traffic and parking impact assessment senior … traffic...107 haussmann drive, thornton 17243.01fb...

17243.01FB - 9th November 2017 TRAFFIC AND PARKING IMPACT ASSESSMENT SENIOR LIVING RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION AT 107 HAUSSMANN DRIVE, THORNTON - Address: Shop 7, 720 Old Princes Highway Sutherland NSW 2232 Postal: P.O Box 66 Sutherland NSW 1499 Telephone: +61 2 8355 2440 Fax: +61 2 9521 7199 Web: Email: [email protected] Division of RAMTRANS Australia ABN: 45067491678 Transport Planning, Traffic Impact Assessments, Road Safety Audits, Expert Witness

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17243.01FB - 9th November 2017





Address: Shop 7, 720 Old Princes Highway Sutherland NSW 2232 Postal: P.O Box 66 Sutherland NSW 1499

Telephone: +61 2 8355 2440

Fax: +61 2 9521 7199 Web:

Email: [email protected]

Division of RAMTRANS Australia ABN: 45067491678

Transport Planning, Traffic Impact Assessments, Road Safety Audits, Expert Witness

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17243.01FB - 9th November 2017

Development Type: Senior Living Residential Subdivision

Site Address: 107 Haussmann Drive, Thornton

Prepared for: McCloy Group

Document reference: 17243.01FB

Please be aware that all information and material contained in this report is the property of McLaren Traffic Engineering.

The information contained in this document is confidential and intended solely for the use of the client for the purpose for

which it has been prepared and no representation is made or if to be implied as being made to any third party. Any third

party wishing to distribute this document in whole or in part for personal or commercial use must obtain written confirmation

from McLaren Traffic Engineering prior to doing so. Failure to obtain written permission may constitute an infringement of

copyright and may be liable for legal action.

Status Issue Prepared By Checked By Date

Draft A AT/MM CM 11th August 2017

Final A MM CM 6th November 2017

Final A MM CM 9th November 2017

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INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Description and Scale of Development ................................................................... 1

1.2 State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 ..................................... 1

1.3 Site Description ....................................................................................................... 2

Existing Conditions ................................................................................................. 2 Zoning .................................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Site Context ............................................................................................................ 3

EXISTING TRAFFIC AND PARKING CONDITIONS ............................................... 4

2.1 Road Hierarchy ....................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Existing Traffic and Parking Environment ............................................................... 5

Intersection Performance ....................................................................................... 5

2.3 Future Road and Infrastructure Upgrades .............................................................. 5

2.4 Public Transport ...................................................................................................... 6

PARKING ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................ 8

3.1 Council Parking Requirement ................................................................................. 8

TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................... 9

4.1 Traffic Generation ................................................................................................... 9

4.2 Traffic Assignment .................................................................................................. 9

4.3 Traffic Impact .......................................................................................................... 9

ROAD DESIGN ....................................................................................................... 11

5.1 Design Standards ................................................................................................. 11

5.2 New Public Roadway Design & Compliance ........................................................ 12

5.3 Intersection Design ............................................................................................... 13

CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................ 15

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MCLaren Traffic Engineering (MTE) was commissioned by McCloy Group to provide a Traffic

and Parking Impact Assessment of the Senior Living Residential Subdivision of Lot 2 DP

1145348 with address 107 Haussmann Drive, Thornton.

1.1 Description and Scale of Development

The proposed development, as depicted in the assessed plans in Annexure A, includes the

construction of infrastructure and other works required to facilitate a future senior living

residential subdivision of 156 lots. The proposed subdivision has a total area of 18.96ha

and will have the following features:

Subdivision of the majority of Lot 2 DP 1145348 into 156 separate residential lots;

The construction of new internal roads to facilitate access to the residential lots;

Construction of a new primary access road from a new intersection with

Haussman Drive as a proposed seagull design;

A proposed pedestrian path connecting the subdivision to Raymond Terrace Road

to the north east which is part of a road widening scheme for lot DP1145348

This development subdivision is part of the Thornton North Urban Release Area (Maitland

Council DCP Part F7). The Maitland Development Control Plan outlines an indicative design

for the general structure of Thornton North but does not specify specific road layouts for

individual land releases only a general collector road layout.

1.2 State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007

The proposed development does not qualify as a traffic generating development with

relevant size and/or capacity under Clause 104 of the SEPP (Infrastructure) 2007 being a

subdivision of less than 200 allotments. Accordingly, formal referral to the Roads and

Maritime Services (RMS) is not required and Maitland City Council officers can determine

this proposal accordingly.

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1.3 Site Description

Existing Conditions

The subject site is situated at 107 Haussman Drive, Thornton NSW 2322 and is legally

identified as Lot 2 in DP 1145348. The site can be classified as an existing rural residential

property which housed a clay quarry, which is no longer in use. Vehicular access to the site

is currently made from Haussman Drive via gravel driveway which measures 6m wide within

the property with a 14m wide crossing at Haussman Drive.

The site is adjacent to current residential dwellings to the south and a rural property to the

east. The site is also bordered by Huassman Drive to the west and Raymond Terrace Road

to the north. In between the site and Haussman Drive is a High Voltage Transformer Station.

More residential subdivisions are proposed to the east and north of the site in line with the

Maitland Council DCP. Major arterial and sub-arterial roads surrounding the site include

Raymond Terrace Road to the north and the New England Highway to the South.


The subject site is currently zoned RU2 – Rural Landscape under the Maitland City Council

Local Environment Plan 2011 and will remain as RU2 - Rural Landscape

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1.4 Site Context

The site location is depicted in Figures Figure 1 & Figure 2 below.

Site Location


Site Location


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2.1 Road Hierarchy

The existing road network surrounding the site has the following characteristics:

Haussman Drive

Unclassified LOCAL Road;

Approximately 8.0 m wide sealed carriageway facilitating two lanes (one in each

direction) and unsealed shoulders on both sides of the road (i.e. no formal kerb);

Signposted 60km/h carriageway;

No kerbside parking restrictions – Informal parking within grassed / dirt shoulder on

eastern side of the road;

Haussmann Drive meets Raymond Terrace Road with a T-Intersection 300m to the

North or the proposed site access road;

Brickworks Road also meets Haussmann Road with a T-Intersection 70m to the south

of Raymond Terrace Road, and 230m to the North of the proposed site access road.

Raymond Terrace Road

Classified STATE Road (Road No. 104);

Approximately 16.0m wide sealed carriageway facilitating two lanes of traffic (one in

each direction) as well as turning lanes;

Unsealed shoulders are present on both sides of the road (i.e. no formal kerb), except

on approach to the Settlers Boulevard Intersection;

Signposted 80km/h carriageway;

No kerbside parking restrictions.

Settlers Boulevard

Unclassified LOCAL Road;

Approximately 23.0m wide sealed carriageway facilitating four lanes of traffic (two in

each direction) away from the Raymond Terrace Intersection. 8m medium separates

the two directions. Becomes one lane each way 200m away from intersection;

Signposted 50km/h carriageway;

No kerbside parking.

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2.2 Existing Traffic and Parking Environment

Traffic counts were completed at the intersection of Haussman Drive / Raymond Terrace

Road on three consecutive days on Thursday 11th, Friday 12th and Saturday 13th of May

2017, representing a typical weekday and weekend and are reproduced in Annexure B for


Intersection Performance

Existing intersection performances have been assessed using SIDRA INTERSECTION 7.

The analysis is summarised in Table 1 below with detailed SIDRA outputs shown in

Annexure C.

It should be noted that as three consecutive survey days were undertaken, the worst case

day will be assessed, that is Friday the 12th of May.


Intersection Peak Hour

Degree of Saturation(1)

Average Delay(2)


Level of Service(3)

Control Type

Worst Movement


Haussman Drive /

Raymond Terrace Road

AM 0.75 7.4 (28.8) N/A

(Worst: C)


RT from Haussman


PM 0.7 7.7 (36.5) NA

(Worst: C)

RT from Haussman


SIDRA INTERSECTION modelling provides an overall Level of Service (LoS) of N/A, as

SIDRA does not provide a good representation of the operation of the intersection of

Haussman Drive / Raymond Terrace due to free flow assumptions along major road

movements, that is the near zero delays associated with major road through movements. A

more appropriate indication for the overall operation of the intersection is the LoS and

average delays associated with the minor road movements.

The worst turn movements of Haussman Drive (RT from Haussman Drive) are operating at

LoS “C” during the peak AM and PM periods. This indicates that the right turn movement

from Haussman Drive is operating satisfactorily.

2.3 Future Road and Infrastructure Upgrades

From Maitland City Councils Development Application Tracker and website, it appears that

there are future planned road changes which will affect existing traffic conditions within the

vicinity of the subject site, due to the completion of the Thornton North Urban Release Area.

Road works include upgrades and new intersections along Raymond Terrace Road in line

with the planned layout of the Thornton North Urban Release Area. In addition, new public

residential roads will be built to facilitate the residential development of the area, also

changing the current traffic conditions experienced.

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2.4 Public Transport

The subject site has access to existing bus route 189 and 182 provided by Hunter Buses

Network which runs the 189 along Raymond Terrace Road and the 182 from Haussman

Drive onto Taylor Avenue. The nearest bus stops on Raymond Terrace Road (Stop ID

2322175 and 2322216) are located approximately 400m from the majority of the site, and

the nearest bus stop on Haussman Drive (Stop ID. 2322136) is located approximately 500m

from the majority of the site. These bus routes provide access to Thornton Train Station

Stockland Green Hills Shopping Centre and Maitland. Thornton Station is 2kms from the

Subdivision and provides access to Maitland and Newcastle, as well as the extended NSW

TrainLink Network.

Site Location


Reference is made to the RMS Guide to Traffic Generating Developments 2002: Clause 4.6

which outlines the following with respect to residential subdivisions and public transport.

Residential subdivisions should be located in proximity to existing

developments when possible, to assist in the design of bus routes. Subdivisions

should ideally have at least two entrances to the major road network, to avoid

circuitous bus rounding. At least 90% of dwellings are to be within 400m safe

walking distance from an existing or potential bus route, and not more than 500

metres from the nearest stop or potential stop.

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Based upon the above, the nearest bus stops from the centre of the subdivision is located

within approximately 600m walking distance from the site along Haussman Drive (south of

the access) and along Raymond Terrace Road (north of the proposed access). Based upon

the RMS requirement the development does not meet these requirements, but would be

located within potential bus routes along Haussman Drive.

As part of the proposed development, the developer will provide a private village bus. This

bus will run weekdays to Stocklands Green Hills Shopping Centre, Maitland CBD and local

train stations.

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3.1 Council Parking Requirement

Reference is made to the Maitland Development Control Plan 2011 – Part C – Design

Guidelines – Appendix A which designates the following in regard to parking:

Dwelling Houses

Minimum of 1 space

This space is to be located behind the building line as set by Council.

The subdivision lot layout does not provide concept plans for the individual dwellings set out

in each lot, however there is ample site area in each lot to provide the required number of

car parking spaces.

All required parking will be contained within the proposed subdivision, having no impact on

Raymond Terrace Road and Haussman Drive.

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The impact of the expected traffic generation levels associated with the subject proposal is

discussed in the following sub-sections.

4.1 Traffic Generation

The estimated traffic generation level for the residential subdivision for 156 proposed lots is

based upon the RMS Guide to Traffic Generating Developments October 2002 and more

recent supplements. The RMS publicised updated housing for seniors traffic generation

rates within the Technical Direction TDT 2013/04a, and will be applied to the subdivision

development. The expected traffic generation is summarised in Table 2 below.


Development Type Scale Peak

Period Rate Peak Traffic Generation

Trip Assignment(1)

Dwelling Houses 156


0.4 per dwelling

63 12 IN; 51 OUT

PM 63 51 IN; 12 OUT

Note (1): Assumes 20% inbound & 80% outbound during AM peak (shown above). Vice versa for PM.

As shown above, the traffic generated by the site equates to 63 vehicles trips in both the AM

(12 in; 51 out) and PM (51 IN; 12 OUT) peak periods respectively.

The traffic assignment and likely impact of these additional vehicle trips on the existing road

network are analysed in the following sub-sections.

4.2 Traffic Assignment

Given that surrounding road network and the available routes to / from the site it is assumed

that there will be an even split of 50% northbound and 50% southbound vehicle trips along

Haussman Drive from the subdivision during both the AM and PM period, with 10% of

vehicles turning right at the intersection of Raymond Terrace Road and 40% turning left in

the morning peak period and vice versa in the peak PM period.

4.3 Traffic Impact

The additional traffic specified in Section 4.1 and 4.2 above has been added to the existing

intersections, namely Raymond Terrace Road / Haussman Drive. With 100% of the

additional traffic volumes added to the existing peak AM and PM periods representing a

worst case scenario.

The future SIDRA INTERSECTION performance is summarised in Table 3 below, with

detailed SIDRA outputs reproduced in Annexure C for reference.

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Intersection Peak Hour

Degree of Saturation(1)

Average Delay(2)


Level of Service(3)

Control Type

Worst Movement


Haussman Drive /

Raymond Terrace Road

AM 0.75 7.4 (28.8) N/A

(Worst: C)


RT from Haussman


PM 0.7 7.7 (36.5) NA

(Worst: C)

RT from Haussman



Haussman Drive /

Raymond Terrace Road

AM 0.76 7.6 (29.6) N/A

(Worst: C)


RT from Haussman


PM 0.73 8.2 (39.6) NA

(Worst: D)

RT from Haussman


As shown above the worst turn movements (RT from Haussman Drive) of the intersection

of Haussman Drive / Raymond Terrace Road remain unchanged under the future scenario

during the AM peak period. During the peak PM period, the worst traffic movement (right

turn from Haussman Drive) changes from LoS “C” to LoS “D”, this represents that the right

turn lane is approaching capacity. Further, the increase in average delay for the worst turn

movement is an increase of 3.1 seconds under the proposed development which is

acceptable. It should be noted, that the increase in average delay of 3.1 seconds has pushed

the operating turning movement into LoS “D”, and as a result the right turn from Huassmann

Drive is operating within the lower range of LoS “D” and is acceptable.

Based upon the existing and future traffic flows the intersection of Raymond Terrace Road

and Haussmann Drive will operate with a total of volume of vehicles turning right (479) into

Haussmann Drive and right out of Haussmann Drive onto Raymond Terrace Road (151)

during the PM peak period. This is an increase of 21 vehicle movements, an increase of

3.5% over the existing traffic flow movements. When compared to the existing traffic

movements at this intersection, therefore the increase of 3.5% is acceptable.

It is in our view wholly the responsibility of Council to upgrade the intersection of Haussmann

Drive / Raymond Terrace Road due to the already existing large flows utilising the

intersection of Raymond Terrace Road / Haussmann Drive.

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5.1 Design Standards

The proposed residential subdivision includes the provision of private road infrastructure for

vehicles and pedestrians. Reference is made to Council DCP Section DC.6 of Part C –

Design Guidelines – Subdivisions of the Maitland Development Control Plan 2011 which

outlines the following road and access requirements for Subdivisions:

General Requirements:

Detailed guidelines for design and construction of roads are contained in the

Council’s Manual of Engineering Standards. However, a guide to minimum

road widths for various forms of subdivisions is contained in the following table.


Road Type Max. No Lots Reserve Width


Carriageway of

kerb-kerb (m)

Access Place 10 17 8

Local – Minor 20 17 8

Local – Secondary 60 17 8

Local – Primary 100 17 8

Collector 200 17 8

Based upon the above, the internal residential layout based upon Councils DCP should

provide 8m carriageway widths. The internal road layout is not expected to be open to the

public but private land, as such Council’s DCP does not strictly apply. Reference is made to

AMCORD Part 2 Design elements Physical Infrastructure which outlines the following

characteristics of street types shown in Figure 4 below.

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Based upon the above design requirements the 156 lot residential subdivision for seniors

would generate 328 vehicle trips, resulting in a design requirement of 5.0m to 5.5m wide

carriageway widths. The site layout includes the provision of 6m wide carriageway widths

complying with this requirement. Furthermore, it is recommended that a 1.2m wide footpath

along one side of the major roads should be provided within the subdivision for pedestrian

access to and from Haussman Drive to facilitate pedestrian access to nearby bus stops.

Alternatively, a 1.2m wide footpath should be provided to the proposed location of the pick-

up / drop=off location for the internal village bus.

5.2 New Public Roadway Design & Compliance

The proposed internal roadways have been assessed to be in compliance with the relevant

sections of AS2890.1:2004 and AMCORD. The infrastructure works such as road

construction, service installation and the like would be subject to further detailed review and

assessment at construction certificate stage.

The design includes:

6.0m wide paved carriageways, facilitating two-way passing;

Approximately 10m wide street reserves.

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Recommendations for the subdivision layout are provided below:

Minimum 13m wide road reverses in accordance with AMCORD;

Provision of a 1.2m footpath providing access to Haussmann Drive;

Internal waste management plan for service vehicles. It should be noted that

modifications to the existing internal intersection layouts and circular roadways may

be required depending on the service vehicle size that is expected to serve the


The proposed subdivision layout is reproduced in Annexure A with swept paths of critical turns reproduced in Annexure D for reference. It should be noted that while we have assessed the plans to be compliant with or otherwise

achieve the objectives of the relevant Standards, it is usual that a construction certificate is

required prior to construction due to possible changes during the Development Application


5.3 Intersection Design

The proposed intersection driveway of Haussman Drive / subdivision access will be provided

with a T-intersection / Seagull design arrangement as shown in Annexure A. A SIDRA

INTERSECTION model has been undertaken based upon the peak hour generation of the

proposed subdivision and the existing surveys from the intersection of Haussmann Drive /

Raymond Terrace Road and is summarised in Table 5 below with detailed SIDRA outputs

provided in Annexure C.


Intersection Peak Hour

Degree of Saturation(1)

Average Delay(2)


Level of Service(3)

Control Type

Worst Movement


Haussman Drive / Access Road

AM 0.33 1.3 (17.1) N/A

(Worst: B)


RT from Access Road

PM 0.31 0.9 (22) NA

(Worst: B)

RT from Access Road

As shown above the worst turning movements operate at LoS during both the AM and PM

peak periods. This represents acceptable delays and additional spare capacity maintained.

SIDRA outputs provides an indication of the average queue length associated with individual

turning movements. The right turn lane into the access driveway from Haussman Drive east

results in a 95th percentile queue of 0.2m and 0.8m in the AM and PM peak period. Hence,

a storage length of at least one vehicle is required for a 95th percentile design. The plans

detail a storage length of 35m excluding the taper, resulting in an excess of 29m of storage

length assuming one car length is 6m.

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Based upon the above it is recommended to provide 12m of storage length excluding the

taper for the right turn lane into the site which exceeds the 95th percentile queue of 0.8m

and is supportable.

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In view of the foregoing, the proposed residential subdivision (as depicted in Annexure A)

is fully supportable in terms of its traffic and parking impacts. The following outcomes of this

traffic impact assessment are relevant to note:

The proposed conceptual road layout is adequately designed according to Council’s

AMCORD requirements. The road safety implications of the more detailed design at

a later stage will take due regard to the longitudinal road gradients and consideration

for service vehicles.

The subdivision lot layout does not provide concept plans for the dwellings set out of

each lot, however there is ample site area in each lot to provide the required number

of car parking spaces.

The traffic generated by the site equates to 63 vehicles trips in both the AM (12 in; 51

out) and PM (51 IN; 12 OUT) peak periods respectively. The traffic generated by the

proposed development will be of a low order and will not detrimentally impact the

ongoing operation of the existing road network.

Road safety evaluation will follow at the detailed design stage to ensure that lots can

be adequately served in terms of potential individual driveway locations and service


The intersection of the site and Haussman Drive has been over engineered, as a

result it is recommended to provide 12m of storage length excluding the taper for the

right turn lane into the site which exceeds the 95th percentile queue of 0.8m and is


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Site: 101 [Raymond Terrace Dr / Haussman Dr Existing AM]

Raymond Terrace Drive / Haussman Drive Existing Conditions AM Peak Giveway / Yield (Two-Way)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

OD Mov

Demand Flows Deg. Satn


Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop.


Effective Stop Rate

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m per veh km/h

South: Haussman Drive

1 L2 284 1.4 0.154 5.6 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.53 54.9

3 R2 51 5.9 0.294 28.8 LOS C 1.0 7.2 0.89 0.99 41.8

Approach 335 2.1 0.294 9.2 LOS A 1.0 7.2 0.14 0.60 52.4

East: Raymond Terrace Drive

4 L2 143 4.9 0.080 7.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.63 63.7

5 T1 566 1.9 0.294 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 79.9

Approach 709 2.5 0.294 1.4 NA 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.13 76.0

West: Raymond Terrace Drive

11 T1 275 2.2 0.143 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 80.0

12 R2 452 4.9 0.753 19.8 LOS B 6.9 50.3 0.84 1.24 48.8

Approach 727 3.9 0.753 12.3 NA 6.9 50.3 0.52 0.77 57.2

All Vehicles 1771 3.0 0.753 7.4 NA 6.9 50.3 0.24 0.48 62.3


Site: 101 [Raymond Terrace Dr / Haussman Dr Existing PM]

Raymond Terrace Drive / Haussman Drive Existing Conditions PM Peak Giveway / Yield (Two-Way)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

OD Mov

Demand Flows Deg. Satn


Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop.


Effective Stop Rate

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m per veh km/h

South: Haussman Drive

1 L2 417 1.7 0.227 5.7 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.53 54.9

3 R2 150 4.0 0.698 36.5 LOS C 3.4 24.7 0.94 1.18 38.6

Approach 567 2.3 0.698 13.8 LOS A 3.4 24.7 0.25 0.70 49.4

East: Raymond Terrace Drive

4 L2 71 2.8 0.039 7.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.63 64.4

5 T1 480 2.3 0.250 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 79.9

Approach 551 2.4 0.250 0.9 NA 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.08 77.5

West: Raymond Terrace Drive

11 T1 311 2.9 0.162 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 79.9

12 R2 459 2.0 0.598 13.7 LOS A 4.7 33.3 0.71 1.03 53.2

Approach 770 2.3 0.598 8.2 NA 4.7 33.3 0.42 0.62 61.5

All Vehicles 1888 2.3 0.698 7.7 NA 4.7 33.3 0.25 0.49 60.7

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(Sheet 2 of 3)


Site: 101 [Raymond Terrace Dr / Haussman Dr Future AM]

Raymond Terrace Drive / Haussman Drive Future Conditions AM Peak Giveway / Yield (Two-Way)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

OD Mov

Demand Flows Deg. Satn


Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop.


Effective Stop Rate

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m per veh km/h

South: Haussman Drive

1 L2 304 1.3 0.165 5.6 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.53 54.9

3 R2 56 5.4 0.323 29.6 LOS C 1.1 8.0 0.89 1.00 41.5

Approach 360 1.9 0.323 9.4 LOS A 1.1 8.0 0.14 0.60 52.3

East: Raymond Terrace Drive

4 L2 144 4.9 0.080 7.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.63 63.7

5 T1 566 1.9 0.294 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 79.9

Approach 710 2.5 0.294 1.5 NA 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.13 76.0

West: Raymond Terrace Drive

11 T1 275 2.2 0.143 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 80.0

12 R2 457 4.8 0.762 20.2 LOS B 7.1 52.1 0.85 1.25 48.6

Approach 732 3.8 0.762 12.6 NA 7.1 52.1 0.53 0.78 57.0

All Vehicles 1802 2.9 0.762 7.6 NA 7.1 52.1 0.24 0.49 61.9


Site: 101 [Raymond Terrace Dr / Haussman Dr Future PM ]

Raymond Terrace Drive / Haussman Drive Future Conditions PM Peak Giveway / Yield (Two-Way)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

OD Mov

Demand Flows Deg. Satn


Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop.


Effective Stop Rate

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m per veh km/h

South: Haussman Drive

1 L2 422 1.7 0.230 5.7 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.53 54.9

3 R2 151 4.0 0.728 39.6 LOS C 3.7 26.5 0.94 1.21 37.4

Approach 573 2.3 0.728 14.6 LOS B 3.7 26.5 0.25 0.71 48.9

East: Raymond Terrace Drive

4 L2 76 2.6 0.042 7.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.63 64.5

5 T1 480 2.3 0.250 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 79.9

Approach 556 2.3 0.250 1.0 NA 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.09 77.4

West: Raymond Terrace Drive

11 T1 311 2.9 0.162 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 79.9

12 R2 479 1.9 0.628 14.2 LOS A 5.2 36.8 0.72 1.06 52.9

Approach 790 2.3 0.628 8.6 NA 5.2 36.8 0.44 0.64 61.0

All Vehicles 1919 2.3 0.728 8.2 NA 5.2 36.8 0.26 0.50 60.2

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(Sheet 3 of 3)


Site: 101 [Haussman Drive / Access Road FU AM]

Haussman Drive / Access Road Future Condition AM Peak Period Giveway / Yield (Two-Way)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

OD Mov

Demand Flows Deg. Satn


Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop.


Effective Stop Rate

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m per veh km/h

East: Hassuman Drive (E)

5 T1 353 0.0 0.181 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 60.0

6 R2 6 0.0 0.007 8.1 LOS A 0.0 0.2 0.55 0.64 51.5

Approach 359 0.0 0.181 0.2 NA 0.0 0.2 0.01 0.01 59.8

North: Access Road

7 L2 27 0.0 0.032 8.2 LOS A 0.1 0.8 0.53 0.70 51.6

9 R2 26 0.0 0.088 16.6 LOS B 0.3 2.1 0.77 0.91 45.7

Approach 54 0.0 0.088 12.3 LOS A 0.3 2.1 0.64 0.80 48.6

West: Hassuman Drive (W)

10 L2 6 0.0 0.325 5.6 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01 58.3

11 T1 626 0.0 0.325 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01 59.9

Approach 633 0.0 0.325 0.1 NA 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01 59.9

All Vehicles 1045 0.0 0.325 0.7 NA 0.3 2.1 0.04 0.05 59.1


Site: 101 [Haussman Drive / Access Road FU PM]

Haussman Drive / Access Road Future Condition PM Peak Period Giveway / Yield (Two-Way)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

OD Mov

Demand Flows Deg. Satn


Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop.


Effective Stop Rate

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m per veh km/h

East: Hassuman Drive (E)

5 T1 597 0.0 0.306 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 59.9

6 R2 27 0.0 0.028 7.9 LOS A 0.1 0.8 0.53 0.68 51.6

Approach 624 0.0 0.306 0.4 NA 0.1 0.8 0.02 0.03 59.5

North: Access Road

7 L2 6 0.0 0.007 7.7 LOS A 0.0 0.2 0.49 0.62 52.0

9 R2 6 0.0 0.029 20.7 LOS B 0.1 0.6 0.82 0.93 43.4

Approach 13 0.0 0.029 14.2 LOS A 0.1 0.6 0.66 0.77 47.4

West: Hassuman Drive (W)

10 L2 26 0.0 0.300 5.6 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.03 58.1

11 T1 558 0.0 0.300 0.0 LOS A 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.03 59.7

Approach 584 0.0 0.300 0.3 NA 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.03 59.6

All Vehicles 1221 0.0 0.306 0.5 NA 0.1 0.8 0.02 0.04 59.4


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(Sheet 1 of 3)

B99 passing B85 on curve

Tested @ 5km/h


Blue – vehicle tyres

Green – vehicle body

Red – 300mm clearance

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(Sheet 2 of 3)

B99 passing B85 on curve

Tested @ 5km/h


Blue – vehicle tyres

Green – vehicle body

Red – 300mm clearance

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(Sheet 3 of 3)

B99 passing B85 on curve

Tested @ 5km/h


Blue – vehicle tyres

Green – vehicle body

Red – 300mm clearance