trabalhamos pela vida cholesterol? what is this? x

Trabalhamos pela vida Cholesterol? What is This? X

Upload: nicholas-knight

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Trabalhamos pela vida

Cholesterol? What is This?

Cholesterol? What is This?


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Trabalhamos pela vida

What is Cholesterol?What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fat found only in animals

Important for life:Structure Human Body(cells) for growth, reproduction & vit D

But the excess in blood can be fatal!

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Trabalhamos pela vida

Where do we find the Cholesterol?Where do we find the Cholesterol?

Sources of CholesterolMade in the body:  primarily by the liver

Food:Animal foods that have cholesterol:Red meat, butter, cheese, poultry skin


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Good and bad cholesterolGood and bad cholesterol

Water (blood) and fat (cholesterol) do not mix Cholesterol is transported in the blood to organs and

lipoproteins by the liver LDL-C (bad cholesterol) at high levels can adhere to the wall of

the arteries hindering the passage of blood and clog the arteries and cause atherosclerosis mainly in the heart

HDL-C (good) cholesterol is the cholesterol that helps remove LDL cholesterol from the body.

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Trabalhamos pela vida

Cholesterol - Silent EnemyCholesterol - Silent Enemy

Normally the High Cholesterol? Causes no symptoms in most? Persons.

High cholesterol levels for? Long resulting in atherosclerosis? Disease (arteries) leading to? Infarction and stroke.

In some people high cholesterol produces some signals called xanthomas and xanthelasma.

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Are an important energy reserve of the body. Are fats in the blood that rise

after eating fatty foods. Their increased levels are also

harmful and with LDL-C increase, the risk of coronary heart disease.

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Trabalhamos pela vida

Leading causes of death worldwideLeading causes of death worldwide


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What is Atherosclerosis?What is Atherosclerosis?

It is the deposit of fat in artery walls, which over time leads to the formation of a plate which hinders the passage of blood, maylead to a blockage in place.

This blockage leads to a decrease inblood flow to organswith serious consequences forthe heart and the brain.

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Consequences of AtherosclerosisConsequences of Atherosclerosis

Heart: Angina: Chest pain due to lack of blood and oxygen Infarction: Death of a piece of the heart muscle,

a complete lack of circulation and oxygenationon site

Brain: Stroke or ischemic stroke: Death of part of the fabric or

complete lack of brain circulation and oxygenation in place. Stroke or hemorrhagic stroke: In the place where the atherosclerotic plaque

rupture may occur in cerebral vessel, causing the interruption of blood flow and brain tissues leading to death .

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Trabalhamos pela vida

Atherosclerosis is a disease that has many causes and begins in childhoodAtherosclerosis is a disease that has many causes and begins in childhood

Atherosclerosis begins in childhood and often will manifest after age of 55 in men and 65 in women, however, may begin before!

• LDL (bad cholesterol high)  HDL (good cholesterol low)  Older  sedentary

• smoke  high pressure  diabetes  obesity

Factors that assist indevelopment of atherosclerosis

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The sum of the risk factors multiply the risk of Coronary Heart Disease

The sum of the risk factors multiply the risk of Coronary Heart Disease




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USA - 1984

Risk Factors:- Smoke- High Cholesterol- Hypertension

no a factor two factors All? Three factors

6 Xmore

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Trabalhamos pela vida

Why control factors? Risk?Why control factors? Risk?

Controlling Cholesterol = - 33% risk of heart attack - 25% risk of death - 20% risk of stroke.

Control blood pressure = -15% risk of heart attack - 42% stroke risk

Quitting smoking = - 50% risk of heart attack - 70% risk of death.

Losing weight and exercising =- 25% risk of diabetes

Important: who hasdiabetes presents a riskabout 4 times more likely to die ofcardiovascular diseases.

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Trabalhamos pela vida

Progression and Impact of Cardiovascular Disease

Progression and Impact of Cardiovascular Disease

Angina myocardialinfarction




Clinical consequences:

AVC failurerenal



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It is possible to adequately prevent atherosclerosis?

It is possible to adequately prevent atherosclerosis?

To prevent atherosclerosis? Need to identify who is at risk of having this disease.

This is very easy, just a consultation with the doctor,

By patient history and physical examination and simple blood tests can make a diagnosis and to assess the risk of atherosclerosis

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Who is at risk for heart attack and death from heart disease?

Who is at risk for heart attack and death from heart disease?

Anyone who has had a stroke, obstructions of

the arteries in the legs or the aortaWho are diabeticWho has high cholesterolAnyone who has had a heart attack, angina, did

surgery bypass grafting or angioplastyWho is familiar with infarction or sudden death Sedentary, obese, smoker

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Why is it important to reduce? High Cholesterol

Why is it important to reduce? High Cholesterol









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Trabalhamos pela vida

Treatment goalsTreatment goals

Prevent Coronary Artery Disease Prevent mortality Prevent complications: Infarction, stroke, impotence,? Angina (chest pain) Improve the quality of life. Seeing grandchildren grow.

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Reference Values ? Cholesterol and Triglycerides? For Adults

Reference Values ? Cholesterol and Triglycerides? For Adults


C - TotalC - Total < 200< 200

LDL-CLDL-C < 130< 130

HDL-CHDL-C ³³ 40 40

TGTG < 150< 150

• If Diabetes: LDL-C <100 and HDL> 45

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Ways to Fight High CholesterolWays to Fight High Cholesterol

Change in eating habits Diet low in fat

Against smoking Stop smoking

physical exercises           daily

Change in Lifestyle

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- lean meats  Birds and fish  Nonfat dairy products  Egg whites  Vegetable oils: soybean  Beans, lentils, chickpeas,   spaghetti  Fresh fruits and vegetables  natural juices


- fatty meats  Kidney, liver sausage, bacon  Milk and creamy cheeses  Foods with eggs  Pig fat, coconut and   butter  Creams and egg pasta  sodas


Ways to Fight High CholesterolWays to Fight High Cholesterol


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Trabalhamos pela vida

Ways to Fight High CholesterolWays to Fight High Cholesterol

statins fibrates

Treatment with drugs

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Medications to decrease? Cholesterol

Medications to decrease? Cholesterol

Medicines called statins is one ofmain weapons against atherosclerosis.

Are effective and safe in reducing theLDL cholesterol.

The use of statins reduces the risk of heart attack,stroke, death and the need for surgeryHeart angioplasty and about 30%.

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Drugs against cholesterol If not using right no gain

Drugs against cholesterol If not using right no gain

Controlling Cholesterol and the pressure is a long-term task.

In most cases, the medicine is for the rest of their lives

If you stop the medication levels may have risen again.

The benefits of treatment are long-term and whether the drugs are suspended there will be no benefit

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How to achieve the benefits?How to achieve the benefits?

Improving nutrition

Losing 5-10% of the weight, if


Stopping smoking

Practicing physical exercise at least

4x a week

Controlling the pressure

Controlling Cholesterol

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The risk of heart disease is increasing

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The risk of heart disease is increasing

The risk of heart disease is increasing

Although the causes are known, and the need of prevention, but unfortunately the risk of heart diseases has increased.

This is linked to lack of control of risk factors, awareness of changes in lifestyle and adherence to prescribed treatments.

Awareness, identifying people at risk and adherence to treatment are solution to this problem.

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The doctor is your best friendThe doctor is your best friend

It is essential to follow all the guidelines of the doctor and the staff involved in your treatment

Do not miss the appointments Do not stop or change treatment? Without the knowledge of the

physician Do not take medication or use forms? The doctor is always the person qualified?

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