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TransformingCustomer Experiencewith Self-Service Solution

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What the experts say about self Service and customer engagement Customer engagement is at the forefront of every conscientious business owner's mind. The “How”s, “When”s and “Why”s of creating lasting relationships with your customers is an age-old pursuit and one that is constantly changing. Once upon a time, customers and businesses alike understood that certain questions didn't have readily available answers and that sometimes a company might not pick up their phone or return emails immediately. In today's digital landscape there is no room for inaccurate answers and if your customers reach an answering service, they are as good as gone. According to Forrester. com in their Vendor Landscape Report titled Knowledge Management for Customer Engagement “Customers today want effortless engagement and they increasingly leverage web or mobile self service as a first point of contact with a company.” In other words, your customers need your company to be available with accurate help, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.And you have to be prepared for that new reality. According to Forrester, 55% of US adults using the internet say they would confidently “abandon their online purchase if they cannot quickly find an answer to their questions

Part 1

and 77% say that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do to provide them with good service.”

The ramifications for today’s businesses are huge - Be fast and be flawless ...or be forgotten. For all the industry talk about delighting customers, what your users really want is to move on as soon as possible. Anything you can do to help them accomplish their goal with the least amount of effort is what will bring them back time and time again. But service agents are only human after all, and sometimes customers get only partial information or have to wait a few minutes for an available service agent. There’s just no way around that, right? The truth is that there is a way out of the cycle of lack of information and lag time. It’s called Self Service. Self Service lets customers and agents help themselves. It’s internet-based support that allows customers and reps to access

information in the blink of an eye. Self Service isn't only the future of creating satisfied and engaged customers, it is here now and the faster organizations adapt, the happier and more spell-bound your customers will be. In fact, a study done by Microsoft itself showed that in a survey of 4000 people, over 90% expected websites to have a built-in self service model. And according to Gartner Research in their report titled Why You Need to Rethink Your Customer Self-Service

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Strategy, “By the end of 2016, at least 80% of organizations that fail to plan their self-service implementations will incur higher customer service costs and will not achieve the savings and benefits expected.”

Part 2

Benefits of Self ServiceSo is Self Service the right choice for your business? According to the same Forrester report, the benefits of Self Service or Knowledge Management Software are remarkable. Self Service can decrease operational costs, improve customer service, improve compliance and drive revenue. Let's take an in-depth look at each benefit to see how it translates for your business and your bottom line.

Decreasing Operational Costs

Self Service cuts down on what calls “dumb contacts”. These are the conversations that are not very beneficial to your customer and certainly don’t increase your profits. These are questions whose answers should be glaringly obvious on your website. If they aren't, your customers are forced to make that call or write that email, using up your staffs’ valuable time. Questions like “How do I reset my password?” or “When will my order arrive?” do require immediate attention but when your staff needs to field them, they have less time and resources to focus on the right kinds of questions, the ones that benefit your company and your customers. Another tangible plus of weeding out those dumb contacts is how it will make your staff feel. Everyone wants to know that what they are doing is important and makes a difference. Those dumb contacts are morale-killers. A whole day full of “Does this doggie sweater come in seafoam green?” questions would bore any normal person to tears. But use that same staff efficiently, dealing with more significant issues and they will be more productive and feel empowered.

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Improving Compliance

Another arena which benefits from Self Service is that of compliancy. If you have ever had a “But the agent I spoke to said…” moment, you can appreciate how important it is for your whole organization to sing the same tune. Integrating Self Service means that there can be no mistaking that delivery time for those lavender pashmina doggie booties is five days. The dynamic answers to their ever-changing questions are all right there to be read and understood.

Advancing Customer Service

Many a cartoon and meme have been dedicated to the frustrations of being left on hold while waiting for a service agent. In the immortal words of Dogbert-as-a-service-agent, in the classic daily comic strip Dilbert, “Try our Kevorkian Disconnect. I put you on hold and play an annoying message until you disconnect yourself”. Funny, but sadly true. Leave your customers hanging and they will go elsewhere. By implementing Self Service, you are putting power into the hands of your customers. They control the pace of their experience, which means they can resolve minor issues as soon as they recognize them. The contextualized algorithm means that no matter how a question is asked the software understands the meaning behind the words to provide correct, complete answers for every question.Hey, people are great and all, but what one person can do all that? And once you have cut down on all of those dumb contacts, your agents are free to put all their efforts into the conversations that build bridges. The ones where you learn about your customers and what they want from your products. The ones where you can help them understand your services and wares better. The ones that great customer engagement and satisfaction are built on.

Driving Revenue

The natural outcome of this streamlined experience is what we all really want, (but we’re too scared to say it out loud) - increased profits.

When your customers feel understood and valued, not only will they stick with yourcompany, they will become your evangelists, spreading your brand gospel far and wide.According to the Forrester report “Nanorep offers a digital customer assistant that surfaces contextual knowledge for

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In 2016 and beyond, customers will expect nothing less than perfection and it’s your job to deliver those results.

customers and agents across touchpoints and channels...It semantically analyzes questions and weighs words and phrasing to understand the meaning by the context in which it’s asked.” It’s this natural insight into your customers words that helps them feel understood and valued. The report continues “Contextual knowledge can be delivered proactively at different customer journey points (for example a return policy at the shopping cart)” This constant anticipation of your customer’s questions and needs is what keeps the experience moving so fluidly.

According to Gartner Research, ”Innovation and excellence in customer service are no longer optional. It’s becoming your customer’s expectation - and the basis for competition in an increasingly crowded market...Customer experience happens in the moment. Look for opportunities to close the loop by activating and operationalizing customer insight data.” Well, there you have it from the top experts themselves.

If you don't, you can bet your competition will.

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Part 3

How Nanorep Transforms Your Customer’s ExperienceTo understand just how Nanorep can transform your customer’s experience let's look at some real life examples.

Utilize Your Staff Better

With Nanorep fielding all your less profound, yet still pressing questions, the load placed on your reps lightens significantly. Instead of dealing with resetting passwords and finding lost logins, they can tackle the questions that count, the ones that make your reps feel like they are making a real difference to someone out there. According to the New York Times in a study conducted in conjunction with The Harvard Business Review and The Energy Project, a workplace excellence oriented consulting firm, “Employees who derive meaning and significance from their work were more than three times as likely to stay with their organizations “ Real, meaningful interactions keep staff members from falling into a rut and helps them perform better., the third largest online home improvement retailer struggled with how to best use representatives before implementing Nanorep’s technology. With over 5 million monthly visitors and 130,000 monthly calls and emails, staff

was overwhelmed and not meeting demands properly.

Dave Isherwood, Director of Sales was looking for a solution that would effectively deal with inquiries and take some of the load off of his reps. They implemented Nanorep and within a few weeks saw enhanced agent productivity with 70% reduction in the number of questions answered by agents. According to Isherwood “Nanorep improved our customer service with immediate answers to tens of thousands of monthly inquiries and tripled our conversion rate. So it is no surprise our reps are absolutely in love with it.” Employees who are happy and feel like they are contributing to an organization stick around for the long haul, creating an environment of positivity. That’s a feeling that trickles down to your customers.

Cut Your Operational Costs

Every incoming service call and every email that needs to be answered uses up resources.

Though the legendary 10 hour Zappos customer service call is impressive, it’s clearly not the way you want your reps using their time. It’s entirely possible that had the customer found the exact information on the Uggs she so desperately sought right on the website, she wouldn't have called

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customer service. In the time that one phone call took, that same rep could have used her time in so many more worth-while ways., an online payment platform has seen significant savings since they implemented Nanorep. In an interview in, a leading online customer relationship management journal, Customer Support Manager Yonit Adali said "We wanted to decrease the number of tickets and emails to the agents. We wanted to let our employees do other things besides customer support, like signing up new clients." Customer Support Supervisor Itay Tamir says “Nanorep has allowed Payoneer to do that and more. And, instead of hiring additional agents, we saved those positions by using Nanorep."

Increases Your Conversion

When customer can't locate the informationthey need within just a few moments, you have lost them. According to you have 59 seconds for your customers to

decide whether or not your site can provide them with the information they need. After that, they are gone. You have to make sure that within that window of time customers find what they need. Speaking of, together with they profiled the success that South African beauty supplier experienced with Nanorep. According to CrazyEgg, before setting up Nanorep, “RubyBox initially implemented an automated email response to customer inquiries, explaining that a customer service rep would be in touch within the next 48 hours. This lack of immediacy inevitably generated frustration, halted buying momentum, and lost the company some quick sales.” As soon as they implemented Nanorep they saw a 33% drop in “dumb contact” emails - Customers were finally able to get the information they wanted as soon as they needed it, leading to less “lost sales.” According to “The RubyBox team can track usage with a dashboard that shows how many answers customers are finding out automatically. This has given the team incentive to build out their list of questions and answers, and they believe they'll quickly be at more than 70 percent of inquiries answered via Nanorep.”

Another company that found this to be especially powerful is RocketLawyer is an online law firm based in San Francisco with a focus on providing affordable

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legal advice to individuals and small businesses. Before starting with Nanorep, RocketLawyer's reps spent a good deal of their energy dealing with “dumb contacts”. They set up Nanorep to take some of the burden off of their reps and according to John Whelan, Director of Customer Service, “Nanorep automatically answers more than 13,000 questions per month and frees existing agents to use their time and expertise more efficiently. The solution allows our reps to focus more on the high-value chat requests and the ones who are more likely to convert"

Building an Ever-Expanding and Learning Knowledge Base

With so much information flowing into the Nanorep Knowledge Base, it’s easy to create an accurate view of your customers and understand what they want from your company. As the Knowledge Base grows, which happens as more questions are asked, you can begin to really assess what customers want from your company. The Knowledge Base will become a veritable treasure trove of information to be mined about your website's effectiveness.

Online website builder found that lack of effective means for communication was really taking a toll on them. They had no practical way to deal with management of repeat questions from customers using their service to build their own websites. Though they incorporated video tutorials and explanations all over their site, it was apparently not clear enough for some users.

They found Nanorep on a competitor’s website and realized that it gave over that same “connected” feeling as live chat does but with instant and wholly-accurate answers. According to Monique Viljoen-Platts, Vice President of Customer Service “No matter how vast your knowledge base is, unless customers can find the answers easily, it is useless. Nanorep turns your knowledge base into a goldmine! It allows us to easily maintain an automatic answer rate of 90% or higher! Nanorep is like the ATM of support providing robust self-service and ensuring that our customers get what they need, 24/7!"

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Understand What Your Customers are Thinking

Once a company has Nanorep up and running, it can start to understand their customer's online journey and what they are experiencing on the site. By analyzing the questions that are being asked and when they are being asked, you can start to see what your customers are seeing when they are on your site and take action based on those results.

Mint Bills is an Intuit company that helps customers pay and stay on top of their bills. They were looking for a frictionless way to guide customers to their information and decided to implement Nanorep on the payment pages of their client’s logins.

Ori Wainshtein, Customer Care Leader says “Nanorep extended the reach of the Voice of the Customer for us, whereas before I had to rely only on customer care engagement data. With Nanorep I get a clearly communicated story for these customers, whose voices had previously been silent. I can now understand why the flow may be abandoned at a certain time, because Nanorep is a sort of 'mind reader' for our customers, helping us provide a greater customer experience."

Part 4

What Customer Service with Nanorep Looks LikeIn the past, the words “Customer Service” conjured up many an unpleasant thought for business owners and reps alike - It boiled down to dealing with frustrated customers, patching together fragmented information, and a noticeable lack of enthusiasm and productivity on the part of most reps.

And on the customer side as well - “Customer Service” meant putting up with agents who didn't understand the whole story, didn't have the complete answers to any questions and were simply too busy to do their jobs properly.

As technology advances, creative and strategic thinkers have come up with different methods to tweak customer service. Some tools record calls and log call duration to understand how agent’s time is used. Others allows reps to ask supervisors pressing questions on the fly. Then there those dreaded workshop dedicated to The Art of Delighting Your Customers. They might be beneficial but only in a superficial manner - None of these can really transform customer service

Nanorep transforms customer service from that splintered experience into a seamless unit, one of total precision.

With Nanorep, your customers get the information they need, the moment they need it.

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Your agents can stop wasting time on dumb contacts and focus their energy on calls that are beneficial for the customer, the company and the agent him or herself.

When a customer does decide to make that call to customer service, the agent can better understand the customer's journey and what he or she has experienced with your company until this moment. Seeing that the rep understands their experience, customers feel validated and well taken care of.

And this true customer satisfaction - The feeling that someone who understands your journey helped you accomplish your goals in a thorough and efficient manner.

This is what makes for repeat customers who sing your praises and bring along their friends for their own journey.

Find out how Nanorep can transform your customer engagement with a free demo today!

Sources1 Forrester -Vendor Landscape Report - Knowledge Management for Customer Engagement, 20152 Forrester -Vendor Landscape Report - Knowledge Management for Customer Engagement, 20153 Gartner Research Why You Need to Rethink Your Customer Self-Service Strategy, 20154 Forrester -Vendor Landscape Report - Knowledge Management for Customer Engagement, 20155 Gartner Research - Why You Need to Rethink Your Customer Self-Service Strategy, 20156 Forrester -

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Personalized guidance is given in nanoseconds wherever the customer happens to be, making digital the customer’s preferred experience. Customers enjoy a continuous experience that takes many variables into account such as tone, channel, history, etc.

Nanorep is a multi-dimensional solution for managing customer experiences dynamically across a brand’s entire digital landscape. Powerful live analytics and the ability to edit the knowledge base on the fly are an integral part of the customer process. Nanorep systematically orchestrates the entire experience from start to end.

Nanorep allows companies to reconnect with their customers by providing truly satisfying interactions in a natural place. We give companies a simple solution that provides immediate value, and empowering customers with more satisfying experiences.


From the moment Nanorep is integrated in a brand, it completely transforms the entire environment from being cold and unapproachable to warm and welcoming. We value things like human connection and community, and are completely focused on reminding everyone about what’s really important. Even when the interaction is technology based, today’s customer expects understanding and caring to be part of the equation. Nanorep - Simple, Intelligent, Personalized guidance solution for digital customer experience.


Nanorep’s unique algorithm deciphers what customers truly intend and offers suitable actions right inside the Nanorep widget. Our dynamic resolution technology delivers the optimal scenario for funneling the customer into the right path on his journey.

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