topic: early civilizations 1 2eq: why was the neolithic ... isn.pdfeffects of neolithic revolution...

1 2 Topic: Early Civilizations EQ: Why was the Neolithic Revolution significant in history? Causes of the Neolithic Revolution - Hunter and gathers scattered seeds = Crops grow - Climate changes - Rise in temperatures - Longer growing seasons and drier land Neolithic Revolution = Shift from gathering food to producing food Effects of Neolithic Revolution -Created permanent settlements - first cities - Writing System - record keeping - farming and flooding of the rivers - Settled Communities - created common cultures - populations grew - close living = spread of disease Why do we study the past? Neolithic Revolution = the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis Summarize impact Changes Cause & Effect

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1 2 Topic: Early Civilizations

EQ: Why was the Neolithic Revolution significant in history?

Causes of the Neolithic Revolution

- Hunter and gathers scattered seeds = Crops grow

- Climate changes

- Rise in temperatures

- Longer growing seasons and drier land

Neolithic Revolution = Shift from gathering food to

producing food

Effects of Neolithic Revolution

-Created permanent settlements

- first cities

- Writing System

- record keeping

- farming and flooding of the rivers

- Settled Communities

- created common cultures

- populations grew

- close living = spread of disease

Why do we study the past?

Neolithic Revolution = the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis

Summarize impact


Cause & Effect

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3 4 Topic: Early Civilizations

EQ: How did civilizations arise in early history??

Causes of Civilizations

- Farming and domestication (tame) of animals =

larger settlements

- Flooding of the rivers = rich fertile soil

- Food surplus = having more than you need

Effects of Civilizations

- Developed common political, economic and

cultural patterns

- Social divisions develop - Ownership of land = wealth

- Food Surplus = specialization of labor - Get really good at one task

- Religions developed - Polytheistic = believing in many gods

- Mathematics

- Time Keeping

- Metal Working

- Monumental Building

- Law codes -

Civilization – a complex culture

in which large numbers of

people share a number of

common elements such as

social structures, religion, and


What is a civilizations?


Record Keeping

Complex institutions – government,

religion, economics

Specialized Workers


Advanced Technology

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5 6 Topic: Early Civilizations

EQ: What were the accomplishments of Mesopotamia?

Mesopotamia “land between two rivers” 3500 BC –

1600 BC

- Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

- flooding = fertile soil

- Sumerians arrived and begin irrigation


- Irrigation = water diverted to the land

- Farming and settlement flourished

- Food supply increased

- Allowed for activities other than farming

- Potters, weavers, metal workers,warriors


- Polythestic = beliving in many gods

- 2000 gods

- World’s oldest faiths

- Sumerian rulers = faith

- Theocracy = society governed by religious


- Ziggurates = stepped-pyramid temple

- Temple to please the Gods

- Center of each city

Achievements Sumerians

- The wheel and sailboat

- Tools and weapons of copper and bronze

- 12 month calendar

- Cuneiforms = world’s earliest writing system

- Symbol writing on clay tablets

- The elite could read and write cuneiform

- Priest and scribes


Social Structure Pyramid


Symbols on clay tablets

Carts, Wheels,


Temple, Wall Medicine,

King, Warriors

Religion. Monarchy

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7 8 Topic: Early Civilizations

EQ: Why was the Code of Hammurabi an important accomplishment?

King Hammurabi 1792 – 1750

- Babylonian Empire reaches its peak

- Number system based on “60”

Code of Hammurabi

- A written code of law

- Ensure justice and protect

- Stable and predictable

- Judiciary system as part

Choose two laws that you agree with and write

them below as an example.


Hammurabi’s Code Writing Assignment Choose one of the following options to complete. 1. Write a two paragraph letter to the editor of the Babylonian Times. In the letter, you must give your opinion of one of Hammurabi’s laws (state the code number they are discussing) and explain why you feel that way. If they disagree with the code, they should offer suggestions for Hammurabi to consider. If you agree, explain why this is an important law for citizens to follow. 2. Create a set of 10 laws for our classroom along with appropriate punishments for those that break a law.

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Topic: Early Civilizations EQ: What were the accomplishments of Ancient


Ancient Egypt “gift of the Nile” 3000 BC – 500 BC

- Farming in desert region

- Nile flooding = fertile soil

- Made communication easy

- Offered protection from invaders

- Developed irrigation = large amounts of food

Government and Society

- Pharaoh (God-King) = most powerful person in


- Absolute ruler

- Owned all the land, army, and made laws

- Defended Egypt against invaders

Monarchy = a system of government where power

is inherited. Also Theocracy = religious laws


- Polytheistic = believing in many gods

- Mummification – preserve body after death for


- Pyramids = built as tombs for Pharaohs

- Surrounded by gold, jewels, and other precious


Achievements Sumerians

- Hieroglyphics = writing system, pictures &

symbols. Appeared on temples, pyramids, and

scrolls of paper (papyrus)

- Architecture = pyramids , palaces, temples of

stone columns

- Developed geometry to build pyramids

- Developed a calendar based on 365 days

- Performed surgical operations


Social Structure Pyramid

Ancient Egypt

Record Keeping

Complex Institutions

Government, Religion,


Specialized Workers


Advanced Technology

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Topic: Early Civilizations EQ: What were the accomplishments of the Indus

River Valley?

Indus River Valley 3000 BC – 1500 BC

- Located on the banks of the Indus and Ganges


- Developed irrigation = large amounts of food

Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

- More than 30,000 people in each city

- Developed on grid systems and had sophisticated

plumbing and sewage systems


- Indus River changes courses – Cities were


- Environment changes = no longer suitable for


Aryans 1500 BC

- Indo-European settled in the Indus River Valley

- Caste system developed under Aryans to separate

Aryan from non-Aryan

- Sanskrit = the first writing system of the Aryans


- Hinduism created by the Aryans, sacred text the


- Polytheistic = believing in many gods

Caste = determine social and economic elements

Reincarnation = living things have souls, upon

death souls transfer into new living creature

Karma = Force generated by a person’s action that

determines how the people will be reborn.

Dharma = Set of rules that need to be followed to

be reincarnated up a caste.


Social Structure Pyramid


Record Keeping

Complex Institutions

Government, Religion,


Specialized Workers


Advanced Technology

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Topic: Early Civilizations EQ: What were the accomplishments of Ancient


Huang He (Yellow River) - China’s first


- Flooding = fertile soil


Dynasty = ruling family

- Shang Dynasty (2000 BC)

- Division of class

- Importance of family

- Shang Kings = military leaders and priests

- Offered sacrifices to their royal ancestors


- Bronze work

- Weapons

- Silk from silkworm

- Coined money

- Ironworks

- Great Wall of China

- Characters = system of writing

- Each character represents an idea

- Still used today


Social Structure Pyramid

Ancient China

Record Keeping

Complex Institutions

Government, Religion,


Specialized Workers


Advanced Technology

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15 16 1Q3W Scantron Stapled Foldable Comparing Egypt and


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Topic: Classical Civilizations EQ: What were the accomplishments of Classical


Zhou Dynasty (1027 BC-256 BC) – Nobles ruled through


- 500 BC local nobles fought Zhou for power

Mandate of Heaven justifies royal authority and establishes

dynastic cycles

- Ruler was chosen by Heaven

- Would continue to rule if good to people

- Heaven would overthrow a bad ruler

- Punish by brining floods, riots, or revolts

– Many early Chinese philosophies were established under

the Zhou

Confucianism – order to China’s social life and government

- Traditional ways to achieve peace and harmony

- Stressed obedience, order, good deeds, and harmony

- Filial Piety – children should show devotion to their parents

Daoism – philosophy established by Laozi that addresses order

and harmony

Qin Dynasty (256 BC-202 BC) – ruled by Shi Huangdi, who

uses Legalist ideas to unify China through autocracy

– Legalism – stressed punishment over rewards

– Centralized system of highway and irrigation networks

– Mass murder of Confucian scholars

– Great Wall of China built

Han Dynasty (202 BC-9 AD) – centralized government,

complex bureaucracy, civil service jobs, promotion of

Confucianism, invention of paper

- Examinations to select candidates for government jobs

Innovations Porcelain Movable type Gunpowder Mechanical clock Paper money Magnetic compass Chinese junks, large ships some more than 400 feet in length with a capacity to displace up to 1500 tons of water with four large masts Initial fleet of junks included 62 ships that carried nearly 28,000 sailors, merchants, and soldiers

Silk Road = trade routes connected China to the Roman Empire = Diffusion - Exported silk, iron, bronze,

Confucianism - Imported gold, linen, cloth,

glass, ivory, horses, cattle, Buddhism

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Topic: Classical Civilizations EQ: What were fundamental ideas that originated in

Classical China?



Major Beliefs:

Filial Piety - children

should show devotion

to their parents



Major Beliefs:

Legalism = harsh punishments for sins

Roles of Women and Children:


Including, but not limited to:

1. Corrupt governments in empire

2. Infighting among political elites

3. Empire too large in area to manage

4. Invasions from hostile nomadic tribes

5. Social inequality among the classes with tax burdens on lower


6. Inequitable distribution of lands

7. Decline in traditional morals and values at the cultural core of

each civilization

8. Public health and urban decay

9. Unemployment and inflation

Fall of Han


Large area difficult to


Corruption from within

High taxes invasions

Large differences

between rich and poor classes

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Topic: Early Civilizations EQ: What were the accomplishments of Classical


Hinduism – Religion and way of life

Caste System – provide social order in South Asia

- No social mobility

- Cant marry outside of your caste

- Based on birth


Siddartha Guatama = noblemen in Northern India

530 BC

- Left his family and wealth

- Became Buddha “the enlightened one”

- End suffering by no longer desiring what you

cannot have

Mauryan Empire (302 BC – 232 BC)

- King Chandragupta

- Established powerful empire

- Organized government

- Improved roads

- King Ashoka spread Buddhism

Gupta Empire (300AD)

- Chandra Gupta 1

- Literature

- Astronomy – earth is round

- Medicine – plastic surgery

- Math – zero, decimals, value of Pi to 4 decimal



Warm-Up Questions: 1. What is an “empire”? 2. How are “empires” different from “river valley civilizations”?

River valley civilizations were complex societies with advanced technologies, cities, workers, writing, & institutions

Empires were advanced societies with well-organized, centralized gov’ts that conquered & ruled a variety of formerly independent people

3.What are the advantages of having an empire?

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Topic: Classical Civilizations EQ: What were the accomplishments of Classical



- Large mountainous peninsula

- Hilly terrain

- Farming was difficult

- Relied on trade in the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean


Rise of City-States

- Mountains, sea cut off populations from one another

- Isolation caused different communities to develop their own

ways of life.

- Cities-States = city and surrounding villages, created a

government and system of laws

- Polis = a town where people would meet to discuss political,

economic, social and religious activities

Religion = Polythestic

- Olympics games played every 4 years to honor Zeus

- Honored athletes and competition

- Pleased the Gods


- Important city-state

- Large slave population = wealth

- Controlled and disciplined lives

- Large effective army

- No arts or new ideas

- Only war mattered = young boys left to train at age 7


- Limited Democracy = government controlled by its citizens

- “ruled of the people”

- Only men over 30 years could participate

- Women, foreigners, slaves = non-citizens

- Oligarchy = ruled by small group of elite wealthy people.

Rights = voting, passing laws, speaking at public meetings

Responsibilities = participation in government, paying taxes,

following laws.

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Topic: Classical Civilizations EQ: What were the accomplishments of Classical


Athens Continued

- Jury System = trial by a jury of your peers

- Innocent until proven guilty

- Equal justice to all

- Patriarchal = men lead society

- Women had little political life

- Women ran household

- Women shared in family business

- Children were educated at home by mothers

- Children help farm

Persian Wars (490 BC – 479 BC) = united all the Greek city-

states against Persia

- Greeks vs. Persian Empire

- Greek victories at Marathon and Salamis

- Barely bet the Persians

- Faster Greek naval ship helped them win

Golden Age of Pericles

- Era of peace and achievements after the Persian Wars

- Freedom and confidence

- Strengthening of navy and oversea trade

Direct Democracy = one person, one vote

Philosophy = “love of wisdom”

- Human reasoning

- Understand the world, solve problems

- Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

- Applied logic to science

Art = statues and buildings with balance and proportions

- Painted with bright colors

- True to life sculptures

- Use of columns

- Parthenon = marble temple for Athena, Acropolis = hilltop

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Topic: Classical Civilizations EQ: What were the accomplishments of the Persian



- Royal Road connects the empire for over 1,500 miles

- Use of standarized metal coins

- Promote trade and unify the empire


- Creates a religion

- People’s own choices determine fate


- Monotheistic

- Worship of Ashura Mazda

- Avesta – sacred writing

- Early beliefs in heaven, hell and a final judgement

Persia and Greece Timeline Foldable

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Topic: Classical Civilizations EQ: What were the accomplishments of Classical



Eratosthenes – geographer

- Earth was round

- Calculated its circumference

Hipparchus – mathematician

- Latitude, longitude

Archimedes – greatest mathematician of ancient times

- Geometry

- Studied pulleys and levers

- Measured volume and density

- Designed catapults

- Studies Pi


- geometry, philosophy

- Numbers are useful for more than counting things

- Formulas could help establish patterns in nature

- Modern scientific theory based on his theories


- Geometry


- Sun is larger than Earth

- Earth and other planets revolve around the sun

• An important decision needs to be made at

MHS…Should students be able to have


• An important decision needs to be made at

MHS…Should students be able to have


• Which column do you think is the best style?

Make a sketch

• Do you think that questioning is a good way of


• Is there such a thing as too many questions? Why

or why not?

• Which contribution of the Greeks to astronomy

and geography do you think is the MOST

important? Make a sketch to represent that idea.

• Why do you think that these and other Greek

statutes are considered to be works of art?

• What makes them different from other art that you

have seen?

• What part of the excerpt from the Hippocratic

Oath stands out the most to you?

• What are doctors promising?

• Summarize the quote in a short phrase.

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Topic: Classical Civilizations EQ: What changes occurred during the Hellenistic

Era during the rule of Alexander the Great?

Alexander the Great

- Inherited the throne of Macedonia

- Military tactics and leadership

- Conquered the Persian Empire to the Indus River Valley

- Spread Greek thought and practice across Africa, Europe,

and Southwest

Hellenistic Age

- Blend of Greek culture with cultures from the Middle East

and India

- Spread through conquest

- Library in Alexandria, Egypt = encouraged learning

- Dies returning from India at a young age and his empire falls


Create a timeline of the Classical Civilizations and Illustrate an

Accomplishment they are known for. Color code timeline (India

–red, China-blue, Persia – Green, and Greece - Yellow)

1. Located along Ganges River; Asoka converts to Buddhism;

tolerant (321-185 BCE) This was the first centralized

empire of India whose founder was Chandragupta Maurya.

2. Golden Age of India; ruled through central government but

allowed village power; restored Hinduism

(320-550 CE ) Indian empire characterized by peace,

prosperity and trade, "Golden Age" of Hindu culture.

3. Greatest empire in the world up to 500 BCE. Spoke an

Indo-European language. A multi-ethnic and multi-religious

empire. Fell to Alexander the Great.

4. 1045-256 BCE. Longest dynasty. Beginnings of Chinese

philosophy were founded such as Confucianism and

Taoism. Believed in the Mandate of Heaven which said that

heaven would grant the Zhou power only as long as the

rulers governed wisely.

5. (221-207 BCE) The first centralized dynasty of China that

used Legalism as its base of belief.

6. (202 BCE-220 CE) This dynasty continued the

centralization of the Qin Dynasty, but focused on

Confucianism and education instead of Legalism.

7. (700 – 323 BCE) City-state of Athens and Sparta develop

political systems, Alexander of Macedonia spreads Greek
