travel and make money : successful travel blogging strategies

Travel & Make Money – Successful Travel Blogging Strategies

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Travel & Make Money –Successful Travel

Blogging Strategies

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• Many people of today have jumped on the blogging band wagon, understanding that it is great fun and easy to do, what they might not understand is, that you can make big dollars with your blog.

• Your blog can be the instrument that affords you the luxury of working from home and make money with online affiliate marketing full time.

• Many of the bloggers of today fail to realize the potential they have with their blogs, with a little tweaking you can have a traffic getting blog, with people coming to purchase what you have to offer.

• Businesses are starting up on the Internet by the thousands every day, many are under the impression that if they just had a blog, they could make all the money they wanted and all you have to do is add content to your blog and your off and running.

• Whoa Nelly! Owning a blog is just the beginning of a log road to travel, before you call the brinks to come and pick all your cash, you need to do your homework.

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• Absolutely you can make money off a travel blog. You can make money off almost anything, either directly or indirectly.

• It’s incredible the doors that can open once you build an audience around something, and it’s amazing the amount of people I’ve met who make money off their passions.

• The best way to earn an income travel blogging is by doing something you love and are good at.

• But you’ve got to earn it. • You’ve got to build a foundation, a brand, an audience,

and a product or service.

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It’s important you get your foundation in place first.

• Your brand and messaging• Solid content• List of email subscribers• Functional and professional website• Tools and resources• Social media communities• Your USP (unique selling proposition)• Network of contacts• Media kit• Testimonials

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These main pieces of advice about how to make money blogging:

• Spread your portfolio of products and earning opportunities–

• Sell products and services that your readers need –

• Think outside the box –

• Focus on writing amazing content –

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Spread your portfolio of products and earning opportunities–

• Before you home-in on what works best for you, try to experiment with a variety of monetization techniques.

• This can be everything from affiliate links, paid partnerships and social media promotion to brand campaigns and sponsorships.

• You can create a more passive income stream for your blog by working out which is the most effective.

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Sell products and services that your readers need –

• Consider selling digital marketing training to aspiring bloggers or travel consulting to your readers who are looking to dig deeper into the content that they see on your site

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Think outside the box –

• What can you do that nobody else is? Marketing yourself as a very specific entity within the blogging world can help you align your expertise with brand partnerships that will generate higher revenue as your audience is so targeted.

• Before you approach a brand ensure that you have a media kit ready and that you (and your readers) will have a genuine interest in their product or service.

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Focus on writing amazing content –

• Remember to plan long term.

• A great way to do this is to build a name for yourself as a provider of great content.

• Educating your readers and building trust is the best way to position yourself in a position of authority amongst other travel blogs.

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Best Way :

• The best way to make money from a travel blog is to listen to what your readers need.

• Then create a solution for their problems and pain points.

• Products and services are the most secure and long-lasting way to make money, and you don’t necessarily need a huge platform.

• With other monetization models, such as ambassadorship or paid campaigns with tourism boards, you do.

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A few things the blog needs to succeed:

• engaged readers who trust you

• self hosted site.

• a niche, brand, and unique blog name

• social media followers…

• Unique, fun content uploaded at a regular schedule.

• A site that is easy to look at

• a media kit

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Engaged readers who trust you…

• you already knew that I’m sure ;) I find that just talking on my blog the way I do in person works best and the articles where I *attempt to be funny usually get the most reads.

• I don’t consider myself a great writer, so just try to type like I’m talking to a friend.

• You have to find what works for you.

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Self hosted site.

• I used to use godaddy and it was terrible. I switched to siteground and love it

• . My site started running faster, it was cheaper, and they back everything up for me fo free.

• I have renewed with them for the next two years.

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A niche, brand, and unique blog name…

• know “something” well. For me that is travel to India, Goa, luxury/girly travel.

• You might fall into a niche later you weren’t even expecting.

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Social media followers…

• you can’t avoid SM as a blogger. People have written hundreds of posts on this, so I’m not going to go into it.

• But just google social media for travel bloggers and you’ll see.

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Unique, fun content uploaded at a regular schedule.

• I started out posting 6x a week, then took it down to 5x but wish I was only posting 3x per week.

• I just have too much content that piles up.

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A site that is easy to look at.

• I think this is more important than people want to think.

• A pretty site makes people want to stay on it.

• A messy site will have people clicking away. My blog is built on the Avada theme.

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A media kit

• A media kit (blogging resume) to show off how great your blog is.

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• Another thing to note is that some bloggers post 1x a MONTH, promote like crazy, and make the same amount of money as someone who posts daily. Some people get all their traffic from Pinterest, and some people kick ass at SEO and get theirs organically from Google even though they don’t understand SEO (aka me). Some people make money just off social media, and some people with huge numbers of followers make hardly any money. Some people make nothing on affiliates, while others make 200 bucks a day. It’s different for everyone and learning the in’s and out’s of making money blogging really just takes trial and error. There are loads of articles about how other bloggers make money

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