traffic committee · traffic committee the traffic committee met in the council chambers, mosman...

TRAFFIC COMMITTEE The Traffic Committee met in the Council Chambers, Mosman Square on Wednesday 14 December 2005 from 10.09 am to 12.02 pm. PRESENT Councillor D M Lopez in the Chair with Mrs Marilyn Cameron (representative of Jillian Skinner, MP), Mr Geoff Cox (RTA), Sergeant Anthony Fenton (Harbourside Police), together with the Contract Engineer, Senior Transport Planner, Traffic Engineer and Graduate Traffic Engineer. Councillors Wilton, Connon, Menzies and Mr John Heapy, State Transit Authority, were in attendance. APOLOGIES There were no apologies. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTERESTS There were no disclosures of pecuniary interests. DISCLOSURES OF NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS There were no disclosures of non-pecuniary interests. Items RESOLVED pursuant to authority delegated to the Committee: Item No Description T/93 Cabramatta Road – Replacement of Chicane T/95 Shadforth Street – Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) T/96 Pedestrian Crossing at Hunter Park – The Esplanade T/97 Stop Line Restriction at Hamlet Lane Junction With Raglan Street T/98 Proposed “2 Hour Parking” restriction in Bardwell Road T/99 Proposed “No Parking, Authorised Vehicles Only” restriction in Cowles Road T/100 The Esplanade – Introduction of 40 km/hr Speed Limit T/101 Review of Motor Cycle Parking – The Esplanade T/102 Line Marking at Existing Bus Stops T/103 Information Regarding New Articulated Buses

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Page 1: TRAFFIC COMMITTEE · TRAFFIC COMMITTEE The Traffic Committee met in the Council Chambers, Mosman Square on Wednesday 14 December 2005 from 10.09 am to 12.02 pm. PRESENT Councillor

TRAFFIC COMMITTEE The Traffic Committee met in the Council Chambers, Mosman Square on Wednesday 14 December 2005 from 10.09 am to 12.02 pm. PRESENT Councillor D M Lopez in the Chair with Mrs Marilyn Cameron (representative of Jillian Skinner, MP), Mr Geoff Cox (RTA), Sergeant Anthony Fenton (Harbourside Police), together with the Contract Engineer, Senior Transport Planner, Traffic Engineer and Graduate Traffic Engineer. Councillors Wilton, Connon, Menzies and Mr John Heapy, State Transit Authority, were in attendance. APOLOGIES There were no apologies. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTERESTS There were no disclosures of pecuniary interests. DISCLOSURES OF NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS There were no disclosures of non-pecuniary interests. Items RESOLVED pursuant to authority delegated to the Committee: Item No Description

T/93 Cabramatta Road – Replacement of Chicane T/95 Shadforth Street – Construction Traffic Management Plan

(CTMP) T/96 Pedestrian Crossing at Hunter Park – The Esplanade T/97 Stop Line Restriction at Hamlet Lane Junction With Raglan

Street T/98 Proposed “2 Hour Parking” restriction in Bardwell Road T/99 Proposed “No Parking, Authorised Vehicles Only” restriction in

Cowles Road T/100 The Esplanade – Introduction of 40 km/hr Speed Limit T/101 Review of Motor Cycle Parking – The Esplanade T/102 Line Marking at Existing Bus Stops T/103 Information Regarding New Articulated Buses

Page 2: TRAFFIC COMMITTEE · TRAFFIC COMMITTEE The Traffic Committee met in the Council Chambers, Mosman Square on Wednesday 14 December 2005 from 10.09 am to 12.02 pm. PRESENT Councillor

Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

T/91 Brierley, Reginald and Oswald Streets - Public exhibition results MOSPLAN REF: 11.04 REPORT BY: Senior Transport Planner, Wade Holmes SUMMARY The results of the public exhibition for proposed road safety schemes for Brierley / Reginald / Oswald Streets. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Transport and Planning recommends that:

A. Investigations to be carried out into the proposal to introduce a banned left turn movement from Rangers Avenue to Oswald Street 6.30am – 9.30am Monday to Friday, bicycles excepted.

B. No further action be taken on previous proposals to introduce a refuge island and kerb

buildout at Oswald Street junction with Brierley Street, refuge island at Brierley Street junction with Oswald Street, pedestrian refuge island at Brierley Street, and a pedestrian refuge island on Reginald Street opposite Reginald Street Park.

C. The NSW Police be approached to increase enforcement of the stop line control at

Oswald Street junction with Brierley Street.

D. A sign stating “No direct access to Mosman Junction” be placed at the junction of Spofforth Street with Reginald Street.

Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes The Chairman ruled that Items T/91 and T/92 be considered together. Mr Hunter Shannonhouse (20 Calliope Street),Ms Rachelle Anderson (10/27 Warringah Road), Ms Kirsty Gold (4 Reginald Street), Mr Mark Magnus (75 Rangers Avenue), Mr Lawrence Angus (50 Rangers Avenue), Ms Yvonne Grant (18 Rangers Avenue), Mr Andre Van Stom (49 Rangers Avenue), Ms Ann Brown (52 Rangers Avenue), Mr Desmond Murphy (73 Rangers Avenue), Ms Denise Corscadden (83 Rangers Avenue), Ms Tabitha Chang (10 Rangers Avenue), Ms Jane Gillings (53 Rangers Avenue), Ms Kerrie Ellis (3 Rangers Avenue), Mr Uffe Hansen (9 Rangers Avenue), Ms Thalia Shuttleworth (20 Rangers Avenue), Ms Stephanie Bentley (6A Rangers Avenue), Mr Paul Smith (31 Reginald Street), Mr Peter Pettaras (55 Rangers Avenue) Ms Phillipa Lehmann (17-19 Parriwi Road & 20 Kiora Avenue) and Councillors Wilton, Menzies and Connon addressed the Committee. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Motion Fenton/Cox That:

• when traffic returns to normal in March 2006, a number plate survey be carried out to determine the volume of traffic using Mosman streets in West Ward to bypass the main road system;

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Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

• the latest information on traffic control devices be obtained with a view to Council reviewing the policy on this matter;

• Council arrange community consultation with the residents in an area to be determined.

CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY At the August 2005 Traffic Committee, item T/65 Brierley / Oswald / Reginald Streets – Proposed Safety Improvements dealt with a report which reviewed previously proposed schemes for the area, and suggested alternative schemes to improve vehicle and pedestrian road safety in the area. The Traffic Committee resolved at this meeting that:

“A. Scheme designs for the following works be prepared in the following order of priority.

1. A traffic island and kerb blister in Oswald Street at the Brierley Street

intersection at the Stop Sign to narrow the approach to the intersection (consideration will be given to the erection of an additional Stop Sign on the traffic island and possibly some landscaping of the kerb blister).

2. A wider traffic island in Brierley Street at the Oswald Street intersection with

an opening for pedestrians to cross Brierley Street. 3. A pedestrian refuge island in Brierley Street at or near the Child Care Centre

near the Spofforth Street end. 4. A pedestrian refuge island in Reginald Street at or near the Orlando Avenue

Park. B. Scheme designs for the above works be placed on public exhibition for four

weeks for affected residents’ comments and then reported to the Traffic Committee.”

Following discussions with Councillor Menzies, it was also agreed that during the public exhibition, a public information night would be held to clarify the schemes to the residents. REPORT The public exhibition displaying the four proposals for road safety improvements were available from 19th October 2005 until 18th November 2005. Display boards were placed in the library and the Council Building showing plans for the proposals. The plans were also placed on Council’s website. A public notice was placed in the Mosman Daily inviting submissions on the scheme. Letters were sent to 116 residents on the three roads informing them of the August 2005 Traffic Committee Meeting decision. The letter asked for written comments on the proposed schemes up to 18th November 2005, and invited residents to attend a public information session on Tuesday 25th October 2005. Public Information Session: A Public Information Session was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday 25th October 2005. The session was attended by Clr Menzies and Clr Connon, Wade Holmes Senior Transport Planner, Sam Sathanesan Traffic Engineer and John Carmichael Director Environment and Planning. Apologies were received from Clr Wilton, Clr Elsegood, Clr Harvey and Clr Jenkins. 4

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Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

residents attended the public information session. Minutes for the public information session can be found in the attachments. The session discussed the schemes in terms of advantages and disadvantages of the proposals and the aims of the proposed schemes. Those in attendance were invited to raise concerns about the four schemes. The main concern raised by residents of 9 Oswald Street was the effect on access to residential properties caused by the proposed kerb blister and refuge island on Oswald Street junction with Brierley Street. These residents requested that the blisters and stop line be moved towards the south to ensure that access to their driveway was not impaired. Council staff agreed to this amendment. Residents in attendance on the night also suggested alternative measures to improve safety in the area including: • The introduction of a roundabout at the junction of Oswald Street and Brierley Street Comment: The budget for proposals in the area is $40,000 and the cost of a roundabout would exceed this budget. Investigations into a roundabout would also require turning counts to be conducted at this junction. The use of roundabouts as a traffic calming device is not favoured and they should only be used in locations where there are sufficient opposing vehicle turning movements. • A reduction in the amount of No Stopping restrictions placed around the proposed traffic

islands and kerb blisters Comment: It was explained that the use of No Stopping restrictions is a requirement of the RTA and is specified in the RTA technical direction “TDT 2002/10 Pedestrian Refuges.” The reduction of the length of the No Stopping restrictions was not an option, and it was explained that the introduction of road safety measures often leads to a reduction in the available kerb side parking. Residents would need to be aware that kerb side parking in the area would be reduced if they wanted the measures. • The introduction of a sign stating “no access to Mosman Junction” to be placed on Spofforth

Street at the junction with Reginald Street. Comment: It was suggested at the meeting that several vehicles, mainly delivery vans, often enter into the area unaware of the banned right turn restriction onto Rangers Avenue. These vehicles then proceed to mount the central median and turn right. A sign at the junction with Spofforth Street will advise these vehicles that they cannot access Mosman Junction via Oswald Street and may reduce the number of vehicles attempting to turn right onto Rangers Avenue. Public Consultation: As part of the public exhibition for the proposed schemes, Council sent 116 letters to residents, placed an advertisement in the Mosman Daily, and provided information on Council’s website inviting comments on the proposals. 21 submissions were received from concerned residents in regards to the public exhibition. A petition was also received. While supportive of Council’s intention to improve safety in the area, none of the submissions received supported the four options as proposed by Council. Many residents suggested that the four proposals would not address their main concerns and the proposals had many disadvantages. The main reasons given in opposition for the proposals are to do with issues relating to through flow traffic and loss of parking in the area. They are as follows:

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Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

• The proposed refuge island in Reginald Street will reduce the amount of available parking

space Comment: The proposed refuge islands are required to have No Stopping restrictions at the approach to the island as per the RTA guideline TDT 2002/10 “Pedestrian Refuges”. The use of the No Stopping restriction is to ensure parked vehicles do not obscure sight lines of pedestrians and vehicles. This will improve pedestrian safety. It is clear that the majority of residents in Reginald Street would prefer to retain kerbside parking. • The proposed refuge island and kerb buildout on Oswald Street at the junction with Brierley

Street will impair access into residential driveways Comment: Council’s Engineers have designed the location of the kerb buildout and refuge island to take into account the driving manoeuvers associated with accessing the driveways of properties in Oswald Street. Vehicles should be able to access the driveways without reduced manoeuverability. The suggestion of moving the stop line 1 metre south as mentioned on the public information night could also be adopted to increase access to the driveway. • The proposals will not address vehicles’ lack of compliance with the stop control restriction at

Oswald Street junction with Brierley Street Comment: Compliance with the stop control is a matter for police enforcement. A request to the NSW Police can be made in terms of increased enforcement of the restriction. The proposed refuge island will allow an additional STOP sign to be placed which may have the effect of increasing awareness and compliance with the stop control restriction. • The proposed refuge island along Reginald Street will impair access into residential

driveways Comment: The refuge island will reduce the ability for residents to access numbers 21, 23 and 25 Reginald Street as they would no longer be able to turn right into their driveway. These residents have raised objections about the island. • The proposed refuge island in Reginald Street will not reduce vehicle speeds, especially due

to the introduction of parking restrictions adjacent to the island Comment: Studies have shown that the introduction of deflection devices such as refuge islands located in the centre of the road lead to a reduction in vehicle speeds. These devices create a disruption to the driver’s eyeline and as such also have a psychological traffic calming effect by reducing the apparent road width. Drivers approach refuge islands with increased caution as it highlights a potential pedestrian crossing point. • The schemes do not provide a solution to reduce the volume of through traffic using Oswald

Street and Brierley Streets Comment: The main concern of residents raised in the consultation was the amount of through traffic in the area. Traffic counts taken on Reginald Street 31 August – 9 September 2005 have indicated that the area does have high numbers of vehicles using the road. The virtual weekday average appears in the following table:

Page 6: TRAFFIC COMMITTEE · TRAFFIC COMMITTEE The Traffic Committee met in the Council Chambers, Mosman Square on Wednesday 14 December 2005 from 10.09 am to 12.02 pm. PRESENT Councillor

Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

Westbound (towards City) Eastbound (towards Mosman) Time Number of 85%ile Speed Number of 85%ile Speed Vehicles (km/h) Vehicles (km/h) (km/h) 12 – 1 am 1.2 - 0.6 - 1 – 2 am 0.4 - 0 - 2 – 3 am 0.3 - 0.4 - 3 – 4 am 0.4 - 0.1 - 4 – 5 am 1.9 - 1.9 - 5 – 6 am 13.5 55 0.2 - 6 – 7 am 68.7 54 4.8 - 7 – 8 am 243.7 54 17.5 42 8 – 9 am 256.1 54 26.1 53 9 – 10 am 109 54 17.2 50 10 – 11 am 71 52 13.9 - 11 – 12pm 68.6 53 17.3 44 12 – 1 pm 68.1 56 21.7 48 1 – 2 pm 51.1 54 13.1 - 2 – 3 pm 75.6 53 17.6 50 3 – 4 pm 128.6 54 32.1 50 4 – 5 pm 90.7 53 25.9 49 5 – 6 pm 90.2 54 26.8 52 6 – 7 pm 62.9 54 26.6 51 7 – 8 pm 41.9 54 12.4 46 8 – 9 pm 24.6 57 6.0 - 9 – 10 pm 16.8 57 3.6 - 10 – 11 pm 10 56 1.8 - 11 – 12am 6.5 - 2.1 - 24 Hour 1501.8 54 289.7 50

A “-“ in the table indicates that the 85%ile speed could not be calculated due to the low number of vehicles at this time period. The table shows that the westbound traffic flow in the AM peak hour 8am – 9am is 256 vehicles, at an 85%ile speed of 54 km/h. Reginald Street is classified as a Local Road under Council’s road hierarchy amended in 1992. The RTA recommends for good environmental practice, local roads should carry a maximum of 200 vehicles per hour. The traffic volumes on Reginald Street exceed this number at 282 (256+26) vehicles in both directions. As reported in the August 2005 Traffic Committee meeting, item T/65 reports that Brierley Street also exceeds the recommended volumes at 218 vehicles in the AM peak hour. The schemes proposed by Council do not aim to address the issue of through flow traffic and, as such, investigations should be made into addressing this issue. Residents have suggested alternatives to the proposed schemes that Council has placed on public exhibition. These schemes are as follows: • A reduction in the speed limit from 50 kmh to 40 kmh: Comment: A reduction in the speed limit was introduced from 60 kmh to 50 kmh as part of Mosman’s adoption of a 50kmh urban speed limit. This reduced vehicle speeds in the area by 15% as reported to the Traffic Committee (T/65) in August 2005. It has been shown that a reduction in the speed limit will result in a reduction of the speeds at which vehicles travel. The introduction of a 40 kmh limit would require approval from the RTA. The RTA has a guideline “NSW Speed Zone Guidelines” which state the necessary requirements needed for

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Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

establishing a 40 kmh zone. The key criteria in assessing suitability for a 40kmhr speed limit are a requirement for a reduction in vehicle travelling speeds to be 40kmh or less. The zones require speed reduction devices such as speed humps and wombat crossings at a distance of approximately 80 metres apart in order for the speed zone to be self enforcing. The associated costs of these devices are beyond the scope and budget of this report, and as such approval for the introduction of the 40 kmh zone would be unlikely from the RTA. • The introduction of a “No Left Turn 6.30am to 9.30am Monday to Friday” restriction from

Rangers Avenue into Oswald Street Comment: The introduction of a banned turn during the AM peak period would eliminate the through flow traffic in the morning. The reduction in volume may also lead to a reduction of the speed of vehicles in the area. The area already has a banned movement from Oswald Street right onto Rangers Avenue to reduce the amount of through traffic in the PM peak period. A banned turn movement would require increased enforcement from NSW Police to be effective. The risk of non-compliance with the banned turn would be high. As part of the Mosman Bicycle Strategy 2005 – 2010, the banned turn would be signed “Bicycles Excepted” to limit the effect on bicycle riders in the area. The banned turn will increase traffic flows along Rangers Avenue between Oswald Street and Spofforth Street, which has been designated as a Collector Road under Mosman’s Road Hierarchy. Traffic would be diverted towards the Spofforth Street / Rangers Avenue roundabout, which would improve the safety of vehicles turning onto Spofforth Street. Rangers Avenue would receive the majority of traffic that is currently on Reginald Street westbound during the banned turning movement, which may be in excess of 400 vehicles per hour in the AM peak hour. This may have implications for the item Rangers Avenue Traffic Management which is being discussed at the same Traffic Committee meeting. • The installation of a raised concrete median at the Oswald Street / Reginald Street bend Comment: Residents have raised concerns over the number of vehicles approaching the bend of Oswald Street and Reginald Street at speed and travelling over the double white lines. A suggestion has been made to install a raised concrete median around the bend. The aim of raised concrete medians is to prevent head on collisions. In the past five years, there have been no recorded accidents in the area. A survey was conducted on the 22nd November 2005 between 8am and 8.30am to determine the number of vehicles with poor lane discipline who travelled over the double white lines on the bend. It was found that of the 150 vehicles using the road in this time, 5 vehicles (less than 4%) veered onto the wrong side of the road. The introduction of a raised concrete median has been discounted in previous reports due to several reasons, including the introduction of No Stopping restrictions adjacent to the median resulting in the loss of available kerbside parking space; the accident history of the area not suggesting that there is an occurrence of head on accidents which would be reduced by such a measure; and the use of a raised concrete median not being recommended as a traffic calming device. Site investigations have also indicated a low number of vehicles travelling across the double white line. There may be some merit in the points raised by residents that a raised concrete median will reduce approach speeds to the bend, as the island may create a psychological traffic calming effect similar to a refuge island. It is estimated that the reductions in speed due to a raised concrete median would be low. • The introduction of chicanes along Reginald Street to slow vehicles and deter through flow

traffic Comment:

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Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

The introduction of chicanes is contrary to Council’s position on traffic management devices. This is due to the issues associated with chicanes such as the issue of priority at the approach to a chicane, the loss of available kerbside parking space, and the relative costs associated with chicanes including ongoing maintenance costs. • The introduction of speed control devices such as speed humps Comment: The introduction of speed humps is contrary to Council’s position on traffic management devices. The introduction of speed control devices such as speed humps is also not favoured by the NSW Police. • The installation of a raised concrete median along Reginald Street in front of Reginald Street

Park which would allow residents to cross over to access driveways Comment: The introduction of a raised concrete median along Reginald Street would not be a favoured option. Allowing vehicles to cross over the raised median would increase maintenance costs of the median as vehicles may damage the median each time they cross over. The median island may result in pedestrians waiting on the median when crossing the road which is not favoured as the median provides insufficient protection for pedestrians. It is illegal for vehicles to cross a dividing strip or concrete median unless it is at the same level as the road, and then only to enter or leave the road. As such, the median could not be raised near the driveways. Residents have also raised concerns about any proposals to direct more traffic onto Oswald Street and Reginald Street. This is in response to requests made by residents in Rangers Avenue to reduce the amount of traffic on Rangers Avenue and encourage traffic onto adjoining streets. The submissions of residents from Reginald Street should be considered when dealing with the item Rangers Avenue Traffic Management which is being considered at the same Traffic Committee meeting. Conclusions It would appear that there is little support for the four schemes as placed on public exhibition. Although residents have requested increased pedestrian facilities and methods to reduce vehicle speeds at Oswald and Brierley Streets, it would seem that the residents do not want these proposed schemes due to the disadvantages, such as reduction in available kerbside parking. Requests made for a sign on Spofforth Street advising drivers that there is no access to Mosman Junction would reduce the amount of vehicles that enter the area who do not realise that there is a banned turning movement onto Rangers Avenue. Residents have indicated that their main concern in the Brierley Street / Reginald Street / Oswald Street area is through flow traffic turning off Rangers Avenue. Under the Mosman Council Road Hierarchy, Reginald Street is designated as a Local Road and is designed to carry 200 vehicles per hour during the peak hour periods. Traffic counts conducted at Reginald Street indicate that during the AM peal period, through flow traffic exceeds the recommended limit. As such, a proposal to reduce the amount of through flow traffic would seem viable. The introduction of a “No Left Turn 6.30am – 9.30am Monday to Friday” would reduce the amount of through flow traffic in the area. The effectiveness of the proposed banned turn would be reliant on enforcement from NSW Police. Any banned turning movements require approval from RTA. The banned turn movement will increase traffic along Rangers Avenue which has been classified as a Collector Road. Banned turning movements require approval from RTA. Requests by residents to have measures installed on Reginald Street, such as chicanes and speed humps, are not recommended at this time. These devices are contrary to Council’s

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Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

position on traffic management devices. The proposed left turn ban will reduce the volume of traffic and as such a scheme which deters traffic from using the area would not be necessary. A request for a raised concrete median on the bend of Oswald / Reginald Streets may have some speed reduction benefits, but as the accident history is low and the rate of non-compliance with the white line is low, the scheme cannot be recommended at this time. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The costs of the signage associated with a banned turning movement and the signs indicating “No direct access to Mosman Junction” would be taken from the Traffic Facilities Fund. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS The introduction of a banned turning movement can result in cyclists travelling further to avoid the restriction, or riding illegally on the footpath to gain access to the road. As such, the Mosman Bicycle Strategy 2005 – 2010 recommends that exceptions to banned movements should be made if appropriate. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT The reduction in the volume of traffic using a local road will result in improved safety for residents, especially children and pedestrians. COUNCILLORS' ATTACHMENTS Circulations • Minutes from Public Information Session held 26 October 2005 • Submissions

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Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

T/92 Rangers Avenue - Speed and Volume Counts MOSPLAN REF: 11.04.01 REPORT BY: Traffic Engineer, Sam Sathanesan SUMMARY This report summarises the results of the traffic counts in Rangers Avenue. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Planning and Transport recommends that: A. The results of the traffic counts be received.

B. Any future proposals to address the issue of through traffic in Rangers Avenue be

considered in conjunction with review of Council’s road hierarchy. Can this Item be resolved by the Committee: Yes The Chairman ruled that Items T/91 and T/92 be considered together. Mr Hunter Shannonhouse (20 Calliope Street),Ms Rachelle Anderson (10/27 Warringah Road), Ms Kirsty Gold (4 Reginald Street), Mr Mark Magnus (75 Rangers Avenue), Mr Lawrence Angus (50 Rangers Avenue), Ms Yvonne Grant (18 Rangers Avenue), Mr Andre Van Stom (49 Rangers Avenue), Ms Ann Brown (52 Rangers Avenue), Mr Desmond Murphy (73 Rangers Avenue), Ms Denise Corscadden (83 Rangers Avenue), Ms Tabitha Chang (10 Rangers Avenue), Ms Jane Gillings (53 Rangers Avenue), Ms Kerrie Ellis (3 Rangers Avenue), Mr Uffe Hansen (9 Rangers Avenue), Ms Thalia Shuttleworth (20 Rangers Avenue), Ms Stephanie Bentley (6A Rangers Avenue), Mr Paul Smith (31 Reginald Street), Mr Peter Pettaras (55 Rangers Avenue) Ms Phillipa Lehmann (17-19 Parriwi Road & 20 Kiora Avenue) and Councillors Wilton, Menzies and Connon addressed the Committee. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Motion Fenton/Cox That:

• when traffic returns to normal in March 2006, a number plate survey be carried out to determine the volume of traffic using Mosman streets in West Ward to bypass the main road system;

• the latest information on traffic control devices be obtained with a view to Council

reviewing the policy on this matter;

• Council arrange community consultation with the residents in an area to be determined. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY At its meeting of 17 August 2005, the Traffic Committee gave consideration to traffic conditions in Rangers Avenue following receipt of a letter from a resident of Rangers Avenue.

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Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

The Traffic Committee recommended that the officer’s recommendation (Item T/67) be adopted and the matter be referred to Council for consideration, together with a submission delivered on behalf of Rangers Avenue residents and a copy of the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for the Woolworths development in North Sydney Council area. The matter was considered at the 5th of September 2005 Council meeting (Item T/67) where it was resolved that:

A. Speed and volume counts be undertaken in Rangers Avenue. B. A report be prepared to advise the Committee of the results. C. Council’s Rangers be instructed to regularly monitor Rangers Avenue for any

breaches of load limit restrictions. D. Council liaise with North Sydney Council on its traffic management plan for the

Woolworths development at Neutral Bay. REPORT 1. Road Hierarchy The control of traffic, in particular through traffic movement, in residential streets of Mosman has been a contentious issue for many years. A number of traffic studies were undertaken by Council in this respect. In 1978, a consultant was commissioned by Council to prepare a traffic study report for Mosman. The main purpose of the study was to review and examine a variety of individual proposals and evaluate their feasibility and / or desirability to enhance the local residential amenity of the study area. The study recommended a road hierarchy for Mosman, which was adopted by Council. The purpose of introducing a road hierarchy for Mosman was to help identify roads which would be suitable for carrying certain volumes of traffic. There are basically four types of streets in Mosman. These are: 1. Laneways – Providing rear access to properties. 2. Local – Primary function is to provide access to properties. 3. Collector (Distributor) - Collect and distribute traffic in an area as well as providing access

to abutting properties. 4. Arterial (control of RTA) – Carries through traffic from one region to another. The road hierarchy established Avenue Road/Rangers Avenue as a “Distributor” road (the term “Distributor” is now not used and the replacement category is “Collector”). The function of a Collector Road is to collect and distribute traffic in an area and can carry up to 500 vehicles per hour. The consultant recommended that action be taken to contain through traffic on collector roads. In 1992, Council gave further consideration to the Mosman Road Hierarchy and confirmed Avenue Road/Rangers Avenue as a Collector Road. 2. Existing Traffic Volume

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Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

Traffic counts (speed and volume) were undertaken in November 2005 at two locations in Rangers Avenue. The first counter was located between Spofforth and Oswald Streets and the second counter was placed between Oswald Street and Park Avenue. • Daily Traffic Volumes Average weekday traffic volumes and average weekly traffic volumes were derived from the traffic counts and are summarised below:

Average Weekday Traffic Average Weekly Traffic LOCATION

EB WB Two-way EB WB Two-way Between Spofforth 6209 3911 10120 6028 3898 9927 and Oswald Streets Between Oswald Street 6518 6652 13171 6317 6398 12720 and Park Avenue Note: EB – Eastbound WB – Westbound • Peak Hourly Traffic Volumes

The average weekday morning and afternoon peak hourly volumes, obtained from the traffic counts, are summarised below:

AM Peak PM Peak Location

EB WB Two-Way EB WB Two-Way Between Spofforth 439 381 821 713 255 968 and Oswald Streets Between Oswald Street- 446 820 1266 712 370 1081 and Park Avenue Note: EB - Eastbound WB – Westbound As mentioned, a Collector Road is a road designated to connect local traffic to more major routes (Regional and Arterial Roads). A Collector Road usually carries up to 500 vehicles per hour (vph) in peak period. The peak hour traffic volumes in Rangers Avenue exceed this recommended value. It should be recognised that Rangers Avenue is the Collector road connecting Cremorne to Mosman Wharf and therefore provides the most convenient direct route. In existing developed areas, Collector Roads pose particular problems because they cater for through traffic (an arterial road function), local traffic and access to abutting properties (local road function), with conflicting requirements for each. Any reduction in through traffic will result in improved residential amenity and safety. However, it may not be possible to transfer all of the through traffic from Rangers Avenue to other surrounding streets which are designated as local roads. The issue therefore revolves

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Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

around how much traffic Rangers Avenue should carry and how much traffic can be transferred to other local roads in the area. It appears that any solution to these issues would require a review of the current road hierarchy. Therefore, it is recommended that any future proposals to address the issue of through traffic in Rangers Avenue be considered in conjunction with Council’s road hierarchy. 3. Vehicle Speeds Vehicle speeds were also recorded in conjunction with the traffic counts. The mean and 85th percentile vehicle speeds (85th percentile speed is the speed exceeded by 15 percent of vehicles) at the two locations are summarised below: Location Mean speed (km/h) 85th speed (km/h)

EB WB Two-way EB WB Two-way Between Spofforth- 41 40 41 45 45 45 and Oswald Streets Between Oswald Street- 49 49 49 54 55 54 and Park Avenue The mean speed of vehicles at both locations was below the posted speed limit of 50kmh. The average 85th vehicle speed along Rangers Avenue between Oswald Street and Park Avenue is 54 km/h. The 85th vehicle speed along Rangers Avenue between Spofforth Street and Oswald Street is below the speed limit of 50 km/h. This is a reflection of the effectiveness of speed control devices in Rangers Avenue. 4. 3 Tonne Load Limit Restriction Following Council’s decision, Council’s Rangers have been instructed to patrol Rangers Avenue and are continuing to regularly monitor the road in regards to breaches of load limits. The following are the results of patrols for the last three months: Month

No of patrols

No of infringements issued

September 2005 27 9 October 2005 13 7 November 2005 16 6

5. Woolworths Development in North Sydney Council’s Senior Transport Planner has spoken to North Sydney Council’s Traffic Engineer in regards to the Woolworth Development in North Sydney. North Sydney Council has advised that the Woolworth Development approved by the Supreme Court of NSW requires that the developer submit a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to North Sydney Council in regards to loading movements associated with the loading dock. This would be a plan of truck movements associated with grocery deliveries and it is unlikely that the Plan will involve any streets in Mosman.

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North Sydney Council is introducing traffic calming schemes in Yeo Street (in the form of chicanes) but is not looking to introducing any traffic calming in adjoining streets. It is understood that the impact associated with the Woolworths Development on streets in Mosman is expected to be minimal. 6. Conclusions

• Rangers Avenue carries significantly more than the recommended peak hour volume for a Collector Road.

• Rangers Avenue is the Collector Road connecting Cremorne to Avenue Road shops and Mosman Wharf, and therefore provides the most convenient direct route. Any future proposals to address the issue of through traffic in Rangers Avenue be considered in conjunction with review of Council’s road hierarchy.

• The average 85th vehicle speed along Rangers Avenue between Oswald Street and Park Avenue is 54 km/h.

• The mean speed of vehicles at both locations was below the speed limit of 50kmh. • The 85th vehicle speed (45 km/h) along Rangers Avenue between Spofforth Street

and Oswald Street is below the speed limit of 50kmh. This is a reflection of the effectiveness of speed control devices in Rangers Avenue.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications at this stage. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS There are no implications. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT In existing developed areas, Collector Roads pose particular problems because they cater for through traffic (an arterial road function), local traffic and access to abutting properties (local road function), with conflicting requirements for each. Any reduction in through traffic would result in improved residential amenity and safety.

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T/93 Cabramatta Road - Replacement of Chicane MOSPLAN REF: 11.04.01 REPORT BY: Contract Engineer, Brian Leckey SUMMARY Consideration of resident submissions on a proposal for removing the chicane in Cabramatta Road and/or replacing it with an alternative device. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Planning & Transport recommends that: No action be taken to remove the existing chicane. Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Cameron/Fenton That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted and the question of right of way at chicanes be considered at the next Traffic Committee Meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY Approximately 25 years ago, residents of Holt Avenue, Spencer Road and Cabramatta Road requested that Council take action to reduce the speed of traffic using these streets. These streets are long, wide and straight and provide a direct link between Cowles Road and Spofforth Street. Many vehicles exceeded the speed limit with some being recorded at 80 to 100 km/hr. As a result, the West Ward Local Area Traffic Management Plan was adopted by Council following consideration of resident comment and public meetings. The Plan, which involved the provision of thresholds and chicanes in Holt Avenue, Spencer Road and Cabramatta Road, was introduced about the mid 1980’s. The Plan also involved the provision of roundabouts and traffic control devices in other streets in West Ward. Residents of Cabramatta Road between Spofforth Street and Bardwell Road, during the 1990’s, requested that the traffic control devices be removed and be replaced with an alternative traffic calming proposal. As a result of resident consultation, the devices were removed in the section of Cabramatta Road between Spofforth Street and Bardwell Road and the traffic calming scheme as exists today was introduced. This involved road narrowing with tree plantings in the road shoulder, edge line marking and a pedestrian refuge. The threshold at Spofforth Street was retained.

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The alternative traffic claming proposal in Cabramatta Road was a trial to assess effectiveness and resident reaction. The fact that it was a trial with a limited budget determined the section of Cabramatta Road to be treated. The trial was regarded as successful with resident acceptance. The Medusa Street scheme was based on the Cabramatta Road trial. A letter and a petition were received concerning the chicane in Cabramatta Road between Bardwell Road and Cowles Road. Copies were attached to the member’s business papers for the meeting of 9 February 2005 (Item T/10). Following an inspection of the device, warning signs as indicated in the Australian Standard were erected. There were no standards available at the time when the chicane was installed. Removal of the device was not recommended unless it was replaced with an alternative device, or a traffic calming scheme was introduced in this section of Cabramatta Road. REPORT The Committee at a meeting on 9 February 2005 gave consideration to the matter and recommended:

“That in the first instance the residents of Cabramatta Road between Bardwell Road and Cowles Road be invited to comment on a proposal for removing the chicane and introducing a similar treatment to that provided in Cabramatta Road between Spofforth Street and Bardwell Road, or replacing the chicane with an alternative device.”

Council at a meeting on the 7 March 2005 adopted the Committee’s recommendation but added that in seeking comments from residents they be advised of the costs involved in removal and costs of likely alternatives. Up to date estimates of costs were obtained and letters were sent to 44 property owners on 6 September 2005. A copy of Council’s letter to the residents is attached to the members’ business papers. Nine submissions have been received. Five favour the retention of the chicane and four favour its removal. Of the four favouring removal, two support a continuation of the treatment in the section of Cabramatta Road between Spofforth Street and Bardwell Road, one is in favour of replacing the chicane with another device and one does not wish to express an opinion on a replacement device until designs have been prepared. Copies of the submissions are attached to the members’ business papers. In view of the small number of residents supporting the removal of the chicane, no further action is recommended. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS There are no implications. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT

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The reduction of traffic speed due to the existence of the chicane had improved. Residential safety and the chicane has not resulted in the development of an accident history due to its one way traffic movement design in the 20 years of its existence. Only one accident has been recorded at or near the device in the last five years. COUNCILLORS' ATTACHMENTS Circulations • Survey letter to residents • Submissions

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T/94 Shadforth Street - Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) and Pick Up/Drop Off Area for School Children

MOSPLAN REF: 11.04.01 REPORT BY: Contract Engineer, Brian Leckey SUMMARY Consideration of resident responses to the introduction of a RPS in Shadforth Street and to an extension of the pick up/drop off area at Mosman Church of England Preparatory School. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Planning and Transport recommends that: A. The “No Standing, 8:00am – 9:00 am and 2:30pm – 3:30pm, School Days Only”

restriction on the southern of Shadforth Street in front of Mosman Church of England Preparatory School be changed to a “No Parking, Drop Off/Pick Up Only, 8:00am – 9:00am and 2:30pm – 3:30pm, School Days Only” restriction.

B. The introduction of any extension to the drop-off/pick-up zone in front of the school await

the completion of the safety audit, and the consultant engaged to prepare the safety audit be advised of this report and the residents’ comments on an extension to the drop-off/pick-up zone.

C. No further action be taken to introduce either a “2 or 3 Hour Parking, 8:00am – 6:00pm,

Monday to Friday” restriction in conjunction with a RPS along the southern or northern sides of Shadforth Street.

Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Motion Fenton/Cox That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted. CARRIED For: Cameron, Cox, Fenton Against: Lopez HISTORY In 1991, a “No Standing, 8:00am – 9:00am and 2:30pm – 3:30pm, School Days Only” restriction was introduced along the southern side of Shadforth Street in front of Mosman Church of England Preparatory School to provide a location where parents could drop off and pick up school children. The length of the restriction provided for three to four car parking spaces. The Australian Road Rules require the phasing out of the “No Standing” restriction and its replacement with “No Stopping” or “No Parking”.

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“10 Minute Parking” was introduced on the southern side of Shadforth Street about twelve months ago in front of the new Child Care Centre at 87-89 Shadforth Street. Councillor Wilton asked the following Question Without Notice at the Council meeting on 29 November 2004:

“Due to the DAs in Shadforth Street for a Child Care Centre and Mosman Prep School and increased pressure on traffic and parking which will ensue, can the residents of Shadforth Street be canvassed as to whether they want a Resident Parking Scheme?”

A letter was received from Mosman Church of England Preparatory School in February 2005, requesting an extension to the drop-off/pick-up zone in front of the school. A copy of the letter was attached to the members’ business papers of the meeting on 17 August 2005 (Item T/55). Surveys were carried out in Shadforth Street between Avenue Road and Canrobert Street to establish eligibility for participation in a RPS and the availability of kerbside parking spaces. Details of the results of these surveys were outlined on the Traffic Committee agenda of 17 August 2005 (Item T/55). Observations of traffic movements in Shadforth Street just before school starting and just before school finishing has revealed that the existing location for parents to drop-off and pick-up school children is not long enough to accommodate parents’ vehicles. Extension of the area allocated in front of the school for parents to park while dropping-off and picking-up children will improve this situation. Funding has been provided in the 2005/2006 financial year to carry out a safety audit around the school. The RTA is contributing towards the cost of the audit. The introduction of any extension to the drop-off/pick-up zone should await the completion of the safety audit, but resident comment may assist in the preparation of the audit. The Traffic Committee gave consideration to this matter at a meeting on 17 August 2005 and recommended that:

“The owners of properties in the section of Shadforth Street between Avenue Road and Canrobert Street, including the owners of ten properties with boundaries to both Shadforth Street and Avenue Road, be invited to comment on the following: A. Changing the “No Standing, 8:00am – 9:00 am and 2:30pm – 3:30pm, School Days

Only” restriction on the southern side of Shadforth Street in front of Mosman Church of England Preparatory School to a “No Parking, Drop-Off/Pick-Up Only, 8:00am – 9:00 am and 2:30pm – 3:30pm, School Days Only” restriction.

B. Extending the length of the restriction proposed in Item A to in front of all properties

forming part of the Church of England Preparatory School. C. The introduction of either a “2 or 3 Hour Parking, 8:00am – 6:00pm, Monday to

Friday” restriction in conjunction with a RPS along the southern side of Shadforth Street between Hamlet Lane and Canrobert Street, except at the location of Items A and B and in front of the Child Care Centre.

D. The introduction of either a “2 or 3 Hour Parking, 8:00am – 6:00 pm, Monday to

Friday” restriction in conjunction with a RPS along the northern side of Shadforth Street between No 124 Shadforth Street and Canrobert Street.

E. The owners of properties on the southern side of Avenue Road between Shadforth

Street and 167 Avenue Road be invited to comment on the introduction of either a “2 or 3 Hour Parking 8:00 am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday” restriction in conjunction

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with a RPS on the southern side of Avenue Road between Shadforth Street and 167 Avenue Road.”

However, Council at a meeting on 5 September 2005, only adopted Items A, B, C and D of the Committee’s recommendation. REPORT Letters have been sent to 139 owners of properties in the sections of Shadforth Street and Avenue Road referred to in Council’s resolution. Nineteen property owners have submitted responses and replies have been received from St Clement’s Church and Mosman Church of England Preparatory School. Copies of the replies are attached to the members’ business papers. Thirteen are against the introduction of parking restrictions and a RPS and six are in favour. The Church supports the introduction of parking restrictions and a RPS, but is concerned that the introduction of the restrictions will transfer the all day parking problem to other nearby streets. The School supports the parking restrictions and RPS but only if they can participate in the RPS and be eligible for permits. However, this is not possible under Council’s Policy on RPS’s. In regard to an extension of the pick-up/drop-off zone, eight are against an extension, seven have no opinion and four are in favour of some extension. The School and Church support an extension of the pick-up/drop-off zone. Three residents are against changing the “No Standing” restriction in Item A above to “No Parking”. They are obviously not aware of the phasing out of the “No Standing” restriction. As only six residents support a parking restriction and RPS, no further action is recommended on this matter. The responses from residents on an extension to the drop-off/pick-up zone may be of some assistance to the consultant to be engaged on the preparation of the School Safety Audit. However, observation of traffic movements, traffic counts and safety during the school drop-off/pick-up periods will be more important criteria in assessing whether any extension of the drop-off/pick-up zone should be provided. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS There are no implications. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT Parents double parking while waiting to drop-off and pick-up children create safety issues with passing traffic. The Road Safety Auditors will conduct a detailed investigation into all road safety matters regarding a drop-off and pick-up area.

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COUNCILLORS' ATTACHMENTS Circulations • Submissions

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T/95 Shadforth Street-Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) MOSPLAN REF: 11-04-01 REPORT BY: Contract Engineer, Brian Leckey SUMMARY Consideration of the CTMP for 73-77 Shadforth Street (Church of England Preparatory School). OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Planning & Transport recommends that: The CTMP for 73-77 Shadforth Street be approved subject to the plan being amended to provide:

• That any oversized plant delivered to the site between 9.30pm and 6.30am must remain on the transport vehicle until 6.30am;

• Under no circumstances is the oversized plant to be driven off the transport vehicle and either parked in Shadforth Street or driven onto the site between 9.30pm and 6.30am;

• Application be made for a “Work Zone” in Shadforth Street in front of the site and the appropriate fees paid prior to the commencement of work and the length of such zone be kept to the minimum length.

Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes The Committee was advised that an amended plan for Appendix B of the CTMP has been submitted which shows the length for the “Work Zone”. This length is satisfactory. RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Cameron/Cox That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted subject to Point 3 being altered as follows:

• Application be made for a “Work Zone” in Shadforth Street in front of the site, in accordance with the amended plan for Appendix B of the CTMP, and the appropriate fees paid prior to the commencement of work.

CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY Council dealt with a Development Application for alterations and additions to Mosman Church of England Preparatory School at 73-77 Shadforth Street and approved the application in August 2005 subject to conditions. A condition of approval required the submission of a CTMP for approval by Council’s Traffic Committee. REPORT

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A CTMP for the site has been submitted by Gardner Wetherill, Architects, and a copy is attached to the members’ business papers. Copies have been forwarded to the RTA and Police representatives on the Committee. The CTMP appears satisfactory subject to it being amended to cover the delivery times for oversized plant and provision being made for a “Work Zone”. In view of the parking situation in Shadforth Street, a “Work Zone” will be needed for vehicles associated with the work, such as tradesmen’s vehicles etc., and the length of such zone should be kept to a minimum. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS There are no implications. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT There are no implications. COUNCILLORS' ATTACHMENTS Circulations • Construction Traffic Management Plan from Gardner Wetherill, Architects

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T/96 Pedestrian Crossing at Hunter Park - The Esplanade MOSPLAN REF: 11.05.02 REPORT BY: Contract Engineer, Brian Leckey SUMMARY Six monthly review of the safety concerns with the pedestrian crossing in The Esplanade at Hunter Road. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Planning and Transport recommends that: A. No action be taken to extend the kerb projection on the western side of The Esplanade

south of the pedestrian crossing at this stage. B. Consideration be given to an extension of the kerb projection in Item A above if Council’s

application to the RTA is successful with a grant to convert this pedestrian crossing to a wombat crossing.

C. No action be taken to provide zig zag markings on the southern approach to this

crossing. Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Fenton/Cox That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY This matter was raised at the Traffic Committee Meeting on 1 December 2004; the Chairman ruling the matter as one of urgency. Concern has been expressed that visibility at the pedestrian crossing on The Esplanade at Hunter Park was not satisfactory and the situation for pedestrians using the crossing was dangerous when buses were parked at the terminus on the western side of The Esplanade, just south of the pedestrian crossing. The Committee was advised that the kerb projection at the pedestrian crossing extended out into The Esplanade by approximately 2.1 metres. The Roads and Traffic Authority's (RTA's) Technical Direction 2002/12 requires a "No Stopping" distance of 10 metres on the approach side of a pedestrian crossing with a kerb projection of 2.0 metres. The distance of 10 metres for "No Stopping" with 2.0 metres kerb projection remains unaltered in the RTA's draft document on "Pedestrian Facilities". Photographs submitted to the Committee by a resident of Hunter Road showed tourist buses parked at the terminus almost on the pedestrian crossing. These buses were obviously parked

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partly within the "No Stopping" zone and in such a situation would seriously interfere with visibility for pedestrians and approaching vehicles from the south at the pedestrian crossing. The Committee recommended that an extension of the kerb projection towards the head of the Bus Zone within the existing "No Stopping" restriction be investigated. This would prevent buses from parking closer to the pedestrian crossing. Council gave consideration to this matter at a meeting on 7 February 2005 and adopted the Committee's recommendation and also resolved that other options including road markings, or further extension of the "No Stopping" restriction, be considered. REPORT A report was submitted to the Committee at a meeting on 20 April 2005 (Item T/23) and the Committee resolved under delegated authority as follows:

“(i) That kerb projection on the western side of The Esplanade not be extended at this stage and be further considered six months after introduction of (ii);

(ii) The existing "No Stopping" restriction on the western side of The Esplanade at

the pedestrian crossing at Hunter Park be extended a further 5 metres in a southerly direction;

(iii) Zig zag markings on the southern approach to the pedestrian crossing of The

Esplanade at Hunter Park be further considered six months after the introduction of (ii).”

The "No Stopping" restriction was extended a further 5 metres and the crossing has been monitored for the past six months. No problems have been observed and no incidents involving pedestrian safety have been reported to Council. No zig zag markings on the southern approach to the crossing are considered necessary. Only on one occasion was a bus observed parked partly in the "No Stopping" zone and this would have been prevented by an extension of the kerb projection. An extension of the kerb projection could be considered if Council is in favour of this pedestrian crossing being converted to a Wombat Crossing (see Item on 40km/hr speed limit for The Esplanade in this agenda). Both works could be carried out at the same time. An extension of the kerb projection is not considered to be an urgent item. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications at this stage. Council will be required to meet half the cost of converting the crossing to a Wombat Crossing if Council makes an application to the RTA for a grant and is successful. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS The location is on the bicycle network and this will need to be considered during the design for a Wombat Crossing. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT Pedestrian safety will be improved marginally by an extension of kerb projection as this will prevent buses from parking in the "No Stopping" zone, but as only one bus was observed

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parked partly in the "No Stopping" zone (by about 1.5 metres) in a period of six months, this matter is not urgent.

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T/97 Stop line restriction at Hamlet Lane junction with Raglan Street MOSPLAN REF: 11.04 REPORT BY: Graduate Traffic Engineer, Martin Chan SUMMARY Investigation into visibility at the junction of Hamlet Lane with Raglan Street. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager of Planning and Transport recommends that:

A. A “LOOK” logo is placed on Raglan Street kerb ramp junction with Hamlet Lane. B. The issue of non-compliance with the stop line restriction is referred to NSW Police for

investigation. Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes Mr Chris Barnes (170 Raglan Street) addressed the Committee. RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Fenton/Cameron That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY This matter has no history. REPORT A letter has been received from Jillian Skinner MP, drawing attention to a pedestrian hazard at Hamlet Lane junction with Raglan Street. Due to the existence of a hedge on the southern side of Hamlet Lane at Raglan Street, vehicles traveling east along Hamlet Lane cannot see pedestrians approaching from the south of Raglan Street until they are at the junction. There have been no accidents at this location in the past five years. A site investigation was carried out, which found that there is low traffic and pedestrian volume accessing Hamlet Lane. It is the practice of motorists to proceed along Hamlet Lane to the kerb line of Raglan Street in order to observe traffic movements in Raglan Street. The site investigation revealed that there are several vehicles which do not comply with the stop line restriction.

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If vehicles were to obey the stop line restriction, pedestrian safety in the area would be improved. There is adequate signage advising of the stop line, and the issue has become one of compliance with the stop line. Compliance and enforcement is a matter for NSW Police and should be referred to them for investigation. Council is undertaking a project to install “LOOK” logos on kerb ramps around busy or dangerous pedestrian areas in Mosman. The “LOOK” logos aim to encourage pedestrians to look for vehicles before they cross the road. As the hedge may affect visibility at the junction, this location would be suitable for inclusion as it would increase pedestrian safety. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Funds will be provided by the Traffic Facilities Fund. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS There are no implications. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT The “LOOK” logo will improve safety for pedestrians when they cross the eastern end of Hamlet Lane, particularly school children and the elderly. COUNCILLORS' ATTACHMENTS Circulations • Letter from Jillian Skinner MP

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T/98 Proposed "2 Hour Parking" restriction in Bardwell Road MOSPLAN REF: 11.04.02 REPORT BY: Traffic Engineer, Sam Sathanesan SUMMARY Consideration of a “2 Hour Parking” restriction in Bardwell Road along the side boundary of Harrold’s Electrical Store. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Planning and Transport recommends that an 18m “2 Hour Parking, 8:00am-5:00pm, Mon-Fri” restriction on the eastern side of Bardwell Road along the side boundary of Harrold’s Electrical Store as per the plan TR-831 be introduced. Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Cameron/Cox That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted subject to the 2 Hour Parking restriction being amended to “8:00 am-6.00pm, Mon-Fri.” CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY This matter has no history. REPORT A letter has been received from Mr Geoff Harrold, director of Harrold’s Electrical store, requesting 2 hour period parking in Bardwell Road along the side boundary of the store. A copy of the letter is attached to the members’ business papers. The electrical store is situated on the north-east corner of Bardwell and Cabramatta Roads. At present the kerbside parking spaces in Bardwell Road are being used for parking all day. Site inspections by Council staff confirm that the demand for on-street parking at this location is relatively high, especially in the vicinity of the commercial premises of the Harrold’s Electrical store. A meeting was arranged with the director of the shop and it was agreed that a 2 hour period parking restriction in Bardwell Road would increase turnover of available on-street parking spaces. This restriction will also allow for electrical contractors’ vehicles and delivery vehicles to park close to the shop, rather than in front of residential properties in Bardwell and Cabramatta Roads. A proposal to introduce an 18m (3 car parking spaces) 2 hour parking restriction on the eastern side of Bardwell Road was advertised in the Mosman Daily on Thursday, 13 October 2005. Consultation letters were also sent to the affected residents in Bardwell Road.

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Council did not receive any written objection to the proposal during the consultation period. Therefore it is recommended that an 18 m “2 Hour Parking” restriction be installed in Bardwell Road as per the plan TR-831. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Parking signs can be financed from Council’s Traffic Facilities Fund. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS There are no implications. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT There are no implications. COUNCILLORS' ATTACHMENTS Circulations • Letter from Mr Geoff Harrold of Harrold’s Electrical Service Pty Ltd. • Plan No TR-831

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T/99 Proposed "No Parking, Authorised Vehicles Only" restriction in Cowles Road

MOSPLAN REF: 11.04.02 REPORT BY: Traffic Engineer, Sam Sathanesan SUMMARY Consideration of a request for a “No Parking, Authorised Vehicles Only” restriction in front of the Council Depot in Cowles Road. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Planning and Transport recommends that a “No Parking, Authorised Vehicles Only” be approved in front of the Council Depot in Cowles Road for a distance of 23 metres as per the plan TR-847. Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Cox/Cameron That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted and that at the end of the construction work the parking restriction revert to the existing. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY This matter has no history. REPORT Council invited tenders for a contract to provide a street and gutter sweeping service in June 2004 and, upon consideration entered into a formal agreement with Economy Sweepers. Part of the negotiation process involved Council allowing Economy Sweepers to use the Depot as a waste transfer station, as there were definite cost savings to Council by doing this. However the use of the Council Depot for waste storage meant that Council had to undertake improvements to ensure that the storage activity did not infringe any environmental regulations. The improvements identified involved the extension of the existing roof to provide undercover protection for the waste storage facility and the construction of channels to divert all water contained within the collected waste into the appropriate wastewater system. Council is about to award the contract for these works. It is necessary to clear the Depot yard in order to allow the roof construction to take place. This will require street sweeping and other service vehicles to be parked in Cowles Road throughout the construction period including overnight and weekends. Council has received a request from the Depot Manager, who is supervising the works, for the provision of a “No Parking, Authorised Vehicles Only” restriction in Cowles Road. The “No Parking” restriction is to be 23.0 metres in length commencing from the end of the existing “No

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Standing, Authorised vehicles only” restriction and extending in a southerly direction and is required throughout the construction period at all times. There is a “2 Hour Parking” restriction in Cowles Road in front of the depot. Four (4) car parking spaces will be lost due to these changes. The construction is programmed to be commence on 30 January 2006 and competed by the end of April 2006. All affected residents will be notified in January 2006. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications as the cost is to be met by the depot. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS There are no implications. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT There are no implications. COUNCILLORS' ATTACHMENTS Circulations • TR-847

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T/100 Introduction of 40 km/hr Speed Limit - The Esplanade MOSPLAN REF: 11.04.01 REPORT BY: Contract Engineer, Brian Leckey SUMMARY Consideration of the reply from the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) to Council’s proposal for the introduction of 40km/hr speed limit for The Esplanade. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Planning and Transport recommends that: A. No further action be taken to introduce a speed limit of 40km/hr for The Esplanade. B. Application be made to the RTA at an appropriate time for a grant to convert the existing

pedestrian crossing on The Esplanade at Hunter Park to a Wombat Crossing. Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Cameron/Cox That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY The introduction of a 40km/hr speed limit along The Esplanade has been considered by the Traffic Committee on previous occasions. See Item T/3 of 16 February 2000 and Item T/16 of 26 February 2004 for full details. The Committee recommended at a meeting on 26 February 2004 that the RTA be requested to introduce a 40km/hr speed limit along The Esplanade and that the results of the community consultation and the results of the speed survey be forwarded to the RTA. Council at a meeting on 9 March 2004 did not adopt the Committee’s recommendation. Council at a meeting on 1 November 2004 gave consideration to a Notice of Motion by Councillor Brown and resolved as follows: “A. The RTA be requested to introduce a 40km/hr speed limit along the full length of The

Esplanade and that the results of a community consultation and speed survey be forwarded to the Authority.

B. ……………….. C. That in relation to Point A it be placed on public exhibition.” Item B related to another matter.

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The proposal to introduce the 40km/hr speed limit was advertised again in the Mosman Daily on 2 December 2004. No comments were received. In accordance with Council’s resolution on the Notice of Motion, the matter was referred to the RTA. REPORT In February 2005 the RTA produced a publication titled “40km/hr Speed Limits in High Volume Pedestrian Areas”. This publication outlines the key principles and assessment criteria for the introduction of a 40km/hr speed limit. A copy of the publication was enclosed with the reply from the RTA on Council’s request to introduce a 40km/hr speed limit for The Esplanade. A copy of the reply from the RTA is attached to the members’ business papers. The reply from the RTA states that it cannot support the introduction of 40km/hr speed limit for The Esplanade at this stage as the 85th percentile speed opposite Hunter Park exceeds 40km/hr. A meeting was arranged with representatives of the RTA at the Esplanade on 6 October 2005 to discuss Council’s proposal and the steps needed to be taken for the criteria in the RTA’s publication to be met. Present at the meeting were Jill Hislop from the RTA, Dick van den Dool, Jamieson Foley, an RTA Traffic Consultant, Wade Holmes, Senior Transport Planner from Council, and Brian Leckey, Council’s Contract Engineer. Jill Hislop advised that the RTA had now produced a publication “NSW Speed Zone Guidelines” which determines the criteria for assessment of applications for a reduction in a speed limit to 40km/hr. The key criteria in assessing suitability for a 40km/hr speed limit is a requirement for a reduction in vehicle travelling speeds to 40km/hr or less. As the 85th percentile speed in the section of The Esplanade between Raglan Street and Awaba Street was 43.2km/hr for southbound traffic and 46.8km/hr for northbound traffic, the RTA would not agree to the introduction of a speed limit of 40km/hr until the 85th percentile speed was 40km/hr or less. It would therefore be necessary for speed reduction devices to be installed in The Esplanade between Raglan Street and Awaba Street. These devices should ideally be spaced at approximately 80 metres. Altering the pedestrian crossings of The Esplanade at Hunter Park and near Awaba Street to Wombat Crossings would be regarded as speed reduction devices and it would be necessary to consider devices for at least two other locations. The RTA would consider an application for 50% funding to meet the cost of the devices, but funds would not be available for two years as funds for the next two years have been allocated. It would be necessary for signs to be erected at various locations and for entry treatments to be provided in the streets leading to The Esplanade. Plans and estimates will need to be prepared of the proposed speed reduction devices and the entry treatments and plans showing the location of all signage. These will require Council approval and will need to be placed on public exhibition.

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Jill Hislop advised that the RTA would be prepared to view and comment on the plans during their preparation. The cost involved in the design and construction of speed reduction devices (probably brick paved raised tables) and entry treatments (probably road narrowing or kerb blisters) in Awaba Street, Mandolong Road and Raglan Street do not appear to be justified, particularly in view of the large amount of money spent on improving The Esplanade in recent years. The construction of speed reduction devices and entry treatments may result in a loss of car parking spaces and it will be necessary for a large number of signs to be erected indicating the lower speed limit, not only in The Esplanade but also in the approach roads and lanes. During the swimming season, when the weather is warm and large crowds and a large number of vehicles are attracted to Balmoral, the speed of traffic using The Esplanade is already below 40km/hr as its is not possible to proceed faster due to the high activity in the area. The main advantage of proceeding further with the introduction of a 40km/hr speed limit for The Esplanade would appear to be outside these peak periods. Therefore, no further action is recommended in progressing Council’s request for a speed limit of 40km/hr for The Esplanade. There would be advantages, however, in changing the pedestrian crossing of The Esplanade at Hunter Park to a Wombat Crossing. This will assist in lowering the 85th percentile speed at this location and will provide safer conditions for pedestrians crossing The Esplanade at this location outside the above peak periods. The RTA representatives indicated that 50% of the cost involved in changing the crossing to a Wombat Crossing would be eligible for a grant from the RTA. However, all RTA funds have been allocated and Council’s application for a grant would not be considered before the 2007/2008 financial year. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications at this stage but Council will be required to meet 50% of the cost of the Wombat Crossing if Council’s application to the RTA for a grant is successful. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS The Esplanade is on the bicycle network but there are no implications. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT There are unlikely to be any road safety implications by not introducing a 40km/hr speed limit during the peak swimming period as the high activity in the area assists in controlling vehicle speeds to below 40km/hr. Outside the peak swimming periods, the improvement work along The Esplanade has already had an effect on lowering speed limits with the 85th percentile speed at all locations, except Raglan Street to Awaba Street, being below 40km/hr and even in the Raglan Street to Awaba Street section the 85th percentile speeds for both directions were close to 45km/hr. There would be an improvement in pedestrian safety by the provision of a Wombat Crossing near Hunter Park.

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COUNCILLORS' ATTACHMENTS Circulations • Letter from RTA dated 4 August 2005

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Minutes of Traffic Committee 14 December 2005

T/101 Review of Motor Cycle Parking - The Esplanade MOSPLAN REF: 11.04.01 REPORT BY: Contract Engineer, Brian Leckey SUMMARY Consideration of a review of the motor cycle parking space in The Esplanade in front of No 9 The Esplanade. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Planning and Transport recommends that: A. The single parking space in front of No. 9 The Esplanade reserved for motor cycle

parking during specified hours be retained. B. The provision of the parking of motor cycles at other locations in the Municipality, as

outlined in the report submitted by “Residents Advocating Motorcycle Parking”, be investigated and reported to the Traffic Committee.

Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Cox/Fenton That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY Details of this matter were outlined on the Traffic Committee agenda (Item T/14) for the meeting on 4 April 2005. The Committee at that meeting resolved under delegated authority:

“That: A. The single “½ Hour Parking, 8:30am – 6:00pm, Monday to Friday, 8:30am –

12:30pm, Saturday”, space in front of No 9 The Esplanade, be altered to “Motor Cycle Parking, 7:00am – 10:00am Everyday, and ½ Hour Parking, 10:00am – 6:00pm, Monday to Friday, 10:00am – 12:30pm Saturday”.

B. The matter be reviewed in approximately six months.”

REPORT The site has been inspected on many occasions during the past six months and it has been observed on nearly every occasion that two or three motor cycles have been parked in the space during the 7:00am to 10:00am period. No complaints have been received, except there has been some confusion as to whether the sign “Motor Cycle Parking” excludes car parking. This has been resolved by changing the sign to “Motor Cycle Parking Only”.

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The review has been notified in the Mosman Daily and no comments have been received. The provision of the space for motor cycle parking is being utilised and should be retained. A report was submitted to Council by “Residents Advocating Motorcycle Parking” in August 2005 outlining various locations in the Municipality where motor cycle parking could be provided. The Group was advised that their submission would receive consideration following the six months review of the motor cycle parking space outside No 9 The Esplanade. The Group’s submission will now receive consideration and a report will be submitted to the Traffic Committee. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS There are no implications. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT There are no implications.

Page 39: TRAFFIC COMMITTEE · TRAFFIC COMMITTEE The Traffic Committee met in the Council Chambers, Mosman Square on Wednesday 14 December 2005 from 10.09 am to 12.02 pm. PRESENT Councillor

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T/102 Line Marking At Existing Bus Stops MOSPLAN REF: 11.07 REPORT BY: Senior Transport Planner, Wade Holmes SUMMARY The marking of existing bus stops with white line marking to increase awareness of vehicles parking in bus stops. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Transport & Planning recommends that:

A. White line marking be placed at the eighteen bus zone locations on local roads as indicated in the report to prevent obstructive parking.

B. After completion of the line marking, the STA be invoiced for the cost associated with ten

of the markings.

C. STA be required to indicate, on the bus stop signs, the days of the week and hours during the day that the bus stop is in operation.

D. Approval from the RTA be sought in regards to line marking on the eight bus stops on

regional roads. Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes Mr John Heapy, STA, addressed the Committee. RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Fenton/Cameron That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY A report was submitted to the August 2005 Traffic Committee Meeting on the issue of line marking at existing bus stops to increase driver awareness. The Committee resolved that:

“A. The STA be advised that its request for the marking of bus stops along Military Road and Spit Road should be referred to the Roads & Traffic Authority (RTA).

B. The STA be requested to submit a priority list for the marking of bus stops on

other roads in the Municipality. C. The STA be advised that present funding may only enable two or three bus stops

to be line marked each year.

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D. In conjunction with the marking of bus stops on other roads in the Municipality, the STA be required to indicate on the bus stop signs, the days of the week and hours during the day that the bus stop is in operation.”

REPORT The STA have submitted a list of bus stops which they feel require line marking to prevent vehicles parking in the bus stops. The location of the bus stops requiring line marking can be found in TR 842 which is included in the attachments. The list of stops which require marking is as follows:

1. Military Road – east of Spit Road, northern side; 2. Military Road – east of Spit Road, southern side; 3. Military Road and Mandalong Road; 4. Military Road and Belmont Road - Mosman Junction end; 5. Mosman Junction, eastern side; 6. Mosman Junction, western side; 7. Military Road outside Mosman Highschool; 8. Clifford Street at 236 terminus; 9. Bradleys Head Road and Whiting Beach Road; 10. Bradleys Head Road and Thompson Street – western side; 11. Middle Head Road opposite Effingham Street; 12. Beaconsfield Road and Wolseley Road; 13. Raglan Street and Esther Road; 14. Raglan Street and The Esplanade; 15. The Esplanade at Hunter Park; 16. The Esplanade and Awaba Street; 17. Avenue Road west of Military Road; 18. Avenue Road, near Canrobert Street - southern side; 19. Avenue Road, near Canrobert Street - northern side; 20. Avenue Road and Upper Avenue Road; 21. Medusa Street opposite Pursell Avenue; 22. Pearl Bay Avenue opposite Moss Lane; 23. Kirkoswald Avenue east of Tivoli Street; 24. Kirkoswald Avenue and Fairfax Road; 25. Kirkoswald Avenue and Hopetoun Avenue; 26. Spofforth Street and Calliope Street.

The total number of bus stop markings required is twenty-six. The cost estimate for each bus stop marking is approximately $40 per bus zone to provide white line marking parallel to the kerbline and two lines perpendicular at the end of the markings. Eight of the proposed line markings are located on regional roads (Military Road, Bradleys Head Road, Spofforth Street) which are under RTA control and will require their approval to proceed. The STA General Manager David Callahan has offered for STA to pay for ten line markings on the list if Mosman Council is prepared to pay for the remaining items. Therefore, based on cost estimates, the line marking will cost STA $400, and Mosman Council will pay $640. There may be some site establishment fees which will increase the costs of the line marking. The STA has submitted a list of bus stops and their operating days and times. In order for the public to know the operating times of the bus stops, it would be necessary to place this information on the bus stand j-poles so that vehicles can park at these locations when the bus stop is not in operation. The STA has been requested to update this information on the j-poles on previous occasions, and it is apparent that not all of the j-poles contain this information. Now would be the time to remind the STA of the previous Traffic Committee recommendation that

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progress of the line marking of bus stops was subject to this information being displayed at the appropriate bus stand j-poles. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The STA has offered to fund ten of the line markings required. The remaining sixteen locations will be funded from the Traffic Facilities Fund. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS There are no implications. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT There are safety concerns for traffic and bus passengers when buses have to double park at bus stops due to illegal parking in the bus stop. COUNCILLORS' ATTACHMENTS Circulations • Letter from the STA listing bus stops requiring line marking • Location map for proposed bus stop linemarkings TR - 842

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T/103 Information regarding new articulated buses MOSPLAN REF: 11.07 REPORT BY: Senior Transport Planner, Wade Holmes SUMMARY Report advising that the STA is to introduce a new articulated bus service in the Mosman area. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Planning & Transport recommends: That the advices be received. Can this item be resolved by the Committee: Yes Mr John Heapy, STA, addressed the Committee. RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Cox/Cameron That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HISTORY This matter has no history. REPORT The State Transit Authority (STA) has recently informed Mosman Council about its proposal to introduce a new fleet of articulated (bendy) buses into the Warringah Peninsular bus routes. The new articulated buses follow the introduction of new “low floor” buses that will help the STA comply with the Accessible Transport Plan which states that 25% of bus services must be made available to disabled travellers by 2007. Advices have been received from the STA stating that the new Volvo articulated bus is currently being trialled, and should be introduced on certain routes in mid 2006. No advice has been received from the STA as to which routes will use this new bus fleet. The STA will identify the potential routes and assess these routes to see if any alterations are required to accommodate the new buses. Dimensions for the new bus fleet have been sent to Council with new amendments for the size of bus zones required. Council staff will continue to work closely with the STA in order to ensure a smooth transition for the new bus fleet. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications. BICYCLE STRATEGY IMPLICATIONS

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There are no implications for the bicycle strategy. ROAD SAFETY COMMENT There are no comments from the Road Safety Officer. COUNCILLORS' ATTACHMENTS Circulations • Letter from the STA advising of new bus fleet • Letter from the STA advising of new bus zone dimensions with the new fleet