training and development in unicon

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  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    Student declaration Acknowledgement



    Scope of the study

    Company profile

    H.R. in Unicon investment solution

    raining and development process

    !"#ective of the study

    Research methodology

    $indings and analysis








  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    I QUDESHIA KHATOON student of )'A III from Dewan Vs institute of

    Engineering and Tecno!og"# $eerut Here "y declares that the pro#ect report


    INVEST$ENT SOLUTION+ is completed and su"mitted under the valua"le

    guidance of *$r'Ta(ender Sing+ 'ranch )anager, it is my original work.

    he imperial finding in this report is "ased on the data collected "y me. his

    pro#ect has not "een su"mitted to U'&' Tecnica! Uni)ersit"# Luc*now or any

    other university for the purpose of compliance of any re-uirement of any

    eamination or degree.


    M.B.A. (III Sem)

    Roll No. - 0831170031


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    It is my pleasant duty to offer my service acknowledgement to those honora"le

    personalities of the department who have "een a constant source of help and

    encouragement in carrying out this pro#ect.

    $irst of all I wish to epress my inde"tness to )r. TA,ENDER SIN%H 0'ranch

    )anager, Unicon investment solution1+ for his valua"le suggestions and guidance

    throughout the pro#ect.

    $irst of all I wish to epress my inde"tness to $r' %aura) Kausi* -H'O'D'#

    $anage.ent/ for her valua"le suggestions and guidance throughout the pro#ect.

    his research would not have "een completed without friendly efforts of the all the

    concerned authorities. Also this pro#ect ena"les me to have the know2how of the

    effectiveness 3 working of the team spirit. Its we" like structure helps me to have

    added potential in myself to ad#ust easily to the tense 3 result oriented

    environment of the organi4ation.


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    he pro#ect report on 1Training 2 De)e!o3.ent 3rogra..e in UNICON

    INVEST$ENT SOLUTION# $eerut4 has "een successfully done in U6IC!6

    I678S)86 S!%UI!6, )eerut. It helped me to gain lots of eperience to

    motivate, to "ring out the maimum efficiency of the various 9epartment of

    Human Resources.

    his report enlightens the management skills used for the advancement of the

    employees. It "rings out the lowest input and maimum output to give maimum


    $urther motivations and ideas come from the various reference "ooks. Specially, I

    would "e thankful to the "ooks, *8valuation of Control of training+, )c :rawhill,

    *raining )ethodology and 9evelopment+. I would also like to remem"er the

    names of the persons who efficiently affected me in my training period to gain new


    )y efforts in presenting this pro#ect report will "y a"ly rewarded if the invigilator

    and my senior mem"ers satisfy with my pro#ect report. I would gratefully

    acknowledge the contri"ution of the faculty mem"ers "y way of "ringing to my


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    attention the errors and printing mistakes that might have inadvertently crept into

    the report.

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    Human resource development has in recent years "ecome the focus of attention of

    planner=s policy makers and administrators> Human resource development is the

    process of increasing the knowledge, skills and capacities of people. It is important

    riot only tar an enterprise "ut for a nation to develop its human resources.

    Human resource development encompasses two main components, which are

    significant in every organisation.


    he training in any organisation is a process employees are increased to perform

    specific, #o"s. !n the other hand education has wider scope and it is the process of

    increasing the "asic knowledge and under training of employees.


    raining and development of the employees go hand in hand. he development of

    any organisation depends on "etter training of the employees. 9evelopment is a

    long term educational process utili4es a systematic and organi4ed procedure "y

    which the managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for

    general purpose. raining is present for non2manager whereas development is

    provided to the managerial professionals.


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    In every organisation appropriate training programme is very necessary to achieve

    the training o"#ective training policy represents the commitment of top

    management to employee training. It consists to rules and procedure concerning


    he efficiency of,any programme depends on "est training policy in the company.

    Hence we can say that an ideal training programme Indicate the intention of., the

    Company to develop its employee@ provide appropriate opportunities to

    employees for their own "etterment, and identify critical areas where training is to

    "e given on a priority "asis.

    A good training policy therefore should he conducted to accelerate the growth of

    employees in the organi4ation.


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  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    U6IC!6 I678S)86 S!%UI!6, as a massive organisation is a pu"lic

    company with a huge manpower strength. his organisation deems to have the

    aggregate of a"out ;DDD employees in which U6IC!6 I678S)86

    S!%UI!6 )eerut handles the overall manpower capacity of a"out E5?D

    approimately. In the total, schedule caste and schedule tri"e constitute to (.D

  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    information pertaining to the socio2economic development that the employees

    avail "y o"taining suita"le training assistance from the organi4ation.



    U6IC!6 is a financial services company which has emerged as a one2stop

    investment solutions provider. It was founded in /DD; "y two visionary and

    flam"oyant entrepreneurs, )r. :a#endra 6agpal and )r. Ram ). :upta, who

    possess epertise in the field of $inance. he company is head-uartered in )eerut,

    and has its Corporate office in )um"ai with regional offices in Golkata, Chennai,

    Hydera"ad and 6oida

    U6IC!6 is a professionally managed company, lead "y a team with outstanding

    managerial acumen and cumulative eperience of more than /DD years in the

    financial markets. he company is supported "y more than 5

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    currency derivatives to de"t markets to corporate finance and portfolio

    management services. he company has a si4a"le presence in the distri"ution of

    5rd party financial products like mutual funds, insurance products and property

    "roking. It also provides epert Advisory on %ife Insurance, :eneral Insurance,

    )utual $unds and IP!=s. he distri"ution network is "acked "y in2house "ack

    office support to provide prompt and efficient customer service

    he 8-uity "roking arm U6IC!6 Securities Pvt. %td offers personali4ed

    premium services on the 6S8, 'S8 3 9erivatives market. he Commodity

    "roking arm Unicon Commodities Pvt. %td offers services in Commodity trading

    on 6C98J and )CJ. he U6IC!6 group also has a PC: division providing

    investments solutions for High 6et orth Individuals. he Corporate Advisory

    Services arm Unicon Capital Services 0P1 %td offers entire gamut of Investment

    'anking services to corporates.

    U6IC!6 can "oast of some of the most respected names in the Private 8-uity

    space like Se-uoia Capital and 6eus India Capital as its share holders.


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    $ission 2 Vision

    $ission 6

    o create long term value "y empowering individual investors through superior

    financial services supported "y culture "ased on highest level of teamwork,

    efficiency and integrity.

    Vision 6

    o provide the most useful and ethical Investment Solutions 2 guided "y values

    driven approach to growth, client service and employee development.


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    $r' %a(endra Nag3a!

    $ounder 3 C8!

    $r' Ra. $ %u3ta

    Co2$ounder 3 President

    $r' 8'&' Narang

    Head 2 $ied Income :roup

    $r' Sandee3 Arora

    Chief !perating !fficer

    $r' Vi*as $a!!an

    Chief $inancial !fficer,

    Head 9istri"ution

    $r' Trinad Kiran

    6ational Head082'roking1

    $r' Su9as Nag3a!

    9irector 2 Strategic

    Planning 3 9istri"ution

    $s' An(a!i $u*i(a

    Chief Compliance !fficer


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    $r' Vi(a" Co3ra

    6ational Head 0'usiness Alliances1

    $r' Anurag Na"ar

    Chief echnology !fficer

    $r' Asis Ku*re(a

    Head H6I Client Relations

    $s' Dee3a $oa.ed

    Head 2HR 3 raining

    $r' Sandee3 $aa(an

    Head 08-uity 'roking2!ffline


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    Unicon ie up with various insurance companies>

    (. ata AI: life insurance

    /. S'I life insurance

    5. )a new Kork life insurance

    ;. Unicon

  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon





    'rowser "ased trading terminal that can "e accessed "y a uni-ue I9 and password.

    his facility is availa"le to all our online customers the moment they get registered

    with us.


    rading at 6S8,'S8 and 9erivatives on single screen.

    Add multiple scrips on the market watch.

    :reater eposure for trading on the availa"le margin.

    Common window for display of market watch and order eecution.

    Real time updating of eposure and portfolio while trading.

    !ffline order placement facility.

    Stop2loss feature.

    Competitive 'rokerages.

    'anking integration with ICICI 'ank, H9$C 'ank 3 Ais 'ank.

    Proy link to ena"le trading "ehind firewalls.

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    Application "ased terminal for active traders. It provides "etter speed, greater

    analytical features 3 priority access to Relationship )anagers.


    rading at 6S8,'S8 and 9erivatives on single screen.

    Add any num"er of scrips in the )arket atch.

    ick "y tick live updation of Intraday chart.

    :reater eposure for trading on the margin availa"le

    Common window for market watch and order eecution.

    Gey "oard driven short cuts for punching orders -uickly.

    Real time updation of eposure and portfolio.

    $acility to customi4e any num"er of portfolios 3 watch lists.

    )arket depth, i.e. 'est < "ids and offers, updated live for all scripts.

    $acility to cancel all pending orders with a single click.

    Instant trade confirmations.

    'anking integration with ICICI 'ank, H9$C 'ank 3 Ais 'ank,3 'ank of

    India,3 Corporation 'ank, 3 Garnataka 'ank, 3 !riental "ank of Commerce, 3

    South Indian 'ank, 3 7i#ay 'ank and Kes 'ank.

    Stop2loss feature.

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    Unicon offers a uni-ue feature of a single screen trading platform in )CJ and

    6C98J.Unicon offers "oth !ffline 3 !nline trading platforms. Kou can alk in

    or place your orders through telephone at any of our "ranch locations

    !nline Commodity Internet trading Platform through Uni$le.

    %ive )arket atch for commodity market 06C98J, )CJ1 in one screen.

    Add any num"er of scrips in the )arket atch.

    ick "y tick live updation of Intraday chart.

    :reater eposure for trading on the margin availa"le

    Common window for market watch and order eecution.

    Gey "oard driven short cuts for punching orders -uickly.

    Real time updation of eposure and portfolio.

    $acility to customi4e any num"er of portfolios 3 watchlists.

    )arket depth, i.e. 'est < "ids and offers, updated live for all scripts.

    $acility to cancel all pending orders with a single click.

    Instant trade confirmations.

    Stop2loss feature.


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    Unicon De3ositor" Ser)ices offers demateriali4ation services as a participant in

    Central 9epository Services %imited 0C9S%1, through its 9epository operations.

    he company "elieves in efficient and cost2effective and integrated service support

    to its "rokerage "usiness. Unicon Securities Private %imited, as a depository

    participant, will offer depository accounts for individual investors as well as

    corporates which will ena"le them to transact in the demateriali4ed segment,

    without any hassles.

    9epository offer a safe, convenient way to hold securities as compared to holding

    securities in paper form. !ur service provides an integrated single platform for all

    our clients ensuring a risk free, efficient and prompt depository process.

    0aci!ities Offered 9" Unicon

    L 9e2materiali4ation>

    Kou can su"mit your physical shares at the Unicon "ranch for

    demateriali4ation into electronic form.

    L Re2materiali4ation>


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    Kou can also re-uest for Re2materiali4ation which ena"les you to convert the

    demateriali4ed shares into physical form.

    L ransfer>

    Inter and intra depository services are availa"le through which you can

    transfer shares.

    L IP!>

    Kou can apply for IP! using your demat account details and on allotment

    the securities are transferred directly to your demat account.

    L Corporate Actions>

    hile holding your insurance in demat account, in case you are eligi"le for

    any "onus and rights issues the allotment would "e transferred to your demat


    L 8asi>

    Kou can view your demat account over the Internet and avail a host of services.

    his facility empowers our clients to view, download, print updated holdings with

    respective valuations.


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    At Unicon you can invest in the Primary markets 0Initial Pu"lic !fferings1 online

    without going through the hassles of filling up any IP! application

    forms or any other paperwork.

    e shall make sure that you do not miss the opportunity to

    su"scri"eMinvest in a good IP! issue "y providing you an online IP!

    application form, transfer of funds online through secured payment

    :ateways of leading "anks like ICICI, H9$C, AJIS "ank.

    In addition to the a"ove we shall provide you with the In29epth

    analysis of the IP! issues which shall "e hitting the Indian )arkets

    in near future, IP! Calendar, analysis on the recent IP! listings,

    prospectus, offer documents and other IP! research reports so as to

    help you take an informed decision to invest in the IP! issues.

    !nline IP! facility is open to all our registered clients at no cost

    whatsoever. All you need is the following to su"scri"e online to the

    IP! issues>


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    Mutual Fund

    Unicon Provides epert advice to its clients for their investments in e-uity 3 de"t

    markets through )utual $unds.

    heir eperts advice you the "est investment solutions that suit you and help you to

    reach your financial goals.

    hey help you ascertain your risk profile 3 guide you with the right product mi

    which reduce your ta lia"ility, increase your savings 3 enhance your wealth.

    hether you have a conservative, medium or aggressive investment risk appetite,

    their eperts would guide you to "uild a portfolio to optimi4e the return of interest.

    C!assification of .utua! fund6

    (. 'y structure

    !pen2ended scheme

    Closed2ended scheme

    Interval schemes

    /. 'y investment o"#ective

    :rowth schemes

    Income schemes

    'alanced schemes

    )oney market schemes


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    5. 'y !ther Schemes

    a saving schemes

    Special schemes

    Inde Schemes

    Sector specific schemes


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    Unicon offers all products of :eneral Insurance under one um"rella. Unicon

    comprises of a team of distinguished professionals from insurance, finance and

    other management disciplines who have vast "usiness 3 managerial eperience.

    Unicon team evaluates the clientNs "usiness environment and studies the risk

    profile. "ased on the results of these evaluations, Unicon team then suggests the

    most cost effective , integrated insurance package that is perfectly suited to the

    clientNs risk profile.

    Unicon has a nationwide network of "ranches all over India, e-uipped with top

    -uality infrastructure facilities, to provide you prompt 3 efficient service.

    Life Insurance

    Unicon offers you a Peace of )ind "y offering various life insurance plans for

    your uni-ue 3 specific needs. !ur philosophy is that for every financial pro"lem,

    there is a solution also. And we are here to give you complete financial solutions.

    At the same time we offer you very Prompt 3 Relia"le Policy related service for

    enduring relationship.


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    hey offer a very wide range of products to fulfill your particular re-uirements.

    Kou can always have an access to our 5 'ranch !ffices situated at prime locations

    of the city, or you can call our Relationship )anager to guide on your Investments.

    $ollowing is the glimpse of %ife Insurance Plans>

    Protection Plans

    Investment Plans

    Child Plans

    RetirementMPension Plans

    Saving Plans

    6RI Plans

    Health Plans

    Investment Banking


    he Investment 'anking arm of Unicon Capital Services 0P1 %td. caters to the

    funding re-uirements of corporates. !ur wide eperience and market knowledge as


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    a leading securities firm ensures that clients= re-uirements are met at optimum cost.

    'y constantly improving our knowledge capital and remaining focused on client

    needs, we aim to create significant value for our clients "y helping them eecute

    the right capitali4ation strategy. e also intend to initiate merchant "anking

    services 0Capital )arkets $undraising1 in the short term 0)erchant 'anking

    %icense pending1


    &ri)ate E:uit" -&E/ S"ndication

    hey speciali4e in the syndication of the private e-uity for the Indian companies in

    high2growth markets on their capitali4ationMre2capitali4ation strategies, which

    helps them to achieve their growth targets. !ur team of professionals ensures

    complete confidentiality, strong focus on implementation and -uick turnaround

    time. Access to key decision makers at P8 funds gives us an edge in optimal

    structuring and efficient closure of transactions. hey service their clients through

    various stages of the P8 deal namely collateral preparation, investor short listing,

    commercial term sheet, due diligence and final closure.

    $ergers 2 Ac:uisitions -$2A/ Ad)isor"

    hey provide "oth "uy2side and sell2side advisory services as part of their )3A

    advisory offering. hey advise clients during the entire transaction process right

    from target identification to deal closure. hey have an eperienced and highly


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    -ualified team with more than ;DO man2years of eperience which speciali4es in

    identification and short listing of potential targets, strategic planning of an

    ac-uisition and arranging capital for the transaction, if needed.

    De9t S"ndication

    !ur offerings include>

    Pro#ect $inance M erm %oans for 8pansion 2 Arranging %ong2term loans

    for setting up new pro#ects from $inancial Institutions and 'anks

    8ternal Commercial 'orrowings 08C's1 2 Arranging %I'!R2linked loans

    $oreign Currency Converti"le 'onds 0$CC'12Arranging $CC' %oans

    orking Capital $acilities 2 Arranging fund2"ased and non2fund "ased limits

    for clients from 'anks at competitive rates

    rade $inance 2 Arrangement of trade finance 0'uyerNs M Supplier=s Credit1

    Inter2Corporate 9eposits 'orrowing and Placement


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  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    $ocused 7oluntary Retirement Scheme was in operation in the Company during

    the year. In all 55;D employees 0;5 8ecutives ?D Supervisors and //;E

    orkmen1 opted for retirement order this scheme.


    he overall manpower strength at the end of the year was ;B

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    )ost organi4ations undergo five different phases in their struggle for eistence and

    growth. hese five phases form the organi4ational cycle.

    8ach phase of an organi4ation ehi"its special characteristics, which differ from

    the characteristics of other phases of the organi4ational cycle. hat makes an

    organi4ation Successful or uII(SuICcessful depends upon the efforts put in to

    mo"iles human resources most appropriately to meet its dire need. In this contet,

    training functions as one of the integrating forces for "uilding up an organi4ation

    and guiding its activities for its continuous growth. hen an organi4ation is in its

    first phase, that of concept and development of "usiness, greater emphasis is given

    to manpower planning and role clarity. raining plays a vital role at this stage.

    9uring the net phase, one of rapid growth and epansion of the organi4ation,

    training eplores more avenues for its growth and takes care of human resources

    development. hen it reaches the third phase, of it and sta"ility there is a tendency

    to reach a state of plateau. his stage is a very critical stage for the organi4ation. If

    the plateauing continues for a longer time, it may lead the organi4ation to its fourth

    phase one of decline. 8fforts are needed to turn the organi4ation around either


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    through diversification or "y enlarging epanding the product range. raining is the

    highest resource "uilder at the time of crisis of this nature.


    raining is defined as the process of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness2 of

    persons at work "y improving and developing sills relevant to work. It is clone "y

    cultivating appropriate attitude and "ehavior towards work and people. It helps

    people to improve their present capa"ilities at work and prepares them to assume

    greater responsi"ilities in future training aims essentially at increasing knowledge,

    stimulating aptitude and imparting skills related to a specific, #o" or people. In this

    endeavor, training is a continuous and life long process. As an organi4ed effort, it is

    designed with certain o"#ectives to help participants "e informed of the su"#ect

    mater which they have to apply in their day2to2day work situations. Apart from

    change of attitudes, their skills have to "e improved and knowledge or information

    has to "e imparted through effective methods. In other words, training provides an

    atmosphere of sharing and synthesi4ing with the help or trainers.

    8mployees who take training learn faster than those who take not training. Average

    participants reach the 8perienced orker Standard 08S1 in less time as

    compared to others who learn through trial and error.


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    According to learning theory people who attain the plateau state continue to dwell

    there, without which improvement in their performance. raining helps them to

    reach a higher plateau through ac-uisition of new skills, knowledge and attitude.


    7ery often, training faces a great dilemma "etween theory and practice. Some

    trainers insist on theory, giving very little importance to practice and some avoid

    theory clue to their strop. $aith only in practice theory and practice has to "e

    "alanced. $or the accomplishment of training, theory contri"utes more towards

    total perspective and practice towards ac-uisition of task2oriented sills. Use of "oth

    have to "e encouraged for effective training and transfer of learning.

    Another difficult option with training is whether to focus on the trainee himself or

    the task lie has to perform in the field. Here again, a "alance has to "e struck

    "etween the task and the trainee. asks have to "e focused so that trainees can

    comprehend the actual situation and develop themselves to perform a task



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    In order to "e effective, the following "asic consideration has to "e taken care of,

    while conducting training programmes.

    raining has to "e viewed as all organic process !f growth, corresponding to

    dynamics of the held and the "ody of eperiences constantly "eing


    raining programme has to "e flei"le multidimensional in its formal as well

    as su"stantive aspects in order to fully utili4e the feed"ack from the


    raining is no longer considered HIS an auiliary or su"sidiary component

    of development as the role D(= human factor in development has "een well



    raining is the most important component of Human Resources 9evelopment

    0HR91 philosophy of modern organi4ations, which rely oil training. It helps them

    to find solutions to their day2to2day pro"lems "y identifying their pro"lems and

    guiding them in the right direction. It functions as a cycle from identification of the

    needs to evaluation and feed"ack. raining as a constructive cycle mo"ili4es all


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    availa"le resources in organi4ations and moves them towards attainment of human


    he training cycle has seven steps, which, in a se-uence, form a constructive cycle.

    he seven steps are>

    (. Identification of training needs and analysis.

    /. Setting up of terminal o"#ectives

    5. Selection and designing of programmes.

    ;. Selection and developing of audio2visual aids

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    raining needs are classified under two ma#or heads. hey are individual needs and

    group needs. he following process identifies individual needs>

    9ialogue ith the Individual

    9ialogue ith the superior

    9ialogue with peers

    9ialogue with su"ordinates



    'u44ing session

    Structured survey

    Unstructured survey

    Identification of training needs of individuals and groups is the first and most

    Important Step In the training process for achieving the goals of individuals,

    groups and organi4ations. It helps to "ring to the surface the prevalent attitude of

    individuals and the climate of organi4ations.


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    :roup needs emerge from the way the group is formed and functioning. In the

    process of identifying their needs, the epectations of individuals and the group

    will "e "rought into limelight.

    raining need analysis depends upon the phase and contet of 2n organi4ation. In

    the wake of modern technological inventions and innovations, individual training

    needs are very many. It impels an organi4ation to "e2dynamic. raining need

    analysis is not a one2tulle Activity "ut it has to "e periodically sensed. It is like the

    changing needs of a mountaineering team. hen the team mem"ers reach greater

    heights their needs arc different and cater effort has to "e made to cater to them.

    :roup needs. It not e summation of Individual needs. It prepares the group for

    ascertaining the training o"#ectives.


    A training, programme must clearly lay down its o"#ectives. raining normally

    intends to fulfill the following o"#ectives>

    Helps trainees in ac-uiring knowledge of the su"#ect matter.

    Helps to "ring a"out a change III the attitude and "ehavior of trainees.

    Helps in developing knowledge a"out sell to an etent that ena"les trainees to

    develop their potentials.


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    Helps in interaction among trainees themselves, who learn from each other=s


    Aims at enhancing the capacity of trainees so as the ena"le them to increase

    their pro"lem2solving capa"ility.

    Aims at helping the process of learning and developing.

    Aims at "ridging the gap "etween epected level of performance and the actual

    level of performance.

    Aims at providing a scientific "ase for ac-uisition of knowledge and skills.

    !"#ectives spell out the real mission of an organi4ation. hese also help

    individuals to "e aware of their own o"#ectives in relation to the organi4ational

    o"#ectives. A sense off direction is achieved "y setting up terminal o"#ectives.

    !"#ectives have to "e epressed in "ehavioral terms. hey have to "e epressed In

    terms of measura"le -uantity and -uality, which can "e seen in action. A "ehavioral

    o"#ective defines the standards of accepta"le performance.

    rainers have to give specific o"#ectives, stated in terms of what employees will "e

    a"le to do when they leave the training programme and return to their #o"s.


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    'ehavioral o"#ective, when they are properly written, are powerful tool for the

    trainer to use in "ringing a"out management=s commitment to training

    programmes. Properly designed and accepted o"#ectives form a road map for

    designing training programmes.

    It is relatively easy to write a good training o"#ective if the trainer follows a few

    simple steps. he trainer keeps in mind that descriptions relate to what participants

    will "e a"le to do at end of a training programme, conditions under which they will

    have to perform and criteria for success.

    $ollowing are the steps a trainer should use in writing "ehavioral o"#ectives.


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    Descri3tion E?a.3!e

    (. rite out the task or #o" Conduct a disciplinary hearing

    that is to "e clone using a

    ver" and a noun

    /. Add the -uantity standards Conduct one disciplinary hearing

    or criteria that will "e

    applied to the "ehavioral


    5. Add the -uality criteria Conduct one disciplinary hearing

    that will "e included in the without violating any clauses of

    "ehavioral o"#ective the la"our agreement.

    ;. Add the circumstances i.e., :ive a case study involving an

    the tools and e-uipment employee who has "een a"sent

    with which trainees will "e on the #o" repeatedly, conduct a

    performing the o"#ective.

    disciplinary hearing without

    7iolating any of the la"our

    agreement rules


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    'ehavioral o"#ective provide the necessary input for evaluation training




    9evelopment programme

    Preparative efforts for analy4ing the needs and deriving o"#ectives from the

    need analysis have to "e integrated with the resources and rich eperiences

    availa"le in an organi4ation while designing a programme. Research on a

    eperience with training of adults have also demonstrated the validity of the

    following relevant guidelines

    Adults learn when they feel a need to learn

    Adults learn "est "y doing

    Adults learn "est through pro"lem solving

    Adults want o know how they are doing

    Adults prefer and informal learning environment

    raining will "e more effective and successful if the a"ove characteristics are

    considered while designing the programme.


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    8ach programme has its own special demands or needs to "e fulfilled. !ften we

    "ecome the victims of generali4ation and retard the effective process of learning.

    he feasi"ility of transforming o"#ectives into outcomes depends mainly on the

    following factors>

    (. %evel of participants

    /. Content of the programme

    5. 8ffective training methodology

    ;. $aculty resources

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    he appropriate training methodology is decided on various factors like the nature

    of the topic, time, receptivity level of participants and availa"ility a faculty

    resources. e are all living in the days of speciali4ation. An integrated programme

    has to "e prepared with the cooperation of all the specialists.

    9esigning an evaluation system well in advance perhaps helps trainers to

    consolidate their efforts in the right direction for its effectiveness.

    'udget provisions play a very important role in designing training programmes.

    he programmes, faculty resources, methodology etc. are all decided according to

    funds availa"le in the "udget.


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    raining aids are supportive to learning and should he carefully selected and sued

    in appropriate contet so that they are helpful in the learning process. It is a

    trainer=s #o" to make all possi"le efforts to make learning more effective and

    interesting. It is necessary to use training aids and e-uipments to enhance the

    intensity and pace of learning>

    According to recent research, retention of learning takes place with (F stemming

    from sight, ((F from hearing and F from other senses.

    Audio27isual aids, when properly used in teaching situation, can accomplish the


    Prepare a concrete "asis of conceptual thinking

    Create a high degree of interest for trainees

    )ake learning more permanent

    !ffer real eperience which stimulates sell2activity on the part of trainees

    9evelop a continuity of thought

    Provide rich eperiences not easily o"tained through other materials

    Contri"ute to the efficiency, depth and variety of learning.


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    he following guidelines will "e helpful while preparing and using A7 aids for

    training programmes.

    Prepared A7 aids should "e woven into lessons and teaching modules. hey

    should "ecome integral parts of the learning situation.

    A7 aids are not allowed to "ecome a kind of entertainment.

    Selecting the appropriate type of A7 aids with reference to group, su"#ect, times


    :reat care is taken to preview all A7 aids prepared.

    Updating of A7 aids keeping in view the time and treatment of topics.


    raining is done according to the programme designed within a stipulated period.

    In the process of training, participants have to "e motivated to develop a keen

    interest for learning. he trainers= responsi"ility lies in leading participants towards

    a goal designed at different stages with the full cooperation of the participants. In

    the process of skill and knowledge training, participants are facilitated to test their

    skill and knowledge through -uestions and some practical eercises.= Attitudinal

    changes are attempted mostly through eperiential leaning.

    raining has to "e oriented to the level of participants= age, -ualification,

    knowledge and eperience. raining provides full scope for learning and the


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    effectiveness of training would depend upon the learning that has taken place.

    Charles 8. atson suggests four levels of learning to cause a voluntary and rational

    "ehavioral change. hey are>

    Reaching the knowing 2a"out level

    Reaching the understanding level

    Reaching the acceptance level

    Reaching the a"ility 2to2apply level

    hese four levels of learning should not necessarily "e construed as four

    successive levels. As a practical matter, however, learning typically does proceed

    in successive stages, "eginning with knowing 2a"out and ending with a"ility2to2

    apply. In general, people usually need to know a"out something "efore they can

    "egin to accept it, and to accept something "efore they are willing to apply it.


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    In a training situation, awareness creates a thirst for knowing certain concepts and

    prompts the learner to ac-uire as much knowledge that is needed for performing a

    task. 8ffective training "rings people to the knowing2a"out level with an attitude of

    knowing more a"out the concept so that they can apply it successfully and achieve

    the results they desire.

    Inclination to know more will not take place with those who feel they have attained

    the *know2all+ level.

    raining methods such as case studies, role2playing, management games, in2"asket

    eercises and simulations can cause the knowing2a"out level to occur. hese

    methods can "oth introduce trainees to new concepts sand demonstrate their

    usefulness to new concepts and the degree to which trainees understand, accept and

    possess the a"ility to apply them.


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    he understanding level is reached when the following two conditions eist.

    $irstly, trainees know why there is a cause2effect relationship "etween correct or

    appropriate application of a concept or principle given in a situation and the

    pro"a"le outcome, and they also know how this cause and effect= relationship


    Secondly, trainees know the theory underlying a concept or principle sufficiently

    will to "e a"le to modify or adapt it, thus malting it appropriate for most given


    Creation of a situation that permits trainees to discover truths and make

    generali4ation for themselves "ecomes a successful strategy for a num"er of


    People understand new ideas only from their own frame of reference.

    People understand things more fully and deeply when they discover them for

    themselves than when they #ust hear a"out them.

    People remem"er things they discover for themselves for a longer period,

    compared to those things, which they have merely "een told a"out.


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    o reach a level of deep understanding, learning should "e trainee centered, not

    instructor2centered. he instructor esta"lishes learning conditions and trainees are

    responsi"le for teaching themselves through a process of self2discovery.

    Gnowing a"out and understanding a concept does not guarantee that it will "e

    accepted. Acceptance is reached when people=s values, attitudes and "eliefs are not

    so strongly contrary to a concept or principle.


    A"ility2to2apply level re-uires that trainees have knowledge, self2confidence and

    willingness to try. Participants returning to #o"s from training programmes face

    several formida"le challenges. hey need encouragement from their superiors and

    su"ordinates to try out the new concepts and principles they learnt in the training



    8valuation of training and development programmes should "e a continuous

    process for improving what we teach and how we teach. 8valuation helps to design

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    and organi4e successful training programmes, "ased on the feed"ack received front


    :ail rapnell has suggested live dimensions to the evaluation of training. hey are>

    Contet evaluation

    Input evaluation

    Process evaluation

    Product evaluation

    Impact evaluation


    Contet evaluation attempts to assess the environment prevalent among )anager,

    supervisors and workers. It aims to know their attitudes towards training

    programmes, which have "een organi4ed. It also focuses on the appropriateness of

    training o"#ectives when new programmes are organi4ed and when new group of

    participants are epose to training.


    Input evaluation assesses the appropriateness and ade-uacy of all resources that go

    into a training programme. It focuses on the elements of design, performance,

    o"#ective, instructional method and other physical resources. he physical and

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    human resources identified must "e capa"le of reaching the standard already

    visuali4ed and set.


    Process evaluation deals with implementation of a programme design. It calls for

    how trainers utili4e the physical and human resources for reali4ing "ehavioral

    o"#ectives. It indicates the level at which the programme is "eing conducted during

    normal and eisting situations. he success and failure of a programme is decided

    "y the efforts taken during process evaluation.


    Product evaluation assesses the competence of participants. It also evaluates how

    they are performing in their on2the2lo" Situation. Results !f pre2tests and post2

    tests can "e compared to determine trainees= gain in knowledge, skills and attitudes

    in their #o" situation. Superiors are also involved to assess participants.


    It assesses the cumulative diffidence that training efforts have made in an

    organi4ation=s productivity, efficiency and profita"ility. It can "e measured from

    the resulting changes "rought a"out in downtime, accidents, a"senteeism, customer

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    complaints etc2 positive improvements made in these factors enhance the role of

    training and development.


    If a satisfactory method of evaluating training performance can "e found, the

    "enefits can "e reaped "y everyone.

    $irstly, the organi4ation is "etter e-uipped to meet its o"ligations and the

    management=s decision to invest money in this activity is vindicated,

    encouraging it to continue to provide resources.

    Second, the employee is more fulfilled and is stimulated to put more effort into

    work. hird, the "oss of the employee has everything to gain from having an

    effective work unit and is likely to release employees for training in future.

    $inally, the training staff en#oys #o" satisfaction of a high order when they see

    that their efforts are producing the desired results. hey can row from

    strength to strength in applying the eperience and knowledge they have

    o"tained front successful activities. here is no dou"t the evaluation of

    training is a profita"le investment from everyone=s point of view.

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    $rom the evaluation of training programmes a feed"ack report is prepared and

    cor((n(unicated to participants, faculty mem"er, trainerMcoordinators and sponsors,

    so that they may "enefit from the results of the evaluation.

    8ach one is looking for different kind of information and interpretation form the

    evaluation. hile some will "e looking for the content, some others for process


    ith the help of feed"ack participants come to know, their level of achievements

    through the training programme. Immediate feed"ack given to participants "ased

    on the evaluation of training programmes will help them to know the performance

    they will "e a"le to achieve and the kinds of efforts needed to improve their

    effectiveness. rainers are very anious to know whether their efforts have yielded

    the desired results. A detailed analysis of the feed"ack would help them to modify

    their approaches. It would ena"le them to design future training programmes

    taking into consideration all the successes and failures of the programmes taking

    into consideration all the success and failures of the programme. Sponsors or

    manager=s who have nominated the participants, are very curious to know how

    well they have performed during the training programme. he feed"ack report

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    received from trainers will help them to look for specific changes in the "ehaviour

    of the participants. o "e precise, it helps them to sharpen their point of view of

    took for anticipated changes in their day2to2day situation.


    raining plays a very vital role in human Resources 9evelopment 0HR91, "ased on

    the feed"ack, training system are revitali4ed and HR9 efforts are improved. It is

    very clear that training, in the process of developing people, improves related su"2

    systems for overall effectiveness of an organisation. raining helps to improve

    performance appraisal system, potential appraisal system, career planning system


    It is a challenge to modern managers to "e conversant with the training cycle and

    process of operating them for getting "etter results. raining can create high

    credi"ility in an organisation v its continued commitment and devotion to the


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    he "eginning of training could "e traced out to the stone, age when people started

    transferring knowledge through signs 3 deeds to others. raining 3 9evelopment

    is increasingly recogni4ed now, as a most important organi4ational activity. Rapid

    technological changes re-uire newer skills 3 efficiency to perform the #o" in many

    areas. raining has to "e continuously offered to keep employees updated 3


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    he o"#ectives of training differ according to the employees "elonging to different

    level of organi4ations. he "asic o"#ective of training is to esta"lish a match

    "etween individual 3 his #o".

    his training is designed to improve knowledge skills 3 attitude and thus e-uip the

    individual to "e more effective in his present #o" or prepare hint for future


    he main o"#ective of training can "e summari4ed as follows

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    raining constitutes a significant step in the induction of the individual into the

    company=s way of life. hat IS the Company=s cultureQ How does structure

    functionQ hat are the policies and rules or organi4ationsQ hese have to "e

    inculcated in a new employee so as to help him to ad#ust to the organisation. hus

    induction training helps the Individual to "lend his personality with the


    7' U&DATIN%

    A significant o"#ective of training is to prevent the o"solesce of the employees "y

    updating their skills 3 knowledge. raining "ecomes necessary to update

    employees, so that their efficiency does not suffer "ecause of lack of understanding

    of new technology.

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    People are not satisfied, if they continue to work in the same position for long. !ne

    of the o"#ects of training is to provide the employee an opportunity to clim" up the

    promotional ladder.

    hus the training has "ecome -uite important for any organisation, to keep in peace

    with the eternal changing environment and with increasing competition.

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    It is the process that involves esta"lishing areas where individual lack Skill,

    knowledge, and a"ility in effectively performing the #o"s and also identifying

    organi4ational constraints that are creating road hicks in the performance.


    A variety of training methods are availa"le and used "y training agencies and

    organi4ation. Some of the most prevalent methods of training are follows


    As the name indicates, it refers to a presentation "y the trainer or ideas, concepts,

    theories 3 issues. he method focuses on transmission of knowledge. It entails the

    maimum active role "y trainer 3 little overt activity "y the participants. It is

    economical, as a large num"er of people can "e trained at one time saving cost in

    terms of man, hours 3 money.


    he training that takes place is centered around the #o". he trainee used machines

    and tools that he will use once the training is completed. he training takes place in

    surroundings were lie will, in future "e working at this regular tasks.


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    In this method, real work instances are takes for training to take place. In this

    method the total duplication of the work environments done in order to train the



    he eperiential methods of training are designed to provide an atmosphere of self

    learning through group interaction and dynamics. he purpose is to increase the

    sensitivity of the participants to their own $unctions as well as the functions if

    other in the group. he prime o"#ective of= this method is to integrated knowledge

    and theory with eperience and practice.


    his is the common methodology used for training. In this method certain situation

    is specified in front of the workers and they are asked to comment or react on that

    particular situation. 9iscussion is made among the different employees on the

    specified situation. his method helps to improve the analytical and #udgment

    capa"ility of the employees.


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    his method is also generally used "y the organisation in order to provide training

    to their employees. According to this method a -uestion regarding a particular

    incident, which has taken place in the organisation itself, is asked to the different

    employees.Personal who was mainly responsi"le for the incident is also in-uired

    along with others and the conclusion is drawn on the "asis of the discussion made

    on that incident. Summer #o" and pro#ect report is also incident.

    hese are some of the methods generally used "y different organisation to provide

    training to their employees.


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    he training. Programme is a step "y step method. I f involves

    following steps

    !rgani4ational o"#ectives Assessment of raining


    8sta"lishment of training needs

    3 Strategies

    8valuation of Implementation. Revising

    raining Programme of your training

    Programme programme


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    Hence training is given to improve the skills and a"ility of lower level employees

    in order to update them with ade-uate information a"out the changes taking place

    in the eternal world.

    After the training sessions are over, the feed "ack of training is o"served whether

    the o"#ective of training is fulfilled or not.


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  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    o understand 3 o"serve the practical work in U6IC!6 I678S)86


    o gain more practical knowledge a"out the *raining and development

    programmers to workers in U6IC!6 I678S)86 S!%UI!6+

    o seeks out the difference "etween the theoretical 3 practical work.

    o o"serve the functions of various departments of U6IC!6 I678S)86

    S!%UI!6, )eerut.

    o have a direct contact with the employees of U6IC!6 I678S)86

    S!%UI!6, )eerut 3 to know a"out their working condition and attitude

    towards U6IC!6 I678S)86 S!%UI!6.

    o know the policies of 'i2I8%, in respect of raining 3 9evelopment.


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    he findings, conclusion, suggestion, analysis of the report is "ased on the primary

    data collected through survey method and the secondary data collected "y me.

    $or the survey of *raining and development programmes to employees in

    U6IC!6 I678S)86 S!%UI!6, )eerut+, the methodology adopted is of

    *Personal Interview 3 Scheduling+.

    $or the purpose of survey, interviews were taken personally of the employees "oth

    on the "asis of structures 3 unstructured from. hen further analysis 3

    interpretation of collected data were made 3 finally report is "eing prepared.

    he secondary data is collected through various maga4ines, "ooks, company=s

    personnel manual, annual reports and the calendar of event pu"lished "y the

    various training agencies


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    he pro#ect work has "een categori4ed into si chapters.

    $irst chapter delineates Introduction to human resource management and the

    importance and o"#ectives of the study, scope, importance, methodology,

    limitations and chapteri4ation.

    Second chapter discuss an overview of U6IC!6 I678S)86 S!%UI!6

    Human resource management in U6IC!6 I678S)86 S!%UI!6,

    $unctioning of various cells in U6IC!6 I678S)86 S!%UI!6.

    hird chapter discuss information regarding design and Implementation of training

    and development programmes.

    $ourth chapter contains a"out impact of training programmes on employees in

    U6IC!6 I678S)86 S!%UI!6 )eerut and suggestion for their


    $ifth chapter contains suggestion for the improvement of training and development

    programmes for employees and conclusion.


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    he total strength of this organisation is B/DD appro. including all rides.

    Samples of

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  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    &2( Are there any trou"le markers in your trainingQ

    6o. of respondent 2

    In the survey I find more BDF trainers says Kes. And second more 5DF employee

    says 6o.


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    &2/ 9oes the promotion policy is fair in your companyQ

    6o. of respondent 2

    In the survey I find more BDF employee says Kes. And second more 5DF

    employee says 6o.


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    &25 Is there any attendance rewardQ

    6o. of respondent 2

  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    &2; 9oes the tools and e-uipments provided to you are of "etter -ualityQ

    6o. of respondent 2

    In the survey I find more BDF employee says Kes. And second more 5DF

    employee says 6o.


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    &2< 9oes your supervisor encourage you to give new ideas and suggestionsQ

    6o. of respondent 2

    In the survey I find more BDF trainers says Kes. And second more 5DF trainers

    says 6o.


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    8very organi4ation needs to have well trained and eperienced people to

    perform the activities that have to "e done. If the current or potential #o"

    occupant can meet this re-uirement, training is not important. 'ut when this is

    not the case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility

    and adapta"ility of employees. Inade-uate #o" performance or a decline in

    productivity or changes resulting out of #o" redesingning or a technological

    "reak2through re-uire some type of training and development efforts. As the

    #o"s "ecome more comple, the importance of employee development also

    increases. In a rapidly changing society, employee training and development is

    not only an activiy that is desira"le "ut also an activity that and organi4ation

    must commit resources to if it is to maintain a via"le and knowledgea"le work


    he purpose of the training and development is to help meet company

    o"#ectives "y providing opportunities for employees at all organi4ational levels

    to ac-uire the re-uisite knowledge, skills and attitudes>

    0i1 he first step in training is to determine needs and o"#ectives.


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    0ii1 he techni-ues and processes of training programme should "e related

    directly to the needs and o"#ectives of and organi4ation.

    0iii1 raining is properly the responsi"ility of any one in the management

    who wants to attain a particular o"#ective.

    0iv1 he purpose "ehind the training of personnel is to assist line

    management in the determination of training needs and in the

    development, administration, conduct and follow2up of trainig plans.

    0v1 o "e effective, training must use the tested principles of leaning.

    0vi1 raining should "e conducted in the actual #o" environment to the

    maimum possi"le etent.

    It is easy to analyse the short2comings of and organi4ation and an

    accordance to that training and development programmes can "e designed.

    )oreover these programmes must "e designed as per the re-uirement of the

    company. A review of training and development programmes timely surveys

    checks and records must "e maintained learning environment provided to the

    workers and managers must "e appropriate and ade-uately supplied with the

    necessicities of the programmes for eg. Chart, classrooms and study



  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    he trainee should "e interview an their response and suggestion should "e

    noted. $eed"ack is an effective method "y which efficiencies and

    deficiencies of the training and development programmes can "e viewed.

    Personnel 9epartment must implement the good suggestions.

    Appropriate works standard can "e achieved through proper training and

    development programmes either they are on the ho" or off the #o". As

    training 3 9evelopment programmes are epensive so the organi4ation must

    reframe them in accordance to the policies and procedures.

    herefore, training and deelopment are effective part and parcel of any



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  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    hile making this pro#ect following limitation, were encountered>

    A period one of one semester is a very short period to know completely a"out

    training and development programmes of a "ig organi4ation like U6IC!6

    I678S)86 S!%UI!6.

    9ata is collected from the secondary sources.

    hile some data is collected through interviews, it may "e possi"le that the

    employees may have reacted over enthusiasistically.

    he pro#ect work contains details only of U6IC!6 I678S)86

    S!%UI!6, )eerut while what other U6IC!6 I678S)86

    S!%UI!6 in the country are conducting for training and development is

    not known.


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  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon




    o have effective training and development programmed must accomplish the

    goals of modifying skills attitudes and "ehaviour so I suggest the following

    activities and policies.

    (. o trainee director must "e asked to evaluate training and

    development techni-ues and particular performa for the

    feed"ack from the workers and managers must "e provided so

    that the difficulties in 39 programme can "e soughtout.

    /. !"#ective of 39 is to determine a"ility of participants and

    perform #o"s for which they are well trained. he specific nature

    of training deficiencies whether the trainess re-uire any

    additional on the #o" training and the etent of training is not

    re-uire for the participants to meet #o" re-uirement.

    5. he personnel )anager should accurately assess trainees #o"s

    performance within two to four months after the completion of



  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    ;. Some writers have suggested that four "asic categories of

    outcomes can "e measured.

    a' Reaction 8valuate the trainee=s reaction to the programme.

    9id the like the programmeQ 9id he think it worthwhileQ

    a. Learning did the trainee learn the principles, skills and fact that

    the supervisor or the trainer wanted them to learnQ

    ". >ea)iour hether the trainee=s "ehaviour on the #o" changed

    "ecause of the training programme.

    c. Resu!ts what final results have "een achievedQ 9id he learn how to

    work on machineQ 9id scrap page costs decreaseQ as turnover

    reducedQ Are production -uotas now "eing metQ 8tc.

  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    B. Another method involves !ongitudina! or ti.e series ana!"sis'

    A series of measurements are taken "efore the programme

    "egins and continues during and after the programme is


    . 'esides, 3re;and;3ost tests 9e ad.inistered to the training and

    development groups Prior to the training, a test related to the

    training material is applied, and the results of this pre2test are

    compared with training material is applied, and the results of

    this pre2test are compared with results on the same or similar

    test administered after the programme has "een completed.

    E. he management development programme must "e launched "y

    the chief eecutive officer of an organi4ation or "y a committee

    consisting of the chief eecutive "ecause this progrmme

    involves fundamental policy issues, decision of far2reaching

    importance, and an ependiture of considera"le sum of money.

    (D. Incentive must "e there. A powerful motivator is the reali4ation

    that the top management is interested in the courses, considers

    them valua"le and follows their progress closely. o indicate the

    "oss=s interest, a memorandum from him may "e circulated in


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    advance of a course=s inauguration, the top management may

    have a preview of the course.

    ((. $urther, matters such as temperature, ventilation, "ack"oards,

    seating arrangements 0s-uare, 7 or U for conferences1,

    provision of lavatories, name plates 0where the mem"ers do not

    know each other or the leader 1 and freedom from noise and

    interruptions need to "e given a careful consideration.


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  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    I)PR!7I6: 8$$8CI7868SS !$ RAI6I6: 3 9878%!P)86

    he training and development programmes can "e made effective if the

    following hints are considered>

    (. Specific training o"#ectives should "e outlined on the "ases of the

    type of performance re-uired to achieve organi4ational goals and

    o"#ectives. And audit of personal needs compared with operational

    re-uirements will help to determine the specific training needs of

    individual employees. his evaluation should form a well2 defined

    set of performance standards towards which each trainee should "e


    /. Attempt should "e made to determine if the trainee has the

    intelligence, maturity, and motivation to successfully complete the

    training may "e postponed or cancelled till improvements are


    5. he trainee should "e helped to see the need for training "y making

    him aware of the personal "enefits he can achieve through "etter

    performance. He should "e helped to discover the rewards and


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    satisfactions that might "e availa"le to him through changes in


    ;. he training 3 9evelopment programme should "e planned so that

    it is related to the trainee=s previous eperiences and "ackground.

    his "ackground should "e used as a foundation for new

    development and new "ehaviour.

  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    . If possi"le, the personal involvement or active participation of the

    trainee should "e got in the training programme. He should "e

    provided with opportunity to practice the newly needed "ehaviour


    E. As the trainee ac-uires new knowledge, skills or attitudes and

    applies them in #o" situations, he should "e significantly rewarded

    for his efforts.

    (D. he trainee should "e provided with regular, constructive feed"ack

    concerning his progress in training and implementation of the

    newly ac-uired a"ilities.

    ((. he trainee should "e provided with personal assistance when he

    encounters o"stacles.


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    (. Are you satisfied that HR 9ept. plays an ecellent role, treat people fairlyQ

    0a1 Strongly satisfied 0"1 Satisfied

    0c1 9issatisfied 0d1 Strongly dissatisfied

    /. Are you satisfied with the relations with co2workersQ

    0a1 Strongly satisfied 0"1 Satisfied

    0C1 9issatisfied 0d1 Strongly dissatisfied

    5. 9oes op2level management have sincere interest in the training concernQ

    0a1 Always 0"1 )ost of time

    0C1 Rarely 0d1 6ever

    ;. 9oes communication process "etween high level 3 lower level


    0a1 7ery 8asy 0"1 8asy

    0C1 Complicated 0d1 7ery Complicated


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon


    0a1 Always 0"1 )ost of time

    0C1 Rarely 0d1 6ever

    ((. Are there any trou"le makers in your groupQ

    0a1 Kes 0"1 6o

    (/. 9oes the appointment is fair in your companyQ

    0a1 Kes 0"1 6o

    (5. Is there any attendance rewardQ

    0a1 Kes 0"1 6o

    (;. 9oes the tools 3 e-uipment=s provided to you are "etter -ualityQ

    0a1 Kes 0"1 6o


  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



  • 7/25/2019 Training and Development in Unicon



    C. R. Kothari Research Methodology Second Edition, Wishwa


    Donald S. !ll , Dell ". #awkins Marketing Research Si$th Edition,

    P!%lished %y &shok k. 'hosh , Prentice(#all )* "ndia P+t. td.

    www.-"C) "/ESME S)-")india.co0