tpp scotus obamacare letters to the editor

TPP – SCOTUS OBAMACARE – LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Constitutional Professor Gets Schooled by SCOTUS I’m no Constitutional professor like President Obama. I’m just a Tea Party Patriot. But, from my reading of the Constitution, the government’s not supposed to seize power from We the People. Like the President tried to do with Obamacare. Thank goodness the Supreme Court cut the legs out from under the President’s unconstitutional power grab. Now it’s time to finish the job. Fully repeal Obamacare now. Find out how at Thank a Tea Party Patriot Happy about the Obamacare ruling at the Supreme Court? Thank a Tea Party Patriot. Grassroots Patriots from across America kept the spotlight on this debate for over 2 years – and our arguments were echoed by the Supreme Court and its decision. But our work is not done. We need your help to fully repeal Obamacare. Find out how you can do your part at 3 Cheers for ___ Supreme Court Justices! I’m a Tea Party Patriot, which means I believe in the Constitution. Even though I’m alarmed that ___ Supreme Court Justices voted for an unconstitutional law (Obamacare), I’m going to sleep a little easier tonight knowing that at least ___ Supreme Court Justices respect the Constitution enough to vote against the unconstitutional Obamacare law. But it’s not over ’til it’s over. Obamacare is still on the books. It’s time to fully repeal Obamacare. So, before you cast your vote in November, get it in writing from your candidate that he or she will absolutely, 100%, fully repeal Obamacare if you vote for them. A Victory for the Constitution! The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Constitution, in favor of the majority of the American people, and in favor of the Tea Party

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Post on 20-Nov-2015




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Constitutional Professor Gets Schooled by SCOTUSIm no Constitutional professor like President Obama. Im just a Tea Party Patriot. But, from my reading of the Constitution, the governments not supposed to seize power from We the People. Like the President tried to do with Obamacare.

Thank goodness the Supreme Court cut the legs out from under the Presidents unconstitutional power grab. Now its time to finish the job. Fully repeal Obamacare now. Find out how at

Thank a Tea Party PatriotHappy about the Obamacare ruling at the Supreme Court? Thank a Tea Party Patriot. Grassroots Patriots from across America kept the spotlight on this debate for over 2 years and our arguments were echoed by the Supreme Court and its decision.

But our work is not done. We need your help to fully repeal Obamacare. Find out how you can do your part at

3 Cheers for ___ Supreme Court Justices!Im a Tea Party Patriot, which means I believe in the Constitution. Even though Im alarmed that ___ Supreme Court Justices voted for an unconstitutional law (Obamacare), Im going to sleep a little easier tonight knowing that at least ___ Supreme Court Justices respect the Constitution enough to vote against the unconstitutional Obamacare law.

But its not over til its over. Obamacare is still on the books. Its time to fully repeal Obamacare. So, before you cast your vote in November, get it in writing from your candidate that he or she will absolutely, 100%, fully repeal Obamacare if you vote for them.

A Victory for the Constitution!The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Constitution, in favor of the majority of the American people, and in favor of the Tea Party Patriots (Im a member) by ruling against the unconstitutional Obamacare law.

Now its time to fully repeal Obamacare, once and for all. Before you vote in November, ask your candidate: Will you honor the Constitution, honor the Supreme Court ruling, and honor the will of the majority of the American people and fully repeal Obamacare on Day 1? If the answer is yes, then youve probably got yourself a good candidate. Just make sure they put it in writing so you can hold them to their word.

Supreme Court Keeps the Oath Obama BrokeBoth the President of the United States, and the Supreme Court, swore an oath to defend the Constitution. President Obama broke his oath, the Supreme Court kept its oath.

The President broke his oath by forcing his unconstitutional Obamacare law down the throats of unwilling Americans the majority of whom want no part of his unconstitutional power-grab.

The Supreme Court (___ of them, at least) kept their oath to defend the Constitution by ruling against Obamacare.

As a Tea Party Patriot, Im encouraged by the Supreme Court decision. But Im not celebrating just yet. Obamacare is still on the books. The only way to get it off the books (and pry its fingers off the throat of the Constitution) is to repeal it. All of it.

Dont let your local candidate in the November election coast to victory without making a promise in writing to fully repeal Obamacare.

The Tea Party Supreme Court!The Supreme Courts arguments against Obamacare sounded a lot like what youd hear at a Tea Party Patriots rally: respect for the Constitution, and a heck no to government power-grabs. Maybe we should call them the Tea Party Supreme Court!

Win 1 for the Constitution!It looks like the Supreme Court cares more about the Constitution, and the will of the American people, than Barack Obama and his power-hungry minions.

The Supreme Court brought the ball to the 10 yard line with its Obamacare decision. Now its time to win 1 for the Constitution and fully repeal Obamacare.

Politicians: you can run this in for a touchdown and take all the credit. Im a Tea Party Patriot, and I dont mind blocking for you.

Americans Dont Care for ObamacareYou know its bad when even the New York Times and CBS News report that the majority of Americans want no part of Obamacare. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled, whats next? Full repeal. Its not over til its over. Its not even over til November. Only if we elect enough people to repeal Obamacare will they have the numbers to fully repeal Obamacare in the next Congress. Find out how you can get involved at

About those jobsYou know its bad when President Obamas glee club over at Politico admit that Obama recklessly, fecklessly pushed through a doomed [Obamacare] law at the expense of focusing on the economy and jobs.

Now that the Supreme Court has ruled against Obamacare, how bout you focus on jobs, Mr. President? And not just your job.

Not So Fast, GOPMemo to the GOP: sorry to interrupt your champagne party, but your work is not done on Obamacare. Im a Tea Party Patriot remember us? Were the ones who opposed Obamacare all along, while many of you were still playing footsie with the Presidents unconstitutional power-grab.

Now that weve shaped the debate for you, and delivered overwhelming public support for a full repeal its time for you to put down your champagne glasses and finish the job.

Fully repeal Obamacare. Dont just say you will. Make every candidate put it in writing. Heck, if a Democratic candidate vows in writing to fully repeal Obamacare (and if they stand for fiscal responsibility, constitutionally-limited government and free markets), then we should consider them, too.

We in the Tea Party Patriots brought the debate this far. Its time for politicians to do their job, and finish the job, by fully repealing Obamacare.