transform your career with aipmm certifications in europe

Transform Your Career with AIPMM Certifications

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Post on 28-Jan-2018




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  1. 1. Transform Your Career with AIPMM Certifications
  2. 2. The Hub Of All Things Product ManagementAssociation of Product Marketing & Management
  3. 3. Association of International Product Marketing and Management With members in over 65 countries, the AIPMM is the worldwide certifying body of product team professionals The only organization that addresses the entire product life cycle (inception to obsolescence) throughout any industry Presently has offerings in North America, Europe, Middle East, Australia and Southeast Asia Membership benefits include eligibility for the certification programs, discounts to AIPMM events, and access to the career center, peer forums, tools, templates and publications
  4. 4. AIPMM Certifications AIPMM offers globally recognized certifications: Certified Product Manager (CPM) Certified Innovation Leader (CIL) Certified Product Marketing Manager (CPMM) Certified Brand Manager (CBM) Agile Certified Product Manager (ACPM)
  5. 5. What We Will Discuss Why Get Certified What Is The Certification Process What Others Are Saying Training Prep Course Previews Q&A
  6. 6. Why Get Certified 1. Enhances your credibility and reputation.
  7. 7. Why Get Certified 2. Validates your expertise and abilities.
  8. 8. Why Get Certified 3. Grants a globally recognized mark of distinction.
  9. 9. Why Get Certified 4. Enhances opportunities for career advancement.
  10. 10. Why Get Certified 5. Connects you with experts and thought leaders.
  11. 11. Why Get Certified6. Strengthens your influential and collaborative skills.
  12. 12. Why Get Certified 7. Demonstrates commitment to your profession.
  13. 13. Why Certify Your Team
  14. 14. 1. Enables smarter decisions, better results.
  15. 15. 2. Enhances team effectivness by aligning key activities.
  16. 16. 3. Strenghtens your companys product portfolio.
  17. 17. Certification Process
  18. 18. Eligibility Criteria In order to apply for an AIPMM Certification Examination, candidates must have: At least one year of experience in the field of product management (or its equivalency) Completed an acceptable course of study Must be an AIPMM member
  19. 19. Certified Product Manager (CPM) Understands the process and deliverables for championing great products Able to manage products throughout the product life cycle, from inception through to launch. Effectively orchestrates internal activities to ensure the best possible product outcome.
  20. 20. CPM Certification Exam Closed-book exam Comprised of 120 multiple-choice and a few essay questions in the following key areas: Tools & Measurements [5%] Strategy [10%] New Product Development methodology [10%] Teams, People & Organizational Issues [15%] Marketing Research, Business Plans & Documentation Processes [25%] PLM (product lifecycle management)with an emphasis on effective, real-world decision-making [35%] Passing score is 74% Total time allowed for exam: 2 hours For more information about the certification exam, go to CPM Certification Exam.
  21. 21. Recommended Certification by Role
  22. 22. What Is ProdBOK?
  23. 23. Sets A Global Standard Introduces the steps of a product life cycle Describes widely accepted techniques and methodologies Identifies key terms, deliverables and essential tools Description: Keyword: ProdBOK
  24. 24. Seven Phase Product Life Cycle
  25. 25. What Is A Product?
  26. 26. A good, service or combination of both
  27. 27. What Others Are Saying About AIPMM Certifications
  28. 28. Testimonials "Thanks again for a wonderful workshop. I am really pleased with the CPM/CPMM certifications. Its fantastic to have an official third party validation of my skill set in product management and product marketing that I can show prospective employers. The certifications have differentiated me from other candidates and have helped me get additional interviews. Furthermore, I believe they were instrumental in helping me get an outstanding job offer last week!" - Michael Jouaneh, MBA, CPM, CPMM
  29. 29. Testimonials There is definitely a sense of pride in knowing that I proved to myself and others I know the best practices for Product Management. In addition, recruiters have said it makes my resume stand out from the rest. - Holly Hansen, CPM, CPMM
  30. 30. Testimonials "The exam itself was a challenging (and humbling) experience. It measures thorough understanding of the essential product management principles. I will certainly recommend it to others, and look for certified candidates when I hire product managers. Congratulations to AIPMM on setting a longneeded bar to measure competence in this field!" - Linda Merrick, CPM
  31. 31. Testimonials "The exam itself was a challenging (and humbling) experience. It measures thorough understanding of the essential product management principles. I will certainly recommend it to others, and look for certified candidates when I hire product managers. Congratulations to AIPMM on setting a longneeded bar to measure competence in this field!" - Linda Merrick, CPM
  32. 32. Some of our clients:
  34. 34. Why Attend A Training Prep Course 1. Fully prepares you for certification. 2. Expands your skills and knowledge. 3. Master the product life cycle and planning process. 4. Understand the process to align business, marketing and product strategies. 5. Obtain product life cycle management productivity tools.
  35. 35. CPM Course Description Covers advanced strategies and methodologies to plan and manage any product throughout each stage of its life cycle. This includes a review and practice questions to fully prepare participants to take the CPM certification exam. Course includes: 14 hours of instructor-led review Course handbook Practice exam questions 12-month AIPMM membership ($125 value per person) CPM certification exam fee extra ($395 per person)
  36. 36. CPM Prep Course Outline DAY TWODAY ONE IntroductionUseful ToolsWhat is Product ManagementMarketing MixProduct LifecycleProduct PositioningUnderstanding Goods & ServicesValue CreationProduct DecisionsExam Review & GuidelinesStrategic PlanningCPM Certification Exam
  37. 37. Who Should Attend Self-taught product managers seeking to validate their expertise and expand skills People with limited experience spearheading product teams Senior managers having trouble getting the results they want from their product team Anyone seeking formal product marketing and management training and skills
  38. 38. Upcoming Courses: 2014: - Certified Product Manager February, 12-13 Zagreb, Croatia March, 27-28 Belgrade, Serbia April 3-4 Istanbul, Turkey-Certified Innovation LeaderFebruary, 10-11 Zagreb, Croatia March, 25-26 Belgrade, Serbia April 1-2 Istanbul, TurkeyCONTACT: Martina Andricevic Vesper Vixen Group mandricevic [at] VESPER VIXEN GROUP
  39. 39. Key Takeaways AIPMM credentials are world renownedValidates your expertise to guide decisions Demonstrates your teams competence Builds managements confidence levelEmpowers high performing product teams
  40. 40. About trainer Hector Del Castillo Senior consultant with over 15 years of experience transforming products to wealth for technology-based companies AIPMM Body of Knowledge (ProdBOK) Contributor Established companies -Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Lucent Technologies, MEI Technologies Small companies and startups -Nextone Communications, Smith Micro Software Launched 30+ Products for global deployment -HW/SW, Telecom, Enterprise Mobility, Information Security Services, Professional Development Certified PMP, CPM and CPMM University of California at Santa Barbara, MS EE University of Texas at El Paso, MS EE, BS EE
  41. 41. Thank you for your time.