tracking your progress · • as you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward...


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Page 1: TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS · • As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back
Page 2: TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS · • As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back


The 3 ways to track your progress with Warrior Goddess Kettlebell training based on your goals:




'These are 3 easy ways to track your progress depending on your goals. They are not exclusive or unique and you can choose to do none or all as part of your journey.’ | Lisa Barwise

Page 3: TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS · • As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back



•Below are several exercises that I would like for you to do (with perfect form)

•Please take 2-5 minute rest between each exercise for the first test

•Your goal will be to execute as many as you can with in the given time/ or hold for a duration of time

•Record the amount or the time (do not lose this information, mark it here as it forms part of your grading)

•In just three weeks time we will do a re-test together if you choose--- and believe me, you will be amazed at the results!

•Use modifications where ever needed

•Keep in mind- this is a journey, so no matter where you are today, tomorrow is a new day

The 1 minute Swing & Squat Test

Start Date 3 weekS later enD of 6 weekS

Swing Test (How many swings in 1 minute of using a 8kg kettlebell)

Squat Test (How many squats in 1 minute using an 8kg kettlebell) | Lisa Barwise

Page 4: TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS · • As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back

THE STRENGTH TESTHow many and how long for the following 3 exercises:

1. Push Up

traditional tricep Push up Modified Chest Push Up

2. Wall Sit | Lisa Barwise

Page 5: TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS · • As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back

3. Plank Test


1. The push up measures muscular strength and endurance in chest, shoulders, triceps and core.

2. You can use a modified or traditional push-up, make sure you pick correctly! If your body is not ready for the standard push up it’s okay, it is very important to listen to your body and prevent reckless injury.

3. In a modified push-up you are still using 65% of your body weight.

4. Record the amount of push-ups you can accomplish in one set (only perfect form push ups count).

•Starting in a plank position; get down on all fours and place your hands on the floor so that they’re slightly wider than and in line with your elbows and shoulders. Straighten your legs out behind you, with your weight on your toes.

•Your elbows, shoulders and wrists should be in line.

•Squeeze your glutes and hold them that way for the entire movement. Keep your core tight, like in a plank .

•Try to keep your hips in line with your upper body and do not allow your back to sink in- stay in a straight plank.

•Your body should form a straight line from your ankles to your head, abdominals tight.•Your arms should be straight at starting.

•As you lower your body to the ground, make sure not to over flare your elbows

•As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back.

•Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.

•Tuck your elbows as you lower your body so that your upper arms form a 45-degree angle with your body in the bottom position of the movement. | Lisa Barwise

Page 6: TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS · • As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back

•Pause at the bottom, and then push yourself back to the starting position as quickly as possible.

Form: Do not let hips or back sag at any point during the exercise, this means that your form has broken down. Make sure that you do not feel any pain in your shoulders- a push up should not hurt your shoulder joint. If you feel any of this, consider that your last repetition and end the set.


Execute the same motion as illustrated above, but with bent knees (to take some of the weight off of the push up).


The wall sit is not a complicated exercise, but many people often still get it wrong. You know that you are performing the wall fit properly if you form a right angle at your hips and your knees, your back is flat against the wall, and your heels are on the ground. You should be able to feel a slight pulling of the quad area. Here are the steps to perform a perfect wall sit:

1. Start with your back against a wall (or use an exercise ball if you have one) with your feet shoulder width and about two feet from the wall.

2. Slowly slide your back down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

3. Adjust your feet if you need to so that your knees are directly above your ankles (rather than over your toes).

4. Keep your back flat against the wall.

5. Hold the position for 20 to 60 seconds, rest 30 seconds, and repeat the exercise three times.

6. Increase your hold time by five seconds as you increase your strength.

7. You may feel a burning sensation in the quads, but if you have pain in the knee or kneecap, stop the exercise.

Modified Wall Sit

Because the wall sit is an advanced exercise, you may need to modify your position or the length of your hold the first few times you try this exercise in order to complete it.

Modification is fine, as it will still help you build strength,as you work up to being able to complete a regular wall sit.

•To decrease the intensity of the wall sit, don’t slide down the wall quite as far. Aim for a 45-degree angle at the hips rather than a 90-degree angle. This will take a bit of pressure off your knees and lighten the load on the quads.

•Another way to modify the exercise is to hold the position for a shorter amount of time at first and increase your hold time as you get stronger. Try a five or ten second hold in the beginning. | Lisa Barwise

Page 7: TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS · • As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back

Things to Remember

1. Don’t let your hips sag down to the ground. Sagging hips makes the exercise initially easier, but it’s not a plank and it defeats the purpose of the exercise.

2. Look down at the ground. This is a good prompt for maintaining a neutral neck position.

3. When your form begins to suffer, pull the plug. You’re only benefiting from the plank by actually doing the plank.

4. Even if you never progress (or choose to progress) to the other plank variations, the basic plank, performed properly, will be sufficient for developing good core stability.

Start Date 3 weekS 6 weekS




Page 8: TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS · • As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back


There are three core things I recommend combining to give you a guide of your progress over the next four weeks:

1. Before & After photos

2. Body measurements (using a tape measure)

3. Take Action!

And they are specifically in order of terms of importance and reliability. If you only had one choice though I’d strongly recommend doing a ‘Before’ photo. Without visibly being able to see how you’re going, it is all too easy to lose motivation. Sometimes photos will show more than the numbers on the scale do!

And, while often confronting if you’ve never done one before, it can be one of the biggest motivators for you to take an honest look at where you are. For instance, while you can keep them somewhere private just for your-self, you can also tape them to your refrigerator door to use as a motivation to eat properly and exercise.

This type of tactic keeps you motivated to stay on track.

And you can’t have amazing ‘Before’ and ‘After’ shots – just like some of our many success stories you can see below – unless you take the plunge and take your ‘Before’ shots!

And they are specifically in order of terms of importance and reliability. If you only had one choice though I’d strongly recommend doing a ‘Before’ photo. Without visibly being able to see how you’re going, it is all too easy to lose motivation. Sometimes photos will show more than the numbers on the scale do!

And, while often confronting if you’ve never done one before, it can be one of the biggest motivators for you to take an honest look at where you are. For instance, while you can keep them somewhere private just for your-self, you can also tape them to your refrigerator door to use as a motivation to eat properly and exercise.

This type of tactic keeps you motivated to stay on track. And you can’t have amazing ‘Before’ and ‘After’ shots – just like some of our many success stories you can see below – unless you take the plunge and take your ‘Before’ shots!

Before & After photo guidelines•Take your before photos just prior to starting your 4-week program.

•Take the photos in a bikini or tight gym shorts and a sports bra.

•Take a natural relaxed stance without ‘posing’. | Lisa Barwise

Page 9: TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS · • As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back

MEASUREMENTS Let the numbers do the talking….


after | Lisa Barwise

Page 10: TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS · • As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back


Milestone Tracker

Keep a note of these very important dates:

firSt tiMe…. Date

You notice you can walk upstairs without panting and wheezing

You are able to lift a suitcase into overhead locker of a plane without assistance

You are able to lift 4 bags of heavy shopping out of your car

You can touch your toes

You can hold a 30 second plank

You can stand up from crossed legs unassisted

You can do your first real push up

You notice your digestion and eliminated processes are better

You notice you haven’t been ill or sick in ages

You notice your own toned arms

Someone else says….

Have you lost weight?

You look more relaxed…

Are you standing taller? Your posture looks better…

Your skin is glowing

You look 10 years younger | Lisa Barwise

Page 11: TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS · • As you lower your body you want to make sure your elbows come outward and back towards your knees at the same time-the bend should be out and half back

Staying on CourseDon’t ever believe you can’t do something. If you have a dream you’ve got to go for it not matter what other people think. Believe in yourself and know that you are more than capable of achieving it, and most importantly, believe that you deserve it. When people tell you that you can’t do something it’s usually because they couldn’t do it themselves! Ignore negative people who put you down and make you feel inferior or inadequate.

Surround yourself with people who believe in you and support you along your journey.

If you really want something, you’ve got to do every-thing in your power to get it! Commit yourself to your dream, plan what needs to be done to achieve it, be consistent, dedicated and resilient. Pick yourself back up no matter how many times you fall and keep persevering until your reach your goal!

Be responsible for yourself, your life and your happiness. Your life is yours alone so rise up and live it to the best of your ability and don’t ever settle for being anything but your best!

And remember, I am your biggest fan!

With love and blessings,

Lisa Barwise

Wellness Alchemist | Lisa Barwise