traffic rules

Iram Abbud English 15/4/13

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Traffic rules

Iram AbbudEnglish15/4/13

Page 2: Traffic rules

Here are some traffic regulations in

Tijuana that you might find useful

now and in the future…

Page 3: Traffic rules

This explains itself pretty clear. Apart from being illegal, you could cause an accident and hurt yourself, people with you in the vehicle or other ones around you.

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It may sound silly, but in some real cases, it might

just save your life. This one rule its from the list of

“not that big of a deal” rules, but it is. That little

band around your neck and waist can and will

prevent you from going anywhere in an accident.

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These lights are important because they help you

tell other drivers where are you going, or what

are you going to do. If you don’t have them you

might just cause an accident, make us all a favor

and make those lights work.

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This applies both minimum and maximum limit.

You don’t want to be the slow turtle in the pack,

but you don’t want to be the little rabbit oncaffeine hopping around either. Respect the

limit,its there for a reason.

Page 7: Traffic rules

This is only if you are part of the accident, if you

have no business with it, just keep moving along.

But in the worst case scenario and you actually

are part in an accident, stay there to help the other

party, they are also in problems.

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I hope this little but important rules help you out

so don’t get in any trouble.Good bye and have a safe trip!