toronto entomolog sts associa.t on - ontario...

ISSN #: 0710-0574 TORONTO ENTOMOLOG ASSOCIA.T STS ON OCCASIONAL PUBLICATION # 14-83 .' , BUTTERFLIES OF ONTARIO & SUMMARIES OF LEPIDOPTERA ENCOUNTERED IN ONTARIO IN 1982 TEA C/O Department of Entomology, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C6 Telephone 978-3677

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ISSN #: 0710-0574







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1 9 8 2

TEA C/O Department of Entomology, Royal Ontario Museum,

100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C6 Telephone 978-3677




ISSN #: 0710-0574

IN 1982




APRIL 1983






4.1 Coenonympha inornata 8

4.2 Epidemia dorcas 11

4.3 Lycaeides melissa 12

4.4 The Monarch Butterfly 16

4.5 Hemaris gracilis 17

4.6 Proserpinus flavofasciata 17

4.7 Cercyoni s pega1a 17

4.8 Everes comyntas 21

4.9 Mourning Cloak Tagging 22

4.10 Butterflies in Metro Toronto 224.11 Collections Containing Ontario lepidoptera 24



Hesperiidae 27

Papil i oni dae 33

Pieridae 35

Lycaenidae 39

Li bythei dae 45

Nymphalidae 45

Apaturidae 53

Satyri dae 53

Danaidae 57






This is Occasional Publication # 14-83 of the Toronto Entomologists'Association. It is based on reports for Ontario in 1982 contributed by membersand non-members of th~Association as listed below:

1. G.J. van Dorsser (GJD) Peterborough.2. Dr. W.J.D. Eberlie (WJDE) Colborne.3. William M. Edmonds (WE) Toronto.4. David H. Elder (DHE) Atikokan.5. Donald M. Fraser (DMF) Toronto.6. Mark Goode (MG) Barrie.7. Wodek W. Gregory (WWG) Oakville.8. Dana M. Gring mIG) Toledo, Ohio,9. Forest Insect & Disease

Survey (Canada) (FIDS) Sault Ste. Marie.10. Barry Harrison (BH) Scarborough.11. Quimby F. Hess (QFH) Toronto.12. Tom Toyomi Ikeda (TTl) Toronto.13. James Kamstra (JK) Oshawa.14. Mike K. Matheson (MM) Leamington.15. Rod E. Parrott (RP) Port Hope.16. Jack E. Pilkington (JEP) Wdmdsor.17. John Prideaux (JPX) Toronto.18. Ron Ridout (RR) Mississauga.19. Douglas E. Scovell (DES) Scarborough,.20. George Sutton (GS) Goderich.21. John P. Walas (JPW) Thunder Bay.22. A.(Bert) F. Wigg (AFW) Toronto.23. Alan Wormington (AW) Leamington.

Occasional Publications #'s 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 are designed to complementeach other in such a way as to present all the information known to the com­piler in respect to Ontario butterflies to the end of 1982. Please note thatSection 3 in each of these publications addresses itself to corrections to theprevious T.E.A. Summaries.

The 1982 Summary (Section 6) is organized in accordance with "A Catalogue/Checklist of the Butterflies of America North of Mexico" by Lee D. Miller andF. ~rtin Brown (Lepidopterists' Society Memoir No.2 - 1981) for the Rhopalo­cera. The Heterocera are not organized in accordance with any particular au­thority.

The contents of this Publication have been checked for accuracy in sofar as is possible. Errors and/or omissions will be corrected in future T'E.A.Occasional Publications.

The material in this paper is basd6 on the latest information availableand lists all of the butterflies which are known bo have occurred in the Pro­vince of Ontario.including irregmlar occurrences, to the end of 1982. Some mothsof interest ~re included as well, together with the available field data assupplied.

Each locality listed in this publication is followed by a number in bra­ckets. This number is the County, District or Regional Municipality designationas shown in figures 1 and 2 herein, e.g. Marathon (52) means Marathon (ThunderBay District).


Where the record date is followed by an italicized number in brackets, this re­presents the number of specimens encountered and f = female and m = male. C =collected, R = collected and released and S = sight records.

If there are any errors and/or omissions noted, please advise the com-piler:

Q.F. Hess,11 Esgore Drive,Toronto, Ontario,MSM 3P9.

Back issues of previous Occasional Publications, or additional copies of currentpublications are available from:

Alan J. Hanks,34 Seaton Drive,Aurora, Ontario,L4G 2Kl.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



Based on the Canadian Weather Review Summaries (Environment Canada) ­Volume 19, issues 3 to 8 inclusive.

MARCH: - Cloudier and colder than usual across Ontario, except Timmins - Kap­uskasing area where temperatures of one degree above normal were repor­ted. At Toronto, on the 27th, the daily high of minus 6 deg C was thelowest maximum temperature for the date in 142 years. Precipitation to­tals were varied. In the Trout Lake and Lansdowne House areas of nor­thern Ontario precipitation totals exceeded 200% of normal while else­where the totals were below normal. On March 31st up to 17 cm of snowstill lay on the ground at Peterborough and significant snow pack re­mained in Muskoka and northwestern Ontario.

APRIL: - All stations reported temperatures 2 - 4 degrees below normal. Severecold weather set several record low maximums early in the month inclu­ding minus 5.5 deg C at Toronto, minus 7.2 deg C at London and minus10.2 deg C at North Bay. A turn towards-milder temperatures began aboutthe 15th and continued to the end of the month. Sunny skies brought thehours of sunshine to as much as 40 to 50 hours above normal in manyareas. Early in the month plentiful snowfalls continued. Pickle Lakewith 60 cm, Moosonee with 61 cm and Timmins with 59 cm came close to re@cords. Total precipitation was close to normal in northwestern Ontarioand in the St. Lawrence Valley and well below normal in southern On­tario.

MAY: - Most stations reported temperatures above normal by two to four deg.Toronto reported the highest maximum for May since 1840. Dry weatherprevailed throughout the month. However, substantial rains began on May24th weekend and continued intermittently to the end of the month.

JUNE: - Cool, wet cloudy weather prevailed across Ontario. Toronto ana SaultSte. Marie recorded their coldest June ever. For many northern stationsit was the coldest June' since 1969. Southern Ontario received excessivemoisture throughout June. Northern Ontario fared better with generallysunnier and drier weather.

JULY; - Southern Ontario had pleasant weather with seasonable tepperatures,lots of sunshine and dry conditmons. Ottawa recorded its sunniest Julyin 44 years and Toronto its sunniest sinee 1968. From Sault Ste. Mariewestwadas however, sunshine was some 40 - 50 hours below normal.Northern Ontario recorded more rainfall than normal. Thunder Bay had200 mm, nearly three times its normal amount. Elsewhere in southern andcentral Ontario very dry weather prevailed.

AUGUST: - This was one of the coolest on record in the last 50 years as meantemperatures ranged from 1.5 to 3.5 deg Cbelow normal. For the firsttime in either July or August snow fell in the Haliburton area. Therewas a killing frost on the 29th. At Toronto, a minimum of J deg C wasthe lowest temperature recorded since 1915. At S • Catherines the 29thminimum of 2.6 deg C was the lowest in 66 years. On the same date, Sim­coe registered a screeh temperature of 1.7 deg C with a grass minimumof minus 4 deg. Rainfall was heavy in a band from Lake Huron to Trentonand in the Kenora-Thunder Bay-Trout Lake area. However, at Windsor only15 mm of rain fell, about 19% of normal.



3.1 Epargyreus clarus (Cramer) - In T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 22, it isstated that "the Silver-Spotted Skipper occurs in southwestern & south­eastern Ontario mainly in suitable localities south of an approximate linedrawn from Georgian Bay to Toronto to Ottawa". Mark Goode of Barrie hasadvised that this Skipper occurs at Barrie in the vicinity of locusttrees. Thus, the above quote should be revised as follows: "occurs mainlyin suitable localities south of an approximate line drawn from GeorgianBay to Barrie to Ottawa".

3.2 Atrytonopsis hianna (Scudder) - In T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 30, it isstated that "the Dusted Skipper has been recorded in only one area of On­tario - southwestern Ontario in the Pinery (7)". In T.E.A. Occ. Pub. il6­76, pp. 4, it is noted that J.C.E. Riotte collected one A. hianna on June28th, 1974, near Stoco in Hastings County on a roadside. However, AlanWormington checked the above specimen in the R.O.M. collection, and itappears to be pocahontas and not hianna.

3.3 Epidemia dorcas (W. Kirby) - In T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 39, it isstated that "the Dorcas Copper occurs in suitable localities in southernOntario in Waterloo, Grey, Bruce and perhaps Carleton Counties and theManitoulin Region". This should be revised as follows: "The Dorcas Copperoccurs in suitable localities in southern Ontario in Lambton, Waterloo,Grey and Bruce Counties. It is also a possibility in Carleton County, theMuskoka District and Manitoulin Island". The basis for this revision isthe recording of specimens in localities in Ipperwash, Kettle Point andthe Pinery areas in 1982. The Muskoka District is added because of a state­ment on page 52 of the Ottawa Field Naturalists Club "Trail & Landscape",Vol. 16, No.1 /1-72/ Jan. - Feb. 1982. Please refer also to "The CanadianField Naturalist", Vol. 96, No.2 (April/June 1982), pp. 208 & 209, whichpinpoints the locality in Waterloo County where dorcas was encountered in1980 (also see T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 12-81, pp. 61).

3.4 Everes amyntula (Boisduval) - In T.E.A. Oce. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 44, it isstated that "the Western Tailed Blue has been recorded from the CochraneDistrict westerly to the Manitoba border in northern Ontario". This shouldbe revised to "the Western Tailed Blue has been recorded from the Cochrane,Temiskaming and Sudbury Districts westerly to the Manitoba border in nor­thern Ontario". There is also a record for the Parry Sound District whichmayor may not be correct. This, and also possibly the Sudbury record, re­quire confirmation.

3.5 Asterocampa celtis (Boisduval & Leconte) - In T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp.56, the following sentences should be added after - Montreal, Quebec;Hackberry occurs·near Napanee (23) and this butterfly may yet be found inthis area. There is reported a fine stand of Hackberry in the RattlesnakePoint - Crawford Lake - Nassagaweya Canyon Conservation area (17) whichsupports a population of Hackberry Butterflies. Also, in northwesternOntario, in the Lake of the Woods area, off the mouth of Rainy River onSable Island (51) there are a few Hackberry trees and there is a possibi­lity that the butterfly may yet be encountered there.

3.6 Clossiana frigga (Thunberg) - In T.E.A. Oce. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 48, it is


stated "occurs locally in suitable habitat (grassy sphagnum bogs) in tior­thern Ontario from Hudson Bay southerly to Monteith (53), Marathon (52) &Ignace (54)". This should be revised to "Monteith (53), Marathon (52) andAtikokan (51)".

3.7 oeneis jutta (Hubner) - In T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 60, it is statedthat "The adults in Ontario from Thunder Bay District and eastwards". Itshould be reuised to "The adults in Ontario from the Rainy River Districtand eastwards".

3.8 Satyrodes eurydice (Johansson) - On page 190 of 'A Catalogue/Checklist ofthe Butterflies of America North of Mexico' in section 1.a. (e. eurydice)reference is made to Note 620 (page 240). This states the following:"Godart, Ene. Meth., 9:493 (1823), mentions the name 'cantheus', but att­ributes it to Linnaeus and states that his description is translated fromJohansson (Linnaeus), Amoen. Acad., 6:406 (1763). This makes the Godartusage a lapsus calami, and the name should be dropped from the synonymyforthwith". It is noted that in 'Trail & Landscape' (The Ottawa Field Na­turalists Club) Vol. 16, No. 1/1-72/Jan. - Feb. 1982, page 48, that thename used for the Byed Brown is Lethe cantheus boisduvalii (Uarris).

3.9 Cercyonis pegala (Fabricius) - In T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 58, to thesubspecies list add:

e. p. olympus (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Chicago, Illinois)Specimens appearing like olym~us, or intergrades betw~en

olympus/nephele have been recorded for the Manitoulin - Walford andperhaps Wahnapitae localities (49).

3.10.Carterocephalus palaemon (Pallas) - In T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp 25,please revise the last sentence of the first paragraph to read as follows:"the region south and west of Georgian Bay other than Waterloo & Welling­ton Counties".

3.11 Clossiana freija (Thunberg) - In T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 49, it isstated "occurs in northern Ontario from Hudson Bay south to'Temagami (47),Wawa (48), Hymers (52) and Upsala (52)". Upsala should be revised to Ati­kokan (51).

3.12 Parrhasius m-album (Boisduval & Leconte) - The White M Hairstreak is in­cluded in this Ontario list of butterflies for the first time in T.E.A.Summaries. This inclusion is based on information received from Alan Wor­mington, a park naturalist at Point Pelee.

3.13 Gaeides xanthoides (Boisduval) - The Great Gray Copper is included in thisOntario list of butterflies for the first time in T.E.A. Summaries. Thisinclusion is based on a specimen collected by John Prideaux just east ofKenora in 1979 which was identified in his collection in 1982.

3.14 pterourus glaucus canadensis (Rothschild & Jordan) - In T.E.A. Occ. Pub.# 12-81, pp. 68, in the first paragraph, canadensis is said to rangenorth to James Bay. This shoomd be north towards the Hudson Bay Lowlandsas per Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 33.

3.15 Satyrodes appalachia (R.L. Chermock) - In T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp.57, the record of appalachia at Point Pelee on July 22 should be omitted.


The specimen is actually S. eurydice, according to A. Wormington.

3.16 Abaeis nicippe (Cramer) - In T.E.A. Dec. Pub. # 10-79, pp. 16, it is sta­ted that there is a specimen collected at Point Pelee in the C.N.C., andthis has appeared in some subsequent T.E.A. publications up to # 13-82.A. Wormington checked the C.N.C. in 1982 and nicippe from Point Pelee isnot in the collection. However, Klots (1964:197) includes Ontario in therange of nicippe, probably based on the C.N.C. specimen labelled simply'Ottawa'. J.D. Lafontaine believes the specimen is perhaps from Ottawa,Kansas. A specimen was encountered and photographed (Kodachrome slide inQ.F. Hess collection) in Quetico Provo Park (53) on June 21, 1978 (seeT.E.A. Dec. Pub. # 10-79, pp. 16).

3.17 Eurytides marcellus (Cremer) - In T.E.A. Dec. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 7, Sect.­,.a, it is stated that the last report of this species in Ontario is atLong Point (4) on July 17, 1972 (J. Troubrfdge). According to A. Worming­ton, this species was seen at Point Pelee (1) on July 2, 1978 (M. Gawn)and a specimen was collected there on July 18, 1978 (W.A. Attwater) - seepage 10 of "Preliminary Annotated List of Butterflies of Point Pelee Nat­ional Park" (1982).

3.18 Euphyes dukesi (Lindsey) - In T.E.A. Dec. Pub. # 6-76, pp. 4, it is notedby Riotte "a small colony of the skipper Euphyes dukesi was found atChaffey's Locks (north of Kingston) and one specimen was collected onJuly 7, 1975". This report was used in subsequent T.E.A. publications upto # 13-82, pp. 30. Alan Wormington advises that he searched for the spe­cimen in the R.O.M. collection in 1982 but was unable to find it. In the"Preliminary Annotated List of Butterflies of Point Pelee<National Park"(1982), pp. 9, it is stated - "The species was once thought to be con­fined entirely to swamps in association with the sedge Carex lacustris, aprobable foodplant. However, more recently it has been found in consider­ably drier sites in aseeciation wmth Carex hyalinolepis.

3.19 Proserpinus flavofasciata (Walker) - In T.E.A. Dec. Pub. # 9-79, pp. 45,the record by (QFH) of this species for Burt Township (50) is stated asJuly II, 1968. This is an error and the record should read June II, 1968.Please refer to Section 4.6 of this publication.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


4.1 Coenonympha inornata inornata W.H. Edwards Occurrence in S. Ontarioby Q.F. Hess (Toronto)

The bivoltine inornata in southwestern Ontario has an interesting distribu­tion and T.E.A. Dec. Pubs. D's 10-79, 11-80, 12-81 and 13-82 provide datafor Ontario on this butterfly to the end of 1981. In 1982 further fieldwork was carried out, particularly with regard to the western limits ofoccurrence in southern Ontario from Georgian Bay south to the south boun­dary of Waterloo County (1) and westerly to Lake Haron.

A summary of the areas checked, together with dates and results follows(please refer also to Figure 3).






• Orangeville


r'(Luthve."'e Lak.e




Owen Sound


/~ I 0


~~~ 0. ~TCHENER __~U \6 '-.. __ --

N D d ;;r-l, - ~ - - --ew un ee- ~


...g;1';1';1' \,

" "I • Palmerstonb 0

" ....-



FIGURE 3. Western Limits of C. inornata.Caledonia

() Records 1979 Approx. limits --0 " 1980 " --- -- \~ Of 1981 ••X 1982 ., It 1I..



Duntroon .x /Markdale ~~~SLn

Dornoch. • Q~di~.~ __ghamPton

\\~ /\\~

~\~ Durham /~. Hanover /'

11___ /'l(-U



Coenonympha inornata OCCURRENCE IN S.W. ONTARIO IN 1982.


June 9 4 Km east of New Dun- wet shrubby under hydro nildee (Waterloo Co.) line

June 10 2~ Km N.W. of New dry slopes with grass 10+Dundee in old fieldsaround gravel pit -garbage dump

City of Stratford old fields on land fill nil(Perth County) with grass

Pinery S. of Grand wooded and shrubby nilBend

June 10 Just south of Holmes- old fields with shrubs nilville west of Clinton by gravel pit(Huron County)

June 11 Just sotthh of Londes- old fields nilboro off Hwy. /I 4(Huron County)

6 Km north of Blythe large old field with nilbeside Hwy. II 4 sdattered white clover(Huron County)

Just south of Wingham heavy grass and haw- nilin river flats thorn areas(Huron County)

West sipe of Hanover grassy slopes beside 2 onlyby Saugeen River and Hwy. and shrubby river flyingHwy. II 4 (Bruce Co.) flats west

1 Km east of Durham grassy wet meadows 10+(Grey County) beside cedar swamp

8 Km west of Sing- large old field with 4hampton beside Hwy. shrubs/I 4 (Grey County).

2 Km east of Duntroon shoulder of highway 2beside Hwy. /I 91(Simcoe County)



June 11 Stayner across road large old field in town manyfrom Stayner Colleg- beside railroad seeniate Institute(Simcoe County)

5 Km east of Wasaga old field beside poplar 6Beach along Hwy. 92 wood

4 Km east of Waverley beside Road II 23 1beside Simcoe CountyRoad II 23

NOTE: L. Lamb in "A Checklist of Waterloo County Lepidoptera" (1967), pp. 6says the following: "The Inornate Ringlet is extremely rare; this spe­cies was taken by Frank Stricker in June 1945 in the Peat Bog in Kit­chener. This is the only capture date I have come across".

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4.2 Epidemia dorcas (W. Kirby) and its Foodplant in Southwestern Ontarioby Q.F. Hess (Toronto)

T.E.A. Occasional Publications II's 10-79 (page 12) and 11-80 (page 8) pro­vided data on Epidemia dorcas in Ontario as known to the end of 1979. Somefurther data is given in II 12-81 (page 61) as to its presence in WaterlooCounty in a locality near Ayr. In II 11-80 (page 8) the writer described thediscovery of Potentilla fructicosa within the Kettle Point Indian Reserve,(Lambton County). However, despite a search in July 1980 and 1981, no spe­cimens of dorcas were encountered.

On August 9th, 1982, the writer checked the Kettle Point locality offCentre Street about 1 Km east of Lake Huron very carefully. Three dorcaswere encountered and collected. The Shrubby Cinquefoil stands are locatedin an open area of about 10 acres surrounded by woods. In the centre ofthis localitytthe habitat is fen-like and here the Cinquefoil stands arelo~ated.)There are also some plants located along both edges of a drainageditch in the opening.

The writer then went to Ipperwash Beach and discovered a small stand ofShrubby Cinquefoil off Lambton County Road II 6 in an interdunal wetland.Here one specimen of dorcas was found and collected. I then proceeeea tothe Port Franks area and here, just south of Port Franks is a wetland, ofwhich a large pond is part. J.E. Pilkington had advised that Paul Pratt ofWindsor's Ojibway Park had seen a few dorcas in flight here. The ShrubbyCinquefoil is growing in a very wet area, and no dorcas were observed. J.E. Pilkington advised he had collected Poanes massasoit here in July 1982,but encountered no dorcas.

On August 12th, 1982 the writer checked the old channel of the Aux Sa­ble River where it intersects The Cut just south of Pinery Provincial Pk.Here a small stand of P. fructicosa was found. One probable sight recordof dorcas was made in this area. Burley Campground located in the southpart of Pinery Provo Pk. was then checked and P. fructicosa was found here


in three small localities of interdunal wetlands. No specimens of dorcaswere seen. Park Naturalist Casey Vanderbygaart advised this was the onlyarea in the Park with Shrubby Cinquefoil.

Summing up the data known to the writer, Epidemia dorcas occurs in S.W.Ontario mainly along the west coast of Bruce County, in Grey County in asmall locality:east of Elmwood, in Waterloo County in a small locality nearAyr and in Lambton County from The Cut near Port Franks to Kettle Point infour small localities as described above.

According to Sheila McKay &Paul Catling in "Trees, Shrubs & Flowers toKnow in Ontario" (page 92), the Shrubby Cinquefoil is widespread in Ontariofrom the Carolinian Zone to the tundra, but is not common throughout andoccurs mainly in lime-rich soils in fens, on limestone plains, and alongshorelines. Any other Shrubby Cinquefoil stands found should be checked forEpidemia dorcas.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4.3 The Status of Lycaeides melissa samuelis Nabokov and its Foodplant inOntario in 1982 by Q.F. Hess

1. Introduction:T.E.A. Occasional Publications #'s 12-81 and 13-82 reported the status

of the Karner Blue and its foodplant, the Wild Lupine, in Ontario to theend of the 1981 season. In 1982 the writer continued field work to assessthe situation in the St. Williams and Pinery localities, the only knownplaces where the Karner Blue is found in Ontario.

2. The St. Williams locali~y in Norfolk County:On June 2nd, 1982, the St. Williams Forest Nursery and adjacent areas

were surveyed, both for the presence of the Wild Lupine (Lupinus perennisL.) and the Karner Blue. Most of the Wild Lupine occurrences mapped in 1980(see pages 13 and 14 of T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 12-81), as well as areas between

,marked locations were checked. The results are shown on figures 4 and 5.During this field survey two Karner Blue males were encountered, both

in the privately owned open field within the Nursery property. The writerthen consulted with the Nursery and Forest Superintendent, Mr. R. Laupertaround 3 p.m. on this clear, cool day. The writer and Mr. Laupert then madea survey of most of the property to discuss and map the Wild Lupine stands.(The results of this survey are included on figures 4 and 5). During thissurvey, one male Karner Blue was encountered east of the privately ownedfield and two were encountered at a large stand of lupine as shown on thefigures. The fact that no females were seen would indicate that the adultswere only at the beginning of their flight season. The conclusion of thesetwo field surveys was that the status of the Wild Lupine in the St. Williamslocality was about the same as in 1980, but that one of the larger standshad nearly disappeared to be replaced by a ~arge stand out in the open pri­vate property. This can be seen by comparing the figures for 1980 and 1982(T.E.A. # 12-81, pp. 13-14). The 1982 survey found this new, relativelygood-sized stand of Wild Lupine in the privately owned field with exposureto 100% of the available sunlight. This means that my statement in T.E.A.Occ. Pub. # 12-81, page 10, that the Wild Lupine has to have 40-80% of theavailable sunlight, should be corrected to 50-100%.

Mr. Wodek W. Gregory advises that he visited the St. Williams localityin early June and found very few Karner Blue adults. On July 12th he found











"I'':, CD


" I'\ II\~~I


not checkedfor lupine

\\"'"... ,.. ,

.. \


IIIIIIIIIIII®11 .... _ _ __ wooded

-.., .... ".---- -=----..--,r - ..... ------- --II --~-............"If \!; ........ :-,.


," I. r;:;-..,I 110

" \1,/ \\ 1 mII " samuelisII "" \ \,, \ \,,...--------- IJ,,-- ... ---- ... - .... .:::.:-, I

" .....~J(,I ',\,f ,\II wooded "\,I' \\

" "I' ,\II \'II \'" \'\\

....... __ .!..-----------:c-:: \\-----,,----- ... ----- "

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\\f'.l\\\ IfR\ \\0 \' "\2J \, ~ '\

\~\ \\ \',"<V~I I,'I~~,' ~" .... -' I'III' ~I' I,

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~ 'I \l"~, ,I "

"IL.--::::==..., 1/,-J,...- - ", _:, ' -- ---."\ ,..;;-----no \\\

lupine \\\\

1 m samuelis



@2 m samuelis







St. Williams Forest Nursery

Showing Lupine Stands 1982

Scale - 1 in. = 660'

@ indicates II of plants.

Dune Buggy Trail





(i) Q) (i) (i) wet--II '~, TOWNSHIP ROAD Ii' II --::=:"==~-==-----==-===::'::"----lr-:-='

II "~\ ,f' II wooded \~ II

:: \~" It' \I ,~\ I~-::-::~ '... ""', ,1 II \' ....~' .... , ...,1\ ",~" " J1. ...,., "'--II

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II ,- - - -... - - II\ -- ..... ::.-- .....

:: \\:: -----"'''-=====~~.,.-----~\l:

II \\ II IIII \' II '" Il II'~,II... t I ".......... \\, Ir I ..II ........~_ II

-... \\ IIII ... :::.::~, '~, IIII "', ' IIII

~~ '~, wooded not checked II~ ...._ '~I II

II----- ---- \ for lupine

-- ... -----......, .....JI IIII ;),'--=-==---------------- III "......... ,,,' \~ -- .-.-------,~----..............I "r;J""'- ....-:.-;=~::.~" II"~" ,~\""'~ll-:'::'~II "A I ,\ \, II

:... ,",," 11 I " \,.....:::~- ....II ---;;-:.." II II ~\ \\ II........... r --- - , I ~" \\

~~" III '\ ......~.::::.::'lll ....~v/:.::-------------~~\, IIII

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St. Williams Forest Nursery

Showing Lupine Stands 1982

Scale - 1 in. = 660'

@ indicates II of plants.





8 adults, probably of the second brood. He advises this was only the earlypart of the flight of the second brood. His Karner Blue breeding studiesshowed that the St. Williams Karner Rlue population overwinter in the eggstage. Oviposition is on a leaf and the ova drops with the leaf when itfalls.

Mr. Laupert has started a project to propagate the cultivated lupine(a strain of Lupinus polyphyllus~ for the purpose of establishing standsin selected Nursery areas in 1981. Unfortunately, this propagation was 'lost accidentally. Wodek Gregory advised that his Karner Blue rearing pro­ject used the cultivated or garden lupine as the foodplant with very goodresults. It is of interest in this respect that escaped garden lupine wereencountered in 1982 in northern Ontario by the writer in the following 10­calities:- west and east outskirts of Ignace (Kenora District), NellieLake (Cochrane District), Froome Lake east of Matheson in relatively largeareas (Cochrane Dist.) and several large stations south of Swastika alongHighway #'s 112 and 11 (Temiskaming District). Perhaps the strategy toassist the Karner Blue in the St. Williams and Pinery areas should includethe establishment of the Wild and the garden Lupine in selected places inthese two areas, This will complement action to remove tree and shrub can­opy over selected and perhaps fenced areas of existing Wild Lupine standsin these areas (see Note A below).

The Karner Blue colonies in the St. Williams and Pinery areas are en­dangered because of the tree planting and forest protection policies ofthe Ontario government, past and present. The extensive planting of coni­fers such as pines without consideration of the future impact on the exis­ting fauna and flora in the St. Williams Forest Nursery area and the PineryProvincial Park has been and will be even more detrimental as the canopycloses over the light-demanding species.

3. The Pinery Locality in Lambton County:'On June 3rd, 1982, the Pinery Karner Blue and Wild Lupine areas were

surveyed. The Wild Lupine stands south of Gr~nd Bend along Highway # 21 &in the Pinery Provincial Park had decreased from 1980, especially in theWalker Road and Yogi Bear localities. These were the only areas where theKarner Blue adults were encountered in 1980 and 1981. However, 15 scatteredWild Lupines were found along old Hwy. 21 at Yogi Bear.

No Karner Blue adults were encountered in the Pinery localities seenon June 3rd •

. On June 9th, 1982, the writer checked some of the Wild Lupine standsin the Pinery Provo Park and Yogi Bear areas. Park Naturalist Casey Vander­bygaart was also contacted re the status of the Wild Lupine in the Park in1982. Mr. Vanderbygaart advised that Lupine stand # 3 (as shown in figure10. page 20, T.E.A. ace. Pub. # 12-81) had disappeared, while s~and # 2 re­main~d at about the same level as in 1980. At the Yogi Bear locality onlyscattered Wild Lupine located in shady sites were still in bloom in thearea northeast of the gravel pit (see figure 7, page 16, T.E.A. ace. Pub. #12-81). Near the south side of this gravel pit 2 male sarnuelis were encoun­tered. Northeast of this gravel pit by the south slope of the large sanddune (see figure 4, page 12, T.E.A. ace. Pub. # 13-82) 4 males and 1 femalesarnuelis were encountered. On June 9th, no sarnuelis were encountered aroundthe Wild Lupine stands checked in the Pinery Provo Park area such as theWalker's Road locality.

On July 7th, the Yogi Bear Karner Blue locality was checked and nobutterflies of any species were encountered. George Sutton reports that hevisited the Yogi Bear locality on July 16th and counted 60+ adults in two


locations with some scattered in nearby locations. These were mostly freshand mostly males, but there were some females.

On July 22nd, 1982, the Yogi Bear and Pinery Provo Park localitieswere visited again. In the vicinity of the large sand dune a few scatteredlupine plants (leaves only - no blooms) were seen. Here 3 samuelis maleswere encountered. A few scattered Asclepias tuberosa plants in bloom werefound, much less than in 1981, but no samuelis were nectaring there.

The same localities were visited again on August 12th. At the YogiBear locality by the large sand dune, one fesh male samuelis only was en­countered and no lupine plants were seen on this date.

The above reports indicate that the second brood was at its peak inthe Yogi Bear area the week of July 16th, 1982, and that the populationwas about the same as in 1980-81.

Note A: Lupines are short-lived plants that will only last 3 or 4 years.They are not good candidates for division, so they have to be re­sown every few years for renewal. They are at their best in fullsun but they will grow in half-day sunlight too. All the major seedhouses carry the seeds of the Russell strain of L. polyphyllus (in­digenous to N.W. United States). There are both dwarf and standardRussells. The germination rate for this plant is poor so one shouldbegin with a technique to encourage the seeds to sprout. First,freeze the seeds for two days, then put them directly from thefreezer into warm water where they soak for 24 hours. Because lu­pines are legumes, dust the seeds with a nitrogen inoculant - avai­lable as a powder from garden centres. This helps the plants totake nitrogen from the air. Then sow the seeds directly in six­packs, 2 or 3 seeds to a compartment. The germination rate is about50%. Lupines do not transplant well so when set out there will befurther losses. Another method to propagate Lupinus is to collectseed when barely ripe, nick and soak in warm water for 15 minutesbefore planting in well-drained sandy soil in areas receiving 50­100% of the available sunlight.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4.4 The Monarch Butterfly and its Foodplants in Ontario by Q.F. Hess.

T.E.A. Occasional Publications #'s 12-81 and 13-82 presented the infor­mation known to the writer to the end of 1981. Since then W.E. Edmonds hasadvised as follows:

In northern Ontario I found a small stand of Asclepias syriaca on July16th, 1970, just east of Capreol (49) beside the railroad. On July 23rd,1968, I found a stand of syriaca near the Westree station (49) beside therailroad and another small stand 20-30 miles south of Westree. On July 24,1970, I found flowering syriaca beside the Armstrong station (52) just northof the railroad. Two S. atlantis and one N. milberti were at the blossoms.On July 25, 1970, a stand of syriaca was encountered at Minaki (54) alongthe railroad, as well as Indian Hemp and poison ivy.

On page 50, Trail and Landscape (The Ottawa Field Naturalists), Vol.16, No. 1/1-72, Jan./Feb. 1982, it is recorded that there is a record ofMonarch larvae on Swamp Milkweed (A. incarnata) in the Ottawa region.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


4.5 Hemaris gracilis (Grote &Robinson) in Ontario by Q.F. Hess

The TL of this species is given as Atlantic District and it is gene­rally the least common of our four species of Hemaris according to Dr. R.W.Hodges (The Moths of America North of Mexico, Fascicle 21, pp. 117). Therange of gracilis is Nova Scotia to central Florida along the east coast &west through the New England states to Michigan, and perhaps Wisconsin. InMichigan the adult flies from the end of May through early July.

Dr. Paul D. Syme of the Forest Insect & Disease Survey, Great LakesForest Research Centre, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, found only the followingoccurrences for Ontario listed in their records:-

May 27, 1977 - pilot's house, Ramsay Lake Road, McKim twp., SudburyDistrict - feeding at lilac blossoms.

May 31, 1958 - St. Williams, Norfolk County - 1 adult.June 10, 1954- Loring, Wells twp., Parry Sound District - 1 adult.

On June 16, 1982, D.H. Elder collected 1 adult near Williamson Lake & BoiseCascade camp # 105 (abandoned) north of Atikokan (Rainy River District).(The identification to be confirmed).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4.6 Proserpinus flavofasciata (Walker) in Ontario by Q.F. Hess

According to Dr. R.W. Hodges (M.O.N.A., Fascicle 21, pp. 140-141),"TheYellow-banded Day Sphinx occurs across the northern part of North Americafrom Nova Scotia to British Columbia and Alaska. In the eastern part of therange it is extremely rare. This species is a spring flier, flying fromlate May in Nova Scotia and from April through June in southern BritishColumbia" •

In ONtario it has been recorded by J.C.E. Riotte at Geraldton (52) atdandelion blossoms on June 13, 1953. Also by Q.F. Hess at the Ministry ofNatural Resources Forest Nursery in Burt twp. south of Timmins in the Temi­skaming Dist. at Labrador Tea blossoms on June II, 1968 (specimen in theR.O.M. collection).

On May 24, 1982, D.H. Elder collected a single adult flying by theedge of a cedar bush adjacent to the C.N. railroad in a semi-open grassybog with scattered dwarf birch near Atikokan in the Rainy River District(specimen in the collection of D.H. Elder).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4.7 Cercyonis pegala (Fabr.) in Ontario by Q.F. Hess

T.E.A. Occ. Pubs. #'s 9-78, 11-80, 12-81 and 13-82 brought togetherwhat is known to the writer with respect to this species in Ontario to thefall of 1981. In 1982 further field studies on this species were carriedout in southern, northeastern and northwestern Ontario, especially as tooccurrence and distribution and some study as to the question of subspecies.The results are shown in figure 6 and the summary in table 2.

Spread specimens of C. pegala collected across Ontario from Essex Co.,Sarnia, York Co., Huron and Bruce Counties, Muskoka, Parry Sound, North Bay,Sturgeon Falls/Field, Sudbury, Walford, Thessalon, Haileybury, New Liskeard,Kenogami, Matheson, Thunder Bay, Ignace, Wabigoon, Atikokan and Rainy Riverwere compared. The southern Ontario specimens were C. p. nephele (W. Kirby)




1981 W~ Field records - e •1982 ~ Field records - X X




08)-. __





with one C. p. alope (Fabr.) from Sarnia. The spread specimens from north­ern Ontario from the Thunder Bay District easterly to Quebec were nephele,although in the Walford locality (Sudbury Dist.) some of the pegala seemedto be an intergrade to olympus (W.H. Edwards). According to Dr. David Hess(see T.E.A. # 9-78), he has a series from Sheguiandah, Manitoulin whichare nephele, while some intergrade to olympus. West of the Thunder Bay Dis­trict to Manitoba we have nephele with apparent intergrading westerly toina Hall.

Of interest was a male collected in Playfair Twp. (Ttmiskaming Dist.)that has a distinct ochraceous patch on the hindwings and 6 ocelli on thehindwing below similar to the alope specimen from Sarnia.

When pegala specimens from Ontario, especially those in series fromvarious localities and years are compared, only then will the variation &intergrading by locality and year stand out. Ontario seems to have blendzones for the various above named pegala subspecies.

It should be noted that Cercyonis pegala had not been recorded as faras is known from North Bay northwards into the Timiskaming District until1979. It had been recorded in northeastern Ontario in the southern Algomaand Sudbury Districts however. Since finding it at Tarzwell (47) in July,1979, the writer has searched for it each year and has been able to recordit from widespread localities in the Districts of Nipissing, Timiskaming,and extreme south Cochrane. Also from new localities in the Algoma, Sud­bury and Parry Sound Districts. It seems to be absent from most of theCochrane District except the extreme southern part north to about 4 KID nor­thwest of Matheson.


Cercyonis pegala OCCURRENCE IN N.E. ONTARIO IN 1982.


July 14 Just east of Dun- old field with low shrub 1 mchurch (Parry Sound) patches

July 28 24 KID N. of North Bay old road with grass and 7 m+fwest side of Hwy. 11 sedges - also dry slope(Nipissing Dist.) andeast side of Hwy. 11 edge of scrub maple 1m + 1£

Marten River Prov.Pk. grassy flats and open nil& where Marten River woodscrosses Hwy. 11

10 KID N. of New Lis- old field with some low 3keard behind Thornloe shrub patchesHanbury United Church(Timiskaming Dist.)

Kap-Kip-Iwan Prov.Pk. old fields and open niljust W. of Englehart poplar wood(Temiskaming Dist.)

July 29 9 KID west on Hwy. 66 grassy roadside along nilfrom Hwy. 11 edge of spruce slope



July 29 14 KIn west on Hwy. 66 large open grassy beaver nilfrom Hwy. 11 meadow & around gravel


5 KIn west on Hwy. 66 roadside nilfrom Hwy. 11

Intersection Hwys. 11 old clearing for sawmill 1 mand 66. dry sandy grass and open


Normick Wood Ind. N. sand & rocky clearing & 1 in nilof Hwy. 568 about 2 old right-of-way. 1981KIn. east of Hwy. 11

14 KIn north of Keno- old field - dry grassy 1gami near Arctic slopes.Watershed sign on 11.

23 KIn north of Keno- large old field with 1 m +gami just~N. of Tex- grass & scattered aspen 1 faco stn. on Hwy. 11 ppplars.

intersection Hwy. 11 large pasture fields in 20+ m and f& road 1, Playfair farming area. (10 colI. ofTwp • (35 KIn N. of which 1 m hadKenogami (Cochrane ochre hind-District) wings).

44 KIn north of Keno- large pa~ture field by 9gami 1 KIn south into edge of poplar wood inHwy. 11 & Road 5, farm area.(Hislop Twp.)

2 KIn.S. of Matheslln pasture field. nil

1~ KIn S. of Matheson very large pasture field 1 mnear Great Fire of and creek valley.1916 sign.

4 KIn W. of Matheson large grassy pasture and 5 (1 pair inboth sides Hwy. 101 open poplar & edge young copula)(Cochrane Dist.) poplar wood.

4 KIn north Hwy. 101 large pasture & along 5 m + fon Hwy. 11 edge of alders

S.W. Monteith prison very large pasture and nilfarm at intersection edge of & within openHwys. 577 and 11 poplar wood.

TABLE 2 (continued).



July 29 N.W. Monteith prison large pasture and edge of nilfarm east of Hwy. 11 poplar wood.(16 Km N. of Hwy 101)

Nellie Lake - Hwy. 11 along Hwy., around gravel nilat Kelso Road pit, along road & in old(Cochrane Dist.) clearings, all on sandy

soil with jackpine/poplar

Hwy. 11 at intersec- large old field with niltion Hwy. 67 to Iro- alder & poplar patches.quois Falls

July 30 western outskirts of large old field and edge nilCochrane of alder/poplar woods.

11 Km W. of Cochrane open shrubby fields. nil

23 Km W. of Cochrane spruce bog and WQods. nil

38 Km.W' of Cochrane grassy clearings & edges nilof poplar woods.

Remi Lake boat clearing, roadside, creek nillaunching area valley, open poplar.

July 31 24 Km W. of Hearst grassy clearing & along nilat intersection Hwy. edge of mixed wood.11 & Fushimi L. Rd.

72 Km W. of Hearst open grassy sphagnum bog nil& scrub open spruce wood.

6 Km southeast of along gravel access haul nilintersection Hwys 11 road & clearings aroundand 625 (Thunder Bay gravel pit & grassy driedDistrict) lake bed & edge poplar


Lukinto Lake Road road on sandy esker with nil2 Km north of Hwy. poplar and jackpine.11 (Thunder Bay D.)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4.8 Everes comyntas (Godart) by W.J.D. Eberlie, M.D.

The Eastern Tailed Blue in the Colborne, Ontario (Northumberland Co.)area was more common than usual in the summer of 1982. Many were recorded onAugust 15 and a great many, mostly males, seen on September 12. These wereon a patch of waste land covered with various vetches and clovers, south of


Grafton, Ha1dimand Township, North Co. One week later, on September 19, thebutterfly was still abundant, but mostly females. On this occasion, I wasable to watch a female ovipositing, the egg being embedded between the flo­rets beneath a flower head of A1sike Clover. (Trifolium hybridum). For someyears I have been attempting to get E. comyntas females to oviposit on thevarious clovers, vetches or Bird's Foot Trefmi1 (Lotus corniculatus), butwithout success. I had not tried them on A1sike Clover before, but femalescollected on September 19 did indeed lay many eggs on flower heads of thisclover. I wonder whether the relative abundance of this species in this areathis year may be related to the fact that many local highway verges havebeen seeded with A1sike e10ver?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4.9 Mourning Cloak Tagging Project at Toronto in 1982 by Wm. M. Edmonds

Drom the late summer to early autumn 32 tagged Mourning Cloaks were re­leased among the willows near the base of the Leslie Spit. The tagging methodemployed was the one perfected by Dr. F.A. Urquhart in his work on Monarchmigration. Avery self-adhesive labels (3/8" x 5/8") bearing a number and areturn address proved to be successful if the scales on the disca1 cell ofthe forewing were completely removed.

In the ensuing weeks, three of the tagged Mourning Cloaks were capturedand again released. A fourth was sighted. Two were captured in the same gene­ral release area about a week later. A third was captured two weeks after therelease date about a mile west of the base of Leslie Spit. The labels werestill adhering firmly to the wing membrane. It will be very interesting todetermine if tagged specimens are encountered next spring.

Data from a tagging programme would be helpful in migration studies andwould provide information on the life span.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4.10 Buoterflies in Metro Toronto by John Prideaux

Within the confines of the Metropolitan Toronto Region there are a num­ber of areas of restricted land use designated as "arks and Recreation areas.There are also a number of wood~and localities operated and controlled bythe Metro and Toronto Region Conservation Authority. There are also specialareas associated with Metro Toronto Sewage and other facilities. Toronto hasmany ravine areas and certain other areas which are of interest to lepidop­terists.

During the l~st six years I have been active in searching these areasfor the purpose of surveying the Lepidoptera whieh occur in them. With somespecies such as Colias philodice, Coenonympha inornata and Phyciodes tharos,more than one brood occurs in a season. Some interesting data was obtainedon the spacing of the flight periods seasonally.

A total of 44 species of butterflies were encountered during the sixyears of my survey. Darryl Stewart informed me that he has encountered app.60 species within Metro Toronto. Referring to "The Natural History of theToronto Region" edited by J.H. Faull (pp. 351-354) and published in 1913 bythe Canadian Institute, we see that there are about 73 species listed forthe Toronto Region. Ward's Island is cited as an area with a substantial in­digenous fauna but unfortunately there are few places now on the islandwhere butterflies can breed. This problem of loss of suitable habitat applies


to many parts of the Toronto Region as development proceeds. I can only su­ggest that the administrators of our parks and conservation and other possi­ble areas make a better effort to maintain the remaining habitats. My datais summarized in Table 3 herewith.

TABLE 3. Butterflies Encountered in Toronto 1976-1982.

North Toronto Glendon H:tgh Humber Ward's TaylorSewage Plant Col1~ge Park Valley Island Creek

DANAIDAED. plexippus 76 - 81 76 - 82 80 - 81 81 76 77

SATYRIDAEc. pegala 76, 81 76,77,80 80 - 81 81 ? 77E. anthedon 81 81s. eurydice 77 80M. cyme1a 76, 79, 81 80 - 82 80 - 81 81c. inornata 77, 79, 81 76 - 81 81

NYMPHALIDAEs. aphrodite 76 - 78 77c. b. toddi 78P. tharos 79 76 - 82 80 81 ? 77P. interroga-

tionis 76 - 81 76 - 81 81 76P. comma 81 80N. vau-~lbum 80, 82N. antiopa 76 - 81 76 - 82 80 81 76 ?A. milberti 76, 77v. virginien- 76, 81 81 77

sis 76, 81 81 77v. atalanta 76 - 82 76 - 82 8{) 81B. arthemis 76, 77 76 - 81B. archippus 76, 77, 81 76, 77, 77


H. hyllus 77 80H. titus 80, 81s. acadica 81 76,77,80 80S. edwardsii 81 80 80 - 81 81S. c. falacer 76, 81 81S. liparops 80 80 - 81 81E. comyntas 76,77,<80 80 - 81

\ ,c. 1. ladon 81 80 - 81 76

PAPILIONIDAEP. p. asterius 76 - 81 76,77,80 81P. glaucus 76 - 81 76, 80

PIERIDAEA. rapae 76 - 81 76 - 82 80 - 81 81 76 77c. philodice 76 - 81 76 y 77, 80 - 81 81 ? 77c. eurytheme 76 80 - 82 !(]) 76 77


North Toronto Glendon High Humber Ward's TaylorSewage Plant College Park Valley Island Creek

HESPERIIDAEP. hob01OC)k 76 - 81 80 - 82 80 81T. pglades 80 - 81E. juvenalis 80 80 81A. numitor 76, 77, 81 76 - 81 81T. lineola 76 - 81 76 - 82 80 - 81P. coras 77P. themistocles 78 76,77,80 81P. mystic 80 - 82 80W. otho 76 80 - 81 80 - 81A. logan 80B. r. metacomet 76 - 77 76 - 81 80 81

TABLE 3 (Continued).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4.11 Collections Containing Ontario Lepidoptera

a) Private Collections:

Please refer to the names listed under£the Introduction to all T.E.A.Occasional Publications. This will provide a partial list of such collections.Private collections outside Ontario include those of:

Richard W. Holzman, Royal Oak, Michigan.Mogens Nielsen, Lansing, Michigan. IDana M. Gring, Toledo, Ohio.David K. Parshall, Columbus, Ohio.Dennis A. Currutt, Chesterfield, Ohio.

b) Institutional Collections:


Canadian National Collection, Ottawa, Ontario.Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario.Lyman Entomological Museum, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec.University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario.Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario.University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario.University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.American Museum of Natural History, New York.Point Pelee National Park, Leamington, Ontario.Algonquin Provincial Park Museum, Ontario.Great Lakes Forest Research Centre, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



The 1982 Lepidoptera season in Ontario was notable for weather whichwas cool and wet in June and August, but more favourable in May and July.There was little influx of southern migrants into Ontario in comparison tomany other seasons. Regular migratory species such as Danaus plexippus,Vanessa cardui, Vanessa atalanta and Junonia coenia were mostly in low num­bers or absent in most areas usually reached in Ontario. Resident speciessuch as Colias eurytheme, Polygonia interrogationis, P. comma, P. faunus,P. progne, Nymphalis vau-album j.album and N. antiopa, Aglais milberti andBasilarchia arthemis were absent or at low or very low population levels inmost of their range in Ontario.

However, some butterfly species were noted to be at normal or slightlyabove normal population levels over their Ontario range. These included thefollowing species:- Poanes hobomok, Papilio polyxenes asterius, pterourus g.glaucus, Pterourus troilus, Artogeia rapae, Euchloe ausonides, Euchloe oly~

pia, Colias philodice, Harkenclenus titus, Incisalia augustus, Incisalia ni­phon, Everes comyntas, Everes amyntula, Celastrina ladon, Vanessa virginien­sis, Speyeria atlantis, Clossiana titania grandis, Basilarchia arch~ppus,

Enodia anthedon, Satyrodes eurydice, Megisto cymela, Coenonympha inornata,Cercyonis pegala, Oeneis macounii and Oeneis jutta.

Certain species of butterflies were encountered in new localities andDistricts as follows:- Poanes massasoit in Lambton County (Port Franks),Papilio machaon hudsonianus in the Cochrane District (Moosonee), Epidemiadorcas in Lambton County (Kettle Point, Port Franks), Erora laeta in theParry Sound District (sight record), Everes amyntula in the Timiskaming Dist.(Normick Plant near Kenogami), Speyeria cybele (probably krautwurmi) in theCochrane District (Matheson), Clossiana frigga saga in the Rainy River Dist.(Atikokan), Clossiana freija in the Rainy River District (Atikokan), Basilar­chia archippus in the Rainy River District (Harris Hill) and the CmchraneDistrict (Remi Lake), Libytheana bachmanii in Bruce County (Inverhuron),Satyrodes eurydice in the Cochrane District (Iroquois Falls), Megisto cymelain the Timiskaming District (10 Km north of New, Coenonympha inor­nata in Bruce County (west of Hanover) and Waterloo County (west of New Dmn­dee) and Cercyonis pegala in the Cochrane District (northwest of Matheson).

A number of butterfly species were not encountered in Ontario in 1982,of which a few are worth noting here:- Pontia protodice, Pontia occidentalisand Incisalia irus. The latter species may now be extinct in Ontario.

Lycaeides melissa samuelis was encountered in its two Ontario locali­ties - the St. Williams Forest Nursery area in Norfolk County and the YogiBear locality of the Pinery in Lambton County. The population at the St.Williams locality may be quite low. However, the Yogi Bear locality seems tohave a population level similar to 1981. But it must be noted that the Kar­ner Blue could become extinct in Ontario in the near future if the very lo­cal habitat and foodplant situation is reduced below a viable level by man'sactivities or natural causes - a situation which needs to be addressed assoon as possible.

For those interested in the butterflies of Point Pelee, we would referyou to "Preliminary Annotated List of the Butterflies of Point Pelee Natio­nal Park" by A. Wormington. A copy will be deposited in the T.E.A. Libraryheld in trust by Alan J. Hanks.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



Superfamily HESPERIOIDEA Latreille; Family HESPERIIDAE Latreille;

Subfamily Pyrrhopyginae Mabille

Genus IV: Epargyreus Hubner

2. Epargyreus clarus (Cramer)

a. c. clarus (Cramer) - (TL - Dayton, Rockingham Co., Virginia)

The Silver-spotted Skipper occurs in southern Ontario in suitable locali­ties south of an approx. line drawn from Georgian Bay to Lake Simcoe to Ottawa.In northern Ontario the species has been recorded in the Rainy River - FortFrances area.

In 1982 - Colborne (22) July 13 (1 in garden) (WJDE); Toronto (19) July 1(Bayview/Finch marsh), Cedarbrook Pk. July 11 (on clover flower), High Park Jul.29 (BH); St. Williams (4) July 8 (2 R)(QFH); Leamington (1) July 15-31 (MM); St.Williams (4) July 10 (2)(RR); Toronto (Glendon College) June 27 (l)(JPX); Barrie(35) June 2 (2 along railroad with locust) (MG); Point Pelee (1) May 28 (1 fresh)to September 29 (1 to 15 on July l)(AW).

Genus XVI: Thorybes Scudder

1. Thorybes bathyllus (J.E. Smith) - (TL - Georgia)

In 1982 - Ojibway Park (Windsor) June 26 (8 fairly fresh)(AW).

2. Thorybes pylades (Scudder) - (TL - probably Massachusetts)

In 1982 - Peterborough (37) May 23 (GJD); Toronto (High Park) July 29 (4)(BH); Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (l)(RR).

Genus XXV: Staphylus Godman & Salvin

3. Staphylus hayhurstii (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - vic. Sedalia, Missouri)

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus XXXVII: Erynnis Schrank

1. Erynnis icelus (Scudder & Burgess) - (TL - New England)

In 1982 - Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (several)(DMF); Ingoldsby (39) June 5(2)(BH); Dwight (39) June 5 (east of # 35), Temagami (47) June 12 (1), Latchford(47) June 12 (1), Kirkland Lake (16 miles south of)(50) June 12, Round Lake (50)June 12 (1), Kakabeka Falls (52) June 14 (1), 10 Km west on # 11 from # 17 (52)June 14 (1 fresh), Nym Lake (51) June 15 (2 C), Atikokan (north of at WilliamsonLake)(47) June 16 (6), Whitney (47) June 24 (1), Kenogami (50) July 1 (1 C)(QFH)Cape Chin (32) May 18 (5)(JPX); Halton Co. Forest (17) May 29 (2), Algonquin Pk.(Achray)(47) July 1 (2)(RR).

2. Erynnis brizo (Boisduval & Leconte) - (TL - not stated)

a. b. brizo (Boisduval & Leconte)

In 1982 - no reports.


3. Erynnis juvena1is (Fabricius) - (TL - America, probably Georgia)

a. j. juvena1is (Fabricius)

In 1982 - Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (2)(DMF); Port Cunnington (38) June 5(several), Sparrow Lake Eoad (38) June 6 (1), Pinery (Yogi Bear)(7) June 9 (1),Robinson Tract (17) May 9 (1 fresh)(QFH); Arriss (16) May 26 (1 f)(JPX); HaltonCo. Forest (17) May 29 (4), Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (2), Short Hills (12) June27 (1), Algonquin Park July 4 (1), St. Williams (4) July 10 (l)(RR); PointPelee (1) May 9 (1 fresh)(Paul Jones).

8. Erynnis horatius (Scudder & Burgess) - (TL - New England; Texas)

In 1982 - no reports.

10. Erynnis martia1is (Scudder) - (TL - New Jefferson, Dallas Co., Iowa)

In 1982 - no reports.

14. Erynnis 1uci1ius (Scudder & Burgess) - (TL - New England)

In 1982 - Pinery (Yogi Bear area) (7) June 9 (4}, August 12 (1) (QFH).

15. Erynnis baptisiae (Forbes) - (TL - Woods Hole, Massachusetts)

In 1982 - no reports.

17. Erynnis persius (Scudder) - (TL - New England)

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus XXXVIII: Pyrgus Hubner

1. Pyrgus centaureae (Rambur)

a. c. freija (Warren) - (TL - Labrador)

In 1982 - no reports.

5. Pyrgus communis (Grote) - (TL - Central Alabama)

In 1982 - Cedarvale Ravine (Toronto - Bathurst St. at St. Clair Ave.)middle of July on goldenrod (1 C) (identification by WJDE)(AFW).

Genus XLI: Pholisora Scudder

1. Pho1isora catu11us (Fabricius) - (TL - probably Georgia)

In 1982 - Walpole Island (1) July.23 (1 C on gravel road)(QFH); Pelee Is.(1) July 31 (a few) (TTl); Toronto June 9 (1) (WE); Kingsville (1) July 27 (1fresh)(AW).

Genus XLII: Carterocephalus Lederer

1. Carterocepha1us pa1aemon (Pallas)

a. p. mandan (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Lake Winnipeg)

In 1982 - Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (l)(DMF); Ingoldsby (39) June 5 (2),27 (5)(BH); Hwy. # 117 just east of @ 11 (38) June 4 (1), Sparrow Lake road C(38) June 6 (1), New Dundee (2~ miles N.W. of)(15) June 9 (1), Kirkland Lake (16miles south of) (50) June 12 (1), Kakabeka Falls (52) June 14 (1), Hwy. # 11 at


Hwy. # 17 (52) June 14 (several), Whitney (47) June 24 (1)(QFH); Nipigon (30 Kmwest of)(52) June 13 (several), Thunder Bay (52) June 14 - 17 (TTl); Arriss (16)May 27 (1), June 11 (5), Guelph (Cutter Club) (16) May 29 (4), June 23 (1)(JPX);Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (1)(RR); Katrine (46) June 12 (2), Iroquois Falls (53)July 5 (2 fresh)(GS).

Subfamilr Hesper;;nae Latreille

Genus LVI: Ancyloxypha C.Felder

1. Ancy10xypha numitor (Fabricius) - (TL - eastern U.S.)

In 1982 - Leslie Spit (Toronto) July 15 (several)(DMF); Toronto (Bayviewmarsh) June 20 (2), Markham (Passmore & Neilson roads)(19) June 20 (4), July 1(2), 4 (1), Toronto (Leslie Spit) Sept. 5 (12), 11 (6)(BH); Sarnia (Indian Lineroad)(7) July 23 (2 C), Stratford (14) June 9 (1 C)(QFH); St. Williams (4) July24, Port Burwell (3) July 24 (many)(TTI); Arriss (16) June 11 (2) (JPX); PointPelee (1) Aug. 1 (1)(RR); London (8) Aug. 12 (1), Port Burwell (3) Aug. 21 (GS);Prince Edward Point (23) Sept. 5 (1), Oshawa (Second Marsh) (21) Oct. 2 (1) (JK);Point Pelee (1) first brood May 31 - July 1 (1 to 20 on July 1), second broodJuly 22 - Aug. 28 (1 to 8)(AW).

Genus LVII: Oar;sma Scudder

2. Oarisma garita (Reakirt) - (TL - Rocky Mountains, Colorado)

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus LX: Thymel;cus Hubner

1. Thyme1icus 1ineo1a (Ochsenheimer) - (TL - Germany)

In 1982 - there were no reports of heavy infestations, but the EuropeanSkipper was widespr~ad. Peterborough (37) May 4 (GJD); Northumberland Co. - num­bers seemed reduced but flight period extended much later than usual unttl July31, Grafton (south of)(22) Aug. 15 (possibly a second brood) (WJDE); Go Home Bay(38) June 20, Toronto (Leslie Spit) July 15 - 27 (abundant) (DMF); Bobcaygeon(37) June 26 (Many), Markham (Passmore & Neilson roads) (19) July 1 (many),Toronto (Bayview Marsh) July 1 (many), July 18 (many), Toronto (Reesor & SteelesAve.) July 10 (many), 29 (several), Toronto (Cedarbrobk Park) July 11 (many),Toronto (Leslie Spit) July 25 (several), Aug. 7 (18), 15 (about 24),' Sept. 5 (2),11 (1), Toronto (Morningside Park) July 31 (several), Toronto (Haig Bark) Aug.26 (2)(BH); Marten River bridge (at # 11)(47) June 29 (35+), New Dundee (2~ mi.N.W. of)(15) July 6 (several), Hwy. # 117 at # 11 (38) July 13 (many), AhmicLake (7 Km west on # 124 from # 510)(46) July 14 (several), Dunchurch (46) July14 (a few), McKellar (46) July 14 (several on Rubus blossoms), 4 Km S.W. of(several), Inverhuron Park (32) July 21 (many), Hwy. # 66 (9 Km west of # 11)(50) July 29 (a few), 14 Km west of (a few), Kenogami (50) July 29 (a few), Keno­gami (44 Km north of)(53) July 29 (several), 53 Km north of (53)(several), Math­eson (2 Km south of)(53) July 29 (a few), 4 Km west of (several), Hwy. # 11 (4Km north of # 101) July 29 (several), Monteith (53) July 29 (several), 21 Km N.of Hwy. # 101 on # 11 (53) July 29 (several), Iroquois Falls (53) July 29 (seve­ral), Cochrane (53) July 30 (several), 11 Km west of (several), 38 Km west of(several), Fushimi Lake road at Hwy. # 11 (53) July 31 (many), Hearst (72 Km W.of)(53) July 31 (several on Bog Goldenrod flowers), Rainy River (2 Km north onHwy. # 600)(51) Aug. 2 (a few), Wabigoon (54) Aug. 3 (a few), Ignace (54) Aug. 3


(a few), Marathon (52) Aug. 4 (a few) (QFH); Guelph (Cutten Club) (16) June 23(5), University og Guelph Arboretum June 29 (a few), Guelph (Dairy Bush) July 1(lOO's)(JPX); Point Pelee (1) June 14 - July 10 (1 to 50 on June 23)(AW).

Genus LXI: Hylephila Billberg

1. Hylephi1a phyleus (Drury) - (TL - Antigua)

In 1982 - Point Pelee (1) Sept. 28 (1 fresh)(AW).

Genus LXV: Hesperia Fabricius

3. Hesperia comma (Linnaeus)

a. c. manitoba (Scudder) - (TL - Colorado; Canada)

b. c. laurentina (Lyman) - (TL - Lower St. Lawrence River, Canada)

c. c. borealis Lindsey - (TL - Nairn, Labrador)

In 1982 - Thunder Bay (52) June 14 - 17, Wawa (48) Aug. 6 (several), Al­gonquin Park Aug. 14 (several), Hearst (53) Aug. 5 (3 m), Fushimi Lake (53) Aug.5 (2 m, 1 f) (TTI); Katrine (46) Aug. 2 (3 fresh), 17 (a few fresh) (GS); FiveMile Provincial Park (49) Aug. 19 (several fresh)(DMG).

6. Hesperia leonardus Harris - (TL - Massachusetts)

In 1982 - Algonquin Park Aug. 14 (a few m, 1 f)(TTI); Katrine (46) Aug. 2(1 fresh €), 17 (a few), Miller Lake (32) Aug. 9 (l)(GS); Picton (Macauly Mt. C.A.)(23) Sept. 4 (l)(JK); Five Mile Provo Park (49) Aug. 19 (several fresh)(DMG).

16. Hesperia sassacus Harris - (TL - "Massachusetts")

a. s, sassacus Harris

b. s. manitoboides (Fletcher) - (TL - N~pigon and Sudbury)

In 1982 - Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (1 f)(DMF); Nipigon (30 KID west of)(52) June 13 (3 m)(TTI); Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (1), Short Hills (12) June 27(1) (RR) •

Genus LXVI: Polites Scudder

1. Polites coras (Cramer) - (TL - probably lost)

In 1982 - Peterborough (37) May 3 (GJD); Ipperwash (Lambton Co. road 6)(7) Aug. 9 (1 m C at interdunal wet area) (QFH); Leamington (1) Aug. 12 (2)(MM);Guelph (Dairy Bush)(16) July 1 (4)(JPX); Short Hills (12) June 27 (l)(RR);Goderich (13) July 9, London (8) Aug. 12 (fresh), Port Burwell (3) Aug. 25 (8)(GS); Markham (Passmore & Neilson roads) (19) July 4, 10, Toronto (Bayview marsh)July 18 (copulating pair)(BH); Harrow (1) Sept. 3 (1 fresh), Point Pelee (1)June 7 to 24 (1 to 2)(AW).

2. Polites themistocles (Latreille) - (TL - Amerique meridionale - New ~ork otNew England)

In 1982 - Toronto (Morningside Park) June 11, Ajax (3 miles north of atAudley road) (21) June 12 (several), Bobcaygeon (37) June 26 (a few), Ingoldsby(39) June 27 (a few), Markham (Passmore & Neilson roads) July.4 (several)(BH);Nym Lake Bog (51) June 15 (1), Latchford (50) June 12 (1), New Liskeard (10 KID


north of) (50) June 12 (1), Big Chief Hill (Barrie)(35) July 1 (1) (QFH); Bever­ley Swamp (11) July 24 (1 m)(TTI); Guelph (U. of G. Arboretum)(16) June 29 (4 m+ 1 f), Guelph (Dairy Bush) (16) July 1 (2)(JPX); Goderich (13) June 4-12 (GS).

7. Polites origenes (Fabricius) - (TL - probably New York)

a. o. origenes (Fabricius)

In 1982 - Ojibway Park (Windsor) June 26 (15 fresh) (AW).

8. Polites mystic (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - White Mountains, New Hampshire)

a. m. mystic (W.H. Edwards)

In 1982 - Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (many)(DMF); Ajax (3 miles N. at Aud­ley road)(21) June 12, Bobcaygeon (37) June 26 (a few), Ingoldsby (39) June 27(a few), Markham (Passmore & Neilson roads) (19) July 1 (several), 4 (a few),Toronto (Reesor & Steeles) July 10 (2) (BH); Marten River at Hwy. # 11 (47) June29 (1), Whitney (47) June 24 (1), Hay Swamp (13) July 6 (1), Hwy. # 117 at # 11(38) July 13 (7)(QFH); Beverley Swamp (11) July 24 (2 m)(TTI); Toronto (GlendonHall) June"27 (3 m), Guelph (16) July 1 (several) (JPX); Go Home Bay (38) June20 (2), Algonquin Park (Achray) July 4 (1) (RR); Katrine (46) June 12, Goderich(13) June 14 (GS); Oxley Swamp (1) July 22 (5 fresh)(AW).

Genus LXVII: Wallengren;a Berg

2. Wa11engrenia egeremet Scudder - (TL - Massachusetts)

In 1982 - Peterborough (37) July 16 (GJD); Pinery (Yogi Bear) (7) July 22(1), Ahmic Lake (46) July 14 (l)(QFH); Normandale (~) July 10 (3)(RR); London(8) July 13 (4)(GS); Toronto July 19 (1 m on Dame's Rocket flower)(WE); OjibwayPark (Windsor) June 26 (1 fresh), Point Pelee (1) July 1 - 25 (1 to 8)(AW).

Genus LXVIII: Pompe;us Evans

1. Pompeius verna (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Illinois)

In 1982 - Toronto (Reesor & Steeles road)(19) July 29 (BH); McKellar (46)July 14 (1) (QFH); London (8) July 13 (2)(GS); Ojibway Park (Windsor) June 26 (2fresh) (AW).

Genus LXIX: Atalopedes Scudder

1. Ata10pedes campestris (Boisduval)

b. c. huron (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Illinois)

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus LXX: Atrytone Scudder

2. Atrytone logan (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Lansing, Michigan)

In 1982 - St. Williams (4) July 24 (1 f), Beverley Swamp (11) July 29 (2f worn)(TTI); Pinery Provo Park (7) July 16 (2)(GS).

Genus LXXIII: Poanes Scudder


1. Poanes massasoit (Scudder) - (TL - Carver, Massachusetts)

a. m. massasoit (Scudder)

The Mulberry Wing was reported in Lambton and Essex Counties for thefirst time as far as is known.

In 1978 - Ennsville (25) July 8 (3 f - 1 C flying near sedge)(DMF).In 1982 - Leamington (1) July 18 ( ) (MM); Port Franks (marsh at south

side)(7) Aug. 1 (4 - 2 C) (JEP); Oxley Swamp (1) July 22 (200 fresh), Aug. 7 (1only very worn)(AW).

2. Poanes hobomok (Harris) - (TL - Massachusetts)

a. female f. pocahontas (Scudder)

In 1982 - Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (many, several 'pocahontas' f (DMF);Ingoldsby (39) June 11 (several), Ajax (3 miles N. of at Audley road) (21) June12 (several), Toronto (Bayview marsh) June 12 (a few), 20 (a few), July 1 (afew), Bobcaygeon (37) June 26 (a few), Toronto (Steeles & Reesor roads) July 10(a few), Toronto (Cedarbrook Park) July 11 (4) (BH); St. Wmlliams (4) June 2 (3),Port Cunnington (38) June 5 (several feesh), Sparrow Lake Road C (38) June 6 (3m + 1 f pocahontas), Markham (Passmore & Neilson roads) (19) June 8 (2), Walker­ton (10 Km E. of)(32) June 11 (1), Round Lake (50) June 12 (1), Froome Lake (E.of Matheson) (53) June 13 (2), Kakabeka Falls (52) June 14 (1), Whitney (47) June24 (2), Nellie Lake (53) June 30 (1)(QFH); Leamington (1) (fairly common)(MM);Arriss (16) May 26 (1 m), 27 (1 m), June 1 (1 m), 11 (5), Guelph (Cutten Club)(16) May 29 (3 m), June 23 (4), Guelph (University Arboretum) (16) May 29 (10),June 29 (a few worn), Toronto (Glendon College) June 14 (2), 27 (2), Guelph(Dairy Bush)(16) July 1 (several»JPX); Halton Co. Forest (17) May 29 (1), ShortHills (12) June 27 (1), Algonquin Park (AchrJY) July 1 (4)(RR); Goderich (13)June 1 (fresh), Katrine (46) June 12 (2 f pocaaontas) (GS); Point Pelee (1) May27 (1 m fresh) to June 17 (1 to 4)(AW).

7. Poanes viator (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Illinois & New Orleans, Miss.)

a. v. viator (W.H. Edwards)

In 1982 - Beverley swamp (11) July 24 (1 m, 1 f)(TTI).

G~tius LXXVII: Euphyes Scudder

3. Euphges dion (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Whiting, Lake County, Indiana)

In 1982 - Toronto (East Branch, Don Valley) Aug. 4 (2 m, f)(DMF); Toronto(Bayview marsh) July 18 (a few)(BH); Beverley swamp (11) July 28 (1 m)(TTI); Pt.Pelee (1)(1 Km N.E. Deslaurier) July 20 (8 m + 1 f), 25 (7 f ovipositing on wideleaved sedge)(AW).

4. Euphges dukesi (Lindsey) - (TL - Mobile County, Alabama)

In 1982 a new colony of dukesi was discovered at Point Pelee. Please re­fer to Section 3.19.

In 1982 - Gesto (1) Aug. 1 (3 m worn) (TTI); Oxley Swamp (1) July 22 (18fresh), Aug. 7 (5 not fresh), Point Pelee (1)(1 Km N.E. Deslaurier in wet field)July 20 (1), 25 (3)(this colony found in 1982)(AW).

6. Euphges conspicua (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Lansing, Michigan)

a. c. conspicua (W.H. Edwards)


In 1982 - Oxley Swamp (1) (near Harrow) July 22 (3 fresh)(AW).

9. Euphyes bimacula (Grote & Robinson) - (TL - Atlantic Dist., Philadelphia, PA)

In 1982 - no reports.

10. Euphyes ruricola (Boisduval)

a. r. metacomet (Harris) - (TL - Massachusetts)

In 1982 - Steeles & Reesor road (19) July 10 (2), 29 (several), Toronto(Bayview Marsh) July 18 (several), Toronto (Haig Park) July 29 (several), Aug.12 (1 f on Joe Pye Weed flowers), Toronto (Morningsiee Park), (Col. Danforth Pk)(Sylvan Park) July 31 (a few each), Ingoldsby (39) Aug. 1 (a few)(BH); MartenRiver at Hwy. # 11 (47) June 29 (1), Kenogami (50) July 1 (1), Moori River atHwy. # 69 (46) July 14 (2), Ridout Twp. (Cascade Tree Farm) (38) July 18 (1 onCommon Milkweed flower), New Dundee (4 miles W. of) (15) July 20 (1)1, Pinery Pr.Park (7) July 22 (5), Inverhuron Provo Park (32) July 21 (3), Port Franks (7)July 27 (l)(QFH); Toronto (High Park) July 18, Beverley swamp (11) July 25(TTl); Leamington (1) July 23 (1) (MM); Guelph (16) July 1(1) (JPX) ;, AlgonquinPark (Achray) July 4 (l)(RR); Lambton County July 16 (GSI; Point Pelee (1) July13 (4) (AW); Aug. 1 (1) (RR) •

Genus LXXIX: Atrytonopsis Godman

1. Atrytonops~s hianna (Scudder) - (TL - Quincy & Dorchester, Mass.)

Please refer to Section 3.2. In 1982 - no reports.

Genus LXXX: Amblyscirtes Scudder

8. Amblyscirtes hegon (Scudder) - (TL - Massachusetts & New Hampshire)

In 1982 - no reports.

10. Amblyscirtes vialis (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Western Illinois)

In 1982 - Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (l)(DMF); Dwight (2 miles S.E. of)(39)June 5 (1), Nym Lake (51) June 15 (1), Cochrane (10 Km s. of)(53) June 30 (1)(QFH); Nipigon (30 Km W. of)(52) June 13 (2 m, 2 f, fresh) (TTl); Go Home Bay(38) June 20 (l)(RR).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Superfamily PAPILIONOIDEA Latreille; Family PAPILIONIDAE Latreille

Subfamily Papilioninae Latreille

Genus XCII: Battus Scopoli

1. Battus philenor (Linnaeus) - (TL - 'America')

a. p. philenor (Linnaeus)

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus XCIII: Eurytides Hubner

1. Eurytides marcellus (Cramer) - (TL - America Boreali)


Please refer to Section 3.17. In 1982 - no reports.

Tribe Papilionini Latreille

Genus:XCIV: Papilio Linnaeus

1. Papi1io po1yxenes Fabricius

a. p. asterius Stoll - (TL - New York)

In 1982 - Peterborough (Trent Univ. Wildlife Sanctuary) (37) Oct. 5 (GJD);Toronto (Leslie Spit) late May & Aug. (fairly common) (DMF); Toronto (Scarboro.)June 7 & 8, Leslie Spit July 25 (2), Aug. 7 (5), 15 (5), Sept. 5 (1 m, 1 f), 11,Toronto (Rouge Hills) July 27 (2), Toronto (Steeles & Markham) July 29, Toronto(Morningside Park) July 31 (1 on Wild Bergamot flower), Toronto (Sylvan Park)July 31 (1 on Milkweed flowers), Toronto (Haig Park) Aug. 26 (BH); Markham (Pass­more & Neilson road)(19) June 8 (1), Stratford (14) June 9 (1), Pinery (YogiBear)(7) June 9 (1 f C), Pinery (The Cut)(7) Aug. 12 (1 f), Toronto (LeslieSpit) Sept. 4 (1 m, 1 f worn) (QFH); Leamington-(l) June 18 (1 worn), July 26 (2fresh)(MM); Arriss (16) May 26 (1 f), Guelph (Cutten Club) (16) May 15 (1 m)(JPX)Mississauga (18) May 31 (1), Toronto (Leslie Spit) July 17 (l)(RR); Port Burwell(3) larvae found Aug. 17 (1981), pupated Aug. 23, adults emerged April 24 (1982)Goderich (13) May 15 (1 f fresh), 24 (4), July 24 (1), Aug. 31 (1 f fresh),Pinery Provo Park (7) May 9 (1 f), London (8) July 13 (GS); Barrie (35) May 17(fresh)(MG); Burketon (21) Aug. 18 (6), Brockville (27) Aug. 29 (1 m)(JK): Tor­onto (waterfront) Aug. 15 (10 m, 3 f) (WE); Point Pelee (1) May 19 - Sept. 26 (1to 30 on June 23)(AW).

8. Papi1io machaon Linnaeus

a. m. hudsonianus A.H. Clark - (TL - Kettle Rapids, Manitoba & Hymers, Ont.)

The Old World Swallowtail was reported at Moosonee near the south end ofJames Bay by George Sutton. Alan Wormington encountered two on Shipsands Islandpreviously.

In 1982 - Moosonee (53) July 3 (on Labrador Tea flowers along railroadjust north of Polar Bear Express stop)(GS).

Genus XCV: Heraclides Hubner

2. Herac1ides cresphontes (Cr~mer) - (TL - New York, S. Carolina, Jamaica)

In 1982 - Port Burwell (3) July 8 (l)(QFH); Pelee Island (1) July 31 (2m, 2 f) (TTl); Leamington (1) May 25 (1 fresh - first brood), July 24 (2nd brood)(MM); Point Pelee (1) Aug. 1 (fresh 2nd brood)(RR); Point Pelee (1) first brood

May 20 to June 25 (1 to 4), second brood July 19 to Sept. 2 (1 to 20 on Aug. 2),partial third brood Sept. 11 to 25 (l on most days) (AW) •

Genus XCVI: Pterourus Scopoli

1. pterourus glaucus (Linnaeus) - (TL - "Amer. sept.")

a. g. glaucus (Linnaeus)

b. g. canadensis (Rothschild & Jordan) - (TL - Newfoundland)

Please refer to Section 3.14. In 1982 - (g. canadensis), Atikokan (51)May 25 (first seen), 29 (many)(DHE); Ingoldsby (39) June 5 (several), Bobcaygeon(37) June 26 (4)(BH); Ridout Twp. (Cascade Tree Farm) (38) May 22 (4), Port


Cunnington (38) June 5 (2 m, 2 f), Dwight (2 miles S.E. of)(39) June 5 (3),Sparrow Lake Road C (38) June 6 (3), Pinery (Yogi Bear)(7l June 9 (1 f oviposi­ting), Durham (1 KID E. of)(33) June 11 (1), Sturgeon Falls (5 KID N. of)(47)June 12 (1), Latchford (3 KID S. of)(50) June 12 (4), New Liskeard (10 KID N. of)(50) June 12 (several at Lilac blossoms), Round Lake (S. of Kirkland Lake) (50)June 12 (1), Froome Lake (E. of Matheson) (53) June 13 (3), Kakabeka Falls (52)June 14 (2), Hwy. # 11 at # 17 (52) June 14 (several), Nym Lake (51) June 15(3), Williamson Lake (N. of Atikokan) (51) June 16 (12), Lac la Croix (51) June15 (6), Algonquin Park (Museum) June 24 (3), Opeongo Lake (Algon. Pk.) June 24(several), Nellie Lake (53) July 1 (3), Kenogam~ (50) July 1 (2 worn)(QFH); Al­gonquin Park (Achray) July 4 (l)(RR); Katrine (46) June 12 (many worn)(GS);Shadow Lake (Norland)(36) May 21 (1 melanic)(N. Tremblay); Barrie (35) June 3(l) (MG) •

In 1982 - (g. glaucus), Peterborough (37) June 8 (l)(GJD); Toronto (Mor­ningside Park) July 31 (1), (Sylvan Park) July 31 (1 on Common Milkweed flower)(BH); Zurich (13) May 8 (1 S), Toronto (Armour Hts.) May 28 (1), Courtland (4)June 2 (2), (2 Km S. of)(4)(2 -1 C), St. Williams (4) June 2 (12), Port Burwell(3) July 8 (1), Kettle Point (7) Aug. 11 (1 at Joe Pye Weed flowers)(QFH); Pe­lee Island (1) July 31 (1 black f), Windsor (1) Aug. 1 (1 black f and a few m,f)(TTI); Leamington (1) June 8 (1 fresh), July 1 (larva on cherry)(MM); Guelph(16) July 5 (l)(JPX); Short Hills (12) June 27 (1), St. Williams (4) July 10(l)(RR); Goderich (13) May 21 (1 fresh), June 4 (1), July 9 (7 fresh)(GS); Pt.Pelee (1) first brood May 9 to June 17, second brood July 26 to Aug. 25, possi­bly a third brood Oct. 11 (1 to 3)(melanic f on June 2 at Sleepy Hollow Beach(AW).

6. pterourus troi1us (Linnaeus) - (TL - "Indii's" - error)

a. t. troi1us (Linnaeus)

In 1982 - Langton (3 miles S.E. of)(4) June 2 (1), Pinery (Yogi Bear) (7)June 9 (1 C), St. Williams (4) July 8 (1), Pinery (Yogi Bear) July 22 (1), Wal­pole Island (1) July 23 (3)(QFH); St. Williams (4) June 27 (2 m), Pinery (TheCut)(7) July 25 (1 m, 2 f) (TTI); Leamington (1) May 25 (first seen), July 20(second brood)(MM); St. Williams (4) July 10 (2)(RR); Lambton Co. (7) July 16(l)(GS); Point Pelee (1) first brood May 23 to June 22, second brood July 24 toAug. 25, possible third brood Sept. 28 (1 to 6)(AW).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Family PIERIDAE Duponchel; Subfamily Pierinae Duponchel

Genus CI: Pontia Fabricius

3. Pontia protodice (Boisduval & Leconte) - (TL - probably Screven Co. Georgia)

In 1982 - no reports (see next species)

4. Pontia occidenta1is (Reakirt)

a. o. occidenta1is (Reakirt) - (TL - Rocky M,s., Colorado)

The Western White can be separated from P. protodice by its more regularmarkings and definitely charcoal gray dark colour. In the males the FW submar­ginal band is fully connected and forms an arc. It is connected to the marginaltriangles by dark dusting along the veins. In the females the band is wide,well-develpped, and fully connected through cell Cul-Cu2. In both sexes the VHW


is heavily dusted along the veins and shows submargin~l dark chevrons in thecells. P. protodice is separated by the lighter FW apical markings in the malesand the less uniform FW submarginal markings in the females. Normally the dark

,markings in the females are distinctly brownish, while they are pure charcoalgray in occidenta1is. In the males the marginal triangular markings are not con­nected to the submarginal band along the veins as they are in occidenta1is. TheVHW may be immaculate to veined moderately in yellow-green, while occidenta1isalways exhibits moderate-to-heavy green veining.

Refer to page 150-151 of 'Butterflies of the Rocky Mountain States' 1980by Clifford D. Ferris and F. Martin Brown.

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus CII: Artogeia Verity

1. Artogeia napi (Linnaeus)

a. n. oleracea (Harris) - (TL - Northern &western Massachusetts)

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May 24 (several)(DHE); New Dundee (1 mile W. of)(15) May 9 (2), Port Cunnington (38) June 5 (several), Durham (1 Km E. of)(33)June 11 (1), Williamson Lake (N. of Atikokan) (51) June 16 (1 C, 1 S), Hwy. 117at 11 (38) July 13 (1 C, 1 S), Cecebe Lake (46) July 14 (2 C), Hwy. 66 (5 Km W.of 11)(50) July 29 (1 fresh), Oliphant (32) July 21 (l)(QFH); Arriss (16) May12 (l)(JPX); Algonquin Park (Achray) July 4 (1), Georgetown (Niagara Escarp.)(17) July 11 (1 S)(RR); Goderich (13) May 14-June 4 (spring form), July 9-Aug.1 (2nd brood), Aug. 31-Sept. 8 (3rd brood??) (GS).

2. Artogeia virginiensis (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Kanawha Dist., W. Virginia)

In 1982 - Halton Co. Forest (Robinson Tract, E. boundary)(17) May 9(several - RSO(QFH); Halton Co. Forest (17) May 29 (1 S)(RR).

3. Artogeia rapae (Linnaeus) - (TL - Sweden)

In 1982 - Scarborough (19) May 9 (first seen)(BH); Zurich (13) May 8 (1)Cecebe Lake (46) July 14 (1), Ahmic Lake (46) July 14 (1 C), Dunchurch (46)July 14 (2), Ridout Twp. (38) July 18 (1), Oliphant (32) July 21 ($), New Lis­keard (10 Km N. of)(50) July 28 (1), Mattice (53) July 30 (2 in garden), RainyRiver (2 Km N. on Hwy. # 660)(53) Aug. 1 (6), Kapuskasing (53) July 30 (l)(QFH)Guelph (Cutten Club) (16) May 3 (m, f), Cape Chin (32) May 18 (10+) (JPX); PointPelee (1) May 2 to Sept. 29 (2 to 300 on Aug. 2)(AW).

Genus CIII: Ascia Scopoli

1. Ascia monusee (Linnaeus) - (TL - possibly 'Surinam')

In 1982 - no reports.

Subfamily Anthocharinae Tutt

Genus CV: Euchlee Hubner

1. Euch10e ausonides (Lucas) - (TL - probably near San Francisco)

e. a. mayi F. & R. Chermock - (TL - Riding Mts., Manitoba)

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May 16 (first seen), common in open areas - air­port, along railroads, etc., by May 22 (DHE); Kakabeka Falls (52) June 14 (1),


(QFH); Thunder Bay (52) June 14-17, Nipigon (20 Km N. of)(52) June 18 (many)(TTl).

4. Euch10e olympia (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Coalburgh, W. Virginia)

l!I!.f. "rosa" (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Western Texas)

In 1982 - Pinery (7) May 8 (2)(QFH); Magnetewan River road (46) May 15,16 (MG); Pinery Provo Park (7) May 2 (3), 9 (6)(GS).

Subfamily Coliadinae Swainson

Genus CVIII: Colias Fabricius

1. Co1ias phi10dice Godart - (TL - Virginia)

a. p. phi10dice Godart

In 1982 - Ingoldsby (39) June 5 (first seen)(BH); Barrie (35) May 27 (1)June 2 (l)(MG); Sparrow Lake Road C (38) June 6 (1 m on Trefoil flower), Walk­erton (10 Km E. of)(32) June 11 (1), Hay swamp (13) July 6 (1), Hwy. 66 at 14Km W. of # 11 (50) July 29 (1 white f), Matheson (4 Km W. of) July 29 (1 m). 6Km S.E. of Hwy. 625 and 11 (52) July 31 (1 C), Rainy River (6 Km N. of on 600)(51) Aug. 2 (1), 2 Km W. on Hwy. 600 from 617 (51) Aug. 2 (l f fresh C), NestorFalls (7 Km N. of on Hwy. 71)(54) Aug. 2 (1 m C), Toronto (Leslie Spit) Sept. 4(4 - 2 white ) (QFH); Leamington (1) May to Sept. (common) (MM); Arriss (16) May26 (1 m), Toronto (Glendon ColI.) June 14 (1) (JPX); Katrine (46) Aug. 17 (2),Port Burwell (3) Aug. 23, Goderich (13) Aug. 25 - Sept. 8 (GS); Picton (23)Sept. ~ (many in old field), Oshawa (21) Oct. 30 (4), Burketon (21) Aug. 16-19(4), Aug. 23-27 (a few), Aug. 31 (many), Sept. 10 (many), Prince Edward Point(23) Sept. 5 (35+)(JK); Point Pelee (1) May 6 to Sept. 29 (1 to 15)(AW).

2. Co1ias eurytheme Boisduval - (TL - "toute de Californie")

In 1982 - Peterborough (37) Oct. 3 (1 pale with exceptional green suffu­sion underneath)(GJD); Scarborough (19) June 21 (first seen)(BH); Prince EdwardPoint (nr. Picton)(23) Sept. 5 (7 on gravel beach), Oshawa (21) Sept. 8 (12),Port Perry (21) Sept. 18 (JK); Pinery (The Cut) (7) Aug. 12 (2 f), Toronto (Les­lie Spit) Sept. 4 (10 - pair in copula), Walpole Island (1) July 23 (1 f),Toronto (Brooke at Avenue Rd.) Oct. 25 (1 white f) (QFU); Leamington (1) May toSept. (common)(MM); Toronto (Glendon Hall) May 9 (1), June 27 (several f inclover field)(JPX); Goderich (13) Aug. 25 - Sept. 8 (GS); Amherstburg (1) Nov.7 (1 fresh), Point Pelee (1) May 8 (1 m fresh) to Nov. 2 (1 to 80 on Sept. 29)(AW) .

12. Co1ias gigantea Strecker - (TL - west coast of Hudson Bay above Fort York)

a. g. gigantea Strecker

In 1982 - no reports.

13. Co1ias pe1idne Boisduval & Leconte - (TL - N.E. coast of Labrador)

a. p. pe1idne Boisduval & Leconte

In 1982 - no reports.

14. Co1ias interior Scudder - (TL - North shore of Lake Superior)

a. i. interior Scudder


In 1982 - Kenogami (50) July 1 (1 fresh), (14 Km N. of) July 29 (2 f),North Bay (19 Km N. of)(47) July 28 (1 f on Pearly Everlasting flower), Hwy. 66at Hwy. 11 (50) July 29 (w m), Kenogami (Normick Plant) (50) July 29 (4 f - 2 C)(23 Km N. of)(53) July 29 (1 f), Matheson (2 Km s. of)(53) July 29 (1 f), Coch­rane (23 Km W. of) (53) July 30 (2 f C), 6 Km. S.E. of Hwy. 625 & 11 (52) July31 (2 f C), Marathon (Hwy. 626 at 11)(52) Aug. 4 (3 f C) (QFH); Thunder Bay (52)July 14-17, Wawa (48) Aug. 6 (several), Algonquin Park Aug. 14 (several worn)(TTl); Algonquin Park (Achray) July 4 (4) (RR); Iroquois Falls (53) July 4-6 (5)(GS).

15. Colias palaeno (Linnaeus) - (TL - Uppsala, Sweden)

a. p. chippewa W.H. Edwards

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus CIX: Zerene Hubner

2. Zerene cesonia (Stoll) - (TL - Georgia)

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus CXI: Phoebis Hubner

1. Phoebis sennae (Linnaeus) - (TL - "Jamaica")

8. s. eubule (Linnaeus) - (TL - probably Charleston, S. Carolina)

In 1982 - no reports.

2. Phoebis philea (Johansson) - (TL - probably Surinam)

a. p. philea (Johansson)

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus CXIV: Eurema Hubner

3. Eurema mexicana (Boisduval)

In 1982 - no reports.

(TL - Mexico)

Genus CXV: Pyrisitia Butler

2. Pyrisitia lisa (Boisduval & Leconte) - (TL - United States)

a. 1. lisa (Boisduval & Leconte)

In 1980 - Darlington Provo Park (21) Sept. 20 (l)(JK).

Genus CXVI: Abaeis Hubner

1. Abaeis nicippe (Cramer) - (TL - Virginia)

In 1982 - no reports. Please refer to Section 3.1~.

Genus CXVII: Nathalis Boisduval

1. Nathalis iole Boisduval - (TL - Mexico)

In 1982 - no reports.


Family LYCAENIDAE Leach; Subfamily Miletinae Corbet

Genus CXVII: Feniseca Grote

1. Feniseca tarquinius (Fabricius) - (TL - in "Indiis")

a. t. tarquinius (Fabricius)

In 1982 - Williamson Lake (N. of Atikokan) (51) June 16 (1 dead on road)(DHE); Beverley swamp (11) July 24 (1 m), 29 (1 m)(TTI); Thunder Bay (52) endof July - first week of August (many) (JPW).

Subfamily Lycaeninae Leach

Genus CXIX: Lycaena Fabricius

1. Lycaena ph1aeas (Linnaeus)

a. p. americana Harris - (TL - Massachusetts)

In 1982 - Ajax (3 miles N. at Audley road)(21) June 12 (6) (BH); St. Wil­liams (4) June 2 (1 in open area), Hwy. 117 at 11 (38) June 5 (1 in open area)(QFH); Harrow (1) June 15 (1 on Clover flower)(MM); St. Williams (4) July 10(3) (RR); Katrine (46) June 12 (1 fresh), Aug. 17-19 (fewer than in 1981)(GS);Ojibway Park (Windsor) Aug. 7 (1 at edge of Park)(JEP).

Genus CXX: Gaeides Scudder

1. Gaeides xanthoides (Boisduval) - (TL - Mts. of California)

The Great Gray Copper ranges from Manitoba west to Oregon and Baja Calif.John Prideaux has a specimen in his cmllection which he collected just east ofKenora. Please refer to Section 3.13.

In 1979 - Kenora (just E. of at Hwy. 17 & 71)(54) July 29 (1) (JPX).

Genus CXXI: Hyllolycaena Miller & Brown

1. Hy1101ycaena hy11us (Cramer) - (TL - unknown)

In 1982 - Toronto (Waterfront) Sept. 5 (a few - 1 f just emerged)(WE);Oshawa (Second Marsh) (21) Oct. 8 (2 f) (DMF); Toronto (Leslie Spit) Sept. 5 (4),Sept. 11 (3 on Goldenrod flowers), Pickering (Corner Marsh) (19) Sept. 12 (1 m),19 (1 f) (BH); Picton (23) Sept. 4 (pair in copula), Prince Edward Point (23)Sept. 5 (1 on Sweet Clover flower), Port Perry (21) Sept. 18 (2 on Aster flower)Oshawa (Second Marsh) (21) Oct. 2 (5 in wet meadow) (JK); Harrow (1) June 15 (1on Clover flower)(MM); Oshawa (20) Oct. 8 (2)(RR); Goderich (13) June 14 (2 f),Aug. 11-19 (uncommon), London (8) Aug. 12 (4 fresh), Port Burwell (3) Aug. 23,25 (GS); Point Pelee (1) July 5 (1 f worn at N. Dike)(AW).

Genus CXXIII: Epidemia Scudder

1. Epidemia epixanthe (Boisduval & Leconte) - (TL - New Harmony, Indiana)

a. e. epixanthe (Boisduval & Leconte)

c. e. michiganensis (Rawson) - (TL - Proud Lake, Oakland Co., Michigan)

In 1982 - 23 Km W. of Cochrane (53) July 30 (12 in bog area, 3 on BogGoldenrod flowers), 72 Km W. of Hearst (53) July 31 (1 C in grassy bog)(QFH).


2. Epidemia dorcas (W. Kirby) - (TL - The Pas, Manitoba)

a. d. dorcas (W. Kirby)

Please refer to Sections 3.3 and 4.2.In 1982 - Kettle Point (off Centre Street - 1 Km from Lake Huron in fen

area)(7) Aug. 11 (3 SC at P. fructicosa), Ipperwash (7)(just N. of Lambton Co.Road 6) Aug. 11 (1 C in interdunal wetland at P. fructicosa), Pinery (The Cutat Old River) (7) Aug. 11 (1 S near P. fructicosa), Pinery Provo Park (7) Aug.11 (checked P. fructicosa stands at Burley Campgrounds but no dorcas were en­countered), Port Franks (7) (checked marsh area with P. fructicosa just to thesouth but no dorcas seen Aug. 11), J. Pilkington advised that he checked thesame area on Aug. 1 and no dorcas seen. He advised that Paul Pratt saw a few inthis area in the second week of July; S. Sauble Beach (32) Ruly 21 (3 m fresh)(QFH); Inverhuron Provo Park (32) Aug. 4 (GS).

3. Epidemia he110ides (Boisduval) - (TL - San Francisco, California)

In 1953 - Toronto (Don Valley near Pottery Road) July 24 (1 collected ondry mound and in my collection)(WE).

In 1982 - no reports.

Subfamily Theclinae Swainson

Genus CXXXI: Harkenclenus dos Passos

1. Harkenc1enus titus (Fabricius) - (TL - Newfoundland)

a. t. titus (Fabricius)

In 1982 - Go Home Bay (38) July 18 (1 m, 1 f) (DMF); Donald (39) Aug. 1(BH); Inverhuron Provo Park (32) July 21 (1 SC), Pinery Provo Park (7) July 22(1 on A. tuberosa flower), Bluewater Beach (35) July 14 (1 C), Port Franks (7)July 22 (3 SC on A. tuberosa flowers) (QFH); St. Williams (4) July 24 (1 m)(TTI);Guelph (University Arboretum) (16) June 29 (l)(JPX); Goderich (13) July 8 (3), 9(6)(GS).

Genus CXXXII: Satyrium Scudder

3. Satyrium acadica (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - London, Ontario)

a. a. acadica (W.H. Edwards)

d. a. watrini (Dufrane) - (TL - Saskatchewan)

A description of the occurrence of these two subspecies in Ontario is ggiven in TEA Dec. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 40.

In 1982 - Toronto (Centre Island) Aug. 14 (a few - pair in copula) (WE);Toronto (Leslie Spit) July 22-29 (6 fresh)(DMF); Toronto (Bayview Marsh) July18 (3), (Sylvan Park) July 31 (4 on Milkweed flowers), (Leslie Spit) Aug. 7 (1on Lamb's Quarter flower)(BH); Moon River (near Hwy. 69)(46) July 14 (4 - 2 C),Inverhuron Provo Park (32) July 21 (2 on White Sweet Clover flowers)(QFH); Tor­onto (Centee Island) July 18 (4 m)(TTI); Harrow (1) July 11 (1) (MM); Goderich(13) July 9-19 (common), Katrine (46) Aug. 2 (few)(GS); Point Pelee (1) July 9(3 - N.E. of Tilden's), 12 (1 - N.E. of Tilden's) (AW).

6. Satyrium edwardsii (Grote & Robinson) - (TL - London, Ontario)

In 1982 - Toronto (High Park) July 29 (2)(BH); Port Franks (7) July 22


(2 C on A. tuberosa flowers), Pinery Provo Park (7) July 22 (2 C on A. tuberosaflowers)(QFH); Lambton Co. (7) July 16, 27 (GS); St. Williams (4) July (some inone area with oak)(WWG).

7. Satyrium ca1anus (Hubner)

b. C. fa1acer (Godart) • borealis (Lafontaine) - (TL - Brittania Pk. Ottawa)

In 1982 - Go Home Bay (38) July 18 (1 fresh)(DMF); McKellar (46) July 14(2 on Common Milkweed flowers) (QFH); Leamington (1) June 7 (3) (MM); Big Creek(4) July 10 (2)(RR); Lambton Co. (7) July 16 (2)(GS); Point Pelee (1) July 1(2 fresh), 6 (1), 9 (8), 21 (1 worn), 22 (1 worn)(AW).

8. Satyrium caryaevorum (McDunnough) - (TL - Merivale, Ontario)

In 1982 - Leamington (1) June 7 (l)(MM); London (8) July 13 (strong col­ony, many worn)(GS).

10 Satyrium 1iparops (Leconte)

b. 1. strigosum (Harris) - (TL - Massachusetts)

c. 1. f1etcheri (Michener & dos Passos) - (TL - Manitoba)

In 1982 - (strigosum) - Colborne (22) July 18-25 (4 adults seen daily ingarden) (WJDE); Toronto (Bayview Marsh) July 18 (2), (Steeles & Reesor road)July 29 (1 on Joe Pye Weed), (Sylvan Park) Jilily 31 (1 on Milkweed flower)(BH);McKellar (46) July 14 (1 on Common Milkweed flowers), Inverhuron Provo Park(32) July 21 (1 C)(QFH); Pinery (The Cut)(7) July 25 (1 f)(TTI); Leamington (1)July 25 (l)(MM); Algonquin Park (Achray) July 1 (l)(RR); Goderich (13) July 8(1), 10, Aug. 11 (worn), Lambton Co. (7) July 16 (l)(GS); Bronte (17) July 17(1 fresh), Point Pelee (1) July 13 (1 worn), 24 (1 not fresh)(AW).

In 1982 - (f1etcheri) - Lukinto Lake road (52) July 31 (1 C sitting on apoplar leaf)(QFH).

Genus CXLIV: Mitoura Scudder

9. Mitoura gryneus (Hubner)

a. g. gryneus (Hubner)

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus CXLVII: Incisalia Scudder

1. Incisa1ia augustus (W. Kirby) - (TL - Cumberland House, Saskatchewan)

a. a. augustus (W. Kirby)

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May 16 (1), 25 (several) (in open stag sprucebog) (DHE); Nobel (3 miles N. of )(46) May 15, 16 (many)(MG); Kakabeka Falls(52) June 14 (several), Hwy. 17 at 11 (52) June 14 (several in dry opening),Williamson Lake (N. of Atikokan) (51) June 16 (several in open bog) (QFH); Thun­der Bay (52) June 14, 17 (worn) (TTl); Pinery Provo Park (7) May 2 (1), 9 (3)(GS).

3. Incisa1ia po1ios Cook & Watson - (TL - Lakehurst, New Jersey)

a. p. po1ios Cook & Watson

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May 16 (l)(DHE); Nobel (3 miles N. of)(46) May


15, 16 (20)(MG); Pinery Provo Park (7) May 2 (1 f), 9 (more common than augus­tus) (GS) •

4. Incisa1ia irus (Godart) - (TL - America)

a. i. irus (Godart)

In 1982 - no reports. This species was last reported in Ontario near St.Williams in 1979.

5. Incisa1ia henrici (Grote & Robinson) - (TL - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

a. h. henrici (Grote & Robinson)

In 1982 - St. Williams (4) May 9 (1 m)(TTI).

7. Incisa1ia niphon ~Hubner)

b. n. clarki T.N. Freeman - (TL - Constance Bay, Ontario)

In 1982 - Atikokan (French Lake) (51) May 14 (first seen), Atikokan (51)May 16 (several) (DHE); St. Williams (4) June 2 (1), Hwy. 11 at 17 (52) June 14(a few), Williamson Eake (N. of Atikokan) (51) June 16 (niphon/eryphon commonalong bushroad) (QFH); Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (1) (RR).

8. Incisa1ia eryphon (Boisduval) - (TL - California)

a. e. eryphon (Boisduval)

b. e. she1tonensis F. Chermock & Frechin - (TL - Shelton, Washington)

For a description of the occurrence in Ontario of these two subspecies,please refer to T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 43.

In 1982 - (please refer to niphon above); Atikokan (51) May 22 (several)(QFH) •.

Genus CXLIX: Euristrymon Clench

2. Euristrymon ontario (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Port Stanley, Ontario)

a. o. ontario (W.H. Edwards)

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus CLI: Parrhasius Hubner

1. Parrhasius m-a1bum (Boisduval & Leconte) - (TL - Georgia)

Please refer to Section 3.12. The White M Hairstreak is a rare visitorto southern Ontario. Alan Wormington advises two specimens were collected at Pt.Pelee on Aug. 31, 1960 (R.W. Holzman) and a third at Essex (1) Sept. 11, 1960(D.M. Wood). One of these specimens was deposited in the C.N.C. by AW.

Genus CLII: Strymon Hubner

1. Strymon me1inus Hubner

b. m. humu1i (Harris) - (TL - Massachusetts)

In 1982 - Leamington (1) July 25 (l)(MM); Point Pelee (1) July 24 (1),Aug. 28 (1 very fresh), Sept. 2 (1 very fresh), 26 (1 very fresh), Oct. 9 (1fresh) (AW).


Genus CLIII: Erora Scudder

1. Erora 1aeta (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - London, Ontario)

In 1982 - Port Cunnington (38) June 5 (checked cottage road along DwightBay where 1aeta was encountered in May, 1976 and 1978. Please refer to Section4.6. of T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 10-79. None were seen) (QFH); Nobel (3 miles N. of)(46) May 15 (possible sighting of 1aeta on wet Magnetewan River Road near Hwy.124 - description checked out O.K.)(MG).

Genus CLIX: Everes Hubner

1. Everes comyntas (Godart} - (TL - North America)

a. c. comyntas (Godart)

Please refer to Section 4.8. In 1982 - Grafton (S. of)(22) Aug. 15 (many)Sept. 12 (very many, mostly males in wasteland with clover and vetches), Sept.19 (many, mostly females - see Section 4.8) (WJDE); Toronto (Bayview Marsh) June20 (1 f), (High Park) July 29 (1 f on Wild Pea leaf), (Haig Park) Aug. 12 (1 m)(BH); Walpole Island (1) July 23 (1 C), Pinery (The Cot) (7) Aug. 12 (2 C) (QFH);Pickering (Cranberry Bog Nature Reserve) (21) Sept. 19 (1 m fresh)(DES); Leaming­ton (1) Aug. 1 (l)(MM); Port Burwell (3) Aug. 23-25 (a few)(GS); Ivy Lea (HillIsland)(28) Aug. 28 (2 in dry upland meadow) (JK); Point Pelee (1) May 10 (seve­ral fresh), 11 (1), May 26 to June 22 (nil), second brood June 24 (3) to July 5(1 worn), third and fourth broods July 29 (1 fresh) to Sept. 10 (l)(AW).

2. Everes amyntu1a (Boisduval)

c. a. a1brighti Clench - (TL - King's Hill, Montana)

In 1982 - Nipigon (30 Km W. of)(52) June 13 (1 m)(TTI); Kakabeka Falls(52) June 14 (several), Hwy. 11 at 17 (52) June 14 (several), Kenogami (nearNormick Mill) (50) July 1 (1 SC in dry opening at edge of brush - first recordfor Temiskammng Dist. as far as is known)(QFH); Moosonee (53) July 3 (4)(GS).

Genus CLX: Celastrina Tutt

1. Ce1astrina 1adon (Cramer)

a. 1. 1ad~n (Cramer) = pseudargio1us (Boisduval & Leconte) - (TL - U.S.)

vio1acea (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Coalburgh, W. Virg.)

b. 1. lucia (W. Kirby) - (TL - perhaps Cumberland House, Manitoba)

marginata (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - New York etc •• )

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May 15 (common)(DHE); Toronto (Leslie Spit) Aug.early Sept. (several)(DMF); Ajax (3 miles N. of at A~dley Rd.)(21) June 12 (1m), Toronto (Bayview Marsh) June 20 (2 f), (Thomson Park) Aug. 13 (1 m), Hali­burton (39) Aug. 1 (2 m)(BH); Halton Co. Forest (E. Boundary Robinson Tract)(17) May 9 (14 m, 1 f), Ridout Twp. (Cascade Tree Farm) (38) May 22 (2), St.Williams (4) June 2 (1), Port Cunnington (38) June 5 (2), Dwight (2 miles S.E.of)(39) June 4 (2), Pinery (Yogi Bear) (7) June 9 (4), Holmesville (13) June 10(1), Cochrane (23 Km w. of) July 1 (1 m, 1 f), Williamson Lake (N. of Atikokan)(51) June 16 (5), Algonquin Park (East Gate) June 24 (1 m, 1 fC), Hay Swamp(13) Aug. 9 (10), Kettle Point (7) Aug. 9 (2), Pinery (Yogi Bear) (7) Aug. 12(1), Rattlesnake Point (Derry Rd.)(17) Aug. 14 (l)(QFH); Leamington (1) April18 (many) (MM); Guelph (Cutten Club) (16) May 2 (4 m), 5 (1), 6 (2), 7 (5 m), 15


(m, f), 16 (2), 21 (2 m 4 f), (University Arboretum) (16) May 2 (4 m, 1 f), 3(1 m), 5 (4), June 29 (1), Arriss (16) May 11 (12 m + f), 12 (6 m, 1 f), 13 (6),26 (1 m + 2 f), Cape Chin (32) May 18 (30+ m & f) (JPX); Algonquin Park July 2(l)(RR); Goderich (13) May 14 (8), 17 (first f), 21, Port Burwell (3) Aug. 23 ­25 (a few)(GS); Point Pelee (1) April 24 (several)(JEP); Point Pelee mid Maynone, June 13 (start of second brood), June 14 to Aug. 2 (5 - 50), Sept. 12 (1 ­very fresh), Sept. 29 (2 fresh) (AW).

Genus CLXIV: Glaucopsyche Scudder

2. G1aucopsyche 1ygdamus (Doubleday)

b. 1. couperi Grote - (TL - Anticosti Island, Quebec)

d. 1. 1ygdamus (Doubleday) - (TL - pine forests of Georgia)

Subspecies 1ygdamus may be applicable to southern Ontario records forBrant and Essex Counties but this needs confirmation. The Essex Co. (Pt. Pelee)specimen, a female collected June 20, 1981 (A.R. Westwood) is in the CNC.

In 1982 - Bobcaygeon (37) June 26 (1 f)(BH); Sturgeon Falls (5 Km N. of)(47) June 12 (2), Latchford (1 Km S. of)(5~) June 12 (3), New Liskeard (10 KmN. of)(50) June 12 (1), Kirkland Lake (10 Km S. of at Round Lake) (50) June 12(4), Froome Lake (E. of Matheson) (53) June 13 (4), Driftwood (53) June 13 (sev­eral), Hwy. 17 at 11 (52) June 14 (several), Nym Lake (51) June 15 (2 C), Coch­rane (10 Km S. of)(53) June 30 (2)(QFH); Nipigon (30 Km W. of)(52) June 13(several fresh)(TTI); Cape Chin (32) May 18 (3)(JPX); Katrine (46) June 12 (4),Iroquois Falls (53) July 4 - 6 (several)(GS).

Genus CLXV: Lycaeides Hubner

1. Lycaeides argyrognomon (Bergstrasser)

e. a. scudderi (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - mouth of Saskatchewan River, Manitoba)

1. a. nabokovi Masters - (TL - 13 miles north of Two Harbours, Lake County,Minnesota)

Please refer to Lep. Soc. Journal 36 "3", 1982, 233-234.In 1982 - Hwy. 625 at 11 (6 Km S.E. of)(52) July 31 (2 C in open spruce

with caribou lichens)(QFH).

2. Lycaeides melissa (W.H. Edwards)

a. m. samue1is Nabokov - (TL - Karner, New York)

For 1982 data please refer to Section 4.3. The 1982 population may be be­low normal at St. Williams and about the same as 1980 & 1981 at the Pinery (YogiBear) locality, especially the summer brood.

In 1982 - St. Williams (4) Wodek W. Gregory advises that the Karner Bluepopulatmon at the Forest Nursery locality was less than in 1981; St. Williams(4) June 2 (3 m)(QFH); St. Williams (4) July 12 (8 - 2nd brood)(WWG); Pinery(The Cut)(7) July 25 (1 m at south bank) (TTl); Pinery (Yogi Bear) (7) July 16(counted 60+ adults at 2 main localities - mostly male, some female, fresh, withscattered adults in surrounding areas) (GS); Pinery (Yogi Bear)(7) June 9 (6 m, 1f), 22 (3 m), Aug. 12 (1 m)(QFH).

Genus CLXVI: Plebejus Kluk

1. P1ebejus saepio1us (Boisduval)


a. s. amica (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Mackenzie River, N.W.T.)

In 1982 - Cochzane (10 Km S. of)(53) June 30 (l)(QFH); Moosonee (53)July 3, Iroquois Falls (53) July 4-6 (several)(GS).

Genus CLXX: Agriades Hubner

1. Agriades frank1ini (Curtis) = aqui10 and glandon (both Palaearctic)

b. f. 1acustris (T.N. Freeman) - (TL - Norway House, Manitoba)

In 1982 - no reports.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Family LIBYTHEIDAE Boisduval

Genus CLXXVIII: Libytheana Michener

1. Libytheana bachmanii (Kirtland) - (TL - northern Ghio)

a. b. bachmanii (Kirtland)

In 1982 - Inverhuron Provo Park (32) July 21 (1 on White Sweet Cloverblossoms at side of sand pit edge of park)(QFH); Pelee Island (1) July 31 (1 m)(TTl); London (8) July 13 (1 at mud puddle) (GS); Leamington (1) July 26 (l)(MM)Point Pelee (1) July 1 (1), 5 (1), 8 (1), 9 (2), 10 (1), July 20 (1), 29 (12),31 (3), Aug. 1'(2), 2 (4), 20 (8),25 (3), Sept. 2 (1), 28 (1) (AW).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Family NYMPHALIDAE Swainson; Subfamily Argynninae Blanchard

Genus CLXXXV: Euptoieta Doubleday

1. Euptoieta claudia (Cramer) - (TL - Jamaica)

In 1982 - no reports.

Genus CLXXXVI: Speyeria Scudder

2. Speyeria cybe1e (Fabricius) - (TL - New York County, New York)

a. c. cybe1e (Fabricius)

C. c. krautwurmi (Holland) - (TL - Les Cheneaux, Mackinac Co., Michigan)

d. c. pseudocarpenteri (F. & R. Chermock) - (TL - Sand Ridge, Manitoba)

Please refer to T.E.A. Occ. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 46. Speyeria cybe1e was re­corded in the Cochrane District for the first time as far as is known.

In 1982 - Toronto (E. Branch Don River) Aug •• (l)(DMF); Markham (Pass­more & Neilson Rd.)(19) July 4, (Steeles & Reesor Rd.) Jmly la, Bobcaygeon (37)Aug. 14 (on Joe Pye Weed flower)(BH); Hay Swamp (near Zurich)(13) July 6 (10),St. Williams (4) July 8 (2), Cecebe Lake (46) July 14 (1), (2 Km W. of) 14 (1),Dunchurch (46) July 14 (1 f), McKellar (4 Km S.W. of)(46) July 14 (2 m), MoonRiver (near Hwy. 69) July 14 (8 m), Ridout Twp. (Cascade Tree Farm) (38) July 18(1 m on Common Milkweed flowers), Inverhuron Provo Park (32) July 21 (2), Sarnia(7) July 23 (3), Walpole Island (1) July 23 (2), Matheson (2 Km S. of)(53) July29 (1 f C at edge of young poplar woods and pasture), Matheson (4 Km W. of)(53)


July 29 (1 f C at edge of young poplar wood beside Hwy. 11)(QFH); Windsor (Ojib­way Park) (1) June 30 (10), Harrow (1) July 1 (3)(MM); Guelph (Dairy Bush) (16)July 1 (3)(JPX); Short Hills (12) June 27 (l)(RR); Goderich (13) July 9 (2 m)to July 24 (GS); Five Mile Provo Park (49) Aug. 16-20 (3 f C - several seen, allworn)(DMG); Ojibway Park (Windsor) July 26 (10 fresh), Point Pelee (1) July 6(1), 8 (3), 9 (6), 11 (3), 12 (3), 13 (5), 21 (l)(AW).

3. Speyeria aphrodite (Fabricius) - (TL - New York, NY)

a. a. aphrodite (Fabricius)

b. a. winni (Gunder) - (TL - St. Calixte de Kilkenny, Quebec)

c. a. alcestis (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - S. of Grand Rapids, Kent Co. Michigan)

d. a. manitoba (F. & R. Chermock) - (TL - Sand Ridge, Manitoba)

= mayae dos Passos and Grey .

The actual status of the above subspecies in Ontario needs more research.In 1982 - Haliburton (39) Aug. 1 (a few)(BH); 9 Km B. on Hwy. 66 from Hwy

11 (50) July 29 (2 C), Hwy. 66 at 11 (50) July 29 (1 C), Remi Lake (53) July 30(2), Hearst (72 Km W. of) July 31 (1 on Goldenrod flowers), Ignace (54) Aug. 3(3)(QFH); Wawa (48) Aug. 6 (several), Algonquin Park Aug. 14 (several) (TTl); St.Williams (4) July 10 (3)(RR); Katrine (46) Aug. 2 (5), Miller Lake (32) Aug. 9(several), Goderich (13) July 24 (fresh)(GS); Five Mile Provo Park (49) Aug. 16-20 (many worn) (DMG); Point Pelee (1) Aug. 4 (1 dead on road)(MM).

4. Speyeria idalia (Drury) - (TL - New York, NY)

In 1982 - no reports.

5. Speyeria atlantis (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Hunter, Greene Co., New York)

a. a. atlantis (W.H. Edwards)

c. a. ho11andi (F. & R. Chermock) - (TL - Riding Mts., Manitoba)

The exact status of the above subspecies in Ontario needs more research.In 1982 - Haliburton (39) Aug. 1 (a few), Bobcaygeon (37) Aug. 14 (about

15 on Joe Pye Weed flowers)(BH); Nellie Lake (53) July 1 (1), Parry Sound (46)July 14 (1), North Bay (24 Km N. of)(47) July 28 (3), 9 Km W. on Hwy. 66 from11 (50) July 29 (13), 14 Km W. on Hwy. 66 from 11 (50) July 29 (24+), Hwy. 66at 11 (50) July 29 (8 - pair in copula), Kenogami (Normick Mill) (50) July 29(4), Kenogami (23 Km N. of on Hwy. 11)(53) July 29 (1), Hwy. 11 at 577 (53)July 29 (pair in copula), Matheson (2 Km S. of)(53) July 29, (4 Km W. of)(53)July 29 (2), 4 Km N. of Hwy. 101 on 11 (53) July 29 (1), Monteith (53) July 29(1 on Thistle flower), 21 Km N. on Hwy. 11 from lQl (53) July 29 (1 on Thistleflower), Iroquois Falls (53) July 29 (2), Cochrane (11 Km W. of)(53) July 30(2), Cochrane (23 Km W. of)(53) July 30 (30+ at Bog Goldenrod flowers), Coch­rane (38 Km W. of) July 30 (1), Remi Lake (53) July 30 (1), Hearst (24 Km W. ofat Fushimi Rd.)(53) July 31 (several), Hearst (72 Km W. of)(53) July 31 (3 onBog Goldenrod flowers), Hwy. 625 and 11 (6 Km S.E. of)(52) July 31 (several onBog Goldenrod flowers or flying), Marathon (52) Aug. 4 (many - 6 C) (QFH); Al-

-gonquin Park July 2 (4) (RR); Iroquois Falls (53) July 4-6 (several), Katrine(46) July 1-10 (several)(GS); Five Mile Lake Provo Park (49) Aug. 16-20 (many ­fresh)(DMG).

Genus CLXXXVIII: Proclossiana Reuss


1. Proc1ossiana eunomia (Esper)

a. e. tric1aris (Hubner) - (TL - may be Labrador or Lappland)

c. e. dawsoni (Barnes &McDunnough) - (TL - Hymers, Ontario)

In 1982 (dawsoni) - Cochrane (23 Km W. of)(53) July 1 (2 in spruce bog)(QFH).

Genus CLXXXIX: Closs;ana Reuss

1. C10ssiana selene [Denis & Schiffermuller]

a. s. mgrina (Cramer) - (TL - vic. New York, NY)

f. s. atrocosta1is (Huard) - (TL - Jellicoe, Ontario)

In 1982 (atrocosta1is) - Nym Lake (51) June 15 (l)(DHE); Haliburton (39)Aug. 1 (2 fresh)(BH); Sparrow Lake Rd. C)(38) June 6 (1), Sturgeon Falls (5 KmN. of)(47) June 12 (2), Temagami (5 Km N. of)(47) June 12 (1), Kirkland Lake(16 miles S. of)(50) June 12 (6), Round Lake (10 Km S. of Kirkland Lake) (50)June 12, Matheson (16 Km W. of Munro Lake)(53) June 13 (1 fresh), Froome Lake(E. of Matheson) (53) June 13 (1), Nym Lake (51) June 15 (1), Cochrane (23 Km. W.of)(53) July 1 (12+), North Bay (24 Km N. of)(47) July 28 (2), Cochrane (11 KmW. of)(53) July 30 (1 worn), 23 Km W. of (53) July 30 (5 at Bog Goldenrod), RemiLake (53) July 30 (1 fresh), Hearst (73 Km W. of)(53) July 31 (6)(QFH); Nipigon(30 Km w. of)(52) June 13 (1 m)(TTI); Katrine (46) June 12 (several), Aug. 17 (Afew), Iroquois Falls (53) July 4-6 (several)(GS).

2. C10ssiana bellona (Fabricius)

b. b. toddi (Holland) - (TL - St. Margarets River, Quebec)

In 1982 - Cramahe Twp. (22) Sept. 5 (many in dry meadow at edge of LakeOntario)(WJDE); Kirkland Lake (16 miles S. of)(50) June 12 (2), Walkerton (10 KmE. of)(33) June 11 (1), Hwy. 101 at 572 (1 Km W.of)(53) June 13 (1), WilliamsonLake (N. of Atikokan) (51) June 16 (6 C), Oliphant (32) July 21 (1 C in fen area)Kenogami (44 Km N. of)(53) July 29 (1 in pasture)(QFH); Nipigon (30 Km W. of)(52) June 13 (2 m), Thunder Bay (52) June 15-17 (several)(TTI); Mallorytown (27)Aug. 29 (12 in field) (JK); Arriss (16) May 13 (4), 27 (several)(JPX); Goderich(13) May 14 (4), 17, 21 (f), Aug. 31 - Sept. 8, Port Burwell (3) Aug. 23 (seve­ral)(GS); Windsor (Ojibway Park) June 26 (12 fresh)(AW).

3. C10ssiana frigga (Thunberg)

a. f. saga (Staudinger) -(TL - Labrador)

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May 16 (1 in field), by May 25 ~several)(DHE);

Williamson Lake (N. of Atikokan) (51) June 16 (3 C in bog)(QFH).

8. C10ssiana freija (Thunberg) - (TL - Lappland)

a. f. freija (Thunberg)

Freya's Fritillary occurs in northern Ontario from Hudson Bay south toTemagami (47), Wawa (48), Hymers (52) and Atikokan (51).

In 1982 - Atikokan (1 Km W. of) May 25 (3 C in open spruce bog) (DHE); Ni­pigon (20 Km N. of)(52) June 18 (1 m)(TTI).

11. C10ssiana titania (Esper)


a. t. boiduva1ii (Duponchel) - (TL - probably Labrador)

c. t. grandis (Barnes & McDunnough) - (TL - Hymers, Ontario)

In 1982 (grandis) - Hwy. 66 (14 Km W. of Hwy. 11)(50) July 29 (3 on Gol­denrod flowers), Kenogami (Normick Mill) (50) July 29 (5), Cochrane (23 Km w. of)(53) July 30 (19+ on Bog Goldenrod flowers)(this is a new locality record), Hwy.625 at 11 (6 Km S.E. of)(52) July 31 (25+ - flying, sitting on sand or on BogGoldenrod flowers), Lukinto Lake (52) July 31 (6 C) (QFH); Hearst (53) Aug. 5 (3m, 2 f), Fushimi Lake (53) Aug. 5 (2 m)(TTI); Five Mile Provo Park (49) Aug. 16to 20 (many fresh)(DMG).

Subfamily Melitaeinae Grote

Genus:CXCIII: Chari dryas Scudder

1. Charidryas gorgone Hubner

b. g. car10ta (Reakirt) - (TL - "Illinois and Missouri")

No reports for Ontario since 1891.

2. Charidryas nycteis (Doubleday & Hewitson) - (TL - middle States)

a. n. nycteis (Doubleday & Hewitson)

b. n. drusius (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Colorado & Arixona)

The northern Ontario nycteis resemble drusius according to J.C.E. Riotte.In 1982 - Toronto (Leslie Spit) July 29 (1 worn)(DMF); Algonquin Park

(Logging Museum) June 24 (1 C), Opeongo Lake June 24 (2 C), Nellie Lake (53)June 30 (1), July 1 (1), Kenogami (Normick Mill) July 1 (1 worn), St. Williams(4) July 8 (1 worn)(QFH); St. Williams (4) June 27 (several) (TTI); St. Williams(4) July 10 (3)(RR); Katrine (46) June 12 (1), Goderich (13) July 8 (4)(GS).

3. Charidryas harrisii (Scudder) - (TL - Norway, Maine)

a. h. harrisii (Scudder)

c. h. hanhami (Fletcher) - (TL - Bird Hill near Winnipeg, Manitoba)

In 1982 (harrisii) - Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (5 fresh C in marshy field)(DMF)(RR); Ingoldsby (39) June 27 (BH); Algonquin Park (East Gate) June 24 Xl C)Opeongo Lake June 24 (1 C near bog)(QFH); Katrine (46) June 12 (several), July 1(worn) (GS) •

Genus CXCVIII: Phyciodes Hubner

3. Phyciodes tharos (Drury) - (TL - probably vic. New York, NY)

b. t. tharos (Drury)

In 1982 - Go Home Bay (38) July 18 (several)(DMF); Ajax (3 miles N. of)(21) Rune 12 (several), Toronto (Bayview marsh) June 13 (a few), 29 (several),July 1 (a few), Bobcaygeon (37) Aug. 14 (2)(BH); Barrie (35) May 16 (1), lastweek in May (several)(MG); Markham (Passmore & Neilson Rd)(19) June 8 (3 fresh)Stratford (14) June 9 (2), Pinery (Yogi Bear)(7) June 9 (4), Durham (1 Km W of)(33) June 11 (6), Wasaga Beach (5 Km E. of)(35) June 11 (2), Sturgeon Falls (5Km N. of)(47) June 12 (1 f), New Liskeard (10 Km N. of)(50) June 12 (several),Round Lake (10 Km S. of Kirkland Lake) (50) June 12 (several), Froome Lake (E. ofMatheson)(53) June 13 (4), Kakabeka Falls (52) June 14 (1), Nym Lake (51) June


15 (1), Algonquin Park (East Gate) June 24 (2), Cochrane (10 Km S. of)(53) June30 (1), Grennwater Provo Park (53) June 30 (1 f), Kenogami (normick Mill) (50)July 1 (1), Kettle Point (7) July 7 (1), St. Williams (4) July 8 (several),MoonRmver (near Hwy. 69)(46) July 14 (3), Bluewater Beach (35) July 14 (2), Oli­phant (32) July 21 (5), Pike Bay (32) July 21 (1), Cochrane (11 Km W. of)(53)July 30 (2 worn), 23 Km W. of (53) Ruly 21 (1), 38 Km W. Of (53) July 21(1),Remi La~e (53) July 30 (2), Hearst (24 Km W. of)(53) July 31 (several), 72 Km Wof (53) July 31 (several), Hwy. 625 at 11 (6 Km S.E. of)(52) July 31 (severalat Bog Goldenrod), Lukinto Lake (52) July 31 (several), Hwy. 11 at 71 (51) Aug.1 (1), Rainy River (6 Km N. of on Hwy. 600)(51) Aug. 1 (1), Wabigoon (9 Km W.of)(54) Aug. 3 (1), Hay Swamp (near Zurich)(13) Aug. 9 (1), Zurich (13) Aug. 27(several)(QFH); Mallorytown (27) Aug. 29 (4 in fen), Picton (23) Sept. 4 (6 inold field), Prince Edward Point (23) Sept. 5 (singles & small groups) (JK); Lea­mington (1) seen all summer (MM); Guelph (Cutten Club) (16) June 23 (1), Univer­sity of Guelph Arboretum (16) June 29 (several), Guelph (16) July 1 (6), Toron­to (Glendon Collegeg June 14 (1), 27 (14) (JPX); Algonquin Park (Achray) July 4(l)(RR); Goderich (13) June 4, July 8, 9, Aug. 12-28 (second brood), Moosonee(53) July 3, Iroquois Falls (53) July 4-6 (GS); Point Pelee (1) May 19 to Sept.29 (1 - 80)(AW).

4. Phyciodes batesii (Reakirt) - (TL - Gloucester, New Jersey)

In 1982 - Pinery Provo Park (7) June 9 (2) (QFH).

5. Phyciodes pratensis (Behr)

a. p. pratensis (behr) = campestris (Behr) - (TL - vic. San Francisco, CA)

The Field Crescentspot may occur in the Kenora District - (FavourableLake, Lansdowne House, Sioux Lookout) according to J.C.E. Riotte)

Genus CCI: Euphydryas Scudder

1. Euphydryas phaeton (Drury)

a. p. phaeton (Drury) = borea1is~F. &R. Chermock - (TL - New York)

In 1982 - Toronto (Bayview Marsh) June 20 (5 larvae - one inch long, ofwhich one was feeding on Honeysuckle bush leaf), July 1 (12 fresh adults), 18(8 - some worn) (BH); Goderich (13) July 9 to 16 (a few) (GS).

Subfamily Nymphalinae Swainson

Genus CCII: Polygonia Hubner

1. Po1ygonia interrogationis (Fabricius) - (TL - "America boreali")

Po1ygonia species were at a very low population level in Ontario in 1982,especially interrogationis and faunus, particularly after the hibernators haddisappeared.

In 1982 - Toronto (Leslie Spit) Jul1y 19 (l umbrosa) (DMF); Scarborough(19) June 14 - early August (1!UmD. in yard), Toronto (Leslie Spit) July 25, Aug.7, 15, (Col. Danforth Park) July 31, (Thomson Park) Aug. 13, Markham (Passmore&Neilson Rd.) July 1 (BH); Leamington (1) May 13 - Sept. 27 (several) (MM);Arriss (16) May 13 (1), Guelph (Cutten Club) (16) June 23 (1), Cape Chin (2) May18 (l)(JPX); Oshawa (21) Sept. 10 (JK); Point Pelee (1) May 5 (1) - July 1 (1stbrood), July 6 - Aug. 1 (a few - 2nd brood), Sept. 28 (1), 29 (5) (AW).


2. Po1ygonia comma (Harris) = f. dryas (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - New England)

In 1982 - Colborne (22) July 20 (WJDE); Toronto (Col. Danforth Park) Jul.31 (BH); Hay Swamp (near Zurich)(13) July 6 (2)(QFH); Prince Edward Point (23)Sept. 5 (l)(JK); Leamington (1) May 13 to Sept. 20 (several)(MM); Guelph (Arbo­retum)(16) May 0 (m, f), 5 (1), (Cutten Club) (16) May 7 (l)(JPX); Short Hills(12) June 27 (l)(RR); Peterborough (37) Nov. 8 (1 in backyard) (GJD); Point Pelee(1) late June (fresh), July 4 to Sept. 29 (a few)(AW); Point Pelee Nov. 10 andDec. 1 (N. Zalkind).

3. Po1ygonia satyrus (W.H. Edwards)

b. s. neomarsyas dos Passos - (TL - Salmon Meadows, Brewster, Washington)

In 1977 - Fushimi Lake (53) Aug. 23 (l)(DMG). In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May25 (1 C - C.N. tracks W.)(DHE); Wawa (48) Aug. 6 (5 m, 1 f fresh), AlgonquinPk.Aug. 14 (1 m)(TTI).

4. Po1ygonia faunus (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Hunter, Greene Co., New York)

a. f. faunus (W.H. Edwards)

In 1982 - Atikokan (French Lake) May 10 (several sitting on roads)(DHE);Beverley Swamp (11) July 25 (1 m), Wawa (48) Aug. 6 (1 m), Cochrane (53) Aug. 5(1 m), Algonquin Park Aug. 14 (4 m)(TTI); Five Mile Lake Provo Park (49) Aug.18 (1 fresh)(DMG).

8. Po1ygonia gracilis Grote 8 Robinson - (TL - Mt. Washington, New Hampshire)

In 1977 - Fushimi Lake (53) Aug. 23 (1) (DMG). In 1982 - Kapuskasing (53)Aug. 5 (1 m, 1 f), Wawa (48) Aug. 6 (4 m)(TTI); Five Mile Lake Provo Park (49)Aug. 19 (1) (DMG) • .

10. Po1ygonia progne (Cramer) - (TL - New York)

In 1977 - Fushimi Lake (53) Aug. 18, 23 (2) (DMG). In 1982 - Atikokan (51)May 25 (1 C)(DHE); Toronto (Steeles & Reesor Rd.) July 29 (BH); Hay Swamp (nearZurich)(13) July 6 (1), McKellar (46) July 14 (1 on Milkweed flower!, Inverhuron(32) July 21 (Lon wet sand) (QFH); Cape Chin (32) May 18(1) (JPX); Goderich (13)July 9 (1), Aug. 31 (3) (GS); Harris Hill (53) April 15 (1) (AW).

Genus CCIII: Nymphalis Kluk

1. Nympha1is vau-a1bum ([Denis & Schiffermuller])

a. V. j-a1bum (Boisduval & Leconte) - (TL - env. New York, Philadelphia andNew Harmony, Indiana)

The population of the Compton Tortoiseshell in Ontario in 1982 was at anextremely low level. In 1982 - Colborne (22) July 11 (1 in garden, the firstseen in this county in several years)(WJDE); Atikokan (51) May 25 (l)(DHE); Al­gonquin Park Aug. 14 (1 f)(TTI).

3. Nympha1is antiopa (Linnaeus) - (TL - Sweden)

a. a. antiopa (Linnaeus)

The Mourning Cloak population in Ontario in 1982 was at a low ebb.In 1982 - Toronto (waterfront) Oct. 9 (many larvae on willow) (WE); Ati­

kokan (French Lake) May 10 (several on roads)(DHE); Toronto (Leslie~pit) June


2 (l)(DMF); Toronto (Haig Park) April 10 (BH); New Dundee (2 miles N.W. of)(15)May 9 (1), Hwy. 600 (2 Km W. of 617)(J~) Aug. 2 (1 dead on road), Pinery ProvoPark (7) June 9 (1), Toronto (Esgore Dr.) Oct. 27 (1 - feeding on rotten apple)(QFH); Burketon (21) Aug. 26 (l)(JK); Leamington (1) April 20 - Sept. 20, Sept.27 (3 hibernating in woodpile)(MM); Guelph (Cutten Club) (16) May 2 (2), 3 (1),7 (1), 16 (1), June 23 (1), Guelph (Arboretum) (16l June 29 (1), (BioI. House)Juiy 1 (1), Toronto (Glendon College) May 9 (1), June 27 (3)(JPX); Mississauga(18) June 29 (l)(RR); Goderich (13) April 24 (12 - nil the rest of the season)(GS); Toronto (Bathurst at St. Clair) June 3 (2)(AFW); Dinorwic (52) Aug. 13 (9larvae/pupae on Betula papyrifera) , Chalk River (40) June 15 (12 larvae on Salixsp.), Fort Frances (51) Sept. 5 (5 larvae on Salix sp.), Wawa (48) July 19 (9larvae on Salix sp.), Chesley (32) Aug. 4 (7 larvae on Ulmus amencara) (FIDS);Harris Hill (53) April 15 (6), Rossport (52) Oct. 25 (1), Point Pelee (1) April14 (hibernator), first brood May 25 to June 25, second brood July 25 to Aug. 25,third brood Sept. 29 (AW).

Genus CCIV: Aglais Dalman

1. Ag1ais mi1berti (Godart) - (TL - vic. Philadelphia)

b. m. mi1berti (Godart)

C. m. furcilJ-ata (Say) - (TL - Fort William, "N.W.T")(Ontario)

The Milbert's Tortoiseshell population was at a very low ebb in 1982 inOntario. Subspecies mi1berti occurs in southern Ontario.

In 1977 - Fushimi Lake (53) Aug. 18,23 (2 C - several seen)(DMG).In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May 24 (1 worn), June 27 (1 fresh), Aug. 15 (se­

veral on Thistle flowers) (DHE); Lambton Co. (7) June 28 (1), Katrine (46) July1 (rare)(GS); Harris Hill (53) April 14 (4), 15 (20) (AW).

Genus CCV: Vanessa Fabricius

1. Vanessa virginiensis (Drury) - (TL - Virginia)

This species was below normal in population level in Ontario in 1982.In 1982 - Toronto May 26 first seen, last seen Aug. 20 (WE); Toronto

(Leslie Spit) June 2 (1), July 28, 29 (several fresh in wet meadow)(DMF); Ajax(3 miles N. at Audley Road)(2l). June 12, Markham (Passmore & Neilson Rd.)(l9)June 20, Toronto (Leslie Spit) Aug. 7 (BH); St. Williams (4) June 2 (1), Holmes­ville (13) June 10 (1), Latchford (1 Km S. of)(50) June 12 (1 worn) (QFH); Ati~

kokan (51) Aug. 15 (1 on Thistle flower) (DHE); Oshawa (Second Marsh) (21) Oct. 2(1 worn) (JK); Leamington (1) June 20 (1) (MM); Arriss (16) June 11 (1), Cape Chin(32) May 18 (l)(JPX); Point Pelee (1) April 21, first half of May (several),May 19 to 26 (a few fresh, 1 f with eggs), June 2 to 10 (a few not fresh), June24 (new brood) to Sept. 2 (a few) (AW).

2. Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus) - (TL - Sweden)

The Painted Lady was at an extremely low ebb in Ontario in 1982.In 1982 - Leamington (1) May 6 to Aug. 14 (many) (MM); Point Pelee (1)

June 10 (1 fresh)(AW).

~ Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus) - (TL - Sweden)

The Red Admiral population was at a low level in Ontario in 1982.In 1982 - Toronto (May 11 first seen, last seen Oct. 2)(WE); Toronto


(Leslie Spit) August (many fresh on Purple Loosestrife flowers)(DMF); Toronto(Bayview Marsh) July 18, (Steeles & Reesor Rd.) July 29, (Leslie Spit) Aug. 7,Sept. 5 (2), (Wellesley Street) Aug. 13, Markham (Passmore & Neilson Rd.)(19)July 1 (2), Bobcaygeon (37) Aug. 14 (BH); Langton (3 miles S.E. of)(4) June 2(1), Hay Swamp (Near Zurich)(13) July 6 (5), Toronto (Leslie Spit) Sept. 4 (1)(QFH); Prince Edward Point (23) Sept. 5 (10 on flowers at beach) (JK); Leaming­ton (1) May 6 - Sept. 1 (MM); Guelph (Cutten Club)(16) May 2 (1), 3 (1), 7 (1),16 (1), June 23 (1), (Arboretum)(16) May 2 (2), (Biology House) July 1 (1),Toronto (Glendon College) June 27 (1), Cape Chin (32) May 18 (1)(JPX); Brechin(20) Ott. 10 ( )(RR); Port Burwell (3) Aug. 23 - 25 (rare) (GS); Point Pelee (1)April 21, first half of May (many), May 28 (1 very fresh), June 2 to 24 (1 - 8)July 1 to 31 (2 - 15), Aug. 1 to Sept. 29 lAW).

Genus CCVIII: Junonia Hubner

1. Junonia coenia Hubner - (TL - United States)

The Buckeye in Ontario in 1982 was at a very low level. In 1982 - St.Williams (4) July 12 (1 worn) (WWG); Leamington (1) Sept. 5 (5 in gravel pit)(MM); Point Pelee (1) July 8 (AW); Point Pelee (1) Nov. 2 (J. Sutherland).

Subfamily Limenitidinae Behr; Tribe Limenitidini Behr

Genus CCXI: Basilarchia Scudder

1. Basi1archia arthemis (Drury) - (TL - New York)

a. a. arthemis (Drury)

b. a. rubrofasciata Barnes & McDunnough - (TL - Manitoba, Sask., Alberta)

c. a. astyanax (Fabricius) (TL - "America")

These populations were below normal in 1982. In 1982 (arthemis - The Ban­ded Purple) - Ajax (3 miles N. of at Audley Rd.)(21) June 12, Markham (Passmore& Neilson Rd.)(19) July 4, Toronto (Rountree Park) ~uly 2, (Bayview Marsh) July18, Ingoldsby (39) June 27, Aug. 1, Bobcaygeon (37) June 26 (BH); Algonquin Pk.(East Gate) June 24 (2), Marten River at Hwy. 11 (S8) Jua,29 (1), Lowther (53)July 30 (1), Rainy River (17 Km N. of on Hwy. 600) Aug. 2 (1 - rubrofasciata) ,(QFH); Oshawa (Second Marsh) (21) Aug. 26 (1)(JK); Berkley (33) July 4 (6) (MM);Algonquin Park (Achray) July 2 (5)(RR); Iroquois Falls (53) July 4-6, Goderich(13) July 9, Katrine (46) July 1-2 (many)(GS); Englehart (50) July 1 (1), Hwy.117 at 11 (38) July 13 (1) (QFH).

In 1982 (astyanax - The Red Spotted Purple) - Toronto (Leslie Spit) July22 (1)(DMF); Ajax (3 miles N. of at Audley Rd.)(21) June 12, Toronto (RountreePark) July 2 (BH); Wingham (13) June 11 (1 C), St. Williams (4) June 2 (3) (QFH);Leamington (1) July 25 (1) (MM); Guelph (Arboretum)(16) June 29 (1)(JPX); Goder­ich (13) July 9 (1), June 24 (GS); Point Pelee (1) first brood June 9 to Jilily 3,second brood July 21 to Aug. 20 (AW).

2. Basi1archia archippus (Cramer) - (TL - New York)

a. a. archippus (Cramer)

The Viceroy in Ontario in 1982 was widespread and the population was ababout normal. In 1982 - Rainy River (Harris Hill)(51) Aug. 14 (1 C, 1 S)(DHE);Ajax (3 Miles N. of at Audley Rd.)(21) June 12 (6), Bobcaygeon (37) June 26,Aug. 14, Markham (Passmore & Neilson Rd.)(19) July 1 (2), Toronto (Leslie Spit)


Aug. 15, Sept. 5 (2)(BH); Markham (Passmore & Neilson Rd.)(19) June 8 (1 freshHolmesville (13) June 10 (1 f), Blyth (6 Km N. of on Hwy. 4)(13) June 11 (2),Walkerton (10 Km E. of)(32) June 11 (1), Wasago Beach (5 Km E. of)(35) June 11(3), Waverley (4 Km E. of)(35) June 11 (1), Kettle Point (7) July 7 (1), Toron­to (Leslie Spit) July 10 (1), Hwy. 117 at 11 (38) Ju1y·13 (1 C), New Dundee (4Km E. of)(15) Aug. 9 (1 at Joe Pye Weed), Kettle Point (7) Aug. 11 (1), Pinery(the 014 River) (7) Aug. 12 (1), Port Franks (7) Aug. 12 (1), Zurich (Ortwein'sSwamp)( 3) Sept. 10 (l)(QFH); Brockvi11e (27) Aug. 29 (1), Prince Edward Point(23) Sept. 5 (10) (JK); Leamington (1) June 12 (1), July 25 (3 larvae on willow)(MM); Guelph (Stone Rd. - Arke11 Rd.)(16) July 1 (l)(JPX); Goderich (13) June14, Aug. 11 - 21, Port Burwell (3) Aug. 25, Barrie (35) June 12 (several) (GS);RemiLake Provo Park (53) June 29 (1 larva on Populus ~p)(FDIS); Point Pe1ee(1) June 8 to Sept. 29 (AW).

Family APATURIDAE Boisduva1; Subfamily Apaturinae Boisduva1

Genus CCXXV: Asteracampa Rober

1i Asterocampa celtis (Boisduva1 & Leconte) - (TL - Georgia)

In 1982 - Leamington (1) June 15 (many)(MM); Point Pe1ee (1) June 30(very fresh), 3, 6, 9 (fairly fresh) to July 31 (worn), Aug. 24 (very fresh) toSept. 11 (worn)(AW).

7. Asterocampa c1yton (Boisduva1 &Leconte) - (TL - probably Georgia)

In 1982 - Pe1ee Island (1) July 31 (2 f) (TTl); Leamington (1) July 17 (3fresh) (MM); London (8) Aug. 12 (worn)(GS); Point Pe1ee (1) July 13 (1 m fresh),21 (1 m fresh), 22 (1 m fresh), 25 (1 m fresh), Aug. 2 (fresh), 6 (1 f), 8 (f'sworn)(AW); Point Pe1ee (1) July 31 (2 m + 2 f fresh), Aug. 1 (4 m + 2 f fresh)(RR) •

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Family SATYRIDAE Boisduva1; Subfamily Elymniinae Herrich-Schaffer

Genus CCXXVII: Enadia Hubner

2. Enodia anthedon A.H. Clark - (TL - Lava, Sullivan Co., NY)

= borealis A.H. Clark - (TL - Hymers, Ontario)

In 1982 - Co1borne (22) July 9 - 25 (4 resident in my garden - pair incopula July 18)(WJDE); Toronto (Bayview Marsh) July 18, (Steeles & Reesor Rd.)July 29, (Morningside Park) July 31, (Col. Danforth Park) July 31, (Haig Park)Aug. 12, Ingo1dsby (39) Aug. 1 (3), Donald (39) Aug. 1 (BH); Ridout Twp. (Cas­cade Tree Farm) (38) July 18 (4 at one place where they occurred in previousyears), Inverhuron Provo Park (32) July 21 (1), Pinery (Yogi Bear) (7) July 22(l)(QFH); Prince Edward Point (23) Sept. 5 (1 worn in moist meadow) (JK); Guelph(Stone & Arke11 Rd.)(16) July 1 (l)(JPX); St. Williams (4) July 24, Pinery (TheCut)(7) July 25 (TTl); Berkley (33) July 4 (20+)(MM); Algonquin Park (Achray)July 1 (1)(RR); Goderich (13) July 8 - 18 (GS); Five Mile Lake Provo Park (49)Aug. 18 (1 worn)(DMG).

Genus CCXXVIII: Satyrades Scudder

1. Satyrodes eurydice (Johansson) - (TL - Morris Arboretum, Philadelphia Co. PA)


a. e. eurydice (Johansson) = transmontana (Gosse) - (TL - Compton, Ontario)

The Eyed Brown population in Ontario in 1982 was normal or above. Ferthe second year it was encountered in the Nipissing District and for the firsttime as far as is known it was recorded in the Cochrane District.

In 1982 - Toronto (Bayview Marsh) June 13 (2), 20 (several), July 1(many), 18 (a few), Markham (Passmore & Neilson Rd.)(19) July 4 (many), 10(several), Ingoldsby (39) Aug. 1 (BH); Hay Swamp (near Zurich)(13) July 6 (1),Hwy. 117 at 11 (38) July 13 (1), Cecebe Lake (46) July 14 (2 C), 2 Km W. of Ce­cebe Lake (46) July 14 (1 S), McKellar (just N.E. of)(46) July 14 (about 50 inlarge wet meadow beside Hwy. 124 - 2 C), Moon River at Hwy. 69 (46) July 14 (4),Oliphant (32) July 21 (many in fen area), Inverhuron Provo Park (32) July 21 (4)Pike Bay (32) July 21 (1), Sarnia (Indian Line Rd.)(7) July 23 (1), North Bay(47)(24 Km N. of) July 28 (1 along wet bush road)(QFH); Guelph (Stone & ArkellRd.)(16) July 1 (many)(JPX); Harrow (1) July 28 (1), Berkley (33) July 4 (23)(MM); Long Point (4) July 10 (2)(RR); Iroquois Falls (53) July 4-6, Goderich(13) July 8-20 (GS); Point Pelee (1) July 9 (7+ m, 3 f), 20 (50 N.E. of Deslau­rier), 29 (2 worn)(AW).

2. Satyrodes appalachia (R.L. Chermock)

b. a. 1eeuwi (Gatrelle & A~bogast) - (TL - Wakelee, Cass Co., Michigan)

In 1982 - Leamington (1) June 15 (1) (MM); Oxley Swamp (1) June 12 (4 ­fresh), July 22 (100+ not fresh), Aug. 7 (7 - not fresh)(AW).

Subfamily Satyrinae Boisduval

Genus CCXXXII: Megisto Hubner

1. Megisto cyme1a (Cramer)

a. c. cyme1a (Cramer)

The Little Wood Satyr population in Ontario in 1982 was about normal. Forthe first time as far as is known it was collected in the Temiskaming District,and it was again encountered in the Nipissing District.

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) June 25 (several at brushy hillside)(4 C) (DHE);Go Home Bay (38) June 20 (several)(DMF); Ingoldsby (39) June 5, Bobcaygeon (37)June 26 (a few), Markham (Passmore & Reesor Rd.) July 4 (several), Toronto (Mor­ningside Park) June 11 (several), (Bayview Marsh) June 13 (a few), (CedarbrookPark) July 11 (4), (High Park) July 29 (BH); Port Cunnington (38) June 5 (seve­ral), Dwight (2 Miles S.E. of)(39) June 5 (2), Ridout Twp. (38) June 6 (several)Holmesville (13) June 10 (1), Walke~ton (10 Km E. of)(33) June 11 (many), Stur­geon Falls (5 Km N. of)(47) June 12 (1 C), New Liskeard (10 Km N. of at Thorn­loe - Hanbury United Church) (50) June 12 (2 in old field behind church), Algon­quin Park (East Gate) June 24 (5), (Logging Museum) June 24 (8everal), SevernBridge (35) July 1 (1 f worn), Hay Swamp (near Zurich) (13) July 6 (3) (QFH);Guelph (Cutten Club) (16) May 29 (10), June 23 (20), (Arboretum) June 29 (many),Toronto (Glendon College) June 14 (2), 27 (l)(JPX); Berkley (33) July 4 (2)(MM);Short Hills (12) June 27 (l)(RR); Goderich (13) June 28 - July 13 (GS); PointPelee (1) May 31 (fresh) to July 9 (worn) (AW).

Genus CCXXXIV: Coenonympha Hubner

3. Coenonympha inornata W.H. Edwardsb. i. nipisiquit McDunnough - (TL - Bathurst, New Brunswick)


c. i. heinemani F.M. Brown - (TL - Grindstone ISland, Jefferson Co., N.Y.)

d. i. inornata W.H. Edwards - (TL - between Lake Winnipeg & The Pas, Man.)

For a dsecription of the occurrence of The Ringlet in southern Ontario,please refer to Section 4.1.

In 1982 - Peterborough (37) June 12 (first brood), Aug. 29 (second brood)(many on both dates in one spot), Northumberland Co. (first brood late - on thewing until the middle of July), second or summer brood population less than nor­mal and extended well into Sept. to the 19th (WJDE); Peterborough (37) Sept. 5(GJD); Toronto (waterfront) Aug. 15, Centre Island Aug. 20 (WB); Toronto (Mor­ningside Park) June 11 (several), (Rountree Park) July 2, (Leslie Spit) Aug. 1521 (2), Sept. 5, Markham (Passmore & Neilson Rd.)(19) June 20 (a few), July 4(a few), 10, Ajax (3 mi. N. of at Audley Rd.)(21) June 12 (many), Bobcaygeon(37) June 26 (a few)(BH); Barrie(35) May 30 (2 fresh) (MG); Markham (Passmore &Neilson Rd.)(19) June 8 (8), New Dundee (2~ mi. N.W. of)(15) June 9 (8 C), Wal­kerton (10 Km E. of)(33) June 11 (2 S C), Durham (1 Km E. of)(33) June 11 (10),Singhampton (8 Km w. of)(33) June 11 (4 - 2 C), Duntroon (2 Km E. of on Hwy. 91)(35) June 11 (2), Stayner (in town by Stayner Collegiate) (35) June 11 (many byrailroad), Wasago Beach (5 Km E. of)(35) June 11 (6 - 3 C), Waverley (4 Km E.of) June 11 (1), Sturgeon Falls (5 Km N. of)(47) June 12 (8 - pair in copula),New Liskeard (10 Km N. of) June 12 (~), Kirkland Lake (16 mi. S. of)(50) June12 (1), Algonquin Park (East Gate) June 24 (1), Munro Lake (E. of Matheson) (53)June 30 (1), Nellie Lake (53) July 1 (l)(QFH); Oshawa (21) Aug. 30 (1), Picton(23) Sept. 4 (many - mostly orange - 2 dark) (JK); Arriss (16) May 27 (2), June11 (2), Gue~ph (Cutten Club) (16) May 29 (2), (Dairy Bush) July 1 (10), (Arbore­tum) June 29 (many), Toronto (Glendon College) June 14 (4), 27 (5) (JPX); Iro­quois Falls (53) July 4-6, Katrine (46) June 12, Barrie (35) June 12 (many),Burlington (17) Aug. 21-22 (GS).

Genus CCXXXV: Cercyonis Scudder

1. Cercyonis pega1a (Fabricius)

c. p. a10pe (Fabricius) - (TL - Screven Co., Georgia)

d. p. nephe1e (W. Kirby) - (TL - Upper Canada)

e. p. olympus (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Chicago, Illinois)

g. p. ina Hall - (TL - Calgary, Alberta)

For a description of the occurrence of the Large Wood Nymph in Ontario,please refer to Section 4.7.

In 1982 - Toronto (Centre Island) Aug. 29 (a few) (WE); Toronto (BayviewMarsh) July 18 (several), (Steeles & Reesor Rd.) July 29 (A few), (MorningsidePark & Col. Danforth Park) July 31 (1 each), Markham (Passmore & Neilson Rd.)(19) July 10, Ingoldsby (39) Aug. 1, Bobcaygeon (37) Aug. 14 (several)(BH); Hwy.# 117 at 11 (38) July 13 (5 m), Dunchurch (46) July 14 (1 m), Hay Swamp (nearZurich)(13) July 20 (several), Oliphant (32) July 21 (3), Howdendale (32) July21 (2), Pinery (Yogi Bear(i) July 22 (1), Sarnia (Indian Line Rd.)(7) July 23(6 nephe1e) , Walpole Island (1) July 23 (6 a1ope/nephe1e ), North Bay (24 Km N.of beside Hwy. # 11)(47) July 28 (9 m, f nephe1e), New Liskeard (10 Km N. of)(50) July 28 (3), Hwy. # 66 at 11 (50) July 29 ~1), Kenogami (14 Km N. of)(50)July 29 (1 C), (23 Km N. of)(53) July 29 (3 f, 1 m), (35 Km N. of at Rd. # 1 &Hwy. 11) (Playfair Twp.)(53) July 29 (10 m, f/with yellowish hind wings), (44 KmN. of Kenogami) (53) July 29 (9 - 5 C), Matheson (2 Km S. of)(53) July 29 (1 monly in 100 acre pasture), Matheson (4 Km W. of)(53) July 29 (5, pair in copula)


4 Km N. of Hwy. # 101 beside 11 {53) July 29 (5 m & f), Lavallee (51) Aug. 2(many ino) , Rainy River (16 Km E. of)(51) Aug. 2 (6 - pair cppulating), RainyRiver (6 Km N. of on Hwy. 600)(51) Aug. 2 (1), Hwy. # 600 2 Km W. of 617 (51)Aug. 2 (1 f), Wabigoon (9 Km W. of)(54) Aug. 3 (several - more m's than f's),Wabigoon (54) Aug. 3 (2 m, 1 f), Ignace (west side)(54) Aug. 3 (1 f C), (eastside) Aug. 3 (2 f C), New Dundee (4 mi. E. of)(15) Aug. 11 (2 f), Hay Swamp(near Zurich)(13) Aug. 11 (2 f), Pinery (The Cut)(7) Aug. 12 (3 f), Ridout Twp.(Cascade Tree Farm) (38) Aug. 21 (1 f worn) (QFH); Mallorytown (27) Aug. 29 (1),Hampton (21) Aug. 16 (1), Hill Island (Ivy Lea) (27) Aug. 28 (1 worn)(JK);Guelph (Arboretum)(16) June 29 (l)(JPX); Pelee Island (1) July 31 (1 f a1ope)(TTl); Windsor (Ojibway Park)(1) July 7 (6)(MM); London (8) July 13, Goderich(13) July 29 - Aug. 6, Katrine (46) Aug. 2 (GS); Point Pelee (1) July 8 (fresh)to July 21 (fairly fresh)(AW).

Genus CCXXXVI: Erebia Dalman

3. Erebia disa (Thunberg)

a. d. mancinus Doubleday & H~witson - (TL - presumably Banff, Alberta)

In 1982 - Atikokan (Nym Lake) (51) May 29 (2 in spruce bog), June 6 (seve­ral) (DHE); Williamson Lake (N. of Atikokan) (51) June 16 (3 by young jacJpine, 4along side of bog)(QFH); Thunder Bay (52) June 15 (1 m fresh)(TTI).

6. Erebia discoida1is (W. Kirby) - (TL - Cumberland House, Manitoba)

a. d. discoida1is (W. Kirby)

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May 24 ( in open, grassy marshes along C.N.track)(DHE); Thunder Bay (52) May (a few)(JPW).

Genus CCXXXIX: Oeneis Hubner

3. Oeneis macounii (W.H. Edwards) - (TL - Nipigon, Ontario)

In 1982 - Kakabeka Falls (52) June 14 (1 C in open jackpine)(QFH); Stan­ley (nr. Thunder Bay) (52) June (several)(JPW); Thunder Bay (52) June 15-17 (TTl).

4. Oeneis chryxus (Doubleday & Hewitson)

a. c. strigu10sa McDunnough - (TL - Gull Lake, Minden, Ontario)

b. c. calais (Scudder) - (TL - Rupert House, James Bay, Quebec)

In 1982 (strigu1osa) - Twin Lakes (Methuen Twp.) (37) May 22 (many)(WJDE);Nobel (3 mi. N. of along 69)(46) May 15 & 16 (200+ fresh)(MG).

9. Oeneis jutta (Hubner)

b. j. ascerta Masters & Sorensen - (TL - Solana State Forest, Aitken Co., ~MN)

c. j. ridingiana F. & R. Chermock + (TL - Riding Mts., Manitoba)

d. j. harperi F.H. Chermock - (TL - Gillam, Manitoba)

f. j. a1askensis Holland - (TL - Alaska)

In 1982 (ascerta) - Atikokan (Nym Lake) (51) May 29 (l)(DHE); WilliamsonLake (N. of Atikokan) (51) June 16 (18+ m, f in open spruce bog area) (QFH & DHE);Cochrane (23 Km W. of)(53) July 1 (1 in spruce bog area) (QFH); Thunder Bay (52)June 16 (4 m), Nipigon (20 Km N. of)(52) June 18 (some m, 3 f)(TTI).


10. Oeneis melissa (Fabricius)

c. m. semp1ei Holland - (TL - Little Cape Jones River, E. coast Hudson Bay)

In 1982 - no reports.

11. Oeneis po1ixenes (Fabricius) - (TL - "America boreali")

a. p. po1ixenes (Fabricius)

In 1982 - no reports.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Family DANAIDAE Duponchel; Subfamily Danainae Duponchel

Genus CCXI: Danaus Kluk

1. Danaus p1exippus (Linnaeus) - (TL - Pennsylvania)

Pleaae refer to Section 4.4. The Monarch population in Ontario in 1982was at a low level in southern areas and at an extremely low level in more nor­thern regions. The first arrival of the incoming spring migrants was reportedby Mike Matheson as May 23rd (many) at Leamington in Essex County. One Monarchfemale was encountered at Langton in Norfolk County on June 2nd and one femaleat the Pinery in Lambton County on'June 9th by Q. Hess. Bert Wigg saw one atToronto on June 2nd, John Prodeaux encountered one female at Arriss (N.W. ofGuelph) on May 31 and George Sutton saw his first one on June 16th at Goderichin Huron County. In northern Ontario the population was nil all season with twoexceptions - one fine female was encountered by Q. Hess 42 Km north of SturgeonFalls (47) around a large stand of Asclepias incarnata. This is the same locali­ty where ten Monarchs were encountered in 1981 (see T.E.A. ace. Pub. # 13-82,pp. 17) - described as 28 Km north of Field (47). The second exception wasHarris Hill in the Rainy River District near Lake-of-the-Woods where Dave Elderencountered over twenty adults on Aug. 14 (this is the same locality recordedin 1981 (see ace. Pub. # 13-82, pp. 60).

In 1982 - Peterborough (37) Aug. 6 (1 m fresh)(GJD); Harris Hill (51)Aug. 14 (20+)(DHE); Scarborough (19) June 8 (1), Toronto (Leslie Spit) Sept. 5(hundreds on Loosestrife flowers) (BH); Pinery (Yogi Bear) (7) June 9 (1 f worn),Sturgeon Falls (42 Km N. of)(47) June 12 (1 f), Zurich (13) July 6 (1 dead onroad), Clear Creek (4) July 8 (1), Toronto (Leslie Spit) July 10 (1), Hwy. # 117at 11 (38) July 13 (1 f at Common Milkweed flowers), McKellar (4 Km S.W. of)(46)July 14 (1), Ridout Twp. (Cascade Tree Farm) (38) July 18 (2 f), Aug. 18 (1), NewDundee (4 mi. W. of)(15) July 20 (1), Inverhuron Park (32) July 21 (2 f), PortFranks (7) July 22 (2), Sarnia (Indian Line Road) (7) July 23 (3), Walpole Island(1) July 23 (1), Toronto Aug. 9 (2), Hay Swamp (near Zurich)(13) Aug. 11 (4 atJoe Pye Weed flowers), Kettle Point (7) Aug. 11 (3 OD Joe Pye Weed flowers),Pinery (7) Aug. 12 (3), Rattlesnake Point (17) Aug. 14 (2), Toronto (C.N.E.)Aug. 24 (5 flying high and S.W.), Sept. 2 (1), Oct. 9 (1), Oct. 25 (1), Oct. 30(1), New Hampurg (15) Aug. 27 (1 flying S.), Zurich (13) Aug. 28 (3 on Golden­rod flowers), Sept. 10 (3), Toronto (Leslie Spit) Sept. 4 (counted all Monarchsbetween first or most easterly gate and the two metal storage sheds towards themiddle of the Spit on the west side of the paved road - a total of 216 adultsflying or at Goldenrod, Sow Thistle, Bull Thistle and Blue Aster flowers - twopairs in copula), Frost Centre (S. of Dorset) (38) Sept. 8 (1) (QFH); Toronto(C.N.E.) Aug. 23 (a few hundred roosting on two trees) (David Burrows); Toronto(Bathurst Street) June 3 (l)(AFW); Prince Edward Point (23) Sept. 5 (some - but


fewer than 1981)(JK); Leamington (1) -May 23 (many), Windsor (Ojibway Park)(I)July 9 (2 larvae on Asclepias tuberosa)(MM); Goderich (13) June 16 (1 worn), Aug.4 - 26, last seen Sept. 14 (a few)(GS); Arriss (16) May 31 (1 f), Toronto Oct. 2(l)(JPX); Toronto (waterfront) Aug. 9 (observed two badly damaged adults - oneby a predator?, the other born with entire left hind wing missing was again seenon Aug. 15 about a mile further east and was in copula with a respectable look­ing female)(WE); Point Pelee (1) May 8 (l)(S. Schaub); May 9 (1 worn) (DMF); May26 (several small larvae opposite Tilden's), May 25 (6 fresh - Pt. Pelee tip),June 2 (6), 8 (2), 13 (3), 14 (15), 17 (none), 22 (1), 23 (20 fresh at N. Dike),25 (2 fresh), July 1 (4 - not fresh), 5 (20 fairly fresh to fresh at N. Dike), 6(3), 9 (5), 13 (5+ fresh), 20 (10 - not fresh), 21 (8 fresh), 29 (8 fresh), 31(25 fresh), Aug. 1 (35 fresh), 2 (50 fresh at Pt. Pelee tip), 20 (50 fresh at Pt.Pelee tip), 25 (50 fresh at De$laurier's Field), 22 (300 fresh roosting at PointPelee tip), 23 (300 fresh roosting at tip), 28 (100), Nov. 2 (4 at tip), Dec. 4(1 fresh female S. of Boardwalk), Dundas Marsh (11) Nov. 7 (1) (AW).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

HETEROCERA (in Ontario in 1982)

Family SATURNIIDAE; Subfamily Citheroniinae Neumoegen & Dyar

Genus: Eacles Hubner

Eac1es imperia1is (Drury)

E. imperia1is pini Michener

Specimens came to UV light near Norland (36)(N. Tremblay)

Genus: Dryocampa Harris

Dryocampa rubicunda rubicunda (Fabricius)

Leamington (1) May and June ( +)~).

Subfamily Hemileucinae Grote & Robinson

Genus: Automeris Hubner

Automeris io io (Fabricius)

Leamington (1) June 23 - 26 (3) (MM); Port Hope (22) early June (1 f col­lected at light - laid 129 eggs - larvae reared on apple) (RP); Oxley Swamp (1)June 12 (1 fresh)(AW).

Genus: Antheraea Hubner

Antheraea polyphemus polyphemus (Cramer)

Leammngton (1) May 11 - June 20 (7) (MM); Greenwater Provo Park (53) June(many at lights as per Park staff) (QFH); Atikokan (51) June 23 (1 f - first seen)(DHE); Quetico Park (French Lake) (51) July 5 (1 at light)(FIDS); Armour Heights(Toronto) June 23 (1 f)(QFH).


Genus: Actias Leach

Actias luna (Linnaeus)

Leamington (1) June 1 (1 - walnut is foodplant)(MM); Atikokan (51) June16 (1 f at Dave Elder's UV light - laid 110 eggs - hatched July 2 - reared onwhite birch to cocoon stage)(QFH); Quetico Park (French Lake)(51) July 11 (1 atlight)(FIDS); Dorion (53) Oct. 23 (1 adult at light - an unusual record)(AW).

Genus: Callosamia Packard

Callosamia promethea (Drury)

Leamington (1) July 17 - 23 (6)(MM).

Genus: Hyalophora Duncan

Hyalophora cecropia (Linnaeus)

Leamington (1) May 28 - June 10 (40+)(3 virgin f's attracted 24 m's inone night at approx. 5.30 a.m.)(MM); Atikokan (51) June 16 (1 killed by car un­der a street light)(DHE & QFH); Toronto (York Mills) June 10 (1 f)(QFH).

Hyalophora columbia (S.I. Smith)

Atikokan (51) June 16 (1 f killed by car under a street ligbt) (DHE &QFH);Norland (36) June (f at UV light - laid 175 eggs - 145 cocoons)(N. Tremblay);Vermillion Bay (54) Aug. 11 (1 larva on Larix laricina)(FIDS).

****** * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Family; SPHINGIDAE Latreille

Genus: Manduca Hubner

(mostly at lights)

Manduca sexta (Linnaeus) - (TL - Carolina, Jamaica) - Tobacco Hornworm.

In 1982 - Leamington (1) Aug. 12 (2) (MM).

Manduca quinquemaculata (Haworth) - (TL -England) - Tomato Hornworm.

In 1982 - Leamington (1) July 29 (l)(MM);

Genus: Dolba Walker

Dolba hyloeus (Drury) - (TL - New York) - Black Alder Sphinx.

In 1982 - Chalk River (40) June 27 (1 at light) (FIDS).

Genus: Ceratomia Harris

Ceratomia amyntor (Geyer) - (TL - Pennsylvania) - Elm Sphinx.

In 1982 - Leamington (1) Aug. 20 (l)(MM).

Ceratomia undulosa (Walker) - (TL - Orilla, W. Canada) - Waved Sphinx.

In 1982 - Leamington (1) July 20 - 30 (13)(MM): Atikokan (51) June 15 (1)(DHE); Chapleau (airport)(49) July 10 (1 at light), Quetico Park (French Lake)


(51) July 6 (1 at light), Kemptville (27) July 18 (1 at light)(FIDS).

Genus: Sphinx Linnaeus

Sphinx eremitus (Hubner) - Hermit Sphinx.

In 1982 - Leamington (1) July 23 (l)(MM).

Sphinx chersis (Hubner) - Great Ash Sphinx.

In 1982 - Leamington (1) July 20 - 22 (5) (larvae found on white ash)(MM).

Sphinx canadensis Boisduval - (TL - Quebec)

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) June 26 (first)(DHE).

Sphinx ka1miae J.E. Smith - (TL - Georgia) - Laurel Sphinx.

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) June 27 (first)(DHE); Leamington (1) July 18 (1)(MM); Chalk River (40) Aug. 3 (1 at light), Kemptville (27) July 17 (1 at light)Quetico Park (French Lake)(51) June 3 - 21 (6 at light)(FIDS).

Sphinx gordius Cramer - (TL - Virginia) - Apple Sphinx.

In 1982 - Kemptville (27) June 26 - July 1 (FIDS).

Sphinx poeci1a Stephens

There has been a long standing confusion between S. gordius, S. poeci1a &S. 1uscitiosa, according to J.C.E. Riotte (Great Lakes Entomologist, Vol. 13,No.3, Autumn 1980, pp. 115-130). According to Riotte, gordius does not occur innorthern Ontario.

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) June 16 (l)(DHE); Chalk River (40) June 26 - July19, Remi Lake Provo Park (53) June 26 - July 11, Chapleau (airport)(49) July 11to 22, Quetico Park (French Lake) (51) June 23, 28, July 3 - 26 (FIDS).

Sphinx drupiferarum J.E. Smith - (TL - Georgia) - Wild Cherry Sphinx.

In 1982 - Chapleau (airport)(49) July 21 (1 at light)(FIDS).

Genus: Lapara Walker

Lapara bombycoides Walker - (TL - Canada)

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) June 15 (l)(DHE); Fort Frances (51) July 28 (1larva on Pinus strobus), Chapleau (airport)(4t) July 11 (2 at light)(FIDS).

Genus: Smerinthus Latreille

Smerinthas jamaicensis (Drury) - (TL - "Jamaica?")

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May 26 (~everal)(DHE); Leamington (1) June 13 ­Aug. 3 (B)(MM); Chapleau (airport)(49) June 21 - 24 (3 at light), July 9 (4 atlight), Remi Lake Provo Park (53) July 1 - 23 (4 at light), Quetico Park (FrenchLake)(51) June 30 - July 18 (36 at light), Chalk River (40) July 19 (2 at light)Kemptville (27) July 23 (1 at light)(FIDS).

Smerinthus cerisyi Kirby - (TL - North America)In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May 25 (several) (DHE); Chapleau (airport)(49)


June 21 (4 at light), July 4 - 16, Remi Lake Provo Park (53) June 20 (3 atlight), July 3 - 14 (4 at light), Quetico Park (French Lake) (51) June 23 - 28(10 at light), July 1 - 18 (33 at light), Chalk River (40) July 23 (2 at light),Aug. 3 (FIDS).

Genus: Paonias Hubner

Paonias excaecatus (J.E. Smith) - (TL - Georgia) - Blinded SphinxJ

In 1982 - Leamington (1) June 17 (5)(MM); Pinewood ( ) Aug. 27 (1 larvaon basswood), Kemptville (27) June 23 (1 at light), July 10 - 20 (4 at light),Remi Lake Provo Park (53) June 20 - July 3 (3 at light), Chapleau (airport)(49)July 10 (1 at light), Chalk River (40) June 26 (2 at light), July 3 - 19 (16 atlight), Aug. 3 (1 at light), Quetico Park (French Lake) (51) June 23 - 30 (4 atlight), J~ly 1 - 26 (42 at light)(FIDS).

Paonias myops (J.E. Smith) - (TL - Georgia) - Small-Eyed Sphinx.

In 1982 - Leamington ~1) July 29 (2) (MM); Atikokan (51) June 16 (l)(DHE);Chapleau (airport)(49) June 23 - 30 (3 at light), July 9, 16 (4 atllight), RemiLake Provo Park (53) July 1 - 6 (4 at light), Chalk River (40) July 13 (1 atlight)(FIDS).

Genus: Cressonia Grote & Robinson

Cressonia jug1andis (J.E. Smith) - (TL - Georgia) - Walnut Sphinx.

In 1982 - Leamington (1) July 20 -330 (3.)(MM).

Genus: Pachysphinx Rothschild & Jordan

Pachwsphinx modesta (Harris) - (TL - Massachusetts) - Big Poplar Sphinx.

In 1982 - Leamington (1) July 21 (l)(MM); Atikokan (51) May 28 (several)(DHE); Kemptville (27) July 10 (1 at light), Remi Lake Provo Park (53) June 20to 24 (5 at light), July 4 - 11 (6 at light), Chapleau (airport)(49) July 10(2 at light), Chalk River (40) July 10 (1 at light), Quetico Park (French Lake)(51) June 30 - July 10 (5 at light)(FIDS); Five Miie Lake Provo Park (49) Aug.18 (1 fresh)(DMG).

Genus: Hemaris Dalman

Hemaris bhysbe (Fabricius) - (TL - America) - Humming-Bird Moth.

In 1982 - Driftwood (53) June 13 (1), Kenogarni (50) July 1 (1) (QFH);Leamington (1) June 20 (l)(MM).

Hemaris gracilis (Grote & Robinson) - (TL - Atlantic District)

Please refer to Section 4.5.

Hemaris diffinis (Boisduval) - (TL - North America) - Snowberry Clearwing.

In 1982 - Icy Lake (N. of Atikokan)(51) June 16 (1), Atikokan (51) June16 (1 on Lilac flowers), Algonquin Park (East Gate) June 24 (1 at Canada honey­suckle), (Opeongo Lake) June 24 (1), Kenogami (50) July 1 (l)(QFH); Atikokan(51) May 24 ~several at Dandelion flowers)(DHE); Leamington (1) June 28 (1),July 26 (l)(MM).


Genus: Eumorpha Hubner

Eumorpha pandorus ~ubner)

In 1982 - Leamington (1) July 24 (1 - identity to be checked)(MM).

Eumorpha achemon (Drury) - (TL - Jamaica) - Achemon Sphinx.

In 1982 - Leamington (1) June 21 (2)(MM).

Genus: Sphecodina Blanchard

Sphecodina abbottii (Swainson) - (TL - Georgia) - Abbott's Sphinx.

In 1982 - Leam~ngton (1) Aug. 10 (1) (MM).

Genus: Amphion Hubner

Amphion nessus (Cramer) - (TL - Virginia)

In 1982 - Leamington (1) June 8 - 20 (8)(MM).

Genus: Proserpinus Hubner

Proserpinus flavofasciata (Walker) - (TL - St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Ont)- Yellow-banded Day Sphinx.

Please refer to Section 4.6.

Genus: Darapsa Walker

Darapsa myron (Cramer) - (TL - Virginia) - H~g Caterpillar.

In 1982 - Leamington (1) June 30 - July 30 (30)(MM).

Genus: Hyles Hubner

Hyles gallii (Roctemburg) - (TL - Germany)

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) Ju~e 14 (1) (DHE).

Hyles lineata (Fabricius) - (TL - America) - White-lined Sphinx.

In 1982 - Leamington (1) July 28 (2), July 19 (l larva on Portulaca ole­racea (Purslane) reared to maturity)(MM).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Genus: Haploa Hubner

Haploa lecontei Guerin

In 1982 - Kemptville (27) July 6, 18, 25 (10 at light), Remi Lake ProvoPark (53) July 23, 26 (18 at light), Chalk River (40) July 10, 13, 23 (21 atlight) (FIDS). I

Genus: Archiearis


Archiearis infans (Moschler)

In 1982 - Atikokan (51) May 10 (several)(DHE).

Genus: Arctia Schrank

Arctia caja (Linnaeus) - Garden Tiger Moth.

In 1982 - Chalk River (40) Aug. 8 (65 at light), Quetico Park (FrenchLake)(51) Aug. 1 (1 at light)(FIDS).

Genus: Platarctia Packard

P1atarctia parthenos (Harris) - St. Lawrence Tiger Moth.

In 1982 - Chapleau (airport)(49) June 21 ~ 30 (47 at light), July 1 - 16(57 at light), Remi Lake Provo Park (53) June 22, 29 (2 at light), July 6, 8, 14(4 at light), Quetico Park (French Lake) (51) July 1 - 22 (60 at light)(FIDS).

Genus: Acossus

ACOSSDS centerensis Lint.

In 1982 - Remi Lake Provo Park (53) June 29 (1 at light)(FIDS).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Reports from Leamington (1) by Mike Matheson:

ARCTIIDAE:Apantesis vittata FabriciusApantesis virgo Linnaeua

July 18 (2)July 21 (1)

NOCTUIDAE:Catoca1a vidua Abbot & Smith

re1icta VilE.

cara Gueneeamatrix Hubneramatrix var.u1tronia Hubnerunijuga Walkerhabi1is Grotecerogama Gueneeparta Gueneeconcumbens Walkerpa1aeogama Gueneepiatrix Grote

Euparthenos nubi1is Hubner

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Reports from Peterborough (37) by G.J. van Dorsser:


18 (1)17 (1)


3 (1)27 (2)18 (1)21 (1)25 (1)l8 (1)5 (1)25 (1)20 (1)

Acronita americana HarrisAgrostis mo11is WalkerCatoca1a re1icta WalkerAmphipvra pvramidoides Guenee

June 18 (1 from cocoon)July 19Aug. 14Aug. 17


Nephelodes minians GueneePseudaletia unipunctata (Haworth)Anagrapha falcifera (Kirby)Lithophane pexate GroteSymmerista albifrons Abbot & Smith

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sept. 8Sept. 14Sept. 25Sept. 30June 23

Selected Moth reports from 1981 by J.E. Pilkington (Windsor).


Amphion nessus (Cramer)

June 2 - at 'Creeping Charlie' blossoms in yard (1)June 7 - at Iris flowers, Ojibway Park, Windsor- (1)June 21 - at Purple Vetch, Paquette (1)

Ceratomia amyntor (Geyer)

July 1 - single, not fresh, UV light, McGregor (1).

Rearing follow-up: May 8, clay pots containing pupae dug up in the gardenafter overwintering. Pupae later separated from soil and placedin cage; June 5, first adult emerged; June 7, second emerged.

Cressonia juglandis (J.E. Smith)

June 23 - single st UV 1mght, Gesto (1).

Eumorpha achemon (Drury)

July 17 - single at Bouncing Bet flowers, Gesto (1).July 23 - single at Bouncing Bet flowers, Gesto (1).Aug. 2 - single at Bouncing Bet flowers, Gesto (1).

Rearing follow-up: Sept. 27, larva located on Virginia Creeper in PointPe1ee Nat. Park; Sept. 30, larva burrowed into soil in claypot; Oct. 3, pot buried in garden to overwinter.

Eumorpha pandorus (Hubner)

July 14 - 3 fresh at Bouncing Bet, Gesto (1).July 17 - 15 checked, some worn, Gesto (1).July 23 - most of 10 checked worn & faded, Gesto (1).Aug. 2 - 3 badly worn, Gesto (1).

Hemaris thysbe (Fabricius)

June 2 - single at 'Creeping Charlie', Windsor (1).June 21 - two on ~urp1e Vetch, Paquette (1).

Hyles lineata (Fabricius)

June 6 ? - a friend called me June 20 to say she had found a strange mothin her garage window about two weeks earlier. She presumed ithad escaped but found it dead that day under some tools.

Sept. 5 - on washroom window in early morning, Arrowhead Provo Pk. (38).


Paonias excaecatus (J.E. Smith)

June 23 - 2 at UV light, Gesto (1).

Rearing follow-up: May 8, two overwintered pupae brought in from the gar­den in their clay pots filled with loose, easily drained soilmix; June 7, one adult emerged. Note: second pupa has notemerged although it appeared live (twitching when touched)for another week after the other emerged. No longer active &presumed dead.

Smerinthus jamaicensis (Drury)

May 23 - two fresh, Hardwood Hill (Algonquin Park)(39).

Sphinx eremitus (Hubner)

July 17 - on flowers near Gesto (1) - identification to be confirmed.

Ceratomia catalpae Boisduval

Ojibway Park (Windsor) - collected by Paul Pratt - identification to beconfirmed.


Antheraea polyphemus (Cramer)

June 10 - adult emerged from overwintered cocoon. Larva was found Aug.23, 1980 and reared on elm. Cocoon spun Sept. 3 & 4.

Automeris io (Fabricius)

June 23 - single male at UV light, Gesto (1).July 1 - single male at UV light, McGregor (1).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Additional reports from Peterborough by G.J. van Dorsser;



Melaphola albosigmaRheumaptera hastataHyoprepia fucosaTolype vellida

Fitch - July 18, Kawartha Park.- June 24, Peterborough.- July 24, Clear Lake.- Sept. 11, Kawartha Park.

ptilinus ruficornis Say - emerged from Maple & Butternut logsstored for firewood - June 7 - 10.

Desmocerus palliatus (Forester) - June 11, Peterborough.Megacyllene robiniae (Forester) - Sept. 7, Peterborough.Metriona bicolor (Fabricius) - June 13, numerous on blue

Morning Glory; Peterborough.Lema trilineata (Olivier) - July 3, on Potatoes in garden,



Acalymma vittata (Fabricius) - Aug. 3, on cucumbers in garden,Peterbo~ough.

Criocerus asparagi (Linnaeus) - Aug. 9.Necrophorus guttulus Mots. - July 5, Peterborough.Cicindela punctulata Olivier - Aug. 3, Peterborough.

HEMIPTERA: Lygaeidae;

Blissus leucopterus leucopterus Say - large amounts of damageincurred on lawns in my vicinity. I used noinsecticides, simply seeding with WhiteClover, which the cinch bugs do not like.One neighbour was still fighting the pestsin September.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I N 0 E X

This index is arranged as follows to facilitate the 9se of the publication:

Family: NYMPHALIDAE; Subfamily: Nymphalinae; Genus: Aglais; Species: nUlberti

- A -


Abaeisabbottii, Sphecodinaacadica, Satyriumachemon, EumorphaAcossusActiasAglaisAgriadesalaskensis, o. juttaalbrighti, E. amyntulaalcestis, S. aphroditealope, C. pegalaAmblyscirtesamericana, L. phlaeasanUca, P. saepiolusAmphionamyntor, CeratonUaamyntula, EveresAncyloxyphaAntheraeaantiopa. Nymphalisanthedon, EnodiaAnthocharinaeAPATURIDAEApaturinaeaphrodite, Speyeriaappalachia, Satyrodesaquilo, AgriadesArchiearisarchippus, BasilarchiaArctiaArgynninaeargyrognomon, LycaeidesarthenUs, BasilarchiaArtogeiaascerta, o. juttaAsciaasterius, P. polyxenesAsterocampaastyanax, B. arthenUsatalanta, VanessaAtalopedesatlantis, Speyeriaatrocostalis, C. seleneAtrytoneAtrytonopsisaugustus, Incisalia


ausonides, EuchloeAutomeris

- B -

bachmanii, Libytheanabaptisiae, ErynnisBasilarchiabatesii, Phyciodesbathyllus, ThorybesBattusbellona, Clossianabimacula, EuphyesBoisduvalii, C. titaniabombycoides, Laparaborealis, E. anthedonborealis, Euphydryasborealis, H. commaborealis, S. calanusbrizo, Erynnis

- c -caja, Arctiacalais, o. Ehryxuscalanus, SatyriumCallosamiacampestris, Atalopedescampestris, Phyciodescanadensis, P. glaucuscanadensis, Sphinxcardui, Vanessacarl ota, C. gorgoneCarterocephaluscaryaevorum, Satyriumcatullus, Pholisoracecropia, HyalophoraCelastrinaceltis, Asterocampacentaureae, Pyrguscenterensis, AcossusCeratomiaCercyoniscerisyi, Smerinthuscesonia, ZereneCharidryaschersis, Sphinx





chippewa, C. Palaenochryxus, Oeneisclarki, I. niphonclarus, Epargyreusclaudia, EuptoietaClossianaclyton, Asterocampacoenia, JunoniaCoenonymphaColiadinaeColiascolumbia, Hyalophoracomma, Hesperiacomma, polygoniacommunis, Pyrguscomyntas, Everesconspicua, Euphyescoras, Politescouperi, G. lygdamuscresphontes, HeraclidesCressoniacybele, Speyeriacyme1a , Megisto

- D -

DANAI DAEDanainaeDanausDarapsadawsoni, P. eunomiadiffinis, Hemarisdion, Euphyesdisa, Erebiadiscoidalis, ErebiaDolbadorcas, Epidemiadrupiferarum, Sphinxdrusius, C. nycteisdryas, P. commaDryocampadukesi, Euphyes

- E -

edwardsii, Satyriumegeremet, WallengreniaElymniinaeEnodiaEpargyreusEpidemiaepixanthe, EpidemiaErebiaeremitus, Sphinx




EroraErynniseryphon, Incisaliaeubule, P. sennaeEuchloeEumorphaeunomia, ProclossianaEuphyesEuphydryasEuptoietaEuremaEuristrymoneurydice, Satyrodeseurytheme, ColiasEurytidesEveresexcaecatus, Paonias

- F -

falacer, S. calanusfaunus, PolygoniaFenisecaflavofasciata, Proserpinusfletcheri, S. liparopsfranklinii, Agriadesfreija, Clossianafreija, P. centaureaefrigga, Clossianafurcillata, A. milberti

- G -Gaeidesgallii, Hylesgari ta, Oarisma'gi gan tea , Coliasglandon, Agriadesglaucus, pterourusGlaucopsychegordius, Sphinxgorgone, Charidryasgracilis, Hemarisgracilis, Polygoniagrandis, C. fitaniagryneus, Mitoura

- H -

hanhami, C. harrisiiHaploaHarkenclenusharperi, O. juttaharrisii, Chari dryashayhurstii, Staphylus





hegon, Amblyscirtesheinemani, C. inornatahelloides, EpidemiaHemarishenrici, IncisaliaHeraclidesHesperiaHESP RIIDAEHesperiinaehianna, Atrytonopsishobomok, Poaneshollandi, S. atlantishoratius, Erynnishudsonianus, P. machaonhumuli, S. melinushuron, A. campestrisHylephilaHylesHyllolycaenahyllus, Hyllolycaenahyloeus, Dolba

- I -

icelus, Erynnisidalia, Speyeriaimperialis, EaclesIncisaliainfans, Archiearisino, C. pegalainornata, Coenonymphainterior, Coliasinterrogationis, Polygoniaio, Automerisiole, Nathalisirus, Incisalia

- J -

j-album, Nymphalisjamaicensis, Smerinthusjuglandis, CressoniaJunoniajutta, Oeneisjuvenalis, Erynnis

- K -

kalmiae, Sphinxkrautwurmi, S. cybele

- L -

lacustris, A. frankliniiladon, Celastrina






laeta, EroraLaparalaurentina, H. commalecontei, Haploaleeuwi, S. appalachialeonardus, HesperiaLibytheanaL1BYTHE1DAELI MEN1TI D1 NAElineata, Hyleslineola, Thymelicusliparops, Satyriumlisa, Pyrisi tialogan, Atry tonelucia, C. ladonlucilius, Erynnisluna, Actiasluscitiosa, SphinxLycaeidesLycaenaLYCAEN1DAELycaeninaelygdamus, Glaucopsyche

- M -

m-album, Parrhasiusmachaon, Papiliomacounii, Oeneismancinus, E. disamandan, C. palaemonManducamanitoba, S. aphroditemanitoba.} • commamanitoboides, H. sassacusmarcellus, Eurytidesmarginata, C. ladonmartialis, Erynnismassasoit, Poanesmayae, S. aphroditemayi, E. ausonidesMegistomelinus, Strymonmelissa, Lycaeidesmelissa, OeneisMelitaeinaemetacomet, E. ruricolamexi cana, Euremamichi ganensis , E. epixanthemilberti, AglaisMil etinaeMitouramodesta, Pachysphinxmonuste, Asciamyops, Paonias





myrina, C. selenemyron/ Darapsamystic / Poli tes

- N -

nabokovi / L. argyrognomonnapi / ArtogeiaNathalisneomarsyas/ P. satyrusnephele, C. pegalanessus , Amphionnicippe, Abaeisniphon, Incisalianipisiquit, C. inornatanumitor, Ancyloxyphanycteis, CharidryasNYMPHALI DAENymphalinaeNymphalis

- 0 -

OarismaoccidentalisOeneisoleracea, A. napiolympia, Euchloeolympus/ C. pegalaontario, Euristrymonori genes / Poli tes

- P -

Pachysphinxpalaemon/ Carterocephaluspalaeno/ Coliaspandorus, EumorphaPaoniasPapilioPAPILIONIDAEPapilioninaeParrhasiusparthenos/ Platarctiapelidne, Coliaspersius, Ery~nis

phaeton, Euphydryasphilea, PhoebisphilenoI, Battusphilodice, Coliasphlaeas, LycaenaPhoebisPholisoraPhyciodes





phyleus, HylephilaPIERIDAEPierinaepini, E. imperialisPlatarctiaPlebejusplexippus, DanausPoanespocahontas / P. hobomokpoeci la / Sphinxpolios, IncisaliaPolitespolixenes, OeneisPolygoniapolyphemus, Antheraeapolyxenes/ P. asteriusPompeiusPontiapratensis, PhyciodesProclossianaprogne/ Polygoniapromethea, CallosamiaProserpinusprotodice, Pontiapseudargiolus, Celastrinapseudocarpenteri, S. cybelePterouruspylades, ThorybesPyrgusPyrisitiaPyrrhopygi nae

- Q -

quinquemaculata, Manduca

- R -

rapae / ArtogeiJaridingiana, O. juttarosa/ E. olympiarubicunda, Dryocamparubrofasciata, B. arthemisruricola, Euphyes

- S -

saga / C. fri ggasaepiolus, Plebejussamuelis, L. melissasassacus/ HesperiaSATYRIDAESatyrinaeSatyrium





Satyrodessatyrus, Polygoniascudderi, L. argyrognomonselene, Clossianasemplei, o. melissasennae, Phoebissexta, Manducasheltonensis, I. eryphonSmerinthusSpeyeriaSphecodinaSPHINGIDAESphinxStaphylusstrigosum, s. liparopsstrigulosa, o. chryxusStrymon

- T -

tarquinius, Fenisecatharos, PhyciodesTheel; naethemistocles, PolitesThorybesThymelicusthysbe, Hemaristitania, Clossianatitus, Harkenclenustoddi, C. bellonatriclaris, P. eunomiatransmontana, S. eurydice



troilus, pterourus

- u -umbrosa, P. interrogationisundulosa, Ceratomia

- V -

Vanessavau-album, N. j-albumverna, Pompei usvialis, Amblyscirtesviator, Poanesviolacea, Celastrinavirginiensis, Artogeiavirginiensis, Vanessa

- w-

Wallengreniawatrini, S. acadi cawinni, S. aphrodite

- X -

xanthoides, Gaeides

- z -Zerene








* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



Previous publications of the Toronto Entomologists Association consist ofOccasional Papers and are as follows:-

1. Checklist of Ontario Skippers & Butterflies & 1969 Seasonal Summary - byP.M. Catling and C.H. Walker.

2. Contribution to the Knowledge of Hyalophora columbia and 1970 SeasonalSummary - by P.M. Catling, W. Edmonds and C.H. Walker.

3. Annual Summary of Rhopalocera Encountered in Ontario in 1971 & 'The Occur­rence of the Little Sulphur Butterfly (Eurema lisa) in Ontario' by Paul M.Catling and 'Some Notes on Collecting in the Vicinity of Leticia, Columbiain February 1974' by Quimby F. Hess.

4-75. Summaries of Rhopalocera Encountered in Ontario in 1972, 1973 and 1974, byQuimby F. Hess.

5. Pieris virginiensis Edwards in Ontario - by Q.F. Hess et al.

6-76. Summary of Lepidoptera Encountered in Ontario in 1975 - by Q.F. Hess andA.J. Hanks.

7-77. Summary of Lepidoptera Encountered in Ontario in 1976 - by Q.F. Hess, Wal­ter Plath Jr. and A.J. Hanks.

8-77. 'Butterflies and Moths on Stamps' - Part 1 - by A.J. Hanks.

9-78. Butterflies of Ontario & Summaries of Lepidoptera Encountered in Ontarioin 1977 - by Q.F. Hess and A.J. Hanks.

10-79. Butterflies of Ontario & Summaries of Lepidoptera Encountered in Ontarioin 1978 - by Q.F. Hess and A.J. Hanks.

11-80. Butterflies of Ontario & Summaries of Lepidoptera Encountered in Ontarioin 1979 - by Q.F. Hess and A.J. Hanks.

12-81. Butterflies of Ontario & Summaries of Lepidoptera Encountered in Ontarioin 1980 - by Q.F. Hess and A.J. Hanks. (ISSN #: 0710-0574)

13-82. Butterflies of Ontario & Summaries of Lepidoptera Encountered in Ontarioin 1981 - by Q.F. Hess and A.J. Hanks. (ISSN #: 0710-0574)