
Page 1 of 11 F.No.6 (57)/FRU/04-Part-III Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure *** New Delhi, the July, 2010 Office Memorandum Subject: Mission Mode Project (Treasury computerization) under the National e- Governance Plan (NeGP) The undersigned is directed to state that the Government of India has approved the scheme for implementation of the Mission Mode Projects Computerization of State Treasuries. A copy of the scheme guidelines is enclosed. 2. State Governments are eligible for Central Assistance as per the approved scheme. State Governments requested to send their proposals for appraisal/approval. The proposal should be prepared in accordance with the attached guidelines. The proposal may also please be duly aligned with the Guidelines for Operational Model for implementation of State MMPsissued by the Department of Information Technology, Government of India available at . Encl.: as above (P.K.Monga) Director (PF-1) Tel. No. 23092578 Chief Secretaries of all States/UTs

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    F.No.6 (57)/FRU/04-Part-III Government of India Ministry of Finance

    Department of Expenditure ***

    New Delhi, the July, 2010

    Office Memorandum

    Subject: Mission Mode Project (Treasury computerization) under the National e-

    Governance Plan (NeGP)

    The undersigned is directed to state that the Government of India has approved the

    scheme for implementation of the Mission Mode Projects Computerization of State

    Treasuries. A copy of the scheme guidelines is enclosed.

    2. State Governments are eligible for Central Assistance as per the approved scheme.

    State Governments requested to send their proposals for appraisal/approval. The

    proposal should be prepared in accordance with the attached guidelines. The proposal

    may also please be duly aligned with the Guidelines for Operational Model for

    implementation of State MMPs issued by the Department of Information Technology,

    Government of India available at .

    Encl.: as above

    (P.K.Monga) Director (PF-1)

    Tel. No. 23092578 Chief Secretaries of all States/UTs

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    1. Background

    1.1 The bulk of States and Union Territories financial transactions pass through

    treasuries. Therefore computerization of treasuries is crucial for achieving greater

    efficiencies, reducing costs, eliminating redundancies and facilitating the adoption of

    modern public expenditure management practices.

    2. Objectives

    2.1 The treasury computerization project is expected to make budgeting processes

    more efficient, improve cash flow management, promote real-time reconciliation of

    accounts, strengthen Management Information Systems (MIS), improve accuracy and

    timeliness in accounts preparation, bring about transparency and efficiency in public

    delivery systems, better financial management along with improved quality of

    governance in States and Union Territories.

    2.2 This scheme aims at supporting the State/UT Governments to computerize their

    treasury functions and provide required interface for data sharing among treasuries,

    State/UT finance departments, Accountant General (AG) offices, Reserve Bank of

    India(RBI), agency banks, Central Plan Schemes Monitoring System (CPSMS) of

    Controller General of accounts (CGA), minimal reconciliation and feeding treasury data

    seamlessly in to State Data Centers resulting in reduced incidence of missing credits,

    facilitation of pension payments and web-based citizens queries regarding receipts and

    expenditure etc.

    2.3 Objectives of the MMP will be achieved by supporting the States/UTs to fill the

    existing gaps in their computerization, up-gradation, expansion and interface

    requirements, apart from basic computerization. Since each State/UT would have its

    specific requirements based on the present level of treasury computerization, the

    scheme has been structured as a menu of components. The States/UTs would be free

    to decide their plans but would need to factor in minimum deliverables with regard to

    functionality, connectivity, service delivery and standards.

    3. Coverage:

    3.1 The functional coverage of the scheme will as under:

    (i) Design and development of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) to

    introduce new processes and re-engineer existing processes to ensure synergies with

    new system.

    (ii) Scalability and maintainability while ensuring performance

    (iii) Interface for data sharing among treasuries, State/UT finance departments,

    Accountant General (AG) offices, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), agency banks and the

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    Central Plan Schemes Monitoring System (CPSMS) of Controller General of accounts


    (iv) Identified minimum deliverables with regard to functionality, connectivity, service

    delivery and standards.

    4. Indicative minimum set of deliverables

    4.1 Business Process Re-engineering (BPR): Re-engineering of existing processes,

    and introduction of new processes where necessary, to ensure synergy of processes

    with electronic systems.

    4.2 Design and development of standardized formats for Data exchange

    4.3 Budget module: Aims at providing support for Budget management, including

    preparation, communication and revision of budgets for the State/UT Governments. It

    will enable the departments to moderate the demands made by field offices and submit

    them to the Finance Department, indicating their requirements of funds. The Finance

    Department would analyze the demands from various perspectives and finally

    recommend provisions for each of the budget heads/ departments. The module should

    be able to print the document for being placed before the legislature for approval. This

    module will facilitate timely releases as well as adherence to the authorized limits of

    expenditure by the DDOs. The module allows re-appropriation / supplementary grants,

    surrenders to be handled through it in similar manner.

    4.4 Accounts module: Aims at comprehensively capturing all accounting information

    including departmental personal ledger accounts and all recoverable/receivable

    accounts. The module shall maintain the departmental cashbook and consolidate

    monthly accounts in the prescribed format for online transmission to Finance

    Department / Accountant General.

    4.5 Personnel Management & Pay Roll module: Has the objective of providing

    support for Personnel Resource Information and Salary Management for the generation

    of pay bills electronically and electronic submission of the same to the treasury. This

    module will have pre-audit features to apply initial checks and minimize the time

    required for processing of bills. This system will handle establishment functions such as

    advances, medical and travel allowances, GPF, defined contribution pensions, GIS,

    LTC, etc.

    4.6 Pension module: Will process pension payment orders (PPOs) received from the

    AG for monthly payment of pension / family pension and social pensions, etc. The

    module will generate monthly pension bills and provide for calculation of arrears of

    pension. The module will also provide for online accounts statements to the pensioners

    and various transactions with the pensioners, including their annual live certificates etc.

    4.7 Receipt module: Will provide for the online receipt / refunds of tax dues to the

    State/UT from the taxpayers through ECS / EFT related electronic facilities.

    4.8 Fund Management module: Aims at day to day control over spending /

    expenditure, fixing up priorities of payments, allowing expenditure based on objectives,

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    finding additional sources, monitoring of revenue generation and managing cash flow to

    avoid over drafts. This module enables working out cash flows on day to day basis.

    4.9 Virtual Treasury module: Would enable the taxpayers / receipt paying agencies

    to fill challans (e-challans) on its website and make online payments using the

    participating Banks Internet Banking Facility.

    4.10 Banking Interface module: Would enable electronic capture of receipt as well as

    payment data from the commercial banks authorized to do Government business, as

    well as the RBI. It would also allow departments to exchange information of receipts.

    4.11 C&AG interface module: Shall provide linkages with the Accountant Generals

    office and allow access to AG to make modifications / add transactions on an online

    basis. Alternatively, it can allow exchange of voucher level data electronically with the

    Accountant Generals office, thus providing an efficient means for reconciliation of

    accounting transactions. Further, the module would enable compilation of accounts, so

    that monthly/annual accounts are available expeditiously. This would facilitate decision-

    making. The module will also facilitate audit of Government offices by providing data

    samples for verification to the audit and ensure quick availability of audit reports of

    C&AG along with reference data for Legislative oversight.

    4.12 Financial Data Warehouse module: Data generated by all modules is processed

    on a central server for generating various MIS reports. The processed data is made

    available on INTRANET and INTERNET. The objective of this MIS portal would be to

    make available up to date financial information required for various departments of the

    Government. The system would impart detailed information for various financial

    transactions like budget of the State/UT, ways and means position, Payment Data,

    Receipt Data, and Bills in Process etc. It would also give reports for various payments.

    It would provide a multi dimensional query support based on various financial


    4.13 E-Status enquiry from DDOs and banks regarding pensions, debt, debentures

    allotment, cheques and challans.

    4.14 E-Audit: Shall provide for applying initial audit checks online and facilitate Internal

    Audit management.

    4.15 Any other relevant activity, particularly an activity that increases financial

    inclusion through use of technology.

    5. The scheme will cover those districts in States and Union Territories as are in

    existence on 1 April, 2010, that is 626 districts.

    6. Admissible and Inadmissible components

    6.1 Since a large part of treasury computerization would become possible only after

    relevant codes are amended by the States/UTs, the cost of setting up of a task force to

    examine codes will be a valid cost under the scheme.

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    6.2 Funding under the scheme would be subject to availability of infrastructure and

    actual needs. There will be a need to demonstrate linkage of every proposed activity

    with the objectives of the scheme.

    6.3 Inadmissible components include recurrent costs, soft costs like manpower cost,

    operation and maintenance costs, and costs not directly linked with the scheme


    7. Project preparation and approval

    7.1 The States/UTs will be required to prepare project proposals based on their

    current level of treasury computerization and the desired level to be achieved. The

    suggested format for preparation of DPRs may be seen at Annex-I, and should cover,

    inter alia, the following:

    i) Robust application software with centralized architecture at the State/UT level

    to automate various functions of the finance department and service delivery.

    ii) Provision for certification and testing of application software by an

    independent agency like Standardization, Testing and Quality Certification


    iii) Strategy to integrate State Service Delivery Gateway, State portals, State

    Data Centers (SDC), and Common Services Centers (CSC) being set up

    under the National e-Governance Plan.

    iv) Adequate and secure network infrastructure to cater to the entire

    geographical spread of the State/UT on a sustainable basis and strategy to

    use and integrate with State Wide Area Network (SWAN).

    v) Disaster recovery and business continuity plan to ensure that the system runs

    24x365 even in the case of long power outages, floods, earthquake, virus

    attacks and situations like vendor abandoning the project etc.

    vi) Use of open Standards, frameworks and platform independence to ensure

    interoperability and prevention of technology lock in.

    vii) Clear strategy for capturing transaction level data in each case and

    integration with legacy applications, wherever possible.

    viii) Standardization and inter-operability of the implementation in different districts

    as well as facilitate faster development of the computerized system and its

    hosting at State/UT level.

    ix) Data sharing with other agencies like GoI Central Plan Schemes Monitoring

    System (CPSMS) and State AG etc.

    x) Standards prescribed by the Department of Information Technology, GoI.

    xi) Capacity building, awareness generation, training and orientation including

    change management strategy.

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    7.2 Each State/UT would be required to prepare an action plan covering the following


    i) Changes required in procedures, practices, codes, manuals and laws (like

    provision for use of digital signatures, file formats, transfer of funds

    electronically) with explicit time lines to ensure achievement of these


    ii) All the deliverables linked to specific time lines.

    iii) Constitution of project e-Mission team and deployment of requisite manpower

    at the State and sub-state/UT level.

    iv) Capacity building, awareness generation, training and orientation including

    change management strategy.

    7.3 The Detailed Project Reports and Action Plans sent by States/UTs would be

    scrutinized by an inter-ministerial committee namely, Programme Steering Committee

    (PSC) for technical and financial soundness before approval by Empowered Committee


    7.4 The Programme Steering Committee (PSC) will also monitor the implementation

    of the State Treasury Computerization projects as Mission Mode Project. The inter-

    ministerial approval mechanism ensure that funding for Treasury Computerization does

    not result in mere purchase of hardware without being backed by appropriate

    application software with required functionality to achieve the outcomes from the MMP.

    The Programme Steering Committee (PSC) will periodically monitor the scheme

    through designated officers for each State/ Union Territory. Quarterly Progress Reports

    will be submitted on the progress by each State/UT Government to the PSC.

    7.5 After technical and financial appraisal the proposal will be approved by an

    Empowered Committee (EC) under the chairpersonship of Special Secretary/ Additional

    Secretary (Expenditure) in the Department of Expenditure. The EC will have full

    financial powers to approve State/UTs projects, provide guidance and take all policy

    decisions within the ambit of the scheme.

    7.6 The implementation of the scheme will be reviewed after two years or earlier, and

    any minor amendments, as well as those indicated by technological advancements,

    effected with the approval of the Finance Minister.

    8. Financing Pattern

    8.1 The Mission Mode Project (Treasury Computerization) would be implemented as

    a State Plan Scheme under NeGP and the financial support to the States/UTs projects

    would be upto 75% (90% in case of North Eastern States) of the individual project cost

    of admissible components limited to Rs. 75 lakh per district (Rs. 90 lakh per district for

    North Eastern States).

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    8.2 Funds would be released as Central Assistance (100% Central Grant in respect

    of central share) to the designated State/UT agency in three installments of 40%, 30%

    and 30% each, subject to satisfactory receipt of utilization certificates (Annex-II). Money

    towards hardware purchase would be released only after the required application is

    developed /modified /customized ensuring reusability, scalability and interoperability of

    solutions, as per the guidelines and standards issued by Government of India from time

    to time.

    8.3 Milestones for disbursement of Additional Central Assistance as Central Share

    a) Disbursal of 40% to State/UT Government, based on approved treasury computerization plan.

    b) Disbursal of 30% upon:

    i. Utilization of the amount released earlier

    ii. Purchase or part purchase of hardware/ upgrade of hardware

    iii. Purchase/development of software

    iv. Completion of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) exercise.

    v. E-connectivity (at least through e-mail) between district treasuries and State/UT Finance Department

    vi. Commencement of training of staff

    vii. Achievement of milestones as per approved Plan layout.

    c) Disbursal of remaining 30% upon:

    i. Utilization of the amount released earlier and State/UTs share of 25%

    ii. Completion of code amendment exercise

    iii. Demonstrated connectivity with RBI, AG, CGA and agency banks

    iv. Operationalization of all the modules as per para 5 of these guidelines.

    9. Duration of the Scheme

    The States/UTs would be required to complete their projects in three years. Considering

    that the States/UTs would take some time to firm up their plans under the scheme,

    some residual components may spill over into the fourth year.

    10. Monitoring and Evaluation

    10.1 The inter-ministerial approval mechanism will ensure that funding for Treasury

    Computerization does not result in mere purchase of hardware without being backed by

    appropriate application software with required functionality to achieve the outcomes

    from the MMP. Programme Steering Committee (PSC) will periodically monitor the

    scheme through designated officers for each State/ Union Territory. Quarterly Progress

    Reports will be submitted on the projects by each State/UT Government to the PSC.

    10.2 The implementation of the scheme will be reviewed after two years, or earlier if

    warranted, to bring about any needed amendments, as well as those indicated by

    technological advancements.

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    11. Audit:

    11.1 All funds released under the scheme will be subject to audit scrutiny by AG audit

    parties and by any of the agencies entrusted with such responsibility by the Department

    of Expenditure.


    (Refer para 7)


    1. Introduction: The Detailed Project Report (DPR) must start with a brief on the

    treasury administration its location, size, structure in terms of service levels and

    other parameters. The brief must include the functions of treasury administration and

    the organization structure. The DPR should highlight the existing infrastructure, any

    back end computerization already completed and overall e readiness.

    2. Define project Objectives in line with NeGP mission: The DPR must indicate

    which of the specific objectives of National e Governance Plan could be achieved by

    the project and in particular, how the project, if successful will influence the

    attainment of these objectives.

    3. Define Project Outcomes envisaged: The outcome(s) of the project should

    specify its impact on and benefits to a target beneficiaries that are anticipated on the

    achievement of project objectives. The identification project outcomes should help in

    deciding on which activities and services are required to be undertaken.

    4. Identify and detail out various services offered

    5. Define Target beneficiaries

    6. Identify various stakeholders and define roles and responsibilities: The

    stakeholders should include all sections such as Ministry, department, district,

    vendors, consultants, implementing agencies, monitoring agencies, citizens etc.

    7. End user consultation to understand stakeholders expectation

    8. Business Model: The DPR must provide details of the proposed business model

    of the project to ensure self-sustainability of the project in terms of continuity of the

    services to the beneficiaries. The demand for targeted services, estimated adoption

    rate and revenue must be estimated.

    9. Business Process Re-engineering: The DPR must indicate the requirement of

    process re engineering and a brief methodology to conduct the same.

    10. Service Levels and Measurement: The DPR must detail out the service levels

    for each offered service and propose a methodology for continuous measurement

    and reporting.

    11. Capital Expenditure: The DPR must provide complete details of capital

    expenditure proposed for the project. The location wise numbers of each hardware,

    software, furniture, data digitization, project management cost etc required must be

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    provided. The DPR must indicate existing hardware/ software etc and identify its

    usage in the proposed project. The requirement of database and application server

    needs to be justified in the DPR since it is expected that all the databases and

    application would be hosted in the State Data Centre (SDC) proposed by the

    Department of Information Technology (DIT). In case machines at client end and

    LAN, the same to be planned on the basis of requirement at each office (net of

    existing machines or machines planned under any other projects).

    12. Operating expenses: The DPR must detail out projected year wise operating


    13. Capacity Building: The DPR must indicate the proposed organizational

    structure of the project with clear reporting relationship. The detailed number of

    personnel at various levels required to be indicated. The training needs of the

    personnel to be highlighted with clear training plan, training modules and time frame

    for the training identified

    14. Contracting Arrangements: The DPR must provide details of all contracts

    identified (even if not finalized) and the annual contract values.

    15. Risk: The DPR must explain the various categories of risks which are most likely

    to impact on the performance on delivery of services. The DPR must highlight the

    method to evaluate the overall chances of potential loss and the plan to control &

    monitor the same.

    16. Cost Benefit Analysis: The DPR must show the results of cost benefit analysis

    17. Service Delivery Mechanism: The DPR must clearly detail out the proposed

    channel for delivery of services and plan for integration with other NeGP scheme.

    18. Institutional Mechanism for Project Management: The DPR must indicate the

    Project Management and Monitoring structure proposed, in consultation with the


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    (Refer para 8.2)


    [See Rule 212(1)]

    Form of Utilization Certificate

    Cert if ied that out of Rs. ____ of grant-

    in-aid sanctioned during the year____

    in favour of_____vide Ministry of

    Finance,Department of Expenditure

    letter no. given in the margin, and the

    unspent balance of the previous year

    amounting to Rs. ______, a sum of

    Rs_______has been util ized for the

    purpose of (please give details of

    items etc), for which it was sanctioned.

    Cert if ied further that the unutil ized

    balance of Rs__________remaining at

    the end of the year has been

    surrendered to Government (vide

    no.____dated ______)/wil l be adjusted

    towards the grant -in-aid payable during

    the next year______.

    2. Certified that I have satisfied myself that the conditions on which the grants-in -

    aid was sanctioned have been duly fulfilled/are being fulfilled and that I have exercised

    the following checks to see that the money was actually utilized for the purpose for

    which it was sanctioned.

    Kinds of checks exercised









    Letter No. and date Amount Rs.


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