transcript of matt's call august 20 2011

Female: Hello Matt: Patsy, This is Matt. Female: Oh, hi, Matt. How are you? Matt: I’m fine. I want to talk to Allen. Is he around? Female: Yes, just a moment. He’s outside. Let me go get him. Hold on. Allen: Hello. Matt: Hey, Allen. This is Matt. Allen: Yes. Hey, Matt. Matt: I wanted to see if you had a few minutes to visit with me. Allen: Yes. Well, I’m dirty right now. Matt: What’s that? Allen: I said I’m a little dirty right now but we can visit. Matt: I’ll only take a few minutes and talk about John Langworthy. Allen: Alright. Matt: Alright. I’m really calling to hear your side of the story. I’d like to know your opinion and your views and want to get it straight from you. Allen: Well, you know that Amy’s got off into something that I’m very concerned about. I really don’t want to get into my side of it but the bottom line is, all that has been put out there about who John is, I don’t think it’s accurate or factual. He’s not a child predator or monster or criminal or any of those. And when he left Prestonwood in 1989, he was married, his wife was pregnant. His father was a minister in Mississippi. His father-in-law was a 1 | Page

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Phone call discussing then confessed, and since convicted in Mississippi, child sex offender John Langworthy, former minister at Prestonwood Baptist Church, redacted only to protect the names of victims/possible victims. Responses by Amy Smith in bold to a few of the statements by Allen. Transcript provided by Allen, a former deacon at Prestonwood Baptist Church.


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Female: Hello

Matt: Patsy, This is Matt.

Female: Oh, hi, Matt. How are you?

Matt: I’m fine. I want to talk to Allen. Is he around?

Female: Yes, just a moment. He’s outside. Let me go get him. Hold on.

Allen: Hello.

Matt: Hey, Allen. This is Matt.

Allen: Yes. Hey, Matt.

Matt: I wanted to see if you had a few minutes to visit with me.

Allen: Yes. Well, I’m dirty right now.

Matt: What’s that?

Allen: I said I’m a little dirty right now but we can visit.

Matt: I’ll only take a few minutes and talk about John Langworthy.

Allen: Alright.

Matt: Alright. I’m really calling to hear your side of the story. I’d like to know your opinion and your views and want to get it straight from you.

Allen: Well, you know that Amy’s got off into something that I’m very concerned about. I really don’t want to get into my side of it but the bottom line is, all that has been put out there about who John is, I don’t think it’s accurate or factual. He’s not a child predator or monster or criminal or any of those. And when he left Prestonwood in 1989, he was married, his wife was pregnant. His father was a minister in Mississippi. His father-in-law was a minister in Mississippi. He went back to his roots. He had all the people there that surrounded him. John’s a very charismatic young man, youth minister. Personality kind of goes with the territory but to put it out there like he is right now is troubling to me personally because that’s not what John is, Matt.

Matt: Well, did he molest some kids?

Allen: He didn’t molest any kids. They were teenage boys. *They were 16, 17, 18, one even 20. I can’t say he had even molested anybody but the environment was where there may have been inappropriate sexual activity among that group. But to say he molested anybody against their will is absolutely false. *These were their ages when these victims were discovered, not at the time of the abuse which happened in the years prior.

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Matt: Well–

Allen: I don’t have any idea about what happened in Mississippi before he came to Dallas. All I know is what happened the three years or so that I knew him in Dallas.

Matt: What was the – I don’t know if it’s changed, I really don’t – the age of consent? I don’t know what age that is.

Allen: Matt, I don’t know about any of that. You know, if you want to get in to 22 years later, crucifying Jack Graham who had been in Prestonwood four weeks before this happened with John. Jack doesn’t even know John Langworthy. Jack first Sunday was June the 6 th, 1989. All this happened with John about the second week of July. Jack barely – with a church that big –knew who John Langworthy was. And so to pack this on Jack like it’s been portrayed is just inaccurate, it’s wrong. There was no cover-up of anything. The parents were talked to of a couple of the senior boys, one not even a junior, a freshman or something in college. The parents were talked to, John’s parents were called in, his wife, his father-in-law, ministers in Mississippi. When John left Prestonwood there was no cover-up. It was fully addressed with the youth at the time as to –. that John was leaving because it was a shock to everybody but there was no cover-up.

Matt: What? I didn’t know–

Allen: The attorneys for Prestonwood handled it. Randy Addison was the attorney. He handled the staff. Bill Taylor was the administrative minister. Mike Buster was not there at the time. He didn’t come until a year or two later. Bill Taylor who went on when he left Prestonwood, he went with the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville. And so there was no attempt to legally cover anything up. It was handled with discretion, and with full cooperation of everybody including the primary one man [name of a victim, a minor at the time] that John supposedly had inappropriate activities with.

But to put him out there as preying on young children and all of that, from my side of it, that’s not true. They can get into the technicality 22 years later what would have, should have, could have been done but it’s problematic right now to be doing that 22 years later, going on a crusade. And the fact of the matter is that unless something forthcoming, John may have lived an exemplary life for the last 22 years. If anybody knows anything different, I’d like to know.

Matt: Alright. A couple of victims in Mississippi are coming forward. They were 9 and 10 years old.

Allen: That was before, when John was a college student in Mississippi. He admitted to that. That’s what I’m saying. If anybody knows of anything from 22 years ago, I’d like to know it. But if it’s the ones when he was a college student in Mississippi before he came to the seminary at Fort Worth and Prestonwood as an intern, then those may be out there but that gave no reason to go on a witch hunt of what John may have been doing in 22 years that nobody knew about. Nobody knew about that, Matt.

Matt: No, I’m sorry --

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Allen: When John left Prestonwood, he went back, again, his father was a minister, his father-in-law was a minister, his wife pregnant with a daughter they named Jordan and Amy knew all about John and that he left and went back to Mississippi. We helped him pack that day, his U-Haul, with his parents. And there were no blinders on Amy’s part about what was going on back then about John and where he was going and the environment he was going into.

So I’m upset, Matt. Bottom line, I’m upset. I think it’s a witch hunt. I think the things Amy’s put out there about Jack and all the things I’ve read – it’s all speculation. You don’t ruin people’s lives and try to ruin a church and a pastor and a lot of innocent lives over speculation. If there’s something concrete, that’s different. But this whole thing started over a suspicion that John may have done something over the last 22 years. But without anybody’s full accurate knowledge, nobody knows that.

Matt: How can we find out?

Allen: Well, I think it’s going to come out, everything I’ve read that’s out there - all the publicity, the district attorney investigating, the police investigating – everybody, all of the blogs, the internet castigating Jack for a cover-up and everybody putting out there that any other victim of John Langworthy to please come forward, then fine, let’s wait till they come forward. If not, then a lot of innocent people have been hurt including Jack that I respect very, very much. It is wrong, and Amy knows that Jack had been there only a few weeks before this thing with John happened. Bill Taylor was the point man at the church administratively and Neal was there also. Nobody tried to cover this up with John. Yes, they tried to handle it discreetly as any church tries to do. But to say they just let a wolf go out to start molesting kids and all of that, that’s just absolutely wrong. They even put the tag “sexual predator” on John. It’s libelous, as far as I’m concerned, unless they know something different.

I think you’re dealing in some very serious territory here, Matt. And I say that with all due respect for Amy as my daughter. But there could be some very serious repercussions – I had a good talk with Mike Buster the other day about all of this. And, because I respect Mike, I respect Jack, I respect Prestonwood. And for Prestonwood, to be cast in this limelight is hurting to me personally. We’ve got so many friends there and I don’t know where this Christa Brown comes in in Amy’s life. For her to step up 35 years after an incident happened at First Baptist Church of Farmers Branch and go through what she did 35 years later from 1969 to 2004. That is problematic in itself. I’m sorry but it is. And for her to be out there doing all of the things she’s doing– There’s a lot of people sitting on the sidelines that have no knowledge of the facts, putting in their 2 cents worth on this blog. And that to me is just disgraceful, there’s nothing Christian about it, and I’m very upset, Matt.

So we can leave it at that. But unless somebody knew of anything that John, when he left Prestonwood 22 years ago, and knew of anything concrete that’s happened in his life in 22 years then everything that has been done, is libelous, is slanderous and is wrong. And as we tried to say the other day in the email we sent Amy back, we have great concern about repercussions that can be forthcoming from this.

Matt: I was going to ask what you’re referring to, what type of repercussion.

Allen: She had no basis to go on this witch hunt. She had no basis. Unless she knew of something in John’s life 22 years ago when he left Prestonwood on July the 14 th or whatever it was, of 1989, his

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parents came over, *Amy was there to help load him up in the U-Haul, they came to our house, and they left. Unless Amy knows of an incident that happened in 22 years, she had no right to go on this witch hunt against John and against Prestonwood. I’m sorry.*I have no memory of helping Langworthy load up the U-Haul.

That’s what I’m talking about. And putting pictures of Jack Graham on this * and say, this is what Jack Graham really looks like and made it look like that Jack is just a sexual predator himself that is what Amy did, that’s problematic in itself.*He thinks I wrote a post on another blog that I had nothing to do with. The blogger wrote about me and the Prestonwood/Langworthy story and put my contact information but my dad misunderstood, as if it was my signature on the post.

Matt: Allen, I don’t know what you’re talking about right now.

Allen: I’ll email it to you. I’ll email it to you and show you what she put on there on August, the 12th on – a picture of Jack, then it says, This is a picture of what Jack really looks like. And that picture makes him look like he’s a sexual predator and then Amy puts a paragraph or two about Jack and the cover-up and all that he’s done which she signs as Amy Smith, SNAP Houston. That’s what I’m talking about that’s problematic. Do you want me to email it to you?

Matt: I’ll ask her. I’m at Home Depot right now.

Allen: Well, it’s That’s the website that it was posted under I believe on Friday, August the 12th. It’s a direct attack upon Jack. Jack had been there 4, maybe 5 weeks whenever that incident happened with John Langworthy. He barely knew John Langworthy.

Matt: So he didn’t know anything about this?

Allen: Absolutely not.

Matt: He wasn’t involved at all?

Allen: No, he knew it after it came out. But he didn’t even know the staff. He has just gotten there four weeks ago.

Matt: You said–

Allen: John Langworthy’s direct report was Dick Baker, the minister of music.

Matt: You said there was an attorney involved. I’m certain there was.

Allen: Yes, Randy Addison was the attorney for the church, that handled this for the church.

Matt: Did he make –

Allen: He handled it with [name of a victim] and the parents. Matt, you know I don’t want to resurrect all the legal issues of what could have been there 22 years ago. But at the time, the facts on

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hand, the church handled it properly. There was no cover-up, the youth knew full well why John was leaving, the parents knew full well why John was leaving, and Amy knew full well why John was leaving.

Matt: Why didn’t anyone tell the police?

Allen: Matt, I don’t know that.

Matt: Okay.

Allen: I don’t know that. I do not know why anyone didn’t tell the police. *You’re dealing with 17, 18, 19-year old boys. So I don’t know that. If we want to resurrect something 22 years ago from what should have been done about the police, then– I’m sorry but you don’t go 22 years later and ruin people’s lives like was done. And unless somebody can come up with something concrete that was done by John after he left Prestonwood, I’d like to know it. *These were their ages when these victims were discovered, not at the time of the abuse which happened in the years prior.

The other thing that is very troubling, Matt, very troubling is that Amy has lost all future relationship with Scott and Kevin over this. I’m telling you. She has destroyed a relationship with Scott and Kevin. They were close to John. They knew John. Nothing ever happened with them and John and it’s embarrassing to them about what Amy has done and how all this has come out and what it looks like, and everybody’s asking, Mike Buster said, “What is Amy’s motive in this?” I said I don’t know. I have no clue to what her motive is 22 years later when John was close as they were during that time and our family was. They named their first child after us.

But Scott and Kevin are absolutely, totally upset about Amy and what she’s done and how she has carried on about this and to go on a witch hunt 22 years later is– There’s something wrong about all this, Matt. There’s just something wrong about all this. And I’ve read about all the blogs and all the time that that has been spent on this and Sherry LeFils or whatever her-name up in Dallas, the professional–so called, all that stuff.. She didn’t even know John. She didn’t even know what happened back then. She’s going off on what a *[name of possible victim] told her that was a college student when John was there. And I’m telling you, there’s just some problematic issues here that I have very great concern about. And Amy started this in August when we were still in Dallas at Prestonwood. And, of course nothing came out at that time. But you go forward a year later and this is the result of what Amy has been trying to do for all this time. And John’s daughters are in college or high school and it’s just torn this family.*This person was in high school also during John’s time at Prestonwood.

To do this, if she had concrete knowledge of something that happened with John, that is different. But she did not. You go on a witch hunt and try to surface these things, you better be on the receiving end of that witch hunt coming back to you in the form of libel and slander not only from John but from both the Morrison Heights Baptist Church, the principal, and from Jack particularly over what Amy has tried to do to Jack which she knows that Jack Graham is not that kind of person. She knows that.

And you’re never ever, you’re never ever going to stop no matter what all this group is trying to do – the church staff involvement with kids, teachers involvement with kids – you’re never going to stop

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all of that– no matter what kind of crusade you go on. It’s there. It’s part of life. Nobody’s supposed to try to cover it up or put blinders on it but nobody put blinders on John Langworthy at Prestonwood 22 years ago. He was no lone wolf that was put out to pasture. That’s kind of what all this is made it to believe and also, the connotation is that John was at Prestonwood and molesting little kids, preying on little kids as a sexual predator. That is far from the truth. You’ve got your hands full, Matt, I’m telling you.

Matt: You asked for concrete facts. Let me tell you what I know, if you don’t mind.

Allen: Alright.

Matt: I know that before he got to Prestonwood in Mississippi, he molested both a 9-year old and a 10-year old at least. We’ve spoken to them. We know that one of his victims in Prestonwood was 15 years old. He probably had multiple and they may have been older, but at least one of them was 15 years old.

Allen: What did the parents elect to do on that? At the time John left, he was 17.

Matt: Right.

Allen: *Alright the parents– [victim’s parents], the parents opted not to do anything with the police. It was their decision.*I have spoken with these parents who told me that my dad Allen called them soon after they made calls to the Mississippi school district in 1989-90 where John Langworthy was working to warn them about John. These parents stated my dad told them to leave John Langworthy alone.

Matt: But you asked for concrete facts. Here’s what else I know and I know this from the police officers in my family. I know that all the way back then and even now, there’s mandatory reporting requirements for any suspicion–

Allen: Matt, I’m hanging up on you. I’ve tried to tell you that 22 years ago, Amy knew John.

Matt: Right. And she–

Allen: If she’s going on this witch hunt after 22 years, that’s fine and try to destroy Prestonwood. But when you point one finger, you’ve got three pointing back. She better be careful unless she knows of something that happened to John over 22 years. She’s treading on dangerous territory. All she’s trying to do to discredit Jack and Prestonwood. I’m telling you, that’s a witch hunt - that’s an absolute witch hunt - she needs to be putting all this time into her own daughters and her family and not spending all this time trying to resurrect something from 22 years ago that she has no concrete proof. You can go back 22 years and try to bring this stuff up, but life has moved on and nobody knows what’s gone on in John’s life for 22 years.

So I’ve had enough. You can go back in all these 22 years ago, Matt. That’s fine. If you want, if ya’ll want you go on living your lives from 22 years ago, that’s fine. Live your life on something that is tearing people and families apart, that’s fine. But I know for a fact [name of a victim] may have been 15 when it started but he was a senior in high school when John left. His parents opted not to do

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anything. I’ve talked with [dad of a victim]. He was a fellow deacon with me. I knew [dad of victim]. They opted not to do anything.

Matt: Why did they do that?

Allen: As far as what happened in Mississippi 25 or so years ago, I don’t know anything about that. So tell me something over the last 22 years.

Matt: Allen, I don’t have anything to tell you for the last 22 years but I can tell you that if somebody–

Allen: Matt, I’m hanging up. You heard what I said. Amy knew John and if you go for 22 years and you’re silent and then all of a sudden you say everybody should have done something then, there’s a problem with that. There’s a major–

Matt: Can I tell you– Would you like to know why? You asked about her motive. I can tell you that, if you’d like.

Allen: What’s her motive?

Matt: Alright. She had not really thought of John for a very long time. She’s living her life, just like you said and thought about him here – I don’t know – 3 years ago, 4 years ago, something like that, but had forgotten all about that incident at Prestonwood. At that point, technology has changed you can actually find people. You don’t have to use your memory or phonebook. So she gets on board and realizes that he is working with kids like he had been before. And that was disconcerting to her but still didn’t do anything. Kinda took the same approach. And then last year at this time, the reason why I mentioned August, uh, we were talking to some friends about the story they had heard that happened up at Kanakuk. They were telling us the story where the # 2 guy up there, nobody had said anything for years and years and years, he had preyed on kids at that camp. And at that point, she became convicted, felt guilty, and realized that she needed to say something.

Allen: Did she ever call John up and talked with him?

Matt: She tried, multiple times. Multiple times.

Allen: To talk to John?

Matt: Yes.

Allen: Why wasn’t she successful?

Matt: I’m sorry. John– Sorry. I thought you said Jack. John Langworthy?

Allen: No, John Langworthy. Did she ever call John Langworthy up?

Matt: No, she didn’t call John.

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Allen: Don’t you think that would have been the proper thing to do, as close as Amy was-- in their wedding – to call John up and just talk with him to know what his life has been like. Or talk to Cathy? She knew Cathy very, very well.

Matt: I can tell you I don’t know what Amy should have done but I can tell you I wouldn’t have done that. The reason I wouldn’t have done that is because if you had been preying on kids–

Allen: Matt.

Matt: He would have told–

Allen: Matt, Matt, let me just– Let me just stop you. That may have been the reason why but Amy didn’t need to spend a year of her life destroying people’s lives over a witch hunt. I’m sorry. That may have been the motivation but Amy’s got other fish to fry and that was not her cross to bear from 22 years ago. Not going about it like she did, not knowing anything about what happened to John in 22 years. None, zero. And that’s not a motivation to destroy a superintendent, two pastors of a church, and other families. That’s no reason to do that, not to mention the probably thousands and thousands of hours that Amy has put in to this that I can see.

Matt: I think thousands is–

Allen: Over the last year.

Matt: A bit high.

Allen: What’s that?

Matt: I think thousands is high.

Allen: Hundreds, then. Hundreds. Several hundred, 4 or 500, whatever. I don’t care. There’s no motivation for that. You read about all the time, different things happen to different people but Amy knows that John was not a criminal, he was not a sexual child predator. This knowledge of whatever happened to him when he was in college before he came to Prestonwood - that’s something that may be there but that was before any incident of what Amy knew about John and his life at Prestonwood and it will be that inappropriate sexual behavior with. But John was not a child predator as has been portrayed-- that you’ve got to lock up your children when you see him coming..

Matt: But Allen, I have to disagree with you. If he was molesting a 15-year old, that’s a crime.

Allen: Matt, you know what?

Matt: What?

Allen: I’m going to tell you something right now. I don’t want to have this conversation anymore. You can go back to 22 years ago. You and Amy are going to pay a big price for what has been done here. I’m telling you. You don’t go on witch hunts from 22 years ago. You don’t. The parents opted not to do anything. Does that make any-- does that register at all? The parents opted not to do anything. I’m hanging up, Matt.

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