topics for review in philosophy of science

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Topics for review in philosophy of science


Phil 381 Midterm 1 Review What is meant by the later Greek astronomers claim that the aim of astronomy is to save the phenomena? Why is geometry crucial to the origins of rationalist theories of knowledge? How does Galileo use the notion of simplicity to argue in favor of Copernicus theory? How does Galileo defend Copernicus from the old objections against the rotation of the earth? What is the disagreement between Descartes and Newton on the grounds for believing in scientific claims? What does Descartes mean by occult qualities? Why is Newton puzzled over whether or not he has explained gravity? How did empiricism and positivism lead Duhem and Mach to reject atomism? How did Mach try to give empiricistically acceptable version of Newton? Why was the Second Scientific Revolution crucial to the views about whether or not science was progressing to the truth? What is empiricism? What is its fundamental idea about how our language gets its meaning? What is the empiricist notion of an observable? Why do empiricists often claim that the observables are ideas in the mind? What is representative realism? What is idealism? How are empiricists led to these? What is meant by positivism? What is meant by logical positivisim? Why do some logical positivists claim that non-scientific assertions are meaningless? Why do some logical positivists claim that non-scientific assertions are meaningless? What is meant by an ostensive definition? What is Wittgensteins objection to the notion of ostensive definition? If you take observables to be ideas in the mind how does that lead to issues of problems about physical realism? If you take observables to be in the physical world, how does the slippery slope argument lead to the conclusion that everything in the world is observable? What is Bridgemans operationalism? Why does Bridgeman think that each scientific term requires its own, unique, operation? How does he think that will aid science? What is the problem if one carries this idea too far? What does Reichenbach mean by a coordinative definition? What is meant by an observation sentence? What is meant by strict verifiability for sentences? What are Hempels puzzles for the strict verificationist? What is the problem in transmitting verifiability from observation sentences to sentences of theories? What is Ayers hierarchical approach? Why does it have a problem? What is the idea of the meaningful sentences as those that are falsifiable? Why does Popper believe that it is falsifiability that distinguishes scientific claims from those claims that are non-scientific? What are some of his examples of non-science pretending to be science? What is Poppers approach to the problem of saying what an observational sentence is? How does Popper try to handle the problem of saving a claim by making ad hoc changes elsewhere in ones beliefs? What are Hempels puzzles for the falsificationist? What is the holistic approach to the scientific meaningfulness? Why do both the verificationist and falsificationist programs for meaningfulness and meaning push one in the direction? What is the role in a theory account of the meaning of scientific terms and sentences? What is the Ramsey Sentence approach for giving the meaning of theoretical terms? Why does the holistic approach lead some to anti-realism or instrumentalism about theories? How might semantic analogy give meaning to theoretical terms? What is the claim that we should be realistic about what the theoretical terms refer to but can never fully understand what properties we are talking about in our theories? What is meant by saying that two theory expressions are equivalent? Why do some distinguish empirical equivalence from full equivalence? What might be needed to get from one to the other? What is constructive empiricism? What is the problem of inequivalent but empirically indistinguishable theories? What is transient indistinguishability vs in principle indistinguishability? How does the issue of empirical indistinguishability lead to forms of irrealism? What are some alleged examples of inequivalent but in principle empirically indistinguishable theories? What is the difference between a method of discovery and a method of justification? What is Mills Method of Agreement? Of Difference? Of Concomitant Variation? What is the rationalist theory of justification of scientific belief? What are Newtons Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy? What does Hume mean by inductive reasoning? What is Humes argument to the effect that inductive reasoning cannot be justified? What is the pragmatist reply to Hume? What is Goodmans New Riddle of Induction? What does Hempel mean by the Equivalence Conditions as criteria of adequacy for qualitative confirmation? What is the Paradox of the Ravens and what are some responses to it? What are the Consequence and Converse Consequence Conditions? Why do they seem justified or needed? Why do they lead to a puzzle if taken together? What is Glymours idea of Bootstrapping? What is meant by objective probability? What are some attempts at defining it (frequency, limit of frequency, disposition, theoretical feauture)? What is the Principle of Indifference? Why is the principle problematic? What is subjective probability? How is it related to betting behavior? What is a representation theorem for subjective probability? What are Dutch Book Arguments? How can rationality in preference among lottery tickets play a role in proving a representation theorem? What is Bayes Theorem? How is it proposed as the means of learning from evidence? What are a priori and a posteriori probabilities for a hypothesis?