transformative and charismatic leadership

Transformative and Charismatic Leadership By: Palak Wadhwa and Pranav Arya

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Transformative and Charismatic Leadership

By: Palak Wadhwa and Pranav Arya

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Leadership?Leadership can be best defined as “the

process of leading1 a group of people or an organisation to the accomplishment

of a common objective”.



•Motivating •Influencing


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Transformational Leadership

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A DefinitionIt is the form of leadership in which a

leader inspires his followers to go beyond their own self-interests for the good of the organisation. It is known for having an extraordinary effect on the follower.

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What do transformational leaders do?Pay attention to the concerns and

developments of their followersChange followers’ awareness of

issues by helping them look at old problems in new ways

Able to excite, arouse and inspire followers to put extra efforts to achieve group goals

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How does Transformational Leadership work?Transformational leaders often advise

their followers to be more bold and start taking more risks. Innovation is also encouraged.

Leaders who adopt this leadership strategy tend to pursue more ambitious goals than other leaders. Such leaders are more effective because they are more creative and influence their followers to be more creative as well.

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To conclude, studies have shown that transformational leadership has proved to be more effective than many other forms of leadership with lower turnover rates, higher productivity, lower employee stress and higher employee satisfaction.

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Charismatic Leadership

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What is Charismatic Leadership?Charisma: The ability to attract people and

make them admire you

The Charismatic Leadership theory states that followers make attributions of heroic and extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviours.

They are likely to be extroverted, self-confident and achievement oriented.

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Characteristics of Charismatic LeadershipVision and Articulation: Has a

vision – that proposes a future better than a status quo.

Personal Risk: Willing to take on high personal risk, incur high costs and engage in self-sacrifice

Sensitive to Followers’ NeedsUnconventional Behaviour:

Regarded as exemplary, novel and counter to norms.

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How Charismatic Leaders InfluenceArticulating a vision: A long-term

strategy for how to attain a goal. It gives a sense of continuity. For Example, Steve Jobs championed the iPod noting “It’s as Apple as anything Apple has ever done”

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Vision Statement: Formal articulation of an organisation’s vision or a mission. They use vision statements to leave a deep, long-lasting imprint on followers

Communicates high performance, expectations and expresses his/her confidence that the followers can attain them

Conveys a new set of values by his/her exemplary behaviour, sets an example for followers to imitate

Engages in emotion-inducing behaviour to demonstrate convictions about the vision

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So, what’s the difference?Transformative and Charismatic

leadership are synonymous in many respects. In fact, Bernard Bass, one of

the pioneers of the concept of transformative leadership, considers charisma a subset of transformative


However, they are not exactly the same. Charismatic leaders would want

followers to adopt the charismatic’s world view and go no further whereas

the transformational leader would instill the ability to question not only

established views, but also those established by a leader.

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