transmission line & distribution

UNIT I INTRODUCTION 1. Mention the location of the HVDC transmission. The locations of the HVDC transmission are Chandigarh, Delhi, Patiala and Faridabad. 2. What is primary transmission? The electric power at generating station is stepped up to 132kV(to reduce the transmission loss) and transmitted by three phase, three wire overhead system to the outskirts of the city. This forms the primary transmission. 3. What is secondary transmission? The primary transmission line continues via transmission towers till the receiving stations. At the receiving stations, the voltage level is reduced to 22kV or 33kV using the step down transformer. There can be more than one receiving stations. Then at reduced voltage level of 22kV or 33kV, the power is transmitted to various substations using overhead three phase three wire system. This is secondary transmission. The conductors used for the secondary transmission are called feeders. 4. Write the advantages of A.C transmission. The advantages of A.C transmission are: i. It can be generate power at very high voltages. ii. The maintenance of A.C. substation is easy and cheaper. iii. A.C. voltage can be stepped up or stepped down with the help of

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Transmission Line & Distribution


  • UNIT I


    1. Mention the location of the HVDC transmission.

    The locations of the HVDC transmission are Chandigarh, Delhi, Patiala and


    2. What is primary transmission?

    The electric power at generating station is stepped up to 132kV(to reduce the

    transmission loss) and transmitted by three phase, three wire overhead system to the outskirts

    of the city. This forms the primary transmission.

    3. What is secondary transmission?

    The primary transmission line continues via transmission towers till the receiving stations.

    At the receiving stations, the voltage level is reduced to 22kV or 33kV using the step down

    transformer. There can be more than one receiving stations. Then at reduced voltage level of

    22kV or 33kV, the power is transmitted to various substations using overhead three phase three

    wire system. This is secondary transmission. The conductors used for the secondary transmission

    are called feeders.

    4. Write the advantages of A.C transmission.

    The advantages of A.C transmission are:

    i. It can be generate power at very high voltages.

    ii. The maintenance of A.C. substation is easy and cheaper.

    iii. A.C. voltage can be stepped up or stepped down with the help of

  • transformer.

    iv. Construction is simple.

    v. Fault can be detected very easily.

    vi. There is no converter device required.

    5. Write the disadvantages of A.C transmission.

    The disadvantages of A.C transmission are:

    i. More copper is required than D.C.

    ii. Construction is complicated than D.C.

    iii. Presence of skin effect to increase the effective resistance of the line.

    iv. In A.C system due to the presence of capacitance there is continuous

    loss of power due to charging current even when the line is open.

    6. Mention the limitations of high transmission voltage.

    The limitations of high transmission voltage are:

    The cost of insulating the conductor is very high.

    Cost of transformer, switchgear and other terminal apparatus are very high.

    7. List the various systems of power transmission in D.C.


    The various systems of power transmission in D.C. system are:

    i. D.C. two wire system

    ii. D.C. two wire with midpoint earthed.

    iii. D.C. three wire.

  • Single phase A.C. system

    i. Single phase two wire

    ii. Single phase two wire with midpoint earthed

    iii. Single phase three wire.

    Two phase A.C. system

    i. Two phase four wire

    ii. Two phase three wire

    Three phase A.C. system

    i. Three phase three wire(Transmission system)

    ii. Three phase four wire(Distribution system)

    8. What is a feeder?

    Feeder is defined as lines, which connect the distribution station and distributor.

    9. What is a distributor?

    Distributor is defined as a common bus bar, which connect the service main and feeder.

    10. Distinguish between over head system and underground system.

    S.No Over head system Underground system

    1 Construction cost is less. Construction cost is high.

    2 To occupy the more spaces in metropolitan area. To enhance the city beauty

    3 It is operated above 66KV. It is limits upto 66KV.

    4 Fault can be easily detected and rectified. Fault cannot be easily detected.

  • 5 Maintenance cost is high. Maintenance cost is very less.

    11. List the components of a power system.

    The components of a power system are:

    Generating station

    Step up transformer

    Step down transformer

    Transmission line

    Switching station

    Primary distribution line

    Secondary distribution line


    Distributor and


    12. How distribution systems are classified?

    Distribution systems are classified by,

    Nature of current

    Type of construction

    Scheme of connection

    D.C distribution.

    13. What is a service main?

    Service main is defined as a small cable or conductor which connects the distributor to the

    domestic terminal.

  • 14. What is a distribution substation?

    Distribution substation is a primary distribution system that delivers power to various


    15. Give the types of loading in distribution system.

    The types of loading in distribution system are:

    Uniform loading

    Concentrated loading

    Combination of uniform loading and

    Concentrated loading.

    16. What is meant by Electrical power system? The flow of electrical power from the generating station to the consumer is called as an

    electrical power system

    17. Define one line diagram.

    One line diagram is defined as the way in which all electrical apparatus represented by

    single line in symbolic form.

    18. Which system is adopted for transmission of electric power?

    A.C system is suitable for transmission of electric power due to the technical difficulties of

    D.C system. There is possibility of saving the copper conductor.



    1. What are the line parameters in transmission line?

    (i) Resistance

    (ii) Inductance

    (iii) Capacitance

    2. What are the factors to be considered while designing the transmission line? (i) Type and size of a conductors

    (ii) Line regulation and control of voltage

    (iii) Efficiency of transmission

    (iv) Corona loss

    (v) Power flow capability

    3. What are the types of aluminium conductor? (i) AAC- All Aluminium Conductor

    (ii) AAAC - All Aluminium Alloy Conductor

    (iii) ACSR - Aluminium Conductor with Steel Reinforcement

    (iv) ACAR - Aluminium Conductor with Alloy Reinforcement

    4. What are the advantages of ACSR conductor? (i) They have low corona loss

    (ii) Skin effect is to reduced extent

    (iii) Due to high mechanical strength the line span can be increased. This is

    minimize cost of erection and maintenance.

    5. Define inductance? The flux linkage per ampere is called the inductance.

    L = / I

  • 6. What is mean by skin effect? When a conductor is carrying steady direct current this current is uniformly distributed

    over the whole cross section of the conductor. An alternating current flowing through does

    not distribute uniformly rather it has the tendency to concentrate near the surface of the

    conductor. This is known as skin effect.

    7. What are the advantages of aluminium conductor? (i) They have low cost

    (ii) Less resistance and corona loss

    (iii) Less weight

    8. What are the steps for reducing telephone interference? (i) The harmonics at the source can be reduced with the use of AC harmonic

    filters, DC harmonic filters and smoothening reactors.

    (ii) Use greater spacing between power and telephone lines.

    (iii) The parallel run between telephone line and power line is avoided.

    (iv) If the telephone circuit is ground return then replace it with metallic return.

    9. What are factors influencing the telephone interference? (i) Because of harmonics in power circuit their frequency range and magnitudes.

    (ii) Electromagnetic coupling between power and telephone conductor.

    (iii) Due to unbalance in power circuits and in telephone circuits.

    (iv) Type of return telephone circuit i.e. either metallic or ground return.

    (v) Screening effect.

    10. What is mean by telephone interference? The distortion effect and potential rise effect are disturbance which is produced in the

    telephone communication because of power lines is called telephone interference.

  • 11. Write down the comparison between single circuit and double circuit.

    Sl.No Single circuit Double circuit

    1. This type of arrangement is less

    dangerous during repair work.

    This type of arrangement is

    comparatively dangerous.

    2. From continuity of supply point of

    view, the circuit is less reliable

    With reference to continuity of

    supply, the circuit is much reliable

    3. It requires lesser foundation and less

    weight of steel tower member

    It requires more foundation as the

    structure is of heavier. The height of

    tower is more

    4. The spacing of conductors required is


    The spacing of conductors required is


    12. Write down the depending factors of electrostatic effects. The electrostatic effect mainly depends on what is the distance between power and

    communication circuits and length of the route over which they are parallel.

    13. What is mean by proximity effect? The current distribution may be non uniform because of another effect known as

    proximity effect. Consider two wire line as shown in fig, let each of the conductor is assumed

    to be divided into three sections having equal cross sectional area. Three parallel loops are

    formed by the pairs xx , yy and zz . The flux linking loop xx is least and it increases for the

    remaining loops. Thus the inductance of inner loop is less. Thus the current density is highest

    at inner edges of conductor.

    14. Write down the depending factors for skin effect. (i) Nature of the material

  • (ii) Diameter of the wire

    (iii) Frequency of supply

    (iv) Shape of wire

    15. What are the advantages of bundled conductor? (i) low radio interference and corona loss

    (ii) reduced voltage gradient at conductor surface

    (iii) increase in capacitance

    (iv) low reactance due to increase in self GMD

    (v) increase in surge impedance loading

    16. What is mean by standard conductor? The standard conductor usually has a central wire which is surrounded by the layers of

    wires. These layers consists of 6, 12, 18, .wires successively. Thus the total strands are 7,

    13, 19,. This type of conductor is called stranded conductor.

    17. What is mean by bundled conductor? The conductors of any one bundle are in parallel and charge per bundle is assumed to

    divide equally between the conductors of bundle. The composite or stranded conductors

    touch each other while the bundled conductors are away from each other. This type of

    conductor is called bundled conductor.

    18. What is mean by resistance? It is defined as the opposition offered by the transmission line conductors to the flow of


    19. What is mean by symmetrical spacing? Consider three conductors A, B and C. if the three conductors are placed symmetrically at

    the corners of an equilateral triangle of sides. Then it is called symmetrical spacing.

  • 20. What is mean by unsymmetrical spacing? When three phase line conductors are not equidistance from each other the conductor

    spacing is said to be unsymmetrical spacing.

    21. What is transposition of conductors?

    The transposition is defined as interchanging of position of the line conductors at regular

    intervals along the line so that each conductor occupies the original position of every other

    conductor over at equal distance. Such an exchange of positions is known as transposition



    1. Write down the classification of overhead transmission line Short transmission line

    Medium transmission line

    Long transmission line

    2.What is mean by Short transmission line?

    If the transmission line length is about 50 km and the line voltage is low i.e. is 20kv or

    less than that the line is treated as short transmission line.

    3. What is mean by medium transmission line?

    When the transmission line length is about 50 to 150 km and the line voltage is 20kv to

    100kv than that the line is treated as short transmission line.

    4. What is mean by long transmission line? When the transmission line length is about 150 km and the line voltage is Above 100kv than

    that the line is treated as short transmission line.

  • 5. What are the types of medium transmission line? End condenser method

    Nominal T method

    Nominal method 6. Define voltage regulation.

    The difference in voltage at the receiving end of the transmission line at the no load and

    full load is termed as voltage regulation expressed in terms of percentage of receiving end


    % voltage regulation = (Vnoload Vfull load / Vfull load ) X100

    7. Define transmission efficiency. The ratio of power obtained at the receiving end to the power at sending end is called

    transmission efficiency of the line.

    8. What is mean by Surge impedance? In the power system network the characteristic impedance is sometimes referred as surge

    impedance. It is defined as square root of Z/Y.


    Z = series impedance of line

    Y = Shunt admittance of line.

    9. What is mean by Surge impedance loading? The surge impedance loading of a line is the power delivered by a line to a purely

    resistive load equal to its surge impedance. The line is assumed to have no resistance.

    10. What is mean by Ferranti effect? At no load condition in transmission line the voltage at receiving and is more than that

    sending end because of the effect of the line capacitance. This is called Ferranti effect.

  • 11. Write down the line compensation using in transmission line. Series compensation

    Shunt compensation

    12. What are the advantages of series compensation?

    Increase in power transmission capacity of line

    Improvements in system stability

    Improved voltage regulation

    Load division between parallel circuits

    Damping effect

    12. What are the disadvantages of series compensation? Reduce the reactance of line and increase the fault currant level

    It gives high torsional stresses

    It will increasing the hunting

    The series capacitor may cause faculty operation of distance relays of the line

    protection if the degree of compensation and location of capacitor is not


    13. Write down the various factors on which transmission line capability. Thermal limits of conductor

    Transient and steady state stability

    Transmission line capability depends on over voltage at the capacitor terminals of

    series compensated line.

    14. Write down the effect of shunt compensation. It reduces the line current losses owing to generation of reactive power.

    It reduces the transmission line current to a value less than the current in the load

    It improves the power factor of the transmitted power

    It reduces the voltage drop uniformly along the length of the line

    15. Write down the advantages of shunt compensation. The kw of alternators, transformers and lines are increased.

  • The line current is reduced

    The losses in power transformer and cables are reduced which saves the energy

    It prevents overloading of transformers and switchgears

    Improved voltage is obtained at the receiving end

    16. Write down the disadvantages of shunt compensation. The only disadvantage with shunt capacitor is that the response to voltage dips is not as

    rapid as with series capacitor since the switching of the bank is initiated by change in voltage.

    17. Write down the comparison between series and shunt capacitors. The rise in voltage due to a shunt capacitor is uniformly distributed along the length of

    the transmission whereas in case of series capacitors the rise in voltage in sudden where

    the capacitor is installed.

    For the same rise in voltage the reactive power capacity of a shunt capacitor is greater

    than that of a series capacitor

    The power factor is improved because of a shunt capacitor while the power factor is

    little effected by series capacitor

    The series capacitors are found to be more effective for improving the system stability

    18. What is mean by corona effect? It can be noticed that near the overhead lines there exists a hissing noise and sometimes a

    faint violet glow. The effect due to which such phenomenon exists surrounding the overhead

    lines is called corona effect.

    19. What is mean by corona power loss? The ions produced in the air due to corona are moving. The energy required to keep them

    moving is derived from the supply system. This additional power required which is dissipated in

    the form of heat, sound and light in case of corona, is called corona loss.

    20. What are the factors affecting corona and corona loss? Electrical factors

    Line voltages

  • Size of the conductor

    Surface conditions

    Spacing between conductors

    21. What are the advantages of corona? Due to corona the air surrounding the conductor is ionized and becomes conducting.

    This increasing the virtual diameter of the corona

    Corona reduces the effect produced by the surges and conductor is saved from

    possibilities of lightning

    22. What are the advantages of corona loss? The corona power loss is the biggest disadvantage which reduce the transmission


    The third harmonic components produced due to corona makes the current

    nonsinusoidal. This increases the corona loss

    The ozone gas formed due to corona chemically reacts with the conductor and can cause


    23. Write down the methods to reducing corona effect Increasing the conductor size

    Increasing the conductor spacing

    Using hollow and bundled conductors

    24. Define radio interference. The corona discharge produces the radiations which may introduce noise signals in the

    communication lines, carrier signal, radio and television receivers, navigation signals etc.. such

    noise signals which adversely affect the wireless signals, produced by corona is called radio


    25. How is corona loss related with the diameter of the conductor?

    Corona loss related with the diameter of the conductor by the following Way,

  • Corona loss=r/d


    d - Diameter of the conductor.

    Hence lower the diameter of the conductor, higher is the loss.

    26. What is local corona?

    The corona does not start simultaneously on the whole surface, but it takes place at

    different points of the conductor which are pointed is known as local corona.



    1. What are the properties of insulators? (i) High mechanical strength.

    (ii) High electrical resistance

    (iii) High relative permittivity

    (iv) High ratio of puncture strength

    (v) The insulator material should be non porous

    2. What are the types of insulators? (i) Pin type insulators

    (ii) Suspension insulators

    (iii) Strain insulators

    (iv) Shackle insulators

    (v) Stay insulators

  • 3. What are the advantages of suspension type insulator? (i) Suspension type insulators are cheaper than pin type insulators

    (ii) Each unit or disc of suspension type insulator is designed for low voltage

    (iii) If any one disc is damaged the hole string does not affected

    (iv) Greater flexibility the line

    4. Define string efficiency? The ratio of voltage across the whole string to the product of number of discs and the

    voltage across the disc nearest to the conductor is known as string efficiency.

    5. What are the methods of improving string efficiency? (i) By using longer cross arms

    (ii) By grading the insulators

    (iii) By using a guard ring

    6. What is mean by insulators? The insulators provide necessary insulation between line conductors and supports and

    thus prevent any leakage current from conductors to earth.

    7. What are the materials using in insulators? (i) Porcelain

    (ii) Glass

    (iii) Synthetic resin

    8. What is mean by annealing? The glass also can be used instead of porcelain. The glass is made tough by heat

    treatment which is called annealing.

    9. What are the advantages of glass insulators (i) As transparent cracks bubbles and defects in the insulator can be easily

    detected by inspection

    (ii) The dielectric strength is very high

    (iii) Cheaper than the porcelain

  • (iv) The resistivity is very high

    10. What are the disadvantages of glass insulators? (i) Chances of moisture condensation on the surface are higher so leakage current

    is high

    (ii) Less stronger than the porcelain

    (iii) High tension system

    (iv) Cannot be moulded in irregular shape.

    11. What are the advantages of synthetic resin? (i) High tensile strength

    (ii) The weight is low

    (iii) Cost is low

    12. What is mean by self or mutual capacitance? The porcelain portion which is an insulator is in between the two metal fittings. Thus it

    forms a capacitor. This is called self or mutual capacitance.

    13. What is mean by shunt capacitance? In transmission line towers in addition to the self capacitance there will be capacitance

    between each metal fittings and the earth. i.e. tower the air act as a insulating medium such a

    capacitance is called shunt capacitance.

    14. What are the advantages of suspension insulators? (i) The voltage distribution is not uniform

    (ii) The charging currents through various mutual capacitors are varied

    (iii) Voltage across bottom insulator is high

    (iv) Electrical stress is high

    15. What is mean by guard ring? The transmission line tower a large metal ring surrounding the line unit and connected to

    the metal part of the bottom of the line unit is used. Such a ring is called guard ring.

    16. What are the requirements of the cables?

  • (i) The size of the conductor used must be such that it should carry the specified

    load without overheating and keeping the voltage drop well within the

    permissible limits

    (ii) At the voltage level for which cables are designed the insulation thickness

    must be proper so as to provide high degree of safety and the reliability

    (iii) The materials used in the manufacturing of the cables must be such that there

    is complete chemical and physical stability throughout.

    17. Write down the various parts of cables. (i) Core

    (ii) Insulation

    (iii) Metallic sheath

    (iv) Bedding

    (v) Armouring

    (vi) Serving

    18. What are the types of cables? (i) Low tension cable

    (ii) High tension cable

    (i) belted cable

    (ii) super tension cable

    (iii) extra tension cable

    19. What are the advantages of separate lead sheath cables? (i) Due to individual lead sheath core to core fault possibility gets minimized

    (ii) The electrical stress are radial in nature

    (iii) Bedding of cable is easy

    (iv) Increases the current carrying capacity

    20. What are the types of super tension cable? (i) Oil filled cables

    (ii) Gas pressure cables

  • 21. What are the advantages of oil filled cables? (i) Thickness of insulation is less

    (ii) The thermal resistance is less

    (iii) The possibility of voids is completely eliminated

    (iv) Reduced earth fault

    22. What are the disadvantages of oil filled cables? (i) The initial cost is very high

    (ii) The long length is not possible

    (iii) The laying of cable is difficult

    (iv) Maintenance of cable is difficult

    23. What are the advantages of gas pressure cables? (i) Maintenance cost is small

    (ii) The nitrogen in the steel tube helps in quenching any fire or flame

    (iii) No reservoirs or tanks required

    (iv) The power factor is improved

    24. What is mean by grading of cables? The process of obtaining uniform distribution of stress in the insulation of cables is called

    grading of cables.

    25. What is mean by capacitance grading? The grading done by using the layers of dielectrics having different permittivity between

    the core and the sheath is called capacitance grading

    26. What are the types of suspension type insulator? (i) Cemented cap type

    (ii) Hewlett or inter linking type

    27. What are the methods used to secure insulator to the bolt? (i) The porcelain insulator has cement threads which are lined with a soft

    material like lead. The pin is screwed into such cement screw

  • (ii) Solid lead screw is casted on the head of the pin and is screwed directly into

    the porcelain

    28. What are the properties of insulating materials? (i) It should be flexible

    (ii) To avoid electrical breakdown

    (iii) It should be non-inflammable

    (iv) It should have high temperature

    (v) To prevent leakage current

    29. What are the main insulating materials used? (i) Poly vinyl chloride (PVC)

    (ii) Paper

    (iii) Cross linked polythene

    (iv) Vulcanized India rubber

    30. What are disadvantages of gas pressure cable? The only disadvantage of this cable is very high initial cost



    1. What is substation?

    Substation is the assembly of apparatus used to change some characteristics of electric


    2. Give the conditions of laying out a substation.

    The conditions for laying out a substation are:

    It should be located at a proper site.

    It should provide safe and reliable arrangement.

  • It should be easily operated and maintained.

    It should involve minimum capital cost.

    3. Mention the classification of substation according to service.

    According to service, substations are classified as,

    Transformer substations

    Switching substations

    Power factor correction substations

    Frequency changer substations

    Converting substations

    Industrial substations

    4. List the classification of transformer substations.

    Transformer substations are classified as,

    Step-up substation

    Primary grid substation

    Secondary substation

    Distribution substation

    5. Define busbar.

    Busbar is defined as a conductor to which a number of circuits are connected.

  • 6. Give the materials mainly used in busbar?

    The materials that are mainly used in busbar are:



    7. What are the factors to be considered for busbar design?

    The factors to be considered for busbar design are:


    Cross section of conductors

    Temperature rise

    Distance between phase conductors

    Enclosure design

    8. Which tests are necessary on station busbars?

    The tests conducted on station busbars are:

    Temperature rise test

    Rated short time current test

    Rated momentary current test

    High voltage test

  • 9. What is neutral grounding (or) neutral earthing?

    The neutral point of star connected three phase winding of power transformers,

    generators, motors, earthing transformers are connected to low resistance ground. Such a

    connection is called neutral grounding (or) neutral earthing.

    10. State the advantages of neutral grounding.

    The advantages of neutral grounding are:

    Arcing grounds are reduced or eliminated

    The life of insulation is long

    Reduced maintenance, repairs and breakdowns

    Stable neutral point

    Improved service reliability

    Greater safety

    11. Define earth resistance.

    Earth resistance is defined as the resistance of the earthing electrode to the real earth and

    is expressed in ohms.

    Earth resistance ER = V/I


    V Voltage between the electrode and the voltage spike

    I Injected current

  • 12. What are the devices that are used for transferring D.C. power at the substation by using converting machinery?

    The devices that are used for transferring D.C. power at the substation by using

    converting machinery are:

    Mercury arc rectifier

    Rotary converters and

    Motor generator set

    13. What is an interconnector?

    The interconnector or inter connected network is a common development of simple

    ring system to reduce the power loss and voltage drop.

    14. What is an interconnected system?

    Interconnected system is a system in which the feeder ring is energized by two or more

    than two generating stations or substations.

    14. Write the methods of earthing.

    The methods of earthing are:

    Pipe earthing

    Plate earthing

    16. Classify the connection schemes.

    Classification of connection schemes are:

    Radial system

  • Ring main system

    Interconnected system

    17. List the disadvantages of D.C. three wire distribution system.

    Disadvantages of D.C. three wire distribution system are:

    i. Three wires are required

    ii. A balancer is required and as such the cost is increased

    iii. The safety is partially reduced

    18. Write the advantages of radial system.

    The advantages of radial system are

    i. The initial cost is low

    ii. Useful when the generation is at low voltage.

    iii. Preferred when the station is located at the centre of the load.

  • Subject : EE2303 -Transmission & Distribution



    1. What is meant by power supply system?

    2. What is meant by Transmission and Distribution system?

    3. What are the different types of Power supply system?

    4. What are the various components of power supply system?

    5. What are the different types of power plants?

    6. What are the different operating voltages used for generation, primary and secondary

    transmission in AC power supply systems in India?

    7. Define feeder, distributor and service mains.

    8. List the advantages of high voltage transmission.

    9. Define Break-even distance.

    10. List the disadvantages of DC transmission.

    11. List the different types of DC links.

    12. What is meant by STATCOM

    13. What are the advantages & limitations of high voltage transmission?

    14. List the various types of distribution systems.

    15. List the different types of distribution systems based on connection

    16. What are the different components of a distribution system?

    17. What is meant by stringing chart

    18. What are the limitations of HVDC system?

    19. List the two merits of HVDC system

    20. List the HVDC systems present and which are in operation in India.

    21. List the applications of HVDC system.

    22. List the advantages of EHVAC transmission system.

    23. What is the need of load dispatch centres? Where are the LDC's available inTamil Nadu?

  • 24. List out objectives of FACTS.

    25.What factors affect sag in transmission line.

    26. Name any two FACTS controller devices.

    27. What is the highest AC transmission voltage we have in India?


    1. (i) Discuss various types of HVDC links. Mention any one HVDC link available in India with


    (ii) List out the main components of a HVDC system.

    2. (i) Draw and explain the structure of modern power systems with typical voltage levels.

    (ii) What is the highest voltage level available in India?

    3. (i). Explain the effect of high voltage on volume of copper and on efficiency.

    (ii) Explain why the transmission lines are 3 phase 3-wire circuits while distribution lines are 3

    phase 4-wire circuits.

    4. (i) Draw the model power system with single line representation. Show its essential

    constituent sections.

    (ii) What are the AC transmission and distribution level voltages we have in India?

    (iii) What are the different kinds of DC links? Draw relevant diagrams.

    5. (i) Explain why EHV transmission is preferred? What are the problems involved in EHV AC


    (ii) With neat schematic, explain the principle of HVDC system operation.

    6. Explain about FACTS and its controllers with neat diagram

    7. (i) Compare EHVAC and HVDC transmission.

    (ii) Explain the applications of HVDC transmission System.

    8. Explain TCSC and SVC systems .

    9. Explain with neat diagram about STATCOM and UPFC.

  • 10. A transmission line conductor at a river crossing is supported from two towers at a height of

    50 and 80 meters above water level. The horizontal distance between towers is 300m. If tension

    in conductor is 200kg, find clearance between conductor and water at a point midway between

    towers. Weight of conductor/meter = 0.844kg. Derive formula used.

    11. An overhead line has a span of 336m. The line is supported at a water crossing from two

    towers whose heights are 33.6m and 29m above water level. The weight of conductor is 8.33N/m

    and tension in the conductor is not to exceed 3.34*104N.Find 1)Clearance between lowest point

    on conductor and water 2) Horizontal distance of this point from lower support.

    12. Explain the principle of operation of compensators used for voltage control. (6)

    13. What are the advantages of high transmission voltage for the transmission of electric power ?

    Explain. (8)

    14. A 50km long transmission line supplies a load of 5MVA at 0.8pf lagging at 33kV.The

    efficiency of transmission line is 90%. Calculate the volume of Al conductor required for the line

    when 3 phase 3 wire system is used. The specific resistance of Al is 2.85*10-8 m.

    15.Derive an expression for sag calculation in a transmission line

    (i) When the supports are at equal heights (8)

    (ii) When the supports are at unequal heights (8)

    Assume shape of overhead line is a parabola.

    UNIT- II



    1. Define Skin effect. On what factors does the skin effect depend.

    2. What is meant by proximity effect?

    3. Differentiate the stranded conductor and bundled conductor.

  • 4. List out the advantages of double circuit lines.

    5. Define - Self and mutual G.M.D.

    6. What is meant by inductive interference?

    7. What is transposition of conductors?

    8. What is ACSR conductor?

    9. What is fictitious conductor radius?

    10. Define unsymmetrical and symmetrical spacing.

    11. State why transposition of line conductors are needed?

    12. List the advantages of bundled conductors.

    13. What are the factors that affect the skin effect?

    14. Why the effective resistance is more than the static resistance of a transmission line?

    15. Why does a transmission lines have resistance, inductance, and capacitance?

    16. List the factors that governing the capacitance of a transmission line.

    17. State the advantages of double circuit line over single circuit line.

    18. What do you understand by inductive interference?

    19. What is corona? State its advantages & disadvantages.

    20. Define critical disruptive voltage.

    21. What are the factors which affect corona?

    22. Define transmission efficiency.


    1. From the fundamentals derive an expression for inductance of a single phase transmission


    2. Derive an expression for capacitances of a single phase transmission system and discuss the

    effect of earth on capacitance with suitable equation.

    3. Derive an expression for inductance

    i) Of a single-phase overhead line.

  • ii) A conductor is composed of seven identical copper strands each having a radius r. Find

    the self-GMD of the conductor.

    4. i) Derive an expression for the capacitance between conductors of a single phase overhead


    ii) Find the capacitance between the conductors of a single-phase 10 km long line. The

    diameter of each conductor is 1.213 cm. The spacing between conductors is 1.25 m. Also find

    the capacitance of each conductor neutral.

    5. i) Derive the expression for inductance of a two wire 1 transmission line. ii) Derive the expression for capacitance of a 1 transmission line. 6. (i) What are the advantages of bundled conductors?

    (ii) Derive the expression for capacitance of a double circuit line for hexagonal spacing.

    (iii) Why is the concept of self GMD is not applicable for capacitance?

    7. (i) Explain clearly the skin effect and the proximity effects when referred to overhead lines.

    ii) Write a short note on the inductive interference between power and communication lines.

    8. i) Derive the expression for the capacitance per phase of the 3 phase double circuit line flat

    vertical spacing with transposition.

    ii) A 3 overhead transmission line has its conductors arranged at the corners of an equilateral triangle of 2 m side. Calculate the capacitance of each line conductor per km. Given

    the diameter of each conductor is 1.25 cm.

    9. Find the capacitance per km per phase of a 3 line arrangement in a horizontal plane spaced 8 metres apart. The height of all conductors above the earth is 13 metres. The diameter of each

    conductor is 2.6 cm. The line is completely transposed and takes the effect of ground into


    10. Discuss the concept of GMR and GMD in the calculation of transmission line inductance.

    11.i) Derive the expression for the voltage induced in communication lines due to current in

    power lines. (8)

    ii) Explain the various factors affecting corona loss and methods of minimizing those (8)

  • 12. Derive the expression for inductance of a 3 phase line with Unsymmetrical & symmetrical


    13. A 220KV, 50Hz, 200Km long three phase line has its conductors on the corners of a triangle

    with sides 6m,6m and 12m. The conductor radius is 1.81cm. Find the capacitance per phase per

    km, capacitive reactance per phase, charging current and total charging Mega volt amperes.

    14. Derive the equation of capacitance of a 3 phase unsymmetrically spaced & symmetrically

    spaced overhead lines.

    15. Calculate the loop inductance per km of a single phase line comprising of 2 parallel

    conductors 1m apart and 1 cm in diameter, when the material of the conductor is

    i) Copper ii) Steel of relative permittivity 50

    16. Calculate the capacitance of a 100km long 3 phase,50 Hz overhead transmission line

    consisting of 3 conductors each of diameter 2 cm and spaced 2.5m at the corners of an equilateral





    1. Classify overhead transmission lines.

    2. Define transmission efficiency.

    3. List out the methods of representation of medium transmission lines.

    4. What is Ferranti effect?

    5. Define regulation of power transmission line.

    6. What is the use of power circle diagram?

    7. What is meant by the receiving end power circle diagram?

    8. What is the cause of Ferranti effect?

  • 9. What is the use of power circle diagram?

    10. What are the causes of voltage drop and line loss in a transmission line?

    11. What are the advantages of using series compensation?

    12. What are the factors which govern the performance of a transmission line?

    13. What is shunt compensation?

    14. Distinguish attenuation and phase constant.

    15. Define surge impedance

    16. Draw the phasor representation of short transmission line.

    17. For controlling reactive power what adjustment should be done in transformer present in

    the system.


    1. Determine the efficiency and regulation of a 3phase, 100 Km, 50 Hz transmission line

    delivering 20 MW at a power factor of 0.8 lagging and 66 kV to a balanced load. The conductors

    are of copper, each having resistance 0.1 / Km, 1.5 cm outside dia, spaced equilaterally 2 meters between centres.Use nominal T method.

    2. A three phase 5 km long transmission line, having resistance of 0.5 / km and inductance of 1.76 mH / km is delivering power at 0.8 pf lagging. The receiving end voltage is 32kV. If the

    supply end voltage is 33 kV, 50 Hz, find line current, regulation and efficiency of the

    transmission line.

    3. Derive the expressions for sending end voltage in nominal T method and end Condenser


    4. i) What is an equivalent circuit of long line? Derive expression for parameters of this circuit

    in terms of line parameters.

    ii) A 50Hz transmission line 300 km long total series impedance of 40 + j25 and total shunt admittance of 10-3 mho. The 220 KV with 0.8 lagging powerfactor. Find the sending end

    voltage, current, power and power factor using nominal method.

  • 5. i) Define regulation of a transmission line and derive the approximate expression for the

    regulation of a short transmission line.

    ii) What is corona loss? How do you determine this loss?

    6. A 220 kV, 3 transmission line has an impedance per phase of (40 + j200) and an admittance of (0 + j0.0015) mho. Determine the sending end voltage and sending end current

    when the receiving end current is 200 A at 0.95 pf lagging. Use nominal T method.

    7. Determine the efficiency and regulation of a three phase 200 km, 50 Hz transmission line

    delivering 100 MW at a pf of 0.8 lagging and 33 kV to a balanced load. The conductors are of

    copper, each having resistance 0.1 / km, and 1.5 cm outside diameter, spaced equilaterally 2 m between Centers. Neglect leakage reactance and use nominal T and methods. 8. i) Explain the Ferranti effect with a phasor diagram and its causes.

    ii) Explain the classification of lines based on their length of transmission.

    iii) What are ABCD constants.

    9. A 3 phase line having an impedance of (5+j20) per phase delivers a load of 30MW at a power factor of 0.8 lag and voltage of 33 kV. Determine the capacity of the phase modifier to be

    installed at the receiving end if the voltage at the sending end is to be maintained at 33kV.

    Assume the shunt admittance is neglected.

    10. Write short notes on

    i) Shunt compensation ii) Series compensation

    11. A 3 phase, 50Hz, 150 km line has a resistance, inductive reactance and capacitive shunt

    admittance of 0.1, 0.5 and 3*10-6 mho per km per phase. If the line delivers 50MW at 110kV and 0.8pf lagging. Determine the sending end voltage and current. Assume nominal circuit for the line.

    12. A 15 km long 3 phase overhead line delivers 5 MW at 11kV at 0.8 lagging pf line loss is

    12% of power delivers. Line inductance is 1.1mH per km per phase. Find the sending end

    voltage and regulation.

    13.i) Explain surge impedance loading with respect to an overhead transmission line .

    ii) Explain the end condenser method for medium transmission lines.

  • 14. The A,B,C,D constants of a 3 phase transmission line are A=D=0.936+j0.016,

    B=33.5+j138, C=(-0.9280+j901.223)*10-6 mho. The load at the receiving end is 40MW at 220kV with power factor of 0.86 lagging. Find the magnitude of the sending end voltage,

    current, power, line efficiency and voltage regulation. Assume the magnitude of the sending end

    voltage remains constant.

    15. Deduce an expression for the sending end and receiving end power of a line in terms of

    voltage and ABCD constants. Show that the real power transferred is dependent on the power

    angle and reactive power transferred is dependent on the voltage drop in the line.




    1. What is the purpose of insulator?

    2. What is the main purpose of armouring?

    3. What is meant by efficiency of an insulator string?

    4. List out various types of insulators used for overhead transmission lines.

    5. Mention the advantages of the pin type insulator

    6. What are the main causes for failure of insulators?

    7. What are the different tests that are conducted on an insulator?

    8. Define string efficiency and what are the methods for improving string efficiency?

    9. Write short notes on puncture test.

    10. Define impulse ratio.

    11. State advantage of polymeric insulators over porcelain insulators.

    12. What are the routine tests conducted on insulators?

    13. What are the performance tests conducted on insulators?

  • 14. What are the merits of under ground cables?

    15. How are cables classified based on operating voltage.

    16. What is the main purpose of bedding?

    17. What are the common materials used for insulation?

    18. What is the main purpose of armouring?

    19. What is serving?

    20. What is dielectric stress?

    21. What is grading of cables and give the methods of grading.

    22. What are the main advantages of suspension type insulators over pin type ones?

    23. Why the potential distribution across the string units of insulator is not uniform.

    24. Name the two methods of locating cable faults.

    25. State two types of faults in a cable.

    26. Show that insulation resistance of cable is inversely proportional to its length.

    27. What are the advantages of string insulators?

    28. Why loss angle of cable should be very small?


    1. Discuss any two methods to increase the value of string efficiency, with suitable sketches.

    2. Explain any two methods of grading of cables with necessary diagrams.

    3. i) What are different methods to improve string efficiency of an insulator?

    ii) In a 3-unit insulator, the joint to tower capacitance is 20 % of the capacitance of each unit.

    By how much should the capacitance of the lowest unit be increased to get a string efficiency of

    90 %. The remaining two units are left unchanged.

    4. i) Derive the expression for insulator resistance, capacitance and electric stress in a single core

    cable. Where is the stress maximum and minimum?

  • ii) A single core 66 kV cable working on 3-phase system has a conductor diameter of 2cm and

    sheath of inside diameter 5.3 cm. If two inner sheaths are introduced in such a way that the stress

    varies between the same maximum and minimum in the three layers find:

    a) position of inner sheaths

    b) voltage on the linear sheaths

    c) maximum and minimum stress

    5. i) Draw the schematic diagram of a pin type & suspension type insulator and explain its


    ii) A 3 phase overhead transmission line is being supported by three disc insulators. The

    potential across top unit (i.e. near the tower) and the middle unit are 8 kV and 11 kV

    respectively. Calculate,

    a) The ratio of capacitance between pin and earth to the self capacitance of each unit

    b) Line Voltage

    c) String Efficiency

    6. i) Describe with the neat sketch, the construction of a 3 core belted type cable.

    ii) A conductor of 1cm diameter passes centrally through porcelain cylinder of internal

    diameter 2 cms and external diameter 7 cms. The cylinder is surrounded by a tightly fitting metal

    sheath. The permittivity of porcelain is 5 and the peak voltage gradient in air must not exceed 34

    kV / cm. Determine the maximum safe working voltage.

    7.i) What are the various properties of insulators? Also briefly explain about suspension type


    ii) Calculate the most economical diameter of a single core cable to be used on 132 kV, 3

    phase system. Find also the overall diameter of the insulation, if the peak permissible stress does

    not exceed 60 kV / cm. also derive the formula used here.

    8. i) Briefly explain about various types of cables used in underground system.

    ii) A string of 4 insulator units has a self capacitance equal to 4 times the pin to earth

    capacitance. Calculate,

    a) Voltage distribution as a % of total voltage

  • b) String efficiency

    9. i) Give any six properties of a good insulator.

    ii) With a neat diagram, explain the strain and stay insulators.

    iii) A cable is graded with three dielectrics of permittivities 4,3 and 2. The maximum

    permissible potential gradient for all dielectrics is same and equal to 30 kV/cm. The core

    diameter is 1.5cm and sheath diameter is 5.5 cm. Determine the working voltage.

    10. Explain the constructional features of various types of cables

    11. i) Compare and contrast overhead lines and underground cables.

    ii)List out the properties of insulating materials used for cables

    12. An insulator string consist of three units, insulator nearest to the line having a safe working

    voltage of 20kV. The ratio of self to shunt capacitance is 6:1. Determine the line voltage and

    string efficiency.




    1. What is substation?

    2. What are the classifications of substation according to service?

    3. What are the types of transformer substations?

    4. What are the factors to be considered for busbar design?

    5. What is neutral grounding or neutral earthing?

    6. What are the equipments used in a transformer substation?

    7. What are the different types of bus bar arrangements in substations?

    8. What is bus bar and what are its components?

    9. What are the materials mainly used in busbars?

    10. What are the factors to be considered for busbar design?

    11. Which tests are necessary on station busbars?

    12. What is neutral grounding or neutral earthing?

  • 13. What is equipment grounding?

    14. What are the advantages of neutral grounding?

    15. What is earth resistance?

    16. What are the devices used for DC power at the substation by using converting


    17. Define distribution substation.

    18. Define service mains?

    19. What are the types of nature of current in distribution system?

    20. What is interconnected system.

    21. State the advantage of ring main distributor.

    22. Give the disadvantage of single bus scheme.

    23. State the role of circuit breaker in power system.

    24. Define the term feeders and service mains.

    25. What are the various methods of earthing in substations?

    26. Why are transmission lines 3 phase 3 wire circuits while distribution lines are 3 phase 4

    wire circuits?

    27. Give the difference between disconnector switch and isolator.

    28. Give the protective device present in substation.

    29. State the advantages of outdoor substation over indoor substation.

    30. What are the objectives of earthing?


    1. With a neat sketch explain double bus with double breaker and double bus with single breaker.

    State their advantages and disadvantages.

    2. Explain the following:

    (i) Neutral grounding

  • (ii) Resistance grounding.

    3. Explain about the various types of substations

    4. Write short notes on

    i. Sub mains

    ii. Stepped and tapered mains

    5. Explain the various types of bus bar arrangements in a substation.

    6. Write short notes on

    i. Busbar arrangement in substation

    ii. Grounding grids

    7. i) Explain the design principles of substation grounding system.

    ii) Explain the equipments in a transformer substation.

    8. Draw the circuit arrangement and explain the various elements of the following bus bar


    i)Single bus scheme

    ii)Double bus bar scheme

    iii) Double bus bar with bypass isolators

    iv)Main and transfer bus bar

    v)Mesh scheme

    9. Discuss briefly each of the following


    ii)Radial distribution

    iii)Ring main distribution

    iv)Interconnected system

    10. A DC ring main distributor is fed at A and the load is tapped at points B,C,D. The distributor

    length is 400m long and points B,C,D are 50m,250m,375m from A. Loads are 150A,40A,200A

    respectively. If resistance/100 m of single conductor is 0.04 and VA = 220V. Calculate i) Current in each distributor ii) Voltage at points B,C,D.

  • 11. Discuss and compare radial and ring main distribution system. What is the role of

    interconnectors in distribution system.

    12. Discuss the design of primary distribution system with respect to following i) Selection of

    voltage ii)Choice of scheme iii)Size of feeders