treatment sheet

Beyoncé Schoolin’ life Treatment by Rachel Harriman & Bronte Ainsley

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Treatment sheet



Schoolin’ life

Treatment by Rachel Harriman & Bronte Ainsley

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The song is very upbeat and the lyrics tell a story about, life as girl and growing up, we would like to show this by using some literal interpretations of the lyrics but as well as challenging the way we interpret elements. Using dance routines, special effects, costume and editing will complement the concept idea that we have planned. Camera angles are an extremely important element as we aim to create shots of the performance from a range of angles to make a large impact on the audience from having such a dramatic impact.

Performance & NarrativePerformance is key to this video, as it will help construct the narrative and it is essential that it is powerful and portrays confidence to deliver the beauty of the performance in a very successful context.

Inspired by Beyonce performance in her countdown video and the use of dance routines she is certainly capable to deliver an effective performance but can also keep it simple but still equally effective in areas. Inspiration will also be taken from Beyonce video why don’t you love me, to focus on the narrative and how portrayal is very effective showing a more dated style.


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Lighting is a crucial to this production; it can help state the mood and tone the theme that is being portrayed. Subtle lights can be used to make it a more 50’S style era to set the theme and high energy and possibly moving lights to create a bolder statement. This style would be most successful in the dance routine aspect of the production to emphasize the energy, possible use a backlight at the beginning to create a silhouette to then break into a performance.

CameraWith a number of cameras surrounding in a circle we aim to take a variety of different angled shots from the same aspect of the production to be able to jump cut from each angel when editing, as well as doing a close up to highlight aspects like her eyes to portray jealous using acetate over the lens and wiping away the contents that covers it the camera will capture this through a framing aspect. This inspired idea has been captured from this video .

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DanceThe song has a very upbeat tempo and would be perfect to apply a choreographed dance routine, with 5 or 7 dancers a mix of male and female. The routine is to be performed in a pyramid formation. With the artist located in the centre at the tip of the pyramid to create a main central focus.

The dance will be a commercial style routine to fit in with the upbeat tempo of the song and also to represent the genre successfully. The location for shooting this routine is to be in a dance studio to create a very natural surrounding making it look like a voyeurism shot as if we are looking in.

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Influences for this idea have been taken from Beyonce video countdown which see took her inspiration from a dance schools production rosas danst rosas

Style & CostumeA 50’s style has been decided on to represent this song, as the lyrics portray the growing up of a life-time and the stages females go through with in their lives. Stereotypical women where strongest represented in the 50’s so we aim to show this through the use of 50’s style by making it appropriate to the genre, using more of a 50’s pin up style to show the confidence in women in a seductive way that is a key aspect of what sells in female pop videos. Some low lights will be used to create tones against the colors and edited filters to create a 50’s vibe. Costumes will include , high wasted shorts, crop tops, glamorous dresses, some character costumes for example school teach and nun for entertainment factor and literal meaning.

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Props will sustain make up, black flicked eye liner, green contact lenses, books, telephone, chair, acetate sheet, bubble gum and bubbles.

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LocationA variety of different locations will be used to create this video, recording studio with a green screen to make the artist look like she is set in locations, a dance studio for the dance routine performance and outside locations to disjoint the narrative. Also use a projection room to filter images of the artist whilst performing.