treaty of tordesillas

TREATY OF TORDESILLAS Spain and Portugal were the first countries to make a push for exploration. The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the world between Spain and Portugal to keep the peace; everything west of the line belonged to

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Treaty of Tordesillas. Spain and Portugal were the first countries to make a push for exploration. The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the world between Spain and Portugal to keep the peace; everything west of the line belonged to Spain, while everything east of the line belonged to Portugal. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Spain and Portugal were the first countries to make a push for exploration. The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the world between Spain and Portugal to keep the peace; everything west of the line belonged to Spain, while everything east of the line belonged to Portugal.

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Quote from Spanish Conquistador: “to serve God and his Majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness, and to grow rich, as all men desire to do.”

Colony: a settlement of a group of people who leave their native country to live in a new land that is subject to or connected with the parent nation.

Mercantilism: a political and economic system that seeks to secure a nation’s dominance over other nations by accumulating wealth through trade (exporting more than importing)

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SPANISH & PORTUGUESE COLONIES Begins with the Conquistadors in the late 15th century in the

Caribbean (West Indies), then Mexico, and South America Focus is on extracting resources from the colonies.

Silver & Gold from mainland (Mexico): process was difficult & dangerous so the Spanish use the natives to work

Sugar from the islands (West Indies): use the natives as their forced labor (slaves)

St. Augustine, Florida: founded in 1565 by Pedro Menéndez de Avilés Oldest continuously occupied  European-established city

and port in the continental U.S. Served as a base for further explorations.

Cabral landed in Brazil in 1500; the first permanent settlement established in 1532 at São Vicente

Portuguese establish the sugar cane industry which required intensive labor

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IMPACT OF SPANISH COLONIES 16th century – 240,000 Spaniards emigrated to the

American Colonies; 17th century – 500,000 Spaniard emigrated

Before Columbus, it is estimated by there were several hundred thousand indigenous people in Hispaniola; by 1509 that population declined to 60,000.

The population of Mexico declined by an estimated 90% by the early 17th century.

In Peru, the indigenous population went from 6.5 million to one million by the early 17th century. Population declines due to disease and over-work

Cultural Impact: many indigenous people were converted to

Christianity. Spanish is the language of many countries in

central America

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IMPACT OF PORTUGUESE COLONIESImpact Indigenous population is forced to work

plantations Many die from over-work or disease

Atlantic Slave Trade established As the indigenous population declines,

Portuguese needed more laborers By the mid 1500s, they find a solution:

import slaves from the continent of Africa Population of Brazil speaks Portuguese,

not Spanish

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ENGLISH COLONIES IN THE AMERICA’S After the initial explorations of the “new world”,

the English settled along the Atlantic coast of North America

The first settlement: Roanoke Colony established in 1586, but abandoned a year later 2nd Colony was established in the same area but

disappeared : “The Lost Colony” Government of England gave land grants to

stockholder companies in 1606 Plymouth Company: given land north of the 41st

parallel Virginia Company: given land south of the 38th


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FIRST SETTLEMENTS Jamestown Colony was established by the

Virginia Company in 1607 Plymouth Colony established in 1620 by the

Pilgrims . Massachusetts Bay Colony is established in

1628 The Puritans established settlements in the eastern

part of the Mass. Bay Colony. Those who disagreed with the Puritans established new colonies.

By 1732, thirteen English colonies stretched along the east coast of present-day U.S. from New Hampshire to Georgia

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FIRST ENGLISH COLONY’SRoanoke Colony & Jamestown

Plymouth & Massachusetts Bay

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FRENCH COLONIES IN THE AMERICA’S Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River

and claimed the region for France in 1536. Samuel de Champlain extended French claims in

North America. 1608 Champlain founded the city of Quebec.

Helped the Algonquin and Huron Indians defeat the Iroquois

French explored the interior of Canada and North America from the Appalachian Mountains west to the Mississippi

French settlements are mostly trading posts Little control over the region because there was a lack

of settlers

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St. Lawrence River

French Colonies

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devastated through military force or disease

Indigenous populations are forced to move as colonists settle more land

English & French are the predominant languages of North America

English Common Law becomes basis for colonial law