travel certificate - · pessoa tera de ser na presence de um medico qualifcado. ......

Travel Certificate

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Post on 18-Sep-2018




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Travel Certificate

Important informationfor travel authorities

Travel / security staff

Please show respect and be empathetic at ALL times to the travel certificate holder, assisting them with their journey. Thank you for your help.

No waiting

Please allow URGENT access to your toilet facilities. The holder of this travel certificate has a medical condition – he/she may need URGENT access to toilet facilities – please assist the holder.Thank you for your help.

Travelling through airports

The holder of this travel certificate wears an ostomy applicance which is attached to their abdomen at ALL times. To help secure the applicance in position, there may be a belt with metal components, which could register on detection equipment.

Travel Certificate


Note 1:

Note 2:


If it is deemed necessary for the certificate holder to be searched – a private room is essential

• If there is a need to examine the certificate holder a qualified medical practitioner must be present.

• If there is a need to search the certificate holder’s hand luggage (ostomy appliances/medical supplies are carried within hand luggage) it is important that appliances and medical supplies are not opened and remain within easy reach of the certificate holder.


Personal details: Please complete in BLOCK capitals


Travel Certificate


Note to applicant: The bearer may be advised to carry a supporting letter from his or her family, doctor or surgeon.



Passport Number:



Doctor’s Name:

Surgery Address:

Postcode:Practice stamp:

Doctor’s Signature:


To whom it may concern

This is to certify that the person named has had a surgical operation which makes it necessary for him/her to wear a bag attached to their abdomen. This bag is to collect excretion from the bowel or bladder and must be worn at all times.

Do not examine or remove this bag unless a qualified medical practitioner is present. Unqualified interference with the bag may cause leakage, and great discomfort and embarrassment to the wearer. The bag may be supported by a belt; if so, this may have metal parts that register on a metal detector.

The holder of this certificate will need to carry spare bags and surgical dressings, etc, in their hand and main luggage. It is essential that these supplies remain intact and are not mislaid.



NB: Should there be need to examine the appliance, a qualified medical practitioner must be present – please assist the card holder if this is necessary.

The holder will be carrying medical supplies in hand luggage – this includes extra appliances.It is essential that these remain intact and within easy access.

Please be sympathetic to the card holder and allow him/her speedy progress. Thank you for your help.

Plan ahead – a few tips for travelling at home and abroad

Travel Certificate


• Make sure your travel documents are in order e.g passport/ insurance cover policy / European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) / travel certificate / GP letter / copy of prescription / note of your appliance supplier and product codes.

• Make a checklist of equipment you need to take with you on your journey. Put together a small travel kit containing items needed for a change of appliance. Keep it with you at all times and regularly update its contents.

• Order adequate supplies for your holiday in good time.

• Calculate the number of pouches you need for the days of your holiday – double it, adding a few extras. Remember: a different environment may mean more changes – you could include a couple of drainable pouches. Don’t forget wipes, tissues and disposal bags, as well as your pouches and flanges.

• If travelling abroad, contact your stoma care nurse for details of medical care in the country you are visiting. If staying in the UK, your stoma care nurse may be able to give you contact details of a nurse in the area you will be staying in.


The following pages contain language translations of the information that appears on Page 5.

















Language Translations


















ArabicTravel Certificate


CroatianTravel Certificate


FrenchTravel Certificate

À qui de droit

Ce présent document certifie que la personne nommée sur cette carte a subi une intervention chirurgicale qui l’oblige à porter une poche attachée à l’abdomen. Cette poche est prévue pour recueillir l’excrétion des intestins ou de la vessie et doit être portée en permanence.

Ne pas examiner ou enlever cette poche à moins qu’un médecin qualifié ne soit présent. Toute manipulation de la poche par une personne non qualifiée risque de provoquer une fuite ainsi qu’un grand inconfort et un embarras pour le porteur. La poche peut être soutenue par une ceinture. Dans ce cas, cette dernière risque de comporter des parties métalliques qui seront décelées par un détecteur de métaux.

Le détenteur de ce certificat aura besoin de transporter des poches de rechange, des pansements, etc, dans son bagage à main et sa valise. Il est essentiel que ces articles restent intacts et ne soient pas égarés.

NB: Si l’appareil doit être examiné, un MÉDECIN QUALIFIÉ doit être présent – veuillez aider le détenteur de la carte si nécessaire.

Le détenteur de la carte transportera des fournitures médicales dans son bagage à main – dont des appareils supplémentaires – il est essentiel que ces fournitures restent intactes et facilement accessibles.

Veuillez vous montrer compatissant avec le détenteur de la carte et lui permettre des progrès rapides. Merci de votre aide.


Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass der Inhaber dieser Karte einen chirurgischen Eingriff hatte, der das Tragen eines Beutels mit Durchgang zum Bauchraum erfordert. Dieser Beutel dient dem Auffangen von Ausscheidungen des Darms und der Blase und muss ständig getragen werden.

Der Beutel darf nur in Gegenwart eines ausgebildeten Arztes untersucht oder entfernt werden. Durch unbefugtes Eingreifen können Undichtigkeiten entstehen, die sich für den Träger äußerst unangenehm auswirken.

Der Beutel wird unter Umständen von einem Gürtel gehalten, dessen Metallteile von einem Metalldetektor erkannt werden.

Der Inhaber dieser Bescheinigung führt gegebenenfalls Reservebeutel, Verbandsgerät usw. im Gepäck oder im Handgepäck mit sich. Diese Utensilien müssen unbedingt unversehrt und für den Besitzer jederzeit erreichbar bleiben.



P.S. Falls es notwendig werden sollte, das Gerät zu kontrollieren, darf dies nur in Gegenwart eines qualifizierten Arztes geschehen – Bitte stellen Sie dem Inhaber dieser Karte die nötige Unterstützung zur Verfügung.

Der Inhaber dieser Karte hat Utensilien im Handgepäck, worunter sich auch Ersatzgeräte befinden, die unbedingt funktionsfähig und leicht erreichbar bleiben müssen. access.

Wir bitten um wohlwollende Behandlung und schnelle Abfertigung des Inhabers dieser Karte. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.

Travel Certificate


GreekTravel Certificate


HindiTravel Certificate


ItalianTravel Certificate

A chi di competenza

Si certifica che la suddetta persona è stata sottoposta a un intervento chirurgico, pertanto deve sempre avere con sé un piccolo sacchetto fissato all’addome. In questo sacchetto, che deve essere sempre indossato, vanno a raccogliersi le feci o le urine.

Non esaminare né staccare il sacchetto salvo in presenza di personale medico qualificato. L’intervento di persone non qualificate sul sacchetto potrebbe causare perdite e grave disagio o imbarazzo per il/la paziente. Talvolta il sacchetto viene sostenuto tramite una cintura, che presenta parti metalliche in grado di attivare i rilevatori di metallo.

Il titolare di questo certificato deve inoltre portare con sé sacchetti di ricambio, bende, fasce chirurgiche ecc. sia nel bagaglio a mano, sia nei colli presentati per la registrazione bagagli. È essenziale che tali articoli si conservino intatti e non vengano smarriti.

NB: se occorre ispezionare l’apparecchio, bisogna farlo in presenza di PERSONALE MEDICO QUALIFICATO. In caso di necessità, si prega di prestare assistenza al titolare di questo certificato.

Il titolare trasporta materiale medico di scorta nel bagaglio a mano, tra cui altri apparecchi. È essenziale che si conservino intatti e siano a portata di mano.

Si prega di trattare il titolare di questo certificato con riguardo e di consentire un rapido svolgimento delle procedure. Grazie per il vostro aiuto.


MandarinTravel Certificate


PolishTravel Certificate

Caro Leitor

O portador deste certificado foi submetido a uma cirurgia de colostomia, ileostomia, ou urostomia. Isto significa que os produtos de excrecao do intestine ou da bexiga agora passam atraves de uma abertura artificial denominada estoma. Esta esta localizada no abdomen.

A presence de um estoma requer um saco de ostomia fixado ao abdomen. A remocao deste saco causara fugas e podera causar desconforto consideravel ao utente. Qualquer exame que tenha de ser feito a esta pessoa tera de ser na presence de um medico qualifcado.

Os sacos de ostomia por vezes precisam de ser suportados por um cinto. Este pode conter pecas metalicas e pode ser detectado por equipamento de deteccao.



E provavel que a pessoa portadora deste certificardo tambem transporte bagagem adiciniol de mao contendo sacos e materiais de limpeza, em caso de uma emergencia.

E essencial que estes itens permanecam intactos e estejam sempre juntos ao utente.

Muito obrigado pela sua colaboracao neste assunto delicado.

Travel Certificate


RussianTravel Certificate

A quien pueda interesar

Por el presente documento se certifica que la persona mencionada en esta tarjeta ha sufrido una operación quirúrgica que le obliga a llevar una bolsa conectada al abdomen. Esta bolsa sirve para recoger las excreciones de los intestinos o vejiga y ha de llevarse en todo momento.

No examinen o quiten esta bolsa a menos que esté presente un médico examinador cualificado. La interferencia con la bolsa de personal no cualificado puede provocar la fuga de su contenido y crear un gran malestar y una situación violenta a su portador. Es posible que esta bolsa vaya sujeta a un cinturón de soporte. Si es así, éste podría contener partes metálicas que pueden ser detectadas por un detector de metales.

El portador de este certificado tendrá que llevar consigo bolsas de repuesto, apósitos quirúrgicos etc. en su equipaje de mano y en el equipaje facturado. Es esencial que estos artículos



NOTA: Si hubiera alguna necesidad de examinar la bolsa, ha de estar presente un MÉDICO CUALIFICADO – por favor, brinden su ayuda al portador de la tarjeta si fuera necesario.

El portador llevará productos médicos en su equipaje de mano. Incluye bolsas extra. Es esencial que éstas permanezcan intactas y que sean de fácil acceso.

Les rogamos que sean comprensivos con el portador de la tarjeta y le permitan progresar con diligencia. Les agradecemos su cooperación.

Travel Certificate


ThaiTravel Certificate


TurkishTravel Certificate


VietnameseTravel Certificate

Name of Stoma Care Nurse:


Hospital/Doctor’s Surgery/Health Centre Address:


Contact Tel No:

Name of your stoma product supplier:

Contact Tel No:

List of your stoma care supplies and product codes:

Home delivery details:

Useful Information

Respond Healthcare [email protected]

0800 220 3000800 028 6848 Northern Ireland

respondltd @respondltd

Special thanks to

Enterprise House95 London StreetReadingRG1 4QAUKGeneral enquiries: +44 (0)118 939 1537E: [email protected]