv] | add.


28. ff «!' oyp'p ante roi/ ^oproi'.| ff orTo ante aiip.



29. om. jit) 1" X*: Iiab. X". | (cni ti.|| 30. «j-i-

pp. 302, 303. Luc. xii. 31—44.

xii. 31. aurow.|% om. -jravra X' : hab. X".

||32. o irar-iji.']

v/i. !) TTfir.II

33. PaXX.||

35. v/x. u'l oaip. X: «i oaip. vfi. Orig.

Eph. Cr. 218.II

36. avaXvay BX.||

37. f tX©. ante 6 /c^|koi

7rap(X9. SiaKov. avToiQ X" : om. X*.||

38. f icai' fv Ty divr. Kav

IV Ty Tp. <pi'X. iX9y Kui I'upy owTwc X: ff sat (av iXOy k.t.X.

(Syr.IIicr.).]ffom. oi ^ovXoi.

\eiceivoi X'ct': om. X*.


ff om. fyp>)yop)j(T£>' av Kai X*: f hab. BX' (fypijy. cai X"). |

ff diopvxO.II

40. om. owv X. Syr.Hier.||

41. avTui.|| 42. f Kai


eariv.\ oiKOfoyjoc X= : c'iowXof X*.

|Kai (jipov.


arijait X'" : KardTTrjaiv X*.| f row liS. X' : tow ^(a^owvai X*.


ffiTo^i.] ff pvaem. to.||

43. owr. ante ttoi.

pp. 304, 305. Luc. xii. 44—58.

xii. 44. f awTow.||

43. ^ov ante o Kf X* et '': post X".


awrow (post Kwp.).| ff fVot/i. t; ttoi.

||48. c^t 3" (ita lege pro

'2"') X» : om. X*.|om. ttoXv 2" X* : hab. X' ct '.

||49. iwi X.

Orlc/. Gall. 57. 69. Trov. 110 Tf.t|

50. orow.|r«X.] avvTiXiaey


51. covvai £ks. 'Theoph.' Gr. 142.||

52. om. firoi'Tai . .

^ta^ijjtfpKT^B- X*: hab.X^.lf

tj'i oiki^} X*.||53. StafifpitrOtj/rovT.


tTTL viifi.I

add. awrou" hajxtpwOiiaovTai. Eiis. Theoph. Si/r. iv.


/ijjTfjp] praem. koi.|BvyoTipa.

\t)}v /xijr.] om. tijv.


avTtjs X" : om. X*.|

tijv nivO.'] om. avrtjs X* ; hab. X'*.||

54. «((}.] om. Tiji'.I ff «7ri.


Xfy£r£ on.||

55. on X": om.


effrai X' : ipxiTai X*.||

56. f r>;c yt]g kui tov owp. X*:

ff TOW owp. KOI T. y. X'".I

TOV Si Kaipov.I f owK 01Jar« ^oc.


58. aTTJjXXnx^a'-I


pp. .lOe, 307. Luc. xii. 53—xiii. 14.

xii. 58. PaXii.II

59. iut fine add.|

ro X* : roi' X".||||


2. f om. o i^TI f TOi/Ta.

II3. iKTavOTjTC.


o/J.II4. f SiKa Kat X":

ffom. Kai X*.I

trrtaiv'] ineniatv.]avroi.

| rowf av9p.\iv.


5. f ^fraroijirqTt X* ct ''': ff ^eravoi/Te X". IftiirnwTws. ||


vi(f:VT. ante iv tiji apir. avr.|

fi' n;)X': om. ti/i X*.[


ante Kop. ||7. a^' ov. \

om. ovv.\

tiiv y. B-X.||

8. Kojrpia

X ; Kotpit'ov KOTTpiuv {Orig. Jilt. ii. 190).||

9. f (if ro /i. ante «i

Si pi] ye.II

10. f (v ante toii; <Tn/3/3.||

11. om. tiv.|iiKa Kat

OKTM-] ffom. Kai.I

om. (Ti; B* : hab. B-.|



ajToXeX.] add. «to. ||13. aviopO. X: ni'opO. B.

pp. 308,309. Liic. xiii. 14—27.

xiii. 14. a] ff praem. on.| t °™- "' aic X"

;hab. B-X\


om. Sit ipyaK. X*: hab. X'.|

owraif. ||15. oT«Kp. li.



w/iwi'] om. tw.|

ti^ aaPfi. X': om. •.|

i> roi-.|

f nTrayayw)' B= (vdtr) X'» : ff nn-nywc B*X*. || 17. yii'o/i.]

Xfyopn'oic X'.II

18. fowr. ||19. oi'. 1

roi' anto K>;jr. X*: om.


lawrow] nwrow.|ffom. fnya. ||

20. Kni. || 21. (I'lirpwi//.11


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J I«po(ro\u/«a B' (ipoaoXvua B*) K.||

24. ri/f ar. Ovpac.||

afilt)aOt BS. | <f. tar. Km K' : om. N*. ] Kvpu semel.||26.

ap^rjaOi.|lin. 8. lege toiunjaj. |{ 27. om. Xiyu.


pp. 310, 311. Lnc. xlii. 27—xiv. 5.

27. £py.] om. o'l ct ti]q.||

28. ^fo\l/)i<t9. B- (viltr) : i!i]Te

II23. aJTo/Sop.] ffom. euro.

||31. jtvavrrj.] tta>pj.| -Trpoff-

II32. airor.

] f om. ij/i.\\ 33. au/)iov icai X- : om. K*.


II31. aTTOKriiv.

\av-ijv X': -tovH'.

\opviK. \


{iavTov N*) voaaiav.\\

35. om. ip>)^.\Xtyu^eN"':

N* : om. aiit]v. |ii/it>'] om. on.

|iSiiri fii. \ twc] adJ. av :

om. »}?. or£.III!

xiv. 1. J om. rwv ante <I>ap.||

3. e?«(rr.]


BtpaTcivaat. | »j ot.||

5. airoKpid. N* et *: om. N".]

avTovQ (^-Tov X') ante tir.|ovoc >) /3ou£.


pp. 312, 313. Luc. XIT. 5—20.

5. ry >J/i.] J pracm. ev.1 J om. rj K* : hab. 6?'".


oyK i(r;^u(T. anoKoiO. ; om. avrip,||

8. utt' avrou X'**": om.


9. /Jtra.II

10. icXijOye- | ava-rrtai B»X : -<rai B^|

I (Toi X' : om. K*. | avuripov B- (ct B*). | jravnuv. ||

om. aov post (Tuyy.|

firi yiiT. B: iiijocy. N. |avriicaX.

«. jai'TajroS. ante iroi.

||13. + ttoi. post Jo^.


II14. yap N'*: St X*. ||

15. ravra «•: om. t?*. e.f. \


• • . (ver. 16) Jtw. avTij) H* : hab. (scil om. avr. X", non

KO^C'et)"-! tto'-'S'^'- II16. t "to"'-


/'fya BN.||




ft(Ti>'.1 tt 0™- 'tavra X* et" ('^''?)



18. iravT. ante Trap.|ayayK.

]post tx"-



liiiv'] om. Kai.||

19. tpurw ue X': oiii. ()£ X*.||

tytifia X. Orig. Gall. 10. 106.

pp. 314, 315. Luc. xiv. 20—35.

21. om. tKiivoQ. I

Km tovq X* et=

: koi ohovq lav ivptiTi

1avaneip. X : B ut ante in ver. 13.


cai rv^. Kai x'"^- II

to. II23. liov ante o oii:. BX.

||24. tojv avQp. iKiiv.


fit] irpoQ (fii.I

auroy (post Trar.).] J en Se.


\(/vx>tv- I t "" ""'^ A*"" ^"^^II

-^- ""^'S tantum X* :

otrng X'*. 1ov post uanc ouv B^ (vdtr).

| t aurov.1


liaQ. II28. <x"] "'it^- '<•

I "f- II29- "" ^"'"^ 'Z"^- H

IT. fiaa. ante auiiji.\ X ^ovXivairat. \

vkuvt.||32. avr.

jrop.|ra X" : J om. X*. |


33. iiv. nov pa9.||

KaXov] t add. ovv. \AXaj 1" X" : a\a X*.

|Si cai.



pp. 316, 317. Luc. xiv. 35—xv. 17.

1. taiT. lyy- iravT. \\2. oi ti.

\om. oirof.

||4. ^ awo-

B* (Tisch. App. xiii.) : tt -""^ ^'^-I t '4 avr. ante



iioc] add. oil.||

5. aurou.||

6. t (TUyicaXti.||


JV rv oup. ante turai. |(WJ-ijk.

||8. Spaxp-a;.

|ewe oi'.


tt""/*"^"- I>'""] om.rai.

||10. yiv. ante xapa-


||12. iraj-ep X >*

; om. X*.|

o St Si. X" : Kai ct. X*.||

Jajravra. |aurou] eaurou.

| Z. aaiar. X": eic x^P- /"»*P-

priorilnis rclictis) X*. |l 14. nrxvpa.II

16. lin. 4. lego

I ttx"?""""^- « Syr. Uicr.1 tt«<- II

'"• tfe^ij.

pp. 318, 319. Luc. XV. 17—32.

XV. 17. tt "'?"""'"""'•'•I tt"^* post Xi/i. BX.

II 18. avaar.

K». Syr.Crt. ||19. oi/icen] om. Km. ||

20. t avrov.||


^e aVT. o v'l.\owen] om. Ka(.

| { not pi uq i. r. piaO.

II22. auTov] iavTov. \ t rnx" (an'O '?<*')'<• S/r.Crt.


oroX.] om. 7-iji/.Ihab. t7)v ante xf'pa B. | ttoc.] om. «wrow.


23. t iptpirt X. Syr.Crt. || 24. our. post o v'l. pov X : post on


aviZtitiv.\ add. Kai Syr.Crt. : om. X. |

i/v airo\.

X": a;roX. t/v X'. Syr.Crt.


\ om. ksi ante i)p$. K

hab. Syr.Crt.|| 26. TratJ.] om. avTov. \

ri] Jom. av.||


ridiXiv X. Syr.Crt.|o ce X. Syr.Crt. ||

29. Tif iiaT.'\ om. aurov

X: hab. B. Syr.Crt.|


30. lin. 4. Syr.Crt. fere ut

Pst.ITov (iiov P.

I X o™- ''"•' i°te TTopj'.I

rov air. poax- II

32. i/^qiT. X*: aviZ. X'^.|om. koi X: hab. Syr.Crt. ]


Xw£ X* : -Xoc X".Iadd. ijv X. Syr.Crt. | ivpiOn.

pp. 320, 321. Luc. xvi. 1—15.

xvi. 1. pa6.} om. avrov X : hab. Syr.Crt.|om. ug X» : hab.


oiKovo/iov B'X.I

iijrapxov (sic) B* : add. ra avrou B-.||

2. add. dominus suus Syr.Crt. | om. ourifi.|

otKOvop. aov X.

Syr.Crt.Pst.| t ''"''y-


^''>'- a^^te en X: om. e. Mcmph. :

transp. Vulg. 6.c./^.i./.||

3. r. oik. on-' e. X. Syr.Crt. | Kat

ITT. Syr.Crt. : om. Kai X.||

4. orav Syr.Crt. : av X. |ec

rijs BX.ife'aur.

||5. XP^°'P- ^^- I t '""rou X"et'='': tt <""'"'

X». H 6. eiir. 1"] add. aun^ X. Syr.Crt.Pst. j jiaSovg. \ i Si

iiTT. 2''X: om. o ^e Syr.Crt.|ra ypappara H : ro ypappa

Syr.Crt. : chirografum e.l.\ rax. yp- X. Syr.Crt.

|| 7. add.

domino mco Syr.Crt.|Xeyei (om. Kai) Syr.Crt. : Xeyei Si X.


Ta ypappara X: to ypappa Syr.Crt.: chirografum (e.) /.

om. Ka0. X. Syr.Crt.||

8. ijipovipujTipoi ante oi X (noa Syr.


Tav-r)v iavruv X* (expunxisse Tau X* ante X' vdtr) :

TavTi]v a.l.c.e.ff.l. : Tavrijv ri/v iavruv Syr.Crt.Pst.1|

9. Kat


Xe. ip. Syr.Crt. (non X).| tt e"""". ttoi. X» : t ""oi. eaur.

X»et«. Syr.Crt.]

eKXin-y B*X« et »''. Syr.Crt. : eKXeurs B'

eKXiTTijre X\|add. avTuiv Syr.Crt. (non X). I| 12. u/ier. X.

Syr.Crt. Hier.|

^iu(t. ante vp.||

14. jrai'ra Ori(/. iii. 490" cod.


raura om. Syr.Hier. | oi <l>ap.] om. Km.| oi *. X*: om.


15. (V avOpioTToig.jrou Oiov.

jom. effriv.

pp. 322, 323. Luc. xvi. 16—30.

xvi. 16. pex- 1 om. Kai n-ac . . /3ia?. X*. (/.) : add. Kai apiraa-

Tat fitaZovaiv avTiiv X'. (idem subst. /.).||

17. ptav ante Kip.||

18. o oTToX.] praem. Trat,-.||

ID. t''« 5*- ' Syr.Hier.||

20. ns]

om. Tjv.I

AaJ.] om. of. ]eiXKu/i.

1|21. t '"'<"'

'l"X-'"'"'' 'riar.

X'^: tt rw" 'ri'rr. X*.|tTreXeix.

II22. A/3p.] om. rou.


ah init. om. Kai X*: hab. X".|A/3p.] ora. rov.

||24. vSoti.


25. T-eKv. pvrjaB.'] pvr]iT9. tikv.\ajreX. ] om. av.

\ J li^e.||



ei-0e>'.| J om. oi ante ek. X*. (Latt. Syr.Hier.): hab.


27. at post ovv.||

29. ^e.|





jropeuSy vp. avr.'] avaaTy np. avT. X.|

piTav.] lege 'praem.

persuadebit illis m. : idem fere subst. b.c.ff.i.l.'

pp. 324, 325. Luc. xiv. 31—svii. 12.

xvi. 31. Muia. \ovSi,

\\\\xvii. I. avrov.

|rou post earir.


Ta axav. ante /ii; iX9.j epx-] idd. ra o-Kavi^aXa (/. ) Syr.Crt.


fffXijv ovai.II

2. Xi9. pvX. X : pvX. ov. Syr.Crt. j ivaT.p.T.

X»: ttr- p. T. era X". Syr.Crt.||

3. om. I'e X. Syr. Crt. Hier.|

apapry. |oni. hc at X. Syr.Crt. llier.

||4. upapry.

|non ins.

lav 2" X. Syr.Crt llior.|om. ri;s iip. X. Syr.Crt.

| »rpoc

<re X. Syr.Crt.|a^ec Syr.Crt.Uier.

||5. mrav.

\\6. eir. avr.

tantum Syr.Crt, (non X).|

exere.|add. r. opet t.r.X. (um.

Tour^j et eKei) Syr.Crt. 1 J om. ravr|/ X. Syr.Crt.: hab. Syr.

Uier.IavTv. || 7. ^ il. \

avr^i X. Syr.Crt.Hicr.|

eu0. X.

Syr.Crt, Cy/ir. : om. Syr. llicr.' avairiai. \\ 8. aXXu (om. ovxO


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(non Ilicr.).|

trui^.] add. ftoi H. a.b.d.f. Syr.Crt.

(ora. Syr. Ilicr. C'ypr.).|»ws] om. av.

\\9. tx-

X: x'^P- 'X- Syr.Crt.|om. ry foi/Xiji K*. Syr.Uiur. :

N\Iom. ikhviii ti : luib. Syr.Crt.

| ora. auri^j X. Syr.

: liab. Syr.Crt.| f om- c" 'Jok'" *<• Syr.Crt. Hier.


oiiTu/c . . . tiaraxBivTa X* : Imb. N".| Tavra X'. Syr.

: ora. X*. Syr.Crt. Cijpr. \ on (post Xtyiri) X : om.

|om. 071 ante li X. Syr.Crt. Hier.



11. ff om. aurov.\

fistjov. \add. <((; 'Upei^w

(non Ilicr.).||

12. vxijvt.|

fduryX. Syr.IIicr.]et

(om. air. avr.). Syr.Crt.|aye. Xitt. Syr.Crt.

pp. 326, 327. Luc. xvii. 12—29.

12. 01 lartiaav wopp. \^'^: om. X*.|om. 0! Syr.Crt.


ora. avTOi Syr.Crt.1

^uivt]v] ttjv <jiuvt}v.\\

14. tKaSap,\\


Syr.Crt. Hier.|| 16. Iijffou Syr.Crt. (non Hier.).


Syr.Crt.Hicr.|| 17. oux' X : ovx B.

|oiiToi ciKa Syr.Crt.


BX.I f' <^« *>'• Syr.Uier. : ft o™- '^« Syr.Crt.


fere ut U Syr.Crt.||

19. hab. 7) ttwt. . . . cte X. Syr.Crt.

II20. T. 610V 2" X. Syr.Crt.

||21. f >l

i^ou ikh Syr.Crt. :

idov X.II

22. /ia9.] om. avTov.\iTriBv/jtrjatin B.


Syr.Crt. ||23. kqv Syr.Crt,

1id. nc. /cm i5. aiS. X. Syr.

: iS. i)h {ikh. ' B ' demum ut vdtr') rj id. wh B.|awiX-

firiTi. ||24. >; aarpaTni B.

| ff om. 1) ante aarpairT.\iiro


Eorat] om. Kat.\ f (V ry iiji. avr. X : ff om. Theb.


Nue] om. row.||

27. Eya/ti?.|airuXiaiv'] rjpiv.

\ J avavr.\\


29. irvp Km Oiiov.\fnTrajr.

pp. 328, 329. Luc. xvii. 30—xviii. 8.

30. TO aura X" : ravra X*.|awoKoXviTTiTat.


add. avTov.\aypip] om. Tif. ||

33. irtpnr."\ % auiaai X (dele

1 I OS S'.I


avoXtaei (sine add.).||34. Svo post laovr.



fic] X pracm. o.||

35. ver.] om. X* : hab. X'.|


Svo X*.1 f >/ pinU'.


>'; ^'f X".||

36. ver.] om.|| 37.

post Kui o'l «. X: ante Q.|kqi o'l atroi.

||||xviii. 1.


aD7ou;,- X* ct '^: om. X".

]lyK. (ev/c.).

||3. Si']


4. 7)9£/\ei'.|^e ante rav.

\ouJe avOp.

||5. kottov X":



C. aKovaari X" : om. X*.|| 7. iroiiiay.




pp. 330, 331. Luc. xviii. 8—21.

9. Kai 1".I

om. /cai ante eJouO. B.|£?ou9.] f -vrac.


II10. (!(,-] + pracm. o X : om. ' R''' ut super rursus

(Tf.). ||11. f rawra Trpof iavr. X": om. irpoQ



12. offo<"(KaTu X''' : J -rti/w X",||


ie.1Ejrap. (into eij rov ot'p.

|to (7r»;0.] om. Etf. |


f nt/Toii X.|

o Oios X" : om. X».||

14. i'fiiv] om. on.|

1 f ?ra(/ ficfn'ov.1o ^E. ||

15. nvrwi' B- (vdtr).|


II16. j vpoaiKuXiauTo.


| f \tyui'.||

17. av.||

u Oeoc] i ora. o B* ct'<"• X» : hab. B'X" : add. o xanjp

incl. ' Orig. ... 89' [cvang. inccrt. ]). || 20. ^ivdopap-

IPIT.] add. aov. \\

21. Travra rav-a V.

pp. 332, 333. Luc. xviii. 21—37.

21. f f^uXaJa.| ^ pov.

\\22. om. ravTa.

\in X": iirt


I f ovpavoic (oni. roii;).||

23. vavra. \TripiXu-


II24. ii If.

j ff om. nipiX. yiv. X. Syr.IIicr.|

ct post 0»oi/.||

25. Tp>ip.\

piX.\ f ikteXS. 1".


\\27. f ry Oc,). |

Eorif post jrapd r. W.||

28. o FlErp.|

nijinT. -a 10. a '. Theb. : a^i;>.-. iri/i'ra khi X'.|

iroi X* : add.

Ti aiia larai ypiv H".||

29. on X'': om. X*.| ff ij yvv.


aCiXip. i; yoj'.1 X I'lviKiv.

||30. o;; oux' /") EX.

] f awoXaPy.||

31. ' lipuvcrnXi]p.\\

3.7. Effdir.|| 36. ri ar] ff om. av.

pp. 334, ,335. Luc. xviii. 37—xix. 13.

xviii. 37. airiiyy. ci aVTip X" : oi He a^tjyy. X*. || 38. Ii/tou.||

39. TrpoayoiTEi*.|



avrog 5e] o ^e,|

iKpaKtv r.i


40. f i^.I

!> i£ ad fin. Q. ||41. ff om.


43. avrtji X" : tov X*. ||||xix. 2. ff Kai tjv.

\\3. i^ci/v.


4. Trpofp.] add. E(ff 70.]avKopopiav BX.

|Ira ifp X*^* : rov

i^Hv X*.I

Ecfi)'.] om. ^1'.II

5. f om. iil, avr. Kat X. Theb.||

7. TravT.\avSp. apapr.

\\8. Zok^.] praeoi. o.

|70 ypiaia

BXQ C-aiia B^).|

pov ante 7a)i' iitt.,Toig.

\ f 7. 7r7. ante SiS.||

9. ii IS.I

Tip] om. £»'.jom. (trrii'X*: hab. X-".

||II. aw7ov

post 'lEp.I

foKEic ai;70i;s X" : toKfi avTOic X*.j

piXXii post

70V OtOV.

pp.336, 337. Luc. xix. 13—28.

xix. 13. IV ip.II

15. SiSwKit.I


71 SiiirpayparivaavTo

(om. 7if).II

16. t^iir. irpoiT. pv.|Trpoffijpyaffa (sic) X*: vpoaiip-

yaaaro X' \ ||17. iv.

\ayaOi] post ^owXe.

||18. Kvp. post i;

pv. aov.I

/Jva] /jKnc X".||

19. ff Kat av nravu yivov.||


o £7£poeX": o7Epoc X*.|

pvaQ H" i pva a'.II

22. Xfy.] ora.


23. pov ante 70 apy.[

etti] om. tiv. \Kayui.


H" : add. ovv a*.\av avTO iitp.

||25. Eurav.

|Kvpii B-.


26. ff om. yap.| vpiv X" : om. X*.

| ff om. ait' avrov X* :

f hab. X".II

27. f 70V70UC.| f BiXria. \ KaTaafa^iri.

\ f avrovg.

pp. 338, 339. Luc. xix. 28—43.

xix. 29. B»j0(^ayij BX.|

f81)60^(01/ X" :

ffB,;ear.a X'.


EXaibiv B- (vdtr).| ff om. au7oi;.

||30. XEyui'.

\Xuff.] ff om.


ai;70»' hie.||

31. cpiiTil om. avTip.||

31. Xu£7EX*ct*:

add. o(i70>' X".Iom. avTip X*.

||33. Eurar.

||34. Eiirai'.



35. Eiripii//.I

avTiiii'.\ra ipar. B.



X avrwv.II

37. f tip^avro.\iraainv.

\\38. om. 6 Ep^. X* : hab.

X'".IPaa. X"" : praem. o X*.

|tv itp. X* : Eip. X'*.

| f Eip.

post Ev owp.II

39. EiTrav.||

40. ff om. ai;7oic.| f 071 B-X.


(riojjrijffowffiv BX.] f Kpa^ovaiv.

\\41. avrriv. \\

42. ff cai ou

post Tavry.|

£)' ry yp.] f om. «:nt yE : om. aov,\

Eip.] ff om.


pp. 340, 341. Luc. xix. 43—XX. 9.

xix. 43. 7rE()i/3«X.] 7rapE^j3aX.|

om. ai 2° ct 3" X* (3"

<!.) : hab. X'^.||

44. eti XiOov.\ev aoi 2" ante avO' oiv BX.


irwXoui'70!.'] sine add.||

46. f Kat post yEypa7r7at X" : om. X*

(om. 071 X).I f Eirrai 6 oir. p. oik. Trp. X" : om. Esrai (ct

£(7711') X*.II

47. ora. iEpip 01 Si.I

icai oi yp. jXaou ad fin. Q

(ante Xnov hiatQ.).||

48. Ei'»p.i

n"oii)(Twir.[ X '^"^pfp'^o.


XX. 1. >';/!.] ora. ficEii'.Iapx- \

Kat 01.||

2. xat itirav.\


au7.] ff pracm. XEy. JEnroi' i)p. X'et >: om. X*.

||3. aurowj X" :

-701' X'.I

Xoy. ] om. iia.||

4. /3(nr7.] add. 70.||

5. irio'EXoyi-


fiiu7oue X'" ; au7oi'C X*.|

071.|om. tiptv. \


om. oui'.II

6. f o Xaof ii-n',||

7. pt) X*: om. X*.(

ttS.] om.


8. 6 If X" : om. X*.||

9. om. XEyEiv X* : post Xaov

X".1avQp.] om. 71!;. 1

avQp. i^vr. aprr.

pp. 342, 343. Luc. xx. 9—23.

XX. 9. f;(ro70 X": ; fj£r:ro US'.|

iKav. B'X. j| 10. Kat


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( KapTTov Tov X** : om. K*.)

Suaovff.\ ft iKoiriar,

hip. BN.II

11. jrpoffiOero N" : idiro N*.| t

''"• '^V^'- II

t jrpoff. rp. fff/ii//.1 rat Tour.

||13. ri ttoi. B-.



14. ^uXoyiJ. j wpoc aX\»(X.j

irXijp.] add.



(I'a )'/ . )'(!'.II

15. tif/3aXovrfE. ||16.

yiiiipy. ti" : om. N*.|oKOva. li.



19. f t?i; '')<""'•I

o! apx- nai oi ypa/i. \ lyi'ioaai' yap K": om. N*. | (ittiv ante


20. f napaT>ip>iir.\

viroKpiv, N'": (jwocpiv. N*.|


liffrf.jom. ry 2".

||22. >)^«c. ||

23. irarovpyiar.

pp. 344, 34.5. Luc. XX. 2.3—38.

X. 23. fom. Ti ^u Ttip.II

24. lii^.\

oi Ci ihi^av avri))

(inav t\* (ftiriv S<").] -ft

o! St iiirav.\\

25. jrp. avT.\


rijjvaio-.] Jem. rif). ||

26. tt 'o" P1I'- II27. ol



28. Mwir.|om. /cai ovto; . . . (vcr. 29)


ariicvoc j; K°; or. rfv N'.|

fCavairrijffy N".||


t'lii. Tjaav iirra of. X".||

30. o ^a'r.Jffoni. iKafiti> ct

yvi'. K. r.X.||

31. liffni/rwc scmcl.|iVra] non add. Kat.


om. TO B.I

Kai airtOatov.\\

32. var.'] add. ^t K'' : om.

: cm, iravTiov N.| f koi >) yvj'. ante a-rtO.

\\33. al) init. \iv

oi'i' ai^aar. X"^" (om. ovv ft^*).|rtwrwi/ N" : om. X*.



om. ajruKpiB.\

ytj'ruiri /;ai yivvuvrai {Ircn. Gr. 1C8).|

a : (KyafuZoiTai P. ||35. yapiZ. \\

36. ovTi.\



37. Mud.I

01VV Iff.] om. tod.]dicv loir.] cm. tov.

pp. 34G, 347. Luc. XX. 39—xxi. 9.

39. itTrav ct add. ourou.||

40. ^ yap.\\

41. \(yov<r.'] om.

I tf (ii'ni A. iilor.||

42. ab init. oni. Kai.\

otir.] ff add.


i//nX/i.] cm. tui:\Ki'p.] praem. o.

||44. our. post Kt'p.


post r'ioj.II

45. roii; fiaO.I add. uvT.\\

46. (v aroX. ante



47. ol KanaOtovaiv.\


xxi. 1.

TO yn?. ante ra ^wpa avr.\\

2. Tii-n] ncc pracm. ncc add.


Svo post X.II

3. t aiiTti ante »; irr.||

4. ff vavrtg.\ ff oni.


Travro. JKoXoifX* Ct'"*

: ptyaXoif X".|| 5. + araO«/i.


riiiirn a Q. [

om. t-m XiO^j X" : (xi XiSov X'"| J add. (i(5f.


f om. on.1om. o Katp. i/yy. ptj.

\om. ovv.

pp. 348, 349. Luc. xxi. 9—27.

9. yd', rfiiT.||

10. in'.||

11. f Km ante i-nrn tot.|

Aral Xoip.IX<pofitiTpa.

\an' ovp. post pty. ||

12. navr.]

vpai X*: in' avTovg X*.|Toj ante irtii'.

[(iTriiy. BX.


c'l X*: t 'lab. X".||

14. Otri.\

oui' X'": om. X*".



l.i. t "''TiffT. »( avTitv. DX. S|r.Hicr.| J TrnvT.


c'la TO ov. //ow post vno TravT.||

19. KTtjaanOi.||

20. om.

ante 'l(p.| f yvuTf.

||21. iv piaiii.

\\22. avTotJi.



II23. ouni] J add. i^f.


yop X'" : add. iv

rati I'lftipais X'.|

ri;) Xni^] om. iv. ||24. paxaipac.


(Gi'i; ante navra.\axpt ov.

\xatpot iBv.l non. hab. «roi

II25. toorrai.


»«( (i/ anopttf.\tiyovg.

||20. inipx-

: inapxopivtov X*.

PI).350, 351. Luc. xxi. 27—XX i. 4.

27. M0tXy.||

30. n0' laiirwj' (inaem. nuTMi' X' : om.

X* ct ''': an avTiuv X".

| jyyuc iirn*' ijJij to 6(pof. ||32.


33. napiXivaovTai bis.||

34. om. ^f.|

lin. 3. lege

Mcth. Symp. v. 5'.|

ftaptiO. X: ftapvrO. Meth.\ f f ni

, post I'lp.I

inioT. itji' ifi. atifiv. \\ 34, 35. lin. 2. legc'(L. c.

'J'ert.y etc., ct dele infrn.||

35. f yap post in.\


tt •T'^- f<"-II

30. t ^'.I

tfoi-'^X- ^- SjT.lIii-v. bis.|

raurn hic X": om. X*.||

37. tt '" ^V "P- ^''-I

''"• 5. lege

(vid. Mar. xiv. 49).'||||

xxii. 3. Sot.] om. o. | koX. || 4. apx-],

om. Kai roif yp. |Kat arpuT. (uTpaTrjyovQ sic P).

j om. tov tip.\

t avTotg nap. avTov.

I'p. 352, 353. Luc. xxii. 5—20.

xxii. 5. apyvptov.|| 6. om. rni «?up. X*ct": hab. K*. |

t avroiQ post oTip ox- || 7. ») >;p. X ct A (Cowp. disertc : dele


jj] J praem. tv.||

9. itnav.\\

10. avvavriian. | vIotoc

X'*" : om. X».I

fig T/v.||

11. Xiyti] praem. Xiyovrig.|koto-

Xv/ia] add. fion. ||12. avayaior.


|| 13. itptjKit.|| 14.

njroffr. X* : pracm. dwl. X* : tud. sine oTroffT. X".||

16. ttonj-


avro.|| 17, 18, 19. t hoc ordine X.

|17. n-or.] om.


om. rovro X* : hab, X", ttQ iavTovs X" : aXXijXoic X*.||

IS. i/ptv"] add. on.|ov pr] ttiui] t add. ano rov vvv.




19. i,g Tiiv] hab. iii B' (vdtr).|| ver, 20,] t hab, X. 1 lin,

3, adde '(vid, Marcion, vcl Tert. llarc. iv. 40)'.i t '^i"""',

post jroT. X. Pyr.Kicr.

pp. 354, 353. Luc. xxii. 20—35.

Text. xxii. SO, mavg. Lege KaOiinOi.

xxii. 20. om. Katm) (Tert.).\ iKxvi'i: HT.


lege ' qui ])ro vobis'.||

22. t oti.|

o iiioj jiiv X'* : om. piv X'.

Syr. Pst.Crt. Ilicr.|

ncpiv. jiost k.t. upta.||

24. om. Kai.|iv

avT. X": fie taurot'c X* : iCfOVTOif T.||

25. hab. post atriui'

1" Kin 01 npxoi'Tfc tu>v iioi«!taZ,ovatv avTuiv Kai ivipyiTai

KaXovvrai : oni. apx. rui' ct Km ante f«(py. ct leg. f|oi«Tin?oi'-

rff X".II

20. yiv. (y(ii')-I/'"?• X" : o /ifiv X*.

||27. nc yap

o pfij(u)' X- (om. 6 X").I

lin. 14. de'c ' ct om. . . . »ipi.'jti/u

po.'-t vft.I

IV pini'i.I

«ipi] i;XPoi' D.||

30. laOniTi.\iv ry ftaa.


^ Ka9iiain0i a : ^fj:c,etiaOiB(_.iseat B-).\

trpir. hie X :

tt post ^vX. B.I

i'mi^. (i/3) X'": om. X*||

31. ^ itniv li u

Kvp.\Xtp. scmel tantum.

||32. (KXin-y. | oTiiptnov.

||33. 6 re


34. Of] om. pij.|


pi ante a^api'.|

it?."] om.

p,l. II

3-,. l3aXX. XQT.

pp. 356, 357. Lue. xxii. 35—46.

xxii. 35. rii'of X" : n X*. |itnov X : einav T.

|ovS. X :

ovO. T.II

36. i h itn. X* : t «"r. t'f X"T.]/3aXX. XQT.


Touro] om. iTt XT.jto Kat.

| t Kai yap to BX : Kat to yap T.[

TO nipt.II

38. (iTrai/ XT.|Kvp. X'» : om. X*.

||39. inopiviTo


sat oi paO.} hab. Km B-.|

pa0.] om. aurow.||

40. itaiXO.

B- (vdtr).II

41. ajr((T)roiT0n X" ct "^: anianaOiiH*. | npoaifv-


42. 7rnp«i'(yKoi.jrouro ante to nor. X'.



43, 44.] on:. X": Iiab. X* ct '. I lin. 10. nonnulli.] adde 'Item

Armcni ap. Niconcni (vdtr). Vid. p. 410. col. 3. 1. 26."|lin, 42,

lege ' 219. vid. 277'.|an' (om. tow). ||

44. yM'apu'oc.|koi

lyiv.1om. o.


]^ Ttjv y. || 45. /iii0.] om.


Kiiip. ante nur.

pp. 358,359. Luc. xxii. 47—01.

xxii. 47. tTi] om. Si. \ avTovi. ||43. «f St.

\\ovSa X": om.

X*.II49, turn)', ]

Kupie (om. avTip).\naTa^opiv B,



50. tTow apx,nnte rov SovX. XT,|to ohj ante nvroc,

||51, it.


o Tf.I

T. wr.] om. aiirou.||

52. k.J om. o XT.|in' X *: npoi;



53. |aX,V. IKTrii- ante I'p. X": om. X». ||

54. tfuni. Km nffi;y. : om. avrov.\

ti/v oik.||

55. j ntptatp.\

IV piaip.\avyKaO. ((tvi-k) : om. avTUJV. \

iv pia. \\57. ijp>i;iT.]

om. (inror.| t yi'"'"' P'iSt auroi'. II 58. jipaxv X' ct «


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naXiv X*.j i(fi)].

II59. ijv X' : om. N*.

||CO. rt Xty. I uXikt.}

om. 6.II

61. lin. 3. Icpo o Iljrpoc icvpu '£'.\ ttf"//^'

pp. 3G0, 361. Lue. xxii. 61—xxiii. 6.

xxii.'Gl. TTpiv] toil- V- I"Iti- post ^w)'.

II62. om. u IJirp.


63, avTov,I

iveiraiCov ("Tre?. ) '''*: -Jav H*.

||64. om. avrov

iTviTTov avT. ro trp. leai.\

iirtjp.l add. air.||

66. y/t. tyei'.|


aTDjy.\avTiov. || 67. tin'or.


om. vftiv

K* : hal). N'\||

68. lav h] om. Km NT.|tto™' /'<>'•



I) a7roXt)(ri;rf. ||69. vvv l(.

\lin. 6. dele D.

|lin. 8. om.r. 6fov I.

Orig. Int. ii. 910 (lion est scriptum a dextrin Dei, sed npud

omncs ad dextram virtutis et non est additum


70. iirrai'.|ti.

||71. iiirav.

\ XP'">' <X- f«pr. ||||xxiii. 1.


2. dpoiitv X : tvpa^KV T. '\ yftuiv (post fOroc).|

non add. icai xaraX. k.t.\.|ipopovQ Kaia. t^if. XT. ! k<ji Xfy.


t iawr.II

3. >;pwr.1

fi^ij] \fyci.||

5. tic; potiiis qiiam on in

T dcfuissc censet Tiscli.|Xnor] o,'^Xo)'.

|om. ^i!. X. (dele


<cai ante ap5.

pp. 362, 363. Luc. xxiii. 6—23.

xxiii. 6. tt °™- raXiXaiov.]

o avBp. Ta\. B'.||

7. Trpof

'Hp. orro <car' (sic) our.|TouratcX": avratgti*.

||8. om.

Je X* : hab. X".| j? 'iKavuv xp. \

9i\. post t? iic. xp. I



9. om. I't X*.||

11. ^e] rf.]om. avroi' 1" X* :

hab. (post r«) X''".|

o 'lip.] { praem. koi XT.|ffoni. avrov

(post TTipiP.).javnriii\(iiv H"^ : (7rifi\j/n> H*.

||12. o re 'Hp.

KOI 6 rfiX.I

upouJDjpxov X" * : -JTO X*.|avrovg.

||14. ov9iv

XT.I J om. (Car".

||15. lin. 1. lege avciriii\pa.

\^^ avevifiif/iv

yap avTov irp. yiiac BX.||

17. avayx. Se nxtv arroX. avroic;

Kara iopTtjv iva.||

18. j aviKpayov.\rov Bop.

||19. /SXijGfif]

lii(i\t)liivov X" et': om. X*. | ew ry <j>v\.\ f om. avayKtjv


20. Sf.I

add. avToic XT.||

21. aravpov aravpov.||

23. {KjijTO.I

arnvpuBiivai.] ff om. cai riav apx-

pp. 364, 365. Luc. xxiii. 24—37.

xxiii. 24. KOI lliX. nriKp.|(

25. om. avroic-\

0iA.] om. t>;)'.||

26. f mrtiyay. X : ff airijyov Latt.|

Si^ui'n rii'o Ki'prji'nioi'


(piptiv X'' (aipdi' X'') ; om. X*.||

27. om. at.\

oin. Kai.II

28. tg eufti'] praem. o X"* : om. o X* et *.{| 29.

J t'lft. ipx- 1om. o'l 1".

1at KOiX.


\\30. opjoirai.


TTjffort X'' : 7rf(T(r{ X*.||

31. f r</j iyp.||

32. I ^vo post xa-

Kovpy. 1om. (Tiiv oiiri,)] dele Syr.IIier.

||33. i/XOoi-.



apiaripuv. \\ 34. o ^6 ad iroioi/ffii' X* et'' ; lege 'Iren. 210. (vid.

198. 207)': om. X'.|

i\iyiv.\ f icXi;poi'.

||35. i^fiivKT. h (om.

rni).1om. aw avr.

\ ff rov Oiov a (k\.||

36. ff ei'fffaij.|koi

o'l] om icoi.i

of.] om. Kut.

pp. 366, 367. Luc. xxiii. 37-49.

' xxiii. 37. It av u.||38. ff om. iiriyiyp.

| (ff)yp. 'EXX. "Pw/i.

'E/3p. X* et «": t om. X".

| f o paa. tuv IovJ. oiroc||


f/3XaiT^i);i(i B.I

hab. avrov Xi.|

^\iyuv.\ ofx'. ||

40. f7riri/iwi'

awry i^ij.I

ovliti": ou X*.|


41. ab init.] itai.||


lu] praem. rift X'* : om. X*.|

/lou] om. irt'pij.| f tv ry /3n<r.


43. ff om. 6 If.1 i ooi post Xeyu.

|fttr' i/iov ante Jiry.



i/v 13X.|




| icoi2"




II45. I rov )';X. jkXht.

| J jitx. ^f.||

46. ^uv. fiiy.


7rnpari9.j f rovro ^f.

||47. inaravrapxis X*: -xof X".


f (fo$a(.I

oiTUf] praem. on.||

48. tiri] ng,\


cavntii'.II49. yv. avrov. \f\ add. a;ro. lyuvoiic.] non praem. oi.

pp. 368, 369. Luc. xxiii. 49—xxiv. 5.

xxiii. 49. avvaKoXovBovaai.\\

50. afijp h"] praem. koi.|

Kot SiK.II

51. (ff) avvKaTariBi/i.\ of] OID. icoi.

| irpou-

t^4X] O"^- """ ouroj.II

53. KoO.] om. auro.1ourov BX.


Xoviug ovliirui. \\54. vapaaKivrig. ' Kai.

|| 55. ai yvv.] yw.

tantum.| ff our. post ToX.

||56. hab. /i«v P.

|||| xxiv. 1.


| ff ijXfl. post (tti ro livttfi.\


f tjXBov.\om. KOI Tivie aw avraig.

\\3. (i<7(X0. Si,



f rov Kv.I


4. oTTop.I

avi. ante Svo.\caflijn aarpavTovag

X. (_Ori<j. i. C21.)II

5. ra np.\itirav.

pp. 370, 371. Luc. xxiv. 5—20.

xxiv. 6. aXXa.\on lei post rov v't. rov avBp. X* : ante K".


9. TToi'ra ante nmra.||

10. f tjaav le. \ Mopio 1"] Mopia^.|


ijr loic.|

fXey.] om. ai X*; hab. X".||

11. ravra.\\


fhab. ver. X.

|om. kh/i.

\om. ftova X* ; hab. X''', | 13.

ff ija. nop. post )};i. X (* ct) » et ' (i;<t. Jt Trop. X*).|


praem. iKarov.||

15. koi awrof B^ (Tisch. com. :' B'' in not.

s.q.) : avTovQ (om. aat) B*.|| 17. f «:ai laraB.

||18. tig] om. o.\

om. «5 avrijv.\ovofiart. \

'I«p.] om. tv,\ovk cyvwf] praem.


19. fiTTOV.| f Na^opqj'ov.

jXoy. /coi tpy.


irapiS. avr.

pp. 372, 373. Luc. xxiv. 20—36.

xxiv. 21. iXvti^ofiev X : jjXxiso^sv B.|aXXo ye koi. ]ayft N*:

om. X*.iffom. aij/t.

||22. yivo/i.


||23. rjXBov.

|| 24.

^KaiaX.II27. Muff. 1 7rpo0.] add. f;at.{ Jt<p/i>;v(utiv X*: f «"<'«>'


n »jv.I

om. jroffaif.| J t'ot/roi'.

||28. jrpodtiroiijff.



29. f )j?)j post KficX.||

30. Xo/^wv] praem. koi.|

T;i'Xoy. jfTTi^iA. ] ((^u^ou.||31. Jii/j'i'x^'Iffoi'

X''*: fijjj'i'yjjffor X*.


Kot eweyv. avr. X'ot'' : om. K*.|J32. (urav.

| f iv i}/i.|Hifi^ om.



33. »;0poiff/t.||

34. oit. jjy. o Kf.|


praem. tiji.\\

36. om. o if. ]ev /leaiii.

|koi Xty. avr. ei/i. 171.

pp. 374, 375. Lac. xxiv. 36—53.

xxiv. 37. nrotiB. fej ^ofirfBevreg h. \\38. f han. I roic k.


39. roue TTol. ft. Kai rag x- /""'• 1"" eyu tifi. avr.


non add. koi.]aapKag koi X* : aapxa koi X**'' : cai aapxag

{Iren. 294.) ||40. f hab. ver. X.


||41. oiro rijc x^P^C


evBah X'»: iji't X".|| 42. lin. 7. lege i^oyt.


KOI ajro /((X. K»jp. X. Orig. i. 384 (vdtr).||

44. rrpof avr.i


/low post Xoyoi.I

Nutty. KaiJom. koi.


«>' X. Syr.Hicr.|


irpo^. X. Syr.Hicr.||

45. ffui'io'oi X : avvitvaiU.||

46. om.

oiiT. yeyp. Kai Euf. Theoph. Syr. iv. 9 : om. koi ovrug eStt X.

Syr.IIier. Cy/ir. 277 (dele supra).||

47. t (if o^. N: koi o^.

Syr.Hicr.| apKafiivoi. ||

48. v/<.] om. te N. Syr.IIier.|

\ lari

ante fiapr. || 49. Kayw (om. uVv).j{{on-oirr. X''" : airoar. H*.


om. 'I<p.I f f? vi}/. ante Ivv.

\\50. our.] om. tfu.




51. KOI avetpep. (ic rov oup. X". Syr.Hicr: om. X*.||

52. ^(y. B*. I 53. ffom. aiv. Kai N. Syr.Hicr.|om. o/xijv.



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pp. .370, .577. Jo. i. 1—14.

KATA IQANNHN N. ||||i. 3. ovh iv S" : ov^tv K*.


cum scqq. conj.||

4. t/v 1"] ff tOTii'.|

Tuv avOp. B'-.1|

B ('lincoln . . . ncc adcst nee unquam adorat,' Tisch.).||

nurijj] praom. i/v N* : contra N™'.||

10. h' avrov

It auToyH*.||

12. om. ^e Syr.IIier. Ci/pr. 20G (dele



ovSi ««: 0(\. av^p. B- (om. (« N* : liab.


lyifi'-iO. ti : iyn;i0. B.

pp. 378, 379. Jo. i. 14—26.

15. \(y. H" : cm. N'.|

iiv inrov N" : t" """wi' BN' : om.


ipxp.] praem. lif N* : non X".||

IG. iin.||

17. Muva.|

N'": om. N*.||

18. /loi'oy.] om. u t<* : linb. K'"».|Gtoi i(.

ap. Iren. 40 ct Clem. 068 (dele ' Ere. ... 968 ').|

2, Iin. 36, lege ' 7G8.' |col. 3, Iin. 30, lege ' iii. 91'.'



cnarravit o.] ndde '(conf. Terl. Pnix. 8. 15. 21. Noval.

IS; item N*)'.|add. nobis c. Syr.IIier.


:fom. irp.




20. om. Km u>p. i".\lyw


21. tiptoT. N" ct ' : nnjpioT. X*.|om. ai'roi' H* : hab.


n] pracm. vraXiv.|

oni. an.\

Kar Xfy.] om. Km.|


N" : om. u X".||

22. fi:roi'.|

oyr BX : om. 0.||


om. ol X*: liab. N'^''('?).||

2.'). om. i-ai ijpwr. avrov.\


ouSi bis XT".|"HXme X : 'HXitag T". \ 6 vpoip.


K : awncpivaro (praem. Kai '"''')T''.

|iv vo.H'^: ii'

vS. X*.I

lege ' /Hffof ] f add. Si'.\om. di XT''.

| f artiKd

iartiKii X.

pp. 38), 381. Jo. i. 26—41.

27. om. avT. lur. XT''. Orig. i. 586 cod.| f o off. X" :

m. o X*. ff.Orig. i. 586 cod. Ci/pr.

\om. og i/iKp. fiov

XT'": om. ug (i.e. Ci/pr. 293.|ffom. fyw X; f hab. (

iifit) T'.II

28. lyii'. ante IV SijO. X. a.h.c.\BrjOavKf K'

(Lag.): BiiOapn^a X''': Tirieaftctpa V". I)i)0o/3pa Arm.

supra) teste Lagardio. \lopS.1 add. Trorapov. jo ante lwai'.||

om. II Iwar.||

30. vjrtp X* : irfpi K'^'V:\\

31. iiS.] om. Tip

II32. luni'.] om. i XT''.

|Xfywr X'': om. X*.


tydt T''.1

o'lf XT'".|Karaft. ]iost Trfjiiirr. X. o./i.c.

|(k tow


fai iptivm']

Kmpifov X. Ij.c.


33. k.kfyw.


i/J.] prai-m.

1Tip nvivp. Tip T'' (vdtr).

| om. Km irvpi.\\

34. u i/Ioj rou

X''* : o ikXiktoi: tov Btov X*.||

35. luov.] praera. o XT''.||

om. o mp. r. ap. r. k.||

37. om. Km 1" X* : liab. X''"T''.|

Svo paO. awroiiX: ff oi fvo avr. paO. T''.||

38. dc X'et''

om. X*.|

airoX.] om. iivTip.\

avroiQ X'" : om. X*.\



\iy. piOippijV. X" : \iy. ipptiv. H*.\\


T"- : tSiTi X.I

iiXOov XT\ |ovv X (T'') {Km >iXO. oim-

Syr.IIier.).|nJov XT''. |

ipuvovV.\wp.] om. S( H'D>.


ijv] om. ^1.I

om. Tiov Sua T".|

tiov ok.'] om. t-wv X* :


41. Trpiurox X"T'' : -rogti'.

pp. 382, 383. Jo. i. 41— ii. 0.

41. M((T(T. XT''.I xq] om. i.

||42. ijy.] om. koi.



om. c^f.| f lioavi'uv X ; ff Iwi" B'.

|| 43. >;0(X.] om.


" If post nur.,i X' (om. o X'). !| 41. .I'lX] h u X" :

om. X*.I

B/jOiTaa^a X" : -oiii' X'.|om. (k X* ct * : hab.

X". II 45. Miiitr.I uiov] ff om. ro)'. | rou luia. \ 'NitZaptr. ||

4G. lent ab init.] om.|Najaper.

|n ay.] ay. ri.

| J om. o

ante "I'lX.||

47. iiStv X'" : iJwi' (on. Kat ante Xtyei) X*.

n.h.e.JP.l.I J o It.


aurow X" : tov 'NaOavmjX X*.|

l(7i"pa)jX(iri/c X hie ut semper exc. Ro. ix. 4 (-irpa-) ct 2 Co.

xi. 22 (-Xir-): Icrpni/Xeiri/c cnnstantcr B cxc. Act. ii. 22 ; iii. 12


48. o i7.II

49. J om. avnp.| NaO.] add. <cac uv.



{( u /5o<r.II

50. iiTi ante n5ov.\




om. ajr' npri.|

aviipy. X" : tfvtipy. X*. ||||ii. 1. Jry vp- ry


3. Kill viTTfpijaavTog otvov XtyiiH*: Km oivov ovk tixov

uTt tjui'fTtXioOtj o oivog TOV yapov tna Xiyii X*.]otvov ovk

(Xovc^iv X": oij'oj oi»/c lOTiv X*.||

K.rt ab init.] hab. X''*: om.

X* ct'''.

II 5. o Ti] uri u. II 6. XiO. ante icp.|

hab. Kitpwm poft

Ion?. X": om. X*.||

7. Xty.] praem. Km.||

8. oi h iji'jyic.

pp. 384, 385. Jo. ii. 9—25.

ii. 9. TToOfv] TTou T".II

10. om. avnp.|

froriX'*: ft <»"•


av] add. St X: om. T-'.||

11. apx. T" : praem. r/jv


ev Kavn.|VaX. X'': add. 7rpioT>]v X*. |

atirou X'' : om.


eif nur. oi paO. .avr. X" : o't paO. avr. (tg avT. X*.||


Katpapv. XT'".I

aS.] add. aurow X: om. T''.|

om. icai oi paO.

avTov X (om. aurou T'' vdtr.).|iptivav. ||

13. Km fyy.] lyy.

h (om. Kai).II

14. /3o. cni 7rpo/3. X": k-oi rn n-po/3. Km /3o.


15. Kai Troiijfjng X'"' : fToi);(T(>' X*.|Trarr. X""" : pracm.

Km X*. I Ta r(] om. re X* ct'''


rn Kai X'. \ J ra K«p.1'':

ro Kfp. X.I

KaTtUTpt^liiy. ||16. /ii;] om. Km

||17. t/u'ijoO.] om.

^t XT'-.I

tirrii' hie.( Kara^ayirm XT''. ||

18. <iffo>' XT'-.||


If] pracm. o.| f evrp. XP.

||20. imov. \

TiaaipitK.\ J oiKoi^.

XT'*.IIV rpiiT.] om. iv X. a.c. : liab. T''. |

fynpiig T". i.e.||

21. avTov X" : om. X*.||

22. fXfy. ] om. aiToif XT''.|uv


23. roif anto'Ifp. XI'Ti".| f fv ry top. XPT''.


If Jpracm. 6 X : om. 6 Itjir. T''. c.

\avrov 1" X* : iavTOV X"P.


om. avuiv 2".||

25. om. on T'.|ov xp-] XP- "•'*•

pp. 386,387. Jo. iii. 1—19.

Text. 3, 5 marg. Post daiXBi'iv in vcr. 5 incipit Syr.Crt.

iii. 1.

ovopaaur^i] oj'ojian.

||2. aur. XT''.


pa/3/3i T"*

-/3(3(i X.I

ivv. ante Tavr. ra aijp. XT'.||

3. if] pracm. o X :

om. l"*.Iom. Kat (Iff. avT.

1yii'i'i/Oy] ni'ayE»'>'i)0j/ Vulg.

CI. a.h.c.ff. (contra Vulg. c.f.i). ||4. Nik.] pracm. i.


yu'v. 1"] arnyfi'i'. rt. (?f./.) (contra Vulg. b.c.ff.l). \yiptov

lav ytvvtfi.I

r«i'i'. 2"] arnyd'i'. Vulg.CT. a.b.e.l. (contra Vulg.

c.f.ff.).\\ 5.0 If] tf om. !>.I

om. Km Jiffii' aur^j X* ct ''•: hab.

Kai tifftr X".I

o/iijv bi?.|

f? vlarog Kat irvivp. ytwijOi/.|

yd'i'.] ai'ayji'i'. Vulg. a.h.c.c.ff.l.m. Tert. Bap'. 13. Orig. Jnt.

ii. 144. iii. €86. 948. iv. 483. 484. 560. 561. (contra/ (Orig. iii.

686.) .Ell.?. 7'i;r<. Anini. 39. (Bapt. 12.) Ctipr.).\itaiXditv (^am.

(If) X": ii'tii' X'.I

row Oioi'X''": rw>' oi'p. X'.||

7. y<ri'.

nvayii'K b.c.m. (?om. avwBiv a.Jf.) (contra Vulg. e.f.l. HiL).\\

8. aXX'.I

KOI ffou XT''.|

y«»'i'.] ai'ayevr. a. Fus. (contra Vulg.

b.c.f.jy.l. HiL).I

IK row ffv.] (K TOV v?. k«i rod ffi'.|| 10. if]

praem. o. || M. it. nianviTiV'.||

13. t oui. o wv ir n/j oi'p.


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1v^uO. hi,:.

||ir>. w avr. T''. /. :


X.I J 0111. /<!) tttroX. aW N r''.

||IC. I oiii. nwrou X* :


iduiKivH*: om. K*. jiTr'avrovV'. \



tfoiii. fll/^ollXT^S)•r.lIicl.Lon(!.(v^Ur; cuulra Uoiii.

il18. tt O!"- '"•• f*: tlial'. T".

li)>. 33H, nS9. J'), iii. 19— iv. 3.


I'J. oi (ii'Op. iiymr. to anur. /irtXXor. | awrwi' ante Trov.

II20. k-m iH'K ipx- -/>. ro ^wf X''' : om. X*.

]t« f/iya


ai. u c£ a-oiwi/ iul ra epya uvtou X'' : om. X*.|ra

aurou X": nur. r. »p. T''. |tipyair/ifi'a X* ct ": -roi' X*.

Xiici/. : -voc Jrcii.\\

'2'2. yi;''] aJ''- "^a' "' fiaBnTni avrov.|

««i] k-aicfi.II

23. Iwdc] om. .'i.|2«\e//i T''.

||24. i Iwar.]



25. ovv X'' ; « X».|

?ijr. X'' : ffui'Jijrijiric X*.i

non add. rwr. ]lou^mou X''' : -aiiav X*.

||26. ijXBov


tiTTrii' XT''. 1'l'a/3(3ei.

||27. ouCfv lav.

\\28. om. /zoi X


fi-ov] ndd. eyu '£*• (vdlr).|

o tOTjyic. avrov Kai|

II31. wv X" : praem. ^e X*.

j«ic I" X'" ; jh-i X'. a.e.


Trnvr. «<rr. 2" X''"!''' : I om. X*. l^us. c. Mel. 87'' (dele,

item, dde Terl. dc Bapt. 10). A'ovat. 14. || 32. Kai ab

om. XT". Syr.IIicr. Eiis. iVovat.\

6 X" : uv X*.|j om.

X. .iVura/. (dele Tert.): hab. T^ ||3-1. ^i^.] ft om- " O^oe

{,Ong. Eph. Cram. 17i)).|to n-i/. B-. {Orig. Epli.).


X^Tii: cm. (It X*.|

oif-. t,ui)iv X*ct": tx" ?"»;>' X*.|

avrov /itvu.||||

iv. 1. f " Kvptor V : ft " <i «•I t V l^'*'-

II nuToff.

I'p. 330, 391. Jo. iv. o— '2\.

iv. 1.') mar;;. I.cgc hipxofiat s. -i.j;i«i.

3. jraXii' IV-ST''. ||5. om. ipxirm ad ^aftapiiat: X* : hali.

1 ^vxnp EX.I

t'' X'l'''-


I""^'] {praein. rt,i.

||C. iJf X*


7. yrr.] rtc yvv. X. Mempli.Tlieh. ] vav X» :


8. n-i\)jXvO. B. U;/y. Jo. CorJ. 121.||

9. om. oui'

(Kcit Syr.llier.) : Iiab. X"T'' (vdtr).1

n-wy hie W''.|

mtif X'^-W*.|

ouiri/e post yur. i'n/x. BXT'': ante

iom. oi; yap . . . fin. vcr. X*: hab. X"T''\V''. Orii/. Jo.

1low^nioic B.

ji10. if] om. o \\''^.

]ei yS. W.


X'T'': Jrieiv X-'W'. | av av yr. W. 1 hab. av 2" W.||

j; yvi'i; X''T''\V"': tKuvn X».1odte W-'.

|om. ovv X: hah.


TO vl. TO W'.II

12. /i(i?ui' X" : -?oi' X*.|

(i W".|.J/iwv


laic. W'. 1 Of] uonc.[

u'wr. W'.|om. rovro W'. |-ic«t

X": om. avr. X*.|Opf^. nun W. ||

13. it] om. o XT"

II14. lit c' 01' TTirj) X"^" : 6 h ttivuv X*.

|uv pt) ill//. . . .

avr(i> (S)T'' (om. iii'rifi X). | fii^ijffei XT". | fuirw 2"J

tyo XT".|om. ai-rv 2".

||1."). ft^fp.vw/iai X' : ijpxo-

X": ft SopX"!"" B-I

fOa^t i\" : uCi X*.||

IC. jo ic X";

o X*.I tt """ ""'"^ '• "''^- ^ • tpost X.

II17. KOI itiriv

om. X*.|om. oi'Ty.

|+ avfpa 1° ante ovic (x. 1 i (in-fs.


X. Syr.IIicr. |118. nXijOwf. |1

19. Kvpti X": om. X*.|1

r^i opii ante ronrifi. |om. o tottoc.

|irpoir. ante cm.



j.p. 392, 393. Jo. iv.

21. jTior. /loi nnlc yvv. X. Syr.IIicr.|



Thcoph. (Syr.) iv. 2:1.||

2.1. aWa.j

nurov X" :

II24. torn, niiroi' X* ; hab. X".

|kai nXijO. X>'

X*. I Jd] post Trpoor. X» : ante X". || 25. oiila K*:

X". 1Mtffii.


uroyyiXH X'* : ovoyyiXXii X«.|uirnvTO.


»7ri X"; ir X'. ! hab. ouroi; B. |ijXOi'f *<"




(iff.] add. owri N. Syr.Uicr.;|".|l

30. «5i;Xe. (om. Eni) : add. ovv. ||31. iv] om. it. •, tipuruiv.


pafijin. II33. tXjyov ovv X°* : Xfyowirii' X*.

||34. { jroioi X :

TToiiiaia T".II

35. tri XT".| rtrpafiiivoc XT".

||36. o Otp.] om.


;>!<] add. icatX: om. T".|1

37. «Xi;0.] pr.acm.

X: om. T". 1|38. n5r«<rrnXc« X : an-«iTr(iX(c T".

.'4, •191 iv. :«_;.

iv. 39. uc avrov X": om. X*. '; t"- li40. t wf ot>v ryXO.

X ; avvi/XO. ovv B* (scd ip--e ', ut vdlr, substituit iir vw


£/i(ii'£j'] add. Trnp' nuroif (om. ««i) X. Syr.Cit.

Pst.IIicr. Cvo )'//i.] >;/i. cvo.||

42. r>j re yvv. iXtyov i\": roi

iXfyoi' rp yiivniKi X*.||

42. iirt X ; oni. B. \irijv fiapr. X* :

t <Jt]v Xn.Xtar X'-'*T''.j

ok);ic.] add. Trap' avrov.\aXt/Ou^ ante

oi'iroc X. ViiIg.Syr.Crt.(Hicr.) Orig. iv. 2G5'' (dele siipra^.,ad

fm.] om. o ^c BXT".||

43. coi oTrijXe.] om. XT".!|

44. ifj om.


45. on X": ijr; X*.[

«t(?. avr. oi r«X. iravra X'*: om.


iopax. H" : o't iopax. X*.j

rravra post eopan.jocra X" :

a X*T".I

tjXeov] (Xi)Xw0i<rai'.||

4C. iiXOav. ]om. i i?.


X": -vavN*.1

iji/ Jt XT". I Kn^opv. XT". || 47.oyrosX":

om. X*.I

airriXQ. H"^ : J ijXBei' ouv X*.|

cot jjp.] om. awroi'


48. om. o«v T". Syr.Fst.Crt. ()ca< Syr.Uier. : Ct6.<!.).|| ffoiJior] Tov natda.||

50. koi fwior.] tt 0™- '""' '^T'' :

(eTTior. ci T").I

uv ttir. avr. it ij] roi' tv X' : row iv uv iittiv

avr(f> X".1ov T". ||

51. om. aurou 2".i

viriivr.\nai i;yyii\.


om. Xfy.I


ouroi'. ||52. ri;i' wp. ttoo' aiT.

| tt*"'


]>p. 396, 3J7. Jo. iv. 52— v. 14.

iv. 52. avrip' B.||

53. jroDjp] om. iivrou. ',

t'** '« '^"'

tfom. £»' X*.I

u I'i.] om. on.|| 54. rovro cSf] tt f>™- ''


(7roi);(r. (ti;/i.1!||

v. 1. iop.] praem. i';.|

if] pracm. o.|1

2. iv

Tjj n-no/SariKj; X": -rpofiariKii tantuiu X'^. A'Ah.j

>'/ (TriXty.

N": TO Xeyo/ttroJ'X*.! Bije^oOnX: BijfliTnic'u (7Vr/. Jud. 13):

Betzetha .//'. (dele bis supra).||

3. om. TroXu.|

5i)p.] sine add.

X: dclc'(oin. rof)' (Cowp.).|i

4. ver. otD.||

5. om. eicii.|

oKTw] tt praem. khi. ]aaQtv. avtov. \\ 6. KoraKd/i. X": ava-

Ka/iei'ov X*.1om. ij^i;.

||7./3«Xy. 1

wpo B=X.||

8. tyiipc.|

ap.} om. Kai.I

upapaicrov, Ut TCIT. 9, 10, II.||

9. irni ivOtuQ

X'": om. X*.I

aiGp.] add. coi ijytpOij X. a.b.c. Syr.l'st.|


10. odk] t pracni. loi BX.1



aTrdCpifiij X" : on-Jk-piioro X*.|

1711/ X"":

-ii/y X».|aovH":

om. X*. 1TtpiTrar" X-- : -t£ii' X».

||12. tt o'"- <""'

! "P""

X": apai X*.| tt°™- '''"' 'paP- <""'

II18- *?"'• '*" "'«"''•


ToTijiX'*: /if^if) X'.

pp. 398, 309. Jo. v. 14-30.

V. 14. oiiTovX'": roi" rfOfpajr. X*.|o ij; post ji'ip.




15.o)rijX.] add. orvX": om. X»(neqnc pracm.

icni).|£ijr£v. II16. oi loui'. ante roj' iv.

]om. kViKji/r. our. airoirr.


1". Jom. If. II18. om. ovv. ||

19. ojrfirpii'oro ooi' X •: jXtyov ovv

ouroic X*.I

i Tf. 1om. icai fur. avr. N* : tt hab. »nc fXiy.

our. X". 1lov] tav. \ t ai'.

| i^. post woiii.||

20. UavpaHiri.|1

21. iJOTfp] wf. II25. om. KOI vvv far.




oi 2° X'^" : om. X*. ||26. uamp X" : lif X*.


?wi;>' £\(i.Iom.

oiiTuc usijue ad fin. vcr. X'(hab.



^V "'V"'• **"•


27. KOI iJowiT. tf. avr. tp. iroi. X" : icoi »p. ii\ oit. f Jouit. iroi.


28. X axovauaiv. \\ 29. t o' i'-II

30. Jroiin- ante lyw.


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pp. 400, 401. Jo. V. 30—vi. 4.

. 30. liab. lit B.I

om. irarpor.||

32. oifa K" : o>riir( N'.||

h N"": om. X«.|

^ ayaWiaO. (arte irp. li^j.) BX.||



;i(ijw B : -JIw H., !iK[

ttoi.] cm. lyu.\iiKcivtar.


t tKiivoc.1

7TUW. nutc oKi;r.||

£8. f iv iifi. ante ^tvoyra.||


41. avOpuTTuv.||

42. aXX'.|oric

(X'.liic t5'*: ct hie

ante rijv ay. «•.||

43. om. iv 2°.||

44. Tropa.|t^'O" f*.

i. 228 t.\t. (ita corrigc). 259 ; ft om. Uiig. i. £28 com.

H': inrovvrtf; K*. 1|4.5. Mwctr.

||40. Muiuffd B; Muirn

. iyput(/iv K" : lypatpiv K*. ||47. f JriiTU'ffjrf.

{|||vi. 2. i/k.

IffoX. o^X.


iwp.Ir« (Tij/i.] om. nvror.


itti] vipi.||


Ji K ': irai airriXO. K'.

,o if K" ; om. u ti*.

\ixit h'c

om. H", unOi?.

Ml. 402,403. Jo. vi. 4—22.

5. If (om. a") post roue o^l?-1

^o\. post o\\,j




ovt. uiitc ipay.\\

0. <"(] N''" : yaj) X*.|

K'" ; ft N'.|| 7. ariKpiB, avriji N'^' : ciTrticpiO. om' our'/j

airocpci'. oiiv (om. aury) N'.|

'tiX.] pracm.u.


om.S<._^. Mcmph.

|iicaffr.] om. nt/roii'.

| fipaxv] ff aJil.

II9. nail.'] om. <>'.

|o N. Orig. iii. ed. (ita corrige) : oc Orig.

cod. Ven.||

10. djr.] sine add.|

\opTOi liic X"; rojrof


arfJTcffar.|ovv. \ ai'Sp.] non jracm. avOfnoiroi.

jwf X :


TrmTaKiax- f<": rpiux''^"" '^*-II

''• 'Xa/3. okv

fXo/3. I'e K*.|

lin. 8. dele kqi ante ivx- \ivxapiOTijaiv

1(iWtv sine add. N* : add. roif pa9. cm oi /jaO. X*.


\\13. nripiaaivtrav O": -ffivK.

||14. f o nr. arjp.

tf a tx. (7;)(i. Ge.| om. !> tg.

\om. on S. a.h. Arm.


I'i TOV Kodfi. O- : 6 tif 7. K. fpx. K.II

15. '''n iroiqauaiv

aurov) K^'" : »c<k ava^HKvvvai K*.1atix^op. BX*"" : ^fuyft

I ixovoi avTor.II

17. ifi^avTiq.\

ttX.] om. ro.[ ijpx.


Katpapv.\ KartX. ^t avr, 7) ok.



ic(om. 6) ante irpoe avr.||

18. Huy. B: lu/y. N.||


Iffrnc'ioi/f X'vcl'': -om X*.

||20. u St] rai.

||21. i/OtXav]


tyfi'. post TO ttX.j tijs yiji H" : ri/v yi/v X".


X" : un'i(i'r>}(T(i' X*. [| 22. t'lrruif.|


pp. 404, 405. Ju. vi. 22—38.

vi. 27. Lege i)>' 11 Kiof (Trcg.).

22. tiSiv.I

Ktivo «if o tv(fii}3av 01 iiiiO. tov iv X' : om.

IavviiatiXOt roie fiaO. <niT. X": ui/kXi/XiiOo' nuroif X*.



om. ainiXO. HKJ}'-.!. : liab. X''. I| 23. aXXa ....

nrtXOoi'Tuv ovv Tuiv irXoiiov ti.c.ff-.g.l. [ iiXXa] om.

1 tiX9ov 6".I f jrXoiopirt 0^.

]ta] om. t);c.

Itov tovov

ovatii X*. | orrou X" : uttov Kai X*.|rov apT.] om. tov.


on ovv tiStv V oxX. X*" : Kat i^oirtf X*. Syr.Cit.[ if oi^i: i-

IK. X" : ovk i)v tKti u if X*. |avTov X^* : om. X*.

|tvt^. X*"*;


uDroi (om. (cai) X" : om. X*. ] to irXotov ii*.J)'-.

: ra irXoinpia X".|


25. paPJiti.|

ins. p?)

»ip. B* : om. B-.|i;Xy.

||20. ouic B.

|o if] om. u.

||27. p>)


om. r(;i» 1".|aXXa tiiv Ppua.] om. n/v /3p. |

fii. i/i.|

X' : om. X*.||

28. ovv.\


29. o if] om. u.|

||30. om. ovv 2".

|iTi/piiof av. \

tiluipiv.|| 31.

X'*: om. X*. | iS.] liSuKtv.||

32. ovv.\



.33. oprof ] add. o. 1 {wijv liic.||

34. vavTori Kvp.||

iiTT.] add. ovv.I t irp. </if.

| f iriifairi;. | fi^ijnfi.{|



37. JTpof /!(] Trpof (/i«.| om. (?i» X* : Imb. X".


n] ow X* : on). X".

pp. 400, 4(j7. Jo. vi. 38—52.

vi. 38. IK.I

oi'x i*"" X'" : om. o«x X*.|

voiiiaiij.\\ 39. om.

TuvTO !t tart TO 9tX. t. jrfpi/'. pe X* el '^ Sjr.IIier.rolrop.nnt.

hab. X" : om. irtiTpoQ.\

avro.\ry tax-] pracm. tv. || 40. yap.


xorp. iiov.I


rg tax.] pracm. tv. \\ 42. ff oi^x. ' oi!apiv

X": add. rat X*.|om. irai rtjv pijr. X* ; hah. X''.


X : jvvv Syr.IIicr.]Xty.] pracm. ovTog X. i.e./. (Jclo supra),

on] tyui.II

43. oTriifp.] add. ovv.\ if] om. o.

] auroif ante (tat

iiir.I I iiit' X ct fortasse B (viil. Tf. App. N. T. Vat. p. xii.).


44. tfTpofpt.I«:ayw.

|tv ry] om. tv.

\\45. Ototi] om. tov.


TTOf] om. ovv.i

-fTTp. tpf.II

40. tup. tic. ', TOV 9tov] tov

Trarpoc X : np Trarpi Orig.\

rraripa X" : 9tov X*.|| 47. i'pu']

add. on.I tt om. iif tpe.

||49. % to itavva tv ry tp.


t airo6avy.||

51. tovtov tov] tov tpou. i ?i//rti.|koi X": om.

X*. a.l/.I

om. It X. a.b.\tauv.

\om. I'/v lyu luiaui X. C/em.

(cod. opt.).I

r) anpK ftov urni/post Swijf.||

52, f Tp. aXA. ante

ol loi'tf.

pp. 4u8, 409. Jo. vi. 52—69.

vi. 52. n-wf]jidd. ovv.I t I'lft. ante oi't.

|irapitn] torn.


53. V If.I

opujz bis.|tap] av.

|dele ' Tf. (Xlon. Sac.)'

ct 'f^ou...(N. Test.).' I aorov post 7-0 n'ipa.IJw);^] add. aiwi'iov.H

54. (c«yu.I

ry] non pracm. iv.\\

53. aXijfiijf ton PpuiaiQ tat

ro aipa pou X'" : om. X*.] aXi/Qiis 2° X" : -Oug X*.


Xi:': TTorov X*.

||57. Jijtii.

||58. oyrofX"^": om. X*.



(cara/3af X'" : Kara.3aii'ioi' X*.]

0! Trar.] sine add.jirm

airiO.] om. TO fiavvci.\

fijaii. ||59. Ka^apr.

||00. d Xoy. ante


01. tiiluf t'( X": tyvui ovv X*.|

o if X'" : om. o X*.|

(ijr. X«" : pracm. Kai X*.||

62. oui/X'': om. X*.1 avafi. ante

r. uior.||

03. ro 1° X'^" : om. X*.|

XiXnX.|om. firni' 3" X.


IIG4. nXX'.

|t? I'p. tiff. riv. |

tj 2°] nTr'.| if] auiriip.


om. pi;,j Tif X''" : om. X*. | tanv u TrapnU. nuToj'] lyv o iiiXX.

avr. jrapaCiS.\\

65. ipf.|ounp X": om. X*.

|war.] om.


66. TovT.] add. ovi'.1om. tK ante ruv.

\amiXO. post

piiO. (om. nvT.).II

OS. nirtn-p.] uni. oit.

pp. 410, 411. Jo. \i. to— \ii. 16.

vi. 09. fi.] om. o xf. I

o uy.I

TOV 9.] om. tow ?. ||70. om.


o If] (im. I'l : add. cai tijr. avr.]

ouic] ovx'. \fit-

XiJ.ipij)' ante r. liod. X" (om. rovf X*).|om. tlf X* : hab.

ante fS X''».II

71. rovX": om. X*.|

liTicnpiuToi) X': na-o

Kapvurov X*.)ynp] add. cm. 1

tpiXXtv BX.|

jrapncil. post


tif] add. uv.||||

vii. 1. om. rai X»ct''': hab. X".|

ptra T. ante rtpitjr. o if. , f" if. 11 3. jrp. nyr. post nurouX. Syr.Crt.Pst.

|9ii>)p)]nov(!tv X'* : Otupovirii' X*.

|aov post

ra tp. X" : om. X*. ||4. n ante tv xp.

\jrom rni] ttoiui'.



6. ovv X" : om. X*. | oifX": om. X*.|ouru

X" : ov X*.II

7. 00 t!u»'. u coff.] o icoir. ou ^vv.\

om. tyu.|


TTtpi avrou.I


8. iopTtiv 1"] add. ruvriiv X* ct ''': om.



o tpof Kfiipof X": om. o X*.||

9. ravra] om. St.\

tf nurof.II

10. tlf T. top. ante Tort k.t.X.|

aXX'.| J om. ijf.


12. iroXwf J]V n-tpi avr.\ J Tif ox^V- 1

n^^- ^'] tt O""- ^'-II^^

napptiaiif.IJTtpt OUT. iXaX.

||14. if] om. !>.

||15. tOai'/t. oi«>'.


10. antKp. ovv.

pp. 412, 413. Jo. vii. 16—33.

vii. 16. If] ora. 0.II

17. tow Otow] om. tow. ||18. o ft] coi o

X. Sj-r.Crt.II

19. Muwir. | I'lfuic. ||20. om. cot tiTrti-. ||


Tf 1 om. o.II

22. flit Tow-o X" : o X*. |Muwff.

|owx. 1


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aW] add. on.| n:

||2.3. av9p.]

-fom. i.

|ro/i.] add. o.


Muuff.II24. fit) Kpivari.

||25. om. fir.

| ovx] ovk.\\2C. t/iijri.|

npxoi'ru] apxiipuc.\om. aXijO.

| lariv] Iml). i B.||

27. o Jt

XC «'.r.X.] u xe oral' tXOj/ /iij irXiwva mifi. Toitjnn i; X' : o Si

Xf oray tpxiTin X".|

lial). post >/, ornv tpxirai ovSiiQ yii'.

nurov TToOd' lariv.||

28. o ij iv Tif I(p. c'li!. (om. o B- vdtr).|

icni (/If.I


aXijOi;^-.|| 29. 6yw] add. Of. i awroi'S'": awr^j

N».1 X mziaToKKtv.

||.lO. (?i)7. ouv] oi Je f?. X. Syr.Crt.Pst.


f fXijXiiflu BN.II

31, TToX. it iTtiiT. IK row oxX. | 6 xp.] o™-



aiiit.} om. TovTiov.|

fTroiijirfi' N" : 7ro(fi N*.||


ijK.] add. if.j f rawn. ] virtip. post nTritrrfiXdj'.

]oi apx- Kat

ol *(ip,II

33. oi'i'] om. rturoic.

Jip. 414, 415. Jo. vii. .13- 50.

vii. 33. xp. ante /iicp.||34. fip>;o-.] fom. /tt.

||25. jrpoc invr.

H" : om. X*.II

35. out. ante /ifXX.| J om. »//i.

||36. nf] n.


J our. o Xoy.|

f I'pvir.] f om. pi.||

37. iKpa!^.\om. wp. /jt X* :

hab. X". Syr.Crt.||

39. (itt.] (Xfyfi- X. c.ff'.l.m.\




ntartvovr. \ ft""'- "7- ^- Syr.Crt. Orig.So. Cord. 217.Lege Ts. Cypr. 3G4.'

jom. iitop. X (lege ' Vulg. codd.' ct Ts.

Cypr.') : add. Syr.Crt. _(Iege ' Vulg. codd.').|

om. f n-' avr. X.

Vnlg.codd. Syr.Crt.| if] om. d.


|i^o^aaOti X": StSo-

iaaro X*.||40. f«: row oxX. ovv X. (Syr.Crt.). iouv] i^t c.d.e.ff.l.

Syr.Crt.Pst. Mempli. Thcli.|tu,v Xoy. X. Syr.Crt.

jid.] praem.

nurovX*. (Syr.Crt.): om. X".]tovtuv X: om. Syr.Crt.


•ft"" Syr.Crt.: fom. in X.|

aX)j9. ante oi'toc X. Syr.Crt.


41. tiXXot I"] non add. St.\om. in X. Syr.Crt.


oi if] nXXoi (onri^(5f)X. Syr.Crt.Ij

42. J owxi. | Aaw. 2"] pracm.

i.1 fpx. pest XC X: ante Syr.Crt.

||43. tyiv. ante iv rtp oxX.

X. (Syr.Crt.).||

44. i,9fXov X» : fXtyov X*.| tntfi. \ en' avTov

X«: avTip X».II

45. f.jr.] \iyovaiv X. e.


ikhv.'] oi*np(TOioi Syr.Crt.

||46. o\ Se inrnp. airiKp.

\ oirwc av9p. i\a\.

X»: fXnX. cvT. avOp. X".| (f) lic oiirof XnX. d av9p. X':

ft om. X".II

47. om. ovv X. Syr.Crt.| f avroiQ X. Syr.Crt.


48. (viOTivaiv X". Syr.Crt.: ?riarfr« X*.||49. aXX".


50. Xfy.] f.TTf.' Cf X. (VuIg.C/.) (f.)/ (Memph.) iEth.

pp. 4ir,, 417. Jo. vii. 50—viii. 5.

vii. .50. d fXe. Trp. avr. npor. X": om. X*.| om. rwroc X :

post avTov Syr.Crt.|

irpor. (om. ro) X": om. Syr.Crt.| om.

(is . ..avTuv Syr.Crt.

||51 . npior. post nicoi/ffj, X : ante IMi; d I'o.

/.:ante d ro. Syr.Crt.

|om. jrnp' avr. X* : hab. X'-. Syr.Crt.


52. om. (iTTiK. Kai Syr.Crt.:

om. Km utt. Oriij. \ „7roi'. | ,pavt:\om. r. ypn^. X. Syr. Crt |fic r. FnX. post jrpo^. X. Syr.Crt.


fyfip. X : .yi,y. Syr.Crt.||

vii. 53. viii. 1—11 non hab. X. Syr.

Crt. In X eadem linea (ytipfroi ct naXtv contincntur. In Blincam ultimam in rii. 52 prima in viii. 12 sine sp.atio scquitur,

"nee corrector signorum quicqiiam inlcrposuit" (Tiscli.).

pp. 418,419. Jo. viii. 5— 20.

viii. 12. t«"'r. fXnX. d i^ X : ,X. avr. (i)Tc Syr.Crt.|,tp, ro

ij>.«". Syr.Crt.: ^. „pi (om. m) X*.|

| ,;ioi X: /io<] dele

' rcl.'l fffp.ffnri;-Tj,.| ;j„ X'-: ,xfi XV e. (? Syr.Crt.).|r. Hiuiic]

Km T<)v 'C>->nv Syr.Crt.|| 14. f.jrfr,; i if (om. nxiKp. ct

Kin)X. Syr.Crt.


fnX. tar. i, ,,apT. pov X. Syr.Crt. | Iinb. vf,.

K.T.X. Syr.Crt.jom. ft X: hab. Syr.Crt.

|} ««, nov X. Syr.


16. Ka, taf] Kay.| a\,,9q(.

| J om. wnrnp X': hab.

X".II 17. yfypairr.] ytypo,i,i,i.ov fonr.

|| 19. if] pracm. 6 :

add. Kai njriv.|om. pov 2".


yltirt av.||20. tXaX.] om. d if.


om. itS. IV Tip Up.

pp. 420, 421. Jo. viii. 21—39.

viii. 21. fiir.] fXfyfi'.\

om. 5raXiv.| avr."] om. d if. ||22. dirou

X'*: dirou av X*.||

23. irni fXtyfr X'': iXtyiv ovv X*.| rowrou

post row K. bis (rooroir 2" post ic. B). || 24. om. our. j wior.] add.


25. om. ovv X. Syr.Pst.|fiTrfv ovv (om. koi).

\fd ifT


26. aXij9.] praem. nariip.\avrov X": avnp X*.



fXfy.] add. Tov Oiov X*; om. X™.||

28. fiT. ot>»'] ft add.


irav} praem. xaXii'.|om. irt.

\ Trar.j om. pov.\

Tavra] oiSrwf.||

29. /ifr' tpov laTtv ante ovk a^ijKi pt povov

ii": contra X'.|om. d n-nr.

jj31. d X''': om. X*.


pov X":

om. X*.II

33. TTpOf avr.\\

34. f o '£•|rijf ap. X : om. Ci/pr.

207 (dele supra): unc. incl. 'Clem. 440'; et post '23*addc

'(Mai: contra Tisch)'.||

35. om. d v't. ptv. tig tov at. || 37.

OTTOKT. pi B= (ut vdtr).II

38. fa fyoi.|

Trar.] add. pov.\ a

(post oui') X* : d X".I

jjKouiTarf X" ; t'wpaicarf X*.|row Ta-

rpof] add. vpuiv. || 39. fiirai'. | Xtyfi] axiKptBrj.

pp. 422, 423. Jo. viii. 39—53.

viii. 39. to 'E.I


av X": om. X*.||

41. eiirav: cm.

ow. I ouK tyiwripi9a X* : ov yiyivv. N".|| 42. fur.] add. ovv.\

f d If .1jrar.] om. d.

|vpwv} i)puv.

||44. tov ante irar.

| owx]


45. Xfyu] om. vptv.||

46. fi] om. if.||

48. airiKp.'] om.



av X" : om. X*.||

49. cai (iTrfr.||

51. tov tp.




52. enrav : om. ovv.\


9avaTov K" : om. X*. | fif tov oi.

pp. 424, 42.5. Jo. viii. 53—ix. 11.

Text. viii. 55. Lege oiia aiirdi'.

viii. 53. fffnuro)'] om. <tv.||

54. if] praem. d.| lolaau H*

et '^: io|a?w X' «.

I tt vp- E'X : t W- B'.||

5.5. Kav.\ ft vpwv.



56. Illy X : lip B^||

57. fiira>'.| f it^paKag X">

iidpoKiv at X*. Theb.||

58. if] praem. i.||

59. ik t. ifp.] add.

Kai Si(\Qu}v iirt pt(T. avr. nrop. Kai iraptjy. oirwf X*"* (om,

fjTop. icni iraptjy. oi'twc X''') : om. X*.|||| ix. 2. pa/3/3fi.


If] om. o.II

4. tw"? BX» (fpyasf-i9£ B) : ff f/if X" vcl k.|

;if] X" vel *: I'lpnc X*. Memph. u'Eth.ed.[ t f'wc *< : "if] inscro

' Oiig.' ante iv.||

6. f fjrfxp. K. (/ren. 312 vid.)| f "dd.


0^9.] om. row rvji. X. Iren.||

7. Mi//ai.||

8. irpoaatr.


9. (Xfyov 1"] om. in.\aXXot 2"] add. if.

| f tXfyoi'

oi'x' aXX. I nXXa. |ficfirof fi X* ct ''''

: om. X'*. \ on X* ct '^ :

om. X".II

10. fXfyoi'.| jrwf] add. ovv.

| i]vf<px9.|aov.


fi-.] om. icai fiJT.I

o ar9(i. o Xfy. BX.

pp. 426, 427. Jo. ix. 11—26.

ix. 11. in.I

rov SiX.|

ovv.\ Ka, ni^. BX.

|| 12. firni

fiirai- (om. ovv).||

14. fi' y {/p. ||15. awroif] non praem. ifai.|

pov ante tTri rouf o^O.\\

16. t ovk. la. uvt. x. 0. c nv9p.\

nXXoi] tfadd. if.||

17. oi'r.)ri'^.] pracro. ttoti.

\ iraXtv X":irnXii/ ovv X".

| f n av.\aw-ov] iriauroii.

| tfroi^ff.||

18. f '»>'

ante n'^.II

19. Xfyoi-rtf X" ; fi X».| fytvi/Oij A* (Cowp.).


ft\. ante npn.||

20. aJTfvp.] .idd. ovv.| oi yoi-.] om. awroif.


(uro)'. II 21. iji'ti^f)'.I aoroi' fpwr. >/X. fy. avTo{ H" : owrof

i';\. fx'i N*.1 t '""roil BX.

II2.1. fcTai'.

) fx" N'* : om. X*.j


24. IK inT. ante fir i/r ru^.j firai.| H i av9p.

post oiiT.II

25. »«.] om. icni firrtv. ' ev] add. ie X*. Memph. :


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oni. K'.i


20. 0111. ofi' (cl t()X': Iiab. ovv N".|

tfiiT'C "•iiXir X ":t '"" T((\ir N*. ;

J)]).428, 429. Jo. ix. 26—x. 3.

ix. 27. nur. post /ia0.||

28. f o' ^f f\oiS. N": ft «"' '^oi^-

K* : oni. ovi> S.I

iijrai:\/laB. (i {/cjii-.


||29. Mwi/ffd.


30. IV TovT<ji yap.\to ante Oavfi.



31. oiJ.] om. it.\

u Otoe post (iftapT. I


32. ii>'otUv._ ytytvv.||

34. iiTrai'. ||

3 j. i;k.] piaem. cai S' : om. K".|

o ic,] ft o""- " N* : t ''ab.

X".1 f ai>r(fiN'": ffo™' '''^


'"'"' "v9p.\\

36. airiKp. ik.\

JKai tiTTti'.I

ibid. aild. Kvpii (om. po.'st (an)-) X. Thcb.1cm

ante nr.|laTivl f om. f^i/.

||37. itvi ci] t(pii.

|(kiii'oc B.


vci-.] om.II39. Km tnr.~ig (om. o) N^ : om. N*.

||40. qic.] om.


TiivTa N": om. X* ct ''''.


ftir' avr. ante ovr.|


41. !> 1^.Ito u/i. rptoi' pit'd X* «•'•':

ft "' "/' ''pinv nivovaiv

^^ ^I

om. oiT.nil

X. 1. I'l/iir p i5t Xtyw.||

3. (pwi:

pp. 430, 431. Jo. X, 4—21.

X. 4. cjnir] t cm. icai.|Ta tS. irav. H" : ra iS. K* ct "'.


(K/3«\y ]i.II

.'). <jicoXo«9;)'ra)(Ti»'.||

6. ekcii'Oi Si N'" : Kai K*.]

fi) B (Alt'. Tiscli. ; »jv ed. Kom.).|| 7. om. waXiv H* ct


hab. niT. N' ct «''.| avToieti': J om. N*.

||8. + om. Trpo

ipov N\ (conf. Ircii. 178) : liab. (post lA^'oi') K™.||

ID. u pq

oraittcbat 13*.|

2wi,i'] add. a.wvioi'.||

11. n9. N": itS. H*.


12. -^ ci .ante piaO.\


(TKop;r.]-fom. r«


13. ab illit. t om. a Hi ptaO. ipivy.||

14. yii'. pi ra

ip. X. Sjr.IIicr. £h.«. Theoph. (Syr )iii. 43.||

15. n0. X". Svr.

Ilicr. Eiis. Tlieoph. : c'lc^. X*.||

10. ('« pf.\aKov<Tw(T.\ yo'ijaoir.

X \ Syr.IIicr. Cypr. codd. bis: yrviiair. X*.1|

17. ;ie ante o


18. (iipn X >. Orig. Jo. Cram. 316: J ijptv X'.|aXX'

. . . ipauTov hab. O;/^. Jo. Cr. |om. TraXtv Eus. Theoph.


in. ITX-] om. oui'.II

20. eXtycvN": -ync X*.1

ctt X" : oi'r X*


I| 21. aXXoi] add. h.

l>p. 432,433. Jo. X. 21—3?.

x. '.il. uvoil. {-111?.).II

22. ] lytv. Si.\om. toij.

1 X"/'-] ' '"•


2'J. t " '(.'• t oin. roll.|

SoXo/iiDi'og X* : -pwvTOS X'".||

24. t ff I'fXwa.I

aoTOi' X"' : om. X*.|

(itoi' X* ct '^'': inri


2-J. om. avTOis X* : liab. X".| f o ante Irjff. bab.

B™'. (foi'tasse*) X.jom. Tip. i ov iriaTiviTi.

||26. aWa.


f (Vi oi»ic.'

t 0™. •"'"• ""•'V- II

-'• nfoooiiffii'.I

icayw] cai.||

28. I^11^. aur. ante $. aiwj'.

|aTroXwrrai X*^": anoXrjTai X*.


00 pq.I


29. ^00 1" X": om. X*.|o SiS. X : of StS.

U-. 1TTdiT. pn'i. icr.


p(iZ,ii)v X : -?oi' B sine corrcctione.|

TUT. pov] ft om. /Id'.II

31. tt o"'- <""'•II

'-• + '•"^'' I'O^'

fo/n.I t TTar. ;<oo X'": ffom. /low (nm. ct jrar.) X*.



33. looi^.J om. XiyovTii.\om. xai X. c. Tlicb. Mcmpli.


34. f o (i;.I

iipi^iv X': om. X»: add. on.|iitto.

||35. lyiv. post

rou 0(00.II

36. 0(oo] om. tov.\\

38. TtiaTiviTi bis. ] xai yii'.]

IfOl TUnTIVtlTl. \ Tip TTIIT.\\

39. f ll^l)T. OVV.j

JTnX. post (inr.

X'' : niii. S'.

I>p.434, 435. Jo. X. o9— xi. 18.

X. 40. (k; r. roTT. X'" ; om. X*.|

ro irpoTtpor.j f (/iHr.


41. 0111. I'ri.11

42. ?roX. ante nriOT.\

iKii Jiost dc nor.||||

xi. 1.

JMiip.] pracni. r;;!;. J 2. Miipin.J|

3. iii aS. post rrp. nor. X.

iMcmj'li. Tlicb. Ann. (urn. (iirou B).(| 7. fmC] cm. aoroi'. ]

na\iv X': om. X*.II

8. pn/3/3(i.||

9. ifj om. <>. | up. anio


12. (iTiir. j u\ paO. pest nvr. | avTip.||

13. oorotiX":

0111. X'.II

14. 001'.;Trnpiju. X* : wappqir. X'». || 15. aWa. || 17.

t (XOi.iv (ct om. Km ante (op.).I

f".' I!')0. X''' : om. X*.|(wp.j

fom. Kai.I

TiiJtapii;.\ ft '/'''/ P*'"' VI'- II

18. i; X" : om. BK*.

pp. 41C, 437. Jo. xi. 19—39.

xi. 19. TToX. ^6.I

riji' M.I


aSiXip.'] om. avTwu.||

20. us] om. 6.II

21. >} M.|ffom. tov.

| t*"?"- I

oat. pov

ad. fin.I taT(ea>'(i'. || 22. ab. init.] ft "^^n f^" : t oi"- ***• I

av] tav.I


24. M.] Jom. >}.||

25. iiiriv X" : add. !i


27. primum )riiTr(ow, deindc wf jriffr(oica B*.||28. rouro.




29. fcdvtj] f add. ("(.|

ijytp.1 iJPX- II

30. 1 1)1' iTt.II

81. Mnptav.\ SoK. ||

3->. Mopia.| if] pracm. i

H'"' : om. X*.I

avTov post ivtaiv.jirpoi;.

|pov ante nziO.


uii; X": om. X*.|

tviiip. X* tt i' ct '. Oriy. Jo. Cram. 318:

ijiptp. X*.II

35. ab init.] add. kih X": om. X*.|| 37. unov

X": -iravti'.I

ijJwi'._[ aioij. || 3J. l/pjipipovp.\om. (a-'

X* : hab. X".||

39. t o Ic.


pp. 438, 439. Jo. xi. 39— .'•.4.

Text. xi. 39. Lege j-(X(ori;icoTos (Trig.).

xi. 39. T(r(X(ori)>.-oro(-.||

40. 6 iT- 1 o'p'j.II41. XiO.jsiae add.


43. Aal^api X' ' : Aojap X*. ||44. ab init.] add. icai.

|t. ttocV

K. r. xitp.I t «o''oic o If.


a^fTt auroy] ff om. nuroi'.||


001'] i^(.I

Mopiai'.I tt«. I

(Troiijir.] add. ig. ||46. uirav.


fu.IIf] pracm. <!.

||47. (XtyoK.

|Troifi ante <ji;p. !|

48. ittaTiv-

(jovmv X": -toooffii/ X».||50. Xoy. ]

om. iipio.||

51. (!rpo0i;r.j

(p(\X. B*X: ij/<iXX.B-.I

If] om. o.||

52. tOroof X* ct *: add.

(V X". I dXX'.II

53. t (/3ooX.II

54. o ovv {r.\Trappiimi}.

pp. 440, 441. Jo. xl. 54—xii. 12.

xi. 54. Ei/ipip.I

j ipiiv.1pn0.]om. ainov.

||56. (Xfyai'.


('(] om. Kai. 1 f (iToXac. |||| xii. 1. tforo. o tiOv. \ o if 2"] ante(IC I'dcp. X^»; om. X».

||2. iji'.] tti'lJ- '"

1"vcik. aw.



i7-0 to.

| f tffXijpwOi;.||

4. XXiy. Si.|

\ lovS. b

\aK. : hab. hie BX.|| 6. tptXiv B.

j ixioi". ||7. iva . . . Ti)piiay.


9. o^X.] ft pracm. o. 1| 10. Si] om. icai.||

12. o^X.] torn. o.|

«X0. X^» : om. o X*.

PI'. 442, 443. Jo. xii. 12—28.

xii. 12. If] om. d.||

13. viravT.\iKpavya^ov X: orpaiiyaffav


add. XtyoiTif. ', t ««' " P""- *<* c' '^tt om. «<" «"•


15. OvyuTfp X: pr.iein. i) B-. ||16. morn] om. St.

\ + aor.

ante oi ;iuO.| d if] om. d.

|i/v post (ir' avTip.

|| 17. jort.\\

18. rooro] ff add. Km B'X. j avTip] add. km B. ;

oxX.] om. o

ct add. iroXof. jijkoooov.

|noroi' ante i-ooro.

||19. iiTrni'.


Knap.] t om. dXof. ||20. 'KXX. ante tiv.

\irpoaKwqaioaiv XQ.


22. d 'tiX-l om.a.|Km TrnX. ipx. Ai'. Km *iX. i-ni X(y.



25. fiToXXod.|^oX. aorijc X" : om. X^.


rif c'iuk.I

(ni' 2"] om. Km.|

lin. 23. lege vnTip. \\ 28. viiTiip



pp. 444, 445. Jo. xii. 28—47.

xii. 29. t 0011.I

(ffrwf. |om. Km.

||30. if] om. i.

|Oni. k-m


1/ i),uiv. ante nor/j.||

31. om. vvv d apx. . . . tovtov X* ;

liiib. X'ct".I

(K/JXi/O.] pracm. kvii.||

32. lar.\Triiirnf X":

-jrn X*. II 33. iptW. \\ 34. niriKp.] tt »'''' '""'• I tt "w •1"<«


35. ti" t'^. | (wf. |oKor. X* : pracm. »; X^' : om. X*.


36. (!){.I

If] om. d (vdir) X*: ha'>. X". || 40. twiipuaiv.]

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{post KapS.). \ arpa^. \ laaofiai.||

41. foriBK. ||43.

K (non B). ||44. aWa.

||40. wnc

pp. 44C, 447. Jo. xii. 47—-xiii. 12.

ii. 47. ^v\.II

49. Ito.||

50. jyw ante XaXu. ||||xiii. 1. ijXS.


N": lotJaiouc ^<*.II

2. yiv. N*. OnV?. i. 391' (codcl.

vdlr : dulc infra): yd'. K". |iva wapacoi {-Hif N'") avr.

£i/i. Ifft.II

3. om. o If.I


G. Xty.] jiraem. nut.\

K'*: ttc""-^*- I

KvpuiA": om. X*.||

7. uN'": a


yvuff]) B.II

8. i fiuw post r. rroi.1 ifj pracm. o N (hab. if

IavT<f ante bjo. N: post I/jo-. B.

||9. f -'/»• *nte Iltr.


N'*: om. N'.||

10. f" 'f- Ioi'/c «x- XP- I

o">- " /"/

iroS. N. c. Vulg.coad. Orhj. iv. 414 tcr. 418 bis. 419. Tert.

Bapt. 12 vdtr (contra Syr.Ilicr.bis. Orig. i. 411 ed. : couf.

116). 1 aXV 1"] aXXa.||

11. om. on.||

12. «:ai tKafiivl

om. icai.I

avTov N" : avTwv N*.jKai avnriaiv X* : Km


lip. 448, 449. Jo. xiii. 12—29.

14. nXX. vijrr.] vinr. aXX.|| 15. JfJ.

||18. eyw] add.

Ifrtvnf. ] ft^"'''/""'- 1 + "rijpf't'.

II19. f

""'• ante

ytv.| ft iriaTtvaiiTi. ||

20. ai'.||

21. if] om. o.|X«yw


22. (f) ovv ovv oi lovSaioi (sic) hj aXX);Xouc ot /la-

X* : om. oi louf. X* : om. etiam ovv 2" X'» ct *.||


add. U.IfK Tw>'.

II24. ovv. \

rai Xfy. avTip ic.r.X.] pracni.

nc av mi TTtpi ov iXiyev,||

25. nvan-. X": I nrtn. X*:

Ittom. oi'Tuf.

II26. tt<""'N'»: f om. X*.

| f"

add. koi Xiy.|jia\f/as to \p. tndioaia.


/3ai/'. ovv.| f Xo^-

icaiX'": ffom. X'. |laxapiuTov.

\\21. om. toti.


o. ||28. h.

pp. 450, 451. Jo. xiii. 29—xiv. 7.

xiv. marg. Pro ' 3. n'^i [iyw]' lege '4. oirov [tyii]', et

'4' ante oioart.

29. lou^.] om. «.|

o if] ft o™- "•II

30. <|>jXe. ante



31. ovv.I

If] om. u.||

32. ffom. (i o Otoe t^.

avT. X*: fl'-ib. X".| f "'"'V -' X* et ''

: ft'"'"'V ^"-II

/inc.] add. xpovov.\

on X": om. X*.|»yw ante iijr.


iva 2".II

35. iv aXX.] ptr' aXX»jXw(/.|| 36. a-rrtKp.'] add.

X. Vulg.codd. (dele ' I>att.'). £«s. Thcoph. Syr. iv. 26 :

a.6.c.f./.Viilg. (Syr.IIier.).] if] pracm. o. |



oirr. : om. poi.||

37. 11(7-.] om. o. ] om. Ki'pa X'. Memph.








aovri)v i/'. /iov.

II38. an-oicp. : om, avrif. \ if] om. o.



nvapvijay.|||| xiv. 2. om. av. \


3. f «» ante

BX.I t 'OT. ante 171. |


4. ffyw.|foif.


5. TTuf] pracm. /tai.| ft nji' 65. «i(5.

| ft'''"'"/'- (scd


6. o If] om. u.II

7. (yi'wKaTj.| «pf.



apTi^ ff pracm. <cai.| hab. avTov 1" Q.

pp. 452, 453. Jo. xiv. 7—22.

iv^7. (italcgc pro '».') fhnb. avroi:||

8. <I>iX.] pracm. u.||

o If.I ft ToaovTiii XP"'"!'

^' <^''^'-

t"'<'•' •*''"' ^"-


anto TTwf.I

i(i?ov X'^' : pracm. on X*.I

10. Triimi/iTdf B.|

X«yw B* (f bab. BMcmum vdlr): ft ^"^^ **


TTOi. TO tpya avTov.||

11. (poi] om. lunv.|Ita X'*: om.


avTa.I tf oni. poi 2".

||12. n-nr.] om. pov.

||13. foiri/-

II14. nir.] ffadd. pt.

| f (yu (om. rovro).||

15. pfX<'':



ICi. Kayui.|fpuTijOU N'" : -iipiiaui X',


V (post iiiO' VII.) X. Latt. pi. Eus. 171. Noval. Hil. Zucif.||

17. u l" X* ct '": iv X".1avTo 1" X« ct '''

: avrov X".|

i om. auro 2°.| ff om. it.


|| 19. * itiataOi. ||20.

opjif post yvioiT.II

21. «rayio.

pp. 454, 455. Jo. xiv. 22—xv. 4.

xiv. 22. /cwpit] add. rni.|| 23. if] om. o. | avrifi X* ct '•'

avroiQ X'*.ITtipriay. \ voiijaofiiOa. \\

26. to irvivna to ay. o»»

Tr(p\f/it H" : nfii\l/u TO TTv. TO ay. X".||

26. fin. scu 27 ab init.]

om. lyui.II

27. aJuffir] add. I'piv.|| 2S. irop.] om. unov.

jrnr.] add. pou X* ct ''': om. X'''.

||29. iv. || 30. icoffp.] ora.


owe IX. OV^lV. \\31. KOI KuBuQ. \ IVlTlA. ||||

XV. 2.

(ivro 2"] avTov.|Kapn. ante Tr\.

pp. 450, 457. Jo. XV. 4—21.

XV. 4. -j-fpfi/j).IfiivtiTt.

II5. ovSiv.

II6, fjitivy X*: f pfivj;

X*.i tt """<>•


'" Tup.II

7. oaa (av.\aiTiiaiaOi.

||8. J y{v;j-

<TfO0f. I fpot] poi. II 9. X i'fi. post iiyajT. \\ 10. om. lav . . . ay.

poo X* : hab. X".|rtiptiaiTt X".


poo 2"] ry tpj; X".|Kayiu.


(tt)''oi' ". pow (sic) ante nif ivto\.\

tvr.] add. poo X* : om,

X" ct'.i


11. utivy. \\13. ovSiig.

|tic X'*: om. X*.


14. i.pfif X": add. yop X*.|^ati: ft i B. Ci/pr. 194 (dele


15. Xfy. ante vp.||

16. Iva 2° X'» : om. X'.|av]

eav.I t aiTiiaiiTi.

|i^^i] cioait.

||18. om. opbiv X" : hab. X".


pEpia. X'': fpiaiiKiv X'.||

19. ip. piff.] piff. op. X. Memph,


20. row X. or] roc Xoyov or.| om. tyu.



pp. 458, 459. Jo. xy. 21—xvi. 15.

Text. XV. 24, Lege « oAJti'f (Treg.).

XV. 22. uxoaav. \ft X">: om. X*. ||

24. titoitiaiv.\ tixoa.


25. yfyp. post iv t. v. avruv.\ vofiip X""" : Koapip X*.


ft om. Si.I

add. po« 2"] lege 'D. (non 33.) a.' etc. (dele infra),

ct post' Hit.' adde ',

om.' ||||xvi. 1. om. p;; X' : hab. X".


2. n-oi.] praem. yup.|


\om. op. 2" Ep.

VIen. cod.Vcn.||

3. iroiijuwaii'.|add. vpiv.

\\4. orav] lav

X'" : av X*.I

aor. pivtip. aor.] fiviip. avr. X* ct ^^: om.

avr. utr. X'".j

I'pii' 2" X'": om. X*.

||5. vffayoi] pracm. tyu.l

I'ffoytif X" : -y(i X*.|| 7. yap] om. tyu.


1 ft eXtvir.|

I'paf I"] X>: I'ypnf X*.||

10. war.] om. pov.||

12. f op. anso


apTt X'': om. X*.

||13. ei' rp aXqO. naag X" (om.

Kaay X*.).' oun]



oKovii. ||14. Xijpi/'.



15. ver. om. X*.|

«iir.] add. rpir X''.

pp. 460,461. Jo. xvi. 15—30.

xvi. 15. Xapj^nvn X*.II

16. ooiTfn.;

om. on jyw offity. jrp.


17. KTTO)'. |om. piKp. Kai ov Oiwp". p« Kai sraX. X' :

hab. XKI

on (X": ip X»). | om. lyu.||

18. f n itt. ante

rouro.I X om. o Xty. X* : hab. X".

|ro X* : ora. X '.

jn XaX«i.


19. om. 001'.I

If] pracm. o.|


20. iptif i"] : add.

St X- (non X»).I

aXX'. ||21. lytvv. BX.

|ai'Op. X" ct '


pracm. ij X*. ||22. vvv piv ovv X. X' : ovv vvv piv X. X".

| fx-

X* : il. X'\I ft oipii.

II23. fpuiTiiaiiTt.


|av n] A av.


IV Tip ov. p. post !uiT. i'liiv.II24. airtin X" : nirijuaffOni X*.


25. om. aXX'. |on X •: on-ov X*.

|irapp. \



airtiaaaOi (sic) ante ii- Tip ov. pov.||27. pi.

\fov B: om. X.


f iriiTpoi X »: ffOtoo X' (ct ''/).!|28. jrapa. ||

29. om. avrip.\

iivTov X ': uiTip X'.I

iV -aapp. I!X.


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pp. 4GJ, 4C.'t. Jo. xvi. 30—xvii. II.

31. n] pracm. u. || 32. fXi;\.] oir. rui'.|iva X" : prnem.



33. 0X. i\(T( N : om. fx""' Q//""- (dele

||||xvii. 1. it;] om. o.

|nrtipaq (om. koi 2").

|\va] om.

I6 v'l. B.


0111. aov.\\ 2. f ^wuy. |

avroig N"; ouri/j N*.||

||4. t nXduanQ.



fioi H'^ : /it K*.||

jJN*. II 6. tf^wv. BK. | nai t/ioi. | e^uiic. 2". | jnj-

II7. vtii' (yvwv.

| f iihoKOi,\


8. tic^uicas,\

icai cyyuaav K* : hab. K"^'.||

10. gat 1°. . , jirni'] koi

ai/rot/j tluicac.i|

II. oiiroi] auroi N. rf./ (om. Tol.),|


\ if. \liuit,

\Ka9iiig Km] * cm, Kai B'X.

\>\). 46-1, 4G5. Jo, xvii, 11—26.

12. tipijv.I

oir, fi' Tip Koa.\om, ip hS. /loi X* {Ihib. i

;ioi K").I

Kai aiue tipuX.\

(i/ivXnia N''' : -Xaaaov N*.|!


14. (j'u; 2" K °: om. N*.

||1.0, om, Koiipov....(K Tov

16. ovK npi.II

17. Ty.I

om. aov 6 Xoy. o oos hXijO. K* : hab,

II18. Kctyiu . . . Koapuv bis B.

||19. | om. lyui.

\lua. ante

II20. vijTtvovT.

II21. X TTUTip.

\tv v/iiv] add. iv N :

Cypr. 213. Fiimil. aji. Cyin'. 143 (dele supra).1 f vnTTtvy

ft TTiartvaf/ N". || 22. Kayw.\ f Si^uiKaQ.

\ X t^i^'a,\ I'lp.

lufitv N'": om. iv icptv N*.||

23. icni yiv. (om. iva.||

irartp.\ f u.



\ f t/r c^fi'.||

25. irarfp.||


pp. 40(1, 467. Jo. xviii. 1— 18.

1. II'] om. o.I f riov ^tSpwv H^' : tov KiSpuv] dele

TOV Kifpov K«.II

2. if] om. o.||

3. ik tujv 2" N* et•>•



««i S'" : 010. N*.||

4. fie <5f.|

s^eXO. utt.\\

5. X«y.

|tyw «'/"] add. ic B. ||

6. avroig H": om. X*.|



||7. t;rijp. post avr.

\\8. if] om.

10. TOV OouX. 7-ou apx- \lorap.

\\11. om. (Ton.

||13. j/yay.

amiyay. S ^; om. avTov. \\

14. ottoO.||

15. t u nXX. N''


iiv iintc yv. ||IC. £?w srpof ry 0. N. o. Mempli.


iig ijv yv. \tiji apx- ||

17. X Tip IT. post »} jr.

II18. d( 1"] jiracm. rai.

pp. 468, 46S. Jo. xviii. 18—36.

18. ijx ot Kai u Ilir. var'nwr.||

20. aKiKp-H": praem.


awrijj ante le N": post N* (om. o N). ]XtXnX.




21. (pur^f. jipuiTijirov.


\nrt)p. BX* : (ff) tie tuv rrnpfirri/icorwv vjrijp. N".||


ig eiTTfj' avnp.\\

tXiiXijirn N'" : inrovH'. ||24. oui'] Si.


om. o.||

28. uvv. \ irpui.\nWa.

||29. irpoe avT. u




KiiTaii': om. N' (?0'). (ii.c.)(;.||


H: -TTOvO'.\

KaKOV jroiui' X": KaKov Troii/iraf N*



31. oui' 1".j

lIiX.] pracm. o


om. avrov 2° N*U': hab. S<'».|unovl add. ovv 2" K* :

II32. 01' itiriv ti'" : om. N*.

||33. jraXiv post irpaiT.


add. nvTip.\

i(;] luncin. o NO''.|

iiiro irmvT.\av

om. N*.| XtyjifN": niroi; S4'.

|nXXot iroi tin-oi' NO'.


Ti N*.I

oi apx- X": o apxuptvg N*.

pp. 470, 4il. Jo. xviii. 3G —xix. 11.

30. it] om. u. \ i) paa. i; i/ii; 1"J •; </ii/ /3iiit.|

>) fina.


oi vKiip.] pracm. Km. 1 oi t/ioi i;y. ante av.|

i; f/i)j 3"] >/ «/ii( /i'lir.II

.'JT. u ir.\ f tyw^semcl.



H": TTipi Tin: aXiiOtuig S*.|

ik r/;.; X' : om. »k S".||


3S. n X ': nc X'.1

«(>. iv avr. po>.t oir.!| 39. na-oX. 1"

ante I'/i"'.1tv.


niir] add. iva.\

aifoX. ante ii/iii'.||

40. om.


xix. 1. Xajiuv u IliX. tov lijir. (om. Km).||

3. Kut

IPX- '"poi avrov.\

(inaiXiv (om. o).|


4. tJijXO.


(?ui post li ITiX.|

oir. oi'^ «i'ip. (o:n. iv avnp) X* :

air. ov^fptav tvp. fv avnp X*.||

5. f o it;.]


o avQp,


om. 6 B.|| 6. fKpauy. X"


iKpa%av X*.|

om. XiyovTiQ. \

UTavp. 2"] ft add. avrov.\Neyti] praem. Km.

||7. om. uvTip.\

jo/i.] om. iipiav,I

Ofou] om. ron.|

invr. post v\. dtov.\\


om. TroXiv X*; hab. X». || 10. om. ovv X* ; haK X".|f^foX.

ai , . , aravp. at,

pp. 472, 473. Jo. Six. n— 19.

xix. II. nvTip.IIf] praem. 6.

\ ix"S.I

«<""' */">" a"'C ovi.,

not post t^J. ((Vi'o/ifvoi' B).Ift Jriipn^ouf. || 12. 6 ITiX. ante


«Kpa?oi' X'=': fXfyoi' (om. Xeyocrif) X" :'f(Kpnuynffiri'




13. Tmv Xoy. rour.|

/Sqji.] om. ron.|

ruXyoOaX": ra/3/inOa (ct om. o'l) X*.||

14. oipa i)i'.j lif.


tKrij X*: rpiD) X".|| 15. ixpcivy. ovv tx. H"

: o'l ^i tXfyoi'


apoi/bisX*: serael X'".||

IC. iruroif auroi' X. i.c/.J/'-.i/.l

oi h XnfiovTtg tov iv X* : TrapnXa/Sojref ovv TOV iv X"".|.tdd.

nffijynyoi' avTov (sic).||

17. iavnp tov bt.\o Xty.


pp. 474, 475. Jo. xix. 19—3-2.

xix. 20. o -OT. ante n/c ttoX. X" (om. vcr. 20 ot usqiij ad

loui'niwi' 2" vcr. 21 X*).| 'Pup. .ante "EXX. X'. || 21. I ruii/

h,vS. post npi.II

23. or« {(irncp.] i;! iTTavpuanvTic. \Tiirutpa

X : -apa B.jom. Kai tov x-

^* ' bi^b. X-'T'.|apa^oj X(T'') :

app. B,II24. jiiravX: -TroK T''. ]

Trpof avrovg X* : Trp. iaurocf


pov Ta ipuT.I X om. >) Xty. X : Jiab. T-".

||25. Mnpm/i

bis X : -la bis T''. || 2G. ij u X' (om. if oui' iSuiv rijv pijT. X')

Ia.b.c.e.f.ff. Mempb.Thcb.Svr.Pst.l Xtyji] pracm. khi X*.




om. auroi'.|dov X : iff T''. ||

27. n't XT''.|om. Km ante an-'


T'l. a.c. Thcb.|o pnO. post avr. XT''.

||28. hSuq hie.

]ij^. post



29. aKiVOf] add. oi.|irjroyjyow oui' ptirroi'

TOV 0?. X"(oni. TOV X*).I

iiaaioTTifi.\\30. om. if X*: f hab. hie

(etfo) X'--".I

T(rfX(iwrai(? C7i'Hi. 812): do Latinis nou satis


31. «7ra Trnp. ijv ante ii-a.jom. >;. |

(Kfn'oy X: t«K(i>'/;

B ('{Ktti'ou . . . tcrtia demnra manu substitutum est' Tiscli.

App. N. T. Vat. p. xi'.).I

rjpioTtjijav X'" : add. ovv X*.

jip. 476, 477. Jj. xix. Z'l—xx. G.

Text. xix. 35. Lege TnartiititTi (Ticg.).

xix. 33. wf Ml". X'": fiip.(om. wf)X*./. Xlcmph. Iff'/''') P^st


KOI on X*./: ov X".||

34. f *?'/X0. nnto (tiOwf.||


nXi(9ii'i}] aXijOi)!:. \KaK.

\xai ante vp. BX.

| f iriarfvaitTi X'

tf Triffrtvijrt X*.||

36. aurou] pr.iem. an-'.||

38. ff.|Iw.]

om. o.I

aTro] pracm. o. |ijX0o»' . . . ijpav X*. Theb. : i;X('f i- . . .

ijptK X".I

TO aupa avTOV X": aurov tantitm X*. ||3'J. ft !r(><";

TOV 1)'.I

0£pui' X" : ixi^v X*.I

piypa X": tXtypa X*.|uf. ||

40. oOuv.] om. ij'.I

lariv X<" : i/v X'.||

41. ouiftif ovSixu X.

Syr.Hier.| I i;v TiOupivoQ. ||

42. lOijKav X": pracm. o.tou


XX. 1. X Mapia/i. 1ajro ri;f Ovpag ik tov pviipiiov. ||


ii/i.] pracm. tov. \\3. Kai ijpxt»''-o (if to pviip. X" : om. X*.


4. trpf xoi' If X" : Koi iTpixov X'. | k«i o iiX.Xof . . . rou Ilir.J

Trputi'papfv li Tiix'ov TOV Utrpou.jirpuirof post piiipiwv. ||


Kfipii'a jiost Til oOov. H'^ (ct ' ?).I

0111. Til oO. Kiipiva usque ad

Oiwpii (vcr. G) X' : luib. X".||

6. foi'" k.h X".

A 1055

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pp. 478, 479. Jo. XX. G—21.

0. ySti a*, b.c.c: yitiaav K".||

10. avrovg t{* : iavr.

II11. iMapiaft.


jrpoe] iv. \om. (fui N* : hab. post


12. ^1/0 K" : om. N*. e.|

icaSfJ. ei* Xti/icoif N.

: tv X. k. {Orig. i. £21).||

13. om. cai anlc Xtyovaiv

Thcb.|Xfyfi] non pracm. icai.

||14. Tavral non

lai.| if] om. o.

||15. if

Jom. o.

|eirdi'i; ti" : add. (Jj

Mcmpli.Tlicb.Syr.Pst.lIcI.IIicr^l f/3«orn<r«f N": «i o


idijicag ante our.||

16. if] pracm. o.|Mapia/i.


nTpa(p. a. (e.) Mcmph.Theb. Arm. (ct conversa b.f.ff'.

|'E/Spaicm.] Kcri npornZpap.iv aipaaBai

X" : om. X* ct 'K||

17. if] praem. o.] ^ iiov ante airrov.


I"] f om. /low BX.I5e (post wop.) X* et '''

: ovv X"^".|a^.

X": om. fiov X*.||

18. Mopin/i.|ayyfXX. X* : oTrayyiXX.



19. Ty fwf X": om. ry X*.]ira/S.] om. rwr.


om. avviiyfi. X* : hab. X".|

o if. |om. avroig X*. Syr.

: hab. X".||

20. tJfi^fv] f om. auroif. |om. Km ante rag

f auroif.II

21. finiv ovv X* ct ''': irni urrfv X'".


If X : hab. Thcb.

pp. 480, 481. Jo. XX. 21—xxi. 4.

2\. ^iri/i-irio H'^ : ff airoirr. K": nift^ai X* (fut. e).||

«>'f^.] om. avToig.\\

23. av.| f ''>''^>' bis BX.

|^ atfuuivrat

(i^fOnfffTOi X'.I

ai' 2" X'»; fav (ct add. ^t) X*.|

lin. 23.

' tcnobun!ur a.'||

24. if] om. a,\ort odi' jjXOej' if N*.


23. om. ovv X' : liab. X ".|nXXoi N" : om. X^ M«iiiph. Syr.


avTov 1" X"; om. X*.| J fiou rov 3flcr.

|ftif tov

rvTTov Tiiiv i';\wi/ X'": tif Tt)v xiipav avTov X*'.[

^otii ante ri;^

X. I

xitpav B (X vide supra).||

26. om. avrou X > ante oi Orig.


28. ab ioit.] om. Ou/j.

||29. fifffi/ ^i K* : Xfyei

f"f X"".I t " I

non add. Ow/ia.|

TreirnrreKicnt ^^ pracm. xai



tHovTig ti' : add. ;x€ X*.|| 30, non add. d B.


ftaO,'] add. avTov XT''.||

31. ft 'riurf u^rt X* : |-(ri;r« X"T''.|

If] om. €1 XT'!,j

icai iva X" : om. cai X'.|

aiaviov XT''.||||

xxi. I. -nXiv ante iavr.j if] pracm. o.


paO.] om. avrov.\\ 4.

/((')) X".

pp. 482, 483. Jo. xxi. 4—18.

xxi. 5. n N".II

6. Xfy. ct N"'': o Si nirtv X'''. 1 9. am^ttanv


tif Tt}v X-'ct'": iTTi TT/v X".II

15. Iixai'ou B.II


luiavov E.I

vai X'^".i|

17. luavov B.jtXuTr.] om. h X.



2"] om. icai X* ct °.|

iri; yiruffc. B.|Xfyti 2"] pracm. rai X.

jip. 484, 485. Jo. xxi. 18—25.

xxi. 20. om. oKoX. of X* : add. aicoX. XS item of K'.|



21. linea Xtyti etc. duabus antecedcntibua pracponatur.||

23. hab. ri n-pof ai X".fl

24. /<apr.] praem. Km Orig. ed. Iluct.:

om. X.I

o icaiyp. X': itai yp. X*.||

25. lin. 1. Tischcndorfio

judice, dissentiente Tregcllesio, allero sub allerius oculis litto-

rarum figuram et colorem scrutato, codici X corrector antiquis-

simus (X*)hunc vcrsum primus intulit.|;^wp>;ifi)' B.


p. 489. Act. i. 1—6.

nPASKlS AnOSTOAQN B(inmarginibus constantcr

ut X). Dial P.||||

i. 4. avvaXil. Etis. ad Mar, op.

Jo. 296.

pp. 490, 491. Act. i. 6—20.

7. om. ovv B* : hab. B' (dcmum ut vdtr).||

11. ovrog B.||

dcio ' Iren.' ct infra '(edd.).'

pp. 492, 493. Act. i. 20—ii. 12.

7. uTravTig 2" B^

pp. 494, 495. Act. ii. 12—30.

22. Iffrp. BE. d. : laSp. X.|I'lJoici^aiTptioi' Vulg. Irtn.


tiiiiv Orig. Gall. 56 : ^ap' i]fiiv Lntt. Iren,

Pli. 49G, 497. Act. ii. 30—45.

30. add. to Kurn nnpKU k.t.\. Orig.| roi' Opoi'Oi' Orig.


hab. TTpoK^. K.r.X. Orig.\ ri/f B.


oiTf (bis) Orig.\


oin. i) i//. nvr. Orig.\u^jv Orig.


panr. Orig.||

38. dcic ' iren. . . . 134.'|

«/i. vftwv B.||

Citjir. II 44. J om. t/dni' et icni m.

pp. 498, 499. Act. ii. 46—iii. 13.

47, 48. (TTi TO avTO. 11. h G\ |l||iii. 1. namv G\ || 2.

X(y.] jcaXow/itvijv G°. ||3. Xa/3. G". ||

4. fif avT. ante H. G*.|

luavvy B. Hueusquc (Luc. i. 60, 63 exceptis) luavijc con-

stanterB; -vvijf Act. iii. 4; iv. 6, 13, 19 jxii. 25;, xiii. 5,25;

XV. 37 ; in hoe libro -vijf 16 locis, item Gal. ii. Q. Do X vide

ad Matt. xvi. 13. ||5. rt Trnp' av. \a. G\ ||

6. n. Se eiir. G».|

teyJipe km G». ||7. );y. avr. G\ |

ai /3ua. post avTov G>

lege ' avTov ante <irrfp. Iren. 194' (dele ' om.').

| t a<pvipa B ;

(T^upa G».II

11. ^oXo^aavT. B.||

12. I^rp. B. d.\\

13. lin. 4.

'Iren. 194' uncis incl.

pp. 500, 501, Act. iii. 13—26.

iii. 22. add. irp. r. jrar. Iren. 194 (dele supra).\\

25. J iv\oyn-

OijaovTat B.

pp. 502, 603. Act. iv. 1— 18.

iv. 4. fwf B.II

10. liirpa»j\ B. d.e.||

12. ov. lar. h.] dcIo


pp. 504, 505. Act. iv. 18—33.

iv. 18. TOV W.II

20. iiSapiv B (ct oifa/if>' ct tlofitv B').||

33. eXfyoi' B. Am. d.

Jip. 506, r>0'. Act. iv. 33—v. 12

v. 8, antKp. h B,j

>; S( B.


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pp. 508, 509. Act. V. 12—29.

npnytro/inoi B* : -I'oc B= (viltr).!| 23. li£C ti'icXf-


pp. 538, 539. Act. xi. 19—xii. 6.

xi. 23. tadd. iv Vulg. e.||

21. r^i Kvpti,i 11'.||

30. ki'i. n-pot


xii. 3. lin. 5. lege i) urixiipriavs avrov (iri ic.r.X.

pp. 540, 541. Act. xii. 6—21.

xii. 8. v7roh](Tai B-.||

13. jrpoijX. B- fortasso. Vulg.|1 15. avr.

pp. 510, .jll. Act. V. 29—vi. I.

om. Tov ante iv B. ||32. /tap. tap,. {Irert. codJ.) : lap.

^rtp. Syr. IIcl. (dele 'Pst.'): tv awr^) pop.] post' sumus ' ttrr.] ' Orii;. iii. 60S''' uncis incl.|| 19. an-oicriirai Sjr.I'st.Ucl.

(tt om. ««mi/s od. opt)'. ||34. tjw ['ost eK(X. B. ||

3?. (Xfcmiili. yE'li.) Ann. teste Lagiirdi.i ; item Pvlr.Alez. cod.


39. lin. 12. post ' viii ' adde ' (? vri, i.e. vcstri). i Nan.

pp. 512, 513. Act. vi. 1— li.

. (TnTKKpuiptea B.1|U. f0ri; B* : 161; B= (vdtr).

pp. .J14, 515. Act. vii. 1 — IC.

fi. (Toil «. 11S. laojf I" (lion 2") B*: liriiay B= (vdir).



15. f7(X. niT. B.

pp. JIC, 517. Act. vii. IG—32.

17. vyytB.


21. lin. 2. K';,-C (/criHtiTn.|| 22. iraaij

(om. ()) B. O/-;./. ii. G2,I

Xoy. icai ipy. B. ||.SO. Iial>. iv


pp. 518, .-jr.). Act. vii. ,12—45.

38. i'/iii/ Ircii. 215. || 39. aXXo B. ||42. n' ry fp. B-.


post f>- T. ip. Oiiy. 1. (dele post ' Iren.').||

43. 'Vip^av]

Oruj. i. cd.' : 'I'op^a Oriy. cod. : Vip<pa Oriij. cod.

pp. 520, 521. Act. vii. 45—viii. 5.

49. )'; J(] adde '(vid. LX,\'. codd. I'l.)': Kai 1)] post

'cod. B.'

pp. 522, r>2n. Act. viii. 6—25.

11. pnyinic] dcic B.

y\\ 524, .'.2."). Act. viii. 26— ix. 4.

34. Toi:ro B-.II

37. lin. 10. post xP^'^'Of adde ' (om. x>'

: lin. 12. post ' 196' adde ' Facile sunsit ci [sc. eunucho]

cum esse Christum Jesum qui sub I'ontio etc., cumquc

Dei, qui actcrnam vitam lioniinilms dat. Iren. 260.':

lege 'quod me inpcdiat tinf^ui ' : liti. 2G. om. xfuffroi'

190 Lat. et cod. Gr.

pp. 528, 529. Act. ix. 23—4 0.

25. avTov B. || 26. (I's 'Up. B. ||29. EXXi;i'cJ£ Vulg.

supra). ||33. Kpapa-rov B* : Kpaj3,iaTov B\ || 36. hab.


l>p.5.30, 531. Act ix. 40—X. 1.5.

ix. 43. Lege [hvtIjv'] (Trcg.).

pp. 532,533. Act. x. IG— 32.

2S. lin. 13. dele Cppr. 99.

jip. 53), 535. Act. X. 32— 1?.

37. /3airr.] KijpvfpnB.

||48. iv Tip ovop. tv

xv fluTrr.B.

jip. 536,537. Act. xi. 1— 19.

12. UiiKnuravra B.||

13. nrttyy. B.

pp. 542, 543. Act. xii. 21—xiii. 12.

xii. 25. Tn B Mitterae (t; Itpov prima ut rdlr manu re-

sciiptac ; vidctur primum niro [potiuj quam «{J pro ti£ Ecriptum

fuisse ' (Ti<cb.).|t||

xiii. 1. Svu. B.|| 2. om. avr. Orig. Jo.

Curd. 91.II

4. n:wipit,OuTii; B.||

11. iiriaiv B.

pp. 544, 51j. Act. xiii. 12—27.

xiii. 2G. ft /;/") o Xn. B.

pp. 546, 547. Act. xiii. 23—45.

xiii. 33. hab. Tip 1" B. ||38. lin. 6. lege 'add. <cni piTuvoia


add. pirarota ante utto D." I liab. iv B.

pp. 548, 51'J. Act. xiii. 45—xiv. 9.

xiii. 46. liii. 16, 17. 'C, 'Gl sic', ct ' Orii/. . . .792'*' unc.


pp. r>:>0, ool. Act. xiv. 9—23.

xiv. 10, add. Toi Xf)-!.) k-.r.X. Irai. 197 ; om. Syr.llier. |rai


11. i <7r. B.II

12. om. pti' B. (ct Tiscli. App.). ||22.

tfp. BN.

pp. 55.', .5J3. Act. xiv. 23—xv. 10.

xiv. 26. wTTfTrX. B-. ||27. ni'i;ytXXo)' B. ||l|

xv. I. jrtpi-

eptlTi B.I

add. aai ct TrfpiTrnnyrf] conf. Iren. 199.||

-2. k. ?i;r.

Orig. i. 454".

pp. 544, 355. Act. xv. 10—2G.

XV. 20. nXX' B.II

23. sni oi a^. Mcmi'li.'Wilk. : om. Mempli.



pp. 556, 537. Act. xv. 26—xvi. 3.

XV. 28. r. ffi'. T. ay. Orig. Jo. Cord. 91.

pp. 5C8, 559. Act. xvi. 3—17.

xvi. 11. Tf r B.II

12. irar(ifli)'] non add. re B.

pp. 5i;o, 561. Act. xvi. 17—33.

Text. xvi. 28. marg. Lege norXoc ante piynXy ^wrf.

I xvi. 30. lin. 4. lege atripaXirrnpiroc.

I pp. 562, 563. Act. xvi. 33—xvii. 7.

xvi. 40. T. aS. vap. G" (vdtr : incipit . . . X^ofc).i



jJijXeoi' 0''.nil

xvii. 1. lin. 3. lege ' corr.»

'.]de njv in C-


non liq. | om. ,) G". |i 2. Sn\ixO>l G".|| 3. I. 6 X.



(dele supra): 6 X. i I. (Tlicb. : dele supra): X. I.(prnciu. Hi

!vdtr. o) G''. II

4. fTrwTtvaiiv G"". '

t om. »« ante 'EX. GK wX.


TTO. G''. II5. [;i)X. i'( vdtr c sp.] 0! I. oi air. k. -poffX. G\



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1K. t-. C' (vdtr). |

Trpcay. IJ ct (vjtr) G''. || C. lavp...

In .' G\

pp. .'JGl, 5c.'). Act. xvii. 7—21.

7. jrpacr. G''.|

tr. Xty. B : Xiy. jr. C". ||10. om. rijs

IKOI i'. C-.


r. I. (iiriiaav (sic) 0''.||

11. ijffuj/] fiirii' G''.

e).\ ^ om. to G''. | o'vt. jx" C"- II 13' """ ''"? B


14. a)£ G'.I

inriftuvav G''.|rt G"".

||15. caSiOTwrnf


ouroi' G''.I

om. roc ante Ti/i. G''. ||IG. Biwpovyrt G''.



17. dcsinit G" atfto...

pp. 666, uG7. Act. xvii. 22— xviii. 2.

xvii. 27. Ante Otoi' lege ' (Trcg.).

23. i';(iv B-' (vdtr).||25. covg Ircn.

\K.ti ra Tvavra B.


Ircii. cod. opt. (feccrit qui, i.e. fccerilijue : dele infra).||

G'' (incipit liipoiiv').\

ftaKpa G''.|virapxovToi G''.


G"". Mcmpb. (delo infra) : v/iat; B.||

29. xt"""!' C'"'.|

G'' (desinit etiov . . . : incipit 31 iriaTiv).||

30. iraaiv

coJd. : om. codd. opt. || 32. uttov G''. || 32, 33. tra. iri.

Kai G''.II

33. o'vTor G''.||

31. ] l> Ap. G'' (desinit A«/i.

pp. 5C8, .JC'J. Act. x\iii. 2—17.

3. XijpyaL,oiiTO B. Menipli. Orig.Int.\\

8. om. mffr.

G'' (incipit. ..(1701', plciumtpic laccrus usiue ad vcr. 11).||

op. iv vv. G''.II

1 1. fnaO. h G''.i|

12. aiOuKctTivoi'TOQ G''.||

oir. ava-rr. G''. ||14. om. oi'v G'' (vdll).

||15. ?i;rij/i(i

I17. oi 'V.W. Q':


iniWiv G'\

pp. .")70, 371. Act. xviii. 18—xix. 1.

18. om. fri G'' (vdtr e sp.). | arrira ... G''.|

r. Kiip. iv


19. KaT\]VTt)niv G''.|

KfirfXeurfV G''.| f nt/rou


StiXexO'i G".II

20. om. Trap' avr. G". ||nXXa G''.



add. ^41 k.t.X. GK|

add. ^6 G''. |uni


23. (ttutiiP- C". ||21. AttoXXwc G".

||25. row I;jt.

2G. Ak. k. np. G'' (hie dcsinit).||1|

.xix. 2. + oi'O' B.

pji. .')72, 57.1. Act. xix. 4— 13.

12. TCI TToi'. B.II

IS. i?o/i.] noil add. ruf «/i. nur. B.

pp. 574, 575. Act. xix. 19—31.

27. Ti B.It«wi/f B.

II33. Knrf/3i/3. Vulg.

||34. fTri-


l>p. 576, 577. Act. xix. 31—xx. 9.

4. litpoinior B.

p].. 578, 579. Act. XX. 9—21.

10. + OopvPnaOai BCD.||

11. om. kui 1" (Tlicb.). || IC.

B* : Kdcpii-d B' (vdtr).||

23. Xiyoi- B.

jip, oStl, 681. Act. XX. 24—38.

24. tfiavTov Vulg. (c).

pp. 0S2, 683. Act. xxi. 1—1.5.

3. J ai'rt^rivnvr. B* : -mjt. B^.||

I. iXfyor ct ante ct

post B. T. TTv. B.II

5. f{apr. post I'ut. B- (ipse *?), ||

13. o

IlawX. B-.

pp. 5S8, 5S9. Act. xxii. C—26.

xxii. 10. tvTtTaKTui B. (-Xrai B'). || 11. oucivtliXiwov 3.\\

24. aviTal^iaCai B.

pp. 530, 591. Act. xxii. 20-xxiii. 11.

xxiii. 7. XiiXoui'ros B.|

lin. 5. lege ixiTiri et miat.\mtai

B- (vdlr).II

10. X yivoji. N. Lucif. (cuin...cs8et).

pp. 592,593. Act. xxiii. 12—2S.

Text, xxiii. 22. Ante t/it lege ' (Trcg.).

xxiii. 12. TTifi)'] inivVi*.\\

16. ti}v ivttpavXi.\\

18. aoi B-

(vdtr).II21. TTUv'Q.

II23. centum Tlieb.

i|28. ^KaTiiy. avr. iij

to aw. avT. B-.

pp. 594, 59J. Act. xxiii. 2S—xxiv. II.

xxiii. 34. ; i-aapxtiai: ABX. ||||xxiv. C, 7, 8. lin. 6. lege


pp. 596, 597. Act. xxiv. 11—26.

xxiv. lU. tCH B.II

24. k'^i N», postca (ab N' vdtr) crasum.

pp. 598, 539. Aet. xxiv. 27—XXV. 16.

XXV. 1. J £7rnpx"? ^-II

^- "'t' ''•'''• 15-II

'i- fi'pai mOiiaav

B* : ij'ffti'iffav ' B^ et ut vdtr B-".

pp. 600, 601. Act. XXV. 17— xxvi. 4.

XXV. 24. avi'-n-apoj'Tic B. |om. ?)ji' B*^ : auroi' ^f/i' B-


xxvi. 2. lin. 5. lego ' cditio.'

pp. 602, 003. Act. Nxvi. 5—2.1.

x.'i\i. 13. jiaaiXtvg B.||

16. Kai ffr. li-.

pp. 604, 605. Act. xxvi. 23—xxvii. 7.

xxvi. '26.'!incao XoXw etc. iiraeponalur. || 27. /3(i(Ti\tU(;B.||

31. pracm. n Vulg.||||

xxvii. 2. t A^papv^Ti!vi;i B.

pp. 606, 607. Aet. xxvii. 8—29.

xxvii. 28. opyvtai; bis B.

pp. 608, 609. Act. xxvii. 29—xxviii. 3.

xxviii. I. MiXirij B-(vdlr): W«Xiri;i'/)] conf. fiagm. tlicol.

S/r.IIicr. ap. Land. AmcJ. Si/r. iv. 210 ("facta [I'auliJ in

insula llclitcne, ut npud quosdam dicitnr ").

pp. 610, 611. Act. xxviii. 3— 19.

xxviii. 16. iTrtTpaTTii B. || 19. lin. 2. lege uni iTriKpaZovTuiv


pp. 612, 613. Act. x.xviii. 19—31.

xxviii. 25. iiiiwv Mcmph. (dole infra).||

28. tov 9iov B.||

30. lin. 7. lege lovlaiovi; ti kui 'EXXfivai. ||;| Subscriplio.

V^TrXijpwOijaai' at 7roci5*»f T"wi' t'lynav anoOToXwi' V.


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Inscriptio. In marginil)US EniSTOAII om. B; lAKQBOV


|i. 3. r;;c vi-

oTiui non instauravit15^,

intactum rcliqucrat B-.||

12. (vrjy/.'}

add. u Kvpiog F.

pp. 61S, 619. Jac. i. 13—ii. 7.

i. 13. om. Tou P.II

17. ovk larivP.| njroffKioir/ja P.



19. uxrre P.|

kttu) Se P : kttu P='". ||20. ov


21. tv n-pai/r.] add. ffo^taj P.||

22. f f aicpoar.

liov. P.II

25. praem. oiroe P.||

26. fi] tta<ld. li P.|

tv vfi. P.I x"^"'"'' ^-

I7^- «'ayr. P (dele Vulg.^.m.).


P.IKapt. avTov P: taur.] dele Vulg. ./T-m. ||

27. ry

P.1nTTo] IK p.

nilii. 2. aw.'] praem. riji/ P.

||3. ft'T'/HX.


UTT. 10] add. awr^i P.|

Ko.dov 2"] add. die P. | tvi B'


4. ab init.] icai P.]o« B- (vdtr).

|| 5. tov KotTfiov

TovTOv) P.II

C. ovx P.

pp. 620, 621. Jac. ii. 7—iii. 3.

Text. ii. 12. Post Kai oiJrwcdele punctum (Treg.).|| 22. Lege


ii. 8. /3a(T.] praem. tov P. ||10. Trjpt^an P.

|TrraiuEi P.


1. /joixfffif. <povivng B: fovivuyq, piyixivayg P.||

13. aviXiog

...\«o£ P.I

ffoDjffrtvn... 14. Ji/va- hiat P: multa item

usque ad 21. laaaK,\\

15. lav] om. (e spat.)^£P.|\«n-.]

wiTti' P.11

IG. inry St P.||

18. x^P'C P-1fpyuv 1"] om.


VWT. 2°] add. /lou (vdtr) P.||

20. viKpa P : apyri

650). ||22. jf avvripyii P.

||24. om. Totvvv P.


t ruv P. niliii. 2. inravTig] iravTiQ P.

pp. 622, 023. Jac. iii. 3—iv. 5.

iii. 3. dt P.I

TrpoQ to ttiiB. P.|

four. ij/i. P.|avTiav ante

fitT. P.II

4. avi/i. ante UKXtip. P.I

oTTOu] tt ^^il- '"' P-I


Xi/rat P.II

5. /ifyaXa nux" I^-II

^- '"'JC a^i<.] add. oiruc P.|



8. ora. ItP.




P- H9-

Kvpiov P.II

12. WKa] add. ovtus P.|ovrtjiia (sic') v. oX. icai yX.

!ro«. iJ. P.II

14. tiJt] add. apa P.||

15. nXX' P. ||16. ipi0.]

epic P.II

18. ^iic.] om. Tqg P.|

airiip. B.Ilil

iv. 2. ow 2"] ovx

B* : oi;i: B- (*?) : ad ouk 2'' pertinent quae post duo lineas

seqnuntur, 'praem. cai', etc. (praem. xat ct P).|i

3. airjirt]

add. 0£ P.II

4. /lotxaX.] praem. /joixoi km P.|eav P.

pp. 621, 625. Jac. iv. 5—v. 7.

iv. 5. KaTioKqT. P. || 6. ^lo X£y«i...Ci^. x"?-] on*. P.||

7. om.

h P.II

9. niraTparr. P.||

10. om. row P.||

11. ij tptviiv P.|

ouKtn ei Troir)Ti]Q P.||

12. om. o 1" P.| von. Kai KpiTtjg P.


St F.\

Kptvtiiv P.I

TOV wXriawv P.||

13. cat aup. P.|Troptv-

(TOfiida, TTOtriiTontv, inTropiv<Toiit9a, ct Ktpcriaofiiv BP.||


futaravrai P.|tyop P.

I"r. ^e icai P.

||15. l^tiaofttv Kai sroiij-

(To/itv P.nil

T. 4. awtar. P. n 7. tuf] add. av P.|XajSy] add.

usrof P.

pp. 626, 627. J.1C. V. 7—20.

T. 9. aStXi^oi kut' a\\. P.|icpi6i}re P. | o Kp. P.

||10. aStXipoi

rijc KaK. P.I

rup.] om. row B.||

11. vtroiitivavTac P.|



o Kvp. P.n

12. (It) tie vTTOKp. P.II

14. aXft^j/. avT.'] om.

avT, P.I t 'o" Kyp. P.

II15. tvxil '"'poatvxi P.



fyiipei P. I aifitOtiaovTai P. n 16. ovv P. | r. a/x. (om. u/j.)P. j

fewx- P-II

18. ttif-t^ P.1!

19. a^- po" P-1om- '"• Wou

P.n 20. i yivii)fSKiTiji P.

Iif'i'X-j tt^'J'l- avow P.

|dav. sine


Subscr. laKiafiov airouToXov nriaroXr) Ka9oXiKti P.


pp. 628, 629. 1 Pet. i. 1—17.

Tixt. i. 1. Lege Ka?r?rafoi:iac.

Inscr. nETPOY ... P.|H|

i. 1. rai BiOvviag B=. n3. i;p<ic


0. affoKnX.] avai;aXv00i;i<ai P.\\

6. ti Siov] ^j;aiii. lariv

. U 7. TToXwnpor. BP.|lot Kat np.] np. km itg tof. P.


i^ortc P.I

^ayaXXiaaOi P.||

10. i^ipivv. P.\\U. (pewi-. P.


12. wpiv ^« P.I

jrrfwp.] praem. tv P.||

13. vijip. B^ vdtr.||


ytiiaOe P. 1ny.] add. tipi P.

pp. 6.30, 631. 1 Pet. i. 17— ii. 11.

i. 19. om. wf P.n 20. taxariov P.

\\21. ft irtarivovTac P.


22. aXijO.] add. Sta irvivii. P.|KapS."] praem. KaOapag P.


fitv.] add. ((f roi/ ai. P.||

24. <if l'> P.|Ma ni-OpuiTrow P.


avO.] tfadd. awrow P.||n

ii. 2. apriytvvijrn C/fm. 124 (dclo


aioXov Orig. 1 Cor. Cr. 52.||

3. iivip P.|


XfiiTroc ('km.IKf owr. P.

n 5. om. iic P.|OKp] praciii. np

P. n 0. t'lon P.I

«.• rjy yp. P. || 7. niriiO. P. || 1 1. «fffx»»0« P-

pp. 632, 033. 1 Pet. ii. 12—iii. 6.

ii. 12. fX' ''''^' ""'"^ '" 'o'f '^- P-I

KaraXaXoiiTiv P.|


VTtvaavTiQ P.n

13. add. owv P. ||14. tKSiK.] add. piv P. n 16.

8<ou post ^owX. P.n

19. «t Sia B.||20. icoXaJopfvoi P. | rowro]

om. y«p P. n21. iinwv wpiv Cypr. bis (dele infra) : i;puv rpiv


wjroXipr.] wToXap/Sai'ui' P. ||24. pwX.] ff add. avrov

P. n2.5. om. TiTt yap (^Harl. Tol. Syr.Ptt.).

|n-Xavwpti'a P.


nrtarpa^. P.||||

iii. 1. yuv.] praem. ai P.|KiplijOtiaovrai BP.


3. Tpix<^y P.I

Kat P.II

4. Trpa. if. t;<Twx. P.|

Jrpatoc P.||


iXttiZ- ivi P.1 0(ov] om. TOV P.

||6. ft wjrijifowtv B : f «»' P.

pp. 634, 635. 1 Pet. iii. 6—21.

Text. iii. 10. Transpone "post wpaii', ct dele wp. in margine.

iii. 6. Trrwffii' P.|| 7. ft <"iy«Xijpo»'opoi P: t -poic B'*'' 'non

satis liquet utrnm a [ad fin. lin.] additum sit a B' an instan-

ratnm modo : milii jam a B' profcctum videtur' (Ti.^cli.).|ty-

Koirr. P.II

8. 0iXo#p. P.II

9, on m] praciK. tiiorrr V. || 10.

B 1059 /

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ad.!, avrov P.| x"^'/] "'1''- awou P.

||11. tcicX. i>]

(5« P.II

12. o-p9.'\ 0111. oi P.||

13. «< B.|

fitiiriTai V.||

aXXa ica. u P.||

15. e^ov P.!

jr.] a.ld. 5f P.|

dele 16

aWa nira ct insere an:o KaraXaXouaii'.|om. aWa P.


ege ' KaraXaKovaiv Vfiuv (-Xovatv AXCP e:c. ... 31 L.).|

etc. et dele vfiav ante <ii; cae.|

ui; kok. P. ||17. 0i\ai

18. om. UT. I'lfi. P.I


|5r>'£u/J.] om.

II20. aiTffiJ. P.

IoXiyat P. || 21. o P. | Kai r/iac P.

pp. 036, 637. 1 Pef. iii. 21 -iv. 19.

lin. 6 marg. Lege IV. (Trej.).

22. 0«owj praem. row P.|

pro ' et Am. FulJ.' kga ' (ut

om. Full!.' (TrC;:.) ; ct col. 3 Vulg. lege ' oni. FulJ.

niliv. 1. vJTip iifi. P.


aapKi 2"J pracm. iv P.||


add. i)ntv P.| xP'"'<'c] !^H. row /3ioi; P.

|Oi\t)fia P.


P.|oivo^.Xi'yiaij B- (vdir).

||4. l3\a(Tpr]iiovt'-


7. TTpoiT.] pr.icm. raq P: oni. fcfr. AK p. 2!

II8. ;raiT.] add. ^« P.

|aynsr;;] om. >; P.



9. •/oyyvaiJMV 'P.\\

II. »;c] ilf P.]|

IS. raSo


ro(f TOV x" B.I X^P'""' ^-

II'•*• ^""O "'' '• """ ^">'- r.


nrataTTiTTavTai N'.|

fin.] hat). KuTa ptv k.t.\. P.||

15. aX-

XorpioiTT. P.II

16. ry /i£/3fi P.||

18. om. It B=P.

pp. 638, 639. 1 Pet. iv. 10—v. U.

Tc.Ki. V. 8. Lego caraTisii'.

iv. 19. Trior.] pracm. iiqV. \ avrtovV.\

^ ayaOoTcou(fV.||j|

V. 1. om. ovv P.I

(1- iV.] praem. tokq P.]

cij avfi-xpirrfj. P.||

2. e«ou B.I

(Titric. P.I

aXX' P.| f Kara Biov P.

|/iijcj P.

|1 5.

aXX»jX.] add. viroraaa.||

6. om. tTrnTK. P.||

7. fjripp. P.|

fiiWit P.II

8. avnS.] om. on.]

riva] al:quid Ci/pr. (dele

supra) : nos Ilil. 502'.j


9. t(i> ico(T.] om. T(p P.||

10. t'l/x. P.I t Iijirow P.


KarapTiaai (-ijffai) et aid. v/iaQ P.|

(rnjpi?«i ffSivwiTst P.I If Sf/iEXiuffii P.

||11. >/ toja icai P.


Tuv «i. P.II

12. TOV jTKTTov BP.|<»r;jr« .lim. i^iiW. : iaT)]K. P.


U. xp] ndd. IV P.I

a;ii;>' P. ||:| Snbscr. lliTpov as-

Xi) a (Tr<\w!' ... P.


pp. 640, 641. 2 Pet. i. 1—18.

n BP. nili. 1. S./jmi- sie^ : ^ujituiv P.


om. iifimv P.||

2. oni. rou Osoii tai lu P.||

3. f om. tci

Traxra P.|t5ij Jojy k. aftiry V.

||4. piy. k. t. >};i. P.


Tto P.I

IV iTnOvjiKf] Kai P (conf. C).||

5. Kai avro toi'to

II8. inrapX' P.

II9. if a/iaprtujv P.

\\10. awovc. tantuni

f.'cXoj'iji'] pracm. tiji' P.:iroKiaBai P.

||12. /jiWijirut P.



15. ^vnav P.||

16. om. xv P.|

Juvn/iii'] add. tc

17. ora. row P.|om. avTi/i P.

| (f ct ff) our. «rr. o ui. p.

ovTog lartv etg iv P.

pp. 042, 643. 2 Pet. i. 18—ii. 14.

13. rrj) op. Tifi ay. P. || 19. I'lp..'] pracm. »; P.||

21. fvp.


aXX' P.I

om. oi P.| ft "'<' ^""^ !'

Ilil'' !• '"VT.

2. a(TjXy. P.I

4. ueipnif P.|dc icpiiTii' B.

|Tijpovp. P.



0. KarauTpoipy KaTixpiviv'] KaTiaTpi^'tv P (conf.


aatfitiTiv P.II

7. lin. 1. Arm.} lege /Im.|tppv(r. P.


liuXvirpnv P.|(Ci/pionjraf P.

||11. f Trapi Ki'pi'(> P.


ante ^i"i. P.|Kai <pOapt]a. P.

||13. ff afiKovpcvoi

ft avaraig P. ||14. /ioixaXifoj P.

| f OKUTajravaT. P.|

P : -inic] dele ' raaledicti.*

pp. 614, 645. 2 Pet. ii. 15— iii. 10.

15. k-nraXiiff. B'C?): -XiTr. B^P. | om. r.,!/ P. |PaXap


Boffop P.It "S ct tfyaztjaiv P.

||17. icai ojiixXii (el m.ix

cXfiwvo/iei'ij) P.I

ffKor.] add. tif aiuva P.||

IS, /loraiori;;


\3. aaiXyuagV. \ovroigl'.

\aTo^uy. P.

||19. awroi]

pracm. ut vdtr Km B^ (vix B-).| f «ci( vio. P.

||20. Kup.]

ttidd. >(pwj' P.II

21. ))>'] post avToig P.|iiriyvcvaiv tantum

P. 1iTTosTp. P.


« P.II22. ffi-p/3.] add. h P.

1 tt KvXirtiia P.||!|

iii. 2. i/jw)' P.II

3. to-xarou P.|

ip:r. (om. iv) P.|inB. ante

aiir. P.II

5. »/ yij P.|i^aroj 1"] vdaruv P.

]dele '] ' post Kat

h' iiSaTog.\avviaTuiaa P.

]|6. Si uv P.

|| 7. tt r^ awr^j BP.|

iTDpi] praem. (v P.|

pta i}/(.] >;pfpo pia P.||

9. icup.] om. o P.]

(ipaS. ))y.] ftpaSvTnrai P.|| t f'C


^.". P.I

riva P.||


i)/i.] prneni. i} P.|eXfT- ] om. iv I'vwi P.

pp. 616, 647. 2 Pet. iii. 10—13.

iii. 10. XvBijaiTai P.| >; yi/ P. |

tiiptBiiatrai P (lin. 8 lege

' cxsccrabilius').||

II. tt <'i"'ws P (pracm. ^().|

vav."] arrav-

Tuv P.I

Jii] diiv P.II

12. TrpoaJ. ] praem. rove P.|Kvptov


rairijuoirai P.||

13. yj;i' ante icair. P.| t "ara to

arayyiXpa P.||

14. lin. 2 lege ' apiapot A. 13.'||

15. Kvp. j//i.]

om. >ip. P. I do9. ante aur j P.1

vpiv} i/ptv P.|{

16. Trnffoig]

add. 7-aif P.| cv o(c nv (sic) P. |

aTpiftXtaaovctv P. ||IS.

avXaviaOi P.|om. p« P.

|TriirrH P.

| t "/'I*' T. ||1|Subscr.

ITfrpoii .... «7ri .... oXiKij fJ. orixw*" ... P.


pp. 649, 649. 1 Job. i. 1— ii. 6.


Ilili. I. tjv B.

II3. (cai iipiv P.

\om. Si P.

|| 4. tt >("•"

5. iffrii' ante nvrr] P.|urayy. P.

| tt'""' ""• P"'' "'

P : t ante (I' (JIT. Fiii. Kecl.Tli. 84'.||

7. Ii/tr.] om. x"

8. IV t'lp. ante ovk kit. P.||

9. <</<. 2"] nm. I's/uov P. \\\\ii.

2. «(Tr. post iX. BP.I

oXou post row icotr. P.||

4. Xfy. on] om.

07-1 P.I

om. K.Ti 2" P.II

5. (! TOVTip post >} ay. r. Otov P.\\



pp. 6.')0, 651. I Job. ii. 7—27.

Text. ii. 8. Lege ypn^u viuv (Trej?.).


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7. ay. P.|om. ott' ap. P.

||10. ^iv avT. ouk f. P.


fi(Vii P.II

14. (yp. i'ft. iraiO. P.||

15. otK ear. post row


IC. aXXa P.||

17. om. avrovV.||

18. avnxp-^

o P.II

19. ii,)\l)ov P.I

(i t'lii.2" post »;(7av P.

||20. ft TO"-

P (hab. (cai).||23. o ufioX. k.t.X. P.

||24. u/i£i£] om. ouv P.



25. v^ti' 31* (Scriv.).

pp. 652,653. 1 Joli. ii.

27—iii. IG.

27. liiv. ante iv i/t. P.|

/uerti] liiviTui P.jto avTov BP.



/tevfrt P.II

28. riKvaV.|iva fav P.

| f ''X'^/'"'

I29. liqrt P.

I t"" icoi P.I

ytyiv>iTat P.||||

iii. I. hd. P.|

iivV: vfiiv 31* (Scriv).|

icat nT/tip P.|



2. TiKya post Oiov P.|

oi5o;<{)'] om. Si P.||


d/i.] om. >/^wv P.||

C. ufiapravvuv P.||

7. TraiSia V.\\

P.|XuOy P.

||9. a^apravvtiv P. ||

10. fiic.]

tijv P.||

11. tjrayy. P.||

13. /i»;] praom. /cai P.|

jiov P.II

14. ayairuiv] add. roi/ aj. aurou P.||

15. oiJarf]


jv aur((j P.||

16. inrip'] iripi P.

pp. 651, 655. 1 Job. iii. 16—iv. 8.

16. Oijvai sic P. ||18. TiKnia] om. /ioi; P.

|om. ry ante

P.IaXX' P.


ff (pyvBP. ||19. j nat 1" P.



Ifar icapJiaj P.

|liiat P. a 19 fin. usque ad v. 1.


Oiov ay. Kat B- marg.||

iv. 2. feXjjXuOora scho\. (_? Orige/iis)

Cram. 130, 131 tor.|

3. liii. 11 post 'Inn.' adde x^P""

Xtytt TOV 'AcrixpiTou to Xvtiv t'ov 'hjaoiiv iv Tif

onoXoytiv u'vt'ov iv aapKi i\i]\v9ivai. schol. (? Olig.).\

49 post icrri adde ' conf. scUol. (? Orig.) iit supra.'

pp. 656, 657. 1 Job. iv. 8—T. 6.

iv. 17. ex"/"" ''•nil

V. 1. t >"» TOV yty. P.|| 2. TTjpuftiv P.


5. f Tif If lUTiv P: 7-if (artv St Demid. Tu!. (dele supra).]

TT'ttrrti'wi'] TTifjTivffag P. || 6. Kai ai/i.] praem. Kai TTVtvfi. V

(sie in Mon. Sac).|ic ^t] X£ 'S P-

pp. 658, 659. 1 Juli. V. 6—19.

T. 6. aXX' tv Tift a!/i. icai ev tjj id. P.|

eirrix' B- : nv B*.||

7. om. IV Tifi Clip. K.T.X. P: lin. 7 post 'scripto'aJdo '|qaoniam

tr[c3 sunt qui testificantiir] in terra, spiritus ct aqua et sa[nguis:

ct trcs sunt qui tesjiificautur in caelo, pater ([t Tcrbum et spi-

ritus sanctus, et hi] trcs unum sunt. Fragmcntum Frisingcnse

saoeuli ut vidotur septimi (^Ziegler, Itala Fragmcnta : Slarburg,


9. hab. TTiv B.|on 2"] ijv P.

||10. tiiv papT.] add.

TOV Oiov V.\ avTiii V.I

T(() 0f^ P.II

11. f ///jij/ ante o 9foc Vulg.

(dele infra).||

1-2. r. Oiov om. Am.* Demid. (et p. 653 Col. 3

Vulg. Itge ' ad'l. Doi Am.'"||

13. add. r. Triffr. . . . Oinv P.|

ex. aidiv. Vulg. (dele infra) (Trcg.) : ai. tx- P.|««» iva k.t.X.


14. on eav ti P.||

15. xai lav oiS. on ax. j'lp. P. | o lav


air' P.II

18. aXXd B: aXX' P.|avrov Vulg. (dele infra):


pp. 6C0, 661. 1 Job. T. 19—2 Job. 6.

v. 20. oiSapiv tantum P.|

yivanKoptv V.\ ZmiiI praem. >)

etadd. >/ P.II

21. ("auroi-c P.]

fin.] add. «;i;ji' P. |1||Subscr.

en-ioroX); luavvov a P.


Eni2T0AH H2ANN0V B. P.||||

2. 0^111-] v/xiv P.||


piO' ypuv P.I

U'J praem. nvp. P.||

5. Kaivtjv post yp,

P.Iiixopiv P.

II6. »; tvT. post tar. P.

|om. iva P.

pp. 662, 663. 2 Job. C—3 Job. 9.

tiuijXOov P.II

8. ojroXeiD/rf B: -auipivV.\ ff eipyao-a-


aTToXafiupev P.||

9. napafiaiviav P.|

^i^. 2"] add.

TOV x" p.I


11. yap Xiy. P.1avTif)


12. aXX' fX7n?a. P.|a\X' P.

|iXOitv P.

].}/iwi/ P.


ttXjjo. ante j; P.H

13. add. gratia tecum Syr. Bdl.|om. a/<i;v


Subscr. tiriaroXii luavvov /3 P.


t yap P.1av P.

II4. ixi^v B.

| x''P'"'!'•


O"'- ''{'

5. ipyaZy Vulg. : fpyaag P.]Kai (if tovq P.

||6. oug B^

II7. oi'o/i.] om. niroi; P. | iliiXOov P. || 8. aTroXa/ijS.

9. om. n P.

pp. 664, 665. 3 Job. 9—Jud. 6.

10. hab. « B.II

11. KaK.] om. Ii P.||

12. o.cne P.II


ypaipai ffoi] ypa<pnv (om. ffoi) P. | «XXa oi> B. | rroi ante yp.


ypa^tiv] ypni//(ii P.II

14. ai autj lO. B : post P. |||| Sub-

scrlplio nriUToX}} luavvov y P.



(vdtr) P.nil 1. lU post x" 1'-

I vy^'"'l^- ^-II

3. om.


4. xap'" r.I

Ofov P.|biat P a Kvpiov i).. usque ad

15 (..(rf/3/;(Tni').||

5. I'/inf B.

pp. 666, 667. Jud. G—23.

lege 'iciipioraroi' (sic) Orig. iii. 475'' cd., KVpioriira ib. cod.

II9. (701 bis B. ||

12. hab. oi B.|napatptpopivoi B.



17. pi/i'. Tuv jrpofip. P.||

18. t bab. on 2" P. |iv

laxarv V.\

ti,i xpoi'V (s'c) T-I

«''• T-II

^^- o™- »"'"• ^- H

20. e;roiKo^. tour, post Ty ay. vp. P.||

22. (ff) tXitm P.]

diaicpivopivoi P.II

23. ffw?.] praem. tv ^0/3^ P.

p. 668. Jud. 23—25.

23. om. ovc di iK iv_f, P. |124. vpac B : avrovs P.


aoip(p P.I

om. ita w x" r. <c. iift. P.|/Jty.] om. icat P.


jrpo iravT. T. ai. P. ||||Subscriptio tTTurroXi) louJa ajro-



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nP02 PQMAI0Y2.

r. 673. Rom. i. 1—9.

1. t \. I. Victn. ia Eph. i. 1.

pp. 674, 675. Horn, !. —27.

21. lin. 3. Ic^'O [39] (TrCt'.).

pp. 670, 677. Rom. i. 27— ii. 15.

28. 1. 5. post 'eJ.' adile ': contra cod. Vcron.'

||32. f toi-

... avvtv^otovaiv Ci/pr. (.".elo infra).||||

ii. 2. f h m. (•icie

pp. 07S, 079. Rom. ii. 15— iii. 9.

25. ipvXaaage Yals-||

2P. aW 6 15. jl] iii. 7. ^i N.|| 8.

KOI 2" Memph.

pp. C80, 6SI. Rom. iii. 9—iv. 4.

11. fo auvtuv Orig. Rom. Cr. 17.| (f ) o Jijrui' (sic)


25. iavTOV Hi!. 164 : aifi. avrov Vulg. (ilclc supra).

II23. Xoyi?M/if0rr V.

pp. 6S?, 033. Rom. iv. 4—21.

4. om. TO Orig. Rom. Cr. 23.|

lin. 3. lego ' o inaOoc . . .

ii)yaZoiiiv(f> bis B*.'

pp. fi84, 683. Rom. iv. 22— v. 15.

0. II yap Fuld.* (dclo Supra).

pp. 086, 087. Rom. V. 10—vi. 12.

17. IV fro J Am.\et justitiae] dole Iren.



||19. add. ai'Op. (,Iren. 213). |||| vi. 4. om. t^ia ri/s k.t.\.

U. lin. 11. Int.W.] adJa '(text, semcl)': lin. 14 add. Orlg.

(comra. tcr).

pp. 088, 689. Rom. vi. 12—vii. 0.

5. lin. 4. om. ry Mclh. (dole post FG).

pp. 090, 091. Rom. vii. 6—25.

23. x''P'e] post '02' adde 'et Tiiot. 290. C. 11': )/ xop'S

Iren.): ivxaptTio Me(/i. ap. Epipli. cod. Vcn. : add. ^e

np. I'liot.

pp. 092, 093. Rom. vii. 25—viii. 18.

2. ff (TE B.II

11. lin. 13. add. I^/uoui' Mompli.Lng. : lin.

ogo Mcmph.Wilk.|te vik. 2" post ly. (conf. Clem.).

pp. 094, 095. Rom. viii. 18—35.

22. avvtTTip. Z?a.«i7iV/.ap.TIipp.IIaer. iv. 25.||

24. ri B- :


2r,. nXV P.


097. Rom.vii'.

35—ix. 8.

35. r. xP'O'i'du lin. 5] lege'Pet. cd. (r. Kupioucod. Ven.)':

line. incl. '70","29%' ct '56.1'' ct ndde 7?h.?. Tlico]>h

i. 61: om. r. (:x- '• /v«.«.TIico]ili. | ij 2" liali. A'li.t,


ix. 3. Q^, ftov riav B' in marg.||

S, cuL 3 lin. 10

lege 'solus. Cyrillus" (Treg.).|| 8. on B' vel fortasse B»

(om. B»).

pp. 693, 099. Rom. ix. 8—30.

ix. 15. Muo-g B.II

26. av KXrjOijaovrm d. (Inn. 257): om.

nii-oif] unc. incl. 'FG' (item aide '(</.)' et ' Iren. . . . iv.'|| 27.

v7ro\iit^a B.

pp. 700, 701. Rom. ix. 30—x. 17.

ix. 31. £is vo/j.] add. liKaidjauvris V.\\\\ x. 9. om. ro p'j/ia


15. lin. 8. lego 'item Iren. 200 [conf. 174] po.-t


pp. 704, 705. R):n. xi. 15—35.

xi. 17. lin. eiege'om. Kni2^BS»C. Meinpli. On;/. /«^ cod J.i|

19. KXnfui] om. oi B.||

20. j/cXacO. B.||

32. omnia Vulg.

pp. 706, 707. Rom. xi. 3-3—xii. 20.

xii. 12. fin. add. Plonitado autem evangelii est dilcctio. m.

(if. xiii. 10).II

16. (Tiii'axaya/iEi'ni (sic) B*.||

17. .id.l. ov /loi'ov

K.r.X. Goth, (dele supra).

pp. 708, 709. Ro;n. xii. 20—xiv. 3.

Text. xiii. 11. transpiso » post I'lh). ||12. Vulg. lege 'adpro-


xiii. 4. T<i) ro Kax. Trnaaaovrt B.||

11. tjlrj tantum Orig. Int.

iv. yE'.li. (dole infra 'om. ...Aet'j.').| ff ['/(ai; B.

pp.710, 711. Rom. xiv. 3—20.

xiv. 14. t iai'Tov B.II

13. r^i XP-] ''V ^^V ^- {Tert. de Jcj.


pp. 712, 713. Rom. xiv. 20—xv. 14.

xiv. 21. TTuv B.II23. add. cap. xvi. 25—27 Goth, c spatio.


XV. 5. I. X- Jrcmph. Lng.

pp. 714, 715. Rom. xv. 14—29.

XV. 18. froX/iijffw »i. (dele infra): ff roX/iu lA^. | htzhv m.

(dele supra).||

19. w. ay. Orig. Int. com. : ttv. Biov"] post

' iv.' adde ' text.'||

20. ff (tiXon/ion/id'oi' P.||

28. om. avroig


pp. 71fi, 717. Rom. xv. 30—xvi. 15.

XV. 32. fOeou Mcmph. |||| xvi. 3. AicuXXav P.||

5. Aatac

(Orig. Int. iii. 300 bis, diserte ut vdtr).||

7. yeyovav B.||




pp. 718, 719. Rom. xvi. 15—27.

xvi. 20. lin. 3. ' Vnlg. ... m.' ad finem lineae transpouatur.|

I'l xnp. ...ft. I'll. non. cit. in. (pii hie dcsinit.|| 24. lin. 7. lege

'^piritu' (Trog.)||

27. i^i (Otig. i. IC't): om. Vnlg. codd.


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nP02 KOPINeiOY2 A'.

rp. 720, 721. 1 Cor. i. 1—20.

i. 1. I. x- Victn. in Epii. i. 1.|2. yfiwv 1" om.] dele C ; unc.

'J)riy. iv. 15&''; ct addc ' Orig. Int. iv. codd."||

6. % Biov

x" ^^ (B-?). II 18. om. iifitv Ircii. Gr. cod.Vcn.

rp. 722, 723. 1 Cor. i. 20—ii. 4.

ii. 4. om. at'OpuiTT. Orig. i. 630"^ (Hooscli.).

pp. 721, 725. 1 Cor. ii. 4— iii. 1.

ii. 5. om. y 17 (VanSit.).||

7. om. diovni. Orig. 1 Cor.Cr. 39.||

{Orig. i. 580).||

12. «^.] tSuiiiv DFGLP. Orig.

(jiJ. Orig. ter cd.). Eus. (o Tisch.).||

13. diSaKTois 1"

II15. om. /iiv'] unc. incl. 'Valentiniani ap. [ita legendum]

Gr. 39' et ' Meth. Jalin 84.'|ra navra in uno coJ.]

' 2 codd.' et unc. incl, ' Orig. ... Meth.'

pp. 726, 727. 1 Cor. iii. 1— 18.

iii. 4. avOptonoi {Orig, iii. 3. 1 Cor. Cr. 53).

pp. 723, 729. 1 Cor. iii. 18—iv. 13.

Iv. 9. om. in 17 (VanSit.).||

12. rais 17 (VanSit. disorte).

pp. 730, 731. I Cor. iv. 13—v. 10.

v. 15. tyfvvtjaa B.||21. 7rpauTt]T0Q Clem. 134 (dclo infra).


5. om. liiaov Orig. 1 Cor. Cr. 43 bis.

pp. 732, 733.1

Cor. t. 10—vi. 14.

V. 11. lin. 6 lege /iiBvaos.|

avvtaOiiTt 17.||

13. om. Kai 17


vi. 7. om. tv Cypr. cod. || 11. aWa iS. 17


13. om. St ante dtoQ Q*.||

14. tUyupu Q:Tert. de Pud. 16. eod.

pp. 734, 735. 1 Cor. vi. 15—vii. 9.

vii. 2 lin. 4 dele 're C. |'.||

3. oijiiiXriv Q. ||5. /x); 1" sine ij

IIavvtpxt<j9ai P.


ii/iw>' om. Cgpr. codd. ojjt. (dele supra).

pp. 736, 737. 1 Cor. vii. 9—29.

ii. 13. ourof Q.|rov av6pa Q. ||

14. om. ry Tnary Q. ||17.

oijrujQ TrepnrareiTo) Kai B. || 25. eXetjfiivoQ B,

pp. 738, 739. 1 Cor. vii. 29—viii. 2.

vii. 35. Tiiil TO B.

pp. 740, 741. 1 Cur. viii. 2—ix. 3.

ext. viii. 8. Quacri potest utrum consulto jreptijdevoiteOa pro

Icgerit Trcgellesius.

viii. 4. T. fipuaiue ouv I)'', St r. lipuKTiioc D', legentc Tischon-

II7. Ttvis yap P.

|| 8. Kipia<>ivo(ii9a Orig. iii. 495.

pp. 742, 743. 1 Cor. ix. 3—20.

ix. 4. TTfiv B.II

11. wi'fVftari (sic) B.

pp. 744, 745. 1 Cor. ix. 20—x. 9.

ix. 22. navTuc nvai (Clem. 332) : iravraQ {Clem. 802. 863) :

Toi'c Trav-ao] lege ' Clem. 656.'||

27. iovKayayu] dele C.||||

x. 7. TrtiK B.

pp. 746, 747. 1 Cor. x. 9—2S.

Texl. X. 18. Pro tiViV, lego naiv;

X. 11. om. TTavra Iren. 244.| om. ^£ Iren. 244 (dele infra).


19. lin. 5 DJ lege ' D. m. (utrumque conjung. Fuld.y.||


tfom. ra iSvij m.|

lin. 12. lego ' Bvovaiv 2".'\

yuvtcOm B.||

22. nl " p.

pp. 750, 751. 1 Cor. xi. 18—xii. 3.

xi. 24. TO vnip I'l/jtai'] lin. 11. adde 'est Cypr. codd. opt.'

(dele supra).

pp. 752, 753. 1 Cor. xii. 3—22.

xii. 13. om. tie 2" Clem. 117. |vvivyia cttot. Clem. cod. opt.

{nofta iitOT. codd.); dclo ' (fVi...l 17)'.

pp. 754, 755. 1 Cor. xii. 22—xiii. 8.

xiii. 3. Kai av B auto irapaSiv. \KaiiS. ] lege ' Goth. text.' ct

' Clem. 614 ed. OnV/. Cr. Cor. ed. ' : j kuvx- Memph. Mill ct Wilk.

(dele supra). Theb. (Tylor). Clem. 614 e sensu (conf.

867). Orig. Cr. e sensu certissime.||

4. om. »/ oy.] dfile ' Cgpr.


8. mTTTU Clem. 166 codd.

pp. 758, 759. 1 Cor. xiv. 12—29.

xiv. 16. juXoyyc f" vvev/iaTiB.\\

19. lin. 8. lege 'XaXij oixiv

[? Icgebatur XaXi/crai ev] rij> k.t.X. (conf. Memph.)'.

pp. 760, 761. 1 Cor. xiv. 29—xv. 10.

xiv. 34. add. iipuiv Cypr. 318 (dele infra).||

39. om. p.o« B^

'tantum ut vid.' (Tisch.).

pp. 762, 763. 1 Cor. xv. 10—28.

XV. 10. praem. .} Onj. Eph. Cr. 1 1 1 . 1 70. ||14. v/juv] lege

Terl. do Res. Car. 48 codd. (om. codd.): 0/jwv B. Irtn. cod.

{Terl. adv. Marc. iii. 8). ||24. f irapaSidoi B.

pp. 764, 765. 1 Cor. xv. 28—44.

XV. 33. xpncra Clem. 350 (dele infra). ||38. liS. post au.]

unc. incl. ' Orig.' etc.|

praem. to'] lege '590' codd.': om. Orig.


41. at\. Kai B.

pp. 766, 767. 1 Cor. xv. 44—57.

XV. 45. ASa/i 2"] [o] Kvpiog Marcion ap. Tert. disertc.||


add. o Kvpioi] lego 'Marcion ap. Tert.': om. Tert. de Cam. Chr.

8.II49. ipopiaopiv B. ||

54. om. irav St k.t.X. Cypr. codd. opt.|

TO <^dapT.} unc. incl. 'A.' (vide infra) et ' Orig.. ..7\7'',

pp. 768, 769. 1 Cor. xv. 67—xvi. 20.

xvi. 6. lin. 4. delo 'niilc'

7 C 1063

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p. 771. 2 Cor. i. 1—6.

1. r. X- ricln. in Eph. i. 1.|1

4. hab. ry B. ]hab. I'lia^v

. . . . IV Tratry 6\i\pii B.

pp. 772, 773. 2 Cor. i. C— 19.

6. I'/i. /3(/3. vTt. VIA. B sine corrcctione. ||13. hab. aXV B.


X''P'"' I* (Tisch.).II

17. Trap' ifiov P.

pp. 774, 77.5. 2 Cor. i. 19—ii. 17.

20. oni. St' 0".II21. VII. avv vfi. 0*. ', iiftag 2" B= (B*?).


Bai] lego BS"'C''D*, quibus adde O*. |Km D"*.

| appafi.

24. v/i. ante rifs tt. O*.I|||

iL 1. t^£ 0".1ivXvity vp.

t\9. 0\ ||2. cai rig] add. (anv 0*.

||3. fyp.] cm. u/itv

avro TOVTo 0".[ (tx"" 0".

||5. aWa O". \\ C. vtto] avo 0".


post roil)'. 0".|| 9. ii 0".

|| 10. rayw 0\|

o Ktxap.

Kixap. 0".

pp. 776, 777. 2 Cor. ii. 17—iii. 17.

3. Kapliaig'] (conf. Clem. 307). ||15. avaytvutTKtiTai B.

pp. 778, 779. 2 Cor. iii. 17—iv. 14.

18. KaOotairip B.||||

iv. 4. ft Karavyaaai H.|ora. awroic

5^tx^ "- Kvpiov H.I7v 20 H.

II6. Xaii^iiai H. j r. 0foi;

x"] pracni. ii> H.||

11. lin. 3. et Jren. 309 (dele supra).

de Res. 44.

pp. 780, 781. 2 Cor. iv. 14—v. 12.

15. Tap. B» : ra yap B».||||

v. 5. OioQ 6 B.

pp. 7S2, 783. 2 Cor. v. 12—vi. 12.

14. om. «i B.

pp. 784, 785. 2 Cor. vi. 13—vii. 11.

vi. 1 4. (pojTt] transpone ' de idol Hi!.' post 26 : delo //.

pp. 786, 787. 2 Cor. vii. 11—viii. 12.

vii. 14. ifi. tv a\, i\. Vulg. (dele bis supra).

pp. 788, 789. 2 Cor. viii. 12—ix. 6.

viii. 12. «x» «"'^P- ^-II

13- o"". St Cypr. 304 (codd. opt.).1|

16. v/tuvB.II

21. yap Clem.

pp. 790, 791. 2 Cor. ix. 6—x. 10.

ix. 12. lege 'in domino Vulg.' || 14. vir. I'muvB. ||||s. 3.

l^wvTcg Eus. Thcoph.Syr. i. 70.

pp. 792, 793. 2 Cor. x. 10—xi. 10.

X. 18. lin. 1 lege •679"'.||i|

xi. 1. avitxtaOe B. \ 9. v/iy

tjxavTov iftiu (sic) 0'.

pp. 794, 795. 2 Cor. xi. 10.—xii. 1.

xi. 14. cai] fiij O' (in tabula picla).|Oavjia 0-'.

| tic ayyi-

\ov 0'.II

15. ovv 0°.II

16. Kayo) fii. n O'. |Kavxrjaoiiai 0".


17. Ka. KU. \a. 0'.II

18. om. Ttjv O'.||

23. lin. 9. lege ' om. tv

^v\. TTipiir. Clem. 622; om. iv TrXijy. vtt. (vdtr) Tert. Scorp.

13.'nil xii. 1. avu^ipn /a* Vulg. (dele supra).

pp. 79C, 797

xii. 2. Tov (Tw/i. P.

2 Cor. xii. 1—15.

pp. 798, 799. 2 Cor. xii. 15—xiii. 10.

xii. 15. ayaTrw Memph. Theb.||

20. ^y(r(u)iric BD'Gr.

TaTniviiiaii] dele Vulg.


p. 801. Gal. i. 1—8.

1. pcrhominem Ircn. 200.

pp. 802, 803. Gal. i. 8—ii. 5.

22. [KK\riinat{ B'?. ||olj ovSi Theb.

pp. 804, 805. Gal. ii. 5—iii. I.

9. Iwavtic B.||

1?. ft 'l^Oov (liberc Jren. 200).||

14. oi>xi

20. tt fi- r. 0. Thcb.

pp. 80G, 807. Gal. iii. 1—21.

17. om. iig xp. Thcb.||

19. (;'] liiat I'. || 21. oiTwg iv


pp. 808, 809. Gal. iii. 21—iv. 14.

7. II' add. ante x" P.II

'4. lin. 4 lcgo'('/i«. I'/iwj' ul vid.)':

TOV Tlicl'.

pp. 810, 811. Gal. iv. 14—V. 1.

iv. 15. JTOu Theb.|| 17. vjiag 2" B. ||

29. a\X. B.||


propter quod Orig.Int. iii. 52.|||| v. 1. ovv post ffri;ic. Theb.

pp. 812, 818. Gal. v. 2—21.

T. 12. avaaravTovvrtg (sic) O*". ||14. irXijpovrai O''. |


K*: atavT. C". ||15. iiTro O"". ||

17. a tav B'. ||Troucrai


19. t<rr.] add. jjoixiia O''.||

20. ipiig O*.|^ijXoi O"".

pp. 814, 815. Gal. V. 21—vi. 14.

' V. 22. om. h 0^<^-.\\

23. vpaoTtig O^. |jyic.] add. uno/jovij


O'' «".II24. TOW ^ w O^ '»'•.

II26. yivoiiida P.

j tt aXXijXoi's


Clem. 303 (ilcic supra).||||

vi. 1. vpaor. O''.| t "•'""Xiipware

I O'".II3. Ti B'?: om. O'' <'"•.

||i.-iavTov B. |1

12. ^ii] add. iTD.


II14. KavxaoOai Ircn.Cr. 17.

p. 81G. vi. 14—18.

vl. 14. lege (V Tip oTavpif tov xp'tfo'' (.Jren.Or. (cod. Von.).

Iiil. 17.I

u] unc. incl. ' Clem. 484': om. Irtn.Gr. 17.|om. ry

Iren.Gr. cod. Yen.


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nP02 E<I)E2IOY2.

p. 817. Epb. i. 1—3.

1. n-atriv P.|ff E^fffijj B'; ' non dubium est quin tenia

demum aiiJidcrit ... ; forma litterarurn a prima manu

nee quicquam antiquioris formae ade);t' (Tiseh.).||


Kai TraT)]p] dele'

Vicln.' et iinr. iiicl.'

Uil. 186"'.

pp. 818, 819. Eph. i. 3—19.

IS. I'i/iwe] lege ' Cr. 161': om. viudv Orig. Cr. Eph. 129

pp. 820, 821. Eph. i. 19—ii. 12.

20. «ica9i(r£i/ ct add. nurov] unc. incl. ' Orlg. . . . 133'.||1|

ill B 'nee ante nee post sKctorot quic lunm distinetionis

pp. 822, 623. Eph. ii. 12—iii. 8.

1.3. Iijffou Orig. Int. iv. 542'' (dele infra): om.] lege 'Iren.

Int. 210'.|

tyiv. eyy. ct r. xP-] legB 'Iren. Gr. Int. 210.


linea ' IG aTTOcaroXXa^ei ' etc. sequentibus novem

||[|iii. 3. om. on d. Orig. Cr. Eph. 1.51.

pp. 824, 82.). Eph. iii. 8—iv. 7.

2. -irpaoT. 0^|iv B.

|| 6. add. rjfiiv Iren. Gr. Int. 314 :

)'//!. V. ii/i. 0''.I!

7. X''P-1 °"'- y'^*''-

pp. 82G, 827. Eph. iv. 7—23.

9. om. Trpwrov 0''.||

14. Kvfiif BND*FGOi'r. |om. rg

wai'.] dele 'i.'|rijv fuOodiav 0''.

\\15. om. i) Clem.


fiipovs 0^I

iavTov 0\II

17. om. \onra O*".||

18. euKorwuivoi

Orig. Cr. Eph. 175 semel) : laKoriaji. O"". || 19. ajDjXjriicorfj P.

pp. 828, 829. Eph. iv. 23—v. 11.

iv. 25.«.

ante aX.] dele '



27./tij Viilg.

m. Cypr.102.

II32. viiiv] lege 'Vulg. CI.': I'tfuv Am.Fuld. C/em.codd.


V. 4. t} /xwp.] dele ' Clem.'

pp. 830, 831. Eph. V. 11—31.

V. 15. add. a5. Vulg. (Meraph.).||

17. 9i\tiua Orig.Cr. Eph.


KVpiov Orig.: om. ijuuiv {Urig.).||

19. ft P'^-'"™. '"


TTvivfianKaie Orig. : om. d.\ ft''? »^ap^. (om. ev)


20. I. x- Orig.\

9. c. tt. Orig.||

29. lego ' o] om. F.'||

30. lin. 6, 7. lege ' (anon. [? Orig.] Cat. Cr. Lue. 83 ut vdlr).

(Orig. Int. iii. 61 hie dcsinit.) Meth.'

pp. 832, 833. Eph. v. 31—vi. 13.

V. 31. ante lin. 1 insere ' om. cai Trpoas. r. yyv. avr. Orig.

(?) diserte, ut infra (quern sequitur Hier., item diserte). Tert.

(1 Marcion') adv. Mare. v. 18. Cypr. 63.|rg yvv. et awrou]

dele ' Cypr.'||

32. om. ut Cypr. eodd.||{|

vi. 1. om. tv. Kvpnf]

nne. incl. ' Clem. 308.'||

2. ora. aov Cypr.\

post ' iitayy. . . ,

Cat. Cr.' insere 'oiu. 'iva iv aoi yei'tjrai Orig. (?) diserte, o airo-

aroXog . . , irapaXiXotiriv ni /lira Ti)f pi] rip a aov, xal

TriiToirjKiv ai'Ti Toi) Kai 'IvapaKpoxpoviogyivy Kaiirry pa K p x P o V lo <;

(hab. Orig. Int. iii. Cypr.)'.|{

fi. om. row

P<;lr. Al. 30.||

8. sc snr)/ n jroiy d.||

10. om. aJ. d.

npo2 ci>iAinnH2ioY2.

pp. 836, 837. Phil. i. 1—19.

G. nxpi B^.IIom. rov Vulg.

||16 f. o'l ptv i^ ay. k.t.X.

(dele infra).||

18. ttXiji' on] dum (? ore) Vulg. d. Goth.

(dele ter supra).

pp. 838, 839. Phil. i. 19—ii. 7.

2. TO iv m.h'is. Victn. (dele infra).

pp. 840, 841. Phil. ii. 7-2".

ii. 26. iip. Trav. Memph.

pp. 842, 843. Phil. ii. 27—ii'. Ii.

ii. 30. TrXtjpuxry 47 (Griesb.). ||||iii. 13. ft """rw Orig. Int.


pp. 844, 845. Phil. iii. 16—iv. 17.

iv. 1. transpone ' pov 2"] om. B.' post lineam seqnentem.

nP02 KOAA22AEI2.p. 847. Col. i. 1—6.

6. add. Koi] unc. incl. ' Vulg.'

pp. 848, 849. Col. i. 6—22.

16. ra op. K. ra aop. Iren. Gr. Int. 21.||

20. om. r/jf]

incl. ' Orig. ii. 760"'.

l)p. 850, 851. Col. i. 22—ii. 8.

7. tt '"^'^' "^ '""f Mcmph.

pp. 852, 853. Col. ii. 8— iii. I.

U. add. r. «/i.] dele ' Cypr. 278."||

13. r/jnrf 2" Memph.

infra). ||14. <)pi^v'\ .'/.wr P.

|| 17. ft" Memph.|| 18.

/ii)] lege ' Orig. i. cd. et 'nfi5''. cd.' : om. ptj Orig. i. (codd.

?omn.). Int. iv. 665 e sensu ('extollunt enim se in his quae

videntur, ct iaflati sunt do visibilibus rebus').

pp. 854,855. Col. iii. 1—16.

iii. 4. t iptov Memph. (dele infra).||

5. /itXi;] add. vpuv H.||

6. a H.I

(iri Tovg v'l. 'jnQ aTrii9. II.||

7. tovtois U.|1

8. om.

ra II.II

15. ivt] lege ' 588 ed.' ct ' 593 od.' : om. Clem, bis


16. om. kui post i//aX. Clem. 194. (delo supra).|om.

Kai post 1711'. Clem. 194 (delo supra).

pp. 856, 857. Col. iii. 16-iv. U.

iii. 16. e<v Memph. (dole infra). ||17. add. xp'"""*"



21. fpfO.?jrO lege 'Syr.Pst. llcl.rj-/.' ||22. K.'pcoi-

Memph. (delo infra).


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nP02 8E22AAONIKEI2 A'.

p. 859. 1 Thcss. i. 1—6.

1. lin. 8. Kui IV X"!"•


•*• praem. row 47 (VanSit.; dele

pp. 8G0, 861. 1 Thess. i. 6—ii. 14.

8. Ha. 15. ijiaQ 17.||

9. ad ver. 9 pertinet linea ' li/iuv]


10. ivipx<'l^^'>"}e ^"^• nil

ii. 4. \a\iantv 17.||

7. av


9. Tov KOTT.] praom. koi H.|om. yap II. 47

II10. yap II.

||11. avrou II.

||12. ^aprvpop.£voi H.



13. Kat cta] om. koi H.] f tanv ante a\. H.

pp. 862, 863. 1 Thess. ii. 14—iii. 12.

8. jarijKtrt 17.||

9. v/iwc B-.

pp. 864, 865. 1 Thess. iii. 12—iv. 15.

iii. 12. icaQuKTTTfp 17.||

13. a/iefiirn^s 17. 47.||||

17. 6. om. 6


Trpoiiiraniv 11.||

7. n\V II.|| 8. aurou post ro ttv. H.


iftae H. II9. t sx'" H.; (unc. iocl. ' Orig. . . . 70') : «ixo/j£v]

unc. incl. ' Am. Hart."\ypaipsiv} ypa<)>iadai II.

||10. f 'o«C 2"


11. dele ' Tert. ... 5.'||

TripmariiTt 17.

pp. SG6, 867. 1 Thess. iv. 15—v. 18.

IV. 16. lin. 1. lego ' 16 oi vtKpot.'||j|

v. 3. t^ur.] dele L ;

ante avr. Cypr. cod. : ^avrjairai d.

p. 863. 1 Thess. v. 18—28.

V. 21. oin. 5c 17 sic.|| 25. tt^a' H (VanS.).

nP02 eE22AA0NIKEI2 B'.

p. 859. 2 Thess. i. 1—7.

7. I. X- (^m. >//j.) 47.

pp. 870, 871. 2 Thess. i. 8—ii. 11.

2. 0poua9e A.||

3. hab. r; B.jfortassa favo^ias 17 (VanS.).


8, 9 pro ' add. 6 Oiog' lego ' avpiog i Biog.'\aviXti Orig.

codd. : avaKoiau'] lege ' Orig. i. 424° cod. 668'^ cod.'||

TTf/iTTfi Ct/pr. cod.

pp. 872, 873. 2 Thess. ii. 11—iii. 12.

ii. 13. iWaro 37. |||| iii. 6. lin. 9 ct 16 le^e ' Orig. Lovit.


lin. 19 lege ' acccpit.'||

10. irapriyyiWonev B^ (B-?).||

11. TrepiTT. ev vji. «r. B.

p. 874. 2 Thess. iii. 12—18.

Text. Index codicum. Dele C.

iii. 12. taOiovatv P. !|15. i/yft(T9ai DFG. 17.

nP02 'EBPAI0Y2.

pp. 878, 879. Heb. ii. 12—iii. 18.

Vulg. iii. 16. Lego ' cxacerraverunt : Bed.'

9. add. fie] lego ' Vulg. CI.': om. Am. Fitld.||



pp. 882, 883. Hob. v. 4—vi. 13.

4. Ttq W,II

9. avTiif Traaiv 0''.{|

12. f icni ov 0'': ffoni.

et fortasse *.||||

vi. 1. KarajiaXoitivot P.||2. Stlaxne 0''.


Ti O''.II

3. Toiijao/itv 0'.ll

7. woW. (px. O''.|om. tov

II 9. Kpuaa. 0\

pp. 831, 885. Hob. vi. 13-vii. 15.

19. KarairtT. B. |||| vii. 1. Aj3.] praem. T(p P.|| 5. tov-

W ' demum ut ccrtc vdtr'.||

11. om. ijv B.

pp. 886, 887. Ileb. vii. 15—viii. 8.

21. pit'. 17 (dole sapra).

pp. 883, 889. Ilcb. viii. 8—ix. 13.

\0. KapiiaiaVTiovVi*. \\ II, fiJi/ffoixriv B- (B'?).|||| i.\.


pp. 890, 891. Hob. ix. 13—x. 4.

26. vvvi 17 (dele infra).

pp. 892, 893. Ileb. x. 4—29.y^. , . . —. . —X. 8. I'o/i.] om. TOV P.

II22. pipavTidfiivoi 17 (dele infra).

pp. S94, 89j. Hob. X. 29—xi. 10.

X. 34. Si<TpotQ'\ lego ' SOS"" ed.' ct adde ' vincalis coram d.

(? Har!.*y.\ iavrov^'] lege '(? Vulg. </.)' r om. (? Vulg. </.).


35. ft Tts P.II

38. SiKaioQ pov 17 (dele infra) : om. pov'] lege

'521'' (?ex Ilabac.).'

pp. 896, 897. Ileb. xi. 11—33.

xi. 18. om. on P.||

29. fiE/3.] add. ol uioi rov lapatjK Syr.


7i;s jSyr.IIcl. || 31. irctXiyoptvn Syr.Ucl. || 32. lio.

3. lege ' (m\iwoi av (cod. irriKu^f/Ei av sic) Pctr.|

yap pc Syr.

IIcl.IKai B. KOI 2. (cat I. Syr.Hcl. ]

aWiov Syr.Hcl.

pp. 898, 899. Ileb. xi. 33—xii. 11.

xi. 33. (TTopa Syr. Pat. Hcl.||

35. yuvaoceg Syr.Hcl.|| 37.

tfeTfipoffO. iirptaO. Syr.Hcl.: nrptuB. nruptiiOnaav (? tvtipuO.')

Orig. i. 699» cod. : om. tvpiaO. Clem. 609 (dole supra).||


Tr)v tTTayytKiav Syr.Hcl. ||||xii. 3. iavrov vel avrov Syr.


6. lin. 6. lege tXiyxoptvog. \\ 7. fif n-aiJ. Syr.Hcl.

(? Clem. 637. 8C5).|

inTivSyr.Hcl. :

om.Orig. iii. 666''.



etrri k. ovx vi. Syr.Hcl.||

9. non add. ft Syr.Hcl.||

11. f ^' Syr.

Hcl. (dole ' Orig. iii. 666'''): ct omnis quidcm Ilarl. d.


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pp. 900, 901. lUi. xli. 12—xiii. 2.

15. tt <""'/£ Syr.ricl.||

18. opti Syr.Hcl.||

20. om. ly

Kar. Syr.Hcl.||

Kin -iro. Syr.IIcI.||

23. airoy. ev ovp.

: lin. 8. lege irpwroro/crt.Il

24. to [rov] Syr.Pst.Hcl.||

cxofuv . . . Xarnivo/uv Syr.Hcl.;

aid. k. iv\. Syr.Hcl.:

K. iv\. Viil^'. (I. (dele supra).

pp. '.)u2, 003. Hob. xiii. 2—22.

i. a

r,. fiv-." Syr.Hcl. |'lclo ayOpumic etc.||


7rfpijran;iT0)Tfc Syr.Hcl.||

10. i^ova. Syr.Hcl.||

11. a\. w. a.


15. fouK Syr.Hcl.||

17. lege ' tVii- post rouro 47'.||20.

-Xpiirroi'Syr. Hcl.||21. (py'/i Syr.Hcl. (om. aynOy) : om. Vu!g.

</. Mcmpli.Inurv 17*: on. Syr.Hcl.

1j vjt. Syr.Hcl.

1 om. r.

ni. Syr.Hcl.

p. 901. Hob. xiii. 22—25.

xiii. 21. ijiiwr Syr.Hcl. 11 25. tr/<i;)' Syr.Hcl. : om. FuU.


Ct/pr. 210. 240 (ilcle supra).i|

17. ry] lego ' Orig. i. cil.' : om.

Orig. cocUl.

pp. 912, 91.3. 1 Tim. v. 4—vi. 2.

20. ildc 'Jli'iip.—72V ' ct line. ind. 'Luc. 207'.

pp. 914, 915. 1 Tim. vi. 2— 17. I

p. 916. 1 Tim. vi. 17— 21

3. lin. 4. Irgc 'ailqiiicscit.'i| 7. on] vcrum lice (vm. on) vi. 19. ovtioc m. (conf. Ckm. 83S).


p. 918 r. 2 Tim. i. 8-ii. 13.

12. nproi//if9a Cj/pr. (dele supra).

pp. 920, 921. 2 Tim. ii. 13— iii. 7.

H. Xoyoftaxn Orig. Int. W. 167'' (dele supra).|ovSivi yap


18. rriv riviov tti. avarp. (Iren. 204). |{{|iii. 6.

' Syr.Hcl.' insere '|'.

pp. 922, 923. 2 Tim. iii. 7—iv. 8.

Text. iii. 17 Vulg. Lege ' pcrfectus sit.'

iii. 14. Tiviov Hil. 241' cod.||

15. ra tipa] post '71

' insere

' codd.' et unc. inel. ' Hipp. 197)': ft om. ra Clem. cod. opt.

pp. 924, 925. 2 Tim. iv. 9—22.

Text. iv. 16. Lege tyKareXin-ov.||

17. Lege n-aptVrij.


pp. 92G, 927. Tit. i. 1—ii. 2.

13. om. tv i'Jrig. i. 577).

pp. 928, 929. Tit. ii. .1—iii.4.

11. add. ))] lege ' Clem. 7 codd. (ante r. 9iov cod. opt. V.

pp. 930, 931. Tit. iii. 4—15.

iii. 10. K. i^iv. vov.] lege 'Iren. 83 Gr. ct fnl. 177 Gr.

(ex Eus. H. E. iv. 14)' el dele ' Eu9. .. ex Iren.'


p. 934. riiilem. 19—25.

Subscr. lin. ult. lege 'tantum.'


p. 94.3. Rev. i. 1-

7/ ante mroi:. ]'.

jjp. 944, 945. Rev. i. 5—15.

G. j'lpiiiy Vulg. (delo infra).{|

8. AX^o Clem. 035. || 9. lin.

lego ' IV xP'Tf/j Itiaovti' etc. || 11. jis apvpvav CP.||

tv itiaif) P.I

i'i<(j Cypr. 295 : v'wv Prms. scmel (quasi filium

jip. 94C, 947. Uev. i. 15—ii. 8.

17. Jioov 1'.II

19. Vw. a {. lego ' niWu A. re'. I Tu Vulg.

[dele infra].|cii fiiWiip ' eU\

{j||ii. 1. ayyiXifs rif Vrms.

discrte. || 2. Paaraiat P. ||3. Kanon-inmi- (sic). 1 (Tisch.).


8. lin.' G f. dele rijc n.-iiX>jiTint'.

pp. 948, 949. Rev. ii. 8 — 19.

ii. 10. lege 'XQ. rel. Vulg.' etc.: f\iiTt Prms.\\

13. lin.

10. om. Km Prmx. (dele supra).||

M. rov BaXna^ 95* (dclo

supra): rov BaXaaic 95' (dc 7 non liquet). ||17. niT((i] add.

tpay. (om. roll) P. ||18. T(p Prms. (»t A).

))p. 950, 951. Kev. ii. 19— iii. 3.

ii. 19. lin. 2. lege ' i7ov 1"] om. S, Demid. Oiig.Int. iii. 75.

( D 10G7

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AC Prms.' | 20. a^ijca; C./pr. co.l.||

21. it r. w.]

rai ov 0. /i. C. !122. ^oXXu Ci/pr.

\lin. II. lege '/loi-

14. Cy;>r. Prms.'\ ipy. auri;f .!«. (Lachin.) : fpy.

lege ' .4m. (Tiscli.)'. |!:| iii. 1. riig] ri^ Print.

pp. 952, 953. Rev. iii. 3—13.

7. r;jf] rif Prms.

pp. 954, 9:0. Rcf. iii. U— iv. 4.

14. i Ml a\ti9. KG (•lc!c K infra).1|

IC. oure post atii

IS. x?^'"""' P°^' Tap' f/iov I*: om. rap' f^ov I'rms.\

P. m. (Jelc supra).|lj|

iv. 1. n!ov P. J 2. row Bpovcv


pp. 9J6, 957. Rev. iv. 4—v. 3.

5. lin. 10. dele P.|On.] om. atrow SA. || 7. lin. 8. lege

Gr. (quasi bumannm Int.)'.||

8. ta9' iv avTuv 7 (dele

||11. tvpu !> 9. ij. Prms. (dele supra).

|jjoaw Prms.


IV ^iiivg Orij. ii. cod. Vcn. (ap. Epipb. 530). ||3. tcvv.

ii. cod. Vcn.

pp. 9 jJ, 059. Rev. V. 3—13.

4. lin. 1. dele ' Prms.'\ f f/ui Cy/"-. 289. iVnu. : ft o^- T-


c. avayv. Cijpr. Prms.\\

5. om. o 2" Orig.ii. cod. Vcn.]

Xi'Tat Cypr. codd. opt. (dele sapra). Prms. (sit).1|

6. om. c.

Cy;>r. 231.J

lin. 8. lege '(2" ante t. tioit. Prms.)'.\

Cypr. Prms.\

o'l Ci/pr. Prms.\

missi Vulg. Cypr.

II7. lin. S lege ' r;;j ;ja6/,i;i.' ct ' Dei sedentis etc. Cypr.

Prms.' || 8. lin. 15. lege 'a simv XQ".i|

9. lin. 9. nos de

: deo cod.) sanguine tuo Cypr. (dele supra). n;s dec

8. t. Prmi.||

10. avrovi Cypr. codd. opt.|rcgnuaj dec

Prms. [|11. xcii tjv !> «p. avr. jivp. pvo. 1'.

{| 13. ftn*

I'p. 960, 961. Rev. T. 13—vi. 8.

1. ttcov P.I

om. jsrra P.||

5. lin. 12. lege ' (tlov A. 1.

ct corrige supra.||

". khi ti'e X (dele infra). | Lect. Vulg.

'7. et vide CI.',| 8. lin. 9. lege'ora. i »C. 91.' etc


Vulg. lege 'S. infcrnus CI.'

pp. 962, 963. Rev. vi. 8— vii. 1.

11. tlo9ii Cypr. bis (dele infra).|

eis singulis Cypr. 254

supra). | oroXi; Xivkij Cypr. bis (dele infia).jlege ' ava-

XC. 6. U. 3S. 91. 95. I [X] ava:ravaov7at APQ. 7'.1

om. 01' P.I

~\tipu9uaiv Lalt. (implcatur numcrus conscr-

etc. Prms.).|

aTrosTivia9ai 95 Scr. (dele

: aTrocroffffdai Q (dele supra).|{ 14. tXiaaopivov C.



16. T«(r<re B.

pp. 9G1, 965. Rev. vii. 1 — 13.

vii. 3. Lege ii.xpi (ut vidclur).|

6. Fortasse Mavaaaij

: vide infra.

2. ii!ov P. U 3. /iijrj ra Civ. CPQ.|axpi ACP. I Or/17. bis:

X (item Q. lel.).|| 4. lin. 6. lege 'ii.-aro*' TiaaipaKoira


S. P. |'). |post lin. 15 inscre'


;TKJoapuK. AP. rel".

IKT0payi(T/i(i'oi XAC. I.


6. >>c^9aXii^ P : -Xi/i Q. |Slavaattii KP (dele supra).

J x'-^*'

aJij P.II

9. om. r. iS. A.1ai'rov P : om. avrov Cypr. bis (dele

supra). I Tap . . . voi'f C.fl

10. rtf 9nf ij/i. T<f Ka9. tn-i ry Op. P.

pp. 966, 967. Rev. vii. 13—viii. 9.

vii. 14. om. /lov Cypr. bis (dele sapra).| lege '«« r. OX. r.

/It)-. NPQ. rel. Tert. Scorp. 12. Prms. [dele infra].|

airo BX.

pty. A. (? Vulg. Cypr.coi.y.||

Id. £;ri rip Opovip P.\\

10. om.

tri 2" P.II

17. -oi/jiavu Cypr. P. ms. (dele ' teget' etc.). |«» -.

0^9. 7 (dele infra).{||{

viii. 1. iirc P (dele supra).| tiptupov]

dele 91 (Scriv.).i|ulov P.

ij3. roe OunaHTiipiov (sic) C. ij 6.


7. pipiyptva Q.

pp. 968, 969. Rev. viii. 9—i.\. 7.

viii. 12. - rp. av. p. ip. >;p. Q. ||13. icor P.

;Uoq Prms.


angelum ut aquilam Prms.||;|

ix. 1. liov Q. || 2. e. tjv. t. ^. r.

a. Prms.\

lin. 5. dele AX.|

peyaXijs Prms.\

laicoTtaOti Q.|

om. ft r. a. t. ^. Prms.[|

4. alunjnujtrLv PQ. tantam homines

Prms. scmel : om. povovg semcl.|

add. avruv Pirns.|i


avTotQ Prms.\jrtvrt] sex Prms.

\\G. ^iv^irai Prms.

\u 9ioi

ante air' av. Prms.|| 7. opoioi xpua(f Prms.

pp. 970. 971. Rev. ix. 7—19.

i.\. 10. uxov Prms. '

(ff) similes scorpionum J'rnis.]ictiTpa

cai Prms.\om. xat post ovtuv 1" Prms.

\ >] tj. avr. Prms.||


om. Kai Ps. Cypr. 322 (quae 13—21 Cypriano tribuuntur in

codd. optimis uno excepto desunt).||

15. tif rijv t'/p. Q (dele


16. ^lo-pupiacfj TicA. apPrms.

pp. 972, 973. Rev. ix. 19—x. S.

ix. 20. xpvi'aia X.|

x"^^" ^-II

-!• Tropvim^ Ps. Cypr. \\i

X. 1. ipjicA: ipijc C.II

2. t?u0{i' P.II

7. lin. 13. consumma-

b t ir Prms.1

lin. 20. fui'X. aur. 6.

pp. 974—975. Rev. X. 9—xi. 8.

X. 9. a\Xa X.II

11. XiyouiTii' 95 (dele infra). Memph. cod.

mg. : Xtyii] de 7 Hon liquet.]praem. s-i 6. L'll xi. 6. v. ^.

7. 95. (dele infra).] r. vp. post avr. 95 (dele supra). U 7. lin.

I, 2. lege • H'pp. Ant. 47 Gr. (contra Bulg.)'.

pp. 976, 977. Rev. xi. 9—18.

si. 9. a^iouffii' CP.1 a^ijaovaif Q. J

11. Icge'tv auroi; A.

95. Arm.' ] tirsfftv Q. || 12. nKovaav P. || IC. lin. 18. lege

qui sedent'. {| 18. + roij; piK. xat roif psy. PQ.,Lect. Vulg.

quiaaccep. CI. (Scriv.).

pp. 978, 979. Rev. xi. 19— xii. 11.

Text; xii. 6. Lego «x<i itt'i t6-ov.

xii. 2. lepaiiv 7 (dele 1 et 7 infra).||

6. a-xo P.|1

19. ante

IV Tifi ovp.] om. o P.II

l| xii. 5. om. tv P.||

6. a:ro P.

]'p. 980, 9SI. Rev. xii. 12—xiii. 4.

Text. xiii. 3. Lege ut videtur iOavpaaOi) o\ij 1} yij, ct om.

in mg. 'oXri >'; yij vel 'tOavpaaiv 'oXt) 1/ yij. Vide infra crrorem

de AC, ct fornias Oavpaaovrat, -aOiiaovTat in .wii. 8.

xii, 14. ni ante 6vo 1 (dele infra). ||'| xiii. 1. ofopa X (dele


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I]2. Xforrof I'Q. || 3. lin. 1. dale's' post QTi.

|uXi) )}

(dele supra).

l)p. 982, 983. Rev. xiii. 4—15.

5. lin. 14. lege ' Arm. Item (seq. lajvis) Dion.' etc.|

P. ||6. lin. 10. lege 'Syr. cdd.' (Scriv.).

||8. aurov

326. codd. : cam Iren. codd. || U). ci rig iig ai^^. vtt. V1 lege vTrayii).

||11. iiSov V.

||12. lin. 2. lege '49 Gr. ron

II13. Troiy] ttoki P. 95.

pp. 934, 985. Uev. xiii. 15—xiv. 4.

15. t jroii/try P.|

lin. 15. lege 'om. •-. NQ. 38.' cte.|

Vulg. facial ut CI.||

17. ora. to ov. t. Otj. Hipp. Bulg.\\

22 f. lego ' ejacoffiai ^txa it, C ||xiv. 2. (puivriv r]K. iii;


pp. 986, 987. Kev. xiv. 4—12.

4. lin. 1 f. om. siatv 38 (Birch) : cnim permanserunt


inrayii Cypr. 174 codd. 316: iffayp] lege Ci/pr.


om. i<. I. TVms.||

5. et invcnti sunt sine reprehcn-

(nee plura) /Vms.]ora. iv t. 9p. t. 9. (^Prnis.).

||6. itSov

f n,\. ay. iVms.|| 7. om. iv Vrms.

\Kvpiov Cypr. codd.:

I'rms. (praem. 'potius' Cypr. I'rms.).\avrov tov not.

(om. TOV Q»).II

8. a\. Sivr. ay. 7 (dele infra).||

9. a\.

14 (dele infra).|atirui'] dele Cypr. 93.

])p. 988, 989. Rev. xiv. 12—xr. 3.

14. tx"" ^-II

!** 'P'^^V 95 ;"lo Sy- °0" liqnet.


Xjjcov rov lityav Prma. diserte.|| XT. 3. aJovraf Viilg.

312. /Vmv.

pp. 990, 991. Rev. xv. 3—xvi. 5.

xvi. 1. Lege ut vidctur iKxiirt \ vide infrn.

4. om. Kvpn Print.|ouioq Prms. ||| xvi. 1. lego ' iicxhti

1. P: iKxiart Q. 6'.||

2. trpouK. ante tij hkovi avr. P.

pp. 992, 993. RcT. xvi. 5—18.

II. om. IK 2" P.

pp. 994, 995. RcT. xvi. 18—xvii. 8.

3. lin. 9. dele 95. ||4. lin. 7. lege KOKKivoi'.

|lin. 23.

' yf^wc X*. 7.' etc.II

8. vrrayci Prms. : lege '(vid. vcr. 11


inrayiii' KQ.

pp. 996, 997. Rev. xvii. 8—xviii. 2.

8. filti P.I

pXfirovTuv P.||1| xviii. 2. praem. iv V (dele


lege ' add. piyaXy Hipp. Gr. ct Bulg. (om. ia\vp(}

I^tiTiaiv semel Hipp. Bulg.

pp. 998, 999. Rev. xviii. 2—12.

xviii. 9 marg. Lego ' Ezek. 26: 16' et '27 :30.'

2. lin. 6. add. k. fii^ia. Hipp. Bulg.\

lin. 15, 9qpiov

II3. vino fornicalionia Prms. (in xiv. 8). | TcnrruK.

Bulg. I'rms. in xiv. 8 (ceciderunl).||

6. lin. 3. lege ' per-

Vulg. Cypr. 316. Prm:'||

6. lin. 14. praem. lif icai

Kai Q.II

7. on Ktt9. P.||

8. Kvpios Hipp.Bulg.|| 12.

Q. [ Kai wop^upaj P.

pp. 1000, 1001. Rev. xviii. 12—22.

xviii. 14. Lege irni oivjri oi'i /ii;.

.wiii. 14. lin. 17. uiic. incl. ' P.' cl liti. 18 inscre P. post C. |ib,

dele ovKtTi.

pp. 1002, 1003. Rev. xviii. 22—xix. 10.

xviii. 22. X om. vaa. rex- ti. Momph.||||

xix. 4. o't ko' Trpiafi.


5. 9nf. Q.II

6. om. »/^wi» Cypr. Prms.\\ 9. om. tov yap. P.

pp. 1004, 1005. Rev. xix. 10—19.

xix. 11. ft ora. KaXovpivog Vulg. Cl.||

12. ai;; Cypr. 297.||

13. spar^am (cod. conspersam) Cypr. 285. 297.

pp. 1006, 1007. Rev. xix, 19—xx. 8.

Text. Index codicum. Dele C.

xix. 20. 6 piT' avrov o <pivl. P,||||

xx. 4. avTov ante \u9.

Prms. (dele infra).||

5. avinrtjirav] dele ' JEih.' post 1.||

6. iir.

TovTov'] lege ' Hipp. Gr. (contra Bulg.)'.||L2Ct. Vulg. 3. Am.]

lege ' C/.'

pp. 1008, 1009. Rev. xx. 8-xxi. 3.

Text. xxi. 3. I-ogc ut videtur ik tov Opufov : vide infra.

XX. 9. OTTO TOV 9iov ante fK tov ovp. P.|| 12. r. ^lu-. k. t. piy. Q

(dele supra).||||

xxi. 2. lin. 1. dele ticov.\ora. lyu Iw. P. ||


9povov N (dele supra). Irert. ^36; om. in t. oi'p.] lege' Iren.

{sive Anasl.) ap. Tiscli.'

pp. 1010, 1011. Rev. xxi. 3—12.

xxi. 6. liab. tijui Vulg. I'nn.s. : om. Cypr. 285. 237. (dele


7. lin. C. lego 'east.'|om. avTog Cypr. 327 cod.


10. OTTO r. 9. 1. 7. 33. 91.||

12. yiyp. Tol.\

lin. 33. lego 'v'luv}

om. Arm.| f praem.' etc.

|wwk] praem. tmv V.

\\Lect. Vulg.

habentem portas Cl. (Scriv.).

pp. 1012, 1013. Rcr. xxi, 13—26.

xxi. 16. Rectius ut videtur adnotatio ' arahuiv . . . Er.'

scquentibus postponetur quam supra in textu legetur i:ri ara-


aracwvc P.||

18. lin. 1. dele NQ. ||20. lin. 3. dele KP.


Lect. Vulg. sardius Cl. (Scriv.). I warog St. 3: ivvarog El:.

^). (Abb.).II

21. t?] praem. iig P.||

22. tilov P.|

lio. 6.

om. 9iog Tul.||23. 'add. ev " Iren." (Anast.) cod. Grets. (lego

'Vulg. C/.' (Scriv.)): ora.] legc"'7rcH." (Anast.)cod. Tisch.'i

Lect. Vulg. lege ' luceant in ca'.

pp. 1014, 1015. Rev. xxi. 26—xxii. 11.

xxii. a. ipuTog Xux'viou I'rms. \ <puTi(i (v. -ffji) Prms. \\ 6.

tiirjv Prm^. \\ 8. C7r«ra. 38 Birch (dele infra).

pp. lol6, 1017. Rev. xxii. 12—21.

xxii. 12. larat avrov Q. I| 13. ytyova Cypr. 294: om. iipi

I'rms. ed. Wi. ||14. lin. 13. utramque lectionem agnoscoro

vidctur Prms. (' et in slolis lotis divinorum dicons cuslodiam

manda'forum ... iramaculalam vero vitam stolis significans can-


15. <p. K. w. Hipp. Bulg. : rr. k. ^. Hipp. Gr. ||16.

fffv T. eic. Vulg. (dele supra); item (in septem cccl.) Prms.\\

18—21. om. Tol. exccpto ' Amen.'||

18. ego Johannes Pemid.\

lin. 18f. delo'(om K*).'||

19. lin. 12. lege '<r (91 ()'.

et C. TOV /3i/3Xou sic)) (Scriv.).'|

praem. trot Prms. (dele in-


20. om. a/iiji' Prms. (dele supra).| Jpx""] praoro. vat

Prms. com. (contra txt.).|add. xpian Prms. com. (om. txt.).


ver. 21. praetcrit Prms.

Subsc. nn-oicaXtn/((it (' ita etiam in paginarum tilulis; alitor

inscriptio*: Tijch.) Iwnrrov N.


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following additional readings of T'' and e"" of the Gospels have

kindly furnished from Tischendorf's manuscript notes by

C. R. Gregory, the editor of the forthcoming I'rolcgomena

Addenda to Tischendorf's eiilio octava : they wore received

late for insertion in the proper place. The readings of 0' in

V. 8—vi. 10, given above, are also due to Dr. Gregory's


Matt. xvi. 1.3-20.

xvi. 13. JTiva (om. fii). HH. mrav.

\\ 17. airoicp. ci.||


II20. om. avTov.


V. 14. ajriiyyitXai'. \tiXBov. \\

1.5. cot i/J.][\fy](uiva.


hriy. ||\K ? (iipaivovTOQ. \

fic] <r.||

19. k<j( oi'ic (vdtr).|

|ffoi 6 «.-£ (vdtr).



21. vaXiv ante

70 tripav.II22. /cm ilov ip.

||23. cai napiKaXu.

The following arc the readings of a tiny morsel of an uncial

Lcctionary brought from Upper Egypt, now in the Cambridge

University Library (Add. 1S75). It may be calUd T'. The

Tvriting must Lave been in two columns ; and there is reason to

suppose that the (lost) inrcr column was in Thebaic. The

date seems to be about the sixth century. The mutilated title

of the lesson to which the few extant words belong includes the

name MAeOAION (s/r).

Mutt. iii. 13—16.

li. ft defuisse Iwavvijc spatiorum ratio suadet.||

IG. /3a-

TTTtaBus di.\hab. o Itiuovq. \

iv9vs avi^ij.

Eev. xiii. 10.

xiii. 10. 1. 6. A] lego 'A. [Am.) Fiilct: et dele infra.


p. xxxiv. col. 2. liii. 11 from foot.—1'(T xiii. 10 icad viii. 19.


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