tramontana wind orchestra of...

Tramontana Federico Morillonstrasse, 89 3007 Berna Tel: +41 77 980 08 37 E-Mail: [email protected] Date of Birthday: 09 Ottobre 1995 Place of Birthday: Cinquefrondi (RC) Nazionality: Italian EDUCATION From 2017 Study Percussioni in the Hochschule der Künste in Bern attending the Master in Music Performance, with degree expected for May 2019, with Brian Archinal, Jochen schorer, Christian Hartmann. 2009 to 2017 Diploma Degree in Percussion, cum laude and Mention Honor, at the Conservatory of Music "Fausto Torrefranca" in Vibo Valentia (IT) with Vittorino Naso AWARDS AND COMPETITION 2018 Scholarship from: - Lyra Stiftung (CH) - Hirschmann Foundation (CH) - Geert und Lore Blanken – Schlemper – Stiftung (CH) 2017 Finalist at Competition for Percussioni “Premio delle Arti” Latina, Italy 2016 - 1 Price at Nazional Competition “A.M.A Calabria” Lamezia Terme, Italy Contemporary Music (Duo Dubois) Chamber Music (Duo Dubois) - 1 Price al International Competition of Chamber Music of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, Sicily, Italy (Duo DUbois) 2015 1 Price at International Competition of Chamber Music

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Page 1: Tramontana Wind Orchestra of Laureana di Borrello, Soloist: Federico Tramontana. Sala Verdi, Conservatory “Verdi”

Tramontana Federico Morillonstrasse, 89 3007 Berna Tel: +41 77 980 08 37 E-Mail: [email protected] Date of Birthday: 09 Ottobre 1995 Place of Birthday: Cinquefrondi (RC) Nazionality: Italian EDUCATION From 2017 Study Percussioni in the Hochschule der Künste in Bern attending the Master in Music Performance, with degree

expected for May 2019, with Brian Archinal, Jochen schorer, Christian Hartmann.

2009 to 2017 Diploma Degree in Percussion, cum laude and Mention Honor, at the Conservatory of Music "Fausto Torrefranca" in Vibo Valentia (IT) with Vittorino Naso AWARDS AND COMPETITION 2018 Scholarship from:

- Lyra Stiftung (CH) - Hirschmann Foundation (CH) - Geert und Lore Blanken – Schlemper – Stiftung (CH)

2017 Finalist at Competition for Percussioni “Premio delle Arti” Latina, Italy 2016 - 1 Price at Nazional Competition “A.M.A Calabria” Lamezia Terme, Italy Contemporary Music (Duo Dubois) Chamber Music (Duo Dubois)

- 1 Price al International Competition of Chamber Music of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, Sicily, Italy (Duo DUbois) 2015 1 Price at International Competition of Chamber Music

Page 2: Tramontana Wind Orchestra of Laureana di Borrello, Soloist: Federico Tramontana. Sala Verdi, Conservatory “Verdi”

“Luciano Luciani”, Italy. (Duo Dubois) 2014 Finalis at “International Competition for Percussion”, Voghera, Italy. 2012 1 Price “A.M.A Calabria” (soloist), Italy 2011 1 Price at Competition for young students of Mirto, Sicily (soloist), Italy MASTERCLASS 2013 al 2015 Masterclass with the following Musicians: Frederic Macarez (Orchestre de Paris) Edoardo Giachino (Accademia Nazionale Santa Cecilia, Rome) Claudio Cavallini (Teatro la Fenice) Rashmi V.Bhatt (Course of Tabla e rhythms from India) Andrea Dulbecco (Teacher of Conservatorio “Verdi” di Milano) 2017-2018 Master of Musical Theater with Simon Steen-Anderssen CONCERTS 2019 Sonemus Festival, 2019. With the ensemble sonemus and Simon Steen – Andersen and Aliser Sijaric (premiere of his piece). Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019 Infected by Noise, Festival Wege der Wahrnehmung. Black Box Music, with Simon Steen-Andersen and the Ensemble of the Hochschule Luzern – Musik. Luzern 2019 Concert with Duo Dubois, at MACRO – Contemporary Art Museum of Rome, Italy. Premiere of Maurizio Azzan and Alessandro Milia 2019 Concert during the Master Class of Composition by Josè Manuel Lopez Lopez, with Duo Dubois. Sala Verdi, Milan.

Page 3: Tramontana Wind Orchestra of Laureana di Borrello, Soloist: Federico Tramontana. Sala Verdi, Conservatory “Verdi”

2019 Journees Suisse de la percussion, Heute Ecole de Musique Gineve HKB Percussion Ensemble 2019 Concert for the Forum Kammer Musik Thun, Tertianum Bellevue-Park Bern, Yehudi Menuhin Forum Swiss premiere by Thomas Demenga Recorded for the RADIO SRF 2018 Concert in the Grosser Konzert Saal of Hochschule der Künste Excellence Chamber Music of the HKB 2018 aFg CO. (Quartett with Alexander Smith, GianMarco Medda and Corontine Barro) – Concert in Progr – Bern, Switzerland 2018 HKB GEHT AND LAND, HKB Percussion Ensemble, Burgdorf, Switzerland 2018 HKB Percussion Ensemble, Kunstmuseum Bern, Switzerland Timber by Michael Gordon 2018 Concert with the Duo Dubois (Sax and Percussion), Alberto Cavallaro Saxophonist, Music Festival Lucca, Italy. Premiered of: Maura Capuzzo, Andrea Talmelli, Andrea Nicoli, Guido Masini, Leonardo Di Stefano, Manuela Guerra, Antonio Ferdinando Di Stefano, Diego Sanchez Haase. 2018 Solo Concert, during the Festival Milano Musica for the project “Secret Public” in collaboration with La Scala of Mian, Italy 2018 Concert as a guest with the Percussion Ensemble of the Conservatory of Muisc of Vibo Valentia, Italy 2018 Concert with Duo Dubois, Vatican Museum 2018 Final concert of HKB Bern with Simon Steen- Anderssen 2017 Ensemble of Percussioni “Fausto Torrefranca”, Italian premiere of “Postludes” from American composer Elliot Cole

Page 4: Tramontana Wind Orchestra of Laureana di Borrello, Soloist: Federico Tramontana. Sala Verdi, Conservatory “Verdi”

2016 Wind Orchestra of Laureana di Borrello, Soloist: Federico Tramontana. Sala Verdi, Conservatory “Verdi” of Milan. Italian premiere of “Concertino for Solo Percussion and Wind Band” by Satoshi Yagisawa 2016 Duo Dubois (Sax - Percussion) in the Vatican Museum, Rome. World premiere of “Gioco a Due” by Domenico Giannetta Sax: Alberto Cavallaro (CRR of Cergy-Pontoise) 2016 A Mass for Peace by Jenkis, Paola, Calabria, Italy Young Symphony Orchestra of Calabria 2016 Ensemble of Percussion “Fausto Torrefranca”, Festival “Contemporaneamente”, Laureana di Borrello, Italy 2016 Final Concert of Masterclass of Tuba, Laureana di Borrello,ITA Tuba: Herman Morales Curaz (Cile) Marimba: Federico Tramontana 2016 Concert for Solo Percussion, “A.M.A Calabria”, Italy 2016 Duo Dubois, “A.M.A Calabria”, Palazzo de Nobili, CZ, Italy 2015 Soloist with “Orchestra Giovanile di Fiati della Calabria” Soloist: Federico Tramontana. Reggio Calabria, Italy. 2015 Concert “Roccella Jazz”, Italy – “Orchestra Laureana di Borrello” – Soloists: Federico Tramontana, Gianfranco de Franco 2015 Concert for Solo Percussion, Laureana di Borrello, Italy Soloist: Federico Tramontana Special Guest: M° Vittorino Naso 2014 Duo Dubois, Roccella Jazz Festival, Roccella Ionica, Italy 2014 Concert for Solo Percussion, Soloist, Roccella Jazz Festival 2014 Concert for Solo Percussion, Tropea Music, Tropea, Italy 2014 Concert for Solo Percussion, in the “Casa della Cultura” Palmi, Italy

Page 5: Tramontana Wind Orchestra of Laureana di Borrello, Soloist: Federico Tramontana. Sala Verdi, Conservatory “Verdi”

2014 Wind Orchestra, Laureana di Borrello –Melicucco Conductor: Riccardo Muti Roccelletta di Borgia 2012 “Orchestra Giovanile di Fiati della Calabria” Direttore ospite: Riccardo Muti to 2009 from 2017 Concerts with “Orchestra Giovanile di Fiati” from Laureana di Borrello in the following places:

• Brucknerhause Linz, Austria • Auditorium Santa Cecilia, Rome • Teatro San Carlo, Naples • Duomo di Verona • Catona Teatro, Catona • Giffoni Film Festival • Teatro Cilea, Reggio Calabria • Teatro Rendano Cosenza • Politeama Catanzaro • Conservatorio Novara

2009 Tournée in Israel and Palestine with the Orchestra “I Giovani Fiati Reggini” ACTIVITY to 2015 from 2017 Teacher of Percussion in the Music School “Ragone”, Laureana di Borrello (RC) dal 2016 al 2017 Teacher of percussion in the Music School “Ars Musicae”, Gioiosa Jonica (RC)

Page 6: Tramontana Wind Orchestra of Laureana di Borrello, Soloist: Federico Tramontana. Sala Verdi, Conservatory “Verdi”

dal 2016 al 2016 Artistic Director, together with Alberto Cavallaro of Festival “Contemporaneamente” of Contemporary Music, Laureana di Borrello, Italy dal 2012 al 2014 Teacher of Musical Theory in the Music School “Ragone”, Laureana di Borrello (RC), Italy ONGOING PROJECT

- “The Duo Dubois meet the italian composers” Federico Tramontana and Alberto Cavallaro In collaboration whit the CIDIM (Italian Center of Musical Initiatives), we are working with different composer from Italy to to create a new repertoire for Saxophone and Percussion that until now it did not exist almost in Italy. The composers that took part of this project are: Andrea Nicoli, Stefano Taglietti, Andrea Talmelli, Leonardo Di Stefano, Manuela Guerra, Maura Capuzzo, Ivan Cancialosi, Antonino Nicolosi, Alberto Napolitano, Marco Lombardi, Alessandro Milia, Maurizio Azzan. The project it’s been presented in different Festival of contemporary music in Italy.

- Il Complesso di Giona (A series of short films) In collaboration with the Video Maker: Mariano Monea (University of Urbino)

The “Pietra di Liso” seen as an insular structure, as an emerging geographic island, is a mythical image of the woman, of the virgin, of the mother. Emerging on a hill of olive trees, the Stone recalls the figure that identifies the territory on which it stands: the picker of olives, the Great Mother who resists and misery and whose memory is still embedded in

Page 7: Tramontana Wind Orchestra of Laureana di Borrello, Soloist: Federico Tramontana. Sala Verdi, Conservatory “Verdi”

the ground. The island complex it would be nothing more than the custodian of the history of the world, the monument to memory, the magical and primitive rejoice, the return to the Mother. A writer observing the Stone, wrote: "is a whale stranded with the withdrawal of the waters of the sea". The material imagination and the mythical figure of the womb that guards the being after having bored it, a prospect of the hidden, a prospect of darkness internal to the subject. The sounds perceived, come from the natural environment, these combined with the sounds born from the contact between different organic materials, rubbed and bumped, a music that tries to dig the rock finding nothing but the rocky. From the rock to the rocky try to imagine a life within the same life, using a physics of material depth. The mysthic figure of Jonah is taken up by the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, who theorises the complex on the psychoanalysis of Jung, on anthropology, on general archetypology and on poetic imagery. LANGUAGES Italian Mother Tongue English Very well, written and oral German Lerning Federico Tramontana Bern, 2019