topical test biology form 4

SMK SIMUNJAN NO. 1 TOPICAL TEST 3 BIOLOGY FORM 4 Instruction: Arahan: 1. This question paper consists of two sections, A and B. Kertas soalan ini terdiri daripada dua bahagian, A dan B. 2. Answer all the question in this paper. Jawab semua soalan dalam kertas ini. 3. For section A, please write your answer in the space provided in the front page. Untuk bahagian A, sila tuliskan jawapan anda di dalam ruangan yang disediakan di muka hadapan Space for the answer of objective question. Ruangan untuk jawapan soalan objektif. 1 5 9 13 17 2 6 10 14 18 3 7 11 15 19 4 8 12 16 20 1

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Test of chapter 5 and 6 biology form 4


Page 1: Topical Test Biology Form 4





1. This question paper consists of two sections, A and B.Kertas soalan ini terdiri daripada dua bahagian, A dan B.

2. Answer all the question in this paper.Jawab semua soalan dalam kertas ini.

3. For section A, please write your answer in the space provided in the front page.Untuk bahagian A, sila tuliskan jawapan anda di dalam ruangan yang disediakan di muka hadapan

Space for the answer of objective question.Ruangan untuk jawapan soalan objektif.

1 5 9 13 17

2 6 10 14 18

3 7 11 15 19

4 8 12 16 20


Prepared by, Checked by, Approved by,

_________________ _________________ __________________(Mdm Siti Wahida) (Mr. Tay Boon Ping) (Mdm. Marina Hadenan)Subject’s teacher Head of Science Panel Head of Science Department

Page 2: Topical Test Biology Form 4

Section A: Objective questions.Bahagian A: Soalan objektif.

1. Mitosis is a type of cell division in which…Mitosis ialah jenis pembahagian sel yang…

A two gamete cells are produceddua sel gamet dihasilkan

B two haploid cells are produceddua sel haploid dihasilkan

C two identical cells are produceddua sel yang seiras dihasilkan

D pairs of homologous chromosomes are produced in the daughter cellssepasang kromosom homologos dihasilkan dalam sel anak

2. Diagram 1 shows a certain stage of meiosis.Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu peringkat meiosis yang tertentu.

Diagram 1

Which of the following stage is that?Yang manakah antara berikut merupakan peringkat tersebut?

A Metaphase 1B Anaphase 1C Telophase 1D Prophase 1

3. In meiosis, the number of chromosomes is…Dalam meiosis, bilangan kromosom adalah…

A halveddisetengahkan

B doubleddigandakan

C constantmalar

D reduceddikurangkan


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4. In the first division of meiosis, homologous chromosomes…Dalam pembahagian pertama meiosis, kromosom homologus…

I get separated from each otherterpisah antara satu sama lain

II go into different cellsmasuk ke dalam sel yang berlainan

III get stuck to each othermelekat antara satu sama lain

IV go into the same daughter cellmasuk ke dalam sel yang sama

A I and II onlyB I and III onlyC II and IV onlyD II and IV only

5. In human, how many daughter cells are formed at the end of Telophase II?Dalam manusia, berapakah bilangan sel anak yang terbentuk pada akhir Telofasa II?

A 2B 4C 6D 8

6. Which of the following structure contain cells that carry out meiosis?Yang manakah antara struktur berikut mengandungi sel yang menjalankan meiosis?

A epidermisB cambiumC cortexD anther

7. Sperm and egg cells which have only one complete set of chromosomes are termed...Sperma dan sel telur yang hanya mempunyai satu set kromosom dikenali…

A homologousB diploidC haploidD polyploidy

8. Which of the following statements is/are correct about tissue culture?Yang manakah antara pernyataan berikut betul mengenai tisu kultur?

I An application of mitosisMerupakan aplikasi mitosis

II An in vitro processMerupakan proses in vitro

III Requires sterile conditionsMemerlukan keadaan yang steril


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IV All types of tissues can be culturedSemua jenis tisu boleh dikulturkan

A IV onlyB I, II and III onlyC II, III and IV onlyD I, II, III and IV

9. Diagram 2 shows the formation of Dolly sheep.Rajah 2 menunjukkan pembentukan kambing biri-biri Dolly.

Diagram 2

Which of the following is/are true about the process shown in diagram 2?Yang manakah antara berikut betul tentang proses yang ditunjukkan di dalam rajah 2?

I Dolly is a clone.Dolly merupkan klon.

II The genetic material of Dolly is similar with the ovum donorBahan genetik Dolly adalah sama dengan ovum penderma.

III The genetic material of Dolly is similar with the somatic cell donor.Bahan genetik Dolly adalah sama dengan sel soma penderma.

IV The formation of Dolly involves only mitotic divisionPembentukan Dolly hanya melibatkan pembahagian mitotic.

A I, II and III onlyB I, II and IV onlyC II, III and IV onlyD I, II, III and IV


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10. Which of the following tissues can be used in the cloning technique of plants?Yang manakah antara tisu berikut boleh digunakan dalam teknik pengklonan tumbuhan?

A SeedsBiji benih

B Pollen grainsButir-butir debunga

C Parts of a plant shootSebahagian pucuk tumbuhan

D Ovum from an undeveloped flowerOvum daripada bunga yang belum terbentuk

11. The organisms which are not able to synthesize their own food, in the form of organic compounds from inorganic substances are known as...Organisma yang tidak dapat membina makanan sendiri, dalam bentuk sebatian organik daripada sebatian tak organik dikenali sebagai…

A heterotrophsB autotrophsC parasitesD saprophytes

12. Which of the following type of nutrition involves feeding on solid organic material obtain from the bodies of other organisms?Yang manakah antara jenis nutrisi berikut melibatkan pembekalan bahan organik pepejal yang diperolehi daripada organisma lain?

A holozoicB parasiticC saprophyticD saprozoic

13. The caloric requirement of an individual depends on the…Keperluan kalori bagi seseorng individu bergantung kepada…

I age II sexumur jantina

III daily activity III health condition aktiviti harian keadaan kesihatan

A II and III onlyB I, II and III onlyC II, III and IV onlyD I, II, III and IV

14. What is the role of peristalsis?Apakah peranan peristalsis?

A Separates solid food from fluid.Memisahkan makanan pepejal daripada cecair.


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B Secretes more enzymes to act on food.Merembeskan lebih banyak enzim untuk bertindak ke atas makanan.

C Increase the surface area of food for enzyme actionMeningkatkan luas permukaan makanan bagi tindakan enzim.

D Enhances movement of food in the alimentary canal.Meningkatkan pergerakan makanan di dalam salur pencernaan.

15. Which of the following element is not a component of protein?Yang manakah antara unsure berikut bukan komponen protein?

A OxygenB CarbonC PhosphorusD Iodine

16. Diagram 3 shows food guide pyramid.Rajah 3 menunjukkan piramid panduan pemakanan.

Diagram 3

Which of the levels A, B, C or D of the food pyramid provides us daily energy?Yang manakah antara peringkat A, B, C atau D bagi piramid makanan tersebut yang membekalkan kita tenaga harian?

17. Which of the following enzymes is matched correctly to its substrate?Yang manakah antara enzim berikut yang dipadankan betul dengan substratnya?

Enzyme SubstrateA Saliva LipidsB Trypsin ProteinsC Maltase VitaminsD Bile Carbohydrates

18. Which of the following food do not have energy value?Yang manakah antara makanan berikut tidak mempunyai nilai tenaga?

A Proteins, fibres, vitaminsB Fibres, vitamins, mineralsC Vitamins, minerals, lipidsD Minerals, lipids, water


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19. Which of the following is a water soluble vitamin?Yang manakah antara berikut merupakan vitamin yang larut air?


20. Diagram 4 shows the digestive system of a rodent.Rajah 4 menunjukkan sistem pencernaan bagi rodensia.

Diagram 4

Which of the labelled parts, A, B, C or D of the rodent digest cellulose?Yang manakah antara bahagian A, B, C atau D bagi rodensia yang mencernakan selulosa?


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Section B: Subjective questions.Bahagian B: Soalan subjektif.

1. Diagram 1.1 shows a part of the stages of a meiosis cell division in an animal cell. The chromosome behaviour in stage S is not shown.Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada peringkat pembahagian sel secara meiosis dalam satu sel haiwan. Perlakuan kromosom di peringkat S tidak ditunjukkan.

Diagram 1.1

a) Name the structure labelled X. Namakan struktur berlabel X.


(1 mark)


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b) i) In diagram 1.1, complete the diagram in stage S to show the chromosome behaviour. (1 mark)

ii) State one of the changes which occurs in stage S. Nyatakan satu perubahan yang berlaku di peringkat S.


(1 mark)

c) Diagram 1.2 shows process Y which takes place in stage P.Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan proses Y yang berlaku di peringkat P.

Diagram 1.2

i) In diagram 1.2, draw a diagram showing the appearance of the chromosome at the end of process Y.

Dalam rajah 1.2, lukis rajah yang menunjukkan rupa kromosom di akhir proses Y.

(1 mark)

ii) Name process Y.Namakan proses Y.


(1 mark)

iii) State one importance of process Y to an organism.Nyatakan satu kepentingan proses Y kepada sesuatu organisma.



(1 mark)


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d) Diagram 1.3 shows skin cells. Cells X are cancecrous cells which are formed after the normal cells are exposed to factor W.Rajah 1.3 menunjukkan sel-sel kulit. Sel-sel X adalah sel kanser yang terbentuk selepas sel-sel normal terdedah kepada faktor W.

Diagram 1.3

i) Give one examples of factor W.Berikan satu contoh faktor W.


(1 mark)

ii) Explain the formation of cells X.Terangkan pembentukan sel X.




(2 marks)

iii) State two ways to prevent the development of cells X.Nyatakan dua cara untuk mengelakkan perkembangan sel X.





(2 marks)


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2. Diagram 2. 1 shows three symptoms of nutrient deficiency.Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan tiga simptom kekurangan nutrien.

Diagram 2.1

a) Based on diagram 2.1, identify the health problem experienced by individual. Tick the correct answer in the boxes.Berdasarkan rajah 2.1, kenalpasti masalah kesihatan yang dialami oleh setiap individu. Tandakan jawapan yang betul di dalam kotak di bawah.

Individual Z W X

DiseasesObesity Kwashiokor Maramus

Maramus Osteoporosis Rickets

Scurvy Diabetes melitus Starvation

(3 marks)

b) State the causes of the health problem for Z, W and X respectively.Nyatakan sebab masalah kesihatan bagi Z, W dan X masing-masing.

i) W:


ii) X:


iii) Z:


(3 marks)


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c) Diagram 2.2 shows some vegetables and fruits.Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan beberapa jenis sayuran dan buah-buahan.

Diagram 2.2

State three types of nutrients provided by the food above.Nyatakan tiga jenis nutrien yang dibekalkan oleh makanan di atas.


(1 mark)

d) Explain briefly why we encouraged to consumed sufficient fruits and vegetables as shown in diagram 2.2 for the purpose of:Terangkan secara ringkas mengapa kita digalakkan mengambil sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan seperti diatas dengan mencukupi untuk tujuan:

i) Avoiding constipationMengelakkan sembelit


ii) Preventing scurvyMengelakkan penyakit skurvi


iii) Slimming your bodyMelansingkan badan


(3 marks)


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3. Diagram 3 shows human alimentary canal.Rajah 3 menunjukkan salur pencernaan.

Diagram 3

a) Based on the given information in the box, label X, Y, T and S in diagram 3.Berdasarkan kepada maklumat yang diberikan di dalam kotak, labelkan X, Y, T dan S di dalam rajah 3.

(4 marks)

b) Write the name of enzymes secreted by the parts labelled…Tuliskan nama enzim yang dirembeskan oleh bahagian berlabel…

i) W:


ii) Z:


(2 marks)

c) Write three word equations on the digestive processes that occur in X.Tuliskan tiga persamaan perkataan bagi proses pencernaan yang berlaku di X.


Small intestine Duodenum Gall bladder Stomach Large intestine

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(3 marks)

~ End of question paper ~