torture 2009

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  • 7/30/2019 Torture 2009


    Asian Centre For Human Rights


    IN INDIA 2009

  • 7/30/2019 Torture 2009




  • 7/30/2019 Torture 2009



    First published June 2009

    Asian Centre for Human Rights, 2009.

    No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or

    by any means, without prior permission of the publisher.

    Cover Photos Coutesy:

    ISBN : 978-81-88987-21-4

    Price Rs.: 545/-

    Published by:Asian Centre For Human RightsC-3/441-C, Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110058, India

    Phone/Fax: +91-11-25620583, 25503624


    Email: [email protected]

    Acknowledgement: Th report beg pubhed a a part of ACHR'

    natoa Campag for Preveto of Torture ida - a project fuded

    b the Europea Commo uder the Europea itatve for Huma

    Rght ad Democrac (EiDHR) the Europea Uo programme that

    am to promote ad upport huma rght ad democrac wordwde.

    The vew epreed are of the ACHR, ad ot of the Europea Commo.

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    1. FOCUs OF 2009: TORTURE AnD DEATHs in POliCE CUsTODy AnD

    FAilURE OF THE Dk BAsU JUDGMEnT .................................................... 1

    2. TORTURE in POliCE CUsTODy ................................................................. 22

    i. Patter ad practce of torture poce cutod ........................................ 22

    A. Cutoda death ........................................................................................... 22

    B. Torture to etract cofeo ....................................................................... 29C. Torture reutg from a faure to pa brbe ............................................... 32

    ii. Cutoda torture of wome .......................................................................... 33

    iii. Cutoda torture of chdre ....................................................................... 36

    iV. Medca acquecece .................................................................................. 39

    V. Poce reform ad mput .......................................................................... 42

    3. TORTURE in THE CUsTODy OF THE ARMED FORCEs ......................... 45

    4. TORTURE By ARMED OPPOsiTiOn GROUPs .......................................... 47

    5. TORTURE in JUDiCiAl CUsTODy ............................................................. 50

    6. TORTURE By OTHER nOn-sTATE ACTORs ............................................. 54

    A. Torture b the Upper Cate ......................................................................... 55

    B. Ue of torture b cate/ vage Pachaat .................................................. 56

    7. JUDiCiAl inTERVEnTiOns AGAinsT TORTURE ................................... 58

    A. Judgemet awardg compeato ............................................................ 58

    B. Judgemet awardg puhmet .............................................................. 62

    8. nHRCs FAilURE TO ADDREss TORTURE .............................................. 69

    A. Faure to recogze torture .......................................................................... 69

    B. serou procedure fag ............................................................................ 72

    Cae pedg for adjudcato before the approprate court .......................... 74

    Order of the Deh Hgh Court agat procedura fag ............................. 75

    C. Dea of opportut of beg heard ........................................................... 77

    D. Faure to verf the pot mortem report ..................................................... 87

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    9. sCRUTiny By THE UniTED nATiOns ...................................................... 89

    AnnEx : lisT OF ViCTiMs OF DEATH in POliCE

    CUsTODy FROM 1sT APRil 2001 TO 31sT MARCH 2009 .......................... 97

    n Adhra Pradeh ............................................................................................ 97

    n Aruacha Pradeh ...................................................................................... 101

    n Aom ........................................................................................................... 102

    n Bhar ........................................................................................................... 105

    n Chadgarh .................................................................................................. 107

    n Chhattgarh ............................................................................................... 108

    n Dadra & nagar Have................................................................................. 109

    n Deh ............................................................................................................110

    n Goa ...............................................................................................................111

    n Gujarat .........................................................................................................112

    n Haraa .......................................................................................................117

    n Hmacha Pradeh ........................................................................................119

    n Jammu ad kahmr ................................................................................... 120

    n Jharhad ................................................................................................... 121

    n karataa ................................................................................................... 123

    n keraa .......................................................................................................... 125

    n Madha Pradeh ......................................................................................... 127

    n Maharahtra ................................................................................................ 129

    n Mapur ...................................................................................................... 136

    n Meghaaa .................................................................................................. 137

    n Ora .......................................................................................................... 138

    n Puducherr .................................................................................................. 139

    n Pujab ......................................................................................................... 140n Rajatha .................................................................................................... 142

    n sm ......................................................................................................... 144

    n Tamadu ................................................................................................... 145

    n Trpura ........................................................................................................ 148

    n Uttarahad ................................................................................................ 149

    n Uttar Pradeh .............................................................................................. 150

    n Wet Bega ................................................................................................. 155

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    ACHR 1

    1. Focus of 2009: Torture and deaths in police

    custody and failure of the DK Basu judgment

    Torture poce cutod rampat ida. it a pervave probem that pre-

    date th report. The state ad the poce rema worrg dea. The aua

    report, Crime in India, of the natoa Crme Record Bureau of the Mtr of

    Home Affairs that report very few deaths in police custody reect this disturbing


    The evdece preeted th report uder coderato of varou court ad

    the natoa Huma Rght Commo (nHRC). The evdece udere that

    torture b the poce rather a erou probem ida.

    National Human Rights Commission Guidelines

    i recogto of the cae of the probem of ue of torture, o 14 December 1993,

    the natoa Huma Rght Commo (nHRC) ued gudee drectg a

    Dtrct Magtrate ad supertedet of Poce ever dtrct to report to the

    secretar Geera of the nHRC about cutoda death/rape wth 24 hour.

    The nHRC wared that: Faure to report prompt woud gve re to preumpto

    that there wa a attempt to uppre the cdet.

    Supreme Court Ruling in D.K. Basu Vs State of West Bengal

    Moreover a admar judgmet 1996 the cae ofD.K.Basu Vs State of West

    Bengal, the Supreme Court laid down specic guidelines required to be followed

    whe mag arret wth the am to emate voato of huma rght poce

    cutod. The prcpe ad dow b the supreme Court are gve hereuder:

    1. The poce peroe carrg out the arret ad hadg the terrogato of

    the arrestee should bear accurate, visible and clear identication and name

    tag wth ther degato. The partcuar of a uch poce peroewho hade terrogato of the arretee mut be recorded a regter;

    2. That the police ofcer carrying out the arrest shall prepare a memo of arrest

    at the tme of arret ad uch memo ha be atteted b at eat oe wte,

    who ma be ether a member of the fam of the arretee or a repectabe

    pero of the ocat from where the arret made. it ha ao be couter

    ged b the arretee ad ha cota the tme ad date of arret;

    3. A pero who ha bee arreted or detaed ad beg hed cutod

    a poce tato or terrogato cetre or other oc up, ha be etted to

    1. see varou aua report, Crime in India, of the natoa Crme Record Bureau.

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    2 ACHR

    have oe fred or reatve or other pero ow to hm or havg teret

    h wefare beg formed, a oo a practcabe, that he ha bee arreted

    ad beg detaed at the partcuar pace, ue the attetg wte of

    the memo of arret hmef uch a fred or a reatve of the arretee;

    4. The time, place of arrest and venue of custody of an arrestee must be notied

    b the poce where the et fred or reatve of the arretee ve outde

    the dtrct or tow through the lega Ad Orgazato the Dtrct ad

    the poce tato of the area cocered teegraphca wth a perod of 8

    to 12 hour after the arret;

    5. The pero arreted mut be made aware of h rght to have omeoe

    formed of h arret or deteto a oo a he put uder arret or


    6. A etr mut be made the dar at the pace of deteto regardg the

    arret of the pero whch ha ao dcoe the ame of the et fred

    of the pero who ha bee formed of the arret ad the ame ad

    particulars of the police ofcials in whose custody the arrestee is;

    7. The arretee houd, where he o requet, be ao eamed at the tme of

    h arret ad major ad mor jure, f a preet o h/her bod, mut

    be recorded at that tme. The ipecto Memo mut be ged both b the

    arrestee and the police ofcer affecting the arrest and its copy provided to

    the arretee;

    8. The arretee houd be ubjected to medca eamato b the traed

    doctor ever 48 hour durg h deteto cutod b a doctor o the

    pae of approved doctor appoted b Drector, Heath servce of the

    cocered state or Uo Terrtor, Drector, Heath servce houd prepare

    uch a pae for a Teh ad Dtrct a we;

    9. Cope of a the documet cudg the memo of arret, referred to above,

    houd be et to the Magtrate for h record;

    10. The arretee ma be permtted to meet h awer durg terrogato,

    though ot throughout the terrogato; ad

    11. A poce cotro room houd be provded at a dtrct ad state headquarter

    where formato regardg the arret ad the pace of cutod of the

    arrestee shall be communicated by the ofcer causing the arrest, within 12

    hour of effectg the arret ad at the poce cotro room t houd be

    dpaed o a copcuou otce board.

    Death in police custody statistics

    The prevetatve acto of the supreme Court ad the nHRC have ot eded

    death poce cutod due to torture.

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    ACHR 3

    From 1 Apr 2001 to 31 March 2009, the death of 1,184 pero poce cutod

    were reported to the nHRC. A overwhemg umber of thee death had tae

    pace a a reut of torture. Mot of thee death too pace wth 48 hour of the

    vctm beg tae to cutod b the poce.

    Durg th perod (1 Apr 2001 to 31 March 2009), the hghet umber of cutoda

    death wa reported Maharahtra (192 cae) foowed b Uttar Pradeh (128),

    Gujarat (113), Adhra Pradeh (85), Wet Bega (83), Tam nadu (76), Aam

    (74), karataa (55), Pujab (41), Madha Pradeh (38), Bhar ad Rajatha

    (32 each), Haraa (31), keraa (30), Jharhad (29), Deh (25), Ora (24),

    Chhattgarh (23), Uttarahad ad Meghaaa (16 each), Aruacha Pradeh

    (11), Jammu ad kahmr ad Trpura (9 each), Puducherr ad Chadgarh (3

    each), Hmacha Pradeh (2) whe Mapur, Goa, sm, ad Dadra & nagarHave recorded oe cae each.

    The above gures do not represent the actual number of deaths in police custody

    ida. A umber of cae of cutoda death tae up b Aa Cetre for Huma

    Rght (ACHR) wth the nHRC how that the nHRC wa ot formed b the

    poce about thee cutoda death b the poce. some of thee cae cude

    cutoda death of Terg Todup of leh Jammu ad kahmr (nHRC Fe no.

    27/9/9/07-08-AD); Boa Veataa of Adhra Pradeh (nHRC no. 6/1/2003-

    2004-AD); Hara yadav of Uttar Pradeh (nHRC no. 704/24/2003-2004-CD);

    Jarupua sru of Adhra Pradeh (nHRC no. 60/1/2005-2006- AD-sCn); adDwpe Baa of Aam (nHRC no.133/3/2004-2005-AD). The nHRC ha

    epreed t aguh agat the faure to report thee cae of cutoda death to

    the NHRC but the NHRC's guidelines continue to be outed.

    The above cae of death poce cutod ao do ot cude death the

    cutod of the armed force ad the ida Arm uder the cotro of the Cetra

    govermet. The nHRC drecto for reportg cdet of cutoda death were

    ued to the poce o a the nHRC doe ot have jurdcto to vetgate

    voato commtted b the armed force uder secto 19 of the Huma Rght

    Protecto Act, 1993. However, there have bee reguar report of death thecutod of the armed force ad the ida Arm. Aa Cetre for Huma Rght

    itself has led 50 complaints of extrajudicial killings with the NHRC from 2003

    to 2009. Ma of thee aeged etrajudca g were deed death the

    cutod of the Mapur Commado uder the Mapur Poce. sce the Mapur

    Commado cam to be coductg operato jot wth the cetra armed

    force, the death the cutod of the Mapur Commado are ot reported to

    the nHRC. not urprg, the nHRC ha recorded o oe cutoda death

    cae the at eght ear from Mapur.

    noethee, the hgh cdece of death poce cutod ao epoe that the

    gudee of the Dk Bau Judgmet do ot appear to be worg.

    Further, oe of the e faure of the Dk Bau gudee that t compace

    is conned only to cases of arrests made under Sections 41 (Whe poce ma

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    4 ACHR

    arret wthout warrat) ad 74 (Warrant directed to police ofcer)of the Code

    of Crma Procedure, 1973 (a ameded up to date). The Dk Bau Gudee

    effectve come to pa o durg ad from the tme of arret.

    i ida umerou upect are detaed da o ummo a provded uder

    secto 175 (Power to ummo pero) or wthout a forma ummo b edg

    a message to the person to appear before a police ofcer. The latter is illegal but

    oethee a reguar practce.

    iterrogato coducted b the poce uder thee crcumtace are ot arret,

    the ega ee, ad therefore, do ot requre compace wth the D k Bau

    gudee. Thee provde ega oophoe for abue a hghghted the cae

    tated beow. A umber of pero who are ummoed or detaed ega are

    ubjected to torture ad ed poce cutod.

    Aa Cetre for Huma Rght hghght the foowg cae of cutoda death

    whch the vctm ded after beg tae to cutod wthout beg forma

    arreted. The vctm were ummoed b the poce or hed ega deteto.

    Case studies

    1. Custodial death of Md Jaleel, Andhra Pradesh2

    O 26 Augut 2004, the nHRC receved formato from the Coector &Dtrct Magtrate, Waraga Adhra Pradeh about the cutoda death of

    Md. Jaee (o of Bade, redet of Maapur vage, Ghapur, Waraga

    dtrct) poce cutod. The pot mortem report foud that he ded due to acute

    Pancreatitis, a natural death. The Magisterial Enquiry did not nd foul play or

    medca eggece.

    Accordg to the poce, 25-ear-od Jaee wa tae to poce cutod o

    25 Augut 2004 coecto wth cae no. 271/2004. He ded o 26 Augut

    2004 MGM Hopta, Waraga. Durg the equr the fam of the vctmcamed that Jaee wa, fact, arreted b the poce o the eveg of 24 Augut

    2004. The poce provded record howg h arret o 25 Augut 2004 at 0245


    O 9 December 2006, thenHRC aed the Drector Geera of Poce (DGP),

    Adhra Pradeh to tate a Crma ivetgato Departmet (CiD) qur ad

    tae approprate acto o the outcome of uch equr. The Commo further

    drected the DGP, Adhra Pradeh to ed the report of the CiD equr aog

    wth Acto Tae Report wth wee.

    2. nHRC Cae number: 424/1/2004-2005-CD

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    ACHR 5

    2. Custodial death of Amit Kumar, Bihar3

    O 8 november 2003, Amt kumar (o of yogedra Praad sgh, redet of

    kaar Bagh poce tato, Pata, Bhar) ded poce cutod Pata a a

    reut of torture. The poce camed that the vctm wa beate up b uow

    pero pror to h arret o 8 november 2003 ad a cae (nO.503/03 dated

    8.11.03 u/ 147/149/323/307 iPC) wa regtered agat 30-40 uow pero

    for aautg Amt kumar.

    The vctm father yogedra Praad sgh, sub ipector of Bhar Poce (nHRC

    compat dated 8 December 2003) aeged that Amt kumar wa arreted b the

    speca Ta Force (sTF) o 7 november 2003 at 3 pm from Taramada. He

    camed that a earer potg a sub ipector Mr Praad sgh had a dpute

    wth Arhad Zama, the Deput supertedet of Poce (DsP) ow poted atsachvaaa. Whe DsP Arhad Zama foud out Amt kumar wa h o, he

    wa tae to Eta Bhawa ad Zama ad other member of the sTF tortured


    The vctm wa admtted to Pata Medca Coege Hopta o 7 november 2003.

    O 8 november 2003, the vctm fam hfted hm to Rajehwar Hopta ad

    the to Magadh Hopta where he ded o 8 november 2003 at 6.05 pm. Mr

    sgh aeged that the sTF made up a tor about h o beatg b uow

    pero ad regtered a cae nO.502/03 agat uow pero to cover up.

    The repoe to the nHRC (the quet-cum-Magtera Equr Report)

    conrmed that the victim died in the manner alleged by the family.

    There were cotece the poce record of evet. The nHRC tated that

    the medca record how that the vctm wa eamed at Pata Medca Coege

    Hopta o 7 november 2003 at 6.55 pm after beg brought to the hopta b

    B. Daa, DsP, sTF ad Arhad Jama, DsP, sachvaaa. Th cotradct the

    cam of the poce who aeged that he wa arreted o 8 november 2003 at 6

    pm (cae nO.502/03).

    The nHRC cocuded that the vctm ded poce cutod ad drected the

    authorte to vetgate the cae b Crme Brach-Crma ivetgato

    Departmet (CB-CiD) ad ao erved a how caue otce to the Chef secretar,

    govermet of Bhar a to wh term compeato houd ot be awarded to

    the et of of the vctm.

    3. Custodial death of Parmeshwar Dayal, Delhi4

    O 15 March 2005, 28-ear-od buema Parmehwar Daa ded poce

    cutod the shat nagar area of north-wet dtrct of Deh.

    3. nHRC Cae number : 3052/4/2003-2004-CD

    4. nHRC Cae number 5061/30/2004-2005-CD

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    6 ACHR

    He had bee recued b the Deh poce from Pue, Maharahtra after beg

    aeged abducted from Deh. The poce brought hm bac to Deh o the

    ght of 14 March 2005 but dd ot had hm over to the fam. The vctm

    fam aeged that he wa tortured cutod b the poce covace wth abue rva. The poce camed he commtted ucde b touchg ve wre

    after breag a bub hoder de the toet.

    Accordg to h reatve Rajeder kumar, the poce dd ot aow hm to meet

    Parmehwar after he wa brought bac from Pue. The fam wa o tod of the

    vctm death o the morg of 15 March 2005.

    The nHRC ha drected the Commoer of Poce, Deh to ubmt the quet

    report, potmortem report aog wth the tatu of Magtera iqur ad the

    tatu of vetgato the FiR regtered reato to the cdet.

    4. Custodial death of Sunil, Delhi5

    O 14 september 2005, the nHRC receved tmato about the cutoda death

    of su (19 ear) (o of shr Rajder, redet of Jhugg no. 18, Vage

    Bharoa, near Azadpur subz Mad, Deh) from Addtoa Dtrct Magtrate,

    north-Wet Dtrct, Deh. The poce camed that he had commtted ucde b

    hagg hmef the oc up of Adarh nagar poce tato.

    Puruat to the drecto of the Commo, the Deput Commoer of Poce(DCP), north-Wet Deh ubmtted t repoe. The report how that the vctm

    wa arreted u/ 107/151 Crma Procedure Code (CrPC) o 12 september 2005

    at 9.50 pm. The cutod record how arret o 12 september 2005 at 10.30 pm.

    The caue of death wa foud to be apha a reut of hagg. The Magtera

    iqur Report (MER)/iquet Report foud that date/tme of arret of the vctm

    police custody records was made up. The police were found to have led a fake/

    cococted cae u/ 117/151 CrPc.

    The Commo erved a how caue otce to the Chef secretar, govermetof natoa Capta Terrtor (nCT) of Deh a to wh term reef houd ot

    be provded to the et of of the vctm. The Commo ao aed the

    Deput Commoer, north-Wet Dtrct to ubmt a report regardg acto

    tae o the MER/iquet Report ad deta of dcpar acto, f a, tae

    agat gut poceme wth wee.

    5. Custodial death of Arjubhai Dalsukhbhai Vasawa, Gujarat6

    The supertedet of Poce, narmada, Gujarat formed the nHRC about the

    death of oe Arjubha Dauhbha Vaawa, aged 30 ear, redet of navagam

    5. nHRC Cae number 2345/30/2005-2006-CD

    6. nHRC Cae number: 314/6/2005-2006-CD

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    ACHR 7

    vage uder narmada dtrct, poce cutod o the ght of 19 October


    O 19 October 2005, poce ummoed Arjubha Dauhbha Vaawa to Rajppapoce tato for terrogato coecto wth cae FiR no. 123/05 u/ 302

    iPC, P.s. Rajppa. Accordg to the poce, the vctm reported to Rajppa P.s.

    at 2000 hr. The camed that he udde compaed of chet pa ad wa

    mmedate tae to the Geera Cv Hopta, Rajppa b the ivetgatg

    Ofcer. He was declared dead by the doctor at the hospital at 2140 hours on the

    ame ght.

    The mother of the vctm, smt. Reva Be Dauh Baha Vaawa a depoto

    before the Magtera Equr, aeged that the vctm wa fact pced up b

    poce of Rajppa at 1800 hour o 19 October 2005 from her houe coectowth a crma cae. He wa a good heath before he wa detaed. she aege

    that the vctm wa tortured to etract a cofeo. she eart that the poceme

    had ht the vctm head agat the wa ad he had ded a a reut of th


    The post-mortem concurred with the ndings of the NHRC that the death resulted

    from hoc foowg head jur. i the opo of nHRC Pea doctor these

    injuries have been caused as a result of blunt trauma to the head either by hit by a

    blunt weapon or fall from height. Death in this case is un-natural. These injurieswould have been caused within 24 hours of death.

    The nHRC erved a how caue otce to the Chef secretar, govermet of

    Gujarat a to wh moetar reef uder ecto 18 (a) of the Protecto of Huma

    Rght Act 1993 be ot awarded to the et of of the vctm. The nHRC ao

    drected the Drector Geera of Poce, Gujarat to regter a crma cae agat

    the errg poce peroe uder approprate ecto of aw for vetgato b

    state Crma ivetgato Departmet.

    6. Custodial death of Santosh Shetty, Gujarat7

    O 6 October 2003, supertedet of Poce, Aad, Gujarat, formed the nHRC

    about the death of satoh shett (redet of shr krupa Hopta, U.Pate Road,

    kadva (W) Mumba, Maharahtra) o 4 October 2003. shett wa a upect

    a arcotc cae o.05/03. The vctm wa beg brought from Mumba to

    Ahmedabad and Umesh J. Pathak, Intelligence Ofcer from the Narcotics Control

    Bureau, wa traveg wth the team. O the wa, Mr shett aeged got out of

    the car ad vomted o the road de. He the aeged commtted ucde b

    jumpg frot of a peedg truc.

    7. nHRC Cae number: 639/6/2003-2004-CD

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    8 ACHR

    i h commucato to the nHRC, supertedet of Poce (sP) Aad tated

    that o magtera equr wa ordered becaue the matter dd ot attract secto

    176 CrPC that mae t madator for a ttuto to hod a magtera equr

    whe a pero de poce cutod. Accordg to the poce, the vctm wa ot poce cutod.

    O 2 Augut 2007, the nHRC tated Dr. shett ma ot have bee techca

    the cutod of nCB at the tme of the cdet. But the fact rema that the

    Intelligence Ofcer of NCB was with him. That being the factual position, an

    qur to the crcumtace of death w be aboute ecear. After the

    qur aoe t w be pobe to a whether there wa a eggece or fou

    pa the death of Dr. shett. The nHRC therefore drected the secretar

    (Home), Gujarat to order a CiD equr to the crcumtace of death of Mr.shett ad to ubmt the equr report wth eght wee.

    i a commucato dated Jue 2008, iGP (Crme-i), CiD Crme, Gujarat tated

    that the matter wa vetgated b the CiD Crme. The cocuded that Mr shett

    committed suicide. The CID however held the NCB ofcer and local police guilty

    of eggece ad recommeded departmeta acto agat them.

    However, the nHRC tated that the commucato et b the iGP (Crme-i),

    CiD Crme appear to be o a gt of the equr carred out b the CiD Crme

    Brach. O 8 December 2008, the nHRC drected the iGP (Crme) CiD Crme toed the compete equr report aog wth aeure to the Commo for t

    perua wth four wee.

    7. Custodial death of Raziabibi Sheikh Jamir Luhar (Pakistani national), Gujarat8

    The supertedet of Poce, Baaatha, Gujarat, formed the nHRC about

    the cutoda death of a Pata atoa, Razabb sheh Jamr luhar at sugam

    poce tato Baaatha of Gujarat o 12 Ma 2003. The vctm wa arreted

    o 25 March 2003 o ido-Pa border. He wa tae to Mavar poce tato

    ad the haded over to the sugam poce tato. He wa ega detaed adot produced before a court. O 12 Ma 2003, durg the coure of terrogato

    at sugam poce tato, he aeged compaed of headache, coaped ad

    ded. The Pot-Mortem Report record twet jure utaed before death.

    The caue of death accordg to the doctor wa hoc ad haemorrhage reutg

    from the jure.

    sub-Dvoa Magtrate (sDM) Tharad, coducted a equr to the death.

    Accordg to h report, the vctm wa terrogated o 12 Ma 2003 b a jot

    team consisting of Shri Devender Sathwara, Ofcer-in-Charge of Special Bureau

    of Radhanpur, Shri Kumar Anand, Ofcer of Central Bureau of Intelligence andshr P.n. sgh of G Brach of BsF.

    8. nHRC Cae number: 229/6/2003-2004-CD

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    ACHR 9

    The magtera qur foud cotradcto the tatemet gve b the poce

    ofcials and the Interrogation Team. While the police ofcials posted at the Police

    stato tod the Magtrate that the vctm wa terrogated a coed room,

    the iterrogato Team deed t. Ad whe the doctor from the Prmar HeathCetre came to the Poce stato, he foud the vctm aed.

    O 10 Ju 2007, the nHRC cocuded that the vctm wa hed ega deteto

    at the poce tato ad tortured whch coud have reuted h death.

    The Commo ordered uace of otce u/ 16 of the Protecto of Huma

    Rght Act to sub ipector s.B. Mawaa, icharge of the sugam Poce

    Station, Shri Devender Sathwara, Ofcer-In-Charge of S.B. of Ravanpur, Shri

    Kumar Anand, Ofcer of C.I.B and Shri P.N. Singh of BSF asking them to explain

    wrtg wh dcpar acto a we a crma acto be ot recommededagat them. s.i. s.B. Mawaa faed to rep depte remder from the nRHC.

    A the other deed havg tortured the vctm.

    The NHRC was not satised with their replies, and directed the Director General

    of Poce, Gujarat to regter a crma cae agat s.i. s.B. Mawaa, the the

    In-charge of Suigam Police Station, Shri Devender Sathwara, Ofcer-In-Charge

    of S.B. of Radhanpur, Shri Kumar Ahand, Ofcer of C.I.B and Shri P.N. Singh

    of B.S.F. and to get the investigation carried out by an ofcer not below the rank

    of D. supertedet of Poce. The nHRC ao drected DGP, Gujarat, to taedcpar acto agat s.i. s.B. Mawaa ad shr Deveder sathwara ad

    drected the secretar, Mtr of Home Affar to tae dcpar acto agat

    shr P.n. sgh, the the Head Cotabe G Brach, Border securt Force,

    Datewada, Gujarat ad shr kumar Aad shah, Cetra itegece Bureau

    Ofcer, Suigam, Banaskantha District, Gujarat.

    8. Custodial death of Kartik Uraon, Jharkhand9

    The supertedet of Poce, Guma, Jharhad, formed the nHRC about

    54the cutoda death of kart Urao (o of Badha Urao) at Guma pocetato. The poce camed that the vctm wa arreted o 9 Apr 2002.

    The pot mortem report reveaed that the vctm ded of apha due to hagg. i

    the Magtera Equr report, the Magtrate hed the etr o dut repobe

    for eggece. O 21 October 2004, the sP, Guma formed the nHRC that the

    etr o dut Mahadeo Urao had bee awarded a ceure etr departmeta


    The nHRC foud that Geera Dar record howed the vctm wa brought to the

    poce tato o 6th Apr 2002 at 1740 hr ad reeaed at 1000 hr o 7 th Apr2002. The Geera Dar ao howed that co-accued saoj Ram ad satoh

    9. nHRC Cae number: 33/34/2002-2003-CD

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    10 ACHR

    kear were brought to the poce tato o 7th Apr 2002 ad were reeaed at

    0700 hr o 8th Apr 2002. kart Urao, saoj Ram ad satoh kear were

    aga arreted at 1500 hr o 9th Apr 2002. saoj Ram ad satoh kear were

    reeaed o peroa bod o 10th Apr 2002 at 0130 hr.

    The co-accued saoj Ram ad satoh kear deed that the vctm wa tortured.

    The tated that o 9th Apr 2002 the were eepg the oc-up whe at about

    2200 hr the etr brought food.

    Whe the woe up, the foud kart Urao hagg the toet. The nHRC

    oberved it hard to beeve that the oc up where o three pero were

    there ad before tag food the coud have goe to eep ad wthout mag

    oe ge pero coud hag hmef.

    The nHRC cat doubt o the authetct of the Geera Dar whch appear to

    be wrtte b oe pero from 8 Apr 2002 (GD no. 238) to 11 Apr 2002 (GD

    no. 318). Th mea that the pero who wrote the etre the GD wa o dut

    from 1445 hr of 8 Apr 2002 to 0800 hr of 11 Apr 2002.

    A per the tatemet of warde of the Adva Urao Hote, the poce pced

    up the vctm wthout permo from the hote authort o 6 Apr 2002 ad

    the vctm dd ot retur to the hote t 9 Apr 2002. The hote warde further

    tated that kart Urao aeged torture b the poce whe he wet to meet hm

    the oc up o 7 Apr 2007. Cotabe Mahadev Urao h tatemet ao

    conrmed that Kartik Uraon was in the lock up from 6 April 2002 to 9 April


    The nHRC drected the Chef secretar, Jharhad to order a vetgato to

    the cae b the Crme Brach-Crma ivetgato Departmet (CB-CiD) ad

    ubmt the report wth 8 wee.

    9. Custodial death of Mushtaq Ahmed, Jammu and Kashmir10

    The poce camed that Muhtaq Ahmed, o of shr Ghuam Qadr Batt, wa

    arreted Doda of Jammu & kahmr coecto wth a theft cae o 27

    Augut 2005. The poce camed that he rpped ope h abdome wth a havg

    bade the toet of the ocup. He wa admtted to Dtrct Hopta Doda whch

    referred hm to Govermet Medca Coege, Jammu but he ded whe beg


    The magtera equr foud that the vctm wa arreted b the poce o 26

    Augut 2005 ad ot o 27 Augut 2005 a camed b the poce. Before og

    cocoue the vctm had tod h father that he had bee tabbed b the poce.The autop urgeo cocuded that the jure utaed coud ot have bee

    10. nHRC Cae number: 67/9/2005-2006-CD

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    ACHR 11

    caued b a havg bade. The MER further reveaed that Cotabe Mueer

    Ahmed (nO.653/D) who wa o etr dut had bee paced uder upeo

    and departmental enquiry had been ordered against six other police ofcials.

    O 18 september 2007 the nHRC drected the Drector Geera of Poce, Jammu

    and Kashmir to register a specic case based on the complaint of the father of

    the vctm to be vetgated b the Crma ivetgato Departmet. O 21

    Ma 2008, the Commo ued a codtoa ummo to the Chef secretar,

    Jammu & kahmr for fag to repod to the nHRC earer drecto depte

    remder. O 28 Ma 2008, Deput secretar (Home Departmet) to the

    govermet of Jammu & kahmr formed the Commo that R. oe ah

    had bee pad to the et of of the vctm Mutaq Ahmed a compeato ad

    a cae FiR no. 13/2008 u/ 304 RPC ha bee regtered at poce tato CrmeBrach, Jammu ad the matter uder vetgato.

    10. Custodial death of Mrs Shanno alias Aarti Gopal Kale, Maharashtra11

    According to a complaint led by Gauri Gopal Kale to the SP, Ahmednagar, his

    ter shao aa Aart Gopa kae wa pced up b the poce ad tae to

    shrd poce tato md-ght of 2 March 2005. The compaat further

    aeged that the vctm wa raped ad ed b the poce who threw the vctm

    bod a dr we sogao hvar uder the jurdcto of Rahata poce

    tato, Ahmedagar. The vctm wa ot arreted for a offece but wa obrought for terogato shrd poce tato. O 4 March 2005, the vctm

    bod wa foud ad a cae (no. 5/05 u/ 174 Cr.P.C) wa regtered.

    Durg vetgato, aother cae no. 24/05 u/ 302/201 wa regtered agat

    uow accued pero at Rahata poce tato o 7 March 2005.

    O 14 Ma 2005, the supertedet of Poce, Ahmedagar, Maharahtra

    tmated the cae to the nHRC. The nHRC ought a epaato from the

    Dtrct Magtrate ad the supertedet of Poce, Ahmedagar, for ot

    reportg the death cutod a per nHRC gudee.

    Puruat to the drecto of the nHRC the supertedet of Poce, CiD, na

    et the cop of iquet Report, Pot-Mortem Report ad Vcera Report aog

    wth caue of death report. The iquet Report tated that the ad (vctm) wa

    ed b preg the ec ad throat ad dpoed of wth teto of hdg the

    evdece ad throw the we of ka Damu shedge haf bum poto ad

    also half buried. The nal cause of death given by a team of doctors revealed that

    the vctm ded due to Compreo of nec.

    The Dtrct Magtrate, Ahmedagar, (vde commucato dated 21 December2006) forwarded the cop of Magtera Equr Report. The MER wa coducted

    11. nHRC Cae number: 187/13/2005-2006-CD

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    12 ACHR

    b sub Dvoa Magtrate, shrrampur Dvo. The MER cocuded that the

    vctm wa brought to shrd poce tato ad ded poce cutod betwee

    1.30 a.m. to 5.00 a.m. the preece of Atat sub ipector, Tuaram naraa

    Kahar and Chandrakant Bhaskar Mali. The MER concluded that police ofcerstred to get rd of the evdece b throwg the dead bod dow the we.

    The supertedet of Poce, state CiD Crme, na (vde commucato

    dated 14 september 2007), ubmtted that a cae (Crme no. 24/05 u/ 302/201/34

    iPC) wa regtered at Rahata poce tato agat Tuaram naraa kahar,

    Atat sub-ipector(Asi), shrd Poce stato, Chadraat Bhaar Ma,

    shvaad Baappa, saja Tuaram kambae ad su Jagath shrat, Poce


    A charge-heet had bee ubmtted agat a the above amed accued poceofcers. The State CID had completed the investigation and sought the permission

    of the govermet of Maharahtra u/ 197 Cr.P.C to proecute them.

    11. Custodial death of Aiborius Jyrwa, Meghalaya12

    O 25 December 2002, a 14-ear-od bo Aboru Jrwa, o of B Jrwa, wa

    pced up b the poce from h houe ad tae to Mawrwat poce tato

    Wet kha H, Meghaaa. But he wa forma arreted o o 26 December

    2002 ad produced before the Magtrate o 27 December 2002.

    The Court et the bo to three da poce remad. O 29 December 2002 he

    aeged commtted ucde b hagg hmef from a wdow at the poce


    The nHRC rued that there were groud to ugget that the bo had bee

    ubjected to torture order to etract cofeo from hm. The nHRC ued

    how caue otce to the tate govermet of Meghaaa o 17 December 2007 a

    to wh term compeato houd ot be provded to the vctm fam. O 26

    Februar 2008, the tate govermet tod the nHRC that R. four ah had beepad to the ega guarda of the vctm.

    12. Custodial death of Ajil Mia and Bikal Mia (Bangladeshi nationals),


    On 19 May 2001, two Bangladeshi inltrators namely Ajil Mia and Bikal Mia

    were appreheded b the Border securt Force (BsF) peroe from soatoa

    maret ad brought to the Compa Headquarter at Baat Eat kha H

    dtrct, Meghaaa.

    12. nHRC Cae no.25/15/2002-2003-CD

    13. nHRC Cae number: 4/15/2001-2002-CD

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    ACHR 13

    The were detaed overght at the Compa HQ ad haded over to C.R.

    sagma, 2d Ofcer-in-Charge of the Balat Police outpost along with a complaint

    o the morg of 20 Ma 2001.

    The were beate up b the BsF peroe durg terrogato ad deed

    medca treatmet. The were admtted to the Pubc Heath Cetre o o 22

    Ma 2001. O 23 Ma 2001, the Bagadeh were aeged beate up b the

    doctor ad at aroud 9.30 pm the report of the death of Aj Ma wa gve to the

    poce outpot. Three ad a haf hour ater the death of the other Bagadeh wa

    ao reported to the poce outpot.

    A equr wa coducted b Addtoa Deput Commoer, Eat kha H

    who hed the BsF peroe, oca poce ad the doctor repobe for the death

    of the two Bagadeh atoa. The equr foud that the vctm had beeubjected to torture BsF cutod ad the doctor of the Pubc Heath Cetre.

    C.R. sagma, 2d Ofcer-in-Charge of the Police Outpost at Balat was indicted

    for detag the vctm wthout provdg medca treatmet.

    The nHRC cocuded: The death of the two Bangladeshis is no doubt unfortunate.

    However, the Commission nds that no further action in the matter is possible.

    Since the next of kin of the victim persons do not live in India, it will not be

    possible to recommend any monetary relief for them. The arrogant and violent

    doctor who had inicted the injuries is no more alive and, therefore, it will notbe possible to recommend any action against him. A criminal case vide FIR No.

    14(7)/2005 u/s 342/304-A IPC has already been registered against the delinquent

    police ofcer and no further action is called for. As regards the allegation of

    torture by the observation team of BSF, the Commission nds no reliable evidence

    and, therefore, it does not think it proper to recommend any action against the BSF

    personnel. In view of the above mentioned developments the case is closed.

    13. Custodial death of Zakir, Uttarakhand14

    The nHRC receved formato from the seor supertedet of Poce,nata, Uttarahad of the cutoda death of 25-ear-od Zar Hua

    Ramagar Poce cutod o 3 Ma 2001.

    The MER tated that Zar Hua wa called forquestioningb the poce

    coecto wth a cae o 2 Ma 2001. However, the MER reveaed that the

    police did not register Zakir Hussain in a General Diary (GD) entry.Thecase

    was registered only on 3 May 2001. Accordg to Dr. Raeh sha of Jot

    Hopta, the vctm tod hm that he had bee fae mpcated a crme ad

    that he had coumed two tabet of supha a he had o evdece to prove h

    ocece. The Magtrate cocuded the report tatg that there wa o evdece

    of torture.

    14. nHRC Cae number: 205/35/2001-2002-CD

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    14 ACHR

    O 12 Februar 2007, the nHRC drected the DGP, Uttarahad to ed the

    viscera report and nal cause of death of the victim. On 24 March 2007, the

    DGP, Uttarahad forwarded the Vcera report. it foud acoho ad aumum

    phophod poo the vcera.

    O 5 september 2007, the nHRC coed the cae foowg the vcera report ad

    ao due to ac of matera to etabh a act of voato of huma rght b the

    police ofcials. Rs three lakhs was awarded to the father of the victim.

    14. Custodial death of Satpal alias Sheru, Uttar Pradesh15

    The nHRC wa formed b the supertedet of Poce (sP), Pbht Uttar

    Pradeh of the cutoda death of satpa aa sheru (o of nathua of vage

    navgao Pda uder sugarh poce tato, Chtraoot, Uttar Pradeh) atJehaabad, Pbht, Uttar Pradeh o 31 March 2007.

    The sP, Pbht tated that o 30 March 2007 smt. Rajeet kaur odged a FiR

    at sugarh poce tato about her mg o Gurupreet aa sou ce 28

    March 2007. Gurupreet wa foud dead a pod o 31 March 2007. Baed

    o the FiR satpa aa sheru, wa caed to the sugarh poce tato for

    terrogato o 31 March 2007. satpa tated that oe nadu aa nad Ram

    ew about Gurupreet death. The poce wet to earch for nadu. Meawhe,

    satpa aa sheru commtted ucde the poce oc up.

    The poce regtered a cae (FiR crme no.314 A/07 u/ 302 iPC) agat sub-

    ipector Devedra sgh ad other for the ucde of satpa aa sheru.

    O 20 Apr 2007, the nHRC drected the Drector Geera (ivetgato) to

    coect the requte report. The quet ad pot-mortem report reveaed o

    at-mortem jure ecept a at-mortem gature mar aroud the ec of the

    vctm. The pot-mortem report tated the caue of death a apha due to at-

    mortem hanging. The Magistrate Enquiry Report did not nd any foul play.

    However, the MER revealed that the Station House Ofcer of the police station

    was present at the police station but he and other police ofcials tried to prove that

    they were not present in the police station. Further, the MER tated that custody of

    victim by police in the record of the police station was not shown correctly .

    Baed o the MER, the nHRC recommeded to the Prcpa secretar, Home,

    Govermet of Uttar Pradeh to order vetgato of crme no. 314 A/07 b CB/

    CiD ad ubmt report wth four wee. The nHRC curret coderg the

    report receved.

    15. nHRC Cae number: 1886/24/60/07-08-CD

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    ACHR 15

    15. Custodial death of Sadavriksh, Uttar Pradesh16

    O 22 October 2005, the nHRC receved formatofrom the Dtrct Magtrate,

    Deora regardg the cutoda death of sadavrh (o of Ramja of vage

    Bohapar uder Jhagaha poce tato Goraahpur, Uttar Pradeh) whe the

    cutod of Rudrapur poce tato o 22 October 2005.

    Accordg to the Dtrct Magtrate, the vctm wa arrested on 21 October 2005

    in a murder case ad detaed the oc up of Rudrapur poce tato. At about

    5:30 am o 22 October 2005, the etr o dut foud sadavrh hagg from

    a gr of the ocup.

    However, Smt. Sharda Devi, the victims wife led a complaint with the NHRC.

    she aeged that her hubad wa arrested by the police of Gorakhpur on 18October 2005 and then handed over to the Station House Ofcer of Rudrapur

    poce tato. she aeged that her hubad wa ubjected to torture at Rudrapur

    poce tato ad ded a a reut of torture.

    The pot mortem report faed to etabh the caue of the death. Durg pot

    mortem no ante-mortem injury were seen but identied three post mortem

    abrao o the ec ad oe pot mortem abrao o the madbe. no poo

    wa detected the vcera. The magtera equr report tated that the vctm

    had commtted ucde the ocup b hagg hmef from the gr ad

    oberved that the cdet coud have bee averted had the guard o dut beevgat.

    The nHRC oberved that the preece of pot mortem abrao o the ec ad

    madbe rae erou queto about the death. The nHRC ued otce u/

    18 of the Protecto of Huma Rght Act to the Chef secretar, Govermet of

    Uttar Pradeh to epa a to wh moetar reef houd ot be gve to the et

    of of the vctm.

    16. Custodial death of Ram Swarup, Uttar Pradesh17

    O 9 October 2003, the nHRC receved formato from seor supertedet

    of Poce (ssP), Badau over the cutoda death of Ram swarup at Muajhag

    poce tato o 8 October 2003.

    Accordg to the formato, Ram swarup, o of Har sgh of vage Utraa

    uder Muajhag poce tato Badua, Uttar Pradeh, wa wated a cae

    u/ 396 iPC at Muajhag poce tato. He wasarrested on 8 October, 2003 at

    about 5.30 am. He wa foud hagg wth h hrt the oc-up o the ame


    16. nHRC Cae number: 24538/24/2005-2006-CD

    17. nHRC Cae number: 30851/24/2003-2004-CD

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    16 ACHR

    However, Smt. Ram Kumari, wife of the victim, who also led a complaint with

    the nHRC, aeged that her husband was picked up from his house by the police

    on the night of 7 October 2003. He wa tae to the poce tato ad tortured.

    Puruat to a compat b the vctm father--aw, a cae, FiR no. 154/2003 u/

    306 iPC wa regtered agat the poce. Durg the quet, eght ate-mortem

    jure were foud b the Pacha. The pot-mortem reveaed a abrao o the

    capuar rego, a abrao o the eft thgh ad a cotuo o the rght hp ad

    thgh. The doctor tated that the cotuo o the rght hp ad thgh wa caued

    b but object. However, the magtera qur report cocuded that o poce

    ofcial was guilty of causing the death.

    The nHRC refuted the charge that the vctm commtted ucde. The nHRC

    oberved that the state faed t dut to protect the fe of a pero t cutodad ued otce u/ 18 of the Protecto of Huma Rght Act, 1993 to the state

    ag wh moetar reef houd ot be gve to the et of of the vctm.

    17. Custodial death of Rajesh Singh, Uttar Pradesh18

    The nHRC receved formato from seor supertedet of Poce (ssP),

    lucow about the cutoda death of Rajeh sgh at the Gazpur poce tato,

    Uttar Pradeh o 6 Augut 2003.

    The vctm wa brought to the poce tato for terrogato o 5 Augut 2003

    coecto wth a dacot cae. Durg quetog h heath deterorated ad he

    wa tae to shehar Hopta where he ded o 6 Augut 2003. The magtera

    qur report (MER) cocuded that o voece coud be foud durg equr

    ad cocuded the death a a reut from atura caue.

    Athough, the victim was brought to police station on 5 August 2003, no General

    Diary (GD) entry wa made cotraveto of secto 44 of Poce Act.

    O 3 Apr 2007, the nHRC drected Drector Geera of Poce, Uttar Pradeh to

    form the Commo a to whether a departmeta qur had bee tated

    against the erring police ofcial and if so the outcome of the same. The Health

    secretar Govermet of Uttar Pradeh wa ao drected to cottute a Medca

    Board and to send comments on postmortem report and establish the nal cause

    of death.

    O 16 Ju 2008, the Addtoa Drector Geera of Poce (Huma Rght),

    lucow formed the nHRC that a cae (crme no.415/03 u/ 304A iPC) had

    been registered against Sub Inspector B. B. Tiwari and nal report was led in the

    Court. A magtera qur wa ao coducted. But the magtera qur faedto prove the aegato agat sub-ipector B.B. Twar. He wa eoerated ad

    aar for the perod of upeo wa ordered to be pad.

    18. nHRC Cae number : 13281/24/2003-2004-CD

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    ACHR 17

    However, the nHRC dd ot get a repoe from secretar, Departmet of

    Heath, Govermet of Uttar Pradeh depte uace of codtoa ummo.

    The nHRC ued ummo for the peroa appearace of the secretar

    Departmet of Heath, Govermet of Uttar Pradeh, before the Commo o23 september 2008 aog wth reevat report.

    Preet, the nHRC coderg the report receved.

    18. Custodial death of Hazari Lal, Uttar Pradesh19

    The supertedet of Poce (sP), Goda, Uttar Pradeh formed the nHRC of

    the death of Hazar la (o of satoh) from the vage of Bharthajuaa uder

    kauda poce tato Goda dtrct whe the cutod of kaura poce

    tato o 9 Augut 2006.

    The poce camed that Hazar la came to the Kauriya police station on 9 August

    2006 ad tod the i-Charge that he had bee caed to the poce tato. He

    also complained of giddiness and difculty in speaking. The Station Ofcer (SO),

    sampooma nad Tewar of the poce tato et hm to Prmar Heath Cetre at

    Rupadeeh ad o advce got Hazar la admtted to Dtrct Hopta, Goda. The

    Medical Ofcer (MO) concluded that in his opinion the victim had been bitten by

    a snake. Hazari Lal died at about 13.00 hours of 9 August 2006. It was specically

    reported that the vctm wa ot poce cutod.

    However, Smt. Meena, wife of the victim, led a criminal complaint with

    supertedet of Poce, Goda aegg that her husband had been forcibly

    taken from their home on the night of 6th August 2006 by police coecto wth

    a theft. she aeged that durg the deteto he wa tortured ad th caued h

    death o 9 Augut 2005.

    The Drector Geera of Poce, Uttar Pradeh (vde etter dated 15 March 2007)

    stated that the Station Ofcer Sampooma Nand Tewari surrendered himself into

    judca cutod whe acto agat other wa gog o. Pot mortem reportcoud ot acerta the caue of death. The vcera report reveaed that t cotaed

    the poo commo ow a Bego, a ectcde ad ot cotet wth

    ae bte.

    Themagisterial enquiry report revealed that Hazari Lal died while in police custody

    and his presence was not recorded at the police station. Dr. Raeh Aggrawa who

    atteded the vctm at the P.H.C tated the qur that he wa brought there b

    Cotabe ad sO sampoomaad Tewar. There wa o compat of coumg

    pooou ubtace or mar of ae bte.

    Baed o the MER, the nHRC ued otce u/ 18()(a) of Protecto of Huma

    Rght Act to the Chef secretar, Govermet of Uttar Pradeh to epa

    19. nHRC Cae number: 14951/24/2005-2006-CD

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    18 ACHR

    wh approprate moetar reef to the et of the of vctm houd ot be

    recommended and also to report on the action taken against police ofcials.

    19. Custodial death of Atish, Uttar Pradesh20

    O 27 October 2005, the nHRC receved formato from seor supertedet

    of Poce,Mahamaa nagaro the cutoda death of Atq (o of latf of Moh.

    Rahoo Ghat uder kotwa poce tato Buadhahar) atkotwa poce

    tato, Hathra, Uttar Pradeh o 27 October 2005.

    Accordg to the formato, Atq wa arrested on 26 October 2005 at 10.40 pm

    ad brought to kotwa poce tato, Hathra. A Atq wa jured durg arret

    he wa mmedate et to Baga Hopta. After medca eamato he wa

    aga brought to the poce tato ad put the oc-up. O the morg of 27October 2005, h codto deterorated ad he wa aga et to Baga Hopta

    where he was declared dead at 8.40 am.

    A compat wa made b oe sou aegg that Atq wa ept ega deteto

    at the poce tato for evera da ad ubjected to torture.

    The pot-mortem report reveaed 12 etera jure, cudg cotuo o eft

    thigh, contusion on left and right buttocks and fracture of left tibia and bula. The

    doctor oped that a the injuries were ante-mortem and were about 18 hours

    old. However, the pot-mortem urgeo faed to acerta the caue of death. The

    magtera equr report cocuded that the vctm had utaed jure a bd

    to ecape from cutod.

    The Commo et the pot-mortem report to the Head of the Departmet

    of Forec Medce, lad Hardge Medca Coege, new Deh to ee h

    opo. He oped that the vctm coud have ded due to hoc caued b

    mutpe jure. The nHRC cocuded that the jure coud ot have bee

    utaed b the deceaed ether the proce of arret or a bd to ecape

    from custody. The NHRC observed that the injuries were inicted on the victimwhe poce cutod ad the vctm ded a a reut of hoc due to mutpe


    The nHRC ued a otce u/ 18 of the Protecto of Huma Rght Act, 1993

    ag to the Govermet of Uttar Pradeh a to wh moetar reef houd ot

    be gve to the et of of vctm.

    20. Custodial death of minor Chetan, Punjab21

    The seor supertedet of Poce, Jaadhar, Pujab formed the nHRCthat two chdre Cheta ad Bhoa, aged betwee 9 ad 10 ear, were caught

    20. nHRC Cae number: 26809/24/2005-2006-CD

    21. nHRC Cae number : 952/19/2002-2003-CD

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    ACHR 19

    teag food at a marrage part o 20 Jauar 2003. The were tae to Poce

    Pot Bhargo Camp ad haded over to the poce. O 21 Jauar 2003, the were

    throw from a peedg Marut car o the road. Oe of the two chdre, Cheta

    wa foud dead ad the other wa erou jured.

    The pot mortem report reveaed 10 ate mortem jure o the bod of the dead

    chd ad the caue of death the opo of the Pot Mortem surgeo wa hoc

    reutg from mutpe jure.

    The MER tated that two chdre were produced at the Poce Pot o 20 Jauar

    2003 b three pero ame sajeev, Bramjt ad sureder. O 21 Jauar

    2003, the chdre were tae awa from the Poce Pot b sub-ipector Rav

    kumar h Marut car to recover the toe propert but the were ot brought

    bac to the Poce Pot.No entry of children was made at the Police Posts records.The MER cocuded that the Cheta ded due to beatg/torture b the poce. The

    magistrate recommended legal action against the accused police ofcials.

    O 12 Apr 2007, the nHRC wa formed b ssP, Jaadhar that the accued

    police ofcials identied as Sub-Inspector Ravi Kumar, Head Constable Jarnail

    sgh ad sPO Reham sgh had bee upeded but were a acqutted b the

    Court. A were retated.

    A cop of the judgmet devered b the Court o 14th november, 2003 wa ao

    forwarded to the nHRC. The nHRC oted cocer about the maer whch

    the vetgato wa coducted. Durg the tra wtee chaged ther orga

    tatemet favour of the poce. The matera evdece wa ot dcued the


    The nHRC cocuded that the two chdre were evere beate b the poce at

    Poce Pot Bhargo Camp.

    The nHRC ued otce uder secto 18 of the Protecto of Huma Rght Act,

    1993 ag the Govermet of Pujab to how caue wh moetar reef houd

    ot be gve to the et of of the vctm chd Cheta ad jured Bhoa.

    21. Custodial death of Dilip Kumar Swain, Orissa22

    O 7 March 2005, the Dtrct Magtrate, khurda, Ora formed the nHRC

    of the cutoda death of Dp kumar swa aa sahu (35, o of khetraba

    swa ad redet of vage Batra uder Pataura poce tato, kedrapara,

    Ora) at the sahdagar poce tato khurda dtrct o 3 March 2005. He

    wa detaed b poce for terrogato coecto wth cae no. 55/05 u/ 392

    iPC o 26 Februar 2005. Dp kumar swa aeged commtted ucde bhagg hmef the oc up of the poce tato o 3 March 2005.

    22. nHRC Cae number: 849/18/2004-2005-CD

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    20 ACHR

    The Pot Mortem Report tated that death wa caued due to Apha.

    The nHRC ao receved two compat. Oe of the compaat, Prabr kumar

    Da, a Advocate & Huma Rght Actvt, aeged that the vctm was illegallydetainedad ded due to cutoda torture.

    O 4 Ju 2006, the Home Departmet, Govermet of Ora formed the

    nHRC that a judca qur wa ordered th cae ad a e-grata of R.

    1,00,000/- wa pad to the wfe of the vctm. Hece, the nHRC coed the cae.

    22. Custodial death of Bharat Chandra Nayak, Orissa23

    The nHRC wa formed b the supertedet of Poce, Bhadra about the

    death of Bharat Chadra na (o of Ram Ch. naa of Bhadra, Ora) whe poce cutod at 7 pm o 6 Ju 2001.

    The nHRC after coderg the Magtrate qur report cocuded that the

    vctm was illegally detained at the police station and was brutally thrashed by

    the police which resulted in his death.

    The nHRC recommeded pamet of term reef to the et of the vctm .

    The govermet of Ora formed that e-grata of R oe ah wa pad to the

    next of kin of the victim and guilty ofcials namely Sub Inspector Attanur Kumar

    Raut, Atat sub-ipector Gou kumar Peha ad Atat sub-ipectorsh.Upeder kumar were charge heeted ad the cae ub-judce. Hece, the

    nHRC coed the cae.


    Aa Cetre for Huma Rght mae the foowg recommedato to combat

    torture poce cutod:

    - The supreme Court houd amed the Gudee ued the D k Bau

    judgemet to app from the momet of ummo ued b the poce ordetention with the police when acting in an ofcial capacity;

    - The nHRC houd dtguh t tattc betwee cutoda death

    through atura caue ad cutoda death reutg from abue of huma


    - The govermet of ida houd ed the Preveto of Torture B, 2008 to

    Parametar stadg Commttee for orgazg pubc hearg to eure

    t coformt wth the Un Coveto agat Torture ad Other Crue,

    ihuma or Degradg Treatmet or Puhmet;

    23. nHRC Cae number: 228/18/2001-2002-CD

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    ACHR 21

    - The govermet of ida houd ratf the Un Coveto agat Torture

    ad Other Crue, ihuma or Degradg Treatmet or Puhmet ad t

    Optoa Protoco; ad

    - The govermet of ida houd eted a vtato to the Un speca

    Rapporteur o Torture ad Other Crue, ihuma or Degradg Treatmet

    or Puhmet.

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    22 ACHR

    2. Torture in Police Custody

    I. Patterns and practices of torture in police custody

    Torture poce cutod rema a wdepread ad tematc practce ida.

    There is a wide consensus that the highest risk of torture occurs in the rst twenty-

    four hour of deteto. There are o afeguard to eure that a pero tae to

    cutod w have ther deteto recorded, have prompt acce to a awer or

    mparta medca eamato upo ther arrva at the pace of deteto or at the

    tme of h reeae. The ac of effectve tem of depedet motorg of a

    pace of deteto factate torture.

    A. Custodial deaths

    Accordg to the natoa Crme Record Bureau (nCRB) of the Mtr of

    Home Affar, 118 pero ded poce cutod 2007, cudg 57 death of

    pero who remaded to poce cutod b the Court ad 61 death of pero

    who were tae to cutod b the poce.

    There ha bee a creae of 32.5% death poce cutod 2007 over

    2006 (from 89 cae 2006 to 118 cae 2007). The poce camed that 38

    death occurred durg hoptaato/treatmet, 31 commtted ucde ad 29ded of e/atura death durg 2007.24

    Of 118 death poce cutod, magtera qur wa ordered/ coducted 61

    cae ad judca equr wa ordered 12 cae. Cae were regtered agat

    poce peroe 57 cae ad 35 poce peroe were ao charge-heeted.

    no poce peroe were covcted for cutoda death 2007.25

    Individual cases of custodial deaths through torture:

    O 3 Jauar 2008, nrma sgh, a redet of Haomajra, ded of aeged tortureat the Govermet Medca Coege ad Hopta at sector 32, Chadgarh whe

    beg detaed poce cutod. The vctm wa arreted foowg a cah wth

    h eghbour o 2 Jauar 2008. The poce, however, camed he ecaped from

    cutod ad wa ater foud ucocou b a poce team. But the reatve

    aeged the vctm wa tortured to death.26

    O the ght of 3 Jauar 2008, Mr Abdu nab (about 55 ear) ded the

    poce oc-up a few hour after he wa arreted ad detaed at Cheur poce

    24. natoa Crme Record Bureau: Crme i ida 2007 Chapter 13, avaabe at http://crb.


    25. natoa Crme Record Bureau: Crme i ida 2007 Chapter 13, avaabe at http://crb.


    26. ACHR compat to nHRC, 7 Jauar 2008, ACHR Referece no.: CG/01/2008

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    ACHR 23

    tato kadapa dtrct of Adhra Pradeh. The vctm wa arreted o charge

    of orgazgmatka (a form of gambg). The reatve of the vctm aeged

    that h death wa caued due to torture. A magtera qur had bee ordered

    to probe the crcumtace eadg to h death.27

    O 7 Februar 2008 at aroud 7.10 pm, Md Qudu A aa Bobocha (22 ear)

    (o of Haet A of Urup vage impha Eat dtrct the tate of Mapur)

    wa aeged tortured to death the cutod of tate poce commado at

    Thambahog impha Eat dtrct. The vctm wa aeged pced up from

    the premises of the Ofce of the District Commissioner, Imphal East where he had

    goe coecto wth h eectora photo dett card. The poce, however,

    camed that the vctm wa a mtat ad that he wa ed a ecouter.28

    On 12 February 2008, a tribal identied as Balka Vasava, accused in a murdercae, ded the ocup of Garudehwar poce tato Dedapada narmada

    dtrct of Gujarat. The poce camed that Vaava had commtted ucde b

    hagg hmef the poce oc-up. The potmortem report b a three-doctor

    panel in Rajpipla Civil Hospital also conrmed that Vasava died as a result of

    aphato after hagg. But the vctm father Tram ad o Movara, who

    were ao the ocup ad co-accued the ame cae, aeged that he ded after

    beg beate up b the poce. O 13 Februar 2008, the vctm brother shaar

    approached the Chef Judca Magtrate (CJM) Court Rajppa demadg

    aother potmortem of the dead bod preece of the fam repreetatve.The CJM of Rajppa ordered re-potmortem the ssG Hopta Vadodara.

    The court ao drected that the re-potmortem be coducted b a pae of doctor

    ad a eor epert forec cece ad medce, Dr Vja shah, woud

    rema preet a a repreetatve to wte the proce. O 15 Februar 2008,

    the tate govermet of Gujarat moved the Gujarat Hgh Court agat the order

    of the ower court.29

    O 13 Februar 2008, poce aeged arreted sajabha Bodat, a trba ad ater

    aeged ed hm Atarumba uder Vjaagar taua of sabaratha dtrct

    Gujarat. Accordg to the vctm fam member, ear o the morg of 13Februar 2008, the poce etered sajabha houe ad arreted hm. later, h

    bod wa foud a hopta wth a buet h chet. The poce camed that

    they did not arrest Sajabhai. M.J. Parmar, the District Forest Ofcer (DFO) stated

    that the vctm wa part of a armed crowd of trba who tormed the Dhowa

    Range Forest Ofce at Antarsumba Ashram to release six tribals arrested by the

    poce. sajabha reatve aeged that he wa ed poce cutod.30

    27. Probe to cutoda death, The Hdu, 5 Jauar 2008

    28. ACHR compat to natoa Huma Rght Commo, 25 Februar 2008, ACHR Ref-

    erece no. Mn/21/2008

    29. 'no potmortem cutod' The Tme of ida, 19 Februar 2008

    30. Targetg trbe, Frote, Voume 25 - iue 05: Mar 01-14, 2008, avaabe at http://www.

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    24 ACHR

    O 12 March 2008, Vc (19 ear), a cadde at the Arm Gof Coure ad

    redet of Jharera vage Deh Catomet south Wet Deh, wa aeged

    tortured to death the cutod of the Deh Poce. The vctm wa arreted

    coecto wth aeged cha atchg cae. The poce camed that the vctmded e route to a hopta where he wa beg tae after he had compaed of


    O 25 Apr 2008, srva (25 ear) wa aeged tortured to death the

    cutod of the koar rura poce tato koar dtrct of karataa. The vctm

    wa arreted for aeged hepg h fred, Babu to eope wth a gr. O the

    ght of 24 Apr 2008, srva ad Babu wet to the gr houe wth the pa to

    eope wth her. But srva wa caught b member of the gr fam. srva

    wa haded over to the poce o upco of theft. The poce camed that thevctm compaed of tomach-ache ad wa admtted to a hopta o 25 Apr

    2008. They claimed Srivinas escaped from the hospital and was killed in a trafc


    O 21 Ma 2008, Tamaabo Ramuu (31 ear) (o of Muthaah) aeged

    ded a a reut of torture poce cutod at Devaraoda nagoda dtrct of

    Adhra Pradeh. He wa arreted coecto wth a attac o a hopta. The

    vctm father, Muthaah aeged that foowg the death of h o, the poce

    forced hm to mae a tatemet uder dure o the ght of 22 Ma 2008 to

    support their claim that his son died following ts in the police station.33

    O 28 Ma 2008, naubat sgh (70 ear) wa aeged tortured to death at

    Deba poce tato Buadhahr dtrct of Uttar Pradeh. The vctm wa

    pced up o charge of hodg gambg eo from h houe. The poce

    camed that the vctm heath deterorated whe the oc-up ad he wa

    ruhed to a hopta where he wa decared dead.34

    O 10 Jue 2008, Dora Raj (41 ear), a redet of Magad Road Bagaore,

    karataa, ded the cutod of the HAl poce tato Bagaore. The poce

    camed that Dora Raj, who wa a habtua offeder ad wa wated everacases. They stated that Dorai Raj was rst caught by members of the public and

    haded over to the poce o 9 Jue 2008. The poce camed that before Mr

    Dora Raj wa detaed, he wa beate up. The poce faed to epa wh

    omeoe who ha bee ubjected to a beatg wa the deed medca facte

    after beg tae to cutod. The poce camed that Mr Dora Raj appeared to

    31. Ma de poce cutod, The Hdu, 14 March 2008

    32. ACHR compat to nHRC, 4 Jue 2008, ACHR Referece no. kT/06/2008

    33. Accued de poce tato; tage protet, The Hdu, 23 Ma 2008

    34. si, cop upeded for cutoda death, The Hdu, 30 Ma 2008

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    ACHR 25

    be qute heath at the tme of arret. O 10 Jue 2008 Mr Dora Raj apparet

    compaed of breathee ad ded whe beg tae to a prvate hopta.35

    The poce tated that he uffered a athma attac. Mr Raj fam camed he

    dd ot uffer from athma. The fam cocer were raed b the egthdea betwee h death ad beg formed of the death.36

    O 22 Jue 2008, Guu Patha of shahjahapur towhp uder sehra Mau

    poce tato shahjahapur dtrct of Uttar Pradeh wa tortured to death b

    Rawa Protecto Force (RPF) peroe at the Roja poce outpot of the RPF.

    The vctm wa arreted for ot havg a tra tcet o 8 Jue 2008. He wa

    remaded to judca cutod ad reeaed o ba o 21 Jue 2008. O 22 Jue

    2008, Guu wet to Roja poce outpot to a for h beogg that had bee

    tae at the tme of h arret b the RPF. The charge of the poce outpot adtwo cotabe refued to refud h beogg. Whe Guu Patha ted the

    Poce beat hm t he ot h cocoue ad ater ded. The pot-mortem

    examination conrmed ante-mortem injuries but failed to establish the cause of


    O 17 Ju 2008, Umeh kumar (18 ear) aeged ded of torture wth hour

    of h deteto at ibrahmpur poce pot swaroop nagar outer Deh. The

    vctm wa pced up wth four pero for quetog. There were aeged

    jur mar o the vctm bod dcatg torture.38

    O 7 Augut 2008, su lamarao Dhotre (35 ear) wa aeged beate to

    death b poce durg a rad at a aeged gambg de at Hote Bue Damod

    Umerhed tow yavatma dtrct of Maharahtra.39 The accued poce

    ofcials responsible for the death were identied as Sub Inspector (SI) Punjab

    Wajare, si Gopa Bharat, cotabe Gapat Ggue, Bhagwa Pawar, Gajaa

    Ajmre ad sahebrao Chava. The have bee charged wth murder uder ecto

    302 of the ida Pea Code.40

    O 23 Augut 2008, A surawah (30 ear), a auto-rchaw drver, ded

    aeged a a reut of torture b poce at the nadgao khadehwar pocetato Amravat dtrct of Maharahtra. The vctm wa arreted aog wth

    35. Ma de poce cutod, The Hdu, 11 Jue 2008

    36. Arrested man dies in lock-up, The Times Of India, 11 June 2008, available at http://timeson-

    37. ACHR compat to nHRC, 25 Jue 2008, ACHR Referece no. UP/16/2008

    38. Teeager de after quetog poce booth, The Tme of ida, 19 Ju 2008

    39. Cop thrah outh to death, The Htavadaoe, 8 Augut 2008

    40. Fuera of Umerhed outh beate to death performed amd teo, The Htavadaoe, 9

    Augut 2008

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    26 ACHR

    two others identied as Mangesh Umale and Sheikh Salim Sheikh Gafoor after

    the were aeged caught gambg at nadgao khadehwar vage.41

    O 26 Augut 2008, sajt Hadar (40 ear) wa aeged tortured to death poce cutod at lahmatapur south 24 Pargaa dtrct of Wet Bega.

    The vctm wa pced up aog wth h fred Haa Bada (35 ear) for

    ghting in an inebriated condition. The police claimed that the victim died while

    he wa beg tae to a hopta.42

    O 29 september 2008,Mea saara Rao (40 ear) wa aeged tortured to

    death b sub-ipector k. srvaa Rao the laapet poce tato Gutur

    dtrct of Adhra Pradeh. The vctm wa arreted aog wth four other o

    charge of gambg.43

    Custodial death through torture: alleged suicide

    The poce route cte ucde a a caue of death cutod. Accordg

    to nCRB, 31 pero ded b commttg ucde poce cutod 2007, 24

    pero 2006 ad 30 pero 2005.44

    i a rep to the Raja sabha (Upper Houe of ida Paramet) o 12 March

    2008, the Home Mter of ida, shvraj Pat cted ucde a oe of the prmar

    caue of cutoda death.45But the Home Mter faed to carf a to wh o

    ma accued had commtted ucde poce deteto, what had ed them to act

    th maer ad how the had acceed the mea (ve, poo ad ope

    eectrc cabe) etc. it equa gore the pchoogca mpact of torture that ca

    inculcate feelings of deep guilt and depression sufcient to cause suicide.

    Alleged suicide and international law:

    The Uted nato Prcpe o the Effectve Preveto ad ivetgato

    of Etra-lega, Arbtrar ad summar Eecuto provde that there ha be:

    thorough, prompt and impartial investigation of all suspected cases of unlawfulkilling, including where complaints by relatives suggest unnatural death. The

    principles state that if the body has been buried and it later appears that an

    investigation is required, the body shall be promptly and competently exhumed

    for an autopsy [which] shall be available to those conducting the autopsy for a

    sufcient amount of time to enable a thorough investigation to be carried out.

    In order to ensure objective results, those conducting the autopsy must be able to

    41. ACHR compat to nHRC. 27 Augut 2008, ACHR Referece no. MH/06/2008

    42. ACHR Compat to nHRC, ACHR Referece no : WB/13/2008

    43. Broer de poce tato, The Decca Chroce, 30 september 2008

    44. nCRB: Crme i ida 2007 Chapter 13, avaabe at http://crb.c./c2007/c-2007/


    45. Utarred Queto no. 1281 awered o 12.03.2008

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    ACHR 27

    function impartially and independently of any potentially implicated persons or

    organizations or entities.

    The prcpe ao tate that fame of the vctm ad ther ega repreetatveha have acce to a formato reevat to the vetgato, ad have the

    rght to t that a medca repreetatve be preet durg the autop.

    sucde doe of coure occur. However, eamato of umber cae b ACHR

    ugget that the caue of death are ofte a caue for cocer. There are frequet

    aegato b the fame of the vctm of torture; torture that ether mpacted

    the vctm acto or reuted a death that wa ubequet covered up. The

    epaato of the poce are ao ofte adequate. The poce reguar cam

    that peope have commtted ucde b ug haderchef46 or b coumg

    poo whe poce cutod.47

    A wth other ear, 2008 ACHR documeted a umber of cae where poce

    aeged ucde. some of the cae are gve beow:

    Case 1: O 9 Februar 2008, Om Praah (57 ear) aeged commtted ucde

    at the oc-up of Vjapur poce tato samba dtrct of Jammu ad kahmr.

    The vctm wa detaed for quetog a cae of theft Vjapur area of

    samba dtrct.48

    Case 2: O 7 Apr 2008, Ram sgh (o of Dahare of saaaabee vage)wa aeged tortured to death poce cutod at Bhader poce tato after

    h arret from Bhader Road at Camaaa vage Gwaor dtrct of Madha

    Pradeh. The vctm wa tae to the Bhader poce tato for quetog

    coecto wth a murder. Ram sgh wa ater foud dead hagg from a tree

    the Bchada foret uder Gwaor dvo o 8 Apr 2008. The poce camed

    that Ram sgh commtted ucde.49

    Case 3: O 17 Apr 2008, Ah kumar (o of shamher sgh of kagra)

    aeged commtted ucde b hagg hmef wth h hrt from the ro bar

    of a vetator of a ce at the Foca Pot poce tato ludhaa of Pujab. The

    vctm wa arreted o charge of theft o 16 Apr 2008.50

    Case 4: O 25 Apr 2008, Jagtar sgh (20 ear) wa aeged tortured to death

    at the Chow Mehta poce oc-up Amrtar dtrct of Pujab. The vctm

    wa arreted foowg a compat odged b Mr Rama kumar that h mor

    daughter had bee dapped b four pero cudg Jagtar sgh. The poce

    46. Ma de oc-up, fam cre fou, The Tme of ida, 24 Ju 2008

    47. ACHR Compat to nHRC, 25 Jue 2008, ACHR Referece no: HR/06/2008

    48. Cutoda death: 4 cop upeded, The kahmr Tme, 11 Februar 2008

    49. ACHR compat to nHRC, 22 Apr 2008, ACHR Referece no : MP/10/2008

    50. ACHR Compat to nHRC, 22 Apr 2008, ACHR Referece no: Pn/08/2008

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    28 ACHR

    camed that the vctm wa foud hagg from the roof of the oc-up wth a tor

    baet four hour after h deteto.51

    Case 5: O 27 Apr 2008, nagaraju, a redet of Puauta vage uderHdupur Rura Mada (crce) Aatapur dtrct of Adhra Pradeh, wa

    aeged tortured to death b the poce at the Hdupur rura poce tato.

    He waarreted o the ame da o charge of g h wfe shatamma for

    dowr. The poce camed that he commtted ucde the bathroom of the

    poce tato.However, afact-nding report by the Organisation for Protection

    of Democratc Rght, a nGO, reveaed that the poce peroe had beate up

    nagaraju pubc the vage. He uffered geta jure. The nGO ugget

    h death wa a a reut of torture.52

    Case 6: O 12 Jue 2008, Umaat Bauchar (18 ear), a Dat of kamapurvage narwa of Uttar Pradeh, ded a a reut of torture b sub ipector

    sheh kumar shua, Head Cotabe Aad Har Verma ad Cotabe khet

    sgh at narwa poce tato Uttar Pradeh. The vctm wa arreted o 11

    Jue 2008 o the charge of atg eopemet. The vctm wa detaed for e

    hour the poce tato ad tortured to etract a cofeo to the crme. Whe

    h heath deterorated, he wa haded over to h fam o the ght of 11 Jue

    2008 ad he ater ded. The poce camed that he had tred to commt ucde

    poce cutod b coumg poo. The pot-mortem report cocuded that

    h ec had bee broe. 53

    Case 7: O 24 Jue 2008, Uda sgh (45 ear) of Pahar Cha vage Har

    dtrct of Haraa wa aeged tortured to death oo after he wa arreted b

    the Crma ivetgato Agec (CiA) of Haraa Poce. He wa arreted for

    aeged poeg a coutr-made pto. The poce camed that the vctm

    coumed poo the toet of the poce tato.54

    Case 8: O 14 Ju 2008, Maheh sgh Rajput (53 ear), a empoee of Bharat

    sachar ngam lmted (Bsnl), a pubc ector teecommucato compa,

    at Vaa Gujarat, wa arreted coecto to a dappg cae. O 16 Ju2008, the poce camed that he commtted ucde b ug a haderchef the

    poce oc up the sarhej poce tato Ahemedabad Gujarat.The fam

    of the vctm aeged that he wa tortured to death.55

    Case 9: On 28 July 2008, a horse cart driver identied as Inderjit Singh (35

    ear) (o of sudama sgh of Ghora Coo no. 4) ded whe beg detaed

    51. AHCR Compat to nHRC, 30 Apr 2008, ACHR Referece no: Pn/09/2008

    52. Ci, Asi upeded for cutoda death, The Hdu, 3 Ma 2008

    53. ACHR Compat to nHRC, 13 Jue 2008, ACHR Referece no: UP/15/2008

    54. ACHR Compat to nHRC, 25 Jue 2008, ACHR Referece no: HR/06/2008

    55. Ma de oc-up, fam cre fou, The Tme of ida, 24 Ju 2008

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    ACHR 29

    coecto wth a mor accdet. He wa detaed the cutod of the

    idutra Area poce tato Chadgarh. The poce camed that the vctm

    had commtted ucde b hagg hmef from a wdow gr wth h bet.

    However, the paret of the vctm aeged that iderjt sgh wa tortured to deathb the poce. The wome de cab where he aeged commtted ucde had a

    traparet ga partto ad wa wth the recepto area whch awa fu

    of vtor ad poce peroe. Chadra Dev, the vctm mother, ao camed

    that her o ever wore a bet.56

    Case 10: O 2 Augut 2008, krhaputra (35 ear), a redet of kod

    Greater noda of Gautambudh nagar dtrct Uttar Pradeh, wa aeged

    tortured to death poce cutod of the kaa poce tato. The vctm, who

    wored a a gardeer at the Gagota ittute of Maagemet, wa arreted oupco of theft. The poce camed that the vctm had commtted ucde b

    hagg hmef wth h T-hrt from the three-feet-hgh atch of a tore de the

    oc-up of the poce tato.57

    Case 11: O 11 Augut 2008, nagua Ravder Goud (27 ear), a hop ower at

    Eradapa vage keavapatam mada (admtratve crce) karmagar

    dtrct of Adhra Pradeh, wa aeged tortured to death at Huabad Ece

    poce tato. The vctm wa arreted b a poce cotabe of the Ece

    Departmet o charge of ega traportato of quor o 10 Augut 2008. The

    Ece poce camed that the vctm had commtted ucde b hagg from theceg of the oc-up.58

    Case 12: O 26 Augut 2008, izrae kha (28) aeged commtted ucde

    b hagg hmef from a wdow gr de the poce oc-up at the suh

    sevaa poce tato Bhopa, Madha Pradeh. The vctm wa arreted

    uder secto 377 of the ida Pea Code whch crmaze uatura e.59

    B. Torture to extract confessions

    Nothing is more cowardly and unconscionable than a person in police custodybeing beaten up and nothing inicts a deeper wound on our constitutional culture

    than a State ofcial running berserk regardless of human rights. Article 21, with

    its profound concern for life and limb, will become dysfunctional unless the

    agencies of the law in police and prison establishments have sympathy for the

    humanist creed of that article instead of a rough treatment by police for getting

    information or confession. - supreme Court of ida (AiR 1981 sC 625)

    56. ACHR Compat to nHRC, 31 Ju 2008, ACHR Referece no: CH/02/2008

    57. ACHR Compat to nHRC, 11 Augut 2008, ACHR Referece no UP/17/2008

    58. Ma de ece poce oc-up, The Hdu, 12 Augut 2008

    59. ACHR Compat to nHRC, 27 Augut 2008, ACHR Referece: MP/15/2008

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    30 ACHR

    Uder secto 24 of the Evdece Act of ida cofeo made uder coerco

    are admbe a evdece. it tate:

    A confession made by an accused person is irrelevant in a criminal proceeding,if the making of the confession appears to the Court to have been caused by any

    inducement, threat or promise, having reference to the charge against the accused

    person, proceeding from a person in authority and sufcient, in the opinion of the

    Court, to give the accused person grounds, which would appear to him reasonable,

    for supposing that by making it he would gain any advantage or avoid any evil of

    a temporal nature in reference to the proceeding against him.

    Extracting confessions: Police torture and common crimes

    A arge umber of reported cae of torture ad cutoda death reut fromattempt to etract a cofeo reatg to theft or other pett offece. Th

    mpe that upect beogg to the ower ecoomc ad oca trata are

    partcuar vuerabe.

    Case 1: i september 2008, poce ed b ipector A Roc reported trpped,

    chaed ad tortured Marutha, a irua trba, for 37 da durg terrogato

    coecto wth aeged rape ad murder of a trba woma keraa. Mr

    Maruthan was apparently detained because he was the rst to see the dead body

    of the woma ear a rvuet september 2007 Attappad ad formed othercommut member. 60

    O 1 October 2008, a Deh-baed rght nGO, the Aa idgeou ad Trba

    Peoples Network (AITPN) led a complaint with the National Commission for

    schedued Trbe (nCsT) (Fe no. PC/Atroct/keraa/853/2008/RU-iV).

    Puruat to the otce of the nCsT, the Drector Geera of Poce, keraa,

    ubmtted a report to the nCsT deg the aegato of torture. The DGP,

    keraa ao et the qur report of the Deput supertedet of Poce, speca

    Mobe squad & Aga, Paaad dtrct dated 25 October 2008.

    AiTPn ha oted cotece the report. Accordg to the medca record

    ubmtted b the poce, the vctm wa admtted to two dfferet hopta

    mutaeou Govermet Trba specat Hopta, kottathara, P.O.

    Attappad, Paaad dtrct where the vctm wa admtted ad treated for

    da from 6.40 pm of 31.7. 2008 to 6 pm of 5.8.2008 ad at Prmar Heath

    Cetre, shoaoor, shoaoor P.O., Attapad, Paaad Dtrctwhere the vctm

    wa treated for da durg 31.7. 2008 - 5.8.2008.

    Moreover, the fact that the vctm had to be treated for da ad from the

    medce gve t cear that the vctm codto wa erou.

    60. keraa trba trpped, beate cutod, The Tme of ida, 25 september 2008

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    ACHR 31

    Thrd, the gature of Dr. Prem suaja latha appearg o h wrtte tatemet

    dated 21.10.08 doe ot match the gature appearg o the precrpto p

    dated 31.7.2008.

    Finally half of the 21 witnesses interviewed by the investigation ofcer (i.e.

    the Deput supertedet of Poce, speca Mobe squad & Aga, Paaad

    dtrct) were poce peroe ubordate to the accued ipector A.A. Roce.

    Hece, ther ubmo mut be ubject to ome meaure of cocer.61

    Case 2: O 9 Jauar 2008, Maoj (o of Jawahar sgh) wa aeged tortured

    to death poce cutod at la kua nata dtrct of Uttarahad. The

    vctm wa arreted o upco of theft. He wa aeged tortured to etract a

    cofeo. The poce camed that Maoj wa beg tae from h houe a

    auto-rchaw (no. UA04-E-2078) whe a truc ht the auto-rchaw ad Maojded the accdet.62

    Case 3: O 20 Jauar 2008, Gurdeep kumar, a redet of nawapd shaua

    village, was allegedly tortured by the Station House Ofcer at the Bilga police

    tato Jaadhar dtrct of Pujab. The vctm wa tortured order to obta

    a cofeo.63

    Case 4: O 8 Februar 2008, nooruah (26 ear), a godmth of kamapet

    Hdupur tow of Aatapur dtrct of Adhra Pradeh, reported commtted

    suicide at his shop as a result of trauma from torture inicted at the Two Town

    police station. He was arrested by two constables identied as Rammohan and

    Maarjua. He wa arreted o charge of purchag toe propert. The

    poce aeged tortured hm to etract a cofeo.64

    Case 5: On 25 March 2008, three persons identied as Shahji (44 years), Sonam

    (38 ear) ad Verghee (40 ear) were pced up b the poce for terrogato

    a murder cae. The were ega detaed for two da at the sector 20 Poce

    tato of noda Uttar Pradeh. immedate after ther arret, the vctm were

    allegedly forced to sit on the ground for about ve hours. Later, they were tied upad tortured ut mdght order to coerce them to admt to the murder. For the

    rst 10 hours of detention, they were not given water. Following their release, two

    of the vctm had to be admtted to hopta wth mutpe jure.65

    Case 6: O 30 Apr 2008, Bhavaeh (21 ear) ad saravaa (20 ear) - both

    empoee of Adga Baer JP nagar, Bagaore, karataa - were aeged

    tortured durg terrogato at Taagar poce tato Bagaore. The poce

    61. Commucato from AiTPn, new Deh

    62. ACHR Compat to nHRC, 15 Jauar 2008, Referece no.: UT/02/2008

    63. PsHRC ee report o torture, The Trbue, 24 Jauar 2008

    64. Tortured godmth ed fe, The Hdu, 9 Februar 2008

    65. ACHR Compat to nHRC, 4 Apr 2008, ACHR Referece no.: UP/10/2008

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    ACHR 37

    Grammajre vage) wa charged uder the Gooda (traato thug) Act

    sutapur dtrct of Uttar Pradeh. O 28 Apr 2008, two poceme cudg

    the Station House Ofcer of Haliapur were suspended after being found guilty of

    regterg the Frt iformato Report agat the mor.91

    Rape of children:

    O 24 Jauar 2008, a 10-ear-od trba gr (ame wthhed) wa aeged raped

    b a poce cotabe Arvd kumar Da of Muffa poce tato at Chad

    village in Giridih district of Jharkhand. The victim went to collect rewood when

    he wa aauted b three poceme.92

    O the ght of 16 March 2008, two mor gr (ame wthhed), were aeged

    trpped ad eua abued b sub-ipector l. A de the oc-up of theBharaumuh poce tato kamrup dtrct of Aom (Aam). The vctm

    had goe to the poce tato to odge a compat after the were raped b three


    O 11 Apr 2008, a 16-ear-od gr (ame wthhed), a redet of lucow

    Uttar Pradesh, was allegedly gang-raped by three policemen identied as Assistant

    sub-pector iderjt sgh ad two ca iV empoee Har Om ad Gurma

    sgh a par the Cv le area ludhaa dtrct of Pujab. Medca

    examination conrmed rape.


    O 24 Apr 2008, a 12-ear-od mor gr (ame wthhed) wa aeged raped

    by Constable Sanjeev Kumar of Delhi Police (Trafc) and his friend inside a car

    at swaroop nagar Deh. The vctm wa dragged to the car whe watg

    for her fam.95

    O 1 Jue 2008, a 17-ear-od gr (ame wthhed) from nowhera wa aeged

    repeatedly raped by three persons including a constable identied as Shabir

    Ahmed at h home Boc no. 6 at Guha Groud nowhera uder Gadh

    nagar poce tato Rajour dtrct of Jammu ad kahmr. The vctm wadapped b the two other accued whe o her wa to choo.96

    O 3 Ju 2008, a 14-ear-od trba gr (ame wthhed) wa aeged raped

    b Head Cotabe Zar kha at Btha Poce pot khargoe dtrct of

    91. 3-r-od booed uder Gooda Act, two poceme upeded, The Tme of ida, 28 Apr


    92. Cop hed for rape, The Teegraph, 26 Jauar 2008

    93. Cop upeded for tormetg gr oc-up, The Trbue, 21 March 2008

    94. Mor raped b three cop ludhaa, The Tme of ida, 12 Apr 2008

    95. 12-yr-old raped by trafc cop, The Times of India, 25 April 2008

    96. Cop, 2 other rape mor, The kahmr Tme, 2 Jue 2008

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    38 ACHR

    Madha Pradeh. O the afteroo of 3 Ju 2008, the accued forcefu etered

    the vctm houe ear the Btha poce pot ad raped her. The vctm wa ater

    admtted to the khargoe Dtrct Hopta a crtca codto.97 Foowg the

    terveto of the nHRC, supertedet of Poce, khargoe formed nHRCthat accued Head Cotabe Zar kha had bee upeded ad acto wa

    beg tae agat hm.98

    Cases of torture:

    O the ght of 20 Jauar 2008, 12-ear-od choobo (ame wthhed) wa

    aeged tortured to death b four poceme at Datagaj Badua dtrct of Uttar

    Pradeh. The poceme reported tortured hm to revea the whereabout of h

    brother who wa wated coecto wth a burgar. The poceme aeged

    haged the bod from a ceg fa to mae the death oo e ucde.99

    O 4 Apr 2008, 9-ear-od orpha bo Rav (ame chaged) wa tortured at a

    poce tato for aeged trg to tea R 300 from a ma Chadgarh. O

    5 Apr 2008, the mor wa produced Court. i the courtroom, the bo coud

    hard tad up ad apparet had boe fracture h arm reutg from h

    treatmet. 100

    O 28 Apr 2008, three mor (aged 13 ear, 12 ear ad 10 ear - ame

    wthhed) were ubjected to torture b three poceme at the saabatpura pocetato surat, Gujarat. The were arreted o charge of theft of R. 28,000 from

    a vegetabe hop the surat agrcutura maret. The poce aeged hadcuffed

    them, ted them to a tabe ad admtered eectrc hoc to etract cofeo.

    The three poceme had bee upeded foowg a otce b the Gujarat state

    Huma Rght Commo.101

    i Apr 2008, two mor bo, aged 15 ear ad 14 ear repectve, (ame

    wthhed) were aeged tortured after beg detaed b Border securt Force

    (BsF) peroe at a BsF outpot at Megharaaeruth Cooch Behar dtrct

    of Wet Bega. The vctm were bccg home from maret whe two BsFperoe topped them ad accued them of beg catte muggg accompce.

    Whe the vctm deed the accuato the were beate up wth a tree brach

    ad tae to the outpot. The vctm had ther had boud, bdfoded ad

    repeated ced. Foowg ther reeae the two mor were admtted to

    Dhata subdvoa Hopta.102

    97. Communication from Asian Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Network (AITPN) which had led

    a cae wth the nHRC of ida (Cae no. 734/12/26/08-09-WC)

    98. see nHRC Cae no. 734/12/26/08-09-WC

    99. Brother euve, cop bo, The Teegraph, 22 Jauar 2008

    100. ne-r-od battered at mode poce tato, The Tme of ida, 6 Apr 2008

    101. surat poceme upeded for torturg mor bo, The Hdu, 3 Ma 2008

    102. Bo torture ur o BsF, The Teegraph, koata, 24 Apr 2008

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    ACHR 39

    O 31 Ma 2008, 17-ear-od gr (ame wthhed) utaed erou head jur

    after he wa ht o the head wth a lathi (tc or bato) ad beate up b a

    woman police constable