toronto landscapers

Xeriscaping: Optimum Gardening Xeriscaping is the process of gardening or landscaping design without the use of irrigation. You just learned a cool word! This is beneficial both to you and the Earth. If you live in a gated community in Florida you are probably already familiar with this process, but didn’t know it was a general concept of by itself. Commonplace plants that are found in xeriscape gardens are cacti, agave, or other plants that do well without much water. This is offers a serene beauty to your garden while being both cost effective and better for the environment altogether. How is it better for the environment? Tilling, a process that is heavily utilized in farms or other agricultural entities in which they dig channels into the Earth so that water may flow easily into these channels. Planting vegetables and such on the high levels of ground in between channels allows for an easy way of watering your plants, when your farm may stretch for acres. This tilling process actually reshapes the Earth in a way that wasn’t intended to be so. Over time, and when the farm is gone and no more, the scars from irrigation remain causing flooding and other problems in natural area that shouldn’t be flooded, causing changes to the environment and a shift in habitat culture. Xeriscape offers a change to all of that by allowing the capability of gardening without making any changes to the Earth. Many Toronto landscaping companies are already on board with xeriscaping because of the lack of man hours needed to provide a beautiful garden while also offering plants that are presented in an array of colors. There is another benefit to xeriscaping. With the utilization of desert plants, Toronto landscapers spread rocky soil is desired. Often you will find areas of your yard that are reminiscent of rock gardens. Not only is this better for the desert plants, but it also minimizes the need to mow your lawn. The more xeriscaping that is present, the less grass that will needed to be mowed. If your entire yard is xeriscaped you may find that you have cut out the need to mow altogether, while enhancing the beauty of your garden or yard tenfold. Alternatives to the rock-style garden include mulch and alternative turfs. Offered in numerous eye-pleasing colors including red and natural beige, mulch is highly utilized in xeriscaping and other facets of landscaping. Mulch offers ground cover that is beautiful and also serves a purpose by minimizing the presence of weeds in your garden. Alternative turfs offer even more play room by planting native grasses in your garden like Buffalo Grass or Blue Grama. These particular species do well in warmer climates and do not grow as fast as bluegrass, once again eliminating the need to mow your lawn as much as the next guy.

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Post on 22-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Toronto Landscapers

Xeriscaping: Optimum Gardening

Xeriscaping is the process of gardening or landscaping design without the use of irrigation.

You just learned a cool word! This is beneficial both to you and the Earth. If you live in a

gated community in Florida you are probably already familiar with this process, but didn’t

know it was a general concept of by itself. Commonplace plants that are found in xeriscape

gardens are cacti, agave, or other plants that do well without much water. This is offers a

serene beauty to your garden while being both cost effective and better for the

environment altogether.

How is it better for the environment? Tilling, a process that is heavily utilized in farms or

other agricultural entities in which they dig channels into the Earth so that water may flow

easily into these channels. Planting vegetables and such on the high levels of ground in

between channels allows for an easy way of watering your plants, when your farm may

stretch for acres. This tilling process actually reshapes the Earth in a way that wasn’t

intended to be so. Over time, and when the farm is gone and no more, the scars from

irrigation remain causing flooding and other problems in natural area that shouldn’t be

flooded, causing changes to the environment and a shift in habitat culture.

Xeriscape offers a change to all of that by allowing the capability of gardening without

making any changes to the Earth. Many Toronto landscaping companies are already on

board with xeriscaping because of the lack of man hours needed to provide a beautiful

garden while also offering plants that are presented in an array of colors.

There is another benefit to xeriscaping. With the utilization of desert plants, Toronto

landscapers spread rocky soil is desired. Often you will find areas of your yard that are

reminiscent of rock gardens. Not only is this better for the desert plants, but it also

minimizes the need to mow your lawn. The more xeriscaping that is present, the less grass

that will needed to be mowed. If your entire yard is xeriscaped you may find that you have

cut out the need to mow altogether, while enhancing the beauty of your garden or yard

tenfold. Alternatives to the rock-style garden include mulch and alternative turfs. Offered in

numerous eye-pleasing colors including red and natural beige, mulch is highly utilized in

xeriscaping and other facets of landscaping. Mulch offers ground cover that is beautiful and

also serves a purpose by minimizing the presence of weeds in your garden. Alternative

turfs offer even more play room by planting native grasses in your garden like Buffalo

Grass or Blue Grama. These particular species do well in warmer climates and do not grow

as fast as bluegrass, once again eliminating the need to mow your lawn as much as the next
