training for awb bank (2)

selling skills Direct Sales Training AWB Bank By Mohamed Abdelnaby

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Training Evaluation & Feedback AWB Direct Sales Training Selling Skills Start Understanding Yourself And Others January 24, 26, 29 2012 By Mohamed Abdelnaby Part A selling skills+ Communication Skills: Personal Effectiveness 1. Successful Salespeople Skills 2. Verbal Communication (Includes both spoken and written forms) 3. Non-verbal communication (Understanding Body Language) 4. Listening skills (Active, Passive and Reflective Listening) • Managing Self o Understanding Self o SWOT Analysis of Oneself • Managing Time o Setting SMART Goals o Writing Planning and Organizing your time • Managing Stress o The Power of Perception o Reaction to Stress o Managing Stress o Ways to develop a positive attitude Training interactive Methodology: • Games and Group Activities • Case Studies TWO ASSESSMENT 1. Stress Management (Replay every month) 2. Personal vision Part B Sales Call Etiquette • Ways to make a Good First Impression. • Effective Call Handling • Pre-call Information • Building Credibility During the Call • Key Phases of an Outbound/Inbound Call • Hold Procedure • Using the Right Tone of Voice • Tips for Good Telephone Etiquette • Forbidden Phrases to Avoid • Body Language over the Telephone Training interactive Methodology: • Games and Group Activities • Case Studies ASSESSMENT: 3. Videos & Role Plays Part C Build Relationships and Sales Behaviors: • Stages in the personal selling process • Steps in the Buying Process • Making a Good Impression • Developing a rapport • New” Model of Selling • Dealing With Tough Customers ASSESSMENT: 4. Behavior Change Contract (follow up for everyone) • Part D Negotiation Skills : Techniques: • WIN/WIN Approach • Managing Emotions • Negotiation Skills • Assertiveness Skills • Persuasive Skills • Pareto Analysis • SWOT Analysis • Problem Re-statement Technique ASSESSMENT: • Videos &Role Plays • Games and Group Activities • Case Studies FINAL ASSESSMENT: 5. SKILLS EVALUATE 6. SALES SKILLS Recommended Training for the AWB Direct Sales team in future: 1. Sales Telephone Etiquette (Again with same style between all the team) 2. Team Management 3. Leadership Skills 4. Business Email Writing(managerial) 5. Motivational Training 6. Presentation Skills


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selling skills

Direct Sales Training AWB Bank

By Mohamed Abdelnaby

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• Introduction

• Part A Selling Skills

• Activities 1 (Stress Management Assessment)

• Part B Sales Call

• Activities 2 ( Videos and Role plays)

• Part C Build Relationships and Sales Behaviors

• Activities 3 ( Behavior Change Contract Assessment)

• Part D Negotiations Skills

• Activities 4 ( Exercises on Negotiations Process And

BATNA Cycle )

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Remember, salespeople aren't born, they're made

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Part A Selling Skills

The principles of selling are useful to everyone, not just people with the title of salesperson.

Developing mutually beneficial, long-term relationships is vital to all of us.

People in business use selling principles all the time.

Why Learn About Personal Selling?

Personal selling is a person-to-person business activity in which a salesperson uncovers and satisfies the needs of a buyer to the mutual, long-term benefit of both parties.

Part A-1

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Communication Methods

Part A-2

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Communication Methods (continued)

Part A-3

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Successful Salespeople


Ethical sales behavior

Customer and product


Ability to use information


Communication skills

Part A-4

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Successful Salespeople (continued)

Flexibility and agility


Confidence and optimism

Emotional intelligence

Part A-5

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Reading Nonverbal Messages from Customers

Body angle





Positive Power and authority Underlying tension

Part A-6

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Nonverbal Reactions to Presentation

Part A-7

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Sending Messages with Nonverbal Communication

Using body language

• Muscles of face

• Eye contact

• Hand movement and

hand shaking

• Posture and body


Part A-8

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The Role of Space and Physical Contact

Part A-9

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Consider the geography

• The temperature

• The local cultural norms

Consider your customers

• Their appearance

• Their expectations of your appearance

Consider your corporate culture

• Norms for your industry

Consider your aspirations

• Top levels of your organization

• Dress above your position

Consider your own personal style

• Wait until you have the halo effect

• Be reasonable


Part A-10

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Communicating via technology

Face-to-face conversation • 40 percent: words

• 10 percent: voice

• 50 percent: nonverbal communications

Telephone • Practice

• Prepare

• Don’t be rushed

• Smile as you talk

• Active listening

• Set objectives

• tone

Part A-11

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Part A-12

“Old” Model of Selling







“Selling” (Presenting)



Communicating via technology (continued)

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“New” Model of Selling

Communicating via technology (continued)


Developing Trust and Rapport


Defining Needs & Problems


Describing Features & Benefits



Part A-13

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How outside order-getting salespeople spend their time each week

Part A-14

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Use strong subject lines

Put important information in the first few lines

Be aware of the ―tone‖ of your email

Learn customer preferences for email

Avoid sending long emails and large attachments

Don’t deliver bad news via email

Best time to send an e-mail and get it read:

E-Mail Communication

Part A-15

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Salespeople need to recognize that business

practices differ around the world

Terms have different meanings

Time perception

Adjusting for Cultural Differences

Low-context cultures

Most of the information that flows between buyer and seller is in the spoken words themselves.

High-context cultures

More information is contained in factors surrounding the communication.

Part A-16

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Prearranged presentation that usually includes:

• Standard introduction

• Standard Q&A

• Standard method for getting the customer to

place an order Effective because it is well organized

Outlined Presentation

Part A-17

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Customized Presentation

Part A-18

Analyze what the customer's needs

Organize the content of your sales presentation to gain

the attention of the customer and create maximum


improve your delivery skills, especially presentation


Design and use a wide range of visual aids that are

appropriate to various selling situations .

Interact with customers throughout the sales

presentation and handle sales objections that may


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Knowledge Management

Product and company


• Salespeople need to have a lot of

information about their products,

services, company, and


Knowledge about sales

situations and customers

Part A-20

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Knowledge Management (continued)

How to create knowledge • Top company salespeople

• Feedback from sales managers

Other sources of knowledge • Web

• Company sales manuals and newsletters

• Sale meetings

• Plant visits

• Business and trade publications

• Competitor displays at trade shows

• Viewing competitor’s Web pages

Part A-21

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Activities 2 (Assess Your Own

Skills Assignment)

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Part B Sales Call

What to know before every sales call?

Part B-24

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The Planning Process

Part B-25

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Controlling Style and Tone

Part B-25

Write the plan first

Choosing strong words you will say

Select active voice

Straight forward

Pay attention to tone

Use a Conversational Tone

Business messages:

Avoid obsolete or pompous language

Be careful with intimacy

Use humor carefully

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Pre-call Information

Good pre-call planning enables you to learn about a prospective customer’s (concerns, business agenda, budget requirements) and key decision makers before the sales call.

3 Steps To Pre-Call Planning Success:

1. Find the best sources:

Be aware of all the sources available to you—industry

associations, company Web sites, news outlets, online business

information resources …etc.

2. Find out what you want to find out:

• Know what you’re looking for before you start looking for it. By

asking yourself key questions.

3. Find ways to find information faster:

• Once you’ve identified what you need to know about your

prospect, learn how to mine your sources of information quickly and


Part B-26

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Simple Key Questions for Pre-Call Planning

• What are the company’s/industry’s top business concerns

• right now?

• How is the company positioned to handle those issues?

• Who are the key decision makers?

• What is my prospect’s market strength?

Part B-26

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Personal • Name (including pronunciation)

• Family status

• Education

• Aspirations

• Interests and disinterests

• Social style

The Prospect/Customer as an Individual

Part B-27

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Demographics • Type of organization

• Size, number of locations

• Products and services offered

• Financial position and its future

• Overall culture of the organization

Prospect’s customers • Types

• Benefits they seek from the prospect’s products and services

Prospect’s competitors • Who they are

• How they differ in their business approaches

• Prospect’s strategic position in the industry

The Prospect’s/Customer’s Organization

Part B-28

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People involved in the purchase decision • How they fit into the formal and informal organizational


• Their roles in this decision

• Who is most influential

• Any influential adversaries

• Current problems the organization faces

• Stage in the buying cycle

Policies and procedures • About salespeople

• About sales visits

• About purchasing and contracts

The Prospect’s/Customer’s Organization (continued)

Part B-29

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Review what has been learned from precall information gathering

Understand what relationship the firm wished to have with the prospect

Call objectives should be developed while taking into account: • The firm’s goals

• The sales team’s goals

• The salesperson’s goals

If you don’t know where you’re going, you may wind up somewhere else

Setting Call Objectives

Part B-31

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All objectives should be: • Specific

• Realistic

• Measurable

Set objectives that require a buyer’s response SMART

• Specific

• Measurable

• Achievable

• Realistic

• Time-based

Criteria for Effective Objectives

Part B-32

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Setting More than One Call Objective

Secondary call objectives

Remaining objectives after the primary objective.

Minimum call objective

The minimum a salesperson hopes to achieve.

Primary call objective

The actual goal the salesperson hopes to achieve.

Optimistic call objective

The most optimistic outcome the salesperson thinks could occur.

Part B-33

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Keep good records

Make necessary adjustments in long-term call objectives

Prepare for the next sales call

A good primary objective for a first session is to have another chance to visit

Consider whom to call on in upcoming meetings

Setting Objectives for Several Calls

Part B-33

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What buyers look for to increase value: • On-time delivery

• To-spec quality of products

• Competitive pricing

• Proper packaging/paperwork

• Technical support service

• Quality of sales calls

• Level of technological innovation

• Good emergency response

Buyers are Setting Goals Also

Part B-34

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Making an Appointment

The right person

• Focus of receptivity

• Focus of dissatisfaction

• Focus of power

The right time

The right place

Part B-35

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Most often used to make the initial appointment

The goal is to make the appointment, not sell the product or


Salespeople need to anticipate objections and decide exactly how

to respond

Telephoning for Appointments

Part B-37

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Plan how to make a good impression

Plan how to further uncover the customer’s needs and strengthen

the presentation

Plan to answer anticipated questions and concerns



Additional Planning

Part B-38

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Essential Elements of the Sales Call

Part B-39


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Honesty and objectivity

Awareness of Customers needs

knowledge, expertise

Confidence and performance

Communication style


Building Credibility During the Call

Part B-40

Establish your credibility

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Demonstrate product expertise

Keep it simple

Be willing to say, ―I’m sorry, I was wrong on that,‖ or ―I don’t

know the answer to that, but I’ll get it to you.‖

Never use a word unless you know the exact definition

Building Credibility During the Call (continued)

Part B-41

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Build Company Image

Be a spokesperson

Promote company interests

Follow company guidelines

Observe experienced for your Company

Ask for assistance

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Activities 2 Role plays

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Part C Build Relationships and Sales Behaviors


Part C-42

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Contact Meet Propose

Make Sale

Stages in the personal selling process

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Stages in the personal selling process

Part C-43

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Stages and objectives of the personal selling process

Part C-43

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Steps in the Buying Process

Part C-44

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Two-Way Flow of Information

The sender

(seller) encodes

a message.

The receiver

(buyer) decodes

the message.

The sender

(buyer) who encodes a reply message.

The receiver

(seller) then decodes the buyer’s message.

Who then becomes… Who then becomes…

Part C-49

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Very First Impressions

Making first impression usually results in a prospect who is willing to listen

How you dress

How you look • Be confident

• Smile

Modify behavior based on prospect’s state

Customer’s name

Video First Impressions 1

Video First Impressions 2

Part C-50

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Developing a rapport • Should be the goal of every salesperson

• Small talk

• Office scanning

• Consider cultural and personality differences

• Share goals or agenda

When things go wrong • Maintain the proper

perspective and a sense of humor

• Apologize

• Think before you speak

Making a Good Impression (continued)

Part C-51

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After buyer’s attention, it is time to identify the buyer’s needs

Use transition sentences

Don’t be surprised if the buyer is reluctant to provide confidential information

Discovering needs is part of qualifying the prospect

Identifying the Prospect’s Needs: The Power of Asking Questions

Part C-52

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Discovering the Root Cause of the Need

Part C-53

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Asking Open and Closed Questions

Open questions require the prospect to go beyond a simple yes-or-no response

Closed questions require yes, no, or short ―fill-in-the-blank‖ type response

In most cases salespeople need to ask both open and closed questions

Summarize the prospects needs

Part C-54

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Offering Value: The Solution to the Buyer’s Needs

Relating features to benefits

• Feature: quality or characteristic of the product or service

• Benefit: the way in which a specific feature will help a

particular buyer

• FEBA (feature, evidence, benefit, agreement)

Part C-57

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Assessing Reactions

Using nonverbal cues

Verbal probing • Allows the salesperson to stop talking and encourages two-way


• Lets the salesperson see whether the buyer is listening and understanding what is being said

• May show that the prospect is uninterested

Making adjustments • Changing direction

• Collecting additional information

• Developing a new sales strategy

• Changing the style of presentation

Part C-57

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Selling to Groups

Groups behave like groups, with group standards and norms and issues of status and group leadership.

Salespeople should discover (for each prospect group member): • Member status within the group

• Authority

• Perceptions about the urgency of the problem

• Receptivity to ideas

• Knowledge of the subject matter

• Attitude toward the salesperson

• Major areas of interest and concern

• Key benefits sought

• Likely resistance and ways to handle it

Part C-58

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Selling to Groups (continued)

Salespeople should also discover the ego

involvement and issue involvement of each group


Develop objectives and plan

Learn the names of group members and use them

when appropriate

Listen carefully and observe

all nonverbal cues

Part C-59

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Proper attitude is shown by:

• Answering sincerely

• Welcoming objections

Salespeople must assume the attitude of helper,

counselor, and adviser.

Objections present sales opportunities

Don’t argue; listen and understand

The Goal is to Build Relationships and Sell Value

Part C-60

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Value: The Relationship Between Costs and Benefits

Part C-61

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Anticipate objections

• Prepare helpful responses

Forestall known concerns

• Raise objections before

buyers have a chance

to raise them

• Very important in

written proposals

Behaviors of Successful Salespeople


Prevent by doing something ahead of time.

Part C-62

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Dealing With Tough Customers

Sellers need to maintain a

positive attitude, even with

rude, hard-to-get-along with


The buyer’s culture often

dictates their response to a


Part C-64

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Maintain a positive attitude

Let the customer set the pace

Be assertive, not aggressive

Sell the right item in the right amounts

How to Successfully Obtain Commitment

Part C-65

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Most sales take several calls to complete

Leave with a clear plan for all parties

• Review what you will do next

• What the customer will do next

• When you will meet again

Follow-up promptly with a thank-you and reminder note

Bringing the Interview to a Close

Part C-68

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Activities 3 Behavior Change Contract Assessment And Role plays

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Part D-69

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• What is Negotiation?

• Features of Negotiation

• Why Negotiate ?

• Types of Negotiation

• Distributive Vs Integrative Negotiation

• Negotiation Process


• Bargaining Zone Model of Negotiation

• Negotiating Behavior

• Issues in Negotiation

• Third party Negotiations

• How to achieve an Effective Negotiation

• Negotiation Tips

Part D-70

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Where do use this skill?

• Everything is negotiated.

• Family and personal

• “ Where should we go for dinner?”

• “ Can I borrow the car?”

• Academic research

• “ Fund my project.”

• “ Publish my paper.”

• Business ventures

• “ I want a raise.”

• “ Invest in my company.”

• “ Pay me a license fee or I’ll sue you.”

Part D-71

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• Minimum two parties

• Predetermined goals

• Expecting an outcome

• Resolution and Consensus

• Parties willing to modify their positions

• Parties should understand the purpose of negotiation

Part D-73

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Why do we NEGOTIATE ?

• To reach an agreement

• To beat the opposition

• To compromise

• To settle an argument

• To make a point

Part D-74

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• Distributive Negotiation

• Integrative Negotiation

Part D-75

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Characteristic Distributive Integrative

Outcome Win-lose Win-win

Motivation Individual gain Joint and individual


Interests Opposed Different but not always Opposite

Relationship Short-term Longer or Short-term

Issues involved Single Multiple

Ability to make trade-offs

Not Flexible Flexible

Solution Not creative Creative

Part D-76

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BARGAINING click here


Part D-77

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1. Firstly understand what it is you want?

2. What do you think your opponent wants?

3. What would happen if you didn’t do a deal?

4. Do you know who the decision maker is? Are you negotiating with them? If not

what affect does that have?

5. Are there concessions you can build into the negotiation?

6. Know your product / service inside out? What standards are there in the market


7. Know your price points?

8. What issues do you think you’ll need to overcome?

9. Prioritize!

10. Practice!

Part D-78

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1. Company activities and market position

2. Opinion on entry points

3. What elements are clearly off the table or not up for discussion and why

4. Opponents attitude and commitment

5. Motivational factors (―I want this price because…‖)

6. Stakeholders and importantly decision makers

7. Problems, issues or risk

8. An order/structure for proceedings

Part D-79

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• Bargaining has two basic parts

– Debating

– Proposing

Part D-80

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• To be successful in negotiation you must build relationships and trust

• You need to avoid the following-

• Point scoring – “Your company is always late with deliveries so I’m not

paying that!”

• Insults – “If you insist on that price you must be stupid”

• Provocation – “Keep talking like that and see where it gets you!”

• Threats – “You just wait until your other customers hear about this” • Instead try-

• Building a relationship – It will make your negotiation much easier

• Sticking to an agreed agenda – This will help avoid destructive


• Share information and ask questions – What do you want – what do they


• Try and be positive and listen – What do they want and why – look for

areas of win/win or easy compromise.

Part D-81

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• When proposing your offer consider

• Consider both your entry and exit – This could include all or some

of your wants, and your opponents entry and exit points

• Consider how you will phrase your proposal

• Consider what will motivate your opponent into making the deal

• Consider the likely response – Think about the “if I do that then

they will do that”

• Are there alternative proposals? – Once an initial response has

been made are you happy or do you need to offer up something


• Remember the key thing is to propose – don’t argue and try and

remain realistic, and invite a response from your opponent.

Part D-82

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• So when closing the deal consider

• Do you have what you want?

• Do they have what they want?

• Do you both understand the potential non deal by not closing or

reaching agreement?

• Document the agreement quickly and share it with your opponent

and get agreement on the details of the deal.

• Agree the measures that will be applied to record fulfilment of the


Part D-83

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BATNA is an acronym for:







Part D-84

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• ―Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement‖

• Develop “your” BATNA

• - List your alternatives

• - Evaluate your alternatives

• - Establish your best as your BATNA

• Consider “their” BATNA

• Have a Reservation Point – the least you will accept

• List their alternatives – their BATNA

Part D-85

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Part D-87

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Gavin Kennedy describes 3 types of behaviour that we can display and encounter when in a negotiating situation.


Part D-88

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RED Behaviour



Always seeking the best for you

No concern for person you are negotiating with


Part D-89

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BLUE Behaviour

• Win win approach

• Cooperation

• Trusting

• Pacifying

• Relational

• Giving

Part D-90

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PURPLE Behaviour

• Give me some of what I want (red)

• I’ll give you some of what you want (blue)

• Deal with people as they are not how you think they are

• Good intentions

• Two way exchange

• Purple behaviour incites purple behaviour

• Tit for tat strategies

• Open

• People know where they stand

• Determination to solve problems by both sets of criteria of the merits of the case and/or the

terms of a negotiated exchange

Part D-91

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• Successful relationships are built on communication and trust.

• Lack of trust leads to ―win-lose‖ or ―lose-lose‖ result.

• Negotiation is one way of creating trust – or deciding whether

trust is justified.

Part D-93

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• Preparation and planning skill

• Knowledge of the subject

• Ability to think clearly under pressure

• Listening skill

• General problem-solving skills

Part D-94

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Activities 4 Exercises on Negotiations Process And BATNA Cycle

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