tragedy of commons in public road.docx

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  • 8/14/2019 Tragedy of Commons in Public Road.docx


    Tragedy of Commons in Public Road

    Kharisma Baptiswan

    8A DIV Accounting Matriculation Class, STAN, South Tangerang

    Email:[email protected]


    Public goods casually explained as goods and services that are provided through public sector. Public road is

    one example of those of public goods. Yet to some extent, public road loses its characteristics as public goods

    due to certain factor that is tragedy of commons. This changes often cause problem for public goods users.

    Quick solutions are needed to overcome this problem.


    Public goods can be defined in two ways, that

    is casually and abstractly. Public goods casuallyexplained as goods and services that are providedthrough public sector (Holcombe, 1996; Heikkila,

    2000; Ulbrich, 2003). But this definition cannot

    capture the true spirit of public goods. Mankiw

    (2009) describe public goods as goods that are

    neither excludable nor rival in consumption.

    Furthermore Mankiw explain these two natures asfollow. Excludable means that the property of a

    good whereby a person can be prevented from

    using it. Rival in consumption means the property

    of a good whereby one persons use diminishes

    other peoples use.

    Goods that perfectly maintain these two

    natures are called public goods and it is very

    difficult to find examples for this kind of goods.

    The closest we can get is national defense. Mankiw

    explain that the defense of a country from foreign

    aggressors is a classic example of a public good.

    Once the country is defended, it is impossible to

    prevent any single person from enjoying the benefit

    of this defense. Moreover, when one person enjoys

    the benefit of national defense, he does not reducethe benefit to anyone else. Thus, national defense is

    neither excludable nor rival in consumption.

    Another example of public goods is public road.There are also some form of goods besides public

    goods. They are private goods, club/toll goods and

    common goods.

    Private goods are both excludable and rival in

    consumption. For example a krabby patty. A

    krabby patty is excludable because it is possible to

    prevent someone from eating a krabby patty. A

    krabby patty is rival in consumption because if one

    person eats a krabby patty, another person cannot

    eat the same thing. Most goods in the economy are

    private goods like krabby patties: You dont get

    one unless you pay for it, and once you have it, youare the only person who benefits (Mankiw, 2009).

    Club goods are excludable but not rival in

    consumption. An example is water service. Local

    government provide water service to citizens who

    pay monthly fee for that service although water, in

    essence, is natural resources available to everyone.

    Common resources or common goods are rival

    in consumption but not excludable. For example,

    fish in the ocean are rival in consumption: When

    one person catches fish, there are fewer fish for the

    next person to catch. Yet these fish are not anexcludable good because, given the vast size of an

    ocean, it is difficult to stop fishermen from taking

    fish out of it.

    Tragedy of Commons in Public Road

    In its basic form of service, public road is

    public good but as number of users increase and

    public road growth is slow, changes in publicgoods nature begin to start and traffic jam occurs.

    This phenomenon is called tragedy of commons

    (Garrett Hardin, 1968).

    Mankiw explains tragedy of the commons as aparable that illustrates why common resources are

    used more than is desirable from the standpoint of

    society as a whole. We can explain this easily using

    our object of choice here that is public road. At first

    road is available for everyone for free, free from

    charges and free from competition. But as national

    economy grows, population increase and lands are

    scarce, road loses its public image. Public road as

    public goods is shifted become common goods, in a

    way that it is still free of charges but it becomes

    rivalrous consumption. In the end it is still nonexcludable but rivalrous in consumption.

    Ulbrich (2003) has a term for this kind of

    goods, he calls it congestible public goods. He

    explain that a congestible public good is a publicgood that is nonrival under moderate use but

    becomes congested under heavy use (Ulbrich,

    2003). With congestion, each additional userimposes costs on the other users (Weimer and

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  • 8/14/2019 Tragedy of Commons in Public Road.docx


    Vining, 1999; Hyman 2002; Bruce, 2001).

    Congested public goods are sometimes also called

    ambient public goods (Weimer and Vining, 1999).

    The main problem in the is traffic jam, road users

    would take more time to arrive at their destination.

    There are various solutions to this problem,

    effective solutions are proposed:

    1. Implementing floating tariff for road users.Eric A. Morris (in Mankiw, 2009) propose

    unique way to implement this solution. He

    proposes a system to charge floating fee based

    on how congested the road is. If the road is in

    normal capacity then no tariff is charged. Asusers fill roads, usually at peak hours, system

    increases fee proportional to degree of traffic

    jam. In doing so will limit users from using

    certain crowded roads. Users will be faced

    with option wether to use the road or not. If

    users think that paid fee is worth it, then theymay use the road.

    Morris ague that to many people, this

    sounds like a scheme by mustache-twirling

    bureaucrats and their academic apologists to

    fleece drivers out of their hard-earned cash.Why should drivers have to pay to use roads

    their tax dollars have already paid for? Wont

    the remaining free roads be swamped as

    drivers are forced off the tolled roads? Wont

    the working-class and poor be the victims here,

    as the tolled routes turn into Lexus lanes?And besides, adopting this policy would mean

    listening to economists, and who wants to dothat?

    2. Implementing gasoline taxMankiw (2009) proposed another policy

    that responds to the problem of road

    congestion that is the tax on gasoline. Gasoline

    is a complementary good to driving: An

    increase in the price of gasoline tends to

    reduce the quantity of driving demanded.

    Therefore, a gasoline tax reduces roadcongestion. A gasoline tax, however, is an

    imperfect solution, because it affects other

    decisions besides the amount of driving on

    congested roads. For example, the gasoline tax

    discourages driving on uncongested roads,

    even though there is no congestion externality

    for these roads.

    3. Optimizing mass rapid public transportationBy implementing this it also require extra

    effort to changes basic mentality of citizenwho used to drive their private car. This last

    solution offers better outcomes in the future ascongested road theoretically nonexistent,

    reduce in air pollution and many nature

    sustainability advantage.

    There are maybe many other solutions

    regarding public road issues but because oflimitness of this paper, these solutions are enough.

    Public road is a media for people to do their

    social and economic needs. Its characteristic as

    public good have made public road as dependable

    as ever. People need to understand that even publicroad is limited. Self constraint and optimization of

    public transport are two effective ways to reduce

    congestant. Self constrain reduce prestige or

    lifestyle that leads to overconsumerism as well as

    tragedy of commons and effective public

    transportation will generate sustainable resource.


    Retrieved 1 November 2013.

    mons. Retrieved 1 November 2013.

    Donijo Robbins. 2005. Handbook of Public SectorEconomics. Marcel Dekker/CRC Press


    N. Gregory Mankiw. 2011. Principles of

    Microeconomics 6th

    Edition. South-

    Western Cengage Learning : USA.Hardin, G. (1968-12-13). "The Tragedy of the

    Commons". Science (AAAS) 162 (3859) :



    PMID 5699198. Retrieved 1 November
