transport layer advanced features1 chapter 2 transport layer advance features some of these slides...

Transport Layer Advanced Features 1 Chapter 2 Transport Layer Advance Features Some of these slides are copyrighted by: Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach 5 th edition. Jim Kurose, Keith Ross Addison-Wesley, April 2009. Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica

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Transport Layer Advanced Features 1

Chapter 2Transport Layer Advance Features

Some of these slides are copyrighted by:

Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach 5th edition. Jim Kurose, Keith RossAddison-Wesley, April 2009.

Departamento deTecnología Electrónica

Transport Layer Advanced Features 2

Chapter 2 outline

2.1 Transport-layer services

2.2 Connection-oriented transport: TCP

2.3 Principles of congestion control

2.4 TCP congestion control

2.5 Stream Control Transmission Protocol

Transport Layer Advanced Features 3

Chapter 2 outline

2.1 Transport-layer services

2.2 Connection-oriented transport: TCP

2.3 Principles of congestion control

2.4 TCP congestion control

2.5 Stream Control Transmission Protocol

Transport Layer Advanced Features 4

Transport services and protocols

provide logical communication between app processes running on different hosts

transport protocols run in end systems breaks app messages into segments, passes to

network layer

NetworkHost A Host B

Transport Layer Advanced Features 5

Internet transport-layer protocols more than one transport protocol available to apps

Internet: TCP and UDP




Link layer (LLC y MAC)

Physical Layer




Transport Layer Advanced Features 6

Internet transport-layer protocols more than one

transport protocol available to apps Internet: TCP

and UDP


Connection- oriented

Non-connection- oriented

Reliable Unreliable

Segment grouping Unfragmented messages

Rcv orders segments

User datagram

ACKs and timers No ACKs

Flow control No flow control

Congestion control No congestion control

Transport Layer Advanced Features 7

Internet transport-layer protocols Port: identifies application Port numbers:

Application protocol

Port numbers Transport protocol

FTP 20, 21 TCP

Telnet 23 TCP


DNS 53 UDP (TCP (*))



POP3 110 TCP


Transport Layer Advanced Features 8

Chapter 2 outline

2.1 Transport-layer services

2.2 Connection-oriented transport: TCP

2.3 Principles of congestion control

2.4 TCP congestion control

2.5 Stream Control Transmission Protocol

Transport Layer Advanced Features 9

TCP: Overview RFCs: 793, 1122, 1323, 2018, 2581

full duplex data: bi-directional data flow

in same connection MSS: maximum

segment size

connection-oriented: handshaking (exchange

of control msgs) init’s sender, receiver state before data exchange

flow controlled: sender will not

overwhelm receiver

point-to-point: one sender, one


reliable, in-order byte stream: no “message


pipelined: TCP congestion and flow

control set window size

send & receive bufferssocketdoor

T C Psend buffer

T C Preceive buffer


segm ent

applicationwrites data

applicationreads data

Transport Layer Advanced Features 10

TCP segment structure

source port # dest port #

32 bits


(variable length)

sequence number

acknowledgement numberReceive window

Urg data pnterchecksum



Options (variable length)

URG: urgent data (generally not used)

ACK: ACK #valid

PSH: push data now(generally not used)

RST, SYN, FIN:connection estab(setup, teardown


# bytes rcvr willingto accept

countingby bytes of data(not segments!)


(as in UDP)

Transport Layer Advanced Features 11

TCP seq. #’s and ACKsHost A Host B

Seq=M, SYN=1

Seq=N, ACK=M+1, SYN=1

Seq=M+1, ACK=N+1

Client starts active open

Client confirms

server open

Server is in passive open, starts connection

and confirms client open

timeConnection established

Transport Layer Advanced Features 12

Chapter 2 outline

2.1 Transport-layer services

2.2 Connection-oriented transport: TCP

2.3 Principles of congestion control

2.4 TCP congestion control

2.5 Stream Control Transmission Protocol

Transport Layer Advanced Features 13

Principles of Congestion Control

Congestion: informally: “too many sources sending too

much data too fast for network to handle” different from flow control! manifestations:

lost packets (buffer overflow at routers) long delays (queueing in router buffers)

Transport Layer Advanced Features 14

Causes/costs of congestion

Two tx: IN = Sending rate

OUT = Receiving rate

C= Router capability

Queue theory

unlimited shared output link buffers

Host Ain : original data

Host B


large delays when congested

maximum achievable throughput

Transport Layer Advanced Features 15

Supposition: Tx retx lost packets Now, IN is not tx -> higher rate IN’ Congestion costs:

more work (retx) unneeded retransmissions: link carries multiple copies of pkt

Causes/costs of congestion:

unlimited shared output link buffers

Host Ain : original data

Host B


Transport Layer Advanced Features 16

Causes/costs of congestion Two tx and the same dest Supposition: congestion in the router between A and dest Another cost of congestion:

when a packet is dropped, any upstream transmission capacity used for that packet was wasted

finite shared output link buffers

Host Ain : original data

Host B


'in : original data, plus retransmitted data

Transport Layer Advanced Features 17

Causes/costs of congestion Congestion costs: a summary

Big delays when the incoming rate to a router is near to the link capability.

The tx must retx the lost segments due to the router overflow.

Unnecessary BW is used for the retx of duplicated copies of segments (due to delays).

Upstream transmission capacity used for a packet is wasted when it is discarded.

Transport Layer Advanced Features 18

Approaches towards congestion control

End-end congestion control:

no explicit feedback from network

congestion inferred from end-system observed loss, delay

approach taken by TCP

Network-assisted congestion control:

routers provide feedback to end systems E.g. single bit

indicating congestion

Two broad approaches towards congestion control:

Transport Layer Advanced Features 19

Chapter 2 outline

2.1 Transport-layer services

2.2 Connection-oriented transport: TCP

2.3 Principles of congestion control

2.4 TCP congestion control

2.5 Stream Control Transmission Protocol

Transport Layer Advanced Features 20

TCP Congestion Control

sender limits transmission:

LastByteSent-LastByteAcked CongWin

How does sender perceive congestion? loss event = timeout

or 3 duplicate acks TCP sender reduces

rate (CongWin) after loss event

Host A



Host B



resend 2nd segment

Host A

Seq=92, 8 bytes data





lost ACK scenario

Host B

XSeq=92, 8 bytes data



timeResending a

segment after triple duplicate ACK

Transport Layer Advanced Features 21

TCP congestion control: additive increase, multiplicative decrease (AIMD)

8 Kbytes

16 Kbytes

24 Kbytes



Approach: increase transmission rate (window size), probing for usable bandwidth, until loss occurs additive increase: increase CongWin by 1

MSS every RTT until loss detected multiplicative decrease: cut CongWin in half

after loss



n w


w s


Saw toothbehavior: probing

for bandwidth

Transport Layer Advanced Features 22

TCP Congestion Control: details


When connection begins, CongWin = 1 MSS Example: MSS = 500 bytes & RTT

= 200 msec initial rate = 20 kbps

three phases: slow start (SS) Congestion avoidance

(CA): e.g. AIMD Fast recovery (FR)

First two are compulsory in TCP, while the last one is recommendable

rate = CongWin

RTT Bytes/sec

Transport Layer Advanced Features 23

TCP Slow Start

available bandwidth may be >> MSS/RTT

When connection begins, increase rate exponentially fast until first loss event

initial rate is slow but ramps up exponentially fast

Host A

one segment


Host B


two segments

four segments

Transport Layer Advanced Features 24

Congestion avoidance

After 3 dup ACKs: CongWin is cut in half window then grows linearly

But after timeout event: CongWin instead set to 1 MSS; window then grows exponentially to a threshold, then grows linearly

3 dup ACKs indicates network capable of delivering some segments

timeout indicates a “more alarming” congestion scenario


Transport Layer Advanced Features 25

Summary: TCP Congestion Control

When CongWin is below Threshold, sender in slow-start phase, window grows exponentially.

When CongWin is above Threshold, sender is in congestion-avoidance phase, window grows linearly.

When a triple duplicate ACK occurs, Threshold set to CongWin/2 and CongWin set to Threshold.

When timeout occurs, Threshold set to CongWin/2 and CongWin is set to 1 MSS.

Note: TCP version varies the way congestion control is applied. For example, TCP Tahoe always reduces Congestion Window to its initial value after a loss event. Meanwhile, in TCP Reno, all the congestion phases take place.

Transport Layer Advanced Features 26

Chapter 2 outline

2.1 Transport-layer services

2.2 Connection-oriented transport: TCP

2.3 Principles of congestion control

2.4 TCP congestion control

2.5 Stream Control Transmission Protocol

Transport Layer Advanced Features 27

TCP and UDP limitations TCP limitations:

TCP keeps strict order: head-of-line blocking may be a problem (data flow blocked until recovering a lost segment)

Byte-oriented nature of TCP: must use PSH to ensure data goes to app

No multi-home IP hosts Relatively vulnerable to some attacks (SYN


UDP limitations Not reliable No data order No congestion control

Solution: SCTP

Transport Layer Advanced Features 28

Stream Control Transport Protocol SCTP

Stream Control Transport Protocol, RFC 2960 Initially created by SIGTRAN group for PSTN

SCTP enhancements Multi-homed host support: redundancy & efficient flow Multiple flows in one association: solves head-of-line

blocking TCP problem

I P Network

Host A Host BApp 1

SCTP Port = 100

-------------------------------- OS

App 2SCTP Port = 200

-------------------------------- OS

NI-1 NI-3NI-2 NI

IP3 =

IP2 =

IP1 =

IP =

Transport Layer Advanced Features 29

SCTP features SCTP features

Connection oriented Concepts

• Endpoints: SCTP endpoint is a list of addresses, same ports

• Association multiple possible IPs• {[,,]}:

[]} (two endpoints, one association – Figure -)

I P Network

Host A Host BApp 1

SCTP Port = 100

-------------------------------- OS

App 2SCTP Port = 200

-------------------------------- OS

NI-1 NI-3NI-2 NI

IP3 =

IP2 =

IP1 =

IP =

Transport Layer Advanced Features 30

SCTP header

SCTP header First 32 bit words SCTP common header (similar to

UDP header) Verification tag: distinguish between associations;

prevent from attacks Chunks: building blocks

Transport Layer Advanced Features 31

SCTP header SCTP chunks

Blocks with a 32-bit multiple length Different types

• Control (e.g., INIT, INIT-ACK, COOKIE-ECHO, COOKIE-ACK – four-way handshake -)

• Data (e.g. DATA)