trade and economic growth

Trade and Economic Growth SW Asia Unit 3

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Trade and Economic Growth. SW Asia Unit 3. Voluntary Trade. Factors involved in Voluntary Trade Specialization Trade Barriers Currency Exchange Control of Supply. Specialization. Define: -specialization: The products a country makes best and are demand in the world market. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Trade and Economic Growth

Trade and Economic Growth

SW Asia Unit 3

Page 2: Trade and Economic Growth

Voluntary Trade

Factors involved in Voluntary Trade1. Specialization2. Trade Barriers3. Currency Exchange4. Control of Supply

Page 3: Trade and Economic Growth

SpecializationDefine:-specialization: The products a country makes best and

are demand in the world market.

-interdependence: A relationship between countries in

which they rely on one another for resources, goods, or services.

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Specialization Think- Pair-Share


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EQ: How does specialization encourage trade between countries?

If a country produces the goods they can make most efficiently, that country can trade them for goods made by others that cannot be produced locally.

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Trade Barriers

Definition:The prevention of free trade

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Trade Barriers

Physical Trade Barriers: (give 2 examples)

-mountains-deserts-lack of rivers, bodies of water

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Trade BarriersPolitical Trade Barriers:-tariffA tax placed on goods when they are brought

(imported) into one country from another country.

 -quotaA limit to the number of amount of a foreign-

produced goods that is allowed into a country.

-embargoA formal halt to trade with a particular country

for economic or political reasons.

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System for Exchanging Currency

Define:-currency:Paper or coins that a country uses for its

money supply. -international trade:Countries trading with each other to

obtain resources, goods, and services. -exchange rate:A system of changing one type of

currency to another.

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System for Exchanging Currency

Why does international trade require a system for exchanging currency between countries?

So that it is possible to buy and sell goods between nations with different types of money.

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Organization ofPetroleumExportingCountries

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Define-supply: The amount of a good or service

available for sale in a market.-demand: The amount of a good or service

wanted in a market.

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What is the primary function of OPEC?

To control the supply and price of oil.

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Give some examples of what petroleum (oil) is used for:

carslawn mowersmachineryto make plastic products

Page 15: Trade and Economic Growth

Economic Growth

4 Factors that influence Economic Growth

1. Labor2. Capital Goods3. Land(resources)4. Entrepreneurship

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Relationship between human capital and GDP


Gross Domestic Product

The value of all goods and services produced within a country in a given year and converted into US dollars for comparison.


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Relationship between human capital and GDP

 -human capitalThe knowledge and skills that make it possible for workers to earn a living producing goods or services.

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Relationship between human capital and GDP

Companies that invest in human capital are more_____________________. 

Countries that invest in human capital have ______________________GDP’s because_______________________


higherthey invest in educating and training their citizens.

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Relationship between human capital and GDP

Think- Pair-Share


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Relationship between capital goods and GDP

Define:-capital goodsThe factories, machines, and

technology that people use to make products to sell.

3 examples of capital goods:- oil producing technology- communications equipment - assembly line machinery

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Relationship between capital goods and GDP

Companies that invest in capital goods are more__________.


Countries that invest in capital goods have _________________ GDP’s because_________________________


higher they can produce more goods in a quicker and efficient way.

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Relationship between capital goods and GDP


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The Role of Oil in SW Asia Economy

Another name for oil is_____________.petroleum

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The Role of Oil in SW Asia Economy

Countries WITH oil in SW Asia tend to have:

Countries WITHOUT oil (except Israel) tend to have:

•Higher GDP•Higher standard of living

•Lower GDP•Lower standard of living

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The Role of Oil in SW Asia Economy

Israel has very little _____. However, Israel has a ____________________because they invested in ________

and ___________ goods for ___________and _______________ industries.

oilhigh GDP

humancapital technologycommunication

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Define:-entrepreneurCreative, original thinkers who are

willing to take risks to create new businesses and products.

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An entrepreneur is willing to take a_____

in order to make a________________.



Page 28: Trade and Economic Growth

Entrepreneurship Think-Pair-Share


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Answer EQ’s

Paragraph form- use all of the vocabulary that are in your graphic organizers:

1. What factors encourage economic growth?

2. What factors encourage trade between countries?