training &development. training a sequence of experiences or opportunities designed to modify...

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Training &Development1TrainingA sequence of experiences or opportunities designed to modify behavior in order to attain a stated objectiveHesselingFlippo defines training as the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.2Training and DevelopmentT- Focuses on technical, mechanicalD-Theoretical Skills and conceptual skillsT- Specific job skillsD- General knowledgeT- One shot dealD- Continuous on-going processT- Motivation is extrinsicD- Motivation is intrinsicT- Two-majorsD- No classification

3Training & Development- Enters into picture Inputs to every system: material, people, technology and time.Output: coffeePeople play a vital role hereTraining and development managersPeople are like the water put into the coffee machine before and convert into coffee after training.4As AdministratorsManagerial functionsTraining needsPro-active in organizingContent Preparation5As Consultants to the organizationSolve Human Performance problemsT&D Officer should know to ask questionsSpecialized skills are required6As Designers of Learning Experiences 1. Cognitive skills2. Psychomotor skillsJIT (job instruction training), tell and show3. Affective skills emotional behaviour7Training Needs AssessmentTraining can be defined as the process of bringing the manpower of an organization to the desired level of performance , behavior and attitude from the existing level of performance, behavior and attitude. KASRequiredKASGAPKASAvailableTraining Need8Why T Ns AriseActual performance, behavior and attitudeExpected performance, behavior and attitude9When to trainGap in the level of performance, behavior and attitudeNeed for training arisesTraining needs assessed Training imparted as per assessment10When do TN arise?When the level of motivation and morale is lowThe key areas they arent competentUpdating the knowledgeTaking special interest in employees for promotion.Change in the policies, systemsExternal changes11Whom to trainTop/Strategic levelManagement level Supervisory levelOperational level12Practical examplesCricket teamBPOStudentsNursery teachersDancePilotsPriest

13Analyses of Training Needs1. Organization AnalysisRe-structuring, down-sizing, empowerment, Economic and Public Policy Issues2. Task Analysis3. Person Analysis Who requires and who dont

14Methods used in TNAGroup or Organizational Analysis1. Organizational Goals and Objectives2. Personnel/Skills inventories3. Organizational climate indices4. Efficiency indices5. Exit interviews6. MBO or work planning systems7. Quality circles 8. Customer survey/Satisfaction data9. Consideration of current and projected changes15Methods used in TNAIndividual Analysis1. Performance appraisal2. Work sampling3. Interviews4. Questionnaires5. Attitude Survey6. Training Progress7. Rating Scales8. Observations of behavior16TNA ProcessStep 1: Identify Problem needsStep 2: Determine Design of Needs AnalysisStep 3: Collect DataStep 4: Analyse DataStep 5: Provide FeedbackStep6: Develop Action Plan17Approaches of TNAProactive TNA- focuses mainly on an anticipated performance discrepancy in the future.Reactive TNA - focuses on a perceived performance discrepancy in the present.

Alternative NA Data Collection Method1. Questionnaire2. Interviews3. Observation4. 360 degree5. GDS, Diaries, Manuals and record

18Operational AnalysisOperational Analysis is done to determine what is required by employers to be effective i.e., in order to bring about effective performance.19Designing Training ProgrammeFactors Considered in designing the ProgrammeNominating Organizations, their objectives and workPromoting the Learning ProcessTraining GroupMaintaining Momentum and Impetus of the ProgrammeBuilding Flexibility in the ProgrammeEffective Monitoring of the ProgrammeTraining TeamManagement and Administration of the ProgrammeFacilitating Transfer of Training to the OrganizationInforming the Participants of the Programme

20Designing Training ProgrammeCommunicating Programme Information to the ParticipantsProgramme Objectives and ContentAdministrative and Physical ArrangementsBasic Information on the Training AgencyInstructions on Home AssignmentsConveying Expectations to the ParticipantsSecuring Information for Preparing a Training Group ProfilePersonal DataJob DataEarlier Training ExperienceExpectationsYour PreferencesContribution and Commitment to the ProgrammeLast word21Check List for Designing a Training Programme1. Who will be the Participants (Target Group)2. What are the objectives of the programme3. What would be the Contents/Coverage/Structure of the Programme?4. What is the expected outcome of the Programme?5. Who will be the Trainers?6. What would be the training methods?7. What would be the mechanisms to monitor the application of Training Inputs by the Participants?8. What would be the Venue, Date and Timings of the programme?9. What would be the Programme Schedule?10. What would be the sequence of coverage, methodology of Training, Time & Training Aids to be used (Lesson/Session Plan)?

22Managing Stressa. Objectives:To make them aware about the phenomenon of stress, its disastrous impact on their performance, career and life and how to cope with it, with special reference to work related stress.To familiarise them with how to contribute in building a stress-free work environment through self management to optimise their performance. b. Contents:what is Stress?The root cause of stressStressful thoughts23Physical symptoms of stressEffects of stressStress free life-HowCheck your Steps for freedom from stressImprovement in thought processStress management techniquesYour action planc. MethodologyIllustrations and DemonstrationPractice and Feel ExercisesBrainstormingDiscussionsIndividual Exercises24d. Outcome/Result of Training Inputs:Developing awareness about the concept of stress and its root cause.Will be able to manage stress through improvement in thought processDevelop individual Action Plans for coping with stress.

e. Monitoring

25Training ApproachesThe Learning by exposure ApproachThe Educational ApproachThe Problem-centered ApproachThe Action Learning ApproachThe Systems ApproachThe Analytical ApproachThe Competences ApproachThe Procedural Approach

Training methodsOn the job methodsOrientation trainingJob-instruction trainingApprentice trainingInternships and assistantshipsJob rotationCoaching

Training methodsOff the- job MethodsVestibuleLectureSpecial studyFilmsTelevisionConference or DiscussionCase StudyRole playingSimulationProgrammed instructionLaboratory trainingTraditional Training MethodsKyphon, headquatered in Sunnyvale, California

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Different types of learning: formal, informal, company-sponsored ,classroom instruction, mentoring and field experiences, seminars and conference travel.

29Traditional Training MethodsTraditional methods without technology is used in many companies than training with technology.Instructor-led classrooms, videos, workbooks and manuals, and role plays virtual reality, computer based games ,simulations with instructor used by 50% of the companies.


Overview of use of instructional methodsWorkbooks and manuals: 77Instructor-led classroom: 85Virtual classroom with Instructor: 19Video: 56Web-based self-study: 43Role-play: 34Non-computer self study:23Case study: 43Satellite TV: 8CD-ROM/DVD/Diskettes:50Computer based games/simulations: 10Non- Computer based games/simulations: 21

3113. Video conferencing: 1914. Experiential programs: 2015. internet/intranet/Extranet: 5416. Performance support:4017. Virtual reality:232Traditional training methodsPresentation methodsHands-on methodsGroup building methods

Presentation methodsThe facts, processes, and problem-solving methods.It includes lectures, workbooks and manuals, CD-ROMs and games.331. Variations of lecture methodStandard LectureTeam TeachingGuest SpeakersPanelsStudent Presentations

2. Audiovisual Techniques overheads, slides and video.34Hands-on methodsTrainee is actively involved in learning. On-the-job TrainingSelf-Directed LearningApprenticeshipSimulationsCase StudiesBusiness GamesRole PlaysBehavior Modeling

35Methods of TrainingLearners listen and watchLecturesReadings (assignments, handouts)Demonstrations (live, flimed)

Learners listen ,watch, read, and/or moveSkitsField tripsFree from note takingStructured discussionsProgrammed instruction36Methods of TrainingLearners listen ,watch, read, and/or move, write or respondPannel DiscussionsStructured discussions Pannel Discussions by studentsTopical discussionsQuestion-answer panelsCognet (several people reading the same material, discussing)Open forum discussionsBehavior modelling

37Methods of TrainingLearners manipulateInteractive demonstrationsPerformance try-outsLearners make decisions or products; invest values and experience in decreasingly explicit designsBrainstormingTraditional Case studiesAction mazes (programmed case study)Incident process (problem solving task)Jigsaws (pieces to integrated picture)

38Methods of TrainingLearners make decisions or products; invest values and experience in decreasingly explicit designsIn-basketsTeam tasks , Buzzgroups and SyndicatesAgenda setting buzzgroupsRoleplaysReverse roleplaysDoubling roleplaysRotation roleplaysFinding metaphors (emotions- beast)-collagesSimulationsGames

39Methods of TrainingLearners make decisions or products; invest values and experience in decreasingly explicit designsClinicsCritical incidentFishbowlsT-groupsHot roleplays (spontanoeus)OD Data gathering

40Evaluation of TrainingKrikpatricks method of evaluationReactionLearningBehavioral changesPerformance improvement

What should Training Rooms be likeCriteria For Learning RoomsFlexibilityFor this type of activitydimensionsConference23-25 sq. ft. per participantClassroom15-17 sq. ft. per participantTheatre9-10 sq. ft. per participantMeals11.1/2 -12.1/2sq. ft. per dinerReceptions8.1/2-9.1/2 sq. ft. per guest42What should Training Rooms be likeIsolationLighting controlComputer Assisted Instruction (CAI) EquipmentVentilation

43Room Arrangement44Room ArrangementInputProcessOutputInstructional MaterialInstructional EquipmentTrainee and Trainer ManualsFacilitiesDry runPilot ProgramTraining ImplementationEvaluation Implementation and Assessment of Utility45Tips For Trainers 1. Preparation2. The Beginning of Training3. Setting the Tone ( Dress , Podium)4. Listening and Questioning5. Providing Instructions6. Dealing with Different Traineesi. Quiteii. Talkativeiii. Angryiv. The Comedian46