trainee assessment being a support worker - careerforce assessment resources... · trainee...

Trainee Assessment Being a support worker Unit standards Version Level Credits 23451 Describe the role of a support worker in a health or wellbeing setting 3 2 5 23686 Describe a person's rights in a health or wellbeing setting 3 2 1 Your name: Your workplace: Your date of birth: Your National Student Number (NSN), if you know it: Declaration I was told about and understand the assessment requirements and appeals process. I have prepared my answers myself. Any evidence I have provided as my own, I produced myself. I understand that this assessment may be used for moderation and quality control purposes. I understand that when I achieve this unit standard my result will be registered with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. I confirm the above declaration: Yes No Date:

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Page 1: Trainee Assessment Being a support worker - Careerforce Assessment Resources... · Trainee Assessment Being a support worker Unit standards Version Level Credits 23451 Describe the

Trainee Assessment

Being a support worker Unit standards Version Level Credits

23451 Describe the role of a support worker in a health or wellbeing setting

3 2 5

23686 Describe a person's rights in a health or wellbeing setting

3 2 1

Your name:

Your workplace:

Your date of birth:

Your National Student Number (NSN), if you know it:


I was told about and understand the assessment requirements and appeals process.

I have prepared my answers myself.

Any evidence I have provided as my own, I produced myself.

I understand that this assessment may be used for moderation and quality control purposes.

I understand that when I achieve this unit standard my result will be registered with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.

I confirm the above declaration: Yes No Date:

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 2

Assessment summary (completed by assessor)

Trainee's performance summary

Assessment tasks Assessor signature Date achieved

Task 1: Describe your role as a support worker

Task 2: Handling confidential information

Task 3: Describe your role in the team

Task 4: The Code of Rights

Task 5: Safeguarding a person's rights

Unit standard results

I have assessed the trainee and confirm the requirements have been met to demonstrate competency in:

Unit standards Version Level Credits

23451 Describe the role of a support worker in a health or wellbeing setting

3 2 5

23686 Describe a person's rights in a health or wellbeing setting

3 2 1

US 23451 is a compulsory unit standard. Tasks 1, 2, 3, and Question 1 in Task 4 must be done.

US 23686 is an optional unit standard and Tasks 4 and 5 must be done for this unit standard.

Assessor name: Assessor number:

Signature: Date:

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 3

Trainee information

Before you start

The assessor/observer will talk about what you need to do.

You may have been observed doing some of these tasks already, or there may be workplace documents you have completed, such as a workplace incident report, which documents what you have done at work.

You may bring evidence of what you have done already, such as your induction training log, or proof of competency from a course you have completed, eg a marked assessment or project. This may be recorded as evidence.

As you go

This is an integrated assessment. If you are doing both unit standards, please follow

instructions and do each task.

US 23451 is a compulsory unit standard. Tasks 1, 2, 3, and Question 1 in Task 4 must be


US 23686 is an optional unit standard and Tasks 4 and 5 must be done for this unit standard.

If you are unsure, please ask your assessor.

When you finish

Make sure you have completed any parts where the assessor/observer has said you need

more work.


If you wish to appeal against the assessment result or process, talk to your assessor. If you are still not satisfied, you can appeal to Careerforce by completing the assessment result appeal form that can be found online at


Careerforce regularly reviews our assessment and learning resources. As a user, we would appreciate feedback on how you found it. Feedback can be provided to Careerforce via:

our online feedback form at

email to [email protected]

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 4

Task 1: Describe your role as a support worker

1 How do you know what you need to do in your role?

Identify the documents that tell you what you need to do and describe the range of tasks that you have to do in your role.

Where I find out about my role The task or job I do

Example: My employment contract Visit a person I support once a week.

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 5

2 If someone asks you to do something that you think is outside the boundaries of your role, how would you find out if you should do it?

3 If someone asks you to do something that you know isn't part of your job, what should you do?

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 6

4 How does what you do impact on a person's quality of life?

Fill in the table below. One example has been done for you.

My role Example of how I do this

Impact on person's quality of life

Example: provide personal cares

Support a person to shower

Helps them to keep healthy and safe. Helps them to feel good and keep their dignity.

Provide personal cares

Provide household management

Support the person’s independence

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 7

Task 1: Assessor feedback to trainee

When the assessor agrees you have completed this task successfully, they will sign it off on the assessment summary page at the front of this assessment.

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 8

Task 2: Handling confidential information

1 What legislation tells you how you need to treat confidential information?

2 How should you handle confidential information about the following:

the person you support?

their family or whānau?

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 9

your employer (or workplace)?

How should your own confidential information be protected?

Task 2: Assessor feedback to trainee

When the assessor agrees you have completed this task successfully, they will sign it off on the assessment summary page at the front of this assessment.

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 10

Task 3: Describe your role in the team

1 Choose two types of team interaction from the list below and describe what you do for these:

team meetings.





Type of team interaction What I do (my role)

Why is team interaction so important? What would happen if you didn’t have good interactions with your colleagues?

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 11

2 What are two things you do to make sure you have good relationships with your colleagues?

3 What is one thing you might do if you are having trouble (a difficult relationship) with a colleague?

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 12

Task 3: Assessor feedback to trainee

When the assessor agrees you have completed this task successfully, they will sign it off on the assessment summary page at the front of this assessment.

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 13

Task 4: The Code of Rights

1 What is the Code of Rights for?

You must answer this question for the compulsory unit standard 23451 AND for the optional unit standard 23686.

This question must be answered for unit standard 23686.

2 What are the ten rights in the Code of Rights? Use your own words to describe what each one is.

Right Description

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 14

Right Description

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 15

Task 4: Assessor feedback to trainee

When the assessor agrees you have completed this task successfully, they will sign it off on the assessment summary page at the front of this assessment.

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 16

Task 5: Safeguarding a person's rights You must do this task if you are doing the optional unit standard 23686.

1 Fill in the table below to write definitions for each phrase and describe what they mean for you in your role as a support worker.

If this is not in your role, say so, but still write definitions for each phrase.

Phrase What it means How I might use this in my role

Enduring power of attorney (EPOA or EPA)

An advance directive

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Being a support worker (US 23451 v3, 23686 v3) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.2 – April 2017 17

2 How can people make complaints in your workplace?

How can someone you support make a complaint?

What happens next when someone you support makes a complaint?

Where would you go to find out more about how someone you support can make a complaint?

Task 5: Assessor feedback to trainee

When the assessor agrees you have completed this task successfully, they will sign it off on the assessment summary page at the front of this assessment.