torrance herald · mccartney, superintende.n.t. classes lor all grades from the 'kinder garten...

FRIDAY TORRANCE HERALD LADIES!! Listen to this Interesting Conversation Carefully Men Should Not Read this Advertisement "Oh. my dear, I, saw such a wonderful bar- gain today. I'll tell you about it, but you posi- tively must not breathe it to another living soul. Some lady would be sure to snap it up and there is only one in the store. "It is absolutely ihe most mnrvelous oil cook stove that you, ever saw. All gleaming white and shiny nickel plate with a iittle jiggly hand on the oven door thermometer which tells you just * how- much heat yon have inside. Tin bur iderne.-ith UK "It is no trouble at all to light- it? Just turn a little lever""and touch a lighted match to the burner and you have just the amount of ' ' ' Th do icks 't have any alves and it burns kerosene ith a clean, hot, blue flame ithout the least bit of oke hands "And it is .Really it will make your kitchen look like a million dollars. Anyone can cook with a stove (Ike it is. it i.s calU-d the KLOIIEXCK OIL COOK STOVE and HARDWARE' KEEYE In Tormiice has JI'ST ONE. mo but he is going lo let thi KO fo "Think of it $17 saved un stove like that. Some lady 'certainly uoing to get a al bargain. Hut she must ct ouickl.v old Chalk Up a Good Score You can do it by steady practice. Bowling is a good social game which devel- ops the muscles of your body, increases grace of Episcopalians Name Officers For This Year George Worcester Chosen Warden at Annual Par- ish Meeting The members of Christ's Episc pa' mission held their annual pn ish meeting Jan. 12 In their m parish hall. 13 IS Engtaciu avenl (.if 1 leers for the. year were elected as follows: C.eorge Worcester, war- den: A. -W. Handel, treasurer; lieorge Welsh, secretary. It is just a month since ground was broken for the erection of tills new hall, and the members appre- ciate the kindness and helpfulness of their friends who Imvn made It possible to erect this building, so complete and well fitted to the needs of this mission. They feel It and will be glad to welcome yill who wish to identify themselves with the mission. The Woman's llulld is planning to give a dinner In honor of li'shop and Mrs. Stevens soon. The (lulld meets «m the first and third Thllrs- davs of each month, at 2 p.m. Church services are held as fol- lows: Celebration of holy com- munion the first Sunday of each month at 9 o'clock a.m.; Rev. Swift, rector in charge. Morning Mr. nriscoll. lay reader. movement, and is a test of your general skill. TONIGHT CITY LEAGUE PAXMAN'S TIGERS PALMER SERVICE THE AMERICAN HUDSON-ESSEX Sales and Service ^ 1610 Cabrillo, Torrance Phone 250 X GOOD USED CARS FOR SALE The tonic that .makes you feel good. Recommended for Run-Down Systems; Weak Women and Children; As an After-"Flu" Builder. Art Exhibition Of Club Women Promises Treat Display of Fine Paintings Will lie Held Next Thursday ! CHURCH] ATTEND \T 17 M7 C ' SERVICES N L W O : SUNDAY CENTRAL EVANGELICAL Francis A. X.eller, 1'anlor. Sunday school, 9: IT, a.m. llrli >iir boy and girl next Siiniln icn you stay for the Bible da lesson. Morning service, 11 o'clock. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated. The sermon will bo In keeping with the service. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. "The Worth of a Mart" Is the eve- ning theme. An enthusiastic choir leads in the Hinging. Junior C. E. meets at 11 a.m.; intermediate C. E. at 6:30; Senior C. K. also at 6:30. Midweek prayer meeting anil niblc study on Wednesday evening:. A get-together social will be held at the (iuild hall l-Ylday cvuniilR, Jan. HI. at 7:3(1. Everybody is in- l-ited .to attend. I'll FIRST METHODIST l-'rcd M. Kssig, I'arttoi. me 1S3-K. Call for any terlal help. Sunday school. !>: Sunday we had a nee.. The school IF aptdly Ki- in size and In the quality ol' he Uible teaching. Morning service, 11 o'clock. Rev. Otho Wise will preach on "The hristmn's Cross." Hear this fine i "Soldier of the Cross." Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Wise will bring the message. His theme will be "Running the Epworth League, 6:30. VVIlbur iturned missionary I'rol I'robably the most interesting ex- hibit will be the $1000 pri/.e pic- ture. "Witchery Winter." Early in the spring of 1924 the art chairman the Los Angeles district of Women's Clubs, in-order to introduce and promote Califor- nia rather than foreign art, offered $1000 for the best. California pic- ture. Over 4«0 artists of the Golden State displayed their pictures tit the exhibit in Exposition Park, Los Angeles, in April of last year. A winter scene in Yosemite val- ley. "Witchery Winter," the work of Kenjnmin 'ill-own, was awarded the lionors. Angeles district wished the clubs to have an interest in the, picture and solicited Sin from each club. At that lime the executive board ol the local club considered such did not ili-em it lust lo contribute $111. Mrs. Wlllis M. lirooks, an artist hersell and having many artist friends in Los Anueles. arranged to conduct members ol Ilir Tee- ranee club who cared lo go on a Twenty club members took- the trip, and Ilios,. not having cars eauh .10 cents, and in that was the $10 Mas raised. The last studio visited was that of Mrs. Lcighton, the federation art chair- man, and the $10 was left there, and ill this way Ihe Torrance club became part owner of the wonder- ful pit-lure. Torrance Pictures Mrs. J. S. Toilance, who will be the guest of Mrs.' Uroo'ks during tlie day. will exhibit lour pictures Mom the Jaied S. Torrance Col- 1, c turn, s.ilhered by Mr. Torrance i-hile Another wonderlill picture will be a surprise exhibit. It is by a local arnsl, ha>: been exhibited in and 'l.os Angeles, and the model is th. daughter 01 one of the Tor- ranee elub members. -It will be of special interest to local people. This picture is being brought here from a Los Angeles gallery for the which was attended by Mrs.,Stein- hilber when a girl. Beautiful Shade A beautiful parchment lamp shade, painted by an artist who served in the World War and now lies 111 Ihe Valley ol the Shadnu of Death in Hie hospilal at Saw lelle. it victim of llerinun gas, will be shown. This .-h.ide sold lor »S5. M,. Cation, tin etcher, will ex- China, will tell of his will be dressed in nativ Mr. Shires is a young rk. He stump. FIRST CHRISTIAN K. H. Lingenfelter, I'nslor. Sunday school. !iM6 a. m. ! Ludlow. superintendent. Morning service, II o'clock, mon subject. "Training for Serv Evening service, 7:30 o'clock Sermon subject, "Winds of D, Christian Kndeavor at 6,:OT. Ji Morris, leader. Midweek meeting at the home the poHtor Wednesday evening 7:30 o'clock. The new church building wil soon lip completed. The opportunity CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Stone, and Myers Chapel 1732 Cabrillo Ave. Sunday services at 11 a. m. Sunday school classes, 9:30 a Wednesday evening meeting are held at 8 p. m. ill-day. Rev. Otho Wise, [idlst evangelist of many campaigns, will do the preaching. Come and enjoy the meetings. INTERDENOMINATIONAL Morning service. 11 o'clock, lireaking of bread. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Uospel service. Street meeting. 6:45 p.m., cor- ner Sartori and Murcelina. Tuesday, 7:30, prayer and gospel. Wednesday. 2 p. m., women's meeting. Thursday, 7:30, HI Me- study FIRST BAPTIST J. Whitfield Green, Pastor, unday school, 9:45 a.m. A. Q Solomon, superintendent. Morning service, H o'clock. Evening evangelistic service, 7:30 /clock. B. Y. P. U., 6:45 p.m. Eddie Mc- Guirc, president Wednesday evening, prayer meet- IK. * A very coj-dlal invitation for all a come and worship with us at the homo church. CATHOLIC Rev. Reardon, Pastor. / Mass celebrated Sundays at 7:30 ind 9:30 a.m. .Sunday school, 10 a. m. Sunday ind 4 p. m. Saturday. Benediction! 7:45 Sunday c ning. LONHTA COMMUNITY CHURCH Sundi McCartney, superintende.n.t. Classes lor all grades from the 'kinder- garten to the Bible class. Morning sei/vice, 11 o'clock. Sub- ject. "Xot Weary in Well-Doing." Kvening service, 7:30 o'clock. "A Wayside Opportunity." r. E. prayer meeting, 0:30 p.m. Topic, "l-'riendliness as Expressed Through Medical Missions." Thursday, 7:30 p.m., midweek prayer meeting. A meeting for prayer and testimony. Notice the change from Wednesday to Thurs- day evening. Choir practice will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Two new teachers have been se- ured for the Sunday school: Miss .aura Donigan for the Informed!- te department, und Miss Walla uue A cordial Richcy for the primary depart- id bring OBSERVATIONS (Continued from Pago One) Cod grunt that he fall in his.must. The joy ol youth lies in tin: I'act that like Spring it is fleeting. Who in tliis vale of tears would wish to be forever youthful? What would you do if you had today the opportunity to remain al jr. years of age forever? The writer would turn down the proposition cold. Today he would, anyway for he slept poorly last night, finds himself assailed with a touch of indigestion, has seemed unable to accomplish a filing worth-while during tliis day, -aid is sickened with the fact that he has just been forced by the exigencies of biis'mss, counary to the desire of his pleasure-pattern mind, to withdraw from participation" in tliis chow the Women's Club Is preparing to present. . Eternal youth, eh? Not a chance in the world. K « * * "- her home the othei morning. A maniac seized her by the * throat, threw her to the' floor demanding food. She struggled, iiiilly quieted Hie man and offered him food. He ran from the utse, leaped over a fence and disappeared. The woman says his ,-e.w were "glassy." Many of the petty thieves arc mentally inferior. Many of the hair-wits are potential criminals through no fault of their own. All of the half-wits and many of-'.the thieves and criminals .l.serve pity rather than punishment. When will all cities become lar enough advanced to study tho mentalities of offenders before -v'lHKYN McGUIRE PLAYS HER FIRST WILD WEST ROLE id' talk idmothers' day, and there ell. This exhibit will be 111 cliaiK'- ot Alls, Willis M. llrnolii. art . hail man ..I the Toiiunci Wom, eV i'Ink 11 ho. supported b> a m II chosen , ,,1111101 lee. mil m.iki Katliryn McGuire, Uustei Kratou s IcadiiiK liuly in "Slier 'ock. Jr.," and "Tlic Navigator," Has heretofore played every role but n western one. In her next, opposite Jack Music in 'run! the Man," the will have her font tasU of the "wild und woolly." TT OW'S YOUR HEALTH? By Dr. W. F. Thompson Daley Puts In Serve Self at New Location Grocery Will Open in New Store on Cabrillo Mon- day Morning An innovation In local gror NclHiu; methods will be introduced In Torrunce by Haloy's chain gro- cery when it opens the doors of Its new iiuarters next Monday morning. In addition to the usual prompt counter service, which will be continued by this store, facil- ities have been provided for the "self-service" system, which has already attained considerable vogue In many cities. Over 3000 square feet of floor pace are comprised in-tho new location of this store. In which handsome fixtures of the most lodern type have been Installed. The old store at 1650 Cabrillo ave- nue will close its doors tomorrow evening and the stock will be store, 1(139 C'librlllo, in time for business up usual on Monday. . Charles M. Inman. who has been connected with the Oalcy chain for more than eight years and whose fflcient supervision has eontrib- ited much to the prosperity of the Torrance store, will continue as nanager of the new store. He au- lounces that there will be no hanger in the personnel of the taff. L. Ott's meat market is already oeated in the new quarters and HIS been in ifieratlon there since ist Monday. Mr. Ott has spared o expense in fittings and fixtures 1th which to make his place of usiness conform to the highest nodern standards. Included in his qulpment is a refrigerating plant vhich maintains-^i steady, uniform emperature throughout the storage corns and insures a strictly fresh nd sanitary supply ol meat at all Free Mail Boxes Rural subscribers of The Tor- nee, Herald will be glad to learn hat Paxman's Hardware has re- eived another big shipment of ural mail boxes which will be iven away with three-months sub- crlptions to Tho Torrance Herald. There was such a big demand r>r these boxes that the supply ou didn't get a box before, here s your opportunity while the sup- ly lasts. The boxes are I lie stand - rd heavy galvanized variety which etall regularly at $1.75, but are This with three-inoi iriptions paid in ad van 'fer is good for both old and new ibscribers. All you have to pay T'I cents am I you get the paper >r three months and a mall box. The subscription orders are taken id the boxes are given out at ixmup.'s Hardware Store through orranco Herald and the I-'axman Hardware Company. e'd rat-pr stables inie fleas The Tree of Savings That Be-ars Fruit Twice a Year Why not own one of these trees? Interest is the most regular crop in the world it never fails to yield. The Savings Tree should be one of your most cherished possessions. Guard it carefully and nurture it regularly and it will repay your effort fully. State Exchange Bank "THE COMMUNITY BANK" —WE PAY 4% ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS— TORRANCE CALIF. It is said that the c eatment cures 71 p. Jlds, which is 4 per Ticient than unaided r Tomorrow SATURDAY Jan. 17th is the wind-up of our great , REDUCTION 0 SALE The greatest values in high-grade furnishings for men that you ever saw. Standard merchandise, which we carry in stock regularly, with one-fourth of the price lopped off during this sale. 25 A SPECIAL BARGAIN with 2 or 4 pockets, sold regularly for $2.50. During th sale they are priced at. for $2.50. During the $ J 50 J. Phone 66 1505 Cabrillo Torrance | You Can Sell "It" Through Our Want Ads. "ry Our Want Ads f or Best Results A SOUND AND ESTABLISHED COMPANY OFFERS 6% Preferred Stock at $92.|0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO. Post and Cravens Torrance Take Care of Your Children's Feet Train Them to Grow as Nature Intended I ft umlest, Old Timer, To dwell on the past; If you want to get thinn< You mutt diet or fa«t. Our Nellie's grades are very And study she avoids. The doctor says that he is It's due to adenoids. Acquired by man fr PIE Why subject your children to all kinds of foot deformities and bodily ailments by letting them wear improper shoes? 1 i PIED PIPER, SHOES the delicate feu are permitted to grow properly, wi. i ankles, insteps and aj-ches cor- rtvrly supported and the muscles, liga- ni<-ut:; and bones are strengthened as they should be. It is yqur duty as a parent to see that your growing children wear only PIED PIPER SHOES. Priced $3.50 to $4.50, according to size RAPPAPORT'S TOUftANCE

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Page 1: Torrance Herald · McCartney, superintende.n.t. Classes lor all grades from the 'kinder garten to the Bible class. Morning sei/vice, 11 o'clock. Sub ject. "Xot Weary in Well-Doing."


LADIES!! Listen to this Interesting Conversation Carefully

Men Should Not Read this Advertisement

"Oh. my dear, I, saw such a wonderful bar­ gain today. I'll tell you about it, but you posi­ tively must not breathe it to another living soul. Some lady would be sure to snap it up and there is only one in the store.

"It is absolutely ihe most mnrvelous oil cook stove that you, ever saw. All gleaming white and shiny nickel plate with a iittle jiggly hand on the oven door thermometer which tells you just * how- much heat yon have inside.

Tin bur

iderne.-ith UK

"It is no trouble at all to light- it? Just turn a little lever""and touch a lighted match to the burner and you have just the amount of

' ' 'Th

do icks't have any alves and it burns kerosene ith a clean, hot, blue flame ithout the least bit ofoke

hands"And it is .Really it will make your kitchen look like a million dollars. Anyone can cook with a stove (Ike it is. it i.s calU-d the KLOIIEXCK OIL COOK STOVE and HARDWARE' KEEYE In Tormiice has JI'ST ONE.

mo but he is going lo letthi KO fo

"Think of it $17 saved un stove like that. Some lady 'certainly uoing to get a

al bargain. Hut she mustct ouickl.v


Chalk Up a Good ScoreYou can do it by steady practice. Bowling is a good social game which devel­ ops the muscles of your body, increases grace of

Episcopalians Name Officers

For This YearGeorge Worcester Chosen

Warden at Annual Par­ ish Meeting

The members of Christ's Episc pa' mission held their annual pn ish meeting Jan. 12 In their m parish hall. 13 IS Engtaciu avenl (.if 1 leers for the. year were elected as follows: C.eorge Worcester, war­ den: A. -W. Handel, treasurer; lieorge Welsh, secretary.

It is just a month since ground was broken for the erection of tills new hall, and the members appre­ ciate the kindness and helpfulness of their friends who Imvn made It possible to erect this building, so complete and well fitted to the needs of this mission. They feel It

and will be glad to welcome yill who wish to identify themselves with the mission.

The Woman's llulld is planning to give a dinner In honor of li'shop and Mrs. Stevens soon. The (lulld meets «m the first and third Thllrs- davs of each month, at 2 p.m.

Church services are held as fol­ lows: Celebration of holy com­ munion the first Sunday of each month at 9 o'clock a.m.; Rev. Swift, rector in charge. Morning

Mr. nriscoll. lay reader.

movement, and is a test of your general skill.




HUDSON-ESSEX Sales and Service ^

1610 Cabrillo, Torrance Phone 250X GOOD USED CARS FOR SALE

The tonic that .makes you feel good.

Recommended for Run-Down Systems; Weak Women and Children; As an After-"Flu" Builder.

Art Exhibition Of Club Women

Promises TreatDisplay of Fine Paintings

Will lie Held NextThursday




Francis A. X.eller, 1'anlor.

Sunday school, 9: IT, a.m. llrli >iir boy and girl next Siiniln icn you stay for the Bible da

lesson.Morning service, 11 o'clock. The

sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated. The sermon will bo In keeping with the service.

Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. "The Worth of a Mart" Is the eve­ ning theme. An enthusiastic choir leads in the Hinging.

Junior C. E. meets at 11 a.m.; intermediate C. E. at 6:30; Senior C. K. also at 6:30.

Midweek prayer meeting anil niblc study on Wednesday evening:.

A get-together social will be held at the (iuild hall l-Ylday cvuniilR, Jan. HI. at 7:3(1. Everybody is in- l-ited .to attend.



l-'rcd M. Kssig, I'arttoi.

me 1S3-K. Call for anyterlal help. Sunday school. !>:

Sunday we had a nee.. The school IF aptdly Ki­

in size and In the quality ol'he Uible teaching.

Morning service, 11 o'clock. Rev. Otho Wise will preach on "The hristmn's Cross." Hear this fine

i "Soldier of the Cross."Evening service, 7:30 o'clock.

Rev. Wise will bring the message. His theme will be "Running the

Epworth League, 6:30. VVIlbur iturned missionary I'rol

I'robably the most interesting ex­ hibit will be the $1000 pri/.e pic­ ture. "Witchery Winter."

Early in the spring of 1924 the art chairman o» the Los Angeles district of Women's Clubs, in-order to introduce and promote Califor­ nia rather than foreign art, offered $1000 for the best. California pic­ ture.

Over 4«0 artists of the Golden State displayed their pictures tit the exhibit in Exposition Park, Los Angeles, in April of last year.

A winter scene in Yosemite val­ ley. "Witchery Winter," the work of Kenjnmin 'ill-own, was awarded the lionors.

Angeles district wished the clubs to have an interest in the, picture and solicited Sin from each club.

At that lime the executive board ol the local club considered such

did not ili-em it lust lo contribute$111.

Mrs. Wlllis M. lirooks, an artist hersell and having many artist friends in Los Anueles. arranged to conduct members ol Ilir Tee- ranee club who cared lo go on a

Twenty club members took- the trip, and Ilios,. not having cars eauh .10 cents, and in that was the $10 Mas raised. The last studio visited was that of Mrs. Lcighton, the federation art chair­ man, and the $10 was left there, and ill this way Ihe Torrance club became part owner of the wonder­ ful pit-lure.

Torrance Pictures Mrs. J. S. Toilance, who will be

the guest of Mrs.' Uroo'ks during tlie day. will exhibit lour pictures Mom the Jaied S. Torrance Col- 1, c turn, s.ilhered by Mr. Torrancei-hile

Another wonderlill picture will be a surprise exhibit. It is by a local arnsl, ha>: been exhibited in

and 'l.os Angeles, and the model is th. daughter 01 one of the Tor- ranee elub members. -It will be of special interest to local people. This picture is being brought here from a Los Angeles gallery for the

which was attended by Mrs.,Stein- hilber when a girl.

Beautiful ShadeA beautiful parchment lamp

shade, painted by an artist who served in the World War and now lies 111 Ihe Valley ol the Shadnu of Death in Hie hospilal at Saw lelle. it victim of llerinun gas, will be shown. This .-h.ide sold lor »S5.

M,. Cation, tin etcher, will ex-

China, will tell of his will be dressed in nativ Mr. Shires is a young

rk. He stump.

FIRST CHRISTIANK. H. Lingenfelter, I'nslor.

Sunday school. !iM6 a. m. ! Ludlow. superintendent.

Morning service, II o'clock, mon subject. "Training for Serv

Evening service, 7:30 o'clock Sermon subject, "Winds of D,

Christian Kndeavor at 6,:OT. Ji Morris, leader.

Midweek meeting at the home the poHtor Wednesday evening 7:30 o'clock.

The new church building wil soon lip completed. The opportunity


1732 Cabrillo Ave. Sunday services at 11 a. m. Sunday school classes, 9:30 a Wednesday evening meeting are

held at 8 p. m.

ill-day. Rev. Otho Wise, [idlst evangelist of many campaigns, will do the preaching. Come and enjoy the meetings.


Morning service. 11 o'clock, lireaking of bread.

Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Uospel service.

Street meeting. 6:45 p.m., cor­ ner Sartori and Murcelina.

Tuesday, 7:30, prayer and gospel.Wednesday. 2 p. m., women's

meeting.Thursday, 7:30, HI Me- study

FIRST BAPTIST J. Whitfield Green, Pastor,

unday school, 9:45 a.m. A. Q Solomon, superintendent.

Morning service, H o'clock. Evening evangelistic service, 7:30

/clock.B. Y. P. U., 6:45 p.m. Eddie Mc-

Guirc, presidentWednesday evening, prayer meet-

IK. *A very coj-dlal invitation for all

a come and worship with us atthe homo church.

CATHOLICRev. Reardon, Pastor. /

Mass celebrated Sundays at 7:30ind 9:30 a.m.

.Sunday school, 10 a. m. Sunday ind 4 p. m. Saturday.

Benediction! 7:45 Sunday c ning.


SundiMcCartney, superintende.n.t. Classes lor all grades from the 'kinder­ garten to the Bible class.

Morning sei/vice, 11 o'clock. Sub­ ject. "Xot Weary in Well-Doing."

Kvening service, 7:30 o'clock. "A Wayside Opportunity."

r. E. prayer meeting, 0:30 p.m. Topic, "l-'riendliness as Expressed Through Medical Missions."

Thursday, 7:30 p.m., midweek prayer meeting. A meeting for prayer and testimony. Notice the change from Wednesday to Thurs­ day evening. Choir practice will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Two new teachers have been se- ured for the Sunday school: Miss .aura Donigan for the Informed!- te department, und Miss Walla

uue A cordial Richcy for the primary depart- id bring

OBSERVATIONS(Continued from Pago One)

Cod grunt that he fall in his.must.

The joy ol youth lies in tin: I'act that like Spring it is fleeting.

Who in tliis vale of tears would wish to be forever youthful?

What would you do if you had today the opportunity to remain al jr. years of age forever?

The writer would turn down the proposition cold.Today he would, anyway for he slept poorly last night, finds

himself assailed with a touch of indigestion, has seemed unable to accomplish a filing worth-while during tliis day, -aid is sickened with the fact that he has just been forced by the exigencies of biis'mss, counary to the desire of his pleasure-pattern mind, to withdraw from participation" in tliis chow the Women's Club Is preparing to present. .

Eternal youth, eh? Not a chance in the world. K « * *

"- her home the othei morning. A maniac seized her by the * throat, threw her to the' floor demanding food. She struggled,

iiiilly quieted Hie man and offered him food. He ran from the utse, leaped over a fence and disappeared. The woman says his ,-e.w were "glassy."

Many of the petty thieves arc mentally inferior. Many of the hair-wits are potential criminals through no fault of their own.

All of the half-wits and many of-'.the thieves and criminals .l.serve pity rather than punishment. When will all cities become lar enough advanced to study tho mentalities of offenders before



id' talk

idmothers' day, and there

ell.This exhibit will be 111

cliaiK'- ot Alls, Willis M. llrnolii. art . hail man ..I the Toiiunci Wom, eV i'Ink 11 ho. supported b> a m II chosen , ,,1111101 lee. mil m.iki

Katliryn McGuire, Uustei Kratou s IcadiiiK liuly in "Slier 'ock. Jr.," and "Tlic Navigator," Has heretofore played every role but n western one. In her next, opposite Jack Music in 'run! the Man," the will have her font tasU of the "wild und woolly."


By Dr. W. F. Thompson

Daley Puts In Serve Self at

New LocationGrocery Will Open in New

Store on Cabrillo Mon­ day Morning

An innovation In local gror NclHiu; methods will be introduced In Torrunce by Haloy's chain gro­ cery when it opens the doors of Its new iiuarters next Monday morning. In addition to the usual prompt counter service, which will be continued by this store, facil­ ities have been provided for the "self-service" system, which has already attained considerable vogue In many cities.

Over 3000 square feet of floorpace are comprised in-tho new

location of this store. In which handsome fixtures of the most

lodern type have been Installed. The old store at 1650 Cabrillo ave­ nue will close its doors tomorrow evening and the stock will be

store, 1(139 C'librlllo, in time for business up usual on Monday. .

Charles M. Inman. who has been connected with the Oalcy chain for more than eight years and whose fflcient supervision has eontrib- ited much to the prosperity of the

Torrance store, will continue as nanager of the new store. He au- lounces that there will be no hanger in the personnel of the taff.

L. Ott's meat market is already oeated in the new quarters and HIS been in ifieratlon there since ist Monday. Mr. Ott has spared o expense in fittings and fixtures 1th which to make his place of usiness conform to the highest

nodern standards. Included in his qulpment is a refrigerating plant vhich maintains-^i steady, uniform emperature throughout the storage corns and insures a strictly fresh nd sanitary supply ol meat at all

Free Mail Boxes

Rural subscribers of The Tor- nee, Herald will be glad to learn

hat Paxman's Hardware has re- eived another big shipment of ural mail boxes which will be iven away with three-months sub- crlptions to Tho Torrance Herald. There was such a big demand

r>r these boxes that the supply

ou didn't get a box before, here s your opportunity while the sup- ly lasts. The boxes are I lie stand - rd heavy galvanized variety which etall regularly at $1.75, but are

This with three-inoi

iriptions paid in ad van 'fer is good for both old and new ibscribers. All you have to pay

T'I cents am I you get the paper >r three months and a mall box. The subscription orders are taken id the boxes are given out at ixmup.'s Hardware Store through

orranco Herald and the I-'axman Hardware Company.

e'd rat-prstables

inie fleas

The Tree of SavingsThat Be-arsFruit Twice

a Year

Why not own one of these trees? Interest is the most regular crop in the world it never fails to yield.

The Savings Tree should be one of your most cherished possessions. Guard it carefully and nurture it regularly and it will repay your effort fully.

State Exchange Bank"THE COMMUNITY BANK"



It is said that the c eatment cures 71 p. Jlds, which is 4 per Ticient than unaided r


Jan. 17this the wind-up of our great


The greatest values in high-grade furnishings for men that you ever saw. Standard merchandise, which we carry in stock regularly, with one-fourth of the price lopped off during this sale.


with 2 or 4 pockets, sold regularly for $2.50. During th sale they are priced at.for $2.50. During the $ J 50


Phone 66 1505 Cabrillo Torrance

| You Can Sell "It" Through Our Want Ads.

"ry Our Want Ads f or Best Results


6% Preferred Stock at $92.|0SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO.

Post and Cravens Torrance

Take Care of Your Children's FeetTrain Them to Grow as Nature Intended

I ft umlest, Old Timer, To dwell on the past;

If you want to get thinn< You mutt diet or fa«t.

Our Nellie's grades are very And study she avoids.

The doctor says that he is It's due to adenoids.

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