touring sanfeliu

TOURING SANFELIU FOLLOW THE WALK ON THE MAP AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ENJOY AND … “WELCOME” TO SANFELIU 1 st Route Start at Zuloaga Street, just at INS Apel·les Mestres. Take the first turning on the left Where are you? Just on the corner of Zuloaga Street and Sanfeliu, there is a shop What sort of shop is it? Go up Sanfeliu and turn left. You’ll find a paved (asphalted) square. The square was built in the XX century What was there before that? Clue: look at the name of the square If you keep walking for about 200 metres, you’ll find some stairs on the right. Go up. Pass the children’s park and enter another square with the shape of a semicircle on your left 1

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Touring sanfeliu





1st Route Start at Zuloaga Street, just at INS Apel·les Mestres. Take the first turning on the left

Where are you?

Just on the corner of Zuloaga Street and Sanfeliu, there is a shop

What sort of shop is it?

Go up Sanfeliu and turn left. You’ll find a paved (asphalted) square. The square was built in the XX century

What was there before that? Clue: look at the name of the square

If you keep walking for about 200 metres, you’ll find some stairs on the right. Go up. Pass the children’s park and enter another square with the shape of a semicircle on your left

What’s this square called?

Border the semicircle. Stop at number 23

What is it?


Page 2: Touring sanfeliu


What about at 25?

What sort of club can you find there?

Who rules that club?

Look at the noticeboard

When is the Club open for young people?

Can families ask for information on Monday morning?

If you keep walking …

What is there at number 27?

There is a temporary exhibition there

Who is exhibiting his paintings?

What sort of paintings are they?

What is there next to The Regidoria?

Enter this centre. There is a game zone on the right

What can you play there?


Page 3: Touring sanfeliu


The Senior Citizen Center organizes lots of workshops. Tick the ones elderly people can do there.

Healthy walks 6-7 kmSwimmingDancingMemory trainingClimbingYogaSurfing classesSpeeches and workshopsExcursions/tripsSkiing classes

Let’s walk along Emigrant Street now in the opposite direction of the cars. At the bakery just opposite the square, try to discover if they bake something special.

What is it?

How much does it cost?

Go straight on and turn left at Valeta Street. Turn left again at Miralta Street. On the corner of these two streets …

What was there in the past?

Which busses can you take there?

Just on your right, there are two beautiful semi-detached houses.

Is there anything special about the red roses in the garden?

Which school is there next to these houses?


Page 4: Touring sanfeliu


If you want to repair your car, where can you take it?

Turn around Miralta Street and walk back till the end of the street. Turn right at Sanfeliu Street again. Just on the corner, there is a shop, Cuca

What can you buy there?Write ten things you can buy at Cuca, the stationary shop

2nd Route Start at the Underground Station. Go down Estronci Street. There are two important buildings just outside the metro station

What are they?

Center yourself on the School for Adults

You need information about this school. What’s their e-mail?

Name all the things you can do at this school: services they offer


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Keep walking without moving from the left of the street until you get to a park.

Which park is it?

Once in the park, What’s the first tree you find on your left?

There are some palm trees on your right. How many are there?

Go straight ahead through the paved lane. Turn right at the football pitch and go down the lane till you get to a building. Border it from your left

What’s that building on your left?1

What’s the building on your right?

When was it built?

What’s this palace called in Catalan?

Close to the palace, there is a nice small building

What is it?

When was it built?

1 Sharecropping is a system of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on their portion of land. Source: el que vive y trabaja en una masia de la qual no es propietario, a cambio de una parte proporcional de las ganancias obtenidas sobre la explotación de los productos de la tierra. Font:


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Who was the architect?

How do you know it’s a modernist building?2

Just opposite the main entrance of the palace, there is a lane which leads you through the exit of the park

What sort of trees can you find on both sides?

Did you see the sculpture on your left?What is it?

Keep walking and look for another sculpture

What is it?

Translate it into English

Who’s the artist?

When was it done?

What’s the material?

Well, this Tour came to its endHope you enjoyed it!

2 El trencadís és una mena de mosaic format per trossos irregulars de ceràmica, marbre o vidre, generalment de disseny abstracte,típic de l'arquitectura modernista. Font: