
Project Brief 1 The client is a fancy Product Name Meta Description Product_Details Page Title Related title Related Details Project Brief 2 The client is a proper Property Title Property Summary The translation must b The tone must be : Pro

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Project Brief 1The client is a fancy dress shop.This is their product description.Please translate the following with the following instructions:Product NameMeta DescriptionProduct_DetailsPage Titleelated title elated DetailsProject Brief !The client is a property dealer. This is their property description.Please translate the following with the following instructions:Property TitleProperty "ummaryProduct Trademar#s should $e referenced where necessary.The translation must $e grammatically correct.The tone must $e : %arm& 'ngaging& (nformal& )un& *umourousThe translation must $e grammatically correct.The tone must $e : Professional and Persuasi+e ,Mar#eting-Property DescriptionProject Brief .This is a general news article.Please translate the following with the following instructions:TitleThe translation must $e grammatically correct.The tone must $e : Professional.%here translations do not e/ist for locations mentioned please transliterate.0rticle 1ontentProject Brief 1The client is a fancy dress shop.This is their product description.Please translate the following with the following instructions:"ource Te/tTartan Punk Bondage TrousersTartan Punk Bondage Trousers, 80's Fancy DressOther Items Related to this Tartan Punk Bondage TrousersProject Brief !The client is a property dealer. This is their property description.Please translate the following with the following instructions:"ource Te/tEce!tional Penthouse "uite in #ondonProduct Trademar#s should $e referenced where necessary.The translation must $e grammatically correct.The tone must $e : %arm& 'ngaging& (nformal& )un& *umourousI$ you're totally !unk at heart then these %rilliant Tartan Punk Bondage Trousers &ill %e right u! your street'(!)I$ you're totally !unk at heart then these %rilliant Tartan Punk Bondage Trousers &ill %e right u! your street' The trousers ha*e +i! details and attached %races, and o$ course the iconic red and %lack tartan !rint, These are a $antastic item you can use to %ecome a true -.80's !unk, sim!ly add your o&n %oots and a cool looking leather /acket and you'll %e ready to rock out all night long'(0!)(!)1hether you &anted a &hole !unk costume, or !erha!s some di2erent sort o$ !rinted trousers, check out our other items related to these $antastic tartan %ottoms,3n%s!4(0!)The translation must $e grammatically correct.The tone must $e : Professional and Persuasi+e ,Mar#eting-5 delight$ul a!artment %uilt %y a rekno&ned %uilder kno&n $or the 6uality o$ their &ork,This a!artment is a must ha*e $or anyone seeking the %est *ie&s across the 7nited 8ingdom,Project Brief .This is a general news article.Please translate the following with the following instructions:"ource Te/t8il%urn shooting lea*es one &oman dead and another hurtThis a!artment at the iconic O9E :;DE P5R8 is the only com!lete metre hall&ay &hich stretches $rom the !ark side to the city side connects %oth &ings, $orming the s!ine o$ the a!artment,The @andy 3 @andy interior design team has taken ins!iration $rom the t&o di*erse !ers!ecti*es o$ #ondon, &hich uni6uely com%ine in this a!artment, to !ro*ide a truly modern inter!retation o$ so!histicated and luurious city li*ing, The translation must $e grammatically correct.The tone must $e : Professional.%here translations do not e/ist for locations mentioned please transliterate.5 ABCyearCold &oman has died and another has %een in/ured in a shooting in 8il%urn, north #ondon, in the early hours,Both &ere taken to hos!ital, &here one &as !ronounced dead, a$ter re!orts o$ shots %eing =red at a%out 0BDA0 B"T,Detecti*es $rom the Police's gang crime in*estigation unit, are at the scene in 8il%urn :igh Road,The second &oman, also AB, remains in hos!ital &here her condition is not said to %e serious,OEcers are not releasing the identities o$ the t&o &omen at this stage,9o arrests ha*e yet %een made and local road closures remain in !lace,The client is a fancy dress shop.This is their product description.Please translate the following with the following instructions:Target 2anguage: "panishPantalones !unk %ondage escocesesPantalones !unk %ondage escoceses, dis$races de los aFos 80Otros artGculos relacionados con los Pantalones !unk %ondage escocesesThe client is a property dealer. This is their property description.Please translate the following with the following instructions:TranslationEce!cional Penthouse "uite en #ondresProduct Trademar#s should $e referenced where necessary.The translation must $e grammatically correct."i sos una !ersona !unk de alma0con un es!Gritu totalmente !unk, entonces estos es!ectaculares !antalones !unk %ondage escoceses Hson ideales !ara *os'"i sos una !ersona con un es!Gritu totalmente !unk, entonces estos es!ectaculares !antalones !unk %ondage escoceses Hson ideales !ara *os' #os !antalones tienen cremalleras y tiradores, y !or su!uesto, el tG!ico estam!ado escocIs en ro/o y %lanco, "on un com!lemento $antJstico 6ue !odIs utili+ar !ara con*ertirte en un *erdadero !unk de los aFos 80, sKlo aFadile tus !ro!ias %otas y una cha6ueta de cuero 6ue lu+ca cool HestarJs listo !ara rockear toda la noche'"i 6uerGas un dis$ra+ com!leto, o 6ui+Js otro ti!o de !antalKn estam!ado, *isita nuestros demJs artGculos relacionados con estos $antJsticos !antalones escoceses,7n encantador a!artamento construido !or una constructora de renom%re conocida !or la calidad de su tra%a/o, Este a!artamento es la !ro!iedad 6ue de%e tener cual6uier !ersona 6ue %usca la me/or *ista de todo el Reino 7nido,This is a general news article.Please translate the following with the following instructions:TranslationTiroteo en 8il%urn de/a una mu/er muerta y otra heridaEste a!artamento en el icKnico condominio One :yde Park es el Lnico !iso entero a la *enta 6ue se encuentra listo !ara ingresar a *i*ir en $orma inmediata, Este ece!cional a!artamento ocu!a toda la !lanta, dis!one de *istas es!ectaculares a 8nights%ridge como asG tam%iIn al :yde Park,El diseFo interior del a!artamento corres!onde a su tamaFo Lnico de mJs de A,M00 metros cuadrados N.,000 !ies cuadradosO, asG como tam%iIn a su etraordinaria u%icaciKn, El a!artamento estJ di*idido en dos alas4 los > dormitorios se encuentran en el ala u%icada hacia la ciudad, mientras 6ue todas las Jreas de entretenimiento y es!acios en comLn se encuentran en el ala u%icada hacia el !ar6ue, El im!resionante *estG%ulo de ?> metros 6ue se etiende desde el lado del !ar6ue hacia el lado de la ciudad conecta am%as alas, constituyendo la columna *erte%ral del a!artamento,El e6ui!o de diseFo de interiores @andy 3 @andy se ins!irK en las dos !ers!ecti*as de #ondres, las cuales se com%inan eclusi*amente en este a!artamento, !ara !ro!orcionar una inter!retaciKn *erdaderamente moderna de la so=sticada y lu/osa *ida en la ciudad,7na mu/er de AB aFos muriK y otra resultK herida en un tiroteo en 8il%urn, al norte de #ondres, a la madrugada,5m%as $ueron lle*adas al hos!ital, donde una de ellas $ue declarada muerta, luego de 6ue los in$ormes re!ortaran 6ue los dis!aros se reali+aron alrededor de las BDA0 am PQT,#os detecti*es de la unidad de in*estigaciKn criminal de !andillas de la !olicGa, se encuentran en la escena del suceso en 8il%urn :igh Road,#a segunda mu/er, tam%iIn de AB, !ermanece en el hos!ital donde se cree 6ue su estado de salud no es gra*e,Por el momento, los !olicGas no harJn !L%licas las identidades de am%as mu/eres,9o hu%o arrestos toda*Ga y siguen *igentes los cortes en la carretera,TranslationTarget 2anguage: 3Please 'nter4TranslationTranslationTarget 2anguage: 3Please 'nter4Translation