traditional education and e education

Traditional Education The traditional schooling experience requires us to attend classes in person and on campus. It makes sense to attend classes in person if we decide to live in the dorms or are an incoming freshmen who wants the real college experience. There are certainly more opportunities to join clubs, associations, or fraternities/sororities while taking classes on campus. Also, we may need additional assistance from guidance counselors and professors, which is more readily available on campus. Traditional classes may be a better choice for students who aren't very savvy with technology or who enjoy interacting with teachers and professors face-to-face. In addition, there are majors that require more hands-on training during class, such as: Automobile Mechanic/Technician Computer Science/ Engineering Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Technician Nursing Internet Job Search Online Education Online education is also known as distance learning and consists of taking classes via the internet. More and more students take online classes because of the flexibility and convenience it

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Traditional Education

The traditional schooling experience requires us to attend classes in person and on campus. It makes sense to attend classes in person if we decide to live in the dorms or are an incoming freshmen who wants the real college experience. There are certainly more opportunities to join clubs, associations, or fraternities/sororities while taking classes on campus.

Also, we may need additional assistance from guidance counselors and professors, which is more readily available on campus. Traditional classes may be a better choice for students who aren't very savvy with technology or who enjoy interacting with teachers and professors face-to-face.

In addition, there are majors that require more hands-on training during class, such as:

Automobile Mechanic/Technician

Computer Science/ Engineering

Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Technician


Internet Job Search

Online Education

Online education is also known as distance learning and consists of taking classes via the internet. More and more students take online classes because of the flexibility and convenience it provides. We can attend class sessions from the comfort of our home and complete assignments at almost any time of the day.

Online classes are great for individuals who have a demanding work schedule and family responsibilities. In addition, online classes are more cost efficient because they doesn't require any commuting, allowing we to save on gas and the wear and tear of our vehicle. Online courses are also great for individuals in the military or who travel frequently. The distance learning format allows students to pursue education through an out-of-state school without having to transfer residence.

However, there are some clear cons to online education, including:

Limited direct contact with colleagues and professors

Fewer opportunities to join on campus clubs and extracurricular activitiesInstruction: Classroom vs. Your Room

Traditional Learning Details

In a traditional course, multiple students gather to learn in a specific time and place. Aside from in-class participation, students may attend lecture discussion sessions, attend in-person, independent study groups with peers or interact with the instructor after class or during office hours.

The style of instruction at traditional universities is most often teacher-driven, in that the knowledgeable instructor lectures on the subject of his or her expertise. Successful lectures in a traditional classroom depend upon the presentation style of the instructor. Yet, a study from Indiana University found that students tend to rate professors highly based on what the students have learned, rather than the personality of the instructor. Still, a personality students enjoyed in the instructor was important to students.

Further, studies have found that mismatches between the teaching style of the professor and the learning style of the student can impact student learning.

Online Learning Details

Online courses allow students the flexibility to choose the time and place to learn that is most convenient for them. The style of instruction in online programs is student-driven. Depending on the course, students may experience varying levels of control over the pace of receiving learning the material and when they attend the class. Given technology and student learning styles, instructors have had to adapt both their teaching styles and the way they present information to online students.

Technology and Distance Learning Formats

Online courses rely on Internet technology trends including Web pages, software programs such as Blackboard, message boards, chat rooms, webinars, webcasts, Internet research via search engines and social media. Face-to-face interaction with classmates or the instructor is absent.

Some programs are offered entirely online while others are available in hybrid format, combining on-campus and online courses. Additionally, students may be able to complete studies completely asynchronously, while some programs may require all students in the course to login on specific days and times to participate in live virtual classes.

Differences in Learning Styles: Who Might Benefit?

Online Education

Typically, online learning tends to favor independent learning styles. In addition to relying on technology, online programs expect students to be self-directed in achieving their academic goals while balancing other responsibilities. University describes the relative freedom online programs provide, and clarifies the perception that online classes are easier than traditional classes as myths.

in online course environments tend to share certain characteristics, including strong preferences for organization, as compared with traditional students. Additionally, the found that visual learners, who learn best by processing information by what they can see, performed well in online courses.

Traditional Education

Collaborative learning is favorable to students in traditional courses. Traditional learning environments offer opportunities for face-to-face interaction, which favors students who thrive with collaborative learning styles. Further, at a brick-and-mortar school, social and academic support may come from peers on campus.

A study found that the collaboration in traditional learning environments has a positive influence on academic areas, including acquiring knowledge, clarifying educational goals, interpersonal skills and student effort on their studies.

In addition, teacher-driven instruction tends to favor auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. In fact, a study by found that auditory learners, who learn best by listening, and kinesthetic learners, who learn best by hands-on engagement with the material, fared best in traditional courses.THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN E-EDUCATION AND TRADITONAL EDUCATION

Difference #1: Online learning can include both synchronous and asynchronous activities, with an emphasis on the latter.

Synchronous activities are those that take place at a scheduled time and place, such as in a classroom or, with an online course, in a live web conference or chat room. Asynchronous activities are those for which the student determines the time and place to complete work, which is an advantage for people like parents and working students who need a flexible schedule in order to pursue their education. Traditional classrooms also incorporate asynchronous activities ever heard of homework? but online classrooms tend to rely more heavily on the asynchronous completion of assignments.

Difference #2: Because of its asynchronous nature, online learning requires more self-direction and discipline.

Online learning is best suited to the highly motivated student who is willing to take the full responsibility for his or her own learning. Given how easy it is to ignore coursework in favor of social events, trashy TV marathons, and all the other distractions that life has to offer, online learners must be particularly diligent with time management. You must gauge how much time it takes to complete assignments and organize your personal schedule accordingly which is easier said than done. The advantage is that you have the flexibility to work at your own pace and schedule.

Difference #3: Reading is paramount in online learning.

This is a simple but overlooked truth: In an online course, up to 100% of our classroom materials will consist of assigned reading (with the occasional multimedia presentation). This is not the case in traditional classroom settings, which rely more heavily on lectures and face-to-face interaction. If you struggle to get through reading-based learning, you may struggle in an online classroom.

Difference #4: Online feedback can be slower than face-to-face feedback.

As noted above, online education heavily relies on written material; if you get stuck on something, our professor and peers wont necessarily be readily available to provide feedback on the spot, though effective professors will make themselves available through a variety of methods, including online office hours. On the flipside, if wec prefer to take our time to develop responses to course material and peers comments, we may prefer this lag time in the learning process.

Difference #5: Writing skills are paramount in online learning.

In a traditional classroom setting, writing skills represent just one of the tools we use to communicate; while important, writing usually complements other forms of communication and assessment, notably in-person dialogue and presentations. If were not a solid writer, we can usually compensate with these other forms of communication in a traditional classroom. With online learning, the bulk of assignments and class communication is written and via email or instant messaging, so solid writing skills are essential for success. This is true not only for written assignments, but also for interacting with fellow students and our professors; if we are unable to concisely articulate what we need or dont understand, we will waste time over miscommunications and ambiguities.

Difference #6: Digital literacy makes the difference between hanging on by our fingernails and thriving in an online classroom.

The old dog ate my homework excuse has been replaced with the Internet went out or the program froze before I could save my 200-page report. But these excuses are just that excuses and our professors dont want to hear it. Online learning requires a higher level of digital literacy, or the ability to navigate, evaluate, and create information using a range of digital technologies, including an online course management system (i.e. the website where our lessons, assignments, and other materials are stored and made accessible to the students in the class). It doesnt mean we need to learn programming languages, but it does mean we cant balk at the emerging technologies that are being employed by online programs. In fact, the most successful online students embrace these technologies and increase their own digital IQ independent of the online classroom.

Difference #7: In online synchronous debates and discussion, the writer is advantaged instead of the talker.

In a traditional classroom setting, the loudest or most forceful student often gains the advantage in discussion. But in a chat room or instant messaging forum, each student stands on equal footing, including with the professor. This can result in a more even, open discussion, but it also gives the quick, skilled writer an advantage, particularly in content areas and classes that involve debate.

Difference #8: The professor is a facilitator in online learning, not a dictator.

In a traditional classroom setting, the professor is the indisputable leader of the learning process; they stand in the front of the room, call on people, and maintain authority over the chalkboard. In an online classroom, the professor is still the authority figure, but their role is reduced to facilitating the students digestion of and response to the information. Less instructor supervision means more student autonomy.

Difference #9: Networking and social interaction differ in the two settings.

While traditional classroom settings offer opportunities to network with peers on our campus, online classrooms may contain students from all over the world. If we find it easier to network face-to-face, we will obviously prefer the traditional setting, but the advantages of the larger networking pool of locations and personalities will give a different atmosphere to the classroom dynamic.

Difference #10: Online learning is an individual pursuit.

The learning process in a traditional classroom is inevitably a group activity, but the bulk of online learning takes place individually or, depending on the online class structure and content area, in small groups. However, camaraderie can be developed in both traditional and online settings; in fact, many online learners report that they interact with their peers more through synchronous and asynchronous online class discussions than in a traditional setting. But at the end of the day, its up to us, sitting alone in front of our computer, likely with a large mug of coffee at our side because we can take the student out of the classroom, but we certainly cant decaffeinate them.

How are the best online colleges determined?impact on traditional education

Although the changes brought about by the use of the Internet have not transformed campus teaching and learning at the same speed as they have transformed everyday life, there is no doubt that it is gradually producing an impact in campus-based education. Because this transformation is under way, the eventual outcome is still to be seen, however, it is not too soon to talk about the effects of online learning on the traditional campus based education.

The impact is especially noticeable in three aspects: access, the definition of classroom space and the implementation of practices that were unusual for placed-based education.

The first impact that online learning produces in the traditional classroom is immediate access to facts, information, people, services, and live events Face-to-face classes can use thousands of educational resources that are available on the Web. Access to information is not limited to class materials, and access to class materials is no longer limited to the class time or to the physical space of the classroom. Online communications facilitate access to the instructor, the students, support staff or administrators, and the class is open twenty-four hours a day. This immediate access has had an impact in students retention and learning achievement.

This has an impact on institutions and faculty professional life. When choosing collaborators, faculty is no longer limited by geographical boundaries. Faculty and adjuncts from a variety of geographical locations can collaborate and teach in a same institution while working and living in another area. On-tradition teaching benefits from having access to experts in different disciplines; institutions are forming consortiums by which they share faculty and courses. Faculty benefits because the online environment broadens his opportunity as teacher and researcher in other campuses.

The second impact can be seen in the notion of classroom space, which takes a whole different meaning as a synonym of learning space Faculty can choose between several available online applications to encourage online interaction via synchronous and/or asynchronous methods. These methods are used to extend the classroom discussions, to allow for student insights on a new topic, to enhance a lecture, or to discuss readings. Collaboration among students in the same class, or between students and researchers residing in different geographical locations is possible as long as they can all share the virtual collaborative space of the online classroom.

The third element considered here as an impact of online learning on classroom education is the implementation of practices that were unusual for placed-based education. Distance education practices have been adopted in the face-to-face classroom affecting design and implementation of campus-based instruction. However, distance education turned out to be more and more noticeable as a part of the higher education family because of the uses it makes of educational technologies and new pedagogical strategies that improve the process of teaching and learning. The developments that occurred with the incorporation of the Web into distance education practicessuch as synchronous and asynchronous class discussion; extensive peer review of class documents; constant comments and reflections on opinions and answers given by classmates; online collaboration; document and application sharingwere rare or never part of traditionals-based courses for very practical reasons.

In a face-to-face class, document sharing and peer reviews involved printing copies of documents, thus adding costs. Group work and collaboration or class discussions were limited by time and classroom space boundaries. Comments and reflections on contributions by classmates were also restricted to the duration of a class period and to the opportunity of being seen and heard in the classroom. These practices were incorporated in distance education with the advent of online learning, and they were later integrated into face-to-face teaching. Adopting practices of distance education is also reflected in the flexibility of class schedules. Many courses using a mix of online and face-to-face components have less classroom meetings, and this also affects campus education in the availability of classroom spaces, in the skills needed by students to take a course, in the students expectations when they sign for a campus course, and finally in faculty time and preparation to teach the course. Faculty with experience in distance education feel more confident to adopt distance education practices in their campus teaching Impact of e-education on Corporate and professional

E-learning has now been adopted and used by various companies to inform and educate both their employees and customers. Companies with large and spread out distribution chains use it to educate their sales staff about the latest product developments without the need of organizing physical onsite courses. Compliance has also been a big field of growth with banks using it to keep their staff's CPD levels up. Another area of growth is staff development, where employees can learn valuable workplace skills.Impact of e-education on our culture

Winner [] argues that it is useful to view technology as a form of life that not only aids human activity, but also represents a powerful force in reshaping that activity and its meaning. For example, the use of robots in the industrial workplace may increase productivity, but they also radically change the process of production itself, thereby redefining what is meant by work in such a setting. In education, standardized testing has arguably redefined the notions of learning and assessment. We rarely explicitly reflect on how strange a notion it is that a number between, say, 0 and 100 could accurately reflect a persons knowledge about the world. According to Winner, the recurring patterns in everyday life tend to become an unconscious process that we learn to take for granted. Winner writes,

By far the greatest latitude of choice exists the very first time a particular instrument, system, or technique is introduced. Because choices tend to become strongly fixed in material equipment, economic investment, and social habit, the original flexibility vanishes for all practical purposes once the initial commitments are made. In that sense technological innovations are similar to legislative acts or political foundings that establish a framework for public order that will endure over many generations.

Seymour Papert points out a good example of a (bad) choice that has become strongly fixed in social habit and material equipment: our choice to use the QWERTY keyboard.[160] The QWERTY arrangement of letters on the keyboard was originally chosen, not because it was the most efficient for typing, but because early typewriters were prone to jam when adjacent keys were struck in quick succession. Now that typing has become a digital process, this is no longer an issue, but the QWERTY arrangement lives on as a social habit, one that is very difficult to change. This example illustrates that when adopting new technologies, as Winner warns us, there may be only one best chance to get it right. This is also an example where the unintended consequences could, perhaps, have been foreseen.

What we need to consider about the computer has nothing to do with its efficiency as a teaching tool. We need to know in what ways it is altering our conception of learning, and how in conjunction with television, itIMPACT OF E-EDUCATION ON HR

Improved open access to education, including access to full degree programs

Better integration for non-full-time students, particularly in continuing education

Improved interactions between students and instructors

Provision of tools to enable students to independently solve problems,[ Acquisition of technological skills through practice with tools and computers.[citation needed]

No age-based restrictions on difficulty level, i.e. students can go at their own pace.

Defray travel costs .

Easy-to-access course materials . Course material on a website allows learners to engage in asynchronous learning and study at a time and location they prefer and to obtain the study material very quickl Wide participation. Learning material can be used for long distance learning and are accessible to a wider audience

Improved student writing . It is convenient for students to edit their written work on word processors, which can, in turn, improve the quality of their writing. According to some studies, the students are better at critiquing and editing written work that is exchanged over a computer network with students they know

Effective technologies use many evidence-based strategies (e.g. adaptive content, frequent testing, immediate feedback, etc.), as do effective teachersIt is important for teachers to embrace technology in order to gain these benefits so they can address the needs of their digital natives The Internet has unlocked a world of opportunity for students. Information and ideas that were previously out of reach are a click away. Students of all ages can connect, share, and learn on a global scale.

Using computers or other forms of technology can give students practice on core content and skills while the teacher can work with others, conduct assessments, or perform other tasksStudies completed in "computer intensive" settings found increases in student-centric, cooperative and higher order learning, students writing skills, problem solving, and using technology] In addition, positive attitudes toward technology as a learning tool by parents, students and teachers are also improved.

As indicated by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM),[137] employers' perspectives of online education have enhanced in the course of the last five to 10 years. More than 50% of human resource managers SHRM surveyed for an August 2010 report said that if two candidates with the same level of experience were applying for a job, it would not have any kind of effect whether the candidates obtained degree was acquired through an online or a traditional school. Seventy-nine percent said they had employed a candidate with an online degree in the past 12 months. However 66% said candidates who get degrees online were not seen as positively as a job applicant with traditional degree