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Training on Labour-based Technology and Contract Management for Private Contractors Investment Budget Execution Support for Rural Infrastructure Development and Employment Generation TIM-Works by Pen Sonath Rural Infrastructure Training Specialist Timor Leste, 20 April – 19 July

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Training on Labour-based Technology and Contract Management for Private Contractors

Investment Budget Execution Support for Rural Infrastructure Development and Employment Generation



Pen Sonath Rural Infrastructure Training Specialist

Timor Leste, 20 April – 19 July

Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

General The Investment Budget Execution Support for Rural Infrastructure Development and Employment Generation (TIMworks), is funded by Norway, the European Commission, Ireland and the Government of Timor Leste. The project is executed by the ILO through the Secretariat of State for Vocational Training and Employment, in close collaboration with Ministry of Infrastructure. The programme contributes to key goals of the Government of Timor Leste in terms of employment generation, poverty reduction, economic growth and peace building through the rehabilitation, construction and maintenance of rural infrastructure, with a focus on rural roads using labour-based (equipment supported) work methods and building local capacity to plan and manage such programmes through contracting. The project is also viewed as a primer for a larger National Workfare Programme and has the following target outputs over 18 months:

• 300 km of rural road rehabilitation; • 1,500 km of road maintenance; • 36 km of periodic maintenance and • Some other rural infrastructure improvement interventions • Standards, procedures and policy guidelines developed for labour-based

rehabilitation and maintenance • Private contractors trained and able to carry out labour-based road

rehabilitation works • LB technology curricula developed and introduced at tertiary education in

Timor Leste The lack of human capacity is a serious constraint for the implementation of large scale labour based road rehabilitation programmes in Timor and capacity building is therefore a major component of the TIMworks design, and a series of training events are planned over the project duration. Training includes both government staff and private sector contractors. Scope of work The specific training under this assignment refers to contractor training and procedures for contracting. Tasks included:

a) Prepare training materials and syllabi for contractor training courses in rural road rehabilitation and contracting,

b) Prepare appropriate contract and bidding documentation to be used for contracting of rehabilitation works by the project,

c) Conduct training of private contractors, d) Prepare trial contract documentation, e) Advise on process of contract approvals, negotiations and mobilization, f) Participate in the review of the road maintenance strategy and policy

guidelines for labour-based works.

TIMworks 2

Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors Activity A work plan of this assignment was prepared upon arrival of the trainer in Dili. This plan was prepared based on the ToR and detailed discussions carried with ILO TIMworks Project Coordinator and ILO Contract Engineer. The implementation of all activities included in this assignment was carried out according to the agreed plan below.

Site visit in Baucau Region 23-25Apr

Prepare material for LBAT training 27Apr-10May

Site visit in Dili Region 5-6May

Road Engineering Meeting (Tomas, Vanda, Yat, Sonath)


Refresher Training for SEFOPE Engineers and Field Officers


Math Training for Contractors Supervisiors 18-23May

Prepare material for training on contract management 18-24May

Training on LBAT for Supervisiors 25-30May

Training on LBAT for Engineers 1-6Jun

Practical training in the field 8-27Jun

Finalise contract doc., cost estimate and training material 29Jun-5Jul

Training on bid preparation and contract management 6-11Jul

Prepare trial contracts 13-18Jul

Quantity survey, cost estimate, BoQ for trial contracts 11May-20Jun

Revised date: 28.04.09

A c t i v i t y DateApril May June July

20 April - 19 July 2 0 0 9

1 Training The main objective of the training was to provide the knowledge of labour-based technology for rural road rehabilitation to the project national staff and contractors’ personnel in works implementation, supervision, management and quality control by imparting theoretical and field practical training with due consideration to the quality improvement aspect.

The Project has selected nine (9) local contractors to participate in the training through a pre-qualification process. The trainees from each company consisted of (i) one director, (ii) one engineer and (iii) three road supervisors. The project also selected two National Engineers to participate in this training who in the future will supervise the work of the contractors. This training was divided into four separate courses based on the category of staff and their duties and responsibilities.

TIMworks 3

Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

TIMworks 4

Training Staff Category No. of Participants Institution

Training on Labour Based Technology (Classroom & Field exercises)

No - 01

Road Supervisors


9 Companies

No - 02



Companies & SEFOPE

Field Practical Training on Rural Road rehabilitation (On road sites)

No 03

Engineers & Supervisors


Companies & SEFOPE

Training on Contract Management (Classroom)

No - 04

Directors & Engineers


Companies & SEFOPE

2 Preparation of Training Material and Programmes 2.1 Labour Based, Equipment Supported Work Methods The training programme (ref. Tables 1 and 2) was designed based on the actual requirements of the project as described in the project documents, type of works to be implemented, actual terrain conditions in which the roads are located and the technical designs standards adopted by the project. The contents of the training were prepared in such a way that all necessary techniques of labour-based infrastructure technology were covered. It was also kept in mind that all the contents of the training needed to be relevant to the local conditions of the area and easily understandable for the participants with varying levels of experience and understanding. Upon the course completion the participants should be able to:

• Set out road alignments, cross sections using appropriate work methods and carry out quantity calculation,

• Selection the proper location and type of cross drainage structures, • Organise hand tools and equipment, • Manage labour issues and recruitment, • Supervise and manage road rehabilitation works, • Organise the works following construction sequence and gang balancing, • Organise task work and control the works, • Carry out watering and compaction, • Exercise quality control at appropriate levels for rural road works, • Carry out planning, reporting and work monitoring of rural road works.

The technical manual “Building Rural Roads” was the main source for the preparation of this training material and course programme.

Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

Table 1: TIMworks - TRAINING PROGRAMME (for supervisors) Date

Time Monday 25.05.09

Tuesday 26.05.09

Wednesday 27.05.09

Thursday 28.05.09

Friday 29.05.09

Saturday 30.05.09

Morning 8:30 – 9:15

Opening and project briefing. Introduction to LBES

Setting out Vertical alignments.

Field Exercises Cross section – Embankment

Incentives: task work and task rates

9:15 – 10:00

Road terminology and its function

Field Exercises Vertical alignments

Field Exercises Cross section – Embankment

Setting tasks, calculation of areas and volumes

10:00 – 10:30 Break 10:30–11:15

Hand tools for setting out & check line level

Field Exercises Vertical alignments

Cross drainage structures

Setting tasks, calculation of areas and volumes


Setting out horizontal alignment, straight lines and curves

Setting out 90o, 45o angles and offset poles

Construction tools and equipment

Organisation of labour; Muster - Payroll


- centre line - cross sections - setting out layers - longitudinal profile - transfer the level from

profile boards to pegs - gradient - off set poles



Field Exercises Setting out straight lines

Setting out cross section in rolling terrain

Work organisation: construction sequence & control

Daily site planning & reporting


Field Exercises Setting out straight lines

Field Exercises Cross section – Rolling terrain

Work organisation: construction sequence & control

Role of the supervisor and gang leader

15:00 -15:30 Break 15:30-16:15

Field Exercises Setting out curves

Field Exercises Cross section – Rolling terrain

Work organisation: construction sequence & control

Site camp & administration


Field Exercises Setting out curves

Setting out cross section – Embankment

Construction of embankment & compaction

Other issues


TIMworks 5

T and Contract Management for Private Contractors

works 6

Table 2: TIMworks - TRAINING PROGRAMME (for engineers) Date

Time Monday 1.06.09

Tuesday 2.06.09

Wednesday 3.06.09

Thursday 4.06.09

Friday 5.06.09

Saturday 6.06.09


8:30 – 9:15

Opening & Project briefing. Introduction to LBES

Setting out cross section - Rolling terrain

Work Organisation: construction sequence


9:15 – 10:00

Hand tools for setting out & check line level

Field Exercises Cross section – Rolling terrain

Work Organisation: construction sequence


10:00 – 10:30 Break 10:30–11:15

Setting out straight lines, curves & vertical alignments

Field Exercises Cross section – Rolling terrain

Work Organisation: gang size & balancing

Role of the engineer, supervisor and gang leader


Field Exercises Setting out straight lines

Setting out cross section – Embankment

Construction of embankment and compaction

Site administration, records and fillings


- centre line - cross section - setting out layers - longitudinal profile - transfer the level

from profile boards to pegs

- gradient - off set poles


Training on LB



Field Exercises Setting out curves

Field Exercises Cross section – Embankment

Incentives: task work and task rates

Recruitment and payment of labour


Field Exercises Vertical alignments

Field Exercises Cross section – Embankment

Organisation of Labour; Muster and Payroll

Information flows

15:00 – 15:30 Break 15:30-16:15

Field Exercises Vertical alignments

Cross drainage structures

Planning: long term plan

Other issues


Setting out 90o & 45o angles

Construction tools and equipment

Planning: short term plan

Other issues



Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

2.2 Background Material for Contract Management Training As agreed with the TIMworks Project Coordinator, the bidding process/guidelines established for the ILO Project in Aceh and Nias would be used for this project and the ILO Service Agreement and its conditions should be used as the Contract Agreement for this work. During the review of the existing available material and the preparation of bidding documents, it was found that some parts of the documents needed to be replaced (or heavily reviewed) and some additional parts needed to be prepared or added, these parts are such as:

(i) terms of reference (to conform with the project documents), (ii) work specifications (to conform with work conditions in the project areas), (iii) payment procedure and certificates (to conform with the project documents and

situation of the local contractors), (iv) bill of quantities (to conform with the work activities to be carried out), (v) unit rates calculation (to conform with the current market rates of staff, material

and equipment), (vi) letter of acceptance and bank guarantee (to conform with the agreed payment

procedures), (vii) payment statement (contractors need to prepare it when they request for

payments), etc. Bidding Documents The documents listed below were selected as the sources for preparing the material for training on contract management and bidding documents for the TIMworks Project.

(i) ILO Service Agreement and Conditions of Services, (ii) Bidding Documents prepared for the ILO – Road Rehabilitation Project in Aceh

and Nias, Indonesia, (iii) Bidding Documents prepared by ASIST-AP for the SCSPP, ADB Loan, in

Huaphanh Province, Lao PDR, (iv) Contract Management for labour based road construction works – RIIP Project,

Cambodia, (v) Management of Small Scale Contracting – Module 2, ASIST-AP, (vi) Bid Evaluation Methodology and Evaluation of Bids prepared for the ILO Project

in Aceh and Nias, Indonesia. A complete set of bidding documents was prepared before the training on contract management and submitted to ILO CTA in Dili, Project Coordinator, ILO Contract Engineer and ILO Finance Officer for comments. It was approved (without comments) by the Project Coordinator for use during the training on contract management. The bidding documents consist of 8 sections. These sections are as follows: Section 1 – Invitation for Bids Section 2 – Instructions to Bidders


Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors Section 3 – Evaluation Method Section 4 – Bidding Forms Section 5 – Terms of Reference Section 6 – Work Requirement (Work Specifications) Section 7 – ILO Contract Agreement Section 8 – Sample Forms Unit Price Calculation (Tables 3 and 4) The unit price calculation for some activities of road rehabilitation was prepared in detail for some main activities and made easy understandable. These selected activities were as follows:

• Clearing and tree removal, • Common soil excavation, • Soil filled from cut, • Soil filled from borrow, • Embankment construction, • Rock excavation, • Gravel spreading, watering and compaction.

Unit prices were prepared based on (i) unit rates of hand tools, (ii) monthly rented rates for equipment, (iii) monthly salary rates for engineers and supervisors, and (iv) the cost of a new motorbike – data provided by the TIMworks Project Coordinator. For common bids, the cost of supervisory staff is included in the Company’s Overhead Cost or “Indirect Cost”. But for this labour based project, the cost of one Engineer and three Supervisors is included in the “Direct Cost”, to ensure that the contractors employ sufficient supervisory staff when they receive works from the Project. Payment Statement Payment statement consists of (i) Payment Breakdown, (ii) Earthworks Quantities Table, and (iii) List of Cross Drainage Structures was also prepared. Contractors need to prepare this statement for each payment request. Based on this statement the ILO Contract Engineer should inspect the works and issue the payment certificate. Payment Certificates Three Payment Certificates were developed based on payment conditions stated in the ILO Service Agreement. These certificates are (i) Interim Payment Certificate, (ii) Completion Certificate, and (iii) Defects Liability or Maintenance Certificate. Contract Record was also developed to monitor the progress of payment for each contract. Training Programme (Table 5) The programme for training on contract management was prepared. It was divided into separated parts. The first part (2.5 days) consisted of “General Contract and Bids” and the second part (2.5 days) consisted of only “TIMworks’ Bidding Documents”. This also included the unit price calculation for labour based road rehabilitation activities.


Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors Table 3:

Item Description Unit Rate Q-ty Amount

1 Tali Nilon/nylon string

/Mensure Tape

/Mensure Tape

/Shovel Wood Handle

/Pick Axe


/Bush Knife

/line level

Wheel Barrow

/wood Saw





/Mask Protection

Safety Traffic Control

Crowbar 1.5m

Ranging Rods & Profile Boards


Gravel spreader


kg 12.00$ 20 240.00$

2 Metru 5m pcs 3.50$ 9 31.50$

3 Metru 30m pcs 5.50$ 2 11.00$

6 Kanuru Kabuar (liman Ai) set 3.50$ 70 245.00$

8 Karau Dikur set 5.50$ 70 385.00$

9 Ensada/ set 4.50$ 70 315.00$

10 Katana set 2.50$ 15 37.50$

13 Nivel pcs 5.00$ 4 20.00$

14 Karosa Dudu/ pcs 30.00$ 30 900.00$

15 Kado Ai pcs 4.50$ 2 9.00$

16 Garfu Estrada/ pcs 3.25$ 10 32.50$

17 Baliu pcs 3.75$ 20 75.00$

18 Eskopu/ pcs 4.50$ 10 45.00$

19 Luvas set 0.75$ 20 15.00$

20 Masker pcs 0.50$ 150 75.00$

21 pcs 7.00$ 10 70.00$

22 no 15.00$ 20 300.00$

23 set 16.00$ 15 240.00$

24 no 1$/50 5,000 100.00$

25 no 6.40$ 30 192.00$

26 no 3.75$ 15 56.25$

3,394.75$ Engineer = $500/month; Setting out worker = $5/day; Gangleader = $4/daySupervisor = $250/month Say $3,400.00Roller = $2500/monthWater truck = $2000/monthLight truck 3t = $2000/monthMotorbike - new =$2000/bike

Note: the unit rate of handtools, labour wages and equipment renting rates were provided by the Project Coordinator

Cost for One Set of Hand Tools for Labour Based Road Rehabilitation150 workers per day


Training on LB


T and Contract Management for Private Contractors


Table 4: Sample table for unit price calculation

Construction Period : 6 months

Number of Working Day : 25 days / month

Excavation and Compaction : 150 m3 / day Task : 1.5 m3 / workday

Amount Using Percent.$ Day Month in This Acti. %

1 Labour

Setting Out Team per. 4 5.00 30 6.00 0.040

Gangleader per. 3 4.00 70 8.40 0.056


2 H

3 E

4 S

5 T




Unit Price for Soil Excavation, Watering and Compaction per Cubic Metre

Rate $

by Labour with Ligth Equipment Support

DescriptionNo Unit Quantity Amount $ Price $/m3

orkers per. 100 2.00 70 140.00 0.933

and Tool set 1 3,400 25 850.00 0.038


Roller (pedestrian) no 2 100.00 100 200.00 1.333

Water Truck 5000 L no 1 80.00 100 80.00 0.533

Light Truck 3 T no 1 80.00 30 16.00 0.107


Engineer per. 1 500 30 150.00 0.040

Supervisor per. 2 250 50 250.00 0.067


Motorcycle no 1 4.29 30 1.29 0.009

Sub-Total 3.156rofit % 10 0.316

verhead % 5 0.158

ax % 2 0.063


Note: The same table and formulae were applied for the calculation of unit prices for other work activities.

T and Contract Management for Private Contractors

works 11


Date Time

Monday 6.07.09

Tuesday 7.07.09

Wednesday 8.07.09

Thursday 9.07.09

Friday 10.07.09


8:30 – 9:15

Registration. Opening and Project Briefing

Site Inspection/Visit

Construction Activities

Bid Preparation

List of Staff and Equipment

9:15 – 10:00

General Contract

Site Inspection/Visit

Work Programme

Bid Preparation

Work Specifications

10:00 – 10:30 Break 10:30–11:15

Client, Engineer and Contractor


Quantities and Cost

Work Methods and Time Schedule

Sample of Contract and Payment Schedule


Contract Procedures



Unit Price Calculation

Form of Bank Guarantees


Training on LB



Contract Procedures

Conditions of Contract

TIMworks Bidding Documents

Unit Price Calculations

Submission of Bids and Bid Opening


Contract Procedures

Conditions of Contract

Invitation for Bid

Unit Price Calculations

Bid Evaluation Procedures

15:00 – 15:30 Break 15:30-16:15

Bank Guarantees

Drawings and BoQ

Instructions to Bidders

Unit Price Calculation

Award of Contract


Pre-bid Meeting

Bill of Quantities

Instructions to Bidders

Unit Price Calculation

Payment Statement and Certificates

Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

3 Course Implementation 3.1 Training on Labour Based Technology Three separate technical training courses were conducted at different times. These training courses are as follows: Training on LBT for 27 Road Supervisors from 9 selected companies. This training was carried out in the Comoro Catholic Training Centre for a duration of 6 days from 25 to 30 May 2009. Two of the supervisors were females. Training on LBT for 11 Engineers, 9 from selected companies and 2 from SEFOPE. This training was also conducted in the Comoro Catholic Training Centre for a duration of 6 days from 1 to 6 July 2009. These two courses consisted of classroom and field exercises. Explanations were provided in detail for each session and the topics were presented in Power Point according to the course programme. Selected photos from the 2005 pilot project in Maliana were presented, describing activities such as clearing, leveling, ditch excavation, slopping, camber formation, watering and compactions to assist the participants in clearly understanding the topics. The field exercises were carried out in selected locations near the classroom. The purpose of the field exercises was to ensure that the participants are familiar with setting out activities using equipment such as ranging rods, profile boards, string line, line level, pegs, measuring tapes, etc. All participants of both training actively participated in all class room sessions and field exercises. Most trainees asked relevant questions related to the course topics and programme. The training methodology adopted during these training courses was kept very simple and learning friendly. Emphasis was given to the setting out, road drainage, compaction, labour management and work monitoring - all activities which affect total cost and life of the road. These two training courses were conducted with translations into Tetum provided by Mr. Nelson. Practical Field Training for Road Rehabilitation, 38 participants (Supervisors and Engineers) attended the above two training and also participated in this practical course which was conducted on the Tesetolo Road in Dili District. The duration of this course was three weeks from 8 to 26 June 2009. A 225 metre road section was rehabilitated by the 38 trainees themselves. The participants started from setting out the road centre line and cross sections, quantity calculation, clearing, soil excavation, leveling, ditching, slopping, forming camber, rock excavation, up to watering and compaction and also quality control. All trainees participated in all activities with close supervision and guidance provided by the ILO Trainer. Hand tools, a roller and water truck for the implementation of this field training were provided by the project.

TIMworks 12

Training on LB


T and Contract Management for Private Contractors


During this three-week training, most participants attended the entire course. Four participants (two engineers and two supervisors) were absent from the training for one continuous week. Most participants followed all road rehabilitation activities. Many questions were posed by the participants during this period. Each question was explained in detail with extensive solutions and examples. Results of the Three Training Courses These training courses for the technical staff from Contractors and SEFOPE were completed with satisfactory results.

• All participants actively participated in all sessions including the actual road rehabilitation works,

• All participants attended entire courses and showed good interest in this technology, • Some participants have some experience in the rural infrastructure works from previous

projects, • Most participants were impressed by this technology which is simple but practical, suited

to the current work situation in the remote areas. Training evaluation forms were designed to gauge the level of understanding and relevance of the training. These forms were given to the participants at the end of the course in order to assess the quality of the training and the information shared during the training and also to know whether the training met its objective and how helpful it will be for the future work implementation.

The feedback from the evaluation was compiled in the office and revealed that all participants were fully satisfied with the quality and relevance of the training.

Understanding No Training

Very Good Good Total

1 Class room 18 17 35

2 Field practical on work sites 18 17 35

Average Knowledge Gained by Participants

Setting out Construction Seque & Balan Task work Planning &

Reporting Compaction & quality control

Duties & responsibilities

46.21% 46.58% 35.15% 35.21% 43.88% 49.52%

Training on LB


T and Contract Management for Private Contractors

works 14

LBES (Class Room: (i) Supervisor 25-30 May; (ii) Engineer 1-6 June;(iii) Field Practical 8-26 June 2009) (27 Supervisors and 9 Engineers)

V. Good Good V.Good Good Before After Gained Before After Gained Before After Gained Before After Gained Before After Gained Before After Gained1 1 25 75 50 40 80 40 35 75 40 20 80 60 10 75 65 50 90 40

1 1 80 90 10 50 90 40 80 90 10 80 90 10 80 90 10 80 90 101 1 40 90 50 50 70 20 30 80 50 40 60 20 60 90 30 50 70 201 1 50 60 10 40 60 20 50 60 10 50 70 20 40 80 40 50 80 30

1 1 50 80 30 40 55 15 50 75 25 40 60 20 50 85 35 60 80 201 1 40 70 30 30 80 50 60 90 30 70 80 10 50 70 20 30 60 301 1 25 65 40 43 70 27 65 80 15 63 85 22 45 90 45 55 95 401 1 50 60 10 70 70 0 60 60 0 60 70 10 80 90 10 70 70 0

1 1 0 75 75 0 80 80 0 60 60 0 80 80 0 70 70 0 90 901 1 50 100 50 40 100 60 50 100 50 50 100 50 40 100 60 50 100 50

1 1 60 90 30 70 95 25 80 90 10 60 85 25 40 80 40 75 100 251 1 10 90 80 25 95 70 70 80 10 90 100 10 5 75 70 10 80 701 1 50 90 40 25 75 50 50 100 50 25 75 50 40 80 40 50 100 501 1 20 100 80 10 90 80 25 95 70 30 95 65 25 95 70 10 100 901 1 40 85 45 40 70 30 25 70 45 20 60 40 45 70 25 30 75 45

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 20 80 60 25 75 50 25 80 55 50 85 35 25 75 50 25 90 65

1 1 50 75 25 50 75 25 30 80 50 60 70 10 75 85 10 65 80 151 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 25 95 70 10 97 87 40 92 52 20 75 55 5 80 75 50 97 471 1 20 90 70 15 80 65 40 95 55 60 95 35 25 90 65 30 95 651 1 75 80 5 25 90 65 90 95 5 45 80 35 50 70 20 60 80 20

1 1 50 80 30 35 65 30 60 90 30 25 65 40 50 90 40 50 95 451 1 30 70 40 20 80 60 40 40 0 60 70 10 70 80 10 50 60 10

1 1 25 80 55 25 60 35 40 85 45 25 70 45 25 80 55 25 80 551 1 30 60 30 25 60 35 50 65 15 50 70 20 50 85 35 40 60 20

1 1 25 85 60 0 60 60 30 80 50 25 75 50 0 75 75 40 80 401 1 5 95 90 30 90 60 10 90 80 40 80 40 30 70 40 40 90 50

1 1 60 90 30 70 95 25 80 80 0 60 85 25 40 70 30 75 75 01 1 10 90 80 20 75 55 45 95 50 60 90 30 20 80 60 30 95 65

1 1 20 90 70 25 95 70 27 99 72 10 95 85 15 96 81 30 97 671 1 30 80 50 23 91 68 50 91 41 9 89 80 15 97 82 24 99 75

1 1 20 90 70 10 80 70 50 100 50 65 95 30 25 90 65 85 95 101 1 50 100 50 30 90 60 70 95 25 50 85 35 70 85 15 60 95 351 1 50 60 10 50 60 10 50 60 10 70 80 10 70 80 10 60 70 1018 17 18 17 1525 1537 1160 1162 1448 1304

46.21 46.58 35.15 35.21 43.88 39.52

TIM Works

Task Work Plan & Report Compaction & Control Duty and ResponsibilityClass room Practical works Setting Out Const. Seque. & Balanc.Understand Knowledge gainned from the training

Average knowledge gainned in %

Summary Course Evaluation filled by Participants

Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

No Full Name Sex Position Class room F. Exercise F. Practical Company Scores Phone No

1 Domingos do Rego Soares M Engineer B B B 73320252 Isac M da Costa Ramos M Supervisor B C C 74029803 Leonile F Supervisor B C C 73320254 Justiniana B. A. R. Granadeiro F Supervisor B B C 72427055 Reinaldo Ximenes M Engineer B B C 72812116 Jose C Tilman M Supervisor C B C 74025477 Rigoberto M Sarmento M Supervisor C C C 74845678 Mariano Pereira dos Santos M Supervisor C B C 72892479 Guido E. De. A. Perira M Engineer C B C 7455556

10 Carlos da Costa Belo M Supervisor B B C 736737111 Joao G. da Silva M Supervisor B C B 737048912 Domingos Cosme M Supervisor B B C 744859813 Lucio Viecas Gusmao M Engineer C B C 744339714 Ramiri Alves M Supervisor B B C 724518815 Elizario C. de almeida M Supervisor B B B 793822016 Zelio Sequeira M. Lay M Supervisor B B C 724518817 Antonio Miguel De Jesus M Engineer C B C 745994918 Ronaldo Soares M Supervisor C D D 725367219 Mayuskling de C. Guterres M Supervisor C C C 725367220 Zacarias da Costa M Supervisor C D D 745998921 Mana Wenseslav M Engineer B B B 723418822 Jose Vicente D. R. Carceres M Supervisor B B B 737103423 Hipolito Fernandes M Supervisor B B C 723418824 Antoninho Torizao M Supervisor C C C 743327625 Jose F. Dias Ximenes M Engineer B B C 727437026 Edgar B. Belo Menezes M Supervisor C B D 743487827 Joel F. X. Pereira M Supervisor C B C 744502628 Arnaldos T Sousa M Supervisor B B B 746881929 Rogerio Da Costa F. M Engineer B B B 746820630 Jeverino M Supervisor C C C 734696331 Manuel da Costa Freitas M Supervisor C C B 727182332 Cesaltino Sebastiao de Jesus M Supervisor B B B 734503933 Luis A. Cristovao M Engineer B B B 740570034 Cirilio da Silva M Supervisor C C B 732496335 Januario dos Santos M Supervisor B B C 731678336 Bernardinos Tae M Supervisor C C D

Note: B=70-80%; C=60-70%; D=50-60%


Espada Negra

Maubere Spirit C





Manulain Caboran


Leste Planalto

Savira B






Contractors Training on Labour Based Road Rehabilitation


The table above shows the list of participants, names of companies and their performance based on daily observations and evaluations of the activities of individual trainees. The scores indicated the average knowledge and competency of the participants to carry out work implementation offered by the project.

TIMworks 15

Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors The participants who received “D” for practical field training meant that they were weak in quantity calculations (areas and volumes). 3.2 Contract Management Training This training was conducted for 20 participants (9 Directors and 9 Engineers from private companies and 2 Engineers from SEFOPE) in the Senai Becora Training Centre in Dili Capital for a duration of 5 days from 6 to 10 July 2009. This course consisted of only class room sessions. Explanation was carried out in detail for each session and the topics were presented in Power Point according to the programmes. All Directors of the companies had some knowledge of bid preparation and contract management and they asked relevant questions. All questions were answered clearly with practical examples from other project. Bid preparation was one of the main tasks of this training. A complete set of bidding documents was distributed to all participants and explained in detail starting from (i) Invitation for Bids, (ii) Instruction to Bidders, (iii) Bidding Forms, (iv) Terms of Reference, (v) Payment Schedule (payment statement and payment certificates), (vi) Bank Guarantees, and Bid Submission. All participants were interested in unit price calculation for the road rehabilitation activities using labour based methods. Step by step explanations were carried out on a white board including the use of time for each activity, labour cost per cubic metre, equipment cost per cubic metre, cost of hand tools per cubic metre, supervisory staff cost per cubic metre, depreciation of equipment, calculation for risk allowance, profit and company overhead. Insurance requirement were also explained to the participants. But to date there is no insurance company established in Timor Leste. Therefore, insurance is not included in the General Items of the Bill of Quantities of the Bids. All company directors recognized that so far they relied on “guestimates” to calculate the bid prices. Now, they know how to calculate the real costs. The training methodology adopted during the training was kept very simple and learning friendly. All participants regularly and actively participated in all sessions (without absence). This training course was conducted with a translation into Tetum provided by Mr. Nelson. Results The training on contract management was completed with satisfactory results.

• All participants actively participated in all sessions, • All participants regularly participated and showed good interest in the training,


Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

• Some participants had some experience in bid preparation and contract management from previous projects/works,

• Most participants were satisfied with the knowledge gained during this training. Training evaluation forms were also used for this course.

The feedback from the evaluation revealed that all participants were fully satisfied with the quality and relevance of the training with their future work.

Understanding No Training Very Good Good Total

1 General Contract 13 7 20 2 TIMworks Bid Documents 11 9 20

Summary of Course Evaluation

Contract Management: 6-10 July 2009 (9Engineers; 9 Contractors and 2 SEFOPE Engineers)

V. Good Good V. Good Good Before After Gained Before After Gained Before After Gained Before After Gained1 1 20 100 80 75 100 25 20 80 60 40 100 60

1 1 0 0 0 01 1 0 0 0 0

1 1 10 75 65 25 85 60 30 75 45 50 95 451 1 80 99 19 80 97 17 80 95 15 65 90 251 1 80 90 10 80 90 10 80 90 10 80 90 101 1 0 0 0 01 1 45 90 45 30 80 50 70 95 25 80 100 201 1 40 70 30 70 100 30 70 100 30 80 100 201 1 80 95 15 60 100 40 85 100 15 75 100 251 1 30 90 60 25 90 65 30 70 40 30 90 601 1 50 100 50 45 100 55 40 100 60 85 100 15

1 1 45 75 30 60 85 25 40 70 30 50 65 151 1 30 90 60 25 95 70 20 90 70 25 90 65

1 1 30 60 30 20 50 30 40 80 40 25 75 501 1 85 90 5 85 90 5 85 90 5 85 90 5

1 1 80 90 10 80 90 10 90 90 0 90 90 01 1 80 90 10 80 90 10 90 90 0 90 90 01 1 25 75 50 30 70 40 15 85 70 45 55 10

1 1 25 75 50 35 100 65 15 95 80 15 95 8013 7 11 9 619 607 595 505

36.41 35.71 35.00 29.71

Original Evaluation Forms were submitted to the TIM Works Project Coordinator

Knowledge gainned from the trainingPayment Procedure Contract Implementation

Average knowledge gainned in %

General contractTIMwork contract Bid Preparation Unit Price CalculationUnderstand


Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

List of Participants attending the Training on Contract Management from 6 to 10 July 2009 at the Senai Becora Training Centre

No Full Name Sex Position Company/Institution Phone

1 Florindo Dacosta Martins M Director 2 Domingos Do. R. Soares M Engineer

Surprise Com. 7332025

3 Hermenegildo Dos Santos M Director 7382707 4 Luis A. Cristovao M Engineer

Savira Com. 7405700

5 Firnindo Soares Da Costa M Director 7253672 6 Antonio Miguel De Jesus M Engineer

Nizeval Com. 7459949

7 Etelvina R. Lopes F Director 7274187 8 Reinaldo Ximenes M Engineer

Espada Com. 7281211

9 Aloemiro Da S. Belo M Director 7330498 10 Guido E. De. A. Pereira M Engineer

Maubere Spirit Com. 7455556

11 Jose Jacob Dias Soares M Director 7266989 12 Jose F. Dias Ximenes M Engineer

Linoel Com. 7274370

13 Abelino R. Pereira M Director 7236526 14 Mana Wenseslav M Engineer

Manulain Carboran C 7234180

15 Mateus Jose Boavida M Director 7386294 16 Rogerio Da Costa F. M Engineer

Leste Planalto Com. 7468206

17 Jose Santa Lay M Director 7245188 18 Lucio Viegas Gusmao M Engineer

Cramat Com. 7443397

19 Manuel Boavida Hornai M Engineer SEFOPE 7352310 20 Adilio B. Lopes Marques M Engineer SEFOPE 7330439

4 Course Handouts The material and programme prepared for this training was compiled and distributed to all participants during the course. These handouts were:

• Labour Based Equipment Supported Methods for Rural Road Rehabilitation, 57 pages, • Bidding Documents prepared for TIMworks Project, 72 pages, • Calculation for unit price of road work activities, 7 pages, • Payment Statements, 4 pages, • Payment Certificates, 4 pages.

The TIMworks Project Coordinator distributed the technical manual “Building Rural Roads” to the participating engineers at the end of Field Practical Training on 26 June 2009 during the closing ceremony. At the end of the assignment, the “Guidelines for the Implementation of Labour-based Road Work Contracts” consisting of 8 chapters and 136 pages were prepared. Copies of these guidelines were submitted to:

• TIMworks Project Coordinator – 10 copies, • ILO Finance Officer – 1 copy,


Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

• ILO Contract Engineer – 1 copy, and • Senior Rural Infrastructure Management Specialist, ASIST-AP, Bangkok – 1


5 Suggestions Based on the observations made during training, future class room training for the supervisors should be increased from one week to two weeks. 6 Other As advised by the TIMworks Project Coordinator, field visits to the on-going-road rehabilitation sites were carried out to three roads in Bacau District and one road in Dili District. Detailed discussions were held in the office with the Project Coordinator and the two Regional Engineers regarding the current situation of work implementation. We agreed to conduct a three-days refresher training course for the SEFOPE technical staff covering 14 Engineers and 14 Field Officers who in charge of the road rehabilitation works.

The purpose of this training was to improve management of road rehabilitation sites. Further on-the-job training to improve the quality of work implementation will be provided by the ILO Regional Engineers. Upon the course completion the participants should be able to: • Set out road alignments, cross section using appropriate work methods and quantity

calculation, • Proper selection of the location, type and size of cross drainage structures, • Labour recruitment, • Supervise and manage road rehabilitation works, • Organise the works following an effective construction sequence and good gang balancing, • Organise task work and control the works, • Carry out compaction, • Exercise quality assurance at appropriate levels for rural road works, • Carry out planning and reporting and progress monitoring.

The participants were the engineers and field officers who are assigned to the road implementation works from 7 Districts covered by TIMworks. The Project planned to send 28 participants (2 engineers and 2 field officers from each district) to attend the training. Actually, only 26 participants regularly attended entire course. Among the trainees, 6 were females. The training course was conducted in Centro Senai Becora (Training Centre) in Dili from 14 to 16 May 2009. This training was carried out only in the classroom.


Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

Programme for Refresher Training

Date Time

Thursday 14.05.09

Friday 15.05.09

Saturday 16.05.09


8:30 – 9:15 Opening and registration. Project briefing. Training objectives.

Work organisation: Construction of embankment fill and compaction

Short term plans. Daily site planning.

9:15 – 10:00 Review setting out Centre line, road reserve and formation width.

Work Organisation: Benching and compaction

Recruitment of labour (meeting). Work organisation. Muster rolls.

10:00 – 10:30


Review setting out: Cross section of rolling terrain

Work Organisation: Watering and compaction

Reporting and records


Review setting out: Cross section of fill sides and embankment.

Incentives: Task work and task rates

Work monitoring


13:30-14:15 Work organisation: Operations and activities

Incentives: set task work and control

Site administration

14:15-15:00 Work organisation: Construction sequence

Site organisation. Role of site engineers and field officers

Payment of labour (on time)

15:00 – 15:30

15:30-16:15 Work organisation: Construction sequence

Role of field officers, gang leaders and setting out team.

Other issues

16:15-17:00 Work organisation: Gang size and balancing

Long term plans Other issues


Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

The Project Coordinator opening the training

Training exercises – setting out road levels using profile boards


Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

Training exercises – setting out a 90 degree angle using the 3-4-5 method

Group photo – supervisors


Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

Class room training – engineers

Group photo – engineers


Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

Practical field training on road rehabilitation


Training on LBT and Contract Management for Private Contractors

A 225m road section was rehabilitated by 38 participants during three weeks of training

Project Officials and dignitaries from the World Bank, European Commission and Irish Aid paid a visit to the training site on 26 June 2009
