tranby news · library news .....10 college & community .11 past staff & students farewell...

Tranby News Telephone: 08 95242424 Email: tranby@ 22nd November 2013—Week 6 —Term 4 Web: Inside this issue From the Principal ........ 2 Senior School ................. 3 Middle School ................ 4-6 Junior School ................. 7 Sport News .................... 8 Music News ................... 9 Library News ................. 10 College & Community .11 Past Staff & Students Farewell to Mrs Bednall On Sunday 17th November past students and past staff were invited to spend some time with Jo Bednall who is leaving the College after 16 years. Jo had a wonderful time catching up with stu- dents who are now adults and staff who are now just that little bit older! Thank you to all that attended and to those that sent messages wishing Jo all the best for the future.

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Page 1: Tranby News · Library News .....10 College & Community .11 Past Staff & Students Farewell to Mrs Bednall On Sunday 17th November past students and past staff were invited to spend

Tranby News Telephone: 08 95242424

Email: tranby@ 22nd November 2013—Week 6 —Term 4 Web:

Inside this issue

From the Principal ........ 2

Senior School ................. 3

Middle School ................ 4-6

Junior School ................. 7

Sport News .................... 8

Music News ................... 9

Library News ................. 10

College & Community . 11

Past Staff & Students Farewell to Mrs Bednall

On Sunday 17th November past students and past staff were invited to spend some time with Jo Bednall who is leaving the College after 16 years.

Jo had a wonderful time catching up with stu-dents who are now adults and staff who are now just that little bit older! Thank you to all that attended and to those that sent messages wishing Jo all the best for the future.

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From the Principal - Jo Bednall

Being the adults in the lives of our children A recurring theme in my newsletter columns over the past fifteen years has been the need for parents to be the adults in the lives of their children. Our children need

our unconditional love and part of this is guiding them into healthy adulthood. They need us to set boundaries and they need us, ie the adults in their lives, to work together to provide them with consistent high expectations and with forgiveness when they make the inevitable mistakes. A recent article (October 30th) in the Health and Medicine section of the „West Australian‟ reso-nated with me. The reporter, Cathy Saunders, interviewed Bruno Faletti, Manager of School Drug Education and Road Aware (SDERA) in the Education Department. The premise of the article is that risk-taking behaviour is a normal and desirable part of healthy adolescence although there are times when it becomes unsafe and undesirable. However, par-ents can take steps to reduce the chances of unhealthy behaviours developing. Parents can take steps to manage the risks. The article points out that parents need to know they can have an influence on their teenagers. Bruno Faletti is quoted: “It‟s not like they turn into a completely different being, although sometimes it feels like that. There is a lot of undue concern that the parents will have no influence and that their peers will have all the influ-ence and that‟s not true. A lot of it is about parenting skills, setting boundaries, talking through consequences and communicating with your kids.” The SDERA website, contains many hints for parents about teaching re-silience to their children, even when they are very young and I commend it to you as a useful resource. Bruno Faletti talks about “scaffolding” risk, ie ensuring teenagers are exposed to risk but putting safety nets around them. For instance, encouraging adolescents to participate in sport and phys-ical activity and volunteering your time to help. Another protective factor is providing opportu-nities for adolescents to make a range of friends with a variety of points of view. Being exposed to reasonably conservative values and behavioural expectations, such as we deliberately model within the culture of Tranby, has also been shown to be a protective factor. The article concludes with a final challenge for parents: Mr Faletti said, “One trap to be aware of was the parental attitude of “don‟t do as I do, do as I say.” “Parents often overlook the fact that kids will look to them to see what they are doing,” he said. “So the model-ling behaviour they exhibit, whether it be around drinking, or how they drive, or the friends they have got and the interactions they have with those friends … is also quite powerful.” “While you are watching them, they are also watching you.”


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Senior School News - Steven Davies

iDiversity Work Experience Following on from the launch of the iDiversity Project, Jacob Lee and Megan Csikos both participated in the programme recently and had a wonderful time. The following is a quote taken from a new KIC publication: “The KIC iDiversity Project aims to provide students with an overview of industry and information re-garding career pathways.

The 4-day programme was developed in partnership with the participating schools and was held in October. The programme included; an industry visit to Alcoa Kwinana Refinery, the provision of in-formation on career pathways and employability skills, including teamwork, dress code, communica-tion and presentation skills and one day work experience with a local organisation.”

Megan described her experience:

Jacob Lee and I were selected to attend the launch of the Kwinana Industries Council (KIC) iDiversity Project. The four-day pro-gramme explored the range of careers avail-able in the Kwinana Industrial Area, a site tour of industry and a day of work experi-ence with a local host employer. Other activi-ties also included personal grooming and presentation skills. We were given special dress shirts to wear, so we could be identified as belonging to this exclusive group. On Day One, we had a tour around the Alcoa Refinery. On Day Two, we had guest speakers who talked to us about career pathways and how to present yourself in the workplace. On Day Three, we had our actual work ex-perience, where Jacob went to the beach and worked with the Coast Care Officer and I went to „Media Engine‟ to work on photography skills. On Day Four, we had our graduation ceremony and received our certificates. This project has taught me about a wide range of em-ployment opportunities that exist within the Kwinana region. The iDiversity Project was a great experience for me and I really enjoyed the work experience, being able to work in the IT industry is something I would like to do in the future. Megan Csikos—Year 10


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Year 8 Social Our Year 8 social took place on Tuesday 5th November. It was held in the T & E build-ing from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.

The decorations were colourful, there was a big turn out, the food was delicious and everything went well. The students looked amazing, and there were even a few bow ties spotted! The music by DJ Kelleher really made the dancing part of the night fall into place. Whether they were dancing the night away, or witnessing the Pokémon battle that may or may not have occurred, everyone had fun. We are all looking forward to next years social evening and will remember this one for a long time - thanks to Miss Cuffley and her Polaroid pictures. Imogen Dring Year 8 Publications Representative


Middle School News - Geoff Kay


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Middle School News cont.

Outward Bound Presentation for Year 9

As a cohort we were excited to be gathered to practise some of the skills needed in preparation for Outward Bound next year. In House groups we moved to stations to attempt set-ting up trangie's, packing our backpacks, setting up bivvy's and orienteering. Some of the challenges we faced were working togeth-er in groups, as there was definitely no room for pas-sengers! We soon learnt that everyone needed to par-ticipate and work together or we will end up starving and lost next year on the camp! Thanks to the organisers and our Year 9 teachers. It was an invaluable experience that will stand us in good stead in preparation for Outward Bound 2014. Amberley Sparkes and Toby Trevenan Year 9 Publication Captains


Year 9 Summer RKAS Results Round #4 Boys Super 8’s Cricket: Tranby 166 defeated Kolbe 22 Top Performers: Josh Baker & Ben Waddington 73 runs, Ben Willis Foy 3 for 6 from his 1 over including a hat trick. Girls Basketball: Kolbe 38 defeated Tranby 24 Living Waters 43 defeated Tranby 13

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6 7

Middle School News cont.

Middle School Student Computer Arrangements 2013/2014

At the end of the year our current Years 8 & 9 stu-dents will begin to exchange their current laptops for a “Mac Air”. The following plans are in place:

Return of Old Devices in 2013

Year 8, 2013 Laptops along with charger + box + bag to be re-turned Monday 2nd December. This will be done in class groups. Year 9, 2013 Laptops along with charger + box + bag to be re-turned Tuesday 3rd December. This will done in class groups. Students leaving school early for holidays must ensure the device is returned before they leave. It is very important the students back their work up be-fore returning the device as this won‟t be able to be done on the day.

All these devices need to be returned to Lease during the holidays, that’s why it is imperative that they are returned before the end of this Term.

Roll-Out of New Laptops for 2014

Please note that should students not be availa-ble at these specific times, they will collect their computers at the beginning of the school year. Year 10, 2014 Wednesday 18th December in the lower floor of the SSAB in House groups. The students will need to arrive at the time listed and be here for about an hour as there are a few things they need to do be-fore leaving. 9.00am Bilu 10.30am Budjar 12.30pm Karla 2.00pm Marra

Year 9, 2014 Thursday 19th December in the lower floor of the SSAB in House groups. The students will need to arrive at the time listed and be here for about an hour as there are a few things they need to do be-fore leaving. 9.00am Bilu 10.30am Budjar 12.30pm Karla 2.00pm Marra Year 7, 2014 Thursday 30th January in the lower floor of the SSAB in House groups. The students will need to arrive at the time listed and be here for about an hour as there are a few things they need to do be-fore leaving. 9.00am Bilu 10.30am Budjar 12.30pm Karla 2.00pm Marra

Students must return their: Digital Citizenship Agreement and Off Campus Usage Policy before receiving their laptop. Thank you.

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2013 Presentation Assemblies

A reminder to parents that it is an expectation that all children attend their particular Presentation Assembly. These will be held on Thursday 5th December at 9:00am for K-2 and 10:30am for Years 3-6. At the conclusion of the assemblies the children will be re-turned to their classrooms, handed their Report and dismissed. In your child‟s Report envelope will be the name of their teacher for 2014. Please ensure you have made arrangements to have your child picked up from school at the completion of the assemblies.

Year 6 Monologues On Monday 11th November, selected Year 6 students performed in a Junior School Monologue Exhibition in the College Chapel. Students showed off their Dra-matic and Comedic acting skills to perform 12 individ-ual solo acts. All students did a fabulous and entertain-ing job with their given script and are to be commend-ed for their brav-ery to per-form to a large audi-ence on their own. Enormous thanks go to Miss Johnston for doing a great job of the l i g h t i n g , to Mr Curulli for running the IT expertly and to all parents who attended to watch their talented children shine! Mrs Brooke Thompson

Touch Football Carnival On 14th November 2013 selected stu-dents from Year 6 played at the Touch Football Carnival. Annually, Tranby College hosts this carnival. Seven schools participated, including Tranby and we thank them for being part of the carnival. The Year 1 0 ' s f r o m T r a n b y were the umpires of the g a m e s . We give a big t h a n k you to t h e m too. It was a boiling hot summer day and there was a bit of throw-ing water involved. We all tried our best and we all got involved. It was a great day and it brought everyone closer together. We pushed ourselves to the best of our abilities even though it was extremely hot. We want to say thank you to Miss White (Junior School PE teacher), Miss Reilly (Year 6 teacher) and Miss Stoner (also a Year 6 teacher) for being amazing coaches, training us and being there for us. We also want to thank all the students who participated in the touch rugby carnival. All in all it was a great, but sweaty day. By Shaar Osmun- Tamati - Year 6

Junior School News - Graham Badge


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SSWA Champion Schools Triathlon Carnival On 7th November a group of Tranby students participated in the Inter-school Triathlon, at Champion Lakes. The team event consisted of a 300m swim, 16km cycle and 3km run. Training for the Triathlon started from the first week of Term 4 and was held every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 6.45am until 8.00am. Swimming training was taken by Mr Silas and held at the Aqua Jetty, Mr Mollica took cycling at the College and Miss Ricci took run-ning, which was also at the College. There were 22 Middle School teams and 12 Senior School teams, totalling 105 Competitors from Tranby. Tranby competed against more established schools like CBC, Penrhos, St Hil-da‟s, as well as Duncraig Senior High, which is a Triathlon school. All of the students who participated tried their absolute best and in all the day was a great suc-cess. A big Congratulations to the following students and their teams who attained top 5 finishes at the SSWA Champion Schools Triathlon Carnival: Year 8 Girls Category: 2nd Olivia Howarth (Swim); Hannah Russell (Cycle) & Sophie Edwards (Run) Year 11 Girls Category: 3rd Beth Western (Swim); Brooke Capewell (Cycle) & Kirstie Morrison (Run) Year 11 Boys Category: 4th Jake Maynard (Swim); Joshua Dobson (Cycle) & Harri Hooper-Lewis (Run)

Brooke Capewell and Teegan Minkley Sports Captains

Sport News


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Music Program 2014


In 2014 the Music Program gives students the choice of either 28 or 32 lessons annually. This gives the flexibility to stu-dents that have other commitments and find it hard to get to all tutor lessons. The Music Program 2014 is available on the College website and also from the Music Tutors, College Music Teachers and Arts Administrator. If you wish for your child to start or continue with the „Music Program‟ forms are to be returned by 10th December, as this gives us time to secure tutors and work on timetables. Fees

Fees are charged by the College annually in advance to the family school fee account and are paid according to the payment terms applicable to the account. The cost is $34.00 per 30 minute lesson, there are two options.

Option 1: 28 lessons over 4 Terms, Annual cost $ 952.00 Option 2: 32 lessons over 4 Terms, Annual cost $1088.00

Lesson Times

Lessons are normally scheduled during school hours on a rotational basis so that students do not repeatedly miss the same class.

Notice of lesson absence

Please advise the Arts Administrator or Music Tutor if your child is not able to attend their scheduled lesson, even if this is the result of a College activity, holiday or other appointment. Except in the case of illness 24 hours notice must be provided to ensure the Tutors have adequate time to re-organise their day. If notice has not been provided to either the Arts Administrator or Music Tutor you will be charged accordingly. Student responsibilities

Students are expected to participate in a band, ensemble or choir and to perform in events such as Assembly and end of semester concerts. Students will also be given opportunities to gain accreditation through Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB) or similar bodies. It is the responsibility of students in Years 5 to 12 to attend their lesson at the scheduled time and place. Students in Year 4 and below will be collected by their Tutor from their classroom. Instrument Hire

Tranby College offers instruments for hire for a fee of $100.00 per semester, per instrument, subject to availability.

Congratulations to Shannon Hussey in Year 9 and Jasmin Murray in Year 7 who were awarded a B+ and A respectively, in their Grade 1 AMEB Clarinet Exams on the 4th November.

Shannon Hussey

Year 9

Jasmin Murray

Year 7

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Middle School Library News


Holiday Reading Looking for something to read on the holidays or a Christmas gift for someone who is hard to find a present for? The Library has masses of new books, including these ones. Come and grab them now for the summer break.

Ostrich by Matt Greene Alex has a story to tell. He just doesn‟t know what kind of story it is yet. He‟s got a lot of the concerns every 12 year old has, but lately, ever since his brain surgery, eve-ryone in his life is behaving more than a little mysteri-ously. When his beloved hamster, Jaws 2, starts acting up as well, Alex decides it‟s time to investigate so begins the journey that takes him to the limits of his under-standing, the edge of his endurance, the threshold of manhood, and the country music aisle in Virgin Meg-astore.

Eyrie by Tim Winton Tom Keely is unemployed, divorced and his reputation is in ruins. And that's the upside. He's lost faith in every-thing precious to him. Holed up in a grim flat, Keely

looks down at a society from which he's retired hurt and angry. He's done fighting the good fight and well past caring. But it‟s harder than he thinks to avoid his past a long awaited new novel by our favourite West Australian writer.

What are the odds by Tim Glynne-Jones. Ever wondered about the chances of random events ac-tually occurring? It turns out you have a much greater chance of being killed by a cow than being eaten by a shark. The good news is that winning the lottery is much more likely than both. A book of fun facts about everything from birth to death and a lot in between.

Faster than lightning by Usain Bolt Whether you love sport or hate it, chances are you know who Usain Bolt is. From his humble beginnings in Ja-maica to fame and fortune following the Beijing and London Olympics, Usain Bolt has captured the atten-tion of people everywhere. For the first time, the fastest man on the planet tells his own story.

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College & Community News


Dental Therapy Centre

c/- Settlers Hill Primary School

The Dental Therapy centre will be closed from

Friday 20th December 2013 to Friday 31st Janu-

ary 2014.

For emergencies during clinic hours please con-

tact Meadow Springs Dental Therapy Centre on

9584 2478 only.

Tranby Uniform Shop Summer Holiday Opening Times

Friday 6th December 8:00am to 2:00pm Tuesday 28th January 8:00am to 2:00pm Wednesday 29th January 8:00am to 2:00pm Thursday 30th January 8:00am to 2:00pm Friday 31st January 8:00am to 2:00pm Monday 3rd February 8:00am to 2:00pm