toy story 3 takes social media to infinity


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Post on 13-Nov-2014




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A presentation for a public relations group project at USF on effective social media campaigns.


  • 1.

2. Toy Story 3 Takes Social Media To Infinity and Beyond!PUR3000 Presentation By: Zoe Stiling, Daniel Wadi, and Dominque Lewis
3. Disney Pixars Toy Story 3 was looking to take viral movie marketing to a new level
4. To satisfy their purpose Pixar had specific objectives in mind to optimize site traffic and lead conversation:

  • Implement Facebookin a usable and relevant way to both spread information and provide a call-to-action.

5. Utilize television, print and social media to their fullest potential 6. Target individuals in their 20s via Facebook, YouTube and movie screenings 7. Targeting families and younger children with their TV and print campaigns.OBJECTIVES
8. Many masterful programming tactics were used in the execution of this social media campaign.
Campaigns for the film were strategically implemented:
Before its release
During its release
After its release

  • The programming facet of the campaign solidified Toy Story 3s role in history for effective uses of social media and viral marketing.

9. 10. Disney and Pixar announced special cliffhanger screenings of Toy Story 3 at college campuses around the country.
Using Facebook, students with a valid college ID could sign up for special 65 minute screenings of the film.
Targeting college students and doing special campus screenings showed that Disney was serious about targeting socially savvy audiences.
College Kids Like Toys Too
11. Disney Pixar also targeted older Generation X viewers with its Groovin with Ken character profile and Lifestyles of the rich and famoustheme.
Groovin with Ken Nearly 600,000 views
Groovy Grandmas and Grandpas.
12. 13. The mainLotsoclip has been viewed more than 1 million times on YouTube
Opened up a wave of press and blog coverage that extended far beyond the typical movie news cycle.
The ads managed to promote the film without promoting it and were successful enough that Disney released an actual collectors edition Lotso toy in the fall of 2010.
A lot of Lotso!
14. Made to look like 1980s TV--commercials recorded to VHS
15. Along with Promoted Tweets, Twitter announced a new form of advertising it was testing called Promoted Trends.
Toy Story 3 was the first to benefit from Promoted Trends
Promoted Trends initially appear at the bottom of the Trending Topics list of Twitter and are clearly marked "Promoted". As conversations about the topic increase, Promoted Trends may move up the list.
Promoted Trends give marketers an opportunity to bypass making their subject a popular trending topic and can pay for it to appear in Twitter's trending list.
Toys Start New Twitter Trend
16. Twitter Trending
17. The official Facebook page for toy story has nearly 25 million likes.
A Facebook app allowed people to buy tickets ahead of time to seeToy Story 3.
Benefits? Buying tickets without leaving Facebook make impulse ticket buys more likely and the social aspect makes group planning that much easier.
Facebook becomes the new Box Office
18. STRENGTHS: Pixar and Disney are two large entities that have already established loyalty and brand awareness
WEAKNESSES: Targeting new audiences
OPPORTUNITIES: Facebook, YouTube, videos, iPhone apps
THREATS: Other animated films being released at the same time as Toy Story 3
SWOT Analysis
19. Targeted children and families with print and television ads
Targeted teens and college audience with online ads and social media material
Special college campus screenings to target their socially savvy audience
Appealed to older audience with nostalgic 80s toy Lotso.
Partnered with social media outlet, Twitter to start trends feed
Released iAd for the iPhone 4
Word- of-mouth
Evaluation of Tactics:
20. Successful? Yes!
The film has gone on to gross over $1 billion dollars worldwide, making it the most successful animated film of all time.
21. They Say Good Things Happen in 3s
All images used are copyrighted and owned my Disney, Pixar.
All information and Facts From: