transformation volume 5

TRANSFORMATION A FORTNIGHTLY E-ZINE PUBLISHED BY THE SATHYA SAI BABA CENTRAL COUNCIL OF MALAYSIA VOLUME 4 | 30 Nov -14 Dec 2010 Unveiling Consciousness Shifting the mind from mundane routines to soaring ideals

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Monthly Newsletter by the Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia


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VOLUME 4 | 30 Nov -14 Dec 2010

UnveilingConsciousnessShifting the mind from mundaneroutines to soaring ideals

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Of all the studies in the world, I think to study consciousness is the most interesting. It is one of the most abstract subject without tangible entities and �ixed points of discussion. Not many know that the purpose of the Sathya Sai Organization is to escalate human consciousness. What exactly is this conscious-ness, a subject which only recently has gained the attention of the scienti�ic community?

Let me try and describe with examples. The behavior of people closely correlates to the subject. How people respond? What usually they do? How do they do it? These are but expression of consciousness.

Our regional youth coordinator just �inished surgery on his knees. He had hardly come out of the operation theater. I knew when he �inished his operation. It was hardly a few hours later, still with pain, Brother Raagan sends an email to make sure that the state youth camp at Batu Caves planned for the coming weekend would be successful. He knew he wouldn’t be there but he made sure that all the intended plans for the camp would turn out successful. Why was this possible? Anyone else would have attended to his pain that demanded care and nursing. Why did his mind still think of an event that he wouldn’t even be there to experience?

Our Editor for Transformation fell and fractured his

wrist. His one arm was bandaged and was forced to take MC for two months he is immobilized. He could have used that excuse and con�ined himself to rest but he refused. He phoned and said` it’s ok ..I will try and type with my left hand’ . Why ? How does the mind allow this phenomenon?

Bro Thava our SAICARE coordinator despite his age and illness, slowly climbs longs stairs, walks from his car distantly parked to various organi-zations and of�ices to persuade and encourage more to participate in the organ pledge cam-paign. Why? He has led and most often single handedly handled the organ pledge drive under the SAICARE program and have generated morethan 7000 pledges which is a record which exceeded the expectation of even the govern-ment. What made this possible? How is that one man managed to shift his mind from the aches

transformation e-zine | vol 4 (2010)


A fortnightly column by Dr.Suresh Govind


I think to studyconsciousness is the most interesting. It is one of the

most abstract subject with-out tangible entities and

�ixed points of discussion.

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and pains of his body and practically drag himself to accomplish this unimaginable feat. ?

Why is that a young enthusiastic person who responds to the name Bro Thiru in Ipoh enthusiastic to organize an incredible program reaching out to hundreds of youth in a youth motivational program in Ipoh? Why is that despite his busy schedule he some-how wants to reach to hundreds of youth in poly tech colleges in early December 2010 and provide motiva-tion so that their lives become more meaningful? Why is an orthopedic surgeon who has all the reasons to be busy concerned about how to bring values among youth in Johor organizes an essay writing competition in Johor for secondary schools ? Why is that many of the SAI youth in Johor had to travel from work and took time off to decorate the hall and form an amazing team that made the entire event of prize presentation to these essay winners of the competi-tion such an inspiring event? How is that a 70 year old state coordinator possess so much of youthful dyna-mism , always in the fore front , always supportive and always becoming a backbone to dare experiment with new ideas on how to expand the frontiers of the organization. Bro Govindan is a rare example of consciousness personi�ied.

`I am only interested in people using biodegradable products so that people become more environmental conscious’ says Sai G and true to his conviction he distributed such biodegradable products after Akhanda bhajans in KL and the entire pro�its of the sale went for the Sai school. Why? How is it, that one person is thinking of such things whilst it is not occur-ring in others?

Infact all these people have one thing in common. Heightened consciousness shifts the mind from the mundane routine to the soaring ideals of wanting to ful�ill the avatharic vision. That is what these wonder-ful people have done. That many of these ideals are sometimes not known or made known . We often take them for granted.

Of all the meetings I attend there is always a yearning to be at Sai meetings. Some often chide and pass remarks that our meetings are long. Some comment that we move from one meeting to another. I some-times �ind this a puzzle too as to what is the joy in

such meetings. I now know that meetings are just opportunity to be bathed by the exudates from people of high consciousness. It’s an opportunity given to mingle with all these wonderful beings brought to earth, who are the chosen ones to selectively place the bricks of love to create the mansion of peace for the world.

Let your eyes be open . Let your ears hear. Study the world with your heart. There are many embodiments of consciousness that we meet. The paradox is that unless we vibrate with heightened frequency we won’t be able to detect the signals others give however loud they might be . Hence the practice of the 9 code of conduct continuously sensitizes our consciousness to awaken and make heaven on earth.

God’s grace is not in just having such a conscious-ness but real grace is to recognize such consciousness and too be thankful that you have been placed amongst such noble and high consciousness people, after all the journey is for inner transformation for outer transmission .

transformation e-zine | vol 4 (2010)

Heightened con-sciousness shifts

the mind from the mundane routine

to the soaring ideals of wanting

to ful�ill theavatharic vision.

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Students, Embodiments of Love!

All of you want Swami to say at least a few words. You feel, “How nice it would be if Swami speaks for a few minutes”! However, I don’t want to say anything about the present system of education.

This land of Bharat has given birth to many noble women like Savitri who brought her dead husband back to life; Chandramati who extinguished wild �ire with the power of truth. Sita who proved her chastity by coming out of blazing �ire unscathed and Damayanti who reduced an evil-minded hunter to ashes with the power of her chastity. (Telugu Poem)

At �irst, Chandramati was fear-stricken by the raging forest �ire. She along with her husband and son was surrounded by �lames of wild �ire. Nobody could say how they were all of a sudden surrounded by the raging �lames. This, in fact, was a divine play. Ultimately, when Chandramati utilised her power of truth and chastity the �ire was extinguished in a trice.

As Chandramati prayed, there was a heavy downpour. On one side there was a raging �ire and on the other side started a heavy rain, and ultimately the �ire was completely extinguished. Savitri was also endowed with great power of penance and chastity. She could even stop Yama (Lord of Death) from taking her husband’s life. She argued with Yama and told him, “The life of wife depends upon her husband and that of the husband on his wife. One cannot live with-out the other. So, if you want to take my husband’s life, take my life also. Or else, spare his life. We are not separate from each other. It is my primary duty to safeguard my husband’s life”. Ultimately, Lord Yama had to revive Savitri’s husband. Is there any country or region in this world where one can �ind a woman like Savitri who could bring her dead husband back to life? Such divine power is latent in every human being. Man should draw this power from within himself, which he can utilise not only for himself but for others also.

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During those times, wife considered her hus-band as her very life and vice-versa. But, unfor-tunately, the situation is not the same today. This sacred land of Bharat is surrounded by the seven seas. In this land, many women like Damayanti, Savitri performed intense penance. They are all women of great chastity. But today we do not �ind such women of great chastity.

A Pativrata (chaste woman) is one who consid-ers her Pati (husband) as her very life and depends entirely on him. A Pativrata is one who does not talk back to her husband. There will not be even a little defect in her. She does not have any sel�ish desires. All that she does is for the sake of her husband. She would not even look at any male other than her husband. Only such a woman can be called a true Pativrata. But modern ladies do not follow their hus-bands. They do not listen to what their hus-bands say. When the wife follows her husband and the husband follows the wife and both lead a life of harmony, then the entire country will attain peace and prosperity. It is due to the differences between the husband and wife and disunity in the family that the country is subjected to one trouble after the other. Both husband and wife should understand each other and adjust with each other.

A Pativrata who strictly obeys the command of her husband can do anything. If she prepares food for her husband with saline water of the ocean, it will be changed into sweet water. When the wife obeys the command of her hus-band and the husband ful�ils the desires of his wife, then the future of the family will be safe and secure. If they act contrary to this, the family will be subjected to great suffering. Both husband and wife may conduct themselves in a decent manner when they are in their house. But as soon as they step out of the house, they indulge in all sorts of evils. If there is no unity and harmony between wife and husband, there is no use of undertaking spiritual practices like Japa, Dhyana (chanting, meditation), etc.

When the wife follows her husband and the husband follows his wife, there is great hap-piness in the family. Strive to achieve such unity and harmony in your family. Then, your entire life will become happy and peaceful without any worries whatsoever. All your worries are of your own making. They are not given by God. God is not at a distant place. He is immanent in man. You should have unwavering faith in this truth. Then there will be happiness not only in the individual but also in society. Pure heart is the temple of God. Therefore, develop love in your heart. You will attain everything in life.

There will be peace and happiness in the family when both husband and wife share the same views. A Pativrata is one who has no other thought of anybody or anything except that of her husband. A woman who leads her life with such un�linching faith in her husband can achieve everything in her life. When both follow different paths, then there can be no peace and happiness in the family. You should not allow your mind to waver this way and that way. You should totally focus it on God. Contemplation of God is the basis to achieve unity and harmony in the family. When the wife prays to God, the husband will become a good person.

Chaste woman of yore like Sita and Dama-yanti had single-minded devotion towards their husbands. Sita was held captive in Lanka for ten months. But never even once did she look at the face of a male person. She spent all her time in the contemplation of Rama, sitting under a tree in Ashoka forest. She did not move out at all. As she was such a great chaste woman, she could prove her purity through Agni Pariksha (test of �ire).

God is only one, not two. He is the indweller of your heart. If you constantly contemplate

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on Him, you will also become God. Whomso-ever you come across, consider them as the embodiments of divinity. That is the principle of divinity. On the other hand, if you follow the vagaries of your mind and move about arbi-trarily here and there, how can you become God? When you go to your college, why should you look here and there and indulge in vain gossip? Focus your mind on the purpose for which you have come. Do your work without developing unnecessary contacts. Look after your family. There is nothing wrong in this. Nobody tells you to give up performing your worldly duties. Live in the world and perform your duties. But always have divine feelings.

Many people go to places of pilgrimage like Badrinath, Amarnath, Kedarnath, Bhadracha-lam, Tirupati, etc., in search of God. They think that they can �ind God at such places. Oh foolish man! God is not somewhere else. In fact, you yourself are God. God is present in all. God is only one and He is present wherever you look for Him. He is in you, with you, above you, below you. God is beyond birth and death and indwells every being in the form of Atma. He is present in all human beings right from a child to an old man. The same God is present in an ant, a mosquito and in all birds, beasts and animals. Therefore, do not go in search of God here and there and trouble yourself.

Wherever you see, God is present there. Whom-soever you see, there is God in him. God has no different form. All forms are His. That is why the Veda declared, Sahasra Seersha Purusha Sahasraksha Sahasra Pad (The Cosmic Being has thousands of heads, eyes and feet). When you sit for meditation, your mind wanders here and there. You should not allow the mind to waver and keep it always steady. When you go to a seashore, you will hear the waves making the sound of Om! When you concentrate on that sound, you will forget everything.

Since you are all young, I wish to emphasise this point. Do not develop opposition or differ-

ences among you. Controversies give rise to many troubles. These days some people marry not once, not twice, not thrice, but even four times. This is not a good practice. Be single-minded. Even if somebody makes you angry, do not �ight with him. Under-stand that by �ighting with others, you actu-ally harm yourself. Control your thoughts. This is the quality of a truly educated person. This is called educare. Along with education, you should also have educare. When you have educare, you will have everything – health, happiness, peace and prosperity. This is what I want you to understand. Everything will become good to you if you make your heart pure. At least from today onwards, take to the right path. If somebody tries to put you on the wrong path, do not pay any heed to him. Even if such a person comes to you and tries to start a conversation with you, do not even look at his face. Just ignore him and go away from him.

Students should live with unity in all mat-ters. But today unity has disappeared alto-gether. On the other hand, enmity is on the rise. When one student in the class secures high marks, other students start feeling jealous of him. This should not be there. Because jealousy gives rise to hatred. There will be further divisions if politics enter the educational institutions. Therefore, all students should live with unity and solidar-ity.

You should achieve unity. There is no unity in the youth today. First and foremost, the youth should come forward to help each other. The end of education is character. If your character is good, then you can achieve anything in life. You may think you have won gold medals, acquired high degrees and achieved name and fame. But if you lack character, these degrees are merely a piece of paper. It is most essential for you to safeguard your character. Only

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such a person is a truly learned one.

When Ravana was taking Sita away to Lanka, she dropped all her ornaments in a bundle which fell a mountain. Rama and Lakshmana, while going in search of Sita, were shown this bundle by Sugriva. Rama asked Lakshmana to see the ornaments and identify if they belonged to Sita. Then Lakshmana replied, “Brother! I never looked at the face of Sita and therefore I do not know whether these ornaments belong to her or not. I can recognise only the anklets as I have seen them while offering my obeisances to her feet everyday”.

Sita, Rama and Lakshmana lived together in the forest for almost fourteen years. But not even once did Lakshmana look at the face of Sita. What a pure-hearted person Lakshmana was! Whenever he had to talk to Sita, he talked to her with his head bent down. As he was such a noble person, he could enjoy the wealth of proximity of Rama. When Lakshmana fell uncon-scious in the battle�ield, Rama said, “If I search, I may get a wife like Sita but not a brother like Lakshmana. I can bear the separation from Sita, but not from Lakshmana”. Such was the strong bond of love between Rama and Lakshmana.

Students also should develop such unity considering all their brothers and sisters. All are human beings. All are the children of God. Therefore, you should live with unity without giving room to any differences. This is My message for you today.

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A Human Value Expo will be held in Johor on the 4th of December 2010 from 9am to 1pm at the

Dewan Serbaguna Johor Jaya (Johor Bahru). This is a rare opportunity to see and study the exhibition of community services of over 30 different NGO’s.

The event will be officiated by YAB Dato’ Haji Abdul Ghani bin Othman, the Menteri Besar of Johor.