trainspotting poster analysis


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Post on 26-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Trainspotting poster analysis
Page 2: Trainspotting poster analysis

The poster doesn’t initially give much away about the movie, but does introduce the audience to the main characters that the film will be based around. The audience are also left wonder what Trainspotting actually means as the characters costumes are clearly not your typical old train spotter.

Each character is shown in very different attire from one another but they all point towards partying and going out. For example; Sick Boy’s suit and unhinged tie, or Begbies smart shirt and bling accessories. This is done to help the audience see what kind of person the characters are and begin them creating relations and relatabilities. Another example would be how some one Begbie is shown with an open body and rude hand gesture showing he is dominant and outgoing. Whereas Renton has his arms folded which connotes an introvert and someone who is scared. These relatabilities will draw people in to see what other connections they have with the characters, and to see how these different personalities make up a friendship group.

Page 3: Trainspotting poster analysis

As I touched upon in the previous slide, each character has an individual dressing style, personality and characteristics that are shown through the use of Mise-En-Scene, it is also displayed by the use of these dog tag type numberings with their names capsulated inside. It gives them a separate number, which could be connoted as their individuality/identity.

Their individual stances and body language also help define them as their own persona. For example Renton has his arms crossed telling the audience he is quite reserved, and Begbie is swearing at the camera connoting that he is arrogant and an extrovert. The numbers by their names could also connote the stages of heroine use, which is apparent throughout the film and is being subliminally messaged to the audience here.

Page 4: Trainspotting poster analysis

The main image is a black and white image of all the most important characters throughout the film, it is essentially in a ranking order, however, the main character is ranked ‘#5’ so the ranking order could have a different meaning.

The Film title itself is white and bold and placed on a yellow mustard colour block, making it stand out from the tonal background, making it the focal point of the poster.

The billing block is in the conventional place of the bottom of the poster, its in a small, white font that does not detract the audience from the main image. It holds all the important information, some of the fundamental parts in the same yellow as the main film title colour block, making them stand out for the viewer to see and highlighting them as key facts the audience will need to know, in this case the soundtrack, as it features well-known names such as Blur and Iggy Pop.

Page 5: Trainspotting poster analysis

The film rating is small in size, however, placed beside the film title on a bold colour block, making it stand out to the audience above less important information. A film review is placed at the top of the film poster in a font that is almost as big as the main film title. ‘Hollywood come in…your time is up’ this part to the film review is larger and draws the attention of the audience to the 5 star rating.

The actor names are actually not visible on the film poster however, the character names are. They are placed next to the character image, following the icon ‘#’ and their ranking or number.

There is a very plain colour palette to the Trainspotting film poster, the background image is black and white. The only spot of colour on the entire film poster is the block colour behind the film title and the name labels for the main characters, this draws the audiences attention to this information, deeming it as important.