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  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section



    Ammonia Plant.

    Reforming & Waste Heat Recovery

    SectionTraining material

    r. basuki


    Training manual for IKPT Engineers on ammonia plant steam reforming and rrocess waste heat recoverysection. Jan 2012

  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


    4.2 Refractory work 284.2.1 Penyiapan Material 294.2.2 Penyiapan Peralatan dan Platform Untuk Kerja 294.2.3 Lining Work 294.2.4 Pemasangan Supprot Brick dan Dome Brick 29

    4.3 Drying-Out work 29

    5. Precommissioning Work 30

  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section





    & Dryer













    Purge Gas


    Steam Drum


    T = 800oC

    T = 980oC

    Ammonia Process (General)

    WHB &Superheater

    Steam Generator

  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section



    Meth& D










    Purge Gas


    Steam Generator

    Steam Drum

    Steam PuT = 898


    T = 715oC

    Ammonia Process PKT-5

    WHB Generator

    & Superheater

  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


    1.3 Reforming dan Waste Heat Recovery



    Pengenalan komponen komponen yang membentuk sistem Primary Reformer, Secondary Reformerdan Waste Heat Recovery

    Pengenalan istilah dan penamaan komponen pada Primary Reformer dan Peralatan lain

    1.3.2 101-B Primary Reformer

    Merupakan tungku bakar (fired heater) yang terdiri atas 2 bagian utama, yaitu 1) radiant boxdan 2)convection(heat recovery) sectiondan dilengkapi dengan peralatan lainnya.

    101-B Radiant Box

    Sesuai namanya, merupakan bangunan struktur baja berbentuk kotak dimana terjadi prosesperpindahan panas secara radiasi, yang diperlukan bagi proses perengkahan gas umpan (gas alam +steam) menjadi gas proses.

    CH4 + H2O CO + 3 H2 dH = 206 kJ/mol

    CO + H2O CO2 + H2 dH = -41 kJ/mol

    Panas radiasi didapat dari pembakaran fuel gas dengan menggunakan sejumlah burner, sedangkanproses perengkahan tsb terjadi dalam sejumlah tabung baja paduan Ni tahan panas dengan bantuankatalis Ni (catalyst tube) pada tekanan + 40 kg/cm2g dan temperature + 725 oC.

    Catalyst tubes ini disusun menjadi 4 lajur yang masing-masingnya terangkai menjadi satu kesatuanyang disebut radiant harp. Keempat radiant harp tsb tergantung (suspended) didalam radiant boxdengan menggunakan sejumlah spring hanger

    Gas umpan masuk ke catalyst tube melalui inlet pigtaildibagian atas catalyst tube, mengalir kebawahmelewati unggun katalis dan keluar ke header pengumpul yang disebut outlet manifold untukselanjutkan dialirkan ke luar radiant box melewati riser tube.

    Burner utamanya ditempatkan dibagian atas radiant box danmengarah kebawah (arch burner) ditempatkan dalam 5 lajurberselang dengan posisi radiant harp.

    Udara pembakar yang telah dipanaskan dan bertekanan positif,didistribusikan kemasing-masing burner dengan menggunakancombustion air duct, sedangkan radiant box sendiri beroperasi padakondisi tekanan negatif (-10 ~ 20 mmH2O).

    Untuk mencegah struktur baja tersebut dari panas yang terbentukdidalamnya, radiant box dilapis dengan sejumlah refraktoripelindung panas. Refraktori tersebut terdiri atas berbagai jenis danpenggunaan, terutama ceramic fiber, fire brickdan castable.

    Hanya 50-60% dari panas yg dihasilkan dari pembakaran fuel gas yg dimanfaatkan di radiant box, sisapanas pada gas buang yang keluar dari radiant box (dengan suhu 800 oC) dimanfaatkan untukpemanasan berbagai aliran proses pada seksi konveksi (convection section).

    Bagian atas radiant box (upper structure)merupakan bangunan baja dengan atap dan penutup dinding(siding). Didalamnya ditempati oleh beberapa komponen pipa penyaluran gas proses, komponenpipa fuel dan burner, saluran udara pembakaran, spring hanger, air dampers, control valves, gasdetection, 107-D Effluent Transfer Line dan juga akses untuk operator dan maintenance. Untukmengurangi panas di ruangan tsb ditambahkan exhaust fan di atap bangunan ini

    Gambar. Top Fired Reformer

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    Struktur atap tsb. dirancang untuk menerima beban dari radiant harp dan Effluent Transfer Linedisamping beban lainnya. 101-B Convection Section

    Convection Section terdiri atas 2 bangunan struktur baja yang disebut hot legdan cold leg .yangdihubungkan dengan lorong saluran gas buang. Masing-masing bangunan terdiri atas beberapa

    convection module yang berfungsi sebagai penukar panas dengan memanfaatkan sisa panas dari gasbuang yang mengalir didalam bangunan tersebut.

    Tabel. 101-B Primary Reformer Convection Modules PKT-5

    Hot Leg Cold Leg

    1. Mixed Feed Heater 1. Steam Superheater (1)

    2. Process Air Heater (2) 2. Feed Preheater

    3. Steam Superheater (2) 3. Process Air Heater (1)

    Masing-masing heater module merupakan sekumpulan pipa yang diletakkan beraturan pada beberapa

    baris (row), disanggah oleh tube supports dibagian tengah dan end tubesheets dikeduapinggirnya. Tube support dibentuk oleh besi cor (cast steel) tahan panas sedangkan end tubesheetdibentuk dari plat baja dengan tambahan castable sebagai pelindung panas. Fluida masuk melalui inletheader dan keluar dari convection module melalui outlet header, mengalir secara countercurrent/crossdengan aliran flue gas.

    Bahan konstruksi untuk pipa maupun tube support /tubesheets terutama ditentukan oleh suhu gasbuang yang melewatinya. Pipa yang terekspos panas radiasi (Mixed Feed) umumnya berupa bare

    pipe/tube sedangkan pipa selebihnya dimana konveksi lebih dominan umumnya menggunakanfinned tube untuk meningkatkan efisiensi perpindahan panas. Jenis materialnya bervariasi sesuaisuhu operasi, bisa berupa baja Ni-Cr, logam paduan Cr maupun baja karbon. Material tube supportdan tube support bracketsuntuk Module terbawah pada hot-leg umumnya menggunakan gradeHK untuk ketahanan terhadap temperature tinggi, dan secara bertahap berkurang hingga besi karbonpada module terakhir.

    Untuk membantu agar aliran flue gas lebih homogen, pada bagian atas hot & cold leg diberidistributor platesyang biasanya terbuat dari pelat paduan Nickel (high Ni alloy plate-atau Alloy 800HT ataupun SS 310H).

    Panas yang diperlukan untuk seluruh Convection Modules maupun untuk memanaskan udarapembakaran, tidak seluruhnya dapat dipasok dari sisa panas yang dihasilkan melalui Arch Burnersemata. Karena itu panas juga ditambahkan melalui 101-B Tunnel Burner dan 101-B Steam SuperheaterBurner. 101-BL Air Preheater

    Merupakan alat penukar panas utk memanfaatkan sisa panas gas buang guna menaikkan suhu udara

    pembakar. Umumnya yang digunakan adalah type recuperative berupa plate heat exchanger. Gas buangyang masih panas mengalir di salah satu sisi pelat sedangkan udara mengalir disisi lainnya secara crossflow. Pelat-pelat tsb menjadi media perpindahan panas antara kedua aliran gas tersebut.

    Plate exchanger ini biasa terdiri dari 2 bagian, yaitu 1) cold section dimana udara yg masih dinginmasuk dan 2) hot section dimana gas buang yg panas masuk. Secara konstruksi kedua seksi tersebuttidak banyak berbeda, kecuali pada cold section dimana struktur baja dan pelat yg bersentuhandengan gas buang dilapis dengan bahan anti korosi (glass enameled) untuk mencegah terjadinya reaksigaram sulfat Fe2(SO4)3 antara besi dengan gas sulfur yg terkondensasi. Pembentukan garam besi

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    sulfat tsb tidak hanya menyebabkan kerusakan struktur baja dan plat penghantar panas tetapi jugamenyumbat area aliran gas buang. 101-BJ ID Fan & 101-BJ1 FD Fan

    Primary Reformer ini beroperasi dengan sistem balanced draftdengan menggunakan 2 fan utama yaitu1) 101-BJ Induced Draft Fan, dan

    2) 101-BJ1 Forced Draft Fan

    ID Fan mempertahankan kondisi vakum didalam reformer dan menarik gas buang hingga keluar kestack, sedangkan FD Fan berfungsi memasok udara pembakaran melewati Air Preheater hingga kemasing-masing burner.

    Pada PKT-5, kedua fan mengunakan sistem penggerak utama berupa steam turbin dengan sistempenggerak cadangan (standby)steam turbin juga. Pada sistem yg lebih umum hanya ID Fan yangmenggunakan pengerak cadangan dan biasanya berupa motor listrik, sedangkan FD Fan biasanyahanya memiliki satu penggerak berupa steam turbin atau motor listrik.Pengerak utama umumnyaberupa steam turbin karean pertimbangan kehandalannya .

    101- B Burners

    Selain 101-BBA Arch Burner yang memasokpanas yang diperlukan untuk prosesperengkahan gas alam, keseluruhan PrimaryReformer juga dilengkapi dengan burnerdengan fungsi yang berbeda:

    101-BBT Tunnel Burner, memasoktambahan panas untuk mendapatkan suhucampuran gas alam dan steam (mixed feed)yang dikehendaki sebelum masuk ke catalysttubes maupun kebutuhan panas aliran gasproses di hot-leg

    101-BBS Steam Superheater Burner,memasok tambahan panas untukmendapatkn temperature superheated steamyang dikehendaki dan bagi kebutuhan panaskedua aliran proses lainnya di cold leg.

    Penggunaan udara pembakaran yg sudahdipanaskan di 101-BL Air Preheatermenyebabkan potensi terbentuknya senyawaNOx atau Sox pada proses pembakaran fuelgas menjadi lebih besar. Karenanya typeburner yg dipakai dirancang untukmengurangi kemungkinan ini. Ada beberapa

    pilihan type low NOx burner, tetapi ygumum dipakai di Primary Reformer adalahtype staged fuel, dimana bahan bakar masukke sistem burner secara bertahap.

    Gambar. Fuel Staged Burner

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    Pada tipe burner ini, ada satu primary burner yg terletak ditengah dan beberapa secondary burneryang berada disekelilingnya dan terlindung oleh burner tiles. Seluruh udara untuk pembakaran masukmelalui bukaan ditengah burner tiles yang menyelimuti primary burner. Sebaliknya gas yang masuk keprimary burner hanya sebagian dari seluruh gas pembakaran yang diperlukan. Dengan sistem initemperatur nyala yang terjadi di primary burner mengalami pendinginan karena adanya kelebihanudara tersebut.

    Sisa fuel gas didistribusikan ke secondary burner yang terletak lebih menjorok kedepan diwilayahnyala api dengan suhu yang lebih rendah. Pembakaran secara bertahap ini menghasilkan temperaturenyala yang lebih rendah dan mengurangi pembentukan senyawa Sox/NOx.


    103-D Secondary Reformer

    Merupakan bejana tekan dimana terjadi reaksi pembakaran oksigen dengan gas proses dari primaryreformer. Reaksi pembakaran tsb meningkatkan temperature gas menjadi lebih dari 1200 oC hinggamemungkinkan terjadinya reaksi perengkahan lanjutan sisa metan pada gas proses dengan bantuankatalis.Bagian bawah bejana tekan berisi katalis sedangkan bagian atas yg berbentuk leher botolditempati oleh mixing chamberuntuk pembakaran gas proses dari primary reformer dengan udarayang dimasukkan dari atas bejana.

    Untuk melindungi dari suhu yang tinggi, bagiandalam bejana dilapis dengan bahan refraktori(castable) tahan temperature tingi dan bagianluarnya dilengkapi dengan jaket air untukmendinginkan bejana tekan dari gas panas yangmungkin bersinggungan dengan dinding bejanamelalui retakan pada lapisan refraktori.

    Unggun katalis ditempatkan diatas tumpukanalumina balls, dilindung dari nyala pembakarandengan lapisan hexagonal tiles yang dipasangmenutupi unggun katalis. Seluruh sistem katalisini bertumpu pada dome brickyang merupakan

    struktur bata refraktori berongga untukmengalirkan gas proses keluar dari SecondaryReformer menuju Waste Heat Boiler.

    Gambar sketsa disamping mewakili modelsecondary reformer Kellogg tempo dulu.Disain yang diterapkan saat ini merupakanperbaikan dari design awal yang seringbermasalah dengan nyala api yang menyentuhhexa-tile dan unggun katalis.Ruang bakar menjadilebih tinggi, demikian juga dengan lokasi burneryang makin di atas. Tingginya leher botol inimenyebabkan elevasi primary reformer juga naik.

    Bagian dasar radiant box berada pada elevasilebih dari 3 m dari ground level agar Effluent

    Transfer Line dapat menjangkau posisi gas inletke secondary reformer.

    1.3.4 107-D Effluent Transfer Line

    Alat ini merupakan saluran pengumpul gas proses dari radiant harps dan mengalirkannya keSecondary Reformer. Merupakan bejana tekan berbentuk selongsong pipa yang diberi lapisanrefraktori pelindung panas dibagian dalam dan jaket air diluarnya.

    Gambar. Secondary Reformer

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    Disatu ujung Transfer line tersambung las ke Secondary Reformer sementara bagian lainnyatergantung ke struktur Primary Reformer dengan bantuan spring support.

    1.3.5 Riser Transition Assembly

    Aliran gas proses dari Riser Tube masuk ke 107-D Effluent Transfer Line dengan melalui RiserTransition Assemblyyang merupakan penghubung antara riser tube yang mendapat panas didalam

    radiant box dengan effluent transfer line yang relative dingin. Transition assembly dibentuk oleh 2komponen, 1) kerucut dari baja paduan Ni (Incolloy 800 HT) yang disambung dengan 2 ) bejanatekan dari bahan baja karbon berbentuk pipa dengan lapisan dalam refraktori (bubbled alumina castable)dan liner sleeve dibagian dalam dan jaket air dibagian luar.


    Waste Heat Recovery Section

    Terdiri atas 3 peralatan utama, yaitu

    101-C Secondary Reformer Waste Heat Boiler

    102-C Steam Superheater

    141-D Steam Drum101-C Secondary Reformer Waste Heat Boiler.

    Berbeda dengan disain standar Kellogg, WHB untuk PKT-5 merupakan jenis fire tube dengansirkulasi natural. Boiler ini berbentuk shell & tube heat exchangerdengan aliran gas panas pada sisi tubedan boiler feed waterpada sisi shell.

    141-D Steam Drum, duduk diatas boilerdengan ditopang beberapa riser pipesyangsekaligus mengalirkan campuran air dansteam dari boiler ke steam drum. Saturatedsteam yang terbentuk di steam drumdialirkan ke 102-C Steam Superheater

    untuk pemanasan lanjutan sedangkan sisaair dan make-up nya mengalir ke boilerdibawahnya melalui beberapa downcomer.Untuk mengatur laju alir/tekanansteam/effisiensi penyerapan panasditempatkan gas by-pass valve yangmengatur aliran gas yang masuk ke firetubes.Bagian gas proses masuk WHBdilindungi dengan refractori (castable)tahan temperature tinggi, demikian jugadengan sisi keluarnya. Sedangkan bagianlainnya termasuk steam drum, riser dan

    downcomers diberi lapisan insulasi luaruntuk konservasi panas dan personnelprotection.

    102-C Steam Superheater, merupakan vertical heat exchanger dengan gas by-pass valve untukmengatur temperatur superheated steam, dengan memanfaatkan sisa panas gas proses keluar dari


    Gambar. Fired Tube Waste Heat Boiler dan SteamDrum

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    Steel structure

    Radiant Box

    Dipasok dalam bentuk beberapa panel dan komponen yang siap dipasang dengan baut.

    Pengelasan diperlukan untuk memasanggusset plateuntuk platform, walkway atau pipe support, danseal weldpanel radiant box agar kedap air/udara.

    Beberapa kolom atau beam utama memerlukan pengelasan setelah seluruh radiant box terpasang.Untuk sementara komponen ini dipasang dengan baut.

    Brick support (SS) plate (kalau dipakai) dilas dilapangan sesuai dengan gambar instalasi refraktori.

    Pemasangan beam dan plat pada radiant arch dan akses operator (burner level) memerlukan kolomsementara hingga roof truss sudah terpasang, termasuk untuk memasang 107-D Transfer Line.

    Tambahan kolom ini tidak dipasok supplier dan menjadi lingkup subkontraktor.

    Upper structure & roof

    Dipasok dalam komponen lepas yang siap dipasang. Tiang-tiang utama dipasang dengan sistembaut dan las, sedangkan untuk truss atap perlu dilakukan pre-assembly dibawah sebelum dipasang.

    Sebagian komponen upper structure dan roof akan dipasang setelah radiant harp di masukkandalam radiant box

    Tabel. Ringkasan Steel Structure Radiant Section

    Supply condition Installation method note

    1 Radiant wall Panel Bolting, seal weld

    2 Radiant floor Panel + beam Bolting, weld (seal & butt)

    3 Platform,stairway,ladder

    Pre-fab frame Weld to support beam

    Loose component Bolting & weld to column

    Gusset plate weld

    4 UpperColumn

    Prefab. Bolting & weld

    5 Roof Truss Loose component bolting Pre-assemblybefore install

    6 Radiant Arch Pre-fab beam & archplates

    bolting Temp supportrequired

    7 Operator way Grate section panel bolting

    8 Roof &Siding

    Loose pieces bolting


    Tabel. Ringkasan Refraktori Radiant Box

    Supply condition Installation method note

    1 Radiant wall Ceramic fiberModule

    Surface cleaning

    stud weld and manually

    Power brush

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    Tabel. Ringkasan Refraktori Radiant Box

    Supply condition Installation method note

    & blanket installed

    Asphalt coat brush

    2 Radiant arch Ceramic fibermodules & blanket

    Surface cleaning

    stud weld and manual install

    Power brush

    Asphalt coat brush

    Burner tiles manual, with mortar For arch burner

    3 Tunnel Wall Calcium silicateboard

    manual with mortar

    Insulating brick manual with mortar

    Support plate weld By Mechanical

    Fire brick manual

    Tunnel Cover brick manual

    Burner tiles For tunnel burner

    4 Radiant Floor Calcium silicateboard

    manual, with mortar

    Insulating brick manual

    Fire brick manual

    castable Anchor weld + cast

    Ceramic fiberblanket

    Stud weld and manual For bottom duct


    101-B Radiant Harps & Other Pressure Part

    Presure parts

    Pressure part yang dilewati oleh mixed feed gas hingga keluar ke 107-D Effluent transfer lineterdiri atas:

    Inlet manifold

    Inlet pigtails

    Radiant harps

    Riser Transition Assembly

    Inlet manifold, merupakan pipa header penyaluran mixed feed gas ke masing-masing radiant harp.merupakan pipa nir karat 308H berukuran 8 dengan sejumlah outlet connection (sock-o-let)untuk masing-masing inlet pigtails.

    Inlet pigtail, merupakan pipa nir karat (308H) berukuran 1-11/2 yang menyalurkan gas umpandari inlet manifold ke masing-masing catalyst tube. Pigtail dibentuk untuk mengurangi dampakekspansi termal dari catalyst tube maupun inlet manifold. Dipasok dalam bentuk satuan untukdipasang dan dilas di lapangan

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    Radiant harps, merupakan rangkaian sejumlah catalyst tube (HP Mod) yang disusun berjajar. Tubeini dilengkapi dengan top pipe (SS 308H) dan grating dibagian bawah untuk menopang unggunkatalis. Gas proses keluar dari tube katalis melalui pipa keluar ( 1, Alloy 800 HT) yangtersambung dengan outlet manifold(Alloy 800 HT). Setiap satu rangkaian radiant harp dilengkapi 1buah Riser Tube(HP Mod) terpasang dibagian tengah untuk menyalurkan gas ke Effluent TransferLine. Setiap radiant harp dipasok menjadi 3 bagian, yaitu end parts(2 ea) dan mid part(1 ea) yang

    harus disambung di lapangan dalam posisi sudah tergantung pada spring hanger.

    Untuk pengapalan, radiant harp dilapis anti karat yang harus dibersihkan sebelum dipasang.

    Setiap sepasang catalyst tube digantung dengan menggunakan spring hanger ke struktur atap,sedangkan riser tube disambung las ke Effluent Transfer Line

    Riser Transition Assembly, berupa kerucut dari baja paduan Ni (Incoloy 800 H atau setara) denganbagian atas berupa baja karbon dengan refraktori pelindung panas (bubled alumina castable) dan linersleeve Incoloy 800H. Dipasok terpisah untuk dipasang diantara Riser Tube dan Effluent TransferLine di lapangan. Selain pengelasan, baik pressure part dan liner sleeve, diperlukan juga pengisianbubled alumina castablepada area penyambungan las.

    Tabel. Ringkasan Radiant Harps + other pressure part

    Supply condition Installation method note

    1 Radiantharp

    Terbagi 3 bagian, 2 endsection + 1 midsection.

    Tube Top Cover

    Thermowell extension

    Thermowell sleeve

    Instalasi per bagian setelahradiant upper structure selesaidikerjakan

    Pengelasan (buttweld) outletmanifold pada posisi sudahtergantung

    Thermo well extension dilassebelum insulasi outletmanifold

    Lifting beam


    Test pieces

    Weld rod

    2 Inlet Pigtail Satuan Fit-up dengan posisi inletmanifold dan catalyst tubeyang sebenarnya.

    Socket weld pada inletmanifold dan cat-tube top pipe

    Cut & bevelPaper boardgasket

    Test piece

    Weld rod

    3 Inletmanifold

    Terbagi 2 bagian perrow

    Dipasang berikut tube guidedan hanger

    Test piece

    Weld rod

    But-weld pada posisi sesuaigambar

    4 TransitionAssembly

    Transition assemblyset

    Metal sleeve (Alloy800HT) + Cardboard

    Fit-up setelah riser tube dan107-D pada posisi sesuaigambar

    Cut & bevelTemp support

    Test piece

    Weld rod

    Butt-weld to riser tube & to107-D

    Test piece

    Weld rod

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    Tabel. Ringkasan Radiant Harps + other pressure part

    Supply condition Installation method note

    Install & weld liner sleeve withcardboard

    Weld rod

    Expansion space

    Castable pouring By Refractory

    Metal sleeve weld at 107-D Weld rod

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    Pelindung panas dalam berbagai bentuk digunakan pada pressure part, sebagai table berikut:

    Tabel. Ringkasan Refractory pada Radiant Harps + other pressure part

    Supply condition Installationmethod


    1 Cat Tube TopPipe

    Ceramic fiber blanket

    Metal sheet

    As per dwg

    2 Inlet Pigtail pre-formed mineralwool

    Fiber glass cloth

    As per dwg

    3 Inlet manifold Pre-formed mineralwool

    Ceramic fiber bulkMetal sheet

    As per dwg

    4 Outlet pipe &manifold

    Ceramic fiber blanket


    As per dwg

    5 TransitionAssembly

    Bubbled aluminacastable

    cast manually afterliner sleeve in place

    as cast homogenity

    Insulating can (pre-fab)

    Ceramic fiber blanket

    Ceramic fiber fabricsewn with blanket


    Insulating Can to beassembled &

    welded in place

    At top part of risercovering weld jointand transition pieces

    Insulating can weldingby Mechanical,ceramic fiber blanketby Refractory

    Weld rod 617

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    2.2.3 101-B Primary Reformer Transition Duct & Convection Section

    Transition Duct, dipasok dalam bentuk section panel (roof, floor dan end panels, header cover)dan fabricated beams. Castable dan silicate board dipasok terpisah untuk di lapis dan cor ditempat

    Convection section dipasok dalam beberapa komponen, sebagai Tabel berikut:

    Tabel. Komponen Transition Duct dan Convection Section

    Komponen M R O

    1 steel structure, dalam bentuk side wall dan end wall panels, pre-fabricated beam, header cover, pre-fab platform, ladder,combustion air duct, damper, dll.

    2 tube bundles lengkap dengan tube supports; support bracketsdipasok terpisah untuk dipasang menjadi module sebeluminstalasi


    3 distribution plate (pre-fab) dan supportnya, castable supportplates


    4 pipe spool pieces, untuk penyambungan antar tube bundle atautube header dan cross-over pipes, hangers, dll.


    5 refractory material: castable untuk side wall & end tubesheet;ceramic fiber module & blanket untuk roof; external insulationfor ducting and pipe,


    6 burners & burner tiles * *

    Tube bundle, wall panel dan header cover dirakit dahulu berikut castable menjadi satu bagianheater module sebelum dipasang diposisi yang ditentukan.

    Castable lining pada roof panel diusahakan dilakukan sebelum instalasi, kecuali material yangtersedia bisa dan cukup untuk diaplikasi dengan sistem gunning.

    Tabel. Ringkasan Pekerjaan Mechanical Convection Section & Transition Secti on




    1 Transition Duct section panel


    bolting & weld Castable lining diroof panel

    sebelum instalasi2 Convection inlet,

    outlet , &transition/ burnerduct

    section panel

    pre-fab column

    bolting & weld

    3 Heater module section panel

    tube bundle

    Castable lining onsection panel

    Preassembly of

    By Refractory

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    Tabel. Ringkasan Pekerjaan Mechanical Convection Section & Transition Secti on




    Support bracket module

    Module installation Lifting beam4 Cross-over pipes,

    etcSpool pieces


    welding Test piece

    Weld rod

    5 Air duct & damper prefab duct &damper



    6 Burner & burnertiles

    burner tiles insections

    burner assembly

    burner tilesw/mortar

    by refrctory

    by mechanical

    Tabel. Ringkasan Pekerjaan Refractory Convection Section & Transition Section

    Supply condition Installation method note

    1 Transition Duct castable

    silicate board


    form work

    Castable lining di roofpanel sebelum instalasi

    2 Convection inlet,outlet , &transition/burner duct

    castable & anchor

    ceramic fiber module

    anchor welding


    castable lining

    ceramic fiber installation

    3 Heater module Castable


    Support plate

    Anchor welding

    Support plate welding

    Form work

    Castable lining onsection panel

    By mechanical

    Before module pre-assembly

    4 Cross-overpipes, etc

    Pipe perform mineralwool

    Metal sheet

    As per dwg

    5 Air duct &damper

    mineral wool board +jacket

    anchor welding

    6 Burner & burnertiles

    burner tiles in sections burner tiles w/mortar

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    101-BL Combustion Air Preheater

    Dipasok dalam beberapa bagian (boxed) yang harus dipasang diposisi sesuai petunjuk gambarbersama flue gas dan combustion air ducting. Pemasangan dengan sistem baut dan seal weldingpada sisi flue gas.

    Insulasi luar dipasang kemudian sesuai gambar.

    2.4 101-BJ Primary Reformer Induced Draft Fan & 101-BJ1 Primary Reformer ForcedDraft Fan

    Dipasok terpisah antara fan dan penggeraknya, untuk dipasang ditempat.

    Sisi inlet & outlet fan dilengkapi dengan expansion joint untuk mencegah beban berlebih pada fan

    Material insulasi luar dipasok sebagai bagian dari Primary Reformer tapi pengerjaannya dapat sajadilakukan oleh subkontraktor insulasi.

    2.5 107-D Effluent Transfer Line

    Dipasok dalam bentuk jadi dipasok lengkap dengan selonsong dalam (metal sleeve), refraktoriyang sudah di cor di shop, water jacket dan kompenen hanger. Beberapa bagian dari pelat waterjacket harus dipasang dilapangan setelah 107-D digantung di struktur atap Primary Reformer dansetelah penyambungan dengan Transition Assembly maupun dengan 103-D Secondary Reformer.

    Untuk penyambungan dengan 103-D digunakan tambahan Fit-up section, merupakan bagian dari107-D yang dipasok terpisah untuk fit-up dilapangan dengan inlet stub 103-D Secondary reformer.

    Bagian utama 107-D harus dipasang terlebih dahulu dengan temporary support sebelum strukturatap Primary Reformer dapat dipasang.

    Pemasangan liner sleeve (dengan lapisan cardboard) dilakukan setelah pengelasan sambungan ke103-D maupun ke transition assembly dan pengecoran bubled alumina castabale.

    Tabel. Ringkasan Pekerjaan 107-D Effluent Transfer Line

    Supply condition Installation method note

    1 Main body Dengan temporary supportsetelah radiant box steelterpasang

    Posisi inlet stubs 107-D terhadapposisi radiant harps

    Elevasi thdp 103-D inlet stub

    2 Fit-up section Fit up at field


    107-D pada kondisi tergantung

    dan levelled

    3 metal sleeves fit-up w cardboard


    Setelah bubled alumina & inspeksi

    Expansion clearance

    4 Bubled aluminacastable

    As per dwg Setelah pengelasan pressure part;by refractory subcontractor

    5 Brick w/ceramic A sper dwg Flange cover, after final inspection

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    Tabel. Ringkasan Pekerjaan 107-D Effluent Transfer Line

    Supply condition Installation method note

    fiber blanket

    Water jacket Fit-up & weld Setelah temporary support dilepas

    2.6 103-D Secondary Reformer

    Terdiri atas

    bejana tekan

    mixing chamber, dipasang terakhir setelah inspeksi final sebelum top cover

    top & bottom cover w/insulating can + gasket, dipasang setelah inspeksi final

    komponen pelat incoloy atau nirkarat yang harus dilas dilapangan setelah selesai atau diantaratahapan pengecoran castable

    refractory material, terdiri atas high alumina castable

    catalyst support, berupa dome brick dan mortar, alumina ball dan hexagonal tile

    steel form untuk pengecoran castable,

    wooden form untuk peletakan dome-brick

    Pengelasan inlet stub end dengan 107-D maupun outlet stub-end dengan transfer line ke 101-Cdilakukan setelah castable dryingout selesai dilakukan

    Castable drying out dilakukan dengan kondisi water jacket telah terpasang karena diperlukan untuksirkulasi air pendinginan dinding reformer.

    Refractory work 103-D dan drying out nya dibahas dalam bab tersendiri.


    103-D101-C Transfer Line

    Bejana tekan berbentuk selonsong dengan lapisan castable tahan panas dibagian dalam. Mengacupada disain Kellogg standar dilengkapi juga water jacket dibagian luar, sedangkan castable sendiridilindungi dari aliran gas dengan liner sleeve

    Selain pekerjaan fit-up dan pengelasan pressure part (baja karbon) dilakukan juga fit-up danpengelasan liner sleeve sebelum dapat diserahkan kepada subkontraktor refraktori untukpengecoran bubbled alumina castable.

    Pemasangan liner sleeve (dengan card board) perlu memperhatikan clearance yang diperlukan

    untuk expansi pada kondisi suhu operasi.

    2.8 Pengelasan Heater Tube

    Heater tube dimaksud mencakup inlet manifold, inlet pigtail, outlet manifold, risert transition,cross over tube dan heater tube lain.

    Selain kebutuhan akan test piece untuk pengetesan welder dan penyiapan WPS/PQR perludiperhatikan juga pasokan kawat las untuk masing-masing joint/jenis base metalnya.

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    Contoh breakdown pengelasan di sistem Reforming ditampilkan dalamAttachment-2


    Quality Control

    Kendali kualitas pada pekerjaan konstruksi reformer dibagi dalam beberapa tahapan:

    Tahapan Pekerjaan /QC items note

    1 Fondasi dan posisi anchor bolt

    a posisi masing-masing fondasi terhadap center-lineprimary reformer dan terhadap dinding luar radiantbox atau convection modules


    b posisi center-line 107-D/101-B Primary Reformerterhadap center-line 103-D


    c jarak titik acuan 107-D/riser tube terhadap center-line 103-D


    d Elevasi akhir pad-plate masing-masing fondasi Surveyor/mech

    e Lain-lain, sesuai Construction Specification

    2 Steel Structure

    a Seal welding & butt welding of beam/column Visual/PT

    b Plumbness, straightness Y-level,

    c HT bolt size and tightening

    d Lain-lain sesuai Specification

    3 Heater Module

    a Posisi inlet/outlet header relatif terhadap dindingdan column splice

    b Expansion clearance, posisi finned tube pada endtubesheet setelah pre-assembly


    c Pemasangan temporary tie-rod visual

    d Metode pemasangan/spreader beam/lifting beam Lifting plan

    e Lain-lain sesuai specification

    4 Refractory Work, Ceramic Fiber Module/Blanket

    a Surface cleaning visual

    b Marking for anchor

    c Stud anchor welding Bend testd Material checking

    e Sequence pemasangan As per dwg

    5. Refractory, castable

    a Surface preparation visual

    b Marking for anchor (pitch dan jenis) As per dwg

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    Tahapan Pekerjaan /QC items note

    c Anchor welding Bent test

    d Form work (sealed, space/castable thickness)

    e Material use/mixing water quantity/mixer + tool


    As per manual

    f Castable check for void/honeycomb/dryness/spalling

    Light hammering

    6 Burner & burner tiles

    a Posisi secondary burner tips

    b Burner tip cleanliness,

    7 Radiant Harps, installation

    a Inside cleanliness/defect Visual/boroscope

    b Support grid /grating opening Visual/boroscope/

    dP checkc Elevasi dan levelness outlet manifold/top pipe

    d Thermal expansion space at outlet manifold

    e Spring setting Cold/hot setting

    8 Inlet Manifold, installation & welding

    a Inside cleaning

    b Posisi guide/hanger dan thermal expansionmovement/clearance

    c Fit-up & straightness during welding

    d Root pass: PT; final pass : PT, RT

    8 Outlet manifold welding

    a Fit-up

    b Level and straightness of tube, interpass tempduring welding

    c Root pass PT; Final PT & RT

    9 107-D, installation

    a Level & centerline terhadap 101-B maupun 103-D

    b Posisi inlet stub end terhadap posisi riser tube

    c Spring setting (final)

    d Castable line

    e Liner sleeve installation and clearance

    10 Riser Transition Assembly

    a Center-line to radiant harps and 107-D inletconnection

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    Tahapan Pekerjaan /QC items note

    b Fir-up

    c Root pass PT; Final PT & RT

    d Castable lining

    e Root pass PT; final pass PT & RT

    11 101-BL Air Preheater

    a Surface condition

    b Position of each section

    c Seal welding





    Membagi seluruh aktifitas konstruksi menjadi paket-paket yang dapat di subkontrakkan

    Memberikan gambaran urutan aktifitas konstruksi secara keseluruhan sesuai dengan paketpekerjaan

    3.2 Scope of Work

    Keseluruhan lingkup kerja konstruksi untuk sistem reforming, waste heat recovery dan firedheaters adalah sebagai berikut

    Erection and steel work for 101-B Primary Reformer and its proper

    Installation of 101-B associated equipment (Fans, Air preheater, Burners, etc.)

    Equipment installation of 107-D, 103-D, 101-C and 102-C and the transferlines

    Welding of high alloy radiant harps, stainless steel piping component and transfer linespressure part and incoloy sleeves

    Steel erection & refractory lining of 102-B

    Refractory work for 101-B, 103-D, 107-D and field joints between 103-D, 101-C and 102-C

    Drying-out 103-D


    Catalyst loading

    Radiant Harp balancing

    Kelima butir pertama biasanya menjadi satu paket pekerjaan kontaktor mekanikal denganpembatasan sesuai penjelasan pada bab sebelumnya.

    Urutan pekerjaan untuk area Primary Reformer secara rinci dapat dilihat dalam Attachment-1, dansecara ringkas dijabarkan dibawah ini.

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    Instalasi 101-B Primary Reformer dan Peralatan lainnya

    Mencakup instalasi struktur baja 101-B radiant box, 101-B Convection Modules dan bangunanbaja, dampers, combustion air duct, stack dan platform/ladder.

    Instalasi struktur baja radiant box dilakukan secara sekuensial dengan instalasi107-D and 103-Dmaupun dengan instalasi radiant harps.

    Temporary support untuk instalasi combustion air duct and 107-D harus disiapkan olehmechanical subcontractor.

    Convection coils, steel panels dan refractory material dipasok terpisah. Perlu dilakukanpreassembly per module dan dilapis dengan castable sebelum dipasang ditempatnya. Subkontraktormekanikal perlu menyiapkan meja kerja untuk fabrikasi module dan menyiapkan lifting frameuntuk instalasi module.

    3.2.2 Installation of 101-B Associated Equipment

    Peralatan dimaksud mencakup 101-BL Air Preheater, ID and FD Fans (101-BJ1 & 101-BJ2) danpenggeraknya, roof fans, dampers with actuators, dan burners (101-BBA, BBS, BBT), dipasangoleh Mechanical subcontractor, kecuali untuk burner tiles yang dikerjakan oleh refractory


    Instalasi 107-D, 103-D, 101-C dan 102-C

    Diperlukan heavy cranesuntuk mengangkat ketiga peralatan tersebut.

    Jadual instalasi 103-D menentukan bagi penyelesaian pekerjaan di 101-B radiant box karenabanyaknya aktiftas yang terkait maupun karena keterkaitan dengan akses untuk heavy crane.

    3.2.4 Welding Of High Alloy Radiant Harps, Stainless Steel Piping Component And TransferLines

    Mencakup pengelasan 101-B radiant harps, pengelasan stainless steel inlet manifold, cross-overpipes and pigtails, pengelasan high pressure piping pada convection modules, and pengelasan padatransfer lines antara 107-D, 103-D, 101-C and 102-C - termasuk Incoloy/ Inconel liner sleeves.

    LihatAttachment-2danAttachment-8untuk rinciannya.Vendor akan menyiapkan test piece untuk welder test termasuk penyediaan kawat las biladiperlukan.

    3.2.5 Refractory Work for 101-B, 103-D, 107-D and Field Joints between 103-D, 101-C and 102-C

    Refractory work pada 101-B radiant box dimulai setelah selesainya pengelasan radiant harps dancold setting (balancing).

    Castable lining work pada 101-B convection panel dimulai sebelum module pre-assembly dnselanjutnya secara sekuensial dengan instalasi heater module dan coils,

    Secondary reformer (103-D) lining work dimulai setelah water jacket selesai dikerjakan. Pekerjaanrefraktori termasuk instalasi dome brick dan alumina ball sebelum catalyst loading, dan

    pemasangan circle brick dan hexagonal tiles setelahnya.Rincian pelaksanaan refraktori di 103-D khususnya dijabarkan dalam bab berikut.

    Perlu diperhatikan umur high alumina castable yang digunakan pada 103-D. Sebaiknyapenegecoran dilakukan tidak lebih dari 6 bulan sejak tanggal produksi karena sangat berpengaruhpada kualitas castable tsb. (umur castable ini bervariasi antara 69 bulan)

    Penyimpanan material refractory (terutama high alumina castable untuk 103-D) sangat pentingterhadap kinerja castable tersebut. Karenanya subkontraktor perlu menyiapkan tempatpenyimpanan yang khusus, terhindar dari kelembaban udara, air hujan dan terik matahari. Air

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    steam line to fans drivers, dan lainnya.

    Instrument subcontractor melakukan pemasangan instruments dan control valve

    Electrical subcontractor untuk sistem penerangan dan power line ke peralatan di reformer(roof fans, actuators, etc.)

    Insulation subcontractor, melaksanakan external insulation fuel gas/process gas/steam/airpiping diluar area radiant box dan convection coil headers,

    Leak testing untuk fuel piping dan pneumatic testing keseluruhan sistem, dilakukan padaperiode commissioning.

    3.3 Schedule of Work

    Titik acuan konstruksi primary reformer dan peralatan lainnya adalah pemasangan 103-DSecondary Refomer. Pengelasan radiant harps dan effluent chamber 107-D baru akan dilakukansetelah reactor ini terpasang pada posisinya.

    Secara tentative, instalasi 103-D dilakukan paling lambat 3 bulan setelah struktur baja Primary

    Reformer dikerjakan, kecuali bilamana diperlukan akses untuk heavy lifting.Refractory work pada 103-D akan dimulai lebih kurang 2 bulan setelah instalasi 103-D.

    Convection coil, air preheater and fans sudah harus terpasang sebelum pemasangan danpengelasan cross over pipe dan ducting.

    Jadual umum konstruksi ditunjukkan pada gambarhalaman berikut danAttachment-3.


    4.1 Objective

    Pekerjaan castable lining dan drying-out 103-D merupakan salah satu pekerjaan yang sangat kritisdan cukup berat. Kegagalan disaat peleksanaan pekerjaan refarktori ini berdampak sangat besarkepada proyek dan kehandalan operasi selanjutnya. Karena itu perencanaan yang rinci sangatdiperlukan dan pengawas maupun kontraktor yang dipilih selain harus berpengalaman utkpekerjaan sejenis juga perlu memahami persyaratan dan kelengkapan kerja yang diperlukan.

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    Gambar. Sekuen Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Reforming Section


    Refractory work

    Cakupan aktifitas pekerjaan ini dimulai dengan proses:

    penyiapan material

    penyiapan peralatan dan platform untuk kerja

    pembersihan permukaan steel dan anchor, dilanjutkan dengan pemasangan drop form

    sample test castable utk memastikan jumlah air pencampur

    lining work, dalam 3 tahap diselingi pekerjaan pemotongan/pengelasan pelat

    pelepasan drop form dan inspeksi

    pemasangan support brick


    dome brick dan catalyst loading

    Secara lebih rinci, sekuen aktifitas refraktori dan pekerjaan mekanikal yang terkait dijabarkan dalamAttachment-4.1.

    61-101-B Primary Reformer & 61-103-D Secondary Reformer





    103-D installation

    61-101-B RadiantPanel installation

    Platform up toelev. 13.000

    Panel welding

    Anchor welding ofConvection panel

    Castable liningwork. Convection

    Section Panel

    Radiant box upperstructure/roof


    ConvectionModule Installation

    Water jacket

    61-107-D EffluentChamber

    Combustion AirDuct

    Radiant Harps

    Radiant Harpwelding

    Burner tiles & radbox refractory

    work103-D Lining 103-D Dryout

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    Penyiapan Material

    Penyimpanan material castable harus sudah ditangani dengan benar sejak kedatangan di site.Diperlukan gudang yang bebas air dan udara lembab, serta cukup dingin dan tidak terkena panaslangsung matahari. Praktisnya adalah dengan memanfaatkan container pengiriman yang ditempatkandibawah atap dengan penopang balok kayu (agar tidaklangsung kontak dengan tanah)serta diberipendingin udara (AC). Udara panas pada material castable dalam waktu lama dapat berakibat rusaknyacastable.


    Penyiapan Peralatan dan Platform Untuk Kerja

    Daftar peralatan untuk casting maupun drying-out dijabarkan dalamAttachment 4-3

    Platform kerja diperlukan baik didalam didalam bejana tekan maupun pada elevasi top opening.

    Platform didalam reactor harus dapat memuat minimal 8 orang dengan 3 vibrator dan tool. Platformjuga harus mudah dibongkar dan dipindah mengikuti ketinggian pengecoran

    Platform di top opening harus cukup lebar dan kuat untuk memuat 2 mixer, 3 drum air, 3-4 palet berisicastable, ruang kerja untuk 12-16 orang

    4.2.3 Lining Work

    Dilakukan dalam 3 tahapan, 1) dibawah posisi dome-brick, 2) diatas dome brick hingga posisi mixingchamber, dan 3) diatas mixing chamber hingga top opening.

    Tahap 2 relatif memakan waktu lama karena jumlah yang harus di cor cukup besar.

    Rincian pekerjaan ditampilkan dalamAttachment 4-2.


    Pemasangan Supprot Brick dan Dome Brick

    Sebelum pemasangan, disiapkan brick sesuai nomor row dan ututan pemasangan. Penyediaan brickdiatur sesuai dengan kebutuhan (sesuai row yang dikerjakan)

    Dry setting (pemasangan sementara tanpa mortar) perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan posisi setiapbrick sebelum dipasang ulang secara permanen dengan mortar.

    Untuk pemasangan dome-brick (setelah drying-out castable), dilakukan dengan menggunakan domebrick wooden form yang disiapkan oleh supplier. Sebelum pemasangan ditempat, sebaiknya dilakukandry setting diluar untuk memastikan space antar brick yang nantinya diisi dengan mortar. Key brick(brick paling atas) harus terpasang dengan benar untuk memastikan kekokohan struktur dome dalammenanggung beban alumina ballast dan catalyst diatasnya.

    4.3 Drying-Out work

    Pengeringan castable dilakukan dengan cara menghembuskan udara panas kedalam 103-D melaluibottom opening. Udara panas dihasilkan dari pembakaran gas alam pada furnace yang ditempatkandiluar vessel dan disalurkan dengan menggunakan ducting. Skedul pemanasan dan pengukuran suhu(flue gas dan vessel skin) diatur dalam prosedur Kellogg.

    Prosedur diatas tidak selalu dapat dilakukan tergantung dengan bentuk bejana tekan tsb maupunfurnace yang tersedia sehingga perlu dilakukan penyesuaian dilapangan. LihatAttachment-6

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    Pekerjaan pre-commissionin dan commissioning di area reforming mencakup:

    Catalyst loading pada 101-B. Lihat Attachment-7

    Catalyst loading 103-D

    Radiant harp balancing (cold setting)

    Chemical cleaning 101-C dan 141-D

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    No ActivitiesReferencedrawing

    Remarks/ Inspection Requirement

    A. Preparation

    A.1 Foundation hand over from civil, reconfirmdimensional and position of anchors

    Grease anchors bolts and nuts

    Check and record foundation andanchor position

    A.2 Liner plate installation Liner plate, non-shrink mortar.Check and record for elevation

    A.3 Prepare work bench for pre assembly of radiant

    panels and platform

    Steel beams, temporary platform

    support and wooden plank. Thebench should be sized enough for 2panels

    B. Radiant Box Pre Assembly & Installation

    Panels of wall #2 & #4 require pre assembly on ground prior toerection/installation. At same time platform support can beinstalled to the extent feasible

    Sequence of pre assembly and installation:

    Wedges required for adjusting panelplumbness

    Pre assembly on steel bench

    B.1 Wall panels (start from wall #4 & wall #3) andfloor walls, in sequential order:

    Pre assembled panels to be highstrength bolted

    B.2 Plumbness and diagonal dimensional check Bolts at splice to be manuallytightened before plumbness check.Gap at splice should be max. 3 mm.;

    B.3 Bolt tightening and seal welding High strength bolting before sealwelding

    B.4 Liner plate tack welding and grouting Non-shrink mortar required

    C. Combustion Air Duct & Arch Plate Installation

    Ducts panels and arch platesarepre assembled on ground prior toinstallation. Each row is pre assembled into 2 pieces without sealplates

    C.1 Install temporary support for ducts and 107-D Support are supplied bysubcontractor based on designsfurnished by TEC

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    No ActivitiesReferencedrawing Remarks/ Inspection Requirement

    C.2 Install ducts: Cover openings with plank orplywood for personnel protection

    C.3 Install seal plates for duct connection (sealingcompound & sealing gasket Weld duct endopenings to wall structure

    Align duct according to dwg.,

    Maintain expansion clearance as per

    C.4 Arch grating

    C.5 Install ends cover, After castable lining work

    D. 107-D Pre-installation

    D.1 Temporary support installation on top of ducts Dwg. NA Check alignment to inlet of 103-Dand centerline to the reformer.

    Plumb line from center of 107-Dinlet stub is + 12 mm from centerof drain opening on the floor

    D.2 Pre-installation of 107-D, at its designatedelevation and position

    407-D series

    E. Roof trusses

    Requires pre assembly on ground to complete set of trusses beforeinstallation

    E.1 Pre assembly of End-trusses & Sub-trusses Dimensional check against actualcolumn position on radiant walls

    Column bevel ends are prepared onground

    E.2 Install:

    Upper column

    End trusses, Sub trusses, Vertical bracing

    Bracing & post

    Tie bracing & effluent chamber support, roofbracing

    E.4 Complete roof construction before H.3, includinginstallation of exhaust fans

    F. 107- D Setting and Adjustment

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    No ActivitiesReferencedrawing Remarks/ Inspection Requirement

    F.1 Install 107-D spring support, in locked conditionaccording to dwg.

    Install hanger to spring support and weld the pin

    Check spring no. and its locationwhich is align with transfer linesupport points

    Check that the 107-D is positionedcenter line to reformer for its entirelength and align to 103-D inlet stub

    F.2 Roof trusses are completely installed, bolt tightenedand welded

    Suspend 107-D by tightening spring turnbuckles,

    F.3 Remove 107-D temporary support after positionand level of the vessel is inspected.

    F.4 Measure distance from 107-D end to 103-D inletstub.

    Cut 107-D field piece to the required length plusallowance for end preparation.

    Bevel end according to WPS

    Fit-up and tack weld field piece

    F.5 Welding pressure shell of 107-D field piece to startfrom 103-D side

    Check vessel centerline to furnaceand adjust weld sequence if required

    F.6 Installation of water jacket

    G. Duct Hanger & Manifold Installation

    G.1 Install duct hanger and set level of duct byadjusting bolts

    Adjust duct to center of 107-D inlet stub

    Check level of duct, checkexpansion allowance on ductconnection

    Plumb line from center 107-D inletstub, was within + 12 mm frommidpoint of adjacent duct wall

    G.2 Install inlet manifold support & guide

    Install inlet manifold and support hangers. Use turn

    buckles of intermediate support to maintain slopeof manifolds

    G.2 & G.3 can be done after radiantharps installation (H)

    Maintain slope of (- 25 mm) + (3mm) towards cross over pipe

    Check clearance as per drawingG.3 Weld Grinnell pipe covering protection saddle,followed by guide roller and

    G.4 Remove duct temporary support

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    No ActivitiesReferencedrawing Remarks/ Inspection Requirement

    K.1 Suspend harps on hand tightened springs andremove temporary support

    Install bottom header boxes to maximum extent,leave access for jigs and welding work

    Drop plumb line from riser transition to flooropening. Centering riser tube was within + 12 mmfrom top of riser to connection point with outletmanifold,

    Check if drain nozzle and thermowell connections

    are correctly centered over floor openings. Flooropening should be adjusted accordingly ifconflicted.

    See KBRs balancing procedure

    Do not weld cover plates at thisstage.

    Plumb hanger was within + 3 mm

    Measure and record distant of topflange from datum line beforesupport is removed

    K.2 Leveling center harps outlet manifold was within +10 mm for 3 m length by using hangers threadedrod

    Adjust elevation and level of end harps was aligningwith center harp.

    Fit up for welding.

    210-D103 Level to within +10 mm per 2500mm length.

    Measure and record distant of topflange from datum line before


    Measure and record elevation ofmanifold above floor at three pointsfor each third

    K.3 Weld manifold according to the approvedprocedure

    Use jig to fix position of manifoldduring welding

    K.4 Record position of tube assemblies after welding Measure and record distant of topflange from datum line

    Measure and record elevation ofmanifold above floor at three pointsfor each third

    K.5 Adjust the hanger based on final record of distantof top flange from datum line

    Release or tightened the threadedrod by the difference in recordbefore and after welding

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    No ActivitiesReferencedrawing Remarks/ Inspection Requirement

    K.6 Raise riser to correct position for field welding byadjusting spring turnbuckles.

    107-D to remain as per F.6.

    Before welding:

    Check for correct weld gap

    Measure and record distant of topflange from datum line & elevationof manifold above floor at threepoints for each section

    After welding finished:

    Measure and record distant of top

    flange from datum line & elevationof manifold above floor at threepoints for each third

    Adjust spring turn-bucklesaccording to differences in recordmeasurement

    K.7 Install drain and thermowell connection and sleeves

    Welds as per approved procedure


    K.8 Riser insulating cans was installed after pneumatic

    test of radiant coil (step P.)


    K.9 Install arch cover plates according to drawings Check bolt position/clearance forarch plate movement, adjust platesif required (ditto N.2)

    K.1 Weld cover plate as per drawing Check expansion clearances

    L. Refractory Lining & Burner tiles (Radiant Box)

    L.1 Install sidewall brick lining. Including tunnel burnerside bricks and burner tiles

    Ensure that dimension of brick on burner wall sideis correct to ensure straightness of tunnel wall

    215-D series


    Test for anchor stud weld strength

    Maintain and check for expansionclearance on brick wall as perdrawing

    L.2 Install arch burner tiles Check for correct position for eachtype of arch burners

    Check for tiles projection

    L.3 Install arch module lining except area around risertransition assembly (if step P.1 is not yet perfrmed)


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    No ActivitiesReferencedrawing Remarks/ Inspection Requirement

    L.4 Install tunnel wall bricks, floor brick and bull-nosecastable lining

    L.5 Outlet manifold lining after catalyst loading. StepM.1, and system pneumatic test, step P.4

    M. Catalyst Loading


    Catalyst loading will start if radiant harps weldingand upper structure is completed

    Catalyst loading to proceed in accordance withprocedure

    Detailed procedure was developedusing KBRs loading procedure. Bed

    density of catalyst was confirmedprior to loading


    Replace gasket with permanent material and bolttightened as per instruction, after final inspectionof catalyst bed

    Bolt torque controlled

    N. 107-D & Radiant Tubes Spring Adjustment (Cold Setting)

    N.1 Fill in water to 107-D jacket to operating level.

    Remove spring locks and adjust spring to theoperating load (cold)

    N.2 Release radiant tubes spring locks Check for any obstruction, adjustarch plates if required

    Check bolt position (on slotedholes) for duct movement

    N.3 Adjust spring to Final Cold Operating load settings Record final spring setting

    Measure and record distance of topflange from datum line

    N.4 Set 107-D spring limit stop 15 mm. upward and 3mm downward.

    O. Installation of Arch and Tunnel Burners

    O.1 Install burners as per drawing/instruction Check orientation and record burnertip projection

    Check for easiness of operation ofburner air damper

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    No ActivitiesReferencedrawing Remarks/ Inspection Requirement

    P. Refractory and External insulation (Radiant Box)

    Step P1, P2 & P5 was completed after system pneumatic test

    P.1 Install & welding riser cans with ceramic fiberblanket


    P.2 Install ceramic cloth (Nextel BS-40) w/cardboardbelow riser cans

    Install flexible boot on riser openings


    P.3 Complete ceramic fiber lining on arch plates Suppliersdwgs.

    P.4 External insulation on air ducts

    P.5 Complete refractory work on outlet manifold andheader boxes, and castable on air ducts

    Install tunnel slabs.

    Provide protection on slabs by usingplywood

    Q. Inlet pigtail and external pipe welding and insulation

    To be performed before system pneumatic test, before or aftercatalyst loading, but after cross-over piping (step S1 to S5)

    Q.1 Fit up inlet pigtail by trimming excess length. Donot cold spring.

    Q.2 Insert 1.5t cardboard spacer to sockolet on inletmanifold and on radiant tubes before insertingpigtail into sockolet.

    Perform visual check for the gasketbefore pigtail installation

    Q.3 Socket weld inlet pigtails to radiant tubes and toinlet manifold


    Q.4 External insulation except at weld joints (wascompleted after pneumatic test)

    Q.5 Adjust spring to Final Cold Operating load settings Record final spring setting

    Measure and record distance of topflange from datum line

    R. Convection & Transition Section Installation and Castable lining

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    No ActivitiesReferencedrawing Remarks/ Inspection Requirement

    Convection coil are supplied separately from its casing (convectionpanels). Thus to complete the module, the convection panels,castable lining on the panels and installation of convection coilsshould be done in sequential order on steel bench before finalinstallation.

    Mechanical subcontractor to prepare lifting frame suitable forerection of heaviest module.

    R.1 Install hot/cold legs convection box up to elev. +6050. Dimensional check and bolt tightening and

    seal weld splicesInstall transition floor and roof

    Weld columns to cap plate before installation ofupper module

    Plumb and square check

    Check for type and position / levelof tubesheet supports and guides

    Strength bolted and seal welded

    R.2 Castable lining work on convection box.

    As alterntive, lining may be applied on horizontalposisiton before panel assembly

    Check for anchor welds

    Check for castable homogenity byhammer test

    R.3 pre-assembly and install lowest convectionmodules, both legs

    Install tie-beam between hot and cold leg, if any

    Full-weld column to pad plate before installation ofnext upper module

    Ceramic fiber was place on top castable surface atmodule splice.

    Install convection next modules in sequencebetween hot and cold leg. Follow step 2 to 4 foreach module

    Bolt and seal weld splices

    install and weld distributor supports

    Additional temporary tie-plate/rodmay be necessary to hold firm the

    modules during erectionPosition of tie-plate/rod are atcolumn D & H, lower part. To beremoved after column welding.

    R.4 Install roof structure, including duct support

    Install platform on convection section

    Install end walls on transition section

    R.5 Install distribution plates

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    No ActivitiesReferencedrawing Remarks/ Inspection Requirement

    R.6 Ceramic fiber modules and castable lining.

    Install burner tiles

    R.7 Install superheater burners Check for position and projectionof burner tips

    S. Cross Over Pipes And Convection Module Jump-Over Pipe Installation And Welding

    S.1 Plumb and install /weld strut hanger (FS01) as perdrawing, 610 mm from center line of inlet manifold

    210-D401 Plumb was + 3 mm

    Total length of strut = 2872 mmfrom inlet manifold center

    S.2 Install horizontal pieces (C001) with hangers and -25 mm slope down to coil header

    Weld to coil header after fit-up and elev. check


    S.3 From field weld end of (C001) measure actualelevation of field weld joints of cross over pipe

    S.3 Cut (C007) to actual length

    Plumb and install /weld (C007) to Barco strut

    Weld to inlet manifold after fit-up,

    S.4 Cut (C003) to actual length

    Fit-up and weld (C002)

    S.5 Measure and cut (C006), (C005), (C004) to actuallength. Same as S.3

    S.6 Fit-up and weld steam superheater jump-over pipes Convection tubes are cold spring forfit-up, as per drawing. RT & PT

    S.7 External insulation except at field weld joint (wascompleted after system pneumatic test)

    T. Combustion Air Duct & Stack

    T.1 Completely install ducts after the Fans and AirPreheater is ready

    T.2 Install stack and connecting flue gas duct to ID Fan Stack is castable lined on the groundbefore erection.(step U.2)

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    No ActivitiesReferencedrawing Remarks/ Inspection Requirement

    U. Castable lining / External Insulation on Convection Duct and Other Equipment

    U.1 Castable and or ceramic fiber lining on transitionduct, convection duct

    U.2 Castable lining on stack (if required)

    V. Accessories

    V.1 Install dampers, actuator, flexible joint, manholes,peep doors, etc.

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    No. Base Material

    Filler metal

    (Brand name orequal)


    1 101-B Radiant Coil (For 1 set of coil)

    1.1 Outlet manifold:

    RP3 (KHR32C) to RP4 (KHR32C)


    (Inco 617)

    2 butt welds @

    8 NPS x 32 mm.thick

    See E99C-108-7

    1.2 Riser transition

    RF9 (SB408-UNS NO8811) toRF12 (SB564-UNS8811)

    Inconel 617 1 butt weld@

    6NPS x 16.2 mm.

    Dwg. 210- D105

    1.3 Outlet Manifold. Drain connectionRP 12 (SB407)


    (Inco 617)

    1 butt-weld

    1 NPS Sch. XXS

    1.4 Outlet manifold. Thermowell,RP13 (SB407-NO8811)


    (Inco 617)

    2 butt welds

    NPS Sch. 80

    1.5 Outlet manifold. thermowell/drain pipe sleeve,

    RP4/RF2 (KHR32C) to TP 310


    (Inco 617)

    3 welds

    4 NPS Sch.XXS

    1.6 Inlet nozzle to inlet pigtail

    TP 304H to TP 304H

    ER308H Socket weld

    1 NPS Sch. 40S

    Cardboard gasket1.5t, alloy verified,PT

    1.5 Pipe saddle to inlet manifold

    304H to 304H

    E308H 1 joint

    1.6 Outlet manifold drain

    TP 310 to piping

    By piping

    2 Riser Transition Assembly

    (for 1 set)

    2.1 Riser transition to 107-D TransferLine SA 106 Gr. B

    16 NPS Sch.40 See dwg. 407-D6/210- D105

    2.1.1 Step #2 , Riser internal sleeve(RA3) Incoloy 800 HT to Incoloy800 HT


    (Inco 82)

    1 fillet joint

    141.3 x 6.55 t.

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    No. Base Material

    Filler metal

    (Brand name orequal)


    2.1.2 Step#3 detail A

    Effluent Chamber stub to Riser,SA 105 to RP14 (SA106 Gr B)

    ER 70S-2, E-7018

    1 butt-joint

    141.3 x 6.55 t

    2.1.3 Step #5 part 3

    Incoloy800HT to Incoloy 800HT


    (Inco 82)

    2.2 Non-pressure part

    Riser Transition water jacket to

    nozzle, RA6A (A283 Gr. C) toRA11 (STPT410)

    ER 70S-2


    1 fillet joint

    2.3 Riser Transition Insulation Can

    Incoloy 800HT / Inconel 601

    Inconel 617 1 lot Dwg. KBR


    3 101-B Inlet Manifold

    3.1 Inlet Manifold to Cross Over Pipe,304H to 304H

    ER308H, E308H 4 Butt welds, 8NPS Sch. 80S

    Alloy verified, RT,PT

    3.2 Inlet Manifold to inlet pigtail

    304H to 304H

    ER308H Socket weld

    1 NPS Sch.40S

    1.5 mm thickcardboard gasket,alloy verified, RT,PT

    3.3 Cross Over Pipe, horizontal

    XP1 (304H) to XF1 (304H)

    ER308H, E308H 2 @ 14 NPS, Butt-weld

    Alloy verified, RT,PT

    3.4 Cross Over pipe, vertical

    XF3 (A 182-F304H) to XP2(A312-TP304H)

    ER308H, E308H 4 @ 8NPS,Butt-weld

    Field fit-up

    Alloy verified, RT,PT

    3.5 Cross Over to Mixed Feed Coiloutlet header, A 403 Gr. WP304H

    to 304H

    ER308H, E308H 4 @ 14 NPS, Butt-weld

    3.6 Strut, A 312 TP304H 4 @ 3 NPS Sch. 80

    4 107-D Effluent Chamber

    4.1 107-D to 107--D pressure shell

    Joint #1

    E-7018 or

    ER70S-2 & E 762 OD x 16 t.

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    No. Base Material

    Filler metal

    (Brand name orequal)


    SA 516-70 to SA 516-70 7018

    4.2 107-D internal sleeves

    Incoloy 800HT to Incoloy 800HT


    (Inco 82)

    (= 816oC)

    4.3 107-D internal sleeve to 103-D

    Incoloy 800HT to Incoloy 800HT


    (Inco 82)

    (= 816oC)

    4.4 Joint #2

    SA 516-70 to SA 516-70

    E-7018 or

    ER70S-2 & E


    762 OD x 16t

    4.5 Cap weld, seal weld plug ER70S-2/E-7018

    4.6 107-D water jacket E-7018

    5 101-B Convection Coils

    5.1 Mixed Feed gas outlet header toCross Over pipe

    304H to 304H

    ER308H, E308H 14NPS, butt-weld Item 3.5

    5.2 Hot Steam superheater coil. Jump-Over pipes SA 335 Gr P91 to SA234 Gr WP 91


    28 butt-weld @114.3 OD x 11.1 AW

    Field fit up. Argonbacking. PWHTmachine reqd

    5.3 Cold Steam Superheater. Jumpover pipes. SA 335 Gr. P91 to SA234 Gr. WP91


    28 butt-weld @114.3 OD x 11.1 AW

    Field fit up. Argonbacking. PWHTmachine reqd

    5.4 Coil headers connections in/out By piping

    6 103-D Secondary Reformer

    6.1 103-D transfer line to 101-C

    A 516-70 to A 516-70

    ER70S-2 & E


    6.2 Process Air Inlet By piping

    6.3 103-D transfer line to 101-Cinternal sleeve

    Incoloy 800HT to Incoloy 800HT

    Inconel 617 orInconel 117

    6.4 103-D top liner cover ERNiCr-3

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    No. Base Material

    Filler metal

    (Brand name orequal)


    (Incoloy 800 HT plate) (Inco 82)

    6.5 103-D Dome support cutouts

    Incoloy 800HT


    (Inconel 617)

    6.6 Pouring port patch plate

    Incoloy 800HT


    (Inco 82)

    6.7 Water Jacket & Platform


    ER70S-2 or 6/E7018

    7 101-C & 102-C 301-D01/D05


    7.1 101C to 102-C, press. shell.

    A516-70 to A516-70

    ER70S-2 & E7018

    813 OD

    7.2 101C to 102-C, liner sleeve

    6t Inconel 601 plate

    Inconel 617 orInconel 117

    546 OD x 6t Parts of sleeve areship loose, to besite fab.

    7.3 101-C gas outlet, cold bypass

    SA 335 P11

    By piping

    7.4 102-C gas outlet, hot by-pass

    SA 335 P11

    By piping

    7.5 102-C Gas outlet, main

    SA 336 F11

    By piping

    7.6 Cap weld and plug

    SA 105 / SA 234 WPB

    After refractoryfilled

    7.7 Water Jacket 102-C


    ER70S-2 or 6/E-


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    4.1 Sequence of Work

    Work description Reference Responsible party

    1 103-D, vessel installation and weld ofwasher

    403-D3, DetailL

    Heavy lift and mechanical contractor

    2 Platform and Water jacket 403-D7 Mechanical

    3 Opening of top head (MH#1) andbottom cover


    D4 Detail I


    4 107-D installation and welding, shelland sleeves

    403-D5 Mechanical, in sequential order withrefractory work

    5 Water piping to/from 103-D WaterJacket Piping

    6 Ring plate (Incoloy 800HT) weld at gasoutlet to 101-C

    403-D, Detail B Mechanical, tack weld prior pouring,finish weld after dry-out

    7 Refractory lining, 1st & 2nd batch 403-D1; D8 Refractory contractor

    8 Welding of pouring patches 403- D6 DetailA

    Mechanical, before lining of topsection

    9 Refractory lining top section 403-D1; D6 DetailA; D8

    10 Remove CS shroud

    Cut-outs weld (dome support), Incoloy800HT plates

    403-D4, Detail


    Mechanical, after lining

    11 Support brick installation, 403-D8 Refractory contractor, before dry-out

    12 Dry-out Refractory contractor

    13 Top liner cover (MH#1) weld, Incoloy800HT plate

    403-D4, DetailA

    Mechanical, after dry-out

    14 Dome brick installation, 403-D8 Refractory contractor, using Woodentemplate supplied by vendor

    15 103-D gas outlet transfer line (pressure

    shell and liner sleeve) to 101-C

    403-D5, Detail


    Mechanical, in sequential order with

    refractory work16 Air Piping welding Piping contractor

    17 Air inlet insulation, with high tempwater proof caulk

    403-D5, detailD

    Insulation contractor,

    18 Alumina ball 50#, 25# 403-D8 Refractory, after lining and domeinspection,

    19 Catalyst loading 403-D8 Mechanical

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    20 Circle brick and hexagonal tiles 403-D8 Refractory

    21 Mixing chamber & top cover install 403-D8 Mechanical contractor, after lining thecover with ceramic fiber by refractorysubcontractor

    22. Install bottom opening

    4.2. Refractory Work

    Work Description Remarks

    A. Preparation

    Store castable in cool & dry air As soon as the material arrives at site, they are tobe unloaded from container and place in thewarehouse with good ventilation and dry. Ifrequired an air conditioned warehouse to beprovided to store this material

    Check and remove damaged bags and lumpymaterial

    Check if spare is enough

    B Surface Preparation

    Provide working platform and necessary supportinside vessel

    Steel frame with wooden plank

    Sand blasting/power brush & internal cleaning Seal all thermowell openings with wooden plug

    Sleeves to be covered with cardboard, cover allanchor tip with plastic coat as per drawing

    C. Drop forms installation

    Paint/coat form steel with form coating (Nox-Crete)

    Steel forms to be applied by refractorysubcontractor based on Supplier drawing

    Check if thermowell and liner sleeves are coveredwith cardboard as per drawing and anchor alreadywith cellulose acetate coat/shellac varnish

    Install & tack weld sleeve/ring plate (#6) By mechanical contractor

    Install forms as per drawings

    Forms can be tack welded to CS shroud (403-D4,F)

    Check for required space between forms and theshell (the required thickness of castable lining)using gauge

    Check and adjust level/height of forms on eachrow and compare against drawing. Use woodenshim to adjust level or height of forms

    Check if Pouring ports can be closed easily

    Check for any foreign object left inside the form

    D. Perform trial run, after all equipments are ready

    Prepare and dry run equip. and tools See list of equipment & tools required

    All equipment was set as per approved planning

    Perform sample test Mix castable with 3 different water content,measure flow ability using timer. Select whichwater content to be applied.

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    4.2. Refractory Work

    Work Description Remarks

    Perform trial operation Measure time required from start of castablemixing until castable is in drum*) and hopper iswashed ready to receive castable mix (1 cycle)

    E. Lining Work

    Lining will be done in 3 stages:

    Below the dome support

    Above dome (catalyst chamber) to mixingchamber, approx. 100 Tons

    Above mixing chamber, after patch weldingand sleeve installation (by mechanical)

    Target is 500 kg. in place within 5 minutes1) orless. With 100 tons of castable to pour, therequired time will be 17 hours continuousoperation

    The above time is estimated by assuming thatmixers will be located on ground and castable mixis lifted by crane. Less time (13 hours) may beachieved if mixers are set directly above the vesseltop opening, reducing time required for lifting by1 minute or 500kg in-place in 4 minutes.

    Vibration must be applied during castable pouringwork to remove air trapped in the castable butcare not to cause excessive segregation of castabledue to prolonged vibration. As much as possibleuse all openings provided on steel form to insertvibrators.

    1) This target is subject to changed based on

    actual flow test as per para 4.5.4. of KBRsspecification D11-1TS-7943

    See Supplier lining procedure for details.Subcontractor to prepare detailed planning forContractor approval

    Check items before each batch:

    Water cooling is available and circulatinginside water jacket

    Blower is running and temperature insidevessel is normal/cool

    Steel cone feeder is easily operated anddismantled

    Castable are placed in shade and in coolcondition and the packing is in goodcondition

    Back up power for mixer, vibrator, lighting isavailable and tested

    Vibrators are working properly

    Tools are available within arm reach

    Clean water for the mix is acceptable, sourceis secured.

    Ice is available and acceptable

    Enough skilled manpower for 3 shifts

    4.3 Equipment For Lining Work

    Lining work shall proceed continuously until it is completed. No cold joint is permitted. Therefore it is mandatory forinstaller to provide back ups to avoid interruption due to mechanical or power failure. All equipment shall be in goodworking condition for 24 hour continuous operation

    Mixing & Lining

    1 Mixer, 2 ea. Paddle type, 16-30 rpm min. withmotor 20 KW, bottom opening, cap.250 kg castable ( 1250 od x 440 h)min.

    Need power supply and temporaryelec. panel

    4 Pouring hopper ; Pouring hopper size to fit vessel topopening, its outlet to fit cone-shape

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    4.3 Equipment For Lining Work

    cone shape steel funnel,20 m length min. or vinylchloride 175 od x 20 mflrxible hose;

    chute for pouring port(for flex. Hose) and

    deflection chutes


    Cone-shape funnel are hold togetherby bolt but should be easily dis-asssy to adjust height of pouringposition

    5 Steel form 3 sections: upper, catalyst bed andbottom section

    Supplied by Vendor

    6 Pneumatic needle vibrator,40 mm OD

    2 ea. with long enough hose to aircompressor, 12 000 rpm min.

    Need source of compressed air

    7 Electric Vibrator, (optional) 2 ea, form vibrator, 12 000 rpm min. Need power supply and temporarybreaker

    8 Shovel, trowel As required

    9 a. DC Lamps; Flash light;

    b. Emergency lamps

    3 @ 12 watt; 3 sets

    2 sets, portable

    Minimum requirement

    10 DC battery operatedintercom

    For coordination between s/v in theoutside with s/v in the inside ofvessel

    11 Working platform formixing with steel roof

    covered with waterprooftarpaulin

    To accommodate two mixers,working in tandem. for 16 people

    and 4 crate of castable (3200 kg)

    At top opening level

    12 Temporary storage at filed To accommodate 20 crates or morecastable, with waterproof cover

    13 Water bucket 6 @ 30 liter

    14 Ice container 1 m3, made from plywood withinsulator

    15 Water pump 2 ea, cap. 10 liter/minutes

    16 Drums for icy water 2 @ 100 liters for icy water,

    1 @ 100 liters on top of vessel for

    cleaning the chute and funnel17 1 water hose As required

    18 Exhaust fan, heavy duty 2 sets with Inside of vessel

    19 Electric cable withreceptacles

    For lamps, vibrators, blowers; 200m.

    20 Electrical Panel completewith switches and breakers

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    4.3 Equipment For Lining Work

    21 Cover sheet, tarpaulin 1 lot

    22 Flow Test table, ASTMC230 1 ea For checking consistency,

    ASTM sample forms 3 sets For production samples

    23 Test hammer 1 ea min.

    24 Measuring glass 1 ea, 5 liter

    25 Steel ruler 2 @ 2.5 meter

    26 Timer 1 ea

    27 Thermometer 1 ea

    28 Coating material Nox-Crete, 1 can

    29 Poly ethylene film 0.2 mm x 1.8 mm. x 25 m

    30 tapes As required

    Material Handling and Back-up

    1 Forklift, 1.5 ton 1 ea. for material handling, 1 ea. forcastable mixing operation

    2 Crane 70 T, with beam able to lift material tothe top of vessel (30 m)

    Include. 1 standby

    3 Light truck 1 for material handling

    4 Air compressor 2 sets, for vibrators, cap. ? Include. 1 standby5 Diesel Generator 2 cap.400A Ac/DC, for power and

    for weldingInclude. 1 standby

    7 Water truck 1


    2 Disk Grinder with enoughcup wheel

    Min. 2 sets,

    3 Wrenches Min. 2 set, For steel forms bolting

    4 Winches 1 set For steel form assy6 Diamond cup wheel Min. 4 blades, 6 /8 dia. For brick cutting

    7 Jig saw, complete withblade

    1 ea jig saw, 10 blades

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    The module is an accordion-foldedblanket module that uses either 304SSor 310SS hardware and anchoringsystems. Two grades of ceramic fiberblanket: HP (high purity) grade andHZ (zirconia) grade are normally usedin reformer, in standard thicknessesfrom 6 inches to 12 inches and in 128kg/m3and 160 kg/m3(8 and 10 pcf)densities.

    Spun Ceramic Fiber Module Physical Properties

    Ceramic Fiber Module SpecsHigh-Purity Grade




    Color White White

    Maximum Use Limit 1260C (2300F)1426C(2600F)

    Continuous Use Limit 1100C (2012F)1350C(2461F)

    Standard Density, pcf (kg/m3)8, 10 (128, 160)

    8, 10 (128,160)

    Standard Sizes, inch (mm)12 x 12 (305 x 305)

    12 x 12 (305 x305)

    Standard Thickness, inch (mm) 6 - 12 (152 - 305)6 - 12 (152 -


    Spun Ceramic Fiber Module Chemical Composition

    Chemical Contents High-Purity GradeZirconia


    Al2O3 47% - 49% 39% - 40%

    SiO2 50-52% 38-45%

    ZrO2 - 15-17%

    Fe2O3 0.2% 0.2%

    K2O + Na2O 0.2% 0.2%

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    Drying Out Equipment:

    Maker: Mannings Thermal & Environmental Engineers, UK

    Burner type: nozzle mix high velocity gas burner, with turndown ratio 50:1; with separateburner control module

    Burner capacity: 30 MM Btu/hr

    Blower type: 11 KW Air Fan, fixed speed, 6 flexible duct, ref no: 99928

    Blower capacity: 310,000 SCFH max.

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  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


    Burner Set Up(dimension in cm)


    T1 : skin temperature of bottom manhole liner sleeveT2 : gas temperature at bottom sectionT3 : gas temperature at outlet stackT4 : surface refractory temperature below domeAT, BT: gas temperature at main area of vesselMT: metal temperature at top (MT1,2) and bottom (MT3,4)

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    Tube opening to be covered with plywood at all times, except during loading, to prevent foreignobject from entering the tube

    Temporary shelter will be prepared to accommodate catalyst screening, weighing and bagging.

    Tube Inspection before Loading Work

    Inside cleanliness, particularly bottom grating.

    Pressure drop of empty catalyst tubes

    Dimensional check of empty tubes (height from bottom to top flange)

    Catalyst Charge

    1000 mm long, 100 mm ID of pipe is used as measuring bucket. Fill the measuring bucket with catalyst

    up to top of pipe and record weight of each measurement.Catalyst charge will be as the following:

    Upper portion, Synetic 25-4

    Lower portion, Synetic 57-4G

    Target height is as shown in Attachment-1

    Preliminary result of measurement indicates weight of catalyst is 6.5 kgs (0.83 kgs/ltr) and 7.2 kgs(0.92 kgs/ltr) for lower (Synetic 57-4G) and upper portion (Synetic 25-4) respectively.

    Total charge of catalyst for effective height of each radiant tube will be as follow:

    Synetic 25-4 Synetic 57-4G

    Weight (kgs) 33.0 44.5

    Height (mm) 4567 6851

    Volume(ltr) 35.9 53.9

    Effective catalyst volume of total tube is 20.1 m3 (0.0897 m3/tube) with additional Synetic 25-4 ofapprox. 1.2 m3 to top level.

    Catalyst Loading Plan

    Lower portion will be loaded in 6 incremental charges each equal to 7.4 kgs

    Upper portion will be loaded in 4 incremental charges each equal to 8.2 kgs

    However actual weight of catalyst loaded to last section of each portion will be adjusted to therequired height.

    Weighed catalyst for each incremental loading section will be filled into loading sock; record actualweight of the catalyst on each sock.

    Loaded socks will be put inside drum and properly protected from direct sun and rain water, readyfor loading work

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    Catalyst Loading Sample

    Two (2) tubes will be loaded fully (after measuring dP and height of empty tubes) in order to get valuesof:

    time to vibrate the catalyst,

    actual load density,

    target and variation on bed pressure dropThese figures are used as reference during the loading work of the remaining tubes.

    Inspection & Measurement During Catalyst Loading

    Each measurement will be recorded in format as shown in Attachment-2 Actual weight of catalyst for each incremental charge and total of each portion Outage of catalyst before and after vibration

    Pressure drop measurement after each sectionloading.Acceptance

    Catalyst bed height: aver. Ht + 100 mm Ht = total bed height

    Pressure drop: aver. Pt + 5% P t = total press drop

    Primary Reformer Loading

    Tube ID 100,1 mm ID = 85,4 mm Note 3

    Msw 12,0 mm

    Tube length (eff) 11.418 mm

    Tube Length (ovearl l 11.531 mm

    Tube per row 56 KATALCO 25-4

    Number of rows 4 600 mm

    Total tube nos. 224

    KATALCO 25-4

    4567 mm ID = 100,1 mm(40%)

    KATALCO 57-4G

    6851 mm



    Effective catalyst volume = 20,1 m3. Total catalyst volume 21,3 m3

    Dimensions given on this sketch are for catalyst loading purpose only.

    Maximum Weld portrusion = 3,0 mm. Therefore, maximum OD for catalyst "socks" is 79,4 mm







    944 mm

    100 mm








    FACE OF FLANGE EL. 116408

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    Welding was performed after the following works were completed:

    61-101-B Radiant Box roofing is completed

    61-107-D Effluent Chamber was installed with springs and levelled

    Catalyst tube springs already installed and levelled

    Welding of 61-107-D extension piece with 61-103-D gas inlet nozzle


    Welding on radiant harps was progressing in the following order:

    Riser transition assemblies were set and welded to 61-107-D Effluent Chamber gas inlet stub

    Welding of outlet manifold between inner and out harps section.

    Welding of risers to riser transition assemblies

    Welding of thermowell and drain sleeves

    Welding of inlet pigtails to catalyst tubes and Inlet Manifold


    Riser Transition Assembly to Effluent Chamber, pressure part

    Check position of Effluent Chamber stub end, should be within tolerance set on drawing

    Insert Incoloy sleeve to Riser Transition Assembly and weld

    Fit up the Transition Assembly to Effluent Chamber stub end and weld

    Outlet Manifold, outer to inner harp

    Springs position must be on centreline

    Outlet manifold must be levelled, adjusted by spring

    All temporary attachment must be removed, except for riser which must be hold to keep centered

    Insert soluble paper into outlet header for argon blanket

    Perform PT on bevelled end to ensure no crack and other irregularities

    Fit up outlet manifold and keep the pipes straight during welding by jig

    Argon gas was introduced from catalyst tube top flange

    Perform root pass welding followed by penetrant test. Welding must be performed intermittent indifferent place so as to maintain steel temperature and straightness of the manifold.

    Final pass must be penetrant and radiographic tested

    See attached pictures.

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  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


    Riser to Riser Transition

    Both ends must be penetrant test to ensure no surface defect

    Radiant harps must be position to the required height by adjusting springs turnbuckle until bothends are within fit up tolerance

    Keep outlet header in level position

    Fit up and maintain by jig

    Introduced argon gas from Effluent Chamber

    Weld intermittently such as to keep plumbness of the riser

    Root pass is penetrant tested.

    Final pass is penetrant and radiographic tested

    Inlet Pigtail to Catalyst Tubes and Inlet Manifold

    After inlet manifold and radiant harps welding is completed

    Trial fit up to ensure position is match

    Provide space of 1.5 mm inside sockolet for tube thermal expansion. Check carefully that thespace is maintained before pigtail can be tackwelded. Preferred way to do is by using 3 mmcardboard gasket placed inside the sockolet before pushing the pigtail in.

    check weld contour and penetrant test the weldment

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  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


    Gambar-1. Instalasi Convection Coil

  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


    Gambar-2. 101-BL Air Preheater

  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


    Gambar-3 Riser & Insulating Can

  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


    Gambar 4. Sekuen pekerjaan mekanikal & refraktori di seksiReforming

  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


    Gambar-5. 103-D Dome Brick

  • 8/9/2019 Training -Reforming Section


  • 8/9/2019 Trai