training artificial neural networks for fuzzy...

Complex Syst ems 6 (1992) 443-457 Training A rtificial Neural Networks for Fuz zy Logic Ab hay B ulsari* Kemisk-tekniska fakulteten, Abo Ak ademi , SF 20500 Turku jAbo, Finland Abstract. Problems requiring inferencing with Boolean logic have been implemented in perceptrons or feedforward networks, and some attempts have been made to implement fuzzy logic based inferencing in similar networks. In thi s pap er, we present producti ve networks , which are artificial neural networks, meant for fuzzy logic based inferencing. The nodes in these networks collect an offset product of the inputs, fur ther offset by a bias. A meaning can be assigned to each node in such a network , since the offsets must be either -1 , 0, or l. Earlier, it was shown t hat fuzzy logic inferencing could be per- formed in productive networks by manually sett ing t he offsets. Thi s procedure, however, encountered criticism, since there is a feeling that neural networks should involve tr aining. We describe an algorithm for tr aining productive networks from a set of training instances. Unlike feedforward neural networks with sigmoidal neurons , these networks can be trained with a small number of training instan ces. The three main logical operations t hat form the basis of inferenc- ing- NOT , OR, and AND-can be implemented easily in productive networks. The networks derive their name from the way the offset product of inputs forms the activation of a node. 1. Int roduc ti on Problems requiring inferencing with Boolean logic have been implemented in percep tr ons or feedforward networks [1], and some att em pts have been made to implement fuzzy logic based inferencing in similar networks [2] . However , feedf orward n eural networks with sigmoidal act ivat ion functions can not acc urately evaluate fuzzy logic expressions using the T-norm (see section 2.1). Therefore, a n eur al network arch itect ure was prop osed [3] in wh ich the elem entar y fuzzy logic oper ation s could be performed acc ur a te ly. (For a good overview of fuzzy logic, see [4, 5].) A n eur al network archit ecture was desired for which the tedious tas k of t raining could be avoided, and *On leave from Lappeenranta University of Technology. Electronic mail address: abul sar i @abo. fi

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Page 1: Training Artificial Neural Networks for Fuzzy Artificial Neural Networks for Fuzzy Logic 445 Since Boolean logic

Complex Systems 6 (1992) 443-457

Training A rtificial Neural Networks for Fuzzy Logic

Abhay B ulsari*Kemisk-tekniska fak ulteten, Abo Akademi ,

SF 20500 Turku jAbo, Finland

Abstract. P roblems requiring inferencing with Boolean logic havebeen implemented in percept rons or feedforward networks, and someattempts have been made to implement fuzzy logic based inferencing insimilar networks. In this pap er, we present producti ve networks , whichare art ificial neur al networks, meant for fuzzy logic based inferencing.The nod es in t hese networks collect an offset product of the inputs,further offset by a bias. A meaning can be assigned to each node insuch a network , since the offsets must be eit her -1 , 0, or l.

Earlier , it was shown that fuzzy logic inferencing could be per­formed in productive networks by manu ally setting t he offsets. Thi sprocedure, however , encountered crit icism, since t here is a feeling t hatneural networks should involve tr aining. We describe an algorit hm fortraining pro duct ive networks from a set of training inst ances. Unlikefeedforward neur al networks with sigmoida l neurons , these networkscan be tra ined wit h a small number of t ra ining instances.

T he three main logical operations that form the basis of inferenc­ing- NOT, OR , and AND-can be implemented easily in productivenetworks. T he network s derive their nam e from t he way the offsetproduct of inpu ts forms the act ivation of a node.

1. Introduction

Problem s requir ing inferen cing with Boolean logic have been implementedin perceptrons or feedforward network s [1], and some attem pts have beenmade to implement fuzzy logic based inferencing in similar netwo rk s [2] .However , feedforward neural networks with sigmo idal activation fun ct ionscannot accurately evaluate fuzzy logic express ions using the T-norm (seesec t ion 2.1). Therefor e, a neural netwo rk architecture was proposed [3] inwh ich the elem entary fuzzy logic op erations could be performed acc ura te ly.(For a good overview of fuzz y logic, see [4, 5].) A neural network ar chit ecturewas desired for which t he te d ious task of t raining could be avoided, and

*On leave from Lappeenranta University of Technology. Electronic mail address:abulsar i

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444 A bhay Bulsari

in which each node carried a specific meaning. Productive networks, asthen defined, offered many advantages (as described in [3]). It was shownthat fuzzy logic inferencing could be performed in productive networks bymanually set t ing t he offsets. This pro cedure, however , encountered crit icism,since there is a feeling that neural networks should involved training.

With minor modificat ion- namely, the addit ion of the disconnectingoffset- it is now poss ible to begin with a network of a size as large or largerthan required, and train it with a few training instances. Because of thenature of productive networks, a small numb er of t raining instances sufficesto train a network wit h many more parameters. The parameters must takethe values -1, 0, or l.

These modified productive networks retain most of the useful featuresof t he previous design . It is st ill possible to manually set the offsets forwell-defined problems of fuzzy logic. Each node st ill carr ies a meaning inthe same manner as before. The networks are very similar to feedforwardneural net works in st ructure. However , extra connect ions are permissible,which was not the case previously. A price has been paid for this increasedflexibility, in the form of a more complicated calculat ion of t he net input toa node.

2. The basic fuzzy logical operations

T here is increasing interest in the use of fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets, for variousapplicat ions. Fuzzy logic makes it possible to have shades of grey between t hetruth values of °(false) and 1 (t rue). Statements such as "the temp eratureis high" need not have crisp t ruth values, and this flexibili ty has permittedthe development of a wide range of applications, from consumer products tothe control of heavy machinery. Fuzzy expert systems are expert syst emsthat use fuzzy logic based inferencing.

Almost all logical operat ions can be represented as combinat ions of NOT(rv), OR (V), and AND (1\) operations . If the truth value of A is represent edas t (A ), then we shall assume that

t( rvA) = 1 - t (A )

t(A V B ) = t( A) + t (B ) - t (A ) t(B)

t(A 1\ B ) = t (A ) t( B )

The OR equation shown above can be modified to a more suitable formas follows:

A V B = rv(rvA 1\ rvB )

t(A V B) = 1 - (1- t(A) )(l - t( B ))

which is equivalent to the equation shown above, but is in a more usefulform . Similarly, for three operands, one can write

t (A 1\ B 1\ C ) = t(A)t(B)t(C)

t (A V B V C) = 1 - (1 - t( A))( l - t(B ))( l - t (C ))

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Since Boolean logic is a special case of fuzzy logic (in which truth values areeither 0 or 1), product ive networks can be used for Boolean logic as well.

2.1 U nfit ness of the sigmoid

We have yet to explain why fuzzy logic cannot be implemented in feedforwardnetworks with sigmoidal activat ion func t ions. Such networks have a smoothtransit ion from the "yes" to the "no" st ate , and are said to have a gracefuldegrad at ion.

A /\ B can be performed in a feedforward neur al network by cr (t (A ) +t (B) - 1.5), where a is the sigmoid funct ion from 0 to 1. This procedure hastwo major limitations. The t ruth value of A /\ B is a function of the sum oftheir individual truth values, which is far from t he result of equations givenabove. T his truth value is almost zero until their sum appr oaches 1.5, andafter that it is almost one. The width of th is transit ion can be adjust ed , butthe character of the funct ion remains the same. If t (A ) = 1 and t( B ) = 0,t( A /\ B ) is not exact ly zero.

Another objection to t he use of the sigmoid is more serious. Usingcr (t (A ) + t(B ) - 1.5) to calculate t(A /\ B ) yields the following result :

t((A /\ B ) /\ C) # t (A /\ (B /\ C ))

3. P roductive n etworks

A product ive network, as defined here, no longer imposes a limit on the num­ber of connect ions, as do feedforward networks. The ext raneous connect ionsdo not mat ter since t heir weights can be set to zero. Each node plays ameaningful role in these networks. It collects an offset product of inputs,further offset by a bias. For example, the act ivat ion of the node shown infigure 1 can be written as

when the offsets are 0 or 1. If an offset is - 1, it effectively disconnects thelink. In general,

a = Wo -IIpWj-Xj ) [ 1+ ~Wj (l -Wj ) 1 1

T hus, if an offset is - 1, it only mult iplies the product by 1. The output ofthe node is the absolute value of the act ivat ion, a.

y = lal

T he nond ifferentiability of the activat ion func tion is not a problem. ev­ertheless, if desired , the act ivat ion function can be mad e cont inuous by

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D "iJ node

offset ~


Figure 1: A node in a productive neural network.


Abhay Bulseti


Figure 2: Inver ting an input in a producti ve network

replacing it with a product of the argument and the -1 to 1 sigmoid, with alarge gain , (3:

y = a ( -1 + 2-1-+-ex-~---;-(-- (3----=-a---:-) )

The offset , Wj, shifts t he value of the input by some amount , usually 0 or1. The input remains unaffected when the offset is 0, and a logical inverse(negation) is t aken when the offset is 1. In addit ion to the offset inputs, thereis a bias, Wo , which further offset s the product of the offset input s.

The productive network has several nodes with one or more inputs (seefigures 6 and 8). The inputs should be positive numb ers j; 1. Each of thenodes has a bias, alternat ively called th e offset of the node. A bias of 0 or-1 has the same effect-a node offset of zero is the same as not I having anode offset . The output is a positive numb er :::; 1. Producti ve networks areso named because of the multiplication of inputs at each node.

4. Implementation of the basic fuzzy logical operations

To show that one can repr esent any complicated fuzzy logic operat ion inproduct ive networks, it suffices to show that t he three basic operations canbe implemented in this framework.

The simplest operation, NOT, requires an offset only, which can be pro­vided by the input link (as shown in figure 2). Alternati vely, t his offset canbe provided by th e bias instead of the link, with the same result .

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Training Artificial Neural Networks for Fuzzy Logic


Figure 3: Applying AND to three inputs in a productive network


Figure 4: Applying OR to three inputs in a product ive network


AND is also implemented in a facile manner in this framework. It needsonly the product of the truth values of its arguments; hence, neither the linksnor the bias have offsets (as shown in figure 3, for three inpu ts).

On the other hand, OR needs offsets on all t he inpu t links, as well as ont he bias (see figure 4). The offsets for OR and AND indicate that they aretwo extremes of an operat ion, which would have offset s between 0 and 1. Inother words, one can perform a 0.75 AND and a 0.25 OR of two operand s Aand B by set ting Wo = 0.25, W I = 0.25, and W 2 = 0.25.

Figure 5 shows how ~A V B can be imp lement ed. This is equivalent toA implies B (A * B ).

If the funct ions clar ity (A) and fuzziness(A) are defined as

clari ty(A) = 1 - fuzziness(A )

fuzziness(A) = 4 x t(A 1\ ~A),

t hey can then be calcu lated in this framework.

Figure 5: ~XI V X2

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Figure 6: Network configuration for A XOR B


input s

Abhay Bulsari

5. I llustrations of the manual setting of offsets

Applying AND and OR operations over several inpu ts can be performed by asingle node. If some of th e inpu ts must be inverted, t his can be accomplishedby changing the offset of the part icular link. T hus, not only can a single nodeperform A I\E I\ C and A v E V C, but also A I\ E I\ ~C (which would requi reWo = 0, W I = 0, Wz = 0, and W 3 = 1.) However , operations that requirebr ackets for expression- for example, (A V E) 1\ C-require more t han onenode.

An exclusive OR appl ied two var iables-A XOR E - can also be writtenas (A VE ) 1\ ~(A 1\ E ). Each of the bracketed expressions requires one node,with one more nod e required to perform AND between th em (see figure 6). (AXOR E ) can also be written as (A v E) I\ (~AV~E) , or (A I\~E) V(~A I\ E) ,

each of which could result in different configurations.A program, SNE, was developed to evaluate the outputs of a productive

network ; an output for this XOR problem is shown in App endix A. Feed­forward neur al network st udies often begin with t his prob lem, fit tin g fourpoints with nine weights by backpropagation. (P roduct ive networks also re­quire nine parameters, but fit the ent ire range of truth values between 0and 1.) Figure 7 shows the XOR values for fuzzy arguments. t (A ) increasesfrom left to right , t(E) increases from top to bottom, and the values in thefigure are ten times th e rounded value of t(A XOR E ).

In [1], a small set of rules was prese nted, designed to govern the select ionof the type and mode of operation of a chemical reactor carrying out a singlehomogeneous reaction. As defined, there are regions in the state space (forexamp le, between rO/rl = 1.25 and 1.6) where none of the rules may appl y.In fact , thes e were meant to be fuzzy regions, to be filled in a subsequentwork such as this one. T he set of rules has th erefore been slight ly modified ,and is given below. There are two choices for the type of reactor , st irred-tank

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Training Artificial Neural Networks for Fuzzy Logic

00111 1 2 2 2 2333 3 4 444 555566 6 6 777788 8 8 9 9 99***

001 11 1 2 2 2 233 3 34444555566 6 6 6 7 7778 9 8 8 9 9 9 9.*

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 33344444 555 5 6 6 6 6 6 77778 a 8 8 8 9 9 99*

1 111 2 2 2 2 333 3 34444s ssss e e e e e7777 7 s a e a a 9 999

111 2 2 2 2 3 3 333444 44s s sss e e e e e 7 7 7 7 7 s e a a e S 9 9 9

11 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 33444 4 4 s s sssse e e e e 7 77 7 77 a a a a a S9 92 222233333 3 4 4 4445555 5 566666777777788aaa8 922 2 2333 3 3 344444s s s s ssee S 6 6 S 6 77 7 7 7 7 7 e e e a a e2 2233333344444 4sssss s eeeeeeS77 7 77777eaaa a22 3 3 3 3 3 3444444 S s s s s sseee e e e e e 777 7 7 7 7 7 7 a ae33 3 3 3 3 3444444S S s s s ssseee e e e e SS77 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 8

3 3 33 3 4444444 S S S 56 S SSS6eSe S6 6 Ge67 77 7 777777333344 44444SS 5 s s s s sseseee S S 6GGe67 7 7 7 7 7777334444444 4SSS S S S S SSS6ase e e eeeG6S66 77 7 77 7 7444 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 67

4 4444445 5555S G G S S S 566666 6e6 ese6666 6 e eeese

4 4444 S 5 55555 5 5 5 5 5 556666 e S S SS6666S6 6 6 6 666S

4 445 S 5 S S S SSS55 S S S S666S66666666666 6 6 6 6 6 666

55 5 5 S 5 S 5 S5555 5 S S 5 e 66666e 6 6 6 6666666 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

5 5 5SSSSSSSS S SSS66666 66666666ee e e e65S555 5 5

5 S S S S S S 5 SS5S6 6 6 e e e eeeeee e e e e e S 5 S 5 S S S S S S SS

55 5 5 5 ss e 6eeee6 6 s e eeeee e e e e S S S S55 5 S S S S S S S S

sees e e e ee666e6 e s se6ee6 e 6 S S S S S S55 5 S S S S S SSS

666 6 6 6 6 6 66666e S S 666 6 66 6 S S 5 5 5 S55 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 444

S6666 s e 66eS666e eee66se55 5 S 5 S 5S5S 5 5 S S 44444

6 66 e e s e e eeeS6ee e eee666 S S S S S 555SSSS4444444

7 e eeeS6eee e s e 6ese 6 6 6 6 S 55SSS 5 5 S 5S444444 4 4 4

7777777seeeeeeseeeeee5S S 5 S S5SSS4444444433

7777 7 77776 6 6666 666e665 5 5 5 5 55554 4 44444 3333

777777777766e e e e 6 e66SS S 5 5 S 5 SS444444433333

8777777777766 6 6 e e 6 6655 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 44443 3 3 3333

a a S777 7 7 7 7 77eee s esse5S55 5 S S4444443 3 3 3 3 322

aaaaa777777 776eeess e 5 5SS5S4444 4 43333332 2 2

a aaaaa77777 7 766eeeeeSSSSSS4 4 4 4 4 333333222 2

9aaaaea7777 7 776eee655555544444 3 3333322222

9 9 aaaaaS777777eee665 SS5554444 4 333332222 1 1

9 g 9 S e e e S S 77 7 7 7 e e e e 655 5 S 5 4 444433 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 111

9g9 9 S e 8 8 8 7 77 7 7 6 6 6 6 6555 5 5 444 4 3333 3 2 2 2 211 11

* g 999a8aaa77776ee665 5 554 444433332222 1 1 1 1 1

** 9 9 9 9 8 a a 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 S 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0

*** 9 9 9 g e 8 887777 6 e 66555 5 4444 3333 2 2 2 2111100

Figure 7: A XOR B


or tubular; and two choices for the mode of operation, cont inuous or batch.In the following rules these choices are assumed to be mutually exclusive;that is, the sum of their truth values is 1.

1. If the reaction is highly exothermic or highly endothermic-say 15kCaljgm mol (else we call it athermal)-select a stirred-t ank reactor .

2. If the reaction mass is highly viscous (say 50 cent ipoise or more) , selecta st irre d-tank reacto r.

3. If the reactor type is tubular, the mode of operation is cont inuous.

4. If rO frl < 1.6, prefer a cont inuous st irred tank reactor.

5. If rO frl > 1.6, the reacti on mass is not very viscous, and t he reactionis quite athermal, prefer a tubular reactor.

6. If rOfrl > 1.6, the react ion mass is not very viscous, bu t the react ionis not atherrnal, pr efer a st irre d-tank reactor operated in batch mode.

7. If rO frl > 1.6, the react ion mass is quit e viscous, and the react ion isatherrn al, prefer a st irred-tank reactor operated in batch mode.

8. If the production rate is very high compared to the rate of reactionr l (say 12 m3 or more), and rO frl > 5, prefer a st irred-tank reactoroperated in batch mode.

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450 Abhay Bulsari

9. If the product ion rate is very high compared to t he rate of react ionr l (say 12 m3 or more) , and rO/r l < 5, pr efer a st irred-tank reactoroperat ed in cont inuous mod e.

10. If r O/rl ~ 1.6, the reaction mass is quit e viscous, and t he react ion isnot athermal, prefer a st irre d-tank reactor operated in batch mode.

ro is t he rate of reaction under inlet conditions, and rl is t he rate of reactionunder exit condit ions. If t heir rati o is large, a plug-flow (tubular) reactorrequires significantly less volume t han a st irred-t ank reacto r operated con­tinuously. A st irred-tank reactor operated in batch mode is similar to aplug-flow reactor when the length coordinate of the tubular reactor resem­bles time in a batch reactor. The aim of [1] was to invest igate the feasibility ofimplementi ng a fuzzy selection expert system in a productive neur al network;hence, t he heurist ics enumerated above are typical. They are not necessarilyt he best set of ru les for select ing reactors for single homogeneous react ions;neither are they complete .

Figure 8 shows the implementation of t hese heuristics in a productive net­work. It is much simpler t han a feedforward neur al network; it requires notraining, and does not have too many connect ions (weights) . T he offset s areeither 0 or 1, un like the weights (which can have any value between - 00 and(0). Of course, it also calculates the fuzzy truth values for the select ion oftype and mode of operation of a chemical reactor. It is a litt le more reliablesince the function of each of the nodes in the network is known an d under­st ood , and there is no quest ion of the sufficiency of t he number of t ra ininginstances. It may not be possible to represent every expression in two layers.Having severa l layers, however, is not problematic for pro duct ive networks,

Jt hough it does cause difficulty in training feedforward neur al networks.

It may be recalled t hat the inputs to product ive networks are t ruth valuesbetween 0 and 1. The five inpu ts to t he network shown in figure 8 are

A t(rO / rl < 1.6)

B t (p, < 50)

C t ( I~Hrxn l < 15)D t (rO/ rl < 5)

E t(F/ rl < 12)

These truth values can be calculated (using a ramp or a sigmoid) based oncriteria for t he width of fuzziness. (For example, for A, t( rO/ r l < 1.2) = 1and t(rO/rl > 2.0) = 0, with a linear int erpolat ion in between.) Appendix Bshows results of this system with clear inputs (t rut h values of 0 or 1). Forconfirmation, these results were fed into an inductive learning program. Thisprogram was able to elicit the heuristics for select ing a st irr ed-t an k for con­t inuous operation-A V evB V evCV E) and (A V (B 1\ C) V (D 1\ E ). T his,in effect, was th e same as (A V (evA 1\ B 1\ C) V (D 1\ E )), implemented inthe network directly from the heurist ics. It was also confirmed th at the im­plausible select ion of a tubular reactor operated in batch mode never too kplace.

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Training Artificial Neural Networks for Fuzzy Logic 451

A B c D B

Figure 8: Fuzzy-select ion expert system in a productive network

6. Limitations of productive net works lacking the disconnectingoffset

If the inputs and outputs of a fuzzy logical operation are given, and if onewants a product ive network to learn t he corre lat ion, it is almost impossiblewit hout the disconnecting offset . A pr oduct ive network without the discon­nect ing offset (- 1) cannot be easily trained. There is no way to swit ch offan outpu t from a node that is connect ed . One must decide t he connectiv itybeforehand-which can be, at best, good guesswork.

The produ ctive network is intended primar ily for representing fuzzy log­ical operations, and can of course do Boolean logic. That , however, is itslimit. It has hardly any other application.

7. Illustrations of t ra in ing productive networks

T he training of neural network s is intended to reduce the sum of th e squaresof errors (SSQ) to a minimum , where the errors are th e differences betweenthe desired and t he actua l neural network out put s. In feedforward neur alnetworks, it is sufficient to minimize th e SSQ; in pro ductive networks , how­ever , it should be reduced to zero when the training inst ances are known tobe accur ate.

There are a finite number of possibilit ies for t he weight vector. This ispresumably an NP-complete problem. For a network with N weights , thereare 3N possibilities. It is therefore clear that searching the ent ire space is notfeasible when N exceeds 7 or 8. To solve this problem we present a simplealgorit hm in the next subsection. Training is performed by mod ifying theoffsets in a discret e manner (varying among -1, 0, and 1). The essence ofthis algorithm is similar to th e Hooke and Jeeves method [6].

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452 A bhay Bulsari

Since there is a disconnect ing offset (-1) , it is permissible to have morenodes than necessary. T here is no over-parametrization in these networks;but an over-evaluat ion of fuzzy expressions is possible when there are ext ranodes, and t his can result in wrong outputs. The exac t number of nodescan be determined if a complete set of t raining instances (all '2fVin cases) isavailable; bu t t his requires t he approach of the previous work , which has beenst rongly crit icized. Despit e the fact that many respectable people in the fieldof neural networks think that training is necessary, or t hat "a network is aneur al network only if it can be t rained," we maintain t hat t his is not theright way to const ruct productive networks.

7.1 T he training algorithm

Hooke and Jeeves [6] proposed a zero-order optimization method , which looksfor the direction in which the obj ect ive funct ion improves by varying oneparameter at a t ime. Derivatives are not required. When no improvement ispossible, t he step size is reduced. In the problem under considerat ion here,each parameter (offset ) must t ake one of only three values. Hence, whena parameter is being considered for its effect on the object ive function, thethree cases are compared , and the one with the lowest SSQ is chosen.

Parameters to be considered for their effect on the SSQ can be chosensequent ially or randomly. Wi th a sequent ial consideration of parameters, thesearch process often falls into cycles that are difficult to identi fy, stoppingonly at t he limit of the maximum number of iterations. With a randomconsideration of parameters, t he algorithm takes on a stochastic nat ure andis very slow, but does not fall into such cycles. Nevertheless, the sequen­ti al considerat ion is found to be preferable for the kinds of problems to beconsidered in sect ions 7.2 and 7.3.

Typical out puts of a program (SNT) implementing t his algorithm arepresent ed in App endices C and D. The algorithm is fast and reliable. Itruns into local mini ma at t imes (like any optimizat ion algorithm would on aproblem with several minima), but since it is relatively fast , it is easy to t rydifferent init ial guesses . Because of the network architecture , it is possibleto interpret int ermediate results , even, presumably, at every iterat ion. Thealgorithm worked quite well with the problems considered in t his pap er.

7.2 The XOR problem

The XOR problem essent ially consists of the t raining of a pro ductive networkto perform fuzzy XOR operation on two inpu ts. With eight t raining instancesit was possible to train (2, 2,1) and (2, 3,1) network s easily, while (2,1 ) and(2,1 , 1) networks could not learn t he operat ion. Appendix C presents theresults of t raining a (2,3 , 1) network.

It is easy to interpret the results of training t hese networks. T he (2, 1)network learned A A E from the eight t ra ining instances. The SSQ was1.038. The (2, 1, 1) network learned ~A A E , result ing in t he same SSQ,1.038. These results are dependent on t he initial guesses (to t he extent t hat

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Training Artificial Neural Networks for Fuzzy Logic 453

a different logical expression may result from a different initial guess), but(2, 1) and (2, 1, 1) would not have an SSQ of less than 1.038. The (2,2, 1)network learned it perfectl y, as (A V B) 1\ ("-'A V ,,-,B) . The (2, 3, 1) networkonce ran into a local minimum , with SSQ = 1.038, expressing (,,-,B) 1\ ("-'A 1\

"-'B ) 1\ ("-'B ). As shown in App endix C, this network can also learn (A VB) 1\ ("-'A V ,,-,B) , ignor ing one of the nodes in t he hidden layer, which was"-'(A 1\ B ).

With four t raining instances (all clear inp uts and outp ut s) , the samenetworks were again trained by th e algorithm described above. Unfortu­nately, there is no way to prevent th e networ k from learning (A V B) as(A 1\ ,,-,B) V ("-'A 1\ B ) V (A 1\ B) V B. A is equivalent to as A V A or A 1\ Ain Boolean logic, bu t not in fuzzy logic, given t he way we have calculatedconjunctions and disjunctions. T herefore, if one starts with clear t raininginstances (no fuzzy inpu ts or output s) , the network may learn one of th eexpressio ns that is equivalent in Boolean logic. Fort unately, however , t herewas a tendency to leave hidden nodes unused . T he (2,2 , 1) network learnedthe XOR function as ,,-,(A V ,,-,B) V (A 1\ ,,-,B) . The (2, 5, 1) network alsolearned it correc t ly as ("-'A 1\ B ) V "-'("-'A V B ) without adding ext raneousfeatures from the hidden layar (leaving 3 nodes unused) .

7.3 The chem ical reactor selection pr oblem

The chemical reactor select ion heur istics listed in sect ion 5 can also be taughtto product ive networks from the 32 clear training inst an ces (see App endix B).The (5,5 ,2) , (5,6 ,2) , (5, 8, 2) , and (5, 10,2) networks were able to learn thecorrect expressions, with an SSQ of 0.00. The number of iterations requiredwas between 200 and 3000, but each iterati on took very little time. Thetypical run t imes on a microVax II were between 1 and 10 minutes.

The (5,5 , 2) network used only four hidden nodes, the minimum required .T he (5,8,2) and (5,10,2) network s used seven and eight nodes, respect ively.T hey typically had one or two nodes simply duplicat ing the inpu t (or itsnegation). The results obtained with the (5,8 ,2) network are shown in Ap­pendix D.

7.4 Limitations of the t raining approach

In Boolean logic, (A V B) can also be written as (A 1\ ,,-,B) V ("-'A 1\ B)V (A 1\

B ) v B . A is equivalent to as A V A or A 1\ A in Boolean logic, but not infuzzy logic, given the way we have calculated conjunctions and disjuncti ons.Therefore, if one star ts with clear trai ning inst ances (no fuzzy inpu ts oroutputs) , the network may learn one of the expressions t hat is equivalent inBoolean logic.

It is not easy to obtain training instances with fuzzy outputs. It is alwayspossible to set the offsets manu ally, once the logical expression is known.Training is apparent ly an NP- complete problem. Networks cannot be t ra inedsequent ially like, as in backpropagation.

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8. Conclusions

Product ive networks, intended for fuzzy logic based inferencing, have fuzzytruth values as inputs. The nodes collect an offset produ ct of the inpu ts,further offset by a bias . A meaning can be assigned to each node, and thusone can determine the number of nodes required to perform a part icular t ask.Training is not required for problems of fuzzy logic, but the offsets are fixedusing t he pr oblem statement .

The three pr imary logical opera t ions (NOT , OR, and AND), which formthe basis of inferencing , can be implemented easily in productive networks.The offset s are either 0 or 1, and the nodes do not have complete connect ivityacross adjacent layers (as do feedforward neural networks).

Product ive networks are much simpler when compared to feedforwardneural networks. T hey require no t ra ining , and do not have too many con­nect ions (weights) . T heir offsets are either 0 or 1 (unlike the weights , whichcan have any value between - 00 and (0). They are a lit tle more reliab le,since the function of each of the nodes in the network is known and under­stood. Having several layers is not problematic for productive networks. Adisconnect ing offset of - 1 permits t ra ining, which can be accomplished withvery few inst ances. One need not know the number of nodes required.

Due to t he significant advantages of productive networks over feedforwardnetworks, they could find more widespread use in problems involving fuzzylogic.

Appendix A. A typical output from SNE

Number of input and output nodes :Number of hidden layers : 1Number of nodes in each hidden layerNumber of offsets : 9Print option 0/1/2 1Offsets taken from fi le xor . i n

0 . 5000 0 . 5000 0.5625

layer 2 0 .5625layer 1 0 .7500 0.2500layer 0 0 .5000 0 .5000

0.7500 0 .2500 0.6602

layer 2 0 .6602layer 1 0 .81 25 0 .1875layer 0 0 .7500 0 .2500

0 .2500 0 .7500 0 .6602


2 1

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Training Artificial Neural Networks for Fuzzy Logic

layer 2 0 .6602layer 1 0 .8125 0 . 1875layer 0 0 .2500 0 .7500

0.3333 0 .3333 0 .4938

layer 2 0 .4938layer 1 0 .5556 0 .1111layer 0 0 .3333 0.3333

Appendix B. Results of reactor selection with clear inputs

Number of input and output nodes : 5 2Number of hidden layers : 1Number of nodes in each hidden layer 4Number of offsets : 20Print option 0/1/2 : 0Offsets taken from file SEL. I N

0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 1 1 00 0 0 1 0 1 00 0 0 1 1 1 10 0 1 0 0 1 00 0 1 0 1 1 00 0 1 1 0 1 00 0 1 1 1 1 10 1 0 0 0 1 00 1 0 0 1 1 00 1 0 1 0 1 00 1 0 1 1 1 10 1 1 0 0 0 10 1 1 0 1 1 10 1 1 1 0 0 10 1 1 1 1 1 11 0 0 0 0 1 11 0 0 0 1 1 11 0 0 1 0 1 11 0 0 1 1 1 11 0 1 0 0 1 11 0 1 0 1 1 11 0 1 1 0 1 11 0 1 1 1 1 11 1 0 0 0 1 11 1 0 0 1 1 11 1 0 1 0 1 1


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Appendix C. A typical output from SNT

Thi s i s the output from SNT .

Number of i nput and output nodes 2 1Number of hidden l ayer s : 1Number of nodes in each hidden layer 3Number of offsets : 13Print option 0/1/2 1The offsets taken from WTS .IN-1 - 1 -1 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 -1 - 1 - 1 -1 - 1 -1

Number of i terat ions : 500

Number of patterns in t he input file 8The offsets W » > 1 to 13

1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1

The residuals F >>> 1 to 8 :O.OOOOOE+OOO.OOOOOE+OOO.OOOOOE+OOO.OOOOOE+OOO.OOOOOE+OO0 .43750E-040 .43750E-04O.OOOOOE+OO

SSQ: 0 .38281E-08

Appendix D. An output from SNT for the chemical reactorselection heuristics

Thi s i s t he output from SNT .

Number of input and output nodesNumber of hidden l ayer s: 1Number of nodes in each hidden l ayerNumber of offsets : 66Print option 0/ 1/ 2 : 0Seed f or random number generation



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Training Artificial Neural Networks for Fuzzy Logic 457

Number of iterations : 1000

Number of patterns in the input fil e 32The of f sets W» > 1 t o 66

1 1 0 0 -1 -1 0 1 0 -1 -1 0 1 0 0 -11 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 1 - 1 11 -1 - 1 0 0 1 -1 -1 - 1 -1 -1 0 1 -1 -1 01 1 1 0 1 -1 -1 0 -1 1 0 -1 0 1 0 00 0



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